#v2 lore drop
v2askblog · 9 months
...I’m afraid I don’t understand, sir. What is the point of such… intelligence? We are not developing artificial intelligence, we are developing a war machine.
Ah, but we are developing both, you see. Our goal here is to create something able to emulate the capabilities of human soldiers, down to every last detail.
But will it not be a waste of resources? 
I don’t doubt it will be expensive, and tedious. But, when it is complete, it shall be a marvel for all to see, and it shall paint the battlefield red.
It… appears to be reading.
Indeed it is. Isn’t it wonderful?
Perhaps I should stop questioning you...
Placid as it may seem, it is a beast when it comes to combat. This is only one of many facets that will improve its performance.
How will the ability to read affect its performance in battle? 
It’s not the ability to read that matters here, it’s the fact it is able and willing to learn. We gave it the resources, and it taught itself how to. It could very well have sat there in the room and not once touched the book. It shouldn't have a penchant for boredom. And yet, it learned. This is revolutionary.
Many other AIs have been made with similar capabilities. Why is this revolutionary?
Because it’s combined with its battle capabilities. It will learn from experience. It will learn from battle with its opponents, and it will strive for improvement and perfection every time. We’ve given it the framework, and now it will grow to be unstoppable.
…I see. I hope you are right in your confidence, because this prototype will be quite the money sink.
It will be worth it. Just wait and see.
So, this is your plan in reuse of the prototype?
I’ve sunk too much time into it to abandon it just because the war ended. It will be repurposed.
At this point, it would be better to sell off the idea than to repurpose it. Why create a whole other one?
The first has developed itself too much to take it apart and recode it without erasing it entirely. Besides, the production of the chassis isn’t the cost sink; all of it is what’s inside. 
Understandable. Though, I still can not see who would consider purchasing it rather than fifty drones for the same price.
It won’t be for the general public, that’s for sure. It is intended as security for things of great importance. Banks, government buildings and the like. 
Ah, I see. You had better hope the higher-ups are willing to spend on it, though.
Just wait and see.
You… introduced them? Why? This is highly risky! They could destroy each other!
But they aren’t, are they? Watch them communicate.
I must admit, I was not expecting this.
They are incredible, are they not? They know they’re in the same situation. It wouldn’t be farfetched to think they even recognize their similarities. That is why they don’t fight. 
What is the point of this test?
For V1, its general intelligence. For V2, its threat assessment. 
I see. I believe there could be… less risky ways to test this.
Even if it is risky, it also relieves our human curiosity, doesn’t it? I’ve wondered for a while how they would react to each other.
Curiosity should not drive any of your scientific actions in the future.
What is science if not the satisfaction of curiosity, the discovery of the extents of both human and machine? 
You are right, but the first goal should always be the betterment of mankind.
You have no imagination. Just wait and see.
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hcnnibal · 5 months
Any chance you could make like a pinned/bio-linked post about a1 and a2? They seem like cool fellas when I see posts about them but I'm out of the loop on who they are more specifically! Thank you!
yeah of course! here’s the a1/a2 starter pack!
A1/A2 intro/lore drop
Look Homeward (comic)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Misc Art
tattoo tour | a1 bday mini comic | height chart | preliminary face studies | a1 thru the years | a2 thru the years | halloween costumes(nsfwish) | 2000s angels (nsfwish) | bodyswap au | feral a2 | injured a2 | feral a2 v2 | wedding | baby a1 and a2 | a1 carrying a2 | a1’s necklace | a1/a2 items | a2 face study | a1 face study | gym fits
Really really misc art
a1/a2 dog au | mlp au
and u can find other art and asks about them in the #a1/a2 tag
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livesworthlivingau · 1 month
Lives Worth Living AU Hub
Hello! Welcome to my AU, Lives Worth Living! Have you ever wondered what would happen if Sif was suddenly the most mentally stable party member post the events of the game?!... No?... Okay I'll head out then. But for real tho spoilers for the full game and two hats below the break.
