pimosworld · 9 hours
Secret Springs Resort
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Pairing-Joel Miller x f!plus size reader
CW-18+, MDNI, Angst,hurt/comfort, mentions of body insecurity, mentions of food insecurity, mentions of smut, Joel being so supportive, reader hiding her feelings at first but we always end with fluffiness. Dream vacation Joel vibes.
A/N- I decided to go with a different direction for this weeks theme at the Resort for the Secret springs challenge by our mayor @secretelephanttattoo. I love this idea, it was so fun to write despite the angst, it’s just in my nature to make you feel a little.
[Series Masterlist][Joel Miller Masterlist]
Not beta read
If you thought he didn’t notice the first night then you had seriously underestimated the man that was Joel Miller. 
  The man that had turned your world upside down the moment he stepped foot into your kitchen that he would soon remodel. The kitchen that you got to enjoy for just shy of a year after it was completed before selling your home and moving in with him. The newly remodeled kitchen being the major selling point. The smug look on his face when you got well over the asking price. The look that you so often indulged in wiping off his face when you had him writhing beneath you. This burly, breadth of a man that made you believe in love again. 
  He most certainly noticed on the first night of your vacation. The one you had both worked so hard for. 
  Secret Springs Resort
  An all inclusive beach resort vacation that he had meticulously planned down to the minute. Even the daily naps were planned because he knew how you could get bratty when you were tired. 
  It pained him the way you picked at your food and shuffled it around the plate as if he wouldn’t notice. 
  The way you squint your eyes in fake pleasure to signal that you enjoyed the bite. 
  The look he so often noticed at home during a meal or out to dinner but he so foolishly thought you would be care free while in this oceanic oasis.  
  The second night. 
  When you blamed the sun burn and your headache as to why you couldn’t eat much more than a few bites. The way your eyes watered when he moaned eating his steak and you stared longingly at the buttery garlic noodles that you wanted to dive headfirst into.  
  You said you were too full for dessert and yet Joel knew you better than that. A small sliver of hope when he let you feed him some ice cream, but his hopes quickly squashed when you had one bite and pushed it away. 
  The third day was your day to relax. No excursions planned and the weather far too hot to lay on the beach. Joel opted to lay among the sheets with you for most of the morning. His head resting between your plush thighs as you played with his thick curls. 
  The way it always started out so innocent and yet he could have you falling apart beneath him in minutes. 
  It’s the most relaxed he’s seen you this entire trip, and even if he dies for lack of oxygen he’ll never come up for air if it means seeing you like this. 
  It’s why he opts to spend the entire day taking full advantage of the luxury suite. Finding different ways to bend you over every surface of this room…the balcony, the couch, the bathroom sink. The shower steams until the mirror fogs over. Fucking and laughing until he thinks he may have pulled a muscle. The way you call him an old man in jest because he knows he could outlast you any day. 
  It’s why as he watches you sleep, your soft curves peeking out beneath the rumpled covers as the sun sets over the water he decides you’ll just complete the day inside. A quick call to room service and the woman on the other line doesn’t balk when he nearly orders everything on the menu. All your favorites so there’s no room for argument. In the safety of your private room, away from prying eyes so he can finally put a stop to whatever is holding you back. 
  It’s the smell that first wakes you first. In the quiet comfort of the sheets you get the hint of the savory aroma of fresh baked pizza and garlic bread. Your stomach growling and heart warming at the familiar smells that fill the air. You blink sleepily as your gaze falls on Joel, shirtless with his jeans hung low on his hips as he bustles around the room. Plates and silverware clinking as he sets up a small table on the balcony. 
  He turns with a gentle smile as he hears you rustling in the sheets. “Hey there, sleepyhead. I hope you’re hungry.”  
  Your eyes widen slightly at the sight of the spread. A large pizza with all your favorite toppings. One half with pineapple because Joel thought it was blasphemy. A steaming bowl of pasta with Parmesan cheese and marinara sauce. Golden slices of garlic bread arranged neatly on the side. 
  Your throat constricts with the unexpected sensation of gratitude and anxiety. 
