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thewallsaretalking-again · 2 years ago
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They don’t really understand, but their hearts in the right place :)
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i got tagged by my lovely mutuals @thalassiokhtos + @cherryjuicegf to put my on repeat playlist on shuffle and write down the first 10 songs 💗most of the time i dont reblog music related tag games because i get scared but today i felt brave ‌ here goes nothing.
uuuuuuhhhh tagging @callixton @theklaapologist-gaitanosversion @eosphorusss @alalumin if u guys feel like it? :3
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discoinfernocrowby · 5 years ago
as the famous plumber and junkie mario mario would say "here we go"
tagged by @shhdarkishere and @lyghtblab
name: crowby
nicknames: crowby, crowb, crow, Bringer of Death and all Ends, Silencer of the Forgotten, Master of Never-ending Fear and Loathing, crowboy, crowbee
zodiac: killer
height: short
languages: rawr XD, uwu, english
nationality: american
favourite season: i wanna say it's between summer and fall, but it's most definitely fall
flower: lavender
scent: freshly cleaned convenient store floors, Kraft cheese and coffee
fictional character: uuuuuuhhhh *crowley*???¿¿¿?? idk, i wanna be him and fuck him at the same time
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: yes
average sleep: ranges from 10 minute nap to literal whole day
dogs or cats: yes
number of blankets: 10, maybe 12
dream trip: Japan or England
blog established: at the late hours of some day
random fact: i love the smell and look of crab, but i can't eat it :c
gender: genderfaunet
current time: 1:52am
fav music artist: this is hard to choose but... fuck, i guess hobo johnson or gerard way???
stuck in my head: Something's Happening by Jack Stauber
last movie i saw: Spliced
last thing i googled: how to give offerings to artemis (ya gotta burn it baby! or bury it, but burning is more fun)
other blogs: like i would admit my 15 alternate accounts
lucky numbers: 10
currently wearing: shorts
dream job: writer and/or a baker who owns their own bookstore-cafe hybrid
favorite foods: steak, ham, and chicken nuggets
instruments: slide whistle
favorite song: this is always a hard question because your brain always comes up blank. atm, i'm listening to a lot of jack stauber and shawn wasabi so one of their songs for sure
I tag: no one because all my friends already did this, oops
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doctrpepper · 6 years ago
rules:  Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you, make up 11 questions, then tag 11 people to answer them. I was tagged by @tragic-bi-magic thank uuu <3 (made a new post. bc)
1. If you have any OCs, tell me about your first one! If you don’t, do you want to make one?
i actually have a few! i never talk about them but i really want to. anyway my first one was a guy named asher who was kind of a vague concept based on a collection of superhero shows whose power was that he could create a golem and my bnha friends helped me work on him!
2. What was the first fandom you were in?
artemis fowl! back in the ye old forum days
3. Tell me a neat fact you know!
the reason the drinking age in the us is 21 is because the federal government wont pay for interstate highway maintenance unless each state individually sets their drinking age to 21. fucked up!
4. Do you have any pets? Please tell me about them!
at my parents i have 3 cats! their names are sparkle, sandy koufax, and tom hanks and i miss them :(
5. Tell me something you love about yourself! (Nothing isn’t an answer!!)
its hard to choose one thing! i guess maybe that im good at writing whenever i manage to get around to do it
6. What book/movie/show has had the strongest impact on you?
probably young justice. i always come back to it. i really should finish the third season before the second half comes out lmao
7. How do you past the time on car trips?
im usually driving so uuuuuuhhhh by playing music really loud and screaming along to it
8. What subject did your favourite teacher teach?
9. What’s your favourite game?
left for dead 2! i miss my squad yall know who you are
10. Name one song that you could listen to 100 times.
umm idk my music taste shifts around and im always discovering new music but probably disloyal order of water buffalo
11. Do you have any good luck charms/rituals?
i like to play sudoku on my phone and i have a special way that i play it where i try to fill in all the numbers 1-9 consecutively before looking at rows or columns or boxes. if i match all the sevens before any other number its gonna be a good day!
