#v: android shell
tardisinhumanflesh · 1 year
“Don’t push yourself. I don’t want you crashing like last time.”
Starters for Robot/Cyborg Muses
"I a-a-am not p-pushing myself!" An angry noise left the android body Aethena resided in. After a current illness had taken her human form to need rest, she had elected to test an alternative mode of transportation. Her body could rest while she could gallivant and explore the galaxy in a robotic one. The Siren often spoke of the ease it would give her, maybe she was right?
A whirring noise emitted into the air as she sat herself down. Do not push yourself. It was a simple request and one she was happy to listen to! Now if only she could regulate the temperatures when walking so she did not require rest so frequently.
"I-I-I will be fine. I will not crash. You have my word."
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sonic-fankid-showdown · 5 months
Poll 11, Round 1.
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About Mordred: (by @mephiles-the-jester) Mordred was hatched from an egg that appeared from Sonic and Shadow's super forms, and as he grew up it became apparent that he was born to be the next leader and creator of the Black Arms due to his visual similarities/heritage with Black Doom and inherited power. However Mordred was instead raised to be a sweetheart and a knight alongside Sonic, protecting the planet rather than destroying it. His name also may or may not foreshadow that he and his father King Arthur/Sonic will kill each other in battle like in Arthurian Legend, don't even worry about it. He is also aroace and as tall as a human, and is very awkward and shy about it, and bumps his wide horns on doorways almost daily.
About Lapis: (by @time-of-your-life-au) Lapis was created by Sage using a defective Shadow Android and some of Sonic's DNA to be a rival to Sonic and Shadow, but it ended up leaving to go off on their own, and they were soon adopted by Sonic and Shadow. Lapis has a rather dry and sarcastic sense of humor most of the time, and they can be quick to snap back when provoked. It spends most of its time sprawled out in a tree or on the couch, but they frequently get random bursts of energy, which results in it skating around at top speed and/or gnawing on something (they used to chew on sticks before they got an actual stim toy). It also keeps a collection of cool rocks, shells, sticks--whatever it finds on the ground!
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gettingfrilly · 7 months
Out Chapter 3
Hello! Here is chapter 3 of this fic! Beta'd by @fish-bowl-2! Read it here or on ao3! (the format of this chapter looks better on ao3)
The stage is set... next chapter... EVENTS can occur... >:)
Like Ed Soldiers
My story takes place in the ancient Kingdom of Penumbra, a land teetering between the blessing of the sun’s light and the dark abyss of earth’s many evils. It was thought of as only a myth until I was discovered by scientists of the modern age. My discovery proved once and for all the existence of this kingdom powered by the elements of magicks. My body, broken down and long left without the mana that once fueled me, could offer little in the way of information about the history of the once great kingdom. What my shell did provide was an answer to the question scientists had been hoping to discover for centuries: is the manatech of old a possibility, or just a far flung fairy tale? Now armed with a crucial key to the puzzle, they begin to repair my antiquated body with plans to delve through my memory banks and see just what happened in the distant past. Did monsters truly roam the land? Were there still living Gods among us? Did sorceresses and black devils actually doom our land to permanent darkness? Finally, these questions could be answered.
My memories start the first time I am activated. “State your name and purpose.” Mumbles the skeptical royal technician, distrusting the effectiveness of an android not made by his own hands. I take my first step forward and hear my own voice for the first time.
“I am unit G V V 3 N. My purpose is the protection of Princess Penelope.” I turn to face the princess and take my first glance at my reason for living. “If it pleases the Princess, she may call me Gwen.” I close my fist over the center of my chest and click my heels together, the salute of The Penumbra Kingdom already programmed into me.  “I will protect you with my life.”
The princess crosses her arms at me, the distrust in her eyes even more apparent than the technician’s. “Great. A new babysitter.”
“Edward Horace Sempill!”
Ed’s head jerks up away from his notebook, pencil stilling at the end of the incomplete line of his doodle. He had been stuck on this one for a while, eyes straining as he erased, redrew, and erased the features of the princess’s face again and again, trying to get everything just right. After a moment of staring blankly in the direction of the front of the classroom, he rises to his feet, jostling his desk in the process and causing his pens and pencils to drop and scatter along the tiled classroom floor.
“Yes Sergeant Captain Major Colonel Lieutenant Ma'am Sir!” He shouts as he flings his palm up to his forehead, smacking himself audibly. He’s been yelled at for forgetting someone’s title far too many times, so now he just just says all of them to cover his bases.
The teacher up by the chalkboard sighs while surrounding students snicker behind their hands. “Sit down, Ed. And Ma’am is fine.”
‘Oh good, I’m in Miss Bouvette’s class. She’s a nice lady,’ he thinks in relief while sitting back down with a wide grin on his face. 
The entire class falls silent, everyone turning to look at Ed’s tall frame. He glances between the different sets of eyes aimed at him, his smile falling as confusion fogs up his brain.
“... Ed?”
“Huh?” He looks back at Miss Bouvette.
“It’s your turn, Ed. Read the next passage.”
“Oh. Right.” He moves his notebook under his book, looking down at the page to find where the previous classmate left off. Wait, what page are they even on? Dread lays heavy in his sinking gut, forehead breaking out with sweat at the looming threat of his teacher realizing he hasn’t been following along. He tries to look at his neighbor’s page, but he covers the page number with his hand while giving Ed a not so friendly smile. With a sullen pout, he looks back to his own book, chewing dead skin off of his lips as he tries and fails to come up with a solution.
“Chapter three, Ed. Paragraph ten.” Comes Miss Bouvette’s patient voice.
“Oh. Right.” Ed repeats, slowly flipping to the correct page before carefully counting the paragraphs. “Cuhm ill oovrate la bowhch…”
“Next paragraph.”
“Oh. Uh… Voikee. Jeh mapple Jeen Valjeen. Jeh, ah, soos uhn galereen. Jay pace… dicks… uh, knee oof ans awoo bagnee.”
Laughter breaks out again, a little louder than before, distracting Ed and making him lose his spot. He worries at the inside of his cheek, scanning the page in an attempt to figure out where he was.
“That’s enough, Ed. Thank you. It’s your turn, Jack.” Miss Bouvette dismisses him from finishing and Ed sighs in relief. The shorter boy in front of him clears his throat and sits up straight, picking up from where Ed left off.
“Je suis libéré depuis quatre jours et en route pour Pontarlier qui est ma destination. Quatre…”
Ed sulks in his seat, sinking down until his eyeline meets the middle of Jack’s back. He tries to follow along with him, honest he does, but it’s not long before his thoughts start to drift. When he snaps back to, a new classmate is reading, and he’s completely lost where they are in the book. Defeated, he goes to pick up his pencil and continue drawing; except it’s not where he left it. His monobrow scrunches together as he searches for it, but no amount of patting his desk or glancing under his chair shows any sign of it. Defeated once more. There’s no finding something he's lost. He turns to biting his hang nails instead, his usual backup when he’s run out of ways to entertain himself. Fresh blood wells up from his sore and scab covered nail beds, the taste of iron familiar and soothing. He frees his finger of one particularly large flap of skin, chewing it between his teeth before swallowing it down. When he feels the burn of eyes on him, he turns to look at the guy sitting next to him. His face is twisted up as if he’s making a concentrated effort not to barf, meeting Ed’s eyes with a disapproving glare before mumbling to himself and looking away.
“Fucking gross, dude.”
