#usui reiki ryoho
claytonmdavis · 8 months
Realizing Oneness Together: Why Sharing Reiki Healing Matters
Realizing our connection and oneness with each other and the universe, the basic underlying principle of the system of Reiki, is often enhanced in communion with others.
In December 2011, I had been receiving Reiki sessions for about four months and, despite my skepticism, experienced regular benefits and had a series of increasingly significant inner realizations. One night I was sitting in my car after grocery shopping and saw a man on the other side of the parking lot weeping as he was talking to a woman. I felt such empathy with him and had the thought and…
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astoriareiki · 1 year
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COPYRIGHT_WI: Published on https://washingtonindependent.com/the-history-of-reiki/ by Karan Emery on 2023-03-02T09:38:08.937Z
The history of Reiki is fascinating and has been shaped by the contributions of different people over the years.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for relaxation and stress reduction that also promotes healing. It was developed in the early 20th century by Mikao Usui, a Japanese Buddhist monk.
The practice of Reiki involves the transfer of energy from the practitioner's palms to the patient's body, which is believed to stimulate the natural healing processes of the body.
An Evidence-Based History Of Reiki
Reiki is a complementary therapy that has gained popularity worldwide in recent decades for its purported ability to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and stimulate the body's natural healing processes.
Despite its widespread use, the evidence base for Reiki is limited, and the scientific community remains divided over its effectiveness.
The history of Reiki began in Japan in the early 20th century when Mikao Usui, a Buddhist monk, developed a system of hands-on healing that he called Usui Reiki Ryoho.
Usui's system included a set of principles for spiritual development and a series of hand positions that practitioners use to transfer healing energy to their clients.
Usui's system of Reiki was later modified and adapted by other practitioners, including Chujiro Hayashi and Hawayo Takata, who brought Reiki to the United States in the 1930s.
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二零二四年九月二十日-早上八時三十分在YT (YouTube) 播放:「陳旨璿 RACHEL CHAN-臼井靈氣療法大師(MASTER)」正在直播!- 「施政報告的個人想法和意見」
如果欣賞本人Rachel 陳旨璿 (原名:陳宇暉)チウキ,
(一位女性 / a FEMALE)
透過各大社交媒體分享的個人想法和意見[(例如: YT(Youtube), fb (Facebook), IG(instagram)……]分享的內容,可透過以下本人的PayPal 帳戶資料付款作支持用途:[email protected] 謝謝您!
As I know, my contact methods (including E-mail address , contact number , any contact methods I provide / provided should be able to contact me directly without any procedure or any department to approval, if anyone are not able to contact me , I need help and call for help, someone might intend to block my communication with others.
我所知道我提供的PayPal account 和所有信用卡,銀行卡,收款支付方法和平台/媒體,也是合法和可以直接入帳,並不需要特別程序和申請,如有此情況出現,是不尋常的,我需要尋求幫助和協助,或有人,或有一些單位不懷好意地惡意攔截我的收入等,已達到犯罪目的,或逃避承擔責任。
As I know my PayPal account , all my bank accounts, all my credit card and any payment method I provide / provided should be able to transfer money to me legally, and directly without any special procedure or any special approval , if this happen. It's not right, I need help and call for help, someone might intend to block my income for the purpose of committing crime and avoid taking responsibility of their wrong behavior.
I believe I am a victim of identity theft (我是身份盜用的受害者), my personal information, my educational qualifications, resume, professional diploma, might have been used by some criminals, this is why when my career start develop and any aspects of mine start to develop, it makes me in deep danger. I am here to call for help.
P.S.提供任何資訊或連結,只共參考,由CHAN ZI XUAN 陳旨璿 RACHEL CHAN (原名:陳宇暉,在2023年3月10日,於中國香港的Solicitors 更改名字為陳旨璿),本人的手機號在2023年02月01日由6828-0754,在中國香港(香港)的尖沙咀CSL改為5148-9567,其後在2023年04月把該手機號由CSL帶手機號轉為中國移動(ChinaMobile), 如有任何查詢及疑問,請直接和本人聯絡!
