#v; diaspora (Between V3 and V4)
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teamlarl · 2 years ago
@atlas-team-valv​ continued from here​
“Vermeil, I’m serious...”
Renatus shifted in his sleep, the weight of his thoughts more heavy than the beckoning lull of sleep could ever hope to be. No doubt his rough and tumble Atlesian lover would adore nothing more than falling back to sleep. Renatus was of half a mind to let him... but no. This was too important.
“We leave in the coming days, you know. My team and I. The Haven students.”
And that’s what it came down to. Their inevitable separation. The Vytal Festival was over, ending in a tragedy that shocked the world. That is, if the world even knew about it. Communications were down... It would take the survivors returning home for the news of Beacon’s Fall to be spread.
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“You could...” His golden eyes looked uncharacteristically anxious in the light of dawn. “There’s always an invitation for you. To come with us.”
To come back with him.
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teamlarl · 1 year ago
Pain, oh ow yeah that was pain. But pain was good. Pain meant he was alive. And the frantic hands checking on him meant that Willow was alive. That was the important part. And nothing felt broken, he was just suffering the natural result of falling from a great height. Had the wind knocked right out of him, and oh boy he was sure he'd be seeing bruises in the mirror later.
But despite all that, Renatus could not help but to smirk even as he struggled to breathe.
They'd made it. They'd done it. They'd survived the crash.
Which was made all the more apparent by the resounding BOOM heard from about a mile away. Well, there went the ship. And they had almost gone down with it. Would have, if not for his quick thinking and...
Renatus peeked one golden eye open, fighting through the pain even as it lessened and his remaining aura went to work. There, hovering over him, was an angel.
A very distressed angel.
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"...You did it." Renatus squeezed out as he caught his breath. "You did it Willow."
The praise was not unwarranted. If she hadn't used her glyphs than he would have been far worse off, no doubt seriously injured with his aura shattered. As is, he was low but he could probably take one or two hits before his aura went out. He'd just have to be careful. No more using his semblance if he could avoid it. No getting into fights that could be avoided. He'd recover in time. A good night's rest. Or two.
Renatus gingerly sat himself up, wincing as he did so. Oh, yeah, he was sore. His ribs ached something fierce.
Then he looked at his savior and pulled her in for a kiss.
He didn’t have time for this. As in, they literally did not have time for this. As much as he would have loved to ensure Willow was ready, that was not an option if he wanted her to live.
With situations like these, sometimes the best way to conquer fear and anxiety… was to leap right into the deep end. Or, in this case, out of a crashing plane without a parachute.
“We can do this, Willow.” Renatus insisted quietly. He held onto her even more tightly. “You can do this.”
And then he stepped off of the edge and took her with him.
They tumbled through the sky, but when they had leapt they hadn’t truly been that high up. Well, compared to the Great Atlesian Pines, anyway. Renatus brace his aura and positioned himself so that he would hit the ground (and likely many tree branches) first. He could cushion her fall.
Of course, that was assuming she was in too much of a state of panic to use her glyphs. Which was… entirely possible. Likely even.
He wouldn’t die from this. Neither of them would. But… he could get hurt. Badly. Especially if he was using his own body to shield Willow from the worst of it.
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Well… his fate was entirely in her hands now.
“Willow!” Renatus cried over the deafening winds. “Glyphs! Use your glyphs!”
Renatus leapt, and Willow’s stomach lurched as she was pulled out of the aircraft and joined Ren in their terrifying free fall.
“ AYYYYYEEEEEE!! ” Willow’s shriek was almost drowned out by the wind rushing past their ears, her coat fluttering behind her rapidly. Her feet trashed briefly, trying to find purchase on nothing, before they curled up against Renatus for some semblance of safety. Willow wanted nothing more than to just close her eyes and wait for it to be over, but Renatus was counting on her to break their fall somewhat. If she didn’t, they could probably live, but end up seriously injured.
So fighting the g-forces and the urge to faint, Willow thrust out her hand and struggled to concentrate on her semblance.
For several heart pounding moments nothing manifested, and she could feel Renatus tense and brace for impact.