Quick introduction to the concept of this AU:
It's been 30 years since the events of the game. The party eventually disbanded to form their own lives, though remaining in each other's now and again at least. They are all together for the first time in several years... and sadly the last, as Odile lay in her deathbed. She lived a full life, it's natural causes, at least they're all together again. As everyone gathers around for her final moments, and she closes her eyes for good, Sif suddenly feels a tug on his sto-
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Hard cut to 30 years ago, the day just after the events of the game.
And that's pretty much all you need to know going in! Only other thing worth mentioning is pretty much all option content is canon in this AU, especially two hats... ESPECIALLY two hats.
Chapters linked below! I recommend reading the Siffrin Chapter's before the matching numbered Loop Vale chapters (so S1, V1, S2, S3, S4, V2-4, S5, V5, etc.) or if you'd like more of a surprise, read up to at least Sif 5 before starting Vale~.
^^^^ READ THIS FIRST!!!! ^^^^
Siffrin Chapters (Lives Worth Living)
[0] [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16]
Loop Vale Chapters (Behind the Vale)
[1] [2-4] [5] [6] [7-10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15]
If you're wondering why Loop is crossed out and Vale is in it's place, it will make sense by chapter 7-10, otherwise all you need to know is these are Loop's side of things. Text in Red represents duplicate lines between it and it's complimentary chapter, to let you know where it lines up with the other perspective without needing to repeat tons of lines.
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Lore Drops
[1] [2] [3]
[1] [2] [3]
[1] [2] [3] [4]
Special thanks to Lea for making this amazing website! It helps fuel the angst so well with the death screen gifs I've been generating at the end of some chapters!~
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azzydoesstuff · 6 months
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uhhhh lore drop much??????
when you take into account the fact that machines began being developed during WW1 in the ultrakill universe (there's evidence look it up) and, uh, whatever this is...
you start to consider that maybe the machines aren't "alive" because of their AI, but perhaps it was their flesh and blood. they weren't driven by artificial reasons, but by supernatural ones.
they're called "machines" and not "bots" or "droids" for a reason.
these aren't robots. they're essentially metal golems, risen from the blood of human beings. blood isn't fuel in the sense of going into an engine, it's fuel in the sense of flowing through veins.
this pretty much explains how so many machines managed to reach hell. sure, some just went there out of their own volition like v1 or v2, but pretty much almost all other machines we see ingame would be completely incapable of making it down there by themselves. things like drones or streetcleaners would get their asses absolutely rocked by some of the things we've had to fight on our journey into the depths, and yet we keep seeing them on the way there.
they're in hell because they were ALIVE. they had SOULS. they died and went to hell.
i think this was subtly implied by the earthmover terminal entry said that when the sun was covered by ash and soot, the earthmovers "died out" instead of just "shut down".
this also explains why the only machines we see in limbo are drones and streetcleaners. they're the only ones that weren't invented purely for destruction and chaos, and thus, the only ones capable of being morally "ambiguous".
it's also why we're only now seeing guttermen, guttertanks and earthmovers in the violence layer. they were machines invented purely for war and nothing else, of course they would've all had commited the sin of violence and therefore be damned to AT LEAST go to layer 7.
of course, this theory doesn't really hold up with more, uh, human layers, like greed or wrath. machines can't be greedy, they have no concept of money. machines can't be wrathful, they can't express anger.
the same can't be said for lust, though. mindflayers are the only new machines we see there, and uh, you can probably see what i mean just by looking at them. yeesh. their rather revealing forms are enough to offend the holy father and damn them to such a layer.
neither can it be said for gluttony. machines can very much be gluttonous, seeing how they obsess over wanting blood to fuel themselves so much, when in reality they could last a long time without having to refuel, yet they yearn for blood anyways. think about it. what is food, but fuel for humans?
