#usually Sneasler’s warden just flys around
raynavan · 2 years
we have a few wing aus where ingo and Akari have wings, and others where everyone can get wings, but what if ingo and Akari the only ones without wings.
Ingo just waking up surrounded by people with wings and he’s. So confused. That… doesn’t seem natural… he never says anything though, that would be rude!
Also… him (and possibly Akari) getting a lot of sympathy bc what happened to their wings!? Did they get removed!? A horrible thought! Irida and Calaba quietly thing that perhaps it’s better Ingo not remember his past… a blessing in disguise. They don’t talk about it, least they remind him of something bad.
Akari… could go two ways. It could be: “oh this poor soul she lost her wings and doesn’t remember anything, we just have to take care of her” (Kamado is worried about the thing that took her wings might just come here) or: “oh this child has no wings, how could she possibly help us?” In which she has to work a lot harder to live there.
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Giving Emmet A Pokémon Team In Hisui
I currently have several different ideas swarming around in my head about Submas and the brothers being reunited in one way or another. But today I would like to give me two cents about what team of Pokémon I believe Emmet would have as a Hisuian trainer.
Since Ingo has another team in Hisui, I figure that it’s only fair that Emmet does to, including a special guest to almost stand-in for Sneasler. I haven’t come up with any story ideas of Emmet being a warden (mostly because I like even numbers and would have to make up another to balance the two clans), but I could still see him having special relations with Pokémon, especially if he retains his memories from Unova. So without further ado, here’s who I think would comprise Emmet’s Hisuian team of Pokémon and why:  
Luxay: Not forgetting entirely where he stems from, Emmet takes Luxray as a pure Electric type partner since Eelektross is not available. I admittedly have a bit of a bias here as well since I really love Luxray, but I genuinely felt this was the best option to stick with in regards to a Hisuian main for Emmet, especially with how it contrasts Ingo’s Gliscor. Scizor: Since Durant is not available as a Bug/Steel type option in Hisui, Scizor instead steps in to take that spot, granting Emmet some technical strength in battles. A man just has his preferences sometimes, especially given how he would retain his memories. Yanmega: Bug types are a big part of Emmet’s team, and he does have aerial coverage back on his Unovan team, so I feel Yanmega offers the best of both of those worlds. It’s a stronger Bug type than something like Dustox of Beautifly, and it also has the Flying type to help cover other potential weaknesses. Steelix: Probably my biggest stretch, but Steel is one the the four types I usually associate with Emmet’s team (You can check how I define his and Ingo’s Unovan teams for more context), and he would absolutely go riding on a Steelix throughout the land of Hisui to scare the piss out its residents. It also provides him with a unique Ground-typing to show how he has to think a bit differently to home. Pachirisu: We all love headcanons about Emmet’s little Joltik hoard back on the Unovan Subway, but there are unfortunately no Joltiks present is Hisui. So Pachirisu takes a spot in order to be a small, cute little Pokémon for Emmet to happily carry around on his shoulder from time to time, as well as give him some more Electric type power on his team.  Rampardos: Rock is another type I associate with Emmet, and I can totally see him having a big strong dinosaur on his side that probably loves him because he gives good belly rubs. Either way, it would be another formidable force to handle in battle, which we know he takes very seriously.  Hisuian Zoroark: There is pretty much no story idea in my head where Emmet goes to Hisui and ISN’T involved with Hisuian Zoroark somehow, so this lineup is no exception. Though not a warden officially, Emmet watches over his special Zoroark that provides illusions to keep unwanted wild Pokémon encounters away.
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leggerefiore · 2 years
▼Mothman Warden Ingo▲
● Hybrid Ingo landing in Hisui terribly confused, scared and without memories. His brain tells himself to hide away from sight, but the Pearl and Diamond clans revere most hybrids. (Jublife is like almost entirely anti-nonhuman.) He wakes up in the care of the Pearl clan being taken care of by someone who is so polite and amazed by him and his lepidopteran features. A few curious members pop in and ask him questions about his hybrid state to which he answers with confusion. Yes, he knows he is a hybrid, but what kind of pokemon he's mixed with is impossible to recall. It's honestly terrifying to look at yourself yet be unable to place what you are. Irida is almost immediately asking him if he would be willing to act as a Warden for her clan. Wardens tend to be hybrids, so Ingo is intrigued. Lady Sneasler definitely thinks he's a bit strange, but finds the strange, fluffy human with wings to be worthy.