  “You…you didn’t have to do all this.” You murmur, feeling a rush of vulnerability. 
  Joel strides over to you on the bed, draping the silky resort robe around your shoulders. “I know.” He says softly as he places a kiss on your forehead. “But I wanted to darlin’. Ya deserve to enjoy all your favorites without feeling self conscious.” 
  Tears well up in your eyes as you look up at him. Overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness, at the way he surprised you everyday. “Thank you.” You whisper, with a slight tremble. “It means a lot to me.” 
  He didn’t expect you to bend so easily, yet he’s relieved all the same. A sense of pride blooming in his chest as you sit together on the balcony sharing bites of pizza and stories about your past. Things you want for your future, some things he’s heard and some things he’ll pocket for later. 
  He can tell as the meal goes on and you relax that you want to say it. To tell him why you’re this way, but he already knows it’s him. The reason he had to break down so many walls. The man whose name is rarely mentioned in your home because anytime it is Joel wants to find a way to make him a missing person. 
  When he looks at you like you’ve hung the moon and the stars as he twirls the pasta on the plate and holds it out for you, like an olive branch to open up. 
  You start tentatively to explain your past insecurities. How your ex made you feel ashamed for enjoying food. How he always made sure you knew to eat less than him. 
  “I always felt like I had to justify why I ate.” You say quietly as you sip your water. “But you…you make me feel comfortable just being myself.” 
  Joel reached across the table to take your hand, placing a kiss to your palm. “You don’t ever have to justify anything with me baby.” He says earnestly. “I want you to be happy and feel good about yourself. You should cuz you’re fuckin perfect.” 
  You smiled gratefully as he wiped a stray tear from your cheek. You knew with Joel beside you, you could let go of old hurts and embrace moments like this. Where kindness, understanding and a simple meal could say so much more than words could express. 
Comments and reblogs are much appreciated
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arcanefox207 · 1 month
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Pedro Pascal Gif Set from the Corona Ad
You guys. I tried so hard to make the most unsilly gifs I could. Did I succeed? Lets hope the next ad is just him on a beach being hot and slutty.
💚 Please use and enjoy my gifs as you please! Reblogs appreciated
💚 Gif requests are open!
G I F N O T I F I C A T I O N S | G I P H Y
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My Loves 💚 @magpiepills @youandmeand5bucks @redhotkitchen @exquisiteserotonin @legendary-pink-dot
@for-a-longlongtime @sparklefarts38 @pink-whiskey-woman
And shoutout to @swiftispunk who wrote the most amazing DBF!Joel in YSD and I think the last Gif in this set is YSD Joel coded 💚
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YSD Sendoff Edit 💜
I can't believe @swiftispunk wrapped up her Your Summer Dream series today 😭. As if the first "season" of it wasn't enough of a treat, we got to see their relationship once they left Costa Rica in "season two," and it's just such an amazing story. I love it so much and was so inspired by it that I made this edit to the song Golden Hour by Kacey Musgraves (it's always made me think of them).
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agentmarcuspike · 9 months
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"your summer dream" by @swiftispunk
fresh on the heels of the worst breakup of your life, you find an unexpected kindred spirit in joel miller, who's agreed to tag along for seven days to a tropical resort with you and your parents.
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keylimebeag · 26 days
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& if i'm gonna be drunk;
i might as well be drunk in love 🫶
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dredgesnails · 3 months
iskall saw etho’s obsession with joel and said i can be crazier
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talaok · 10 months
An idea for pedro and reader
They are in a relationship and live together. The reader is also an actress. She asks pedro to practice her lines with her. In the play, she is having a really long line, breaking up with the person ans leaving them... pedro can't continue... at night in bed they are cuddling and pedro talks about how he hated the feeling or the thought of the reader ever leaving
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x reader
a/n: ahh this is amazing how do you come up with stuff like this
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"I know that face," he said, busting you immediately as you emerged from the bedroom.
He was sat on the couch, lazily half-reading something on his phone.
"what is it sweetheart?" he asked, as with a soft click, his phone went black
You bit back a smile "How do you know there is something?"