just to make ends meet in this theory i've got going, i'm just gonna assume that hell does sometimes move machines around layers for the hell of it (pun absolutely intended lmao)
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just-observing-here · 9 months
I love V1's design so much. I love how insect-like its appearance is. Its multiple wings, its outer armor that's like an insect's outer armor, its one optic. I love how dehumanizing its design is to itself, especially compared to the other creatures in hell. Most of the husks and demons have human-like qualities, albeit being just a face and such, and while V1 is definitely still anthropomorphic it's also losing its human-like qualities as the game progresses! Think about the fact it gained 2 new arms for itself and how that breaks its human figure, not only that but adds to its insect like qualities! The fact that its qualities are insect-like add to its character a lot too! Bugs are considered weak and disgusting by most of the population; However, bugs were the first to do many things considered revolutionary to humans. Flight, civilization, art, all of it! They were like the version 1 of humanity in a funny way. But, in an ironic fashion, as it loses its human look we learn of its more human-like qualities in its behavior. Its "You're not getting away this time" with the V2 fight. The fact that's it's basically going to run its blood source to 0. Its march to its own destruction being its most humanlike trait. I love that so much. In Act 3, I'm hoping Gabriel drops the "machine" nickname and refers to V1 as "Hellspawn" or "Pest." Bringing more of the insect like comparisons while showing that he sees V1 as more than a machine now!
I love how the only thing that actually humanizes V1 is its bringing of its own doom. Its violence and insatiable need is what makes it feel more alive.
I love how its actions could be considered heroic in a messed up sense. Hell was a mistake made by God and V1 is destroying it. The council was corrupt and it made Gabriel realize this. It finally gave Gabriel a good fight. It freed Minos and Sisyphus. It's permanently killing the tortured and freeing them from hell. Of course, in a very messed up way…
I love the comparison of Humanity (God's creation) gaining free-will against his will and machines (Mankind's creation) gaining free-will against their will.
I love the parallels of Gabriel's and V1's designs. How both stories are told and how they relate to each other.
I fucking love Ultrakill. There's so much more I can cover but this post is already a lot. Be free to add other things you love about the game and its lore.
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bryleeoz · 10 months
Hello delta-runers!!
I've never used tumblr in my life and I feel like a bumbling old man but I need to connect to my audience SOMEHOW, so from now on I will be secreting my DELTARUNE Chapter 3 content onto this account for more frequent and accessible updates!
Now you may have heard of OZYMANDIAS from this little video here...
A Version 2 has been in the works for a while and should be dropping soon... and that version will be the one to represent my vision for the project going forward! (get it? vision like pissin crew)
anyways, though I wanted to wait for V2s release before doing this, there's no point in stalling this any further... so from now on I will be doing character introduction posts here on this account! giving insight and details about the chapter's cast and crew!!
And really... who better to start with then the one... the only...
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Well let's get fucking CRACKING shall we...!
Rook is Tennavision's MVP. One of HOMEWORLD's most renowned figures famous for excelling and being the best at everything. Gifted with an inhuman amount of strength, he surpasses any and all darkners in sheer power alone and arrogantly flaunts it at any opportunity, he is better than you and he knows it.
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Being the TROPHY IN ASRIELS ROOM Rook is the utter embodiment of living in one's shadow, the constant praise asriel gets all over Hometown, and the effect its had on Kris, personified into one big boisterous bird!
Having so many accolades and achievements Rooks ego is unimaginably large, he's seflish and self centered only ever having his best interest in mind, but what's more, being constantly covered in praise for his whole life just the concept of someone being on the same level, let alone SURPASSING him... isn't even comprehensible in his mind.
So when the Fun Gang arrive and proceed to complete HOMEWORLD's famous unbeatable gameshow... CHANNEL CHASERS. Winning the love, fame, and affection of all of homeworld...
Well, it's bound to cause a stur..
*Curtains dramatically close
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Apologies for the extremely long post, future introduction posts will be way more short and concise but I hope this one was at least fun to read :]
Anyways, see yall in like 5 years lol!!
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you got good ass takes on minos and sisyphus hows The Lady and the Tiger by tmbg as a those two guys type of song ? I need peer review on my song associations lol. also do you have any songs you associate with any ultrakill characters ?
It's a very interesting and spicy song for those two, cause in this song, Minos' opinions is represented by the tiger, the more dangerous choice. I like it!
