#vaginoplasty cost
drmanajeetpatil · 2 years
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drrakeshtawar · 2 months
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Do you want to know the vaginal surgery cost in India? Then visit Indicure which offer you medical tour and surgery package. You will get estimated cost of vaginal surgery after discussing your medical reports with the surgeon. We provide various kinds of vaginal surgery like hymenoplasty, vaginal tightening surgery, and labiaplasty. We assist you at every point such as visa, accommodation, receiving at airport, upto post operation. On an average our plastic surgery prices are much lesser as compared to other countries.
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catboybiologist · 4 months
Oh hey, if I'm taking a breather from grading rn anyways. Need some NSFW idea airing about transition stuff, so uh. NSFW medical talks here. Don't be weird about it.
So... I do have a decent amount of bottom dysphoria. I also have difficulty tucking that I hate (also a lot of personal shit with bulge and all my stuff down there so.... yeah).
Vaginoplasty is probably something I want someday, but.... with the cost, and the time of recovery, and me being a grad student, and the potential of complication.... yeah, its not happening anytime soon. Its just not realistic in the next 5 years, and I hate that.
Also, I joke about not wanting to sacrifice the utility of standing to pee, but that's only half a joke- its really goddamn convenient while hiking and camping.
So I'm kinda considering orchi. Problem is, I don't need the main effect of orchi, which is removing T production entirely. At least, I don't think I do- my T suppressed easily when I started HRT, but my E has struggled to stay up since then. I have some concern about whether its sufficient to suppress T long term, especially at the end of my injection cycle, but its not enough to warrant orchi on its own.
But I do think it'll reduce bottom dysphoria. Its certainly something to consider. I recently read this an article that pretty much confirmed a lot of my feelings on the matter, and idk, I think I might wanna explore the possibility a bit further.
Idk. Any perspective here? Suggestions?
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puppygirldick · 3 months
I think ppv/vpp (penile preserving vaginoplasty/vagina preserving phalloplasty) will be more popular if it's allowed to be the prospect that getting what you want may not necessarily cost having more is p cool
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asoftgoth · 11 months
I hope these aren't intrusive to ask, but when it comes to your recent hip growth...
A. It's so cute, first of all
B. Do you believe they're growing solely because of HRT, or because of HRT plus you're specifically eating enough to continue gaining during your transition?
And when it comes to your transition in general, if you happen to plan to undergo any sort of gender confirmation surgery, have you already looked into qualifications/patient criteria? I'm not asking because I want to pry about you but because I think my egg is cracking but I'm already about the same size as you and I'm worried that if I even try transitioning, eventually I'll hit a road block at which point if I want to get any relevant surgery, they won't consider me viable unless I lose a lot of weight.
Again, I'm so sorry if this isn't stuff you're comfortable talking about, in which case please don't feel obligated to reply to this at all. I hope you're doing well!
Hey there :) First off im happy to answer pretty much any transition related questions. These are really invasive though and I appreciate you acknowledging that. For everyone that will read this, please don’t expect every trans person you speak with to be willing to open up like this. But with that said here we go:
A: Lol thank you 🥰💕
B: Its such an exciting and scary part of someone’s life when their egg is starting to crack. I remember those days well and I feel for you. But trust me, it gets so much better 💕 And about your questions, my hip growth is because of HRT mainly, and the fact that I have an overall decent diet. That’s pretty much it. And the diet aspect is important, when you transition your body is undergoing a massive transformation and it needs energy to help it along. My actual diet is for another post maybe, (it’s not anything special tho) but I’m not “actively gaining” and haven’t been since I started HRT, believe it or not! It might surprise some people but I’ve actually lost weight even though I’ve added about 3 inches to my hips since starting almost 9 months ago. Almost all of the weight I’ve lost (about 40lbs) has been from muscle loss throught my body. Plus I’ve also lost a ton of visceral fat from my waist(yay), and gained lots of subcutaneous fat in my ass and thighs (also yay). That’s not to mention my chest which is *really* growing a ton, and fast too. I’d say im really lucky with how my proportions are filling out, but it’s a long process and im extremely grateful. Transitioning definitely isn’t over night tho and as much as this sucks, it’s a genetic roll of the dice for what your proportions will look like. Transitioning takes a lot of bravery, and I don’t say that lightly.
With all that said, yes I do have some surgeries in mind that I want and plan on getting in the next few years. I don’t want bottom surgery, but if I did then my size would be an issue. There are strict BMI limitations for getting a vaginoplasty. It fucking sucks but that’s just the reality of things in 2023. Simpler surgeries like getting an orchi don’t have those requirements and that’s one thing I plan on getting fairly soon. Another one is FFS. I’ve actually talked with a few surgeons already who do FFS and some have BMI requirements and others don’t. The ones that don’t unfortunately may cost a bit more from what I’ve seen. (But they do have more experience too). For implants and things like that, I don’t know, I haven’t researched boob jobs specifically but I can’t imagine BMI would be an issue there. I know it isn’t for fat injections in your butt/hips.
