#usually my school dreams are bad in a different direction! i woke up like oh so this is level we're at huh
red-dyed-sarumane · 1 year
yesterday i had a dream that along with the first 3 aru sekai girls i also had acukeys of tenshi, apoptosis, & laboratory & i clipped them all to my jacket & went to school & after being happy about getting detention later in the week bc i was drawing pikachu instead of working 3 of the acukeys broke in the stair well & i lost tenshi & i immediately lost it went into full hysterics grabbed onto the poor student walking near me who did not know me and was like "I LOST HER IM NEVER GOING TO GET HER BACK WHERE IS SHE TENSHI GIRL COME BACK I NEED HER WHAT IF I NEVER FIND HER AGAIN TENSHI IM SORRY" crying & hyperventilating. so just incase u think im normal about characters clearly i am not
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 3 years
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mr. worst cup
CollegeBarista!Jaemin x Reader
summary: Jaemin messes up your order and in turn messes up any chance at any sort of relationship with you (or so he thinks)
word count: 4.3k
A/N: I really hope you guys like it! 
Taglist! @eggbutnotyolk​
Mornings, Jaemin hated them. Yes, that was beyond cliche, but it was the truth. Especially right now. At approximately 7 am, Jaemin also hated being awake, Jeno, being cold, people, Jeno again, and work. 
Jaemin and Jeno both worked at a cafe near campus where Jeno worked the morning shift, had time for a quick workout, then went to school, all because he enjoyed mornings. On the other hand, Jaemin hated mornings, so he slept in, went to class in the afternoon for a few hours, and then came to work in the evenings. It was a schedule that just worked for the both of them, no downsides- usually.
But Jaemin was not in the comfort of his bed, dreaming, drooling, and snoozing away like he could have been this morning. No, he was working Jeno’s shift because Jaemin was the best friend on the planet and he would do anything for Jeno anytime Jeno wanted- no. Jeno had woken up with a high fever and a sore throat, and it was easier to wake Jaemin, his roommate, to ask for him to cover his shift than to text another coworker. Anything for the health of the general public, gag, Jaemin hated how nice Jeno was sometimes.
So after opening at a bright and early 6:45, helping only one customer in the 45 minutes that he had been open, Jaemin was starting to feel that anger from being up so early. He should have some coffee to give himself energy and help with the anger, but his brain just couldn’t seem to send the signals to his limbs to make him move. His eyes were locked on all the empty tables and chairs of the cafe, tables and chairs that were always filled during his normal evening shift. The emptiness paired with the godforsaken jazz song playing over and over and over again were driving him insane. After a five-minute war between his mind and body, he got to work making a drink for himself. His specialty iced americano with his precious eight shots of espresso. His priceless, liquid gold. He was so concentrated while making his drink that he didn’t even hear the door open to reveal his second customer of the day. 
“Oh my god, Jeno! Eight shots?” He heard a voice exclaim. “Oh, you’re not Jeno, I’m so sorry.”
“Just a minute please, I’ll be right with you,” Jaemin replied. 
He couldn’t keep you waiting forever, so he set his prepared drink aside and made his way to the customer at the counter. Oh, this cute customer. He quickly turned to the register, asking you for your order with a polite smile.
“Just a medium iced caramel latte with almond milk, double the caramel drizzle, and an extra shot please.” You recited your order.
He nodded, took the money, and began working on your order, but unfortunately, his mind was not on your order. He just wanted a sip of his coffee, for the energy to kick in. His body was craving it, the taste, the energy that would make him feel normal, like a human. He could have gotten a quick sip in if the bell over the door hadn’t distracted him. Another customer, same routine: smile, I’ll be right with you, finish one drink, new drink to make. He distractedly reached for the cup on the counter, calling out your name before turning to the new customer. 
You approached the counter hesitantly, this did not look like your drink. The bell over the door sounded again and again as you hesitantly reached for the drink that was supposedly yours. You could just ask him to remake your drink, but the line was getting longer with the morning rush beginning and you had to get to class soon. That and you would feel awful asking him to waste supplies to make a simple drink again. 
Okay, you reassured yourself, hopefully, this wouldn’t be too bad. Maybe this barista just makes it differently, much differently, than Jeno does. You grabbed the drink and a straw, calling out a “thank you” as you walked out of the cafe. Stopping beside a trash bin you unwrapped the straw and took a sip of the pitch-black drink. Your face scrunched up in disgust, you could barely fight back the urge to spit out the coffee, no matter how hard your body was screaming at you to get it out.. You could not bring yourself to even look at the poison in hand so you tossed it into the bin, what a sad waste of money and his work. 
The next morning you walked in a little later, as your first class of the day had gotten canceled. You joined the line, looking at the menu because you could not and would not order your usual today. Normally you wouldn’t have to look at the menu, Jeno knew how to make your drink perfectly, but Jeno was not there. The take on your drink yesterday had scarred you, perhaps a hot tea today. 
“Hello, the caramel latte again today?” The same barista from yesterday asked. Where the hell was this guy getting “again” from?
You smiled almost apologetically with a hint of apprehension, “No thank you, just a mint green tea with honey please.”
He nodded, tapping away on the tablet, taking your money, and getting straight to work. The bell over the door became the background noise as the rush of professionals and early risers came in for their morning caffeine fix. Jaemin looked at the clock quickly, just 10 minutes before another coworker would show up to help him, this rush was too crazy. He quickly stirred the honey into the cup, called your name, and got to the counter to continue taking orders. It was too bad he didn’t get to make more conversation or look at you longer. Not in a weird way, he felt like he had barely had a chance to even get a glance at you today.
You had barely made it on time to class, sliding into your seat just a minute before your professor walked in and began a quick review of your last class. You sat back with a sigh, taking a sip of your warm drink. 
Well, this was odd, your tea didn’t taste like tea at all. Maybe it was just the first sip? No, the next sip tasted like nothing but honey. Confused, you took the lid off the cup to take a look, only to be met with the sight of steaming water mixed with honey-no tea in sight. 
After class, you sent a quick text to your usual barista and friend, Jeno, to let him know that you had notes for him. Time to carry on with your day, sadly caffeine-free.
Jaemin had had no idea that he had messed your drinks up so badly. When he had given you his americano the rush had just come in so when he went to look for his drink later he had figured that his coworker had just accidentally tossed it. The second day, he could blame the rush again. He had haphazardly tossed a tea bag in the general vicinity of the cup before passing it in your direction. So it came as a surprise to him that for the rest of the week that he covered Jeno’s shift, the cute customer that came in right before the rush, that would be you, had stopped coming in. It was a shame, but he could continue on with his life with little to no regret. Maybe he would see you again or maybe another customer would catch his eye. There was no use in dwelling on something he had no control over or wasting time letting his mind run wild with anxious thoughts of why you hadn’t come back.
That was until he came home one day a week later to find Jeno on a loud call. Jeno smiled and quickly mouthed to Jaemin that he was on the phone with a friend. “Jeno, I’m telling you. That was the worst coffee I have ever tasted. Never in my life have I had a drink that could be used to run a car. I just don’t understand how you could mess up a caramel latte that bad.” He heard. 
Caramel latte? The voice sounded familiar but he was hopeful that maybe, just maybe it wasn’t you. 
“And the next day, god Jeno, I ordered a tea because I was so nervous to order a coffee and all I got was hot water, then I stopped going until you went back.” It was you, This was the worst-case scenario and it was you, the cute customer that he had developed a tiny, little crush on. He tried to remember how he had made your orders, and he swore he made them the way he asked. But how was he supposed to remember anything correctly when he was up before 10 every day and coming in contact with a hundred people?
“Yeah, I can do Friday morning, see you then.” Had Jaemin missed the rest of the conversation? It seemed so.
“So Mr. Makes the Worst Cup of Coffee, how was your day?” Jeno smirked.
Jaemin scoffed, “We don’t even know if it was me.”
Jeno burst out laughing immediately going to explain that those were the days that he was sick while Jaemin yelled over him stating that perhaps, perhaps, it was another barista you were talking about. But they both knew that no one else that worked in the cafe drank anything nearly as strong as Jaemin’s iced americano. Jaemin sighed having clearly lost the argument, “How do you know them anyway?”
“We’re the same major,” Jeno answered with a simple shrug. Maybe it wasn’t too late for a change in major.
This customer was so close to home and he had somehow ruined one of the things he prided himself on. He was so proud of his barista abilities, it was a passion of his. Customers constantly came back for his drinks specifically, left him tips (for his drinks or looks- he didn’t care), asked when Jaemin would be back on his days off, and he had gotten employee of the month a few times. 
After that night, you had not left Jaemin’s mind. It was like all he could think about was you. When he saw Jeno, every day, he wondered if Jeno had seen you. When he woke up every morning he remembered that you were up early, bright-eyed and ready to take on the day. At work, he constantly wondered if maybe you would come in and order something. Walking across campus he wondered if he maybe had a class in the same buildings as you. At this point, it was no longer a little crush on the cute customer that came in twice a couple weeks ago, it was a crush on a friend of a friend, someone that he could actually potentially meet one day. 
Maybe he could run into you on campus, leaving the library after studying so hard that he could offer to buy you a cup of coffee. There could be a party soon that the two of you would magically bump into each other at where he could blow you away with his bartending skills. It was such a weird thing for Jaemin to experience, imagining what might be with someone he didn’t know beyond being a customer. He had been in relationships before but never had there been a person that consumed his every thought. 
Granted the day after the call, Jaemin did feel a little- or really a lot of anger towards you saying he made the worst cup of coffee that he did actually let his anger fuel his day. He was flipping violently through textbooks, punching away at the keys on his computer, nearly ripping through sheets of paper with the pressure of his pencil. He didn’t like this feeling, he had to remind himself to calm down and take deep breaths. No one had ever made him feel this angry, if it was even anger that he was feeling or maybe just sadness poorly masked as anger. That made much more sense, it really did pay off to have taken that psychology class his first semester.
You had become so involved in every part of Jaemin’s day that he just wondered if in this very moment he was imagining you walking out of Starbucks while he sat at a red light on a sunny Friday morning. Had his mind become so powerful that he could now make things and people appear out of thin air? He hadn’t tried that since he was a kid, but maybe he had just become more powerful. It couldn’t be you though right? He knew there was no way he had super powers, but there was also no way it actually was you, it would be the biggest coincidence. He rolled down the passenger side window, leaning closer to the sidewalk where you were walking towards the parking lot and gasped when he realized that his imagination was in fact, not playing tricks on him, it really was you. 
“Are you cheating on us?!” He screeched. Uh oh, he wasn’t supposed to say that out loud. The stupid mermaid was just staring at him mockingly, he couldn’t stop himself from saying it. It was the worst word vomit he had ever experienced. 
You stopped and squinted trying to look at who had just yelled at you, lucky for you Jaemin was still in shock from actually yelling that he was frozen still with a hand clasped over his mouth. Yup, that would be the person that yelled. You looked him dead in the eye and took a long sip of the drink in hand. “Tastes better than yours.” You cheekily called back. 
Jaemin’s jaw dropped, he was so ready to defend his barista title, his locally-owned cafe, but the car behind him seemed to think the opposite thanks to its incessant honking because the light had been green for more than 10 seconds. Once again, you had plagued his thoughts, not necessarily in a good way though. You had betrayed him-no, you hadn’t but he was dramatic.
He could at least spend some time away from you, it’s not like he saw you out in public very often, ever saw you on campus, or came in during his shift. He was lost in his thoughts as he walked through the door to his apartment. He heard Jeno laugh, then a new voice. Very odd, but he put on a smile and reminded himself to be polite. 
“Hi- oh you,” Jaemin said. 
“Nice to finally meet you properly, please don’t yell at me again.” You smiled playfully. 
Jeno’s eyes widened comically in shock, immediately interrogating Jaemin. Why would Jaemin think it’s okay to yell at someone he doesn't know? Much less one of Jeno’s friends. Jaemin really did try to defend himself, but every time he tried to make a point it just didn’t make sense. He sounded so stupid. “I am so sorry about him.” Jeno apologized, elbowing Jaemin’s rib. 
“I’m sorry too, it was inappropriate and rude of me to yell at you.” Jaemin recited. This was not the first time he had had to apologize for yelling at someone in public. 
You waved the both of them off, “I was messing around, it’s nice to match a name to a face.”
Jaemin made his way to his room like a scolded child while you and Jeno returned to the screens in front of you, already typing away before the bedroom door even shut. Jaemin made a promise to himself that he would stay in his room until you left. There was no way that he would go out there and risk even more embarrassment in front of you, not just the customer he had a small crush on but the innocent pedestrian he yelled at that very morning. His mind was swirling with regret and thoughts of how badly he had messed up any chance he had with you. He could not go out there and ruin any remaining chance of friendship or even acquaintanceship, or even risk you going to Starbucks every day and never going back to the cafe. Half an hour later he pulled a pillow over his face to muffle his groans, these thoughts were making him crazy, one groan from his throat and a rumble from his stomach. There was no way he could wait until you left now, he had to get food. 
Jeno looked up as the door opened, “Right on time, does chicken sound good for dinner?” 
Jaemin nodded, ready to turn back and relax on his bed but instead he lingered in his doorway. He ignored the nerves in his stomach and decided that the best decision as a host in his home would be to not leave you alone while Jeno called in the order. Even if he did think you were a little bit of a treacherous snake- from a business standpoint of course.
He cleared his throat, effectively grabbing your attention, “So uh, what are you guys working on?”
“Jeno and I are partners for a project in a communications class so we have to analyze a bunch of sources and then explain why the audience could interpret each source in different ways.” You answered simply with a shrug, as if you had just told him how to make toast. 
“Well that’s cool…”
It was now or never. He could talk to you now and clear the air in hopes of perhaps forming a friendship or he could stay quiet and try his best to enjoy the awkward environment. He let out a breathy, nervous laugh, drawing your attention back, “So I think I heard you say I make the, what was it? Oh, the shittiest cup of coffee you’ve ever had.”
Your eyes widened, “No, no, no! I didn’t say that exactly, I did say though, it was the worst coffee I ever had.” 
“How badly could I have messed up your order? So badly that you had to go to Starbucks apparently.” 
“I had ordered an almond milk caramel latte and received a coffee with not only no milk at all, so it wasn’t even a latte, but also no form of sweetness. On top of that, I had one sip at the beginning of the day that kept me awake and energized until midnight. And! You gave me tea with no tea. Surprisingly though, you are not the worst barista in the cafe.” You responded with a playful roll of your eyes.
Jaemin choked on his spit, “What do you mean? I remember the first day you came in while I was making my coffee… you got my coffee.” He dropped to his knees, “Forgive me, please.”
You threw your head back with a laugh, “Get up, I’ve already forgiven you. Jeno talks about you a lot, so I was actually looking forward to meeting you anyway, even if we did start off on not so great terms.”
“They said about 20 or 30 minutes, you good?” Jeno asked as he reentered the room.
You smiled with a nod, “We’re becoming the best of friends.”
Jaemin blushed, ready to get your attention off of him, “So, you said I don’t carry the title for worst barista.”
“Wait really? Who is it then, best to worst go!” Jeno exclaimed. 
“First, is your owner, Johnny, right? Man, he makes a delicious caramel latte, the best I have ever had. Next, I guess would be Ren-”
“Renjun?!” Jeno and Jaemin interrupted. 
“Well yeah, he’s super nice and added caramel syrup to the milk I think? Not sure, it was really good, and he added the cutest little drawing on my cup. You guys aren’t last or anything though, Haechan is.” You told them with a shudder.
You all burst out laughing as you recounted the time that Haechan had yelled at you while taking a phone order and ended up sliding a half filled, kids size cup of water across the counter with your name. Another time he was so busy flirting with another customer throughout the whole process of taking and making your order that he had given them your drink too and just given you a pastry instead. Jeno told you guys about a time that Haechan had poured coffee beans on the floor, not once or even twice, but three times in one four hour shift. Jaemin added his own story where Haechan had convinced a handful of customers that they were out of coffee until Johnny came in from the back with a bag of coffee beans. 
You all wiped the tears from the corners of your eyes as you tried to catch your breaths from laughing so hard. Jeno sat up when he heard a knock on the door. It was probably the delivery man. 
Jaemin looked over at you, a happy smile still on his face. “You know, I would really like it if I could actually make it up to you.”
“Free coffee?” You asked excitedly. 
He laughed awkwardly, “Uh no, I uh, um- I think you’re really... cool?”
“This is fucking painful. Jaemin thinks you’re cute and this is his lame attempt at asking you out on a date.” Jeno jumped in, setting the bag of food on the dining table. 
You flushed, immediately feeling hot, “I would actually really like that.”
The dinner was clouded with awkwardness, little glances here and there paired with a little conversation. Now that you both knew you at least kind of liked each other, and were interested in one another there was no way he could ruin his chance by saying something embarrassing. All the conversations were basic, surface-level, first day of class icebreaker, boring. What’s your major? What do you want to do with your major? What year are you? How long have you and your best friend since birth lived together?
“Maybe it was better when you hated each other, I can practically feel the tension.” Jeno sighed, reaching his hands forward to “grab” the tension. Maybe Jeno would eat his words when the sparks began flying after the first date, maybe. Yeah, probably.
“I’ve had a really good time with you.” Jaemin smiled down at the ground. The blush on his cheeks was hot while your hand in his was warm. 
“I’ve had a great time with you too, you really made up for all your little mishaps.” You replied.
Jaemin laughed, “Which reminds me, I have to finally show you that I am in fact the best barista, ever. Would you mind if we stopped by the cafe?”
You shook your head, holding his hand tighter on the walk to the cafe. He held the door open for you and guided you towards an empty seat close to the counter so you could both still talk to one another. 
“Welcome! Oh, Jaemin was this your date? I’ve seen you here before right? I’m Johnny, the owner.��� Johnny greeted with a smile. 
“Nice to meet you too, I love your cafe. Jaemin is making me a replacement drink since he ruined the first couple of drinks. He doesn’t have to, but he practically insisted.”
“And you didn’t call and complain? You must have really liked him.” Johnny laughed.
You couldn’t fight the heat creeping up your neck, so you quickly looked away from the owner standing in front of you to avoid more embarrassment. 
“Ah, I’ve never made you this nervous! Here is your iced caramel latte with almond milk.” Jaemin teased as he set the drink in front of you. He looked at you expectantly, awaiting your verdict.
You took a sip, pleasantly surprised with the familiar taste of your favorite drink. “It’s so good! Thank you.”
“Better than Johnny and Renjun?” Jaemin asked.
“Maybe stop the questions while you’re ahead buddy, there’s no way it could be better than mine. Hope to see you soon.” Johnny smirked as you both left. 
Jaemin pouted the whole way back to your apartment, you had to reassure him that it was so good that soon he would get sick of seeing your face around the cafe.
He stopped in front of your door, “I don’t think I could ever get sick of your face, so I would really like to take you out again.”
“I would really love that, goodnight Jaemin.” You smiled, pulling him in for a hug before making your way inside.
Jaemin smiled, stepped back from your door and slowly began to make his way home. Walking slowly as his thoughts were filled with date ideas, your face, and just how amazing you truly were. He was so in his head that he didn’t even realize you had come back out to see him again until he felt you tug on his wrist so he could face you. 
“Can I kiss you?” You asked breathlessly.
He smiled widely, nodding energetically as he placed a hand on your waist to pull you closer, inviting you to do as you please. Your hands came up to the nape of his neck, nervously playing with his hair before you finally pressed your lips to his own. A short but passionate kiss, it was like your lips were made for one another.
“I’ll see you soon, text me when you get home.” You told him bashfully, holding onto his hand until it eventually fell from the distance between you two. He agreed, locking eyes with you until you were out of his sight and there was no possibility of you ever leaving his mind. Sparks indeed.
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moralesispunk · 3 years
Between the sheets
Chapter 5 of the Caramel Latte series
Chapter 4 / masterlist here / chapter 6
Summary: the morning after sharing confessions of love, Marcus begins to worry that you regret the night before.
Warnings: smut, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex, soft smut
A/N: thank you so much for the patience for this chapter! It took me a while to find time to sit down and properly right and edit!
Mornings in the Moreno house were usually quiet. You had noticed this after your first few times staying here when Marcus, who was usually so composed would moan like a small child who was being woken for school before his first cup of coffee. Missy was definitely her father’s daughter, the same glum look on her face for the first hour out of bed.
This morning, you woke surrounded by blankets and pillows and the two snoring Moreno’s still in dream land. Marcus’s arm was draped across your middle, weighing you down to the pillows underneath. You lifted his arm carefully, moving slowly from underneath, before padding to the kitchen and turning on the coffee machine.
As you waited to the mug to fill you sat at the kitchen counter, your mind wandering to the night before. While there was something so domestic about this moment, sitting in the kitchen in your pyjamas waiting for the coffee to pour as the man you loved and his daughter you cared so deeply for were still sound asleep in the next room, you couldn’t stop the weighted feel at the bottom of your stomach.
You knew from the moment you said yes to a date with Marcus that a relationship with him would not be easy to navigate. He was a widowed, single father who had already lived a life before meeting you, while you were younger by the best part of ten years and a string of bad relationships meaning you hadn’t quite lived the family life you thought you would have by now. You loved Marcus and you loved Missy but you weren’t sure what life Marcus wanted from here on or even where you fit into their family.
You were so in your own thoughts you hadn’t heard the sound of Marcus walking into the kitchen, not noticing his presence until his hands were wrapped around your waist and chin resting on your shoulder. You jumped a little and he chuckled against your neck before pressing a kiss.
“Morning, honey.”
“Morning, sleepy,” you turned your head to press a soft kiss against his lips.
You turned in the kitchen stool to watch as Marcus walked over to the coffee machine. His hair was standing in all different directions and his eyes were still half shut as he rubbed one with the heel of his hand. You liked waking up to Marcus like this, in his sleep shorts and t-shirt, his hair messy from sleep and his eyes still not quite awake to the morning sun, straining to see without his glasses. This wasn’t to say he wasn’t just as handsome when he was dressed smarter for work. Some mornings when he had to be up before you he would lean over the bed to give you a kiss good morning, the smell of his clean aftershave filling your senses before his lips had pressed against your head. You didn’t enjoy seeing him like that any less but when he wasn’t quiet awake to the world yet you couldn’t stop your chest from warming at the softness.
You hadn’t noticed you were lost in your own thoughts again until you noticed Marcus staring at you, one eyebrow raised a little.
“What was that?”
He chuckled before lifting the mug you had placed under the coffee machine out, “Where’s your head this morning? The coffee is cold already.”
“Oh,” you stood from the stool and walked to take the mug from his hand, pouring the now cold coffee out, “sorry.”
You placed the mug back under the machine, reaching to grab another from the cupboard for Marcus. The machine buzzed to life again, pouring two new fresh coffees as you leaned against the worktop next to Marcus.
“What were you so lost in your thoughts about then, hm?” Marcus moved you to stand in front of him between his legs that were stretched out as he leaned against the worktop. His arms wrapped around your waist as he pulled you into his chest.
“Just… us,” you sighed looking up at Marcus and upon seeing his raised eyebrow you continued, “how happy I am but also how worried about how happy I am.”
You looked back down again, playing with the bottom of his t-shirt as you didn’t know how to word whatever it was you were feeling inside. You felt you had to tread that much more carefully with Marcus than with previous relationships. You wanted him to know that you were happy with this relationship, that you didn’t care he was a single dad and that didn’t change how you were feeling, but you didn’t want to overstep. Marcus’s hand came under your chin, tilting you back up to face him.
“That… doesn’t make sense. What do you-”
Marcus was interrupted by the sound of Missy now joining you in the kitchen, her footsteps dragging as she moved to sit at the kitchen table.
“We can talk later,” you smiled up at Marcus in an attempt to reassure his racing mind, standing on your toes to press a kiss to his cheek before lifting your fresh cups of coffee to the table.
Marcus followed behind, with bowls, milk and cereal.
You were glad that breakfasts were usually quiet, not having to pretend to concentrate on what was going on while your mind still raced at your worries of the morning. You could feel Marcus’s eyes on you, watching when you stared into space every so often before you would turn and give him a smile. He tried to smile back but it didn’t quite reach his eyes as he hoped that whatever was on your mind wasn’t regret at admitting your love to one another the night before.
“Am I still going to Grandma’s today?” Missy’s voice came from between you both.
“Yeah, you can go get ready after breakfast,” Marcus turned to face her.
After finishing up, the three of you moved around clearing the table before you went upstairs for a shower. As the hot water hit your body you felt your shoulders relax and your mind ease. You trusted Marcus would understand what you were finding so hard to describe. He seemed to know you better than yourself.
You stepped out the shower, wrapping a towel around your body before wrapping your hair in another. After drying your body, you shook your hair in the towel, removing any water droplets before walking into the attached bedroom.
You noticed as you walked out the way your toothbrush sat next to Marcus’s in the holder, how your shampoo and conditioner was sat on the edge of the bath next to his, your moisturisers and other creams next to his hair moose. You walked by the drawers that were now full of your clothes and the table at the side of the bed where sat your book and phone charger.
On the bed, Marcus was sitting at the edge playing with his hands. When he heard the door click open his head shot up, watching you closely as you moved to sit next to him on the bed.
“Missy at her gran’s?”
“Yeah, my mum just picked her up there.”
You watched as Marcus’s eyes desperately searched your face, his lips parted slightly as he looked for any hint at what was wrong.
“Nothings wrong Marcus,” you reached over and grabbed his hands in yours, “I promise.”
“So, you don’t regret last night?”
“No,” you laughed softly, “not in the slightest. I love you, Marcus. I have known I have for a while I’m glad I finally admitted it to you.”
“Then what have you been thinking about?” he moved to turn his body to face you properly.
“I am so happy but I’m worried something will ruin this happiness. I do love you, Marcus, more than I thought was possible if I’m being honest. I love waking up to you even when you’re grumpy and going to sleep next to you after spending a day with you. I love how special you make me feel every day. I love how good a dad you are and I love Missy too. But you’ve had a life before me, you’ve made this family home that I’ve slowly started encroaching on,” you looked around the room at your items scattering the room, “we haven’t discussed where this is going or what you’re looking for and I’m worried one day I go further than you want or- or,”
“Or that I wont go as far as you want,” Marcus finished for you.
“Yeah,” you sighed.
“Well, I guess we better talk about,” Marcus smiled, lifting your head towards him by you chin. “I did have a life before you but you had a life before me in your own way. I was married and I had Missy. I loved my wife but that doesn’t mean I can’t love you because I do, just as much but in a different way because you are different. Us,” he moved his hand back down to squeeze your hand, “doesn’t mean any less to me because of what has happened before in my life. In fact it means more because you’ve accepted that. Accepted me and Missy. Also, you aren’t encroaching on this home because I want you here and so does Missy.”
You couldn’t stop the tears that quietly fell down your cheeks as he spoke gently to you, washing away whatever worries you had with every word he spoke. He softly hushed you as he pulled you into his side with an arm around your shoulder, placing a kiss to your head as he rubbed his thumb over your shoulder.
“What do you see in your future? Before me, what did you want?” he asks.
“I- marriage I guess. A family, the usual,” you turned to lean into his side even more.
“I know we haven’t been together that long but do you not see that with me?”
“I didn’t know if you wanted that. You’ve already been married and have Missy…”
“Well, you’ve never asked,” you could hear the smile in his voice without even having to look up again, “I would get married again,” he gives your shoulders a squeeze, “and I love being a Dad I would do that again too. Obviously, if Missy was comfortable with it but I don’t think she wouldn’t be, so long as she trusted I had the right partner by my side. She loves you too, you know.”
“You think?” you sniffed.
“I know.”
You looked up at him, your smiling boyfriend looking back down at you.
“I love you, Marcus.”
“And I love you.”
His head dipped down as his lips found yours. Your mouths moved against each other gently before his tongue found yours and suddenly you were breathless against one another. He pulled away and you sighed as he stood at the end of the bed, holding his hand out for you to take it. He pulled you to stand with him before his hand reached for your towel tied around your chest. When you nodded he pulled it apart, letting it drop to the floor.
His eyes dragged down your body, noticing every curve and drip of your skin, every freckle that marked your skin. As he took his bottom lip between his teeth, his eyes flicked back up to yours now darker than before as a smirk toyed on his lips. You lifted your hands to pull at the bottom of his t-shirt, his arms lifting to allow you to lift it over his head and drop it on the floor next to your towel.
You stood on your toes as you attached your lips to his again, hungrier than before. He grabbed you by the back of the thighs, lifting you onto the bed and lying you carefully on the pillows at the top of the bed. He moved to kneel between your thighs. His hands dragged down your sides and thighs before resting above your knees.
“You are so beautiful,” he sighed, making you blush, “you are.”
He leaned down, kissing just above your belly button and whispering I love you into your skin. He repeated this, kissing down your stomach and each thigh before resting between your legs. His eyes found yours looking down at him and he reached for your hands, holding them in his on top of your stomach as he continued kissing and nuzzling his nose against the inside of your thighs. When you started to squirm below him, unable to stop your thighs from pressing together any longer in attempt to release some of the pressure pooling at the bottom of your stomach, he rested his head on your thigh and looked up at you with a lazy smile before moving to lick up your folds before attaching his mouth to your clit.
You gasped and your head hit back against the pillows, unable to stop the moans that fell from your mouth. You forced your head to lift slightly, looking back down at Marcus between your legs. His eyes were still on you, his lips smiling slightly before he want back to gently licking and sucking at you. He felt the way your legs tensed by the side of his head and knowing you were getting close his thumb began to stroke over the back of your hand. He moved one of his hands away, pressing two fingers slowly inside to feel the way you would tense around him.
Your back arched off the bed, moaning his name at the feeling. He moved his head away to rest on your thigh for a moment, his thumb circling your clit for a moment.
“Cum for me,” he sighed before attaching his lips back to you.
With those words you did. You let the wave wash over your whole body as it tensed around him. He kept his tongue moving against you as you rode our your high before your hands gently pushed his head back when you couldn’t take anymore.
“Good girl,” he moaned as he kissed once on the inside of each of your thighs.
You reached for his shoulder, grabbing to pull him up towards you. He moved to kneel, pulling his shorts down and letting his hard cock spring free. Your mouth fell open as you watched the pre-cum drip down his length. He leaned forward, resting a forearm at the side of your head before moving the shorts down the rest of his legs before kicking them off the bed..
Your hands reached up, holding the side of his face to bring it down to kiss him deeply. He held his cock at your entrance, slowly pushing in and causing both of you to break apart in a moan. His head fell against your forehead as his free hand wrapped around your thigh to pull it around his waist. His hips stilled for a moment until you begged him to move and he started slowly thrusting into you as he lifted his head to now rest against your forehead.
“I love you,” he whispered.
“I love you,” you whispered back.
You moved your other leg to wrap around his waist, holding your heels against the bottom of his back as he thrusted in. They were slow and deep, hitting the right spot each time causing you to gasp. He kept his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes.
“Marcus, I think I’m go- Im gonna cum again,” you moaned.
“Cum for me, let me feel you,” he begged, keeping his thrusts at the same rhythm.
Your toes curled as your second orgasm of the night came, even bigger than the first. His name fell from your lips like a prayer along with moans of how much you loved him. Your hands gripped tight to his shoulders, your nails digging in until you came down from your high. He felt the way you tightened around him, holding his cock in place for a moment making him groan.
Marcus’s thrusts started becoming faster, losing their rhythm as he neared his own peak.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he moaned with every thrust until he came undone inside you as his lips attached to yours in a deep kiss, thrusting a few more times until he collapsed in your arms while still inside you.
His head is buried in your neck before he pulls out and collapses back onto your chest. Your hands reach up and play with his hair, combing through the short curls at the back of his neck. His breathing falls into steady breaths as you feel him grow heavy on top of you.
You know you will have to wake him soon so you both can clean up, but just for a while you hold him like this. You listen to his steady breathing and notice the feel of his curls between your fingers. You let yourself be with the man you love, in his home that is slowly becoming yours too, with no worries in your mind.
Marcus tag // @heythere-mel @over300books @computeringturtle @a-skov @leias-rebelion 
Permanent tag // @phoenixhalliwell @asta-lily @hb8301 @princess76179 @sarahjkl82-blog 
97 notes · View notes
cedricslover · 3 years
Troubled (final)
Pairing: Cedric Diggory x Fem! Reader
Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 
Series summary: A very unfortunate situation happened and it resulted in very unfortunate events. You had everything, a good boyfriend that everyone dreamed of, best friends that you got in a twin pack, and a loving school. It was a calm before a storm and in your sixth year the storm came. You faced the consequences your deceased parents run from, you were only left with your only family, your little brother. What would you do in order to save him? The answer is, everything, even if it means joining a terrorist group of wizards, joining THE DEATH EATERS…
Chapter Summary: Death is inevitable 
Note: there is no specific house:))) I would like to thank everyone that kept waiting and was patient enough, I started this series around March and now it is May. This is my very first series and I hope you all liked it! Again thank you so much❤❤
Warnings: angst, death, little bit of violence
Word Count: 4.2k
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You stopped in front of a headstone. Your hair brushing your cheeks as the wind blew it. "Hey" you started talking, through the years the big lump in your throat slowly fades whenever you visit. "It must be nice there" you smiled and placed the flowers that you were holding down to the ground. 
You breathed in the familiar smell of the field. The smell of the countryside was really different from London. Closing your eyes, memories of the past came flooding in. 
[5 years ago]
"WHAT?" Phoebe, one of your roommates looked at you with shock, "what?" You chuckled as you ate a chocolate frog. 
"What do you mean "what"? So we're just going to act like we didn't see Diggory in front of our dorm earlier" Alice rolls her eyes as she brushes her blond hair, "Oh yeah we got back together" you shrugged and sat on your bed. 
"You really won't tell us what happened that broke the two of you?" Phoebe's voice became wary, she was trying not to say something bad. You shake your head and smile apologetically. "I'm sorry girls" you felt bad. You wanted to tell them of course, but even your best friends since first year don't even know. And surprisingly didn't even nag you about it. 
"It's alright doll, we understand. Besides, Diggory is a great guy, you two are both smart enough to know what is right and wrong" Alice looks at you, there is always comfort in her eyes. Like she always knows what is going on even if you don't talk. She was the perfect example of the person that you can vent to and she will just listen. 