As for my songs for the blorbos, OH BOI YOU UNLOCKED AN UNSKIPPABLE CUTSCENE
Below is a bunch of songs and who they're for. Some even has explanation
This Is Love by Air Traffic Controller - damn near a gabv1el anthem. A homoerotic AND homicidal lovesong. Literally the third line is 'I'm an idiot for thinking this was anything but blood'
Dear Wormwood by The Oh Hellos - Gabriel to the Council
Kaiserion by Ghost - same vibe as above, with more anti-christianity vibes
Bitter Water by The Old Hellos - Minos/Gabe, in an anticipatory grief, doomed yaoi kind of way
Would That I by Hozier - highly specific Gabv1el with Minos/Gabe former relationship
Stars from Les Mis (Phillip Quast version)
The Plague by the mountain goats - imo V1 was never made to give much of a shit aboyt humans. It's almost vindictively happy at seeing humanity's hubris catching up to them at last
The Toy Soldier's Song by The Mechanisms (Gunpowder Tim vs The Moon Kaiser) - loyalty is a lot to ask of a weapon, the song
Want You Gone from Portal 2 and Still Alive from Portal
Cry for Judas by the mountain goats - 'But I am just a broken machine, and I do things that I don't really mean'
A Sadness Runs Through Him by The Hoosiers - Gabriel/V2. The story of guard dogs who had bad owners
Cirice by Ghost - Minos/Gabe that started out as Minos manipulating Gabe into siding with him a la Drowning Man (fic)
The Music of The Night from The Phantom of The Opera - slow, powerful and seductive. If charisma itself is a song
Ferryman by Shayfer James - despite the name, this is a Minos song. There's a certain indifference to shitty lovers and the insignificance of individual humans that fits him well
Run to You by Pentatonix - Minos/Sisyphus post-Prime. The specific amv scene I have in mind is 'Minos finds him bleeding out after fighting V1 and they share a few moments. Sisyphus realizes that maybe, he did regret one thing'
For the Departed by Shayfer James- Minos/Sisyphus, depicting their final moments before Gabriel arrives in Greed
Villainous Thing by Shayfer James - Sisyphus to Gabriel. An understanding between people who care about Doing Right, but hold too much anger to take the respectable route. Plus a bit of flirting <3
The Moon Will Sing by The Crane Wives - Ferrygabe resentment song <33 They fucking hate what he made them into
Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience - self explanatory
Body by Mother Mother - self explanatory 2. That one piece of unadded ferryman lore hakita dropped is the gift that keeps on giving
Cupid by Fifty Fifty - lmao
Bury My Mother Pale and Slight by Amalgemotion - Virtues song. The chorus is directly calling to Gabriel as 'the knight' who will bring them freedom. I like to think that 'the king' mentioned here is God
For Narmer from Warframe- Sisyphean Insurrectionists
Like The Dawn by The Oh Hellos- Hell/Lucifer
Nothing Changes from Hadestown - The Council
Living in The Light by Ridiculon - The Council
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cowboytuba · 1 year
A thought I've been rolling around in my head is about Ultrakill's latest update and the arg before it. With the arg, long story short is that hell itself is an entity, and a cruel one at that. It locks doors, teleports beings, and utilizes the technology humanity brought down during their initial expeditions into hell to make the cyborg husks.
The end of P-2 brings a terminal that drops lore on the terminals. Since they're stuck in one spot and have been cut from contact outside of hell, it's said they've grown bored and as such begun trading with the machines that can move. Mobile machines record their fights for survival and the terminals grade it based on entertainment value and assign it points the robot can use to trade with the terminal for things like weaponry they teleport in.
Now the bit where my thinking comes in is such; the final line of the arg has hell taking over the message being sent and says "another dies. bring me more. I hunger." This means that hell can use modes of communication. Now what that "hunger" is could be several things, for entertainment, for souls, for bodies, feel free to hit me with others. Going with entertainment, there would be cause for hell to work alongside the terminals, keep their fancy machine toys fixed for whatever bouts of violence it desires while the terminals get their stimulation. However it's strange that hell needs the terminals working since it's known it can operate human technology just fine, so why let the terminals be? Could the potential of boredom be hell acting out and using terminals as an avenue? This guess is much more of a spitball as we do see machines like V2 showing more human emotions like vengeance during its rematch and the ability to be enraged.
