#using mango in the name and find a New M or if i find a new usage of mango
atethemango · 6 months
I'm displeased with my url but have no ideas what if I just made it my full legal name
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smolwritingchick · 9 months
The Bangtan Gal Chapter 24- American Hustle Life Episode 7
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Chapter Summary: Jennie brushes off the subject of her old group. Jungkook gets jealous when he finds out Jennie and V are working at an Ice Cream shop. Off screen, Jen and Namjoon eat together but are interrupted by someone Jennie has been trying to avoid
Words: 5,000+
In the morning, just like every day, BTS and Jen are awakened and put into the van, having no idea where they're going.
Jennie (Group by group, the guys left and then all that was left was V and I. So, it looks like we're a team for this mission.)
Arriving at an ice cream shop, V and Jennie were met by a friendly lady, who was waiting for them inside.
"Hi! My name is Beth, I'll be your guide today. You two will be working for me. Your aprons are in the back. Put them on, and we'll get started so I can show you the rundown of the shop."
Jennie (Hol' up. So, we're working?)
After putting on their aprons, V was jumping in excitement. "Yay, ice cream!"
"He's very jumpy, isn't he?" Beth let out a laugh.
"He's like that all the time," Jennie said with a giggle.
"First things first, we'll start with the scooping. It's a little harder than it looks with certain flavors, but you'll thank me later for the new upper arm strength." Beth explained as she effortlessly scooped up the butter pecan ice cream, placing it on a cone.
Jennie (This shouldn't be so bad. I mean, come on, who doesn't want to work at an ice cream shop? Especially on a hot day?)
V went first and easily scooped up the ice cream, placing it on a cone. But when it was Jen's turn to scoop, she found herself grunting and struggling as she slowly scooped out some of the butter pecan ice cream.
"This is harder than it looks!" She let out a nervous laugh.
Understanding her struggle, Beth reassured her, "You'll get used to it."
Jennie (This is a little embarrassing. Is my struggle on this going on the air? Gosh...)
After Beth showed them how to put ice cream in a cone, swirly style, Jen attempted first, only to make it uneven.
"You know what...this doesn't like me."
Beth giggled. "It's okay, let's try it again."
She attempted to do it again and ended up dropping the cone, surprising everyone.
Jennie (Uh...I can explain.)
Sighing loudly in annoyance, Jen cleaned up her mess while V giggled at her. "Unbelievable..." She grumbled
Jennie (This is harder than I thought.)
After five attempts, she finally managed to do a better job and moved on the learn the rest of the basics like creating an ice cream Sunday, and milkshakes, which were the easiest for Jen to create. Once they opened, V worked the cash register, taking orders, while Jennie worked the ice cream.
"Hello!" V happily greeted the customers in a cute English voice.
It was a mother and a child. V waved at the little boy, while Jennie smiled at the sight. "Can we have two chocolate ice cream cones?" The mother asked.
"Scoops? How many?"
"Oh, just one is fine."
"Coming right up!" Jennie worked the machine. "Please don't let me screw this up...please don't let me drop it~." She murmured. Thankfully getting it right, she handed the mother the cones. "Here you go! Have a great day!"
As the day went on, Jen's eyes were vibrant as she greeted each customer with V. She struggled a few times with scooping but she still tried her best and worked through it.
"V! Oh, my God! It's V!"
Hearing a group of three teen girls happily shout, V waved and tried to make small talk, before taking pictures with them.
"Can we have cherry, root beer and mango water ice?"
Making quick work to scoop up the three cups, Jennie placed them on the counter, smiling at the three ladies. But was taken aback by their high pitched shrieks.
"Jennie! Oh, my gosh, it's you!"
Feeling her face heat up by the sudden outburst, she kept the bright smile on her face. "Hello!"
"Can we take a picture with you!?"
"Yeah, sure!"
After taking a few selfies, the girls were overjoyed. "Gosh, I really miss you in Amity!"
"Yeah! But we love you even more in BTS. We'll always support your decisions."
Touched, Jennie placed a hand over her heart. "Thank you, ladies. I appreciate the love. It's true fans like you, that keep me going."
After they left, V couldn't hold in his thoughts any longer and called out her name.
"What were they talking about?" he asked.
Exhaling, she simply smiled and shrugged. "It's nothing."
Jennie (I don't want to talk about it. Every time I think about it, it just...it makes me sad...)
V (Jennie never talks about her old group. When we try to ask, she kind of brushes it aside. But I wish she would open up and tell us. It always looks like she wants to let it all out. I think it'll make her feel better. I should talk to Rap Monster, maybe he'll figure out what to do.)
When they take their break, Jennie and V sit at a table to enjoy their hard earned ice cream in a cup.
"I missed this. We always used to hang out together like this." Jennie let out a sigh.
"Yeah, but Jungkook always wants to hang with you and then Jimin tries to steal you away, hahaha."
"Well, at least we're together now, just like old times, buddy."
"Yeah, homie!" He giggled as she held his stare, disbelief shown on her face.
Did he really just say that?
The two end up laughing.
Jennie (V and I, go way back. He was the first person I met when I came to South Korea. I remember it like it was yesterday. He tried speaking to me in broken English, it was too cute, haha. He's such a kind soul, and he introduced me to the BTS members, and the rest is history. He made my experience in South Korea even better, by showing me the hot spots, and different food, it was great.)
"Hahah, remember when we were pranked to be scared? Your reaction was priceless!"
Groaning, Jennie set her head down. "Oh, my God...I don't even want to talk about that. Big Hit will never forget that day."
Sitting in one of the conference rooms, Jennie watched a video on the laptop. She was told that she was going to be verified what her psychological state of mind would be.
"So...what kind of video is this?" She asked
"You'll see." 
She was told and continued to watch on. She decided to turn up the volume since it was too low and watched intently, wondering what the video was about. Suddenly, an unexpected loud scream was heard while a jump scare popped out at the screen.
She screamed, startled while jumping up in her seat. Her heart was racing and out of instinct, she grabbed the mouse, throwing it at the screen.
"OH SHIT!" She covered her mouth, looking at the cracked screen. She was so going to get fired. "I am SO SORRY!"
Bursting in giggles, V reenacted her reaction. "Please! Please don't fire me! I'll pay for the screen! I'm sorry!"
"Hush!" She playfully smacked him. "I was so upset, I offered to pay for a new screen,"
"Ah, can you believe it's been over a year since BTS has been together?"
"It's so surreal. I can't wait for more years!"
Hearing his phone ring, V answered it and put it on speaker, placing the phone on the table.
"Hello?" He greeted.
"V! It's Jin!"
"Hey, Jin!" Jennie greeted.
"Hey, Jennie! So, it's you and V working, together?"
"Uh huh. What are you doing?" V asked.
"I'm with J-Hope. We're on a yacht, right now. Eating sashimi and lobster."
"Oh really? Fancy. V and I are working at an ice cream shop. We're taking a break, eating ice cream." Jennie mentioned.
"WHAAA? I want ice cream!" Jin's loud voice was heard, making the two giggle. "J-Hope! V and Jen are eating ice cream!"
"WHAA!?" Hobi's high pitched voice was heard in the background. "I WANT ICE CREAM!"
After their shenanigans, V suggested that he call Jimin and dial his number, placing the phone on his ear. Hearing him answer, V shouted, "Jimin! What are you doing?"
"Ah! Why so loud?" He grumbled.
"Hehehe, sorry."
"I'm with Jungkook. We're cleaning planes."
"Guess where I am?"
"Eating ice cream with Jennie~." He teased.
"AHHHHHHHHHH!" His loud scream of frustration was heard. Jimin turned to Jungkook who sat next to him. "V is with Jennie. They're eating ice cream together."
A frown came across Jungkook's face as he looked disappointed. "Awe...now I'm mad. I wanted to eat ice cream with Jennie..."
