#using the term to mean a Shit Ton of people kin them
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i think we have the worst syswide kins tbh. maggie rhee rose tyler neopolitan winter schnee sophie hatter mako trig. stop it
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Kingdoms and Empires Wiki Drop!
Sup guys, im releasing what i have done in the wiki today! In this post im only going to talk about the Wiki because I dont want to create an even more massive wall of text here than it already is. Please see the entire post on the forums thread!!! I solidified the lore (which means no more massive changes), set the foundations to the story (so i dont end up writing a shit ton and having to fucking rewrite everything anymore), and pretty much rewrote the canon lore until i reached a point where i literally cannot share it because itd be spoilers without the future rewrite (regarding the worldbuilding, all introduced characters and such are still the same, some just had minor tweeks, so nothing crazy like changing our old bodyguard Mary:
and turning her into our childhood friend lmao So the plan now is current wiki drop. A good amount of it will be hidden since alot of it is spoilers, so you get 39,174 thousand words of unlocked content out of about 50k words in the wiki. And that's without me transferring 90% of the Codex ingame to the wiki, so its ALL (okay like 85%) new words of content and lore! Dont worry, im dropping literally all extra work and focusing purely on playable updates now until i regain your guy's trust in me after being so radio silent.
I also know and recognize that this has gotta be annoying asf since what you guys really want is updates but after what happened with the Total War franchise (my beloved) and their lightning fast content pipeline and lack of upgrading their engine ended up destroying the health of the company and ruining fans trust in em, id rather invest on the long term than short term unlike them (meaning id rather have a set story, narrative line complete, and research resources so that i can use that to run wild in writing).
I made a history of the world as known to them, so much of it is subject to embellishment, lies, and "the victor writes history" trope.
Historia Mundis
If you'd rather just have the list of articles that can be found within the timeline though, here it is: The Great Disturbances, Wars of Unification, and the Longwei Empire
Reign of the Daishu Dynasty
Ecumenical Dominion and the Flight of the Belthean People.
Belthean Migrations
Reign of Emperor Garland
Reign of Emperor Daerin I
Reign of Emperor Valerion
Reign of Emperor Elric I
Reign of Emperor Cenric
Reign of Emperor Saldwin
Reign of Emperor Elric II
Reign of Emperor Daerin II
The Interactive Outdated Map Yeahhh almost as soon as i published the map for the patreons it became outdated lmaoooo Nareth is much bigger than originally imagined, Argent is surrounded by mountain and forest tribes (think Hispania’s Lusitanian Wars or the Germanic Tribes type of vibe). The empire (being Imperial Chinese and Persian Empire inspired) also is surrounded by the these tribes, and the Imperial Province of Lymark is now the “Protectorate of the Western Regions” which basically means theyre the watchdogs of Western Nareth. Its funny because theyre also across the St. Hytera River, which is much like the Danube River, and will inevitably face the same issues Rome did with Dacia when they had a presence that extended the natural borders.
Master List of Articles
The Evolution of Belthean Civilization
Veldora Duchy I may have gone too far here. I regret nothing and learning about agriculture and stuff was awesome.
Silverhill Duchy Mining is alot more complicated than I thought, though Engineering MC is gonna have equally alot to improve!
Imperial Ranks The ranks will have importance. I know that sounds weird, but I did not spend an afternoon writing this just for the lulz.
Imperial Crown Heir
Imperial Prince and Princess
Imperial Duke/Duchess
Imperial Count/Countess
The Imperial Landed Knight
The Belthean Empire The biggest entry from the ingame Codex that I transferred over and polished. This should give you a hint of how ill do the other kingdoms in the future for their article.
Kin of Arava I experimented here and instead of making an actual article, made it a class lecture of a series of days focusing on the Kin with a racist professor lmao
Zera Arava So i had to do this in intervals as I was writing and plotting out his side stories. Honestly hope i did the homie justice, he's a fav of mine, though i think each of the ROs will be favs as I write more and more about them.
Sacred Dance I assure you the Sacred Dance isnt what you think it is.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Patreons, you guys already read the below list. However ive cleaned the articles up and polished them! The Genesis of the Belthean Empire: From Invasion to Unification
Voryn Resdayn I wanted to see how i could make a character entry. It looks awesome, but holy fuck do they take time to create lmaooo, ill make the rest of them in the future.
Kin of Arava
Eastern Kin The descendants of Kin and Beltheans who mixed, that are settled within the empire.
House Resdayn Wanted to see how I could do the houses, still unsure (okay i dont like it) of how it came out. Hence why I started with a minor house that one of the RO's belonged to.
The Astute Emperor and the Imperial Provincial Rule: A Revolutionary Shift in Governance
Master-Scholars of Jelaytha The Jelaythan organization of scholars that Master Feren is from.
Post-Unification Transformations in the Belthean Empire: Trade, Economy, Industry, and Immigration in the Wake of Conquest
Imperial Historians Obviously the imperial faction that wants to get their hands on tutoring you lmao.
Universitas Magistrorum et Scholarium The Jelaythan/Imperial organization at the forefront of the intellectual international community.
Tripartite Alliance Read what the empire is teaching their citizens about how they conquered the alliance.
The Satrap System and Imperial Provincial Rule
The Great Racist of the Academy: Imperial Historian Acillus Cinna
The Sword Saint
Master-Scholar Kaleb
The Gleaming Horizon: Silverhill's Maritime Supremacy The book of a writer who we'll meet ingame. Youll decide whether or not to bully him as a 12 year old lmao.
Baniel Worthton The author of above said book. He even wrote about himself. Yes, it's supposed to be an ick.
The Ulrich Cothon The second book of his that'll feature in the game.
So…I guess in basketball or futbol terms… rebuilding phase is over, and i got all the players i need for a championship run!
It was an almost year long rebuilding phase, true, but omg it was so needed.
Plus I also learned alot of fucking coding at the same time lmao. Basically a lot of tweaking around with Choicescript and knowing how to code some actions. Also there's CoG implementing a new checkpoint system so thank fuck for that because this game's gonna be huge and id hate to play it without a save system.
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In light of a certain wincest-adjacent blocklist making the rounds and some friends of mine getting smacked with the purity hammer, I have things to say for anyone who would like to listen!
In my experience, antis are more concerned with the rush they get from being angry and feeling morally superior than they are with actually engaging critically with us, the text, or themselves to understand why they feel the way they feel.
This is not actually about the incest thing and it never has been. Incest in the SPN fandom is being used as a dog-whistle to draw a dividing line between us and them, and it’s that shitty black-and-white thinking that tons of young people are falling victim to because it’s wrapped up with a bow that presents a neat little package: incest bad. We can all agree on that, can’t we? But what’s so insidious is that this new-Victorian purity movement is only cloaked in a signifier of moral purity. What it actually is is a giant, authoritarian flag waving in the air, inviting the anti-intellectual to join together behind a concept that sounds righteous on the surface but is actually being used to bully, harass, and harm people who are often already marginalized out of their own communities.
One thing to look out for in particular that absolutely fascinates me is the way language is used as an exclusionary, self-selective force that reinforces these boundaries. Go to any one of the big heller/anti-wincest blogs and look at the way they talk to each other. To be clear, almost all groups will eventually start developing a shorthand that makes them easily identifiable to each other, but sometimes I’ll check out that side of tumblr and legitimately feel like we’re speaking two different languages.
This is a really common thing that happens with political and religious movements and it’s happening here for similar reasons! If you’re on the fringes of fandom and you like destiel and you join tumblr or twitter or wherever these communities are active and you do a search for your ship, you’ll find some blogs that seem really cool and have interesting stuff to say, but they’re full of in-jokes and weird terms and meme language. And because you want to fit in—to understand the community you’re joining—you dive deeper, you search back through history and pick up pieces here and there until you finally get it. And by that point, you’ve basically indoctrinated yourself. You’re doing their work for them, essentially.
This kind of thing is done on purpose for two reasons: it helps to signify that people using this language have passed a litmus test that proves this person is one of us, and it makes it harder for the outsider to engage with you on even footing. I mean, this sounds fucking ridiculous, but how the fuck is an intellectually honest person supposed to engage critically with someone who attacks them by calling them J*red-kin??? (I just made that up but I can 100% imagine a heller using it as an insult). I’m not saying this is done on purpose in the SPN fandom. I mean, maybe a little by people who are shit-stirring on purpose, but this kind of thing just happens and it’s very hard to catch on to. We’re all guilty of it. Language is crazy flexible and always shifting and we flex and shift with it as popular phrases come and go.
Look, all I’m saying is that if you actually think about the response to wincest from the heller community, you realize how flimsy their platform really is. Reading and writing about fictional brothers fictionally fucking each other harms no one, and anyone with a brain who actually cares knows this! That’s why the anti-wincest crowd isn’t citing articles or research about the dangers of portraying incest in fiction – because they don’t exist! We can, of course, talk about the impact that uneven power dynamics in real life incestuous relationships have on victims of such abuse, how most people who are sexually abused are abused by a family member, how to be aware of grooming techniques and watch out for red flags that point towards abusive behavior. But we don’t! Because that’s 👏 not 👏 what 👏 it’s 👏 about 👏
Instead, it’s just an overflowing bandwagon jammed full of empty ideas and a lot of people getting hurt because of it. Innocent – let me say it again: INNOCENT people who are exploring sexuality, trauma, relationship dynamics, and just plain old having a good time minding their own business in an ethically safe and victimless way are being threatened and harassed and told to die. Wonder which one is actually more damaging and morally bankrupt. 🤔
Anyway, imagine a world where the purity police got their way. There’d basically be no safe literature left. Nabokov? Cancelled. Rushdie? Salinger? Ginsberg? All cancelled. Imagine antis whole-cloth discarding hundreds of years of religious tradition because of all the shit the gods got up to! This is the same line of thinking that made a generation of moms believe that violent video games led to real-world violence. Fiction has never, ever, been meant to only tell pure stories. The whole world of literature would be narrowed down to, like, a couple cautionary tales and picture books if anti culture could somehow actually reach the inevitable praxis of its desire.
Taboos have always been sexy. It’s okay to explore them through the medium of fiction. It’s literally the safest, most ethically responsible thing you can do. Please, please don’t let a functionally illiterate hive-mind convince you otherwise!
For an amazing resource to learn more about anti culture and how troubling it is, check out @freedom-of-fanfic. It’s an awesome blog to browse if you’re even a tiny bit interested in this kind of thing!
#ven creates#anti culture#purity culture#wincest#fandom wank#spn#supernatural#my thoughts#long post#thanks for coming to my ted talk#feel free to reblog
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i’m jealous of your big heart when it comes to animals lmao. i’m arachnophobic and it can be so annoying to have sometimes. i haven’t been able to tie it back to astrology, as much as i would like to. i asked because i was wondering if there was a clear indicator based off certain placements like how 6th house rules animals, 6th is ruled by mercury so i jumbled them even though i probs shouldn’t have lol. and with venus it ties to personal taste so i wondered if it could indicate a liking towards a certain animal. i have sag and sag venus in 6th and embarrassingly enough, i was obsessed with horses. like i came out of the womb adoring them. as soon as i learned to talk i was a walking horse encyclopedia. my obsession died down. i’m not a horse girl, i swear on my life.
i agree with you about the cancer loving animals. animals are babies and momma cancer loves to nurture the babies. i feel like cancers are the most likely to hate the “are you a dog or cat person” question. they’d get offended because how dare someone assume their heart isn’t big enough for both. more than both, really. throw a turtle in there. a rabbit even. cancer asc peeps usually have a shit ton of animals. it’s probably the sag/abundance in the 6th. or they either own a horse or Great Dane. but this is off topic because i forgot i had a follow up question.
if you could tie an animal or a couple animals to each sign that you think best represents that sign? or just seems like one they’d like? some are so easy and others just leave me blank. my arachnophobia thinks scorpio’s deserve better than scorpions but my terror blinds me. but i was looking up the symbolism behind animals and tying them to signs. so far, i’ve concluded that while horses should go with sag, their highly intuitive and empathetic animals. their behavior is like a mirror so if you’re nervous, they are too. so pisces or cancer actually seems to be a better fit. and to stay on topic of cancer with animals, i always tie wolves and dogs in general to cancer. the wolves are tied to the moon and familial dynamics and also i think they’re a great symbolic opposition to leo and how leos tend to resemble cats. sun and moon, dog and cat, night and day, that sort of thing. i realized i’ve rambled but i’m looking forward to your opinion because i’m so lost on what other signs would have. it’s been a year old question in my brain and it’s time for help from the master.
I'm sorry to hear that, I'm had a friend once who was arachnophobic and having phobias like these is really no fun, I can't imagine what it feels like really having them. And omg don't feel bad for liking horses when you were a child, literally so many children, especially young girls, like horses simply because people decided horses where a 'teenage girls only' thing somehow?? (and I will have to dig deeper into this at a point because here where I come from the horse girl thing is soooo painfully real and I want to understand the phenomena). And if I'm not mistake, arachnophobia (like most types of phobias), stem from some kind of trauma right? I absolutely don't try to get to personal but if we look at phobias in that way, maybe it's good to also include looking at planets/asteroids that point to trauma or aspects that can represent/indicate traumatic experiences in that sense! And I agree wholeheartedly to the 'dog or cat' question, I don't get offended by it but I hate this question in general because every animal deserves my love and empathy adfghj and yes, mother feelings definitely play into this haha! I think cancers enjoy (to an extent) having that occasional (or constant) outlet for their nurturing side and the bound you have to animals is also very intuitive and requires a lot of patience and getting educated as well as being observant and reading between the lines somehow and all that dedication paired with emotional knowledge just really speaks to water signs in general (and animals don't judge openly with words, just your energy asdfgh) Uhh, I like the question regarding the animals and I agree with your takes on it so far!! I think one animal can not represent all the core traits of a sign alltogether, but I'll try my best here! and psdfghj no need to call me master because I'm literally so far from anything close to that but thank you so much still, I feel honored really!!