Until, finally, several sigils bloomed under them, allowing them to phase through with just enough resistance to gradually slow their velocity. Granted, there was only so much distance to the ground, so the two still plummeted into the forest floor rougher than they wanted. And Renatus, ever the gentleman, maneuvered himself to take the brunt of the impact to cushion her fall.
Once they were at a standstill, the first thing Willow noticed was the warning crackle of Renatus’ aura. Her own had bounced off a few hits, but now she was concerned he had tanked too much of the fall.
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“ Renatus?! ” Willow pulled away and brushed off several pine needles stuck in her hair and on their clothes as she checked the man beneath her.
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teamlarl · 2 years ago
‘ tell me… ‘
send me ‘ tell me… ‘ and my muse will have to reveal one secret they’ve been keeping to yours.
"You know," Liane mused as she prodded the campfire. "You're not the only one who's run away from home. From family."
The three of them - her, Blake, and Lantana sat under a lone tree just off the road. The savannah that they were travelling through marked the edge of Vale and Vacuo's western/eastern border. Or at least part of it. There was the gorge, but... no one travelled through there if they could help it. Honestly, they should have taken a ship. Would have been quicker.
But all of them had reasons to take the scenic route.
Liane lifted her vibrant, blue eyes to meet Blake's gaze. With only the moonlight and the campfire to illuminate them, those blue orbs almost looked like the night sky itself.
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"I get it, yeah? The urge to run from what's troubling you..."
She spared a glance to her slumbering partner, curled up in her sleeping bag and probably missing her space heater. Poor 'Tana. Still, she'd have to wait until her watch shift was done.
"I did the same, once upon a time. Or did you really think I was from Vacuo and my real name was Liane?"
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teamlarl · 2 years ago
@sometimesshattered​ continued from here
It was amazing how cold someone could be even in Vacuo. A fool would claim that Blake was lucky to be shaking so. But this was a coldness of the heart, not the body. And it was Liane’s duty to keep Blake warm through the worst of it.
Oh, Addie... Look what you’ve done to the only person to show you any love.
Fury was as much a passion as desire was. Both intermingling as Liane ran her hands down Blake’s goosebump-laden skin. A righteous fury held the champion of the sun in its grasp. Liane could not stomach the hurt that her erstwhile teammate had done to this beautiful, empathetic being that had only ever tried to help.
Liane kissed Blake. And then kissed her again. And if she happened to feel any tears fall down Blake’s face, then Liane kissed those away too and gave the other girl the dignity of pretending like they never fell at all.
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“That’s it. Good girl. Focus on me.”
The deepest azure met shattered gold as Liane beamed down at the girl writhing beneath her. Her voice was rough, that lilting Vacuan accent shining through all the more now that she was home.
And Blake would feel all the comforts of home or Inanna Bahram would never forgive herself.
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teamlarl · 4 years ago
“Don’t get up just yet, I’ll miss having you next to me.” (schneebriated)
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“You could always... I don’t know... Come with me?” Renatus asked, far too hopefully for his own good. “I know it’s a long shot, but... I’m going to miss you too much as well.”
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restingonlarls · 1 year ago
His heart broke for her. Watching Willow start to tear up and hide her sadness behind a glass of wine shattered him into a million pieces just as surely as that glass would if it toppled to the floor.
Here she was: Willow Schnee. Once upon a time the Hero of Argus, who's mural he had walked past every day at Sanctum Academy. Here she was, the heir of a grand legacy - matriarch of the mighty Schnee family... Crying because her life hadn't gone as planned. Because she was married to a man that didn't love her. That barely noticed her. And when he did...
It was the height of impropriety, but he was Renatus Nicator and he could do nothing else.
He hugged her.
He crossed the (already small) gap between them and with his strong arms pulled her into as comforting an embrace as he could manage.
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"I'm sorry too." Renatus whispered. "Because you deserve better. You deserve to be seen, to be cherished. You deserve love, Willow Schnee. And I am so, so sorry you have been lacking in all those aspects for years."
Renatus paused, thinking over her words.
“…You know, I admire you restraint. I truly do. You speak as if being spoken for is some grand commitment. Because it is. Or at least, it should be, so long as the relationship isn’t, well…” He mulled over his words for a moment before simply deciding to be blunt. “Abusive.”
