#v: frailty of genius
deathtransformed · 10 months
Sherlock Holmes: verses
(Note: Will add more or remove some in the future. Also a possibility of Gemini appearing in these verses too.)
Verse: Changed Man (Post Season 2 AU)                        After faking his death, Sherlock Holmes went on a mission to bring down Moriarty’s empire with Mycroft’s assistance. When he finished the last strands of the consulting criminal’s empire by means of going undercover, he was then captured, realizing too late that he stepped into a trap. This caused for him to lose contact with his brother who was under the impression that his radio silence meant he’d been working under the radar.
Months of torture upon capture, thanks to alternate usage of drugs keeping him high at one point while keeping him pliant on another, it messed with Sherlock’s brain. Having to hang onto the fact that he needed to survive, Sherlock Holmes had to make the hard choices, causing him to stand to the brink of sanity. Eventually breaking him, giving his enemies the opportunity to build him back the way they wanted him be. The way he’s intended to become.
Now back in Baker Street, Sherlock Holmes had no memory of who he used to be. Now he is placed back in London under orders, working to fulfill his duty and his thirst for blood as what he’s been told.
Because wouldn’t it be fun if the consulting detective comes back from the dead, high-functioning and looking all well in appearance but willing to kill in order to survive?
Verse: Six Months (Post Season 3 AU)                        Without John Watson’s knowledge, shooting Charles Augustus Milverton meant death for Sherlock Holmes. The consulting detective was placed on MI6 and work with them as his punishment for shooting the man, something he will never regret if it meant to save John. This means that Sherlock Holmes will have to work with everyone in the MI6, going out to the field for missions and even providing assistance within the HQ at times. Mycroft’s verdict is that he’d last six months. But if he’d been working with the best of the best, would it be bold to assume that he could last more than that? After all, shooting someone in cold blood for the safety of others would also mean something, wasn’t it?
Verse: Frailty of Genius (MI6 AU)                        Sherlock Holmes was recruited to work in MI6 and decided to accept the offer when he realized that he’d encounter more idiots in New Scotland Yard than people like Greg Lestrade who’d take his advice into account.
With a mission he had however, Sherlock was hit in the head hard after discovering something crucial for MI6. When he gained consciousness, he had no memory of his life as a consulting detective nor with the people whom he held dear in his life.
Though he’s back in the MI6, he barely remembers the people. Interestingly enough, he apparently made a connection to some of them prior to his accident.
For a while, he was to stay within the HQ and work behind the desk or in the lab as he once again goes through the process of knowing every single people he worked with. Though sometimes, he’s being sent to the field still but only to assist, since his brain is still surprisingly sharp after passing the examination given to him before reporting back to work. Whenever he tried to remember, Sherlock tend to suffer headaches especially when put under pressure. Was it necessary for him to remember the past? Or was it something that he shouldn’t bother anymore? Things are going well after all. Yet somehow, there are moments where he feels like there’s a hole within his brain that he craves to fill. And somehow, his heart feels the same too.
What had he forgotten about?
Verse: Left Behind (Vampire AU)                        Sherlock Holmes walked the Earth for more than he could remember. He was once human; he knew that fact. But the person who turned him into a creature of the night, his maker, was someone he couldn’t recall. At least not anymore.
Now working as a consulting detective, he decided to live his days in Baker Street while keeping a good amount of supply in the blood bank for him to live and survive. He wouldn’t want others to suffer his own fate and though he never denied that he wasn’t human. He never raised the discussion to anyone either.
Though sometimes, he had to live with the boredom. After all, he’d seen it all. The rise and collapse of humanity due to their own doing.
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I mentioned it in passing the other day, but this is why I think Maester Colemon knows that Jon Arryn was poisoned, and will help Sansa bring Littlefinger down.
