#v: the schway and the shirt stealer
dementedspeedster · 1 year
deb vc; i recommend anyone that's not a hero. really why do you keep dating heroes? like not even /cool/ heroes
Accepting || Recommend romantic candidates for my muses and see their reaction! Or question my muse's taste. @legacychosen Heroes referenced: @volucerrubidus (Tim Drake) & @beyondiism-blog (Terry McGinnis) Verses: V: Do the Bad Thing & V: The Schway and the Shirt Stealer
Standing before Deb is not one, but two Thad Thawnes, and neither looks pleased by Deb's comment about their respective partner.
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"Whoa, whoa, whoa there." The older of the two Thad's pipes up first. This one dressed in their civilian clothes and seemingly pulled from their universe into this one, "Excuse you. How is dating someone who was the Batman of the Future, not cool?"
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Thad, the Thad from this universe who was still dressed in his costume, shoots the other a quirk of the brow at hearing that there was a version of himself dating a...future Batman. That was...interesting. Hopefully this didn't actually say anything about him as a person other than he seemed to have a thing for people with dark hair. The jury wasn't out on whether 'heroes' was another qualifier he had to add to the list.
"And...okay. I admit Tim doesn't seem cool at first, but he is. Sure he's a bit of a nerd and dork, but that's what makes him cool. He's always genuinely himself and is an amazing and talented person. Plus you'd know he wasn't such a bad person if you tried to get to know him. C'mon," He nudges her shoulder, "For me?"
"And look I don't know if heroes are exactly my thing given my limited track record with dating, but It's not as if anything's gone wrong so far, Deb. Despite our history and with a bit of work, Tim's been good to me. I don't think there's anything exactly wrong with my dating a hero. Certainly isn't anyone's business if I just happen to date one. I can't help that there was just something between us." His eyes avoid Deb at that last statement. He was not going to admit it was because Tim was a hero.
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"Uh-huh." Thad rolls his eyes and lets out an audible scoff that earns him a glare from the younger Inertia. He saw right through his other self.
"Look. As much as I hate to agree with the Inertia who thinks it's a good idea to date one of Bart's best friends. As if that's not going to blow up in your face." And also earns him a heated glared from the other Inertia.
"He is right. Chemistry just happens and in both of our instances it just happened to be with a hero." That surely wasn't his biases talk there. No, not at all. (It was.) "Anyway. In my case, Terry was the one who came after me. He was persistent and we had already had a friendship. And after I said 'yes,' it just all worked out. He's good to me. He's always good to me. He's sweet, and kind, and he cares. I was skeptical about our relationship, but we just clicked. And given my life" He pauses for a second before he nudges Deb's shoulder with his own, "Annnnd let's be real here. Isn't it a bit fun when everyone keeps telling you not to do something? Maybe you should try dating a hero, hm? At least don't knock it until you try it." He snickers.
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Inertia rolls his eyes at his other self's statement and turns his attention back to Deb, "Anyway, I guess what we're getting at is that we can't help who we have chemistry with. Just so happened that across universes that Thad Thawne has fallen for a hero twice." He shrugs as if it's not big deal, "It's not exactly a pattern we've got going here. Just a coincidence. No big deal. So don't worry about it."
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
🚼 Thad/terry
Accepting || send me a 🚼 and a ship I’ll use a doll-maker to design what I think a child between our two muses would look like
Ok, I've actually already made fankids for Thad and Terry before, so you're going to get more info on Rowan, who I don’t think I’ve talked about at all.
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Rowan McGinnis-Thawne
Rowan is the older sibling between himself and Trina (with there only being a year difference between them). For being a kid between Thad and Terry who both had wild youths and were prone to fighting (Thad due to being raised as a villain and Terry with his time spent in juvie and being prone to fighting and acting out in his youth) is incredibly calm personality-wise. Between himself and Trina he’s the calm who has to hold her temper and bold personality back.
Rowan like Trina has access to the Speed Force, but he is unable to keep his connection for very long in contrast to other speedsters like his sister and father. He’s more akin to a sprinter speed-wise. Rowan prefers tinkering with gadgets and acting as back up for his sister (tech and info-wise). He also has more of a natural penchant for acrobatics and parkour, but he’s not sure if being a hero is in the cards for him. He prefers to keep to the shadows and background. (Whenever Trina tries to pull him into a scheme or something he doesn’t want to do he’ll disappear without a sound and in an instance thanks to his speed. She hates it immensely.)
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
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Relationship Moodboard || Terry McGinnis/Thad Thawne
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dementedspeedster · 2 years
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Relationship Moodboard || Terry McGinnis/Thad Thawne
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dementedspeedster · 4 years
Why won't you accept the bear??!! And if I don't perform the ritual how will you know my love is true?
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“Because I’ve said no, and the fact I’m already dating someone, genius.“
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dementedspeedster · 5 years
I heard Thad is having a secret affair with a Batfam member.