Red hot shame burns straight to Ed’s core, and he stares down at his lap to avoid looking at anyone else. He pulls at his sleeves until his mangled fingers are hidden in his uniform, rubbing the rough fabric between his fingertips as the radiating embarrassment causes him to sweat more. He’s gonna end up with pit stains. He always does.
When the bell rings he waits for everyone else to be finished packing up and almost out the door before he starts putting his own things away into his ratty backpack. The clicking of heels approaches, and Ed packs up faster in response, hoping to avoid a lecture. 
Oh. Right. He’s in Miss Bouvette’s class. She doesn’t yell at him. Maybe ‘cuz she’s not military. He flashes her a cheerful smile as he slings his bag over his shoulder. “Afternoon, Miss Bouvette, Ma’am.”
She smiles back at him, leaving Ed mesmerized by how her red lipstick glistens under the fluorescent lights of the classroom. “Good afternoon, Ed. How is your day going?”
“Goin’ alright. This is my last class of the day so now I get to go back to my room.” He smiles wider at the very thought of it. Thank golly gee it’s summer and today’s only a half day.
She smiles back, but not big and happy like Ed is. Her eyes actually look kinda sad. “Most of the students are going out to the field with their friends or doing homework in the library together. You won’t join them?”
“Can't join ‘em.” Ed answers honestly. He’s tried and failed too many times to get any of the guys to want to be pals with him.
“I see. I also see that our extra tutoring sessions don’t seem to be helping much.”
Ed winces and looks down at the floor, shoulders slouching in an attempt to make himself smaller. “Aw… I’m real sorry ‘bout that, Miss Bouvette, Ma’am. Learning a whole new language is hard.”
The feeling of her small hand and well manicured nails against his shoulder signals him to look back up, and he is rewarded for doing so with a sweet smile. “It is hard, Ed. And that’s not your fault.”
Her smile is an infectious disease, and Ed’s happy to have caught it. “Thanks for saying so.”
“I say it because it’s true. I just wish our school had more resources for students like you.”
“Ya mean the stupid ones?” Ed asks, then gives his teacher a worried look when red spreads across her face. Maybe she has a disease for real.
“I- no. I didn’t mean that. And anyone who told you you’re stupid is wrong, Ed.”
Ed has to take a moment to think on that, finger tapping his chin as he stares up at his brain.
“Hm… no, I think they’re right about that.” Ed finally answers with a proud grin, satisfied that he got the answer right.
Miss Bouvette just looks sad again. Must be diseased and not feeling well. Because of her disease.
“You have challenges, Ed. Challenges that other people don’t have to overcome. But I have full faith that you could with the right support.”
That’s gotta be his favorite thing about Miss Bouvette, even more than the not yelling; sometimes, she sounds just like Double D. He has to restrain himself from reaching out to hug her.
“Can we still do tutoring together?” He asks hopefully, hugging himself instead of her.
“Of course, Ed. My door’s always open.”
“Oh boy!” His self-restraint fails, arms flinging open and out towards his teacher. She knows him well, though, and is able to step back just in time to dodge the incoming hug, holding her hand out for a handshake instead. Ed takes her hand in both of his, gleefully and wildly wiggling her arm up and down as if he’s attempting to dislocate her shoulder.
“Okay, see ya later Miss Bouvette, Ma’am,” he calls out as he exits the classroom into the squeaky clean halls of the school. Lockers line the walls just as they would in any other high school, but the lack of decorated doors makes Ed feel like they all must be empty inside. Same old fluorescent lights, at least, the buzzing of which reminds him of the insidious insectoid ladies from that one comic where the mad scientist releases fly pheromones into the vents and causes slimy, translucent wings to sprout from the prom queen’s back while bone crunching noises herold the growth of four new arms, segmented black toothpicks coated in fine, oily hairs. Her eyes are the next to change, splitting and multiplying like the cells of new life, spreading across her face as she screams in terror, jaw stretching into fanged manables before she closes them around the prom king’s head, swallowing it crown and all. The rest of the female student body soon follows suit, morphing and screaming before biting off the heads of their own dates as they try to get away, slipping and falling on the blood-slicked dance floor, cries and shouts mingling with the blaring rockabilly music they had all been joyfully dancing to moments before. This is one mess old janitor Rusty will remember cleaning for the rest of his life, and the first time the chess club is glad to be without dates.
Ed is halted in his tracks as he trips over something and slams his face into the door to his dorm room, letting out a weak “ow,” as he slides down to the floor. 
“What just happened?” he asks aloud, sitting up from the floor and rubbing the red mark on his forehead. He’s already at his dorm room somehow, so that’s good; if nothing else, at least his brain has a great autopilot mode. But he fell for some reason. Reason, reason, reason… raison. Season for raison reasons. For what reason did he fall? Finally, his newly bruised brain catches up with his eyes, processing the strewn mail under his legs that he slipped on.
“Mail!” He shouts excitedly, rocketing up to his feet and scooping it all into his arms before rushing inside his room. After dumping the mail on his neatly made, almost too small for him, bed, he sorts through it, grabbing everything addressed to his roommate and dumping it on the bed against the opposite wall. His boots get kicked off and shoved under the mattress as he hurriedly scrambles up onto it, grinning maniacally as he clutches his pink envelope, his overstuffed manilla envelope, and a thin cardboard box in his hands. Chuckling to himself in giddy anticipation, he tears into his first letter.
Jimmy says hi and he wants me to tell you the big news. We saw Aaron Carter LIVE on STAGE. It was so cool! It was hard to keep Jimmy hydrated and on his feet. I thought he’d definitely pass out, especially with how woozy he got once AC came onstage. Don’t worry, I kept him on his feet. He can't afford another concussion. 
Dad didn’t feel like driving to Michigan, so he bought me and Jimmy airplane tickets! We flew over Canada. It was my first time on an airplane. Have you ever been on an airplane? Before I was born? Jimmy was really scared, but I wasn’t. He threw up like three times. Mom never would’ve let me on a plane without an adult if she was home. We’re all keeping this a secret, k? She’d go double crazy and have to stay at the hospital even longer. Speaking of mom, the doctors said she’s making good progress. They think she should be ready to come home by the end of summer.
I wish you were coming home too. Things have been too quiet around here without you. There’s stuff I wanna talk to you about that I don’t want to do through a letter. Stuff I don’t know how Dad would feel about. I know how mom would feel about it so no way I’m telling her. So stay outta trouble and keep your nose clean mister! That’s the only way you’re gonna get back home.
Miss you dummy,
Dearest Ed,
Greetings and salutations! My, how the time flies. A whole year already since you departed from our carefree cul-de-sac. You’re halfway home, my durable friend. Every day passed is another grain of sand through the hourglass, bringing our reunion ever closer. The sooner the better; our quaint little neighborhood just isn’t the same without you and your incredulous imagination. 
My lamentations aside, I hope you are doing well. I was delighted to hear in our last correspondence that you are receiving tutoring from your French teacher. Language has always been your strong suit when it comes to academics, what with your voracious reading habits. Speaking of which, did you enjoy the last Stephen King book I sent you? I know you’re particularly fond of short stories, and Nightmares and Dreamscapes is overflowing with your most beloved genre; horror. A harrowing assemblage to be sure! Please let me know, as I’d love to send you his most recently released collection, Everything’s Eventual. It’s similarly startling. 