One last thing too that I wanna make clear, because a lot of people might read this. You don’t have to actually take any medicine or have any procedures done to be transgender 💕 Medically transitioning is something that helps so many of us and is absolutely necessary for (I would say) most trans people, (it 100% saved my life, I wouldn’t be here without it). But not all, and it doesn’t define your transness whether or not you’ve taken ~this~ medicine or had ~that~ surgery. I was just as much a woman as I am now for the year before I started HRT when I knew I was trans. And I was just as much a girl when I was born. I’ve been a woman all my life, it just took a little while for me to figure myself out haha. Just trust your gut and make healthy decisions. I put off the whole “deliberately gaining” thing while my body is going through all this change. And I personally feel like im better off for it. However I’m working out and eating to help grow my lower half, so I guess you could say my gaining journey isn’t over, it’s just changed. But anyway, I hope this helps you and anyone who reads this, sorry it was so long lol. If you have any other questions don’t hesitate to ask, and my inbox is always open too 🖤
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interzoneinhabitant · 4 months
due to the high cost of vaginoplasty thrifty transgender women have taken to putting big cartoon boxing gloves on and punching one another in the groin until the penis of the punchee turns inside out with a slide whistle noise. practitioners of this technique insist that for safety they must wear ear plugs while performing the operation to avoid hearing loss from the resulting mel blanc style screaming
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g-r-a-v-e-y-a-r-d · 2 years
hate how living under the american heathcare system as a prole means that i just won't ever be able to get vaginoplasty. cant afford to take three months off of work. cant afford the high cost of vaginoplasty even with insurance because it has no guarantee of covering all of it. hate that electrolysis isnt covered by insurance. both of the things i want in order to live my life without fear are barred from me because i dont have thousands of dollars to piss away.
maybe i'll get some piercings so i wont be so fucking depressed.
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drrakeshtawar · 3 months
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mariacallous · 2 years
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Obviously they don’t, and obviously also of transitioning.
The way people talk about it, they act like you get breast enhancement and a vaginoplasty like you’re getting a frappuccino at a Starbucks, and for the same cost.
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cognitohazardous · 2 years
i want a vaginoplasty so bad but i dont id as a woman and i dont rly wanna start hrt so i have the feeling most drs would refuse me. not to mention the fucking COST
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Why Dr. Theerapong Poonyakariyagorn MD For Minimal Depth Vaginoplasty In Thailand?
Choosing Dr. Theerapong Poonyakariyagorn, MD for Minimal Depth Vaginoplasty in Thailand is a fantastic selection for a number of reasons. Here's why Dr. Theerapong is a great choice for this specific procedure:
1. Gender-affirming surgical expertise Dr. Theerapong is an expert surgeon who has performed numerous gender-affirming procedures, including Minimal Depth Vaginoplasty. This technique, which entails creating a vaginal canal with reduced depth while keeping an aesthetically feminine external look, is ideal for patients who value appearance above function when it comes to vaginal depth. Dr. Theerapong's expertise in this field guarantees that patients receive outcomes that are tailored to their specific needs and objectives.
2. Advanced Surgical Methods Precision and a sophisticated awareness of both genital anatomy and patient preferences are required for minimal depth vaginal surgery. Dr. Theerapong is skilled in cutting-edge surgical procedures, guaranteeing that the surgery is carried out with the utmost care. His excellent talents enable him to provide a natural-looking vulva with fewer surgical risks and a faster recovery time than more elaborate treatments.
3. The patient-centered approach Dr. Theerapong is well-known for his caring and patient-centered approach. He takes the time to fully comprehend each patient's specific requirements, preferences, and medical history. He ensures that surgery outcomes are consistent with the patient's expectations by developing tailored treatment regimens. This personalized treatment is critical for patients receiving Minimal Depth Vaginoplasty, as personal goals differ greatly.
4. Complete pre- and post-operative care Minimal Depth Vaginoplasty necessitates careful planning and postoperative care. Dr. Theerapong's clinic provides comprehensive care, including in-depth consultations and pre-surgical exams, as well as tailored post-operative care. This ensures that patients are well-prepared for surgery and receive the care they require for a quick recovery and best possible outcomes.
5. International Healthcare Standards Thailand is a global medical tourism hotspot, with a reputation for providing excellent care. Dr. Theerapong's clinic complies to these international standards, including cutting-edge equipment and strong safety regulations. Patients can be confident that they are receiving top-notch medical care in a safe and professional atmosphere.
