thwackk · 2 years
dc characters as videos i found in my phone except it’s really specific and the characters are random asf aaaaand also i made this very slowly over the span of 3 weeks so the characters that were at the forefront of my mind change like 3 times
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starsheet · 8 months
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uughh very bad (object)sona concept doodle or somethjing. posting 2 get my thoughts out yk
(hes a quill btw !!!!!)
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kangyeosaang · 7 months
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yugyeom · 1 minute ending fairy · 240225
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socialprawn · 10 months
can i ask bg3 multiplayer friends. do you guys improv everything that's happening between you and ur friends Tavs on the spot or do you headcanon things after you finish a session?
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valiah-posts · 11 months
Hot take maybe? I haven’t seen anyone talk about it in the way I see it, they all get the point wrong me thinks.
I really dislike people who call themselves Latinos because they have Latino parents, but never EVER interacted with a person from such countries aside of their parents.
Believe it or not, immigrant parents are… not really the best example of the culture of their own countries, and I say this in a very lighthearted way.
I mean, of course they’re from one of these countries, of course they have experienced the life in here, but if they migrated, it’s for a change, for more opportunities, and their habits change, their mindsets change, and they adapt to the way of living of the country they migrated into.
They might’ve kept some little stuff from the place they migrated from…. But things just… don’t stay the same.
Of course they can tell you about festivities and traditions, of course they can try and prepare the food with a similar taste to the original ones from their land (because, due to the ingredients, even homemade food tastes different in places like the U.S, Canada, Europe) But you haven’t experienced it completely!!!!
Being latino country is not just skin tone, or some festivities and food, our whole society is different, our habits are very different, the mindset and the way we see life and opportunities is different, transport is different, the way people interact is different.
Of course there are ups and lows in here, delinquency, the fact that some of our people still have mindsets that should’ve died 60 years ago, our public transport is disorganized.
But even with the good and bad, we embrace it, we love our land regardless of the problems.
Investigating about our culture is one thing, but experiencing it in a non-touristic way is another, we love when people engage and love our culture for its ups and lows!!!
Being Latino is not a skin tone, language or festivities for one to pose on, it’s an everyday experience you have to embrace.
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hexational · 6 months
my friend and i are literally in love w ur renditions of infected n unpleasant please can i get more of them hating each other
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this is from a while ago and i wasnt planning onn finish it but uuuhmm uhuhh hehree
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magewritesstories · 5 months
me: who's the hottest character on attack on titan? my friend: easy, Levi me: wrong my friend: oh you like Eren more? me: wrong again my friend: *confused and hesitant* uuuhmm, Armin maybe? me: *incorrect buzzer sound* me: Wrong! It's Hange Zoe
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beautiful, beautiful person look at my baby
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
34 asks!! :0000 :}}}
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I am currently watching Markiplier and 8-bitryan play it. So far? Ehh.. not a huge fan. Then again I haven’t seen the whole thing yet so maybe I’ll change my mind. :0
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My FNAF AU has already been planned and written. So I don’t think any elements of the DLC can/will effect my AU. If the DLC does somehow effect it, I’ll be sure to make it known! :)
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I’m not really understanding the question.. sorry, small brain moment. But what ever it is, just assume I wont be comfortable with it. I like to keep my work to myself..
But then again, feel free to try and explain more in depth what you mean. Maybe it wont be a problem after all-
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@orad11 (don’t worry I got chu- XDDD)
Also thank you! :DDD
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I mostly based it off of New Super Mario Bros Wii, Mario kart Wii, Donkey Kong country, Luigi’s mansion (game cube version), Super Mario 3D world.... uhhhm I also based it off of Mario Galaxy a bit, although I’ve never played that one. A friend did.
I’m sure some Super smash brothers brawl is in there... uuuhmm.. maybe some others? These are the main ones I can think of though-
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Exactly! XDD
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Thank you so much!!💗💗💗 And I’m so glad that you understand. Its been pretty deflating with constantly having to defend myself and push away fanart and reject requests to draw it. Also people who have called me horrible things because of my boundaries. It sucks a lot.
But thank you for sending this ask. It was a real pick my up <:}}}
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I have played several Pokémon games here and there. But the main ones I have played is Pokémon White and Pokémon Shield. 
Also my favorite Pokémon is Dusknoir! :DD
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Thank you for not spoiling anything! I really appreciate it. And yeah I’ve gotten a TON of people asking if I have seen it yet, or if I will change my AU because of it.
And the answer is no, and no! XDDD
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Sorry, I don’t take requests..
And you’re never going to improve if you never try. Just bite the bullet and try drawing the angst idea for yourself! If it turns out poorly to you that’s okay. Every drawing you make is a step forward to improvement, so its never a loss or a waste of time! :}}
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@ytyvynh6 (Comic in question)
Yes I did! And no I’m not continuing it. Sorry! 😅
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I always figured he just got in a fight with some “monster” and it chipped his ear. But that’s a great idea!
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If I ever get around to Undertale again, yeah! I can see myself working on that AU. For now though FNAF has all of my attention x_X
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Thank you so much!! :DDD And don’t worry, Undertale is near and dear to my heart. I’m pretty confident I’ll loop back around to it again sooner or later :}}}
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Thank you so much!! :DDD 
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XD One. of. us! One. of. us!!