"Me, too! Lucky V!"
Off screen with Jungkook and Jimin, they continue to chill on the couch, taking a break from work.
Still upset, Jungkook grumbled, "How come he gets to eat ice cream with her? I wanted to eat ice cream with her...no fair."
With a sly smile, Jimin nudged him. "Hehehe, you're so annoyed. Is someone jealous~?"
Snapping his head to him, Jungkook widened her eyes, immediately shouting, "No!"
Grinning sheepishly, Jimin continued to tease him. "Are you sure~?"
"I'm not jealous!"
"Mm hm...Whatever you say Jungkookie~"
"What a nice date Jen and V are on, right now. Maybe they'll share their first kiss!"
After work was over, they met up with Nate and Tony to discuss what they did for their jobs.
"Our team went to the Landing Field for airplanes. They let us ride the helicopter." Jimin explained while Rap Monster talked about working with Suga at the hotel and eating.
"V and I worked at an ice cream shop. My arms, feel stronger from scooping up all that ice cream." Jen announced.
"The ice cream was very refreshing." V added.
"I'm sure it was~. Thanks for rubbing it in!" Jimin teased.
"So imma think you guys made some money?" Tony asked
For Rap Monster and Suga, they made $550 dollars. J-Hope and Jin made $450 dollars. V and Jen made 460, while Jungkook and Jimin made 500 dollars. Rap Monster and Suga get first place. When Tony and Nate are asked about what the money will be used for, they found out they were going to buy some food and take the food to the less fortunate down Skid Row.
Jennie (Skid Row...donating to the less fortunate. Doing stuff like that, just makes me grateful for what I have because you never know what tomorrow may bring. I'm looking forward to helping those in need.)
Jin (When I heard that the money that we made was going to Skid Row, at first, I was taken back, a little. After we were told that we were going there, I heard, afterwards, that it's a dangerous place. I couldn't understand why we had to go there.)
"So, BTS! You guys are very fortunate. You have a million of fans. A lot of times in the hip hop community, artists and big name celebrities take what they make and give it back to people that aren't as fortunate." Nate explains.
Suga (There were a lot of times that I really wanted to donate and help but my heart seems to always come before my actions but now that I was able to take action. I thought that it was a really meaningful thing to do.)
Rap Monster (To them, it's give them back. Show them love, showing them love. It seems like they express themselves through these expressions. And so, I thought to myself, 'Ah, I can actually do something!')
'LA's ghetto area, Skid Row! Within a stunning city, this is a place shows the dark side to it.'
'In America, this is the area that has the largest homeless population'
'For your hip hop focus, you guys will share the food with them yourselves and spend a meaningful time, allowing you to reflect upon yourselves as well.'
Buying hamburgers and drinks, they make their way to Skid Row. Jennie looked out the window, to see all the people on the sidewalk as her heart dropped. It was saddening to look at. Meanwhile, the guys looked on, surprised at how the atmosphere changed so quickly as they pass by various tents.
Jennie (It's heartbreaking. Especially seeing kids, out there.)
Jen went on to approach several homeless people, hearing their words of wisdom.
"Never forget where you came from. Never forget that. I don't care how rich you get, how poor you get; But you can be poor one day and rich the next day, you be back. Life's a bit of balance. Sometimes you might think that people don't appreciate but a lot of them actually do. You got a strong mouth, whatever your goal is, just keep at it. And you'll get it." One of the men told them.
Deciding to go on her own, Jennie approached a teen girl. Her hair was in a messy bun as she leaned against the wall, on the floor. Kneeling in front of her, she handed her two burgers and a drink. "Hi. Here you go."
Looking up to see who was talking to her, the girl smiled softly and accepted what she was given. "Thanks..."
"What's your name? I'm Jennie."
"How old are you?"
"I'm 16."
"What do you do?"
"I perform."
"I like to draw. My parents always tell me I have a talent for it."
Jennie nodded and looked around in her bag. "It's not much but here's a pen and a notepad. Don't give up on your passion for drawing."
"Thank you." She happily accepted it.
"Oh, and I wanted to also give you something." Jennie unhooked her necklace and handed it to her. It was a small silver necklace that had the word strength on it.
"You're giving me jewelry? Aren't you afraid I might sell it to get money for drugs or something?"
"No, because I know you won't do that. Unlike some other people in this world, I refuse to judge a book by its cover. Just because you are in the state you are in, doesn't mean you're a bad person, or do bad things. I'm giving you this necklace so you can remember to not give up. Don't give up on your dreams. If you want to draw, go for it. The pain, the suffering, it's only temporary." She grabbed her hand. "You will get through this. Push through. Stay positive. I'll be praying for you."
"Thank you...what is your name, again?"
"Jennifer. Jennifer Walker."
The girl nodded. "I'll remember that name...Thank you. I will push through. Can we pray?"
"Of course."
Jennie (I wish nothing for the best for this girl. I hope she and her family get out of this. I hope everyone gets out, of all of this. It makes me appreciate what I have. And it motivates me to help people as best as I can. Even if it's just the smallest gesture.)
'While they're meeting a lot of people, BTS is feeling an enlightenment within themselves.'
"We all know how important giving back is now, right?" Rap Monster asked the guys and they responded to him.
"Thank you, guys, y'all did a really good job." Tony praised.
"Y'all did a really good thing, you know, coming here, today and giving back to the less fortunate, ya know what I mean? I thank y'all for also being strong and brave enough to be here." Nate added.
"Y'know, a lot of people sometimes forget about people like this. You guys remember them today, even though a lot of people said thank you, a lot of people maybe didn't say thank you, everyone really, really appreciated it."
They all put their hands in the middle and throw their arms out in the air, announcing BTS!
'Once again after feeling a lot of things, BTS is going home'
The next day, offscreen, Jennie and Namjoon decided to head out for breakfast. Namjoon offered to take her out, so they could talk about the album and how she's managing with the songs.
"Gosh, you have no idea how excited I am, about this new album! It's our best, yet. I'm sure everyone will enjoy it." She beamed.
Smiling at her enthusiasm, showing off his dimples, he nodded. "Me, too. What's your favorite song?"
"War of Hormone, for sure! I'm anxious to perform it."
"Don't worry, you'll fuck it up, I know you will."
"Oh, stop gassing me up." She let out a laugh.
"I'm serious! Your stage presence is improving, too. Continue strutting your stuff while we go crazy around you in the dance."
"Ah, it's my first time doing a bit of a sexy concept. I just hope it looks natural and catches the audience's interest."
"WELL! WELL!" A loud, obnoxious voice is heard.
Turning their heads to the sudden voice, Jennie's stomach dropped when she saw who the voice belonged to. Clenching her jaw, she prayed that her emotions would be in check.
Just why?
Why now?
Of all people, of all days.
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But despite the pent up frustration, she knew something like this was going to happen. It was what she feared and pondered what she would do if this day came. And it looked like the day came sooner than she expected.
The female sat next to Namjoon, ignoring him while staring right at Jennie. Eyes cold, filled with disgust and mockery. Shaking her head at her insolence, Jennie remained silent as she held her stare. 
'Don't jump over the table and grab her...don't hit her...don't make a scene...don't get filmed and put on World Star...and do not do anything to ruin your reputation with BTS. It's not right and it won't be unfair to them. That's all you gotta do and you'll be fine, Jennie...' She tried to calm herself down.
"Well, isn't this a pleasant surprise~. Who knew, I would run into the quitter? Long time, no see, quitter!"
Irked by the disrespectful nickname, Jennie remained calm on the outside. Meanwhile, Namjoon was dumbfounded but could feel the tension between the two. It was clear to him that Jennie knew this person. Very well.
Turning to the girl, he asked in English, "Can we help you?"
"Yes, yes you can. I want a little one on one time, with Miss Quitter. So, what you can do is shut up, run along and take your ass somewhere else, thank you, very much."
