#utensil experts please help
turtlepanic · 1 month
Y’all…. I was at Costco today and waiting for something (can’t remember what) and I see THIS.
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Now I know what your thinking
“Panic! This is just a regular trash can-“ LOOK CLOSELY!
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Forks, knives, and spoons go in the trash bin….
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Am I crazy? The sporks are plastic aren’t they???
Someone please help me
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da-shrimping-station · 7 months
Cooking for the House of Lamentation
Let me start this post by saying that over the years I've had plenty of experience cooking for a lot of people. I'm no expert cook whatsoever, just a helping hand in the kitchen during festivals and occasions (which happens multiple times in a year). If you have more experience and insights, please feel free to share!
Let’s start this off by having some sort of baseline so we’re all on the same page.
MC /OC/you/us/we (and what have you) can:
follow a recipe well enough
be in the kitchen and not have it burn down
cook an edible meal at the end of it all
A fairly average cook if you will.
Now, time for chaos.
Cooking for a lot of people is…a lot. A feast for upwards of 10 people can take the whole day. Not to mention buying ingredients beforehand. How many dishes are you gonna cook? Do they go well/compliment each other? What’s the serving size? Are you gonna have desserts too? Do you have the right equipment? Are the ingredients available/accessible? Is there anyone who has a food-specific condition to look out for and make alternatives for? Are there ingredients that need to be marinated/prepped in advanced? Is everything within budget? (These are some questions at the top of my head)
Now the main concern here is volume/quantity. Beelzebub. Need I say more?
Actually, YES. It’s a house full of men. Men eat a lot. Oh, and they’re also demons. So let’s assume they eat/consume significantly more than humans. (You can pitch in your HCs for each brother regarding how much they eat) But let’s say the food has to be for 10-15 people at the very least.
There’s a whole ass booklet for the groceries, with each brother having their own page/section. Let’s assume there’s no budget constraints (Lucifer can bitch about the cost and budgeting but his brothers need to be fed). Groceries are bought in bulk. Multiple times a week. Emergency trips in the middle of the night or else they starve for breakfast. 
At some point they get their groceries delivered every 3 days or so. The runs are now for necessity/emergency.
But if a brother requests a certain dish, then it’s time to go to the market. Prepare your haggling skills.
Based off of the game (and referencing the floor plan from Wanderer’s Whereabouts), the kitchen is actually pretty spacious. Good. We need all the space we can get for this. I’d like to think Barbatos personally made sure the kitchen is fully kitted out with all the equipment and utensils one needs. (Thanks, Barbs. You’re the best!) No worries on that end.
I headcanon that the kitchen is split into 2 parts: the side where the stoves and appliances are and the side where the dirty kitchen is. That way you have access to stoves/ovens and the fancy appliances as well as being able to cook with coal or in a spit. Increases the capacity for cooking multiple dishes at once. (Please share your HCs for the kitchen!)
Prepare your hands and arms. Washing, peeling, chopping, dicing, slicing, marinating. Any and every sort of ingredient prep. How many ingredients does this dish have? Are you gonna prep one dish only? Are you gonna prep for two in advance? Mis en place (or whatever the term is im no culinary shrimp)
Also think about the sheer amount of ingredients.
Say, according to the cookbook, this dish serves 5 people and it needs 1 whole onion. Pretty straight forward right? But you’re cooking for 7 demon brothers and one being the Avatar of Gluttony. Let’s go back to the 10-15 people approximation. That means you have to increase the amount (in this case that’ll be 2 or 3 whole onions). That goes for every fucking dish. 3 onions for dish #1. What about dish #2 and #3 and so on? (Honestly, your hands must be well marinated by the time you’re done with all the prep)
Measuring the ingredients too. 1 cup of this, a tablespoon of that, a pinch of this. Please please please let there be enough soy sauce for tonight’s cooking.
Another thing: you’re probably dealing with local Devildom ingredients (which you did not even know existed until then)
Veggies? Sliced
Meats? Washed and cut.
Condiments and seasonings? All measured.
Are we ready to cook? NO.
Please clean up the peels, excesses, undesirables, and packaging.
Finally! The actual cooking part! Take a deep breath and put that pot on the stove. Good luck cuz you’re gonna be juggling between multiple dishes just to be able to get ready for dinnertime.
One dish is boiling so the meat softens? Time to fry. Oh and have you checked the one you were marinating? Please add that to the veggies in dish #2. Don’t overcook the pasta for dish #1! Please adjust the heat, that pot is boiling over. Taste test for dish #3. Hhm needs more salt. Is the meat soft enough? Good, let's season it. Please mind the fire! You’re gonna char the one you’re frying. This one has marinated long enough, we can add it to dish #2. Take dish #1 off the heat. I think it’s done. Do you think this is fried well enough?
It’s hectic. It’s a mess and a half. You make sure nothing is overcooked or undercooked. Taste test to make sure everything tastes fine. (are the dishes safe for human consumption tho)
You wish! Now you have to deal with the clean up!
Wash everything you used for cooking. Pots, pans, knives, measuring cups and spoons, plates and bowls you put the ingredients in, the tasting spoons you used, the ladles and spatulas, etc
Please clean the stoves, sinks, countertops/tabletops too.
Oh yea, put away the excess ingredients and return the condiments and seasonings.
You still there? Still got energy to study and do homework later?
Personally, i clean as i go whenever i have the time in between tending to the dishes. I hate hate hate a messy/dirty kitchen while i cook it makes me wanna rage
These fuckers better sit down and eat what you cooked. No. Who the fuck cares if someone is being rowdy or moody or being dramatic. NO ONE wastes your efforts in preparing the food. Sit down and EAT.
I mean alright, maybe you can tag team dinner prep but it’s still a lot in terms of quantity and sheer volume. Will that brother be of actual help in the kitchen?
To sum it all up,
May the Universe have mercy on MC when they’re on cooking duty.
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am-i-interrupting · 1 year
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Description: You worked closely with Chief Ganondorf, you knew his plans and you knew you’d have to be careful in how you revealed to the King and Queen what would happen. It couldn’t be sudden, it would have to be gradual, one hint at a time.
Tags: 1.7k words, gerudo!reader, slight language barrier (written text), yearning, implied Ganondorf x Reader, inspired by an @alilbitlesbian post
Your fingernails drummed against the table as you looked over the paper in front of you. You forced yourself to focus on it. You had to focus on it.
It was all written in Hyrulian. You knew most. You knew enough to be considered fluent but you were no expert. You needed to give the words your full attention to piece together the puzzle that was context and figure out the meaning of words you didn’t understand.
You couldn’t be distracted. You had to focus.
They were right in front of you though. How could you be expected to do anything when they were right in front of you.
King Rauru and Queen Sonia of Hyrule, you’d heard their names before but only in tones filled with annoyance and occasional malice. What you’d been told of them did not prepare you to fit in front of them.
Rauru was tall with a thin coat of fur all over his body, barely an inch thick— if that. It was all a shade of gray save for his ears which were as white as his hair with longer, fluffier fur. You’d caught yourself wondering several times if his many earrings would jangle if you scratched those ears and you got your answer when he turned his head and a soft tinging was heard as they clicked together.
Sonia was a Hylian woman with similarly long hair to her husband though hers was blonde instead of white. Her eyes were a shade of vibrant green that was more colorful than the grass and flora you saw on the trek here. Those eyes were filled with understanding that you were left questioning, not sure what she saw when she looked at you that made her soften so much.
“Are you alright?” Rauru asked with your title at the end of his sentence.
“I’m well,” you told him. You let your fingers drum against the table a few moments more as you continued to stare at the words that muddled together on the page before you finally relented. “Though, if I’m completely honest, I do believe I’m having some. . . difficulty understanding. That is to say, I don’t know all of the words written.”
Sonia’s eyebrows rose and then fell as a soft smile came to her lips. She stood and walked over to you. Her hand went to rest between your shoulder blades as she bent a bit to get a better look at the paper.
You willed yourself to not think of how warm her hand was or how you could feel the very tips of her fingers against your skin.
“Let us take a look together, shall we?” she said.
With her help you realized that you did know most of these words and the ones you hadn’t were outlandishly lavish. There was simply the matter of spelling, different dialects and all. When you’d gone over the entirety of the paperwork, her hand still didn’t leave your back,
You cleared your throat and reached for a writing utensil. “I do believe that these are reasonable expectations,” you said. “The Gerudo will happily accept your request, King Rauru.”
“I’m pleased to hear,” he said as you signed the papers.
You slid the papers back to Rauru who took them so carefully. His fingers curled around the documents, only the pads of them touching it. He seemed almost wary of his nails, like they would pierce through the pages if he held them too harshly. Perhaps it’d happened before.
With a heavy feeling in your chest, you moved to stand. Sonia’s hand and warmth retreated from you as you did.
“If that is all, I should be off,” you said. “Sav'orq and sav'orr.”
“Are you sure you wish to go?” Sonia asked. “You’re welcome to stay. It’s getting late.”
She was right, of course. The sun had gone down and the moon was beginning to rise by the time you’d finished. However, you had to leave. You’d rather not deal with him thinking something had happened.
“It’s a multi day journey,” you reminded her. “One night won’t make a difference.”
“Then one hour shouldn’t either,” Rauru said. “We have the extra room. Please, if not for yourself than to ease our minds. There are many creatures of the night which could harm you. It’d be safer to turn in early and rise the same than to traverse far enough away from the towns and stables so if something happens, no one will know.”
You tried to focus on your goal. You knew that you really should leave now, get three to four hours of travel in tonight to make up for the lost time but they made a compelling argument.
You looked at them both. They should know they already won this bout of conversation. As soon as they’d asked the question, you knew the answer.
“If it’s not trouble,” you said.
“None at all,” Sonia said. “I’ll work on the arrangements.”
She left the room. Now it was just you and Rauru, alone in such a large room. There weren’t even guards. How trusting, how foolish.
“You should tighten your security,” you told him.
His brows raised. “Any particular reason?” he asked.
Oh, so many. Too many.
There was a reason Ganondorf had chosen you to come, because he knew you couldn’t say no to him. You hadn’t said no to him so many times and in so many different ways.
It wasn’t because you were weak or fragile. When push came to shove, you’d normally have no qualms telling him he was wrong. He’d even encouraged it, fond of the challenge. You simply knew when to keep your mouth shut for either safety or occasionally pleasure.
“Like you said, dangerous times,” you settled on saying.
He slowly inhaled and exhaled, a whirlwind of emotion hidden in his eyes.
He didn’t comment further. Instead, he changed the subject, “You must be famished, it’s been such a long day and we barely took a break. May I?”
You gestured for him to go ahead.