That damning proclamation hung in the air between them. He wasn’t directly talking about her marriage, not in any way that would hold up in a court… but they both knew what he meant.
“No, you speak of politics in this class, but who here in Atlas doesn’t have their mistresses? Their paramours? Husbands and wives alike. I don’t understand why you Atlesians have made marriage such a miserable affair that you have to go seeking comfort in the arms of others. Not that I can truly blame those that do. As I said. Miserable affairs.”
Renatus sighed and then looked at her with so much care and affection that it was as if his heart had leapt from his chest to his golden eyes.
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“I do not mean to pry, or gossip… but Weiss has told me about… your husband. Quite a bit.” He placed a dangerous hand onto her knee. “You shouldn’t have to grin and bear it, Willow. If it offers you comfort… perhaps you should pursue this crush? Take the reins of your life. Get some happiness for yourself.”
The word ‘abusive’ felt like a gunshot amidst the pleasant conversation, so much so that Willow looked back at him in quiet shock… and perhaps a little hope. Hope that she was being seen.
And it was true—any family name worth their salt had affairs behind closed doors, some more brazen than others. Willow didn’t need cameras to see businessmen scurrying off with women too young to be their wife. And she always loathed that part of upper crust society. The lies, the spectacle, the utter callousness of these groups. It was something Willow never wanted to be apart of…
And yet, here she was. A husband that didn’t care for her, miserable kids, and a name dragged through the mud. Could she still say she was much better?
Willow felt her eyes sting, and she quickly tried to choke it back with large gulp of wine.
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“ I, ah, ” she stuttered, desperately trying to hide the sudden onslaught of emotions, poorly, “ I u-understand, I— I-I’m sorry, please ignore me, I’m not q-quite— ”
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teamlarl · 5 years ago
“’Finders keepers’ is what they say, and I wanted to be kept.” —willow
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“Does that come with a finders fee? Because I’m certainly intent on keeping you.”
One week. It had been one week since their liaison in her own home. The liaison that had begun with a small ballroom chat, that had ended up with clothes strewn all about her bedroom floor. Renatus had not been able to get Willow Schnee out of his mind since that night, although this was their first time meeting since. Desperate as he had been to see her again, the game was afoot now.
A one night stand was one thing, but Renatus wanted more. He wanted her heart. Thus, he had to play this carefully. He had to woo her without coming on too strong and scaring her away. One week. It had taken one week to convince her to come out and see him again, this time on his terms, away from her manor.
He intended to make the most of it.
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teamlarl · 5 years ago
Send ℒ For My Muse’s Reaction to Suddenly Realizing They’re in Love With Yours.
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Renatus wasn’t entirely sure when it had first started.
Was it during that fateful spar? When he had first arrived at Beacon with all the other visitors from Haven. It had been the first combat class of the semester and he had been perhaps a bit too eager to show off. Beacon had always been touted as the best huntsmen academy in the world, and with the news that his team weren’t actually going to be competing in the Vytal Festival…
Well, he had to prove his worth somehow, hadn’t he?
The professor, Goodwitch he believed, had chosen Weiss Schnee for a match. His hand had shot up like a rocket. To this day, he wasn’t altogether sure why. Why her? She was hardly the first match, the first Beacon student he could have volunteered for. Perhaps he sensed a kindred spirit? Perhaps he wanted to test his mettle against a fellow swordsman? Perhaps he just thought she was cute?
Regardless, he had practically strutted into the arena and then… they danced.
It was less a clash of swords, chipping away at each other’s aura piece by piece, and more of a ballroom waltz. A very deadly ballroom waltz. They spun and pirouetted; sparks flew both figuratively and quite literally. He had been having fun. The reputation of Miss Schnee had lived up to the hype. She was matching him blow for blow, leaving nary an opening to strike.
In that duel, she had earned his respect. But she would also garner his interest as well. She had been using her semblance, those fascinating glyphs of hers, and so he decided to use his as well. Time froze in his wake, everything coming to a halt. He had intended to end the duel then and there.
Yet she still moved.
