#v: alt tlj
solerey · 5 years
The Belonging You Found
Rey still couldn’t believe, sometimes, everything she had found beyond the sands of Jakku -- a mother, a father (lost before she understood why she felt what she felt for him, but still found), a Wookiee of an uncle, an actual uncle, a brother who had chosen the Dark long before she’d been old enough to try and stop him...and a cousin.
The coincidence of them finding each other when they weren’t even looking was almost unfathomable -- but as Master Skywalker Uncle Luke explained, the Force was a powerful thing, more than capable of drawing someone halfway across the galaxy to someone they didn’t even know yet that they loved; it had done it to him, once upon a time. Now it had done it to her, and to Finn. She had to hold onto the hope that it would bring him back, too.
Rey hadn’t been able to sit by his bedside for his recovery the way she might have wished -- first she had had to go and fetch Mast-- Uncle Luke, then help him drive the First Order back when the Resistance Fleet was floundering, and now there was training in the ways of the Force...but she dropped in when she could. Sometimes she found the pilot, Poe, there telling stories to the sleeping Finn; sometimes she found other members of the Resistance who didn’t know him, but visited out of gratitude and affection for the man who had helped destroy Starkiller Base. Sometimes Gener-- Leia-- mom was there. Rey crept out quietly then, not wanting to disturb them; she loved the mother she couldn’t remember, she truly did, but she wasn’t always sure how to talk to her.
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Finn was easy to talk to, even if he didn’t say anything back these days. Rey was in the middle of relating a story about astromech antics when something in the room changed -- a feeling? A sound? She looked up, looking around -- and then down. “Finn?”
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hopegained · 3 years
babe wake up new verse just dropped
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reachexceedinggrasp · 2 years
There's something that's always made me wonder back when I was still in the SW fandom.How did the majority of the fanboys and fangirls have such a profound misunderstanding of the thematic theme it represents?Like I remember finding MANY of this people on my insta feed talking about different types of spaceships,where do the J*dis get their lightsaber crystals from,characteristics of several planets,etc YET when confronted about the actual theme of the movie,they "What do you think my entire blog is about?"🤦‍♀️These are the type of people who just hate Ben in general, think TLJ did L*ke dirty,and genuinely believe V*der and An*kin to be two different people.How did this happen?Was it partly Lucas' own fault?Was it because of the Legends books?I'm just so confused...like how did these people become a fan for 20+years yet managed to misread something most integral to its storyline?
Yeah, I used to talk about this a lot. I think it's mostly two things. It's that a lot of people don't care about themes no matter how obvious they are and will just mentally paper over a message they don't agree with. Any incurious audience will also often assume the things they like must agree with them and will read their own worldview into media regardless of intent. See the bizarre mental contortions from fans, such as claiming Vader wasn't actually redeemed or that 'everyone' ignores that aberrant moment because the movie is otherwise good (as if RotJ isn't exclusively built around Luke's moral victory in choosing love and refusing to submit to the idea of a necessary evil). See also TPM alt-right crypto fascists identifying with the Rebellion and reading the story as an allegory for their fight for 'freedom'. Assholes don't see themselves as the villains, they see themselves as the heroes.
And the second thing is that sw attracted a large audience of people who just have wildly different priorities than the original narrative. People who love space ship blueprints and detailed lore, people who want sci-fi rather than fantasy/fable storytelling conventions, who want to break down the vague, emotional mysticism of the Force into a D&D magic system with two flavours of power and specific rules. People who aren't that interested in the deeply character-driven and self-contained plot of the saga, but want to play with a kind of worldbuilding that focuses on minutiae. This is of course fine for them to enjoy, but it's totally incompatible with the films and how the entire canon universe runs so it shouldn't be canonised- yet those are usually the kind of people who want to write tie-in novels. Inevitably, this shifts the tone and conventions of the universe away from the message around which they were originally built.
The fandom was also full of insecure dudebros who wanted a fairy tale built on a completely uncompromising idealism to be instead gritty and ~realistic~ and cynical so they could keep liking it as adults without their masculinity being threatened. Without their worldview being challenged. So we end up with the EU theme-rot and aggressive Wrong About Star Wars takes from the people who are now in charge of the canon. The rare vision of idealism gets pulled down and replaced with the same bloodthirsty American monomyth bullshit you get everywhere else in Hollywood.
