#v10L37 au
bepisbee · 1 year
Soo I never posted it here cuz im dumb hahaaaa but heres the first chapter of actual robot vidow au :3
Read on ao3
ch1: here :D ch2
Up upon the wall in a large lab room a humanoid figure dangled. Eerily still. Their blonde artificial hair sat braided down half way down their back. It looked realistic to the naked eye, felt soft like it to the touch. The dramatic lighting in the room followed the wires everywhere around them. The walls were a dark gray metal of some kind, welded together, a plaque by the only door saying “Technical Testing room 34: subject #4” implying other rooms and subjects.
Their eyes were  piercing ice blue optics; nearly identical to that of a living being. Aside from the small lines of electronics and wires inside of them. So tiny it would take the perfect lighting to see them behind the iris. Artificial blinking not yet active, those eyes stared at one space.
No input being received as of yet. They were plugged into multiple wires everywhere on the metallic body. Wires coming from above and below connected to them. Slowly as power surged through the wires on the bottom a coating formed around the metallic surface of the humanoid.
In smooth motion, what appeared to be skin formed over on them. All across the surface. Perfect, unblemished and fake. Across the room a technician in a white lab coat snorted. “Fuckin’ looks like a magical girl transformation.” His coworker laughed along with him. None of them noticed as the android, now perfectly indifferent to a Hylian, blinked and looked up over at the group. They had returned back to position before they had a chance to look up.
The wires on the ceiling disconnected, dropping the body to the floor loudly. They landed on their knees, in a kneeling position. Head weighed down without support. “Well? What are ya waitin’ for? Turn it on!” the same man spoke. His voice was deep and gruff. One of the others in a blue colored coat went to a table displaying an array of glowing buttons, knobs, and sliders. She pressed a few things on the affectionately nicknamed “DJ board” control unit.
The androids eyes lit up from the back, circling around once. A soft hum of electronics and fans filled the silence of a room held with baited breath. It looked up at them. “...” They looked back.
“It appears my systems are functioning at normal capacity.” A soft deep voice came from the machine. It’s lips and fake tongue mouthing the words. A technological breakthrough in voice box mechanics. “Artificial form code confirmation: V, one, zero, L, three, seven.” They spoke with clear diction, dead panned emotion. “C-confirmed.” the girl in the blue robe stammered out from the stunned silence. “We did it!” she looked at the man in the white coat. She grabbed his arms and started shaking him back and forth violently. “WE DID IT!” The ear splitting grin crossed their faces and they looked back at the AI.
They tilted their head curiously at them. The pair ran over to the android and began running physical diagnoses on them.
This was only the beginning One year later A boy with stark purple hair in a black lab coat walked around the large lab facility. His arms bent and hands behind his head like he had no care in the world. He was in front of a small entourage. The man from the lab, with the white coat, a different assistant, and the android behind him. “I don’t care what you’re doing Daphnes.” The purple one announced, clearly annoyed. “I am not interested in this stupid machine of yours. All the others failed, why wouldn’t this one?” the android’s eyes followed his every movement. Almost creepily.
“Shadow! You will treat your father with respect!” Daphnes scolded. “You cannot keep expecting to get away with things just because you understand a neural net processor.” He sighed, sounding old and tired. This was obviously a conversation they have had often. “Yeah okay.” he dismissed. Shadow turned to face the group, looking the AI up and down warily. Shadow had many piercings in his face. Alongside adorable freckles to try to look tougher. Two eyebrow piercings on his right, snake bite rings on his lower lips, a small septum ring in his nose, a bar between his eyes on his cartilage, and an array all across his large long ears. The android took a slight misstep analyzing his face. He had heterochromatic eyes. One a brilliant ruby red and the other the deepest blue they’d ever seen. Not that they had really seen a lot  of things yet, but it still stands.
They hadn’t noticed that of course.
“Look, I just want you on this project. You would be best suited for the small details required for maintenance and upgrades.”
“I don’t see how any of this wou-” he was interrupted by a panicked scream above them. The android was already moving. It all happened so fast Shadow basically passed out for a minute. A large ground shaking thud surrounded landed in front of them.
Exactly where Shadow had been standing.
“Oh my Gods!!!” The assistant yelled and stepped back, in human reaction time. Shadow gasped softly and stiffened. Unsure what had just happened. He was being enveloped by arms. He looked up to see the android with a concerned expression, eyebrows furrowed. That in of itself confused the hell out of him.
“Are. Are you alright?” they spoke, focusing only on him. The two technicians stood gaping at them. None of their actions should have been physically possible. Not a single program in their systems should be allowing any of the motions. From grabbing Shadow out of the way of the large hunk of metal with broken chain straps, to asking personally if he was okay. That wasn’t in their designated dialogue.
He just stared, the beautiful orbs wrapped in a thick black eyeliner. Shock, and disbelief. “Whuh- we- I….” the arms wrapped around his frame were a bit cold to the touch. “Yes.”
They let go and Shadow took a moment to step back away. Looking between Daphnes and the AI, he let out a breath. “I… I’ll work on it. I guess.” he looked away. “What’s it’s name anyways?” “I am V, one, zero, L, three, seven.” they answered for the technician.
“Wow. That’s long and artificially cold.” Shadow bluntly stated. He wrote something down on a small notepad from his pocket “Wait…. Huh! Oh it kind of looks like… Violet. I’m gonna call it Violet.”
“Son- that's not--” “Professional attachment blah blah blah. Do you want me or not?” he didn’t wait for the confirmation before taking Violet’s hand in his own. “Come on then. Let’s get out of here before more flying death metal bricks decide to fall from the sky.”
“I do not believe that the metal had any intention of-” they let Shadow pull them in the direction of his lab room. “Falling from the chains. Nevertheless I agree it is a good idea to vacate the area should another incident occur before-” Shadow looked at him confused and fondly at the rambling. “The correct items are inspected for faults.” they finished. “I-” they stopped and shook their head. “It would be unfortunate if anyone got hurt.”
Daphnes stood mouth gaping at the conversation. A literally impossible conversation.
“Boy you sure talk a lot huh?” Shadow laughed once. “Oh. No. Not usually. I mean this is quite new. I am not entirely sure what is actually happening right now. As a matter of fact I really don’t think this is part of my programming. I cannot seem to locate an error in my systems however.”
“Mmmmmmhm.” Shadow led them to his personal lab. He let them in. “Oh. You really should not have drinks by your electronics it could-” “Spill and ruin yeah yeah I know.” he cut them off. “I don’t need a lecture from a tin can.” “T-Tin can!?” they sounded offended. They sounded. In a tone.
“...” Shadow looked at them with a new sparkle in his eyes. “I think maybe this will work out after all. Sit down,  Violet .”
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