The Signs as Animals:
Disclaimer: some of them are inspired by my ‘the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit’ tarot deck.
Aries: House cat. I know, I always thought cats actually link pretty well to Aries! Cats are just the perfect mixture of intelligen and curious, reserved, stubborn, aggressive, senstive as well as playful/impulsive! They are quick to learn and not afraid to face off against any other, bigger animals, but also can live pretty well together with other pets in the house, as long as they don‘t bother them too much. Especially when it comes to intimacy/pda they are very picky, but forceful when demand it. Seem flexible and unbothered at first but actually have the firmest boundaries when it comes to their personal freedom. Will let you believe they need you but give it a few weeks and the neighbor has better treats than you and gone they are asdfgh, but it's actually a harmful stereotype to believe that cats don't need you because they can become extremely fond of you and grow very attached.
Taurus: Elk. Based on the interpretation of my tarot deck. The elk represents earth energy, it is grounded, is established in itself and knows their core values and acts according to them. They show consistency, coherence and care. Dedicated to who they love and what they care for. Can become narrow minded due to knowing what's best, based on their perception of what's right and necessary, which can effect their ego negatively. Very Taurus for me. Gemini: Dragonfly. I refer to the interpretation of the Dragonfly based on my tarot deck. The dragonfly represents the mind: everchanging, quick, fascinating, a reflection of the world inside us and aroudn us. As the dragonfly is very quick (refering to Mercury's fast and nervous energy) the dragonfly also calles for paying attention to what quality our mind has and to become mindful, because on first glance things always appear different tahn on first glance (Mercury floats between detail-oriented and paying attenetion and being too fast, impatient). The dragonfly is joy and magic, as well as impatience, restlessness and being unable to concentrate. Cancer: Killer Whales (but also whales in general)! I thought especially about Killer Whales, because I once watched a documentary on them and they went in depth about how they have different cultures and different languages even (if I remember correctly) in their familys. Cancer often gets associated with the home life, but I think I wanted to look at it from another perspective, as in how does family 'become' family and how do those family roots develope, what do they consist of, how do we define family and what holds it together (and especially: how do our roots shape our own emotional patterns and nature in life?). I think the mystery of the Killer Whales but the whole complexity that lies behind the fascination of how these animals function and also how deeply affected Killer Whales are by their emotions/when they are absent from their kin, just opens up another big question of family dynamics and how we relate to one another and how principles we always condoned to human beings now apply to animals too. I think the whole part about the Killer Whales relation to emotions and their family's cultures just really made me link them to Cancer. Leo: Otter. I refer o the meaning of teh Otter based on my tarot deck. The Otter resembles the energy of the inner child: it's pure bliss, playfulness, they love to live and live for life itself, and out of this eagerness to enjoy life comes also a contentment and completeness towards life itself. To reconnect with otter energy, it is advised to step into settings of celebration, or total creative self expression and from the outside looking 'unproductive/selfish' indulgence. But actually, this energy is what makes life so enjoyable in the first place.
Virgo: Octopus. Highly intelligent beings that can quickly adapt and take the initiative. Self sufficient by nature, they aren't aggressive unless provoked, they like to mind their business unless they get curious (then they cling heavy onto you because you are their new object of interest). They can change color if it's needed (Virgo is a mutuable sign and can blend in perfectly in social occasions/new situations) and tbh the inking part about octopus just reminds me of the fact that most Virgos have a really quirky side to them you only get to see when you annoy them long enough (aka you are a long term friend). Libra: Gazelle. I refer to the meaning of ten Gazelle based on my tarot deck. The gazelle combines the creation of beauty and harmony, creativity and hyper awareness of it's surroundings, very affected of the imbalances in it's environment, but in it's try to remain this beauty around them, they tend to forget their achievments and stay in the present with their thoughts, as they constantly wheigh out the 'what if's'. A very perceptive animal in the tarot deck and this attribute is equally it's strong suit and downfall. Scorpio: Tiger. I refer here to the meaning of the Tiger based on my tarot deck. Waits in stillness and darkness to reconnect to their own inner power. Healing in isolation with the help of the lunar forces, waiting to regenerate. The Tiger energy shows itself in being passionate, sensual and stepping into ones own power, recognizing ones strength. For me, this is very Scorpio (Moon) for me. When the Tiger in unbalanced, it becomes overstimulated and acts according to this hyperawareness. Sagittarius: Zebra. I refer here to the meaning of the Zebra based on my tarot deck. The Zebra stands for an open mind, visionary and eccentric, new thinking, as well as being young at heart and expansion. I personally connect horses with passion and drive, because they are truly powerhouses. Based on the meaning of my tarit deck, the Zebra also is sociable, at least people find themselves drawn to the energy of the Zebra because it triggers their desire to learn, and I think this is something very beautiful Sagittarius symbolizes when they come into your life: be prepared to broaden your horizon for more.
Capricorn: Camel. I refer to the meaning of the Camel based on my tarot deck. Camels here represent absolute dependence on self and being able to find the answer to problems in oneself. This self reliance and capability reminds me of capricorns, the camel is finding the 'cool' aka water inside of them and Capricorn is traditionally also symbolized as the sea-goat (which I seriously think should really be considered when anaylzing this archetype) and Capricorns have (imo at least) a rich emotional life, but it's just deeply locked within. The Camel represents showing responsibility for their own actions, regulating the self and circumstances around them as best as they can, which makes sense for Capricorns, ruled by Saturn they usually are confronted with task in their life. If the Camel energy is out of balance, it shows a lack of vitality, with Capricorn representing the senior age in life makes sense, especially since Capricorns can tend to feel very old (exhausted)- Aquarius: Platypus- and no, I’m not using the Platypus because ‚wow all Aquarius are so weird like straight up aliens 🤪🤪’ I think the platypus is a good representation because it makes us question what we’ve known so far about animals and Aquarius too is a sign that introduces us to new ideas and perspectives all in the favor of progress and considering alternatives, leaving the status quo. Pisces: Raven/Crow. I name these two in particular because as far as I know it’s only the ravens that have been documented intimating people’s voices and tones, but crows are definitely more known for their bright mind. For me people often forget Pisces mutable nature and how quick witted they actually are. These birds are hyper intelligent and their observational skills are truly amazing. In my Wild Uknown Animal Spirit deck, the crow is an animal carrying 3rd eye energy. Here, the view is clear, the crow is moving through different dimensions and sees what other’s cant. For and the emotional depth (void) Pisces is conencted to it just seem to make sense.
#i swear i will be more active the next days#replies#anonymous#astrology#zodiac#the signs as#the signs as animals
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Welp...I did it. I made yet ANOTHER Silm OC, and I'm not sorry about it (the silver hair/brown skin combo is my aesthetic, don't judge me).
Anyway, this is Aranmír Edlothion, also known as the Prince of Flowers in his wedding attire. I came up with the idea of him from doing a fantasy RP with a friend of mine, and my absolute obsession with enemies to lovers so...here he is! My lovely boi, I hope y'all love him as much as I do! Facts under the cut.
Name Translation:
Father-name: Aranmír- "king's jewel" (I know in Quenya it'd be spelt with a double m but I dunno if that's how Sindarin works)
Mother-name: Edlothion- "blossomer, bloomer, he who causes flowering"
He's the third and youngest child of Thingol and Melian after Luthien and Daeron (cuz I see a lot of people making Dae Luthi's brother in their headcanons and I figured "why the fuck not get in on the headcanon fun? I mean Tinfang would've been her brother too in another version")
He's a botanist and horticulturist who has a stronger relationship with plants than people. He's cultivated several varieties of flower and fruit, hence his nickname. Practically lives in his greenhouse.
Can make a shit ton of drugs, poisons, and alcohols from his plants, my guy is a walking pharmacy.
Looks sweet and nice and poised, is actually batshit feral and will fuck you up.
Horny on main but also a nerd
Will go days without sleep getting caught up in his research.
Loves his family to death and they're all really close-knit, but inferiority complex like a MOTHERFUCKER. Being in this family will do that to you, I mean he’s like an actually cheerful Caranthir.
With Thingol being the greatest of the Sindar and Melian being a literal angel, Luthien being literally the hottest thing to walk the earth (also stupidly magically powerful) and Daeron being the best singer of all time, Ara is just the “weird plant kid”.
His Maiarin magic takes the form of being able to manipulate and magically affect plant growth.
Married Celegorm to forge an alliance for peace. Basically Morgoth is a bigger threat than he is in canon and in order to defeat him, the Sindar and the Noldor have to kiss and make up...literally. Both groups would rather die than join forces but they really have no choice because the Valar are sitting on their glittery asses not helping (at least not yet)
Agreed to the match out of duty to Doriath (and also to say "hey, I'm useful guys. Be proud of me"), Thingol is pissed. "HELL NO, I'D RATHER FACE MORGOTH BY MYSELF THAN GIVE MY CHILD TO THOSE WILD DOGS!"
Luthien is ALSO pissed, especially considering what Celegorm and Curufin tried to pull with her. She is NOT happy about letting her little bro "be sold to a pit of vipers"
On their wedding day there was crying. A LOT of crying. But Ara would die for his people so he sucks it up, and also to protect his brother and sister from being selected.
Those flowers braided into Ara's hair are red anemones, symbolizing protection against evil (he's gonna need it)
To say that he and Tyelko do NOT fuck with each other would be the understatement of the century.
Tried to poison his "beloved husband" once, having a huge knowledge of plants he knows which ones are poisonous af. He was basically in cushy jail (watched like a hawk and confined to his rooms) for like the next two years after that.
Unfortunately for him, Celegorm also knows his plant stuff cuz...hunter, hello. So yeah, that didn't work. He thought it was cute, but told Ara in no uncertain terms that if he tried that shit again, he'd make his life hell.
Turning point came when they were stuck in a survival situation and forced to work together to literally not die.
It's cliche AF but they bonded a little over nature and shit..
Another cliche: It was raining, they were cold and hubby is attractive...so yeah.
Their interactions consisted of VERY sporadic friendly moments interspersed with veiled insults and hate sex. (Ara threw up their first time, feeling like a traitor to his dead kin)
Before they realized "we're stuck with each other forever, may as well try not to be miserable for the rest of eternity"
So they tried to get along and shit and discovered they had a lot of similar interests.
Curufin kinda gets jealous of their friendship because Tyelko's his fave brother (and also Ara tried to poison him)
It literally took them like 300 years to move from enemies to semi-friends.
Ara saved his husband’s life once by brewing up an antidote for a poisoned arrow wound (he didn’t poison him this time)
Celegorm comforted Ara over his grief at Luthien's death (he blamed him at first, of course) and this led to them becoming even closer.
They like to hang out together in the woods, sometimes not coming back for days.
#oc#silm oc#silmarillion oc#original character#fan character#celegorm#tyelkormo#the silmarillion#tolkien#jrr tolkien#my art#art#bunny tracks#turcafinwe#luthien#luthien tinuviel#daeron#melian the maia#melian#thingol#singollo
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My Dream
a/n: I 1000000% know that unless you’ve read my fic The Dragon Kings Treasure, this is going to be TOTALLY out of context and you will likely have literally no idea about what’s going on or their history. I’ll be posting this little snippet in my AO3 post at the end of the story if you feel like you’d rather read the full thing first before you read this. There’s also a shit ton of spoilers in this, so if you’ve been planning on reading TDKT and haven’t yet, I’d suggest doing that first or you’ll end up spoiling the majority of the story.
Main Pairing: Katsuki Bakugou x Koge Naegi (OC) (Fantasy AU)
Featuring: Kirishima Eijirou (the dragon Red from the main story)
Story Rating: Mature
Genre: Fluff / Romance / Domestic / Fantasy AU
Story Warnings: | Mentions of: Alcohol, Abuse (sexual / physical / mental), Enslavement, Wounds, Pregnancy | Lots of fluff, supportive and squishy Bakugou, dragon breeding / mating terms, cursing, lots of hugging and kissing
Words: 4,530
Written for the @bnhabookclub ‘s members bingo event!
Crossed off: Fairy Tale AU
Bingo Masterlist
Art in banner by me
“You alright, Koge? You look like you’re about to shit yourself.”
Koge was startled out of her stupor by the familiar low growl of her lover’s voice, pulling her gaze from the crowd of people below them to look up. At first, her keen eyes glanced over the ornate headpiece he wore, the jewels and beads flickering with the reflected yellow light of the torches perched up on the walls on either side of their balcony. His crimson glare, softened with concern, gleamed with a similar brilliance, and Koge found herself blushing fiercely just from looking at him. Head tilting to the side a bit in slight annoyance of her having not heard him properly, the blonde fluffy hair Bakugou sported bobbed with the movement, beads and jewelry clacking.
“I asked if you were okay. You’ve been sitting here like an actual statue from the instant we got here.”
“I’m okay… Just… there’s more people than I expected there to be…” Koge fiddled nervously with a lock of her white hair, which spilled over her shoulders in loose curls, styled expertly by servants who pampered her in preparation for this huge event. Well, calling it just an ‘event’ was a huge understatement. In fact, it was her wedding reception, the ceremony having just been completed not even an hour earlier. She knew that she should be enjoying herself, but every moment of the night had been much more stressful than she could have ever anticipated. Bakugou had warned her that it would be very busy and festive, as was the culture she was marrying into, but that still didn’t prepare her for this. Hundreds of people, from commoners, to politicians, to royalty from other countries, all gathered below.