"How about you girls, anything going on with your lives? Why is it always mine?" You laid down and stared at the ceiling. Silence filled the room. For about 10 minutes only the brushing of the tip of the quill to a parchment, breathing, and the noise from the common room are the only sounds you heard.
"Nothing much" you heard a bed squeaked, it was probably Phoebe's. "My life is the most boring one yet" Alice mutters and sighed,  you can see her sitting on her bed. "I don't think so. Each of our lives have different stories. I don't think that's boring" you replied before you pulled your blanket and be completely eaten up by darkness. 
Weeks have passed, it seemed to be doing great. Everything was falling back to pieces. After the school found out that you and Cedric got back together, George and the Beauxbaton girl also publicized their relationship, both of them explained that it really wasn't you in the photograph-which you completely didn't want them to do because you didn't owe anyone any explanation- but they still did. 
Fred and Angelina seemed to be also doing great, well, especially how Fred is under Angelina. 
Of course Barty Jr.-that's disguising as Professor Moody was always giving you 'the look'. Everytime and everywhere, even at class, even your classmates find it strange why Professor Moody always calls you, and then gets mad. They feel bad but you just let it all go, because you knew what his true colors are. 
"Fred" she warns
"Frederick Gideon" with her scary tone
"Frederick Gideon Weasley" that's when you all know Fred was in trouble. 
"Hello darling" you smiled and kissed Cedric's lips before you sat beside him at the library. You both have free time, especially him, tomorrow was the final task, he was trying to study spells that he might use.   
"Hey" he stops reading and wraps his arms around your waist, "Tired" he murmurs while he buries his head on your neck. "You want to eat sumthin'?" You asked while playing with his fluffy hair, running your fingers through his scalp. "No" you can feel his breathing on your neck, it sends shivers down your spine. 
After a while of complete silence, Cedric's breathing seemed to follow a pattern, that's when you knew he was asleep, in your arms. 
You started humming a song that your mum used to sing you to sleep. You can't see his face, but felt it instead, his nose, his lips, his forehead, it felt peace. It felt like home. 
And later on, you also found yourself getting sleepy, your eyelids drooping down. And before you give up on the warmth, your eyes found the book-or more like a magazine that Cedric was reading earlier, you didn't notice it earlier until now. You let out a smile before you closed your eyes.
'Real Estate Magazine, Countryside Edition'
You woke up early, dressed up early, showered early, and went to get breakfast early, and you didn't expect that a lot of students were up early too. Earlier than usual.
"Y/N!" You turned your head while you chewed a toast. It was the trio. "Hey" you greeted them as they sat in front of you. "You alright?" You looked at them while your forehead creased, "yeah" they all answered in unison, that caught them off guard. 
"Harry's going to be fine don't worry" you shake your head and smile as you reach for another toast. "It's just that-" Harry stopped and his hand went to his forehead, where the scar is. 
"His scar's been hurting ever since he woke up" Ron told you, his face was screaming with worry, just the same as Hermione. 
"You should take a rest Harry. You still have til before dusk. I think that would be enough time to prepare and rest" you said, trying to cover the worry in your voice, and of course the fear. 
You four continued to eat, the Great Hall was starting to get more crowded, noise, banners, cheers, they were all anticipating who will win the triwizard tournament. Although you should be joining this crowd, wearing shirts with the one they support, cheering, waving the banners at 8 am. You can't. You were filled with worry, Harry's scar was hurting, and it seemed strange that the Dark Lord wasn't doing anything the whole year. 
And as you walked by Moody's office, it seemed like your suspicions were answered. 
"I already handled it, Dark Lord. Yes, yes, but how about the girl?" You heard Moody, he was rather loud, obviously he used the opportunity as most of the students would be either outside or the Great Hall.
"She wouldn't be a nuisance, we have his brother. She will be extremely useful for the next few years. She has much more potential than her parents. Let her bloom Barty" a faint voice answered him, that was the reason Harry's scar was hurting since this morning. Mere communication can still cause it, you knew he couldn't possibly be physically here. 
"What if Harry wouldn't be the one touching the cup?" Moody's voice was filled with excitement but at the same time, fear. 
"I'll kill them. And you next. Better do your job Barty." The voice disappeared. Your eyes widened as you heard footsteps slowly approaching the door. You ran to the closest hiding spot and peeked. 
"Better handle that girl then" Moody looked around before he drank again from his flask. "Polyjuice Potion" you whispered as you observed him. 
He walked away, to the direction you came from, you waited until you made sure he was gone. 
"Mad-Eye Moody!" You started banging the trunk where Moody was prisoned, your hands shaking as you got the key from one of the drawers. 
"Moody!" You banged again, panting, your sweat started dripping. Your heart was beating fast, you have to do something. You sure don't know anything, but Moody surely does. 
You finally opened the last layer of it and saw that he was there, peering back at you, he was thinner than the last time you saw him. And he lost a lot of hair too. 
He seemed mad, of course, you were the only person inside the castle that knew the Professor Moody that was going around the school the whole year was an imposter, well aside from Cedric who was suspicious.
You started explaining to him, now this was the person that deserved your explanation, not the gossip people. 
It took a while before he finally understood. He must be thirsty and hungry, but you didn't bring any food but only your wand. You looked for any container and luckily you saw a flask, it must have been a spare Polyjuice Potion, you threw the insides away.
"Aguamenti" you chanted and the flask started to be filled with clean water. You cleaned the mess you made and returned it from what it was when you entered before you slowly dropped the flask to Moody who was now drinking it like he hadn't drank any water for a whole week.
"I cannot hear clearly, but I heard Little Hangleton. You know that right?" You nodded at his question. "I don't know what and how, but they would try to bring the Dark Lord back. In power" he looks directly at your eyes, his gaze was piercing, he was expecting you to do something. And you will. 
"I'll be back" the last words you said to him before you slowly closed the trunk, he nods slightly for a response, there was also something in his look, the same look you saw with your parents when they were about to die, the same look you saw with the people of the Order, it was a look of hope and pride. 
"Hey hey" you stopped on your tracks and it snapped you back into reality, you didn't know what to do, "Y/N?" Cedric cupped your face, you looked at his eyes, his questioning eyes. "What's wrong, love?" He tucked strands of hair from your face to behind your ear. Your breathing started to calm down. 
"They're moving Ced, I have to do something" you admitted, there was no point in keeping it a secret to him. His jaw dropped, he was now looking everywhere, trying to be cautious. 
"What can I do to help?" He asks, you felt bad, and it seemed like he noticed it. "Don't feel bad, Y/N. You already carried too much burden, at least let me help you carry it" his mouth curves as he assures you. "It will all be okay" he whispers, still not letting go of your face.
You were still doubting, but he was persistent. "Protect Harry. Help me protect Harry, Ced" your eyes darted to him, both of you knew this was a life and death situation. This wasn't just those silly games you played before, you both only had one chance to save a life, and this was it. 
"I will" he nods, there was more than just the tournament in his mind now. And that is to protect Harry. At all costs.
You observed Harry the whole time before the task, ofcourse, not being so obvious. You would join the three of them at some point, or drag Harry with you and the twins as they show the fireworks that they made and plan to light up when he wins or Cedric. 
It was a win-win, Harry forgets that bloody scar while you keep an eye on him. 
And now, it was Cedric's turn. 
He kissed your forehead and gave you a little smile. "You did well. Let me take over" he said before he turned his back and let go of your hand. Amos waited for him and waved in your direction. The corners of your mouth turned up, trying to be nice to him, despite how you somehow despised because of how he always pressures his son, he always has to do this, reach this, be like this. It was not healthy. 
You knew he was trying to be a good parent, but you wished he had taken lessons from your father before he died. Thankfully Mrs. Diggory was nice enough to appreciate Cedric's achievements, small or big. 
"You alright?" Alice asked you as you sat at the bleachers. "Quite" you smiled at her and returned your gaze to the champions. You were with Alice now, well long story short, the twins were with their girlfriends, even Phoebe, and Alice invited you to join her so here you are now. You know Alice is beautiful, she is also great in academics, even she and Luna Lovegood could really pass as siblings, they have the same interest in things that were believed to be not there, and even their way of clothing were the same. But they both confirmed that they were not related. Still, you were still quite confused as to why she was not out there, having a partner. 
"You know that guy?" She pointed to Gregory Goyle's older brother. "Yeah?" There were lines forming between your eyebrows. "He asked me out" she giggled and covered her mouth with her hand, her shoulders started shaking, you also laughed. "What really?" You asked in disbelief, you tried your best not to laugh out loud.
You hated Goyle, he always bullies the ones that he believed was weaker, even Alice. He always made fun of Alice and how she always tries to get people's attention. Now look how the tables have turned.
"He asked me out with those cheesy pick up lines, doll. I tried my best not to laugh and just rejected him immediately" you were both still laughing. She stated some of the pick up lines that made you laugh so much but you still tried not to be loud so in the end, you choked on your own saliva while she stifled a laugh as she pats your back.
The laughter seemed to be a curse, bad luck, or just joy before a disaster. Because right after that you all saw a yellow light sparked to the sky, it was from someone in the maze. 
You were the only one who was not confused, because as that yellow spark flashed, it was a message for you.
'He is safe. Cedric's with him' 
Red sparks were seen earlier, it must have been a marker for the injured ones, but the Yellow ones, the audience and judges didn't know what it meant, only you.
You started praying to the higher ups, if they were ever there, listening to you. You prayed that they would be fine. Only a few scratches, but still good. After just a few minutes another yellow spark was seen, the people decided to shrug it off, but you, you were beyond happy and relieved. The second spark should mean that they got to the cup. They should be arriving any second now. 
You anxiously waited for them, ten seconds, twenty, thirty, and then a minute and they weren't still here. 
'Little Hangleton' 'Back in power' ‘Dark Lord’ 'Coming Back' 'Do your job' 'Kill' 
Voices started to cloud in your mind, Moody, Barty Jr., Voldemort, memories, you patched up the information you got. 
And without even thinking twice you disapparated, thankful that Dumbledore lifted the anti-disapparition charm because there were a lot of outsiders anticipating the third task.
You grunted as you stumbled, you hated how apparition makes your insides like they were being squeezed. It was convenient of course, but you didn't like it. 
"Kill the spare"  you heard, your vision was still dizzy, but you knew that voice. Your vision was blurry, the world was spinning and it felt like your intestines were spinning too. It was the after effect of apparating. 
You stood up, still feeling nauseous, “NOOO!” you shouted as you ran, there were figures and you knew who they were. “Avada Kedavra!” it was definitely Pettigrew, no, not Cedric, not me, not Harry, don’t kill us, please, the words repeated in your mind. The few steps felt like a hundred, you wanted to stop time, and as you rushed towards the figures your vision was slowly being clear. And by the time you can entirely see clearly, you wished, you hoped, that someone blinded you, you wished that this was a dream, hallucination, but as you collapsed on your knees, as the rough ground kissed your legs, it was all real.
“Alice...” tears started to fall from your face as you looked at her face. Her reddish cheeks was now white, her lively eyes was now soulless, her warmth, 
It’s gone, she’s gone. 
“YOU!” You stood up, picking up your wand, Cedric stood beside you, “Free Harry” You commanded him, your nose was now flaring, glaring at the two figures in front of you, Peter Pettigrew carrying the weak Voldemort. 
“Expulso!” you incant, in a snap, Voldemort was now dropped to the ground while Pettigrew was far away, “I’ve had enough of you. You and your values” you stared at Voldemort who was now crawling away, he was so weak, and this was the only time you could do it. The only time you could take revenge from all the lives he took.
“You’re so weak, and you should stay weak” You stepped on his thin legs, he screeched like a creature tortured, “You deserve, every, single, pain” now you stomped on his hand, you felt the bone touch the sole of your feet despite wearing shoes. 
“Sectumsempra!” you cried at his pleading face, you thanked that potions book you saw in the classroom. You watched as so blood just came out from the child like figure in front of you, for a second you thought you were doing something beyond your morals, but you remembered, the images of people that this person-no- monster killed, the mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, and friends, he took away so many lives, he made the world like his playground, killing whoever he felt to kill, and that justified what you did. Regret was not even near. 
“Incarcerous” Cedric’s voice echoed, the tense was back again, Pettigrew was still here, “We’ll take care of him” he told you, giving a second to glance at the lifeless Voldemort that was on the ground, curled, you nodded as an approval. 
And like a vase dropped, or someone threw a big stone to your head, you remember Alice's bleeding body, her opened eyes but why? Why is there a ghost of a smile plastered on that doll-like face?
You slowly walked to her lying body, you never expected that this would happen, that she, she would do something like this. Did she just suddenly hold your arm as you disapparated? Is that why she splinched, her arms, even her legs were bleeding. 
“Dumbass, did you even know where I was going.” you kneeled, reached for her face and removed the strands of hair that were blocking her face. “You’re so dumb. Who’s going to call me doll anymore” you blinked and a tear fell straight to her cheek, you blinked again, another tear fell, you blinked, again and again, and at the same time, tears fell on her pale face, you cried, wailed, even shouted while hugging her body. 
She was there when you needed her, she was there to understand you. She was there when you cried, laughed, even if you were sick, she was there. 
“Doll, come here.” Alice called you while you were packing your things, you were a mess, you just heard that your mother was ill, you have to go home. You sighed and let go of the clothes and walked towards her, she tapped the seat in front of the mirror. 
“You know, you should always look tough in front of the people you have to protect. That’s what my parents told me before. The people that saved them from the Death Eaters, they were tough, I told you about that right?” she started brushing your hair, you examined your reflection, your eyebags were visible, you were also definitely thinner than usual, you felt drained. 
“Before my ma died, she told me information about those who saved them. My ma and pa owe their life to them.” even if you didn’t look at her face, you know she was smiling. “She told me that when they were being saved, the woman was pregnant” you can feel the gentleness from her touch. 
“And?” you asked, she was now tying your hair, “and she told me to protect that child, a token of gratitude for giving my ma and pa another tomorrow” she placed the flower accessories in your hair. 
“Did you protect the child?” you turned to her and saw her eyes twinkled, “I still am doll” she replied to you before she handed your bag. Alice used magic to help you pack, you laughed and hugged her, “Thank you” your mouth curved into a smile. “Aww it’s nothing” she waves her hand and rolls her eyes, acting shy. “Shut up” you chuckle before you turn your back and step outside. 
“You impulsive lady, how about that child you should protect. How can you protect them if you’re dead” You were still crying, thinking about all the memories you had with her, and how you would tell Phoebe, she would be heartbroken. 
Was it really necessary? Are sacrifices really necessary? You just wanted to stop a war, a cycle, you wanted to follow the path your parents took, are deaths really necessary? In exchange for peace, a life should be taken. A meaningful life, someone's daughter, friend, and stranger. 
“Y/N!” a woman’s voice called you, you turned your head and saw a woman, her hair was now just above her shoulder, brown curls jumping as she walked the hill. “Phoebe” you greeted and opened your arms, she sprinted and hugged you. 
“Oop, be careful with the tummy” you grinned and touched your tummy, there was already a big bump, you were pregnant. “Hello there little one” she lowered herself and talked to your bump. 
“It’s her death anniversary isn’t it” she straightened herself and was now staring at the headstone. 
     Alice Constance O’Brien
March 12, 1978 - June 24, 1995
“Hmm” you answered, peace and silence enveloped the both of you. “It was Alice all along.” sadness took over your face as you remembered what Alice has done for you. 
  Loving daughter and friend
                A hero 
“Ced that night when you saw me following the man. Why were you still roaming?” you asked Cedric as he sat at the library.
“I haven’t told you yet? It was the Head Boy, well technically it was Alice actually, she told me that the head boy couldn’t find me so he asked her to tell me. My schedule changed that time” he muttered as he chewed a pumpkin pasty. Your eyebrows shot up and just shrugged. You owe Alice an acid pop at Hogsmeade.
“She was the one who told me about your situation. She must have known about the dark mark but never told us. She wanted to help you, but in the shadows.” Remus admitted as you talked to him about Alice’s death. He was shocked, the whole society members actually. They are now taking care of his subjects that were lurking around. 
“Hello ladies!” George and Fred suddenly appeared, both of them wrapped their arms around each of your shoulders. “Fred. I prefer women, thank you” Phoebe removed Fred’s arm and even tried to dust it off, “Rude” Fred squinted his eyes at her while she just smirked and flipped her hair.
“Where’s your husband and brother?” George asked and also placed flowers at the ground. Now there were a lot of flowers for Alice. “You’re liking that aren’t you?” you talked to the headstone, you were all just silent. Even the loud twins fell in silence, they liked Alice, not romantically, they admired her, how she was unique, always had a voice, and how she stood up for herself. 
“I love it doll” you heard a whisper as the breeze came by, you knew it was her, it had always been her. She was still there, watching. 
“Oh Alice” Phoebe started crying, the twins tried to offer her a hug but she went to you instead, you sniggered as you saw their offended face. 
They all felt her. 
“Hey!” two voices called all of your attention and there it was, Cedric your husband, and your eight year old brother. Theodore hurried to the twins that immediately picked him up, he liked them. “We bought snacks.” Cedric raised a basket and spreaded out a cloth to the grass. 
“Are you crying?” Cedric inspected Phoebe who still has her nose red from crying. “Yes. What about it” she rolled her eyes and got bread from the basket while Cedric was still arranging the cloth. “I’m just asking.” Cedric chuckled and shook his head. 
You observed each and one of them, they all changed, with their own careers and life, of course they will change. Cedric was now working at the ministry, he did once think about being a professional quidditch player, but he felt like a work at the ministry would be better, and he liked it. The twins and their joke shop was still going, stronger as it was before, they’ve built quite the reputation, and Phoebe, she was now a Herbologist, she always had an interest in plants. 
And you, you also built your career, with your dream job. 
Are you seeing this Alice? I made it. We made it. 
You carefully sat at the cloth and they all asked you what you would name the child inside of you. Your eyes gleamed, you always knew that if you had a chance to name your child it would be…
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ashketchup119 · 3 years
Four Years To Get There
If you or a loved one remember when I used to write regularly for hypzag/zagnos, you may be entitled to a senior citizen discount-
I didn’t want to post all of my hades stuff, but I think this one is really cute. My fanfiction writing and my original story writing are two different styles, because fanfic is my domain to go crazy go wild.
“So, four years stuck with my brother? I don’t envy you.” Thanatos commented airily as he made coffee.
Zagreus, who had woken up ten minutes prior and was staring morosely at the countertop, looked up when Than started speaking, and frowned. “Hypnos isn’t that bad, Than. He’s actually nice to be around. And he hasn’t made ‘morning person’ into a personality trait, unlike other people.” He smiled after saying this, in a teasing manner aimed in the direction of Than’s back.
Than hmph-ed and said nothing more. 
The rest of the morning passed by as usual- Than went to work, Zag went to the gym and to walk Cerberus, Than came back for an early lunch, and the two of them exchanged pleasantries at the junction between their personal schedules- Than half out the door, Zag on his way in. The two of them had been roommates for two years, and had become comfortable with this routine.
Earlier that week, though, Zag had gotten an email saying he’d been chosen to work as a bodyguard for a diplomat headed on a mission to a planet where rumors of attack had been swirling, with instructions on how to get to the port and what to bring. In total, it was meant to last about nine years- four years to get there, a year on the planet, and four years to get back. It was quite the commitment, but he didn’t mind overmuch. It’s not like there was much waiting for him on the planet he lived on currently- just his friends, who assured him they’d text and video call, and his dog, who had already been approved to come with him.
The evening before, Zag had found out the name of the diplomat he was supposed to work for. It was Hypnos! His roommate's twin brother! The two of them weren’t very close, but he was kinda relieved to know there’d be another friendly face on the ship.
After greeting Than on the way in, he began packing, using the sheet he’d been sent. He put music on in the background, and hardly noticed the passing of time, only breaking out of his reverie when Than came to remind him to eat.
A couple days later, he was ready to leave, Cerberus waiting patiently at the door. He gave a quick goodbye to his friends and his father, the former of whom gave promises to contact and the latter of whom just hmm-ed under his breath.
After the ship had taken off, he sat on his bed for a while, taking it all in. He was going somewhere new- how exciting!- but he knew he was going to miss his friends and family.
A knock at the door startled him out of his thoughts.
“Coming!” He said as he went to get the door.
On the other side of the door stood Hypnos, in full regalia. His departure had been much larger and more public, and Zag hoped that his brothers and mother had shown up. Charon he was almost certain of, and made a mental note to check his social media for pictures Hermes had most likely posted about his “almost-little-brother-in-law leaving us behind!! 😭😭.” Nyx and Than, though, were a little colder, and Than had made no move to leave when Zag had gotten on the ship.
“Hi!” Hypnos chirped, trying not to show the exhaustion he felt. It had been nothing but endless briefings for months prior to this, and the next four years were sure to be a nice, long break before doing it again for a whole year.
“Hi!” Zag replied, feeling slightly awkward in his far less formal tank top and shorts.
Cerberus came up between them and nosed at Hypnos’ cloak.
“Hi to you too!” Hypnos bent down and pet Cerberus to the best of his ability, mentally thanking the powers that be that he was a rather tall Doberman and not a small dog. 
Zag knew that Hypnos was his friend and his roommate’s brother, but he still was at a loss of how to act. Hypnos was, for all intents and purposes, his boss now, and he wasn’t sure whether or not he’d be expected to act accordingly.
Hypnos ended all pretenses of formality by stepping into Zag’s room and quickly shedding all jewelry and reminders of his station, leaving him in a long, elegant dress that crumpled beneath him when he flopped on Zag’s bed.
Hypnos yawned widely, and shifted to where he had a view of Zag still awkwardly standing in the doorway to his own room. Cerberus climbed on the bed next to him, and laid his head on Hypnos’ stomach.
It was a scene which made Zag vaguely want to join in and rest, but he was too wired to do so. Instead, he pulled the chair out from the desk facing the bed, and sat down with the back of the chair pressed to his chest.
“You excited?” Zag asked Hypnos, lightly drumming his fingers against the cool plastic.
Hypnos made a noncommittal noise and seemed to settle into the bed more. “You don’t mind if I nap here, do you?”
Zag shook his head, and Hypnos nodded slightly before falling asleep so quickly it startled Zag. He waited a few minutes before beginning to unpack, trying his hardest to remain quiet so as not to disrupt Hypnos. After dropping an exercise weight rather loudly and realizing that Hypnos hadn’t even stirred, he abandoned all attempts at noiselessness and just began placing things, noise be damned. 
He was so wrapped up in it he failed to notice when Hypnos woke up, studied him from behind for a few seconds (it was a nice view! sue him!), then rolled over and went back to sleep.
Zag was in the middle of organizing the desk when his communicator pinged, alerting him that dinner was being served in the cafeteria. 
“What time is it?” Hypnos mumbled from the bed.
Zag tilted the communicator to turn the screen on and told him.
Hypnos sighed and sat up, yawning as he stretched. He sat and blinked for a couple of seconds, then said, “We have to go to a special dinner with the other politicians and stuff. After today we’ll be able to go to the cafeteria, though.”
“When does it start?” Zag asked, trying to remember where he’d put his formal clothes.
Hypnos smiled guiltily and responded, “Five minutes ago?”
Zag’s eyes widened and he sprung into action, grabbing his clothes from the drawer and stumbling slightly as he went into the bathroom to change. Hypnos began to reluctantly put his own uniform on. By the time Zag came out, striking quite the figure in the fitted vestments, Hypnos had managed to pull everything on, and was fiddling with the clasp of the cloak.
“Here, let me get that for you.” Zag offered, and went to stand in front of Hypnos, where he reached up slightly and fastened the cloak.
The two stood in front of each other for a couple of seconds, Hypnos mentally preparing himself for human interaction and Zag trying to recall his training. Then, Hypnos sighed and moved around Zag to get to the door, and Zag fell into position beside him.
A week passed with Zag at Hypnos’ side almost constantly (even in sleep, to an extent, as their rooms were next to each other) before Hypnos once again came to his room for a nap. Then, over time, this became a regular occurrence. Hypnos would nap on Zag’s bed almost every day, and when he wasn’t napping, the two of them talked. Zag told Hypnos about growing up with a father who simultaneously ignored and expected everything from his son; his mother, who he had only met again recently, who used to worked as a diplomat but had retired to a small, idyllic, relatively unknown planet; the important people in his life, like his mentor Achilles and his friends. In return, Hypnos told Zag about growing up in a family that seemed to excel at everything; days spent sleeping because he couldn’t disappoint people in his dreams; going to school to learn how to talk to people and accidentally gaining importance. They talked about loneliness and happiness, highs and lows. 
It brought them closer together, and as weeks turned to months, Hypnos found himself looking forward to talks with Zagreus. He would wake up, giddy for their next interaction, and anticipate what he might say today. Maybe he’d make a comment about Zag’s haircut or a joke about how Cerberus like him better than Zag. Thinking about Zag made him smile involuntarily, and when the two of them talked, Hypnos sometimes felt his cheeks warm at Zag’s laugh and demeanor.
About four months into their voyage, he realized what this meant.
Oh no.
It’s not like he hadn’t talked to Zag before- he did live with his brother- but the close quarters made everything… different. It felt like it was just the two of them, an island floating in a ship of 200 people. Maybe that was it- he just wanted to feel close to only other person on board he interacted with regularly. It couldn’t possibly be like, an actual crush, right? Yeah, no. It wasn’t.
That’s what he told himself, at least.
Zag, on the other hand, was oblivious to Hypnos’ internal struggle. He liked hanging out with Hypnos. They’d gone from acquaintances to best friends quickly, and Zag came to treasure their (many) moments together. He liked the teasing and jokes, and came to find his little yawn-stretches after a good nap rather cute. 
He had a crush on Hypnos.
He didn’t try to deny it or push it out of his mind, but he also didn’t really acknowledge it either. Hypnos was funny and adorable and really, really disliked tomatoes but always got an extra helping of pasta or whatever food with tomatoes was being served so he could give it to Zag, who he knew loved tomatoes. Zag couldn’t imagine not having a bit of a crush on Hypnos. He figured most people who met him did, because how could they not? With his unruly curls and dimples he was classic crush material.
So the first year passed. 
The second year began with a party, a celebration of “making it one year without any major incidents” (the ship captain’s words). Hypnos and Zag attended, once again in their stuffy formal wear, but ditched halfway through in favor of grabbing any food they could stuff in their pockets and talking in Zag’s room until long after the partygoers had trickled back into their rooms.
With the second year came new responsibilities. Hypnos’ monthly meetings turned into two, and he began to attend refresher courses on the language he’d be expected to use once the ship landed. Zag found himself standing outside rooms more often than not, and poor Cerberus’ walks went from three times a day to two. Their hang out time was cut in half virtually overnight.
So… why did Hypnos’ crush on Zagreus only worsen? 
They were both interacting with other people, and he had work to do. Why couldn’t he seem to pry Zag from his mind? He had to focus! But all he could focus on was Zag’s smile, playing on repeat in some sadistic part of his brain, and he wondered idly if someone had invented some sort of “cure” for a crush. Zag was his brother’s roommate! Than probably had a crush on him or something, because there’s no other way he’d let anyone live with him. He’d barely tolerated Hypnos when they’d shared a room as children!
(Than did have a small crush on Zagreus, but was finding out quickly that distance did not, in fact, make the heart fonder.)
Hypnos didn’t sleep a lot at night. Normally, sleep wasn’t a problem for him; he’d always been one to fall asleep easily and deeply. Now, though, his thoughts played on an endless loop, and he only really slept when he was in Zag’s room, surrounded by the noises of Zagreus and Cerberus.
Zag found that his crush on Hypnos was quickly blossoming into something much deeper, and didn’t really mind it. He wondered, idly, if there was a chance of Hypnos feeling the same, but didn’t want to jeopardize the mission (they still had eight more years together!) or their friendship. Besides, there was something beautiful in just the feeling of spending time with someone you l- cared for. Cared for, and he figured it was better to enjoy it.
For a short while, anyway.
It was difficult to deny the dreams he had of holding hands with Hypnos and going on dates (among other, less wholesome things), and he began to wonder more and more often if those dreams had a chance of becoming a reality.
Probably not. Hypnos was busy and important; he probably didn’t think about Zag half as much as Zag thought about him.
Three years came and went, with the budding feelings between the two only deepening. It caused some slight frustration, but neither of them was willing to talk about it, and behind their backs, the rest of the ship began to take bets on when they were going to get together. 
It didn’t happen in Year Three, when they were shoved into a closet “on accident” and spent the time talking about the things they had to finish that day.
It didn’t happen in Year Four, when Cerberus got sick and the two of them squished themselves into the same chair with Hypnos’ formal cloak draped on top of them like a blanket. It had been a cute scene, and was trending with #zagnos on social media for an hour before another diplomat had requested it get taken down. 
Finally, the day came for them to land. The whole ship was abuzz with people hurrying to and fro in anxious attempts to make sure they and their belongings were ready to depart. They’d been told to leave the bulk of their belongings on the ship, as it was the same one they’d be returning to and they would still have access to it, but this left people unsure as to whether they should over or underpack. 
Zag had decided that one backpack would probably be enough, seeing as they’d been told that decorations in the rooms they were to be provided were forbidden. He also had a tote bag with Cerberus’ things packed, and was more or less just waiting for the ship to be cleared to unload.
Hypnos, on the other hand, had three pre-packed, unopened suitcases filled with various clothes of the local fashion (enough to make sure they wouldn’t repeat; the higher-ups wanted to make an impression of their wealth); a bag of cosmetics and hair products (no longer would the unruly mess of curls reign); five briefcases with information he’d studied front to back multiple times during the trip; another duffle bag with sleep clothes; and a bag with all of his electronics. 
Zag picked up as much as he could, and the rest was carried by an envoy sent from the local government, leaving Hypnos free to smile and shake hands and generally do the job he’d been sent there to do. 
It was a stark difference from the Hypnos Zag had gotten to know, and it shocked him somewhat to see how quickly he’d changed from Hypnos, Zag’s best friend and the guy he’s in love with, to a charming diplomat with a winning smile that anyone would be hard-pressed to dislike.
Zag must’ve been hard-pressed, then, because he found himself disliking this version of Hypnos. There was something… insincere about it. It was all fake, a show put on to help Hypnos do his job better.
Well, he was only here to help Hypnos do his job, right? It wasn’t for him to like or dislike things. 
There was to be a party for those who had finally touched down on solid ground, and as Zag changed into a less formal outfit for the event, he heard a knock at the door. He opened it, then frowned, realizing that there was no one there. He turned to go back to getting ready, but not even five seconds later, the knock sounded again. Again, he opened the door, only to find no one there. He went outside and walked around a little, but didn’t see anyone. He went back to his room, where the knocking sounded again, and realized that the knocking was coming from somewhere not the front door. 
Five minutes later, he found a shallow dip in the wall, and when he touched it, a smooth voice asked, “Name?”
“Uh, Zagreus?” He answered.
A beep sounded, and the voice once again asked, “Name?”
“Zagreus… Plutonic?” He replied again, questioningly.
A ding sounded, and a portion of the wall swung outward to reveal Hypnos, still in the same outfit he’d been wearing earlier. Hypnos smiled widely at him- that same smile that he wore during their hang out sessions, not the one he wore as a diplomatic mask- but quickly flushed purple.
Zag raised an eyebrow questioningly.
“You’re uh, you-“ Hypnos stammered. “You’re not wearing a shirt, silly!”
Zag looked down and realized Hypnos was right. He smiled as he teased, “And? Do you like what you see?”
Hypnos just giggled, a high-pitched, somewhat frantic noise. 
Zagreus put on a shirt as Hypnos moved into the room, sitting daintily on the edge of the bed because his ornate clothing stopped him from doing anything else. Cerberus came up to him and wagged his tail expectantly, and Hypnos reached out and pet his head, making sure to scratch the area behind his ears that he knew he liked.
Zag watched them fondly. He’d always taken it as a good sign that Hypnos and Cerberus got along so well, and had told his mom such. She’d agreed with him, with that bright look in her eyes that hinted she knew more than she let on. 
When Zag was ready, the two of them left together, Cerberus asleep on the bed. 
At the party itself, the two of them basically stuck to the edges, chatting with other people occasionally. Eventually, an alcoholic drink was thrust into their hands. Zag looked questioningly at Hypnos, who nodded slightly as he put his own drink down. Zag grinned and drank it all down in one gulp, to the cheers of the other partygoers. He began to mingle with the crowd, leaving Hypnos standing awkwardly in the corner. Some other diplomats joined him, and they spent time murmuring about upcoming responsibilities and travel memories.
About an hour later, Hypnos felt a tug on his arm, and looked up to see Zagreus, cheeks flushed, smiling widely as he pulled him to the dancefloor. Hypnos made half-hearted excuses to the other diplomats before turning and anxiously following Zag to the dancefloor, leaving several knowing faces in his wake.
The two of them danced for a while, laughing wildly and holding each other’s hands in turn, high on the music and each other’s company. Eventually, the two of them ended up in a different corner than they’d started off in, smiling widely, faces flushed with exertion. 
It seemed to happen in slow motion. Hypnos was smiling widely and giggling breathlessly, staring down at Zag. Zag was looking up at him brightly, fondness crinkling the corners of his eyes. Zag pushed up, slightly, onto the tips of his toes. Hypnos leaned down, unconsciously. 
Their lips met.
After a second, Hypnos jerked back. Zag was drunk, and Hypnos felt like he was taking advantage of the situation. 
He cleared his throat and turned around, mood suddenly soured. “Let’s go back to the rooms, I think you’ve had too much to drink.”
Zag wrinkled his nose and slurred, “Nuh I haven’t.”
Hypnos grabbed his arm and led him out anyway, exchanging goodbyes with those who came to talk to them. When they got to Zag’s room, he watched him go inside, then went to his own room.
He slept, exhausted physically, mentally, and emotionally.
When he woke up, he was still tired, but he got out of bed and forced himself to get ready for the day, even though he felt like sleeping for the next decade at least. 
Zag woke up with a slight headache and a feeling of embarrassment. He really just… HAD to go and kiss Hypnos, huh? And Hypnos had clearly not felt the same and what HAPPENED to “I technically work for him so this is a bad idea”?
He really should’ve just… stayed sober.
“I fucked up, Cerberus.” He told his dog morosely, who just stared back at him.