There's nothing you can really do as the author to prevent this kind of thing. SW's message is so uncontrovertible and without subtlety that five year-olds get it no problem, but that has never stopped anyone from wildly misreading it. You can't control the audience. Having a fun action-adventure movie with super appealing characters and a vibrant world is going to reach far more people than are willing to accept a truly challenging message about unconditional compassion. I mean, kids will and do, and that's who Lucas says he wanted the films to be for, so he did all right on that.
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daikenkki · 6 years
Recap of what SJWs have destroyed: -Ghostbusters 2016 reboot flops. No sequels ever. -Ocean's 8 flops. -Marvel Comics quality continues to drop. -The Last Jedi is divisive. -Solo flops as a result of TLJ. -Battlefield V pre-orders are weak. -SW Resistance downvoted. -Thundercats Roar trailer on private. -She-Ra reboot is instantly hated. -Jessica Price deservedly fired for being unjustifiably hostile to a customer. -Ruby Rose bullied by feminists for not being "gay enough" to play Batwoman. -Total Biscuit's death celebrated by games developers. -Crunchyroll disables comments. -Scarlet Johansson leaves transgender movie role after being constantly bullied for not "actually being a transgender" (even though transitioning from woman to man was the purpose of the fucking movie). -Kevin Feige says that the future is female. Major red flag due to the comics. -Marvel Comics hires a black woman based on her looks and race, not for talent or merit. -CD Projekt Red employee doxxed because of a harmless joke. -Jeremy Hambly physically assaulted by lunatic. -Comedy Central does a poor attempt (and horribly edited) at a hit piece on Diversity & Comics, which resulted in huge amounts of downvotes all across the board and ultimately removed the video from their YouTube channel later on. -Channel Awesome loses all of its contributers and tons of subscribers after the document was uploaded online. -James Gunn fired from Disney. -Michelle Wolf's Netflix show gets canceled before it even aired. -Disney merges with 20th Century Fox. -Angry Joe has a meltdown. -Mundane Matt gets caught in his lie about not going on a false flagging spree and his racist polar bear videos from 2012 get uploaded. -The Oscars going full SJW was so bad that the ratings plummeted quickly after. -Crunchyroll tries to make their staff for their original series (which started as a mini comic on Tumblr... Yeah...) being all female and "diverse" as some type of selling point. Instead of, y'know, being focused on getting talented people together and make a good show. Fail. -Crunchyroll also disabled likes/dislikes on that same video. So they're on full damage control. -Feminists complained about Wonder Woman's lack of armpit hair. -Anita Sarkeesian and TheMarySue both have a nuclear meltdown about Joss Whedon rebooting Buffy the Vampire Slayer with a black lead. Funny how that works. -Anita also gave the idea of Emily being the main character of Dishonored 2. The franchise is put on hold. -Rian Johnson calls people "manbabies" because they didn't like The Last Jedi. -Years prior, admits he wants to make a film people will love and hate. -Freddie Prinz Jr. tries to antagonize the fans. -JJ Abrams says we are threatened by women. -Star Wars Aftermath author Chuck Wendig goes on an anti-Star Wars fan twitter tirade multiple times. -SJWs vandalized a comic book themed restaurant because they hate Ethan Van Sciver so much that they've labeled him as a Nazi or alt-right fascist and sexist bigot. Tim Doyle consistently tries to paint him as evil. -Brie Larson believes she doesn't need the opinions of "40 year old white men". -The MenAreTrash hashtag. -Chris Hardwick accused of domestic violence against his ex girlfriend. But was proven to be false and he went back to work. It almost cost him his career. -Afterwards, some of the staff for Talking Dead left the show after Hardwick was found innocent and came back. Basically implying that they wished the accusations against him were true. -Rian Johnson removes 20,000 tweets or more after James Gunn's firing from Disney. -The Guardians of the Galaxy staff try to bring Gunn back. -Disney refuses to rehire him. -Dave Bautista goes on numerous rants against "cyber nazis" and angrily attacks Disney. -Rian Johnson (for some reason) brings up and targets GamerGate in order to defend The Last Jedi. -Disney-owned ABC convinces the Academy to make a new category for film dubbed "Best Popular Film." Probably to try and get MCU films to win an Oscar, namely Black Panther. Yeah. Stupid. -A angry group of Zelda fans DDOS'd Jim Sterling because he gave Breath of the Wild a 7/10. Which is not even a bad score. -Chris Pratt was attacked by people for sending prayers to Kevin Smith. -Henry Cavill was attacked by the MeToo movement when he confessed that he was nervous about asking women out on a date in fear of being labeled a rapist. -Unfortunately, Cavill later apologized even though he had no reason to apologize whatsoever because he was speaking the truth. -SJWs get offended by the "mortally challenged" joke found in Doom Eternal. -EA DICE executive Patrick Söderlund leaves the company after Battlefield V preorders were down to 85% and after telling fans not to buy the game if they didn't accept their forced identity politics.
