#v; SHSL Observer { Danganronpa }
@ultimateitako​ ll From here
The screams wouldn’t cease, not for a while as least. The medium continued to thrash about, hands clutching her head harshly as squirmed as if she were being tortured in a lab.
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Tears started to prick at the corners of her eyes, it was becoming unbearable; Yet still she continued to fight it. Fighting it all inside her head as she writhed in pain, falling to her knees upon the ground as she gritted her teeth. Biting down on her tongue-Anything she could do to try and silence her screams…
Silenced they were… But only because she lost the battle, drained and exhausted as her body became host to…
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“Hehehe….Hehehehe…..Hehehehehehehe-” A twisted smile as she risen, just as quick as she fallen. “…What are you staring at?… Shouldn’t you be running away?” Wait…That wasn’t footsteps she was hearing…
“…..Oh,…More like wheeling away? The poor little hamster can’t run so she has to use wheels?”
❥ It was like being stuck in a nightmare - similar to many of ones she’d already had when she attended Akademi High School. When she’d stopped dreaming about killing those she once called her rivals and first realized what it was like to be worried for someone’s safety. She’d been haunted by screams like the one she heard now. In her nightmares, it was usually her mother’s responsibility, punishing her for daring to stray off the path that had been set for her family for generations.
But this wasn’t a dream, much as she wished it was. Reina’s screams were muffled, obviously trying to be held back - but to her, they were all too audible. Even the other students didn’t believe her, as unthinkable as it was that they’d simply ignore them....well, she knew how cruel people could be. The bystander effect didn’t make them all inhuman, but it was more powerful than most could imagine. 
She didn’t use to have the problem of emotion overriding the logic of her actions, but it was very human flaw that sent her on the fool’s errand to see what was wrong, try to help...
Just what help did she think she could offer? That truth hit her like a ton of bricks as soon as she saw what she was up against.
Had she not been to Oka’s occult club as many times as she did, maybe she wouldn’t have known - but she was no stranger to the concept of demonic possession. 
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“Hah....a hamster? No, I think they’d be much faster than me...” she replied, with a nervous laugh. 
Had it purely been up to her, she’d probably started to antagonize the thing - she had a long history of masochism and self-punishment. It would seem only fitting that she’d come into contact with demons once again.
But Reina - she’d be devastated if anything happened to her. No, there was no way she could be that selfish. Reina didn’t need more rumors spreading about her. 
“So uh, guess you can’t make much more out of her eyes than she can, huh? They must be really messed up...” 
She was joking around, trying to let its guard down to the fact that she was trying to asses the situation. (God -  It had been a while a since she had to pretend to be someone she wasn't ). If this monster could see or not....that could make things a lot worse for Reina  if people thought she was faking her blindness, wouldn’t it? 
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lovelornings · 4 years
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@coldcaring​ said :  ✋ + 🤜 😱
🥀Blood Drip Aesthetic Starters🥀 ll Accepting 
(✋) My Muse’s hands are dripping with blood.
(🤜) My Muse’s knuckles are bruised up.
To reverse the effects onto your muse, send ‘+😱’
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❥ “Tucker-san...?”
Her voice comes out as meek, almost barely audible as she stares at the girl who’d just walked in; the annoyance at being at their predetermined meeting being a few minutes late suddenly dissipated the moment she gets a look at her aid’s injuries.
She looked thoroughly beaten, burst blood vessels having left a number of bruises, and her hands holding the worst damage of all - almost like she’d punched a concrete wall. She hated that she couldn’t see the true extent of the damage done. It was all too coated in blood for her to see, even with her sense of observation.
“W...what happened...?”
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❥ “I’m more upset about Reina breaking Miu’s customization on my wheelchair than I am about the broken rib. I don’t understand why she’s being so hard on herself. I find it....upsetting.” 
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@trinitytalents​ ll From Here
Miyako simply nodded in agreement, ‘no’ felt like an emotion. It was of course worrying to hear such a thing from someone else but it was difficult to not simply agree. Everything felt like a no. Like things might fall apart, that she should be socializing. But no. She didn’t feel in the right mindset to do it.
For a bit she kept watching the cloud, laying in the grass and simply letting her thoughts drift away. Forgetting about everything going on around her for a little while. After a brief moment of silent she looked over at Ayano “Do you want to watch the clouds with me?”
❥ - She was no stranger to the concept of apathy, but for someone who’d known its true depths beforehand, she didn’t feel saying she was apathetic would cover her current lack of motivation to do...anything really. It wasn’t as bad as that. Just...not her day. 
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“....yeah. Sure.” There was a bit of a delay between when the question had been asked and when she decided to answer, a trace of a smile appearing on her lips at the thought.  Even if she was here for the sake of observing things, it was rare she did so outside. She’d been told to avoid pollen for the sake of her over-sensitive lungs, but for now, she didn’t seem to care. 
“Don’t take the fact that I don’t lie down with you personally, though. It’d just be hard for me to get back up.” 
But, maybe she could have guessed that - wheelchair and everything. 
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lovelornings · 4 years
v; SHSL Observer { Danganronpa }
Severe content warning for Self Harm and Caregiver Abuse 
She wasn’t  conceived in love. She shouldn’t even exist.
The feeling reached its boiling point at school - and out of a frenzy driven impulsion Yumi drove a pair of scissors into her left hand- cutting through tendons and muscles. The principal attempted to call home; it was then that they discovered she had been abandoned.