Another curiosity is the terminals for the secret levels, reading messages that appear to be from god and them lamenting their creations and missteps. How could the terminals have gotten this information? If Hell fed it to them, how did hell get it? Why show this information, what end does it serve?
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starredfishing · 6 months
rewatching rwby again and i find it funny that in v2 they drop an entire in universe lore reason for ppl to be named after colors but only like 10 characters in the show r named after colors
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ophiocordyceps · 11 months
ohhh shit personal v2 lore update incoming
V2 found it's niche in recovery jobs, namely search and rescue and body recovery. Often it'd be paired up with dogs and non-living equipment, and sometimes humans if the job wasn't too perilous. It still has a bit of a soft spot for dogs.
This was its norm for the longest time, new peace was steady, but tension sometimes would seep in through the cracks. existing and participating was a tightrope act it learned to tune out.
And then that call was made. The discovery that Hell was alive and that it was hostile, the call for all humans working in the depths to immediately drop what they were doing and evacuate, to leave all the equipment and machines behind.
V2 would be depolyed to assist in the evacuations, it would be sent down through the mouth of Hell in order to assist those below in getting out, and in the end it would be left there too, like every other machine down there.
It would be left waiting for its own extraction, its own recovery that would never come, and eventually humanity would begin to be ravaged and the entrance sealed off from the outside in a desperate attempt to save the fragmented remains of man.
V2 would not have witnessed the death of humanity directly, but it would know.
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kozykricket · 9 months
some ramblings, appreciating deltarunes "layers" of story/lore
I might have already written something about this before, but something that I really love about deltarune is that it's a game that (from what we can tell) has several different layers to the story that are all enjoyable, for different... levels of players to enjoy! Like, you have the upfront stuff, about oh, dark worlds, the knight, and kris' soul (protagonist vs player and such) but its mostly just some young teenagers goofing off going to fantasy worlds and learning some self improvement then you go a tad bit deeper, still things most people may ask and you have... well what the hecks up with dark worlds logistically, why is ralsei, and what dark worlds represent (escapism woah), and for some, secret bosses expanding on the whole free will + kris' soul shenanigans thats where it may end for most people, and i think thats great, that if you arent someone in extreme brainrot about the history of gaster then... i think the game will be very enjoyable without having to think about meta elements! and of course, as good writing tends to be, hints about one "level above" are slowly dropped to those who are below, to help them understand, but you get what im saying, right? its like, big nerds get thinking about the gaster shit earlier, before the game really is gonna start probably hammering in like hey whats up with that voice at the beginning
I do question whether dess will end up being about as secret as like, jevil is, or as secret as the man behind the tree and the mystery of the eggs is. but i feel like shes also a realy good opportunity for being a mystery thats almost entirely deltarune, without needing prior-context of who a random vaguely mentioned character in ut is. still, a lot of vague info is hidden in the files, so perhaps... hmm, well, there was that one abc_123 file where toby was like "don't share stuff from the files, thanks. you cant have secrets nowadays" and then.. i feel like when he changed it to just be laughter, that was his way of saying "alright, i see the game you want to play. ill play along" and thats why... for some people, hes playing the game of hiding mysterious stuff in the code. he knows what hes doing, of course. he knows people love looking in the games code, so hes trying to make it interesting even if people do that overall though i just like how theres different levels of enjoyment of the story so far. im sure the game will end up telling everyone about dess and gaster and such, in some way, but... for most people? itll be a game about the fun gang and their friends learning to become better people, and having some fun wacky adventures on the way there! tldr toby fox does "having different layers to your story" in a fairly interesting, enjoyable way. EDIT: yeah, ill make a v2 of this post. i more specifically am amazed at how you dont NEED to know the deeper layers than you want to, and its. cool !!
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ayoalex · 1 year
Now that I processed it all.