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princessnijireiki · 6 years
okay: first up is star wars
it should go without saying that this is going to have spoilers for sw:tlj, but also I’ve only watched the movie the once, so...? idk how much I’ve retained & my notes (that took me 8500 years to dig out of my drafts) aren’t super detailed or involved, bc I was just tired or off my game or sth that night, I don’t recall.
VERY long post under the cut!
I'll get this out of the way first: I thought tlj felt like a really mishandled neo-noir film. like if the order is neo-naziism to the ot’s imperial fascists, it almost hits neo-noir/wartime spy narratives beat for beat, just clumsily as all hell.
snoke vs kylo ren felt v. much like old guard holdover nazis/white supremacists vs. nouveau “alt-right” neonazis, down to luke making a point that the new wave of resistance cannot & should not call on or depend on heroes of the past (if those people are even alive or inclined to answer the call) bc you can’t fight the same war twice— certainly not do so & expect to win the same way…
like the last jedi seems one third against-all-odds tactical war film (poe & leia), one third ww2-informed heist film (rose & finn), and one third allied spy girl vs. a nazi— who she ofc wants to turn to her side so she can infiltrate and topple a cell of his fellow soldiers by convincing them of What Is Right, mentored by an old jaded soldier who’s bitter & knows she’s naïve but at v. least responds to and recognizes her passion & drive. which, like justice & morality, like the force, are not things that “belong to you.” it is what you can channel for balance & the greater good. they are not personality traits, they are not a thing you can convert someone else to.
so as a small segue wrt rey & kylo, tbh the message that like… you can’t heal ppl who don’t want to be healed, or people want to revel in hatred— that you can’t even sexually or romantically like fuck or love somebody into being better if they don’t choose to fight that battle themselves (should you interpret their scenes as canon reylo, which… I don't, but whatever, rian johnson)— it's important, and an interesting note that I think has gone over a lot of people's heads in all the discourse?
not that it's anyone's fault, just that like… once we get past all our ship-related biases and things (I do think there's canon support for finnrey as endgame, full disclosure), I think there's people so hungry for romantic scraps that they miss the potential for romantic subplots to have a purpose to serve for the plot… and I think reylo being "teased" in a certain kind of way suits the noir elements of the story (which I'll get back to in a second), even with it not being a "real" endgame ship? like they're narratively still in an important dynamic.
because this also highlights where anakin/vader differs from ben/kylo. anakin became vader out of pain & stopped out of choice (not redeeming, but still of value), where ben did canonically choose to become kylo out of a hunger for power & a certain sense of entitlement and "bloodright" to a "legacy" of conquest. which also stemmed from a desire to destroy his family, which is pretty standard-issue white boy mass-killer stuff… not that I think he's specifically mass-shooter anglo-coded or whatever. but the parallels are there, and it's part of why a lot of people find kylo both boring & personally terrifying/discomfiting as a villain. between his tantrums and his ~greater plan, he's the spirit & image of domestic violence and the kid you knew in school who was just unassuming enough to feel almost tangibly like a ticking time bomb.
if that's deliberate, it's almost fucking smart. if not, it's bland villain writing that coincidentally (whether that's because of adam driver or just that sort of— intimate familiarity with the kind of fear That Guy can cause) stumbled close enough to realism to toe the line between farcical and genuinely troubling. like all jokes aside, it's a very /r/incels vibe, where, sure, it feels very funny to put a spotlight on something so unironically & unreservedly ridiculous… but it's still people who potentially present a very real threat, which they will go into graphic detail over relishing.