As per your letter, I am pleased to answer that I am doing well myself. Senior year is just around the corner, and I anticipate it being the most illuminating year thus far in my academic career. I dearly wish you were here too so we could experience it together. I’m sure Eddy feels similarly; classroom settings have become even more deliriously deranging for his psyche without you here to entertain him. We’re both counting the days until you’re able to return home. Stay safe, stay out of trouble, and focus on your school work, mister!
Hey Lumpy
Here are the comics you asked for. You better be enjoying these cuz they aint cheap. Theres some magazine clippings about those movies you wanted to see the reviews of too. Everythings boring and sucks as usual. All the shit thats fun to do with you is lame as hell without you and god knows mr stick up his ass cant manage any proper entertainment. Kevin and Rolf are ok to hang with but all they ever wanna do is drink beers in the lane or fish in the creek. I dunno how they can stand all the sitting around doing nothing. Speaking of sitting around doing nothing I still have the candy store job. Made enough money to finish paying dad back for the car and I have plenty saved up. When you get outta that shithole you and me are gonna live it up. First thing Im gonna do is take you wherever you wanna go in MY car. Then Im gonna buy us the best time money can buy. I’ll getcha drunk on gravy somehow. Theres gotta be some way to make boozy gravy that doesnt taste gross. Who knows though youd probably like the taste of vodka and gravy together. Or anything with gravy. Your sick like that. Anyway were both gonna be done with school forever and thats worth celebrating. I hope they aint changing you too much monobrow. Tell me youre still a wild animal. I need that energy back in my life. Miss you like a hernia big guy. Enough to almost make me wanna hug you and get a whiff of those stinky pits of yours. I might even shed a manly tear.
Come home already!
From Eddy
Sarah’s handwriting is neat and easy to get through, whereas Double D’s cursive and Eddy’s chicken scratch take a bit more time. It’s all worth it, though, and Ed lovingly hugs the letters to his chest when he’s done reading them. His best pals and baby sister love him and miss him! Who cares if he can’t make friends here? His heart is already so full with love and kittens and rainbows and bunnies just thinking about his fellas and baby sister back home. There’s no room left for new people in there anyway.
He spends the next couple of hours devouring the comic books Eddy sent as well as the first few short stories in his new book at his desk, a goofy grin plastered to his face long enough to make his cheeks hurt. As absorbed in his reading as he is, he doesn’t even notice the sky starting to darken outside the window between his and his roomie’s bed until his eyes start to hurt. Once he realizes why, he turns on the light that’s attached to the underhead of the top shelf of his school-issued wooden desk. That, and the school-issued bed and school-issued dresser are the only furniture items on his side of the room, not having come here originally with anything other than his backpack full of toiletries and school supplies. The only things he’s received since are gifts from Eddy and Double D, all small enough to fit in a mailbox: there’s Jim Jr., the tiny plastic cactus Double D sent that he keeps atop the top shelf of his desk, a row of novellas and short stories also sent from Double D packed tightly together next to Jim Jr., various comic books from Eddy stacked on the bottom shelf, newspaper and magazine clippings of things Ed likes tacked to the small cork board leaning against the wall behind his desk, and drawers stuffed full with a range of art supplies that Eddy and Double D sent together. His cluttered desk is the only splash of personality on his side of the room, school code demanding the walls be kept barren and the floors be kept clean. 
Ed tries to go back to reading, but alas, he already looked away from his book, and now he has no idea where on the page he was. With a shrug, he puts the book away with the others and grabs Nightmares and Dreamscapes before pulling his reason for not yet writing to Double D about the book out of his top drawer; an unfinished comic book adaptation of ‘The Moving Finger’ starring Double D as the quiz show obsessed protagonist. Ed spreads the page he was last working on out in front of him, wanting to finish the comic and send it with his review of the book as a surprise. He smiles just thinking about Double D’s reaction. He’ll be so grossed out by the multi-jointed finger wiggling out of the sink drain in Ed’s perfect recreation of his bathroom. Happy to be back in the zone, he puts all his attention into inking the last lines of the page before moving on to sketch out the next one.
The thwap to the back of his buzzed head is sudden and unexpected.
“Ow.” He states neutrally before turning around to identify his assaulter. When he sees his roommate Ron, he forces a smile. He didn’t see or hear him come into the room.
“Oh, hiya roomie!”
“Why is there a boot print on my mail?” He asks without greeting, holding up a large envelope in front of Ed’s face. Ed squints at the dirty boot treads pattern, puzzled himself before smiling wide in delight that he actually remembers why and has an answer.
“‘Cuz I stepped on it.” He states proudly.
Ron sneers at him. “Why?”
Ed’s smile falters, but not completely. “Aw, it was just an accident, Ronnie.”
“Told ya not to call me that.” He huffs, taking his mail with him as he stomps out of the room. “And watch where you’re going, retard.”
That’s when his smile fully falls.
He remembers a time he wouldn’t have cared about that; a time when Eddy would threaten to wallop whoever threw that word at him while Double D would scold and scold and scold while wagging his finger until his whole face looked like a ripe tomato. Ed would just chuckle and shake his head. He already knows he’s stupid, so it’s not news to him. But that was back when he had his pals who knew him and accepted him as is. Back when some of the most popular kids in school were cul-de-sac buddies who expected his oddities and took them in stride. Back when people liked him. Back when he was home. Back when he wasn’t alone.
His face feels hot as he struggles to remember what he was doing, tummy twisting inside of him like a maggot ready to pupate. He was reading… no, he put that away. Drawing? Yeah. But this is a new page. What was he sketching? What part of the story was he at again? And what story was it?
His lower lip juts out in a pout when he gives up, putting everything away back in its place. The last thing he wants is to get scolded tomorrow morning during room inspections. Once his desk is tidy, he grabs his new book and trudges off to bed and cracks it open to flip to a story he hasn’t read yet. He can’t actually read it though, not really, eyes scanning and taking in the words without processing them as his mind races with thoughts about home and his friends.
‘Just one more year.’
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iheartchv · 8 months
TMNT Matchup for @starstrucksunflower
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I'm sorry if I got to this too late ;;v;; my inbox kept saying I had one more message than what it showed; had to check my email to find yours... Hope you like your match🎀💗
🤔 You'd be matched with...
Leonardo (2014-2016)
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I feel like Leo would be the one to fall for you
You both are alike in many things/ways
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Thinks you are just perfect
He supports what you do
Further on in the relationship, there might be times when you'll fight
But you both will apologize and kiss and make up
Leo's love language is also acts of service
Not a big fan of PDA... at least when you two first start dating
You teach him how to love and be loved
And even then he'll never understand, but won't question, why you accepeted to be his s/o
He vows to protect you with his life
He is loyal. L-O-Y-A-L
He values loyalty as well as his ninja teachings and the code of bushido and eveything Master Splinter has taught him
Leo can be a passionate lover
He is nervous but he learns pretty quickly
He'll be giving you sweet kisses and embraces, being soft and gentle with you
From friends to lovers and then to boyfriend/girlfriend, you two have been through a lot
But that didn't stop you from having feelings for each other that continued to blossom and grow
Leo can't imagine not having you in his life now
He doesn't want it to go to the way it was before
He felt like he could be himself around you instead of being the leader that his father/master wants him to be
He loves you and he always will 💙🐢
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Official muse list
Note: A name that's been italicized is an oc that belongs to someone else, a name that's been boldened, and italicized is mine.