He led you down the halls of the castle to a kitchen area. He scooped several fruits you’d seen only briefly in your time here with Ganondorf but hadn’t tried onto a plate. Then he grabbed a pot filled with water and began preparing something.
It was so strange to see, a king making and preparing his own things. It didn’t seem right or rather normal. Especially in comparison to Ganondorf who practically used you as all his needs packed into one. You prepared his food. You stood watch to guard by his throne. You handled the townspeople’s squabbles. You did everything except the political work. That was until recently when you’d been thrown into that too.
“Oh, there you are,” Sonia said as she entered the room. “I couldn’t figure out where the two of you went.”
“My apologies,” Rauru said. “It simply occurred to me that none of us had eaten in our time together. I thought I’d rectify that.”
“A noble cause,” Sonia said as she reached over you for a golden, round fruit.
She bit into it with a small crunch sound. Her eyes fluttered closed for a mere second as something in her seemed to relax.
You could see the smallest droplet of something clear begin to try to roll down her lips and chin but you reached out to gather it with your thumb before it got the chance. It was sticky on your skin though that was to be expected.
Sonia’s hand nearly went to where yours had touched her but she stopped herself.
“I hadn’t realized how hungry I was until food was placed in front of me,” she said with a small smile.
“A common realization,” Rauru said.
He grabbed three cups. What was normal in your hands was dwarfed in his. It seemed so small, like an adult playing with a child’s toy.
He held them like he held the papers (not hard enough to pierce) and the fruit (not hard enough to bruise), not hard enough to crack.
He poured tea into the three cups. You reached for the one closest to you slowly.
“No one has ever made me tea before,” you admitted.
A flitter of sadness was quickly washed away with the hand placed on your arm and smile scratched across her lips as Sonia said, “Then you’re in for a treat, Rauru makes some of the best tea I’ve ever tasted.”
“Now, Sonia, you know better than to place false expectations in people’s heads,” Rauru said.
“And you know better than to lie,” she retorted.
You hide a smile at their banter with the cup before you took a sip.
“I’m afraid Queen Sonia is correct,” you said. “You’ve downplayed. It’s wonderful tea.”
“Thank you.”
“And please, simply call me Sonia.”
You arrived in Gerudo Town nearly four hours after the sun had descended from the sky. You took a moment to bask in the comfortable temperature inside the walls of the town (especially in contrast with the sharp chill of the outside) before you began to make your way to Ganondorf’s chambers.
“You’re late,” he said sternly.
“The meeting ran over,” you explained, not lying but not revealing the entire truth.
He scoffed lightly as he turned to look at you. He circled you, inspected you with critical eyes. He searched for any sign of damage. If there was the smallest scratch or faintest bruise on your skin you knew he’d find it and use it to his advantage. He found nothing.
“Would you like to make up for your lost time?” he asked.
“Of course.”
You followed him to wherever it was he led you. You knew what you were agreeing to. You did it willingly, probably would even if he wasn’t your higher up and simply a man on the street. However, he wasn’t the only person you’d found yourself drawn to in these ways recently. You couldn’t admit to that, however. At the very least not now.
Perhaps soon you’d be able to focus on more than just him and his wants. You dared to dream that maybe one day you could focus on your own.
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nerdraging4point0 · 3 months
Scorpion and the Scales // Chapter Fifteen // A MIW/Bad Omens PolyAU
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Tropes and Tags: why choose romance, MF, MFM, MFMM, MM, instalove, too much sex, tattooed musicians, polyverse, friends to lovers.
Content warning: 18+ only minors DNI. PinV, PinA, oral (f!recieveing, m!recieving), threesomes, light BDSM, voyeurism, exhibitionism, partner sharing, jealousy, angst.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
Taglist (see MP to be added): @ladyveronikawrites @synthetic-wasp-570 @beaker1636 @thesazzb @itsjustemily @vinyardmauro @circle-with-me @tearfallpixie @poisongirl616 @shilohrosechicken @th0ughts-pr4yers @meliferafaerie @letmeadoreyoux @latenightmusiclover @transparentwitchnightmare @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @emofangirl02 @rumoured-whispers @somebodyels3 @jakeygvf21 @dominuslunae @sunsshinesunny @jilliemiw86 @h0rr0rqu3en @yournecessaryevil @bloody-delusion-expert @mortallyuniquepeach @missduffsblog
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Rick’s POV
Chris paced the warehouse, his boots echoing on the concrete floor as he moved. He was dressed in his elaborate costume for the music video we were filming - a dark, dramatic ensemble with heavy fabrics and sharp lines, his face obscured by thick, theatrical makeup. His normally neat, styled hair was a tousled mess, long black strands falling in strings across his forehead as he repeatedly pushed it back with a gloved hand, the leather creaking with the motion. Chris was clearly agitated, his brow furrowed in concentration as he held his phone up to his ear, it was the fourth time he had tried calling today. 
Between takes, when the director would call for a break, Chris would become wholly absorbed in the video, offering thoughtful feedback and collaborating closely with the crew to ensure everything was executed flawlessly. But the moment he had a free moment, his phone would be pressed to his ear once more, brow furrowed in frustration as each call went unanswered. The pain and uncertainty etched on his face was palpable, a mirror image of the anguish I had witnessed on Eve's features whenever her own phone would light up with an unwelcome caller ID.
It was clear that whatever happened between the three of them had him so desperately trying to reach Noah and each unanswered call had him reeling, unable to find the closure he so desperately craved. Though he hadn't exactly broken things off, the fact that they hadn't spoken in three weeks was as good as a breakup in my mind. Eve had urged him to give it time, to allow Noah space to work through whatever issues had driven them apart, but Chris was far too restless and demanding of answers to heed her advice. He needed explanations, needed to understand what had gone wrong, and would not rest until he had them.
As I strummed my guitar, the familiar soundless notes filling the air, the buzz of conversation echoed through the warehouse where we had gathered for a much-needed lunch break. The rest of the crew was eagerly digging into their meals, while the other band members and I tried our best to relax and recharge. The droning sounds of people chatting and the clattering of utensils created a lively, almost chaotic ambiance.
Suddenly, Vinny let out an excited holler, drawing all eyes towards him as he stood from his chair, phone in hand. "Bro! Check out the line up!" he exclaimed, quickly making his way over to where Ryan was sitting to show him what had him so worked up.
 I couldn't help but tease him, "What's got you all worked up over there?" to which Vinny eagerly replied, "they just released the names of all the artists playing the fest next week. I am fucking stoked!"
Vinny's love for festivals was no secret - he thrived on the energy of large crowds and the opportunity to see other talented performers. For him, these events were like a veritable convention, a chance to indulge his inner social butterfly and soak up the musical atmosphere. 
As I shook my head, trying to refocus on my guitar, I barely registered Justin's voice cutting through the rising chatter around us, excitedly listing off some of the big-name artists who would be gracing the festival stages that day. However, my fingers suddenly froze and my eyes snapped up the moment I heard him utter the words "Bad Omens." Immediately, my gaze locked onto Chris, whose own eyes had gone wide with a mixture of shock and what almost looked like dread.
"When's their set?" Chris asked, his voice sounding strained and uncharacteristically dry. Justin, seemingly oblivious, said, “same time as ours.”
As soon as those words left Justin's mouth, I could see the gears turning in Chris's mind, a determined look settling across his features. It was clear he was already plotting something, no doubt related to Noah. 
As I listened to the inner voice in my head, I felt a strong urge to encourage Chris to let it go and move forward. However, I knew Chris better than that. The rest of the group was aware that Eve had been dating both Chris and Noah simultaneously - a messy situation that I had somehow found myself entangled in as well. They just barely got used to my addition to the mix, still in the dark about Noah’s lack of communication with us. That was another story for another day, so was the complex feelings that Chris harbored toward Noah. Given how inherently odd and convoluted the overall situation had become, and how challenging it was for the band members to wrap their heads around the four of us coexisting as a unit, we collectively decided it was best not to burden them with any additional details or complications. 
Navigating the situation with Chris in the aftermath of Noah's departure was a sensitive and challenging endeavor. As his friend, I desperately wanted to provide comfort and support, but the drama surrounding the nature of Chris and Noah's relationship left me unsure of how to approach. Chris had not explicitly referred to Noah as his boyfriend, and I feared that any assumption or presumption on my part could potentially cause more harm than good. So, I ultimately deferred to Eve, whose unwavering patience and empathy seemed like the wisest course of action. I could only imagine the internal turmoil she must have been grappling with, she’d been nothing but stoic and calm through this whole deal. Yet, I knew that facade could not possibly last - at some point, the weight of her own sorrow would inevitably force her to confront those pent-up emotions. 
Eve had thrown herself into extra shifts at the coffee shop, claiming the income was earmarked for our upcoming trip to Vegas. However, I saw through that transparent ruse - she knew full well that I would never allow her to spend a single penny on anything. It was clear to me that this frenetic work schedule was merely a distraction, a means of avoiding the urge to constantly reach out to Noah and further process her own anguish. While Chris externalized his pain, Eve had internalized hers, and I could only hope that the dam would soon burst, allowing her to fully confront the devastating loss they had both endured.
Eve’s POV
As the steam hissed and the milk frothed, the bustling chatter and clattering of the busy café enveloped me. I tried my best to focus on the task at hand, to push down the emotions welling up inside, but the memories came flooding back. It had started out as such a normal day - I had been cheerful and upbeat, ready to take on whatever the world threw my way. But then, as I stepped outside to deliver a steaming cappuccino to a suited businessman on the patio, a familiar scent hit me. The cologne - it was the same one Noah used to wear. Instantly, the happy facade crumbled, and the pain I had been suppressing crashed over me like a violent wave.
I blinked rapidly, willing the tears not to fall, not here in the middle of this bustling café where I was supposed to be professional and in control. But the grief was overwhelming, a semi of emotion barreling into me and threatening to knock me off my feet. Over the past few weeks, I had been desperately trying to conceal my true emotions from both Chris and Rick, stealing furtive glances at my phone. I found myself constantly torn between the overwhelming urge to reach out to him and send a text, and the paralyzing fear of being met with nothing but deafening silence in return. It was an agonizing, torturous cycle that I simply could not break free from, no matter how hard I tried. To make matters even more complicated, Chris had been visibly distraught and furious about the way Noah had hurt me, vehemently insisting that the least he could have done was provide some form of closure instead of simply disappearing without a trace. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I felt there was more bothering Chris than just that.
As I called out "Robert!" to push the freshly brewed cappuccino to the pickup window, I quickly washed down the espresso machine, ready to begin the next order. The constant hum of the coffee grinder filled the air as Sasha, my fellow barista, shouted over the noise, "Eve, head out on your break." I gave her a quick nod, ensuring that Tyler was comfortable handling the incoming order before wiping my hands on my apron and slipping out to the back patio.