my questions are just the same as before! i have been trying to think of new ones for too long
and! i tag @bitchslapmcgee and anyone else who wants to do it! im too tired to isolate 11 of my friends so im calling a out
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calamitysshatteredson · 6 years ago
Look, look, I’m doing a mun thing on Munday again, look.
name : Orin
nickname/s : say it with me now “Angst Fairy” and “Prince of Angst” are always going to be valid even if I totally have to actually write to be able to prove that, whoops.  “Old Dirty Punk” is a mock-insult.  Uh... I probably have others.  Fill me in, guys, what name do you use to complain about me.
(Long, so cut.)
height : Smol but fierce and I don’t know and I don’t want to know, but I can elbow my way through a crowd like no one’s business.
nationality : US-ian.  Which means I can English good.
favourite fruit(s) : All of them.  Every one.  I am ready for strawberries, though, you have no idea.  Had to miss out on the strawberry shortcake boon, but NOT THIS YEAR.
favourite season : The warm ones.  Are there even seasons anymore?  The last few years have been weird here.
favourite scents : Baking.  In general.  Breads, desserts of all kinds, etc.
favourite animals : Again, all of them.  Haven’t really met any that I didn’t at least come to an understanding with.
tea, coffee, hot cocoa : Yes, please.  All at the same time in different mugs, even.  ...Well, hot cocoa and coffee can be mixed and be excellent.  So that’d be four mugs.  Let’s do it.
average hours of sleep : ...I try for 6.
when my blog was created : Actually gonna make me look, huh.  May 2015.  In RP terms, a long time ago.
random fact : I cannot fry onions without my housemate spontaneously manifesting to ask what I’m cooking.  Now it’s become a sport.
favourite food : ...Most of it.  ...I mean I am remarkably partial to sushi and authentic west coast Mexican food but I am also all for “American classics” and just damn near anything.  Spicy, spicy is good.  If a place actually manages to make good chili cheese fries, though?  Oh god.  Don’t know how that gets screwed up so easily but it’s hard to find.  Cinnamon rolls, but I never ever make them which is awful.
favourite t.v. shows : ...I am never prepared for this.  Uh, I haven’t watched TV in years.  ...I slightly embarrassingly think of The Real Ghostbusters first, but that’ll tell you how old I am so sure, that.  (I was probably thinking of Larry DiTillio shows, because he passed away recently, so sure let’s throw Beast Wars in there because yes.)  ...Uh... I enjoyed Scream Queens and I’m not sorry.  I still have to see season two of Castlevania.  ...That’s all I got.
favourite movie : Labyrinth and Terminator 2 and don’t even try to figure that out.
favourite vine : I have no idea.
sexuality : I’m a pan poly disaster like my Prompto muse.
pronouns : I honestly don’t care.  Like, what makes you comfortable is going to work for me because I have... very little concept of that sort of thing, personally.
favourite book series : Uuuuuuhhhh does only the first half of the Dark Tower series count.  I used to read a hell of a lot, but not really series for... some odd reason.  Now I just read fanfic because everything else disappoints me.  ...This is at least half true.
favourite video game(s) : FFXV, FFVII, FFVIII, KH, Zelda/Ocarina of Time (no I don’t accept criticism), Xenosaga (don’t even ask), Godhand, LOOM (I’m old remember), uh... others probably.
favourite subject : Art.  Free materials until the end of high school was a good deal.
guys or girls : Yes+.
last time I cried : I don’t know but I can tell you it was either FFXV- or KH3-related.  Because of course it was.
what I should be doing : Probably a lot of things, but I’m not.
favourite fandom : I decided long ago that I did not fandom.  It has served me well.  Power to the folks trying to keep their spaces peaceful and free of assholes, though.  You make fandom what you want it to be, not the other way around.  I am the hermit on the hill occasionally watching through binoculars.
tagged by : @falstela (thank you!  ...One of many blogs I thought I was already following but then Tumblr so I don’t even know anymore.)
tagging :HEY DID YOU WANT TO DO THIS?  THEN DO THIS!  Because I suck at tagging.