RWBY: Team RWBY, Team CORS, Pyrrha Nikos, Nora Valkyrie, Coco Adel, Velvet Scarletina, Fox Alister, Team NDGO, Jaune Arc, Sun Wukong, Glynda Goodwitch, Ilia Amolita, Kali Belladonna, Ghira Belladonna, Sienna Khan, Winter Schnee, Willow Schnee, Raven Branwen, Summer Rose, Vernal, Emerald Sustrai, Cinder Fall, Salem (Human/Grimm), Grimm, Hozukimaru Wukong, Lyon, Jade, Meryl, Jade, Baelz Zirconia, Zephyr Nikos Zirconia, Lupin Nikos Zirconia, Scarlet Nikos Zirconia, Bast Belladonna Zirconia, Shrike Branwen Zirconia, Desmond Caine, Pewter Pegasi, Wes Goldmane, Terra Firma, Rose Crimson, Crimson Wilde, Sable Leone, Jade Inaba.
Naruto: Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno/Uchiha, Ino Yamanaka, Hinata Hyuuga/Uzumaki, Hanabi Hyuuga, TenTen, Temari, Anko Mitarashi, Kurenai Yuuhi, Tsunade Senju, Konan, Sarada Uchiha.
Bleach: Rukia Kuchiki, Yoruichi Shihoin, Orihime Inoue, Tatsuki Arisawa, Rangiku Matsumoto, Soi-Fon, Retsu Unohana, Isane/Kyone Kotetsu, Nanao Isei, Tier Harribell, Neliel Tu Odelschwanck, Apace, Sun-Sun, Mila Rose.
One Piece: Nami, Nico Robin.
Attack on mid: Mikasa Akerman, Annie Lionheart, Potato Girl.
Hellsing: Seras Victoria, Rip Van Winkle, Zorrin Blitz.
Overloard: Albedo, Narberal Garma.
DragonBall: Bulma Briefs, Mrs Briefs/MILF/GILF, Chi-Chi, Android 18, Future 18, Android 21, Majin 21, Launch, Videl Satan, Frieza Force goons.
BNHA: Izuku Midoriya, Tsuyu Asui, Mina Ashido, Ochacko Uraraka, Momo Yayorozu, Jirou, Nejire Hado, Mitsuki Bakugo, Rumi Usagiama, Midight, Mt Lady, Nomu.
YU-GI-OH: Teá Gardner, Ishizu Ishtar, Mai Valentine, Black Magian Girl, Alexis Rhodes, Jasmine, Mindy, Akiza Izinski.
Game of Thrones: Denerys Targeryean.
Harry Potter: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Parvati Patil, Padma Patil, Ginney Weasely, Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Fleur Deacour, Nymphadora Tonks, Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange.
Pokémon: Delia Ketchum, Jessie, Nurse Joy, Officer Jenny, Cynthia, Arezu, Nessa, Bea, Nemona, Penny, Sada.
Sailor Moon: All inner and outer Senshi
Cyberpunk: V, Panam Palmer, Judy Alvares, Lucy, Joey Brass.
Claymore: Clare, Cassandra, Jeane.
Rosario + Vampire: Outer Moka, Inner Moka, Mizore Shirayuki, Tsurara Shirayuki, Kurumu Kurono, Ageha Kurono, Ruby Tojo, Nokonome.
Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Jolene Cujoh.
Ghost in the Shell: Motoko Kusanagi
Avatar/TLOK: Toph Beifong, Katara, Suki, Azula, Zuko, Mai, Ty-lee, Ju Dee, Korra, Asami Sato.
Familiar of Zero: Kirche Zerbst, Henrietta de Tristain, Tiffania Westwood, Tabitha, Longvelle.
Helluva Boss: Millie, Loona, Verosika.
DC comics: Starfire, Blackfire, Raven (Rachel Roth), Terra, Wonder Woman, Batgirl (Barbra Gordon), Catwoman, Power Girl, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy.
Marvel Comics: Gwen Stacy, Marry Jane Watson, Felicia Hardy/Black Cat, Rogue, Kitty Pride, Storm, Mystique.
Scooby-Doo: Velma, Daphne, Hex Girls.
Dragon Age: Cousland, Hawke, Inquisitor, Morrigan, Lelliana, Anora, Merrill, Isabella, Cassandra, Bethany Hawke, Sera, Josephine Montillyet.
Mass Effect: Sheppard, Liara T'Soni, Aria T'Loak.
Disney/Pixar/Dreamworks: Princess Jasmine, Esmerelda, Arora, Belle, Ariel (human), Kida, Chel, Helen Parr/Elastigirl, Violet Parr, Pocahontas, Nani Pelakai, Moana, Mavis Dracula, Jessica Rabbit.
Star Wars: Ahsoka Tano, Shaak-Ti, Barriss Offee, Luminara Unduli, Ayla Seccura, Bastilla Shan, Mission Vao, Juhanni, Kira Carsen, Vette, Vaylin, Lana Beniko, Darth Talon, Rey Palpatine.
Ben 10: Gwen Tennyson, Charmcaster.
Final Fantasy: Yuna, Rikku, Payne, Tifa Lockheart, Yuffie Kisaragi, Aireth Gainsborough, Ashelia B'Nargain Dalmasca, Fran, Lightning/Clair Farron, Y'shtola Rhul.
LoZ: Link, Zelda, Imp Midna, Twilight Princess Midna, Urbosa.
Fire Emblem: Lyndis, Minaeva, Shiida, Robin/Grima (M/F), Cordelia, Tharja, Olivia, Corrin (M/F), Camilla, Hinoka, Kageru, Dorothea, Edelgard, Lysithea.
Overwatch: Tracer, Dva, Mercy, Pharah, Sombra, Widowmaker, Ashe.
Elder Scrolls: Aela the Huntress, Mjoll the Lioness, Serana Volkihar.
Fantasy/D&D: Pike Trickfoot, Vex'ahlia, Keyleth, Delilah Briarwood, Nott the Brave, Yasha, Beau, Jester Lavorre, Imogen, Laudna, Werewolves, Mind Flayers, Orcs, The Devils of Emon, Nadûr, Korrin.
Kuroneiu: Olga Discordia, Cloe Discordia.
Action Taimanin: Ingrid, Oboro, Asagi Igawa, Sakura Igawa, Yatsu Murasaki.
Kingdom Hearts: Aqua, Anti-Aqua, Kairi, Xion, Namine, Larxene, Arlux.
This list is subject to change, as there may be muses I've forgotten, or decide I don't want to write for anymore.
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eleonora-love · 9 months
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Death of RAICO
Carmina is an android, formerly personal servant to the CEO of android manufacturing corporation RAICO, currently an assassin, and much more recently, wanted criminal.
You can read all about her and more in my written works on AO3: Manual Override
I recently played a lot of Cyberpunk 2077 and based my V on my oc Carmina because Manual Override is also that same sort of genre, but probably about another hundred years in the future. It could also take place in the same setting as Ghost In The Shell, so after all that gaming I was inspired to draw her again for the first time in a few years, but in that film's style.
Here's a bonus funny with my besties' Cyberpunk OCs as well:
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(the joke is that she misheard him. also she's gay obviously.)