Rachel 陳旨璿 (原名:陳宇暉)チウキ
(一位女性 / a FEMALE)
[網路想法和意見分享者 (Internet Idea and Opinion Sharer)]
[臼井靈氣療法大師 (Usui Reiki Ryoho Master)]
[卡魯那靈氣大師 (Karuna Reiki Master)]
[古埃及靈氣療法大師 (Sekhem Reiki Energy Healing Master)]
[現代靈氣法大師 (Gendai Reiki Ho Master)]
[A Master Member of Gendai Reiki Network (GRN) since 03April2024.]
1) 公開電子郵箱:
2) My Mailing Address:
3. My Skype : [email protected]
[歡迎透過以上電子郵件地址和信箱討論, 和本人CHAN ZI XUAN陳旨璿RACHEL CHAN (原名:陳宇暉)此發文的, 請注明和提供資料是討論那一篇來自本人的發文」
4)My Linktr.ee:
Mastodon : @[email protected]
5)我的格仔箱地址:津靖 - 地址 : 中國香港新界葵涌廣場1樓B91A舖 - 格仔箱A10箱
啤一Bear格仔屋 - 地址:中國香港新界荃灣荃昌中心昌安商場1樓50&57號 - 格仔箱BH1箱**
YT (YouTube) : @rachelalexischandebrapink1122
FB (Facebook) :
/ chan.y.rachel (Name : Rachel Alexis Chan)
IG (instagram) :
/ rachelalexischan1122
Threads : https://www.threads.net/@rachelalexischan1122
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starphyre-blooms · 1 year
🦁 Sekhmet Reiki (Sekhim)🫶🏽😇🪽
“I’m just asking you to come into my house with respect. To serve, I don’t need your devotion, but your sincerity. Not your beliefs, but your thirst for knowledge. Walk in with your vices, your fears and your hatred’s; from biggest to smallest, I can help you dissolve them. You can look at me and love me as a female, as a mother, as a daughter, as a sister, as a friend, but never look at me as an authority over yourself” 🦁💕 - Sekhmet 🐈‍⬛
Mikao Usui founded Usui Shiki Ryoho, the Usui system of natural healing. The earliest we can date the use of universal life force being wielded for healing is in ancient Egypt. There are hyrogliphs depicting the use of this ancient healing inside of the pyramids.
Sekhmet, daughter of Ra, is the guardian of Sekhim, or, what the ancient Egyptians call “universal life force.” Sekhmet is the goddess of healing and also destruction. Sekhmet Reiki calls her to us, allowing us to channel Sekhim, and holding space for the recipient to heal. As a reiki master, I do not heal anyone. I simply channel the energy for the healing to happen, allowing it to go where it is needed most. In this video, I am harnessing the energy of the new moon in Leo and combining it with the mighty lioness herself, as well as the powerful carnelian crystal, to remove any blockages to healthy self esteem and confidence.
Join me on this healing journey friends. None of us have to go it alone. 🫶🏽😇🪽
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annalouisemay · 1 year
NEW on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast: Reiki Love Light-Codes | With Traditional Mantra | 5D Light-Language Healing & Ascension Meditation
NEW on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast: https://youtu.be/vxtuf9exHAQ | Reiki Love Light-Codes | 5D Light-Language Meditation for Energy Healing & Ascension with Traditional Reiki Mantra 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌ Special Offer | Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Course | https://www.mayastar.net/reikicourses.htm         NEW EPISODE on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast: https://youtu.be/5Cno-GATtR0 | Usui Reiki, Visualisation, Symbols,…
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Mayastar YouTube Channel | Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development | Maya Magickal Spells
Mayastar provides over 100 accredited attunement-based energy healing & spiritual development courses online. Additional spiritual guidance, inspirational articles & meditation tracks are available through Mayastar YouTube & Podcast.