Maester Colemon was actually mentioned for the first time in AGOT, he was the one initially treating Jon Arryn:
"He came to me one day asking after a certain book, as hale and healthy as ever, though it did seem to me that something was troubling him deeply. The next morning he was twisted over in pain, too sick to rise from bed. Maester Colemon thought it was a chill on the stomach. The weather had been hot, and the Hand often iced his wine, which can upset the digestion. When Lord Jon continued to weaken, I went to him myself, but the gods did not grant me the power to save him."
"I have heard that you sent Maester Colemon away."
The Grand Maester's nod was as slow and deliberate as a glacier. "I did, and I fear the Lady Lysa will never forgive me that. Maybe I was wrong, but at the time I thought it best. Maester Colemon is like a son to me, and I yield to none in my esteem for his abilities, but he is young, and the young ofttimes do not comprehend the frailty of an older body. He was purging Lord Arryn with wasting potions and pepper juice, and I feared he might kill him." (AGOT Eddard V)
So, Colemon initially thought it was an indigestion, but when Jon kept getting worse, he started a treatment of purging potions and pepper juice. Pycelle figured out that Jon was poisoned, sent Colemon away and purposely sabotaged the treatment. It was never confirmed if Colemon figured out Jon was poisoned, but there’s foreshadowing supporting this:
"The gods are doing their best to vex us. Lady Lysa, Maester Colemon, Lord Stannis … everyone who might actually know the truth of what happened to Jon Arryn is a thousand leagues away." (AGOT Eddard VI)
Maester Colemon’s behavior around Littlefinger and Alayne makes sense when you remember everyone believes the Lannisters sent Littlefinger to marry Lysa... only for her to be murdered under suspicious circunstances soon after. Giving Littlefinger control of the Vale and custody of Sweetrobin. Like, this already looks suspicious as hell, but then Littlefinger levels up by engaging his daugther to Sweetrobin’s heir and asking Coleman to give a dangerous medicine to the kid. You don’t have to be a genius to see where this is going.
So, maybe Colemon is following Littlefinger and Alayne’s orders because he’s terrified of them, and thinks that if he argues too much about the dosage they’ll kill him too. Maybe he’s just obeying until he figures out how to get rid of Littlefinger without it being suspicious, or says yes to their faces but doesn’t give Sweetrobin as much medicine as they order him to. Maybe he’s secretly helping the Lords Declarant, helping the army outside the Eyrie the same way Pycelle secretly helped the army outside King’s Landing.
I only know he and Sansa are the keys to solving Jon Arryn’s murder.
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setyoonbumfree · 6 years
A Brief Intro to KS, Madness, Ethical Readership (and Me)
I first became acquainted with Koogi’s manhwa Killing Stalking in early 2017, when I stumbled upon this now-immensely popular music video– https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYAxMW65RcM
The MV sparked my interest in the comic, which I have been hooked on ever since.  Due to Koogi’s beautiful drawing and engaging storyline, I consider this my favorite manga.  It’s a volatile, disturbing mix of tragedy, violence, mystery, suspense, pornography, and romance that makes me feel horny and horrified at the same time.
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For those of you who have never read KS before, or for readers who need a refresher, here’s a brief summary of its plot: Yoon Bum, the protagonist, is a scrawny, boyish-looking 28 year old* whose parents died in his childhood.  An only child, he was placed under the care of his paternal uncle who beat and raped him since young.  This constant abuse shatters Bum’s self-worth, causing him to grow up isolated and starved for affection.  In his youth, Bum had aborted romances with two women: a prostitute (?, see chpt 25) and a classmate**.  In college, Bum becomes infatuated with a student: Sangwoo, a handsome 24 year old* stud with a tantalizingly ripped physique. However, the shy and unassertive Bum lacks the courage to approach Sangwoo and his affection remains one-sided for a long time. 