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drzito · 9 months
Las 242 peliculas que he visto en 2023 (parte 2)
122. Martyrs (Pascal Laugier, 2008)
123. Of time and the city (Terence Davies, 2008)
124. Pandorum (Christian Alvart, 2009)
125. La casa del diablo (Ti West, 2009)
126. Catfish (Ariel Schulman y Henry Joost, 2010)
127. Rare exports: Un cuento gamberro de navidad (Jalmari Helander, 2010)
128. Final Destination 5 (Steven Quale, 2011)
129. Infierno blanco (Joe Carnahan, 2011)
130. La maldicion de Rookford (Nick Murphy, 2011)
131. Berberian sound studio (Peter Strickland, 2012)
132. Turistas (Ben Wheatley, 2012)
133. Across the river (Lorenzo Bianchini, 2013)
134. Colonia V (Jeff Renfroe, 2013)
135. Como todas las mañanas (Toni Nievas, 2013)
136. El Congreso (Ari Folman, 2013)
137. The Sacrament (Ti West, 2013)
138. Vivir en peligro (Paul Wright, 2013)
139. El sopar (Pere Portabella, 2014)
140. Lucy (Luc Besson, 2014)
141. Sueñan los androides (Ion de Sosa, 2014)
142. Uno tras otro (Hans Petter Moland, 2014)
143. Equals (Drake Doremus, 2015)
144. Dope (Rick Famuyiwa, 2015)
145. 13 horas: Los soldados secretos de Bengasi (Michael Bay, 2016)
146. El Caso Sloane (John Madden, 2016)
147. El Contable (Gavin O'Connor, 2016)
148. El Vacio (Jeremy Gillespie y Steven Kostanski, 2016)
149. Holy Hell (Will Allen, 2016)
150. La autopsia de Jane Doe (André Øvredal, 2016)
151. Maria (y los demas) (Nely Reguera, 2016)
152. Swiss Army Man (Dan Kwan y Daniel Scheinert, 2016)
153. Without Name (Lorcan Finnegan, 2016)
154. Brawl in Cell Block 99 (S Craig Zahler, 2017)
155. Caras y Lugares (Agnes Varda y JR, 2017)
156. Good Time: Viviendo al limite (Benny y Josh Safdie, 2017)
157. Hagazussa (Lukas Feigelfeld, 2017)
158. Secretos Oscuros (Michael Pearce, 2017)
159. Ghost in the shell. El alma de la maquina (Rupert Sanders, 2017)
160. The Cloverfield paradox (Julius Onah, 2018)
161. Illang: La brigada del lobo (Kim Ji-Woon, 2018).
162. Normandia al desnudo (Philippe Le Guay, 2018)
163. Al otro lado de la ley (S Craig Zahler, 2018)
164. Apuntes para una pelicula de atracos (Leon Siminiani, 2018)
165. El odio que das (George Tillman Jr, 2018)
166. 303 (Hans Weingartner, 2018)
167. El Convento (Payl Hyett, 2018)
168. La primera purga: La noche de las bestias (Gerard McMurray, 2018)
169. Mudo (Duncan Jones, 2018)
170. Noche de lobos (Jeremy Saulnier, 2018)
171. 6 en la sombra (Michael Bay, 2019)
172. Bait (Mark Jenkin, 2019)
173. Escape room: Sin salida (Adam Robitel, 2019)
174. Fyre (Chris Smith, 2019)
175. Sator (Jordan Graham, 2019)
176. Swallow (Carlo Mirabella-Davis, 2019)
177. Us (Jordan Peele, 2019)
178. Ventajas de viajar en tren (Aritz Moreno, 2019)
179. Bad Boys for Life (Adil El Arbi y Bilall Fallah, 2020)
180. El año del descubrimiento (Luis Lopez Carrasco, 2020)
181. Last and First Men (Johann Johannsonn, 2020)
182. Socias y Enemigas (Miguel Arteta, 2020)
183. Undergods (Chino Moya, 2020).
184. A tiempo completo (Eric Gravel, 2021)
185. Belle (Mamoru Hosoda, 2021)18
186. Black Phone (Scott Derrickson, 2021)
187. Candyman (Nia DaCosta, 2021)
188. Censor (Prano Bailey-Bond, 2021)
189. Destello Bravio (Ainhoa Rodriguez, 2021)
190. El Escuadron Suicida (James Gunn, 2021)
191. Eles transportan a morte (Samuel M. Delgado y Helena Girón, 2021)
192. Escape Room: La Pel·lícula (Hèctor Claramunt, 2021)
193. Espiritu Sagrado (Chema Garcia Ibarra, 2021)
194. Hellbender (John Adams, Zelda Adams y Toby Poser, 2021)
195. King Car (Renata Pinheiro, 2021).
196. La casa de las profundidades (Julien Maury y Alexandre Bustillo, 2021)
197. La Hija (Manuel Martin Cuenca, 2021)
198. Lamb (Valdimar Jóhannsson, 2021)
199. Licorice Pizza (Paul Thomas Anderson, 2021)
200. Malignant (James Wan, 2021)
201. The ice road (Jonathan Hensleigh, 2021)
202. The Medium (Banjong Pisanthanakun, 2021)
203. Tiempo (M night Shyamalan, 2021)
204. Tros (Pau Calpe, 2021)
205. You are not my mother (Kate Dolan, 2021)
206. Aftersun (Charlotte Wells, 2022)
207. Almas en pena de Inisherin (Martin McDonagh, 2022)
208. Ambulance. Plan de huida (Michael Bay, 2022).
209. Argentina 1985 (Santiago Mitre, 2022)
210. As Bestas (Rodrigo Sorogoyen, 2022)
211. Black Panther: Wakanda Forever (Ryan Coogler, 2022)
212. Cangrejo Negro (Adam Berg, 2022)
213. Crimenes del futuro (David Cronenberg, 2022)
214. El agua (Elena López Riera, 2022)
215. El triangulo de la tristeza (Ruben Ostlund, 2022)
216. Emily, la estafadora (John Patton Ford, 2022)
217. En los margenes (Juan Diego Botto, 2022)
218. Enys Men (Mark Jenkin, 2022)
219. Eo (Jerzy Skolimowski, 2022)
220. Flux Gourmet (Peter Strickland, 2022)
221. La hija eterna (Joanna Hogg, 2022)
222. La paradoja de Antares (Luis Tinoco, 2022)
223. Men (Alex Garland, 2022)
224. Modelo 77 (Alberto Rodriguez, 2022)
225. Muertos muertos muertos (Halina Reijn, 2022)
226. O corpo aberto (Angeles Huerta, 2022)
227. Predator. La Presa (Dan Trachtenberg, 2022) 
228. Puñales por la espalda: El misterio de Glass Onion (Rian Johnson, 2022)
229. RRR (SS Rajamouli, 2022)
230. Suro (Mikel Gurrea, 2022)
231. Vesper (Kristina Buozyte y Bruno Samper, 2022)
232. You won’t be alone (Goran Stolevski, 2022)
233. X (Ti West, 2022)
234. Asteroid City (Wes Anderson, 2023)
235. Barbie (Greta Gerwig, 2023)
236. El banco de Dave (Chris Foggin, 2023)
237. Elemental (Peter Sohn, 2023)
238. Indiana Jones y el dial del destino (James Mangold, 2023)
239. Llaman a la puerta (M Night Shyamalan, 2023)
240. Mision Imposible: Sentencia Mortal - Parte 1 (Christopher McQuarrie, 2023)
241. Nadie te salvara (Brian Duffield, 2023)
242. The Creator (Gareth Edwards, 2023)
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paypant · 10 months
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hydralisk98 · 11 months
Prospero (OS-dev? software development suggestions? Nth braindump for sure)
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Inspirations & references...