6. A Track Record of Success Dr. Theerapong has a solid track record of successful Minimal Depth Vaginoplasty procedures. His painstaking attention to detail and commitment to perfection have resulted in high levels of patient satisfaction. Many patients have reported pleasure with the aesthetic and functional outcomes of their surgeries, solidifying his reputation as a top surgeon in this field.
7. Cost and accessibility Thailand is noted for providing high-quality medical care at a fraction of the expense of Western countries. Dr. Theerapong offers world-class surgical care at reasonable pricing, making innovative procedures such as Minimal Depth Vaginoplasty more accessible to a wider variety of patients. This affordability, along with high-quality therapy, makes his practice appealing to overseas patients.
8. A comprehensive approach to patient care Dr. Theerapong and his colleagues provide comprehensive patient care, covering not only the physical but also the emotional and psychological components of gender-affirming surgery. This thorough care ensures that patients feel supported and understood throughout their journey, from the initial consultation to post-operative rehabilitation.
Choosing Dr. Theerapong Poonyakariyagorn for Minimal Depth Vaginoplasty in Thailand entails picking a surgeon with great skill, a tailored approach to care, and a dedication to attaining the best possible outcomes for his patients. His clinic provides a secure, supportive, and cutting-edge atmosphere in which patients can successfully achieve their gender-affirming objectives.
For further information or further inquiries, please contact the information below: Whatsapp: +66658849928Email: [email protected], [email protected]: https://thailandtransgendersurgery.com , https://bangkokthailandplasticsurgery.com
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abhishekhospt · 2 months
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Affordable Vaginoplasty Surgery in Jaipur
Looking for Affordable Vaginoplasty Surgery in Jaipur? Abhishek Hospital offers high-quality, cost-effective solutions for vaginal rejuvenation. Our expert surgeons ensure safe and effective procedures tailored to your needs. Experience top-notch care and achieve the desired results at a fraction of the cost. Choose Abhishek Hospital for the best affordable vaginoplasty surgery in Jaipur.
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androgyny2018 · 4 months
Post-revision and post-FFS
So my revision with Dr Shubham Gupta was about 2 months ago, and everything went well! I had about 15cm of depth after the revision and it's been holding steady at 12cm for the last 6 weeks or so. At first I was dilating twice a day, but I had to stop for 3 days while in the hospital for my FFS. I didn't have any loss of depth at that time, so I've gone down to dilating every other day, and it's still holding steady. I'm very happy with the results, though I hope I can get some more width through dilation to accommodate my partner for vaginal sex. I may also seek out a vulvoplasty next year or so for a more natural look; we'll see. The one thing I'm not happy about regarding the experience was paying the bill. The cost was about $120k, of which I've paid half and half is due in a few months. My insurer decided about 10 days before surgery that it wasn't medically necessary, and that they weren't going to reevaluate until after the surgery date, or else I'd have paid I think 20% of that amount -- less, probably, due to out-of-pocket maximums on my plan. I'm still talking with my lawyer and Dr Gupta's office about getting the appeal together so I can be reimbursed.
I also had the rest of my FFS about 2 weeks ago. Procedures included rhinoplasty, removing the Adam's apple, narrowing the chin/jaw, removing some fat from the chin/neck, and adding a small amount of fat to my cheeks. This was mostly covered by insurance but I did have to pay for some procedures that weren't considered medical necessary by my insurer. This was okay, because the amount came up to about 5-6% of what the vaginoplasty cost (sub-$10k). I'm pretty happy with the results, though they won't have their full effect for a few months when the swelling finally goes down. I did have to go on a liquid diet for 2 weeks due to swelling in my mouth and throat, but that's done with now.
Overall, I'm very relieved to have the surgeries over with. The only pressures left are getting a successful appeal through to my insurer, keeping up with dilation, and waiting for the swelling to go down on my face. I think these are all manageable, though.
I don't know what's next for my transition (and this blog) besides staying on HRT and the possible future vulvoplasty I mentioned. I might do voice training or vocal surgery. I still need to get my updated passport with an X marker (been delayed since I need new documentation with my new name and I live out of state from my birth location). My current state doesn't allow X markers on driver's licenses, and my birth state doesn't allow changing the marker on birth certificates, or else I'd do those too. I do plan on moving to a more progressive state within a year or so though, so I should at least be able to correct my new driver's license when I get there. That's all I can think of. The hard/expensive stuff is mostly done now, and that's a big relief.
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ivfrisaa · 4 months
The Ultimate Guide to Vaginal Tightening in Delhi: What You Need to Know
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Vaginal tightening is gaining popularity as more women seek to improve their intimate health and confidence. This guide aims to provide comprehensive information about vaginal tightening options available in Delhi. From understanding the procedures to choosing the right clinic, we cover everything you need to know.
