#uwu love my boy vasco so much and this prompt fit nice with his attitude about
aesadraws · 2 years
Cyberpunk-tober // Day 20: Law(less)
  The street outside of the Night City Correctional Facility would be empty if not for the presence of Velasco Medina. The sun hangs high at its peak and the air scorches his lungs with each breath, but rather than complain he stands and waits stubbornly at his car. The few people who pass him by either glance over with strange looks or ignore him outright, but that's fine by him. He's here for one man and one man alone.
  After what feels like an eternity, the gates of the facility slide open and out walks Andre Heather looking like a man come straight from hell, but as soon as he spots his chaperone his face splits with a grin. "Vasco! Shit, man I worried you woulda forgot about me."
  "Like I'd ever." Velasco scoffs and embraces his old friend with a laugh. He holds on for as long as Andre clings to him, jerking his head to the car when they eventually part. "C'mon, I've got a whole itinerary for you."
  "Oh c'mon man, no need for all that. Just drop me off at-"
  "Nope, not gettin' outta this. Consider it my treat. Literally," he says with a wink and hops in the driver's seat. "First order of business is gettin' some real food in you, not whatever slop they hand out in there."
  Andre doesn't argue much more after that, and they wind up at one of Velasco's favorite burger places in south Santo Domingo. It started out as a Tom's Diner chain before the franchise decided to move to a "more optimal location", except they left behind half their crew. The leftovers ended up banding together and overhauling the diner to make their own restaurant, earning more as a small time biz than they ever made before.
  "So tell me Andre," Velasco asks after wiping his handa clean. "You got a plan movin' forward? Thought I'd heard something about your sister makin' space but no one said who for."
  Andre scrunches up his nose in distaste. "Hell if I know who, 'cause she ain't talked to me since a month before I got hauled away. Oughta go over and make sure she's still got my shit stored away. Other than that though, nah. Doubt Mikey's gonna take me back at the deli, might make some eddies running deliveries or something."
  "Or you could come work for me."
  "Ah, Vasco I dunno man... I don't know the first thing about clothes, and there's a reason I stayed in the backroom at Mikey's. Not exactly great with customers."
  Velasco shakes his head. "You can work the backroom at the shop, then. Look, just promise me you'll think about it, yeah? It's good pay, good benefits, and you already know I don't care about your record with the law."
  "Alright alright, I'll think about it. Thanks Vasco."
  "Don't mention it."
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