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Unbeknownst to Bum, Sangwoo is a psychopath: a misogynistic, homophobic serial killer who murdered his parents.  Also an only child, Woo is an extrovert whose emotional deficiencies fuel his urge to dominate others.  Haunted by some unknown childhood trauma, Sangwoo gets a high out of murdering young women: he lures them to his house where he (probably) rapes them, maims their legs, and tortures them in his basement for several days before dismembering them.  Sangwoo’s abusive father is his only male victim to date.
One day, Bum breaks into Sangwoo’s house in an attempt to get closer to his crush only to discover he has entered a house of horrors.  Sangwoo discovers Bum poking around in the basement and maims Bum’s legs to prevent him from escaping.  From then on, Bum becomes his prisoner and (sex) slave.  As the story progresses, Woo exploits Bum’s emotional frailties, and the twisted relationship between these broken individuals descends further into sex, violence, and madness.  Though initially disgusted by the idea of gay sex, Woo warms to the idea after growing closer to Bum, and later uses sex as a tool to fulfill his fantasies of domination and to subjugate Bum rather than to express love.  In contrast, Bum undergoes several dramatic transformations: from a captive he becomes Woo’s live-in maid, then his accomplice in crime, and eventually, his lover.  
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Their twisted, Stockholm syndrome-like devotion to each other, their love–if I can even call it that–is one born of their mutual frailties: Woo realizes that Bum is the only person crazy enough to still love him despite his horrific crimes, and can’t bear to kill him.  In contrast, Bum, in his lust and desperation for affection, helplessly clings to Woo, whose violent and demeaning sexual overtures he mistakes for expressions of true love.  Bum’s naivety, lust, and inferiority complex cloud his judgment: despite having the opportunity to turn Woo (and by necessity, himself) over to the cops, he willingly stays with Woo and lavishes him with sexual favors because he thinks they’re in a loving relationship.  Tragically, he fails to see that he’s little more than Woo’s submissive sex slave and punching bag.  He reminds me of a battered girlfriend who lacks the willpower to leave her abusive boyfriend because she’s been brainwashed to think she doesn’t deserve anyone better.
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While some readers may romanticize their affection because it “looks cute/hot”, I do not ship the couple. Though I guiltily admit that I find their sex scenes arousing, I honestly believe Bum deserves better (Seungbae perhaps? XD).  
My blog’s name reflects my sincere wish for Koogi to give her story a happy ending: for Bum to be free of his chronic loneliness, helplessness, angst, and–most importantly–to be free of Woo.  Bum can only be truly free when he first realizes the misguidedness of his love for Woo, which is the root of his mental imprisonment.  Call me old-fashioned, but I believe in justice: the wicked should be punished, the innocent protected.  Woo deserves the death penalty, or lifelong imprisonment in an asylum.  While I believe Bum should pay for his crime, I also believe he deserves someone who truly respects and cares for him, and I hope he finds redemption and love in the end.
While I feel reluctant to foist a single “right” interpretation on a work as complex as KS, I would like to suggest the following: though we are reading fiction, we have an ethical responsibility not to idealize Bum and Woo’s relationship, or to allow ourselves to let Woo off the hook on account of his good looks.  Koogi’s genius is to have created a charming villain (similar to John Milton’s Satan, or Frank Underwood from House of Cards): an antagonist so seductive, so impressively herculean that our inhibitions are disarmed and we hesitate to condemn him.  We’re almost rooting for him to escape justice–that’s in large part due to the seductive power of Koogi’s drawing and writing, if you ask me.  But if we allow ourselves to let our mental defenses down, we confuse a villain for a hero; we let Woo manipulate us as he has the rest of the world, and we commit the same mistake Bum has made–we fall for a madman.
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This blog is my homage to Koogi’s masterpiece, and a cathartic diary that allows me to clarify my thoughts on the story’s complexities.  Time permitting, I will post on ideas, symbols, themes, or patterns in KS that I find especially striking.  Readers are welcome to send me questions or comments.