Slamming her fist on the table, causing everything to shake and rattle, Jennie's body began to feel hot. Eyebrows pulled down together, in irritation, she shot her a dirty look. The sudden loud sound of the ruckus led to Namjoon staring at her, in surprise. It was clear that she was livid, but he could see a hint of sadness in her eyes.
"Okay, first of all, don't come up in here and talk to him like that. Ever." Jennie said with a growl. "Who the hell do you think you are? Are you for real, right now? Did the hair dye seep into your brain, to make you think you can just talk to anyone, the way you want to? Show some respect, you ignorant ass bitch."
Gasping in amusement, the girl let out a laugh. "So mad...you're gonna cause a scene, quitter." She then turned to Namjoon. "So, are you going to leave?"
"Nah, I'm going to stay. Whatever business you have with her, I want to know." He retorted.
"Yes, stay, don't leave," Jennie told him and turned back to the girl. "I don't appreciate you talking to my leader, like that. That was disrespectful. Apologize."
"Oh? Your leader?"
"Yes, I'm her leader. And you are?" He asked.
"She didn't tell you?" The girl gasped dramatically, placing a hand over her heart. "I'm offended, quitter. I thought you had the decency to tell your little boys who made you into the performer you are today. If it wasn't for me and my father, the Vice President, might I add, you wouldn't be anything. Even in Amity. So, since you don't know me, allow me to grace you with my presence. I'm Hailey. Her old and best leader, that she's ever going to have. So, is quitter giving you a hard time?"
Jennie couldn't help but just stare at her like she had some screws loose. Best leader? Grace you with her presence? Fame really got to her, and it was sad. 
Getting irritated himself, Namjoon retorted, "For the record, she has a name. And no, Jennifer hasn't given me a hard time."
"Oh really?" Hailey shifted her attention back to Jennie. "How much did you pay him, to say that?"
Shaking her knees out of anger, Jennie remained silent, glaring right at her. She just wanted to leave. She didn't want to be here, she wanted to go back to the dorm and forget about this.
"Let's get one thing straight, she didn't pay me to say anything."
"Well, if she isn't giving you a hard time, it looks like you don't know her like I do," Hailey replied in a flat tone.
"I don't think you know her."
Exhaling sharply, Jennie turned to Namjoon with pleading eyes. "Let's just go. I don't want to entertain this." She stood up with him, making their way to the exit.
Letting out a short laugh, Hailey called her out. "You've changed! You're trying to act all big and tough, but you didn't act like that when you quit."
Fed up, Jennie marched right up to her, hissing, "I didn't quit!"
Standing up, Hailey got in her face. "Then what did you do?" She tilted her head with a smile.
'Don't hit her. Do not hit her, Jennie. It's not worth it.' She thought. She wanted to wipe that stupid smile off her face. But she managed to restrain herself. "The contract was up. It was best for me to leave."
"Jennifer," Namjoon called in a serious tone, grabbing her back by holding her hand. "Don't do anything you'll regret. She's not worth it. Let's leave, just like you wanted."
"No, by all means, let her do what she was intending to do. Were you going to hit me? You're getting so angry, is it because what I'm saying is true?" Hailey asked.
Namjoon watched as Jennie's patience was wearing thin.
So, this was the leader of her old group. As soon as they head back to the dorm, he'll be asking her what really happened. And he was going to get an explanation. A long explanation. The entire story from day one. No more beating around the bush. He could see something was bothering her.
"You quit and flew to another country and got yourself a spot in BTS. I've heard of BTS. I survived listening to your generic music. Amity is way better." Hailey bragged.
Letting out an amused laugh, Jennie snorted. "Clearly, you're deaf..."
"Um, hello? Have you heard our music? And the awards we've been getting for them? All without you."
"Congratulations. I'm happy for Amity and the group's success, with and without me."
"Don't you regret it? Regret leaving? You could've been big and even gotten that solo you wanted."
"No, I wouldn't. It would've been the same. Nothing would have changed. I'm happy where I'm at now."
"The only reason you quit is because you couldn't handle Amity. Now what makes you think you'll handle stupid K-Pop?" Hailey spat, hitting a nerve in the both of them.
Jen's and Namjoon's ears twitched at her statement.
He slowly turned his head to face her, with Jennie. What she just said, added fuel to the fire.
"K-Pop is not stupid."
"Could have fooled me," Hailey shrugged.
Jennie looked at her surroundings. Thankfully the three of them were in a secluded, VIP room of the restaurant, so no one was watching. 
Namjoon looked on. He wanted to intervene because it looked like Jen was about to lash out, but decided to look on, staying out of her way. Looking at the door were two of Hailey's security guards, blocking the entrance so no fans or paparazzi could intervene. She wanted to speak to Jennie privately and without any press.
"Okay, first of all, K-Pop is NOT stupid, it's stupendous. It's a blessing and I am proud to say that I'm a part of it. It's inspiring, it's addicting to listen to, it's fascinating. You just can't accept the fact that K-Pop is here to stay and it's getting popular year by year. Wonder Girls, Girl's Generation, Big Bang, Shinhwa, IU, SHINee, 2NE1, the list can go on and on. I guarantee you that Korean Music will continue to grow internationally. And BTS will prove that. Just you watch."
Continuing her rant, Jen demanded sternly, "Don't you ever tell me that you made me. You didn't do shit. You never helped me with my music like Namjoon has done. You never helped me with my stage presence or dancing like BTS has done. You never did anything. And you call yourself a leader? What kind of leader doesn't help her members grow and set a good example? To be someone they look up to? Namjoon does that. I did not quit. I left because that was best for me. I worked my ass off to get where I am today. To get that spot in BTS, I didn't pay anyone, I didn't do anything to sweet talk someone, I had no connections, and I had to work just as hard as the other girls trying to get the spot as the Bangtan Girl. I'll admit I get exhausted, especially with the dance practices, but I'm happy because I'm doing way more than what I was doing in Amity. You know it, I know it, the fans know it, and so do the members. Don't come up in here, and tell me that I can't handle it because my work ethic inBig Hit Entertainment is stronger than ever."
Hailey crossed her arms and glared at her, unamused and bothered at how Jennie was standing up for herself.
Not holding back, Jennie continued her rant passionately, "I got a lot to learn in this industry. It's not every day you see an American in a K-Pop group. People have high expectations, thinking if you can speak Korean and know the culture. If you can really live up to being a part of a K-pop group. I had my doubts, but BTS guided me through it all. I need to work on a lot of things, I know. My singing, my dancing, I want to rap, I want to perfect my guitar skills, I want to do a lot of things as a performer. And Big Hit Entertainment is giving me those opportunities. Do you know why? Because they care and they believe I can do it. I don't like when people want things to be a competition. I want to grow with everyone. Not see who's better than everyone else. That's your mindset, not mine. I have my weaknesses and BTS helps me with them, so they can become my strengths. And what have you done?" she gestured, looking at her up and down.
"Belittled me and told me I couldn't do it. I almost believed you when I was younger, but now, if you ever say something smart to me, again, I will not hesitate to set you straight. Touch me, and you will catch these hands. Try me. I am not the one. I am not the one you're going to talk down, to better yourself. That ends today."
Amused, Hailey decided to push her buttons by getting in her face and pointing at her. "Oh, you really think you're high and mighty, now?"
"I never said that and that wasn't my intention, don't assume stuff. And I'm going to need you to get out of my face and stop putting fingers in my face, right now."
"Or what?" She pestered on.
Exhaling shakily, Jen looked up at the ceiling, clasping her hands together. "Hailey, get out of my face."
"What are you going to do?"
"Get out of my face!" Jen said in a louder voice.
"What are you going to do, if I don't?" She mocked.
With her voice going down an octave, Jen retorted, "You have five...seconds..." 