Not only were they there to celebrate the marriage of their Lord and his Lady, but also the recent liberation of their kingdom from the tyrant that had stolen the land many, many years ago. The rightful ruler had returned, and brought with him a lover and heir, and though the boy was tucked safely away from the festivities, just the fact that the child was alive and healthy was to be celebrated. It truly was a joyous time, and still, Koge couldn’t quite gather the courage to be herself. She was sure that everyone in this room thought her odd, and that Bakugou’s choice in marrying her was a foolish one. After all, she was a dragon halfling that had lived in a forest for over three hundred years, on top of the fact that she couldn’t understand a single word of regular human speech. How was she supposed to help rule this land if she couldn’t even properly communicate?
Koge had brought this to Bakugou’s attention, of course, but he was quick to shut down her negative thoughts. She was who he wanted, who he loved, and after having nearly lost her, he refused to even entertain the thought of not having her by his side. How fiercely the two of them had fallen for each other wasn’t something that Koge could easily explain nor really understand herself, especially after all the trauma she had experienced this past year. Being used as a slave the way she was, abused and pushed to her limits had made her feel like no one could ever truly accept her again. Yet here she was, sitting beside Bakugou in their thrones, a brilliant ring on her finger and a fresh tattoo of the country's brand on her right shoulder to match his. They were connected now by more than just love, though nothing could ever be more significant to her than the way she felt for him.
Other people didn’t have to understand it, nor did they have to necessarily approve. They just had to accept and shut their mouths, as Bakugou had put it earlier that day before the ceremony even began. Would he have been better off marrying a princess from another country? Probably. Did he have offers thrown at him like mad all the way up until the day of the wedding? Of course he did, and he ignored every single one, even those that were so brash as to come waltzing up to the palace gates with the proposed bride in tow. It had been annoying, and hurt Koge’s already bruised confidence in the beginning, but each time she heard him snap that he already had a bride, she only fell even further in love with him.
“I had told you there would be a lot.” Bakugou reached across the gap between their thrones to take her fidgeting hand gently, holding it securely with a comforting grip. “Relax. No one will act up if that’s what you’re nervous about.”
“I’m… mostly nervous about when we go down there to mingle, and I won’t be able to understand the conversation… What if someone addresses me and I just stand there like an idiot?”
“I wouldn’t let that happen. I’ll tell you. And besides, you’ve gotten really good at reading lips lately. You’ll be fine.” Bakugou brought his hand up as he leaned over, kissing her petite fingers tenderly. “If you get too overwhelmed, we can take a break.” His lips trailed across her skin until he reached where her jeweled silver wedding band rested, pressing a final, lingering kiss on top of it. “I won’t let this go wrong. I love you.”
More heat rushed to Koge’s cheeks, smiling as she stroked his finger with her thumb. “I love you, too. Aahh, I can’t believe you’re finally my mate!” Koge’s tail wagged about happily behind her, since her throne was specially made with a gap to accommodate the long and slender appendage.
“Tch,” Bakugou’s cheeks flushed behind his ceremonial makeup, his lips pressed against her fingers in his embarrassment. “We’re technically just married in a human sense, we haven’t officially… mated yet. In a dragon sense. Not even sure if we really can.”
“You could always let me do that.” Koge gave him a sly grin, showing off her sharp canines. “Your human side is more prominent than your dragon, anyways! You don’t go into rut like I go into heat--”
“Shh!” Bakugou snapped at her to hush, his face and ears only flushing darker as Koge broke out into giggles at the sight of him growing flustered just by the mere mention of her marking him. “We’ll talk about it later! People will get confused if they hear you call me that, just stick to husband, will ya?!”
“Okay, okay! I just think that calling you my mate is cuter.”
“Ooh, you two finally moving on to ‘mate’ status, are you?”
The familiar cheery voice pulled the couples attention, both of them peering around the sides of their thrones to see a sharp toothed, grinning redhead pop out of the curtains behind them. Koge had been able to smell him approaching, so he hadn’t started her, but Bakugou was immediately frustrated at his appearance.
“You fucking lard, get out of here! You aren’t allowed up here!”
“Hey man, I’m not a lard right now! If you didn’t want me to be able to go where I wanted, you shouldn’t have let me be enchanted or whatever.” Squatting down behind the thrones, familiar reddish-orange eyes glanced back and forth between the couple curiously. “How’s it goin’? You guys good up here on your own?”
“You’re so protective, Red.” Koge gave a small smile, purring sweetly with the presence of her kin. “Oops, Kiri, I mean. You should go enjoy the party instead of waiting around up here.”
“How long have you been guarding us?! That’s not your job!” Bakugou huffed, releasing Koge’s hand as she took it back to herself. “We have soldiers for that, Kirishima.”
“No one’s better suited to guard you than me,” Kirishima’s already wide grin somehow grew, smoke rising from between his teeth in a mild territorial display. “Though, I didn’t come up here just to be annoying. People are wondering when you’re going to come down.”
“Uhm…” Koge reached up to touch her blue crystal headpiece tenderly, making sure it hadn’t moved. “Well… We have been up here a bit, and we already did the speech or whatever. Maybe we should?”
Bakugou’s glare softened as he caught Koge’s pale blue gaze, silent for a moment as he considered their options. “I haven’t brought it up because I wanted to make sure you were comfortable first.”
Koge smiled, her cheeks flushing a bright pink, bringing her white freckles to attention. “If I’m with you, I’ll be okay, Katsuki. Let’s go.” Standing together, she took his arm as he offered it to her, stepping in close with her hand resting tenderly on his bicep. “Just don’t let me trip again, I’m not used to shoes!”
“Right. You klutz.” Bakugou chuckled, glancing at Kirishima as the redhead popped up and vanished back behind the curtains, pulling them open to allow the two easy access to the stairway. Before they went down, he went ahead, his thick, red scaled tale swaying about behind him with each step. It was odd to Bakugou to see his childhood dragon companion in human form, but it had been something Red really wanted, and as a reward for his heroic part in taking back their country, Bakugou awarded him an enchantment that gave him a human body. He could transform at will now, which was both helpful and frustrating, as he often still lost control of his ability when he got flustered or protective, transforming into a giant dragon in a crowded room on more than one occasion.
As they reached the bottom of the stairs, Koge let out a nervous, trembling breath, her eyes darting this way and that as she observed the crowds. Immediately upon their arrival to the party floor, the entire room erupted in claps and cheers, the more rowdy and belligerent of Bakugou’s people breaking through the polite applause with loud curses and well wishes.
“So loud,” Koge spoke softly, covering her mouth with delicate fingers. “Oh-! That was a sword being thrown over there, did you see it?!”
Snickering, Bakugou gave one of his friends a rough slap on the shoulder as they passed him, making their way deeper into the group. “Koge, the fancy ceremony is over. Now’s the time to let loose. Just don’t let anyone step on your tail.”
Let loose they did. With a mix of their presence, alcohol, good food, and music, the entire huge ballroom was shifted into a rowdy swarm of dancing bodies. The adrenaline, cheer, and pure excitement was contagious, and Koge could barely even hear anyone over the music enough to worry about if she could understand them. Just as he swore to her, Bakugou never left her side, except allowing her to dance with Kirishima. Watching her from the sidelines, Bakugou’s heart felt full to the brim with happiness, just her smile and laughter enough to send him over the moon.
If he were honest, he couldn’t believe that they were actually here in this moment. He could clearly remember just over a year ago, where he was cold, hungry, alone and lost, chasing a dream. But now, he had achieved that dream, and gained a treasure that was more precious to him than any jewel in the world. He had Koge and his son, the start of a family he never thought he’d have, and a happiness he was sure would be eternal.
“Katsuki!” Koge squealed with laughter as she was spun towards her lover, immediately caught and wrapped in his strong embrace. “Kiri is a crazy dancer! Don’t let me do that again!”
Before Bakugou could respond, there was a change in song, one which was an incredibly popular group dance that called hordes of people to the dance floor. Instead of getting pulled in with them, Bakugou was able to weasel himself and his wife out of the crowd, ducking out of the ballroom and out into the surrounding gardens. He didn’t stop until he was sure they were out of sight, letting the little halfling stand as steady as she could on wobbling legs. Giggling with her adrenaline, Koge held onto his arms for support, looking up at him through disheveled hair.
“Why are we out here?”
Unable to resist a snarky smirk in amusement of her appearance, Bakugou pushed her hair back out of her face before caressing her cheeks with both hands, leaning in to kiss her lips. “Koge, you wouldn’t have been able to survive that group dance. You look like you need some air, anyway.”
“I do!” Koge took a few steps back from him, shifting off the heavy ornamental shawl she wore to expose her more dainty lace bodice and chiffon blouse beneath it. Letting it rest on the clean grass, Koge then slipped out of her shoes, sighing in relief as her sore feet met the cool ground. “That feels good!”
Following her example, Bakugou shifted off his cape, tossing it away with her shawl, and his boots were quick to follow. “Fuck shoes. Honestly, I can’t wait to get out of all this ornamental crap!”
“Yes, fuck shoes.” Koge came up to stand in front of him, tenderly taking both of his hands in hers once they were free. Still feeling full of energy, Koge began to sway her arms and hips from side to side along with the music, which whispered across the garden to be swallowed by the moonlight. “It’s interesting how your culture is so focused on jewelry and ornamental things for ceremonies, especially since everyone is so… not fancy.”
Bakugou chuckled, allowing his arms to sway with hers as she moved. “A lot of this stuff has been passed down through my family for a really long time and it’s old as shit. I have to wear the traditional crap, but you get everything brand new.”
“There’s nothing traditional for the person marrying into the family?”
“The tradition is that the person marrying in gets new items and jewelry especially made for them. Usually, depending on if it’s a man or woman marrying in, the Lord or Lady would offer them one item from their time being married in. But… my mother's unique items were lost. All that was left was the shit I’m wearing. Besides, this is the start of a new generation. You deserve all the new and glittery shit.”
Koge purred sweetly as Bakugou caressed his cheeks, pressing his lips against her forehead. She let her arms rest around his torso, her tail coming around to wrap around their hips to link them together. “My Katsuki…” As another soft kiss was placed onto her lips, Koge’s keen hearing picked up on a change in the music, making her turn her gaze back towards the ballroom. “Oh, wait, isn’t that our slow song we’re supposed to dance to? Should we go back?”
“Fuck it,” Bakugou turned her face back towards him with gentle pressure, once again catching her lips. With his affection, he began to sway them to the music, one arm wrapping around her waist while the other stayed firmly in place against her neck. Koge couldn’t resist him, her soft purr rumbling in her chest as she felt cocooned in his warmth, catching his gaze as a smile crossed his lips.
“You sure, Katsuki?”
“I want this moment for us, Koge. I don’t give a shit about all those people watching us… All I care about is you.” Taking a step back with the music cue, it took very little for Koge to realize that he still wanted to do the dance they practiced, so she followed his lead with very little fumbling.
As they danced, barefoot out in the grass with nothing but moonlight to guide their way, Koge began to feel like she had truly found her peace. She never thought that she would see him again, let alone be calling him her mate, and how lucky she was to be here like this hadn’t quite hit her until that moment. With a spin beneath his arm, it was as if her movements turned a lock that she had been refusing to unlatch that entire night in fear of what may come rushing out. Of course, it was an overwhelming mix of happiness, disbelief, excitement, and even a dash of sadness that all of this might not last. With it all came the tears, and though she tried to hold them back, they fell free with a hitching of her breath once she was pressed back up against his body to rock slowly.
Shoving her face into his chest to try and hide it from him, Koge tried to choke down a sob, her tail once again coming to wrap around them both. “Sorry, Katsuki… It’s… It’s nothing.”
“It doesn’t sound like nothing.” Bakugou stroked the back of her head softly, being considerate of her headpiece and jewelry. “Talk to me.”
His strong grip holding her close calmed and comforted her enough to take a deep breath, though she still couldn’t find it in herself to look up at him. “I’m so happy… I really am. But I just… I worry about what happens next… What if I still can’t recover and I… all I do is cause you trouble. You’d end up sick of me…”
Frowning, Bakugou’s eyes moved to Koge’s horns, which were still cracked and shattered from her recent enslavement. They were a visible representation of how broken she was inside, her months of abuse at the hands of those that had taken her - no, those whom he had sold her to - had deeply embedded trauma and fears that wouldn’t be healed easily. It had been five months now that he had brought her home after rescuing her from the fate he had selfishly forced upon her, and there were so many things that hadn’t returned to them. He had expected her healing to take a long time, he had no right to complain or be upset about the way she acted in certain situations, but that didn’t stop him from craving what they had before, when their love was fresh and uninhibited.
Her worries about upsetting him were justified, however. It was true that things were incredibly difficult, with her constant nightmares and panic attacks set off by something as simple as his hand coming to rest on the back of her neck or the sound of his belt slipping loose from his pants. Kissing without worry was something they had achieved just a little over two weeks ago, but if it escalated too quickly, Koge would pull back and her insecurities of her body would breach the surface. She was too ashamed of herself to still hardly let him look at her naked, let alone touch or make love to her. Her comfort and happiness were very easily crushed, and though Bakugou had done his best to tread carefully, there were times where his brash personality caused a whole new round of issues.