There was only one place for a kid like her: a mental, state owned institution, far away from the eyes of the public where it could not tarnish the image of her home town anymore than it already was.
The staff was wholly untrained to deal with her. She was unmistakable and utterly self-destructive from the moment she had arrived. . She had never had to self pacify these feelings of self hatred.  She started tearing apart her skin with her fingernails and puncturing her arms repeatedly with plastic forks- a punishment she felt she had to bare.  And to this, the staff were lazy in their solution for it. Instead of dealing with the origin of the issue, the simply restrained her from hurting herself…or at least tried to. Putting elbow restraints and straight jackets didn’t exactly stop her. It just help worsen the under stimulation that was driving her mad when they isolated her. She began to doubt her own existence, wanting anything to anchor her to reality again.  She’d bang her head against bed railings, and the lack of a padded room meant she had to be restrained using belts on the bed.
She felt helpless once again, as much as she ever had with her mother. Worse yet,  there was nothing to look at, nothing to do, nothing to see -
Not when she was hysterical, at least.
Desperate for stimulation to keep any form of sanity, it was then that Yumi’s talent would develop: she became hyper aware of everything going around her. As someone who had already been sensitive to repeating patterns and watching Ai’s every move - the transition was hardly surprising.
It wasn’t until a year later that she’d finally be free of that place; the mental institution having several charges of child abuse put upon them once she was discovered in that room. Her ability to notice small details, to remember the most minute thing was out of place was quickly recognized.  
Word of the horrible abuse the girl had gone through spread through the news, the public understandably outraged by the state she was in. While Hope Peak’s Academy had sights on her talent of never letting the smallest of details go unnoticed, the broken shell of a human being that housed it wasn’t so much as able to function on her own. Her muscles were contracted, all strength in them lost from the immobility she’d been under. While there was a chance the damage could be reserved, it would undoubtedly take years to get there.
For now, she was dependent on the services of hope’s peak and the other students for most tasks in her daily life.
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{ Verse revamp tag dump! Naming some, reorganizing some by clearing out inactives - hopefully this’ll become more organized now.
I may be subject to re-adding certain verses later if they become active again 
I’ll be doing an info dump of ones that have gone through significant changes in a bit through this afternoon }
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lovelornings · 4 years
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@coldcaring​ said:  "Heads up!" Is called only moments before something hits Yumi in the back of the head. The person who threw it is rushing over when it does, a concerned expression on her pale face, "Shit, sorry... Didn't mean to hit you. Here, I heard your stomach growling." She picks up what had now fallen to the floor, revealing it was a small pack of saltine crackers. Did she just... have that on her?
❥ She’d known someone was behind her, of course. The footsteps were hard to miss, the approach even more so when she could pick out the number of items being held in what she thought was an open bag. Yumi hadn’t thought much of it, just waiting for the distraction to pass so she could get back to the history book on her lap. It’s not exactly a passion of hers, but it was better than staring at the walls all day.
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“Ah! Damn you-! What the hell?!” She let out a bitter bitter growl as the object hit her in the back of the head, book falling with a thump on the ground as her legs jerked in surprise. 
She immediately thought it was another case of some bored jerk taking advantage of her crippled state, looking to the book that had been knocked out of her lap with disdain. Though the apology and the offer of food she got afterwards seemed to counter the thought, she was still far less than pleased with the situation. Like hell she’d be comfortable eating in front of a stranger when she could barely do it by herself...
“What, you planning on hand feeding them to me or just staring at me while I drop them everywhere? But what the hell....maybe it hadn’t occurred to you if you think I still catch things...dammit...I hope I didn’t tear any of the pages...” 
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Mains Update: SHSL Observer ( Danganronpa  ) 
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Iruma Miu ( ssclpeels )
Miu’s not exactly the type of person Ayano had ever strived to be friends with. Loud and crass, neither of them really had any desire to cross each others paths. That is, before a chance encounter at a hospital left Miu terrified enough to require Ayano’s help and company. As thanks, Miu helped automatize Ayano’s wheelchair - and Ayano’s found herself attached to her ever since.
You’d might have a hard time seeing them as friends at first, though - but Ayano fully enjoys being treated like a human being again in their arguments
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@ultimateitako​ ll From here
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“Ah!-M-My apologies!”
Reina immediately stood, taking a few steps forward before rhythmically turning around giving a deep bow of apology. “I did not realise you were already sitting down-I was told there was a chair behind me so I…I apologise.”
Embarrassment both evident in her voice and body language, she should have known better then to take others words for the truth!… Or take them too literally.
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❥ “It was a half truth. It’s a wheelchair. My chair.” Perhaps it was Ayano’s attempt at a half joke, but it certainly was too full of spite to land.
 The anger wasn’t directed at the blind girl who’d fallen victim to the prank, however, but rather the students snickering in the corner who’d offer her the advice to begin with. 
She gave a heavy sigh, watching them walk away in a long moment of silence before she spoke again; certainly leaving a heavy layer of tension in the air.
“It’s fine.” she finally replied, bringing an uncoordinated hand down on her lap in a shaky attempt to smooth out the ruffles made in her clothing. “The more fortunate will always take advantage of those who can’t defend themselves. I’ve come to accept that.”
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"I have met many a strange adult actually." Most of them were either dead and strange or well.. Yokai but they were adult yokai and many cool yokai strange!
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❥ “I think spending too much time alive seems to corrupt so many of them. I have to pity that.” 
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❥ Bears. What about them? She doesn’t get it.
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