Giggling at her anger, she put her arms up in defense and backed away, sitting back down in her seat. "It's funny seeing you mad. Let's be civil, shall we?"
Glancing at Namjoon, Jennie decided to sit back in her seat, fuming as she shot her another scowl. Tears of anger and frustration were starting to appear in her eyes. She hated how much she got a reaction out of her. Jen wanted to be the bigger person, but all that went out the window.
"You're really pathetic." she heard Hailey say.
"Am I?" Jen bluntly replied, feeling the urge to smack her.
"And despite how happy you are in your little K-Pop charade, you're really selfish for leaving."
Raising a brow, Jennie asked, "How so?"
"You gave up on Amity."
"You know what? If that's what you want to believe, then okay. I'm not going to argue with you. All this frustration you have for me, I wish that you would drop it." Jennie looked at her with sad eyes as she attempted to calm herself down. "Jealousy gets you nowhere. And it's sad that you would let that control you. Ruin a friendship. We were great pals. And ever since you got more fame, it's been starting to change and control you."
Scoffing, Hailey rolled her eyes. "Don't make me laugh. I was never jealous."
"So...who was the one that talked to your father and the rest to get me to stop dancing, hard? Namjoon declares himself as being a part of the 'can't dance line' but I don't see him ordering Hobi to not dance his best when he's one of the most talented dancers in the group." She countered. "You guys seem to be doing better without me, right? What was I supposed to do if I stayed? Get bossed around? I wasn't doing anything. I wasn't even being included like I used to. How do you think that made me feel?"
"Don't guilt trip me. That's not going to work."
"That's not my intention. I'm telling you how I felt. You know what, I'm glad you approached me today. You just motivated me to work even harder and to become a great performer. So, I hope the next time we run into each other, I'll be a better performer than I am today, and prove to you, that I can do it. It's sad that people don't want others to succeed, but I hope when I see you again, you'll have a bitter taste in your mouth, watching BTS thrive."
Letting out a dry laugh, Hailey decided to do the unthinkable and toss a glass of orange juice, directly in her face. A loud gasp escaped Jen's lips as her eyes were shut, mouth open in disbelief at what just happened.
Did she just throw a drink?
A drink.
Orange juice.
In her face?
"Hey! What was that?" Jen could hear Namjoon shout and Hailey's laugh. Jen opened her eyes, hair and clothes drenched.
All she could see now was red as she blacked out. Standing up abruptly, Jen leaned across the table to grab her but Hailey managed to jump out of her seat, escaping her hands. 
When she saw, Jennie getting out of her seat to run after her, Hailey ran behind one of her security guards while the other security guard restrained her.
"Now you want to run and hide!" Jen wiped her face, once she was released, with her path blocked by the guard. "Don't throw a drink at me and just run!"
"Well, it looks like I just did~." She heard her mocking voice.
"Get back over here! I'm not done with you! Now you just pissed me off!"
"I'll think about it...well, it was nice seeing you, quitter, but I have people to see. I'm looking forward to running into you, again." Hailey waved and left with the guards.
Sighing loudly, Jennie paced around. "I'm about to go after her-"
"No, not today. Another day." Namjoon grabbed her back by the waist, trying to calm her down.
"No! She just threw a fucking drink in my face, that's not okay!" She shouted at him.
Knowing that her shouting wasn't intended for him, he remained calm and tried to dry her off with one of the cloths. 
"I know it isn't but I need you to breathe and use your head. I know what she did was dirty and uncalled for, and I know how much you want to kick her ass but look at your surroundings. We're in public."
"Oh? Well, she certainly didn't mind throwing a drink in friggin' public, that bitch...what did she think this is? A love and hip hop episode?" She shook her head and kicked a nearby chair.
It surprised Namjoon how sweet Jennie could become so scary when irate. He made a mental note to never get on her bad side, and only pondered how she would act if they weren't in public and if she did have a physical altercation with Hailey. Part of him thought he should've just let her go after her to fight, but another part of him thought it wasn't worth it since they were in public.
One thing's for sure, this wasn't over. Not by a long shot. Hailey better watch her back.
Exhaling, she turned back to Namjoon, feeling bad for her actions. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you had to see that. And to see me so mad. I never wanted to act like that in front of you or the guys."
"Jen, I'm not judging you, we all get pissed off."
"I kind of lost my appetite. I'm just ready to go back to the dorm and take a shower."
"Me too. I'll pay the bill then we can go."
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Week 6:  Social Media Influencers and the Slow Fashion Movement.
What is slow fashion: 
Slow fashion is the opposite of fast fashion. Slow fashion is a movement that advocates for environmental and social justice in the fashion industry. Its defining point is that it zeroes in on the problem of overproduction and overconsumption.
Slow fashion is one of the most polluting industries at all stages of its life cycle.  At an early stage and until approximately twenty years ago, two collections were produced per year (Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter) 
Consumers with a higher ethical commitment and stronger values place more importance on their ideals than on aspects related to their own identity and/or beauty
The main reasons that seem to lead consumers to engage in sustainable consumption are related to the capacity to find solutions that minimize the damage caused to the planet without giving up on style. 
In many research and studies related to Slow Fashion, the keyword was mentioned the most is “Slow Fashion”, “sustainability”,“fast fashion”, “design”, and “ethics”. 
According to the research, two specific generations have been studied, namely, Generation Y and Generation Z. Data show that both generations are currently looking for more mature and timeless clothing, especially females. They also feel the need to stay current. This results from an outside effect brought about by living in a place where environmental awareness is prevalent, which encourages participation in more environmentally friendly shopping.
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 As I mention before environmental sustainability has increasingly for limit the damage to our planet because: 
the chemicals used in the production and finishing of goods are recognized as capable of harming humans and the environment. 
there are a lot of products that end up not being consumed, therefore becoming wasted and or being destroyed by brands.
Slow Fashion promotes a change in the consumer mindset that encourages a preference for quality over quantity. 
They care about society and the participants in the value chain.
Customer Behaviour: 
Culture is very important in developing a marketing strategy. Cultural values influence how consumers evaluate and respond to marketing strategies and how they decide to buy products and services. 
In other words, human beings are influenced by the community where they were born and grew up. This impacts their personality traits, beliefs, values, thoughts, and concerns, which result in motivations and later actions. In order to better understand how consumers perceive slow fashion, a mind map was developed. 
Customers of Slow Fashion products perceive them as having a higher quality standard, which encourages individuals to consume these products, feel good about doing it, and invest in more durable goods. 
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One way to reduce clothing consumption is to create a structure to offer potential businesses. By developing these offerings, the clothing sector could modernize itself and move away from high-speed and low-price production towards a slower, more responsible, more sustainable business approach 
Slow Fashion is a concept that consumers and brands are now beginning to pay.  
H&M and Mango have created new brands with timeless products, higher quality raw materials and more responsible supply chains, 
Zara is now implementing classical and durable products at their stores, which carry a higher price.
What Is Slow Fashion? - Good On You 2021, Good On You, Good On You, viewed 1 April 2023, . 
Vito, F 2022, What Is Slow Fashion and How Can You Join the Movement?, Earth.org, Earth.org, viewed 1 April 2023, . 
Week 6: Readings: 2023-HS1-MDA20009-Digital Communities 2022, Instructure.com, viewed 1 April 2023, . 
Carrington, M.; Neville, B.; Whitwell, G. Why ethical consumers don’t walk their talk: Towards a framework for understanding the gap between the ethical purchase intentions and actual buying behaviour of ethically minded consumers. J. Bus. Ethics 2010, 97, 139–158.
0 notes
krabjoons · 3 years
omg professor... what are you doing?!?!?! [pjm]
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⮕ summary: park jimin is the hottest, most popular guy at school. the only catch? he also just so happens to be your teacher.
