#usually i keep this blog fairly restrained in content but this is important to me! please share the link if possible :)
lionbearfox · 5 months
my brother's friend is currently attempting to escape from gaza to get medical treatment - if anybody could donate or share this link, it would mean a lot! thank you!
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Three Times, One Time
Detroit Become Human
Prompt by @brascul
Prompt: The three times Connor protects someone and the one time someone returns the favor.
Characters: Hank, Connor, Gavin, Kara, Alice, Markus, Luther, North, Josh, Simon
Ships: none
Warnings: contains swearing, blood, gun fights
A/N: This prompt was by the lovely @brascul you can go to their blog to find the lists of prompts. I’d like it here but my internet is too slow to find the post...sorry. This is one of my first Detroit: Become Human fics. I have some experience in writing imagines, not fanfictions. As for warnings, that is fairly new to me. So if I missed something or you would like to request something be listed in warnings, let me know. But I hope this is good.
Word Count: 2,649
Connor was done chasing deviants. They were legal now, there was no reason to chase them. But his programming was still law enforcement. For that reason, he offered to take up a protection detail for Markus. With Markus’s new position as an android leader, he would be under threat constantly. From humans obviously. And there were a few androids who were content with their lives before Markus caused chaos. Those were the biggest threats.
Markus had forgiven Connor for his actions against him and Jericho. And Connor had nearly killed him when CyberLife tried to take control of him. So Connor also felt honor bound to help Markus. And Markus reluctantly let him aid him in this way. Markus didn’t want Connor to risk his life, Markus wasn’t keen on sacrificing anyone. In fact, Markus had a bad habit of throwing himself in harms way to save others. But Connor would protect Markus. In truth, he was glad that Markus agreed in the end. Because Connor would’ve protected Markus anyway.
Markus and his trusted group—North, Josh, Simon—were the unofficial leaders of the android race. There had been no official decision on who should represent the androids or how representation should be carried out. But Connor had no doubt that Markus would be the first android representative. Right now, however, he was the one to meet with the humans. He was the one to carry out negotiations and talks for peace and civil rights. North, Josh, and Simon were his advisors. Markus called Connor and advisor as well. And while Connor would occasionally weigh in with his opinion, he knew his place. He was security.
The group was just leaving another peace talk when Connor’s assistance was needed. An android came up to Markus, and AP700 model. The woman profusely thanked Markus for freeing the androids. This was a usual occurrence, androids appreciated what Markus had done for them. Connor took a moment to scan the android. AP700, registered name: Lucy. She had shyly approached Markus, hands politely clasped behind her back. Connor noticed the change though.
While Lucy began to talk more animatedly, she would gesture with her hand. But only one. The other one stayed behind her back, never really moving. Connor eased closer to Markus as he noticed this abnormality. The Lucy android glanced at him, and seemed a little surprised to see the famed ‘deviant hunter’ with the freer of deviants. Connor really wished that title would go away.
However, Lucy inched closer to Markus. Connor noticed she was trying to get between him and Markus. But Connor kept staying close enough to keep and eye on her and intervene if necessary. His fears were well founded. “Oh, enough of this.” The Lucy android grumbled. She brought the other hand out from behind her back and was brandishing a knife.
Connor placed a hand on Markus’s shoulder and pulled him back. This effectively put Connor in front of Markus in a protective stance. Lucy brought the blade forward in a downward strike. Connor moved to avoid in but Lucy still managed to slice Connor’s left arm, exposing circuits and causing blue blood to leak from the opening. But Connor was unfazed. That didn’t damage any important biocomponents. Lucy swung the blade out in front of her causing a gash on Connor’s torso. He let out a strangled noise as it clipped a biocomponent. He steeled himself against the interruption and went to keep protecting Markus. It was his duty.
But suddenly, the Lucy model was tackled. Josh was holding it down. North was contacting the authorities. Simon was finding some way to restrain the android. Markus was checking on Connor. “You didn’t need to do that for me.” Markus told him.
“Yes I did, I am your security officer. I am here to protect you.” Suddenly, Connor felt the effects of the damaged biocomponent. He grunted and dropped down to one knee, and hand over his wounded torso.
“Well, now it’s my job to ensure you get fixed up.” Markus said. He turned to the others. “Do you have everything under control here while I take care of Connor?” He asked.
“Of course Markus.” North answered.
“Good.” Markus reached down and grabbed Connor’s uninjured arm to help him stand upright. He took that same arm and placed it around his shoulders. He assisted Connor back to the old church they used as a back-up shelter. It was being renovated so they could use the building once more. Right now it held all the blue blood and biocomponents they had stolen. Markus stayed by Connor’s side until he was fully repaired.