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fabuloussisterofsin · 7 years ago
Hana Chapter 9 is Up
Hana: Mixed Match Mishap
Summary: Finally a fight they can win! Shinsuke and Missy put their skills to the test in a Mixed Tag match, but the match goes awry and Missy gets a concussion. Its up to Shinsuke to take care of her
Tags: @shinnakafan384 @pikapuff316 @shinsukenaka80 @marabellechilds0805
@loveshinsukenakamura @wrestlethedevil
As always like, reply, reblog  and comment and leave Kudos!
Mixed Match
Shin looked to Missy in the gorilla area. "You do entrance with me? Got to dance."
"Oh, course my Samurai." She said to him. "Give me a kiss before we go baby." She smiled at him.
Shin leaned down and gave her a kiss, his hand cupping the side of her face. His song hit, and he grabbed her hand, walking through the curtain with her. He started his dance.
Missy followed him out and she started to do the dance with him. “annd here we have Shinsuke Nakumura and Missy Baxter or Miss Kiss, funnily enough the two are dating now so it really is a couple’s match!"
Shin reached for her hand and spun her around before he danced his way down the ramp and pulled her into the corner by the ring steps. He motioned for her to cross her wrists with him and he shook his arms.
Missy let out a laugh and crossed her wrist and shook her hands with him. "Kinshaaaaasaaaaaaaah!" She yelled and then winked at Shin and blew him a kiss. They entered the ring. The music stopped, and she went to play the crowd. 'Watch out for the kiss of death because I'm!" The crowd yelled "UNBREAKABLE!"
Shin grabbed the top rope and bent laid backwards, collapsing against the floor dramatically as the crowd went wild.
Missy took this opportunity to walk over to him and put her foot on his chest. She looked and felt sexy in her iridescent blue and black corset with fish nets and leather boot with a slight heel. She had long sleeves and leather shorts with it. She blew a kiss to everyone.
Shin smiled at her and sat up, kissing her knee before he stood up.
Missy titled his chin up and gave him a passionate kiss before she heard the entrance music of Aj Styles. She rolled her eyes. "I hate the fact that we got paired against them.' She said to Shinsuke.
"We will beat them." He said confidently. "You can beat Charlotte." He said, struggling to say her name.
Missy smiled. 'It’s so cute when you struggle with english words." She kissed his cheek. "and you'll be AJ just like you will at Wrestlemania." Aj made his way to the ring and Charlotte came up close behind. "Ew" Missy said.
"I'll be you tonight Shinsuke!" Aj said loudly and pointed at the WrestleMania sign. "And I'll beat you then too!" Shin smiled and stood back in corner.
Missy rolled her eyes and stood on the ring post. She kissed the top of Shinsuke's head and placed her hands on his shoulders. She eyed Charlotte. "You got him baby."
Shinsuke nodded, turned and stood on the bottom turnbuckle. He took her face in his hand and gave her a big kiss. When he stepped down and tuned around Aj was leering. "He's all hype sweetheart! Get yourself a real man! An American!"
Missy rolled her eyes. "Look at Mr. Ego. Your time is up Billy Ray wanna be. Shinsuke is gonna kick your ass. Just like I’m take you down Miss Flair." Charlotte rolled her eyes.
"You're nothing without your Japanese Sugar daddy sweetheart."
Shin laughed. "I am Daddy?" He asked pointing at himself. "Thank you!" He grinned.
Missy Blushed wildly. " Well Miss Flair you aren't anything special." Missy said from her position. "You're just a carbon copy of your father just with boobs instead of a brain." Missy smirked. "As for you Mister Styles, better watch out cause the King Of Strong Style is about to crush that achy breaky heart of yours!" She hopped down and stood next to Shinsuke.
The bell rung and Shin patted her shoulder as he squared up to fight Aj. The men fought hard, a flurry of punches and kicks and flips.