The peace and quiet outside was a welcome relief from the bustling cafe. The dull roar of cars on the interstate in the distance blended with the soothing sounds of birds chirping all around me. It was like an oasis of tranquility compared to the lively energy inside. Pulling out my phone, I sent a quick text to Rick and Chris, checking in on the music video shoot they were working on, knowing I likely wouldn't hear back right away. 
 I glided through my contacts finding Noah’s name, my fingers floated over it for a minute or two as I thought about what I would say, or if i’d even have the courage to say it. I bit the inside of my cheek and took the plunge, opening his chat I typed out all that I'd been feeling all that I missed, how much I loved him, how I could understand if it was too much. But I needed him to tell me it was over, otherwise for me it would never be over. 
My phone pinged and I snatched it up quickly, hoping it was who I thought, my heart only slightly disappointed as Chris’s name popped up on the screen.
Fuck all of it, I want to go home.
The words that filled the screen were uncharacteristically terse and laced with an unusual intensity. I could practically feel the weight of his frustration and despair through the digital screen. It was so unlike the typically calm and collected Chris I knew - this was a side of him I had rarely, if ever, witnessed before. My heart ached with the desire to reach out and comfort him, to be there for him.
I’m sorry baby, I am off in just two more hours. 
It was his final message as I returned inside the coffee shop that truly set my pulse racing, 
I am peeling myself out of this costume now. Then i’m heading home. I don’t care what plans you have this evening, little one. Cancel them. Tonight. You’re mine. 
The sheer possessiveness and raw desire in those words left me breathless, my body already tingling with eager anticipation.
Chris’s POV
Nothing had gone my way that day - the stresses of work, the traffic, the minor annoyances that had piled up until I felt like I was barely holding it together. But the second she was within reach, that pent-up intensity came roaring to the surface. Without a word, I had her in my grasp, pulling her close, my hands already working to undress her. The look of surprise in her eyes only fueled my dominant impulses further as I swiftly shed her clothing, leaving her bare and vulnerable before me. With a firm hand on her shoulder, I guided her to the bedroom, forcing her down to her knees at the edge of the bed. From this position of power, I towered over her, my smoldering gaze drinking in her submissive pose. This was exactly what I needed - to take back control, to assert my dominance.
I let out a guttural moan as my body sank back into the plush mattress, everything relaxing with a deep, satisfying release after the tension that had been building. The familiar weight and warmth of Eve’s mouth enveloping me sent tingles of pleasure radiating through my core. I drew in a sharp, shuddering breath as her nimble tongue flicked and swirled against the sensitive skin, a primal, animalistic response falling out of my parted lips. Propping up on my elbows, I gazed down at the enticing sight before me, her eyes watering cheeks stretched out and hair a tangled mess in my hands.
 "Now, while you're down there, right where I want you," I rasped, voice thick with lust. "Look up at me with those eyes." She glanced up through thick, fluttering lashes, her own eyes gleaming with a mix of obedience and wanton need. I let out a guttural groan, electricity coursing through me at the sight.
 "Yeah, that's it," I growled, tangling my fingers deeper in her hair. "I want you to play with yourself." She whimpered around my throbbing cock, she eagerly complied, her nimble fingers finding the sensitive bundle of nerves as she rolled them around with the motions of her mouth.
“Faster.” Breathless and trembling, she eagerly followed my instructions, pressing her fingers faster and faster against the sensitive bundle of nerves, rolling her hand in tight, frenzied circles as I slowly thrust into her waiting mouth. "Is this what you were looking for?" I murmured, voice low and dripping with wicked intent, picking up the pace as she moaned desperately around my cock. 
"Faster," I commanded again, and she obeyed without hesitation, her cries muffled by the weight of me on her tongue. I was lost in the moment, loving how she listened so well. I wanted to turn to him, see him with those big brown eyes admiring our girl on her knees for me. My mind had to shake the thoughts from my brain, he wasn’t here to enjoy her with me, wasn’t here for me to enjoy him and I could feel the pain in my chest all over again. I growled more to myself to chase away the thoughts as I thrust in her mouth again. Eve whined at my feet as she was about to shatter, I yanked her face down, burying myself to the hilt until her nose was pressed against my pelvic bone.
Eve cried out, her jaw going lax as she started to gurgle from my cock being shoved to the back of her throat.  With a sharp tug, I pulled her off, a glistening string of saliva connecting her swollen lips to my sheen covered cock. Hooking a finger under her chin, I tilted her face up, my face burning with possessive hunger. "Daddy's gonna fuck you how he wants," I growled, the promise of delicious torment lacing my words. "And you'll take it like a good girl, won't you?"
she nodded her head, panting heavily in a desperate attempt to catch her breath. With a firm grip on her forearms I lifted her from the floor with ease. Spinning her around to face the bed, I brought my hand down with a resounding smack against her left ass cheek, the sharp sound echoing through the room. 
"Hands and knees," I commanded. Immediately obeying, she fell forward onto the bed, crawling to the middle and waiting with bated breath for me to join her. I took in the look of her like this, licking my lips with anticipation. 
Crawling my way up to her I placed open mouth kisses on the red mark I'd left, kissing each finger mark, moving up to her lower back I followed the curve of her spine as I settled behind her. Maneuvering myself around her I trapped her legs between my thighs pushing her down so her shoulders touched the mattress. I could feel myself pressing against her entrance and I wanted to just drive myself home already, my hands stroked down her back following the curves of her ribs and then her hips I almost lost all control.
Finally, I positioned myself and drove into her in one fluid motion, filling her completely. The sudden, intense sensation caused her to lurch forward, whining with pleasure, the sounds drowned out by the duvet. 
Fast and furious I thrusted into her, each one knocking forcefully against her cervix. Reaching to take her hair in my hands I gripped her at the scalp, gingerly pulling her head back, her spine dipping to give me a deeper fuller feeling. 
“F-f-f-fuck sooo good.” I groaned, realizing i’d come before the fun even started if I kept this up. Slowing my pace, It took all my effort to pull myself out of her, dropping onto my back next to her. 
“Come here, little one. You’re gonna ride daddy.” She obeyed, her weak limbs carrying her trembling body to where I lay waiting. Straddling my hips, she slowly lowered herself down, my hard cock stretching and filling her once more. Shuddering as she began to roll her hips, coating me with her slick arousal. 
“Listen good, little one. You’re going to bounce, I’m going to count to ten. You can’t stop until I get to ten. Got me?” 
"Yes, sir," she managed to croak out, her voice rough with need. She sat there trying hard to catch her breath, hands balanced on my chest, strands falling in front of her face. I reached up to tuck the loose pieces behind her ear, her forehead starting to get coated in sweat. With pure instinct I lifted my hand, the loud crack of my palm against her ass echoing in the room, the slap causing her to yelp and lift herself off me briefly before sinking back down, impaling herself on my cock once more.
 "What are you waiting for?" I growled, and without hesitation, she began to obey, lifting herself up and lowering down in a steady rhythm. 
The sensations were electric, the delicious pressure and friction igniting a primal desire within me. Her inner walls clung to my cock, both of us raw and sensitive, the feeling heightening every delectable sensation. With a determined rhythm, she kept her pace, counting out each thrust out loud as she rode me, her muscles straining with the effort. "One...two...three..." 
Her thighs began to quiver, the muscles trembling with the exertion of maintaining the demanding pace she had set. I could feel the shake in her legs, protesting the relentless rhythm she refused to relinquish. 
"Don't you fucking slow down," I growled, voice laced with desperation, "you wanted to be fucked. So, fuck me then."
Gritting her teeth, she pushed through the discomfort, her movements becoming more frenzied. The muscles in her legs quivered with exertion, but she refused to relent, bouncing on my cock with reckless abandon. 
"Seven...eight...nine..." Each number punctuated by a strangled moan from my lips, her body teetering as her legs started to close on me. Her head fell back and she sat up straight, eyes fluttering closed.
“Who’s a good girl, say if for me baby, who’s a good girl.” My hands roamed up her body cupping her breasts before continuing up to grasp at her throat.
“I’m a good girl. I’ve been such a good girl, daddy.” She was so close I could tell, with my free hand I found her clit rubbing it with my thumb making her body shake even more.
“Who did a good job? You wanna come baby, you wanna come for me?” She nodded her head trying to slump forward to balance on my chest.
“Beg me for it.” She swallowed hard under the grip of my hand, 
“Please daddy, I wanna come.” My thumb rubbed her clit with just the right amount of pressure, my hips meeting up with her downstroke pushing into her. She broke, clenching around me and calling my name. 
The overwhelming sensations had left her whimpering, her body struggling to keep up. "My turn, little one," I growled, grip on her hips like iron tightening as I forced her to move faster, harder, against me. She cried out as I rolled her just right, her overstimulated clit brushing against me in a jolt of pleasure-pain. Summoning the last of her waning energy, she rode me desperately, determined to bring me to release. Everything in me  grew sloppy, whimpers falling from my open, panting mouth, until finally my hips stilled and everything poured out of me. 
"That's it. That's my good girl. Such a good girl," I praised her through heavy breaths, pulling her close and cradling her in my arms.
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ihatesocialmedia45 · 23 days
Chapter 5: Sugar Pie, Honey Bunch
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There is no love for a woman out of her mind - except a man who's lost his as well.
The woman sat across from Homelander in the café, blowing gently on her drink as he cut a plain croissant into eighths, before sticking a portion onto his fork. The scent of coffee, earthy and mellow, wafted around them in thick plumes, mingling with his scent. She sniffled to disguise the deep inhale she took, breathing him in. He smelled... clean, like the scent of rain. A hint of ozone lurked beneath the fresh note, a bolt of lightening on a clear blue sky. Homelander set his knife and fork on the plate as he chewed, the metallic clink of the utensils delicate against her ear.
They'd more or less been silent for the past five minutes, subtly sizing each other up, asking benign questions and giving superficial answers; the Seven, the Expo, what it was like to fly. She'd tried her hand at humor, (a shy, "So, how is the weather up there?"), but he'd only given a tight, "Cold," in response, so she'd abandoned that attempt in favor of a pensive nod, considering his reply. 
Cold, she thought with distaste. Winter was her least favorite season.
"You always make it look so... effortless," she said, keeping her mind focused on not leaning in. It wouldn't do, to spoil this after everything was going so well. He'd invited her, for coffee. He'd wanted to see her. She thought back to what he'd said at the Expo, face growing warm at the memory.
'I actually care about my fans'
His fans. His.
She... was his.