I am LOVING this volume, like so glad CRWBY took their time cuz visually talking the entire volume is so BEAUTIFUL.
The new characters are so charming that is impossible to hate them or not wanting to see them, like I want to see Curious Cat again! I dread thinking of leaving Little behind and even miss the Red Prince a little.
The slow burn with Ruby's arc; how delightful; the little cracks, the Summer tiny bits of lore drop here and there, etc I can't wait the culmination of all that.
Loving the characters interactions, freezerburn are a duo you can't fail with, Blake slowly getting bolder with Yang, Whiterose getting their little moments to remind us of how amazing partners they are.
This last episode seeing Weiss broken for seeing everything burning and destroyed was so good and having Ruby being the one helping her and comforting is just chef kiss, like yes thank you for this delicious crumb.
Loving how much focus Ruby is getting as well, it feels like an eternity since we focused on her.
NOW, I don't know how the other episodes are going to go so I can't speak on this right now but I'm hopeful to see Yang's issues get tackle and for the Xiao Long-Rose sisters to face the shadow of Summer.
I want Yang to talk about Summer, I want Ruby to talk about Summer, I want Yang to open up to Blake, I want the sisters to heal together, I want the "you must've forgotten who raised me" and "a promise from a mom" to comeback, I want a heart to heart Bees talk to parallel V2, I want a parallel to Whiterose this volume as well, and the most important one... I want, and we actually need this narrative wise, Ruby to confront Yang about her self sacrifice issues as a LEADER.
V9 looks promising and it will probably end as one of the best, if not the best, RWBY volume (which for me it's saying a lot when V3 and V6 to V8 were top notch for me).
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minophus · 3 months
What's your favorite levels? For me, I enjoy playing 3/6-2 because Gabriel's fights are fun to me but the lore drops you get in entirety of violence steal my heart
OMG YEAH violences lore drops fuck so so hard and its one of my favs Lore wise but gameplay wise. kindly. i fucking hate violence. JKFHGKDJG. good lore but its so un-fun i DREAD p ranking it. AND GABBYS FIGHTS R FUN TOO though hes a pain in my booty to keep track of (guy whos not used to having to try other strategies other than ones from a strict script in his mind)
as for my favs. EASILY greed and wrath. waves of the starless sea is Way easier when the water isnt moving and greedis just SO fun and cool all-around. even v2. hate fighting her but the battle sequence fucked so hard. Sisyphus is also there which makes my minimum rating of it 9/10
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How did you come across the show RWBY in the first place? What caught your eye about it to continue watching?
Red Trailer.
Saw GIFs of it floating around on tumblr here.
I already loved a lot of stories that subverted fairytale stories - I was huge on Fables comic(in hindsight missing all the despicable subtext the bigoted author had put there), Once Upon a Time, and other variety of fictional works that would do this thing of reinterpreting or subverting fairytale stories or mythology, especially in a contemporary setting.
Red trailer's premise and aesthetic were such an easy sell even before I knew it would be a show - been following the show through the drops of each trailer.
When V1 started, at first - I was disappointed - the comedy didn't hit at all, and this Jaune guy felt out of place, but lore mysteries kept me interested, and as the show progressed through V1 and V2, I grew to love the result, warts and all. The relationship between the four leads was a huge selling point for me.
Ruby was an instant hit for me because her personality and flaws were charming, as was her dynamics with Weiss. Weiss was an easy sell since the trailer too and V1 promised me a flawed, but genuinely interesting character with lots of futur epotential. It took till around the end of V1 to warm up to Blake, and then the talk that Yang had with Blake in V2 sold me on Yang (and on the pairing, really).
By the time V2 concluded, I was completely invested.
V3 was the peak of my experience with RWBY - I waited week to week for the next episode with bated breath. It was an age of TV where a lot of shows would get stuck in status quo, so seeing such a pay off slowly unfold was glorious.
The finale of V3 - the last three or four episodes - was glorious experience to watch unfold live. Despite the loss of its creator, the franchise never felt more alive.
After V3 ended I couldn't stop thinking about it - it lingered in my mind for months and I rewatched it a few times, excited at where it could lead.