Missy stood at the side of the ring watching Shin and AJ fight. "Come on Shin you can do it!" She encouraged. 'tap me in whenever you need to my Samurai." She called to him. Shin got a Pele kick from Aj and Shin stumbled backwards and reached to tag Missy
Missy got his hand and jumped in she wasted no time going after charlotte drop kicking her to the ground. "Hiiyaaaah!"
Shin stood at the side, stomping and getting the crowd behind Missy.
Missy smiled and took in the crowd. Missy and Charlotte exchanged kicks and punches. Missy tried to pin her but Charlotte broke free and then kicked missy in the back of the head knocking her down in front of AJ. She was seeing stars.
Shin called her name, jumping up and down on the ringside. "Hana! Hana!"
Missy got up and struggled to get to Shinsuke. 'Shinsuke! Shinsuke!" She called out for him. Charlotte came up behind her and curb stopped Missy. "uuuuuuhhhh." "Hana!" He called. "My butterfly!" He reached out for her, straining over the ropes as far as he could.
Missy made it to Shinsuke and tapped him. She rolled off the canvas panting. "Go get him baby." She said to him.
Aj sneered at Missy. "You'll never be champ like us!" Shin climbed in and stood in the corner. He leaned back, hands at his hips. "C'monnnn!"
Missy glared at AJ. "You wish Country Boy." She hissed at him and she stood by the ropes. "Come on my Samurai!" She called out o Shinsuke. 'Beat this sorry sucker!" She called.
Shin managed to get Aj down and danced in the in the corner, setting him up for the kinsasha. He nailed Aj right in the face and dove in for a pin. Charlotte tried to jump in to break up the pin.
Missy jumped up and over the ropes and got her thighs around Charlotte and took her down. "OH and the Kiss of death for Charlotte flair Miss Kiss coming to the aide of her man!" the announcer's called. Missy Squeezed Charlotte's head she yelled. "THAAAAATS RIIIIIIGHT!"
Shin got the pin and rolled off of Aj, panting. The announcer declared them the winners and Shin cheered. "Yeaoh!"
Missy jumped up off Charlotte and she ran over Shinsuke. "We did it! You did it!" She launched herself at him and went for a hug. "I’m so happy my Samurai!"
He kissed the top of her head, unsteady on his feet after the damage Aj had done. He was panting hard, Aj had put up one hell of a fight.
"Take it easy baby." She said holding his face in her hands. "let’s get you checked out at the medical center sweetie pie." She said cleaning the little bit of blood from his face. She heard AJ growling as got up. "Stay away from him!" She yelled.
Shin kicked Aj down and gave him a second Kinshasa for his troubles.
“Come on honey let’s go.” She said to Shinsuke. She went to leave the ring with shin when she went flying down onto the mat hard. AJ had grabbed her ankle. “Let go of me!” Charlotte joined Aj and dragged her out of the ring and tossed her into the steps.
Shinsuke dove into action, kicking Aj in the face. Charlotte let go as he approached and backed up. Shin crouched down and reached for Missy. "Are you hurt?" “I’m okay I think.” She said to him as she went to get up. She stumbled and touched her head. “Oh ow okay that’s a cut.” She had a little blood in her hair. “Are you okay Shin?” She asked as they walked away.
He wrapped his arm around her waist, helping her up the ramp. "I okay. We get you seen."
“I’ll be alright you were stumbling around.” She said as they went medical center. “PleAse look at him he was hurt pretty bad.” She said to him.
"She bleeding!" He said, pointing to her before he moved to look at her head. "I just tired."
“Shinsuke, you were hurt pretty bad.” She protested. “Come on sweetie let them look at you.” She said to him. “Please I’ll be fine.” She said as the doctors on site checked her over. “You’ve got a little cut and probably some sore muscles. You probably shouldn’t be by yourself tonight, just to make sure you don’t have concussion symptoms.”
"I stay with you." He said slowly. "I okay." But he sat still and let them heck him over. A large bruise started turning colors on his chest.