It should have been impossible. He had ground the very gears of time themselves to a halt! And yet… and yet! Weiss Schnee invaded the world that was his and his alone, his world of frozen time. He had no idea of the hows and whys, and even she had seemed confused. But he remembered the look in her eyes as they continued their duel in that frozen space.
That interest. That intense curiosity that so clearly matched his own. Kindred spirits, indeed.
Time resumed and their audience had been left baffled, but their duel continued unabated until finally… She won. Weiss Schnee had bested him, and Renatus had never wanted to get to know someone more. An interest that she shared, thank the gods.
They had gotten to know each other quite well, during those few months at Beacon. Maybe he had fallen in love with her sometime there… But, no, he didn’t think so. A childish crush, perhaps, but not love. Love… required friendship. It required understanding. And Renatus could honestly say that he did not truly understand Weiss Schnee until he saw this place.
Her home.
He was not referring to Atlas with that statement, although he supposed it would have still been applicable. The Schnee Manor was… such a monolithic structure. Cold in its construction. Lonely. For as grand as it was, there was something so undeniably frozen about it.
Or perhaps that had to do with the inhabitants.
He had been invited here to spend the summer. Father was trying to work out a deal with Jacques Schnee, and after what happened at Beacon… Well, needless to say that Renatus leapt at the chance. He had wanted to be here, for Weiss, who had been separated from her team… The family he was realizing she had chosen in lieu of her own.
It didn’t take long to see why. Jacques treated him like the golden child, a guest, the son of a man that the businessman was trying to hash out a business deal with. But the way that Jacques treated his own family…
Many things about Weiss Schnee had quickly became startlingly clear. The longer he stayed in this manor, the more he understood her. And the more he understood her…
Renatus could not tell precisely when he had fallen in love with Weiss Schnee.
It could have been the many afternoons spent holed up in her family’s library. Or the evenings spent together where she showed him all there was to see in Atlas. Or maybe the rare occasions where she found comfort in his arms… Because where else would she find it in this frozen home?
All he really knew was that the world seemed to light up whenever she entered a room. That his heart began to soar even as she ranted being trapped in her father’s grasp. All he knew was that soon enough, he began plotting how to help her escape from his dreadful place. If only she would take his hand…
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teamlarl · 6 years ago
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“Father, we’re not seriously going, are we?”
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“Of course we are. It’s a benefit for Beacon. We can’t let such an opportunity pass us by. You were there, after all. We have to utilize that.”
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“I understand that, but what about the fact it’s... being hosted by him?”
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“Mr. Cheshire?”
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“Exactly. That whole family just... sets me on edge.”
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“Well, I’d certainly hope so. Tyrael is a dangerous man. But then again, so am I. In our line of work, you’ll meet many such men. This will be a good opportunity for you to get used to that.”
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“...I understand, sir.”
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“Hmm, would your other teammates be interested in joining? I understand that that redhead got fairly injured in the attack... On second thought, perhaps not. They don’t seem the type to know how to mesh with high society. Ah, I’ll bring Adrastia along as our bodyguard though. It’s been far too long since I’ve had a proper chat with her.”
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restingonlarls · 1 year ago
"A poet," Renatus nodded in delighted confirmation. He wanted to lean in, to kiss her... but he was just so distracted by the bountiful bosom that was just pouring into his hands. How the hell did Willow restrain these? Why did she hide them? Dressing so very conservatively. Mmm, well there was something to be said about she was just poured into outfits that technically covered everything...
But he rather liked seeing her bare, flushed skin.
"For I find myself at a loss for words..." Renatus continued, tentatively pawing at those wonderful globes. His pace even slowed momentarily, so enraptured was he. Momentarily being the operative word there, for when he picked back up he was ravenous. "Oh, Willow, you are perfect."
His hips slammed into hers and one could almost see the ripples that caused. There was no more taking it slow (as if one could call what they'd been doing up to now SLOW). He pounded into her tight, needy pussy with reckless abandon. As far as kissing her went, Renatus settled on a compromise. His lips eagerly found purchase on her newly exposed nipples.
The noises escaping her lips were music to his ears. But what delighted him more was that it was a conscious effort on Willow’s part. He had _watched_ her begin to raise her hand to her mouth, to stifle those wanton, slutty moans. He had _watched her_ consciously make the choice to stop, to lower her hand, to let her voice flow freely.
