#v:early days
honeycombwerewolfe · 3 years
Sitting down next to Bernie, on the couch, Serena clasped her partner's hand in hers. The tv was on but Serena wasn't interested in what was playing on the screen. Her mind was on other things. "Bernie? You know that night when we talked about um, having sex outdoors? How serious were you?" (bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire)
Bernie wasn’t much for television but she had it on for the news. Holby had run into a spot of bad PR recently and she wanted to catch Hanssen’s interview. It took a moment for her brain to switch over and really process what Serena had asked. The surprise of Serena’s timing was evident on Bernie’s face as she turned to stare at her girlfriend. “Uhm" - There was a pause as she finished gaping - "Why? I mean, d..did you have a...something particular in mind Serena?”
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honeycombwerewolfe · 4 years
What Womanhood Means:
Bernie didn’t have words for how appreciative she was of Serena. After their discussion the day before, about the strap on, Serena had managed to set Bernie completely at ease again. She hadn’t made Bernie feel pressured or guilty and quite honestly had pampered her a bit for the rest of the day...well Bernie would consider it that anyway. But now...it was their last free day before they went back into work...and who knew how long before their schedules aligned to allow them both time off like this. When she approached Serena, her face was directed down, watching as she picked at her own fingers nervously. It helped: Serena’s understanding...but Bernie couldn’t shake this feeling looming over her...that she needed to find a way to succeed at this. A part of her knew she wasn’t being rational but it was a small part easily drowned out by insecurity nurtured over the years by family she always seemed to be letting down in one way or another. She needed to prove she could be different with Serena...that she wouldn’t mess their relationship up as well. She needed to prove it to herself...and she thought this was the way to do that. In a way, perhaps it was. “Serena...”
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honeycombwerewolfe · 4 years
Learning the Ropes:
closed starter for @bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire
(AOBTP -ish mostly just a long post)
The first attempt had not gone quite to plan. No awkward trips to the ED thankfully but a lot of stopping and trying again...and, once they finally managed to proceed with the ropes on, an extremely nerve wracking 15 minutes without feeling or mobility in her left arm once they were removed.
The only thing that kept her remotely calm through it had been the knowledge that it was likely a blocked nerve path and would generally sort itself out on it’s own...in it’s own time. Luckily, that time ended up brief in her case. After that botched attempt they decided if they were going to try this again they needed to be better informed so they could avoid any injuries. They both agreed to look up tutorials and information online and..when their schedules finally allowed it to attend a beginners lesson together.
Bernie kept a hand on Serena protectively as they approached the very sketchy looking studio the lesson was hosted in. Once inside however, they were met with smiles and an atmosphere that relaxed her nerves. Everyone looked...normal. A range of adults in everyday clothes clustered about the room talking and laughing...mostly about ordinary things. A few were stretching or sitting on the floor. The lighting was enough to see properly by but warm enough to feel cozy. Water bottles, bags and bunches of neatly coiled rope lined the walls. The man who welcomed them and took their entrance fees asked for their names and introduced himself as Wolf which apparently was a shortened version of a username on some website most of the attendees seemed to be a member of. There were snacks on a table and plenty of friendly faces happy to start conversations with them which made waiting for the start of the lesson easier. When it did begin, Wolf and his ‘bottom’ gave a speech on the basic rules and safety guidelines before everyone partnered off to begin learning knots. Wolf and some other teachers went around to offer advise and review everyone’s ties. It felt more like a craft workshop with an excess of dirty jokes and innuendos more than anything sexual which was a relief to Bernie.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 4 years
Sat on the bed, back against the headboard, Serena held her arms open for Bernie - wanting the woman to join her. She spread her legs wide and patted the mattress in front of her, making it clear she wanted Bernie to sit there. "Come on. I think we both need this."
Bernie crawled up the bed and slunk down over Serena, arms wrapping around the woman as they lay flush against one another, an entanglement of limbs as Bernie’s cheek rested over Serena’s stomach. Today had been a very bad day. (I think this was...after the barrage of anons during the honesty thing right? lol I don’t remember) @bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire
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honeycombwerewolfe · 4 years
“Do you love me?” (bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire) (maybe for first time?)
Bernie nearly choked on her water, fixing Serena with a deer-in-the-headlights stare as she lowered the tumbler. “W..what?”
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honeycombwerewolfe · 4 years
🍻 “What’s the kinkiest thing you have ever done?” (bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire)
“Sereena!” Bernie exclaimed in what she thought was a quiet tone, both hands reaching out to try to pin Serena’s hands to the bar as Bernie turned her head to make sure no one could hear their conversation. “You can’just ask things like that...and besides, the only person I’ve ever been remotely” - Bernie leaned forward to whisper the next word - “kinky with is you.” @bisexualsurgeonextraordinaire
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
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honeycombwerewolfe · 2 years
A child (a teenager) of a serviceman is brought in, needing surgery. Charlie is brought to AAU to help. At one point, Bernie approaches and finds Charlie and the teen talking about their experiences of a parent being away in the military. Charlie explains it was hard and lonely and scary. That she missed Bernie terribly. But she also felt guilty because she knew Bernie was helping people and doing a job she loved. But knowing that didn’t stop Charlie from worrying or feeling hurt. How does Bernie react?