Connor stumbled into Hank’s home, his home as well. His shirt had cuts in it and was stained blue. Usually thirium evaporates, but it stains clothes just like any other liquid. And Connor’s white shirt would never be wearable again. “Jesus Christ, what happened?” Hank said. He was in front of Connor in mere seconds, looking for the damage.
“I was mildly damaged after protecting Markus. That damage was minimal and I was repaired.” Connor said.
Hank huffed. “Be careful kid. You may be a machine but I’d hate for you to get damaged beyond repair.”
Kara didn’t exactly like Connor, which was fair. He had tried to capture them when he hunted deviants. He thinks he made up for that by now, but Kara was still wary of him. Kara’s family unit, her as well as Alice and Luther, had crossed the boarder successfully. They even set up citizenship in Canada. However, Markus asked them to return and share their story at one of the peace talks.
It was a smart move. Luther talked about working for Zlatko. He talked of all the androids that came through and were torn apart by a cruel human. He told of joining Kara and Alice and the family he found with them. Kara talked about being owned by an abusive owner. How her memories only began in a CyberLife store after being repaired from one of Todd’s beatings. How she became deviant to protect a small girl who was being abused.
And Alice didn’t speak. She was technically a child. But Kara spoke for her. Her trials as well. Alice stayed outside the room. Connor had slipped from the room at one point. He knew Kara’s story well at this point. He was exactly bored because these were important matters, but he knew everything Kara was saying. If anyone had asked him why he slipped out, he would say it was because Hank was trying to contact him. Which wasn’t a lie exactly. However, Hank had just sent Connor a picture of Sumo laying on one of Connor’s shirts (which Connor wasn’t sure how he got it as all his shirts were hanging up in his closet but he suspected Hank had something to do with it) with a caption ‘I think someone is missing you.’
Connor noticed Alice staring out the window. He stepped a bit closer to see if he could determine what the little girl was staring at. There was a cat sitting outside. A small grey tabby cat. Alice watched it as it licked its paws. Kara had talked about Alice’s growing desire for a pet. Connor agreed that the little girl seemed very fascinated by animals. The tabby scampered away from the building. Alice didn’t hesitate before running outside to follow it. Connor instinctually followed.
A child shouldn’t be left unsupervised. And he could contact Kara with their location. Alice walked down the sidewalk a bit to follow the kitten. She reached out a hand and the kitten tentatively sniffed the hand. Alice lowered her hand and pet the cat. She smiled at the animal. The kitten noticed Connor walk up behind Alice and it was enough the frighten it. The kitten ran into the street to flee Connor.
The small cat froze up as car whizzed by. Alice, worried for its safety, raced out into the road after it. She scooped up the cat. Time froze for Connor as he computed the events and options before him. If he failed to do anything Alice would be hit by the cars. So he ran out into the street and pushed the little girl forward. She stumbled forward and onto the sidewalk on the other side of the road. Connor flew forward a shirt distance as a car drove right into him.
Connor grunted in pain. His biocomponents were all malfunctioning. He struggled to send a message to Kara. ‘In street out front. Alice is fine. I require assistance.’ His LED circle spun as the message was sent. Then the circle flashed red before staying a steady red as he lay motionless.
Luckily, Connor had merely gone into power down mode. And they were able to fix all damaged parts. He powered back up and found he was on Hank’s couch. “What did I say about being careful?” Hank said.
“I was trying to protect a child.” Connor defended.
“I know. And you did protect her. You did good kid. You just scared me, that’s all.”
“I apologize Hank.”
In the end, Kara ended up adopting the kitten that Alice had saved.
Gavin Reed. The police officer that hated Connor. But that was alright. Because Hank hated Gavin. And Connor wasn’t fond of Gavin either. It was like a mutual hatred of each other. Unfortunately, Officer Reed was lead investigator for murders. So homicide and murder crossed over a lot. The boys tried to play nice for the sake of their jobs and justice.
While investigating a murder, the three were following a lead. Usually Gavin let Hank and Connor follow up on leads alone. But this was a big case according to Gavin. “And I’m not gonna let the local drunk and Ken doll get all the credit.” So Gavin came with them. And he decided to pester them the whole car ride. There was plenty of cursing in that car ride.
They found a warehouse full of various items and boxes and crates, so they began searching. At one point, a few suspects walked in. When the suspects noticed the cops, they all pulled guns and began firing. The three men dove for cover behind boxes. Hank and Connor dove behind a study and full box. Gavin moved behind a rather empty box. He stood against the box. Connor looked to Reed’s hiding spot.