Oh, there was still some resistance there. That pleasure-filled keening couldn’t compare to the pure wanton lust filled _gasp_ when he had first thrust in. That was fine. This was a work in progress. He would tear down her walls gradually, until she could freely let herself go. Until she fully gave herself to him.
The fact that she was already making the effort to stifle her embarrassment? That spoke volumes.
“Good girl…” Renatus cooed on the next thrust. He was starting to get into a steady pace, his hips pistoning her slowly at first but now starting to pick up some steam. Putting a bit of force into it.
All the while his fingers continued to mess with the buttons on her blouse, a task made more difficult by their _other_ excercise. But soon enough… Willow’s top was already so strained. It didn’t take much to get it to fly free.
“Oh, they should have sent a poet.” Renatus mused.
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teamlarl · 6 years ago
I’ve added specific verses for the actual Volumes, to give a better idea of when most of my threads take place. In order they are:
Welcome to Haven (V1)
Vytal Interests (V2 to V3)
Diaspora (Between V3 and V4)
No Safe Haven (V4 to V6)
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teamlarl · 4 years ago
FCs of Renatus Nicator
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Child: 63 - 76 PW v; childhood
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Teenager: 76 - 84 PW v; Welcome to Haven (V1) | v; Vytal Interests (V2 to V3) | v; Diaspora (Between V3 and V4) | v; No Safe Haven (V4 to V6) | v; Fall (V7 onwards)
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Young Adult: 84 - 90 PW v; Civil War | v; Renaissance
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Emperor: 90 - 115 PW v; Renaissance | v; Next Gen
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Old: 115 PW - ??? v; Next Gen | v; Question of Succession
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teamlarl · 1 year ago
Yes, yes. There was that little matter of Willow's place in high society. If Willow went missing for the night. Well. Actually...
Renatus shot his lover a gentle, understanding look. "I'm sorry, but I doubt either of us could make it to Mantle in time. Not on foot. Not with the time we have left in the day." He shook his head and sighed. His mind poured over a mental map of the area, but it wasn't as refined as his knowledge of Mistral and the surrounding areas.
They'd been a good ways towards their destination. A ranch where he had intended to take her horseback riding. And that wasn't exactly close to Atlas. About an hour flight. Going quite fast. And they'd gone down about halfway through their flight. Only the gods knew where they'd crashed, only that it was heavily forested.
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"Given that the bullhead was going about 400 miles per hour, and we went down 30 minutes in, I'd say we're about 200 miles from Atlas. And, unfortunately, on about average you can usually only see things as tall as mountains, or in this case a floating city, from about 100 miles away. On clear days. So..."
He hated being the bearer of bad news, but this was reality and they had to live with it. Better to deal with that instead of panicking or indulging in delusions. This was a matter of survival now.
"The average person can travel about 15 miles a day on foot. But we have aura. We're trained huntsmen. Albeit I'm still in training and you're retired. Still, we can cover more ground than normal people would. I'm confident we can bump that up to 25 if we push ourselves. But..."
He shot Willow an extremely apologetic look. Reaching over, he grabbed her hand and squeezed it comfortingly.
"It will take us around a week to get back to Atlas. Assuming we don't run into any patrols or find any vehicles. Maybe we can cut that down. But we won't be back by tonight, Willow. I'm sorry."
“Me?” Renatus chuckled. “Please, these are just flesh wounds. And they’re already being healed, see?” He gestured towards his bruises and scraped, which were indeed gradually lessening. Perhaps not as quickly as they would were he topped off, but oh well. It was something.
He struggled to get to his feet but steadied himself on a nearby tree. Renatus gazed up towards the sky, which in this case was mostly covered by the dense foliage of this old growth forest. Still, he could vaguely make out the smoke trail that marked the flight path of their downed ship. And it was pretty obvious where the bullhead had landed, considering…
“So we came from that direction, but there’s no guarantee the crashing bullhead flew in a straight line…” Renatus murmured to himself. He tilted his head down and scanned the treeline. There was a deer or two sprinting away from the crash sight, but other than that… That’s about what he expected. The real dangers didn’t come out till night, usually.