Yes, there were things that were difficult and that made their reconnection slow going, but it was the times that the improvement shone through that made Bakugou feel hopeful. Her sweet purrs at his touch. Her cheeks flushing. A smile instead of a grimace. One less article of clothing when she crawled into bed with him. Her pointed ears twitching in excitement at the sound of his footsteps instead of hunched and fearful shoulders. The courage to be alone instead of panicking without him or Kirishima by her side. How protective she was of their son calming enough to let him carry the child around the castle without her at his heels. All of these things had been nearly impossible to achieve the first month or two of her being with him again, and although most issues were something that anyone else would roll their eyes at, Bakugou couldn’t help but feel over the moon with each little step towards progress.
“That’s not true, Koge,” Bakugou ran a thumb up and down along the length of one of her horns, the smooth glasslike texture cool beneath his naturally flushed skin. “At all. If only you could see things through my eyes. Yes, it can be difficult sometimes, but your recovery is going a lot quicker than you think. Like just this morning, while we laid in bed before Matsuki woke up… You let me touch you and kiss every uncovered inch of you. You’re so damn beautiful, it made me happy just to get to praise you like that. Just to get the chance to adore you.” Cupping both of her cheeks, he used only gentle persuasion to prompt her to look up at him, his thumbs lightly wiping away her tears without streaking her ceremonial makeup. “I will always adore you. And I’m willing to wait an eternity for you.”
More tears replaced the ones he had wiped away, bringing Koge to sniffle as she gazed up at him. “I… thought I had annoyed you? You were happy?”
“I don’t think you understand how fucking happy the simplest things make me. I thought I had lost you, Koge. I didn’t think I was going to be able to find you again… So I treasure fucking everything. Every little touch and kiss. You’re my world. You know that.” Bakugou pressed his forehead against hers tenderly, careful of the jewelry they wore. “You make me feel things I never thought I could feel. If I had even the slightest doubt in you - in us - then things would be different. But here I am, married to your little halfling ass, because I love you. And I sure as hell am not going to give up on you.”
Hiccupping as she tried to contain her emotions, Koge wrapped her arms around his neck, pushing herself up onto her tiptoes to hug him tightly. Though, she didn’t have to support herself much as Bakugou returned the affection, his arms around her petite torso and hands caressing her body to hold her close. As he did, a deep, low rumbling began in his chest, immediately bringing forth a matching sound from Koge, whose tail began to sway back and forth in happiness.
“Aw Katsuki…” Koge sniffled, nuzzling her face into his neck. “You’re purring again! I thought it was just a fluke during the ceremony but… You really can purr.”
“I think you bring out the dragon in me, Koge. First the growling and the stronger magic… Now I’m purring like a fucking whelp. Mm, maybe we will be able to mate properly one day when you’re ready.” He gave the skin of her neck a teasing light nibble, immediately bringing a soft giggle from her lips as she pressed herself in closer to him, her tail wrapping back around their hips.
“Maybe I’ll be ready by your first rut, which will probably come around my first heat. I… really do miss being intimate with you, Katsuki… I’m sorry-”
“Don’t apologize. You have nothing to apologize for.”
Releasing him and falling to stand normally, Koge caught his gaze, her cheeks immediately flushing with the calmness of his expression. His usually stern brow had not a single crease, and just looking at him flooded her with such a strong sense of calmness that she felt as if all her fears and worries would flutter away off her shoulders. She wished they would, so she could feel as close to him as she had before, but her demons were persistent. Bakugou was, too, and she knew that he wouldn’t stop until he had chased away every single nasty little imp. “You’re right… You want to know something?”
“Hm?” Bakugou’s response was quiet as his hands caressed her cheeks again, his crimson gaze scanning every inch of her face as if he were in a trace. Koge couldn’t resist a smile, her hands resting tenderly over his.
“I used to dream about this… Standing in the moonlight with the person I loved. Almost every night, way before you were even alive… I spent such a long time alone that I figured it was just something that I was picturing to feel better. But this is really exactly what I used to dream of… Something that I never thought I’d have.”
“I never thought I’d have this, either. I thought it was all lost… My homeland. You. But now I have everything. We have everything. And I’ll give you anything you want. I’ll protect you. Forever.” Another soft and passionate kiss was shared, with Koge resting her body against him as a soft purr echoed from her chest. Though, the sentimental moment was shattered by the call of a familiar voice, making Koge jump as she hadn’t noticed his scent over the smell of the flowers.
“Hey! There you two are! I got worried, why’d you come all the way out here?” Kirishima jogged towards them, coming to a stop a few feet away to still allow them privacy, his reflective keen eyes immediately noticing the clothes resting on the grass. “Oh, wait- are you two-? Like-”
“No!” Bakugou barked, wrapping his arms back around Koge tightly enough to make her squeak. “We just wanted some air from the party!”
“Oooh, did I make you a little winded with our dance, Koge?” Kirishima grinned, calming down from his mild protective panic. “You missed your slow dance! People are asking for you, too. Want me to tell them what’s up?”
“No, no,” Koge peeked up over Bakugou’s bicep, placing her hands tenderly on his sides. “I enjoyed our dance! But I did need some air. We’re ready to go back, though?” She looked up at Bakugou, who seemed reluctant to agree. Still, he gave a sigh and a nod in agreement, giving a flick of his wrist to command his friend away.
“Fine! We’ll be back in a minute!”
“No worries! I’ll just let them know that you stepped out for a bit and you’ll be back! You two have fun under the sun- er, I mean, moon!”
Koge giggled softly as Bakugou groaned in agony of his friend’s idiocy, hiding his face in Koge’s shoulder once Kirishima was out of earshot. “Fuck, I swear, having this new form has just made me realize how stupid he’s always been. It was so much more tolerable when he couldn’t talk.”
“Aw, he’s just concerned, it’s okay. Honestly, I can see how he’d make that mistake, for us it’s very bright out here. Night and day aren’t all that different. Ready to go back?”
Releasing a heavy sigh, Bakugou stood back up straight, caressing her sides gently. “I guess we should. I just love being alone with you.”
“Me too, Katsuki.” Koge smiled, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on his chest. “But you know what?”
“We have our whole lives to make time to be alone together. And I honestly can’t wait for every second. Now, my king, let’s go dance and have a little wine!”
“You got it, my queen.”
#bnhabookclub#bakugou#bakugou x oc#bakugou katsuki#bnha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#katsuki bakugou#bnha fanfiction#bnha scenarios#bnha imagines#bnha oc#oc#original character#bakugou x koge#koge#cutesuki-oc#cutesuki scenarios#bingo
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But what would your ideal adaptation of CMT be like?
Thank you for the ask! (And for giving me the chance to talk about my actual child!)
I meant to get to this yesterday, but I was in the library at the time, then I was at the post office, getting some of my books shipped back to the States before my move back, and then came the news of Level 5 and....Well. I was around town.
TOUGH question, and one that I’ve been thinking about for ages. CMT IS my baby, so my standards for adapting it are, frankly, both ridiculously low (CMT ON SCREEN!) and ridiculously high (I stg if you do this wrong....)
Personally, I have two ideas for it, one of which is more serious than the other, so I’ll deal with it first:
A miniseries. Because I don’t think you can really DO CMT well in the course of a film. You could try, but I don’t think it would work. I would personally want it to be a part of an overarching series that’s just there to adapt the Book of Invasions. That way, there’s context for this. (And because I’m a biased bitch, I’d probably want it to begin with the Fir Bolg, with the previous invasions recounted. You could have Fintan as an overarching narrator, holding the various series together. Have a season dedicated to them, end it on the TDD’s arrival.)
Now, what I’d want this miniseries to do: - Have a setup where both Lugh and Bres are given equal amounts of time. A thing that I’ve noticed a lot of retellings doing is to make it so that Lugh is the unambiguous, shining hero and set off with that idea in mind from the beginning, with Bres being a cliched villain, but if you read CMT from the beginning....Bres is given a LOT of traits that we associate with heroes. The story of CMT even begins with his conception and birth. Bres, whether people like it or not, is a protagonist of CMT. He’s a villain protagonist. But a protagonist, right alongside Lugh. You can’t have Lugh without Bres, you can’t have Bres without Lugh, and I would LOVE for an adaptation to get to the heart of that dynamic. Start off with Bres, devote a couple of episodes to him and what makes him tick (while also setting up Lugh’s birth, since that’s taking place during his reign), and then show it all falling down.
- Have one of the first images being of the Fir Bolg, led by Sreng in retreat. Look, I’ve accepted that the only one who really cares about Sreng as much as me is....me, and the only adaptation that would feature him as much as I would want is one that I’d be writing (IF I EVER ACTUALLY FUCKING WRITE THE FUCKING THING), but, if we CAN’T get him in there as a major character in his own right and Bres’ love interest, I would like to at least start it off with the understanding that the Tuatha Dé’s settlement of Ireland did happen over a LOT of Fir Bolg bodies. It makes their fight with the Fomoire a little more gray, because it’s suddenly less “THE FOMOIRE ARE INVADING THE TUATHA DÉ, HOW EVIL” and more “The TDD’s sins coming back to kick them hard in the ass”. The Fir Bolg had the land, the TDD challenged them for it, the TDD won. By medieval Irish standards, that was justified, as was the subjugation of the Fir Bolg afterward. But this is a modern adaptation, for a modern audience, and that doesn’t mean we have to be objective. Especially given that it forced the Fir Bolg to flee to the Fomoire, for fear of the TDD enslaving them. Ideally, the Fir Bolg’s history with enslavement would have been dealt with in the previous season, which would have started off with the Sons of Dela breaking out of Greece.
- Present the Fomoire as Vikings. This is BIG to me because it’s VERY easy to make the Fomoire a Generically Evil, Dark Fantasy Race, which makes it very, very easy to do a black and white version of things. But I would rather show the Fomoire as a group of people who have their own priorities, their own cultural mores, but are still PEOPLE. Bres isn’t evil because he’s Fomoire (I hesitate to call him “evil” to begin with, but if we’re going to use that term...); he makes a series of bad judgement calls and turns traitor to his own maternal kin-group. Balor isn’t really evil himself, even if we go into the folktale variation where he wants Lugh killed at birth (personally, I kind of favor the CMT version of it where Lugh was just...born of an arranged marriage), is acting with the authority of a medieval Norse head of the household. Tethra is perfectly willing to go along with the raids in Ireland...but we know, from what happens later, that it isn’t because he has a personal vendetta, it’s just probably more convenient to him. And I wouldn’t expect ALL the Fomoire to get a ton of attention, because we still have to be concerned with time, but just enough to fill them out.
- The only time I want to make an exception is Ruadan. Because we HAVE to get him fleshed out as well. We’ve got to see him as a young kid under Bres and Bríg’s feet, we’ve got to see the two of them pausing from the arguments that dominate their relationship during Bres’ kingship when they see him standing at the door, we’ve got to see him trying to adjust to the Fomoire, not QUITE fitting in (just like his father before him), but trying so, so hard. We’ve got to see Bres clinging onto him during the twenty years in exile, promising him that, one day, it’ll be worth it. Got to see Bres trying to not show the exhaustion from those twenty years in front of his son, even if we can see on Ruadan’s face that he knows. We’ve got to understand WHY he takes the mission up, the mission that he has to know will destroy his reputation if he fails (and if he succeeds), and we’ve got to understand why Bríg screams out in anguish when she sees his broken body “in his father’s presence”, Bres helplessly rocking him back and forth. I know we probably can’t get all of Bres’ kids (which is a pity because, honestly, Dui Temen and Indusa are probably my favorites), but if we can’t get all six of the Sibs, we’ve got to make sure that Ruadan is given a ton of fleshing out and development to make that one, horrifying moment strike true. Because that’s honestly, in my opinion, the single most poignant moment of the text and, if we don’t establish Ruadan off the bat, it loses that importance.
--Indech, Indech, Indech as the primary villain. I love this Fomorian bitch so much and he gets no respect, generally being shafted for Balor. I know, limited time, but I would at least like to give him one or two scenes to establish himself as THE king of the Fomoire, next to Elatha, give him a bit of time to establish himself as a bitch, and give him his moment of “Their bones will be dust soon.” Because, let’s be real, that’s a kind of metal moment. Bonus if, when Bres is standing next to him, there’s this distinct moment of “Oh, shit, I did NOT think this through.” Possibly change the timeline around so that his.......”kidneys of valor” (THAT ARE NOT HIS TESTICLES, ABSOLUTELY NOT) are removed by the Morrigan AFTER Macha’s death, so that there’s this sense of catharsis.
- Potentially controversial, but I like Early Modern Nuada, who, by the time of CMT, is a broken, jealous king. Have him decide not to try Dían Cecht for Miach’s death because, hey, they need him, and he DID do Nuada a favor. Have him hand over the throne to Lugh so that he can get rid of the Fomoire, yeah, but have him have doubts. Have him be jealous at the easy love that Lugh gains, while he can’t save his own people. Have him be paranoid about Lugh taking everything for himself and leaving him with nothing. Have him, as in the Early Modern recession of CMT, getting the TDD to drug Lugh before the battle, because, in that one moment, it doesn’t matter if the TDD win or lose, all he wants is for Lugh to be *gone*. And then have him redeem himself by challenging Balor to single combat, only to lose. Have Lugh, in those last few moments, promise to look after the TDD, whatever it takes.