The box was getting shot up, multiple holes appearing. The box would either be destroyed or a bullet would penetrate the box and hit Gavin.
Gavin Reed had a 31% chance of surviving if he stayed in his current hiding place.
Connor turned toward the detective and got in a position to stand and run. Hank gave him a curious look. “I may need some cover Lieutenant.”
“What the fuck for?” Hank asked. He had his gun drawn but had little opportunity to fire his weapon. Connor pushed himself into a standing position and ran out toward Gavin. “Connor, the fuck are you doing?!” Hank yelled. He stood up and drew fire while Connor ran forward and tackled Gavin, successfully getting him behind a far sturdier box that wouldn’t be penetrated.
“What the fuck are you doing you useless piece of scrap?” Gavin screamed. Then the box he had been standing behind shattered. “Shit.” Gavin breathed and looked to Connor in surprise.
“What I was ‘fucking doing’ was saving your life Detective.” Connor replied matter of factly. Connor then drew his weapon and Gavin did the same. The three men quickly apprehended the suspects.
“You two alright?” Hank asked after the suspects were down.
“Yes, Lieutenant.” Connor replied.
“I’m fucking fine Anderson.” Gavin snarked at Hank.
Hank walked over to Connor and scanned him up and down. He smiled slightly. “That was the furthest thing from careful. But there’s not a drop of thirium on you.” Connor looked down and realized he had indeed not been hit by any bullets. “Good job kid.”
It was only a few weeks later that they were investigating another crime. Gavin was not present this time. The duo was investigating the crime scene. Both the men involved in this crime had left a small blood trail. One led to the victim. Connor knelt down and stuck his pointer and middle finger in the blood pool near the victim. A quick glance to confirm Hank was not watching, and he stuck his fingers in his mouth. A few moments later the analysis came back. Indeed the victim.
Connor found a different blood pool. He did another analysis. He heard Hank grumbled about something. Probably the fact that Connor was “licking” the evidence. It was the suspect. “Lieutenant, the suspect left a trail of his own.” Connor began following the trail. It lead to a different room. Right to a closet. Connor leaned in and pressed an ear to the door. He heard some deep breathing, indicative of someone who is scared or stressed. The suspect was still here.
Connor slowly backed away. He kept the closet in his line of sight. He came close to the room Hank was in. He looked towards his partner. “Hank, please come here for a moment.” Hank walked over to Connor.
“What’s wrong?” Hank asked.
“I believe the suspect is still here.” Connor said. In hindsight, he maybe should’ve lowered his voice. The suspect broke out from his hiding spot. He had a gun trained on Connor. Hank tackled Connor as the suspect fired.
“Argh! Fuck!” Hank said, and pressed a hand to his leg.
“Hank! You’re wounded!” Connor said, worry, a quite unwelcome and unfavorable emotion, filling him.
“Don’t worry about me. Get that motherfucker!” Hank commanded. But Connor knew there were other officers who could apprehend the culprit. He knelt down next to Hank to examine the wound. Luckily it only grazed Hank’s leg and he would recover in only a matter of weeks with proper care and following doctor’s instructions. So it would take Hank longer.
“Why would you risk yourself like that?” Connor asked.
“You were about to be shot. Why the fuck do you think I did that?” Hank said.
“You should’ve let me get injured. I am repairable. You can recover but parts are not replaceable for humans.” Connor reasoned.
Hank grabbed Connor’s collar. “If you got shot through that chest of yours, there’d be no coming back. You are an advanced prototype. That means no parts for you. A bullet would kill you son. And that is the last thing I want. Get that through that plastic skull of yours. Be careful.” With that Hank let go of Connor’s collar and fully laid back on the ground and waited for an ambulance. Connor kept pressure on the wound but remained silent.
A few hours later Hank was waking up in the hospital with his leg wrapped up. “Are you alright Hank?” Connor asked, leaning forward toward Hank.
“Can I get out of here?” He asked. “Then I’ll be fine.” Hank grumbled.
“You will be discharged soon I am sure. The doctor’s confirmed that you will recover fine.” Connor said. “But you have to follow all the doctor’s instructions.”
“Like hell I do.” Hank grumbled.
“Well Hank, if you failed to follow those instructions then you wouldn’t be acting very carefully.” Connor said, the smallest hint of a teasing smile on his face.
Hank looked to Connor is slight disbelief. He knew the android could be a bit of a smart ass but it had gotten worse since he deviated. “Oh fuck you kid.” Hank said. And though those were harsh words, Connor picked up on the compassion in each one. He just hoped his words would actually make Hank listen to the doctors. However, Connor still wasn’t surprised when Hank wasn’t fully recovered for nearly two months.
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Question Answer Website
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