Accepting || Send me a very scandalous rumor about my muse to see how they would react.  
“It-! It’s not!“ Thad yells indignantly. His tone is almost even screechy as the embarrassment catches up with him.
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“It’s not a secret affair in the least! We’re just not flaunting the fact we’re dating because we don’t need anyone judging or prodding at our relationship. So sprock off.”
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dementedspeedster · 5 years
what's your most embarrassing romantic moment?
Accepting || Send uncomfortable questions to my muse!
“Ah,” Thad laughs, “In retrospect it just might be how oblivious I was to Terry’s feelings.”
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“There were a lot of signs, and I missed every single one of them until he punched out a guy…” Thad crosses his arms in thought, “Well, I guess I still missed it at that point until he told me he liked me.”
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dementedspeedster · 6 years
do not make me make a barry blog to give you the talk
//omg you’d have to straight up earn thad’s trust and respect first. Thad’s a hard nut to crack.
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dementedspeedster · 3 years
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Picrew Source
I made more fankids (bottom two) for my own self indulgent pleasure. Also I just like the idea of Thad being a good parent.
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dementedspeedster · 4 years
What would you do if your boyfriend misplaced something you hold very dear and then blamed you for it?
//I apologize if this isn't the sort of answer you're looking for. I wasn't sure if you meant what would he do in that situation in general, or you meant specifically relating to his relationship.
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“Now I’m not sure if you’re asking in general or want an answer that specifically pertains to my relationship with Terry, but with regard to my own relationship I’d, well, I’d personally start reevaluating the nature of my relationship. I value trust greatly, and I don’t give it easily thanks to my past experiences, so for my partner to lie to me and blame me for something he knows isn’t true would hurt me deeply. More so than losing an object I hold very dear.” Thad states with a sigh, “I doubt he would ever do this, but if it ever happened I’d have to talk with him after calming down. I’d ask him why he did what he did. Tell him how it made me feel; that what really hurts here is that he lied to me and blamed me. I feel so comfortable with my partner that something like this would damage the foundation of trust we had built.”
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dementedspeedster · 4 years
You...you're already seeing someone? Oh. I'm...I'm truly sorry to have bothered you then. I'll leave you alone. I...just hope the person you're with knows how lucky they are.
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“Thanks, he does.“
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dementedspeedster · 4 years
Is there a quest I must complete? A dragon to smite? Relics to find? It would be an honor to risk everything for your hand!
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“Let me just say it again: My ‘hand’ is currently taken by someone else.”
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dementedspeedster · 5 years
💬 + i heard terry is just toying with you and doesnt actually like you
Accepting || Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.     
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Thad frowns and his voice is touch quieter than usual, “I doubt he would have been with me this long if he was just toying with me.”
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dementedspeedster · 5 years
Any valentines day plans?
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“Maybe.“ Thad smirks knowing more than he has admitted, “I’m definitely going to swing by Gotham and see if I can steal my boyfriend from his heroic duties. And possibly surprise him with a date. I’ve also got a couple of backup plans if he ends up being too busy, but we’ll have to see.”
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dementedspeedster · 7 years
"mistletoe" -beyondiisms [bc i forgot the password lmao]
 Accepting || send “mistletoe” for our muses to get caught under mistletoe!!
“You can’t possibly be back already, Per–” Thad had only just turned his back to search through the sparse box of holiday decorations from which he had been decorating the apartment with while his roommate was out doing whatever it was he does. There was no way he was back already, and he wasn’t, but here Thad let out a yelp instead as he was suddenly face to face with his boyfriend. Not only had Terry managed to sneak in silently, but he had surprised Thad.
“Goddamn, Terry!” Thad’s hand was clutching the front of his shirt, but the  smile on his lips spoke to a goodnatured response, as it soon turned to laughter  amused by his own shock and intermingling joy at seeing his boyfriend. He was sure Terry had a smirk on his lips too, but that little shock wouldn’t stop the speedster for long as he prodded Terry’s a chest with a finger “You- You’re a jerk. You know that? I haven’t seen you in weeks.” Thad knew Terry was busy in Gotham, he knew being a hero in Gotham was taxing amongst the other things in Terry’s life, but seeing him once in a while would have been nice. Seeing him right now in his apartment was really very nice. 
“But I’m glad you’re here.” Thad smiles as a sprig on green and white catches his eye amongst the tinsel hanging from the ceiling.
“Really glad.” He repeats as he wraps  an arm around Terry and pulls him closer for a kiss.
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dementedspeedster · 5 years
Wow, Terry sure is making you soft. You must pay him quite a bit.
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“I’m not soft And! I’m not paying him!” Thad’s vibrating with pure anger, sparks of Speed Force flying off him as he tries to keep calm, but every word spouted from their lips pissed him off. “We- I-” His chest felt tight, “I’m not soft alright? And Terry’s not making me soft/”
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