#v; vytal interests (V2 to V3)
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teamlarl · 2 years ago
@atlas-team-valv​ continued from here​
“Vermeil, I’m serious...”
Renatus shifted in his sleep, the weight of his thoughts more heavy than the beckoning lull of sleep could ever hope to be. No doubt his rough and tumble Atlesian lover would adore nothing more than falling back to sleep. Renatus was of half a mind to let him... but no. This was too important.
“We leave in the coming days, you know. My team and I. The Haven students.”
And that’s what it came down to. Their inevitable separation. The Vytal Festival was over, ending in a tragedy that shocked the world. That is, if the world even knew about it. Communications were down... It would take the survivors returning home for the news of Beacon’s Fall to be spread.
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“You could...” His golden eyes looked uncharacteristically anxious in the light of dawn. “There’s always an invitation for you. To come with us.”
To come back with him.
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restingonlarls · 4 years ago
Time to drag addie into the jnpr shower with her
Being dragged into the shower of her most hated rival’s dorm room wasn’t exactly how Adrastia was expecting her morning to go. But, then again, she was doing a lot of things with Pyrrha lately that she had never expected. Why be all surprised now?
“Gods, you’re a needy bitch aren’t you?” Adrastia sneered as she was pushed against the slick shower tiles. She’d barely even had the time to throw her clothes off. Pyrrha herself didn’t really seem to care, content to get her school uniform soaked. Or the dress shirt, at least.
Adrastia hated how nicely it framed the champion’s form.
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teamlarl · 3 years ago
"You know," Renatus drawled, looking quite amused as he leaned against the hallway wall, "I know that I said we can catch up anytime, but I wasn't sure if you would actually go for it. Nothing personal, of course, it's just that we weren't close back at Sanctum, and with Addie being my partner... well..."
The bad blood between Pyrrha and Adrastia went unmentioned. Even if it was likely entirely one-sided.
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"I am glad, though. I'd be lying if I said that seeing a familiar face wasn't one of the highlights of coming to Vale. You've been sorely missed back in Mistral, you know."
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teamlarl · 2 years ago
🎤 (pyrrha)
Send 🎤 to catch my muse singing while they think nobody's around!
So full of rage The human race. Hold me while I'm fallin' down, Rearrange what you have found.
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She'd done it again. Perfect fucking Pyrrha had beaten her in yet another spar.
Hurt me! See me crawling on the floor, Is that what you've been longing for? Is this enough, do you want more? Go on, if it makes you soar!
To say Adrastia was in rampage mode would be an understatement. As soon as class was over, she had strode out of Beacon's halls with a purpose. Without so much as a comment or a glance, Adrastia unintentionally repeated Beacon's initiation ritual and leapt into the Emerald Forest.
Hurt me! See me crawling on the floor, Is that what you've been longing for? Is this enough, do you want more? Go on, if it makes you soar!
There was a method to her madness. For Adrastia Ennius saw red. Rage overtook her and she had felt the need to MURDER something lest she slipped and murder someone that actually mattered.
For her purposes, Grimm would do.
You hate my face, My sweet embrace. You hate me when I'm all around, Enjoy it when I'm burning down.
It was supposed to be a song. Adrastia was good at those. One of her favorite methods of stress relief was being the headliner for a club back in Mistral. It was something that she kept extremely lowkey. The last thing she needed people gossiping about was how nice of a singing voice she had.
If one could call what she was doing now singing.
Hurt me! See me crawling on the floor, Is that what you've been longing for? Is this enough, do you want more? Go on, if it makes you soar!
Adrastia was practically screaming out the lyrics as she speared Grimm after Grimm. None were safe from her wrath. From the lowliest Creep to even an Alpha Beowulf.
Hurt me! See me crawling on the floor, Is that what you've been longing for? Is this enough, do you want more? Go on, if it makes you soar!
How? How was Pyrrha still so fucking skilled? How did perfect fucking Pyrrha keep beating her? HER?! The so-called Spear of Mistral! Much as Adrastia loathed that title and position, she had been trained for one reason and one reason only!
Hurt me! See me crawling on the floor, Is that what you've been longing for? Is this enough, do you want more? Go on, if it makes you soar!