Paradise + Lain
Microdot Linux
Zen Linux kernel with Liquorix?
KDE Plasma desktop environment minified to Liquid & KWin
Lotus 1-2-3
C 2023+?
GNU Common Lisp
GNU Hurd
z/OS (Hypervisor?)
illumos OpenIndiana
Xerox GlobalView
Project actual specifications, targets ...
Sasha (Es, Fish, Parade, ZealOS, ChrysaLisp, Wish "command shells")
LainFS (transparent-data multimedia libre filesystem / format)
Devi (scripting symbolic data editor & hypervisor)
Tal (interactive programming language deriving from GitHub's MAL repository & taking hints from Swift, F#, REXX & SBCL)
VUE (Visual Union Environment) compositing window manager? (imitating CDE, Haiku's, KDE Plasma, GlobalView...)
Xerxes (Hypervisor & multi-agent sandbox ecosystem)
Zorua (animated SVG & symbolic vector computation library)
Ava (synthetic-tier android individual built from such technical stack)
Maskoch (cute little black bear cub mascot)
Personalized shell environment (aesthetically and practically too)
{ Es (Plan9's newer shell), Fish (friendly interactive shell), Kate, K3B, Okteta, KDE Partition Manager, Devine Lu Linvega's Parade/Paradise, ZealOS', ChrysaLisp, Wish; } = Sasha (symbolic analytical shell A)
"Tal" as the Lisp dialect to script so much of whatever happens in "Sasha" the command shell, "LainFS" as multimedia filesystem + format, "Zorua" as animated SVG + OGV + OpenEXR USD-tier inclusive-embedding full-version-control-source archive of save-state instances (great for animating filesystem changes across multiple timelines & interpolating transition data between them?), "Xerxes" = hypervisor;
As far as what I intend to use such for, "Sasha" is a real-time "sandbox filesystem" virtual environment's REPL with which I desire to record multi-agent social simulation stories, using a custom Lisp dialect REPL (aka a lambda-calculus-like multimedia DSL), with cool X3D environements + 2D animated SVG illustrations / icons, interpolated as necessary, taking advantage of version-control mechanisms as well as direct-mode editing to make really customizable long-term "manifestation toybox" scenarios. It seems similar to existing NetLogo and symbolic GAI research stuff, but I want to personalize specific simulation steps / instances in a overtly transparent and open manner...
Like, let's imagine I generate lively / immersive TS2-like stories with MegaOCEAN NPCs, as to eventually import into QGIS+OSM or whatever game engine I so choose later... (I really mean it such to help goal manifestation in the data visualizations manner, but observing and documenting life scripts for scientific analysis would be fine.)
I really do think of this as a GLOSS data-respecting alternative to the ChatGPT / AutoGPT / LLM-based game dev stuff that Big Tech pushes onto us. Self-hosted, lightweight on the REPL, easy-to-compute / explain & useful for spiritually-minded individuals seeking historical validation or mindful whatever. (Sure does my blend of Geo-Syndicalism shine with my statements here...)
So you know, I will find a way to get to a decent response to this kind of proposition (not for game dev, rather for statistical / demographic history simulation & arbitrary long-term social timelines...); Hence my 16^12 stuff needing some computational assistance without compromising the ethos / integrity I would rather preserve.
Stay tuned!
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mirandamckenni1 · 1 year
Liked on YouTube: Sci-Fi Short Film "Apotheosis" | DUST || https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlcuKadMBlE || Explore the DUST Multiverse on our App: https://bit.ly/DUSTChannel Selene, a young aerospace engineer, dreams of going to space, but was born naturally in this near-future society where the first generation of genetically engineered humans has come of age and has more privileges than those born like Selene. When her mother loses her job, Selene decides to compete against these genetically engineered humans in order to secure a job position on the first habitable space colony, Rusk Venture's Ourania. However, she'll be competing against her friend Fabrizio, Rusk's engineered son. Their friendship is pushed to the limit as their willpower and determination are put to the test. "Apotheosis" by Max Pearce Connect with the Filmmaker: https://ift.tt/VHtocZ7 "Apotheosis" Credits: Selene - Rene Leech Fabrizio - Dor Gvirtsman Minerva - Jane Casserly Rusk - Ross Turner Trainer - Vincent Stalba Newscaster - Wei Wilson Swimmer 1 - Hallie Kingsey Swimmer 2 - Oscar Martinez Baile Swimmer 3 - Rielle Oase Swimmer 4 - Keanu Ross-Cabrera Director - Max Pearce Produced by - Maria Sara Santoro Co-Producer - Brian DeAngelis Written by - Max Pearce & Maria Sara Santoro Director of Photography - John Burroughs Hanle Production Designer - Maria Sara Santoro Edited by - Riley Sweeney Lynch Costume Designer - Sonya Berg Visual Effects by - Shaman Marya Music by - David Myles Lewis Associate Producers - Hatuey Rodriguez, Josh Powell First Assistant Director - Tony Gx Shi Second Assistant Director - Yizhi Shi First Assistant A Camera - Catalina Parra First Assistant B Camera - Amber Rose Jones Second Assistant A Camera - Sayali Upadhye Second Assistant B Camera - Caleb Smith, June Kim Steadicam Operator - Lars Struck Gaffer - Louven Ryes Key Grip - Laura Stone G&E Swings - Sean Farley, Chris Hall, Chris Ube, Cory Ewing, Devon Johns Sound Design - Carter Tate Sound Recorder - Evan Hartney Sound Mixer - Vera Tin Art Director - Cat Johnson Set Decorator - Addison Rolleri Hair and Make-up - Kaia Langois Set Production Assistants - Ziqi Huang, Bingliang Li, Victoria Interiano, Greg Shell, Elizaveta Kaminski, Tayla Dixon Script Supervisors - Santos Herrera, Ian Kent, BTS Photographer - Rielle Oase Storyboards - Nhan Le Concept Art - Catherine Wu Additional Visual Effects by - Josh Steede Colorist - John Burroughs Hanle Titles and Credits by - Craig Lief On-Set Lifeguards - Devon Coates, Kyle Brandstater USC Faculty Advisors - Mike Fink, Brenda Goodman Festivals & Distribution/Licensing - Sandrine Faucher Cassidy Catering by - Too Tasty Catering Stock Footage Provided by - Pexels A USC Short FIlm Subscribe to the DUST and ALTER newsletter: https://ift.tt/OeWPSBf Subscribe to DUST on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2aqc5vh #DUST #scifi #shortfilm About DUST: DUST presents thought-provoking science fiction content, exploring the future of humanity through the lens of science and technology. From timeless classics to cutting-edge movies, series, short films, and podcasts, DUST acquires, produces and distributes all content types. DUST is also available on Amazon FireTV, AndroidTV, AppleTV, Fubo, IMDBTV, iOS, Peacock, Roku, Redbox, Samsung TV, Sling, STIRR, Tivo, Vizio, Xumo and 7Plus. On our OTT platforms, we offer cutting-edge and classic feature films, series, podcasts, and our entire shorts library. #TheFutureAwaits Watch on the DUST App: https://bit.ly/DUSTChannel Subscribe to the DUST Newsletter: https://bit.ly/signal_newsletter" Connect with DUST Website: https://ift.tt/UdAKuWp Sign-up for DUST newsletter: https://ift.tt/a1FEv05 Watch DUST on your TV: Available on Roku, Samsung TV, Apple TV, Android TV...and more Watch more on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2amTSen Follow Us on Facebook: http://bit.ly/2aqYgtZ Follow Us on Instagram: http://bit.ly/2amAhRt Listen to the DUST podcast: Apple: http://bit.ly/DUST-Audio Spotify: http://bit.ly/DUST-Spotify Stitcher: http://bit.ly/DUST-Stitcher Castbox: http://bit.ly/DUST-Castbox iHeart: http://bit.ly/DUST-iHeart About Gunpowder + Sky: Creating content that resonates and impacts pop culture conversation, by empowering creators to take risks and experiment relentlessly in the pursuit of novel stories and formats. https://www.youtube.com/watchdust
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bestcarequipment · 1 year
Android Auto in Houstons
How to Decide Which Car Stereo is Right for You in Houston
When it comes to your car's music system, the stereo serves as the "head unit" or control centre. It improves the driving experience by facilitating communication between the driver and the vehicle. If you're in the market for an Android auto in Houston, the first thing to remember is whether it'll play your preferred audio format. Sound recordings can now be encoded in a wide variety of file forms. The audio quality is dependent on the format used to store the file. Therefore, check to see if the aftermarket radio you're considering includes that function before purchasing.