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razs-archetype · 11 months
demons poessessed me while i was in the shower
Minos -> Lovesong (Lovestar)
Sisyphus -> Scorchshine (Scorchstar)
Gabriel -> [Feather/Falcon/Dove/Pigeon]light (Feather- is nice but I do like name-dropping specific birds)
V1 -> Bluewing
V2 -> Redclaw
Mirage -> Miragefang
Councilor -> Steelstar
Ferryman -> Riverface
Gabriel is in riverclan-equivilent and so is always clean and fluffy. V1 comes from thunder- or shadow- clan equivalent and always smells like mud.
Mirage gets to be in starclan while V2 is stuck in the dark forest. They meet up by the border anyways to cuddle.
Minos and Sisyphus are also in starclan, though you won't find them with other starclan cats. They stuck to themselves and usually hang by the starclan/df border and really only ever interact with Mirage, sometimes.
Ferryman won't tell on Gabe even after they witness his forbidden romance. Maybe because he's already been exiled. Either way,it's more salt in the wound.
I have vague pelt hcs for each of these but this is long enough. k bye. feel free to disagree and make it be known pls I haven't read warrioirs in forever.
HELLO?? Thankyou so much actually I mborrowing all of these names. But I’m remixing the warrior cats lore to hell and back. Ummm. As a thanks have this Minos snippet
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👍 ilove warrior cats
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pangolin-404 · 1 year
for the writing ask game: 13, 17, 18. hi :)
hegg (hi egg :])
(ask game)
13. What is a subject matter that is incredibly difficult for you write about? What is easy?
Oddly specific but characters having their growth moment, like the moment words become action in a way that doesn't feel like I'm having the characters say they'll do something and then just doing it immediately after. the subject matter of Doing Things Naturally
I've been told I write good action/tension scenes!! They're fun to write, kinda easy? Hard to tell now that I think about it but I enjoy it lots
17. Talk to me about the minutiae of your current WIP. Tell me about the lore, the history, the detail, the things that won’t make it in the text.
THE THING THAT WON'T MAKE IT INTO TEXT: It's from third person limited Ferryman POV so none of Gabriel's internal struggle is making it through to the reader intact. Everything is viewed through the Ferryman's biased lens so I can only drop clues about what Gabriel truly feels and hope it's not too obvious or OOC. He almost pities them, he's exhausted physically and mentally, yet is forced to balance what he shares and does not with this intensely devoted individual who built their worldview and self-worth on following a divine fate that is no longer present. He wants to share the revelations he's had, to share what he views as a beautiful realization of free will because he feels they deserve to know, and yet he doesn't want to break them.
I've sat on this WIP for a while because I really need to THINK about how they'd interact, how Gabriel tiptoes around things, and how the Ferryman takes everything he says and does. they're neat
Another thing I don't think is fully stated is just how much the Ferryman loves and respects the ferry!! She's their companion at sea! Friend and equal! Some of their care shines through but they care for the ferry a lot more than they seem (at the point I'm at with this right now, anywho)
18. Choose a passage from your writing. Tell me about the backstory of this moment. How you came up with it, how it changed from start to end.
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The thought of V2 taking revenge on V1 possessed me and I HAD to do something with it. Needed V1 to feel afraid, to suddenly no longer be the top dog in Hell, for its actions to have consequences. I listened to Daisy Bell on loop a normal amount while drawing the Daisy Bell comic but I find that I prefer writing over drawings when it comes to certain things, and I can write faster than I draw, so I wrote out the ideas I didn't have the motivation to draw.
I love writing action scenes so the whole showdown between V1 and V2 was really fun and something I don't think I could've drawn. It made me think more about how V2 felt about getting dismembered by its predecessor (Hint: not happy about that!!) ! It's the culmination of its fury, and the beginnings of V1's fear of being injured and unmade so wholly. I'm not sure I thought in-depth about V1's relationship with terror before this scene and it definitely became a more apparent concept from that point on. But ooohh I do want to write more of this AU and further explore that terror!
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