⮕ pairing: park jimin x reader, mentions of jaebum x reader
⮕ genre: smut, university!au, pwp
⮕ word count: 12.8k
⮕ rating: 18+, nsfw
⮕ warnings: hard dom!jimin x bratty-ish sub!y/n, professor!jimin x university student! y/n (he’s 27-28 ish and she’s 21-22), fuckboy!jaebum, pussy eating, fingering, thigh riding, vaginal sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it), dirty talk (carries the whole fic tbh), degradation, edging, dumbification, impact play (pussy + ass spanking), manhandling, humiliation, exhibitionism, creampie, teasing, praise, orgasm denial, begging, overstimulation, crying, kissing/making out, jimin’s a meanie but y/n likes it (aka i go ham on the degradation and edging you have been warned), aftercare (like 500 words of it :P)
⮕ a/n: this took too long to come out and has literally been sitting in my drafts since august but here it is! writing this was definitely a rollercoaster because this was my first smut and honestly i felt like it was really bad at times but other times i was like wtf this is so hot,, ANYWAYS, i’m glad that i’m posting it and getting over that fear of imperfection. i hope that you guys enjoy this piece :). i would also like to add that please don’t hook up with your teachers… if you do, that’s on you i take no responsibility for that whatsoever lol. excuse the title i literally have no idea what to change it to but i like it the way it is tbh LMFAOOO OK I’LL STOP RAMBLING NOW BYEEE ILY ALL
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University has never been when you’ve expected. When you first graduated high school and came here, you expected your late teenage years to be filled with just as much studying as high school combined with only a few parties here and there. You didn’t expect to make as many friends as you did and certainly did not expect to be known as the girl with the high grades and even higher alcohol tolerance. No longer are you the shy Y/N L/N that walked through the entrance gates on the first day of school; you’ve changed a lot.
It was a surprise to you. With academics taking precedence much of your life, the freedom university provided you with was welcomed - perhaps a little too much. You quickly learned that polar bear shots were great to keep you in a good mood at parties and that eating mangoes before smoking gave you a better high. And, you also learned about sex.
Admittedly, the first time you had a hookup, it was awkward and messy (at least for you… it was a guy, what else were you expecting?) but with more practice, you were able to get the hang of it. You’ve found your tastes and now willingly talk about who catches your eye to your best friends, something you never thought you’d do last year. 
Speaking of who catches your eye, as of now it’s Park Jimin. A really hot guy, according to your friends, and according to you, an even better voice. When you first walked into your Applications of Economics class, you nearly spit out your Starbucks drink after you saw the astonishingly handsome man with silky black hair in a dress shirt and tie. Surprisingly formal for a university student, you thought, but you weren’t one to talk, considering your current outfit of business casual.
Only, he wasn’t a student. He was your teacher. You should’ve put the pieces together earlier but you didn’t. Let's just say a Coconut Lime Refresher is good for hangovers, and you needed one desperately (basically, you were drunk as hell the night before and were still in the process of recovering). It certainly didn’t take long before all of campus was talking about the new economics professor who was hotter than hell. Girls (and some guys) immediately tried transferring into his class, one of them being your best friend Lisa, just to get a glimpse of how attractive he was. You remember a couple of girls offering you literal cash to transfer out, but you didn’t.
A good call, thinking about it now. You’ve gotten closer with Mr. Park, although it’s nothing too special yet, the two of you are on good terms and have even hugged before (you still get giddy thinking about it). Y/N from 2 years ago would be screaming her head off at how bold you’ve gotten, but now, you can’t bring yourself to care. Park Jimin is a hot guy, and you’re pretty hot too (if you must admit), so it would only be logical if the two of you could hook up. Unsurprisingly, you’ve lost your shame, nothing but thoughts of your teacher filling your mind in your spare time. 
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So here you are, another day of university, as monotonous as ever. The only highlight of your day will be the morning, where you have a class with Mr. Park. You've started changing your style a bit recently, opting for more, let’s just leave it at provocative outfits. Walking into the room, you take your usual seat in the front, closest to Mr. Park’s desk. 
The class progresses like it normally does, starting with a review of the work from the last class and a discussion about the new material. "I’m going to give you guys this last half hour of class to review the material individually if you want or you can leave early, I don’t mind. I know it's a Friday so there’s gonna be some parties around campus, if you want to prepare yourselves for that then go ahead." Your professor glances around the room, smirking at you when mentioning the parties. You flush and look away, biting your lower lip. 
You make the decision to stay in the classroom while the majority of the other students file out of the room. "I'll be available for any questions," Jimin calls out, returning to his desk across from you.
Sticking to your reputation, you get a head start on the assignment and easily work through the homework. Surprisingly, you forget about Jimin for the time being, focused on finishing your assignment so that you have as little work as possible to do after classes. You don’t notice your teacher looking at you, admiring the way you put so much effort into the things you’re passionate about. Hearing a student call his name, he gets up to help him. 
Surprisingly, Mr. Park has assigned a disturbingly low amount of homework, probably because of the upcoming weekend and maybe a pop quiz later next week (ugh). You’ve finished your work in a mere twenty minutes and are surprised to find that Jimin is not at his desk when you look up from your laptop. You turn around, looking for him, and see that he’s helping another student. Whipping out your phone, you text your best friend Lisa (who just so conveniently, also thirsts over Jimin the same way you do).
to lisa: hey i finished classwork for mr park and have like 10 minutes of free time now lol
Instantly, she responds as if she wasn’t in class. Then again, she has never been one to pay too much attention to her professors. 
from lisa: ayo talk to him 
from lisa: also save me from bio i literally cannot
Smiling slightly, you respond to her.
to lisa: i WOULD but he’s helping other students
from lisa: then be like "m- mister park, i- need help please" and use puppy eyes 
to lisa: LMFAOO PLEASE he’d be like whats wrong with you since when did you struggle in this class
to lisa: but i mean, anything to hear him talk i guess 
from lisa: god i'm so jealous you have him early so you can hear his morning voice it must be hot asf
to lisa: it is omg
from lisa: god what if he moans like that it'd be such a turn on
to lisa: dUDE STOP NO the way this is literally true like if he has a good sip of coffee or a pastry he likes hes gonna go all "mmmm I wish you could try this" pls its so fking hot
to lisa: like SIR I WANNA TRY YOU or you to try me no complaints
from lisa: wtf he finishes his breakfast before my class so i can't even hear it tf I hate it here
to lisa: u have him right after my block bro at leAST you have him 
to lisa: what ab the people who don't even have him
from lisa: idk what i'd do honestly. imagine not having a literal sex god teaching you every day i pity those who dont
You’re about to type out a response when a smooth voice sounds out from behind you, "alright guys, you’re good to go. Have a good weekend!" You jump in your seat, not realizing that your teacher was helping the student right behind you for the past five minutes. 
As the rest of the class begins to pack up, you pray that he hasn’t seen you talking about your sexual fantasies less than five feet away from him. Mr. Park doesn’t say anything, so you must be in the clear, right? You’re hoping and praying that he didn’t find out, but your heart rate is already rising and you’re getting a sick feeling in your stomach. Your gut must be trying to tell you something.
Well, your gut’s telling you that the universe must not be on your side because as soon as you stand up, he says, "Ms. L/N, can you stay a bit after class? I have a few things I want to discuss with you." Cheeks flushing hot, you squeak out a "yes, sir."
When everyone has left and it’s just the two of you left in the room, Jimin pulls up a seat next to his desk. "Sit," he commands, leaning on his desk. You scramble to your feet and walk over, mind buzzing with thoughts. Oh god, what if he tells the administration department? Then you’d definitely be punished and maybe even kicked out of the school. Maybe you could make up a story? Oh, it’s ANOTHER Park Jimin, haha. Definitely NOT my teacher. Even if you did, they could go the rest of the texts between you and Lisa and you’d be screwed. And not to be petty or anything, but being kicked out would mean that you wouldn’t be able to be in Jimin’s class anymore and wouldn’t be able to see him. Oh, and the bigger problem would be that you’d also be unable to get your degree.