“Thanks Shinsuke.” The cameras were filming them. “Do you wanna come out my place or should we go to your apartment?” She went to sit up, but she was dizzy. "I take care of you." He said, taking her hand. "You no be alone tonight.”
“Maybe you can teach me Japanese sometime.” She spoke.
"I can try." He said. "Easier for me to speak English." He said slowly, deliberately speaking the words. "I try. English hard. Japanese more hard."
“The how about I help you with English.” She said to him. “We can teach each other.” She moved hair from his face. ”Your accent is really cute though.” She leaned to kiss him. “Ohh head rush.” She said woozily.
He smiled at her as he pulled into the parking lot of his apartment complex. "Upstairs." He said pointing up. "You climb okay?"
“Yeah I can climb up.” She said to him. “Wow Shin you live by the beach I love the ocean.” She turned to go look at the sea.
"I surf." He said. "Love the beach." He climbed out of the car and rounded it to help her out.
“Can we go look at the beach pleeeease!”
He took her hand and lead her around the building to the beach. "This is my beach!" He said proudly. "The ocean is my home."
Missy stumbled a bit feeling woozy. “Oh wow I’m a little dizzy.” She Said before she plopped down in the sand.
Shin sat down beside and pulled her against his chest. "Sunset beautiful like you." He said looking out at the sky.
“Shin.” She swooned. “You’re quite the smooth talker.” She unzipped his jacket and placed her hand on his bruise. “Does it hurt?” She asked.
"I be okay." He said. "Better with you here."
“Aww Shin.” She looked up at him and touched his face. She brushed his hair aside. “Your hair is so nice.” She said Stroking his hair.
He nuzzled into her touch before he moved in to kiss her.
Missy kissed him back. She kissed him warmly and then slowly made it more passionate.
Shin leaned into her. He had a slow, methodical way of kissing. Like he had all the time in the world. “Mmmm shin.” She breathed before leaning into his kiss. She squeezed her legs together, before kissing him deeper.
He pulled back and grinned broadly at her, his eyes crinkling.
She fell forward. “Mmmm koibito why did you stop.” She asked him pouting.
"I like to smile at you." He said. "You make me happy."
“I like to smile at you too.” She said. “But I like kissing you more.” She giggled and gave him a kiss.
It was dark, and the tide was coming because next thing missy new a wave crashed over the couple.
Shin pulled her head above water and he laughed. "We go swimming?" He asked.
She coughed and sputtered. “ I’d say yes but I don’t have a bathing suit though.” She stated and then giggled. “Unless you wanna see me naked.” She teased.
"Clothes already wet!" He teased. "But naked okay!" He pulled his wet t-shirt off and tossed it aside.
Missy blushed when he took his shirt off. Missy hoped that seeing her naked would make shin feel something. She took off her shirt and shimmied off her pants. Leaving her in a matching set of black lace bra and panties. “There bikini.” She stated. She went to touch the water and shrieked. “I SWEAR I JUST FELT A SHARK.”
Shin chuckled. "They are out there." He said. "Come inside. We have good time." He grinned.
“Okay.”she said putting on her wet clothes. “Okay now I’m cold.” She rubbed up against him. “We will have lots of fun, maybe you can show me some Japanese movies.” She said to him, she leaned in and kissed him again. She giggled as they walked to his place. “Shin you have sea weed on your face.” She laughed.
He made a funny face at her before he brushed it away. "We watch anime, order pizza?" He asked as he followed her up the stairs and lead her to his door, opening it and ushering her inside.
Missy giggled at his face.” You’re a dork.” She said to him and smiled warmly. “Mmm pizza and anime! Oh, you know I looooove the one called once piece!” She said excitedly. She did not realize she had sea weed in her hair. “What kind of pizza you want?”
He shrugged. "Anything you like! I like One Piece!" He reached up and picked the sea weed from her hair. "We shower first? Get sand off?"
“Ohh let’s get cheese and yeah. Let’s get this sand off.” She agreed as she waited for Shinsuke to open the door. “I’m excited to uh finally spend the night with you.” She said awkwardly.