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teamlarl · 3 years ago
Song Post - Waiting in the Wings
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Guess we all are born with parts to play
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Some of us are stars, and some are just in the way
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I know I was meant for glory But that's never what my story brings And yet I keep on waiting
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When you have the passion and the drive
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You expect your moment center stage to arrive I show up with heart a-blazing
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Ready to achieve amazing things
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But I'm left waiting in the wings
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I hear my cue And yet I'm kept there waiting
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Know what to do And still I stand there waiting
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It's always someone else who sings
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while I'm left waiting in the wings
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And so I keep on keeping on
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My chances come and then I blink and they're gone
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Always overlooked unfairly while pretending that it barely stings
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But it stings, yes, it stings
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And I'll shed no tears I'll only keep on waiting
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If no one cheers,
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well, I can keep on waiting
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Who cares how loud the silence rings
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You'll find me waiting in the wings...
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teamlarl · 5 years ago
@blondiethepunmaster​ continued from here
The message got back to the subject.
It was Beacon. A glorified mix between a high school and a college, and all the visiting students for the Vytal Festival were the talk of the metaphorical town. Of course word got back to Renatus, who always made a point to be social. Who always made a point to be in the know.
Word got back to Renatus that Yang Xiao Long thought he was all kinds of hot. And that she moaned while saying it. Or perhaps purred. There were conflicting accounts. But there was only one way to know for sure, wasn’t there?
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“There’s something to be said about the pot calling the kettle black.” Renatus mused one day, sitting down across from Xiao Long in the cafeteria.
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teamlarl · 5 years ago
belladonna released a reverberating growl as she snatched her notes up, flushed and nursing a growing headache post history class. frustration came from grudgingly refusing to admit defeat in that lesson's debate against renatus, and she thought she'd known the source material so well. " ugh. " her ire was sent at the closest unfortunate nearby. " how can you stand him ? " @adrestia.
Adrastia stared blankly at the Beacon student. Was she talking to her? Surely this girl (Belladonna, was it?) knew better than to come up to her unprompted, and yet here she was, looking at her and speaking in her direction, so they must be talking to her. Tch.
And then it became clear that it was very deliberate, once the topic of conversation was revealed. Ah. Now that’s why Belladonna had approached her. This was about Renatus. That was fair enough, Adrastia supposed. They were partners; childhood friends. Who knew him better than she?
How did she stand him?
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“Gladly.” Adrastia replied simply, sharp violet eyes bearing down on the student with the little black bow. “And without reserve.” Well, maybe a little reserve. What Ren didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
She could hazard a guess as to why Belladonna was so incensed. Their little debate in Professor Oobleck’s class had been quite the display. Most students had tuned it out, just glad to have the excuse to zone out and be spared the attentiveness of Oobleck, but Adrastia... There were few things more entertaining than watching Renatus tear into someone. He had a way with words that matched her skill with a knife. His tongue was certainly as sharp as one. And now it upset poor, baby Belladonna. Boo hoo.
“You strike me as a girl who isn’t used to being challenged.” Adrastia’s tone was dry, bored even. “Someone who thinks they know best but hides behind it with a veil of false humility. Of course, I’m just being an armchair psychologist here. I’m sure that I’m just talking out my own ass. But I’m willing to bet that you secretly find the prospect of a challenge rather exciting, given how flustered you are.” She mused, finding her nails much more interesting to stare at. She should paint them later. A dark purple, perhaps? 
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Finally, she turned her attention back to Belladonna, a cruel smirk on her face. “I give you a week, maybe two, before you two start going on coffee dates together.”
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teamlarl · 5 years ago
💐 From: Yang, To: Liane. (I HAVEN'T FORGOTTEN OUR LIANE AND YANG THREAD, I just am a terrible person who takes forever to write spar/fight stuff 😭.)
💐   :   give flowers to my muse.
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Liane read the tag for what felt like the fifth time, just to make sure she wasn’t hallucinating. Flowers. Yang Xiao Long had... sent her flowers. No one had ever sent her flowers before. On the rare occasion that one of her hook ups wanted to do something special for Valentine’s Day, it was always sexual in nature. Not that Liane minded. That was kind of her thing.
But flowers... And honest to gods bouquet of flowers! It was professionally done, as well. Liane didn’t know any of the meanings, so she would have to ask later. Fuck, she didn’t even know how she was going to be able to talk to Yang later without being a stuttery, blushing mess.
This was... so touching.
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teamlarl · 5 years ago
💝 From: Yang, To: Renatus. A sweet, courteous gesture despite not really knowing each other.
💝   :   give a box of chocolates to my muse.