-Speaking of the Bitch, I REALLY want to see Lugh’s ruthless side. I know, even with a full miniseries, that we can’t get into, say, the Sons of Tuireann, because even though I’d love to spend a whole episode on that....places to go, people to see. But I would like to see at least a little of that part of Lugh that is willing to do anything, ANYTHING for the sake of the TDD, and that makes him do, arguably, worse things than even Balor and Bres for the sake of it. When Bres goes to plead for his life at the end, I want Lugh staring down at him, completely impassive. Around the two of them, there are bodies scattered EVERYWHERE, the ground absolutely drenched in blood, Bres himself is absolutely covered in blood and gore, his body held to the ground by an Ogham stone that Ogma put there (in my ideal world, where we get to establish the brothers and their relationship, it would be his one, last ditch effort to save Bres from himself), and there’s Lugh, totally pristine, his blonde hair perfectly curled, looking down at him like you would at a cockroach. When he says “Less will save you”, I want him to not even really be looking at Bres, but more at his goblet of wine, and then, when he accepts Bres’ terms, I want a zoom-in on that wine goblet, and specifically the dark red liquid in it, as an ominous theme begins to play. (I KNOW we can’t get to Bres’ death, but also....let me have at least a call forward to it. There’s a lot of Dindshenchas CMT-aligned material that I would LOVE to see, including Duirgen, Carn Hui Néit, Nás, and Carmun, but that...well. Time. Which is a pity because Carmun is probably my FAVORITE of the Dindshenchas stories.)
- A little bit of screen time for the ladies. Again, time is time, but it’s very easy to turn CMT into a boys’ story, which isn’t helped by the message of the original being quite patriarchal (THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU LET LADIES GET INTO POLITICS: A HOT MESS). But I actually really am interested in the women of the text. Ériu loves her son SO MUCH that she’s willing to turn her back on her people for him, and I’d love at least one flashback sequence, probably when Bres is making the decision to leave the TDD, around the end of....episode 3-4 I want to say, and we get to see Ériu as a young mother, holding Bres in her arms and smiling, even as the rest of the TDD look on her with anxiety, with her promising her that, no matter what, they’ll have each other. I want to see the Morrigan and Macha both trying to convince her to abandon Bres, because they don’t want to lose their sister, but Ériu standing firm in her decision. (She isn’t a warrior like them, but she’s strong in an entirely different way, with a spine of steel, and the other two know it.) I want to see Macha’s death at Balor’s hands and see the Morrigan and Badb losing their absolute SHIT for the first time (as a future archnemesis of theirs would say: “All sport, all play until......” The battle’s been FUN up until this point, but then suddenly it becomes very, very real to them.) If we could get a little of Tailtiu’s fosterage of Lugh, her status as an outsider (the Spanish widow to the last king of the Fir Bolg, trying to find her way among the invaders, dealing with the loss of her only biological son), and her own trace of ruthlessness, I would be VERY happy, especially since you can....see how Lugh turns out the way he does. Both the good and the bad. And we could probably handle that in just one scene, possibly in around episodes 2-3 during Bres’ reign. I’d also LOVE it if we could get a moment where, after Ruadan’s death, she’s the one to go over to Bríg and clasp her hand. Because, even if their husbands (possibly ex-husband in Bríg’s case, depending on how we deal with her dynamic with Bres) hated one another, Tailtiu knows fully well how it feels to lose a son, and it gives a chance for there to be a moment of humanity in a text that can be very inhumane at times. I’d love to see Cethlenn BEGGING Balor to not go to the battle, since she does have the power of foresight, but for it to be very obvious in her eyes that she knows that he isn’t going to accept it and then for her to straighten her back and wish him well. Because their love story is built as much on shared duty as it is on passion, and she knows that it has to be this way, he’s got to choose this, and she’s got to let him and keep her dignity.
-This is probably highly wishful thinking, but I kind of liked Vikings’ idea of switching between English and the historically accurate dialogue, depending on the perspective. I think it would be HARD to pull off, but I’d love to see it going between Old Irish, English, and Old Norse, just to really show off that these are two very different cultures. IDEALLY, I’d also, in my absolute, ideal world, have audio dubbing in Gaeilge as well. It would be a hell of a venture, but I’m very firmly of the belief that this is an Irish story, it deserves to be told in Irish.
-Relating to that: Irish cast (for the TDD/Fir Bolg, Scandinavian for the Fomoire), as much as you can possibly do. (Given that the total population of the entire island’s around 5 million, it’s a tall order, but hey.) IDEALLY, I’d want there to be also be regional variation in the accents: The Dagda will always, to me, have a Dublin accent, Ogma coming from Roscommon, Bres having a Northern Irish accent. If Sreng shows up, I’d want him to have a Cork or a Limerick accent, etc. Again, it’s a tall order, and one that I don’t think could be easily done, but a girl can dream. My ultimate goal would be to at least have a higher Irish: English ratio than The Tudors. That’s my dream. (I have but one really HARD casting decision and that’s Sarah Bolger as Airmed. Please. Please. GIVE HER THE ANGST. GIVE HER THE QUIET TERROR AND THE DADDY ISSUES. WE KNOW SHE CAN DO IT. That and Ruth Negga as Tailtiu.)
- Also, ideally, I would like to have a situation where you have experts in archaeology, medieval Ireland and, specifically, Irish mythology on set to make sure that it’s as historically accurate to the 9th century as you can get without becoming bogged down in it. (Medieval Irish costumes...aren’t really.....glamorous, but I would like to see a nice streamlining of it that keeps the feel of the era while also, frankly, looking really, really cool.) For Nuada’s hall, I’d want to make sure that we actually had a reconstruction of the Great Hall at Tara (WHICH IS REALLY COOL IF YOU EVER FIND YOURSELF IN TARA, NGL) as people in the middle ages would have imagined it. This long, narrow hall lit by torches, Lugh almost having to walk over a few people’s legs to get to the front, and there, at the head of it all, is the king. People from UCD, UCC, Trinity, etc. (Maybe even get some people from Maynooth, if they promise to behave.) If I know my fellow Celticists well enough, I think a few of them would even jump at the opportunity to be a part of something like this. (I know of at least one expert in Old Irish who actually translated a spell for the Grimm TV show.) Basically, medieval Ireland almost NEVER gets put on screen (Pilgrimage is the last example that I can really think of, if we’re not counting Secret of the Kells, which we probably should because, tbh, awesome), and Irish Mythology gets it even less, so this would, theoretically, probably be our ONE CHANCE to get this done and get this done right.
-Animated opening screen, Secret of the Kells style, in the style of an illuminated manuscript. PLEASE. I NEED IT. Either that or, if we can’t get something like that, I would love to see something that covers the entirety of Ireland, matching up the different characters to different locations, since the landscape is SUCH a huge part of these myths. You know. Like. That one fantasy show. The one with the dragons. And the zombies.
Now, for my SECOND idea for an adaptation:
A musical. Of COURSE I would want a musical. Like, it’s a no-brainer for me. Musicals thrive off of emotion and drama, and CMT has a TON of it. Now, what type of musical? That is the question.
And I’m actually being serious when I say this.
Even though it’s going to sound cracky and tbh, it definitely is. But it’s also me. And what is CMT if not a 9th century scribe’s crackfic of Irish Mythology, put to contemporary political themes and using traces of Indo-European tradition?
A Takarazuka style musical. Because, goddammit, with their high focus on glitter, I feel like they’re the only ones who could TRULY put Bres and Lugh on stage, and their habit of letting pretty villains off the hook could work really, really well in Bres’ favor. That and I find the idea of them trying to adapt a myth with as much blood, guts, and sex in it as CMT personally hilarious. Lugh/Bui becomes the Top Star combo. Does Bui have all that much to do in the original CMT? No. But she’s our love interest. So she gets Top Star role, and at least one solo song. That’s probably all about how she’ll wait for Lugh no matter what. (We, of course, ignore her cheating on him.) Bres gets only one song, but it’s a showstopper, probably when he decides to fuck off to the Fomoire, and he and Lugh have OODLES of homoerotic tension. (If it were an adaptation of the first battle, Bres and Sreng would get. So. So much. But, alas.) If we don’t have Bres acting like a jealous boyfriend whenever he sees the TDD supporting Lugh, causing him to break out into a song about how much he HATES stupidly-hot Lugh, what’s the point? (Also: The chance for Goth!Bres. Which is, tbh, the Bres that I need in my life.) Also: Glorious costumes all around.
The Dagda is the hapless comic relief character, who goes on PG-at-most antics. Probably involving eating a lot of porridge, hitting on every lady in sight (but of course not doing ANYTHING else) and passing out. He and Tsundere!Morrigan function as the Beta couple.
Elatha is like. The Older Villain character, along the lines of, say, Mazarin in All For One, Talleyrand in Robespierre, Don Ferdinando in El Japón, etc. Balor probably wouldn’t be able to make it on screen, but...as an admitted and confirmed Bres Stan...........I’ve seen so many adaptations that don’t include Bres and make Balor the principle villain that...................sorry :) Balor :) That’s :) Very :) Tragic :) For :) You :) I LIKE Balor, but if he and Bres were dangling off a cliff....I’ve got to go for the pretty one with daddy issues and poor life choices, sorry Balor.
Personally, I WOULD rather have Bres as the viewpoint character, with a Frozen “Monster”-esque number where he realizes that he’s the villain of the story but, unlike Elsa, decides to succumb to it, but I also know fully well that Lugh is basically MADE for the Takarazuka stage as a hero so...
The last time Takarazuka did something Irish-themed was in....I want to say 1994, with the Afterglow of Eire, and you know what? It’s time. If they did this for me, I would buy the DVD and force every single Celticist I know to watch it. And then make enough gifsets that you wouldn’t be able to THINK about Takarazuka on here without also thinking of “CMT” and vice versa. I would love it so, so much, no matter what they did. And I would, of course, relentlessly make fun of it as well. But in a loving way. (Even if they went the predictable route and went for Creepy!Bres.)
Alright, I said “two” but ngl, I came up with a third while I was writing this up: A comic book. Because I feel like, in some ways, it’s the only way you can really capture that larger than life aspect. (Ditto for works like the Táin, which can only really be done either via comic book or anime. Not that I’m opposed to an anime with Bishounen!Lugh/Bres. Which wasn’t intended to be a slash ship but I said what I said. Cursed. But hey.)
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Here’s Scout’s SFW A-Z
Alignment :: What would be their D&D alignment? How might it come into play? Neutral Good to Chaotic Good. Wants to do the right thing, and sometimes that means throwing out the whole law.
Beverage :: What do they most like to drink, and why? Infused water. He's especially fond of cucumber/mint/lime.
Co-Habitate :: Do they live with anyone? What’s “need to know” before moving in? Lives in the manor, when the gang isn't traveling. He has a lot of energy and expects everyone to keep their shit fairly tidy. Don't let you messes spill into common spaces, it's rude. You can keep your space however you like as long as it doesn't stink.
Decor :: What kind of home do they keep? Are there any defining details? He leans towards calm soothing colors. Soft textures. Clean lines, but comfortable. He doesn't like his home to feel sterile.
Escape :: What do they do to destress? How successful is it? He explores a lot, and loves climbing things. He has a tendency to climb the nearest, tallest thing and jump off. It's not even an elegant dive, he just kinda hops, feet first. He uses gravity magic to slow, then stop his descent, but Piper still hates when he does it.
Fluff :: What hits their soft spot? Does anything them into emotional goo?Pluckiness. The “won't give up” attitude will win him over pretty quick.
Grudge :: How bad does an insult go over? Do they hold a grudge long? He doesn't usually care. If someone is rude he tends to ignore them. When he was younger he'd get indignant and lecture people, but now its usually an awkward silence followed by a “OH. DID YOU SAY SOMETHING?” With people close to him, he takes it very personally, and tends to respond with hurt over anger. He does hold grudges, but never over things done to him, but rather the people he cares about.
Hobby :: What’s something they do for fun that might be surprising? Cartography. He enjoys making maps of the places he explores. Even just little maps of the different layouts and locations for their campsite.
Insomnia :: What’s their sleeping schedule like? Snorer? Sound sleeper? He sleeps deeply, but restlessly. He's been known to roll off the bed. He snores if he's on his back, but its a cute little “mweh heh heh” like his laugh.
Jaded :: Do they buy into the “happily ever after” ideal? What’s their standard? He believes, but is a little more realistic than some. He knows it takes work and communication. Good news, he's good at both of those things. Now to find a partner also good at those things.
Kin :: What’s their role among their relations? Do they consider others family? He alternates between “physical embodiment of the concept of chaos” and “one of the only responsible adults around here”. It depends on mood and context. He can wrangle people pretty well, but isn't nearly as diplomatic as Lief.
Law :: What do they think about abiding rules? Are they selective about it? He'll follow most laws easily enough, as long as they don't get in the way of doing the “right” thing.
Magic :: In a magic series or not, are they accepting, or is each instance a shock? Human magic would be surprising, and exciting, and a little scary. His curiosity would probably win out, but there'd be a touch of caution lingering as well.
Network :: Are they connected to the people? How much do they reach out to others? Scout is friendly and likable. He makes friends easily. He doesn't quite have the talent of Lief, he's not quite as diplomatic, but he's still fairly quick to get “in” in any particularly location.
Offspring :: What kind of parent would they be? Would they prefer one, or multiple? Scout would be a pretty good parent. Definitely the kind to keep his kids on a schedule and in several extracurriculars. Encouraging, and firm, but fun. He'd be happy with one or two, probably no more than four. He wants to make sure he can dedicate enough time and energy to each kid.
Pistol :: Is this character skilled with a weapon? What’s their opinion of violence? Scouts not a fan of violence, but also tends not to take it to seriously. His coping mechanism it to make it fun. He has decent aim, but he weilds his warhammer with a grace that would seem impossible given the things proportions.
