#usually I have to take looooong breaks in my writing to spot any mistakes that I’ve made
olasketches · 4 months
when english is not your native language + you’re dyslexic af = double homocide
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severetalesweets · 6 years
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Okay! This is my first post like this so please, bear with me and I’m only starting this journey so you may want to stick around to see the effects. Also, a fair warning. This is a very very very long post. You may want to go back if you don’t have the patience to read it all.
I have some health problems, I recently got some brand new ones that aren’t fun and result in me taking even more pills than usually. Which is totally fine, because I want to get better, but my tummy and my hair don’t necessarily agree with me.
I occasionally got some problems with my hair falling out more than usually and I used a lot of other products before. One of them I bought from my local pharmacy.
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Let me tell you one thing. My hair stopped falling out completely after using this, but it’s state, oh boy... It was so stiff and dry that instead of falling out it was breaking. I don’t know which is worse. It took me a looooog loooong time to get my hair to a somewhat normal state, although it took a lot of hair masks, silk and various moisturising/ hydrating shampoos.
After that I experimented with some other products with more or less spectacular failures, like that one shampoo with brewers' yeast that made my hair really shiny but really uncooperative. And stiff af. I couldn’t even braid it.
Okay, a quick overview of my hair. It’s long, a bit thick, and by thick I don’t mean I have a lot of hair, just that about one third of my hair is a bit thicker in texture, it tends to get oily and sometimes with a sprinkle of dandruff to piss me off. Also, my scalp tends to itch, which is why I use shampoo with tea tree. Works wonders for that for me, although if you stop using it it tends to come back. And quickly and viciously. I tend to wash my hair about once, sometimes twice a week. Don’t judge, please, I just don’t feel the need to wash it more often. It’s now that bad.
Recently on a online shopping group that I’m a member of, a lot of people started to rave about Andrea hair growth essence, saying that it was amazing, caused more hair to grow, speeded hair growth, etcetera. There were some quite convincing photos so I decided to order some and try it out. It came last week so here I am! I’m just starting the journey, but I wanted to save something that might document the state my hair was before use, during and after so I’m writing this post. If this helps anybody it’ll make it even more worth it.
A quick overview of products that I currently use:
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Also, excuse my totally amateur way of taking photos. I know they seem awkward and are not good. I only take good photos of my godchild( because she is pretty) and sometimes flowers( same situation). Back to the matter at hand. Right now I use Head&Shoulders Tea Tree shampoo and as I previously stated, works for controlling the itchiness and dandruff. So it’s good in my books.
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Hair mask! Best one I’ve ever had and believe me, I can see the difference when I do use it and when I don’t. ( just saying, but combing my hair without it is a nightmare). I normally use it on wet hair before I shampoo it. It may seem crazy, but I found out that it tends to do it’s job without weighting it down as masks tend to do.
And the last product I use is...
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silk. I use it for a looooong loong time now. It’s been several years and I usually buy this brand. I’m used to it and if it works then why change it?
I don’t use either the mask or the silk on and anywhere near my scalp as to not make it oily. Or more oily than it tends to get on it’s own.
For combing I use tangle teezer. It does it job and until I find anything better I’m sticking to it.
So, as to more terrifying photos. Here is the state of my hair just before my first use of Andrea mixed with shampoo. Also, I forgot to add. Most people online advised to mix it with your shampoo for best effects, but the amount varies from one person to another. Right now I put about 18 drops of it into my remaining shampoo( it’s not a lot I know. I forgot to buy a new bottle). Anyway, back to the photos.
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Excuse my state. As I said, I washed it a week before so it got a bit oily. It looks fine when put in a ponytail or anything else so whatever.
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The state and length of my hair before washing. I’ll spare you close up photos of my scalp. It’s a bit red today, very oily and not fun.( I lied. I posted some photos lower but after washing my hair.)
Now, onto photos I took right after using it for the first time. I did my usual hair regime.
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I think this photo fits as a way to show my hair thinning out. It’s a bit messy after blow drying, but I’m basically starting to get some bald spots. Tiny for now, but terrifying nonetheless.
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I’m starting to get my own highway(to hell), yay!... not.
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Aaaaand, the back view. It actually doesn’t look that bad yet. My ends started curling a bit, which is fine and it’s quite soft, which is really damn fine, because sometimes even with using a hair mask and silk it tends to turn out quite rough to touch and uncooperative. It’s like a bad hair day for an entire week.
So to tell you my first impression of the product itself. And some basic info:
I bought the product for about 3~4 USD from a Chinese website.
From what was said in other people’s posts praising this product, the original is fairly easy to differentiate from others:
1. The bottle should be glass. And
2. It should smell of citrus and geranium.
I don’t know if you are familiar with the plant, if not
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it’s this one. It has a really characteristic, strong smell. My mother has two of them in out home and I tend to use it on it’s own if I have a really annoying runny nose. The con of this is I smell like geranium a lot. And I’m not that fond of that smell. But it works so I bear with it.
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Everything checked out, so I imagine I got the real deal. It’s about 20ml? I think. Also, after mixing it with my shampoo it didn’t overpower it’s smell. So no. My hair doesn’t smell like geranium. Thank goodness.
That would be it for this very first blog post. I’ll try to post some new pictures every week or two after washing my hair as not to scare anybody and keep up with the progress.
Also, please keep in mind I’m not a native english speaker, so if you see any awkward wording or some mistakes, forgive me, let me know and I’ll change it. Excuse me for the post being a bit chaotic. I really didn’t plan how this post would turn out.
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