He sighed, took some medicine, fed his dog, and put on his uniform, feeling slight dread as he exited his room. Hypnos was standing outside, and didn’t look at him as he began to walk to his first appointment of the day. 
It was hard for Hypnos to muster up his usual charm, but nothing went sideways, so he took that as a win. Meals were awkward, what with Zagreus sitting in front of him but neither of them talking. 
It continued like this for a week before one of them decided to break the silence.
Zag knocked on the door separating their rooms late one night, and opened it after hearing a returning knock. He walked into Hypnos’ room, noting the fact that it was messier than he’d ever seen it.
“I,” He began, then paused slightly. “I just wanted to apologize. It was wrong of me, and I can only-”
“Apologize for what?” Hypnos butted in, confused.
“Well… the kiss?” Zagreus responded, just as confused.
“Wait.” Hypnos said, eyes narrowing slightly as he continued, “I’m the one who should apologize to you, I took advantage of the fact tha-”
“Why are you apologizing to me? I’m the one with the-” Zag made a vague hand motion, “feelings.”
Hypnos stared at him. “I thought… I was the one with feelings?”
The two of them stared at each other for a while before breaking into laughter.
“We’re so stupid!” Hypnos exclaimed between fits of laughter, and Zag just laughed as he sat on the bed so as to not fall down. 
After a while, their laughter ceased. 
Hypnos leaned into Zag’s shoulder, and Zag put an arm loosely around Hypnos waist. Then he pulled away slightly, and asked, “Should we try this again?”
Hypnos nodded, purple flush rising in his cheeks, and the two of them kissed.
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mortedeveles · 4 years
Cherry Blossom Confessions.
SUMMARY:  Tenya Iida has had good days, bad days, and okay days throughout his entire life. But none of them were quite like the evening he spent with you under the cherry blossom trees.
PAIRING: Iida Tenya x gn!reader
THEMES: fluff, comfort, just a lot sweet cheesy shit lmao. some minor/background kiribaku. [ONE SHOT]
WORD COUNT: 1.9K- 2K words
TW: none? fluffff
A/N: hi guys! i’m back with another one-shot with the lost glasses trope hehe. you can find my one-shot with the same trope, but with tokoyami fumkage HERE! hope you guys are doing well: :) i’ve mentioned this before, but i’ll mention it again. since school is in session, i’m constantly busy and will not post content very often. i hope you guys will understand and continue to support my content, it means so much to me :)
as always, please leave a reblog, like, follow and/or comment if you enjoyed! REBLOG > LIKE! 
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[banner is made by ME. do NOT REPOST or use without my permission :)]
Iida Tenya starts his morning with a smile. He woke up early, fresh and motivated, and surprisingly; all of his classmates listened to him during class time, even Bakugou. The spiky blonde was scowling, but there was a blush on his face as he held Kirishima's hand. Iida figured that the redhead was keeping him calm and distracted for now.
Then there was you. You walked into the classroom with the rest, and just like every day, you stole his breath. He felt his eyes slightly widen and his heart pounded impossibly loud in his ribcage as you smiled at him. Iida managed to smile back awkwardly.
Even though he refused to mention it to anyone, he had been romantically attracted to you for a few months now. Iida doesn't know when it started, but he knows that he's never stopped feeling butterflies in his stomach ever since then. 
He wanted to leave his seat and talk to you- but the moment he tenses up to rise, Eraserhead steps into the classroom. A slight frown takes over his features but he quickly shakes it off. 
The class begins as usual, with Aizawa-sensei's tired and flat voice carrying around the classroom. As the studious student he is, Iida is furiously writing down what he deems important. When the Pro-Hero pauses and excuses himself for a moment, Iida's eyes drift to you, sitting next to him. He frowns when he notices your expression. Fear and stress are written all over your face, fists clenched in your lap as you stare ahead, without any particular focus. 
''L/N?'' he asks softly. You slightly flinch and he frowns. Your eyes dart around as if you’re not sure where he is.
''...Iida?'' Your voice is impossibly small, and he finds himself leaning closer to you.
''Yes, L/N?'' He straightens his glasses and swallows nervously when he notices how close you are. From this short distance, he can see every flutter of your eyelashes, every tug or crease of concern in your eyebrows and when he inhales softly, he catches a whiff of your intoxicating perfume. 
Oh god, he feels his face warm. Why can't he think properly? Why was your face so close to his? And why is something different about you today? Not in a bad way, of course, he chides himself. But there's something different about your face...
''I forgot my glasses.''
Oh! He feels the pieces click together in his head and nearly facepalms himself for not figuring it out earlier.
''I left them at my dorm... but we're nearly half a class in, and I don't want to anger Aizawa-sensei...'' you murmur, fiddling with your hands in your lap.
''Do you think you can um,'' the glint of hope in your eyes makes his heart flip. ''Can you help me with my notes... at least until I can get my glasses back? I don't mean to impose!'' you continue to stammer apologies but they fall upon deaf ears. 
''Of course!'' he nearly yells but manages to lower his voice at the end of his sentence. ''I'd be honored to help you,'' the passion and intensity in his sentence make your face warm, but you smile in response.
The day is unlike any other. Instead of having your glasses on and feeling in control, you're dependent on Iida. He understands how it feels, as a fellow glasses wearer. Instead of switching between staring at the board and your notebook, Iida is writing the notes for both of you. Your eyesight is so poor you can barely distinguish the lines of your notebook, much less write in an organized manner on them.
And then there's hero training. When you explain the situation to Aizawa-sensei, he's only mildly irritated. This comes as a surprise, but you're not complaining. 
You sit on a bench as you hear the others train ruthlessly; Bakugou's shouts and explosions, Midoriya's muttering, Kaminari's electricity, and many others. Once in a while, you hear Iida shout and his engines boosting, which makes you smile. All you see are blurs of rapid movements and quirks clashing against each other.
After training, it's time for lunch. You walk next to Iida, who has allowed you to grab his forearm to walk in the same direction. Even though it's not particularly intimate, it stills makes both of you flustered. Iida's glad that you can't see the soft blush on his cheeks, or how his palms have begun sweating. 
You usually sit with Ojiro, Tokoyami, and Koda, but today's an exception. The two of you arrive at the table, where Midoriya, Tsuyu, Uraraka, and Todoroki are already seated.
''L/N will be sitting with us today if that's fine with you all,'' Iida states as the two of you slide into the benches. Everyone nods in agreement. 
''We're glad to have you here!" Uraraka says cheerfully and you smile softly. Iida doesn't miss the look she sends his way and once again, he's thankful you don't perceive it. 
''Why is L/N sitting with us?'' Todoroki is blunt as ever and Midoriya's eyes go wide, mouth open to chide the bi-colored boy.
You grin at Todoroki's question as you begin to dig into your lunch- one of the few tasks you can manage to do on your own. 
 ''I forgot my glasses,'' you laugh quietly, feeling your confidence return to your words. ''I left the dorms without putting them on.
''Oh,'' is all Todoroki replies before returning to his cold soba. 
The once tense atmosphere quickly eases away and within a few minutes, you're chatting with Iida, Midoriya, and Uraraka. As Iida watches your eyes crinkle at the corners, your lips quirk upwards and your gleeful laughter, he finds himself falling deeper and deeper; the fondness and love he has for you are growing by the minute. And he's not sure how much he'll be able to hold it. It's growing like a balloon- tighter and tighter until it'll eventually pop and open from the pressure. 
After class-  thankfully, you’ve retrieved your glasses- you find yourself sitting on fresh grass, next to Iida. He'd offer to stay a while back with you to give you a quick recap on the notes. 
Cherry blossom trees draped over the two of you like a heavy, sleep-inducing blanket. Now and then, petals would fall and land at your feet, and even sometimes on your shoulders. The two of you are sitting under one of the many trees on the U.A. campus, in front of the buildings. The rest of your classmates had left to their homes for the weekend or stayed in the dorms.
As your fingers squeezed the grass and you were nearly lulled to sleep with Iida's voice, something told you that you didn't ask him to stay back just for scholastic purposes. You had only voiced this aloud to Ojiro- he was quite good at keeping secrets,- but you had harbored a crush on the class president for a few months now.
This moment felt like a dream; the trees were swaying softly, Iida was so close to you and you could smell hints of perfume on him. His body warmth spread towards yours. One of your hands laid limp, only inches away from his. The scene was peaceful and comforting. And before you knew it, your head lolled towards Iida and a warm feeling of drowsiness overflowed in your body. 
''L/N?'' you hadn't noticed your eyes had fluttered closed until Iida was nudging you awake. 
''Mmmm?'' you frowned and opened your eyes. Wide blue eyes stared back at you. When you took in your surroundings and realized the compromising position you were in, a quiet yelp of surprise escaped your lips as you sat up and inched away from Iida's lap.
''Oh my god...I'm so sorry Iida-kun!'' you began to blabber and waved your hands around frantically, feeling deeply ashamed and flustered. But before you could continue your word vomit, Iida raises a hand. You bit back another string of words as you looked at him expectantly with a warm face. 
Your heart is pounding in your chest as you watch him clear his throat, adjust his tie, and swallow visibly before looking at you.
''No-no worries, L/N,'' his voice is surprisingly shaky and low. ''I...'' he looks away for a second. ''I didn't mind.'' 
His response nearly made you fall backward from the shock. You clench your fists.
''You...you don't?'' shock was evident in your voice. The class president smiled nervously in response and adjusted his glasses. 
''Well-well,'' he continued stuttering for a second or two, ''Ahem.'' he cleared his throat and you laughed softly. 
''If I am being truthful, I have... harbored romantic feelings for you, Y/N.'' You noticed how his face went slightly red at using your first name. ''That is why... I did not mind having you rest your head in my lap.'' 
You were silent. His confession was like a splash of cold water; the first second, you didn't react and the next, you're freezing and gasping for air. 
Iida takes your tense silence as rejection. He swallows nervously before his mouth opens and another bucket of word-vomit is dumped on you.
''I apologize!'' his voice is increasing by the moment, slowly snapping you out of shock.'' As cl-class president, that was highly inappropriate of me! I understand if you do not reciprocate my feelings and would like to forget about this conversation. Oh dear, I am tru-truly apologetic. I-,'' you interrupt him with your lips, soft lips dancing in unison. 
Iida begins to lower himself to the ground as you straddle his abdomen, cupping his face as you kiss him. Both of you lose focus on your previous worries. All you can think about are his soft lips, his warm breath, and the slight hints of perfume on him. The experience is exhilarating and frankly, new. But it's amazing; kissing Iida makes energy surge through your body as fireworks ignite in your heart. You don't want to ever stop. 
When the two of you pull away, you're both breathing heavily. Iida's hands are gripping the sides of your thighs and your fingers are splayed on his chest. With wide eyes, the two of you stare at each other in silence for a couple of moments.
''Um...'' you panted. ''That was...''
''Lovely,'' Iida's face is red- he looks like he's about to explode. 
''Oh my god!"' you slip off his lap and cup his face. ''Iida, you're so red, are you okay?!" He murmurs and nods in agreement, sitting up slowly.
''I apologize,'' his tone is rather bashful. ''I am not accustomed to having such displays of.... romantic affection in public.'' 
You smile and link your hand with his, interlacing fingers.
''That makes two of us, then.'' He smiles at your response. 
''So...'' you rub your thumb over his knuckles. ''Does this mean... we're dating now?'' you decide to test how much you can reach. Iida’s eyes widen as he nearly chokes on air.
‘’What- ah!” you shout in surprise. You’re at his side in a second, patting his back and trying your best to comfort him.
''Oh god! I'm so sorry,'' your heart drops. ''How are you feeling?'' 
Iida clears his throat before grabbing your hands and tugging you upwards. You frown in confusion but follow his lead, wondering why he hasn't replied.
''L-Y/N...'' his tone is shaky but when you meet his eyes, you see nothing but determination and affection. ''Would you do me the honor of being my partner?''
His gesture makes your heart warm and a smile stretches across your face.
‘’Of course,’’ and all your inhibitions fly out the window as you lean closer and press your lips against his. He’s hesitant at first, but eventually matches your pace. Warmth envelopes your heart; the type of warmth you only experience with Tenya Iida. Sweet, comforting and ever-lasting.
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ravs6709 · 3 years
Euneirophrenia- Solinh
Okay, so this is a repost, but only because I was on mobile and tumblr wouldn't let me post the full thing on tumblr (so I just posted a link to ao3), because "there were too many blocks". So this time, I'm posting the actual fic!
Anyways, this fanfic was inspired by A Handmade Scrapbook on ao3 and came across a dreamsharing au. From there I immediately knew I wanted to make a Solinh oneshot
So yeah, you share your dream with someone who will be important to your life. Not necessarily romantic, it can be student and mentor, but in this case it is romantic. Anyways it’s just snapshots of Sophie’s life (mostly of being a child) and interactions with Linh
Warnings- Linh's guilt over the flooding of Atlantis is mentioned a lot, food mention, and I think that's it?
Sophie always loved hearing the stories that her parents told. She was only four years old, but she was able to picture the scenery, she was able to understand some of the things that were discussed. They were soulmates, with a bond that started at fourteen. Sophie wanted to be just like them.
That changed in the next year.
Sophie had hit her head, and then she was hearing voices everywhere. It took weeks to be able to start figuring out where each voice came from, and another to realize that she recognized those voices. They were from people that she knew.
The world as she knew it changed, harsh thoughts constantly hidden behind- fake- smiles. And with her ability to understand things easier, she knew what the people around her thought. She was able to hear their cruel thoughts, when all she wanted was for them to go away.
She kept herself distanced from her friends, because they were thinking so much and so loud she wanted to cry. No matter how much Emma and William tried to get her to go outside and make new friends, it wouldn't work.
Even if people weren't so loud, how was she supposed to deal with knowing how others truly felt about her?
Sophie knew it was an irrational thought- she was only five years old, but hearing the namecalling that was internally directed towards her hurt. Was the person who she would dreamshare with also going to act the same?
Sophie was six years old when she found a giant mansion filled with crystals and other sparkly things. It was like the mansions in the TV shows, except way more fancy. There were paintings lined against the hallway.
"Who are you?" A soft voice asked.
Sophie turned around and saw a person with one of the faces from the paintings. They looked to be around her age, maybe a year older. They had a round face framed with long black hair. They had a soft smile which made their silvery blue eyes gleam. They were pretty.
The person's eyes widened. "You... you're hu-" they pressed their lips together, as if to cut themselves off. "You have brown eyes."
"Of course I do!" She said. "Brown eyes are common!"
She ignored the fact that she was the only one with them in her family.
"But..." they narrowed their eyes. "Where I... come from, we all have blue eyes. But I don't understand what's going on. Are you real?"
"I'm real. My name's Sophie Foster. She and her."
But as she spoke, there was no sound when she said the name Foster.
They nodded, still looking confused. "I'm Linh... she and her. I thought the dreamsharing didn't start until you were fourteen."
That was something that Sophie was confused about too. Some people started as early as nine, but that was incredibly rare. But there was another thing that was off about Linh.
"It's quiet," she whispered.
People within dreams didn’t have thoughts- for obvious reasons, but she was usually still able to hear the distant thoughts and dreams of her family. But at the moment, it was quiet. It was almost unnerving.
"What do you mean?"
This isn't a normal thing. Should I tell her? Would she believe me?
"Your mi-" No, she wasn't going to say anything. "Where are we?"
She knew that the place a dream took place would be somewhere that one of the people within the dream would know. And Sophie definitely had no idea where she was.
"It's my home," Linh replied.
"This mansion is yours?"
Linh blinked. "Where were live, we all have... mansions."
"Where do you live?" Sophie was sure that such a place would be well known. "I live in San Diego."
Once again, the words were omitted.
"Oh. I guess that doesn't work."
"Do you want me to take you around the house? I think we can explore."
Sophie smiled. "That sounds like fun!"
"Mom, how did it feel like when you first met dad in your dream again?"
Even if Emma didn't tell her the answer, Sophie was able to see it within her mind.
"I was in a place that felt unknown, yet also familiar. The place was vivid that I didn't think it would be from my imagination."
Sophie thought about it for a moment. Sometimes, it was hard to figure out whether she had a vivid imagination, or if it was just due to her photographic memory. She'd definitely never set a foot in a mansion, let alone one as big as the one in her dream.
"I think I shared a dream with someone," Sophie admitted.
'I think that we need to let her be outside more often. She doesn't have enough friends, so she's dreaming on imaginary friends.'
The thought was loud and clear, and she winced. It was something she wondered about. But she hadn't met anyone like Linh, and talked about her twin, Tam. There were too many details that there was no way that Sophie would be able to come up with it on her own.
"Sophie, you're only six, that wouldn't be possible."
'Maybe she never recovered from her head injury?'
The next dream didn't happen for a while, which led Sophie to believe that maybe her mom was right. It took over a month for it to happen again.
"Hello Sophie," Linh greeted.
Sophie smiled. "Hey Linh! This isn't me imagining things, am I?"
"I thought the same thing. My mother and father didn't believe me when I said I was sharing a dream. I left out the fact that you're a hu-"
Once again, Linh cut herself off. What was she talking about? This is the second time. For once, she wanted to read Linh's mind. But it was a dream, so even if she tried, it would never work.
So instead, she decided to distract herself. They weren't in the mansions this time, they were outside. It was strange though, the shops were huge and there were crystals and blue fires that burned. Sophie also noticed that there seemed to be no sky, there was something above them that was blue, but there were no clouds nor sun.
"We went shopping here today," Linh explained. She sounded a little happier than before. "I wonder if we can go inside."
It turned out that they could go inside, and Sophie wasn't surprised that it was all empty. She expected to see t-shirts or jeans but what she saw were tunics and dresses. Then again, it seemed that Linh wore a dress too.
She looked down at her own clothes, only now realizing that she wasn't in her pjyamas, but an orange shirt that had a dog on it, plus jeans.
"Can I touch the clothes?" Sophie asked.
She didn't go shopping often, especially after she started hearing the thoughts of others. The big malls were always filled with people, and she couldn't stand to be there for long periods of time. She had to rely on distractions such as music, or focusing on textures. It didn't always work out though, as her parents would always forbid her from poking around.
"I don't think what happens in our dreams will affect the outside world," Linh said, which probably meant a yes.
Slowly, Sophie walked around, trailing her finger across every piece of clothing. Everything was usually soft, she'd never felt anything like it before. She picked up one of the tunics to see what it was made of, but didn't find the material label at the back.
"What are they made of?" She asked.
Linh hummed. "I don't know. They don't tell us."
"Isn't there supposed to be a label that says that?" She checked again, then found something. There were lines joined together, but she couldn't understand any of it.
"It's a different language," Linh explained. "Wait." Her voice took on a different tone. "I'm sorry, I need to leave now, I'll see you later Sophie."
Amy was growing into an age where she was starting to make more sense of things, but was still really hyperactive. It wouldn't have been too bad, if it weren't for the fact that her mind was screaming at all times. And then she would scream too.
She still had no answers as to why Linh had left so abruptly, or why she sounded panicked. Did something happen to her family?
There was another thing that was weird though. Sometimes, she felt like Mr. Forkle- her neighbour- would he watching her. In a way, she understood why, he was the one who had found her when she hit her head. So he probably had some kind of sense of responsibility of looking after her. But his gaze felt like it was piercing her sometimes.
It was during those times when she would start feeling bad. She felt the need to doubt his intentions when she was very much able to read his thoughts.
With the combination of Amy and school, Sophie was starting to get better at ignoring the voices. They were still there, and they still hurt, but if she could just ignore it, it wouldn't hurt as much. It was a good thing she had her photographic memory, otherwise she'd probably struggle at school.
That was another thing. She'd skipped two grades, which was very clearly not normal. Her teacher was both impressed and annoyed by the quality of her work.
It's so tiring having to deal with this.
Sophie woke up and she was in school. The classrooms were empty, the the chalkboard had writing from the math that was being taught in class.
Did I fall asleep during school?
There was no teacher in the room, which only made her panic. Where did everyone go? She looked around again, and saw someone sitting at a desk in the back corner (Sophie sat in the other corner). It took a few moments to realize that it was Linh sitting there.
"This is a dream again, isn't it?" Sophie asked.
Linh nodded, but something about her looked uneasy. "This is a dream."
"Is everything okay?"
She bit her lips, her eyes flicking everywhere, then landing on the chalkboard. "I don't understand. You're not supposed to know my language."
"I don't?" She remembered trying to read the label last time, but it never worked.
"No, I mean speaking. Where we live, we have our own special language. You shouldn't be able to communicate with me."
That was weird. Sophie would have remembered learning another language. "Maybe that's a side effect of the dream? So we can talk to each other?"
"Maybe," Linh didn't sound convinced about it. "But I don't understand why I'm dreamsharing with you. There'd be no reason for me to ever meet you. I'm not leaving where I live, and there would be no way for you to come here."
"Why not?"
It couldn't be that hard to meet Linh. All one of them had to do is be able to dream of an area with a landmark, or something that would reveal the location. Besides, they were still children, they'd have the money to travel around in the future.
"It's... a long explanation," Linh admitted. "How about you tell me about this place?"
"It's my school. Do you not go to school?"
"We get taught at home, and then when we get a little older we go to a school. But I think at the schools here, there's usually one mentor per prodigy."
Prodigy ? Is that what they call students ? And mentors for teachers?
"We definitely don't have enough teachers to do that," Sophie said with a laugh.
Linh laughed too, and her body began to visibly relax. She no longer sat up straight, and the frown that she wore disappeared.
"There's... twenty-five desks in this class? How does a teacher manage to deal with this many children at once?"
Sophie laughed. "I have no idea."
"What have you been learning about in school?"
"We've been learning about multiplying numbers and all that. I wasn't actually supposed to be in this class. I'm supposed to be in the class two grades lower than me, but I'm apparently really good at school."
She wasn't sure of what kind of expression she expected to see on Linh's face, but it wasn't one that was more thoughtful.
"What is it?" Was it one of those things that Linh couldn't bring herself to talk about?
"It's nothing."
Maybe one day, if we meet up early, I could ask her.
They were in Sophie's living room his time, and Sophie was in a good mood. The walls were decorated with streamers and the cake that she'd eaten was sitting on the table in front of her, the candles burning.
She looked around and saw Linh sitting beside her on the couch, staring at the birthday cake in awe.
"What's going on here?" Linh asked.
"It's my birthday. Or, the end of it, I guess."
"You celebrate the date of your birth?"
Sophie blinked. "You don't?"
"I think I'm nine years old, but I'm not really sure."
"I turned seven today."
"Happy... birthday?"
Sophie laughed. "Yeah, that's what you say. Thank you."
To be honest, Linh didn't look like she was nine. She looked der than Sophie, but it didn't feel like she was a whole two years older.
"Did you do anything for your birthday?"
Sophie grinned. "We used to go out, but after I started getting headaches, we've taken to staying inside. We stayed inside and had fun and played games. It was great."
With only the four of them, there weren't as many thoughts to bombard her mind with either.
"That sounds like fun."
There was something off about her tone... envy?
"Is something wrong?"
"I wouldn't want to ruin the mood."
"Linh," she reached over and took her hand. "You can tell me. You don't have to tell me everything, but you can let it out, and then we can do something as a distraction."
"My parents don't like me and my brother. We're twins, and our society doesn't like twins."
"That's stupid!" Sophie exclaimed. "I know a few sets of twins, and they seem great! It's normal!"
"It's tiring," Linh sighed. "It's really tiring."
"I'm sorry you have to go through that. Would you like a distraction? We can try eating the cake."
"What's it made of? Is there any meat?"
"Meat..? My dad's allergic to eggs, so it's completely vegetarian. Is there another concern?"
Linh's eyes widened, but then she seemed to recover. "No, I'm a vegetarian, that's all."
"Okay, I'll be right back."
Sophie went to the kitchen and brought out some plates and cutlery. She came back and saw Linh staring at the cake in awe again.
"You look like you've never seen a birthday cake before," Sophie remarked.
"I haven't," Linh whispered.
"Okay, come sit next to me. You're gonna blow out the candles."
"Isn't that something you would do? Since it's your birthday?" But still, Linh moved to sit next to her.
"I mean, yeah, but I already did it. I don't know if you'll get another chance anytime soon, though when we meet up I'm definitely gonna bake you cakes. So come on, make a wish, then blow out the candles."
"Okay. Do I tell you what I wish for?"
"I think it's better kept a secret."
Linh closed her eyes and Sophie thought that her eyelashes were way too pretty for her own good. When she blew the candles out, she looked so happy, and Sophie wished to see Linh like that more often.
After that, Sophie set the candles aside and then cut the cake. They sat on the couches, and ate.
"Ooh, this is delicious!" Linh exclaimed. "I didn't think this cake would taste so good!"
"Yeah, it's great," Sophie agreed. "Y'know, I didn't even think of whether the dreamsharing would allow for taste, but it does."
"Oh, ew, imagine eating but with no taste at all."
"Ew, gross."
They both laughed at that.
The more and more that Sophie shared her dreams with Linh, the more she thought that Linh wasn't a normal child. Their cultures were so different, it was unlike anything she had ever seen. She tried looking up certain things, but it didn't seem to work.
The things that they did were different too. It seemed like Linh was homeschooled, but while she knew concepts, she didn't know any famous people. The food they ate was different too. They'd done a few taste tests, and Sophie learned that mallowmelt was her new favourite thing to eat. She also learned what eating something with no taste was.
"I've never had it before," Linh had told her. "I'm pretty sure it's not supposed to taste like this."
"Maybe that's why. Maybe like how the environment is somewhere where one of us has gone to, the same applies with taste. So if neither of us have tried something, it doesn't know how to register taste."
"That makes sense."
They also played video games once, and it looked like Linh never even seen an electronic before. They played Mario Kart, a classic, and one that Sophie loved playing with her family.
She knew that Linh seemed to be East Asian, but she had no clue about the specifics. Probably Vietnamese, based on the name. But still, that didn't really help in finding out where exactly Linh was, or why she seemed so out of touch with the world. She lived in a mansion, so it wasn't like money was an issue for her.
"Okay, so..." Sophie began hesitantly. "I haven't told anyone this, but I have a question."
"I'll try my best to be accepting of whatever this is," Linh said.
Sophie sighed in relief. "Okay... so... what are your viewpoints on gender?"
"As in how the society treats people?"
"I mean..." Does she not know what I'm talking about? "Gender identity."
Linh looked confused. "What do you mean? We're both girls, that's our gender?"
At Sophie's dismayed look, she continued. "I genuinely don't understand, do you think you can explain? I'd like to know."
"Do you ever have a moment where you feel like you're not a girl?"
"Do you feel like a boy then?"
"No, not a boy. But not quite a girl either. Sometimes I feel like I'm just... something else. I don't really have words to explain it."
"I've never thought about it before," Linh admitted. "I don't think anyone where I live has ever thought that. But now that I think of it, I did find it... different that you told me your pronouns. I just said the same as I didn't know how to react."
"Oh. I see. You know how my pronouns were she/her before, right?" Sophie asked. "Can you use they/them pronouns for me instead?"
Linh nodded. "I'll do my best!"
They smiled. "That's the best I can ask for."
Sophie remembered the shopping district that Linh had taken them too a while back. It only took a second for them to realize that something was wrong. The shop's were destroyed, and their was water everywhere.
"Linh! Where are you?" Again, Sophie wished that they could sense her with their telepathy.
There was silence, except for the sound of crying.
"Linh!" They followed the sound and saw Linh curled into a ball. "Linh, what happened?"
She turned to them with red eyes. "I did this."
It looked like a flood happened. There was no way a single child would cause a flood. "I'm sure you didn't do this."
There was a sob. "No, I'm not exaggerating. Everything here, the water destroying and ruining everything, I caused it. It was all my fault!"
Something this large didn't seem like it happened due to her, but it seemed like there was no point in trying to convince her otherwise.
"How did it happen?"
"I... it all peaceful... and then- I can't say, I'm sorry."
She's stuck in this place, having to relive her trauma. That can't be good for her mentally.
"It was an accident though, right? Nothing bad will happen to you, right?"
"They won't forgive me. Mh mother and father hate me right now, they think I'm a failure. The... leaders already know, and they're going to have a meeting as to what will happen to me."
Sophie didn't know much about law, but this sounded a lot like a court meeting. "They can't do that! You're what, ten? Eleven? You're just a child!"
"They might kick me out," she whispered. "And Tam..."
"Does he blame you too?" They asked.
She shook her head. "No. But... I fear that if I get kicked out, he'll do something that gets him kicked out with me. He might put himself through lots of unnecessary pain just to stay with me."
"Do you want him to stay with you?"
"I... I do. I love him more than anyone in the world. But I can't have him go through so much pain."
"I wish I could help," they murmured. "I can't do anything physically, but I wish I could change the dream or something, and we can do something as a distraction."
"Can I hold you? I think that would help. Usually when I hold Tam, I'll feel a little better."
They scooted closer to her. She patted her lap, so Sophie moved and sat there. It was nice being held actually, but they wished that this could have happened in a more positive context.
"I don't think you're a bad person, Linh," they told her. It seemed like it was something that needed to be said. "If everyone in the world ends up hating you, I won't."
The arms around them squeezed tightly. "Thank you, Sophie."
The gaps between dreamsharing were often a little long. A few days at minimum, but there have been moments where over a month would pass by. Despite that, Sophie wasn't surprised that they were sharing a a dream the very next day.
The room was large and mostly empty. It reminded them of a movie theater, except all the seats were empty, and everything was bright. Also the seats were long rows of benches. At the centre of it all, Linh was standing there. Her hair now had silver on the tips, but they chose not to mention it.
"This is where the meeting happened," Linh said. "I'm being banished from my home. And well, Tam did what I thought he would. He's letting himself be banished so he could stay with me."
"Will you be okay?" Sophie knew that if they were to get kicked out of the house, it wouldn't go well. They'd have to get a job and find some place to stay. It'd be hard to get food. And someone like Linh- who was rich- wouldn't fare too well.
"We won't actually be all by ourselves," Linh admitted. "Our official 'home' is just for the two of us, but we'll be interacting with people who'll provide us food."
"That's not as bad as it can be, then."
"I wouldn't say that. The... place we go to, it's for people like me who did things that caused harm."
"They know that you weren't being malicious, right?" Sophie asked. "Are all those people innocent? Or are there some that might genuinely be bad?"
"I don't think all of them will be innocent. But the leaders have made their decision, and I can't disobey them. Thank you though, for caring."
"I'll always care."
The dreamsharing began to happen less often, which scared Sophie at first. They also noticed that the scenery was almost always somewhere that they'd gone to, not Linh. But that was fine with them, because it meant that Linh wasn't forced to look at the area that had been flooded.
On days when the dreams were far apart, Sophie wondered if something happened to Linh. This time, they were in Sophie's room. They were more relaxed, and while she didn't look tired, she was out of breath.
"It's tough over there, isn't it?" Sophie asked.
"Yeah, a lot of exercise and training. It's what we do everyday, and its exhausting." She flopped down on to the bed. "Oh, this feels nice."
Sophie vaguely remembered how the beds felt like in Linh's home, and if she was calling their bed nice, it meant that the living conditions wherever Linh was couldn't be that good.
"Also, Sophie?"
"What other pronouns are there?"
They hummed. "There's so many, I wouldn't be able to name them all. I can look some up on my phone and we can look at them, if you want."
That's what they ended up doing, Sophie would look at some pronouns and then say them aloud, because Linh couldn't read English.
"Wait, say that one again," Linh said.
"Ve, vem, vis, verself?"
Linh nodded, and was murmuring something under her breath. "Is there a variation of it?"
"Uh. I found ve, ver, vis, verself."
"Hmm, is there one that changes up the vis?"
"Most of them do seem to but... okay, I think I've got one. Ve, ver, ver, vers, verself."
"I like the sound of that one. But also, I still like my current pronouns."
"You don't have to give them up, you know? You could use both she and ver. You could use both at the same time, or use one at a time. It's your pronouns, you get to pick."
"I'll think about it. It's a little sudden, you know?"
"I get how you feel."
"Okay, so I have an answer."
"Ooh, what is it?'
"She/ve. Mix them up. If there's a change, I'll let you know."
"Okay!" Sophie smiled at ver. "You wanna play some video games now?"
She picked up a controller. "Of course."
"So, this is new."
They were outside this time, a large open environment. There were hundreds of trees, some bent over unnaturally. Sophie swore they'd seen something like that on the Internet before, but what was Linh doing there?
"It's been a while since we came somewhere that I was, right?" Ve said. "Just some more training here."
"Is it going okay?" They asked.
She shrugged. "It's alright, most of the time. They tried to get us to swim, but it's not going well."
Sophie remembered the image of the aftermath from that flood. Being surrounded by so much water must be difficult.
"I'm just glad you're doing okay," they murmured.
Sometimes, Sophie wondered if they had a crush on Linh. They were able to admit that ve was pretty, and the silver tipped hair of vers looked really good with her silver-blue eyes. She was also kind too, something that Sophie desperately needed from someone.
But other moments, they wondered if it would have been someone else. If they only liked Linh so much because it was quiet. If it was someone else whose was quiet, would they have crushed on them instead?
Surprisingly, they got an answer to that (the answer being no). Sophie was on a field trip at a museum when someone came up to them and was confused that they had brown eyes.
"You have brown eyes." Linh had told them, one of the very first things that she'd ever said to them.
"Well... I do. Also, the news article misgenders me, I use they/them pronouns."
They weren't sure why they felt the need to say that, especially since they were likely never going to see that person again.
"Oh," they said. "Interesting. I'm just a boy."
Then he went and pointed towards the figure of the Albertosaurus and said some weird things. He turned to leave, but then a group of kindergarteners came screaming, their mental voices even louder.
It was weird to see him with the same pained expression they bore. He must have noticed it too. Then Sophie realized something. His mind was silent. And somehow, he knew that they were a telepath. Because Fitz- that was the boy's name- was too.
It was a blur after that, they panicked and a lantern almost killed them, and then there was the revelation that Sophie wasn't human.
"Where I... come from, we all have blue eyes." Linh had said.
There was something strange, but Sophie wasn't able to put it together.
Sophie was given some time to think thing over. They weren't surprised to see that another shared dream was happening. They were considering the idea of telling Linh this, seeing how someone else would react. It would be a good way to figure out their own feelings towards all of what was going on.