and kylo is specifically not trying to “heal” or find fulfillment from sth else, which further distances him from his grandfather. like kylo’s emotionally torn about his violence, but still wants to be able to be untouchable & unreachable & ultimately, iredeemable… he craves bloodthirstiness & infamy & visibility, even while he struggles with wanting to have his cake (parents) and eat it (kill them), too. where vader suppressed pain from his emotional losses, with empathy almost seeming like it fell by the wayside to his single-minded hatred & grief, kylo tries to suppress “weakness” in the form of empathy itself; and kylo still wants something that can’t be given or delivered by anything except violence & bloodshed, because the glory in that power is the taking more than the having.
tbh the way kylo’s radicalization tore his family & the people they loved apart is also a very different energy than the padme-obi wan-anakin dynamic when ani turned to the dark side… like bad shit comes from “good” places & “good” kids & “good” families, not just traumatized kids from the “wrong side of the tracks,” and it can come whether or not support is there, because the issue was never “damaged” kids or “hurt” people hurting people, despite the popular rhetoric otherwise.
wgere anakin was a story of how abuses & pain & isolation coming from a place of trauma makes people who can be preyed upon by fascists and are fodder ripe for radicalizing in a dangerous way, kylo is about the wake of trauma & desolation it leaves behind when people actively and deliberately choose that life, rather than who are in a position where they feel they have no other choice but to turn to that path. which, again, echoes how vader & kylo’s internal conflicts fuckin’ differ; not to excuse vader from anything, or kylo ren's fanboy ass, for that matter, but at this point, when we're talking about character motivations & internal conflict, it's worth pointing out.
but back to the neo-noir thing— the nazi creep in this sort of ingenue femme fatale's story turns out to just be a nazi creep, hence kylo not actually budging on his stances at all… except unlike typical weird-ass gentile ww2 fiction where there’s a budding romance between an ss soldier & a jewish girl or spy or something, rey, somewhat unintentionally hilariously, is like “EW GROSS!!!” à la inglorious basterds (even tho she doesn’t successfully blow everything up, and throws in a  “DON’T FUCKIN FACETIME ME WITHOUT A SHIRT ON!!! ALSO FUCK YOU YOU KILLED YOUR DAD!!!” for good measure), followed by the typical “join me”/“LMAO FUCK NO” ending, sans the nazi getting shivved.
except since it’s a scifi sorta meta commentary on NEO naziism with these noir plot elements, the og hitler fanboy (snoke) dies but the new fascist & his new, self-glorifying ideology (kylo & co.) live on. this proxy neo-imperial (truly neo-imperial, since the order is the successor to the empire— who believe they will succeed where the empire failed) white supremacy is thus a sort of ouroboros devouring itself & repeating itself cyclically. only instead of dying… or maybe even if you assume it WILL destroy itself, though there's no indication that it will besides kylo's personal instability (which just indicates that whatever or whoever comes next will do to him what he did to snoke)… it continues to thrive, changing names & jargon to continue targeting people who can't fight back, or targeting people who others won't stand up to defend, racking up a bodycount along the way.
I really wish it was better, because that sounds really cool! but the execution was just not… there, even though it feels like the germ of a good idea was simmering under the surface.
anyway, rey & finn (and also rose!), in contrast to kylo's canon family background (along with hux's, I guess?), continue to be examples of how they got fucked up backstories, but DON’T choose genocide lmao. at the time this was topical instead of a blip on our "2018 is fucked up and january was 3 years ago" radar, but remember how erykah badu was talking about how hitler was a ~wonderful artist~ with a bad childhood or w/e, how he was just misunderstood?? like do you know how many art school rejects & dropouts with fucked up dads DON’T become fuckin fascists?? kylo ren sympathizers are wild and like without a shred of hyperbole or humor, that’s deadass how some of y'all sound, even with his fanon background of being abused, which isn't even true (and likewise, the same goes for hux's canon background).