I’m currently a Literature major in university; I live in Asia, and like Bum–I’m a guy, which means I’m a rarity in terms of this manga’s readership.  I think that most of its readers are (young) girls, which is typical of yaoi.  In my conservative country, I cannot openly discuss subjects relating to same-sex love, much less a manga as explicit as this one.  As I do not have any friends who read this manga, I hope to exchange my views with fellow readers in the Tumblr community.
A few disclaimers: I’m not an expert on the fandom community or its lingo, so please be patient with me if I’m slow on the uptake.  Also, I’m still learning how to use Tumblr, so I will need some trial and error to learn the finer points of tagging/reblogging/posting/replying.
As I feel similar in certain respects to Bum, I shall sign off my first post, and all future ones, with the initials of the character I feel so much pity and empathy for.
*I have guesstimated their ages.
** Because of this, I consider Bum bisexual, just like Woo, who was initially heterosexual before Bum “converted” him.
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pastorhogg · 6 years
Weekend A La Carte (June 30)
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There are some pretty good Kindle deals to explore today on books new and old.
(Yesterday on the blog: Tips for Reading and Writing)
William Cowper
“There’s something about Cowper’s sensitive spirit and his familiarity with suffering that led him to create beautiful hymns and poems, hymns that reflect the mercy and faithfulness of what we might just call the ‘Godness of God’ and hymns that reflect our human frailty.” He was a genius.
Who Will Lead the Global Church in 2118?
“The heart language of those who lead the global church in 2118 will almost certainly not be English.” The church is changing (again).
How to Survive When Money Is Worthless
Here’s an interesting little glimpse inside Venezuela as its economy collapses.
Faith, Fertility, and the Fate of American Religion
This does, indeed, have massive implications. “The United States just passed a critical statistical landmark, one that I think – I fear – has immense implications for the nation’s religious life. If I am right, and we are dealing with early days, we might seriously be looking at the opening stages of a large scale process of secularization. After being reported and speculated about for decades, that secularization might finally be happening.”
There Is No Christian Argument Against Overturning Roe v Wade
“The frustration is understandable, but the logic is not. Evangelicals don’t have to set aside their convictions about race, immigrants, women, or the Religious Right in order to perceive a moral mandate when it comes to abortion. There is no Christian case against overturning Roe. None.”
2018 National Geographic Travel Photographer of the Year
Take a look at these stunning photos from around the world.
When Helping Hurts
“The book, released nine years ago by Covenant College community development professors Brian Fikkert and Steve Corbett, has become the go-to resource for evangelicals thinking about short-term missions trips and economic development for the poor.”
Flashback: You Don’t Really Know Who Your Friends Are Until…
Jesus is unchanged and unchanging. He will not bow to the changing culture, he will not cede to the rising tide. Jesus will only ever be who he is and who he has always been. And each of us has a choice to make.
10 Things You Should Know about Christian Ethics
This week the blog was sponsored by Crossway. This post is correlated with the release of Christian Ethics: An Introduction to Biblical Moral Reasoning—a new book by best-selling author Wayne Grudem about what the whole Bible says about practical life as a Christian in our ethically complex world. Sponsors play a key role in keeping this site running, so I’m thankful for each and every one of them.
The Scriptures have the authority to inform our experiences. Our experiences do not have the authority to inform the Scriptures. —Garrett Kell
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from Tim Challies https://ift.tt/2lLrGtW via IFTTT
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dusudaunord · 7 years
Things to do in Montréal from May 12 to18
We’ve been celebrating Montréal’s 375th anniversary since January, but this week marks the city’s official birthday party and kick-off of springtime activities! We’re also celebrating Mother’s Day in style, the 50th anniversary of Expo 67, a new Cirque du Soleil show and more.
Celebrate Montréal’s 375th birthday!