Enjoy daily spiritual inspiration on your path from Mayastar on social media | 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌
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skyfinancing · 14 days
Learn Reiki
Visit NYC Reiki Center to Learn Reiki In NYC. Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing.
At the NYC Reiki Center, our experienced practitioners offer comprehensive courses that cover the fundamentals of Reiki, from understanding energy flow to mastering advanced techniques.
For details, visit the website.
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butterflytherapies · 16 days
Reiki level two mobile to you, book on eventbrite or contact me via phone or email
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reikicoursesau · 4 months
Reiki Training vs. Energy Healing Courses in Melbourne: Finding Your Perfect Fit
The desire to heal oneself and others is a powerful motivator, and Melbourne offers a vibrant landscape of energy healing courses. But with so many options, choosing broader energy healing courses in Melbourne between Reiki training can be perplexing. Let's unravel the differences and help you find your perfect energetic fit!
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Reiki: A Structured Path
Reiki, a Japanese technique for channelling universal energy, is a well-defined system with standardized levels of learning. Courses for Reiki training in Melbourne typically follow the Usui Shiki Ryoho tradition, where attunements connect you to the Reiki energy flow.
Structured learning: Clear progression through levels ensures a solid foundation in Reiki principles and techniques.
Recognized lineage: Certification from a reputable Reiki Master allows you to practice professionally within the Reiki framework.
Gentle and effective: Reiki is known for its calming and supportive properties, making it suitable for self-healing and treating others.
Energy Healing Courses: A Broader Spectrum
Energy healing courses delve into a wider range of practices beyond Reiki. You might encounter techniques like chakra balancing, pranic healing, or working with the aura.
Diverse exploration: Learn various methods for working with energy, allowing you to discover practices that resonate with you.
Holistic approach: Courses may integrate energy healing with concepts like mindfulness or meditation, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of well-being.
Flexible learning: You might find courses with shorter durations or more personalized learning styles.
Finding Your Melbourne Energy Path
Consider your goals:
Do you crave a structured learning path with a recognized lineage? Then Reiki might be a good fit.
Are you curious to explore diverse energy healing modalities? Look for broader energy healing courses.
In the end, a mix of the two may be the most effective strategy.  Perhaps start with a Reiki Level 1 to experience the energy flow, then explore a broader energy healing course to expand your toolkit.
Research course instructors and their lineages.
Check accreditation and recognition if you intend to practice professionally.
Look for testimonials and endorsements from former pupils.
With these tips, you'll be well-equipped to navigate the vibrant energy-healing landscape of Melbourne and discover the path that resonates with your healing journey.
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risingvibrations · 9 months
Reiki Master
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Reiki Master Operator Usui Shiki Ryoho Level 4
* Energy techniques for healing, purification, empowerment
* Techniques for balancing chakras, meridians, Dantian
* Techniques for healing and dissolving family karma
* Energy analyzes via dowsing (pre-session, post-session)
* Energy balancing and healing techniques on pets
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general-flamingo · 11 months
Reiki: Qualquer pessoa pode aprender Reiki 1, 2 e 3?
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Reiki: Qualquer pessoa pode aprender Reiki 1, 2 e 3?
Qualquer pessoa pode aprender Reiki. Não há limites de idades, de capacidades físicas ou de crenças.
Qualquer pessoa pode aprender por princípios mas, não quer dizer que esta aprendizagem diga algo a todos.
O Usui Reiki Ryoho tem duas práticas distintas – a filosofia de vida e a arte terapêutica.
Saiba Mais, acesse AGORA >> https://bemestarsegredos.com/reiki-qualquer-pessoa-pode-aprender/
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angelaamayahboone · 1 year
Path of Light
As a  Spiritual Teacher, Seer, Energy Intuitive/Guide and Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Master Teacher, I have consistently received information from the Masters of Light (Heavenly Hosts) for many, many years. I would like to share with you some of this information that was given.  Reverend George Graham Price whose spiritual name was Frater Achad stated in the book of the Ancient Mystical White…
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claytonmdavis · 1 year
My Reiki Story, Pt. 2
The next stage of my Reiki journey was the point of no return, although I wouldn't realize it until years later. It was then I began to step into my power as a practitioner, and move away from a career no longer resonate with my soul.