"Okay, so..." Sophie began, because how did you tell someone that you weren't human?
"You look nervous, did something happen?"
"Okay, how familiar are you with... more unnatural things?"
Linh blinked, but her face was carefully blank. "What do you mean?"
"I mean, if I said that it's not just humans out there, would you believe me?"
"I believe you, but can you explain some more?"
All the tension was just coming from them, Sophie knew it. Just say it!
"So I'm a telepath, and well, I have been for years, since before we met and all. But today I met someone else who was one and he told me that I'm an elf. This sounds ridiculous, right?"
To their surprise, Linh shook their head. "You're not the only one who kept secrets."
And then ver hands were moving, and there was water swirling in the air. "I'm one too. But I'm a hydrokinetic."
"Wait... you're an elf too?"
There were so many questions, like why didn't you tell me?, but they'd be a hypocrite if they actually asked that. But also, it made sense. The blue eyes. The giant crystals and mansions.
"Yeah, I am. You said you were a telepath since you were five?"
"Fitz was surprised too."
"He's the one who found me. The telepath. Do you know him?"
"No, I don't. Kind of got banished for years, remember?"
That was another thing. Fitz mentioned how Tribunals didn't happen often, because the laws weren't broken often. But Linh, ve was banished, a decision made by the leaders. The elvin leaders. And that, with the image of the flood...
It always did seem weird that there seemed to be no sky. What if it wasn't a sky? What if it was water? And Linh said that she had caused it...
"You lost control in that place, didn't you." It wasn't a question, it was a confirmation.
"You figured that out faster than I thought. So what are you going to do now? You're an elf now."
"I don't know," they whispered. "I don't know."
"I can answer more questions about you being an elf, if you'd like?"
"That would be nice."
Adjusting to Elvin life wasn't as hard as Sophie thought it was going to be. Maybe it was because they had friends, Dex, Fitz, Biana and Keefe. And not to mention Linh.
But then there were the secret organizations, and Sophie's life was quickly becoming more and more unusual. There were the kidnappings, there was Exile and the Everblaze fires. Getting through all those ordeals was a disaster, especially when things would go wrong, when people would get hurt or even killed.
Sophie was starting to realize just how flawed the Lost Cities could be, the subtle discrimination that went on, despite the claims of being inclusive. Innocents were being harmed. Seeing how the world worked made Sophie feel even more angry for what Linh was going through.
When they got a chance to join the Black Swan, they took it. They gladly took the chance to rescue Prentice. It didn't go how it was expected, and now Sophie was going to Exillium.
There was something about the area that seemed familiar. The trees were bent over. Where did I see this before? The Internet?
The test to be divided into the hemispheres was difficult, and Sophie resorted to using fire to get out. It could have gone worse, except a hydrokinetic had saved them.
I wonder how Linh will react knowing that I'm at Exillium. Training.
The activities that needed to be done were awful. Appetite suppression was by far one of the harder ones.
There was a shade who kept talking to them, he was wondering who Sophie was exactly. And why they'd thank the hydrokinetic. There wasn't anything to it though, Sophie just wanted to thank her.
Then there was the activity for swimming. The water was a cold torrent, and it was difficult. There was someone else who was struggling- the hydrokinetic. Sophie went up to her, they wanted to help, but it was best to ask for permission first.
The hydrokinetic seemed strangely relaxed after that, as if overcoming that trial was that important to her.
The shade went up to them, asking if they wanted to know what he knew about the woods. Sophie took that chance and leapt with them.
"And you're sure I can trust you, right?" He asked, once they were alone.
"Tam... I know we can trust them."
The hydrokinetic had been silent, but then she took a step forward.
... Tam?
The hydrokinetic took off her mask. "Sophie, it's me, Linh."
Linh. Linh!
Tam turned towards ver. "That's Sophie? The person you're sharing your dream with?"
Ve nodded. "I didn't realize until they were transmitting and helping me with the water."
Sophie stood for a few more seconds, shocked. Once their brain finally processed everything, they went in and gave her a hug.
"I knew that we would meet one day," they whispered. "I'm here now."
They could see Tam looking at them with a thoughtful expression. "You helped Linh during ver toughest times. I don't know how I could thank you."
"You can help me... us."
"I can trust you," he replied. "But can I trust your friends?"
"We'll see," Linh said, finally pulling away from the hug. "What I do know is that they're going to be a big part of our lives. We've gone though a lot now, but we'll go through more together. We'll tell you what we know."
Sophie nodded. "Thank you."
"You met with the two of them by yourself?" Keefe asked.
"I needed to get the information."
"But how did you know they could he tru-"
"Keefe... I've known Linh for almost eight years, I know for a fact that I can trust her."
"Linh," Mr Forkle questioned. "Linh Song?"
They turned towards him. "How do you know who that is?"
"It's hard not to have heard of the one who accidentally flooded Atlantis," he said. "She's the one you dreamshare with, right?"
"Wait," Fitz said. "You've been dreamsharing? For eight years? How come we never knew about this?"
Sophie shrugged. "I guess I just never bothered mentioning it."
"It changes a lot," Mr Forkle added. "If ve wasn't someone trustworthy, they'd be able to utilize a lot of information about Sophie, and possible harm them more. But I also know she can be trusted."
"Did you look into my dreams?"
The dreams they shared was a private space for Sophie. For it to be intruded upon-
"I had no intention. But you do know that I was the one who would teach you things in your sleep. I wasn't able to do it during the days you dreamshared."
Oh, that made more sense.
"Linh's just like us. Children who had wrong things done to them. Ve's just trying to survive."
"If you trust ver, so do I," Biana declared.
The others nodded. "Us too."
Not once did Sophie ever think it was a mistake to trust Linh. They worked together and saved the gnomes. Ve comforted them when Keefe left for the Neverseen. They helped each other. They helped her gain better control over ver hydrokinesis, and saved Atlantis in the process. They comforted her when Tam was taken by the Neverseen.
They interacted with the natural ease that came from knowing someone for a long period of time. And Sophie knew for sure that they had a crush on Linh, and they wouldn't want to have it any other way.
Together, they all managed to defeat the Neverseen, and restore some normality to the world. With a lot of the stress gone, they found it easier to think about their feelings.
"Hey Linh?"
"I like you romantically."
She scooted closer to them, then wrapped an arm around them. "I like you too. Does that mean we date now?"
"Yeah, I'd like that."
And just because Sophie felt like it, they leaned in, and smiled when ve closed the gap between them. It took all of those years for things to get this far, and Sophie knew that there were only more things in store. But for now, they revelled in the moment.
Not adding a taglist because I did already post this before, but if you wanna be added/removed, just let me know!
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blackcherrykiss · 3 years
BLOOD BOUNDARIES - Enhypen OT7 Fanfic (ch.7)
[CH.1] [CH.2] [CH.3] [CH.4] [CH.5] [CH.6] previous chapters
[CH.8.] next chapter (unavailable, check back or follow for updates!)
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You fell into a distrustful panic that night now that knew the screams of the woods were also where Jungwon and his friends lived. You weren't sure if you should be scared for those group of boys or be scared of them. You'd be lying to yourself if you tried to believe it was only a coincidence the boys had a place in the forest of violent cries.
You questioned your sanity, were they murderers? Was that their dirty secret?
Your conclusions were endlessly dark, repeating themselves countlessly. You had never wanted to sleep away your thoughts more than ever. Eventually, you got exhausted from your thoughts. It was mentally draining to try and tear apart the possibilities of the situation, you didn't have enough evidence to be so sure. You lay in a cold sweat as you drifted off into a deep but horrible sleep.
You dreamt in full awareness. The boys with blood spilling down their hands and onto their swan white clothes. A red mess everywhere on the cream walls of an orphanage that overflowed with rays of a full moon. Although you were scared of what you were witnessing, you could not wake up even if your life depended on it. It seemed as if the dream had sped up your sleep as you woke in what felt like a few seconds. Calmly, you awoke in the misty autumn morning in a crushed up pile of blankets. You sit up to peel your wispy curtains away from the window to get a good look at the dark forest that steamed with a muddy blue fog. All of the memories of Jungwon yelling at you for just being near the woods flooded your brain as you stared. This time you were determined to search deep into that forest and get to the bottom of its mysteries as it called out to you.
"Y/N I think you're going to be late for your first class." Nana knocked before bursting into your room in full uniform, not a wrinkle on her shirt.
"Y-you're already ready? What time is it?!" You glanced back and forth between your pyjamas and uniform that draped over a random stool as you were too lazy to fold nicely the night before.
"We didn't want to wake you... So we went ahead thinking you'd come down eventually." She yanked you out of bed, gripping your forearms tightly before backing out the door, "Don't be late! We promised we'd keep out of detention this year!"
Within a blink of an eye, you slip into your uniform, slinking your arms through the holes of your blouse and adjusting your legs to be cover by your ashy plaid skirt. With your bag and binder in hand, you sprinted across your campus to the gymnasium where you found yourself arriving, everyone already in the proper athletic attire.
"You're late."  Your health teacher grit her teeth in visible disappointment. Your teacher knew how unlike you it was to be late as your classmate's eyes followed your every movement.
"P-pardon me." You clawed your fingers through your bedhead, speeding to the change room, nervous she'd assign you detention.
You let out the deep breath you were holding in as you got into the empty locker room, frustrated at yourself for waking up so late. You can't help but feel upset that you let your thoughts get the best of you and ruin your perfect attendance. Truly you were ashamed but began to see no point in continuing to rush the pace at which your day was running.
The locker room door opens and you see Kyungeun peep herself inside, "Y/N? You alright?"
You pull your boxy shirt flat down, zipping and tying every spot on your tracksuit jacket, "Yeah, sorry rough morning..."
"No worries, I just said that I had to go to the bathroom but I really just wanted to check on you." She had a motherly sound to her voice which comforted your bad start to the day. Perhaps she was in a good enough mood for you to ask her briefly about her relationship with Sunghoon.
"Kyungeun, I think I need to just clear the air... I saw you with Sunghoon in the library." You tilted your head in regret as to whether or not you were starting off the conversation in the right direction.
"Y-you saw us???" Her face drained to an unrealistic hue, "Lord... Sunghoon will kill me if he finds out you know."
"Stop! What do you mean? He'll kill you? Is it because I know that you two are dating?"
"NO! Nevermind then!" She cut you off right after the question mark in your voice. She looked rather relieved at your response which could only mean their relationship was much different than you had presumed. "I just can't tell you about our relationship I'm s-sorry it's between just us two."
"So then it's okay for him to flirt with my roommate?"
"No? Are you serious right now ?!" Kyungeun panicked.
"So you are dating?" You gave a smug smile.
"It's not that..." She was visibly frustrated not being able to describe herself in words, "I'll tell you this, I'm bound to him..." She ran her index finger along the reddened gash on her neck  He's blackmailing me."
"So you're like his pet?" You held in your laughter, you knew you should be more serious but you had no other way of trying to help Kyungeun express the gist of her relationship.
"I'll tell you another day...  Let's just go before the teacher gets mad at you for taking so long to change."
After your class full of advanced leg exercises and mediocrely fun games, you got halted by your gym teacher, "Y/N can we speak about how tardy you were today?"
You got fearful of her sentencing you detention, freezing up from your heel upwards, "I'm so sorry, I just had a lot going on last night..."
"Sweetie, I know this is your first late in my class but unfortunately the school does not tolerate tardiness in the way I believe it should be." She tapped her chin a few times, "I have no other choice but to send you to detention but it'll just be a half-hour at lunch." You felt better that it wasn't for a full hour or two after school but you were still dreading the idea.
"Can't you just let me off the hook? I promise it'll never happen again" You pleaded desperately.
"I'm afraid I cannot... If the other teachers or students knew you didn't get sent to detention I could get into trouble for giving you 'special treatment'. I know you didn't mean to love but I cannot afford to lose my job so I'll see you then." She patted one of your shoulders, giving it a little squeeze to cheer you up.
"I understand..." You nod with your head that already hung low.
"It's in the English room down the hall, there is usually only a few students there. Some familiar faces."
That rest of your morning would only pull through faster as you got some weird anxiety over walking into the detention room. You could not concentrate at all in the class you had before lunch. You felt as if you were too good for the detention group of kids, but here you were about to join those you criticized. Karma.
"Make sure to answer the questions 8-16 on page 300, you have the rest of the class to do so. Any questions?" Your physics teacher stood with his hands balled up behind his back.
Realizing you had no physics book in your bag after triple checking, you shot your arm up in distress, "ME! I forgot my textbook today... I was in a rush this morning." You faked a polite laugh with the expectation your teacher would have a spare.
"I'm afraid I don't have an extra, anyone willing to share?" The teacher lifted his head to scan the class.
"I could share." Jaeyun winked making your face recoil
"Perfect! You'll probably have to move your stuff to his seat then." Your teacher suggested.
With a thick coat of disappointment, you pulled a chair up to Jaeyun's desk to which he kneed you annoyingly.
Within just a few seconds of settling down, you complained "How the hell am I supposed to write? There is no space... Desks are made for ONE person."
"Okay then don't use my textbook and fall behind" He sneered.
"Wait wait, I just had the greatest idea Jaeyun." He gave you puppy eyes when you said his name, "What if you look for half the answers I do the other half then exchange?" You whispered so the teacher could hear.
"I can't trust you make good answers though..." He jokingly sighed.
"HEY! Okay or work together for every question to get it done twice as fast? Oh wait but then I'll be the one carrying the team... Bummer..." You stretched the corners of your mouth until your lips disappeared.
"I honestly don't feel like doing work so lose-lose." He pouted and rolled his eyes.
"Same... I can't even focus, I'm having a rough morning..." You openly admitted, "I got sent to detention for being late in my first class."
"Detention? Didn't think you were the type." Jaeyun had an unexpectedly sweet giggle which contrasted with his lower tone voice, "Heeseung and Sunghoon get sent often, surprised they aren't kicked out of the school."
"They get sent often?!" Your voice rose to which you quickly quieted down to avoid trouble, "Will I see them there?"
"Why? Looking forward to going now?" Jaeyun whispered with a grin, causing you to scoff.
"As if..." A sudden idea coming to mind, "Say Jaeyun... About the party... Heard you guys have a place in the woods...?" You became aware that you could pry some information out of him that would help you when searching the woods that night.
"Yeah, we do... We don't normally tell people about it." He said casually yet still with some sort of caution.
"So why tell us then?"
"Haven't had any visitors in a while..." Jaeyun toyed with his mechanical pencil, using the plastic part to trace around his lips, "Awfully interested aren't you?" He seemed to have caught on to your intentions, shifting the mood of the conversation around in a full 180.
Suddenly the dream you had earlier slipped into mind, causing you to sit in growing discomfort, "What do you want from my friends and I?"
"Nothing sweetheart... We're more interested in you than your dormmates. You look like someone we know." He laughed like a psycho and it creeped you out how the two of you were just poking lighthearted jokes to something much darker and mysterious, "I know you're afraid of us, you know far more than most girls." His voice dropped to a whisper as he watched the teacher behind you to make sure he didn't see the both of you slacking.
"Kyungeun knows your secrets too she said she'll tell me."
"She's acting like we don't know her secrets." Jaeyun closed his textbook, "Y/N just remember this, Kyungeun is half as bad as we are and half as pure as you are."
"Alright class, that's it for today's class. This textbook assignment won't be due until Friday have a good lunch." The teacher interrupted, causing your conversation with Jaeyun to end on a hanging note.
"Good luck with detention."Jaeyun hushed in your ear.
p.s, i changed the cover lol don’t make fun of my photoshop skills!
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itsscrystal · 4 years
One shot: Three is the magic number.
Osamu x fem!reader
a/n: idk if this makes sense but suddenly this came out?? hopefully it doesn’t seem as bad
warnings: cursing, angst, mentions of someone dying, but it’s a happy ending at the end so...
summary: is Osamu a lucky man? while he couldn’t end up with [l/n] [y/n] for the first two lives, maybe things would be better for his third life. afterall, three is the magic number, right?
Osamu never knew he could be so lucky.
To be able to marry the love of his life, [l/n] [y/n]. Their families have always been close. One day, their parents have decided that uniting the two prestigious families, Miya and [l/n], would be a good idea. Hence the arranged marriage between their two youngest children— Miya Osamu and [l/n] [y/n].
This wedding felt like a dream. He was so happy that he could finally stop hiding his blush whenever he saw her. To be able to stand next to her, not as her friend, but as her husband.
When he took a sip of sake with [y/n], love in his eyes, he was already looking forward to spending the rest of his life with her. He knew, this moment where they both made eye contact shyly over the rim of the cup, will be etched in his mind forever.
One moment. He didn’t know what happened. He only knew he blinked his eyes, at the same time admiring [y/n]’s flutter of eyelashes, when the bright orange flames licked her and everywhere.
“F-Fire! Put it out!” His twin’s panicked voice reached him. His hands let go of the wooden cup as he raced to save his beloved.
Orange. It was all he could see. Where is everyone? Why can’t he see anyone? Where is his wife?
He could only feel intense heat burning around him as he reached out in the direction of his love. Relief flowed in his veins as he felt one hand clutching his.
“[y/n]-sama? Is that you?” Osamu cried. Moving closer, he realised it was not her, but his twin. “We gotta go! `Samu, hurry!” Atsumu tugged on his hand. “B-But [y/n]-sama?” “Save yer life first! We can talk about her later!” Choking on the smoke burning on the wood of the shrine, he was dragged through the flames unwillingly, his hoarse voice calling for her.
It was only later when he was away from the site he looked hard for [y/n]. No, no, where is she! Fear fuelling his heavy legs, he ran back towards the flaming shrine, only to see a glimpse of [y/n] in it.
She didn’t make it.
“NO!” Osamu screamed and was about to take another step when he felt his twin pulling him back. “Yer not going back! I will not let ya die!”
I love you.
That was all Osamu could see on her face as she slowly disappeared from sight.
No, no…
“They’ve tried. They told us that there’s no way they can go back and save [y/n]-sama too. The fire was too big then. `Samu, I-I’m sorry for yer lost…”
Osamu never knew he could be so unlucky.
Osamu never knew he could be so lucky.
What are the odds that his best friend, [l/n] [y/n] would kiss her? None. Unless she’s in love with him too.
Osamu tried to quieten the pounding of his heart as he looked at the now-knocked-out girl. Earlier during the evening, as both their parents are out for a business trip, his brother, Atsumu, has decided to invite their friend over for dinner. As well as to raid the expensive cabinet of liquor at home.
Looking at his twin lying on the couch, dead to the world, he decided to just leave him there and carried [y/n] into his bedroom. Technically, he shares his bedroom with `Tsumu, but now it’s just HIS room.
I want to sleep on my bed too… I’ll just put her on `Tsumu’s bed. For a while.
Next morning, he woke up to two people talking. With his eyes shut, he decided to eavesdrop a little.
“[y/n]! So you’re here after all!”
“`Tsumu? Oh my god I actually slept on your bed I’msorryI’msorry—”
“Why are yer sorry? I like it.”
“I mean it. I like seeing ya on my bed. I’ve been wanting to tell ya this for a while. I think I like you, [y/n].”
“Damn, luckily I’m not the only one. Dummy, I love ya too.”
What’s going on..?
“I thought you liked `Samu…?”
“What? I know both of ya look the same, but I like you. Not `Samu. Well… Unless you don’t like me…”
“No! I like yer too! A lot!”
Osamu was glad he chose to face the wall instead of `Tsumu’s bed. Because he could not stop tears from leaking out of his eyes.
Osamu never knew he could be so unlucky.
Osamu wasn’t sure if he was lucky or not.
Having a twin that has an identical face as him, seemed to bring more trouble than he wants.
Firstly, it did not help that his twin, Atsumu, was known for his bad boy reputation in school. This made teachers mistake him as his brother. Hence, he was often scolded and targetted by many of them.
<Well, while Atsumu was the residential bad boy, Osamu was the shyer, quieter twin that has way better grades and conduct. Pity people can’t seem to differentiate both of them, despite the very obvious difference in hair colour. He thought that if he could convince `Tsumu to bleach his hair piss-yellow, things might change. Apparently not.>
Secondly, of course his brother’s girls kept finding him. He’s tired of telling people repeatedly that No, I didn’t sleep with you last night. No, I’m not Miya Atsumu, but his twin Miya Osamu. No, I’m not interested in that. Yes, I like staying normal. If only people can just leave him alone! Or maybe stop identifying him as his brother.
While he loves his brother a lot, this is starting to become annoying and bothersome.
So his response to the girl was “No, I’m not Miya Atsumu. Please go away.” when she came to him and proclaimed her love for him. “I know?” She replied in confusion, head tilted to one side.
“Yep. You must’ve gotten the wrong Miya twin. That’s right. Good bye.” Placing his books neatly into his bag, he quickly grabbed it and left the library. Sheesh, can’t he get a little break from all the annoying girls? He just wants to study and get a nice grade for the test tomorrow!
“I mean, I know. That you’re Miya Osamu, not Miya Atsumu. Both of you have different hair colours. I have eyes that are working fine, okay?”
Osamu was surprised. Okay, someone finally identifying the right guy. “Uh, so what did you say earlier?”
She huffed in annoyance. “That my name is [l/n] [y/n] and I LIKE YOU. I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU.” Osamu wasn’t sure how to reply to her confession. Not like he had much experience with this kind of thing. “Uh… Okay? What do I say next?”
Osamu nervously pushed up his glasses that are beginning to slip down his nose. “I-I mean...”
“Let’s be friends?” [y/n] finally spoke. Osamu couldn’t help but shiver a little. When did her voice sound so good? “O-Okay.” Osamu nodded and then exchanged numbers with her. Maybe she'll be my study partner. It’s kind of lonely to study alone.
“And that’s it.” Osamu said. “What? Are ya serious? Lame!” His twin, Atsumu cried. “Ya need to bring her to a date. Ya can’t meet up just to study!”
“But all I do is study…” Osamu muttered. “What am I supposed to do…?”
“Easy! The movies!” “`Tsumu the last time I went to watch a movie I slept through it as I finished the popcorn.”
Atsumu was stuck. He wasn’t sure what to tell his brother. What he usually does can’t really be applied to Osamu. “Do ya like her though? Are there any feelings? Any spark?” “Are ya stupid? This ain’t some fairytale.” “Don’t ignore my question! Hey why are you hitting me with your pillow? Wait yer blushing—”
Osamu had decided to meet up with [y/n] again. This time, he decided to listen to his twin’s suggestion. Watch a movie. Yes. A movie.
Breathe in, breathe out. You will not sleep during the movie. Eat your popcorn slowly. Or drink water. Yes. You’ve brought two litres of water for this.
“I’m here!”
Osamu unconsciously smiled as he looked at his phone. Wait, why is he smiling at your text?
Looking around, he spotted [y/n] and took a moment to admire her. In a pink sweater and jeans, she’d never looked so good to him. Is it her fashion? Maybe that’s why she looks so good now.
He was about to wave and call her name when he saw a flash of piss-yellow colour. His brother, the more popular twin, Atsumu walked towards her and slung an arm around her shoulders. “What’s a pretty girl like ya doing here without a date? Your name’s [y/n], right?”
<how does he know her? scratch that— for his pea-sized brain, how does he remember almost every girl’s name?>
Osamu wanted to turn around and walk back to the campus. Maybe he should just text her and tell her he’s not feeling well…
“Sorry, Atsumu-san, can you remove your arm? I feel quite uncomfortable like that.” [y/n] boldly pushed his arm away before continuing, “well, I’m meeting Osamu-san. Do you know where is he? He hasn't replied to my text yet.”
“Are ya serious? He actually agreed to this? He hates—” “Hiya [y/n]-san.” Osamu decided to intervene before Atsumu could continue. “`Samu! It’s her? Oh my gosh FINALLY.” “Huh?” Both Osamu and [y/n] stared at Atsumu in confusion. “Nothing!”
“Oh! [y/n]-san do you want to go on a date with me? `Cause I’ve never seen anyone so pretty~” Atsumu suddenly asked. Osamu had never wanted to hit Atsumu so much. That jerk even winked at her cheekily and had flipped on what Osamu mentally called the flirting switch.
“Uh Atsumu-san…”
Osamu was panicking inside. Maybe [y/n] had given up on him and not liked him anymore. No! He was planning to—
“No thanks but she’s with me because I like her too just like how she likes me so now scram before I punch you you knew she’s the one I liked how can you `Tsumu I’m even willing to watch a movie like a movie and not study—”
“Woah! Woah. I didn’t know ya could speak so much `Samu! I was just joking ya know…”
“So you like me too?” [y/n] tugged on his sleeve and asked. “I-I…” Osamu couldn’t stop the flush on his face. Oh my god why did I choose this time to confess this is not what I’ve planned…
“Well, I’ve got to say, unlike you, I do not like her that way. So hurry up and say yes you idiot!” Atsumu whined and stomped his feet impatiently. “Yeah… I like you too [y/n].” Osamu replied and then tugged her into his arms. “So, uh, what movie are we— I mean just ME and [Y/N]— watching again?”
“Okay, I got the hint. I’m leaving y’all now! Have a good date~” Atsumu rolled his eyes and then screeched “`Samu REMEMBER TO KISS HER AFTERWARDS OKAY”
“SHUT UP YOU PISS HEAD” Osamu shouted.
Well, one is sure: at the end of the movie, Osamu had a girlfriend— [y/n].
Hmm… Well, Osamu can consider himself a lucky man, I guess.
“Aww… At least the guy got to be with the girl! Like in his third life,” Komori Motoya sighed and then gasped. “Wait! Miya-san! Look! He looks a bit like you!”
“HUH?” Miya Atsumu, one of the setters invited to the All-Japan Youth Camp, screeched. “From what you’ve just said, are you cursing me?”
“No! I’m just stating a comment. The image the author attached at the end of the story features the guy and girl in the story. Apparently she drew this up and said that she imagined them looking like that.”
“Hmm… It looks a little like Miya-san but not really. The hair colour isn’t piss-coloured…” Kageyama muttered.
Unfortunately, Atsumu heard that. “Oi! Tobio-kun, you’ll hurt my feelings like that! My hair colour is the definition of cool and beautiful. It’s not that bad!” Coming closer to peer over Komori’s shoulder, he squinted at the phone screen. “You’re right… He does look like me… But since it’s such a sad story, I’m going to say it’s `Samu! Not me!”
“Who?” Komori asked.
“`Samu. The obviously not-so-cool twin. Here’s a picture.”
“You sure he’s not as cool? To be honest, his hair colour is nicer than yours…” Kageyama frowned.
“Tobio-kun! Not you too!”
“See? That’s why I rather talk to the other Miya and not you, Miya.” Sakusa Kiyoomi’s voice could be heard as clear as day, even though he was standing ten metres away from everyone.
“Hey! Not you too Omi-kun!”
“And I’ve said not to call me that, Miya.”
a/n: in case y’all are still confused: the story about Osamu is actually a story Komori read online. thank you for reading this !! likes and reblogs are appreciated :)
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bbugyu · 4 years
in your dreams + lee seokmin
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your lifetime best friend visits you in a less than pg dream.
wc.7413 | fluff, mentions of sex, potty mouths across the board, hs/friends to lovers au, fem reader
i finally am posting a fic about one of my ults haha! this is also a recycled/reworked fic from my old blog so if you've read something similar to this before no you haven't <3
Mornings were never your strong suit. You always hit snooze as many times as possible, rushed to get your uniform on and fix your hair, then ran out the door with a piece of toast. You knew you’d feel less tired if you just woke up at a decent time, had a proper meal, and got ready like a real human being, but staying in bed felt so much better for those few luxurious moments. There was no stopping your bed bug habits, especially after being accepted into university. Suddenly, getting to school on time was the last thing on your mind when you were swimming under your covers.
You always knew you would make it when you caught up to Seokmin. He lived a block up from you, and he always turned up for class exactly three minutes early. If you saw him, you knew you’d be okay.
Today, he was much further ahead of you than he normally was. So, you sprinted past his house, earbuds in and chewing on your breakfast that you hadn't even managed to toast, hoping you would see his familiar form when you turned the corner a couple blocks down.
Sure enough, as you skidded around the corner, you spotted him at the end of the street. You let out a groan, already winded, before shoving the rest of your bread in your mouth and running towards him. You flew past him and pulled out the earbuds when you were a few yards ahead, bent over with your hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath. He laughed as he caught up to you.
“You’re later than usual.”
You wiped your nose on the back of your hand. “Really? I hadn't noticed.” You fell into stride next to him, still breathing heavily while you straightened out your skirt. “I swear if we're running in gym today, I’m going to fake a migraine.”
He watched you pull your ponytail tighter. “Did you run the entire way?”
When you nodded, he got a plastic water bottle out of his bag and handed it to you. “Oh, god, you’re the best,” you said, drinking from it. “Water tastes so good.”
Seokmin laughed as you chugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. “That means you're dehydrated.”
“I’ll buy you another bottle when we get there,” you said after you drained the one he gave you. “Thanks.”
“You should’ve tried for the track team this year,” he said teasingly, nudging you with his elbow. 
You laughed. “I’d only do well if you’re at the finish line, yelling at me that I’ll be late.”
“I would have done it, but you better break some school records if I’m doing that much work.”
You liked Seokmin. Your mothers were good friends, forcing the two of you to play together while they talked when you were barely potty trained. Lucky for them, you got along well, and lucky for you, you ended up in the same class all the way through elementary school. You had been worried when you entered high school that he would grow out of having “girl friends,” as many of the guys did, but he never stopped hanging out with you. He continued to walk home with you, at least as far as his house. He still helped you with your homework, even when he was just as confused about the mathematics problem. He kept the promise he made you when you were little tots.
“Seokminnie,” you had said, tiny hands covered in markings from your colored pens. “Can we be best friends forever?”
He had given you the biggest smile his six-year-old face could manage. “Yes! Best friends forever.”
You walked into the classroom and put the bottle of water you had just purchased on Seokmin’s desk, letting out a “thanks again” as you passed. He saluted you as you walked to your seat, then went back to his conversation with his friends. You could hear them teasing him as you put your bag down.
As the two of you grew older, you gained more friends of the same sex. It didn’t stop you from calling Seokmin your best friend, but it seemed natural to have a different group to hang out with at school, one you could go to the bathroom and fawn over boys with. However, whenever the two of you interracted within eyeshot of any of them, they seemed to insinuate that the two of you should be something more than friends.
“You know who’s handsome?” Haseul said once. “Seokmin.”
Sooyoung giggled. “Watch out, somebody already has dibs.”
You rolled your eyes. “Stop it. We’ve been friends since diapers.”
“How romantic,” Haseul swooned. “Childhood friends turned lovers!”
You threw your pencil at her, and she laughed as she deflected it. "Guys and girls can be friends, you know!"
From what you could tell, Seokmin’s friends did the same to him, teasing him endlessly about his girlfriend, even though you had spent plenty of time with them by proxy.
“You look like hell,” Sooyoung said as you sat down in your usual seat behind hers. “Late again?”
You laughed, tucking a loose hair behind your ear. “Thanks. Yeah, I had to run to catch up today.”
“Thank god for your oppa, huh?”
“Ugh, don’t call him that,” you said, covering a yawn.
“Ah,” Haseul exhaled to your right, straightening out her notebook. “Is ‘jagiya’ better, then?”
You hit her shoulder and she yelped, making Sooyoung laugh. They started talking about something else and you stole a peek over to Seokmin’s desk. He had his face buried in a hand, being prodded by his friends. His eyes opened and he noticed you. You sneakily pointed a finger gun under your chin and he stifled a laugh, which set off his friends again when they realized he was looking in your direction. You would have to apologize later for triggering his torment
When classes ended, you found Seokmin waiting for you by the school gate. Sooyoung cooed at the two of you from a distance, making you roll your eyes as you straightened the straps of your bookbag.
“They’re relentless,” you said.
Seokmin groaned, throwing his head back in agreement. “Has it been especially bad recently for you, too?”
“It's springtime,” you laughed. “They want to watch a pretty romance blossom with the flowers.”
“Someone should tell them to stop watching so many dramas.”
You ended up at his house, reading a webcomic on your phone while he played a computer game. Afternoons were often spent like this. You were sprawled out on his bed, mindlessly crunching on a bag of chips, when he suddenly let out an expletive and dropped the controller on his desk.
You looked up, then read out the red text that was splattered across the dark screen. “You died.”
He spun in his chair. “Yeah.” He pulled the chair towards you and stole the bag, shoving a handful of Fritos into his mouth. “Whatcha reading?”
You looked at your phone. “Slice of life romance. It’s cute, I like the art style.”
He nodded, chewing slowly. He was obviously thinking of something else, even as he was staring at you, but you didn’t blame him for having other things on his mind.
When you looked up at him again, he suddenly dropped the bag by your side and turned back to his computer, scooting his chair as he did. You tucked your hand into the bag of chips and went back to your comic. You ended up going home for dinner, messaging Seokmin when you made it back to your house.
You found yourself in his room again that night, this time the details warped. You spent so much time with Seokmin, it wasn't uncommon for him to appear in your dreams, but this context was entirely new for you.
He crowded you, filling your personal space, his fingertips tracing lace patterns on your bare shoulders. A hand found its way to the back of your neck, tipping your head to let him place delicate kisses on your lips that left you breathless. Every time his mouth found yours, a shock of electricity ran down your spine, the tingling settling in your core. He caressed you, held you, laid you out on his bed. Your understanding of the situation was blurred by the dreamscape, but you liked it. In this reality, you liked him. And you liked what he was doing to you. You even liked it when his thumbs grazed over the peaks of your bare breasts, when he sucked bruises onto your neck, when you felt the pressure of his erection filling you. 
He muttered your name into your lips. “I love you.
Your legs were wrapped around him, hands desperately pulling him close. You gasped. “God, I love you, too.”
You woke up suddenly, sitting up in bed with your heart pounding. It took you a moment to recognize the sound of your alarm clock, and you hurriedly shut it off. You were sweating. You kicked off your covers and swung your legs over the edge of your bed, staring down at your hands.
Was that a wet dream?
You felt your already hot face turn red. Not only was it a wet dream, but it was about Seokmin. An involuntary shiver ran up your body, remembering the torturous detail that your imagination had held you hostage for.