On May 17, it’s official: the city of Montréal is 375 years old! Watch the 375th anniversary ceremonies starting at 8 a.m. outside city hall – listen for the bells of Oratoire Saint-Joseph on the other side of the city to ring at 8:45 a.m. – followed by a multi-faith mass at Notre-Dame Basilica, a ceremony at Place d’Armes, and later that night the premier of multimedia show Montréal Avudo in the Old Port at 8 p.m. and the illumination of the Jacques-Cartier Bridge at 9:45 p.m. accompanied by the Orchestre Métropolitain, plus a massive Bonne Fête Montréal concert at the Bell Centre. Another major 375th project: La Grand Tournée weekend events, presented by innovative circus company Cirque Éloize, begins May 12 and runs throughout the summer and in every neighbourhood, from group picnics in the park and green alleyway tours to circus shows and cinema under the stars. Visit the Parc des Rapides in the LaSalle neighbourhood for the Rhythm of the Rapids historical performance on May 12-13. And take a tour of Canadian warship HMCS Montréal, stationed in the Old Port later this week.
Celebrate moms!
Show your mom how much you care this Sunday by making her Mother’s Day a joyful and extravagant one. Numerous restaurants offer special Sunday brunch menus, including the Ritz-Carlton, Restaurant Tandem, Restaurant Helena, Les Cavistes, Chez Alexandre and Industria Brasserie Italienne and more brunch favourites Tapas 24, Mercuri, Nolana and Madre. Or try different brunches from around the world or dine at new Montréal restaurants. See the city sights and eat well too on Montréal’s best food tours and relax with a cup of tea at Montréal’s tea houses. Give mom the gift of a luxurious spa day at an internationally renowned spa. If you’re coming to the city with kids, check out the many fun things to do for families in Montréal, including the incredible likenesses of celebrities at the Musée Grévin wax museum (free for moms on May 14!) and Chagall: Colour and Music at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, with free tea and cookies on Mother’s Day plus hands-on kids workshop Chagall’s Little Box. Or spend Sunday afternoon in Mount-Royal Park with a violin and piano concert at 3 p.m. in the Mount Royal Chalet.
May flowers
Take a walk through the Botanical Garden‘s blooming grounds and tropical greenhouse and follow avian experts through the Biodôme during Bird Fest at the Montréal Space for Life. Meanwhile, downtown’s Place des Festivals is awash in colour at the music-making 21 Swings installation and Maëstro interactive digital orchestra and water fountains, part of this year’s Digital Spring art-meets-tech creations, as well as Québec-style “Kitchen parties” May 12-14. Two more signs of spring: the return of Montréal’s food trucks and street food and 18 shades of gay ball floating above Sainte-Catherine Street in the Village – this year instead of their original pink hue, they’re a rainbow of colours! Walk up Saint-Laurent to see bright building-sized murals, pop by Place Riopelle in Old Montréal to step aboard the future of public transit at the Place au Transport Expo May 15-16, or take a walk off the beaten path to discover welcoming and wonderful quirky spots in Montréal. Find out more about free things to do this Spring in Montréal, from art galleries to outdoor activities.
Bonus anniversary: Expo 67
Montréal celebrates the 50th anniversary of Expo 67 with entertaining and history-rich exhibitions: see colourful outfits and products created by Québec designers at the McCord Museum’s Fashioning Expo 67; photographs tell the tale in The Sixties in Montréal: Archives de Montréal at City Hall; marvel (and maybe laugh a little) at the technological innovations of EXPO 67: A World of Dreams at the Stewart Museum and Écho 67 at the nearby Buckminster Fuller designed Biosphère; baby boomer youth culture is a blast in Explosion 67 – Youth and Their World at the Centre d’histoire de Montréal, and it’s all about  ’60s artistic expression in the Montréal Museum of Fine Arts’s Révolution: “You say you want a revolution” and the Musée d’art contemporain’s In Search of Expo 67. Photography exhibition Aime comme Montréal celebrates the city’s diversity in an installation at Place des arts. Old Montréal landmark Notre-Dame Basilica, one of the city’s most stunning churches, lights up with beautiful high-tech spectacle Aura, while the surrounding streets are illuminated by the historic tableaux projections of Cité Memoire.