“Yang Xiao Long...” Renatus murmured as he looked over the box of gourmet chocolates. Surprisingly pricey, he was sure, despite the fact that he couldn’t recall sharing a single conversation with the blonde. Then again, he supposed he was getting rather close to her teammates. Blake and Weiss, at least... Little Ruby Rose was another one he hadn’t really talked to.
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A gesture of good will? It was very thoughtful of her. Renatus hadn’t really had an opinion of the blonde before, but now he found himself developing a small amount of respect for her. This was a classy move on her part. He approved. “Well then, now I suppose I’ll have to get her something back.”
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teamlarl · 5 years ago
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“Looks like I’m not the only one that took that girl up on her offer... Nice.”
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teamlarl · 5 years ago
‵  i  was  not  made  to  be  subtle.  ′ Octavius ducking under a doorway (teamochr)
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“That much is obvious, big guy.” Liane chuckled. “I know the feel though. You have no idea how much I almost hit my head on the dorm room doors. Everything else here in Beacon is so big and grand, but the dorms? I feel like they were a bit cheap on them to be honest. Have you seen that Yatsuhashi guy? How the hell do you guys deal with this all the time? Would drive me nuts.”
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teamlarl · 5 years ago
“Well… this is awkward… uhhh hello.”
Adrastia paused, swiveling her head slowly as she turned to look at the offending voice. A stranger who dared to speak to her. She pursed her lips as she looked the stranger, a woman- no, a girl, over. The girl looked about her age, perhaps slightly younger. A student, she assumed, from the huntress get-up. Or perhaps even an early graduate. Adrastia was not in the business of assuming.
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“What do you want?” Adrastia replied curtly. She was currently dressed in her school uniform, representing Haven Academy in this foreign kingdom.
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teamlarl · 5 years ago
‘ this is really pretty. ’ belladonna’s lips curled into easy smile, a flash of fanged grin, making a gentle gesture in the general direction of renatus’ face. ‘ i like your eyeliner too. ’ statement sudden and quick, added as an afterthought. ‘ what brand is that ? ’
It wasn’t even remotely a compliment he was expecting, so stopping the inevitable blush from cropping up to his cheeks was next to impossible. Still, never one to be caught on the back foot, Renatus blatantly fluttered his eyelashes as if to emphasize the eyeliner in question.
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“Errera.” He shot her the smuggest of grins. “And if we’re comparing notes, I’ve always appreciated that cat’s eye you have going on. The purple really accentuates the gold. Maybe I should try that? Since we match that way.” His golden gaze met her own, pupils wide and clearly amused.
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teamlarl · 6 years ago
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Dance Dance Infatuation
My OC, Adrastia, and @sometimesshattered‘s Blake at the Beacon Dance.
Art by @pockicchi
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teamlarl · 6 years ago
The headmaster's eyes trailed over the incident report in his hand before looking up at the student in front of him "So, just to get your side of the story... what happened?" [Team-ORGK - Ozpin]
Well, this was possibly the worst thing that could have happened to her. Oh, detention was nothing. Miss Goodwitch had already given her that once and she wound up making a pretty good friend out of it. Detention was an opportunity. This... was the opposite of that. She was sitting in front of the one person she was explicitly told to avoid.
Watts wouldn’t be happy about this. Neither would Cinder... and the latter was far more close at hand. That would be another lecture she would have to endure later.
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“I don’t see why I need to tell you anything. You’re not my headmaster.” Leonardo was always so eager to sweep such incidents under the rug. Well, when she applied a little pressure anyway. She had been to lackadaisical. This wasn’t Haven. She didn’t have the same protection here.
“But for posterity’s sake, it’s really quite simple. They said something they shouldn’t have. I retaliated appropriately. It’s really nothing to be concerned about.” Adrastia recounted, staring at her nails.
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teamlarl · 6 years ago
@blondiethepunmaster continued from here
She laughed at the idea. “Nah, I’ve seen you around. I know you could lift me no problem, I wouldn’t be here otherwise.” Liane shot back with a smirk. “One hand though, that could be fun.” Considering she was six feet of rippling muscle, she wasn’t sure that the Beacon student would be able to pull that off, but it was fun to tease.
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“Maybe after. First, I came here for a spar!” Liane declared, her outstretched arm pointing at the recently challenged Yang Xiao Long. “No one here’s been able to give me a good fight! Do you know how boring that is? They say Beacon’s the best school out there, but I came all the way from Haven and no one ain’t shit! But everyone says you’re strong, and I want to taste that for myself! I challenge you!”
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