Unsure of what to do with yourself, you rushed to the bathroom to splash cold water on your face. The feeling of his hands ghosted up your torso, and you stomped your feet slightly in an attempt to ward off the strange sensation.
It was just a dream, you told yourself. But... it had felt so real.
With nothing else to occupy yourself with, you got ready for school. You spent a long time staring at yourself in the mirror, fixing and re-fixing your half up-do. You couldn’t remember the last time you had this much time to get ready. The time felt empty, somehow. Your mother saw that you were awake and excitedly fried an egg to put over rice for you. The metal spoon lingered in your mouth as you stared into space. 
“I love you,” he had said. His voice had been low, gravelly, a tone you had never heard before. You shuddered.
“Are you okay?”
You snapped to attention, looking up to your mother. “What?”
She pouted. “You look feverish.”
“Ah,” you felt your cheek. It was hot. “I’m fine.”
“Be careful of hay fever,” she said, clearing her own place at the table. “Your father has bad seasonal allergies, too.”
As you left the house, you realized that you would have to walk right past Seokmin’s. Panic stricken, you wondered if you should start walking faster to make it past and avoid him, or if he had already left. You checked the time on your phone, realizing that he would probably be leaving soon. 
Your legs moved as fast as they could without running. If you made it past his house before he left, you wouldn’t have to face him until you had more time to process. But, as you were about to pass, the front door opened.
“Ah!” Seokmin waved to you. “You’re early.”
Externally, you smiled and waved. Internally, you collapsed into yourself.
“Your hair looks nice,” he said, patting your head. “Did you actually wake up properly today?”
You nodded, trying not to wince at his touch. “For the first time ever, I didn’t want to go back to sleep when my alarm went off.”
“Wow,” he laughed as you walked beside him. “I’m impressed.”
You had never seen Seokmin as anything but a brother. Your best friend. Someone you had been close with since childhood. Now, you looked over to him and couldn’t help but see his naked body hovering over yours. Your heart raced as you stared at your feet, all while he told you about the complex lore of the game he had been playing the day before.
It was unbearable.
Your friends would be no help. You knew better than to confide in them - they had already been so convinced that the two of you should hook up, if you said anything that hinted at some subconscious attraction you might have towards Seokmin, they would never let you live it down. You spent the entire day avoiding him, thinking that if you allowed yourself time to forget the dream, things would go back to normal. But when you saw him with his friends by the school gate at the end of the day, your stomach flipped in your gut and you felt your pulse quicken. You thought about walking past them, blending in with Sooyoung and Haseul, hoping he would be distracted with their conversation, but you had no such luck.
“Hey!” Seokmin waved you over. “The guys wanted to get some food, you in?”
“Uh,” you looked over to your friends for help. They stared back at you.
Mingyu spoke up. “You two are welcome, too, obviously.”
“Sure,” Sooyoung said. “It’s Friday, why not.”
Haseul nodded, and you were dragged along with them to a small restaurant a few blocks down. This had happened a few times before, where the two of your friend groups went out together. The six of you crowded around a table, everyone hungrily picking at the side dishes while you waited for the stew to boil in the center of the table. After getting a consensus from the table, Mingyu got the attention of a waitress.
“Unnie! Could we please get some ramen noodles, also?”
“And more kimchi,” Seokmin muttered, shoving a scoop of rice in his mouth.
“And more kimchi,” Mingyu repeated. “Thank you!”
Sooyoung laughed. “You guys sure like to eat well.”
“We’re growing boys,” Seokmin said. 
The dried noodles got added to the stew, and you took it upon yourself to break it up as it boiled, mixing it in with the army stew. Mingyu was the first to steal some of the cooked noodles, slurping them down and grabbing bits of meat from the stew as he chewed. 
“Oh, it tastes really good,” he said, leaning back. “It never tastes this good when it’s just us guys.”
Haseul laughed as she took a spoonful of the broth. “It can sense your fear.”
“Hey,” Seokmin nudged you with his elbow, sticking a folded bit of meat and kimchi in your face with his chopsticks. “Eat up.”
This was a normal gesture, you tried to remind yourself. This was something he did all the time when you went out to eat. You always distracted yourself so much with cooking the food, you hardly ate anything, and Seokmin always made sure you enjoyed the meal with everyone else. But the action felt strangely intimate today, and your leg bobbed nervously as you chewed. It reminded you of the electricity you had felt when he touched you.
In your dream, you reminded yourself. When he touched you in your dream.
“The three of us will split the bill,” Minghao said when all the food had all been devoured.
“Eh?” Sooyoung looked at you, then back to the boy across from her. “We can pay for ourselves.”
“No no no,” Seokmin insisted. “We’ve already discussed it. We invited you three out, so we’re paying.”
“Wow, what gentlemen,” Haseul giggled. “Thanks for the food!”
You and Sooyoung repeated the thanks, the boys saying that it was no big deal. The three pooled their money to cover check, then met you girls outside the restaurant.
“I should study for that quiz on Monday,” you said when the conversation started to die down. 
“Ugh, you’re no fun,” Mingyu groaned. “I don’t want to think about school all weekend.”
Haseul laughed. “Good luck failing, then.”
You threw up a peace sign, backing up towards the road that led to your neighborhood. “Thanks for the food, guys!”
“Seokmin-ah,” Minghao nodded to him. “You coming over?”
Seokmin shook his head and started to follow you. “I should get help studying while I can. Tomorrow?”
You waved to your friends as they headed in the direction of their own homes. Seokmin fell into step beside you as you trotted down the steep alley that was a shortcut towards your street. His hands stuffed in his pockets, as usual. You tucked your thumbs under the straps of your book bag, examining your feet as you walked.
“I love you,” he had said. For some reason, the dreamy sound of his voice wouldn’t get out of your head. The words rattled in your skull; you could almost feel a headache coming on in response to it. The two of you walked in near-silence the entire way.
“Do you wanna come in?” He asked as you approached his house. 
You distracted your fingers with the hem of your shirt. “Ah, maybe not today.”
“Eh?” He punched your shoulder. “Why not? I wanna play Mario Kart.”
You laughed shortly, hoping he wasn’t noticing your blush. “I was serious about studying, Seokmin.”
“Well, come on, then.” He tugged on your arm, pulling you towards the front door. “We can study and then play Mario Kart.”
Unable to find a worthy excuse, you let him pull you through the front door. You slipped off your shoes, greeting his mom and waving to his sister, both of whom were practically family for you, but the interaction felt stilted in your current state. The two of you escaped to Seokmin’s room, where he dropped his bag on the floor and pulled a folding table out of his closet. Trying to not act as awkward as you felt, you busied yourself by messaging your mother on kakao to let her know you would be at the Lee household for a while. You thought about sitting on his bed, but you were hit with a sudden flashback of being pushed down onto it. You picked at your nails instead.
Seokmin quickly set up the short table in the middle of the room, then situated himself at one of the sides, pulling his bag closer to get his school things out. You hesitated before you sat across from him, back to his bed, tucking your legs under you and flattening your skirt.
“You’re acting weird,” he said suddenly. 
You looked at him, wide eyed. “What do you mean?”
“It’s been all day, but don’t know how to describe it,” he said, leaning back on his hands and furrowing his brow at you. “It’s weird. You’re acting… timid.”
You tried to laugh it off, but it sounded unconvincing even to yourself. “You’re crazy.”
He laughed at you. “You know it, too. You’re acting weird but you’re trying so hard not to.”
You groaned, putting your forehead on the table. “Leave me alone.”
“So... are you gonna tell me why?”
You adjusted onto your chin, eyeing him. “I said leave me alone.”
“C’mon, aren’t we supposed to be best friends?” He reached over and poked your forehead. “Tell me what’s up.”
You exhaled while you got up onto your elbows, rubbing your face. “I don’t know. I don’t really want to talk about it with you.”
Seokmin’s eyebrows furrowed again. “Is it really that serious? Are you okay?”
You laughed, despite how incredibly nervous you felt. “It’s nothing serious, I promise. It’s stupid, really.”
“Now I’m worried,” he whined.
“How about that quiz, huh?” You said, pulling notebooks out of your book bag. He whined at you again, but complied and retrieved his own study supplies. He allowed an hour to pass before he brought it up again.
“Do you have a crush on someone?”
Your pencil clattered on the table when you fumbled with it. “What? No! What the hell?”
He squinted at you. “Is it Minghao?”
“Min, seriously,” you rubbed your face again. “I don’t have a crush.”
“You’re lying.”
You laughed incredulously. “I’m not!”
He studied you a moment. “You have a tell,” he said finally. “I’ve always known when you’re lying.”
You were sure the color washed from your face. Always? Surely that couldn’t be true. Besides, you really weren’t lying this time. “Seokmin. I don’t have a crush.”
“Liar,” he said after a beat. “You were being weird when we went out for food. Minghao?”
“No,” you said, suddenly nervous.
He squinted at you. “Mingyu?”
You rolled your eyes. This was insane. “No.”
He paused. “Haseul?”
You laughed. “You think I’m gay, now?”
“Well, who else?” He asked, exasperated. “Me?”
“No way.”
He stared at you a moment, clockwork moving behind his eyes. “Oh my God.”
You frowned. “What?”
“You have a crush on me.”
“You’re crazy.”
He pointed at you. “You chewed on the inside of your cheek. That’s your tell. You did it just now.”
You stared at him, your tongue running to the side of your mouth. He was right. The inside of your cheek was raw from the nervous habit. You stuttered. “Min, I swear, it’s not a crush, but I really don’t want to talk about this with you.”
“How long?” He asked, slouched over the table, watching you closely.
“Listen to what I’m saying, idiot.” You pointed at your lips for good measure as you enunciated each syllable. “It’s. Not. A. Crush.”
He exhaled and leaned back on his hands. “Then what is it? I’m not gonna stop until you tell me.”
You whined, dropping your head onto the table. “God, this is a nightmare.”
He poked at your head. “Tell me.” You whined in response. “Tell me!”
“Fine!” You said, sitting up and slapping away his hand. “I’ll tell you. But you better not tell another soul, Seokmin. Swear on your life.”
He crossed his heart. “I swear.”
You sighed deeply, leaning back, avoiding eye contact. “I had a dream last night.”
Seokmin watched you. “Wow, I got chills.”
You threw your pencil at him. “Shut up, I’m getting to it.” You exhaled again. “I had a dream about you last night, and it was… confusing.”
“Confusing how?”
You looked over at him. “Confusing… like, I don't know how I feel about it. It was… charged. Sexually.”
He stared at you blankly for a second. “Wait-”
You groaned and collapsed onto the floor, already regretting saying anything. “This is a nightmare.”
“Wait wait wait,” Seokmin’s hand hit the table. “You had-”
“This sucks!”
“-A sex dream-”
“Shut up!”
“About me?”
You groaned. “This is why I didn't want to talk about this.”
He picked up your pencil off the floor, laughing. “Wet dreams happen. Why do you feel so weird about it?”
“What,” you said, straightening out your shirt as you sat up. “You wouldn’t feel weird if you had a sex dream about me?”
“Well, I mean,” he paused, fiddling with the pencil. "I have. Had them about you, I mean."
You stared at him, cheeks burning. “What?”
He laughed, looking down. “I’m a guy,” he said, nervously folding the corner of his notebook. “And you’re pretty. I can’t control my subconscious.”
“Pretty,” you repeated.
“Yeah, I mean, obviously.” He shrugged. “That’s not a secret, or anything.”
“Right.” You nodded slowly, “So you’ve dreamt about… us.”
“Not on purpose,” he said, fussing with his notebook still. “But, yeah.”
“I guess that makes sense,” you said sheepishly. “We spend a lot of time together.”
He nodded, pointedly tapping the table with your pencil’s eraser. “Yeah, that probably has a lot to do with it. Was this the first time for you?”
“With you, yeah.” You pouted. "I know I've had them before, but I never really remember them like this."
Seokmin chuckled. “Well, I’m flattered.”
There was a pause between you two, but it wasn’t as uncomfortable as you expected it to be.
“So,” you swallowed. “Are yours just fucking, or…”
“More than that?”
You nodded, staring at your hands.
“It depends,” he laughed nervously. “Sometimes they freak me out a little bit, actually.”
You chewed on your lip. “This one freaked me out.”
He shifted, obviously wanting to ask about it, but not knowing how. You took the hint.
“It was really… intimate,” you said quietly. “Like,” you paused, studying the wall. You put your hands up, palms together. “Like, looking-deep-in-your-eyes intimate.”
He stared at you. You cleared your throat nervously.
“You said you loved me.”
He exhaled. “Damn.”
“And I said it back.”
“Like…” he trailed off, gesturing.
You nodded. “During.”
“Wow,” he flipped the pencil around his thumb. “That’s a lot more than just fucking.”
“No kidding.”
“So,” he started after a long pause, then cleared his throat. “That’s why you've been acting weird?”
You groaned. “Yeah, it’s all I’ve been thinking about all day.”
He stifled a laugh. “It was that good, huh?”
“Shut up,” you giggled, despite how embarrassed his implication made you feel. “I don't know. Every time I see you now, I see that dream in my head. It's awkward.”
“Does that mean…” he paused, tapping your pencil again, his eyes wandering around his room. “You’re imagining me naked?”
“Ugh!” Your hands covered your face. “Well, now I am, you asshole!”
He laughed. “For what it’s worth, I have to pretend that I’m not imagining you naked way more often than I’d like to admit.”
Your fingers slid down your face, uncovering your eyes so you could stare at him. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah, I mean,” he dropped the pencil on the table. “Like, yesterday. When you were reading that comic on your phone?”
You nodded slowly, flattening your skirt against your thighs.
“It reminded me of this dream I had once, where you showed me a hentai and wanted to act it out with me.”
Your jaw dropped. “What the fuck?”
He laughed. “Listen, I don’t come up with this stuff on purpose.”
“How long ago was that dream?”
Seokmin thought a moment. “A few weeks ago?”
You eyed him. “How often do these dreams happen?”
He shifted. “I… I don’t know.”
“You’re lying, but I’ll let it go,” you said, sitting back and leaning against his bed.
He laughed. “Thanks.”
You watched him a moment as he stared at his fingers, fiddling with your pencil again. You suddenly remembered the way his lips had felt against yours. You had never really paid much attention to them before, but when you examined them now, you realized how full they were. They formed a sweet heart, you thought, and you wondered if they felt as velvety as they looked. You spent too long staring at his lips, you had to stop yourself from biting your own.
Seokmin exhaled and held out your pencil. “Back to studying, I guess?”
You blinked. “Right. Yeah.”
His brow raised while you took the pencil from him. “What was that?”
“What was what?”
He laughed. “You were looking at me really weird.”
You examined your pencil. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Seriously.” He cocked his head at you, a smile teasing his lips.
“Stop that,” you muttered, pouting. “I don’t like that I’m noticing you like that.”
“Like what?”
“Like,” you scoffed for a second, unable to believe yourself. “Like not my brother. Or best friend. I’ve been noticing you. As a man. All day. It’s weird and I can’t stop it.”
“As a man?” 
You looked up. Seokmin’s brows were furrowed, but his expression was still gentle. You felt your heart quicken. You screwed your eyes shut. “I’m going to do something. I want you to be totally honest about it after it happens, okay?”
Before you could change your mind, you steadied yourself as you leaned over the table, planting your lips on his.
And you stopped. And he stopped. And you felt electricity run down your spine.
Then time started again, and you pulled away slightly, your eyes opening to find him staring at you.
“I-I’m sorry,” you stuttered. “Was that-”
His hand reached up to you, pulling you back into him with a gentle grip on the back of your neck. This time, his lips moved against yours. You immediately settled into him, goosebumps forming on your arms when you felt his tongue brush against yours. When the pace slowed, he let out a hot breath, and you rested your forehead against his.
He laughed. “Holy shit.”
A giggle escaped your lips. “Yeah.”
“I,” he laughed again. “I’m not gonna lie to you. I have a raging boner.”
You couldn’t stop yourself from looking down, immediately noticing the tent in his pants. You sputtered out a laugh. “Oh my god, Min. You’re such a romantic.”
“Listen!” His hand moved from your nape to your jaw. “That was… A lot. I didn’t realize that kissing you would be like that.”
You smiled gently. You’d never seen his eyes this close before. “Me neither.”
“Like,” he paused. “Is it always like that? Or are we just… insanely compatible?”
You giggled. “I’ve never had a kiss that felt that good.”
“One second,” he said, adjusting himself quickly and standing. He stepped around the table and put out a hand to help you to your feet. “Can we continue?”
You giggled as you stood, straightening your skirt with your free hand. “Yeah, I think I want to.”
He placed his hands on your waist hesitantly. The touch was new. Different, but not unpleasant. You settled your arms on his shoulders, and he dipped down to kiss you again. It was exploratory, almost nervous, but you both settled into a rhythm quickly. You found your hand burying itself in the hair above his nape, and he pulled your hips into him. You gasped slightly, surprised by the unfamiliar feeling of his clothed hard on against your pelvis.
“Too much?” He asked breathlessly, pulling away.
You shook your head and pulled him back onto your lips, immediately deepening the kiss. After a few beats, your teeth tugged on his lip and he groaned, fingers gripping you desperately. His heavy eyelids opened, and you stared at him, trying to catch your breath. “We should… stop.”
He nodded. “Probably, yeah.”
“This is…” You watched his lips. “This is your first time kissing a girl, right?”
He nodded.
“And it would be, you know…” Your fingers were still buried in his hair. “The first time doing that for both of us.”
He nodded.
“So…” You bit your lip. “We should stop.”
He nodded.
But neither of you really wanted to stop. Despite all logic pointing towards it, you really had a hard time justifying it to yourself when you were here, with him, and everything felt so good.
So you didn’t stop. Not yet.
You slowed the pace, both of you aware that you were no longer participating in a sprint, but rather a marathon. He was gentle with you, his hands following the curve of your waist as he discovered your weak points - the small of your back, your lower lip, and the skin between your ear and jaw. You couldn't stop thinking about how you just couldn't believe he had never kissed a girl before, considering how easily he was making you melt in his hands.
And when a curious hand found its way to your ass, playfully pulling up your skirt to grip you better, you nearly fell apart. You desperately wanted to do something, despite knowing that you probably shouldn't, and you fought with the notion for a long moment, all while Seokmin made a very compelling case for you to strip down right that second.
You needed to think logically. Seokmin was your very best friend and you didn’t want to ruin that, but you were a bit beyond that at this point. You had only admitted attraction, not even feelings. You weren’t even close to dating, you thought. You always wanted your first time to be with someone you had been seeing for a while, someone you really cared for and really cared for you. Someone special. But the more you considered it, you realized Seokmin might be the perfect candidate; he was the person you were closest to, and you shared an emotional intimacy that you couldn’t even imagine with anyone else, so even that argument seemed null.
It didn’t take much for you to work up the courage. He pulled your hips into him again, and you let your hands drift downward, finding their way to the (impressive) bulge in the front of his pants. He made a noise - a mix between a yelp and a groan - before grabbing your shoulders and pushing you away slightly.
Your already rosy pink cheeks went bright red. “Bad?”
“I-” Seokmin stuttered. “I thought-”
“I just,” you paused, looking down. You tried not to stare at his crotch. “We don’t have to do anything major but… I want to touch you.”
He let out a strangled laugh. “What happened to ‘we should stop’?”
You bit at your lip, pushing him lightly until he sat on the edge of the bed, sinking to your knees in front of him. “Do you want to stop?”
He stared at you, seeming to consider everything for the first time, suddenly awake to what you were suggesting. “Not really, no.”
“Then,” you looked down. “Let me touch you.”
The next day, you were on his bed. You were laying next to each other, listening to music, when you suddenly propped yourself up on an elbow to look at him. He raised an eyebrow at you.
“Can I help you?”
You laughed. “Yes.”
He smiled, placing a hand on your nape to pull you down to him, resulting in a long, slow kiss. That same electricity ran down your spine.
“Uh oh.”
He laughed lightly. “Why uh oh?”
You examined his face for a moment. “I think I might actually have a crush on you.”
“I told you you were lying yesterday.”
You laughed and hit him. The music stopped suddenly, his phone ringing from where it was plugged in across the room. Seokmin groaned.
“Can you get that?”
“You’re closer than me, asshole.”
He groaned again, rolling off his bed and onto the floor, crawling his way to his desk. He pulled it off its cord and answered. “Hey.”
You watched as he stood, making a noise of recognition. His hand hit his forehead.
“Ah, I forgot. Do you wanna come over here instead? I don’t wanna leave the house.”
As Seokmin walked back towards the bed, you could hear Minghao’s annoyed voice through the phone. “-been waiting all afternoon. Mingyu’s here already, you know? And you’re gonna make us come to you?”
“Ah, well,” he said, flopping back onto the bed and putting his phone on speaker. “Y/N’s over here, so. Are you gonna make her walk all the way to your house? Are you even allowed to have girls over?”
You laughed at Minghao’s stutter as he repeated your name. “Hey, am I on speaker? That’s rude, you know.”
“Hi, Hao,” you said, giggling. “You and Mingyu should come over, the four of us can play Mario Kart!”
“See!” Seokmin said. “Listen to your elders, Myungho.”
“We're the same age, don't call yourself my elder.”
“See you soon?”
He sighed into the phone. You stifled a snort. “Fine, we’ll come to you. Be there in twenty.”
You laughed at the dial tone that signified Minghao hung up without letting Seokmin say bye. He had a look of betrayal on his face before he dropped the phone and rolled onto his side, facing you. You raised a brow. He contorted his face to wink at you dramatically, making you laugh, and him follow suit.
“Yah,” he rolled over again, rubbing his face. “I can’t believe this is actually happening.”
You poked his side and he swatted at your hand. “What do you mean?”
“To be totally honest?” Seokmin inspected the ceiling. “I’ve liked you for a really long time.”
Your mouth opened involuntarily. “Really?”
He nodded. “I woke up this morning thinking for sure that I dreamt yesterday. I’ve thought about confessing to you so many times, but you never seemed interested in me that way. I didn’t want to make our friendship awkward.”
“Well,” you said, picking at your nails. “I’m interested in you now, so…”
Seokmin laughed, tucking a hand under his head. “Good thing, I was getting worried I wouldn’t be able to keep it in much longer. You keep getting prettier every day.”
You coasted on that high, laying on your stomach and smiling at your phone, for the time it took your friends to make their way to you. You heard the door opening downstairs and Seokmin’s mother’s voice as she told them to go ahead up. 
Seokmin rolled off the bed. “I should move. They might suspect something if we’re laying in bed together.”
You nodded at him, looking back at your phone and mindlessly playing a puzzle game as he settled, seated on the floor with his back against the bed. There was an unspoken agreement that the two of you should keep whatever relationship developed a secret, at least for now. The two of you didn’t even know what this was yet, it’d be stupid to let others in on it, too.
When Minghao and Mingyu practically kicked open Seokmin’s bedroom door, you jumped at the noise and stared at them wide eyed.
“Yah!” Seokmin yelled. “Be careful! The hell is wrong with you?”
Minghao looked like he was trying to be intimidating, pursing his lips to stop himself laughing while he tried to be serious. “You lazy assholes made us walk all the way over here.”
You looked from him to Mingyu, who looked back at you, his face reading like a hostage. You burst into laughter, rolling onto your side.
“Don’t laugh!” Minghao pointed at you, a smile breaking through his facade. “I’m serious. This jerk agreed to come over to my house, yet we somehow ended up here! Because you’re here! Why?”
Seokmin was staring at him, mouth open and squinting. “In my defense, I forgot.”
“I wanted to hang out,” you said sweetly, sitting up and leaning against the wall. “I’m sorry.”
“He’s always choosing you over us,” Minghao pouted, crossing his arms as Mingyu snuck around him to sit on the bed next to you. “What’s up with that?”
“Well, first of all,” Seokmin said. “She’s way cooler than both of you.”
You laughed and said “thanks,” while both Mingyu and Minghao whined in unison.
“Secondly, I’ve known her for literally a decade longer than I’ve known you guys.”
“Whatever,” Minghao said, pulling his phone out of his jeans’ pocket and sitting on the floor. “You’re weirdly confident today. Did you finally get laid?”
You almost snapped your neck with how quickly you looked up at him. Mingyu snorted, laughing at the idea, but both you and Seokmin were frozen, staring at Minghao, who’s forehead creased when he saw the looks on both of your faces. Realization dawned on him and Mingyu almost simultaneously.
“Holy fuck, you two-”
“I have to pee,” Seokmin announced loudly, standing so suddenly that he toppled slightly before walking past Minghao and exiting the room. You stared after him incredulously, ears bright red, silently cursing the scaredy-cat bitch for abandoning you.
Mingyu cleared his throat. “So.”
“Nope,” you said. “This isn’t happening. We’re not talking about this.”
Minghao pointed at you. “So it’s true!”
You shook your head and rubbed your face. “That idiot really just walked out of the room.”
Mingyu laughed his big loud laugh, making you chuckle into your hands as you continued to cover your face.
“I’m so pissed. I can’t believe he actually just walked out.”
“I can’t believe you fucked him,” Minghao said.
Your hands fell off your face. “I didn’t! We didn’t fuck!”
He pointed at the door. “Then what the hell was that?”
“That was an idiot.”
He pouted a moment. “That’s not fair. I can’t argue with that.”
When the door opened again, you threw a pillow at Seokmin. “You jerk!”
He caught the pillow and stared at you. “What?”
The other boys stifled laughter as you fumed. “You abandoned me, you asshole!”
“I had to pee!”
“Nice cover, dick.” You crossed your arms. “I’m mad at you.”
“Don’t be mad at me!” He pointed at Minghao. “Be mad at him!”
Mingyu whined. “Mommy and Daddy are fighting...”
You smacked him in the arm with the back of your hand, and he jumped, rubbing the spot you hit. 
Minghao laughed and leaned back on his hands. “You’re a real dumbass.”
“Shut up,” he grumbled, hugging the pillow while he sat down across the room. “I didn’t know what to do.”
You scoffed. “Clearly.”
“So... are you guys done talking about it?”
You threw your phone at him, and he deflected it with the pillow. 
“Hey! That could have actually hurt me!”
“Yet it didn’t,” you said, trying to grab Mingyu’s phone out of his hand to throw that, too, but he held it out of your reach and pushed you away. “We didn’t talk about anything, and we’re not gonna talk about anything.” You pointed a look at Minghao. “Right?”
“Right,” he said, sighing. “Whatever. I’ll corner Seokmin later.”
You continued to fume from your curled position on the bed, pouting and glaring at Seokmin. He stared back at you, eyes wide and lips slightly curved downwards. He mouthed an I’m sorry, but you just kept glaring.
“So,” Mingyu said, scratching his head. “Mario Kart?”
Hours passed, and you slowly let out your anger one shell at a time, Seokmin crying out and begging you to stop every time you hit him. At the end of a Grand Prix, you announced that you needed to pee.
“Have fun,” you said to Seokmin, then stood up to go to the restroom. He stared at you, wishing for mercy, as you closed the bedroom door. You giggled to yourself as you walked down the stairs.
You purposefully took your time, using the restroom downstairs, washing your hands extra well, looking at photos in the hall, peeking into the kitchen and chatting with Seokmin’s mother. When you finally returned, Seokmin looked shellshocked and both Mingyu and Minghao looked up at you.
“Did you enjoy yourself?”
Minghao nodded. “He’s easier to crack than you are.”
That was the moment where you thought, oh, this may have been a mistake. You gulped, looking at Seokmin. “What did you say?”
“Nothing,” he said, but it came out as almost a whisper. He cleared his throat. “Nothing, I swear.”
You looked at Mingyu, and he shook his head with a frown to tell you he was lying. “Seokmin, what the fuck?”
“You abandoned me!”
“That doesn’t mean you can tell them everything!”
“I didn’t tell them everything…”
“Oh,” Minghao said, “So you guys did do more than that.”
You stared at him. “Seokmin, what the fuck!”
“I’m sorry!” He put his hands together and getting on his knees to plead with you. “I’m sorry! I’m weak! You know this!”
“You’re a fucking traitor,” you said, shaking your head as you sat down. He practically put his head in your lap while he bowed to you, muttering apologies. “I’m never sucking your dick again.”
His head shot up while both of the other boys burst into laughter. Seokmin let out a weak “really?”, which made them laugh even harder.
You almost snorted at the look on his face, shoving on his shoulder while the boys were distracted laughing. “Stop digging your own grave, idiot. What did you even tell them?”
He sat up, lower lip sticking out as he stared at you, clearly searching for a sign that you weren’t absolutely pissed at him anymore. "Just that you, y'know," he muttered, aimlessly gesturing. "Taught me how to make you feel good."
"You got pretty good, too," you giggled. You leaned over, planting a quick kiss on his lips.
“Wait, no, come back,” he said, pulling at you with a hand on the back of your neck. You laughed while Mingyu made a gagging noise behind you.
“Ugh, get a room.”
“This is my room,” Seokmin snapped back, looking over your shoulder. He kissed you again, then finally let you sit back. “Hey,” he started. You looked up at him, pursing your lips. “Wanna be my girlfriend?”
You giggled.
“You two aren’t even together?” Minghao whined.
“Seriously, you have to do this right now?” Mingyu groaned.
“I’d like that,” you said.
“Me too,” Seokmin grinned.
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Love of a Billion Stars *Oikawa Tooru x reader Soulmate au*
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- When you’ve heard of the concept of soulmates at school you were 8, you practically glowed with delight thinking that you probably have one of your own. Probably also thinking that it was ‘very easy’ to ‘feel’ if your soulmate was nearby.
- Lmao you believed that there was some sorta radar of something, or a bell that will go off if your soulmate moved
- *they’re not a dog y/n-chan wtf*
- But boy were you wrong 
- Then came your 16th birthday, the day you were supposed to have your mark that will give you a glimpse of what your soulmate likes in general. And on your 17th birthday, had you still not have found them, another mark will appear on your dominant hand
- You were imagining their symbol to be some sort of representation of who they are as a person, their inspirations in life, their dream career, and all that motivational shit
- To your surprise and demise, you were let down. Not really.. but the mark was very general and vague, and was NOT a symbol/ mark that will motivate you in moving through this life
- bread.
- fucking bread.
- what the fuck. 
- How in the world did you have to pair up your soul with someone who’s life inspiration was fucking bread
- What, did you need to go to France or shit to scavenge hunt your soulmate?
- ....
- no, y/n, you are not gonna think that that’s a good idea.
- no.
- Anyways
- Needless to say, you were quite irritated because how could you find someone that likes bread when literally everyone can like bread?! It’s very vague and looking for a person that has their life encompassed by a singular type of bread *milk bread to be exact* is very difficult considering that almost everyone likes that bread
- Fast forward to the time of your 17th birthday, you woke up with a dash of hope that maybe, JUST MAYBE, this soulmate of yours loves something else that’s more specific than a freaking piece of delicious milk bread.
- Alas you were surprised that this milk bread s/o of yours has their life revolved around volleyball!
- YEY they’re not completely as weird as you’d think they’d be lmao
- But, who were you to judge when you don’t even know what your mark was on them
- Maybe it was weirder than a piece of food
- Maybe it was a cow or dog or a fish 
- *very weird y/n, very weird indeed*
- The next day was a school day and you woke up bright and early, eager to hunt for your soulmate 
- You’re a third year at Seijoh and were quite popular because people thought your mark was  ‘intriguing’ *pfft* 
- anddddd because you’re gorgeous as heck ;]]
- Admirers flocked you, thinking that they might be your soulmate 
- They showed you their mark that was also some kind of pastry and that you guys paired ‘cause they also liked the pastry that was on the pack of your hand
- *you have like a line of milk bread bois at your disposal and it was kind of annoying so you give a different excuse every single time they try to confess to you. Such a player, y/n-chan*
- “l/n-san! I’ve heard that your mark was milk bread and I love that! Look, I have your *insert your favourite pastry* as my mark”
- *you were surprised because it was the first time that someone actually came up to you with your favourite pastry. But you were NOT feeling this dude. 
- C’mon, where’s the zing you were expecting and- and the slow motion eye contact-- thE ROMANCE?! Honestly, you were about to say yes ya’ll were soulmates BUT the gut feeling says that this was not it
- “Uh, sorry.. I’m lactose intolerant”
- *nice excuse y/n-chan, v v convincing*
- Then you just skrrt skrrt away ‘cause you may have a fan base but you were NOT gonna comfort that guy who’s borderline looking that he was gonna cry- nope; in the middle of the hallway, of all places. Gee, theatre boys are different
- In the back of your mind, you thought that the theatre dude was just acting that out in hopes of guilt tripping you. 
- trust issues, m8, trust issues are present because of these thoughts acCKK
- You sighed to yourself and went spy ninja sneak sneak towards the Aoba Johsai VBC, hoping that someone there might be your soulmate
- ‘cause you were v v tired of the self-proclaimed milk bread bois that was your fan club 
- But, you didn’t expect much once you were at the gym because there’s literally thousands of people in the vbc industry that might potentially like milk bread 
- You were thinking of maybe going out of town to hunt for your soulmate but you thought that you were probably gonna get strangled by your parents at how much money you were going to spend for finding a person
- *yes, you were getting desperate because you wanna FINALLY stop at being a third wheel when your friends were with their s/o*
- and maybe because you just want to hog someone else’s sweater and clothes and to do the premarital hand-holding oop
- ...
- You peeked inside the gym doors and was startled when this guy’s serve slammed to their opponent’s court 
- You’ve watched a couple volleyball matches when the second mark appeared to learn your soulmate’s passion. Awee
- And you just know that that killer serve could knock you out
- It was as if the universe was playing some sort of joke to you that his next serve landed out of bounds and rebounded towards your direction
- You shrieked in a banshee-like manner and moved out of the way just in time
- ‘I just saw my life flash before my eyes holy shit. So that’s what it feels like huh’
- While you were lost in your thought for a moment, a tall *and beautiful as fuck* guy went out the door and approached your still shocked form
- “Oh! Didn’t see you there. Sorry about that, my bad”. the tall guy said, rubbing his nape sheepishly, his eyes naturally falling on the hand that you raised up to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear
- “Uh.. no! It was on me. ‘cause I was spying- I mean sight seeing-- UH WATCHING you guys play hahaha” *real smooth y/n, v v smooth*
- He promptly reached down for the ball near his feet and you got a glimpse of his dominant hand
- His mark was a star constellation,,, your favourite star constellation and beside that was a symbol of your dream career
- “Hey, quick question... do you like bread?”