You start internally panicking, heart rate picking up even when your teacher rolls up his sleeves and leans down in front of you. Stop thinking about dirty things FOR ONCE, Y/N, half of you screams, while the other half of you has already started fantasizing about things which shouldn’t be thought about, especially with one of the people in the fantasies less than a couple of feet in front of you. With his hands on his thighs, the ones you’ve thought about riding far too often, he smirks.
"So, I heard you wanna try me?"
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You gulp, absolutely mortified that Jimin caught you. Yes, he was attractive, and you would do practically anything to fuck him, but you didn’t expect to be humiliated into admitting it. "Um, no sir! I mean, maybe, but not in the way you think!" you ramble. Shut up, Y/N, part of you screams. You’re only digging yourself into a deeper hole.
"Yeah, sure. Because I definitely didn’t see what you were talking about with your friend. Be honest, Y/N," he says, smirking down at you. "You think about me, don't you? I'm not new to this. I see the way girls like you look at me. I know the way they talk about me when they think I can't hear. I know the way you think. Who would've thought? Little Miss L/N, all prim and proper on the outside, would be so filthy deep down?"
"Sir, I- uh. I-" you stutter out, cheeks burning furiously hot.
"You what? You're not going to try to prove your innocence now, are you? Not when you've gotten this far, hm? Getting to do what you’ve wanted after all this time?" he asks, standing up from his desk, and walking over to you, kneeling in front of you so that you were forced to hold eye contact. 
"You know, nobody else has been as daring as you, my dear," he hums softly. "Sending promiscuous texts about their teacher in the very class they're in. Rubbing their thighs together every time their teacher catches their eye." You shift in your seat, Jimin's words sparking the slightest of fires in your core. "Gazing ever so obviously at said teacher’s dick, too. Y/N, you amaze me. So, so brilliant. yet so, so naughty. You thought that nobody else would catch onto you? Unfortunately, you thought wrong."
"I'm s- sorry sir," you whisper out.
"You're just sorry that you got caught, Y/N. You'll keep doing this even after today," Jimin chuckles lowly. "Possibly even more after today," he adds on, taking note of how his words have affected you. Your pupils are dilated and your cheeks are starting to get flushed. "Such a dirty girl. I'm here trying to scold you, and here you are, getting turned on by my words. Is this why you ask so many questions, doll? To hear my voice?"
You bite your lip in a mixture of embarrassment and nervousness, nodding imperceptibly. The logical, studious side of you is thinking, oh my god, is this really happening? Am I going to fuck my teacher? I really shouldn’t be doing this. The relaxed, easygoing side of you (pretty much your horny side) is thinking, finally, it’s happening. I’m going to FINALLY be fucking Park Jimin.
"What else have you imagined about my voice, hm? How I'd whisper into your ear while pounding into you? Hear me moan as your tight cunt clenches around my dick? Tell you how good you're making me feel? Reminding you how much of a slut you are to fuck your teacher in the middle of his classroom, where anyone could walk in?" he continues, seeing you shift in your seat more. "Would you like that?" he asks.
"Y- yes Mr. Park. I- I would," you whisper. You have to consciously clench your thighs together to keep them from spreading at his words.
"Hm, I don't believe you. Try again another time, darling," he sighs, leaning back on his knees, getting ready to stand up. You don't want this, whatever it is, to be over that quickly so you make up your mind. Swallowing your pride and succumbing to the dull throb in your panties, you pout.
"But professor, I really do want you. I want you to make me feel good and I wanna make you feel good. Please," you whine out. "I wanna be thinking about you all the time because you fucked me so well in class. And when my friends talk about wanting to get in your pants, I want to be the only one who already has. Please, Mr. Park. I need you." you breathe out. At this point, the pressure in your core is rising steadily, and only intensifies when you see the way your teacher's eyes are glazed over in lust and eyebrows are furrowed. Your eyes travel down the expanse of his face to his lips, plump and pink. Oh, the number of times you've wished to kiss them, imagined them suckling on your clit. And now that Jimin knows, perhaps it's finally coming true. 
"You'd like that, hm? God, you're so dirty," Jimin mutters, inching closer to you, cautiously placing a hand on your knee. Your legs instantly part to make room for him in between and he inches forward. "Does dirty talk really turn you on that much, Y/N? I can smell you through your panties," he remarks.
"Mr. Park, please do something," you whimper. And with that, Jimin pulls you over to his desk and sits you on the edge. You spread your legs and he stands in between them. He leans his head closer to you until he's next to your ear.
"Want me to get you off with my words? You seem to like that already and I haven't even tried, doll. Or perhaps," he pauses, bunching up your skirt so that it pools at your waist. "You want me to touch you?"
You nod eagerly, chest heaving in anticipation. "I want both Mr. Park. I want you," you purr salaciously. And with that, your teacher lets out a low growl and presses his lips onto yours harshly. It’s already bruising, but you just can’t get enough of the way he tastes of caramel and coffee and how ridiculously soft his lips are, so you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him in even closer. He seems a little put off by how eager you are, but once he hears you sigh in enjoyment, he melts into your eager grasp. 
His hands start sliding down your waist so that they are resting on your upper thighs, and he rubs comforting circles into them, trailing them closer and closer to your panties. He breaks off from the kiss to look down and smirks back at you before joining his lips to yours with even more fervor and you praise yourself for deciding to wear your lace thong today. You feel his tongue slide against your lips, asking for permission to enter and your mouth immediately complies. 
The feeling of his hot breath on your lips and thumbs rubbing against the juncture of your thighs has you feeling needy for more. Jimin swirls the tip of his tongue against yours, the filthy action turning you on even more. You moan into his mouth and thread your fingers through his hair, causing him to let out a low groan.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, the two of you break apart. Chest heaving up and down, you take note of your teacher's face. His lips are redder and plumper than ever before. His cheeks have the faintest blush on them. His eyes, the ones that crinkle into a happy smile whenever you answer a question correctly in class, are now clouded over with deep lust.
"Get onto all fours. On the desk," Jimin commands, and you immediately comply. Now your ass is facing Jimin and you're very nearly completely exposed to him, save the thong you're wearing.
"God, you're such a slut," Jimin moans out at the sight. "Do you get dressed up like this just so you can get fucked in class? Such a short fucking skirt that I can see whatever you're wearing underneath whenever you bend over, hm? You wanted me to give in to you, doll?" When you nod weakly, he chuckles, "I don't think so."
Arching your back so your ass sticks out even more, you whine, "professor, please fuck me. I'm so fucking horny, please." Jimin cups your pussy from outside your panties and leans over you, "I don't think so, kitten. I'm the one calling the shots here." Your pussy flutters in response and Jimin slaps it lightly, chuckling. The brief stimulation has your cunt clenching around nothing.
He spreads your knees slightly and begins trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses up your thighs to the arch of your back. Feeling his breath so close to your core has you getting wetter by the minute in anticipation. He finally hovers over your back, placing a soft kiss on your shoulder, muttering, "I'm going to wreck you, Y/N", and you feel yourself clench in excitement. 
"Then do it," you whisper, and Jimin hooks his fingers around the waistband of your thong and pulls it down, so slow that it's almost painful, exposing your heat to the cool air of the classroom and causing you to shiver in response. 
You don't see it, but his eyes widen seeing the strings of your slick connecting your pussy to your panties. He takes a look at your core and his mouth starts watering. You're soaking and clenching around nothing, thighs shaking ever so slightly in anticipation.
He flattens his tongue and licks a flat stripe up your pussy, from your clit to your entrance. He pauses to suck some of your juices from it, but your cunt just keeps leaking them out. He runs his tongues through your folds over and over again until you let out a wanton moan.