and tbh even in terms of background, just contrasting rey yelling at kylo that “you had a father who gave a damn!” vs. kylo's “rey… I saw who your parents are”/“you're nobody, you're nothing, but not to ME” manipulations (I wrote down "HE’S A LIAAAAAAARRRRR!!!.mp4" lollll), despite rey's trauma, she still sees value in what and who han was, and kylo seeks to deepen rey's trauma. they both try to use each other's parents against the other, but where rey tries to tell kylo it's not too late to change, and tries to understand him, he tries to use (imo fake, but ig we'll find out) narratives about rey's parents to say, "they turned your back on you, you turn your back on the world."
which maybe sounds like a line from the lion king, because it is! but instead of hakuna matata attitudes of turning a blind eye to the suffering of others out of self-interest (which is worth pointing out: is shown as a bad thing in the lion king), kylo is advocating for rey to actively fucking do harm in the world & murder people as an outlet for feeling unwanted or unseen, I guess? while also tying her sense of self-worth to him & his esteem.
all of which is textbook manipulation, and like, I personally dislike it, but whatever floats your boat in fanmade media, just. this is objectively not going to be canon. like disney & lucasfilm are not going to cosign something this blatantly villainous. scar is not the hero of the lion king. there's a lot of big-ass reasons for that.
including rey going to kylo rey going to kylo despite luke trying to prevent all of that, and kylo of course immediately having her arrested… and rey talking to kylo about himself as echoes of luke talking about vader to vader and to palpatine… like there's a reason for all of these parallels! though I wonder Why rey wasn't allowed to cut off kylo’s Fucking Hand & complete the Fucking Chain, to let him be the skywalker who loses a Fucking Limb!!! unless that's a third/final act thing for him, I guess. or he'd be too into it.
anyway. I also made a note saying, "this scoring is… not good," so, mood, I suppose, because I really don't even remember the background music for this. I also made a note about the dialogue (which I DO remember being bad) & the costumes (which I don't particularly remember besides not liking a lot of the costume and set work on leia's ship), but I'm not super-committed to those as moods.
moving onto luke “there is literally nothing to gain from talking/listening to nazis” “#1 anti-reylo” skywalker, him talking abt how reacting with violence against a scared child on a bad path was Wrong, but rejecting ppl for racist fascist ideology even “before” nazis have done anything “wrong” except for believing & saying the wrong things is NOT Wrong… is, in contrast, a very nice, choice mood.
so is puppet yoda being a mean old man & fake ass hypocrite even in death while bein like “burn it all down then lmao I look like I give a fuck,” like him laughing at luke yelling “THE SACRED JEDI TEXTS!!!!” is a highhhhhkey mood… like I wanna hit ppl with a cane when I’m a ghost, damn, same.
I'm actually not mad at luke's narrative at all, or his dynamic with yoda or with rey; I think the time he had onscreen was allocated poorly, for the most part. but I understand why he'd get to the point he was at, in particular the generational disillusionment & jaded trauma, and I get him wanting to say his bittersweet farewell to leia after isolating himself, before positioning himself to be another person who loves ben but can't or won't actually fight & kill kylo, despite the danger he presents. it's a character weakness, though not technically a flaw; the same way as I said earlier vader had to want to change where kylo didn't want to when luke & rey offered them opportunities to turn away from the dark side, luke (and han, and presumably leia) represent(s) the choice to keep offering when the more effective choice for the safety of the world-- the less selfish choice-- would be to choose to disarm, disable, or kill kylo ren to stop him from hurting others.
in the same way as anakin couldn't accept padmé dying and it paved his path to the dark side, luke, leia, and han's refusal to accept kylo needing to die or be forcibly stopped (not convinced or loved into change) paves the path to his continued empowerment with the dark side. all these skywalker-solos' refusal to accept death of one kind or another has blocked their own freedom to find justice and peace. that's just my onion, though, because I'm sure the movies will find some bs third option or kylo will end up dying as a result of his or the order's own actions... it's not very disney to philosophically land on "Sometimes Murder IS The Answer," particularly when they're known for villains' offscreen karmic deaths and, like, atla and the kung fu panda films did a really fantastic job already of that kind of "third option" heroic victories. but it's how I fucking FEEL.
