#v; destiny is for people who are too lazy to create alternate timelines ;; ( 2012 )
MCU ::
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sub v ;; ( infinity war )
Thanos is here. The fight has begun. Loki survives his encounter with the Titan, having been protected by his magick, but is left broken, weakened, and far from his brother. He has a choice to make, return to the fight or flee and save himself.
Other options for this verse :
·         Thor is killed by Thanos, Loki escapes the Asgardian’s ship instead           (essentially taking Thor’s place in IW) ·         Both Loki and Thor escape. ·         Loki survives until the snap. He is one of the ‘dusted’.
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sub v ;; ( endgame )
Tired of running from his fate, from his problems, Loki finds his way back to Midgard and is reunited with Thor and The Avengers in time for the final battle against Thanos.
Other options :
·         If Loki was one of the ‘dusted’, he returns with the rest.
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v; destiny is for people who are too lazy to create alternate timelines ;; ( 2012 )
2012 Loki, after escaping with the tesseract in endgame. tbd
AU ::
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v; let’s tell a different story; let’s be something new ;; ( specified au )
Any sort of AU that’s been plotted, part of an ask meme, or just doesn’t fit within the predestined verses (i.e victorian, vampire, etc).
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v; I hereby pledge to you; my undying fidelity ;; ( child of thanos au )
After failing to take over the Earth with the army of Chitauri, Thanos gave Loki another chance. Pledging himself to the Titan, Loki now works for him, attempting to help find and obtain the infinity stones. He’s now a Child of Thanos.
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v; valhalla awaits ;; ( afterlife )
Loki never expected that his path would lead him to Valhalla, after all, as Jotun, his race is unable to enter the Realm, and his actions could not always be deemed honourable. Yet, he is a son of Odin, regardless of blood, and in sacrificing his life to save the rest of the Aesir and his brother from Thanos, Loki earned his place in the golden hall. Finally, he is reunited with his mother.
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