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“Thankfully,” he spoke louder for Willow’s benefit. “I’ve done this before. The first order of business is going to be shelter, food, and water. The latter won’t be difficult. This is Atlas. There’s freshwater everywhere.” He gestured towards the snowy ground. “But that also means it’s cold. Too cold. So shelter needs to be our priority. Shelter and starting a fire.”
This came naturally to him. Taking charge of the situation. Though to be fair he hadn’t been lying. He was somewhat of an expert at this. Unfortunately.
He glanced at Willow and shot her a confident grin.
“I marked the direction the ship came from, and that was just a half hour flight. Tonight, we take shelter and make sure we’re okay. In the morning we set off towards Atlas. Shouldn’t be hard. It’s a massive floating country sized rock in the sky.”
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restingonlarls · 1 year ago
The noises escaping her lips were music to his ears. But what delighted him more was that it was a conscious effort on Willow's part. He had _watched_ her begin to raise her hand to her mouth, to stifle those wanton, slutty moans. He had _watched her_ consciously make the choice to stop, to lower her hand, to let her voice flow freely.
Oh, there was still some resistance there. That pleasure-filled keening couldn't compare to the pure wanton lust filled _gasp_ when he had first thrust in. That was fine. This was a work in progress. He would tear down her walls gradually, until she could freely let herself go. Until she fully gave herself to him.
The fact that she was already making the effort to stifle her embarrassment? That spoke volumes.
"Good girl..." Renatus cooed on the next thrust. He was starting to get into a steady pace, his hips pistoning her slowly at first but now starting to pick up some steam. Putting a bit of force into it.
All the while his fingers continued to mess with the buttons on her blouse, a task made more difficult by their _other_ excercise. But soon enough... Willow's top was already so strained. It didn't take much to get it to fly free.
"Oh, they should have sent a poet." Renatus mused.
Oh, it could have been studied, the way they were both so quickly reduced to desperate, rutting animals. Pure instinct took over, and said instincts were screaming at him that Willow was the perfect mate for him, that she would could give him such children… after all she’d already proven her ability in that regard.
The way she cried out wantonly, in such all-consuming pleasure that she sounded right out of a particularly ridiculous porn shoot.
Lonely Married MILF Gets Rawed By Her Daughter’s Friend
Hmm. It had a nice ring to it. Maybe a bit wordy. He’d workshop it.
“Ohhh gods, Willow!” Renatus moaned out. “You weren’t kidding with how bad you needed this, because you… are… tight.”
Not just an idle comment meant to flatter her either. Her inner muscles had him in a vice grip, like once he was inside her she didn’t want to ever let go. Which, all things considered, she probably didn’t. And he understood. Now that he was getting a taste of her, Renatus wasn’t sure he could ever bear to be apart from Willow either.
“That’s it…” Renatus cooed as he arduously pulled back out of Willow… only to slam his cock right back into her down to his base once more. “I want to hear you, Willow.” His fingers began to busily fiddle with the buttons on her blouse. “Let anyone who hears think your animals are going at it, which, well…” He chuckled. “Wouldn’t be too far from the truth.”
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restingonlarls · 1 year ago
Oh, it could have been studied, the way they were both so quickly reduced to desperate, rutting animals. Pure instinct took over, and said instincts were screaming at him that Willow was the perfect mate for him, that she would could give him such children... after all she'd already proven her ability in that regard.
The way she cried out wantonly, in such all-consuming pleasure that she sounded right out of a particularly ridiculous porn shoot.
Lonely Married MILF Gets Rawed By Her Daughter's Friend
Hmm. It had a nice ring to it. Maybe a bit wordy. He'd workshop it.
"Ohhh gods, Willow!" Renatus moaned out. "You weren't kidding with how bad you needed this, because you... are... tight."
Not just an idle comment meant to flatter her either. Her inner muscles had him in a vice grip, like once he was inside her she didn't want to ever let go. Which, all things considered, she probably didn't. And he understood. Now that he was getting a taste of her, Renatus wasn't sure he could ever bear to be apart from Willow either.
