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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
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How could you not like these little guys 馃槶馃槏馃槂馃馃馃#vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #pleasedoNOTtouchbats
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imaznowflake 6 years ago
Credit to @wingspawsnclaws : My favourite thing in the world - release day! After months of rehabilitation for injuries to their wings and bodies, Campbell, Jellicoe, and Callie were returned to their home colony 鉂わ笍 There is no better high than to see them reunited with their friends and family after all of their struggles and after hours upon hours of care. What an adventure they have shared together. Callie was the first to fly out, with Jellicoe close behind. Poor Campbell needed some reassurance before she flew off. She refused to come out of the cage - hence the flying from my arm! And today, on mothers day, I can only hope she is returning to her baby. Fly free my sweet girls. Spread those wings! ADDED: Flying foxes are released early morning so they can settle in, catch up with friends and family, and rest before heading out that night in search of food. If we released them later in the day, it would be too stressful and overwhelming for them #campbelltheflyingfox #jellicoetheflyingfox #callietheflyingfox #blackflyingfox #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #batsqld #flyingfox #fruitbat #babybat #bat #wildliferescue #batsofaustralia #australianwildlife #batsofinstagram #batsarenotpets #pleasedonottouchbats #notouchnorisk #rehabilitateandrelease #secondchance #australia #queensland #battyburrito #threatenedspecies https://www.instagram.com/p/BxYSYjgAQ-D/?igshid=1r8s0p0l4hc94
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lisa1337 7 years ago
- When you spit the dummy 馃懚 I've been away camping for two nights, so I'll be responding to the messages in my inbox today 馃槉 Here Bette and Capella are enjoying a cuddle in the sunlight. Capella was rescued after being found abandoned on the ground, covered in ants. He had wounds all over him, had to have a fingertip amputated, had pneumonia, and had a hole in his wing. The hole healed up beautifully over a few weeks, his pneumonia and finger healed up after surgery and medication, and his bites all over his body slowly disappeared. He and Bette have both since been released. Regrann @rhino1818 - @wingspawsncla Regrann from @santistadagema2 - Bette e Capella, esses morceguinhos lindinhos, est茫o desfrutando de um abra莽o 脿 luz do Sol. Capella foi resgatado depois de ser encontrado abandonado no ch茫o, coberto de formigas. Ele tinha feridas em todo o corpo, tinha que ter um dedo amputado, pneumonia e um buraco na asa. O buraco sarou lindamente em algumas semanas, sua pneumonia e seu dedo se curaram ap贸s a cirurgia e medica莽茫o, e suas mordidas por todo o corpo desapareceram lentamente. Ele e Bette ambos liberados de volta 脿 vida selvagem, onde eles pertencem 馃鉂わ笍. . . Via @jklamlam Thank you so much! . . . @Regrann from @wingspawsnclaws - When you spit the dummy 馃懚 I've been away camping for two nights, so I'll be responding to the messages in my inbox today 馃槉 Here Bette and Capella are enjoying a cuddle in the sunlight. Capella was rescued after being found abandoned on the ground, covered in ants. He had wounds all over him, had to have a fingertip amputated, had pneumonia, and had a hole in his wing. The hole healed up beautifully over a few weeks, his pneumonia and finger healed up after surgery and medication, and his bites all over his body slowly disappeared. He and Bette have both since been released back into the wild where they belong 馃鉂わ笍 #bettetheflyingfox #capellatheflyingfox #blackflyingfox #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #batsqld #flyingfox #fruitbat #babybat #bat #wildliferescue #batsofaustralia #australianwildlife #batsofinstagram #batsarenotpets #pleasedonottouchbats #notouchnorisk #rehabilitateandrelease #secondchance #australia #queensla https://www.instagram.com/p/BnoMfZ6FRye/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gtvcxrwnl900
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batsrule-info 7 years ago
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Mum n Baby #megabat #greyheaded in care. BatsRule.info 馃 there's a reason why they do.. 馃惥 . #batsrule #bats #flyingfox #fruitbat #foxbat #batsofinstagram #wildlife #wildliferescue #wildlifephotography #batsofaustralia #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #vaccinatedcarer #fledermaus #babybat
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
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Lucy #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #pleasedonottouchbats
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
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Lucy girl went to cr猫che yesterday :) Bats all have different personalities, Lucy was very independent and only let you touch her on her own terms. #pleasedonottouchbats #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
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Lucy-Lou 馃馃馃#vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #pleasedonottouchbats
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
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Happy Australia Day!! We need these little guys in Australia to keep our forests healthy! This is little Rastus yesterday being a sook on his way to cr猫che, where he will learn to be a big boy. 馃嚘馃嚭馃馃嚘馃嚭馃馃嚘馃嚭#batsarenotpets #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #pleasedoNOTtouchbats
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
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It is impossible to get a good photo of Lucy 馃槄#pleasedonottouchbats #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
All my babies went to cr猫che today 馃槶馃槩 They get put in a giant aviary at the @ausbatclinic where they learn to be a bat 鈽猴笍馃槂馃槜#pleasedoNOTtouchbats #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #batsarenotpets (at Australian Bat Clinic)
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
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Yawwwnnnn 馃槷馃槵馃槷 #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #pleasedoNOTtouchbats #batsarenotpets
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
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I miss my babies 馃槶 Here is little Brad just after his rescue and then just before his release 馃槏馃馃馃#vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #batsarenotpets #pleasedoNOTtouchbats
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
Sol eagerly awaiting her morning bot bot 馃馃馃 #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #pleasedoNOTtouchbats
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
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Found this little darling on her dead Mum at Kilcoy 馃様馃檨Her mum definitely looked after her well in the heat because she is in good condition. #pleasedonottouchbats #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
Sol loved these blossoms this afternoon. She's a bossy little boots but she's just starting to finally get along with everyone else... sort of #pleasedoNOTtouchbats #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer
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wildlifenerd 8 years ago
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So 2 of our boys have started flying and we keep them all in our bathroom.. we just found Bruce in the shower... 馃槅 馃槵#pleasedonottouchbats #vaccinatedandlicencedcarer #orphanedwildlife #wildlife #flyingfox #australianwildlife #greyheadedflyingfox #brucethebat #bats #batman #fruitbat
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