He let her inside. "Shoes off at door. He said, kicking his own shoes off. "I find you shirt to sleep in."
“Or maybe we could just skip the clothes and head to bed.” She suggested. “You know.”
“Some other time Hana, still not special enough yet.” He kissed her. “Sometime soon though, I no know how long I can wait.”
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aobawilliams · 2 years ago
3 ships: I do not ship anything ever- okay I'm joking but not really, I haven't been much in romantic ships lately. That said, I've been craving hard some good Uraraka & Izuku, and Izuku & All Might content. And Izuku & Iida & Uraraka.
First ship ever: NaruHina from Naruto âœŒïžđŸ˜”
Last song: Mr/Mme by LoĂŻc Nottet, there is something about this song that just make the brain go brrr
Last movie: uuuuuhhhhh Glass Onions, I think, I watched it with my two best friends!!
Currently watching: I've started the third season of His Dark Materials, and I'm watching as it air My Hero Academia season 6, Iruma season 3 and Buddy Daddies (there's a few other things on the backburner but I'm not actively watching them)
Currently reading: uuuuuuhhhh got started on some fics I guess, book wise I've started The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstein but I'm not very far in.
Currently consuming: Dadmight and Vigilante Izuku content I guess? I'm not really consuming anything lately tbh
Currently craving: chips 😔as in, fries, but it's too late to fry some up now and they take a century and a half in the oven so I'll have to wait for lunch now
Tagging whoever wants to do it!! Have fun folks!
Aight so @broke-bruce-wayne tagged me, btw that thanks for that chief
3 ships: hm. halollie, joel and sheila from scd and nadja and laszlo. I like blood, basically
First ship ever: while I can’t be 100% sure, it was probably dekisugi x shizuka from doraemon
Last song: bring on the night by the police
Last movie: Qala. Just saw it in fact
Currently watching: just started watching two and a half men, so that. Also just ended my Community hiatus and am trying to wind up the final episodes.
Currently reading: Eva Luna by Isabelle Allende. Also just started The Brothers Karamazov
Currently consuming: milk😐
Currently craving: nothing. I am content and at peace.
Uhhh I’ll tag @zibah-ho @ollieschili @emeraldemissary @desperatecheesecubes and @catboybatman. Sorry if you lot have done this already. Also obviously there’s no obligation to do it either if you don’t want to.
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goblinpaladin · 7 years ago
I think I’ll hit the rest of these askbox things since i liked them
Reminds me of the old deviantart days of “TAG UR FRIENDS TO FILL OUT THIS JOURNAL PROMpT XDDD” 
2. whats your “type” Easy to talk to, caring. Someone I click with. 
3. do you want kids? Ohhhhh fuck no. I hate kids haha. 
4. if you do, will you adopt or use some other form of child birth? If I change my mind, I’d adopt. I don’t think my partner wants kids though. 
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on Long distance makes dating kinda hard, but when I was living with him for a while we went to the renaissance fair together and it was super fun. 
6. describe your experience having sex for the first time (were you nervous? or was it easy peasy?) My dude I am grey-asexual and a virgin so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
7. are you a morning time gay or night time gay? Night time gay clearly 
9. opinion on brown eyes? Beautiful ♄
11. would you ever date someone who owned rodents or reptiles? I mean my partner has owned rodents and wants lizards and I personally love lizards. 
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone Racist, sexist, that kind of shit. 
13. what is a misconception you had about lgb people before you realized you were one? Fun story kids, I was raised by a huge biblethumper so I was like GAYS ARE SINFUL! and now i’m like. haha succ penis ( ͥ° ͜ʖ ͥ°)
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self youre a gay man dont bother dating maranda 
15. (if attracted to more than one gender) do you have different “types” for different genders? im not actually super attracted to girls, im like.... 98% gay with an occasional bi thing going on. but, overall, i like very masculine girls if i was going for a girl. im not as picky with dudes.