- The tall guy looked down at you and grinned his pretty boy grin *damn you is whipped.*
- *your gut feeling was going haywire holy shit*
- “Why of course beautiful stranger! Milk bread to be exact ‘cause my mom bakes it so deliciously”, tall guy said
- You’re heart flipped and skipped a beat-- scratch that, your heart skipped a whole nth of beats that you might as well be dead
- “We have a practice match going on right now, my lovely fan. If you have something to give me, you can still wait until later! Wouldn’t want to be punched by Iwa-chan again..”
- And with that, he turned away to go inside the gym once again
- “Cassiopeia..” you muttered loud enough for him to hear as he passed by you
- “Sorry?”, he stopped in his tracks and turned to you with a shocked look on his face
- “Cassiopeia” you repeated once more, with a shaky voice. “It’s the constellation on your hand, right?”
- Oikawa, with his popularity, had been approached by plenty of his admirers, often claiming that they love astronomy and that they knew what kind of constellation his mark bears
- But when he asked them with his usual flirty voice he perfected to please the people around him, that person stammers and just said a random planet of some sort
- ‘does this look like a planet to you-’ he thought and never had he faked a smile more than when admirers fake their interest in astronomy to get close to him
- While he does admire all the courage and effort they put in confessing to him, he also hates the fact that they give him this silver lining of hope that he finally has someone whom he can connect with emotionally as they both have a piece of each others’ soul
- So when you uttered the correct kind of constellation, he was frozen
- His mind ran miles per second, all of it consisting of ‘what ifs’ and ‘too good to be true’
- Both of you stared at each other, heart’s unknowingly beating as fast as the other
- “Oi Shittykawa, what’s taking you so long-”
- “Iwa-chan, take charge for me will you?”
- “What? Coach’ll get mad you know!”
- “Just sub someone in”
- Iwaizumi stalked closer to you guys and was prepared to beat Oikawa’s ass off but before he could assault his lame best friend,
- “Code star, iwa-chan.”
- The buff ace froze in his actions and promptly nodded silently and closed the gym doors
- The bestfriends talked before about what they’d do if they found their respective soulmates. Iwaizumi proclaimed that it was rather childish of Oikawa to have a ‘secret code’  just because his nerdy best friend believed that the aliens might take away his soulmate once they finally find them 
- Though oddly enough, the shorter male agreed to this *pfftt*
- Finally alone, never once had you both took your eyes away from each other.
- “Uh- are you- are we?” You gestured to the two of you
- “I- I think so??” Oikawa flushed, he was NOT used to being all blushy around people, esp since he has a large fanbase
- Ya’ll were awkward as shit lmao, its adorable
- “... You want some milk bread at the convenience store nearby?” 
- You yelled at yourself internally, ‘WTF BRAIN?! COULD”VE BEEN A COFFEE IN A COFFEE SHOP JFC I am overheating sm’
- He gave you one of the softest smiles he himself never thought he could unintentionally do
- “I’d love that!”
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natrashafierce · 3 years
My husband made a scared little whimper in his sleep. I said, “It’s okay,” and reached over to gently stroke his hand, but it startled him. I cooed that I was sorry, and he’s okay.
“In the rat box!” he explained.
“Well, get out of there. It’ll be okay,” I assured him,
“Gotta get in the rat box and watch a movie.” This sounded oddly derisive.
“Oh,” I said. “After the movie, then.”
“Cow’s pissed I took his parking spot.” Then he fell back asleep.
His dreams always sound like cartoons. He’s hanging out with anthropomorphic animals in there, or something. I can’t decide if that’s more fun than my dreams or not.
Mine are usually complicated, long, make 80% sense, and it’s not uncommon that I have a revelation that’s helpful to my real life either materially or emotionally. BUT the time dilation can be nuts, they’re intense, and I’m always trying to figure everything out which is an absolute bitch in a DREAM. It feels like I’m stuck in an entire episode or season of some HBO drama. Maybe I’d rather be in the rat box watching a movie.
I would love to have my biggest dream problem be that I took a cow’s parking space instead of having to psychoanalyze the guards in a woman’s mental institution to figure out how to sneak people out. I’m being all careful to map the building without being seen, meanwhile in my husband’s mind he doesn’t even think to be conscientious toward a cartoon cow. In real life he’s very conscientious, but fuck that cow’s parking spot. Who does that cow think he is, anyway?
That must be so freeing. I’ll kill violent people in my dreams, but otherwise I’m as careful to avoid unnecessary conflict with difficult dream people as I am in real life, so I’m constantly gauging whether they crossed a line such that conflict is necessary. Then sometimes I have to give them conflict. Juggling that is exhausting! Then you wake up and most of the people don’t even exist! If you wake up and the rat box doesn’t exist, that’s just a good feeling, probably. You’re just glad your time in the rat box wasn’t real, but my dossiers on dream motherfuckers feel like real time that was wasted.
But maybe it’s not so great, because his dreams seem to scare him often — which I guess makes sense because he doesn’t have much conscious control in them. It’s really hard to scare me in a dream or in real life. I’ll get angry or frustrated or sad in dreams, but I usually don’t feel like they just happen to me, I almost always feel like I can do something.
Wait, I just realized… is he scared of the cow? I woke him up because he was scared. I assumed the rat box was scary, but he did not intend to leave it. This cow’s got him on edge, I think. Because he took his parking space. It’s unresolved while he’s watching the movie in the rat box, maybe.
That would actually be typical of him. It is very important to him to be good, and if he does bad things in dreams he expects to be punished. I think his more conscious mind is a step behind his actions in a dream, so he watches himself do things he doesn’t approve of. Then the idea he should be punished arises, and it steers the dream in that direction. He also dreams of messing up things he normally wouldn’t and letting people down, too.
I’m pretty conscious in my dreams and making alert decisions, so my dreams rarely make me feel bad about anything. I have my same principles. The rare times I start to go against my principles I end up stopping and having some revelation, and sometimes realize I’m dreaming.
It’s been a long time since I had a helpless “oh my god I can’t believe I just did that, why did I just do that?” dream. Those seem to freak people out a lot, and they freaked me out back when I had them. But for probably a decade now, I always accept that I did whatever I did and process it. When I have those dreams that I’m back in school and didn’t go to any of my classes and now I’m going to fail the semester, I just show up to class open and nonchalant with the teacher about how I didn’t put forth any effort and I won’t start now, and then I leave without bothering to take the test and have an entirely different storyline in the same dream world. One time I just went and sat in the food court of a futuristic mall feeling peaceful I got to be there in the middle of a weekday when there weren’t a lot of people.
Instead, most of my stress in dreams is from needing to help people in some kind of immediate danger, especially if I have to fight an armed person or animal. Once I had to go through an air vent to this uncharted grey swamp dimension with a crew of people, got separated from them, and had to fight a crocodile that almost ate a kid. That was in the 2000s and it was so vivid I still remember it. Another one from that same decade had some guy going Texas Chainsaw Massacre in some sci-fi building with floating platforms, and I knew I wasn’t going to win that one but had to do it anyway. I woke up because I died. They almost never scare me because there’s no time to be scared, but I never get easy fights in my dreams. They’re always really frustrating and exhausting, because that dream shit where you can feel your real life sleep paralysis kicks in where everything seems slow and ineffectual. Any bullets I shoot go in slow motion, or if I’m stabbing someone, it’s the bluntest blade ever. I usually wake up from frustration or from dying. I rarely get to just win and continue the dream. I don’t think my husband deals with stuff like that.
Our dreams are very on-brand with regard to our respective childhoods. I had to witness domestic violence when I was young so my dream stress is just like, ah great, I must put this maniac in his place before he kills someone. I have to save all the people who are trapped. I never actually fought my dad because he was not violent toward me, I just dressed him down once I was old enough and it would shame him into submission. But when I was a little kid I wondered if it was my responsibility to kill him, or if there was anything I could do to outwit him, or if there was some other solution I hadn’t thought of. Every angle matters when you’re powerless. My dreams have involved me trying to figure everything out since before I started school. I just quit feeling powerless the older I got, and the compulsive digging and plotting still drives the dreams.
Whereas my husband was mortified by having to stand in the corner for time out, had to take on a lot of responsibility his mom heaped on him, and had to diligently regulate his emotions in response to her being impossible and insane. He gets stressed in dreams because he dropped the ball in some way — he betrayed his principles, or neglected a responsibility, or should have kept his cool.
I wonder if the rat box was punishment for stealing the cow’s parking space? He’s like me, he wouldn’t dodge the punishment, he’d just get it over with.
If I find out what the rat box was, I will update this if it’s not too personal. But he forgets most of his dreams, so who knows.
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magicflowershop · 4 years
one day kitty; Bokuto version
《inspired by movie A Whisker Away》
✿✿ you wished to be with the person you like and wish granted. whiskers, button nose, tail, four legs and ears on top of the head; you turned into a cat. with this, you are given the opportunity to be with the person you want to express your affections to. but as a cat. and only in one day.
― haikyuu characters x cat!reader imagines!
❀ masterlist ❀
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the wheel of names have spoken.
you have shitty life and you dont want it anymore, and hence you resort to drastic measures
one being to give up your life completely to a huge cat that you met one time at this shed when you were running away from home
yes we angsty now
at first you were skeptical bc how in the hell does this cat thing exist?? and how can it tell that you’re giving up on your life???
but since you were down as hell, and you were overwhelmed with emotions and were beyond your right state of mind,,, you accepted the offer of what this cat gave
so now you are a cat
by then, an entire night flew by and you woke up realizing you actually slept in the shed again lmao silly you—
so being the masochist you are, you decided you shouldn’t pass the opportunity to have a little adventure,,, to your house and school
well because you’re an insecure bitch who wants to know whats it like in a world without you in it and how the people around you would react without you in their lives,,,, yk quirky things like that uwu
and you saw it 
your whole entire body alive awake and walking telling your damn parents a see you later since you’re off to school
but the hell do you care whoever that lil insect is that swarmed inside your body and became the host,, you continued your lil mini adventure to your school bc whats more fun than seeing your fake self havin fun with your friends??
“oh hello there”
then a tall grey haired boy you forgot the name of stepped in front of you and crouched to your level
he looked closer to the cat’s face
“ᵗʰᵉʸ'ʳᵉ ˢᵒ ᵖʳᵉᵗᵗʸ“
maybe a bit too close for the cat’s discomfort 
he called you thing
then you realize this person was Bokuto Kotarou from your school’s vball team,,, how could you not have guessed from the hair alone silly you
Bokuto then patted you a little more after being told by Akaashi that he can’t be distracted by a cat at this moment since they’re about to go for practice
so they left you there
but you bein a cat that can slither everywhere they wish to be, thought it would be fun to stalk the vball team since its so early in the morning yk and you rly wanna know whats happening with your actual body
you don’t even know why your body was in school this early,,,
anyway so volleyball right
it donned onto you that you had a crush on Bokuto when you were a freshman,, you remember there was something gratifying about his personality that made you like him better than the rest of the boys in your school bc other men are trash but we dont talk about that
you found him sorta special 
however, despite finding him very special, a person like him was too far-fetched for you to become close with bc you two were polar opposites of each other,,, he was too excited and happy every time you see him while you are,,, well
a bit too down
but you werent always down
just that you had every reason to be down yk
im not helping but anyways-
so you were watching them practice,, you had no idea why you were watching since you werent rly into sports whatever and it usually bores you,, and sends your mind flying elsewhere
then you saw Bokuto leaping up from the back and slamming the ball straight past the other player’s blocks 
fr that was impressive and the way he accurately hit the ball right next to the line was insane
okay, mayhaps you were slowly gathering feelings for him again and this time for his talents as well oho
so you took your time watching this lad in awe while resting on the gym’s window sill, only God knows how you got there, and just admired the players doin their thing
but yk with a lot of Bokuto you perv
ofc Bokuto sees the cat while they were on break and kinda squished his face on the window to get ur attention bc you were sorta falling asleep on there
he was yellin things like theres a cute kitty on the window aaaAAAAA and the other players just wanted him to stop so they kinda invited you inside
they busted a big uwu at how cute the cat was, scared of the new environment it has been forced into
mostly Bokuto
he was beYOND HAPPY to see a small animal within his vicinity and Akaashi was delighted to see him calm at least for once
Bokuto was really gentle at holding the little feline in his arms and his heart might have melted when it relaxed into his hold and rested its little head against his chest
the other players were hella jealous
but Bokuto gettin all the attention from a cat was better than anything else 
until we remember that the guys don’t always stay for practice and that they had classes to attend too, they are at school for a reason
henceforth Bokuto was sad to let the cat go bc the cat isn’t his it’s just a stray cat,, nobody knows where it came from
“i’ll come back for you later okay?”
ahaha yes i am s*ft
while waiting for his promise of coming back, you spent the time to idle around the campus until lunch break came and you once again saw your original body that is now lived by a different host
the fake you turned to your direction and smirked?? what the heck was that for??
but you had Bokuto to comfort you anyway lmao you attention wh*re
then you figured it didn’t feel right to be hogging the lad’s attention like this when you aren’t actually a cat,,, at least not until midnight strikes,,,
you did have a choice whether or not you still wanted to remain as a cat for the rest of your life but that price is selling your soul to that cat
besides all that, i just wanna mention that Bokuto grew fond of the cat that keeps playing with him all day and he lit thought of bringing it with him home bc he was worried like what if it doesn’t have a home to go to and becomes all alone and starving and like get hit by a car 
he was genuinely concerned for your well-being and you felt eVEN BAD NOW and just wanna go over and tell him you’re not an actual cat you’re just a stalker of his that somehow had the chance to turn into a pussy
but he did bring you home
not even Akaashi could stop him when he secretly snuck you inside his bag when they were about to go home from practice
no lie you lit wanted to flee
time was running out and you were wasting it to clown Bokuto into thinking you truly were a cat but not unless you wished to remain a cat
do you deserve that doe?
you thought you did after Bokuto pampering you a lot, showing you to his mom, being cleaned and fed kinda clumsily but its the thought that counts for the night and even tucking you beside him on his bed like s*ft omg
you definitely wanted to leave but like if you left its gonna break his heart but once he finds out you’re an actual human person what the hell is that going to make you
obviously you were in a terrible rut
“now you can stay in my house if you have no where to be, kitty. i can be here with you”
tears came rushing up to your eyes and you just wanted to strangle that creepy ass cat you met last night and bring back what he stole from you
the words he said was enough to have you break down, his kindness and his sincerity was too pure that you just wanted this to stop
especially when it came from someone special to you
you decided life wasn’t so bad if there’s someone you can lean on
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stay tuned for more! :>
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razorblade180 · 4 years
Twin Snowflakes pt21:Ice Breaker?
[Part 20 here! <-]
Snow, as far as the eye can see. Summer has had enough of snow. A terrible thing considering her move sets and living situation. The frozen rain gently fell down into a meadow of pure white, blanketing any beautiful flowers that could be right below the surface. Her body fell flat, landing stomach down. Cold, but not too cold; the usual case for her mind every time she ended up here. Why was she here? Her heater was definitely on before she laid down. Wool socks kept her toes nice and toasty, and windows were shut tight. She had triple checked. Perhaps this was an actual dream this time instead of an unpleasant visit from the worst guest ever. Summer didn’t want to deal with Shiva. She didn’t want to do anything really. Her body felt...tired. Eyelids were heavy and energy was spent. What was this?
The crunch of snow being crushed broke the silence of the meadow and obstructed Summer’s already limited view. Her head lifted up to see the last person she wanted to. Now she really hoped this wasn’t a dream. It would be dreadful for Shiva to take those away from her too.
The problematic entity laid down on her side. Her hand reached out to brush away a few strands of Summer’s hair to get a better look. “Tired?” Shiva asked, rubbing the girl’s cheek. “I’d be too, faking joy in my life. How long do you think you’ll last? You feel it right, time slipping past you? Days, hours, minutes, seconds; how much more time can you spend failing at everything? Aren’t you tired of it all?”
Summer didn’t respond. Summer couldn’t respond. All she could do was stare into Shiva’s alluring gaze and weep, motionless.
“Awww poor thing.” Shiva rolled Summer over on her back, then straddled her. Her left hand kept rubbing Summer’s pale cheek. Shiva looked down at the girl with a smile that while small, was still oozing with a smug attitude despite her calm voice. “Just close your eyes and surrender to me. What else can you do? You can’t beat me, out think me, or do anything that matters when it counts the most. Do you enjoy it, burdening everyone? How much longer will you hold Nick back?”
Summer’s lip began to quiver. The warmth of her tears was the only source of heat filling her. They began to run faster and faster down the side of her face, only to meet Shiva’s gentle hands rubbing them away. Those same hands drifted lower down and stopped on Summer’s eck. Shiva never squeezed or even entertained. Her demeanor felt almost infant like, the way she tilted her head as she examined everything Summer did. Or...what she didn’t do.
Above, the ice ceiling began melting away again, the meadow fading into dust along the way. Shiva was the last thing Summer saw before everything became an empty space of black. Then, she woke. Dried tear marks were strong on her face and something pinned her right hand from trying to rub them off. Summer looked at her bedside and was taken back by the sight of her brother sleeping with his head laying on the mattress and hand holding her own. “Nick?” Summer said softly, pulling her hand free gently. Nick had always been a light sleeper. Summer had barely done anything and yet Nick woke up.
The boy rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. “Hey sis. Did you sleep okay? You kept crying and trembling.”
“I was?” Summer rubbed her neck and rubbed her tear tracks away. “Sorry. I...guess I had a nightmare.” The sun barely hit her curtains so it must still be pretty early. “Were you here all night? Nick, you’re sick.”
“It’s not like you can catch a cold, miss immunity.”
Summer pouted. “That’s not what I meant and you know it. You’re not gonna get better sleeping on the ground. Worry about yourself first for once?” She said, dry and tired. Summer laid back down and faced away from her brother. She heard him stand up but didn’t hear him walk away. Her mattress sank down seconds later and his hand took hers again.
“Are you...mad at me? You were pretty upset a couple days ago about the Paladin match, and Valerie sure had some choice things to say to me. I know I can be…overbearing at times. I get that you probably want space, but can you at least tell me if there’s anything I did specifically.”
His voice sounded hurt and tired as well. Summer didn’t know Valerie and Nick were on shaking ground. Is that why Nick didn’t tell her he was sick? Summer turned around. “I’m not mad at you. Things have been really low lately is all. I’m sorry if it felt like I’ve directed any of it at you. Things should get better after the tournament. Veronica will probably leave, I’ll have nothing but school lined up, and Oscar will hopefully be back by then. Not the biggest fan of virtual sessions.”
“Yeah, I can see that. Listen if you want more free time then I won’t make you-”
“Performing at the tournament is just fine.” Summer smiled. “Like I would miss a chance to stun a crowd, all of Remnant in fact. Besides, I made an Acr promise to an orphan, remember? I couldn’t back out if I wanted to.”
“Yeah...that would be pretty bad:” Nick cringed at the thought of an entire orphanage being sad and lied to. That’s guilt that would follow someone forever. “Got any plans today? It might do us some good to practice at least once together before the tournament. Not that we really need it.”
“Please, if it isn’t our dual summoning then we’re set. We can’t do that today though. Veronica and I are...umm…” Summer wanted to tell Nick about their argument yesterday which led to Veronica all but forcing her to agree to a fight today and the use of stolen diamond dust, but it wouldn’t make much sense to. Endangering him with her risks was the main reason things escalated. “We’re...going around town and the woods to get things for my outfit.”
“The woods?”
“Yeah she wants to see me fight grimm and we’re gonna look for pure dust and stuff. So don’t worry if you get one of your little twin chills or whatever you call it.”
“I don’t call it anything. Twin chill is nice though. Well be careful. Expect a call if I feel it. Better safe than sorry. It would suck for me to be grabbing school papers while Shiva is rampaging through the woods.” Nick was getting a little stressed thinking about it. One minute he’s stapling papers then sees a massive glacier outside the school window. Not to discredit his sister, but that’s the kind of luck Nick typically had. Things go fine, and then they don’t.
“School papers?” Summer questioned. “Nick it’s not a school day.
“I know. I’m gonna stop by there this afternoon and get the work I missed.” A look of disbelief and judgement shot him right in his heart from Summer. “What!? Just because I’m sick doesn’t mean the homework disappeared. I’m simply going to get it and come back home to rest. Summer’s look did not waver. Nick turned a little red for the nonverbal call out. He stood up. “Leave me alone! I’m going back to bed and then I will do exactly as I said I would do.”
“You’re full of shit…” Summer said while doing a fake cough.
“Night, you little diva.” Nick walked out her room and grabbed the door to shut it.
Summer reached out for a second. “Wait a second.” She said, her voice more reserved. “Nick, y...you love me right? Like, spending time with me?”
Nicholas looked at his sister with a raised brow. “Of course I love you. You’re my baby sister. Not that you being that means I have to hang around you or anything. Why, someone dumb tell you otherwise?”
Summer couldn’t help but smile. “No, hearing you actually say it is just nice. Rest well.” Nick smiled back then closed the door. The smile Summer wore tried its best to stay, but left as quick as it came. Her swarming thoughts made her head feel heavy and cluttered until Summer found herself resting it in her hands as she attempted to rest a little more. Sleep never came back for her unfortunately, no matter how many minutes passed her by.
It felt like no time at all before Summer was out of her bed and getting dressed for the day. She decided to keep her hair down for now and was more concerned about if she was gonna be warm enough. Her standard black thermal leggings and old white over coat should do the trick, but Summer felt compelled to put her ear muffs around her neck and wear warmer socks with her already poofy white winter boots. Snow gloves were put in her coat for safe keeping. Testing diamond dust without Nick was more stressful than she thought it would be. At least the layers of close gave her a good excuse whenever she’d start sweating.
The fated knock on the door finally came and took ten years off of Summer’s life. “Y-Yes?” The door creaked open before being fully swung open with Veronica on the other side. An exceptionally beautiful soft brushed purple winter coat that had a belt around the waist and big black buttons to bundle the whole thing up. Her color of choice was complemented with grayish-white jeans that looked roomie; a weird choice for the girl. Then there were her gym shoes school? Her entire bottom half was casual in contrast from the coat.
Summer got a bit worried. Veronica dresses herself with purpose. Her wardrobe doesn’t sacrifice functionality for flare, yet is stylish nonetheless. This one felt disjointed however. “Ummm what’s with the shoes and jeans? I would’ve thought you’d look a little more...stunning?” Said Summer, choosing her words carefully. She must’ve succeeded because Veronica gave a rude look and nothing else. It was easy to tell that she was still tired from the way she rubbed her eyes. “Didn’t sleep well either?”
“I’m sore and the time difference hasn’t gone away yet. As for my clothes, why would I wear my good clothes when I’m going to the woods and things can get physical? I’d wear a different coat if I had one.” Veronica pulled out a scrunchy and put her lion’s mane of a hair into a ponytail tail.
The sleeves of the coat fell down and Summer became a little more anxious to see Ember Cilca on Veronica’s wrists.“ Oh right, of course she’ll dress comfy in a fight. And use a strong weapon. Why not use her own? Is punching me that exciting?” Her eyes looked down and noticed a small duffel bag outside the door. “What is she gonna do to me!?” Summer ‘casually’ walked over to her sword and put it on her hip. It made her feel a little safer. Then she grabbed a hidden vial of diamond dust. Safety was right back out the window.
“You’re only bringing the one?”
“If this goes terribly then I don’t need Shiva getting a double dose. One is more than enough.” Summer held it out. “Here. It’s probably better you have it for now.”
“On that, we can agree on.” Veronica took the vial and grabbed and used her tail to grab her bag. “Let’s get this over with already…” she stormed off immediately.
Summer thought it best to follow Veronica’s lead. The girl was clearly in a bad mood. “Dying in the woods by a girl crushing on my brother. Yeah, that’s on par with the rest of my life.”
With two of noisiest people out of the house, it was pretty easy to tell something was amiss for Weiss. It’s almost eight in the morning and the sound of guitar or vocals hadn’t rattled her morning coffee. Yeah they had a sound room, but that never stopped Summer from playing a rift on the way to it. “It’s quiet, too quiet.” She took a sip from her mug then went to the garden. “Maybe Summer is training? Veronica could probably hear through the sound room.”
The closer Weiss got to the garden, the easier it was to hear that someone actually was there. Yang. She was upside doing push-ups in just a tank top and yellow pajama pants.
“Forty five...forty six...forty seven…forty- oh hey Weiss.”
“Hehehe, how are you not freezing? It’s barely warmed up yet.”
“Since when have I ever been bothered by a little cold air?” Yang let her balance slip to land right side up. “I’m hot every day all day.” She flipped her hair for dramatic effect.”
“Well Mrs. Hot stuff, have you seen Summer? Despite her reluctance to go to school, the girl is an early riser. Especially on the weekends. Is- hey, you got a little…” Weiss pointed on a few bruises on Yang’s right shoulder.
“Oh this? Veronica wanted to spar yesterday. Her mood wasn’t exactly friendly.” Yang sighed. Her body flopped on the soft grass near the tear area. “That girl, it feels like all we do these days is spar rather than trying to talk.”
“Gee, I wonder where she gets that from.” Weiss said with the most sarcastic tone in the world. “I guess I’m in no position to make fun. Summer is hard to communicate with too. Teenagers man.”
“Tell me about it! Were we this bad?”
“Yeah.” Weiss nodded, remembering everything and cringing. “Yeah… gods, we were a lot to deal with.”
“You maybe. I was pretty-”
“Hard headed and passionate? Uncompromising on everything? Loud as hell?”
Yang sat up. “Okay already! Point taken hehe. Oh if you’re looking for Summer, she’s out in town with Veronica.”
That wasn’t an answer Weiss thought she’d hear. “For what? Those two can’t breathe in front of each other without wanting to fight.”
“Well they don’t have a choice if Veronica wants to make a perfect outfit for her. Walking, running, sitting, posture, Veronica likes seeing all of that in order to make a quality design. Kid has a real gift.” Yang crossed her arms. “Too bad people don’t give her the time of day.”
“Oh. So the situation hasn’t gotten any better for her?” Weiss asked.
Yang shrugged. She began pacing around in circles. “Besides what happened here, there hasn’t been a school fight in a while or calls home. Grades are average but that’s to be expected. No drugs either, thankfully. Pretty sure that was a one off thing. Still, Veronica is clearly unhappy and not even Blake gets much out of here these days. We’d take her therapy but she’ll run off or flat out won’t go.” Yang let out another huge sigh, slouching over. “I’m worried. I just want her talking to somebody that will listen and care.
Weiss could relate to that. “Well, at least Nick chips away at that armor of hers.”
“True. That boy is magic. I don’t wanna have him doing it all by himself though. I’m positive he has his fair share of problems too. How is he?”
“All work and no play recently. You saw how sick he was yesterday right? If I could just take a little bit of his drive and replace it with Summer’s reasoning….”
“Ruuuuude! I’m reasonable!” Shouted the boy from the balcony. “Some would say I’m actually quite flexible.
Weiss scoffed, rolling her eyes playfully. “Those people don’t live with you! How are you feeling? Still have a fever?”
“A little one, but I think I’m alright. Well enough to go get my assignments from school? Please?” He said, giving puppy eyes that made Yang laugh and Weiss facepalm.
“Hahaha. Nick, I wish my horses worked half as hard as you do, but I think you might be giving your mother gray hair.”
“Oh he knows! I tell him all the time that one day he’ll notice my hair is gonna go from white, to silver over night because of him and his sister.”
He smiled. “And you’ll look just as beautiful.”
“Nice try, Jaune jr. Fine, you can get your work. However, you’re not walking. I’ll drive you there later and just like with training I’m gonna time you. I swear I don’t know where you get this drive from. Even I know when to take a break.”
“Not at his age.” Yang shot back. “Jaune and Ruby mellowed you out. Nick, your mother didn’t know what to do with herself sometimes. Especially when nobody was around. I’ve walked in on her reading a cookbook, in Menageran! I live there now and I barely know one dialect!”
“Blake didn’t teach them all?
“No point. There’s tons of different languages. Just ask Veronica. She knows two fluently and will gladly show it off. Did you by any chance hear the part of the conversation where your mother and I talked about her? If so, can you not mention it?”
“No worries, didn’t hear anything besides you wanting her to open up more. I don’t think you gotta worry about that too much.” Nick spoke with confidence, hitting his chest. “Veronica might not know it yet but I’m positive Eliza enjoys her company; and I’m trying my best to get Veronica to talk to Summer semi-friendly.”
Weiss was skeptical. “You’ve tried that before. Got a master plan you haven’t shared?”
He shook his head proudly. “Not at all! Hahaha!” Nick looked to the sky. Gentle snowflake flowed through a slow air current like a frozen river. “All I have is hope.”
“This is utterly hopeless.” Was the only thing Veronica can say in despair as dozens of people stood in multiple lines to board airships. “Why is everyone up so early!? It’s been half an hour and we haven’t budged. The week day isn’t like this.”
“Of course it isn’t. People work.” Summer looked around to see familiar citizens going on and off ships with luggage; as well as complete strangers who haven’t adjusted to the cold of Atlas. “Many important people have already started showing up in advance for the tournament. They may not help like you will but coming so soon is a great excuse to explore the kingdom and gain influence. They might even drop by the schools and try recruiting if they can get away with it. Almanac is a place where-”
“I know, I know. It’s where society collides. It’s built down on Mantle as a way to expose youths like yourself to how the less fortunate live and inspire you to make the city better. Conversely, all the trips and equipment allows the kids in Mantle to have quality equipment and see Atlas up close; giving them a goal to work towards.”
“It also exposes the older people here to the citizens of Mantle. Creating situations where interactions between the two isn’t rare changes some people’s perspective, or at least makes them think twice about deciding on some affirmative action that hurts the people below. It’s a little harder to disregard the common man whenever their kids are friends with them and you know some.”
“Not really. They think twice because it isn’t smart to angry people who can get to your front door with ease.”
Summer felt her entire vibe get a little bleeker. “Way to make it pessimistic.”
“Hard not to be with a line like this!” Veronica shouted too loudly, drawing a few eyes their way. Not that she cared. “Ugh, isn’t there another means of getting down? Can’t you flex your last name and skip?”
“Weren’t you listening? A lot of high profile people are here. If I throw titles around then so will they. Then you have a bunch of rich people being snobby and being put into a bad light. That includes your family.” Summer witnessed Veronica’s agitated state get a little more restless. It was very strange. This wasn’t the “people agitate me” kind of mood Veronica showed off. No, she seemed torn up. Against her better judgment, Summer took the girl's hand in concern. “Hey are okay? You’re acting weird.”
Veronica looked at the girl's big blue eyes. It was scary how pretty those eyes were. Arc blue had its own appeal that was different then Nick’s chilling Schnee eyes. Veronica looked at her hand and pulled it away. “I’m just a little hungry and you know, lady stuff.” She lied about the second part. “Also don’t touch me without asking. You know I don’t let anybody touch me without asking.”
“Yeah between that and your semblance I can’t imagine you being much of a hugger.” Summer laughed nervously, wondering why she said that of all things. This line has single handedly forced the longest interactions they’ve had without a fight in an extremely long time. Summer was waiting for Veronica to decide on fighting here instead. They were running out of banter! “So umm...wanna eat and pray the line gets shorter when we get back?”
“Will it?” Veronica deadpanned. The lack of eye contact told her all she needed to know. This line was only gonna get worse. “Ugh. Fuck it, new plan. I’m not waiting any longer to get a ride.”
“I told you, using your title is a bad idea.”
“I’m not going to, genius. Follow me.” Veronica ditched the line and started heading back more towards the outer rim of Atlas, right where buildings and watch posts were stationed. “Let’s play a game.”
“That’s never a good sentence.” Summer instinctively moved a little slower. She was not about to get sucker punched. “What kind of game?” She was already regretting asking. It was gonna be crazy.
Veronica finally stopped moving and turned around. “A race to Mantle. The fun way.” She pointed to the edge.
Summer looked out and saw the chains extend down. One of them had a good enough angle to point them in the direction where the woods are. Right at the edge of the old slums in fact. “You’re nuts…”
“Don’t play that card!” Veronica pointed at her. “I know all about you snowboarding on these things!”
Boom! Caught red handed. No way Summer could deny that. “I promised Winter I wouldn’t needlessly endanger myself.” That was a solid excuse.
“Aren’t we literally going to the woods to mess with dangerous dust you stole?” And that was a solid answer. “You’re not gonna talk me out of this. I debate and public speak on national levels. You have a school club.”
“I’m not even in the debate club.”
“Exactly. Now stop arguing. We’re wasting time.”
As usual, Summer could only fall into whatever crazy thing would happen next. But she wasn’t giving up that easily. Veronica wouldn’t dare be too rude in public. “What’s stopping me from walking away right now? I could get on an airship and make it to the forest before you get down the chains.”
An amused chuckle came from Veronica. “Hehehe, it’s funny how wrong you are sometimes. I said race to Mantle, and I never said I was gonna use the chains.” Before Summer had a chance to even think about what she just said, Veronica fell through the ground.
It was so sudden that Summer was thankful she didn’t blink. “Veronica!?” She gasped. Now there wasn't a choice at all! “That’s so...I can’t believe..aaah! Why is she like this!?” Summer shouted to nobody. Her feet raced to the edge, then jumped. The rush of cold early morning air was more than enough for her to create a snowboard of ice that planted her right on the chains. “Can’t things be normal for once?” A path of glyphs shot down the chain. The use of her semblance with the little control over diamond dust she had made for a potent combination. Summer was blazing down the chain! The links between each one were terrifying though. A late hop could shatter the board and send her flying. “Don’t fuck up don’t fuck up don’t fuck up don’t fuck up, and juuuump!” Little hops was all it took for her to soar down wards for seconds before landing. “Doing a trick or two would be pretty amazing if this wasn’t so dangerous and a race.” Summer looked around the air. “Where is she anyways?” Her gaze finally spotted the girl. Veronica was actually beneath her. The girl’s back faced the ground while her hands rested in her pockets, eyes closed blissfully. “Veronica?” Summer said. She got noanswer. Veronica continued to fall effortlessly. As if she was unconscious. Summer shouted again. “Veronica! You alright over there?” Still no answer. Now Summer was worried. “HEY!? VEE VEE!”