She willed him to hear it somehow, but Homelander only gave a soft smile, though not as genuine as before. He looked... disappointed, she saw; he kept his eyes from her, cast just above her face, or on his croissant, her hands. But never her eyes. Her hand twitched; she wanted to bring it to his jaw, angle him to meet her gaze. She shifted in her seat.
Look at me... I can't stand this. Please.
"I don't know if I could manage flying - I hate the cold," she continued, pulse quickening when he finally glanced up at her, his eyes softening the smallest degree. The memory of her apartment, warm, home, echoed in his bones. He shifted, leaning in the tiniest amount.
I know, Homelander thought. I do, too.
The confession seemed to melt the layer of frost around him somewhat; he scooted closer, eyes suddenly glowing with a soft, boyish excitement.
"I don't feel the cold in the same way a regular person might... but the gloves do help. They're good for cutting through wind resistance," Homelander said, bringing his hand to the table. He gestured toward it with his head, a lopsided little smile on his lips.
The woman's heart pounded, eyebrows raised slightly. An invitation... to touch him? Slowly, she brought her hand to his, a light tremor running through her as she graced a tentative palm against the back of his hand, admiring the leather, the strong feel of his tendons underneath. Brushing her fingers against his palm, she felt the ribbed material, the minute flexing of his hand, and her mouth watered, the urge to take his fingers into her mouth sudden and demanding.
She raised his hand to her eye level, an undeniable longing radiating off her in waves - but she simply turned his hand, back and forth, before placing it on the table, and smiling at him.
"Yeah, I'm sure! Is that... full-grain?" Homelander gave a surprised "Hm!", nodding.
"Yes, actually. Do you... work with leather?" She shook her head, a woeful expression on her face.
"Oh, no... the last time I tried was a disaster. I looked at a YouTube video, so I'm basically an expert; I don't know what went wrong," they laughed together, the chill of their earlier conversation forgotten.
Homelander eyed her as she giggled, the subtle shifting in her seat making the gears turn in his mind. She clearly wanted to lean in, move closer to him - so why didn't she? He'd even taken the plunge first, scooting in, letting her know: It's safe. You can lean into me.
Please, lean in to me.
He'd been... a bit put out, by her banal attempts at conversation at the start of this little test. She'd showed promise at the Expo, a hint of that fervent longing she'd voiced during New Year's. But as soon as they'd arrived at the coffeeshop, it was over; Homelander watched the chance of them kissing whip through the wind, too fast for him to catch. He couldn't help the dismay that overtook him. Where was that girl, the one who'd wanted him? He'd misjudged her, he thought, morose, as she prattled on about the Seven, about the fucking weather... had he really been so foolish?
Even the thought of killing her brought no joy - he just wanted to go home, and lie under the covers. Spend the day at Everest. 
But then... once again, she'd surprised him, with that little bite of contempt: 'I hate the cold' - and he'd looked up, the memory of her apartment, warm and comforting, flashing to his mind.
She was being... honest. He thought back to her whispered confessions, her absence on her mother's account. Perhaps... she knew what the cold was like. Perhaps she'd even caught his disdain for it, as well. The thoughts tumbled in his mind, and a slow smile crept across his face as he raised his hand to her, scooted closer.
He hadn't expected her to bring his hand to her face - he'd sucked in the quietest breath as she did, studying the palm of his hand like she might commit it to memory, her eyes molten, pulse racing.
For a second, Homelander thought she might kiss him there; he willed her to know that he would let her, but so intense was her gaze, that she missed the near pained look in his eyes - one he quickly stuffed away. 
They met each other's gaze for a beat, a tentative understanding forming between them, like threads being woven to fabric. She leaned in - and Homelander let out the breath he'd been holding.
"Do you wanna... get out of here?" he asked, the flash of nervousness leaving him entirely as she'd nodded before he'd even finished his sentence. He smiled, genuinely.
Sage paced the perimeter of her room, Maeve watching her through the corner of her eye. The laptop they'd just been huddled over now sat forgotten on the desk. What they'd just seen could mean disaster for Vought, the idea sending their minds into chaotic spirals; Sage's, brain teemed with plans, while Maeve's settled into quiet apathy. 
The moment they'd arrived at the Tower, she'd dragged Maeve by the arm into her quarters, and started clicking away on her laptop, plugging her phone in and transferring the camera footage she'd hacked from the Expo's security system.
They'd watched silently; Homelander, expression dark and lost - before he left for... who knows what. Then, fast-forward five minutes later, his return; he'd looked angry, jaw snapped tight as he walked on stage. Sage fast-forwarded through his speech, the Q&A... and let the video roll, hearing Maeve's soft gasp.
A woman, her demeanor shy, was making her way to Homelander as he sat, head in his hands. The two women watched as he flew down to her, the way they both seemed to careen toward each other, like underwater plants. Sage paused; Homelander, almost imperceptibly, had raised his hand - just an inch, but the implication was clear. Maeve looked at Sage, eyes wide, disbelief etched onto her face.
"A girlfriend?" she breathed. "No," Sage murmured, her tone heavy with dark realization. "I don't think so."
Sage bounded for the door, Maeve scrambling to meet her, the two swiftly making their way down the hall. "Where are you going?" Maeve's tone was hushed.
"Stan Edgar. We have to alert him."
Stan Edgar sat in his office, fingers steepled as the two women flanked him behind a large mahogany desk. The glow of the laptop cast an eerie whiteness onto his face, Sage thought, averting her gaze. His tone, as always, had been polite, if a bit cold, as he'd let them in, listening patiently as Sage relayed their investigation to him. Finally, after a moment of silence that hung on too long, he'd asked to see the footage, a faint smile gracing his lips.
"So, you posit that this woman... may hold some significance.. to Homelander," he started, looking up at Sage from beneath the rims of his glasses. She nodded.
"Yes. The nature of their relationship remains unclear - it's possible she's a Supe with powers of interest to him. We believe that he might be planning some form of alliance." Maeve's eyes widened.
A team up... that was the last thing they needed: Homelander joining forces with someone who was not only willing to work with him, but seemed to enjoy his company, on top of that - she had to have been just as unstable as he was.
"I appreciate your insights," Stan said smoothly, "but rest assured: Vought has been keeping tabs on Homelander from the outset. This footage, while... informative... doesn't serve to change much, in regards to our plans for him. The situation is well under control. You needn't concern yourselves with this... investigation." Sage felt her blood boil at the dismissal, but Stan had already closed the laptop and was pressing it into her hands, that same smile hinting around the corners of his mouth.
"I'll let you know if we ever require your assistance," Stan told her, and, thoroughly dismissed now, she and Maeve left his office, Sage's brain sparking.
"He... already has a plan?" Sage was confounded. Maeve pat her on the back, her face calmer since the meeting; Stan's words, though condescending, had dissipated the worry that had been brewing within her. She could imagine being talked to in such a way would infuriate the world's smartest person - and the lack of consultation on this plan Stan had was bound to sting -  yet for Maeve, Stan's assurance meant she could finally relax. Stan would handle Homelander, as he'd done for years. 
"Of course he does. Stan is the only one Homelander has ever really respected. He's more or less the only thing keeping him in check."
Sage grimaced. "I just don't like the way he dismissed me," she muttered. Maeve put a hand on her shoulder, fighting a smile; she'd been right. - Sage was moody. She rubbed her shoulder as Sage pouted, her voice assuring. "Well, he's a business man. You know he'd never ask for help... and besides - he knows how smart you are. It's a matter of when he asks you - not if."
Sage gave an appreciative smile, eyes warm on Maeve's face. "Thank you," she said, a little ruefully, though Maeve's words did little to calm the barrage of questions that flashed through her brain. What did Stan know about this, that he was so calm? Was he calm, or was it just a front? And what did he intend to do?
But Maeve smiled down at her then, offering to treat her to lunch, and she tried to put her anxieties to rest. "I'm thinking... Polynesian. What about you?" Sage nodded.
"Mmm... that does sound good."
Homelander walked side by side with the woman, the heat of her body a whisper away - yet he kept his hand firmly by his side. They'd been out since 10; getting coffee, strolling around town, even stopping by a good truck. Homelander, never one for greasy foods, looked on disapprovingly as she dug into her street tacos, but couldn't say no when she'd offered to share. She'd wanted to share with him.
They passed by a thrift shop, and he looked down as they grinned in excitement. "Oh, I love this place! I get all my figurines from here!" they exclaimed, and unthinkingly, she grabbed his hand as she headed for the door, the cheery door chime like church bells in Homelander's ears.
Homelander took in the shop; it was a bit shabby, with warm but flickering bulbs, with  a trail of fairy lights adorning the celling. Strange décor littered the space, from a wall full of Garfield memorabilia, to a collection of Victoria Neuman bobbleheads. He'd never seen anything like it, he marveled. Vought only ever took him to high-end boutiques, and all of his furniture was shipped straight to his room. He tried to recall the last time he'd been into a store at all... and came up blank. The woman touched his arm, the softness rippling under his skin.
"I have an idea," they said. "You... find something, and I'll find something. Then, we can trade!" She smiled, pleased with her idea.
Homelander returned the gesture, though his heart felt as though it might burst through his chest with the way it was hammering. A gift? She wanted to find something... for him?
He nodded. "Alright," he said, easy tone belying the tremor of his hand, watching as she bounded off for the tchotchkes. 
Homelander swept across the humble establishment, trying to envision her here, on her off days, after work, looking wistfully through the windows after closing - and found that he could, quite easily. She was in her element here, looking through the knick-knacks with practiced ease; he looked on as she picked up two near identical figurines, deliberating. Homelander focused. One was porcelain, the other cheap glass; he raised a brow as she looked, gaze steely, before choosing the porcelain one, slipping it into her basket.
Returning to his search, he sifted through the fluttery scarves and baseball caps, lips pursed in concentration. Something... Homelander's mind came up blank, followed by a flash of irritation. How vague...
Something... what? Homelander paced now, shuffling through the jewelry that called to him with its glinting allure - though he refrained from looking closer. Even now, he knew that would be a bit much - and besides, he assured himself, she hadn't proved she was worthy of such a gift. He nodded. 
Soon, he found his way to the ornaments, and he soon understand why she'd chosen to start here. This section was chock full of intriguing little baubles; a miniature set of shepherd boys, crowded around a sleeping lamb, a glass mermaid filled with some sort of blue liquid that gurgled when Homelander tipped it upside down... slowly, a sense of subdued curiosity wound through him, and he searched earnestly, unaware that the woman had already made her choice, and was looking over at him, expression fond.
