#val being sneaky and fake sleeping
felixvalerius · 7 years
♯ Our muses wake up in each others arms after accidentally falling asleep. (Nennius)
Felix had not realized how exhausted he’d been last night. He had gotten home late from an already long shift, and of course he found himself in bed with Nennius. It was what Felix most looked forward to coming home. For it was the first time there was someone there, that Valerius didn’t loathe. For once in his life, he wanted to be home. He wanted to be with this person. No longer was he looking for excuses to stay in his office -- which was the case when he was with his wife. No longer did he dread coming home, and all that would he would be forced to endure the moment he stepped through the door. No. Such emotions were of the past, because Nennius . . . made him feel differently. Words more felt than verbally expressed.  So when Felix slowly opened his eyes, feeling the light of the sun through the curtain, he froze. 
His arms were around Nennius, and the other was tucked into them against his chest, with his own arms around Felix. They were in Felix’s bed. So, that was three things that had never happened before -- especially as Valerius had once told Nennius that he did not cuddle. The first, they had fallen asleep together through the night. The second, they had their arms around each other. The third . . . Felix found himself not wanting to move. He watched his lover sleep soundly, this odd, sensation seemingly impossible to fight off. Even though every past experience had taught him that instinct was to pull away. But Felix didn’t. Instead, he stayed in the exact same position, and closed his eyes again, not yet ready to part from Nennius. And perhaps, not even quite ready for Nennius to know . . . just how incredible this felt for Felix. 
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