Question :: How often do they feel doubt? What topics are they defensive about? He has pretty good self confidence, but he has the occasional bad day. He's pretty good at picking himself back up though. He hates being seen as a child. Its one thing to be a little “childish” but he's is not a kid. He's an adult, hell, his actual childhood was cut short and he stepped up to raise his brother. He's not a kid, and he resents any implication otherwise.
Reminder :: How are they at remembering daily needs? What falls through the cracks? Scout has a schedule and he keeps it. He tends to all of his needs on a pretty strict routine. It's flexible enough to account for random events, but he made specifically to be manageable even on the go.
Sing :: Do they like music? Do they listen often/sing/hum/play songs in their head? Scout loves to sing. He's not the best at it, but he can carry a tune. However what he lacks in skill he makes up in energy and fun.
Touch :: How do they handle contact? Is their personal bubble big? What's a personal bubble? Scout is a very tactile person, and has a tendency to get into other people spaces. Make it clear you need room and he'll back off, but his default tends to ignore that people like to have some buffer.
Upcoming :: How much do they think of the future? Do they make long-term plans? He has ideas, for what he would eventually like, but not really planned time lines. He lives in the day, and as opportunities arise, he'll take them.
Vice :: What bad habits do they have? Is there something they would be ashamed of? He's reckless and doesn't always think things through. He gets an idea and just, does it. Things often end up blown up. Scout has no shame.
Wardrobe :: What’s their fashion style? Do they have any staple pieces? Everything he wears has tons of pockets. He likes canvas fabrics for outerwear, and softer cottons for anything that actually touches him. Greys and blues primarily, but he'll do earthy colors to blend in if he needs to be more stealthy.
X-Ray :: How’s their health? Any problem areas? Do they take care of themselves? Scout is obsessive about his health. He takes very good care of himself.
Yack :: What’s their favorite thing to talk about? What do they go on about? Explosives. That one bird he saw. That one (and only) time Piper actually did a chore. He bounces topics a lot, and can chatter about nearly anything.
Zodiac :: What’s their astro sign? Does it fit? He's a Capricorn. Hard-working, stubborn, and relentless are all traits that fit him well. Pessimistic and responsible are hit and miss. Same for sensitive, up-tight and and practical. In some ways he is, and in others very much not.
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The Other Side Looks The Goddamn Same - Chapter Fourteen
Gabriel needs to know.
He knows he does. He needs to know what happened in the past, what he can’t remember. He decides on Sombra’s room as his place of research. It’s likely the most secure room on base. Or...one of them, at least.
He asks Sombra to help him. While he doesn’t need her help to get into his own files, he knows he needs...the emotional support. He’d have asked Gerard as well, but with the man always running off on his own self decided ‘missions’, he doesn’t exactly have the option.
“Guess it’s just the two of us, huh?” Sombra looks over at him. “...Are you sure you want to open these, Gabe?”
“They’re my files. I might as know what the hell they are.”
She’s quiet for a bit, watching him settle on his beanbag. “...Okay. Opening files...now.” She taps a few of her holo-keys, before she looks at him. “Which one to start?”
“Might as well start with the earliest. Password’s-”
“7-3-2-7-3-7, I know.” She smirks. “You’re not subtle. How has no one realized who you are?”
“First of all, I took my codename literally because I wanted those close to me to know who I am. Secondly, I wasn’t ‘Reaper’ before now, so no one had any hint at my password. Third of all, shut the fuck up and open it already.”
She chuckles and opens the file. “Yeah yeah, hold your horses.”
The holoscreen lights up in front of them, Gabriel’s face coming into view.
He panics, slamming his hands on the keys, pausing it.
She looks over at him, quickly. “Gabe?”
“...” He can’t help but stare. “...It’s been...A long time.”
She blinks, confused, before her eyes widen. “...Oh. You don’t look different because you’re hurt. You...look different because you forgot what you look like.”
His eyes are wrong: red and black, several smaller ones surrounding his left eye today. His face is ashen, facial hair too dense, bruises under his eyes and along his cheekbones.
“We can stop, if you-”
“Just...give me a minute.”
It takes him almost ten minutes, but his face is closer to how it had been. His eyes are back to two, and brown. His facial hair is closer, but still not quite right. The bruises are gone. But the ashen skin remains.
“...You could talk to her about that, you know. She’ll help you.”
“...It’s unimportant.”
“No, it isn’t-”
“Sombra. Drop it.”
She sighs, shaking her head slightly.
“Play the file.”
She taps a few keys.
The Gabriel on the screen looks amused. Recorded in his office, from what can be seen of the background. Nothing broken, no injuries, so before a mission it seems like. “Well, I know I haven’t had much to document for the last while, but that’s because everything else is either classified, which means documented somewhere else, or Jack’s problem, which also means documented somewhere else. Future me’s gonna hate that, but that’s a problem for him to deal with.”
His voice isn’t right, anymore. God, has it really been so long since he heard his own voice that he...forgot that too? What else has he forgotten?
“Buuut, we got a new team member. Not like the kids, either. Joining of her own volition, which is a refreshing change of pace. Pretty sure if we had people join in any shadier ways, I would literally disappear.”
He was so happy, at the time. So pleased that they were finally following rules. What a fucking fool. Rules were never safe, for him. He should have known.
He smirks at the camera. “She’s some kinda doctor, I think Jack said. He seemed kinda unsettled by her, but I gotta admit, she definitely gets results. I’ll do my best to keep an eye on her, make sure that it’s all on the up and up. But having our own in squad doc? That’s gonna take tons of pressure off of Angie. She’ll probably be pretty happy she’s here. Maybe now, the kid can finally take a breather, I swear, she’s gonna work herself half to death someday.”
He’s so stupid. Keep an eye out, and he saw nothing. Did he really see nothing? Or did she trick him? Was he corrupt? Can he even be trusted? Can he trust-
“Anyway, I better go check in with her. She should be landing in a few minutes, and I don’t want to be late. She seems pretty punctual. Maybe we’ll get along.”
Gabriel can’t take anymore. He reaches out and slams his hands on the keyboard, closing the file entirely. He’s shaking.
Sombra startles. “Shit-” She’s almost instantly up and at his side. “Are you okay?”
He hunches over, wrapping his arms around his knees. How could he not have known? She’d been off since they met, and he’d done nothing...
He looks up at her. “...I should have known.”
“I should have known not to play this for you, not with next month coming up.” She sits next to him, wrapping an arm over his shoulders. “...Do you want some tea?”
“Lemon.” He looks away.
“Please.” He pretends that his voice didn’t just sound strained.
She sighs, slowly pushing herself to her feet and leaving the room.
Jack grumbles as he wakes, pressing at his face. He slowly sits up, looking around the room.
He’s still in his old office, but it looks...different. It takes him a few more moments to realize why: The empty booze bottles are gone.
He grunts once, reaching for a half filled bottle on the floor. He brings it to his lips for a sip.
There’s a knock on the door, before it opens.
He startles badly, dropping the bottle to the floor and scrambling for his mask.
The door clicks shut. There’s a tired, long suffering sigh. “Jack.”
He tenses, mask halfway to his face. He slowly looks over. “...Wilhelm.”
Reinhardt smiles at him, sadly. “Are we not on first name terms, anymore?”
He lets his mask fall to the floor, grimacing when it lands in the puddle of whiskey. He sighs. “...Ana send you, then?” He looks away, rubbing at his temples.
“No. I sent myself.” He takes a few steps closer. “It wasn’t hard to realize what you were doing.”
“Save it. I don’t need, or want, your concern.”
“I know you don’t. That’s why I’m here.”
He blinks slowly, looking over at him. “...Huh?”
“You don’t want help. That’s why I’m here. Because you need it.”
“I’m not your charity case, Wilhelm.”
“No, you’re not. You’re my friend. And I don’t want to have us lose you.”
He huffs. “We’re soldiers. I’m gonna-”
Reinhardt rests a hand on his shoulder. “That is not what I meant. I meant the drinking, Jack.”
He’s quiet for a bit. “...I have my reasons.”
“I know. I am...familiar, with them.” He looks over at him as he sits next to him on the couch. “...Do you remember when you first met me? How I used to make jokes about why I drank more beer than water?”
“You used to say your German beer tasted better than our filtered water.”
“Yes. I was lying. Attempting to cover up a problem with a joke. But someone caught me.”
Jack closes his eyes. “...Gabriel.”
“He confronted me. Do you know why I joined Overwatch, Jack?”
“It was his death I was mourning. Wondering what would have changed. Hoping that if it was a little bit easier to get through the day, maybe I could do half of what he did. Being with all of you helped me. By the end of the Crisis, with Ana’s help, I had stopped drinking.”
He opens his eyes, looking over. “...You started, again. After Ana.”
“...For a bit. McCree set me straight, though I doubt he remembers it.”
“...How did you know I was here?” He changes the subject, uncomfortable with thinking about the implications.
“I noticed your office was getting a lot of use. Athena wouldn’t, couldn’t, tell me. So I used my codes.” He makes a face. “I don’t like doing that, but it was the only option I was left with.”
“...” He sighs. “...After Zurich fell. I...was the fourth in line to take over your position. You, Ana, Gabriel, and myself. And I was the last one left.” He looks off. “We were all grieving, and I had to try to pick up the pieces.” He’s quiet for a bit. “...Attempt to contact last of kin.”
“...Oh.” Jack closes his eyes. “...Well, guess you know, then.”
“We’re still here, Jack. We’re still your family.”
“I know. And that’s why I can’t be. It will only put you all in more danger. I’m keeping secret for a reason.”
“You’re keeping secret because you want to die, Jack.” Reinhardt’s tone is a bit more sharp.
Jack blinks, looking over at him.
“...I do not mean to sound harsh. But it is the truth.”
“...You’re not wrong.” He sighs, running a hand through his hair.
“I know you are scared. But you don’t have to be alone. Not anymore.” He pulls Jack into his arms.
Jack barely keeps from trembling. “...”
“...He wouldn’t want to have done this to you.”
He feels a string he’s held tight for years, since the explosion, since he’s lost everything, suddenly snap. He collapses against Reinhardt.
“We are here for you.” Reinhardt holds him close. “We are here for you, Jack...”
Angela is about to regret even speaking, she can already tell.
She’s pushed through her crying, and her breaths have calmed somewhat. She knows what’s coming.
Zenyatta gently runs his fingers through her hair. “...If I may ask...”
She slowly sits up, pulling a bit away from him as she rubs at her face. “...We were working together, doing research, before...Before I joined with Overwatch. I was trying to work on the Caduceus, mainly the wings and my staff, at that point. She...had been working on genetic mutation, and attempting to develop a strong healing spray/salve. The amount of good that could have done for the world...”
“Easy...” He rests a hand on her shoulder.
“We were...close. But she was too driven, at times. Her empathy, even then, was slim. The greater good was more important, always.” She quiets, looking down at her hands. “...Almost always.”
“...Did she ever-”
“No. Not on me. ...Though I’d be lying if I said I didn’t use some of her research.”
“...You got self experimentation from her, then.”
“Do not credit her with what she doesn’t deserve.” She speaks with disgust. “It is illegal to do certain tests on others. It is not illegal to do those tests on yourself. We followed the same book. That does not make us the same.”
“I...did not mean to imply...”
She calms, slumping slightly forward. “I know. ...I know.” She lets out a soft breath. “...She had been doing tests on herself for a while. One day...” She rubs at her eyes. “...She went too far. I tried, but...”
“...” He gently takes her hands. “I’m here.”
“I panicked. There had to be something I could do. I tore through her research, and mine, looking for an answer. And I found one. ...Two.” She looks up at him. “I had been coming up with a series of nano machines, designed to be administered after muscle loss, so that they could take a patient’s genetic code and rebuild new muscle, perhaps in the future even bone. Meanwhile, she had started development of a serum that was supposed to push the body’s own electrical signals to cause function enough that even dormant nerves could be revived. I...” She pulls her hands away, rubbing at her eyes again. “I combined the two.”
“And it worked?”
“I tested it on myself, first. You tell me.”
“...Oh. That’s why you...haven’t changed.”
“...I will discuss that at a later time. But I...used those both to revive her. She was...the happiest I ever saw her.” She’s quiet for a bit. “...But after that...she changed. I don’t know if it was a side effect of her self experimentation, if I was just too late, or if she had pretended the whole time, but...her empathy was gone. We parted ways shortly after.”
“...I’m so sorry, Angela.”
“I was young, and stupid. It never meant as much to her as it did to me.” She takes a rough breath. “...I never knew she would go this far. If I had known...” She covers her mouth. “If only I had known...”
#*confused fanfiction noises*#The Other Side Looks The Goddamn Same#Reaper76#overwatch fanfiction#overwatch fanfic#not rvb
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The Product of a Crazy Person
Dragons of Dark Souls, Imma talk about them. There are tons of arguments behind is/if there is a difference between the titles Everlasting and Ancient, which dragons are actually drakes and which are “true” dragons, and are Stone, Kala, Sinh, Seath, Gaping, and Midir Everlasting Dragons or not. Here’s my two-cents in the DS community, enjoy~
First, I will be specifically using “dragons“ with a lowercase “d” for the overall term, which includes Drakes, wyverns, dragon people, Everlasting, Ancient, etc. “Dragons,“ with a capitol “d,“ are specifically Everlasting, Ancient, “True,“ etc.