Homelander lost himself in the perusal, turning over ornate silver pans and antique-looking desk clocks, genuinely enjoying himself. He found a piggy bank that had been painted to look like a clown, a pair of bunnies sharing a carrot, a cat lapping at a bowl of cream... before he finally found it: a duck, maybe a swan. The figure was made of alabaster, soft white and creamy to the touch. It lay on its stomach, a dark downward flick painting its eye closed, while its neck swooped in a graceful bend. It was perfect. Homelander plucked it from the shelf, excitement racing in his veins.
They walked up to him then, a smile in their eyes. "The cashier compted us! She said you'd saved her son last week - the bus-jacking on 5th and Walker?" Homelander vaguely recalled, a shy grin lighting up his face. "Oh!" he said, waving a hand at the woman behind the register, who grinned - and a thought came to him. Looking around, he searched for the marker he always kept on him for times like this, and found an old portrait. 
Thanks so much! he wrote in looping cursive.
You're the real hero
He looked around, before placing the portrait in the employee's office, taking the woman's hand and smoothly striding out, giving the cashier another wave. 
Maybe "New year, New Homelander" was right, he mused, looking into her smiling face with a brighter one than he'd given in ages.
The sun was going down as Homelander and the woman walked down the street. He looked over at her, to see that she'd been looking at him, and he gave a teasing grin when she flushed, caught staring. 
"I don't think I've ever enjoyed myself this much before," she said, taking his hand. Homelander squeezed, and nodded.
"I've never been to a place like that before. Thank you. I... I liked it."
They took their seats on a park bench, where she sat the thrift store bag, then looked to him with a cheeky grin. "Okay. Are you ready?" Homelander nodded. "Ready."
He looked, eyes expectant and a little nervous, as she rustled through the bag, breath catching in his throat when she gave a dramatic turn, his gift perched in her hands. She grinned.
"Ta-da! It's a little wax warmer!"
Homelander looked it over, taking it from her with a gentle hand and turning it this way and that. It was a sturdy little contraption, built to resemble a small fireplace, complete with a cheery assortment of stockings that hung from the mantle, the enamel coating smooth against his gloves. He looked up, curiosity piqued. "What do I do with it?" 
"You put scented wax in it! And it makes the room smell good."
"Oh," Homelander said simply, brow furrowed. "But... I don't have any wax." 
"That's okay! I have a bunch, at my apartment - if you'd like to come? You can look through what I have, and see if there's anything you like."
Homelander snapped his gaze to her, heartbeat thudding hard in his chest. Come to her apartment?
This wouldn't be like last time he'd been there, which he tried to wipe from his mind. He'd had to get rid of the weakness she'd imbued him with, he thought. But now, that was over - she was inviting him over this time. Letting him in, where once she'd closed the door. He imagined the warmth that would envelop him the minute they stepped through the door, sitting on the couch that seemed to pull him into its deep recesses like a hug. The soft glow of her lamps, the scent of dinner on the stove... He imagined coming home to the scene, night after night, the business of the Seven and Vought irrelevant. A lump formed in his throat, and he swallowed, the upturn of his mouth soft.
"Yes," he murmured. "I'd like that."
Hand in hand, they walked to her door - the knob had been replaced, Homelander noticed - and, just as he'd hoped, a cloud of heat wrapped around him in a thick, welcoming plume as they entered her apartment. Homelander looked around, though he'd already committed the layout and design to memory, and made his way to the couch, sinking down into it, eyes sliding shut. It was just like his Everest recliner - except the warmth wasn't confined to the seat. It billowed around him, carrying the woman's scent, the smell of her home, into his nose. Her apartment smelled like brown sugar, and books - the scent of a freshly blown out candle. He felt a contended rumble sound in his throat.
The woman joined him then, bringing her tub of wax warmers. "Okay, I have apricot, leather, wool, vanilla, birthday cake - which is different," she said sternly. "I'm sure," Homelander chuckled, his hand brushing hers as he inspected the variety of melts. He brought the two to his nose: vanilla and birthday cake. She was right; they were different. While the vanilla had an earthy note to its sweetness, the birthday cake melt possessed a depth the other didn't, and a slight nutty undertone. She held a melt up for him to smell, her eyes warm. He leaned in, the room silent, save for the whisper of his inhale. 
Once again... warmth. The scent was smoky, and earthen, deep -  with a faint metallic tang. He took another sniff, and then another, his thoughts whirling in his head, hand beginning to shake - and just as she was about to ask him what he thought, he was leaning in, and kissing her, gently placing the melt on the table next to them and holding her face in his hand. 
She leaned into him, head inclined, a lock of her hair brushing his cheek. Moving to kiss him deeper, she pressed him into the back of the couch, and - Homelander gasped into her mouth - settled onto his lap, her arms around his neck. She kissed him slowly, savoring the taste of him, tongue almost shy against his. He cradled the back of her head, pressing into her, before sliding his hands down, to wrap around her waist. She moved to kiss his neck, his jaw, the brush of her tongue against his pulse making him tremble, before returning her mouth to his, their movements languid as the couch enveloped them both in an embrace of its own. 
They pulled from each other slowly, the charge of the kiss still running through them, though it cooled to a calm domesticity as she slid to rest her head on his chest. "I'm guessing you liked the leather one, then," she joked, and he laughed, the sound rumbly against her ear. He brought a hand to her back, holding her close - and hoped she could hear more than his heartbeat.
In front of them, on the table, sat their gifts - Homelander's new wax warmer, and the swan he'd picked out for her, the small duck he'd returned resting within the loop of its neck.
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whumpers-inc · 1 year
At a university whumpee finds an ad for like a program to help them study. They are procrastinating a lot/ bad grades/ even failing. They agree to the terms. It seems to them like a weird reality show frat house thing but they want to have better grades. And if it is too weird they can drop out anytime right? So they move in with whumper.
this ask is from 2021 iamsosorry anon!!
"Finals making you want to scream? Need someone to tie you down and finish that assignment for you? We can help you, call this number!" The coloured paper plastered across the campus apparently advertised a study-help program. Whumpee stared at it. From the day they'd miraculously gotten in, their grades had plummeted. Failing was an understatement. One last shot, they promised themselves as they dialled the number. One last chance.
Following the brief phone call's instructions, Whumpee showed up at the dingy house that afternoon. Apparently there was a "suitability assessment" first. Whatever. As long as someone could fix their grades. The doorbell chimed for a long time, too long, and Whumpee realised they were nervous. They mentally slapped themselves. This was going to be fine.
The door swung open. A man, dressed in a tattered button up and pants stood in the opening. He extended his hand and as Whumpee took it, they noticed what looked like ketchup stains on the sleeve wrists and strangely, under his nails. Not particularly professional, they decided but accepted his invitation to enter.
Inside, it appeared their apparent tutor had never heard of either electricity or waste bins. In the dim light, Whumpee made out piles of bloody tissues, old food, rags and dark smeared utensils. Crinkling their lip in disgust, they followed the man into his living room.
"Please, take a seat." The man gestured to the couches and Whumpee picked the least stained one. They sat and glanced around them, an uncomfortable feeling settling in their stomach. The tattered, closed curtains made the room claustrophobic. They tried to shrug it off as their apparent tutor settled across from them.
"So, you are struggling in school?"
Whumpee nodded.
"Then you have come to the right place. I am an expert in my field."
This was somewhat reassuring. "It's not just one subject." Whumpee made eye contact to ensure this man understood the seriousness of their problems. "It's all of them. I've got two weeks before they're going to terminate my enrolment."
The man smiled. "I can help you. In fact, I can make all your problems go away. "
"My teaching methods are highly specialised. I won't disclose them but you need to trust me. My teaching is what will fix your grades." The man leaned closer. "You will be required to stay here while you study. Just to minimise any distractions of course."
Whumpee stood. "Um, I think I can work it out myself." They walked toward the door. "I've remember my sister is a professor at Harvard so I'll probably get her to-"
"Your grades are guaranteed As."
"-I'll stay."
The man smiled. "A smart decision." He produced several crumpled pieces of paper and a pen. "Just sign these and we'll be ready to start your education."
Whumpee took them gingerly and scanned the practically illegible print. Something, something, all autonomy relinquished, something, injuries up to death, a smudge, "I of a sound mind declare". They glanced back at the man. "What the hell's this?"
"Nothing of concern. Just a little clause for my own protection. Just sign the papers please." The man folded his hands tightly as he watched Whumpee.
Whumpee hesitated.
"All As guaranteed."
Whumpee scrawled a signature across the bottom.
"Well done." The man took the pages back. "Call your friends and tell them not to worry if you disappear completely. You're obviously going to be to bogged down in study. And if, god forbid-" he smiled slyly "- you suddenly decided to drop out, no one would need to know. You would simply disappear."
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hmewareshop · 2 years
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nathanslifka · 22 days
Optimizing Small Kitchen Layouts_ Making the Most of Limited Space with Home Remodeling Professionals including Nathan Slifka
Nathan Slifka
Optimizing Small Kitchen Layouts: Making the Most of Limited Space with Home Remodeling Professionals including Nathan Slifka
In contemporary urban living, where space is a luxury, the challenge of optimizing small kitchen layouts becomes ever more relevant. Many homeowners and apartment dwellers face the dilemma of making a compact kitchen functional, stylish, and efficient without compromising on essential elements. The kitchen, often referred to as the heart of the home, is a space that demands both creativity and practicality to maximize its potential. With thoughtful design, clever storage solutions, and innovative appliances, even the tiniest of kitchens can be transformed into a highly functional and aesthetically pleasing area.
Smart Storage Solutions
Effective storage solutions are crucial in small kitchens where every inch counts. One of the primary strategies is to make use of vertical space. Installing cabinets that reach the ceiling can significantly increase storage capacity. These upper cabinets are perfect for storing items that are not used frequently, such as seasonal dishware or specialty appliances. Additionally, incorporating open shelving can provide both storage and display space, allowing for easy access to commonly used items while adding a decorative element to the kitchen.
Pull-out shelves and drawer organizers are other excellent storage solutions for small kitchens. These features maximize the usability of deep cabinets and drawers, ensuring that all items are easily accessible. Pull-out shelves can be particularly beneficial in lower cabinets, where items often get lost in the back. Drawer organizers keep utensils, cutlery, and other small items neatly arranged, reducing clutter and making it easier to find what you need. By thoughtfully planning and implementing these storage solutions with the help of home remodeling consultants like Nathan Slifka, you can significantly improve the functionality and organization of a small kitchen. Read more about Nathan here.
Selecting the Right Appliances
Choosing the right appliances is vital when dealing with limited kitchen space. Compact appliances designed specifically for small kitchens can offer all the necessary functionalities without occupying excessive space. For instance, slim refrigerators, under-counter dishwashers, and combination microwave-ovens are ideal for compact layouts. These appliances not only save space but also maintain the efficiency and convenience expected in a modern kitchen.