● People often catch him flying around the highlands at night, offering to guide lost travellers back to whichever path they strayed from. A few people have been caught by him as they fell off a too-high cliff. He still occasionally rides in Lady Sneasler's basket if he is feeling a bit too tired or if the weather is too warm for him. He loves to take care of her young ones and feels strange longing in his heart as he watches the baby Sneasels play. When he travels to Jublife for the first time, locals are demanded to be respectful of hybrids as the clans find them high in honour. (There are still slight glares and sneers at the man, however.) Laventon about faints upon seeing him and asks how a Frosmoth hybrid had gotten so far from his home. Ingo's head pulses with memory at the word. Yes, he realises, that is what he is. (A memory of another him, so different yet stings bitterly in his skull. He can't recall any more, and it leaves his awake at night.)
● When his S/O, you, also falls (as usually imagined with Warden Ingo), you are stricken with amnesia as well. Many locals warn about the supposed dangers of hybrids, and how they can barely be considered human. You accept this information, terrified at the thought of such monstrous creatures lurking about. Until you meet Warden Mai, a polite Ursaring hybrid. You begin to question the warnings and wonder about why your heart feels so heavy at the thought of hybrids. Time continues with you meeting the Wardens of both clans. The idea of the terrifying inhumanity of hybrids is long since shed as you try to fix the problems that plague Hisui.
● Well, until you encounter him. Ingo is a strange hybrid who is forgetful and fell from a portal just as you. A strange familiarity hits you as the Warden stands before you. Something overtakes your sensibility and you bury your face into his neck fur, relaxing pheromones and nostalgia claiming you. He gently brings a hand to stroke your hair as something similar overcomes him as well. Yes, this is where you belonged, his mind told him. The reprieve lasted a moment before you pulled away to apologise for your odd behaviour. Ingo did not care, strangely.
● As more and more tasks become done on your journey, you feel yourself retreating to Ingo's cabin in the mountains rather than your own home. The quiet comfort it provides mixed with the complete calm his pheromones off has you basically living there at his side. Some point along the way had him address you as his mate, which you took no opposition to. It felt right, being the moth hybrid's mate. You both fell into a peaceful domesticity with one another and enjoyed the company provided. You do hear him warn that it might be safer for you to remain away during his cycle, as he is terrified of impregnating you with his eggs in such a place and how you still have much to do. It hurts him dearly when Irida forbids him from taking you into his cabin during your banishment from Jublife. His worry about you has him flying around nearby, observing to make sure you are alright.
● Though, while you're finishing up everything at Mt. Coronet his cycle starts, and he believed hell did not begin to describe his feelings. Hormones running wild, and loud sobs into the night. The baby Sneasels left him alone, and his pokemon took up defensive measures around his home. His heart begged and wept for you at his side while his eggs were laid uselessly and painfully. Ingo knew why you could not be at his side, but his emotions were wild and unyielding. The next time he saw you, cycle having passed alongside the apparent end of the world, his arms and wings wrapped around you. A few harsh feelings remained about your banishment, so you moved in with the hybrid officially.
● Ingo also about tackled Volo from above as he tried to attack you with Giratina. He had not trusted the blond's odd behaviour around the highlands, and his suspicions turned out to be correct. The way he acted when he believed no one was watching, unable to detect the hybrid watching silents from above. To harm his precious mate while they carried his young, Ingo would protect you within an inch of his life.

● The Pearl clan knew that the Warden had taken you as his mate by that point, so many congratulations were in order alongside a few gifts. Irida was happy the hero of Hisui found one the members of her clan worthy of them and gifted you a proper place among her people, should Team Galaxy ever do such a thing again. It was a quiet life that settled between you two. Especially after his following cycle. A certain Snom child had become quite beloved in both the highlands and icelands. Lady Sneasler often seen sneaking the larvae around in her basket while a terrified Frosmoth hybrid searches for his young.