"That's it..." Renatus cooed as he arduously pulled back out of Willow... only to slam his cock right back into her down to his base once more. "I want to hear you, Willow." His fingers began to busily fiddle with the buttons on her blouse. "Let anyone who hears think your animals are going at it, which, well..." He chuckled. "Wouldn't be too far from the truth."
“Friend.” Renatus noted, all but preening as he listened to Willow try to explain herself. “Oh, I don’t know… Weiss is… more than a friend, I think. Less than…” Knowing that he now held the woman underneath him quite literally in the palm of his hands, Renatus cupped quite a hefty amount of her still clothed chest.
Needless to say, it still didn’t remotely fit.
“Less than this.” Renatus continued. “Weiss and I are close. Ah,” he chuckled, “but not this close. You’ve more than eclipsed her in that way. And in record time too. Perhaps I should have been given the order to court you? I seem to have succeeded in record time. But it’s just as well.” A low growl emanated from the back of his throat. “We already discussed how I don’t like being told who to court, who to seduce. So this…? This is all me. All my desire.”
And then Willow was begging. Begging. For him. Well, a very specific part of him.
It was a good thing that Willow was rich, for it made tearing apart her pantyhose much easier to swallow. His gaze saw red, but not in a haze of rage, but of sheer, potent lust. Everything about this woman was stoking his flames, and her begging was the last straw of his restraint. Renatus practically fumbled over himself as his fingers rushed to undo his trousers and slip his cock out. His very erect, throbbing cock.
The one that was slapping against her soaked panties immediately. The one that was prodding against her entrance as he roughly pushed her panties to the side.
“You know, Willow…” Renatus whispered. “I’ve been thinking about this in the back of my mind since we first properly met.”
And then he pushed in.
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restingonlarls · 1 year ago
"Friend." Renatus noted, all but preening as he listened to Willow try to explain herself. "Oh, I don't know... Weiss is... more than a friend, I think. Less than..." Knowing that he now held the woman underneath him quite literally in the palm of his hands, Renatus cupped quite a hefty amount of her still clothed chest.
Needless to say, it still didn't remotely fit.
"Less than this." Renatus continued. "Weiss and I are close. Ah," he chuckled, "but not this close. You've more than eclipsed her in that way. And in record time too. Perhaps I should have been given the order to court you? I seem to have succeeded in record time. But it's just as well." A low growl emanated from the back of his throat. "We already discussed how I don't like being told who to court, who to seduce. So this...? This is all me. All my desire."
And then Willow was begging. Begging. For him. Well, a very specific part of him.
It was a good thing that Willow was rich, for it made tearing apart her pantyhose much easier to swallow. His gaze saw red, but not in a haze of rage, but of sheer, potent lust. Everything about this woman was stoking his flames, and her begging was the last straw of his restraint. Renatus practically fumbled over himself as his fingers rushed to undo his trousers and slip his cock out. His very erect, throbbing cock.
The one that was slapping against her soaked panties immediately. The one that was prodding against her entrance as he roughly pushed her panties to the side.
"You know, Willow..." Renatus whispered. "I've been thinking about this in the back of my mind since we first properly met."
And then he pushed in.
Watching Willow’s switch get flipped was doing things to him. All that token resistance melted away at the slightest push… and then the real Willow Schnee came out. The Willow Schnee that was desperate to be loved, that needed him and him alone like a raging inferno needed oxygen.
Oxygen that he was more than willing to give her. After all, was this not a form of mouth-to-mouth? Was he not giving her life-saving CPR? Albeit… obviously not in the traditional sense. But his lips were on hers and he was saving her nonetheless.
The two of them tumbled down onto the chaise in a much more comfortable position. Renatus was fully on top of her now, on top of the mother of the girl he had been sent here to seduce. Oops. At the moment he couldn’t find it in himself to care… For Willow’s lips felt so perfectly suited to his own, and her own ravenous demeanor inflamed his own.
Like a feedback loop of desire.
“I like it when you beg.” Renatus murmured against her lips. His knee was still slotted right between her thighs, and he was not afraid to apply some pressure there. “Especially knowing that you’ve wanted this since the moment I walked through the manor doors.”
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