sovereigntism · 9 months
[ @whiskeysmulti from x.]
Hmm... yeah. That would be a pain to try to walk through...
Then they heard him introduce himself, and processed fully that this was indeed the Edward Elric, and likely his brother in that suit of armor. A slight tilt of their head, black hair falling askew to reveal startling blue eyes as they adjusted to properly look at him. Despite their bright blue eyes, their face shape still held similarities to the people of Xing.
"Pleasure to meet you, Ed. I'm King."
King had no interest in trying to navigate the rain with their current metal legs. They lifted their foot onto the bench, sitting the heel of their shoe in front of their rear, knee against their chest. Lifting their pants leg slightly, they checked the joins of their auto-mail ankle. It didn't seem damp, and the joints felt fine, so King lowered their pants leg and checked the other leg, quiet beside the massive suit of armor and the young state alchemist. Once done assessing her legs, she sat on the bench proper and looked up quietly at the dreary skies that kept them captive under the shelter.
"... You don't happen to speak Xingese, do you? The Amestrian language is difficult to me for long periods, but it's not a problem if you don't know Xingese."
Their curse granted them the capabilities to speak it, but it felt... awkward on their tongue. They could do it, but it was like having a tiny rock of salt on their tongue at all times, given that Amestrian language was German based and Xingese was based in various languages that they normally knew... It was kind of obvious which would be easier to them even with the curse abilities.
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sovereigntism · 9 months
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