Not even her despised nickname gave Veronica a reaction. Summer could feel her heart start to race. “She can’t actually be unconscious right!?” Reasoning with herself wasn’t working. If by some chance Veronica was knocked out...Summer didn’t want to think about it. There was no time to think. Without another second to waste, Summer jumped off the chain and began falling towards her long term acquaintance. She brandished Myrtenaster and angled three glyphs to bounce off of to reach Veronica. Summer extended her hand in fear of the girl’s safety. “Veronica!!!!”
“Huh?” Veronica opened her eyes to see a blur of white and blue hurling towards her. “What in the-” She wasn’t the only one surprised. Summer’s eyes bugged out. The girl was completely caught off guard, crashing into Veronica and sending them spiraling through the air. Fortunately, Veronica was quick to grab Summer by the sleeve and pull her into a tight embrace for the girl’s own safety. “Summer!? What the hell!? Why did you jump!?”
“Why were your eyes closed!?!?! I thought you had passed out or something. I was screaming your name!!” Summer yelled with tears in her eyes from the fear.
“Summer I can’t hear shit when wind is roaring through my ears! I was relaxing!”
“RELAXING!? YOU ARE FREE FALLING!!!!” Summer screamed. No doubt Veronica heard that.
“IT IS A LONG FALL, SUMMER! IT IS LITERAL HANG TIME!” Veronica yelled back. She finally noticed the tears coming from Summer. At first she thought it was because of the wind but they kept coming. “Are you crying right now!?”
Veronica’s heart felt like it stopped for a moment. She had no response for that. Never in her wildest dreams did she expect Summer, anyone, to freak out over something like that. It was a little haunting. If she didn’t feel like a jerk before, Veronica definitely was feeling that way now, just a little. She looked over her shoulder to see Mantle buildings and ground coming in hot. Her arms fastened tightly around Summer’s upper and lower back. “Wrap your arms and legs around me, tightly!”
Summer did as she was told and felt Veronica’s hand press against the back of her head. What should’ve been several seconds before a splat became extended free falling. Summer went from seeing the sky, buildings, the pavement, and then minerals. Crushed sediments and pavement that were firmly placed within the dirt. Summer was experiencing seeing underground for the first time. “Woah…. you can do this all the time!? You see €€this all the time!? How deep are we?
“You are quite literally being impressed by things you can see with a shovel. Now flex your stomach and try not to get the wind knocked out of you.”
Once again, Summer listened and gave a pat on the back for confirmation. A weird feeling ran over her body. As if going down an elevator, then €€boom! That feeling became ten times worse. It was like a rollercoaster on the highest drop. But instead of going down, their bodies were being forced up. The world of minerals was left behind for streets once again. Their momentum kept going up until they came to a midair stop. Summer instinctively made a platform at their feet before they fell again.
Veronica finally let go and pulled Summer off of her body. “Well that’s one way to stop. I’ll admit, clever thinking.”
“What was your plan?”
“I would five back into the ground and back up. Each time would get less air then the last before eventually I would be like several inches from the ground, or I’d land on a roof on the way down. Simple stuff.” Veronica brushed off her outfit in an attempt to get the wrinkles out. The puffy eyes looked from Summer made her let out an auditable little laugh in disbelief. “Tsk, I cannot believe you actually cried.” She teased.
Summer squinted at Veronica before folding both arms and turning her head away dramatically. “I don’t see what’s so funny. Not in the slightest.”
“That’s because you have no sense of humor.”
“What’s humorous about a death like that? It’s terrible.”
Veronica shrugged casually. “Eh, there’s worse ways to go. But ummm thanks for checking, and stuff…” Veronica jumped off the glyph and onto a roof before Summer got any mushy ideas from a thank you. “The race is null in void. Move your butt. We have ground together since we made an emergency landing.”
“We’re skipping the fact you just showed me a little gratitude?” Summer teased. She couldn’t help it. The glare shot at her for it though reminded Summer that teasing a person she had to fight soon wasn’t a great plan. Unlike Valerie, Summer wasn’t gonna get any buffs or debuffs from it. “Hehehe….I’ll start moving my butt.”
“A wise decision.”
“Alright, we’re here.” Weiss said, parking her car into the mostly empty school parking lot. “Nick, you have fifteen minutes to get what you need. Anymore and I’m coming in to drag you out myself.”
He laughed. “Can you at least send the gigas in? If you’re gonna be extra then go all the way.” He hopped out the car and ran inside.”
“Don’t tempt me!” Weiss shouted. She was not above embarrassing him like that. Not in the slightest.
Nick jogged his way down the halls. Benefit of the weekend, no crowded halls. Just him, the occasional faculty, and the sports team. Basketball, soccer, the usual suspects. However, the sight of favorite blue haired girl in an Atlesian military uniform and the kingdom’s flag had caught his attention. Seeing Eliza with her twin tails undone and in one regular ponytail was always so shocking to him. “Yo, Eliza!” He waved.
She looked at him briefly before doing a double take. “Nick? Aren’t you supposed to be in bed resting?”
If he had a nickel…. Nick walked up to her in disbelief. “Is everyone my mom today?” He joked. “I am fine. Just grabbing my assignments. Anyways, color guard practice today? Cool. Didn’t realize I wasn’t the only one doing double duty for the tournament; though I guess I’m technically doing triple.” The weight of that hit him a little. How’d he manage that!?
“Yeah, just for the opening ceremony. I’m the lead when it comes to the flags so hehe, all eyes on me.” It was hard not to hide her nerves about the whole thing. “In terms of weight, it’s not too different from my spear. The routine is almost solid.”
Nick could tell she said that more for her benefit than his. It was funny. Eliza wasn’t one to waver most of the time. Then again, this was her first time doing this and second time competing in this tournament. “Hey, you survived cameras on you before. You fought me last year without choking.”
“Yeah, and lost miserably.” Eliza would never forget that day. “Thanks for the reminder.” She said sarcastically.
“Shut up, you got third on your first major tournament. You couldn’t ask for a better debut against veterans like myself and Val. Oh, thanks for sticking around Vee by the way.”
“Don’t mention it. I did it more for me than you anyways.”
“Ouch. You’re so cruel to your work husband.”
Eliza’s face turned a little red. She pointed her finger at him and sparked it with magical electricity. “Never say that again.”
“Hahaha! I’m just teasing. I still appreciate the help. Anyways, I gotta go get my stuff and bail before my mom makes due on a not so empty threat. Bye!” He ran off past her towards his classrooms.”
“Council room” Eliza said, making Nick stop halfway down the hall. “All your work...I put it in the council room for you.” Even from a distance she could see Nick’s eyes light up. Did it really not take much to make this boy happy?
“Awww Eliza-” she pointed at him again with Fire this time. Nick thought it best to quit while he was ahead and continued walking. Although, he made a little mental note for later. “Hmmm, I wonder if Eliza would be good at candle training. Fire is fire after all. Magic or dust wise.” Nick continued pondering the idea. Magic has always been cool to Nick. The fact he actually knew a person could do it was especially cool. If he could trade being the heir for being the first person with magic in centuries, he might not think twice about it. Nick couldn’t help but fantasize about a life with lower expectations and no heavy title. “Vee is right. I should really talk to my uncle about this. Well, after the tournament, or maybe do it beforehand then soften the blow by winning gold? That would be good.” He turned a corner, failing to check for on comers. “Look at me, talking as if I don’t have to face-” Nick ran head onto Valerie hard and stumbled back.
His friend dropped a bunch of hockey sticks. Some of which hammering her toes. “Ow!” She screamed, her team hearing from several feet away. “Hey watch where you’re- Nick?”
“Hey Val…” He said nasally. The impact had him rubbing his nose gently as it turned red. “Tackling you must be a nightmare. You're like a wall of tanks.” His strange analogy was ignored entirely. He looked up at Valerie and saw nothing but shock and irritation as she pulled him close, real close.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were sick? I’m the one who told you to get rest? I didn’t know it was bad enough for you to be bed ridden.”
“I uhh well you see…” Focusing was hard enough from the crash. The literal inch between them made Nick feel unprepared. Though her face was upset, he still found beauty in it. Especially with the hint of care he saw her turquoise eyes. “You said you wanted space. So I thought I wouldn’t bother you.” He finally said, hesitantly. Valerie didn’t seem too happy with his response.
“Idiot.” Valerie said, “If it’s about your health then blow up my phone for all care!” She huffed. Valerie’s cheeks turned a little red. “Are we clear?” Nick didn’t respond back. His eyes avoided her gaze and he seemed uncomfortable. “Nick? You alright?”
He looked towards her, a little nervous. “Can I make it up to you? Since you were worried and all?”
“What are you-”
“Not as a date if that’s what you’re afraid of.” Nick reassured, “Clearly I upset you so let me fix it by taking you to your favorite dine in restaurant? These last couple days I…missed you okay?” He could feel his face turning red. Platonic or not, this sounded like a confession. And yet Valerie hadn’t let go of him yet. It might’ve been his imagination, but he could’ve sworn she had gotten redder.
Valerie could feel herself being apart mentally. Nick wasn’t one to lie, but enduring was what he did best. How often did he think about her while he was sick? Did she make his fever worse? Was not telling him more painful for him than it was her? Valerie didn’t know. Making sense of any of it wasn’t important. “Nick I-” her voice was cut off by the murmurs of the halls. Athletes and onlookers passed by with their whispers and giggles. They had once again made a spectacle out of nothing. Another thing for idiots to gossip about and spread their lies. Valerie couldn’t stand it. Her blood began to boil. It never failed. Nick had made life, her life, a little more about him and less about her. Valerie finally let go of him, pushing him away. “No, sorry.” She said, clearly irritated. “I still want my space; and we both know how you are. Date or not, you just can’t help yourself but pull out the red carpet act like if I need you when I don’t. It’s pretty…” Nick didn’t let her finish. He turned his back to her. It was only then Valerie realized just how much she was mouthing off. “Wait that came out wrong.” She double backed, “I…”
“You don’t get to do that.” Nick finally bit back, “Telling me I should’ve called and that you care, only to push me away at your convenience. Now you’re berating me? What is with you lately!?” His voice echoed through the hall. It was only then he paid attention to his peers who quickly moved along the moment he tried meeting their gaze. Suddenly, something clicked. “Are you...embarrassed by me?” He said, mid revelation.
“You’re causing a scene, Nick.” She muffled, unusually reserved. “Listen, I just think the tournament takes priority is all.” Valerie lies, unknowingly letting her pride get the better of her. “I’m not embarrassed by you, honest.”
“So why do you brush me off every time people are around huh? I’m not a mind reader. Just come out with it.” He got no answer. Just silence while Valerie’s eyes looked for people who might still be watching. Now he was really annoyed, and he wasn’t even sure if it was because of Valerie or himself for getting worked up in the first place. “You know what? Forget it. Have it your way. I’m too ill to argue.” He said dismissively. Nick walked away from the argument to get what he came for. He was on a time limit anyway.
Valerie watched her friend turn the corner, hurt by her words. Or maybe the lack of them. Valerie turned around to go back to practice and stopped after only one step, stunned by the sight of her mother carrying extra sports gear.
Nora let out an exhausted sigh then smiled, “Oh boy. Here I thought your biggest worry today would be run down knee pads.” She laughed awkwardly at her own ice breaker. “Wanna talk about it later.”
Valerie got closer. She took the gear from her mother and went towards the gym. “There’s nothing to talk about.”
Nora let Valerie get away. There will be time for questions later. Nora put her hands on her hips and shook her head. “Teenagers.”
Neither twin was having the best mood right now. Summer could feel her heart beating out of her chest the deeper into the woods she went. Ever since the free fall, Veronica had gone silent. Any attempt at conversion was ignored. She just kept walking deeper and deeper until everything started to look the same to Summer. Thankfully no grimm had appeared, but if they kept walking aimlessly like this… “I think this far enough, Veronica.” Summer said. Veronica actually listened and stopped before turning around.
“Yeah, this’ll do nicely.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the diamond dust while dropping her bag. “I say it’s about time we get this over with. Catch.” She tossed the vial of dust, underhanded.
Summer nearly panicked as she caught it midair. “What are you-don’t do that! This stuff is dangerous!” If her nerves weren’t shot before, they were now.
“The dangerous part is yet to come.” Veronica engaged Ember Celica and brought her fists up. She would’ve liked to remove the jacket, but a piece of her mind told her it was far wiser to keep the extra layer of warmth and protection. “Well?”
“Yeah, what are you waiting for?”Said the alluring lethal voice inside of Summer’s head, sending chills up her spine. This wasn’t the cold’s doing. No, this was fear. Pure unkempt adrenaline that made her stomach twisted into knots and body shiver. “She’s asking for it, so let her have it. Better her than fear sweet Nicholas, right?”
Summer couldn’t stop shaking in place. This wasn't the plan. Not like this so much could go wrong. Was she really to fight Shiva again? Did Veronica stand a chance? Just how much stronger would Shiva’s grip be by doing this. If they failed, if she wasn’t strong enough then…that might be it. This wasn’t just her own life at stake either. Summer already thought Veronica might’ve died today. If it was by her own hands…
Bile threatened to come up and out of throat. Summer couldn’t even see straight anymore. The trees spun around her and her balance felt off. The whole world seemed to crush her under her own weight and tears-
“Lesson learned.” Called out Veronica, bringing reality back to Summer. She hadn’t realized it through her panic attack, but Veronica had gotten remarkably close to her, looking right into her soul and placing a hand to rub Summer’s pale cheek. Summer was so overwhelmed she began stammering. “W-What a...are y-you-”
“This terrifying fear that’s crippling you; the absolute anxiety of knowing how potentially dangerous it would be to pull a stunt like this? Maybe remember it the next time you wanna drag Nick into one of your reckless training, kay?” Veronica took the Diamond Dust away from Summer and returned it to her pocket. “Okay, now for the real reason we’re here. We need things for your outfit and so on.”
Summer watched Veronica nonchalantly lift her bag and walk off again. She couldn’t be it. This entire was a set up. A guilt trip into thinking more about Nick’s safety, and it worked. The humiliation of it all. What’s worse was Summer felt...like she deserved it? Did Nick ever feel this, this fear? How many times did she want to train her control and he went along with it? Why did he go along with it!? Her body felt weak, exhausted. Summer stumbled back against a tree, sliding down until she sat in the snow on the verge of breaking down. “Stop.” She said, weak and afraid. “I need a minute, so please stop.”
Veronica looked back to see the state Summer was in. No longer was she fighting back tears. Summer openly wept as she hugged her knees tightly to try and stop the shaking. She wasn’t the only one feeling guilty.
“Damnit Veronica! I didn’t think it would scare her this bad or make her cry!”Veronica walked back to the fragile girl and sat next to her quietly. This was a complete disaster. Emotional vulnerability was never a thing Veronica was good at doing or dealing with. She took a chance and used her tail to wipe Summer’s wet face, gaining her attention. “I ummm, wasn’t trying to...a panic attack was not in my plans. You looked a little frantic at first but then you spiraled in the blink of an eye. I’m…” Veronica looked away, her ears folded in shame. “I fucked up. My bad. Nick told me to take it easy on you and here I am being worse than usual.”
Summer sniffled. She wasn’t exactly sure how to respond to being comforted. Especially by Veronica of all people. Still, it felt nice. Different from others. That’s for sure. “I’m sorry.”
That was out of left field. “What?” Said Veronica, turning back around. “Umm I don’t think you know how apologies work. I mean I barely do, but this isn’t right.”
“I said some things I didn’t mean about you yesterday. I was angry at myself and directed it to you. I may not know what bothers you but I know you probably have shit in your life going on too.”
“Yeah well...we’re famous. Problems come with the territory, and puberty.”
“Eh, can’t relate. High regen and pain tolerance. I don’t get cramps, or get sick. The only upside to getting blasted with dust no scientist can identify.”
“I probably shouldn’t envy you but maaaan, little jealous. Not gonna lie.”
The girls shared a small chuckle for what it was worth. Summer sniffled again and rubbed her eyes. “Ya know, we don’t really...talk, do we? Not since we were five. I’m sure there’s a lot of things we could learn.”
Veronica couldn’t suppress her unwilling groan. Bonding was not on her agenda. However, Veronica couldn’t help but think about Nick’s words and her promise to him. “Let’s make a truce? We have to spend time together. There’s no getting around it.”
“I’m painfully aware…” Summer moaned. “What’s the truce?”
Veronica stood up and reached for Summer’s hand, lifting her up as well. “I will do my damnedest to be less confrontational if you do as well. Also if you are willing to explain this whole Shiva business to me, then… I’ll explain my faunus business. I suppose.” Her tail instinctively wrapped around her waist for security. She could tell by Summer’s expression that she was definitely intrigued. It was warranted. Veronica didn’t speak much about it on purpose. Now she was offering it on a silver platter. “Well?” She said anxiously”
Summer retook Veronica’s hand and shook it. “Alright, truce.”
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ncityislove · 5 years
His Worst Nightmare
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➳ Pairing: Demon!Jisung x Reader
➳ Genre: Angst, Demon AU
➳ Word Count: 9.2k
➳ Warnings: mention of murder and blood but no actual death
Requested? Nah.
You wake up in a pitch-black room, the smell of something burning, stinging your nose. You let out a choked cough, attempting to sit up, only to realize you can't. Your chest is tied down to a table, along with your arms and legs with buckled straps. Fear runs through your veins as you call out for help.
You don't know where you are but the room must be humongous for the way your voice echoes, your screech bouncing around the room for what must've been over a minute until it comes back to you. That's when a singular lightbulb hanging over your head comes on and a boy standing to your left comes into view. You scream again and he hushes you with a finger to his lips.
The light is dim so you can only see his silhouette. How long he had been standing there, you didn't know, but all you could feel was the shrill voice in the back of your brain telling you to run away from him. You're breathing loudly now, the cold metal of the table contrasting with the warmth of your skin. The smell is stronger. You finally recognize the scent as burning flesh.
You stir on the table, screaming and calling for someone—anyone—but the boy puts a hot hand on your shoulder, silencing you. You don't know how he did it, but your voice is gone, your limbs frozen. He leans into the light and you can finally see his face.
He's handsome, his jaw chiseled with small eyes that would've been charming if it wasn't for the alarming blood-red pupils that stare down at you. His lips curve into a wicked smile, his pointed teeth white and pearly as his tongue slid over them quickly.
"Wake up," he whispers.
You shoot up in your bed with a gasp. Your heart thuds in your chest as you try to stop the stream of tears pouring out of your tear ducts. You had to remind yourself that he wasn't real, your breaths coming out uneven.
You've had the same nightmare every night for the past month, leaving you on edge and restless. The bags under your eyes have bags. You put a clammy hand to your forehead, the skin hot to the touch, only reminding you of the burning temperature of the room in your dream.
You don't know why you were having nightmares and why of all things it was always the same boy every night. It never went any further than that bone-chilling smile except once, two or three weeks ago, when his jaws opened the size to fit 3 large watermelons, blood dribbling down his chin. You woke up screaming that time, causing your parents to rush in to check on you.
You get up to make a cup of coffee, deciding against going back to sleep. Caffeine has been your kindest friend for the past few weeks. Unfortunately, you couldn't stay awake forever and eventually, you'd drift off, finding yourself strapped to that table again.
You groggily padded across the kitchen floor, grabbing your favorite mug from the drying rack and pouring yourself the largest cup of coffee possible.
The computer cafe you were currently sitting in was emptier than usual, which slightly lifted your spirits. The icing of your half-eaten cupcake was starting to become too sweet so you get up to dispose it in the garbage at the ordering counter.
Your legs feel weak as you walk, your entire body suffering from the lack of proper rest. You feel the world sink in when you blink occasionally, dozing off over and over. This won't do. You get into line to grab another coffee.
You're sitting back at your computer, nose hidden in your oversized coffee mug, when a tall figure shadows over you, their presence strikingly familiar to you—so familiar that when they touched your shoulder, you didn't even flinch.
"Excuse me?," said the young boy.
You turn around, your blood suddenly running cold. The face you've dreamed of every night for the past month—the face that was so terrifyingly beautiful that his image was permanently ingrained into your mind. The slope of his nose those his slanted eyes—it was him! There was no mistaking it.
His lips curl into an awkward frown, his eyebrows lifting slightly at the way your eyes pop out at him.
"A-are you okay?"
You shake your head side to side as you abruptly stand up, gathering your things with trembling hands. You had to go home. You were hallucinating now. You had to be. But why did he seem so real? You were going insane.
"Hey!" he calls out, his hand reaching out to stop you, and you do flinch this time although he never actually makes physical contact with you.
"I just came over here to tell you that you missed the trash can," he points to the bin that you threw your cupcake away at—or at least you thought you did. You look at him, noticing the pastel pink uniform and his name tag.
"Oh," you manage to say. "I-I'm sorry, I'll pick it up. It's just—I thought you were someone...I mean you look so much like him."
He looks confused as he struggles to put together your words, as he simply got annoyed with you trashing his workplace with your unfinished food.
"Jisung," you read his name tag aloud. "Jisung, how long have you been working here?"
"About two weeks," he shrugs.
You nod. It still doesn't make sense that he had the exact same face as your torturer—the same voice too!  You struggle to maintain eye contact with him, expecting the red pupils to make an appearance any minute. But he seemed like a completely different person. He was kind of awkward, shy almost. He wore his hair differently, his eyebrows barely visible under the blonde locks that covered his forehead, unlike the perfect middle part you were used to. That way you could see his eyes clearly when he watched you writhe in fear, that ever so wicked smile would appear when you tried to scream.
You swallowed thickly as you apologize again, making your way to pick up your cupcake when his voice stops you.
"Who is it by the way? Who do I look like?"
You freeze, the tone of his voice alarming as if he knew something. Or maybe it was all in your head. You turn slightly to face him, his head cocked curiously at you, his hands shoved in his pockets.
"Some guy I know. He's an awful person...if you can even call him that," you say and then you turn around not caring to see his reaction, quickly cleaning up your mess before squabbling out of there.
You don't visit the cafe again. It's been three days since then and you've still been getting the same nightmare except for the new addition of Jisung's cheap name tag. You weren't even sure if they were the same person but all of it seemed impossible either way. How could you dream of someone you haven't met? And if it truly was him that tortured you in your sleep, was he that evil creature in real life too?
You begin to cry. You just wanted it to stop. You hide your face in your bookbag as you wait in the cold.  The firm cemented steps offer your bottom no comfort as tears dampen the collar of your shirt. You had fainted in class from exhaustion and now the nurse was sending you home early.
As if you weren't already embarrassed enough a group of people walked passed you during your meltdown—no doubt ogling at your crumpled figure. One of them stops and heads back towards your direction. You cringe, waiting for them to walk past again except they don't. They stop right next to you. You really didn't want to be bothered right now—wasn't it obvious? You kept your head down, hoping if you didn't acknowledge the person they would go away. Maybe it was working. They're backing away now. Thank god—
"Uh, hey, are you alright?"
You squeeze your eyelids shut as a string of curses run through your mind. You give a curt nod of your head, your face still nuzzled into your bookbag.
"I remember you," the voice pauses. "You're not crying because you missed the trash can again are you?"
You slowly sit up to look at him, tears still streaming down your swollen cheeks. It was him. He found you again. This couldn't be a coincidence.
"Bad joke?" he awkwardly chuckled.
"You don't go here," you state.
He was caught off guard by your response. He gives you a once over before sliding off his plum purple puffer jacket and placing it over your shoulders. Your eyes widen at the warmth that envelopes you. The jacket was nearly scorching but barely just warm enough to where it wasn't uncomfortable.
"My cousin goes here. Me and my parents are picking him up for my aunt as a favor."
You nodded not really believing him. "So you're skipping school to come with your parents?"
Jisung took the question as an invitation to sit next to you. "No, of course not. I'm homeschooled."
You frowned. It angered you his words made sense when every cell in your body told you he was lying.
"You wanna talk about why you were crying?"
You shake your head, looking back at your book bag as a strong gust of wind blew your hair wildly in your face. You shiver, closing the jacket tighter around you.
"Aren't you cold?" you ask.
He just shrugs, flicking the hair out of his eyes with a tilt of his head. "That guy I remind you of, you must not like him very much, huh?"
"Hate his guts," you grumbled.
"Whatever he did to you must've been bad because you treat me like I'm gonna bite your head off any second."
You look back at him with the toughest expression you could muster. "Who's to say you won't? What if you are the same person?"
"And what if I'm not?" he interjects. "What if I'm just me?"
"What are you trying to say?"
Jisung stares at you for a beat and you swear you see a flicker in his eye. "I'm not who you think I am. That's all."
He gets up and walks away just as your mom arrives. You stare at his back as he walks through the glass double doors, not even taking a second glance back.
Later that afternoon, you're stuck on the couch with your mother hovering over you. She's currently on the phone with the doctor while you're swamped in blankets with a wet towel on your forehead that's slightly blocking off your vision. She's frantic, making up symptoms you don't have as she paces around the living room space.
You huff, trying to think of a way to get out of this situation. You sit up, removing the cloth from your forehead only for your mother to force you back down with an icy glare.
"Yes, we'll be there at 10:30 sharp," she writes the time down on a notepad.
"Yes, thank you so much...okay...bye."
"Mom," you call out as soon as she hangs up. "I gotta return my friend's jacket."
"You're not going anywhere in this state," she puts her hands on her hips.
You flop back on the couch dramatically. "But I told him I'd give it to him today," you lie.
"I think he'll understand," she says walking into the kitchen.
There was no way you could stay here another moment without getting answers. What did he mean earlier? You knew he was trying to convince you of something, but what?
"And what if I'm not?" he interjects. "What if I'm just me?"
Did he know about your dreams? Your head was beginning to ache and you weren't sure if it was because you were going to faint again or if your brain was starting to hurt from overthinking.
"I'm not who you think I am. That's all."
You double-check to see if your mom is paying attention before grabbing the jacket and your shoes, tip-toeing out of the front door. You hop on your bike and pedal like there's no tomorrow down the street to the computer cafe.
The ride feels longer than usual, the streets cold and barren. The grey sky threatened rain but as if someone were looking out for you from above, the heavy puffy clouds held out a little longer. You nearly get hit by a red pick up truck in your haste, gaining you a middle finger as he zoomed by angrily.
Out of breath and slightly dizzy, you step into the cafe, your eyes peeled for a familiar head of blonde hair. You're red in the face, bent over your knees as tears sting your eyes. You don't see him. He's not here.
The door opens behind you and you're too emotional to move out of the way. Whoever it was would just have to squeeze by.
"Oh, thanks, my jacket," Jisung says, standing beside you now.
You stand up straight, almost smiling in relief. Jisung was still dressed in his casual clothes; his shift must not have started until now. Suddenly you feel foolish for being so melodramatic. Here you were, your eyes still glossy and your cheeks still glowing a faint red from the cold ride and the wind whipping your hair against your face when it all seemed so dumb. Why were you here? To confront a boy you hardly knew about your nightmares? To accuse him of the impossible? You had everything you wanted to say planned out perfectly, imagining the weight that would lift off your shoulders ever since he left you at school but now, finally face to face, all those words died at your tongue.
You look at Jisung and stick your arm out, the jacket dangling in your hand. Jisung smiles brightly at you before taking it, the corner of his lips turning downward as he examines your face. He looks somewhat hesitant to bring it up but he does anyway.
"Is whatever was bothering you earlier still upsetting you?"
You nod, biting your lip.
"I was hoping leaving you my jacket would cheer you up somehow," he chuckled, his eyes thoughtful. "It was stupid."
"It did cheer me up in a way," you start. "It reminded me of something...but I'm ready to tell you what's wrong now."
The whites of Jisung's eyes became more visible as he looked at you, his lips parted slightly. He leans in closer, ready to hear what you have to say.
"Can we step outside for a minute?"
"Uhh," he glances at his watch. "Yeah, sure."
You walk out first, hearing his soft footsteps follow behind you. The sky is even darker now, even though you were only inside for a moment, the smell of rain in the air. The wind was strong, blowing the trees wildly.
You kept your back to him. "I've seen you before."
Jisung is silent for a moment. "You mean the guy who looks like me?"
"No," you correct him. "I've seen you before. You are the guy who looks like you. Aren't you? Except you act different."
"Huh? I just met you...how would I..." he trails off.
You turn around, tears threatening to spill over. You weren't afraid of him now, only in your sleep you were but for some reason, as you spoke, your heart thudded in your chest. You didn't feel in danger when you were with this Jisung. The Jisung that kindly asks you to pick up your trash and gives you his jacket in the cold. But the jacket...it was more than a kind gesture...something wasn't right about it.
"Why was your jacket so hot?"
His eyes fell low before looking back at you. "You and I meeting was fate, you know that?"
You frown. "What?"
"If you've seen me before then we must've met in your dreams correct?"
You take a step back. "How did you—"
"How did I know? It would take me forever to explain. But you're special, __."
A white flash illuminates Jisung's face, a loud crack of thunder echoing around you causing you to jump.
Jisung starts to laugh madly. Terror runs through your body as you start to regret coming here at all.
"What are you?" you ask, your voice shaking in fear.
Jisung smirks at you. "You know what I am, baby."
There's another crash of thunder and you nearly hop an inch out of your shoes. Jisung starts to laugh at you again.
"Are you going to kill me?"
He puckers his lips at you with a tilt of his head. "No. Why would I do that?"
"Isn't that what you do," you tutt, your throat tight. "In my dreams, you were always about to kill me."
"That's...no, I'm not like that," he clenched his fists at the statement.
"But you think it's funny to torture me? I haven't slept in over a month because of you."
"A month? No, that's not right. What happened in those dreams?"
A drop of water hits the top of your head but you ignore it. "Like you wouldn't know!" you answer, your brows furious and angry as you look up at your torturer.
"I have no control over your dreams. Can you tell me about them, please?"
"Nightmares," you correct. "Call them what they are. Don't act coy with me. Don't lie. If you're going to kill me then just do it already."
"I don't kill anymore!" his eyes flash red.
You gasp, you're blood running cold at the terrifyingly familiar image. You run away. You make it to your bike but before you can hop on, a hot hand grabs your arm, yanking your body off onto the damp pavement.
"Don't you run away from me!!" Jisung looks angry and maybe a little hurt by your actions but you don't care. You just want to get out of here.
"Just leave me alone, okay!" you get up to run away again but he lifts you again with one strong arm, his hand wrapped tightly around your throat. Your eyes bulge out of your head when you realize you can't breathe.
"You're pissing me off now. I don't want to hurt you but it's the only way to make you listen."
You struggle against him, your fingers clawing at his hand while he seems entirely unaffected. His nostrils are flaring, the pointy teeth now visible as he glares at you with those blood-red eyes.
"I don't control your dreams. The only person who can control your dreams is you. I only met you a week ago so stop accusing me of something not even I can do." And with that, he drops you.
You fall on the sidewalk, gasping and coughing. Your butt hurts from landing on it so roughly and your left arm stings, probably a cut from the fall but you don't check. You can't bring yourself to look away from him.
"What do you want from me?"
"Well, I can't tell you now," he scoffs. "I don't trust you."
A fat tear escapes your eye, adrenaline rushing through your veins as you try to make sense of reality. "Who the hell would believe me even if I told anyone??"
"There are those who believe we exist. Mostly the looneys of the church but I can't have you going around exposing me. Then I'd have to kill them all and I don't want to do that again. I'm reformed now."
"You said you're not who I thought you were. If you're not him then who are you?"
A gentle ring of thunder fills the thick air as it starts to rain. It's cold and uncomfortable but neither of you makes an effort to go back inside.
"I'm not a killer. That is, only if you don't make me out to be."
How could he say that when you could see the fangs that could tear your body in half. How could he say that when he almost killed you just now?
"You've killed people before," your voice waivers even though you will it not to. "You're a murderer. That's what your kind does to humans. Kill."
"Say it. Say what I am." Jisung crouches to your level. "C'mon. Say it."
Your body's shaking from how close he's gotten. You say nothing as he waits for you to respond. You remain silent.
He leans into your ear and whispers, "Either you say it on your own or I'll make you say it."
You let out a weak noise, turning your head away as he tucks your thick wet hair behind your ear.
"Demon," you wail, as tears blur your vision.
Jisung smiles triumphantly, pressing his warm lips to your forehead. Your body shrivels away from him as you scream, a fist landing on his hard chest. He takes your hand in his, keeping it on his chest, sliding your hand to the left and you feel something. Something that doesn't make sense. It's a heartbeat. It was a little faster than a normal one but it was still a heartbeat.
You look at him in shock, your mouth rendered speechless.
"I'm late for my shift," he gets up. "I'll see you soon. But remember what I said. You control your own dreams."
Jisung wraps his jacket around you once more with the obvious intent on having you return it again tomorrow. His eyes fade back to brown as he sends you one last smile and the awkward and kind Jisung is back almost as if he never left. He walks back inside the cafe, leaving you alone in the rain, shivering, wet, and traumatized.
A slightly chubby waitress decked out in tattoos with blue hair brings out your steak, medium rare, with a side of lightly salted fries as per Jisung's request. His order was something French that you couldn't pronounce, nor identify, but smelled heavenly, your mouth watering for the order that was not your own.
Jisung checks his expensive watch. "They're late. As usual."
"Hmm?" you snap your eyes away from his meal. "Who is?"
"We're here!" A beautiful older couple makes their way to your table.
"Mom! Dad! It only took you fifteen years," Jisung remarks as he leans in to give them a hug.
"It was your father, love. He got hung up with the gentleman at the sports club."
"Ah! It was business! You know how that sort of thing goes."
They both sit in their seats across from you, picking up their menus. His mother's hair is combed back neatly, her youthful skin glowing as she smiles pleasantly at you. His father is dressed rather casually, wearing khaki shorts and a baby pink polo but the giant rock on his pinky finger told you of his financial status.
"Oh my," says his mother. "And you, my darling, how are you? I've heard so much about you."
His father hums. "Ah yes, you're a special one aren't you? Haven't had a human dine with us in decades."
"Special? How am I special?" you ask, taking a French fry.
"Jisung, haven't you told her?" his father takes a sip of his sparkling water.
"Tell me what?" you look to Jisung.
