memory-construct · 11 years
Your favorite blogs?
I don’t exactly have a top favourite blogs, but usually these are the most blogs that I enjoy to reblog from; they are in NO PARTICULAR ORDER:- spectralforest- mentally-insane-during-darkness- suomi-finland-perkele- valentinethehedgog- ov-fire-and-the-void- blvckwolves- northerkillsthelight- and-the-distance- disp0sableheroes- caffeine-flavoured-cigarettes- sarawithnoh7- thewarriorsquest- beyondthedarksun- sahtiwaari- we-arethevikings- heathenoutlaw- ataxie- metalhead-from-valhalla- roselynn211- sk0gsdotter- kadonneet-kolme-sanaa- depressingfinland- welcometomyfinland- mathiaslillmans- guardian-0f-asgaard
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