Encouraged by your reaction, he hooks his arms around the side of your hips, nuzzling closer into your pussy. He laps at your cunt and purposely avoids your clit, only heightening the pressure in your core.
"Mr. Park," you whine out, pushing your hips back. "Please. More," you pant out. Suddenly, Jimin spanks your right ass cheek, rubbing his hand over the fleshy globe soothingly afterward. You let out a little yelp and turn around to catch his eyes. 
"More what?" he spits out, smiling at you evilly. "My little slut's gotta tell me what she wants. How else would I give it to her?" your mind is foggy, pleasure causing you to lose track of everything other than the man behind you. "W- want you," you garble out, "t- to play with my clit too." 
"What's the magic word, doll?" Jimin teases, breath fanning over your slit, causing your walls to clench erratically. "Please, Mr. Park," you whine, pushing your cunt closer to his face. He smirks at you, avoiding your advances. 
"Good girl," he praises before finally positioning himself just barely in front of your clit. You feel him blow cool air onto your slit, but the temperature of it is magnified even more due to how wet you are. You whine out, expressing your displeasure, and Jimin finally indulges you by taking your throbbing button between his plush lips.
"F- fuck, sir, yes! Right there, please," you squeal, back arching even more. Jimin hums, the vibrations sending waves of pleasure through your body. You can feel yourself growing wetter, your entrance squeezing out more and more of your arousal down to where Jimin's lips are sucking. He momentarily pauses to flatten his tongue out, letting your juices drip onto them and slurping them up eagerly. The obscene noises behind you combined with the low thrum of student life just outside the classroom door mesh together to have you realize where exactly the two of you are doing this.
You glance at the clock, and your eyes widen. "Prof- oh my god, Pr- Professor Park," you moan out, trying to keep your focus. Jimin again hums, making you jolt in pleasure. "I- uh, there’s only ten minutes until the next block of classes start. I need t- to leave in around five." When Jimin releases from you with a pop, you can feel your slick running down your thighs and some dripping onto his desk. You feel a rush of excitement at the thought of everyone walking in during class to see the mess Jimin made of you on his desk and again squeeze around nothing.
"Well then," Jimin hums lazily, "guess you better cum within five minutes if you want to cum at all." He dives back into your heat, tongue skillfully running through your folds. He cycles between kitten licking and delivering harsh sucks to your clit and dipping his tongue into your entrance. You grind against his face in desperation to reach your release, and just when you finally feel it hurtling towards you at an alarming rate, suddenly, Jimin gets up.
He leans over you, trailing a hand up your slick-ridden thigh to cup your bare heat and mutters lowly in your ear, "time’s up." Your heart drops in frustration, and you whine out. Grinding into his palm, you beg for him to touch you once again, knowing nothing but how good he was making you feel just seconds ago. "Mr. P- Park, please. Make me cum," you cry out.
Jimin spanks your pussy, a wet echo sounding through the room. You jolt forward and your cunt leaks out even more of your arousal in response to the combination of pain and pleasure. "I said no," he hisses, "you couldn't cum in time, you don't deserve to cum." 
"God, look at you, you're a mess. Bent over and spread out so desperately for me. You taste so sweet, doll. So responsive, too," Jimin murmurs, lazily rubbing your slit. He's, once again, avoiding your clit and driving you insane. Your sensitive nub is now swollen and throbbing with need, slick with your arousal. 
"Has anyone touched you as well as I do, Y/N?" he asks. When you shake your head, he slaps your cunt again, another wet sound echoing through the room. "Words, baby girl," he goads, fingers dancing through your folds. 
"N- no, sir. they can’t make me feel half as good as you did. I’ve al- I’ve always been thinking about having you touch m- my cunt and making me cum really hard. and I- shit I’m so needy sir, I wanna cum," you garble out, tears pricking the corner of your eyes. You feel Jimin’s hand leave your pussy, exposing your soaked heat to the cool air of the room. Slowly, he pulls your thong up your thighs and the light touches make you clench in desperation and whine out.
He marvels at the sight of you so fucked out in front of him. The way his top student was falling apart at the slightest touches he gave you. And the words you said. God, to have you say such filthy things in comparison to your gentle demeanor, all because of him, it really did something to him.
Jimin finishes clothing you and presses a kiss to the top of your ass and walks across the room to get some tissues to clean up the mess you made. Still perched on the desk, you watch him needily, thighs rubbing together to relieve some of the pressure from being denied your orgasm. "So I really don’t get to cum?" You ask meekly, holding back a sob. "I need to cum, Mr. Park."
He chuckles, "there’s a difference between need and want, doll. You want to cum, you don't need to cum. But what you do need," he returns to you, leaning down so that his face is right in front of yours, "is to get to your next class." Your face, once eagerly lit up in anticipation, has now fallen in disappointment.
Rolling your eyes, you huff out a "fine" and get off his desk, feeling your arousal make your thighs stick together. Your panties are uncomfortably damp and you’re so wet you can even smell yourself. "Can you make me cum later?" you question Jimin, sliding closer to him and playing with his tie, praying that he’ll be the one to make you release instead of having to do it yourself when you get home.
"If you play nice I might. If not, then… we’ll see," he hums, handing you a tissue to clean yourself up while heading to wipe down his desk. "I have a lunch meeting in the second half of the lunch block, so if you really need me, I’ll be here before then." 
You grin and nod in excitement. "Cool! so I’ll-" you begin before the first students from the next class start filing in, making you jump. "The door wasn’t locked?" you whisper frantically to him. "We could have been caught, Jimin! Are you crazy?!"
He smirks at you, "didn’t you say you wanted it that way? Where anyone could walk in? I only did what you asked, doll." You’re left speechless as he continues. "Anyways, you should be in your next class pretty soon. I’ll write a note to your professor just in case you’re late. But get going, yeah? I’ll see you in time for our meeting." He hands you a slip of paper and straightens up, tossing the dirty tissues into the trash can in the corner of the room. 
"Okay class, we’re going to get started soon. I presume you all did the reading, so just prepare for the discussion we’re going to be having about it when the bell rings," he calls out to the class. Turning to face you, he questions quietly with genuine concern, "you okay? Did I push you too much for our first time?" 
Your mind swirls with thoughts. Our first time. The words fill you with giddy excitement. It’s just the two of you that know about this, the dirty things you were doing just minutes ago, very nearly getting caught. Knowing that this won’t be the only moment you guys are doing this, fills you with excitement.
"On the contrary, actually," you tease your teacher with a smile. "It was really nice honestly, but perhaps, you didn’t do enough." You bite your lip at the way Jimin's eyes darken and he looks away. "Get to class, Ms. L/N. The bell will ring any minute," he says lowly, jaw slightly clenched. Your core throbs at the sight and you head towards the door. 
"Goodbye, Mr. Park. Thank you!" you call out, catching sight of Lisa, who raises her eyebrows at you teasingly and mouths text me. Blushing, you nod at her before leaving the room to go to your next class.