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The Diary of Warden Ingo - Year 3
Word Count: ~3300 (shortest chap)
My name is Ingo. This is all I can remember. I was given this book to write my thoughts in, and hopefully I can make sense of my past life.
Day 746 in Hisui
I have been able to return to my Warden duties. Life has continued on. I search for answers still, but I cannot make anything of my clouded memories yet. I may travel again soon to try to come across something that jogs my memory. Melli continues to provide me with edible meals, which I greatly appreciate. I am attempting again to improve my cooking. I have asked for Melli’s aid and after a long conversation about how he and his brilliance would shine ever brighter, he agreed. He showed me some ingredients I was missing before that thicken the soup and make it creamier and made the taste more flavorful. I wish I’d asked him sooner. Tonight will be my first time attempting it on my own.
Lady Sneasler has been allowing me to be on my own for short periods of time. The longest she has left me to my own devices is two hours. The other Pokemon have also been around far more often than before the incident nearly two months ago. Gliscor hovers around me constantly, the other two watching me and happily following me on my daily walks. They have taken to battling alpha Pokemon again for practice, which I am more than happy to help them engage in! It makes me remember why I stay alive.
My dreams continue to be strange and frustratingly vague. I never get any details from them. Only the Smiling Man and that singular fire Pokemon, usually telling me broken half-sentences and the same two or three phrases over and over. It feels like I am on the brink of something, I just cannot remember what. Or how to cause myself to remember. It does, at least, appear like I am capable of remembering, thankfully. I just need a trigger of some kind, an engine light to alert me to it.
I have been able to carve Gliscor and after several attempts, I managed to make a respectable Tangela. I have since moved on. I decided to carve Lady Irida next. Maybe I will attempt Melli. I wonder if I will make a full set of everyone I have met in my time in Hisui by the end of it.
Day 802 in Hisui
It has been three months since I last wrote here. I have not been particularly busy, but to be honest there is nothing really happening. I have recovered fully and Lady Sneasler is back to her duties. I battle with my team regularly and I perform my tasks. I make food and I visit with Melli and Lord Electrode. My collection of wooden carvings has grown immensely. I have finished most of the other Wardens, Adaman, and even a couple of Eevee and a Stunky. I have begun to make the other Nobles now. I believe I may have a problem.
I have learned how to make paint, as well. It is not too difficult, surprisingly. I have decided to make paints and try to paint these figures to the best of my abilities, namely out of boredom.
I continue to have the dreams. I have learned nothing of my homeland. I am no closer in that regard.
I have finally begun to harvest potatoes. They add a thickness to the soup that I was not expecting, and it is a lovely change of pace. Gliscor likes to take me to random locations in Hisui some days after I finish my daily tasks, just plopping me down somewhere and allowing me to explore for an afternoon before flying me back. It breaks up the monotony.
Lady Sneasler is the same as ever. It is beginning to become springtime once again, and as such, I believe she is preparing for her next brood. I have been helping her collect moss, fur, and other such cushioning to make a nest. I lent her one of my blankets, partly because I think she likes my scent being on it and partly for the comfort it can provide. I do hope she lays eggs soon. I believe she might, she has been acting rather odd lately.
Day 823 in Hisui
Lady Sneasler laid eggs! There are six this time around. She has been much more protective of her den. I am the only living thing allowed in the vicinity, even my partners are forced to stay outside. The only reason she leaves is for nourishment, and only if I am there to guard her eggs. She has covered them in a thick layer of insulating earth and foliage and keeps them warm around the clock. If she is not there, I sit with them. If I am not there, I can guarantee she is. I cannot wait for them to hatch!
I am sitting with them right now, in fact. They are larger than I expected Sneasel eggs to be, but I suppose there is a whole Sneasel going to be in each one! They are purple and speckled with deep purple spots. I have covered them with my coat for now.
