@twentyoneeightyseven​ [x]
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“Uh, yes sir. Yeah. Finn. My name’s Finn.” He still wasn’t sure how he felt about everyone talking about him. The part of him that was still deeply a trooper balked at the idea of being singled out - the more attention you had, the more likely you were to end up dead or recomissioned. But the Resistance wasn’t like that. He knew it wasn’t. “I’m sure there’s plenty more interesting people around.”
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"Nice to meet you Finn, my name is Kix."
Kix could not resist such news as a First Order stormtrooper joining the resistance. He had heard a lot about how the First Order selected its soldiers and it reminded him very much of what happened to the clones on Kamino. The First Order stormtroopers and the clones had something in common. They had no choice. Nobody asked them if they wanted to serve and be part of the war. Some were created and breed for this, others were forcibly kidnapped from their families and trained to be ideal soldiers.
"Oh, I'm sure. But I think we have a lot to talk about. We have more in common than it seems. Once upon a time I was a clone trooper in the Great Army of the Republic, until I was kidnapped and spent 50 years in stasis. I guess your command told you something about the Clone Wars?"
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sxnofthesuns · 4 years
@twentyoneeightyseven​ continued from here
“I know exactly what you mean.” Anakin admitted with a sympathetic smile as he looked at his grandson. That was how it had started for him—anger at what had been done to him, to his mother. And then it became an uncontrollable rage. It was fear for the people he loved that had brought forth that rage again, and that was ultimately what Palpatine had been able to latch onto in order to turn him to the dark side of the Force. “It is easier—but…a wise man once said to me that it takes real strength to resist the dark side, to not let yourself be ruled by anger. And I know you have that strength in you, Finn.”
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solerey · 5 years
The Belonging You Found
Rey still couldn’t believe, sometimes, everything she had found beyond the sands of Jakku -- a mother, a father (lost before she understood why she felt what she felt for him, but still found), a Wookiee of an uncle, an actual uncle, a brother who had chosen the Dark long before she’d been old enough to try and stop him...and a cousin.
The coincidence of them finding each other when they weren’t even looking was almost unfathomable -- but as Master Skywalker Uncle Luke explained, the Force was a powerful thing, more than capable of drawing someone halfway across the galaxy to someone they didn’t even know yet that they loved; it had done it to him, once upon a time. Now it had done it to her, and to Finn. She had to hold onto the hope that it would bring him back, too.
Rey hadn’t been able to sit by his bedside for his recovery the way she might have wished -- first she had had to go and fetch Mast-- Uncle Luke, then help him drive the First Order back when the Resistance Fleet was floundering, and now there was training in the ways of the Force...but she dropped in when she could. Sometimes she found the pilot, Poe, there telling stories to the sleeping Finn; sometimes she found other members of the Resistance who didn’t know him, but visited out of gratitude and affection for the man who had helped destroy Starkiller Base. Sometimes Gener-- Leia-- mom was there. Rey crept out quietly then, not wanting to disturb them; she loved the mother she couldn’t remember, she truly did, but she wasn’t always sure how to talk to her.
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Finn was easy to talk to, even if he didn’t say anything back these days. Rey was in the middle of relating a story about astromech antics when something in the room changed -- a feeling? A sound? She looked up, looking around -- and then down. “Finn?”
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hopegained-a · 5 years
@twentyoneeightyseven​ | sc
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“Y’know, you could’ve just asked me to hang that there instead of trying to fall flat on your ass.”
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aequilibriium · 5 years
❛ i need to go alone. ❜
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     “You don’t need to.” Didn’t her own friends insist on going with her when she so much claimed that her adventure would be dangerous? How couldn’t he understand the same? “You have friends. And all of us would follow you, Finn. You don’t need to go alone, we can go with you.”