"Because you're very easy to read" he explained "Now tell me what you need"
"Excuse me? I'm not easy to read" you gasped
"No?" he asked rhetorically "Then what's up with the script in your hand?"
You glanced down at the papers between your fingers, feeling a soft veil of defeat land on top of you.
"Fine" you gave up, "Can you help with a scene?"
It wasn't unusual for you to run lines with each other, god only knows how many times he made you go through that scene from The Last of Us...
"of course" he nodded "What's it about?"
"Break up scene," you told him as you joined him on the sofa "I just feel like I'm missing something" 
"well I don't know" you laughed "That's why you're here"
"All right," he said, as you handed him the script.
"You just have to read the ones not underlined" you pointed to the paper
"Can do" he smiled, watching as you stood from the couch and ran your hands soothingly down your jeans.
"ok" you breathed closing your eyes for a moment to get in character.
Pedro took it as his cue to start
"baby I love you" he murmured as written.
"And I-" you stopped, your forehead creasing as if your next words physically pained you "I... I don't know if I do anymore" you spoke "I don't think so"
"what are you saying?" Pedro read again, his tone more clipped now, but you were too focused on your performance to notice the way his eyes had changed, had... saddened.
"I'm saying I don't feel that spark anymore, that-that I miss walking faster when I come home because I know that's where you are, that I can't remember the last time my heart swelled like it did on our first date"
Three long beats passed, before Pedro realized that was his cue
Something was happening inside of him.
He knew this all was fake, but a part of him couldn't help but wander on its own... sure it's just a scene now, but it's so real, people fall out of love constantly, and you- well, Pedro realized for an interminable, terrifying moment, that you weren't immune to it, that what was happening to Jeff in this scene could very well happen to him any day now.
He had always known he didn't deserve you, that you were too much, too perfect, too good, too kind to be with him.
And for the first time in a while, a dreaded thought crossed his mind.
What happens when she realizes it?
"Rose" he called, pulling himself out of his own thoughts
"I know" you sniffled, your eyes filled with tears now "I'm sorry jeff-I really am- I don't know what happened, I don't know what's wrong with me, I just know... I just know I don't love you anymore... I can't bring myself to anymore"
And that was it.
Pedro had to glance out the window to take his mind off of whatever was happening.
"It's perfect" he said, after taking a lungful of air "There's nothing missing sweetheart, you nailed it"
"but" you stuttered "the scene is not done baby, there's still-"
"I know" he shook his head, closing the script.
He didn't want that thing in his hands anymore
"But trust me it's perfect, you don't need any more practice"
"a-are you sure?" you asked, wiping away a leftover tear  
"I am" he nodded "don't worry, you were incredible" he forced a smile "as always"
You grinned now "Oh well, if the Emmy nominee says so..." you considered, sitting back next to him "I guess I'm gonna have to believe you"
__ __ __
the rhythmic thumps of his heartbeat were the only sound you could hear from your place on the bed.
You were curled up against him, your head on his chest, and his fingers playing with your hair as his ability to emanate warmth better than any thermostat ever could, proved itself once again even on such a cold winter night.
"You've been quiet today" you finally spoke the thought that had been eating at you for hours.
He really had been.
When he didn't answer, you looked up at him, stopping drawing circles on his belly.
"Is something wrong?" you asked, wishing you could have had a clearer image of his face than the one the soft streetlamp from outside the window granted.
"No sweetheart, nothing's wrong," he said... but there was something in his tone that felt off.
You propped yourself up on your elbows to meet his gaze.
"You know, I'm not the only one who's easy to read..." you murmured gently, as your right hand went to stroke his pecs soothingly "You can tell me whatever it is, you know?"
A beat passed, and then two, as silence spread around the darkness of the room
"I know baby, it's just" he sighed "it's stupid"
"I'm sure it's not" you reassured him "and it's not like I haven't told you my fair share of stupid things" 
He let out a weak chuckle.
"c'mon" you urged sweetly
He looked at you for a moment, before finally making up his mind.