There is not much else to report. I have made no progress on my memories, even with the surprise outings that Gliscor takes me on. Melli continues to visit, though now that my cooking is decent enough that the very thought of it does not make me sick, he no longer brings food with him. He also visits less frequently. I am sleeping and eating and continuing on my daily tasks. I have now carved some of the other Nobles, namely Lord Electrode and Lord Avalugg. I may need to visit some of the others to remember how to carve them properly, like Kleavor.
I expect Lady Sneasler will be back soon.
Day 894 in Hisui
Again, there is not much happening currently. Sneasler’s eggs are starting to have movement within them, but otherwise life is the same. I patrol. I eat. I sleep. I watch my Lady’s children. I check-in with Irida and Melli. Adaman has visited once or twice. I have now carved most of the Nobles and I have visited all of them. I only need to finish Lord Braviary and Lady Lilligant. I have tried Lilligant more times than I can count, but she is very difficult to capture properly. Not only is her figure very light and reedy, making for easy breakage, but she is always dancing. Placing her in any stationary position feels incorrect.
The weather is growing warmer. More fresh food is available for harvest. Pokemon are coming to the land in droves. My partners enjoy battling and will sometimes disappear for a day or more. That is alright, though, as they always are welcome to return for meals.
I still have the dreams. Nothing new has come to me yet. I am getting tired of waiting.
Day 916 in Hisui
Lady Sneasler’s eggs hatched! Oh, the Sneaslets are the cutest little things. They hatched all wet and goopy, but after a thorough cleaning by Sneasler, she managed to get all the little ones settled in the nest and fed. She feeds them a diet of wild mushrooms for their first meals - specifically the ones that are toxic. Their claws were not yet purple, and were instead a creamy white! I suppose this means that they acquire their poison some time after hatch? I am fascinated by this.
The Sneaslets were born with their eyes closed and no ability to hear. They rely solely on smell and touch to get around. As things are, they are maybe the size of my foot and cannot move much, but I know that within a couple weeks, they will be all over the cave and exploring. The small squeaks they make give me an odd sense of warmth. I have not felt that in a long time. They enjoy being stroked. Once, Lady Sneasler set me in the nest with them. The infants quickly crawled onto me and burrowed into my coat for warmth. I fell asleep there, buried under a pile of Sneasel kits. It was nice to know I could keep them warm.
They are about three days old now and they still are unable to see or hear. I do not know how old they need to be to open their eyes and ears. I suppose this will be a learning experience!
No progress on memories. I have finished all the Nobles and have taken to carving random Pokemon I see around the Highlands. I see Irida, Melli, and Adaman still. Not much else to report.
Day 924 in Hisui
Lady Sneasler’s kits are now a little over a week old. Their eyes have begun to open and they squeal for nourishment almost constantly. I believe they are able to hear now, as well. They have been reacting to me if I am too loud. They still are unable to do much as of yet except scoot around and cry out for food. They are incredibly cute, though. They recognize my smell, along with Sneasler’s.
Other than that, the Highlands are the same as ever. Melli sometimes sees me out and about, if I am ever not in Lady Sneasler’s cave. I find that my time is greatly taken up by these little ones.
I have heard rumors, namely through Melli, that there may be a group of settlers coming to Hisui from some other region. I am busy for now, but when I get the chance, I must ask them if they know of me, or of that Pokemon that wielded flames. Of course, this could simply be a rumor, and I should not get my hopes up.
I have made no progress on my dreams, my memories, or anything else. I have been busy with the kits, especially now that they are beginning to move around.
Day 989 in Hisui
I have had no time to update this book.
The Sneaslets are now moving around and learning to hunt already. Their growth has been so vast in such a short period of time, it is truly astonishing. It seems like just last night I curled up with them in their little nest and their eggshells were digging into my side. Sneasler brings them outside the den more often than not now, showing them how to hunt, climb, and defend themselves. I oftentimes will tag along, ensuring no passengers get left behind at the wrong terminal.
Today, she has insisted I stay behind. She is likely wishing to show them things that require silence, in that case, as I know I am not the most quiet. That is alright.
