#v'neef Runai
misctragedies · 6 months
"I'm always trying to figure out what to say about this god *&@# song. Part of me wants to say look it's about revenge, but as soon as I say that... no, that's not quite it. Part of me wants to say it's about the satisfaction of not needing revenge... and i say no, that some new age stuff. I think it's a song about the moment in your quest for revenge when you learn to embrace the futility of it. The moment where you know the thing you want is ridiculous and pompous and a terrible thing to want anyway. The direction in which you're headed is not the direction you want to go, yet you're going to head that way a while longer cause that's just the kind of person you are."
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caprichista · 10 months
Calibration Art Exchange 2023
So excited to participate this year! Journal entries for my two OCs (V'neef Runai and Flickering Lace) under the cut.
V'neef Runai
Runai is 5'10" with a ruddy complexion and dark circles under brown eyes. He usually keeps his shoulder-length straight (dyed) blond hair at least halfway tied back. He usually wears 2-3 heavy rings on each hand and has several small black metal rings in his ears and one in his nose. His clothes are well-made but very generic and frequently covered in cat hair.
Earth aspected Dragonblood
At 17 years old, he'd stopped hoping for a second breath until he exalted while attempting (unsuccessfully) to save his cousin/rival from a fatal accident involving an experimental artifact their parents were working on. A month later, he found himself enrolled in the Heptagram in an effort to keep him out of the way during the subsequent investigation into his cousin's death.
His anima rimes the surrounding area with salt crystals and his hobbies include lying to teachers, cheating at gateway, and walking the mile in gym class. Thematically, he's about what happens when you can't let go, making your misery everyone else's problem, and dying on every available hill.
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The cat is Salu (short for Salutatorian), Runai's familiar/ESA. Until recently, she belonged to his cousin but none of the servants stopped Runai from taking Salu off to school so... finders, keepers?
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Flickering Lace
Flickering Lace is a small absent-minded woman with perfectly tailored clothes. She looks to be about 20, with sharp features, tan skin, and heavily-lidded bright blue eyes that never seem to look directly at you. Lace wears large silver spectacles on a sparkling lanyard and her wavy indigo hair is kept short to highlight the dangling earrings she favors. Her deeply calloused hands are always in motion, fiddling something or working some small craft. Unless she's alone in her workshop where she uses them as references, she dresses to hide the moonsilver tattoos that cover her arms and legs, forming guides for measurements and angles, curves and lines.
Changing moon lunar (sociable weaverbird)
A firm pacifist, failed smarthome builder, and master crafter, her attempt to lie low in an obscure southern oasis and work on perfecting her living manse was spoiled by the arrival of the rest of the party who are... not good at 'subtle'. Her current plans include overthrowing Gem through dream magic, disentangling herself from her First Age incarnation's romantic drama, and continuing to solve everyday problems by turning into a camel.
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And here's a modern AU of her circle going to a Ren Faire (she's second from the right)
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Her animal form is a Sociable Weaver and her tell is the black and tan chevron markings across her shoulders and ribs:
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I have a bunch of tagged posts for each of them and an unreasonable number of picrew reference images over on my sideblog @misctragedies .
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shiftingpath · 8 months
Exalted Secret Santa 2023 Complete!
Thanks for another excellent year, friends. This year was actually tied for most participants to date, to the point of having some trouble formatting this post. (tumblr fears our power.)
Thanks are in order to many: -to @theuncrucified for her work boosting on discord. All my thanks for spreading the word! -to @delvesdaily for pinch hitting, and to everyone else so quick to volunteer. -to @mechanicalriddle, my second-in-command and second set of eyes. -to our longterm participants who return year after year, I am always happy to see you back. -to newcomers who've only just arrived, you bring so much fresh life to this event. thanks for trying something new! -to those who don't participate, but still find time and interest to comment on the pieces!
I hope we can see you all next year!
Please take the time to check out the submissions; the characters are always so cool and the art is consistently amazing. Thank you all for the hard work. Happy Calibration!
to @butch-king-frankenstein from woolymonster: Meteor King Rahu
to @caprichista from maribunart: V'neef Runai and Salu
to @delvesdaily from grimmjowjaegerjaquez: Pretty Boy
to @eatenbyfaeries from delvesdaily: Vervain
to @fiontan from frostmantle: Gale
to @fourwillows from shiftingpath: Kifimbo
to @frostmantle from hamsandlich: The Sentinel of Blasphemous Covenants Sealed in Silence
to @fullmoonspecial from fiontan: The Phoenix Knight
to @gforceworks from delvesdaily: Laughing Sister
to @grimmjowjaegerjaquez from fourwillows: Cold Fire Hunter
to @hamsandlich from paint-lady: The Seraph of Promised Silence
to @heedra from sondersonne: Daia Shan
to @keirangoldenwatch from moonstar-mush: Seren Witt
to @kessinder from sly-works: The Cultivar of Bloodied Sunsets
to @maribunart from toxinfox: Lei-xin, Ivy, and Kilani
to @mechanicalriddle from eatenbyfaeries: Pleione
to @moonstar-mush from fullmoonspecial: Spears-to-Billhooks Nazmiya
to @paint-lady from theuncrucified: The Marionette Dancing on Bloody Sinew
to @shiftingpath from caprichista: Flame-Eating Moth
to @skarchomp from keirangoldenwatch: Candor That Draws the Horseman's Blade
to @sly-works from heedra: Exquisite Toffee Spinifex
to @sondersonne from thedashingduke: The Brigand Queen of the Western Wyld
to @thedashingduke from mechanicalriddle: Komoh
to @theuncrucified from gforceworks: Kalara
to @toxinfox from kessinder: Anjali, Kaveri, and Malati
to @woolymonster from skarchomp: The Left Hand of Hell
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misctragedies · 10 months
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TOO MANY picrews of this guy under the cut:
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misctragedies · 1 year
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misctragedies · 1 year
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