Second, I want to state that the Souls games are Occidental based, meaning all the lore, designs, and even the word choices are based around western (American and European) culture. Because the Japanese like to use specific descriptions and word choices, the translation team does their best to get the closest description they can make to everything we read so we can get the feel. Therefore, completely placing the belief in the translation team for half of this discussion, we can use the English dictionary to differentiate between various labels specifically stated in the games and ones that are inferred from them:
Ancient- (adj) Belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence; Having been in existence for a very long time; Belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past.
Everlasting- (adj) Lasting forever or for a very long time; Lasting or enduring through all time; Tediously persistent; Never changing
Arch- (prefix) Chief; Principal; Main.
Descendant- (n) A person, plant, or animal that is *descended from a particular ancestor.
*Descend- (v) Come or go down a scale, especially from the superior to the inferior; Be a direct blood relative of (a specified, typically illustrious ancestor); (of an asset) Pass by inheritance, typically from parent to child.
Immortal- (adj) Living forever; Never dying or decaying.
Invulnerable- (adj) Impossible to harm or damage.
Senescence- (n) Biological aging; The gradual deterioration of functional characteristics; The condition or process of deterioration with age.
... and What They Tell Us
From these definitions, one can infer (basic points): 1) All Everlastings are Ancient, but not all Ancients are Everlasting.
2) “Arch-” is a prefix for describing one with the basics. Archdragons are named that way because they have the basics of a dragon: They are born naturally and have the blood of dragons coursing through their veins. Some, like Midir, have more of the basics than others, like the two sets of wings and the humanoid build. So, if you think about it, all the descendants, wyverns, drakes, man-serpents, the guys from Archdragon Peak, crossbreeds, etc are all archdragons because they have the basics of a Dragon. However, the artificials like the “Ancient“ Dragon (DS2) and the transformed (Or as I like to call them “Those with the dragon’s curse”) Oceiros are not archdragons because of the sole purpose of not being naturally born like that. Gywndolin, Priscilla, Lothric, etc are considered archdragons because they were naturally born like that, not transformed in the midst of their lifetime.
3) Any dragon can be a descendant of an Everlasting as long as their bloodline directly connects to them. Like “arch-” from above, just about every rule applies again, except those that were born from non-archdragons, like Prince Lothric.

(Just in case it was confusing with the halflings: Priscilla is an archdragon and descendant because she possesses the basics of a dragon in the DS universe and she is a crossbreed from a full fledged human and a full fledged dragon. Lothric is an archdragon but not a descendant because even though he sports the basics of a dragon, he is not directly related to dragons because he was the product of an experiment).
(I do not agree with everything on this chart, but it gets my point across)
4) Immortal does not equal invulnerable, and so the former also states that one can not die from injuries even when harmed. We have seen Everlastings being vanquished, therefore they are not immortal nor invulnerable, despite popular belief. Well, why are they called Everlasting Dragons? They were described to live forever? My closest guess is they do not posses senescence. Everlasting Dragons are named as such because these creatures specifically can never die from aging. I have been researching and I cannot find any descriptions where they were explicitly stated to be “immortal,“ only that their scales provide immense protection, therefore only mimicking that characteristic, just like Seath did with his Primordial Crystal. Although, there was another factor mention by Miyazaki about Everlastings, and it was they were not alive to begin with, or at the very least half living and half element. So hey, maybe I’m wrong and they are specifically immortal and when we see them ”die“ it’s really just souls leaving the body and the vessel is still there. However, that still means they are alive to some degree, and when a soul leaves a body, that equals death. ??? IDK, fight me, I guess
Third, there are two main families of these wondrous creatures (relative to the DS universe): Dragons and Drakes. According to how the games label them, Drakes are distant cousins/relatives of Dragons, which explains why the games describe wyverns (do not look like Dragons, but are naturally made) and the artificial dragons (they look like dragons, but they are artificially made) as “Drakes” specifically, but never Stone, Kala, Sinh, Seath, Gaping, and Midir as such. The latter are only ever referred to as a “Dragon” (they look and are naturally made).
(Quick note, I am aware of Seath being titled “The Paledrake.” However, 1) The entire community agrees he is a Dragon, 2) the terms “brethren,” “his own,” and the intro cutscene were specifically used to confirm he was one of the many Everlastings back in the day, and 3) personally, “paledrake” sounds more like an insulting nickname for him because he was born deformed. Alas, the term “drake” is used in this context to describe him as inferior to his kin if we are comparing to what is commonly referred to as such).
From learning this, we can say the Saucy Six are Dragons, not Drakes.
The Pug Effect
At least five of the six main Dragons are Ancient Dragons because they all have been stated being descendants or referenced/hinted to being alive at least during Gwyn’s time. But, which ones are considered Everlastings and which ones are not? That lies within the timeline and/or biology of each one.
To begin, we all know after years of stuff happening, animals begin to change in many ways because of the crossing of genes. What’s not to say that Dragons would avoid the same fate? Back in the 1800s, our doggo, the pug, looked noticeably different compared to the ones we have today. They had a visible snout, longer legs, more lean bodies, and their tails were not that much of a curly-cue. However, through years and years of (selective) breeding, they changed.
In Dark Souls, Dragons looked a certain way, but through years and years of (survival of the fittest) breeding, they changed, drastically. However, both of them are still considered pugs/Dragons even though they are pretty different from their former ancestors.

Think about it like a spectrum, from 1 to 10. On one end, we have the 1800s Pugs (1). On the other, the Present Day Pugs (10). Then we have the Transition Pugs, the ones in the middle where you can see the gradual change, some leaning more towards one end or the other.
Classifying Who is What and Why
Each of the Six have their place on the Pug chart, and I will explain my reasons:
Seath the Scaleless: (Strong 1) Timeline wise, Seath was there with the Everlastings. Everlastings were all that there were at the time. There was no Fire or Abyss shit to screw up a Dragon so badly that they lack individual consciousness and become a bestial lunatic. Warped biology, however, is thrown out the window because he was born deformed, so almost any little detail goes, except for those four wings, baby! That’s trademark! All close enough Everlastings have them. If one argues the fact that he was not a “true“ Everlasting because he lacked scales, therefore he was not immortal, refer to my argument above about how Everlasting only mimicked “immortality.“

(Note the biology. Every true Everlasting had humanoid shoulders)
Stone Dragon: (1.5) The theory of it being a littlun’ is plausible because of the size differences, and if that is correct, then it is most likely an offspring of one of the Everlastings from the War; It is stated to be a descendant of Everlastings. However, it looks so much like one, yet so different. This is probably because it was the closest to being related to one that even though it is a generation or two away from the originals, making it slightly different in appearance, it is close enough to be grouped with them still. It is an Everlasting dragon, but not one of the Everlasting Dragons of yore.
This face (True Everlasting):
THIS face (Stone Dragon):
Darkeater Midir: (3) This one was difficult because first, where was his place in the timeline? He was raised by the Gods, therefore he was during Gwyn’s time, making him an Ancient. What about the biology? He has two pairs of wings, two pairs of legs, humanoid shape, and has five digits on each hand. To me, this seems pretty close to being closer to an Everlasting compared to the others. However, what makes him not an Everlasting is his scales are not stone-like. This must have taken quite the gene smashing to mutate one’s biology like that. With this said, he is just under being labeled an Everlasting in my eyes (he’s fuckin’ strong, that’s for sure, but not Everlasting strong).



Gaping Dragon: (5) Another weird one because of the very little lore we have about him. Anyways, he is speculated to be a special Dragon for the fact of being able to cut off his tail and gain the titled weapon, “Dragon King Axe.” Seems fair, especially because of all the other tail weapons have something to do with their original attachments. However, he was deformed by his hunger, so maybe he just so happened to steal the Axe? Just a thought. But anyways, he has two pairs of wings, at least two pairs of legs, and has five digits on the hands. Pretty close to Everlasting, but again, no stone scales, so he is not one (he is a descendant, though). What throws me off is why was Gaping thrown down the shitter, but Midir was kept? My only guess is that Midir was closer to the original Everlastings than Gaping was. However, Seath might of had an interest towards him because there is a Chandler that is found by the arena and it defends Gaping. So, did Seath always know about this guy? And if he did, that means then maybe Gaping was during Seath’s time? The latter seems like a bunch of conclusion jumping because Seath could have discovered him at any time, but that Chandler was oddly placed if their purpose was to kidnap maidens. Or maybe, he was just so unimportant and really didn’t have any affect on the plot that he had little to no lore. Or maybe he is the symbol of Dragons finally becoming more like animals and beast, straying away from their intelligence??


Black Dragon Kalameet: (5.5) This is about where the Dragons really started to visually and mentally become more beast like, and relative to all the others, Kalameet seems to be the perfect dividing point, right after Gaping. This Hun Bun of Fun has one set of wings, two sets of legs, four digits on the hands, no stone scales, and (this is my favorite part) his shoulder structure is changing to more animal than human, unlike the previous four who have broad shoulders like people. Right there we see Dragons have fallen from their tower and now have begin de-evolving. His place in the timeline was still during Gwyn’s time, but he is so far away from Everlastings that he has lost almost all of his beloved characteristics of one. However, you can still see two remnants of his ancestors: His shoulders are at the halfway point between animal and human, and he does stand on his back legs quite often, more than any normal animal would.


Sinh, the Slumbering Dragon: (6) I had difficulty deciding on where to place this guy, but it came down to one factor, which I will get into. First, things first, Sinh is a Dragon that I am not sure if he is considered an Ancient or not. We don’t know if he was there before or during Gwyn’s time, only after. The Sunken King built the sanctum around the Dragon, who was already there. The Sunken King was before Vendrick, so we can already confirm he was not recently made (aka, not one of Aldia’s creations). But also, we know that Sinh’s existence was far enough back that it was after Manus’ break up because the Squalid Queen found the Dragon herself. So then it begs the question as to when did Manus’ pieces really begin to take shape into separate forms and go off on their quest? Whenever that was, it could help with placing Sinh on the timeline. Either way, Sinh still sports the bestial characteristics that Kalameet once had, but (and this is my favorite part again) his shoulders have changed to being even more animal based, all the way to the point of how he walks is more like one as well. The upper arms are becoming shorter, he is walking on his toes, he tucks his arms in really close (more than Kalameet does) when squatting or flying, and his shoulders are becoming less pronounced. Heck, it even looks like his arms in general are becoming smaller and his chest is getting bigger, like a wyvern?? And personally, I do find it odd how Kalameet side steps, but Sinh does not. How strange~ But yes, the anatomy is really making me think too into this shit and it makes me connect things to where they may not be connected.


(Just for reference) Guardian “Dragon”: (Hard 10) It’s a fucking Drake, specifically a wyvern. It is the furthest from an Everlasting by far. Heck, it’s not even a Dragon.
Let’s summarize this: IMO, All Everlasting Dragons are Ancient Dragons, but not all Ancient Dragons are Everlasting Dragons. Seath and Stone are Ancient and Everlasting. Midir was a close descendant and Gaping was a twisted descendant, both are Ancient but not really Everlasting by definition. Kalameet was an Ancient, but not an Everlasting. Sinh might have been an Ancient, but definitely not an Everlasting. Drake, wyverns, serpents, man-serpents, crossbreeds, experiments, etc are not Everlasting Dragons, but could be Ancient (not necessarily having to be a Dragon in this sense).
I went way too into this. I should have been doing other things, but because of my love for dragons and the astounding versions of them in Dark Souls, and my greed for organization, I really wanted to try and make sense to whatever degree of them in this series for my personal interest. I’m not a person to be always doing this lore stuff, but when it comes to things that fancy my Asperger’s, anything crazy like this could happen. I love dragons, I really do. I have two future art projects concerning them that will eventually be started on. I have so many other things to do, I want to finish those first before I begin anything new.
Anyways, thank you for reading the ramblings of a madman about dragons.
#dark souls#lore#my opinion#dragons#drakes#wyverns#everlasting#ancient#discussion#thoughts#why am i like this#does stone is everlasting#i am pretty proud of this#seath#stone dragon#midir#gaping dragon#kalameet#sinh#pugs#memes#anatomy#rambling
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Every single number.