Settlers are coming to Hisui. Lady Irida told me that there was a boat of refugees from a foreign land trying to escape hardship and looking to build something new here. They appear to be east of the Fieldlands from what Irida has described. Once the Sneaslets are more grown, perhaps I will visit these newcomers. For now, though, I have my hands full helping my Lady daily with her brood.
My partners have started to become more used to the Sneaslets as well. Any spare time I am not spending with them or doing my other tasks is spent with them, simply enjoying time together. I have informed them that I am only out of commission until the infants are grown, but they do not seem to mind. I feel guilty at not being able to spend proper time with them, though they do seem to manage just fine.
I have regained all the lost muscle from my bout last year. I am even more able to climb cliff sides and carry heavy objects than I was previously, especially seen in the Sneaslets. I can carry nearly four of them at a time. My wanderings have not been an issue for some time either, though occasionally I do begin to space out again. I now seem immune to the low doses of poison from the Sneaslets, likely thanks to last year’s brood.
I believe that the Sneaslets will be kicked from the nest soon enough. If I had to guess, based on the timetable of last year, I would give it another month or two.
Nothing new from my dreams or my head.
Lady Sneasler has returned!
Day 1035 in Hisui
The Sneasels have now moved on. Me and Lady Sneasler sat for the afternoon with my other Pokemon and simply enjoyed the day without interruption before getting promptly back to work tomorrow. I talked about the little things I could remember from before.
One thing has been needling at me. What is a ‘train’? I feel that it is an object, which was very important to me in my previous life. It sits on the tip of my tongue and I feel that, as with the name of the Smiling Man, rediscovering what this is could be the thing that unlocks the rest of my memories. Does a train have to do with the odd phrases I say? Or maybe it is why I cannot smile? Whatever it is, I feel that I want to see one again. It has a positive connotation in my head, so I can only assume it was something I enjoyed quite a bit. I would like to understand my ‘two-car train’ statement.
I still see the Smiling Man in my peripheral vision most days. He has taken up residence there and he offers me a sense of comfort. He makes me feel less alone on bad days. It almost makes me feel like I have something back, that I am missing dearly…
The emptiness has not truly left me. I feel the ache in my very soul constantly, like a dull throb in a joint that was pulled too hard. I am able to handle it well most days, especially now that the Pokemon know what it looks like when the emptiness overcomes me. Gliscor will typically go screeching to Melli or Irida, if Melli is not close by, dragging them back for a simple conversation. I have told it that it does not need to do this every time I have an episode, but it continues anyway.
Machoke has been very cuddly lately, as well. I believe it was after I mentioned that I had realized I did not receive hugs very often, as a flippant comment. I truly had not meant anything by it. But now it is always trying to hug or cuddle me, sometimes arguing with the others on who gets time with me. It is endearing, though I could do with a little less bickering. It also is not a fair fight because Tangela is so much smaller than the others. I wonder when it will evolve. I wonder if it will want to evolve. I would never force it to, of course, if it does not wish to.
The newcomers have begun setting up a whole new settlement by the coast. I believe they are calling it Jubilife. I hope their arrival is safe and that they find what they are looking for in Hisui. I wonder if they came from the same place I did.
I have been a Warden for well over a year now. That is an odd thought. Time truly does fly! Lady Sneasler seems to be happy with me as her Warden, and I only hope I am doing the best job with her I can.
Day 1074 in Hisui
Today was the first day I met the newcomers. Lady Irida has been trying to bring each of the Wardens to meet the small settlement of Jubilife, specifically its founder and leader, a strict man named Kamado. His gruff exterior reminded me of someone, though I could not say who. He greeted me politely, though I could tell he was rather busy. I did not wish to keep him waiting, so I kept my introduction short and moved on.
The people in the village avoid me. I had forgotten what I look like to those that are not used to me. One mother hid her child from me. It… hurt. I forgot how much it hurt. Ever since the Pearl Clan got used to my presence and I have been welcomed by them, I have not had to face this sort of adversity. It is now, though, that I was reminded. I do not know how often I will come to the settlement of Jubilife, but I feel I may avoid it for now. It is merely a few small buildings and the beginning of a wall and a farm right now, but it is growing fast. I wish the best for these folks.