“Do you want to keep going? Because there’s no going back.” Lisa asked me this a few months after she had initiated me to Level I of Reiki training. She had been teaching me the basics of energy work, and about how she approached it as a Mayan/Aztec curandero. I had been advancing spiritually faster than anyone she had ever worked with previously, and she was trying to warn me it could get…
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theholisticway · 1 year
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Reiki Classes in Orlando, FL - October 7, 2023
Unlock the Power of Reiki: Discover Natural Healing in South Florida!
🌿 Ready to tap into the incredible world of Reiki? Look no further!
At Healing Today, we're passionate about sharing the transformative benefits of Reiki Usui Shiki Ryoho, and we make it easy for you to learn and master this ancient art of healing.
📅 Save the Date:
Reiki Level 1 & 2 Classes: October 7, 2023
Reiki Master/Level 3 Class: October 8, 2023
🎁 What's Included:
Class Handouts
Reiki Certificate
💫 Your Journey: Experience a profound shift in your life as you embark on this enlightening path. Our classes are not just informative; they're fun and hands-on, ensuring you gain valuable practical experience.
Ready to start your journey with Reiki? Our Level 1 class is your gateway, and it's incredibly affordable.
🌟 Level 1 Class: Only $95! 💡 
🖥️ Visit our website for more information and to reserve your spot.
Join the thousands of satisfied students who have entrusted Healing Today since 1999. 
Take this opportunity to learn, heal, and transform your life with Reiki. Your path to natural healing starts here! 🌻✨
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「陳旨璿 RACHEL CHAN-臼井靈氣療法大師(MASTER)」正在直播!-「民政諮詢中心(長洲)」的聯絡主任的問題。」」
如果欣賞本人Rachel 陳旨璿 (原名:陳宇暉)チウキ,
(一位女性 / a FEMALE)
透過各大社交媒體分享的個人想法和意見[(例如: YT(Youtube), fb (Facebook), IG(instagram)……]分享的內容,可透過以下本人的PayPal 帳戶資料付款作支持用途:[email protected] 謝謝您!
As I know, my contact methods (including E-mail address , contact number , any contact methods I provide / provided should be able to contact me directly without any procedure or any department to approval, if anyone are not able to contact me , I need help and call for help, someone might intend to block my communication with others.
我所知道我提供的PayPal account 和所有信用卡,銀行卡,收款支付方法和平台/媒體,也是合法和可以直接入帳,並不需要特別程序和申請,如有此情況出現,是不尋常的,我需要尋求幫助和協助,或有人,或有一些單位不懷好意地惡意攔截我的收入等,已達到犯罪目的,或逃避承擔責任。
As I know my PayPal account , all my bank accounts, all my credit card and any payment method I provide / provided should be able to transfer money to me legally, and directly without any special procedure or any special approval , if this happen. It's not right, I need help and call for help, someone might intend to block my income for the purpose of committing crime and avoid taking responsibility of their wrong behavior.
I believe I am a victim of identity theft (我是身份盜用的受害者), my personal information, my educational qualifications, resume, professional diploma, might have been used by some criminals, this is why when my career start develop and any aspects of mine start to develop, it makes me in deep danger. I am here to call for help.
P.S.提供任何資訊或連結,只共參考,由CHAN ZI XUAN 陳旨璿 RACHEL CHAN (原名:陳宇暉,在2023年3月10日,於中國香港的Solicitors 更改名字為陳旨璿),本人的手機號在2023年02月01日由6828-0754,在中國香港(香港)的尖沙咀CSL改為5148-9567,其後在2023年04月把該手機號由CSL帶手機號轉為中國移動(ChinaMobile), 如有任何查詢及疑問,請直接和本人聯絡!