What is Vaginal Tightening?
Understanding Vaginal Tightening
Vaginal tightening refers to procedures designed to firm and tighten the vaginal walls. These treatments can be beneficial for women experiencing laxity due to aging, childbirth, or other factors. The goal is to enhance both function and appearance, leading to improved comfort and confidence.
Types of Vaginal Tightening Procedures
There are various methods for vaginal tightening, including both surgical and non-surgical options. Non-surgical methods, such as laser therapy and radiofrequency treatments, are popular for their minimal downtime and non-invasive nature. Surgical options, like vaginoplasty, provide more dramatic results but involve longer recovery periods.
Why Consider Vaginal Tightening?
Benefits of Vaginal Tightening
Vaginal Tightening in Delhi can offer numerous benefits. Women often report increased sensation during intercourse, which can enhance sexual satisfaction for both partners. Additionally, it can help with urinary incontinence and overall vaginal health. The boost in confidence and comfort is another significant advantage.
Who is a Good Candidate?
Ideal candidates for vaginal tightening are women experiencing vaginal laxity or discomfort. This can occur due to childbirth, menopause, or natural aging. A good candidate should be in overall good health and have realistic expectations about the outcomes. Consulting with a qualified specialist can help determine suitability.
Vaginal Tightening Procedures in Delhi
Top Clinics for Vaginal Tightening in Delhi
Delhi boasts several reputable clinics offering vaginal tightening procedures. Clinics like Risaa IVF are well-known for their experienced staff and state-of-the-art facilities. When choosing a clinic, consider factors such as the practitioner’s expertise, patient reviews, and the quality of care provided.
Non-Surgical vs Surgical Options
Non-surgical options like laser treatments and radiofrequency therapy are ideal for those seeking minimal downtime and non-invasive solutions. These procedures typically involve a series of sessions and provide gradual improvements. Surgical options, such as vaginoplasty, offer more immediate and noticeable results but come with longer recovery times and potential risks.
Cost of Vaginal Tightening in Delhi
Factors Affecting the Cost
The cost of vaginal tightening procedures in Delhi can vary widely. Factors influencing the price include the type of procedure, the clinic’s reputation, the experience of the practitioner, and the specific needs of the patient. Additional costs may include consultations, follow-up appointments, and any necessary medications.
Price Range of Procedures
Non-surgical procedures typically range from INR 50,000 to INR 1,00000 per session, depending on the technology used and the number of sessions required. Surgical procedures can cost between INR 80,000 and INR 1,50,000. It’s essential to consult with the clinic to get a detailed estimate based on individual circumstances.
Preparing for Your Procedure
Consultation and Evaluation
The first step in preparing for a vaginal tightening procedure is scheduling a consultation with a qualified specialist. During this appointment, the doctor will evaluate your medical history, discuss your goals, and recommend the most suitable procedure. This is also a great time to ask any questions and understand the process.
Pre-Procedure Tips
To ensure the best outcome, follow your doctor’s pre-procedure instructions carefully. This may include avoiding certain medications, abstaining from smoking, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It’s also important to arrange for transportation and post-procedure care if necessary, especially for surgical options.
What to Expect During and After the Procedure
During the Procedure
Non-surgical procedures are usually quick, taking about 30 minutes to an hour. They involve minimal discomfort and no need for anesthesia. Surgical procedures, on the other hand, are performed under anesthesia and can take several hours. Your doctor will provide specific details based on the chosen method.
Recovery and Aftercare
Recovery times vary depending on the procedure. Non-surgical treatments often require little to no downtime, with most women resuming normal activities within a day or two. Surgical procedures may require a recovery period of several weeks. Follow your doctor’s aftercare instructions to ensure proper healing and optimal results.
Risks and Considerations
Potential Risks and Side Effects
Like any medical procedure, vaginal tightening comes with potential risks. Non-surgical methods may cause temporary redness or swelling. Surgical options carry risks such as infection, scarring, and changes in sensation. Discussing these risks with your doctor can help you make an informed decision.
Important Considerations
Consider your health, expectations, and the potential risks before undergoing vaginal tightening. It’s crucial to choose a reputable clinic and experienced practitioner. Ensure you understand the procedure, recovery process, and any necessary follow-up care. A thorough consultation can help clarify these aspects.
Vaginal tightening procedures in Delhi offer women the opportunity to improve their intimate health and confidence. By understanding the options, costs, and what to expect, you can make an informed decision about the best approach for your needs. Always consult with a qualified specialist to ensure the best possible outcome.
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nazmibaycin · 4 months
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