1. Do you have a chum handle? What does it mean?-Yeah, it’s ComicbookDemigod, pester me. it was a combo of my fav shit at the time, the Percy Jackson series and DC/Marvel comics.2. Is your username homestuck related/have you had one hs related?-Noooooppeeee3. Do you call your s/o a matesprit?-No4. Do you call your best friend your moirail?-My friend Alison who got my into Homestuck has been my Moirail since the beginning, and 4 years later it’s immortalized in our yearbooks.5. Are you “kin” with any characters or commonly called a character?-No and I really don’t understand kins. What are they?????6. God Tier?-Mage of breath 7. Do you make HS fan art?-I have8. Do you make hs fanfiction?- Yeah... it’s bad9. Do you roleplay homestuck? where and how often?-Currently Rp Kurloz on a discord server with a bunch of awesome and chill peeps.10. Do you cosplay homestuck characters? Who and where?-I cosplayed Nepeta at Katoricon 201611. Are you apart of ask blogs?-No12. Are you in any homestuck groups?-Bnha hs au rp group13. Favorite character?-Hahaha... I’m gonna say Dirk for he is my least problematic fav somehow!14. Least favorite character?-I don’t really hate any, but I, pretty meh about Fef 15. OTP?-Davekat16. NOTP?-None..? I don’t obsess over hating ships so I don’t really think about them. I’m usually just indifferent. 17. BROTP?-Uhh... idk18. Do you want homestuck to just die already?-Well, I mean... https://youtu.be/pspna5GZwBk19. Are you following up with hiveswap? Do you play? Watch YT videos?-Yes. I play it.20. Tell us how homestuck has effected you in real life?-Ruined my crops, poisoned my water, emptied my bank account.21. Have you met anyone through homestuck?-Yes! Rams, Jo, Robin, a ton of people.22. Have you left the fandom before?-Not really. Been a part of it since 2014 and have always kept a passive, out of drama presence.23. How many times have you read through it?-Complete? Once. I’ve gone back to some parts/ acts and reread.24. Did you ever skip intermissions/dialog/animations?-Yes, but I’ve gone back and read it.25. Opinions on the fandom?-We all know we’re a dumpster fire.26. Opinions on the comic?-The good kush, which is probably what the creator was on when making it!27. Do you favor the trolls, humans, or carapaces?-Trolls, god who doesn’t 28. Favorite moment of all of homestuck?-Dirk lil Hal confrontation29. Least favorite moment of all of homestuck?-In terms of me watching it and going “what the fuck, wHAT THE FUCK” Gameover, but it was amazing.30. Tell us a homestuck based story.-Okay, so I learned about Homestuck through a friend, who was at the time deep into a hs fanfic. I would read and proof the fic for her, but didn’t know it was a au self insert (which was oddly the plot of hiveswapped but on willing terms). So... before reading it, I was convinced that the story was the actual plot line. And she also loved gamzee so boy..l did I have one hell of a wake up call.31. How homestuck related is your blog?-Pops up every now and then. 3/10
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Jason Grace in TLO (ok i tried)
I swear, I was going to write a meta on Jason Grace, on how he’s perceived to be vs how he actually is and all that. Trying to pinpoint why exactly Jason in canon is a boring character. No offense, but for the most part, it’s more fandom than the actual books themselves that lead to a person to liking Jason as a character. Now, i’m not trying to say it’s like that for everyone, just that it seems to be true for a lot of people from what I've seen.
Anyway, I started reading the Lost Hero again, to really get that feel for him because I haven’t actually reread the HoO in a while and god, the books infuriate the crap out of me. I don’t remember being this frustrated with it before. I actually like the Lost Hero as a book. But this time, it annoyed me so much I literally couldn’t get through the book or focus enough to stay unbiased as I observed Jason throughout the book.
30 pages in, 30 pages and Jason’s still stumbling around. Now I understand the amnesia thing and he’s trying to figure everything out but there’s not a single instant where he’s solid about anything-except his minute jealousy/hatred of Dylan. I don’t understand why i’m supposed to like his character. Jason’s supposed to be a Roman, he’s supposed to be to Camp Jupiter what Percy is to Camp Half-blood. They’re supposed to be each other’s foils and I can’t see it. Except for his Latin knowledge and stuff, there’s nothing, nothing Roman about Jason at all. He’s been at Camp Jupiter for 12 years from what his SPQR tattoos tell us, far longer than Percy’s been at Camp Half-blood. Yet, how is it that I can’t see a single instance that would prove to me that this kid could stand Lupa’s training and make it to Camp Jupiter?
And we all know the seen in TLO where he’s all ‘I’m the son of Jupiter! I’m a child of Rome, etc’. The speech he gives to Porphyrion, the one that he rattles off like ‘he’s said them many times before’. Nothing in this book shows me that Jason Grace is the type of person to have rattled of his many titles/accomplishments well enough that it would come instinctively out of his mouth.
We don’t need a Roman that doesn’t really fit in, yet is respected, that’s what Frank ends up becoming. I want a Roman that is more, well, Roman. He doesn’t have to be full out Reyna about it but like enough to rival Percy’s Greekness should be good.
And for all this ‘Jason’s a natural leader!’ crap, he doesn’t have that confidence that comes with leadership. And yeah, you can make a shit ton of excuse but the thing is, Jason’s a son of Jupiter, he’s used to being looked up to for this kinda shit and it should be just as instinctual for him to act confident as it is for him to rattle of those names or speak Latin. He has this thing for emotionally closing himself off (that makes complete sense, btw and oh look, also adds another similarity between him and Percy) yet even that doesn’t kick in here. Romans are all about not showing weakness. I know that the point is that he’s supposed to be un-Roman enough to accept/like going over to the Greeks. (Rick FAILED trying to do the opposite by making Percy ‘want’ to go to/prefer Camp Jupiter because his loyalty to Camp Half-blood’s already been too well established and the whole thing ended up coming off as shabby and badly carried out) The problem with Jason is that we don’t see that he’s Roman to begin with. in SoN, Percy’s obviously not Roman, he doesn’t fit in. From the way he thinks to how he fights, he’s Greek. The same can’t be said for Jason. Despite his talk later on, we don’t ever actually see Jason being super attached to Camp Jupiter and it makes me wonder why he was the one send over.
The arc about choosing the other camp doesn’t make much sense to me with the two characters that Rick chooses. Yes, I can see why Percy of all people choosing the Roman Camp would mean something, but in-universe, Percy wouldn’t do that. It’s not believable enough. He may have been able to pull it off but Percy’s deeply rooted in camp and it’s just not played right. And Jason doesn’t come off as Roman enough for it to mean anything on his part. He has some emotional conflict regarding it later but it’s just a few thoughts and until that point, he’s never really shown attachment to the Roman camp or anything really to show that he was really influenced by the 12 fucking years he spent there. While that arc itself has some potential, it just doesn’t work.
Jason as a character doesn’t work for me. He’s so boring, so bland and it bores and infuriates me at the same time. Jason has so much potential. 12 years as a Roman, think of how that would affect him and his views on Camp Half-blood, more than ‘Greeks are so carefree!”. Think of the struggles he’d have wrestling with two vastly different mindsets, especially in TLO. He’s exposed to the Greek beliefs/world far earlier than Percy is to Roman. He’s latching on what they’re telling him because he hasn’t had time to really figure his beliefs and shit out for himself. The mental struggle that would cause later on as he starts to regain his instincts and previous mindset and finding his place in them? God, that could’ve been great. And way more of how his adventures in TLO affect how he sees his previous experiences at Camp Jupiter and flipped. Instead, we can’t pinpoint anything about his character. He’s kind, gentle and cute. Okay, what else? I want something more to his character than that. If you asked me to describe his character, I wouldn’t know how. There aren’t a lot of defining characteristics in his personality apart from the kind gentle thing and okay, maybe you could add that he’s a leader but on Jason, it’s more of a loose title he wears rather than a defining characteristic.
And his relationships as established in TLO. Okay, let’s talk about that. Jason’s two main relationships are with Leo and Piper.
With Piper, it’s more of a romantic sort. He sees her, knows they’re together, tries to get a feel for this girl and figure out what his feelings are towards her but assumes that if he does have them, they will definitely be on a romantic level. The thing with Jiper is that they could be great friends and we could see them bond as friends first and slowly reach the dating thing and you could argue that’s what Rick tries to do but it’s not well done. Jason’s thoughts on the subject don’t go far beyond ‘she’s cute, I wouldn’t mind dating her but I have a feeling I had some kinda thing going on w/ a girl back home’ while Piper can’t stop fixating on what she thought was a relationship with this guy and kinda just wants to get back there without redoing all the work which is admittedly understandable. They don’t really sit down and talk about this. They have moments but they don’t clear up what they think about each other and where they are with each other. And this is the most pushed, most shown dynamic between the trio of Jason, Leo, Piper. It leaves me dissatisfied and disinterested. The whole thing with Piper’s dad and that one other time they had a meaningful conversation was great but come on, that can’t be all they’re getting. We know they’ll end up together eventually, Jason mentions that he thinks she’s cute like on the second page but make it count.
This leads me to talk about Leo. Finally. Personally I think TLO is Leo’s book to shine. When I forced myself to read through the book for this reread, it confirmed Leo as my fav out of this trio (So far, this is before his character was reduced to the sum of his love interests) Now before I talk about Leo in regards to Jason, I wanted to note that Leo came off as extremely non-hetero to me, more than usual. He keeps focusing on girls-and in a horribly shallow way- almost obsessively. It’s like he’s consciously forcing himself to think about it either in order to avoid thinking about something else or to just convince himself that he should have his eye on a girl in a romantic nature at all times. It sounds a lot like I used to and just confirms ace!Leo.
Ok, now let’s actually talk about Jason and Leo. I hate it. Jason does this thing (less than Piper does but still) where he’s constantly wanting Leo out, there’s this general feeling that Leo is unwanted and only there to get in the way of Jason/Piper. Leo’s rarely deemed important enough to consider an equal, the honor goes to Piper. More often than not, he’s just there to be ‘annoying’. Though they keep talking and talking about how their great friendship, they never form one. Part of this is the fact that they don’t realize this is a problem that’s actually happening and part of it’s Jason and Piper’s unconscious attempts to put a distance there. I also feel like it acts to make Jason and Piper seem like an even stronger relationship in comparison to either of their dynamics with Leo but that could be just me. I’m not saying that Leo’s completely faultless here because he doesn’t do anything to resolve this though he constantly feels left out and like a third wheel despite his attempts to repress those feelings. Leo hides his pain with humor and as the story goes on, it feels as if he’s putting up more of a wall if anything because the he’s starting to feel hurt from the constant exclusion, enough that he can’t fully repress it. It sucks even more because if you think about it, they could be a great friendship. They both tend to repress their emotions, they don’t like sharing their personal feelings and thoughts with others, they’re a little slow to trust and that could help both of them, knowing someone who is like them and actively working together to get over/deal with those things together, a kin spirit in a way. Their surface differences would work to make it an even better relationship and we never see that.
Jason/Piper/Leo are meant to be like Percy/Hazel/Frank but in terms of bonds, the SoN trio is miles ahead of our TLO group. Jason’s relationships with Piper and Leo respectively are far more flimsy and ill-formed than Percy’s with Frank and Hazel. And this situation doesn’t give Percy the advantage because it has nothing to do with the audience being familiar with the character and everything to do with the author and how the story is set up/written. Where SoN is great in how it introduces new, likable characters, TLO almost completely fails. Now, it is partially that TLO has to work with three new characters while SoN only had two but that doesn’t excuse the vast differences in character quality.
Oh, before I end this post, I did want to talk Jason and Annabeth. One of my greater regrets, especially following the Mark of Athena and Annabeth’s distrust of Jason was that the relationship between the two didn’t ever go anywhere. Outside of a few moments, it was nonexistent. You’re telling me that TLO Jason would see this girl that should be familiar to him, if only because of her similarities to Reyna and not have an opinion on her above ‘she’s scary’? We know what his relationship was to be with Percy but Annabeth? I’d pay to see that; some kind of pivotal moment where her distrust of him leads somewhere or is played off or resolved or whatever. It could be one-sided or both with Jason being wary around this girl. And though Jason’s reformed to the Greek side, he’s apparently like still somewhat Roman? ( I don’t think he was really roman to begin with but whatevs) I wanna know though how a partial Roman/Greek would stand with Annabeth who out of the 7 is the only one that is completely unapologetically Greek; the only one who’s had as long of an experience at one camp as Jason has. Of course that would unsettle her a bit because she’s never wanted to be Roman and never will and she sees this guy who’s been going to one camp his entire life and you’re telling me she isn’t going to wonder how he could switch over so easily? AND, Annabeth not really liking Jason would def affect his relationship with Percy too. In short, those two could’ve been interesting. I’m not quite sure where I would’ve gone with it but it could’ve been interesting. And that’s all folks.
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Sorry if this has been asked already, or if it's a dumb question, but what does your url mean?
Omg haha uh.........no it's not dumb lmao.... Uh idk how much background you need to explain it but I'll just do the whole thing I guess....... So....otherkin is a thing where people ID as being Inhuman in some way. There's subsets such as Therian (animal IDs- people who are say, cats, foxes, etc....its not a furry/fursona thing its closer to Past Life Theory) .....there's "fictionkin" which is say, when people ID as well, fictional characters....and this isn't always inhuman characters but it still falls under the umbrella. Now I mentioned past lives but. Its not always like that but its the easiest comparison to someone who's unaware of it. And the label "otherkin" is often used as an umbrella term but historically it was a subset of its own, therians and otherkin were separate communities- therians being animals, otherkin Being ....otherworldly.... Like elves, dwarves, fantasy animals even- etymologically "Kin to the Other", as in Other from Earth Creatures. Anyway so there's tons of....spicy spicy discourse in the """"""otherkin community"""""" here on tingljingl dot heck, ....And uh. In actual important things, gate keeping is the denial of someone's validity in a community, often in relation to medical treatment (ie, someone not being "trans enough" for medical transitioning services) and its usually by people outside said community and. In Tunglr World. Gatekeeping as a word has been butchered to mean "mean members of a community won't let me join their club " (ie, someone says "this blog is for lesbians" and then everyone goes What About Meeeeee I'm being Gate Keeped) So like back to otherkin shit ....... I was having a good ol discourse discussion lmao........ And like.......I said something about how we should leave the 14yr old kids alone because they're 14 and often their "mistakes" when they are saying they're fictionkin is because they don't fully understand the concept and think that a character being relatable is the same as it being a "kintype" (its not.....its more than that and yes it sounds cr*zy but the entire concept of being otherkin is that on some level you ARE the character or creature. Animal. Whatever. ......) And while they may be misunderstanding, who are they hurting. Leave them alone they'll usually grow out of it .......and my whole point was to leave them alone but some people got hung up on me saying "they're not actually technically otherkin if they just pick a kintype they like or relate to because they like them" and they started saying I was Gatekeeping Being Otherkin......So yeah, that's me, otherkin-gatekeeper
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