Audio sources:
You should focus on the audio sources you use most frequently. Is a CD player necessary? Do you plan to use the DVD player to watch films when parked? Have you given up physical discs in favor of digital ones? A CD player with a slot for discs, an A/V receiver with a larger color screen, or a receiver without the drive and its associated moving parts are all viable options, depending on your answer.
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App and Smartphone Integration
The ability to sync with your Apple car play in Houstonis another feature to consider while shopping for a car stereo. Connecting your phone to the head unit and controlling it from the steering wheel makes for a more hands-free and secure driving experience. The LCD screen in your car can be used to make and receive phone calls, connect to Bluetooth devices, and more. 
Separate amplifier:
Compared to a car stereo, the sound quality gained from a dedicated amplifier is like night and day. Your system will sound better if you listen to Mahler's symphonies at a normal volume or crank up Metallica to 11. If you want high-quality audio in your automobile, you need an amplifier. The factory radio can be kept, and an amplifier can be installed.
Sound quality:
Unsurprisingly, high-quality sound is crucial when selecting a stereo system, but to say so would be a gross understatement. To improve your listening experience, you should get a stereo with features like equalisation (EQ) controls and built-in amplifiers.
GPS Navigation:
Car stereos are useful for more than just listening to music on the way to a new destination; they can alleviate the stress of getting lost in an unfamiliar area. There is no need to shell out extra cash for a GPS if you do not already have one, as many modern stereos provide this functionality. You may also use the GPS functionality of your smartphone by integrating it with the system.
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kerchandisplay · 2 years
Android Advertising Display SAD1560S
Enclosed design, easy to mount on a wall shelf.
 Android-based, support 3rd party APK to install via USB or SD card.
 With wifi and internet.
 Swift videos without any delay between videos.
 With CE FCC ROHS certification.
 Support update contents remotely over wifi or the internet.
 Android Advertising Display Features
15.6 inch Android Interactive LCD Monitor
Commercial use 15.6 interactive tablet.
 IPS screen: 1920*1080.
 IN-store LCD display.
 15.6 inch Android Interactive LCD Monitor
Integrated Android 8.1 rooted solution, support 3rd party APK, to install via USB/SD card. K-smart is installed by default, to make the screen to be more interactive.
 15.6 inch Android Interactive LCD Monitor
15.6 inch Android Interactive LCD Monitor
Support camera, touch etc.
 10 points capacitive touch screen.
 Exclusive new patented design.
 15.6 inch Android Interactive LCD Monitor
With ultra-high sound quality speakers, has outstanding performance.
 Remotely control media playing.
 Support video, photo playing.
 Support sending contents from office to tablets.
 15.6 inch Android Interactive LCD Monitor
Enclosed design with VESA standard which is easy to mount on wall shelf.
 Support 7*24 hours to play, plug-in directly. WIFI, Touch, 4G optional.
 2G RAM, 8G/16G interal memory, no need for extra SD card.
Android Advertising Display Tech Spec
Shell color
Standard: black
Open Frame or Enclosed
LCD Panel
Display Ratio
Visible Angle
Response Time
Life Time(hrs)
Visible Area
Outline dimension
A83-Eight Core-2.0GHz/RK3288-Four Core-1.8Hz
Mali400 MP2
ROM NAND flash
Decoded Resolution
Support 1080P
RTC Real-time Clock
Switch Time Setting
System Update
SD card update
Android 6.0/8.1
External Interface
Touch Panel
10 Point Capacitive Touch
Ethernet Support
Size: ∅30MM, speakers 8R 1W*2
External Port
Support SD/U flash disk
AC 100-240V
DC 12V/2A
Power consumption(Watt)
ABS material injection process
100*100mm VESA Wall Mount
Image Format
Audio Format
MP3, WMA, WAV, EAAC+, MP2, dec, Vorbis(Ogg), AC3, FLAC (lossless audio codec), APE, BSAC; Built-in two stereo speakers, with the function of audio output (support external audio equipment)
Video Format
Control Method
Remote control/Mouse
Default Language
Menu Language
Support Chinese, English
Storage Temperature
Working Temperature
Storage Humidity
Working Humidity
Product Weight(N.W. )
Plug Types
US, EU, AU, UK Optional
Package Size
A single package: 336*88*453mm Bulk packages: 509*442*280mm
10pcs/Package Package Weight: 18kg (Reference Only)
User Guide, Instruction Book, Warranty, Desiccant
1. Motion Sensor 2. Push Button
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iheartchv · 1 year
October challenge hosted by: @thelaundrybitch @leosgirl82 and @post-apocalyptic-daydream 💖💖💖
Fandom: TMNT ( my 2016 Dark Turtle Clones AU, I missed my big bois ;;v;; )
Prompt: Trick or Treat but Truth or Dare Style (this is open to all interpretations)
Hey ive got an idea
What is it
How about we have our own trick or treat... truth or dare style
Trick is Dare, Treat is Truth
Sure sounds like fun
You wanted to do something fun with the guys
This was going to be their first Halloween
They couldn't really go out and do anything because eventually anyone would question their "costumes"
You bought a bunch of candy a couple of days in advance and went to their hideout
You didn't know how the others would react to this idea
Mike didnt seem to mind it though
He probably already told his brothers the plan, anyway
Tag List:
Apparently, they were in
(And you can imagine all the shenanigans that went on that Halloween night x3 )
Sorry for it being short, tumblr published this instead of saving it as a draft.
@turtle-babe83 @tmntspidergirl-deactivated20230 @leosgirl82 @angelcatlowyn @annaliaandtheturtles @pheradream-15 @cowabunga-doll @bluesakurablossom @darksaphire2002 @foreignbrunette @greenprincess @half-shell-bo @lady-maria-the-wolf225 @moonlightflower21 @narwals14 @nikitaboeve @nittleboo @raphaelsrightarm @southernblossoms @thelostandforgottenangel @white-masked-beauty @roxosupreme @kawaiibunga @captain-kinda-trash @yumefuusen @sivy-chan-blog @artsolarsash @crazedtmnt @raisin-shell @sacredwarrior88 @leosgirl82 @egg-on-the-run @ashleighclark98 @dilucsflame33 @tkappi @happymoonangel @allybutton @android-cap-007 @androidships007 @turtallyawesome @doctorelleth @crazysarah-98 @phd-in-fuckery @angelicdavinci
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🎃 let me know if you'd want to/not be tagged 🎃
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lasclprofits · 2 years
Insaniquarium deluxe free pc download
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Insaniquarium Deluxe Mod Game yang satu ini terbilang unik karena game ini berbeda dengan game android pada umumnya.