Ah, it likely did not help that Gliscor, Machoke, and Tangela insisted on coming with me. I was able to convince Machoke and Tangela to wait outside the gates, but Gliscor would do no such thing. It floated behind me in that odd way as I talked to Kamado and his eyes flicked between me and Gliscor, trying to judge if we were dangerous. I noticed this and assured him that Gliscor and I were bonded, and it would never harm a person without explicit reasoning. He relaxed slightly but asked if I could keep it out of the village, as the others are terrified of Pokemon. It huffed, but it seemed to hear him. I am not the controller of these creatures, merely their friend. I do not understand why that is such a difficult concept.
As I promised the Pokemon, I have taken to training them again. They seem happier when battling, and I must admit, I am too. I wish there were another trainer for me to battle in Hisui, one that would allow me to truly go all-out. Alas, I have not run into any yet. Perhaps one of the settlers will end up being a formidable opponent!
Day 1090 in Hisui
Today marks the three-year anniversary of my fall into Hisui. As is tradition by now, Lady Irida, all the Wardens, and Adaman all showed up near my tent to celebrate. I still get that melancholy feeling when they say it is my ‘birthday’. I am still unsure why.
Today, Adaman and Irida both had a surprise for me. Both of their Eevees evolved! Adaman now has a lovely little Leafeon and Irida has a cute Glaceon. Lady Irida also pieced together that her Glaceon and Adaman’s Leafeon are siblings. She says that she hopes it is a good omen for the future. I mentioned that Leafeon and Glaceon are considered counterparts, though I do not remember why that is. I believe it is because they are the only elemental Eevees able to evolve without a stone. Again, I have no clue where I could have learned this information.
This year sped by. I need to really buckle down and focus on trying to remember. Perhaps I will seek an audience with Kamado and see if he can direct me on my track. I want to remember what a train is, and the Smiling Man in the corner of my right eye who loves winning more than anything else, and the fiery Pokemon. I want to find them again.
I know that I did not update much this year, but hopefully the coming year will provide more material to work with. The Sneaslets were the biggest development of my third year in Hisui, and they required a lot of attention. They sometimes find me, though, when I am out in the Highlands, running up to me and checking in with me. They see me as another parental figure. It is truly endearing.
Perhaps I will search for another partner this coming year, as well. There is a Magnezone near the den of Lady Sneasler that has been investigating me more and more every time I go to retrieve water. It is always in flight, so I cannot approach it from my vantage point.
[Year 1] - [Year 2] - [Year 3] - [Year 4] - [Terminus]
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shadowonwater · 2 years
Viral Pokerus au: Melli and Ingo
The stuff about what happens with these two was mostly covered in the main post. But I figured I could probably add a bit more too it, also I'm sure there are people who really want to read about Ingo in particular. A lot of this is just copy and pasted from the main post.
Ingo leaves his usual station at Mt. Coronet to visit the Pearl Clan for a few days. Meanwhile, Melli's Golbat has been hanging out with the Gligars, catching Pokerus. Melli catches Pokerus from Golbat, becoming the first infected human and will be the first one to transform.
Ingo gets to the Pearl Clan settlement. The Galaxy Team has sent letters to both of the clans inviting them to a festival being held in a couple of days. Irida was about to send a bird to deliver a message to Ingo about the party but since he’s here already she invites him to join the rest of the clan that’s going to the party, in walking down there together. Ingo takes her up on the offer, he was already going to stay for a few days anyway. He hopes that Lady Sneasler isn’t worried about his absence.
Meanwhile, Melli get a letter from Adamen inviting him, he has a bit of a cold, but he intends to go. He tells Lord Electrode where he’s going, and Lord Electrode in turn, tells Lady Sneasler about where their humans are going.
The festival starts, many people from all groups are there. It’s only the first day, however, but Melli feels like garbage from his “cold” so he leaves early to go back home. He may not that been there for long, but he has already infected a few people and some Pokemon.
