#I just decided to throw all my favorite findings about Ultrakill on a post
just-observing-here · 9 months
I love V1's design so much. I love how insect-like its appearance is. Its multiple wings, its outer armor that's like an insect's outer armor, its one optic. I love how dehumanizing its design is to itself, especially compared to the other creatures in hell. Most of the husks and demons have human-like qualities, albeit being just a face and such, and while V1 is definitely still anthropomorphic it's also losing its human-like qualities as the game progresses! Think about the fact it gained 2 new arms for itself and how that breaks its human figure, not only that but adds to its insect like qualities! The fact that its qualities are insect-like add to its character a lot too! Bugs are considered weak and disgusting by most of the population; However, bugs were the first to do many things considered revolutionary to humans. Flight, civilization, art, all of it! They were like the version 1 of humanity in a funny way. But, in an ironic fashion, as it loses its human look we learn of its more human-like qualities in its behavior. Its "You're not getting away this time" with the V2 fight. The fact that's it's basically going to run its blood source to 0. Its march to its own destruction being its most humanlike trait. I love that so much. In Act 3, I'm hoping Gabriel drops the "machine" nickname and refers to V1 as "Hellspawn" or "Pest." Bringing more of the insect like comparisons while showing that he sees V1 as more than a machine now!
I love how the only thing that actually humanizes V1 is its bringing of its own doom. Its violence and insatiable need is what makes it feel more alive.
I love how its actions could be considered heroic in a messed up sense. Hell was a mistake made by God and V1 is destroying it. The council was corrupt and it made Gabriel realize this. It finally gave Gabriel a good fight. It freed Minos and Sisyphus. It's permanently killing the tortured and freeing them from hell. Of course, in a very messed up way…
I love the comparison of Humanity (God's creation) gaining free-will against his will and machines (Mankind's creation) gaining free-will against their will.
I love the parallels of Gabriel's and V1's designs. How both stories are told and how they relate to each other.
I fucking love Ultrakill. There's so much more I can cover but this post is already a lot. Be free to add other things you love about the game and its lore.
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