The temperature in the room starts to rise and you break out into a sweat, fanning yourself with a napkin.
"Why would I tell her what she already knows?" Jisung answers, taking a spoonful of his soup.
You give him an odd look which he ignores and you decide to bite your tongue. A certain glimmer around Mrs. Park's neck catches your eye and you can't look away, like it was a magnet, drawing your eyes to it, willing you not to look away.
"Mrs. Park? That's a lovely necklace your wearing," you say marveling at the shiny red cut of the mysterious diamond. "May I ask what stone that is?"
Her lips curve a little, the pointed bones of her teeth peeking through. "That's a family secret. One that you'll know soon, my dear."
The waitress returns, notepad in hand, asking what the two would like to order.
Mrs. and Mr. Park smile sweetly at the young girl, giving her a long once over. "Yes, we'd like to have you for dinner."
She drops her pen from her notepad. "Excuse me?"
Mr. Park jumps up and snaps the poor girl's neck like a twig, catching her limp body as it falls forward. You scream in horror.
"Christ," Jisung rolls his eyes.
Mrs. Park rips her head off, dropping it carelessly to the ground with a thud. The restaurant is unbearably hot, and you're sweating through your lengthy dress. Your mouth is gaping as you helplessly watch them tear the woman to shreds picking off the meat on her bones and tear the flesh with their teeth. You look around to see everyone carrying on normally as if someone didn't just get ruthlessly murdered.
You can't pry your eyes away as they continue to feast on her carcass, blood dripping down their chins, red splatters tarnishing their clothes. Mrs. Park looks at you, that same smile from earlier still there but now it holds something dark behind it. Her eyes were that crimson red that you'd seen so many times. She crawls onto the table making her way towards you, and you scoot back falling out of your chair.
"I'm not who you think I am," she whispers.
"Wha-what?" you stumble backward.
"I'm not who you think I am. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not..." she turns over on her back, her arm laying on your food, giggling wildly.
"You control your dreams, __" Jisung says standing up.
You look at him, bewildered.
"This is your dream. Control it."
A whack of thunder shakes the ground, yanking you out of your dream. Your heartbeat is irregular as you stumble out of your bed. Startled, you jump out of bed, pulling on your shoes and jacket, grabbing Jisung's coat along the way.
You left the house in haste, going to the only place you could think of. You needed to talk to him. Whether he'd show up or not was a chance you were willing to take.
You pedaled your bike down the cold, empty streets with the thought of Jisung on your mind. You were confused but you felt like you knew everything at the same time. It was so strange but you couldn't remember the last time anything felt normal.
The cafe was closed. The door was locked, obviously, so you let out a gust of air as you sat down against it. It was nearly 3 am and you left the house alone, loitering around some dumb computer cafe. What had your life come to? You don't even hang out with your friends anymore. You barely even speak to your family these days.
"Jisung!" you yell.
It was only a guess that he would show up. Maybe he'd hear you from wherever he was or maybe you could summon him? It sounded dumb but it made sense at the time.
You yelled his name once more, the desperation in your voice evident but still, nothing.
"Jisung, please," you whisper, your head falling into your lap.
Just as you're about to give up and go home, a blast of heat blows against your back in the strikingly cold morning. You gasp at the sound of the door unlocking behind you, jumping up to meet the boy you came to see.
Your eyes drank in his familiar face and dark clothes. "You came."
"Didn't you ask me to?" he tilts his head, giving you a sideways smirk that you never saw before. "Oh, Jisung! Oh, Jisung, please!" he mocks you and you frown.
"You need to loosen up a bit," Jisung clicks his tongue. "I don't think I've ever even seen you smile."
"I don't do that much these days."
"I see. Come in," he opens the door wider and you follow him into the warm cafe.
It's dimmer than usual, only half of the lights had been turned on and the absence of music almost made you uncomfortable. Jisung sat down at a random table and you cautiously sit across him. It feels as if he's examining every inch of your skin, his eyes slowly dragging over your face to the bottom of your torso where the table blocks his vision. It makes you antsy. You try to ignore the feeling.
"You heard me calling. How'd you do that?"
Jisung drums his fingers on the table in thought, "I don't really know. I've never been summoned before. I just heard you so I came."
"But how'd you get here so fast? Where'd you come from? Your home? Where do you live?"
He scoffs, rolling his eyes. "Now, why would I tell you all that? I don't trust you."
You sigh, chewing your bottom lip—a motion you caught his eyes following.
"Well...what can you tell me? I deserve some answers, don't you think?"
He laughs at that. "You don't deserve anything, human. I owe you nothing."
You press your lips together in annoyance. If he didn't want to tell you anything then why'd he show up? He seemed to have some interest in you by the way he keeps toying with you. You can't figure him out. He's hot then he's cold. One minute he's shy and sweet then the next he's rude and angry. But sometimes he was a mix of both, like right now. A happy medium of kind and a touch of asshole. But at least he wasn't going to kill you. You were sure of that. You couldn't explain why but ever since you had that nightmare this morning you had this feeling that he didn't want to hurt you—which was illogical of course—because he did, in fact, hurt you. You had the bruises to prove it. Your neck was covered in black and blue bruises with a distinct outline of five large fingers.
"I had another dream," you start and Jisung raises a brow at you. "I trust you. I don't know why but I have this feeling that I can't get rid of that you won't hurt me."
He frowns for a bit before he begins to chuckle. "My suspicions were true."
"What do you mean?"
"You want to know why you've been having those dreams?"
You nod frantically, bracing yourself for what he was about to tell you, but nothing could prepare you for the words that were about to leave his lips.
"You're destined to become my slave."
You come to on a leather couch in an unfamiliar room. It was a living room. A large one at that. You sit up, your head feeling heavy and full of fluff. Your shoes are sat neatly to the side of the couch along with your jacket. Standing up on sore legs, you stretch before looking around in what you could only assume was Jisung's house.
It's very...empty. Like it had been barely lived in. Almost as if no one lived here at all. The kitchen's beautiful, large and spacious with fancy looking cupboards. You walked down a long dark hall passing an extravagant dining room with a table that looked like it was a mile long and a chandelier that was so humongous it must've weighed more than your immediate family all together.
You hear the sound of water as you approach a room on your right, pushing open the door left slightly ajar. Jisung is staring right at you as if he knew you were coming. The bathwater is running and he's sitting on the toilet seat with a tub of bath salts in his hands.
"Morning, sunshine," he smiles cheekily at you.
You step into the steamy room, eying him with a groggy pout. "What the hell happened?"
He scoffs. "Of course you don't remember. I told you that you're my slave and you didn't handle it well."
You almost lose your balance, grabbing the counter just in time. "Pardon??"
Jisung rolls his eyes. "I made you a bath. You look like hell so I'll leave you to it," he gets up patting his jeans.
You didn't notice his change of clothes until now. Just how long had you been there?
"Hold on, I have a question. Several actually—"
"I'll be back in a bit," he stalks off closing the door behind him.
You open the door to call after him but he's nowhere to be found. It was like he disappeared into thin air. It wouldn't surprise you if he actually did. You return to the bathroom and disrobe, deciding you might as well. You couldn't remember the last time you took a bath. Must've been years. You pause at the mirror and nearly jumped out of your skin when you saw how awful you looked. Jisung did not lie when he said you looked like hell. There were dark circles around your eyes and you looked pale, on top of that your hair was a frizzy mess. You finger-combed your hair to the best of your ability before giving up and sinking into the warm bath Jisung had drawn for you.
You let your mind reel as you sat in the tub, your knees tucked into your chest. Nothing made sense anymore. Oh, how you longed to go back to the life you had where the only thing you had to worry about was struggling with your math homework. If Jisung was telling the truth, then your life would never be the same. There had to be a way out of this, right? Maybe this is your punishment for something horrible you did but what? The worst thing you'd ever done was steal a couple of lipglosses from Target and that was two years ago. Or maybe it's because you lied to your mom about passing your Spanish test last month? You regretted it but it still seemed too small of a thing to be punished so greatly for. No matter how hard you picked your brain you couldn't come to a conclusion in any reality where you deserved this. You just wished you could get some answers soon. What would you tell your parents? Your friends? Would you have to leave them all behind? Did you have to do evil things now?
No, he said he changed. He wasn't like that. At least you hoped he wasn't. The scary thing is that you couldn't find it in yourself to care if he did make you do evil things. Just yesterday you would rather kill yourself than to do Jisung's evil bidding. You didn't like that you didn't mind it. You didn't like that nothing added up. You couldn't understand why in the world all of this had to happen to you. You didn't know where you were, how long you've been gone or what was going to happen to you. It all felt like a never-ending bad dream.
After you washed up and dried yourself, you sat idly on the toilet as the water drained from the bathtub. You felt a little better now that you were clean but you could feel the foreshadowing of an oncoming headache from the stress.
There was a gentle knock on the door, shaking you out of your pity party and you get up to open it. Jisung is in different clothing once again, wearing a hoodie and baggy dark jeans.
You stay there for three long days. You don't speak much in that time, but you feel like you know him a bit better. He wasn't as scary as you thought. After spending seventy-two hours together, you feel more at ease in his presence. He refused to discuss your circumstances and you never ask to go home. The thought never crosses your mind after the first day and you almost forget about your life at home completely. Instead, you spend all your time observing Jisung. You watch him cook and clean, sew and paint. He's perfected almost a million hobbies.   He doesn't acknowledge your existence as you watch, only bothering to speak to ask what you wanted to eat or if you were tired and wanted a bath. Contrary to your earlier thoughts, he never ordered you around. He left you to wander around on your own, doing as you pleased. Whether that be to read a book from his collection, watch a movie or watch him.    On the third morning, you're up early, sitting cross-legged in the bed of Jisung's guest bedroom. After taking a shower, you were stuffing your face with a bowl of oatmeal Jisung had so expertly prepared.
"You ready to go home? School should be starting soon."
Home. Your mother. Oh, shit.
"What time is it?" you tuck your damp hair behind your ears.
"Five thirty-seven."
Your eyebrows knit together as he tosses your uniform at you and you catch it.
"Hurry up," and with that, the door is shut in your face.
It only took you about a minute to change and then you were scampering down the hall to the living room where Jisung was waiting patiently, sitting as still as stone.
"Good then. Let's go."
"Wait," you grab his sleeve and Jisung stares down at your hand as if it were alien.
"Can you please tell me what's going on now? I'm going insane here."
He sighs before motioning for you to sit down. You quickly oblige, plopping down on the couch and he sits opposite of you.
"Sometimes, there are certain circumstances where a demon who does their job very well would be rewarded by Satan by being gifted their very own human slave.
"It's very rare actually, and Satan stopped doing it centuries ago bc it led to us being discovered. Then he had to "handle" it so I'm not sure why he gifted you to me. Does that answer all your questions?"
You give him a pointed look. He sighs.
"I don't know what to tell you. I don't know what's going on either; I don't even work anymore."
"What do you mean you don't work?"
"I'm retired. I don't like causing harm to humans and Satan let me settle down up here."
"Satan sounds awfully nice..." you frown a bit.
Jisung rolls his eyes slightly. "Oh, believe me. He isn't. Satan lives up to his name just fine. He let me go under special circumstances."
"So you're special?"
You folded your arms over your chest. "How so?"
"My parents and I were really good at doing what we do. The best actually. For centuries we were the apple of Lucifer's eyes. I mean, we got the best treatment, luxury lifestyle, the other demons didn't dare mess with us. It was almost like...heaven."
You purse your lips, feeling uncomfortable with the comparison to heaven.
"One day, I met a human I was assigned to and she was different than any human I'd ever seen. I was supposed to influence her to sin but I just couldn't no matter how hard I tried. This human was the purest of any kind I'd met and she was so young. The young ones are supposed to be the most malleable but she always resisted. She was good.
I realized something then. I thought, maybe not all humans don't deserve to go to hell. Some do. Some don't. And without the influence of us, a lot of them would go to heaven. After doing it for so long, I started to feel guilty. I've never been human. I was born like this. I never experienced a human life but I wanted to. So I asked to retire."
You were sure your eyes were bulging out of your head but you were too shocked to try to change your expression. "And he just let you go? Just like that?"
"Yeah. Satan wasn't happy. He thought it was stupid, which, it might be a little. A demon can't live like a human. He claimed after a few decades I'd see humans for what they really were and then I'd be back."
"So, then Satan made me your slave to try to convince you to come back?"
"I'm not sure," he flicks a strand of hair out of his eyes. "But Lucifer doesn't do anything without a purpose. I'm sure we'll find out soon."
"Will you go back?"
"I don't want to but if I have to then I will. It's what I was created for."
"Oh," you were lost on what to say next.
"Are you ready to go back home?" He stands up, holding a hand out to you.
You're about to take it when the doorbell rings. Jisung looks frigid. Was that fear in his eyes?
"My parents are here."
"Huh? Why?" The scenes of your dream flash in your mind. The headless waitress and blood gushing everywhere. If they were anything like the dream version of them then you were dead meat.
"I don't know. They're not nice people, __," he warns.
"Should I run? Or hide?"
"There's no point; they'd find you. Just sit still and don't say a word."
Jisung walks to the door, opening it to reveal two faces you've seen before. His mother didn't look pleased to see her son but his father pulled him in for a quick hug, patting him on the back.
"Well, are you going to invite us in? We knocked this time. Just like you asked," his mom says with a hint of annoyance.
Jisung steps back to let them inside and it's like an alarm goes off in their heads because as soon as they step one foot inside, their heads snap to find you sitting on the couch.
"Oh...you have company," his father says in confusion.
"Jisung, what is this?" His mom looks at you in disgust.
"Mom, Dad, this is __. We were just on our way out, actually. So, this is a bad time."
His mom shoots him daggers with her eyes. "You aren't going anywhere we just got here. Jisung, where are your manners?"
Jisung stands there, looking defeated as he mumbles an apology.
"Hello, there! I'm Mrs. Park," she extends a hand out to you. You look at Jisung before getting up to shake it.
"Mr. Park," his dad shakes your hand next. Their hands are just as hot as Jisung's. You shuffle back to your spot on the couch.
"Is this your friend, Jisung?" Mrs. Park asks, looking you up and down.
"She's my slave, mother."
His parents look at each other in shock, smiles of joy creeping across their faces.
"Lucifer gifted you a slave?" Mrs. Park practically jitters with excitement.
"Yes, mother."
"Son, that's amazing! You have to come back now!"
Jisung clenches his fists at his sides. "I'm not coming back. Not now. Not ever."
"Don't be silly, Jisung. It would be extremely disrespectful not to after receiving such a gift. He stopped gifting slaves centuries ago," Mrs. Park snaps.
"Mom, I made my decision."
"You foolish boy. You're an embarrassment to us all. We've been forced into hiding ever since you left. We're the laughing stock of the underworld because you decided to go soft and ruin the reputation we worked so hard to build. Two centuries of hard work down the drain."
"Don't you understand? This isn't a gift it's a warning. You've been gone too long, Jisung. He wants you back. You've had your fun living your little fantasy; now it's time to come back to reality."
"Son, please," Mr. Park sits down next to you. "Listen to your mom."
"I...no. No, I'm staying here," says Jisung.
"You're so selfish! He won't just punish you he'll punish us all! Me and your father will be extinguished right along with you. My dearest son, please use the common sense I gave you and come back to us. I've missed you. We were a great team."
Jisung looks torn as he looks at you then back to his parents. "I have to get going."
"Jisung," Mr. park barks.
"Please leave," Jisung opens the door for them.
"You're going to get us all killed," Mrs. Park snarls as she nudges her husband to get up. "Close the damn door, Jisung. We're leaving."
Jisung closes it, his back falling against the wall.
"We're not done talking about this," his mother declares before looking at you one last time, the corner of her lips turned downwards. You think your eyes are playing tricks on you as the couple dissipate right in front of you, fading into a silhouette and then finally nothing. They're gone.
Jisung opens the door again. "Come on."
   The ride to your house is silent and too quick if you were being honest. Jisung lives fairly close to your house although in a much better neighborhood for someone who's living off of minimum wage.
   You're still a bit shaken up but much calmer than before. Once you enter the house, you find the lights off. Your mom was still asleep. You thank god as you creep to your room as quietly as possible. When you open the door, however, your mom is sitting on your bed holding a book in her hands. Was that your diary?
"Y/n, just where have you been all night?"
You deflect her question. "Why do you have my diary?"
"This is my house and my rules. I am your mother for Christ's sake; I have the right to know what's going on in my daughter's life and if you won't let me in, damn it, I'll find out my own way."
"That's a complete invasion of my privacy!"
She looks taken aback at your brazen comment. "Raise your voice at me one more time—I dare you! You were out with that boy from the computer cafe, weren't you?"
"What? No! My friend, Deana broke up with her boyfriend and it was an emergency. I had to go talk to her."
She narrows her eyes. "Don't you lie to me."
"I swear it! It's true," your bottom lip trembled as you held back tears.
You wanted to tell the truth but you couldn't. Jisung wouldn't like that very much and quite frankly, you were simply terrified of what his parents might do to you more than your angry mother. Would she believe you anyway? You didn't have any proof. She'd probably lock you up in some psych ward hundreds of miles away from here at the first mention of demons. Or maybe she'd just think you were lying. Her face was red with fury but you can tell by the slight quiver in her voice she was more worried about your safety than anything.
"I know somethings going on," she rests her hands on her knees. "You've been having sleepless nights and you don't go out as much anymore. And now there's some boy who comes out of nowhere and you're running out to meet him when you've got a fever. You scared me half to death and I just let it slide but now you're sneaking out and coming back three days later at six in the morning?
"No ma'am. This is not how I run my household. You know that. I mean is it me? Did I do something to make you wanna push me away?"
Your throat aches as you choke back tears. "No, mom, it's not that at all. I just have to solve this on my own."
She looks heartbroken but nods nimbly. "But you'll come to me if you can't figure it out on your own?"
"I promise."
"Good," she stands up. "We're leaving in ten minutes so hurry up and get dressed. Oh yeah, and you're grounded."
You couldn't say you didn't see that coming.
When you get home from school, your mother's in the living room. She usually doesn't get off of work for another two hours but it wasn't that hard to think of the reason why she was home so early. She asks about school and you say whatever it takes to end the conversation as soon as possible so you can go to your room. You lock the door behind you when you're finally alone, changing into more comfortable clothes. You make sure your mom's still downstairs before you whisper Jisung's name and a warmth envelops your body from the tip of your tongue down to your toes. He appears before you in seconds, wearing his work uniform. He doesn't look at you at first, inspecting the interior of your room before making himself comfortable on your bed.
"Your mom didn't seem too happy about this morning," he sighs.
"How did you know that?" you ask and for some reason, you think, you might be better off not knowing.
"You and I are connected now. I can see you whenever I want. I can...feel you."
You gulp. You didn't like the thought of him checking up on you whenever he wanted. And what's worse is that if you ever tried to run, he could find you.
"Right...well I have a question."
"Oh, you're just full of those, aren't you?"
You roll your eyes. "If you go back to working for Satan...would he allow you to let me go?"
Jisung's face hardens. You could feel the warmth in the room grow.
"Why would you ask me that? Do you know what you'd be asking me to do?"
"I'm sorry," the words leave your mouth at lightning speed. It's odd. You didn't want to say them but you did.
"Am I really so awful you'd rather send me away to do the devils bidding than to be stuck with me?"
"No, not at all," you say this on your own this time. It should worry you how true it was. You truly didn't mind his company. It took some time to separate the man from your dreams to the one in reality but once you did, you saw the good in him—once you overlooked all the sarcasm, of course.
"Don't get offended, please. That's not what I'm trying to do here," you approach him. "I just want my life back."
There's a flicker of emotion in his eyes. He sighs. "I suppose, you're right. It's selfish of me to impose on your life when you didn't ask for any of this. I'll take my problems elsewhere and leave you be."
You're surprised at how quickly he gave you what you wanted. You expected to have to squeal your way out of it. It was so easy you almost felt bad for asking.
"There won't be any consequences? He won't get mad if you leave me alone?"
"I'm not sure what he'll do. Just as I can see you, he can see me," he pauses. "Whatever the outcome, I'll handle it."
He stands up and you stand up with him.
"Is it weird that I'm going to miss you?"
His eyebrows fly up and he almost looks embarrassed. "Uh, I'm sure that's just a side effect of being my slave."
"I see," you look down feeling awkward. "Can I get a hug?"
You can tell he's uncomfortable with the request but he opens his arms for you anyway. You hate how attached you've become in the last twelve hours. You hardly knew the man and after meeting his parents you shouldn't be standing anywhere near him. But you still felt a pull towards him and you weren't so sure if it was a side effect. Maybe you were crazy—actually, scratch that, you were definitely crazy—but you actually kind of liked Jisung. He protected you from his parents and was willing to take whatever the devil was going to throw at him. So you lay your head on his chest and the heat is already scorching your skin. The fast rhythm of his heartbeat almost rocks you as his hands wrap around your shoulders and you stand there for a moment. He was a little stiff but you could tell he was trying his best. When you let go, his face is different. He's smiling at you and there's this gleam in his eyes that you'd never seen before. Then there's something pulling you towards him, an unexplainable compulsion to kiss him. He doesn't move as you lean in to peck your lips on his warm ones. It's like his limbs are frozen and for the first time in his life, he doesn't know what to do. He's never encountered someone like you before. Someone so beautiful and smart. You were the only person that could ever make him feel anything other than complete misery and he was so sad to let you go. He didn't want to let you go and he didn't have to. You were his slave, after all. But you had asked him to and he couldn't find it in him to deny you. Finally, his instincts kick in and his eyes close as he kisses you back. It's the most intimate kiss you've ever had and you find your hands pulling his shirt to pull him closer to you, wanting more but suddenly he's gone. You look around your room to find it empty. He left. He left you. Just like you asked.
"Jisung?" your voice breaks as you call out. "Jisung??"
Your door bursts open causing you to flinch.
"Hey, what do you feel like for dinner?" your mom walks in. "Sweetie, what's wrong?"
   You try to stop the tears from falling but you fail as you burst into sobs. Your mom runs over and hugs you, begging for you to tell her what's going on but you can't. You can't tell anyone. No one could ever know.
   You think about Jisung every day for the next two years. How could you not? His face was branded into your mind, his voice a never-fading memory. You like to think he was okay. That whatever battles he had to face with his creator went successfully. You hoped he was free and happy. You imagine he watches over you from time to time, just to see how you've grown and what you were up to.    For some time, he's everywhere you look. You'd see a flash of blonde and go running to catch him, no matter where you were. In the end, you never caught him. It was always your mind playing tricks on you. Your friends and family grew concerned but those concerns faded away as the spottings did. Every hot summer day reminded you of him. Even the heaters in the winter made you think of him. He was always in the back of your brain.    After a while, it felt like it was all one big fever dream. The only reminder that it was real was the poorly written entries of your old diary. That, and one other thing.    One day, you come home to find a necklace on your bed, the glowing red stone flaring up the memory of the matching one his mother wore. He was alive. He hadn't forgotten about you. The smile that adorned your lips was big enough to give one the impression it was a gift from your lover. You vowed to wear it every day, thanking Jisung aloud, and you swear you feel his presence in the room for a moment, a rush of heat flowing into your bedroom and then it's gone.
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spaceskam · 5 years
He didn't know any better.
That's what Michael was going to say if anyone asked him and he was sticking to it.
He tiptoed about the body on the floor, careful not to give in to the desire to lay down beside him and kiss him until he woke up so they could have a replay of the night before. He couldn't remember a time he'd been so fucking desperate to get his hands on someone that they couldn't make it past the kitchen floor, but there was always a first for something. However, he had a final in twenty minutes and he didn't actually remember the guy's name, so nicities felt benign.
Still, considering that was the best fuck of his life, he took a few second to dig for a pen and paper in the apartment's tiny kitchenette. He settled for a napkin and a sharpie, using his leg as a counter so he didn't stain the actual one.
I had fun with you, let's do it again. Call me.
It wasn't until he was speeding to school that he realized he didn't actually give him his number. He gave himself a second to loudly yell at himself over it and didn't care if the old lady on the next car over was starting at him. Leave it him to him to fuck something so good up.
"Do I even have to ask?" Isobel sighed as he rushed into class with five minutes to spare. He looked at her with wide, innocent eyes. "You're in the same outfit as yesterday, don't look at me like that. You decided your midterm was a pitstop on your walk of shame?"
"Shut up," he said, sitting as close to her as he could without Dr. Glower throwing a fit. Still, she leaned over and pressed her thumb into a sore spot on his neck.
"You didn't even try to cover that up," she mused. He looked at her with wide eyes before pulling out his phone and staring at his reflection. Sure enough, he had a massive fucking hickey. It was only made worse when Isobel plucked at his t-shirt to peer down his back. "Did you have sex with a fucking cat? You're covered in scratches."
For the first time in a long time, Michael's cheeks flushed and his skin got hot all over. Oh, embarrassment, a punishment from God himself for premarital sex. Or was it the gay sex thing? Was it both?
"You're usually better about not getting all that on you," Isobel said skeptically.
"I didn't know any better," Michael said. Isobel snorted.
"I think whoever you slept with didn't know any better," she said. Probably accurately. As good and confident as the guy was, Michael could tell it was the first time he was really putting some things into action. But Michael wasn't about to say that. "So, who was she?"
Michael gave her a look and she looked at him with far too much delight.
"He?" she corrected, "How'd you even get at an angle for a guy to–you know what? Nevermind, don't wanna know. I do wanna know who you let cover you in fucking marks."
Michael pinched the bridge of his nose. "I don't actually remember ever asking his name."
Isobel stared at him like he'd grown an extra head.
"You let a stranger do that? How hot was he? Where'd you meet him?"
"Yes, very, Fantasia."
Before Isobel could grill him anymore, Dr. Glower walked in and Michael had never been more thankful.
"Will you leave me alone?"
Michael groaned, but he didn't move out of her grasp. She was busy covering up the bruise on his neck with makeup that was absolutely not his shade but he'd rather a weird pale splotch than all the judgemental looks.
"You never go to gay bars by yourself," she said, "You never go anywhere by yourself."
"Yeah, well, I was stressing about the final and I needed to relax, so I went out. It was late and I didn't want to mess with your studying," he said.
All day he'd been not-so-subtly trying to find the guy from the night before. He knew they both went to UNM because that was the one thing they had talked about. Michael had seen him, bought him a drink, asked about school, his major, and if he wanted to dance. The rest of the night was a blur of tan skin and intoxicating kisses and unrivaled desire. Names just... didn't seem important in the moment.
"You think you're gonna see him again?" Isobel asked. Michael sighed.
"I have no idea. I don't know his name and I told him to call me without giving him my number, so he probably thinks I'm too dumb to talk to again."
"Uh, yeah, about that," Isobel laughed, "Any guy who decked you out in little trophies was into you much more than a one night stand."
The idea alone had him smiling.
"Michael Guerin!"
Michael turned to see Liz Ortecho making a fucking beeline for him. He grinned and opened his arms, letting her bodyslam into him before lifting her off the ground.
"I missed you!" she all but screamed into his ear. He laughed and squeezed her until she gave a little squeak. He let her down onto her feet.
"I can't believe you're back already."
"I was ready to come home," she said, still smiling. Liz had gotten a fancy semester abroad in Madrid because, well, she was great at what she did. "Did you know they spoke a completely different kind of Spanish? Like, I knew, but I didn't know, you know?"
"Yeah," Michael laughed, "Man, I really fucking missed you."
"I know!" she gushed, going in for another hug. He welcomed it happily. She was the first friend he'd made in college and they had spent many nights that started as a study session but became long, in depth talks about their life and goals and now she was one of his favorite people in the universe. "Listen, we're having a little welcome-home-slash-fuck-finals party on Friday at my friend Alex's. Come?"
"You know it."
"Awesome, I'll send you the address," she said, reaching up to give him a kiss on the cheek. He couldn't stop smiling. "You owe me lunch."
"I know," he agreed, giving a small salute as she walked away.
They never said goodbyes, they both agreed that felt too final.
For a genius, Michael was a fucking moron.
He was frozen in his car, staring up at the apartment that he'd been directed to go to for Liz's party. It just so happened to be the same apartment that he'd left Monday morning unceremoniously. He probably should've known that from the address, but he didn't even think about it. He should've. Maybe then he would've been prepared.
"He's in there," Michael said, "And I look like garbage."
"You do not look like garbage," Isobel said, very obviously tired of his shit considering they'd parked ten minutes ago and he still wasn't moving.
"I do! He's gonna look like a fucking gothic wet dream and I look like a trash can who hasn't washed his hair in a week!"
"Because you haven't washed your hair in a week."
"Oh my god, just cut it off, maybe he won't notice."
"Michael, will you calm down?" Isobel scoffed, "Look, come here."
He reluctantly looked to her, prepared for her to have scissors to cut off the mass of grease he'd let compile itself since that night because he was too wrapped up in finals go care. Except she didn't have scissors. She instead had baby powder.
"Just stay still, you gross bitch," she told him, sitting up on her knees and pouring the powder into his hair. She spent a good five minutes making it look like she hadn't just poured baby powder into his hair, just also making sure it didn't look like a grease trap. "Now, just wash your hair when you get home."
"Do you think he'll notice if I sneak in and wash my hair in the bathroom?"
"If you do that, I will disown you."
Eventually, they managed to head into the apartment. Michael was struggling to pretend that he wasn't terrified. He remembered being a lot more chill when he met this guy–Alex, his name was Alex–at Fantasia. Granted, he'd been a little high and a little eager, but still.
This felt like a ticking time bomb. He didn't know when he was going to run into him, he just knew it was going to happen, and that was terrifying. He wanted to see him again. He did. He just didn't want to ruin that night in his head.
That's why, when he finally made eye contact with those black-lined eyes, Michael ducked into the bathroom.
He looked around in a panic, trying to calm down as best he could so he wouldn't embarrass himself. How did he talk to him normally when all he could see was how he looked completely strung out on the kitchen floor? How did he make small talk when he knew they couldn't even make it to the bedroom? How did he flirt when he hadn't washed his hair all week?
He would blame that last thought when he ended up with his head in the sink as Alex knocked on the door.
"Hey," Alex called, "Uh, you've been in there for awhile. You alright?"
Michael tried to think fast. His head was half covered in suds from the shampoo he'd taken from Alex's shower and he was trying really hard not to get any water on Alexs makeup and half his shirt was already wet and he didn't know where a towel was.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"I'm fine!" Michael called back and cursed to himself. This was a bad idea. How was he supposed to explain his wet hair? What the fuck? Why did he do this?
"Are you sure?"
"I'm, uh..."
"You're not doing drugs, are you?"
"Because I'd really rather not find drugs in the bathroom later," Alex went on.
Which is what prompted Michael to say, "Come in!" You know, like a dumbass.
"Uh, okay?" Alex said before the door opened. Michael stood up straight, hair soaking wet (but soap free) and face red. This was just the week of embarrassment. "Um. I'm not sure what to say."
Alex's face was slowly turning red as he fought laughter which Michael appreciated. Still, with a red face, he looked fucking gorgeous. He was dressed in all black and his makeup was done all pristine and and his hair was long and pulled back into a low bun with strands hanging down around his face. Michael didn't remember his hair looking like that. It looked good. And he looked like a wet dog.
"Do you have a towel?" Michael asked lamely. Alex slipped a small laugh, but reeled it in as he nodded.
"Uh, yeah," he said, reaching below the sink to grab one. Which Michael probably should've guessed. "You know, if you needed to take a shower, you could've asked."
Michael closed his eyes momentarily, but thankfully the towel was as to save him from painful eye contact.
"I could come up with a lie, but literally I'm already an embarrassment, so," Michael sighed, drying his hair as best he could. The towel hung in front of his eyes for no reason other than preventing him from wanting to shove his head into the wall. "I didn't realize you were the one throwing the party and I kinda didn't look my best and I didn't want to see you when I looked fucking busted, so..."
"So you washed your hair in my sink?"
"Yeah," Michael sighed, "I'm sorry."
"You're fine," Alex said. They were silent for a moment until Michael dried his hair as good as it was going to get. He was prepared for the mass of frizz it would become in the next few hours. "So..."
They both let out soft laughs and shook their heads. How did people have conversations again?
"Listen, Sunday night was... I don't usually do that," Alex started. Michael got real serious re fast. "I've slept with a guy, like, once before and it was a high school boyfriend and it went really bad and I never spoke to him again. So... That was really out of character for me and I apologize if I embarrassed myself enough to make you feel the need to sneak away."
Michael's eyes widened. "No! No, the only one of us who should be embarrassed is me. I had a final that morning and I didn't wanna wake you, so I just... I left a note."
"Without your number or name."
"I'm stupid," Michael sighed. Alex gave a sweet smile that was enough to recharge him. "I don't usually do that either," Michael said, but quickly decided to back track, "Well, I've had one night stands and stuff, but I usually don't run out like that. I promise I'm more respectful than that. And also I would like that to not be a one night stand. Hence the attempt to not look like a sewer rat when I realized I would see you again."
Alex snorted, "You look great."
"Me? No, you look like a fucking model and that willl forever be my excuse when asked why I lost all my cool," Michael insisted, "I swear, I never lose my cool."
"I know, you were pretty suave that night," Alex noted. Michael licked his lips and smiled.
"Listen, I know we met in kind of an unconventional way, but you are literally the hottest guy I've ever met. I never let anyone give me a hickey, but I gladly let you fucking wreck me and I would gladly do it again," Michael said. Alex gulped visibly, suddenly looking innocent all over again. Why was that so hot?
"I had no idea what I was doing, I'm sorry I left a hickey."
"I ready think you knew what you were doing," Michael laughed. Alex flushed a deeper shade of red and shrugged half-heartedly.
"I was going off your cues."
"Yeah, well, I wanna do that again. But, like, properly," Michael insisted, "Can I give you my number? For real this time?"
Alex smiled a bit wider and nodded. "Yeah, I'd like that."
They eventually made it out of the bathroom and Michael pretty immediately went to Isobel to let her know he probably would be staying a little later than everyone else. He wanted to get to know Alex a bit better. You know, beyond his kitchen floor. Maybe his bedroom would be a good setting.
Isobel sighed and ignored his wet hair which was honestly the biggest blessing of the night.
"Leave it to you to get laid looking like that."
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