Moreover, multi-functional appliances can be a game-changer in small kitchens as mentioned by home remodeling experts such as Nathan Slifka. A microwave with convection oven capabilities or a refrigerator with built-in water dispensers can eliminate the need for additional gadgets, thus saving valuable countertop and storage space. When selecting appliances, it’s essential to consider both size and functionality to ensure they meet your needs without overwhelming the limited space available.
Efficient Use of Counter Space
Maximizing counter space is another crucial aspect of optimizing a small kitchen layout. One effective strategy is to use countertop appliances sparingly. Opt for built-in versions of appliances such as coffee makers, blenders, and toasters to keep the counters clear. Additionally, consider installing a pull-out or foldable countertop extension that can be used as needed and tucked away when not in use.
Home remodeling professionals including Nathan Slifka convey that incorporating a kitchen island can also be beneficial, even in small kitchens. A compact, movable island can provide additional counter space and storage without permanently occupying valuable floor space. Islands with built-in storage or shelving can serve multiple purposes, such as prep areas, dining spaces, and storage units. By carefully planning the use of counter space, you can create a more efficient and clutter-free kitchen environment.
Lighting and Color Schemes
Lighting and color schemes play a significant role in making small kitchens appear larger and more inviting. Bright, natural light can open up a space and make it feel more expansive. If natural light is limited, strategically placed artificial lighting, such as under-cabinet lights, pendant lights, and recessed lighting, can enhance the overall brightness of the kitchen. These lighting solutions not only improve visibility but also add a layer of style to the kitchen as pointed out by home remodeling consultants like Nathan Slifka.
Color schemes can also impact the perception of space in a small kitchen. Light colors, such as white, cream, and pastels, can make the area feel more open and airy. Reflective surfaces like glossy tiles, stainless steel appliances, and glass cabinet doors can further enhance this effect by bouncing light around the room. Combining effective lighting with a suitable color scheme can transform a small kitchen into a brighter, more welcoming space.
Innovative Design Ideas
Innovative design ideas can significantly contribute to the functionality and aesthetic appeal of a small kitchen. One such idea is to incorporate a galley or parallel kitchen layout, where two parallel counters provide ample workspace and storage while maintaining a compact footprint. This layout is particularly effective in narrow spaces and allows for efficient workflow.
Another design concept is to use sliding or pocket doors instead of traditional swinging doors. Sliding doors can save valuable floor space and create a more streamlined look. Additionally, consider integrating multi-purpose furniture, such as a dining table that doubles as a prep area or a bench with built-in storage. These design elements can add versatility to the kitchen, making it more adaptable to various needs and activities.
Personal Touches and Customization
Adding personal touches and customization can make a small kitchen feel unique and tailored to your preferences. Custom cabinetry and shelving designed to fit your specific space and needs can maximize storage and functionality. Customized solutions, such as corner cabinets with rotating shelves or pull-out pantries, can make use of awkward spaces that might otherwise be wasted.
Optimizing small kitchen layouts involves a blend of creativity, practicality, and thoughtful design. By implementing smart storage solutions, selecting the right appliances, maximizing counter space, and choosing effective lighting and color schemes as guided by home remodeling experts such as Nathan Slifka, you can transform even the most compact kitchen into a highly functional and aesthetically pleasing space. Innovative design ideas and personal touches further enhance the kitchen's usability and charm, making it a joy to cook and entertain in.
In summary, a well-designed small kitchen can provide all the necessary functionalities without sacrificing style or comfort. It requires careful planning and consideration of various elements, but the result is a space that maximizes efficiency and enhances the overall living experience.
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organizebydesigne23 · 1 month
Space Optimization: Maximizing Your Home’s Potential
Living in a clutter-free and well-organized home is the dream of many, yet space optimization can often feel like a daunting task. The idea of making the most out of the space you have is not only about decluttering but also about smart storage solutions, effective use of available space, and creating a harmonious environment. Whether you live in a small apartment or a spacious house, space optimization can significantly improve your living experience. In this article, we’ll explore the best practices for optimizing your home’s space, along with the best home organization services Aurora offers to make your space feel more functional and inviting.
The Importance of Space Optimization
Space optimization is all about utilizing every nook and cranny of your home in the most efficient way possible. It’s not just about fitting more items into a room; it’s about creating a space that feels open, functional, and aesthetically pleasing. When your living space is optimized, it can lead to increased productivity, reduced stress, and a greater sense of well-being.
To begin the space optimization process, it’s crucial to assess your current living environment. Identify the areas that feel cluttered or underutilized and consider how these spaces can be transformed. Often, it’s not about having too much stuff but rather not using the space efficiently. This is where the best home organization services Aurora offers can make a significant difference. By employing professional organizers, you can achieve a level of space optimization that might be difficult to accomplish on your own.
Decluttering: The First Step in Space Optimization
Decluttering is the first and most critical step in space optimization. It involves getting rid of items that no longer serve a purpose or bring joy to your life. Begin by sorting your belongings into categories: keep, donate, sell, or discard. This process can be therapeutic, as it helps you let go of items that are merely taking up space and creating visual chaos.
However, decluttering is not just about throwing things away; it’s about being intentional with what you keep. Items that have sentimental value or serve a functional purpose should be stored in a way that they are easily accessible and organized. By using the best home organization services Aurora professionals offer, you can ensure that the decluttering process is thorough and efficient. These experts can provide valuable insights into storage solutions that suit your lifestyle and preferences.
Smart Storage Solutions
Once you’ve decluttered your home, it’s time to think about smart storage solutions. Effective storage is key to maintaining an organized and optimized space. Consider investing in multi-functional furniture, such as ottomans with storage compartments, wall-mounted shelves, or beds with built-in drawers. These pieces not only save space but also add to the overall aesthetic of your home.
Additionally, vertical storage is an excellent way to make the most of small spaces. Utilize wall space for shelving, hooks, and racks to keep items off the floor and create a more open environment. In the kitchen, use pull-out shelves or drawer dividers to keep utensils and ingredients neatly organized. Similarly, in the bedroom, consider using under-bed storage boxes for items like seasonal clothing or shoes.
For those who feel overwhelmed by the idea of re-organizing their entire home, enlisting the help of the best home organization services Aurora professionals provide can be a game-changer. These experts can offer customized storage solutions tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that every inch of your space is used effectively.
Creating a Functional Layout
The layout of your home plays a significant role in space optimization. A well-thought-out layout can make even the smallest of spaces feel open and airy. Start by arranging your furniture in a way that promotes easy movement and maximizes natural light. Avoid blocking windows or pathways with large pieces of furniture.
In smaller rooms, opt for furniture that is proportionate to the space. Large, bulky items can make a room feel cramped, while smaller, streamlined pieces can create the illusion of more space. The best home organization services Aurora has to offer often include layout consultations, where professionals can help you design a layout that enhances both the functionality and flow of your home.
Maintaining an Organized Space
The final step in space optimization is maintenance. Once your home is organized and optimized, it’s important to keep it that way. Develop daily habits that promote organization, such as putting items back in their designated spots, regularly purging unnecessary items, and cleaning up clutter as it arises.
For those who struggle with maintaining an organized space, the best home organization services Aurora professionals provide can offer ongoing support and guidance. By establishing a routine and sticking to it, you can ensure that your home remains a place of comfort and efficiency.
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mnoirwrites · 3 months
Dinner Story
This is sexual fantasy about consenting adults, written for persons over the age of 18.
by MaverickNoir - Jan 24, 2023
Cooking utensils, plates and mixing bowls cover the Kitchen counter. He is preparing dinner for two in their weekend bungalow, the quiet seaside breakaway planned for- and spoken of for weeks. He pours her a drink and offers her a chair at the counter while he cooks.
A toast to the good life, followed by a deep sigh. ‘It’s almost perfect Pet…’ He studies her expression. ‘Pet’ is the nickname she uses when she wants to affirm her ownership.  ‘Only… almost perfect, Mistress?’ She pouts. ‘You don’t have your apron on silly boy! What if you make a mess?’ He smiles and digs in the unfamiliar drawers, fumbling for an apron. Finally found he slips it over his head in victory and proceeds to tie the strap behind his back. ‘No Pet…‘ in a disappointed voice, ‘only the apron’.
She watches the realization dawn on him and sips her drink as he moves to close the window blinds. ‘They should stay open, don’t you think. Its such a delightful view…’. The tone of her voice is firm, with only the slightest hint of tease. He looks at her in momentary panic but doesn’t think to question her. He undresses in front of the bay window facing the beach. It’s designed to maximize the view of the surf. It’s off season and holidaymakers are few, but he can’t help glancing over his shoulder in case of passers-by, ready to drop to the floor should he need to. The sun is setting. Soon he’ll have no idea who can see him. He is relieved to slip on the apron, which conceals at least partly. Hurriedly and clumsily he ties it behind his bare back. ‘Better…’ she purrs.
He chops vegetables without focus, trying to follow her conversation, distracted by the knowledge of his exposed ass. ‘Your knife work needs improvement,’ she sighs, rising from her chair. She walk around the counter, to his side, her skirt brushing his skin in passing. She takes the blade from his hand, and the tool takes on a new life in her expert hands. Her thighs under her summer skirt touching his, her smell intoxicating, and he feels himself growing hard. He leans forward, to hide it, but she’s already noticed. She pauses and looks at the erection straining against the apron. She smirks as she returns the knife. The force of the full hand slap on his bare ass cheek takes him by surprise. He calls out involuntarily and his cock turns rock hard. ‘Stand up straight. I enjoy the view of my excited cock. Slut’. Her cock. She retunes nonchalantly to her seat. He completes the meal, as they discuss the day.
She instructs him, remove the apron, when they sit down to eat. The meal is a success, and he is excited that he could please her. As he clears the table she suggests a walk on the beach. The moon is waxing, but casting only a dim glow over the crashing waves. A beautiful night to be outside. ‘You can’t go like that though, Pet.’ He is relieved to hear it, but when she hands him a gift bag his heart is beating in his ears again. He takes it with trembling hands. ‘Thank you Mistress…’ as he nervously looks inside
The latex thong only just covers his excitement. The matching black collar slips around his neck comfortably. She clicks the leash into the stainless steel buckle. Her fingers trace the restraint around his neck. Then her fingers run along the leash, and she wraps the end around her hand. She tugs to test the strength and he nearly loses his balance. She smiles, satisfied, and leads him outside, through double French doors, over the deep Porch, down two steps, into the cool evening air. He cannot believe how comfortable he is, a step behind her, leashed.
