rjalker · 2 years
here's an example of just one of too fucking many to count athiktomisic posts that show up in the touch repulsed and touch averse tags. You know, the places where people who are touch averse are supposed to be able to go to avoid shit like this??
Anonymous said:
Prompt idea: touch repulsed (unless iniciated themselves) aroace and touch starved aroace try and navegate a platonic relationship in a middleground
the post was tagged:
#writing prompt, #prompt, #aromantic, #aroace, #touch repulsed, #touch starved, #friendship, #vaguerel, #submitted
link to original post. Archived link, since I hope the original will be deleted at some point or at least edited to be educational >:(
I am attempting to make this post as short and simple as possible.
Here is the simplest way I can possibly explain why this is ableist as shit:
The only so-called "middleground" between someone who is touch averse and someone who is asking them for touch, is the touch averse person suffering.
There are no ifs, ands, or buts about this.
If you ask touch averse people to "negotiate a middleground" between respecting their boundaries and causing them harm, you are doing nothing but causing harm.
Why is it always touch averse people who are forced to "compromise" on their boundaries?
Why is it always touch averse people who are fucking demonized for having boundaries?
That's what this prompt is doing, intentionally or not. The entire premise of this prompt is "a touch averse person exists, and that causes problems for other people".
Why is it always touch averse people who must negotiate and compromise on their boundaries?
Why is it always the touch averse person who must suffer for the sake of others?
[Plain text: "Why is it always the touch averse person who must suffer for the sake of others?" End plain text.]
Stop writing stories like this. Stop asking others to create stories like this. Stop fucking perpetuating the same ableism touch averse people face their entire fucking lives.
Let touch averse people have boundaries that no one ever fucking asks them to compromise on.
Let's frame it this way:
Say you don't want to be thrown into lava, but someone asks you to "negotiate a middleground" on that boundary.
This compromise, you are told, will still literally involve you being thrown into lava, but apparently, it's okay now, because you're being shamed into agreeing to it. What are they compromising on, you ask? Well, nothing! Literally nothing. They get everything they want, you lose everything you need.
Would you be happy with this arrangement?
Would you feel happy and safe and respected by being thrown into lava, or shamed for refusing? Even shamed even when you are thrown in?
Congratulations! Now you have an idea of the kind of shit touch averse people have to put up their whole life!
If you actually want to respect touch averse people, don't even fucking ask us to compromise on our boundaries. If you wouldn't demand a sex repulsed person have sex with you just because you're horny, don't demand a touch averse person to touch you just because you're touch starved.
[Plain text: "If you actually want to respect touch averse people, don't even fucking ask us to compromise on our boundaries. If you wouldn't demand a sex repulsed person have sex with you just because you're horny, don't demand a touch averse person to touch you just because you're touch starved.". End Plain Text.]
End of fucking line.
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arowritingprompts · 2 years
Prompt idea: touch repulsed (unless iniciated themselves) aroace and touch starved aroace try and navegate a platonic relationship in a middleground
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arowritingprompts · 2 years
To add to that prompt: Soulmate AU where soulmates can be platonic, but it's been amatonormatized and Character A, who doesn't yet realize they're aro, secretly dreads finding their soulmate.
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arowritingprompts · 2 years
Classic love triangle story but instead of one of them bowing out or falling for some fourth person, they realise they're actually aroace and only interested in a platonic relationship anyway.
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arowritingprompts · 2 years
Prompt: Soulmates but Platonic
In a way like: It was always my destine to be your best friend, to be a person that is always understand you the best
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