16. who is an ex you regret? maranda, before i knew i was gay. im so fucked up from the emotional and psychological abuse we constantly threw at each other. 
17. night club gay or cafe gay? im a “sit inside and never come out of my room” gay 
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for uuuuuuhhhh idk nobody comes to mind
19. video game gay, book gay, or movie gay? video game gay 
20. favourite gay ship (canon or not) my dude i have way too many but ive been having massive davekat feels lately so we’ll go with that
21. favourite gay youtuber don’t have one
22. have you ever unknowingly asked out a straight person? nope
23. have you ever been in love? yep
24. have you ever been heartbroken? yep
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone that’s actually really hard, especially because ive got bpd but i guess it comes down to like “do you feel like your settling, or is this a person you genuinely connect with and feel like you could stay with forever”
26. favourite lgb musician/band dude idk 
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays just follow your gut man. fuck what other people tell you you are. they dont know you. fuck it if you were something else a year ago. to be human is to constantly change and discover yourself, and also discover what you’re not. if you stop changing, you stop growing. just be yourself and screw what everyone else thinks or says, because that shit seriously messed me up when i was trying to figure out myself. 
28. are you out? if so how did you come out yeah pretty much. and honestly i dont even remember at this point. 
29. what is the most uncomfortable / strange coming out experience you have being constantly told that im wrong or confused / denied. that shit gets old real fast. even more uncomfortable when id believe them. 
30. what is a piece of advice for people who may not be in a safe place to express their sexuality don’t ever stop exploring and learning about yourself, and know that even if it takes time, one day you will be surrounded by people who love and support you. I promise. 
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flaxgolden · 7 years ago
Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 92 truths about you. At the end choose people to be tagged. Tagged by: @imnotbrokcn​ Last: Last drink: root beer Last phone call: My brother Last text message: my house dad Last song you listened to: The (Shipped) Gold Standard Last time i cried: writing some of these angsty ass rps god dang Have you ever: Dated someone twice: yes Been cheated on: no Kissed someone and regretted it: no Lost someone special: yes Been depressed: always Been drunk and thrown up: nope In the past year have you: Made a new friend: yes Fallen out of love: no Laughed until you cried: yes  Met someone who changed you: no Found out who your true friends are: yep Found out someone was talking about you: i mean at this point i assume she always is General: How many people on tumblr do you know in real life: like 2 Do you have any pets: 2 dogs and 2 cats Do you want to change your name: no What time did you wake up this morning: 11am What were you doing last night: playing a cute wind waker ripoff lmao Name something you cannot wait for: uuuuuuhhhh idk really Have you talked to a person named Tom: i don’t think so Whats getting on your nerves rn: my recent tattoo WONT STOP ITCHING GDI Blood type: idk? Nickname: Poche, Birb Relationship status: the ASL sign for single Zodiac sign: Virgo Pronouns: they/them Favorite show: Steven Universe! College: bachelors degree and never goin back Hair color: dark brown/black Do you have a crush on someone: a celebrity yeah.......... What do you like about yourself: the fact that i motivated myself to get a shit ton of stuff done today wooo First: First surgery: haven’t had any First piercing: ears First sport you joined: t-ball First vacation: Myrtle Beach First pair of sneakers: converse bay-beeee Eating: nothin atm Drinking: mountain dew I’m about to: play some more Zelda Listening to: my dog whine to go outside for the third time in the past 5 min Want kids: never Get married: sure Career: writer, but i rarely do any of that lmao Lips or eyes: eyes Hugs or kisses: kisses Shorter or taller: depends on the gender Older or younger: older Romantic or spontaneous: both Sensitive or loud: sensitive Hook up or relationship: relationship Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker Have you ever: Kissed a stranger: no Drank hard liquor: yes Lost glasses/contacts: yeah Sex on first date: no Broken someones heart: yeh Been arrested: no Turned someone down: yep Fallen for a friend: yeah Do you believe: In yourself: at times Miracles: not really Love at first sight: maybe? Heaven: no Santa Claus: no Tagging: whoever wants to idk??
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