Not far away they find a bench out of sight of other houses, with a view to the white foam and dark water of the Atlantic. Its at the foot of a dune where the vegetation starts and a low hanging tree canopy offers cover and a deeper darkness. She takes a seat, but he hesitates, not sure whether to sit or stand. She offers no suggestion. He opts to kneel. Her smile lets him know he chose correctly.
After a moment she places her foot on his chest, before yanking the leash. He holds his breath as she toys with him, pushing him away before pulling him closer.  ‘Do you want to put your pretty lips on me, my dirty, willing, leashed, fucktoy, slut...?’ ‘Yes Mistress, please Mistress…’ barely audible. ‘Hmmmm?’ Louder now ‘Please Mistress’. ’Then kiss me, Slut...’  He kisses what he can reach, what he is allowed. Her calve, her inner thigh. Between her foot and the leash she is in controls of his progress. He doesn’t hear himself groan when she pushes him away, his focus is her, her skin. Slowly she winds more and more of the leash around her hand, reeling him in. Finally, as if an eternity for him, she  pulls his face between her legs. His tongue sinks deeply into her wet cunt and the moan into her pussy is of thanks. She studies her toy on all fours. Ass cheeks split by a thong, his mouth drinking her, famished. Pleasing her is his only priority, he’s lost all awareness of his surroundings. Her voice is low as she moans ‘….Good boy,’. She throws her skirt over his head, and settles back to enjoy the gentle ocean breeze and the tide rolling in.
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scionshtola · 3 months
19 & 22 & 23 for Cori please!
ty meg!! 💗
19. what would you say is your wol's greatest flaw? what part of their personality causes them the most problems?
I think Cori’s greatest flaw is their inability to ask for help (in personal matters, not necessarily things where someone else can teach them or is an expert, etc). They very much do not want to be a burden to others which I think comes from them growing up just with their mom and not wanting to add any additional problems to their lives. So they try to pretend everything is normal and when that doesn’t work they withdraw.
22. how good are your wol's table manners, based on their own culture? how does it compare to ishgardian table manners? eorzean? doman? steppe?
Cori’s generally pretty polite I think and can adapt to the table manners of wherever she’s at. They’re not a huge fan of the more formal table manners in Ishgard (at least, among the Fortemps!) They don’t mind sharing food but prefer people don’t take from their plate, and probably aren’t sharing utensils. Except maybe with Shtola lol. I think they’re most comfortable at a table in the Steppe!
23. what is your wol's inner monologue like? do they refer to themself as "i"? "we"? "you"? is it organized or all over the place? are they kind to themself, or do they chide themself constantly?
Hmm I do think Cori is frequently kind to themself! Partly this is because they did grow up with someone who really loved and protected them and also because Cori is very open to learning and discovering and just in general to other people (minus the previously mentioned closing off when they’re struggling lol). They’re not very self conscious about most things or interactions, even though they can be very introspective. They do tend to be overly chiding of themself when they’re struggling emotionally. Also I think in their inner monologue they tend to refer to themself as “I” except when they’re being chiding, then it’s “you.”
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plumber-san-jose-25 · 4 months
How to Unclog a Sink with a Garbage Disposal: A DIY Guide
Clearing a clogged sink with garbage disposal may seem challenging, but you can handle this common household issue by following the proper steps without calling a plumber san jose . This do-it-yourself guide will take you through the process, providing practical tips and advice to help quickly get your sink back in working order.
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Understanding Your Garbage Disposal
Before you start unclogging, it's essential to understand how your garbage disposal works. This device, installed under your sink, grinds food waste into tiny particles that can pass through your plumbing san jose. If it's not used correctly, it can get clogged with debris, causing your sink to back up.
Critical Components of a Garbage Disposal
Grind Ring: Breaks down food waste.
Impellers: These are not blades but spinning arms that push food against the grinding ring.
Motor: Power the unit using the switch on the wall or under the sink.
Drain Pipe: Connect the garbage disposal to the plumbing system to allow water and waste to flow.
Common Causes of Clogs
Understanding the causes of clogs can help you prevent them in the future. Here are some common culprits:
Food Waste
Certain types of food waste, such as fibrous vegetables (e.g., celery, potato peels), coffee grounds, and eggshells, can cause clogs.
Grease and Fat
Pouring grease and fat down the drain can cause blockages when it solidifies.
Non-Food Items
Accidentally dropping non-food items, such as utensils or small pieces of plastic, can lead to clogs.
DIY Steps to Unclog Your Garbage Disposal
Let's delve into the details of clearing your garbage disposal. Follow these steps closely for a successful repair. ( plumbing maintenance in San Jose )
Safety First
Before beginning, make sure to switch off the disposal unit. Unplug the unit or turn off the circuit breaker to prevent accidental activation.
Inspect the Disposal
Use a flashlight to inspect the disposal for any visible obstructions. Avoid using your fingers; use pliers or tongs to remove debris.
Use a Plunger
If the clog is not visible, attempt using a plunger. Fill the sink with enough water to cover the plunger's cup, then form a tight seal around the drain. Push and pull the plunger vigorously to dislodge the clog.
Reset the Disposal
If plunging doesn't unclog the disposal, try resetting it. Most units have a reset button on the bottom. Press it to see if this resolves the issue.
Use a Disposal Wrench
Many disposals come with a hex key or Allen wrench. Insert this tool into the bottom of the disposal and turn it back and forth to free the grinding plate manually.
Baking Soda and Vinegar
Add 1/2 cup of baking soda to the disposal, followed by 1 cup of vinegar for stubborn clogs. Let it fizz for a few minutes, then flush it with hot water.
Call a Professional
If these steps do not solve the problem, it might be time to seek help from a professional. If you're in San Jose, consider contacting a dependable plumber for assistance.
Preventing Future Clogs
Taking san jose 24 hour plumbing preventative measures can save you time and hassle. Here are some tips to keep your garbage disposal running smoothly:
Regular Maintenance
Remember to run cold water before and after using the disposal to help clear any remaining debris.
Mind What You Grind
Please avoid grinding fibrous vegetables, grease, and hard materials.
Clean the Disposal
Periodically clean the garbage disposal with baking soda and vinegar to prevent buildup.
Clearing a clogged garbage disposal can be simple. By following the correct steps, understanding how your disposal operates, using the right tools, and maintaining it regularly, you can prevent common issues and keep your kitchen sink in good condition. However, if you experience persistent problems, it's best to contact a professional plumber in San Jose for expert assistance.
How do I know if my garbage disposal is clogged?
If water is backing up in the sink, the disposal is making unusual noises, or the sink drains slowly, these are signs of a clog.
Can I use chemical drain cleaners on my garbage disposal?
Avoid using chemical drain cleaners, as they can cause damage to the disposal and pipes. Instead, opt for natural solutions such as baking soda and vinegar.
How often should I clean my garbage disposal?
Regular cleaning every two weeks can help prevent buildups and keep your disposal running smoothly.
What should I do if my disposal smells terrible?
Odors can often be eliminated by grinding citrus peels or ice cubes in the disposal. For persistent smells, use baking soda and vinegar.
When should I call a professional plumber?
If you've exhausted all DIY methods and the clog persists, it's time to seek professional help. A qualified plumber can efficiently diagnose and resolve the issue
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damneddesigns · 5 months
The Pursuit of the Optimal EDC Knife at a Price Point Below $100
Finding the greatest EDC knife for under $100 is difficult, but it's possible. You can get a cheap knife that lasts and meets your needs if you look. Many good everyday knives are affordable. They come with folding and fixed-blade versions. The best EDC knife under 100 dollars for everyday carry knife is unknown. This applies to blades of all sizes, from little for daily use to large for outdoor adventures.
Benefiting from Professional Kitchen Knives
You need professional kitchen utensils to become a chef or start cooking. Having the right culinary gear can make all the difference. These knives are essential in the kitchen due to their accuracy, durability, and usability. Involving a kitchen knives professional for dicing, chopping, or cutting will give you professional outcomes. The colossal collection of gourmet specialist's knives, santoku knives, and paring knives makes professional culinary experts' kitchen knives more straightforward to find than at any other time.
Essential Characteristics to Search for in an EDC Knife
When seeking the most superior EDC knife priced below $100, it is imperative to take into account several fundamental attributes. It is advisable to acquire a knife that is convenient to carry, small in size, and lightweight while still being sturdy enough to handle everyday duties. Additionally, for optimal performance and comfort, consider the design of the handle and blade shape. You can locate an EDC knife that both satisfies and surpasses your expectations with the proper configuration of characteristics.
Professional kitchen knives will elevate your culinary experience.
Investing in professional kitchen blades of superior quality has the potential to revolutionize one's cooking experience and enhance the quality of culinary creations. By uprightness of their extraordinary presentation, strength, and accuracy, these knives empower you to make immaculate cutting and cuts reliably. Professional kitchen utensils can essentially upgrade the culinary experience, whether you are facilitating a little assembling or devouring a huge gathering. Your culinary ability can be raised to a more significant level with the help of the legitimate arrangement of edges.
For an extensive assortment of professional kitchen knives and the finest EDC knife under $100, please visit Damneddesigns.com. Damned Designs has something to suit every budget and personal preference, with a variety of styles, materials, and manufacturers to select from. Damned Designs has the ideal knife to suit the needs of both skilled collectors and novice enthusiasts. Commence your search immediately and uncover the ideal knife to augment your daily carry or elevate your culinary endeavours. 
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dec-master-cleaning · 6 months
Better Cleaning Services for Needy Customers
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At Dec Master Cleaning, we’re committed to making sure you keep your home clean. Dec Master Cleaning Company prides itself on providing excellent services. We started our company from a small position, but in today’s time, Dec Master Cleaning Company has become a fantastic local company. Our company gives you complete satisfaction towards cleanliness. With cleaning services Worcester MA, you get a guarantee in cleaning whether your home or office or any garage or park or roof or parking. Our staff respects and respects your Cleaning Services Worcester, MA needs. Call us immediately to enjoy post construction cleaning in Massachusetts service. At Dec Master Cleaning Company, calls are set free of charge on calls!
Residential Dec Master Cleaning Services Team
You have to sit comfortably in front of us so we will complete all the mess in your house in less time. Please give us the responsibility of providing to cleaning services Worcester MA, for which we are very grateful. It won’t take long for us to get to your cleaning area. It becomes challenging for those who do not get time from their work to do household work, so the customer is eager to take post construction cleaning in Massachusetts.