as a completely unrelated note, rose’s necklace as a conductor makes me think of something, too, but I can’t remember what; a children's movie I saw years and years ago with some large piece of clockwork machinery having a broken gear, and a girl protagonist's necklace jammed into the space of the gear's broken tooth to keep it moving. not that it's such an original premise, but it's definitely something I remember, very specifically and vividly. iirc, a gold heart-shaped necklace jammed into some kind of clockwork, and it was a perfect fit, but it wasn't retrieved— I think it just became a piece of these gears for the rest of the movie.
if anybody knows what fucking movie I mean, please hit me up, because this is haunting me lol.
the less said about the shitty military logistics in this film, the better, so I won't say much except to say that they're all stupid and pretty much hypocritical; none of the characters' military actions make a lick of sense except for maybe paige tico's, and the salt fields gimmick is just tactically bad + bad worldbuilding. I don't understand why the layer of salt on that red dirt was so thin except to be dramatic as all hell, and while I can appreciate that, if two index fingers touched to this dirt can lift all the salt off, and no one notices luke not leaving footsteps behind, I'm not going to believe anyone involved is remotely intelligent or observant. stop shooting at a ghost??? y'all know magic force skype is a thing??? ugh. likewise, this means characters like amilyn holdo trying to position themselves as in the right for calling out other people's shitty military tactics before making shitty moves themselves just makes said characters look mad hypocritical.
but real talk, rogue one felt like a war movie made by someone who had never seen a war movie before ever in life & kind of hated war movies, so this is like. not as bad as I've come to expect from star wars on that front.
we're not talking about the fight choreo with the praetorian guard, either, but their chain whip three-segment staff things were cool, I guess. that scene was honestly not shot well, which imo is where you start seeing the seams of the fight choreo, but that's the most generous thing I can say about it.
on the plus side... I don't think rose pushing finn in the beginning of the film is as big a deal as a lot of people have made it out to be. I think it was rian johnson using a cinematography framing gimmick without giving things much thought, because it's a literally textbook basic cinematography trick, and that's the level he's working on. no shade, everyone has to start somewhere, and it's not like I'm such an accomplished director. he just might not have been the right choice for this story & this kind of attention to detail necessary.
and tbh the pacing of the movie is just entirely fucked (rose and finn felt unnecessarily rushed, leia's subplot understandably is a struggle to piece toghether appropriately, and rey imo needed more time hitting different plot points with luke than she did with kylo-- especially I think with the huge potential to touch on more visual callbacks to dagobah before yoda made his reappearance), but if you watch the poe & leia story, finn & rose story, and rey & luke story all separately, they're coherent! they are coherent. they don't fucking gel, because the movie would need more time & a more deft hand at the helm than johnson to weave them all together (and I know I mentioned inglorious basterds earlier, but I feel like THAT movie needed a firm editing hand & could've been 45 minutes shorter even with ITS multiple wartime plots; and that was still cleaner than this), but if you squint at it, you can almost see where those stories could've aligned with someone else running things.
anyway uhhhhhh that's all my notes and then some, and I can't think of anything else to add, and I feel tired of talking about this movie.
like there are a LOT of issues I have with the film's visuals/choreo & its rush to shove characters into new shoes for sake of plot expedience, particularly with the moralizing it does to get there (and who catches flak in turn; poe gets a weird amount of heat in-story, rose gets a lot in fan spaces, I think?) + the poor military strategizing and like. Staging of the Chekov’s gun/deus ex machina beats of the story, like I mentioned with the salt fields & with the potential for more dagobah aesthetics pre-yoda. but it’s not as bad as I thought it would be, tbh.
which is partly because so many responses were so polarized! like so many people hated it so much & said so before I saw tlj, and I personally really disliked rogue one enough (it had potential, but was executed horrendously!!), that the combined effect was a bar just low enough to nod to the reality of tlj in passing as they walked past each other on the sidewalk. like about on the level of my expectations, but not actually there, and not as bad as it could have been.
rian johnson def shoehorned some chars into roles that are kind of ill-fitting since he took a hard left turn away from tfa’s characterization beats (unnecessarily, ofc, but once that was on the table, I didn't expect otherwise), and it feels like inexperienced direction and SLOPPY editing. but for as much as it's not a film I enjoyed, it's not a film I actively loathed so much as just MOSTLY disliked, but am also just disappointed in the crappiness of.