"it's just- " he breathed "the scene you wanted my help with..."
"what about it?" you asked, after he didn't finish the sentence.
"I-It made me think"
Oh shit, your heart faltered, was he about to break up with you?
"That that could happen in real life too, you know?" he swallowed thickly "that one day you could stop loving me"
"and the thought of you leaving... of- of not having you by my side anymore... it just- I wouldn't know how to do it"
"Baby" you whispered, "what are you talking about?" 
"you're too good for me y/n, and I guess I'm just scared that one day you'll realize it and just... leave"
"stop" You placed a hand on his lips to silence his nonsense "Baby, that was just a scene from a play"
"Yeah but stuff like that happens"
"well not to us" you promised "You're stuck with me forever, pretty boy, whether you want it or not"
"no" you stopped him "no but. Pedro I love you" you breathed "I love you so much it actually hurts sometimes. So no, I'm not leaving"
You could now hear his heartbeat even if your ear wasn't placed above it anymore.
he looked at you, really looked at you, and slowly you watched the doubts melt from his irids.
"thank you" he said simply, leaning closer to you "and baby…I love you more"
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blocksruinedme · 5 months
My tumblr numbers are insane today, glad I'm bringing people so much joy. But now, Docm77
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Remember, ship writers, we have the power to influence what people ship by getting in early.
....and then there's doc.
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insomnya777 · 3 months
espresso (the new sabrina carpenter song) is SOOOO joel smallishbeans coded
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tavners · 11 months
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My desire to be wrecked by Takeshi Kovacs never seems to dim.
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arcanefox207 · 1 month
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The side smirk + looking into my soul + wink ... I can't even.
Corona, we want more of this!!
The 2nd Gif is just the smirk/stare. The 3rd Gif is just the wink. Enjoy!
💚 Please use and enjoy my gifs as you please! Reblogs appreciated
💚 Gif requests are open!
G I F N O T I F I C A T I O N S | G I P H Y
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My lovely ladies @magpiepills @exquisiteserotonin @for-a-longlongtime @legendary-pink-dot @youandmeand5bucks
@pink-whiskey-woman @redhotkitchen @sparklefarts38
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buckleydiazmp4 · 1 year
btw marlene was so dumb. like girly. joel gets up and immediately asks about ellie with so much desperation in his voice that you'd think he's lost a limb. you tell him you're basically sacrificing her. then send two random guys to escort him out and just tell them to shoot him if he does something. ma'am. the feral cat that you just brought into your home is gonna tear everything apart
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mariatesstruther · 6 months
joel and maria and mama shirley starting an unofficial knitting circle for people that have lost children
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tloubraininfection · 1 year
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Ive been rewatching episode 6 of TLOU and something struck me. When we see Joel in the workshop, hes struggling to use a tool to fix his shoe. And later on he holds his right hand with his left throughout the entire scene. At first I thought it was because the job was impossible and he was just frustrated. But then I remembered, he fractured his right hand beating up that guard. He told Tess that its probably just a hairline and it will heal in no time, yet here we are over 3 months later and it still hurts, it still doesn’t work properly. It`s also his dominant hand, his shooting hand. It just piles on, how hard this whole journey has been for him, my god.
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kinnaman-smorgasbord · 8 months
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Silent Night (2023) | International Theatrical Release Dates
29 Nov : Philippines
30 Nov : Malaysia, Italy, Ukraine, Russia
1 Dec : US, Canada, Spain, Taiwan, Iceland, Turkiye
7 Dec : Mexico - Chile - Bolivia - Argentina - Peru - Australia - New Zealand - Saudi Arabia - UAE - Bahrain - Kuwait - Oman - Netherlands - Switzerland
8 Dec : South Africa, Sweden, Lithuania, Latvia
13 Dec: Belgium
14 Dec : Germany, Portugal
21 Dec: Brazil
28 Dec : Thailand
(Last Updated: 13 Nov 2023)
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tictacwaverly · 1 year
decided to do my own take of the robots of mst3k that were supposed be in the show but never did! Thank you @kiki3509x for sending me the images!
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