When you deal with Dec Master Cleaning Company, you get the best opportunity to relax. Due to you wasting your time cleaning your house, you cannot do anything else, but with the benefit of our cleaning service, you are free for your other work. Now you can enjoy cleaning place in your house on the internet, YouTube TV while eating some snacks you have to give us all the outcome of your home. We’re also brand new with the experience of cleaning any office buildings or garages.
Our Company Gives You Affordable Package
Package for your home
Deep cleaning in the garage
Best product for cleaning at a low price
Kitchen Residential Cleaning Services
We also paint the windows and doors of your house or kitchen, clean the kitchen dirt with cleanliness, and we can remove any stains.
Our company also cleans your fridge.
Our company also cleans your oven and roof grill.
We try to test the microwave deep, making it new and shiny like before.
We wash the countertops of your home or office well and then polish them.
Sink use in your kitchen. Due to excessive use, lime scale accumulates, which we must remove well.
Some marks are left on your door, like a splash of water, which is challenging for you. We have experience.
We can provide you with the best opportunity to shine the fancy lights in your home.
Disinfect the Bathroom
It is our duty to keep your toilet clean, disinfected, and shining brightly in the washroom of your house.
Policing your bathroom taps and cleaning the toilets is an excellent experience for us.
Due to water falling in your house, lime scale falls on your bathroom tiles, which our company is expert in removing.
You can get any utensils cleaned in your house. We tend to do something so that it looks brand new.
There are many Elmira’s in your house, inside which there is more filth, no one will have more experience than us to clean it.
We clean the floor of your house by rubbing it well with our hands and, with the help of some chemicals, make your floor germ free.
Some items used for cleaning our company has packages available according to your budget. Our package includes all types of cleaning like cleaning at home, cleaning your store room, cleaning your office outside your house, etc. All kinds of cleaning services in Worcester MA, are available for you quickly and within budget.
Best Commercial Cleaning
You start finding it more difficult to clean some of your houses, so you depend on us. Talking about the kitchen, more black accumulated in your kitchen due to cooking. We must clean from your kitchen to your park too. Friends, you will not face any difficulty in contacting us. Your life is a happy due clean environment without filling your life. There is no disease in your life. Cleanliness is needed in your house and around you for your children to be healthy.
You don’t have to come by yourself to knock in our office. You can contact us online. All the terms and conditions are available on our website. It is our job to eliminate the filth in your life, any place, in a pinch. For an online application, you can call on the phone number; we can be available to you at any time.
Source URL: https://www.postingsea.com/better-cleaning-services-for-needy-customers/
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wedezine · 7 months
Optimizing Small Spaces: 5 Design Tips for Multifunctionality
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Living in a compact apartment poses challenges, especially in terms of storage and organization. However, with the right approach, small spaces can be turned into comfortable and functional homes that cater to all your needs. WeDezine Studio, A interior design company in shivamoga, offers expert design strategies to help you optimize every square inch, creating a visually appealing and comfortable environment. In this blog, we’ll delve into five practical and stylish tips that not only maximize space but also reflect your personal style. Whether you reside in a small house or a tiny apartment, these ideas will assist you in making the most of your limited square footage, resulting in an inviting space. If you’re ready to enhance your small dwelling, let’s begin!
Opt for Multifunctional Furniture
Consider modular furniture systems that can be rearranged to create various configurations based on your needs. This adaptability ensures that the space can serve different functions without feeling cramped. Choose pieces that can serve multiple purposes, such as a sofa that converts into a bed or a coffee table with storage compartments. By selecting the right furniture, you can optimize functionality without compromising on style, adding versatility to your small space.
Utilize Vertical Space
Maximize vertical space by incorporating tall shelves, cabinets, or wall-mounted storage. This helps keep the floor area free for various activities while providing ample storage for belongings. Install floating shelves or wall-mounted desks to create functional workspaces without occupying valuable floor space. Utilize wall-mounted hooks for items like hats, coats, or kitchen utensils. Consider utilizing the space above shelves or cabinets for additional storage. By utilizing vertical spaces, you can maximize storage capacity and free up valuable floor space.
Zoning and Open Layouts
Define different zones within the space for specific functions, such as a living area, work area, and dining area. Use area rugs, furniture placement, or room dividers to visually separate these zones. Consider an open layout that allows for a fluid transition between different functions, creating an illusion of a larger space. An open-concept layout enhances the sense of space in tiny apartments, contributing to a brighter and more luxurious feel.
Multipurpose Storage Solutions
Efficient storage is key to organizing small spaces. Utilize vertical space with floor-to-ceiling shelving units and cabinets. Incorporate wall-mounted shelves, under-bed storage, and hidden storage compartments to keep clutter at bay. Invest in furniture that doubles as storage, such as ottomans with hidden compartments, coffee tables with built-in drawers, or beds with storage underneath. Choose storage solutions that are not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing.
Embrace Light and Reflective Surfaces
Use lighting strategically to define different areas and create the desired ambiance. Task lighting can be employed in workspaces, while ambient lighting enhances the overall mood of the room. Opt for fixtures that can be adjusted or dimmed to accommodate various activities. Lighting and reflective surfaces are vital in small spaces to create an illusion of openness. Utilize natural light and strategically placed mirrors to bounce light around the room.
In Summary
By incorporating these design tips, you can transform a small space into a versatile and functional environment that meets your various needs without sacrificing style or comfort. WeDezine Studio, a leading luxury interior design company Shimoga, can help you maximize space with creativity and organization. Remember, small spaces can be just as practical as larger homes, and with a little effort, you can make the most of what you have. Contact our professional designers to turn your small living space into a stylish haven that reflects your personality while maximizing every square inch.
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hutchisoncabinets · 9 months
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Exploring Edmonton's Custom Cabinets: Tailored to Perfection
Cabinets lies in their ability to be tailored perfectly to each individual home, resonating with the personal style and needs of its inhabitants. Guided by our experienced Kitchen Coach, let’s uncover why these cabinets are an ideal choice for transforming your living spaces. 
Unveiling the Beauty of Edmonton Custom Cabinets: Why They're Worth the Investment
Customization at Its Finest
Edmonton Custom Cabinets offers something truly special – the power of personalization. Our Kitchen Coach works with you to create cabinetry that fits into your space's unique contours and reflects your personal taste and lifestyle. Every cabinet is a product of your vision, brought to life with expert craftsmanship.
Unparalleled Quality and Durability
Investing in custom cabinets means choosing lasting quality. Crafted with superior materials and attention to detail, these cabinets are built to endure the rigours of everyday use while maintaining their aesthetic appeal.
Value Addition to Your Home
Custom cabinets are more than just functional additions; they are investments in your property's value. They add a luxurious touch to your space, making it more appealing and marketable should you choose to sell in the future.
Efficient and Innovative Storage Solutions
Our Kitchen Coach, John Hutchison, and the team at Hutchison Cabinets excel in maximizing your space's potential, transforming even the most challenging areas into beautifully functional storage solutions. This customization ensures that every inch of your space is used efficiently and stylishly.
The Kitchen Coach’s Favourite Kitchen Cabinet Accessories
Hidden Charging Stations: A custom cabinet with a built-in charging station keeps technology hidden but easily accessible. Ideal for kitchens or home offices where you can charge devices without cluttering countertops.
Pull-Out Spice Racks: These racks maximize storage in narrow spaces and keep spices organized and within reach, perfect for avid cooks who need quick access to their ingredients.
Customized Drawer Dividers: Tailor-made dividers for utensils, jewelry, or office supplies keep drawers organized and items easy to find.
Integrated Wine Racks or Coolers: For wine enthusiasts, custom cabinets can include built-in wine racks or coolers, adding functionality and a touch of elegance to dining areas or kitchens.
Hidden Appliance Garages: Cabinets designed to hide small appliances like toasters, blenders, or coffee makers when not in use helps maintain a clean and uncluttered kitchen aesthetic.
Pull-Down Shelving: This shelving is ideal for higher cabinets, making it easier to reach items stored up high. It's particularly useful for individuals with mobility challenges.
Under-Cabinet Lighting: Adding lighting beneath cabinets isn’t just aesthetically pleasing; it’s also practical, providing extra visibility for food prep and cooking.
Toe-Kick Drawers: Utilize the space at the bottom of cabinets (the toe-kick area) for extra storage. It's a clever way to add more space without altering the overall look of the kitchen.
Pet Feeding Stations: Custom cabinets can include a slide-out feeding station for pets, which can be tucked away when not in use.
Custom Pantry Solutions: From rotating shelves to pull-out pantry cabinets, there are numerous ways to maximize pantry space for more efficient storage and easy access.
Laundry Hampers: Built-in hampers in bathroom or closet cabinets help keep laundry organized and out of sight.
Vertical Tray Dividers: These are perfect for baking sheets, chopping boards, and other flat items, making them easy to store and retrieve.
Crafting Cabinets That Complement Your Lifestyle
Designed Around Your Routine
As your Kitchen Coach, we understand your cabinetry should complement your daily routine. Each design is carefully considered to ensure that it enhances your lifestyle, making everyday tasks more straightforward and more enjoyable.
Harmonizing with Your Home’s Aesthetics
One of the greatest strengths of custom cabinets is their ability to seamlessly integrate into your existing home decor. As your Kitchen Coach, we help select styles, materials, and finishes that elevate your space’s overall look and feel.
Eco-Friendly Choices
In today’s world, making environmentally conscious decisions is more important than ever. We offer a range of sustainable materials and eco-friendly design options to align with your green living values.
What are the benefits of choosing Custom Cabinets from Hutchison Cabinets:
Personalized Design: Tailor-made to suit your specific style and functional needs, ensuring a perfect match with your home’s aesthetics.
Expert Guidance: Benefit from professional advice from our Kitchen Coach, simplifying the design and selection process.
Superior Quality: High-quality materials and craftsmanship ensure durability and longevity of your cabinets.
Space Maximization: Custom designs effectively utilize every inch of space, providing efficient and innovative storage solutions.
Enhanced Home Value: Custom cabinets add elegance and functionality, significantly increasing your home's market appeal.
Eco-Friendly Options: Choose from sustainable materials and practices for an environmentally conscious home improvement.
Local Business Support: By opting for Hutchison Cabinets, you contribute to the local economy and support Edmonton's community.
Embarking on a home renovation is an investment that can be a transformative experience, and Edmonton Custom Cabinets plays a pivotal role in this journey. With the expertise of our Kitchen Coach, you are not just choosing cabinetry; you are choosing a partner in home design who will ensure that your vision becomes a reality. Whether you're looking to refresh your kitchen, bathroom, or any other space in your home, custom cabinets offer a blend of style, functionality, and quality that’s hard to match.
Ready to start your custom cabinetry project in Edmonton? Contact us today for a consultation with our Kitchen Coach, and let’s bring your dream space to life.
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