On stage
Prepare to be stunned by the incredible acrobats, dancers, parkour experts and motor bike athletes of Cirque du Soleil’s VOLTA, under the big top in the Old Port of Montréal. A visual and musical spectacle, Russian performance artist Slava Polunin’s Slava’s Snowshow wows at Theâtre St-Denis to May 14. At Centaur Theatre see Clybourne Park, a neighbourhood drama tracing racial tensions in Chicago, and hilarious and heartwarming Bed & Breakfast; The Segal Centre presents true family story How to Disappear Completely and hit musical Million Dollar Quartet, the true rock ‘n’ roll story of Sam Phillips, Johnny Cash, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins and Elvis Presley (moving over to Place des Arts May 17-21 for an extended run); and Aboriginal Spring of Art THREE presents Productions Ondinnok’s dance/theatre performance El buen vestir-Tlakentli May 10-12 at Monument-National. As part of Montréal’s winter-spring dance program: Flamenco Fascination takes us on a colourful, energetic journey inspired by the gypsy passion of Andalusia, at Place des Arts May 16; vibrant, emotional dance and music merge in a show by virtuoso Spanish guitarist José Vega and his Flamenco Company May 17 at Place des Arts; see Dominque Porte’s Conte de faits, family-friendly short danced tales inspired by the poetry of Jacques Prévert and drawings of René Magritte at Agora de la danse May 12-13; and on May 13, NYC dancer-choreographer Heather Cornell and musician Antonio Vilchez present Making Music Dance with African and South American rhythms, a free event at St. Jax church, followed by collaborative event  Heartbeats, bringing musicians and dancers from Montréal, NYC and Peru together. Also on May 13, House of Laureen Drag Cabaret hosts a wild and wacky fundraiser for the Festival St-Ambroise Fringe de Montréal.
Art and film
Along with the wonderful exhibition CHAGALL: COLOUR AND MUSIC at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, see deeply moving work by foremost Mexican artist Teresa Margolles and Québec artist Emanuel Licha’s Now Have a Look at This Machine documentary installation at the Musée d’art contemporain and Mexican artist Gilberto Esparza’s biotechnical art exhibition Plantas autofotosintéticas at Galerie de l’UQAM. British artist Ed Atkins poses questions on human bodies, digital creation and reality in video exhibition Modern Piano Music at DHC-ART. Never Apart‘s Spring Exhibition features Two-Spirit Sur-Thrivance and the Art of Interrupting Narratives. Pointe-à-Callière archaeology and history museum presents the fascinating Amazonia: The Shaman and the Mind of the Forest. The Cinémathèque québécoise’s Fête du cinéma screens restored masterpiece Thirty Years of Motion Pictures with piano accompaniment as well as new films by Sébastien Laudenbach and Philippe Falardeau, Frailty in tribute to Bill Paxton, and more May 12-13, all for $10. Travel through virtual worlds in Felix & Paul Studios Virtual Reality Garden at the Phi Centre. Get immersed in new space-exploration double feature KYMA – Power of Waves and Edge of Darkness at the Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium, or in electroacoustic A/V performance Électro-Acrylique and the high-tech 360° visuals of Orbits at the Satosphere surround-sound dome to May 13, followed by audiovisual wonders / IS //// IS ////// and Plateaux May 16-19.