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SAAAMEE!! I like to have some kind of noise like a fan or my ac. In complete silence I feel like I’m being watched.. 0_0;
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I actually took a look at it. Watched Mat Pat review it, aaaannnddd. eh.. its not really my thing. Neat concept, but I don’t think I’m going to be joining that fandom anytime soon..
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(post in question)
But that’s.. kind’a where the comic was supposed to end. Not sure what else could happen after that-
Also thank you! :DD All it took was time!
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I haven’t thought of exactly how.. but I’m head-cannoning that she passed away when Tweak was very little. So little she barely remembers her..
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THANK YOU! Exactly, I wish people would read that before just jumping into making fanart and fics for me-
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Bowser is not pursuing her because he is in love with her. Although she is beautiful, and he sees her as such. She is only a pawn to him. An enemy, someone he has to defeat in order to take what she protects. Her, and Daisy’s land.  
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My memory is doing me no favors, I have no memory of this pizza war.. 
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I do not have any Octonauts OCs..
Also thank you! I’m glad you like my art! And good on you for posting some stuff! I’m sure it came out great! :}}}
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We will see in future comics... 👀👀👀👀
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mmm well. Its Grizzly bears and Light-ish Blue..
But honestly? I think its best to just not draw/write things for me. Drawing things for me is really on the edge of that line of comfort/discomfort. I like comments/reblogs. If you wanna show support? I think it’d be best to just do that.
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<XD I wouldn’t know if it was. I haven’t seen the second movie and I cant remember the first!
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Duuuuude I didn’t even think of that!!
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@cudlycorncornsworthcoberson (post in question)
I uh, I hate to shut down this whole ask you made.. But my followers were not the laughter Jangles was hearing- :x
As for the asks. I picture Bibi and Jangles don’t hear the asks, they read the asks. Just like how I read them when they pop up in my ask box.
As for Jimmy, his existence is limited to that one post he appeared in. He was an awesome gift, I have never been given an original character before. That comic was to express my gratitude and show off the new character. But he wont be added to the cast, I want to find something else to do with the character. :0
And the “grand entrance planned” was not to imply that you guys will break through the barrier and meet them- it was just.. uh, lets say it was just Jangles being Jangles <XDD
None the less! All this effort you put into cracking the code really shows me how much you like the characters. Thank you! I’m so glad you’re interested! :DD
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dezr0ph0bia · 2 months
"I'm the baddest bitch in this club !"
"Uuuhmm... who's that ?"
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snowysoong · 1 year
since tiktok is beating my ass rn i thought id post this here too uuuhmm demoman x soldier amirite
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emmetofthestars · 11 months
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i dont wanna tag this yet but i need more minnie uuuhmm
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ericsdeadghost · 2 months
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Can you uhhhhhhhhhh do the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
uuuhmm I can do a..... uuuuhhhhh.... maybe just a......... no uhhhhhhhhhhhh.
(a six peice bacon nugget?)
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the-bistros-lamoree · 5 months
' Rody, Manon told me you tried one of her food, and said it was like an angel made it? But you looked happy and the same time disgusted and were apparently quietly gagging and coughing. What's with that?.... '
“ Oh...yeah, uuuhmm...it really did taste like an angel made it ! Yeah..! I uhm...I was just choking on my saliva... that's why I was coughing and gagging...!! Yeeaaahh.... ”
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hiding-in-the-vault · 2 months
hey why did you block me on my other account did i do something wrong or just a lore take you disagree with
Uuuhmm i have no earthly idea who you are
If it helps, I haven’t blocked anyone in a while. Few weeks at least, maybe some months. If you think something changed recently, it might just be tumblr acting up.
Otherwise, I couldn’t tell you
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ahvene · 2 years
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ive been too busy lately to finish any of my more serious wips so uuuhmm. heres a foo fighters from january and a little pucci i made for myself. as a treat :)
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viarayy01-blog · 9 months
JOYUS!! ok now where to start uhhnn
i know u like micheal stuff so im gonna talk ab him in the adult au as a treat mwahahah. mike is about 29 when he dies and he passes away in summer right before evans birthday. that year evan doesn’t celebrate his birthday (not that he every really did after.. yk..) and instead has mikes funeral on that day. inside his coffin, there’s a foxy mask lying over his hands. he always hated that stupid mask and what it represented, but the pain it caused got to die with him. 6 feet under, mike is buried. and to be honest, i think he would’ve thought that all the problems he caused would just go away once he was dead? like everything would just be normal. but its not, and without him alive still, it REALLY will never be.
i dont wanna say much about how mike dies becuase im not super sure myself but i know its rlly personal and uh.. yeah. eventually ill get the courage to write it lmao.
MERGEBAND WOOOOOOOOOOO. ok yeah so charlie and mike fight a lot honestly. mike is more carefree and he just.. doesn’t care? like he just slacks off, doesn’t learn his music, breaks instruments and causes financial difficulties, and charlie is the exact opposite of that. she’s organized and cautious and careful and absorbed in her music and practices. they butt heads a lot because mike never does anything and hes still kinda a dick to everyone but especially her, and she has a thin barrier over her tolerance of that stuff. she yells at him and kicks him out of practice, which not only stresses evan out but it also sets them back whenever they want to practice. THEY ARE SO SILLY AND DUMB RAHHHHHHH
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