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jedisteps-blog · 7 years
tag dump
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multiversitycomics · 6 years
Star Wars Book Club Episode V: The Last Jedi Novelization by Jason Fry
The opening scene is the most unusual in the book.
Welcome to the Multiversity Star Wars Book Club! Based on a conversation in the Multiversity Slack, editors Matt Garcia and Brian Salvatore decided to start up this column, where we will be reading and discussing a Star Wars every month or so. So come, enter the ancient library and join us!
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solerey · 5 years
"nothing is impossible."
Rey knew the words were meant to be a comfort, but right now they rang painfully hollow. She looked up from where she still sat on the hard, cold floor of the cave -- she had no idea how long she had been sitting there, coiled in on her own misery, before Master Skywalker found her; it felt like a lifetime -- and stared at him through the tears on her cheeks. “How can you say that?” she asked. Her voice was hoarse from her crying -- or maybe from the screaming. “You know...you knew what the cave showed me even before I told you. You know who...who I am.”
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She swallowed and forced herself not to look away from him, although it was hard. It hurt, waiting to see the look on his face, his reaction to her words. Waiting to know. “Did you...did you always know? From the moment I arrived? Is that why...why you were reluctant to teach me? Because you knew...you knew that I’m a Palpatine?”
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solerey · 4 years
Smothered Spark
@poewingsdameron​ | Urakan Verse
Rey felt as though the darkness around her had become a physical presence, as slick and cloying as chloropolyslime. It oozed across her skin like oil and crawled down the back of her throat; no matter how many times she swallowed, the mucilaginous feeling remained. She shivered, and knew that for once it wasn’t because of the ambient temperature. It was the Dark Side of the Force, flowing thick and viscous all around her.
But through that cloying cloud of darkness, there was a spark of light yet lingering -- she could feel it, had felt it tugging at the edges of her awareness even as Kylo Ren was raking his awful gaze across her mind. She had thought it was him she felt, at first; thought it was a remnant of good, of the boy Ben Solo used to be before he became the monster Kylo Ren, but she had been wrong. She had learned that in Snoke’s throne room.
Which meant, if it hadn’t been him she’d been feeling, it must have been something else. Someone else, perhaps. And Rey -- despite Leia’s warnings, despite Chewbacca’s misgivings -- was going to find that spark and drag it back into the Light...or die trying.
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The further she crept into this terrible place, the more she began to wonder if it would indeed be the latter that resulted -- but she wasn’t going to give-up. She couldn’t; not as long as there was still hope...but then, she rounded a corner and found herself suddenly facing a horror that surely proved that hope was the sole province of fools.
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solerey · 5 years
The Streets of Nar Shaddaa
@neverflysolo | continued from this.
Rey laughed, suffused with the adrenaline of the chase and the exhilaration of escape. She should probably take this whole thing more seriously -- First Order on their tails, the Knights of Ren probably only a short hyperspace hop and shorter comm-summons away, their mission to gather data from the Nar Shaddaa Traffic Control’s satellite sensor systems now doubtless a wash -- but she couldn’t help it. After months of training, of struggling to keep half-derelict ships running on space-tape and hope, of cramped bases and short-tempered allies, just cutting loose like this felt marvelous.
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And it didn’t get much closer to cutting loose than sprinting pell-mell through an illicit Black Sun market and out into some of the nastiest underlevel alleys Rey had seen anywhere in the galaxy -- a place where a passerby was more likely to stick a vibroblade in you for the clothes on your back than offer a genteel “good day” and a criminal rap-sheet was better proof of identification than the dozen false identidiscs in everyone’s pockets.
Rey staggered to a stop beside Jaina and bent over, hands on her knees, panting hard -- and grinning harder. “It worked, didn’t it? Black Sun doesn’t like the First Order any more than they like us, and those shiny white helmets are a lot more noticeable than we are. Those stormtroopers will be lucky to make it out of there with their skin intact, let alone their armor -- and by the time they do, they won’t have a hope of picking up our trail. We can head back to the spaceport and be off this slimy world by nightfall.” Without the data they’d come for, true -- but not as prisoners of the First Order, either. That was almost a victory. Wasn’t it?
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hopegained · 5 years
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