#v: youngest duckburg billionaire | dt17 canon
waddletm · 5 years
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Mark quietly trudges over to the duck, and without so much as a word, he wraps his arms around him and buries his head against his shoulder. His tail feathers are drooping, and it looks like he’s been picking at his neck feathers again. A shuddering sigh escapes him, and finally, he murmurs, “Family’s nothing but trouble.”
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waddletm · 5 years
Mark’s wearing Fethry’s hat, sweater and jacket, and strutting along with a milkshake in one hand, and his phone in the other. He makes a deliberate show of walking past Abner, waggling his crimson tail feathers like a matador taunting a bull.
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He’s done playing nice. He’s not going to engage first, though. No, no. He doesn’t start fights. If Abner decides to lash out, he’ll have plausible deniability.
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waddletm · 5 years
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Hands shaking, Mark took in a deep breath. It was okay-- the end of the world had been averted, after all. He’d seen him with the other McDucks on the news at the end... He pressed the call button, holding the phone up to his ear.
“....Fethry? It’s me, Mark. I just... wanted to make sure you were okay.”
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waddletm · 5 years
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“So... it’s kinda fucked. Even as the temperature was dropping, and it seemed like we were all gonna die... I didn’t even care. Not about myself, at least...”
“...Shit, man... do I need therapy?”
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waddletm · 5 years
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Rave music thuds in the background as Mark downs yet another drink. He’s been at this for almost two hours now. He’s absolutely knackered.
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waddletm · 5 years
cont. | @abnerantisocialduck
“Eh, it keeps me from going nuts from boredom.” Mark shrugs noncommittally, glancing away again and tapping at his phone yet again. “You keep saying things like that. That you’re tough, strong, a real macho man and above things like feelings...” He sends a post and pockets the phone, finally turning to face Abner completely. He’s let his cheery facade drop, having figured out it doesn’t work around him. He’s too much like his father.
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“You’re just trying to pretend that you haven’t been hurt. That he didn’t mess you up. Come on, Abner, drop the act and admit that you’re not indestructible! That it’s okay to feel things! The way you are now... maybe it helps you, but it doesn’t help Fethry. Or mini-Fethry. Or anyone else you might care about or not care about.”
He hasn’t forgotten their rocky start. Abner still owes him that apology.
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waddletm · 5 years
"Hey! You spoiled millennial kid, I don't like you around my brother Fethry! Get lost, will ya? You're a bad influence! Go play with your tech toys somewhere else! FAR AWAY!" @abnerantisocialduck
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Oh. So this was Fethry’s brother. Mark’s neck feathers quietly bristled as he narrowed his eyes, taking in his appearance. He’s pretty much exactly what he’d expected, more or less. Scowling, with cropped hair, muscular… the typical jock asshole.
“You know somethin’, buddy? It’s not your place to decide who Fethry’s friends are. I don’t see how I could be a bad influence when you’re standing right there. Also, uh, like… you can’t tell me what to do either! You’re not my dad!”
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waddletm · 5 years
cont. | @abnerantisocialduck
Mark’s grip on his phone tightened, whatever was trending forgotten as he set his eyes firmly on Abner. He narrowed his gaze, sneering as he retorted, “What-- you think I’m planning to use Fethry for something? You really are just dumb muscle, aren’t you? Yeah, I’m totally using him for stuff--” his tone dripping with sarcasm, “--I’d just love to betray and alienate my super chill ocean fun buddy! Just like his family’s done to him time and time again!”
“And don’t think you’re exempt from that, Mr. Lumberbrain!”
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The authoritative tone made his chest tighten and his pulse race, but Mark refused to back down. He wouldn’t take it from his own family anymore-- why should he take it from him? “You’re not the boss of me! I don’t have to listen to you! If you want to keep me away from Fethry, you’re going to have to force me!”
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waddletm · 5 years
cont. | @abnerantisocialduck
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Mark had fully expected the duck to lash out at him in some way, if not simply get flustered and run. He certainly didn’t expect for Abner to trap him in a hug, grasping at him like he was a lifeline. He didn’t expect him to start kissing him back like he was a man dying of thirst and he was the oasis. He didn’t expect him to start desperately tearing at his shirt, exposing his feathers to the warm air between them.
But he didn’t object. Mark let the feathers on his neck ruffle up in excitement, letting out a soft noise as he moves his hands up. One hand cups the back of Abner’s head, the other snaking up around his back to rest between his shoulderblades. Bringing him in closer, closer.
He breaks the kiss for only a moment to catch his breath, his voice a shaky whisper. “A-ab-- Abner.” He breathes, meeting the duck’s eyes, cheeks flushed. “Slow down, now. There’s no need to rush. We have all the time in the world to enjoy this.”
Leaning in, he lets his beak brush against the duck’s feathered cheek. Shifting in his arms as he whispers, “Let me show you how good it can be.”
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waddletm · 5 years
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Mark quietly sits on the roof of Waddle HQ, letting his feet dangle over the side as he taps at his phone. He’s nursing the mother of all hangovers, his eyes sore and red-rimmed from what was likely a lot of crying. Scrolling through his older tweets, focusing on any that involve Fethry-- or things that Fethry talked about or liked.
He lets out a sigh, bowing his head forlornly.
“God... I really messed this up big time. He’ll probably never want to talk to me again.” He took in a shaky breath, rubbing at his eyes to keep himself from crying again. “I don’t wanna lose him, too... n-no... I... I have to let him come to me. I can’t... I can’t be like the rest of his family and try to force what I want on him.”
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waddletm · 5 years
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waddletm · 5 years
🤫 gYRO
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“…I may or may not be jealous of you, Gearhead.” Mark says it so quickly one could almost miss it. “I mean… I know I’m obviously smarter than you and can make better inventions, but you…”
He folds his arms and looks away.
“People actually care about you. Like, legit care. But none of my millions of followers have ever really been there when I needed someone. So maybe… stop taking them for granted.”
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waddletm · 5 years
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“Hey, yo, Fethry! My ocean buddy! Do you wanna, like... go out for pizza or something? Maybe hang out by the pier after for some fish-watching?”
He wants Fethry’s company, yes, but there are a few different reasons. One, to spite Abner. Two, to make sure Fethry’s alright. And three, to try to get his mind off of recent events.
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waddletm · 5 years
[ my muse is dizzy ]
Mark wasn’t really sure when the last time he ate was. It couldn’t have been that long ago, right? He pondered, as he paced the asphalt yard of Waddle HQ. Tapping at his phone, a frown on his beak. He had been so focused on his latest project that he’d even forgotten to eat.
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Now he was outside, waiting for a delivery on equipment he needed… while struggling to stay upright. He groaned and swayed, holding his head. “Ugh… Gotta… stay up…” He murmured, barely noticing the duck approaching him.
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waddletm · 5 years
( 🤫 - Fenton 'cause the duck muse is curious. XD )
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“I’ve got a secret for you, Gizmoduck.” He avoids looking him directly in the eye, instead choosing to pace around and focus his attention elsewhere. “I hate myself, but nobody would ever guess it with how I act in public. I need their attention like you need air. But you stole that attention from me. Left me to drown in your shadow.”
“So you act like I’m the bad guy, just for being so desperate that I’d do anything to get the public’s eyes back on me? Some hero.”
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waddletm · 5 years
🤫 (Falcon - aflockoffeathers. I know we haven't interacted before, so, only if you wanna of course
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“Do you want to know something, Graves? When you threatened to throw me off the roof… I genuinely didn’t care. If you were just doing it for show, that was fine. If you actually went through with it… that was fine too. I didn’t even plan to land on the trampolines, I just… got lucky.”
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