When he’s travelling through Wayward Cave, he’s really starting to get a nasty fever it gets really hard to even stand up. He collapses and sees the Alpha Crobat fly over to him. The Crobat pretty drags him off to it's corner in the cave and won't let Melli leave. Lord Electrode is none the wiser at the fact his warden isn’t here, he’s at the party after all, isn’t he?
Ingo has a good time at the festival. He spends a good deal of it with Lucas, Laventon, and Akari. He also spends a fair amount of time with his friend Zisu. He's concerned when he notices a cold going around. So when the festival is ended early, he thinks it's the right call, safety first after all! He walks together with the Pearl Clan as they leave and splits off from their group after they pass through the field lands to go to Mt. Coronet.
Ingo has gotten home. He visits Lady Sneasler and her kits first, he doesn’t know but he just caught Pokerus from one of her kids. He tells Lady Sneasler that he’s going to go visit Melli real quick to see how he’s doing, after all he left only on the 1st day of the festival due to illness. Sneasler is very concerned, she assumed that Melli would have just gotten back from the party since he hasn’t come back. Sneasler goes with Ingo to Electrode, Ingo is confused, where’s Melli? He’s able to parse from Sneasler and Electrode that Melli hasn’t come back. Ingo is super worried.
Ingo worriers about how sick Melli may have, what if he collapsed somewhere? Ingo, Ingo’s Pokemon, Snesaler, Sneasler’s kits, and Electrode’s kids, all go searching throughout the mountain for him. If Ingo can’t find him soon he plan to go to the Diamond settlement either hoping Melli went there instead, or to get extra help looking for Melli. As he travels through the cave a Zubat starts clinging to him. It insists on following him outside even though it’s daytime. Of course, this bat is actually Melli. Melli writes his name in the dirt, brief moment of confusion where Ingo’s like “oh do you know where Melli is?” Melli: “I am him you idiot!” Ingo eventually gets the message. The search is called off. Everyone is extremely confused about how Melli turned into a bat. Ingo decides to take him to the Galaxy Team to see if they have any idea for what to do.
Ingo gets to the Galaxy Team camp with Zubat!Melli only to find the whole place in chaos. By now, many people are starting to turn into Pokemon. Ingo talks to Laventon (who has started to get a “cold” himself) about Melli situation. Laventon realizes that this sickness is fully turning people into Pokemon and he dubs it “Pokerus”. He’s happy to know that Melli is still himself, just in the form of a Zubat. This calms the chaos down a bit but only a bit. Jubilife starts to get very serious about quarantining. Lucas asks for Ingo's help to go check on the clans. They split up with Lucas going to Pearl Clan and Ingo going to Diamond Clan.
Ingo gets to Diamond Clan with Melli only to find it’s in a worse state than Jubilife. They tell the people there about the situation. Melli decides to try to fly back home and Ingo heads back to Jubilife running into Lucas along the way. Lucas visited Pearl Clan, who were doing pretty well considering the situation. Ingo tells him about Diamond Clan. Ingo heads back home, Lucas continues to Jubilife.
Ingo gets back home, he already knows he’s sick. He’s been feeling worse for wear the last couple of days. Lady Sneasler and her kits prepare for making Ingo as comfortable as possible. Pretty soon he’s hit with the nasty fever that signals the transformation. He will turn into a Sneasel.
It took awhile but Melli manages to fly back to his camp near Lord Electrode. Traveling was hard. Flying was hard to get used too, and also tiring. He's blind and has to use echolocation. He keeps needing to take breaks in the shade or travel at night because his skin burns easily. He's been eating berries, but he feels like he needs something else and he's not sure what.
Melli's Golbat is like: "Have you tried blood yet?" Melli: "What?!" The thing is Zubat's drink blood, not nearly as much as Golbat does, but that's the thing Melli's missing. Melli knew they drink blood but had never thought to appley that to himself. He really doesn't want to drink blood though.
It takes a lot of badgering by Golbat and Stuntank but Melli finally agrees to drink some from Stuntank. It was... good but Melli would never admit that. He's determined not to drink blood unless he needs too.
After Ingo transforms, as well as Lucas, Ingo helps Lucas with working on the Pokedex. As well as just being their for emotional support.
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