Live music
On Friday, discover the world’s finest young pianists at the Concours musical international de Montréal in a major gala concert May 12 at Place des Arts, or see Irish singer-songwriter Gavin James at Cabaret Lion D’or, pop-rock artist Perfume Genius at Théâtre Fairmount, heady indie musician Nick Hakim at Bar Le Ritz P.D.B. or dance to house music by Ben Vedren, Ohm Hourani, Nicolas Kehl and Owly. The eclectic and multidisciplinary Festival Accès Asie coincides with Canada’s Asian Heritage Month – this week featuring musical performance Les préoccupations et les attentes on May 12, the opening of Serendipity art exhibition at the MAI and Indian music concert La magie du Mohan-Veenaon on May 13, and the Golestan (“flower garden”) concert of Syrian and Turkish music on May 18. Meanwhile, Distortion Psych Fest gets heavy with PyPy, We Are Wolves, Co/ntry and many more bands May 12-14 at Église S-E-J du Mile-End and l’Escogriffe bar, plus Le Marché psychédélique printanier afternoon psych-themed market on March 13. On May 13, Bernard Labadie conducts Les Violons du Roy, La Chapelle de Québec and outstanding soloists in Purcell’s King Arthur at Maison symphonique. Saturday also brings German electronic artist Boris Brejcha to Théâtre Fairmount, singer-songwriter Laura Marling to Théâtre Corona, and celebrated German electronic producer Paul Van Dyk to New City Gas.
On Sunday, the Orchestre Métropolitain continues its Bruckner cycle with Symphony No. 1, accompanied by harpist Valérie Milot at Maison symphonique, CJ Ramone (of The Ramones!) plays Foufounes Electriques and experimental music collective Wrekmeister Harmonies plays Bar Le Ritz P.D.B. Opéra de Montréal, Place des Arts et Le Sac à Dos present Humanitudes – Opéra de rue and a performance by singer Marie-Josée Lord at Cinquième Salle on May 15. If you’re into Russian and Norwegian pagan metal, then you’re into Arkona and Sirenia at L’Astral on Tuesday night – Swedish metal guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen also happens to be in town that night at Théâtre Corona. On Wednesday, singer-songwriter Lewis Watson comes to L’Astral.
Up next:The Giants by Royal de Luxe
  The post Things to do in Montréal from May 12 to18 appeared first on Tourisme Montréal Blog.
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ao3feed-minjoon · 5 years
by vindicatedtruth (behindtintedglass)
The frailty of genius, the burden of leadership, and the people Kim Namjoon loves beyond all measure.
Words: 6169, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok/Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin/Kim Taehyung/Min Yoongi/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook & Jung Hoseok & Kim Namjoon & Kim Seokjin & Kim Taehyung & Min Yoongi & Park Jimin
Additional Tags: OT7, Polyamory, idolverse, Canon Compliant, Canon verse, Kim Namjoon-centric
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ao3feed-sugamon · 5 years
hearts on fire (for your love)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XHSZpp
by vindicatedtruth (behindtintedglass)
The frailty of genius, the burden of leadership, and the people Kim Namjoon loves beyond all measure.
Words: 6169, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok/Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin/Kim Taehyung/Min Yoongi/Park Jimin, Jeon Jungkook & Jung Hoseok & Kim Namjoon & Kim Seokjin & Kim Taehyung & Min Yoongi & Park Jimin
Additional Tags: OT7, Polyamory, idolverse, Canon Compliant, Canon verse, Kim Namjoon-centric
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XHSZpp
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ao3feed-namkook · 5 years
hearts on fire (for your love)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2XHSZpp
by vindicatedtruth (behindtintedglass)
The frailty of genius, the burden of leadership, and the people Kim Namjoon loves beyond all measure.
Words: 6168, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 방탄소년단 | Bangtan Boys | BTS
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi
Characters: Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Seokjin | Jin, Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope, Park Jimin (BTS), Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook
Relationships: Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Seokjin | Jin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Min Yoongi | Suga, Jung Hoseok | J-Hope/Kim Namjoon | RM, Kim Namjoon | RM/Park Jimin, Kim Namjoon | RM/Kim Taehyung | V, Jeon Jungkook/Kim Namjoon | RM, Jeon Jungkook/Jung Hoseok/Kim Namjoon/Kim Seokjin/Kim Taehyung/Min Yoongi/Park Jimin
Additional Tags: OT7, Polyamory, idolverse, Canon Compliant, Canon verse, Kim Namjoon-centric
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