"Not much easier on the other end of things" - Bernie interrupted from behind Charlotte with a sheepish grin, hands wedged firmly in the pockets of her jeans whilst her gaze zeroed in on a spot off in the corner. - "knowing what it put's your family through. Missing out on so much...but, of course, I am...a bit biased in that area." - She took a breath, shoulders straightening and professional smile popping back into place - "Dr. Dunn, how are Mr. Hayes' post op results?"
Despite appearances, it had done a good bit of damage, that little conversation that was never meant for her ears...but this was work. And if Bernie was really being honest with herself, which was a hit or miss occurrence anyway, she would have held up a good front even if it was just her and Charlie.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 3 years
Searchable tags beneath the cut
Navigation Tags
headcanons and Bernie vibes - XxIm not ashamed of who I am but of the hurt Ive causedxX
music - XxIsnt it Dusty SpringfieldxX
face claim - Xxmy hair is much better than she describedxX
open starters - open starter
prompts/memes/asks - Xxany questionsxX
answered asks/anons - Xxradio silencexX
Serena tag - Xxthe girlfriend fraulein CampbellxX
RP Blog Promos - lets have a promo day shall we?
Verse tags:
v:early days – Before Ellie’s death.
v:after ellie – After Ellie’s death but before Bernie joined Serena in the South of France.
v:thumb twiddling – Between Bernie Leaving Holby and Bernie leaving Serena. Jason has moved out of Serena’s and has his own life with his new family.
v:together at last – After Leah and the breakup, Bernie returned and the two moved in together finally admitting that they wanted a life together more than anything else.
v:on secondment - When Bernie is working away from Holby City (usually used as an excuse for crossovers)
V: All they found were her dogtags - Everyone thinks Bernie died in the explosion but two years later she returns out of the blue…and has to deal with the consequences of that disappearance.
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honeycombwerewolfe · 3 years
long post: About Muse below the cut
(This is a fictional character RP blog. I do not make gifs: I use ones from tumblr posts that are reblogged here)
Major Berenice “Bernie” Griselda Wolfe. One of the Country’s Best Front Line Surgeons. Big Macho Army Medic. Not Maria von Trapp. Age: Old enough to show you a thing or two Height: 5’ 8" Gender: Female “she/her” Sexuality: Lesbian Appearance: Blonde hair, Brown eyes, Pale complexion Family:
Son: Cameron Dunn age 25
Daughter: Charlotte Dunn age 28
Exhusband: Marcus Dunn
Fiancé: Serena Campbell
Personality: Not the best homemaker, ambitious, confident, stubborn, workaholic, playful, no-nonsense attitude at work, bit brusk, straight shooter in most cases, not the best bedside manner…and not the best with confronting emotions. ________________________________ Backstory: A roadside IED changed her life. After surviving simultaneous open heart and spinal surgery followed by a TB scare, she was forced to choose between going back to her career or making a go at saving her marriage. She chose the latter but things didn’t play out as planned. Taking a job at Holby City, she struggled to adjust to life outside the army. Her attempts were only exasperated when Alex Dawson showed up on the ward. Bernie decided to stick it out and give Holby a chance…her marriage however not so much. She couldn’t bring herself to tell Marcus the real reason but the rumor mill at Holby soon did the job for her. Bernie had been having an affair with Alex while they were working together in the army.  Her two children, Charlotte and Cameron took his side…and to a degree she understood. She had caused so much pain…but they were still her kids and she missed them….missed talking to them.
The first time she heard from her son Cameron after the divorce was when he showed up in Holby as a car crash patient. The first stone laid in repairing one of the many bridges she had burned down to the ground.
Her daughter took a bit longer to come around but even that relationship was on the mend.
One tentative bridge she seemed to keep having to repair before it was even finished being built…was with Serena Campbell, her co-lead in the AAU department at Holby. Bernie kept making mistakes…kept taking the cowards way out when she just wanted to keep from hurting more people..from losing more friends. Bernie tried and tries still to do better.
Years brought challenges to the couple: the death of Serena’s daughter Ellie, long distance relationships with the occasional breakup peppered in, and Serena’s own indiscretion with an F1 named Leah. In the end, Bernie and Serena chose to own up to their mistakes and work on being better for each other. Bernie gave up her home and job to come back to Holby…back to Serena.
v:early days – Before Ellie’s death.
v:after ellie – After Ellie’s death but before Bernie joined Serena in the South of France.
v:thumb twiddling – Between Bernie Leaving Holby and Bernie leaving Serena. Jason has moved out of Serena’s and has his own life with his new family.
v:on secondment - Time period where Bernie is working on loan at other locations.
v:together at last – After Leah and the breakup, Bernie returned and the two moved in together finally admitting that they wanted a life together more than anything else.
V: All they found were her dogtags - Everyone thinks Bernie died in the explosion but two years later she returns out of the blue…and has to deal with the consequences of that disappearance.
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