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astracrowncd · 5 years
continued from [ x ] || @twentyoneeightyseven​
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          there’s a slight grit of his jaw, but he only exhales, a small twitch of his nose and forehead the only giveaway to his reaction to the words. “ oh certainly, let’s have you handle them. ” his words are a drawl, but after all, the former trooper is the one with the blaster. cason’s own custom blaster is holstered at the moment at his side, having handed over the other one to the man before him. his fingers still stray to it, resting on it as if reassuring himself it’s still there, and he keeps close to finn. honestly, he wants to leave too, to rid himself of this ship, of this damned empire. the order, all of it. he’s never wanted to truly be a part of it, only floating along to keep himself alive. even now, that’s dangling by a string. “ ... let me come with you. i don’t care if you have to take me along in binding cuffs. i want out of here. ”
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rey-of--light · 5 years
“rey-” her voice isn’t leaving any room to argue. he still doesn’t sit, can’t bring himself to just yet. but he stops pacing. “i stopped. happy?” he’s on edge. he’s not sure exactly why.
“Finn,” she said his name back, her eyes not wavering as she as she scowled at him. Rey sighed through her nose and rolled her eyes a bit as she reached up and set her hand on his forearm, “Finn, sit down...you’re going to hurt yourself if you keep pacing...Talk to me..” she said quietly. 
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skywalkheiress · 5 years
"i think it's going to be pretty keen."
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“Is keen a good thing?”
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impcssibleodds · 5 years
@twentyoneeightyseven liked for a one liner !!
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                   “i’ve been told where we’re going NEXT--so i’ll get you’ll get to see where i grew up.”
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wantediniceland · 5 years
(( @twentyoneeightyseven ))
“I didn’t steal it!” Hardison exclaimed as a reflex when someone walked into his bunk without warning and caught him tinkering with a First Order BB-9E droid. He relaxed when the someone turned out to be Finn. Finn was still a little tetchy with him at this juncture, but at least he knew Hardison better than the rest of the resistance. If they all voted to kick him off the ship, Finn would vouch for him. Probably. Maybe. “It followed me when I came here,” he elaborated. “Droids do that a lot.”
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rbeljedi · 5 years
@twentyoneeightyseven continued from x
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“Facing the tiger doesn’t always mean fighting it.” Luke points out.  It’s an observation based on his own life; there were so many times that he had the choose whether or not to fight.  The galaxy didn’t always need fighters.  After all, he’d made a pretty good showing of confrontation that didn’t include fighting.  
But he’d also made the other choice often enough to know the burdens of it. 
“All fighting’s ever done was get people killed,” He adds softly, lifting a finger to poke Finn in the chest, “You want to save people?  That comes from here.  Not the end of a blaster, or a lightsaber.”  He reiterates the poke, just over the young man’s heart, “Here.  Only here.”
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prodigalsolo · 5 years
x    | @twentyoneeightyseven
       Violet blade in hand, Anakin disengaged his saber & reached down for Finn’s hand, ‘ Commander Anakin Solo, Republic Navy, formerly.’ 
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remnantknight-blog1 · 5 years
x      |     @twentyoneeightyseven
      ‘ The Fist Order was born from the Dark Side. I might not value the New Republic as a superior alternative, but the Empire of The Hand has worked to defend the known galaxy from other threats in the Unknown Region. If we win this, there’s a soldiers life for you.’ 
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hopebore-a · 5 years
@twentyoneeightyseven liked!
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“You look like you have questions, son. I can’t guarantee I’ll have all the answers, but I’ll try my best.”
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hopegained-a · 5 years
@twentyoneeightyseven from here
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Blue eyes narrow slightly at his words, thoroughly unconvinced. Finding out that Finn was in danger made Eron almost drop everything and get him as far away from it as he could. “Yeah, but what if you were one second too late?” He arches a brow, his tone more serious than usual. Whether he sounds too stern or too hypocritical right now is none of his concern -- his brother is. “Look, I’m the last person you’d expect to say that, but I’m always here if you need help, y’know? Whatever it is.”
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tractatis · 5 years
twentyoneeightyseven replied to your post: .
To be fair, Qui-Gon deserved that sort of rebellion
qui-gon: i realize you Like Like siri but you need to--- 
obi-wan: im just gonna stop u right there to remind u of that time you went absolutely apeshit and lowkey dark side when tahl died. ok carry on
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