Download Insaniquarium Deluxe Mod Apk For Android Unlimited Money. Get Insaniquarium Deluxe alternative downloads. In addition to feeding fish, the player must protect the fish from aliens that periodically enter the tank and attempt to eat the fish. Trusted Windows (PC) download Insaniquarium Deluxe 1.0. Each creature must be kept alive by feeding, whether through fish food bought by the player or other species of fish in the tank. Guppies and other fish drop money, which can be collected by the player and used to purchase fish food and upgrades, such as more aquatic creatures, more filling food, and powerful lasers to repel attackers. Insaniquarium Deluxe Crack In the arcade game you own a brand new aquarium with the task of raising and taking care of your own fish Start your game by buying some small guppies. New Games listed in the last 30 days Mobile Games.
Insaniquarium Deluxe freeload Full Version Pc. Shells are collected as the game progresses, and they can be used to create a custom Insaniquarium screen saver, to buy bonus pets or to increase the number of pets allowed in each tank, Players must manage a tank of guppies and other aquatic creatures, each stage begins with two guppies in the tank or one breeder which creates guppies. Insaniquarium Deluxe Crack CODEX Torrent freeload PC +CPY. Insaniquarium Deluxe freeload Full Version Pc Updated Written By Dietz Madireet Tuesday, 1 March 2022 Add Comment Edit. I dont want to download the insaniquarium deluxe i just wanna play it online bout i cant download it cuz it will take ages since i dont have broadband 01.12. Insaniquarium Deluxe features pets, various modes of gameplay, and a type of currency called 'shells'. Play Insaniquarium Deluxe, full review, freeload demo, screenshots. The title is a portmanteau of the words insanity and aquarium. This action puzzle adventure will have you buy fish, upgrade your weapons, and unlock secret pets as you explore this captivating underwater world. Feed them to help them grow, and when they reach a certain size, they will drop coins to grab. freeload Download Insaniquarium Deluxe Full Game Play For Free. Control and protect an aquarium filled with fantastic fish and sea creatures by keeping your friendly fish fed and happy and safe from alien intruders. Insaniquarium Deluxe Crack CODEX Torrent PC freeload +CPY. Cng vic ca ngi chi l phi chm sc nhng ch c cnh bin ng yu bng cch cho chng n (phi mua thc n), gip. Insaniquarium Games Insaniquarium created by Flying Bear Entertainment and PopCap Games. Insaquarium Deluxe Edition for Windows Pc & Mac: freeload (2021) Insaquarium Deluxe Edition for PC and Mac Whats Great 1. Insaniquarium Deluxe l mt game hay ca hng PopCap, nh nhng v rt ph hp vi cc chu nh.
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aptlascl · 2 years
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greyslasvegas · 2 years
Yate scrabble word
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This site is not sponsored by or affiliated with Hasbro, Inc., Spear or Mattel in any way. Spear & Sons Limited of Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, a subsidiary of Mattel Inc. All intellectual property rights in and to the game are owned in the U.S.A and Canada by Hasbro Inc., and throughout the rest of the world by J.W. So in the unlikely event you have both blanks, tough. The Scrabble cheat-o-matic only handles single blank tiles, Letters of places on the board that look promising to get a list of all the To use the Scrabble cheat-o-matic, enter the letters you have below. These are the Word Lists we have: 'All' contains an extremely large list of words from all sources. You can now choose between the TWL98, TLW06 and SOWPODS dictionaries (as used by Scrabulous).Īnd 3 letter scrabble words ( TWL98, TWL06 or SOWPODS) You will find scrabble much more satisfying if you rely on your own wit. Click below to read more.Please don't use the Scrabble cheat-o-matic for normal gameplay, unless you are really If you have knowledge, background, photos or memories of domestic service please do let us know. Yate Heritage Centre is undertaking a community history project based on Domestic Service in the Yate area. The letters EAVTRIY are worth 13 points in Words With Friends. E 1 A 1 V 4 T 1 R 1 I 1 Y 4 Words With Friends. The letters EAVTRIY are worth 13 points in Scrabble. Here are the values for the letters E A V T R I Y in two of the most popular word scramble games. South Gloucestershire Counci's Area Wide Grant (AWG) is currently available and the deadline for submitting applications is midnight on Friday 23 October. E A V T R I Y Letter Values in Word Scrabble and Words With Friends. Is your community, voluntary or social enterprise group in need of financial support for a project, service, event or activity that benefits residents? Please click below to help their goal to raise as much as possible to support these crazy crew members and help keep our station operational.
Working with Yate Rotary Club, the Centre will stage a ‘Tree of Light' where people can sponsor a light in memory of a loved one or to celebrate a special family event.Īs part of fundraising efforts to help save the SARA Sharpness Lifeboat Station, a small group of intrepid crew from Sharpness walked 16.5 miles from Gloucester docks to Sharpness docks in full lifeboat PPE. Click below for details.ĭespite the unpredictable and at times rapidly changing situation, there will still be a Christmas flavour at Yate Shopping Centre this year. Stanshawe Service Station, Yate's only locally owned and run independent Shell petrol station with SPAR convenience store, has an immediate vacancy for shop and forecourt duties, which can be filled on a full time, part time or job share basis. Plisterine 3 0 1 freeload.Ĭlick here to sign up for our monthly newsletter, packed with local highlights!
Have an idea for something else you'd like to see? Click here to let us know, or find out how to advertise. This month on MyYate there's a chance to win a Pamper Treatment Voucher from Bevan Evemy.īrowse our calendar for events, find businesses and organisations in the directory and discover more in featured pages. Let us know if you'd like us to add information about your activity, event or organisation. This list contains a total of 13 apps similar to Yate. Filter by license to discover only free or Open Source alternatives.
Microsoft outlook 2016 mac os high sierra.Īlternatives to Yate for Mac, Windows, Linux, Android, Python and more. Welcome to MyYate, the online guide to what's on in the area, and who makes it happen!Ĭheck out our Coronavirus section for useful community information, including news, events, and local firms offering food and other home deliveries. In short, the goal of this site is to help you cheat/win in Scrabble word game, especially. You can make 97 words from gatery according to the Scrabble US and Canada dictionary. Instant Messenging Support for multiple IM providers. Scrabble Word Finder is a simple and easy to use Scrabble solver and helper website :-) It helps you find the top scoring words for scrabble, words with friends and other similar word games like Jumble words, Anagrammer, Wordscraper, Wordfeud and so. YateClient supports multiple telephony protocols and has advanced telephony and chat features. It can be used on a variety of platforms: Windows, Mac OS, Linux. YateClient is an Instant Messenger and SoftPhone based on Yate. Is yate a valid scrabble word With Sowpods dictionary (international English): YES.
– Yate Modules, modules extending the functionality of Yate.
The application will tag mp3 (includes mp2), m4a (AAC, ALAC), mp4 (AAC, ALAC, video), m4b, m4v, flac, aiff (aifc, aif), dff, dsf, ape, wav, ogg (single stream.
The application was designed from the ground up for Mac users and uses its own tagging library.
Yate was developed for people who want complete control over their tagging experience.
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