Rachel 陳旨璿 (原名:陳宇暉)チウキ
(一位女性 / a FEMALE)
[網路想法和意見分享者 (Internet Idea and Opinion Sharer)]
[臼井靈氣療法大師 (Usui Reiki Ryoho Master)]
[卡魯那靈氣大師 (Karuna Reiki Master)]
[古埃及靈氣療法大師 (Sekhem Reiki Energy Healing Master)]
[現代靈氣法大師 (Gendai Reiki Ho Master)]
[A Master Member of Gendai Reiki Network (GRN) since 03April2024.]
1) 公開電子郵箱:
2) My Mailing Address:
3. My Skype : [email protected]
[歡迎透過以上電子郵件地址和信箱討論, 和本人CHAN ZI XUAN陳旨璿RACHEL CHAN (原名:陳宇暉)此發文的, 請注明和提供資料是討論那一篇來自本人的發文」
4)My Linktr.ee:
Mastodon : @[email protected]
5)我的格仔箱地址:津靖 - 地址 : 中國香港新界葵涌廣場1樓B91A舖 - 格仔箱A10箱
啤一Bear格仔屋 - 地址:中國香港新界荃灣荃昌中心昌安商場1樓50&57號 - 格仔箱BH1箱**
YT (YouTube) : @rachelalexischandebrapink1122
FB (Facebook) :
/ chan.y.rachel (Name : Rachel Alexis Chan)
IG (instagram) :
/ rachelalexischan1122
Threads : https://www.threads.net/@rachelalexischan1122
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reikisthan · 1 year
5-minute Reiki imbued bedtime mindfulness guided meditation
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Welcome to this 5-minute Reiki imbued bedtime mindfulness guided meditation! About Ari, the voice of Oak Angel Meditation: Ari has a connective tissue disorder called Marfan Syndrome, and in 2021, she had a close brush with death when her aorta dissected. Through that experience, she had an energetic/spiritual awakening and was eventually led to Reiki. Ari is currently training to become a Reiki teacher/master under the guidance of two Reiki masters in the Usui Reiki Ryoho and the Usui Shiki Ryoho lineages. Find me on Instagram: Follow me on my blog: Want a one-on-one distance Reiki session? Make a request at [email protected] Medical disclaimer: Neither guided meditations nor Reiki treatments are intended to diagnose or treat any illnesses or imbalances. Therefore, this video does not replace any type of medication or medical treatment. If you have any ailments or health concerns, please consult with a qualified medical professional. The information provided in this video is for your pleasure, and by watching any part of this video, you agree that Ari of Oak Angel Meditation is absolved of any legal liabilities for any injuries, damage or risks. #reiki #distancereiki #reikiinfused #reikipractitioner #meditation #guidedmeditation #mindfulness #wellness #spirituality #spiritualawakening #selfcare #selflove #energyhealing #relax #relaxation #justbreathe #goodnight #bedtime #sleepwell Sound credits: "At Dusk" by Hara Noda Thumbnail photo credit: Taken by yours truly :-) source Read the full article
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annalouisemay · 1 year
NEW on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast: Reiki Love Light-Codes | With Traditional Mantra | 5D Light-Language Healing & Ascension Meditation
NEW on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast: https://youtu.be/vxtuf9exHAQ | Reiki Love Light-Codes | 5D Light-Language Meditation for Energy Healing & Ascension with Traditional Reiki Mantra 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌ Special Offer | Usui Shiki Ryoho Reiki Course | https://www.mayastar.net/reikicourses.htm         NEW EPISODE on Mayastar YouTube & Podcast: https://youtu.be/5Cno-GATtR0 | Usui Reiki, Visualisation, Symbols,…
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Mayastar YouTube Channel | Mayastar Academy of Natural Healing & Spiritual Development | Maya Magickal Spells
Mayastar provides over 100 accredited attunement-based energy healing & spiritual development courses online. Additional spiritual guidance, inspirational articles & meditation tracks are available through Mayastar YouTube & Podcast.
Enjoy daily spiritual inspiration on your path from Mayastar on social media | 😘🥰💖🌈🦄✌
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