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Being "one of the smartest students on campus" comes with its perks. Like right now, for example. You always (somehow) come to class overprepared, so when your next teacher gives you a day to work on your project (which you've already finished), you head to the back of the room to text Lisa in private. 
from lisa: dude wtf was that you were literally talking to Mr. Park outside of ur class time with him
from lisa: omg wait don't tell me you fucked him
from lisa: did you
to lisa: NO I DID NOT OMG I wish tho lmao
to lisa: I was asking him for help on the paper he's assigning us and to proofread it and stuff before I submit it
from lisa: omg I forgot he assigned us that shit
to lisa: dude lmao its due in a week or so you have plenty of time
from lisa: ugh literally he's such a hottie why does he have to be so into teaching
to lisa: sis commitment to something is hot
from lisa: omg ur right wait a sec tho
from lisa: dude
from lisa: omg
from lisa: he definitely has a boner
Knowing that you were likely the cause of it, you shift in your seat cockily, smiling slyly to yourself while looking down.
to lisa: whAT
to lisa: wait how big is it
from lisa: ok I dont think he’s fully hard yet he's like semi hard but barely 
from lisa: LMFAO Y/N don't worry I think he’s packing seems kinda thick too
Taking in a deep breath, you look up at the ceiling. You imagine him slowly sinking into you and making you whimper at his size. Him seeing your face and growling, "if you’re really a good girl, you should be able to take it." You cross your legs tightly and rock up and down in a lame attempt to diminish the rising pressure between your thighs and look back down at your phone.
to lisa: pls thats so hot
from lisa: IKR I want him to r a i l me
to lisa: or eat me out… have you sEEN those lips of his wtf
from lisa: on god do not get me started
to lisa: pls i bet he’d be the type to tease you
Oh Lisa, if only you knew the truth behind those words.
from lisa: YES hes lowkey cocky bc he knows like the entire fucking population simps for him
from lisa: he’s def gonna make you beg to cum
to lisa: pls thats hot do not get me riled up in class istg
from lisa: too late i've already started babe ;)
You continue texting Lisa throughout the entirety of your class. Finally, you look at the clock and seeing that there are only a few more minutes till the class ends, you wrap up your conversation with her.
to lisa: hey btw i’m gonna be coming to lunch late… save me a seat at our regular spot?
from lisa: when ur best friend is a teachers pet :(( fiNE I guess I will
to lisa: love u!! xx
from lisa: love you too nerd xoxo
The bell finally rings, signaling the start of the lunch break and you immediately stand up and walk out the door, bidding your teacher goodbye and thanks.
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Running into the bathroom, you do a quick check of your appearance. You tug up your skirt a bit higher and tuck in your shirt so that your outfit accentuates your curves. You glance at your face and notice how abnormally large your pupils are in comparison to most days. Jimin has completely ruined you today, just like he said he would. I'm going to wreck you, Y/N. His words echo in your ears as you make your way out to his classroom. Trying to ignore how uncomfortably wet your panties are, you knock on the door to his room. 
You hear a smooth voice answer with a, "come in," and take a deep breath before opening the door to see Jimin sitting behind his desk, leaning back in his chair with his arms behind his head. He scans you up and down, eyes taking in every inch of your figure. "Nice outfit alterations," he notes, patting his laps as a hint for you to sit on it. You quickly lock the door and make your way to him, placing one leg on each side of him so that you’re now straddling his thighs. "Is this all for me?" he asks and you tuck your head down, suddenly shy now that all his attention is on you again. 
"Mhm, depends on whether you like it or not" you smile timidly, hands reaching out to play with his tie again. He laughs. "Princess, I’m conflicted. You do look very nice, all dolled up for me like this. It’d be a shame if I were to ruin your efforts. But on the other hand," he remarks, "you’ve very nearly crossed the line for indecent exposure. What if another teacher caught you like this? you would get in trouble, hm? And what if it were a student to see you like this? What would they think of you then?" He questions, causing your cheeks to burn at his words.
"They would think I- that I’m a whore. I- and that I dress up like this just so I can pass my classes," you whisper out, biting your lips in a combination of excitement and humiliation. You can feel yourself start to throb again and you start to rut against Jimin’s thighs. He shifts you over so that you are sitting on only one and slightly bounces his leg. The stimulation to your neglected cunt sends a shock running through your body and you squeeze your thighs around his.
"Look at you, so fucking desperate to cum. You think that you aren’t a little whore already, so needy for me this quickly, hm? Do you really think you deserve to cum?" He hums, admiring the way you’re worked up. He pushes up your skirt and slaps your thigh just underneath your ass. You shift away as a reaction, causing your clit to get the stimulation it finally deserved. The way your underwear rubs against your neglected bundle of nerves causes you to let out a groan and drop your head to Jimin's shoulder. He spanks you this time, making you yelp. "I asked you a question, doll."
"Mmhm, yeah," you whine out, "I deserve t- to cum, sir." At this point, your hips are moving on their own accord, shifting back and forth desperately against Jimin's thigh. He grabs your waist tightly, holding you still. "Look at me," he commands, bouncing his thigh. You mewl into his shoulder, the change in motion making you lose focus. He spanks you again, the sound echoing around the room. "Listen to directions, sweetheart. Or else you’ll get punished," he warns.
You lift your head to look at Jimin, faces just inches apart. His eyes scan over your face, lingering on your lips. Slowly, you lean towards him, closing the distance between you two. He gives into your eager kiss and you glide your hands up his firm chest to run your fingers through his hair. He starts bouncing you on his thigh and you groan into his mouth. Breaking apart panting, you place your forehead against Jimin’s, moving your hips back and forth harder to increase the pressure going to your clit.
"God, Y/N, you’re so wet," Jimin pants while looking down at the way your clothed pussy drags over his thigh. "I can feel you soaking through my slacks," he says, shifting you over. just like he said, there is now a wet spot on his thigh from where you just were. Thankfully, it’s barely noticeable, but if you focus enough, you can see it.
"What are you going to do about it, hm? I have classes to teach, meetings to attend. Do you want people to see the mess you made all over me?" He hisses, spanking you to elicit an answer. "N- no, sir. I’m s- sorry," you whisper out, eyes clenched, still rutting against him. You feel your orgasm bubbling up as every second passes.
"I don't think you're sorry, doll. Look at you making a mess all over me through your panties. You're absolutely soaked, so fucking desperate to cum," he tuts, clenching his thigh muscles purposely. You gasp and shove your head into the crook of Jimin's neck, letting out a low groan.
"Mr. Park, I'm so wet because of you. I- god, I wanna cum. please. I'm so close," you mewl into him, legs starting to tighten around his thigh.
You shut your eyes, feeling your impending orgasm build up. Right when you're about to let go, Jimin holds your hips in place tightly, preventing you from moving. Squeaking out, you make an attempt to shift your pussy over his thighs. It's no use because you can feel it start to drift away slowly and you look at him in need. Tears stinging the corners of your eyes, you plead, "S- sir I need you to touch me again. Please."
"Well, since you asked so nicely," Jimin smiles cockily, lifting you onto his desk and spreading your legs after stripping you of your panties. You lean back so that you face the ceiling. Your eyes roll back once you feel him take your clit into his mouth. You moan and arch your back off of the desk, thighs involuntarily clenching around his head. 
"God, Mr. Park, yes! O- oh, fuck, please," you blabber out incoherently, your mind hazy and overwhelmed with pleasure. "More," you whimper out without thinking.
Jimin disconnects from your heat to look up at you, murmuring, "Greedy little slut wants it all, huh? Won't even ask nicely for it. Tell me what you want, Y/N. Beg for it, and I might just give it to you."
"God, I- I want it all, professor," you call out, wiggling your hips in search of stimulation that never comes. "Want you to stuff me with your f- fingers and lick my p- pussy and make me cum. Want you to fuck me r- raw with your fat cock from behind and sp- and spank me. Want you to ma- make me cry from cumming so hard just as much as you have from not letting me cum. A- and I want you to leave hi- hickies on my thighs so that if I bend over, p- people are gonna know how much of a cockslut I am, just for you."
"Yeah? Well, I can tell you this," Jimin says, fingers dancing up your thigh closer to your sick-ridden core. "You are a cockslut. So fucking dirty. Most people come to class to learn but it seems that you come here to get off." He inserts a finger into you and your walls immediately clamp down on it. He moves the digit in and out of you smoothly, your arousal allowing the smoothest of motions. "You like that, baby? Finally having something in that tight cunt of yours?" You nod at his question, adding on "want more, sir."
"Not enough? Greedy little bitch. look at you, so needy. What are you gonna do when I have my cock out, hm?" He shoves a second finger into you and starts curling them into your heat. You arch your back to the ceiling and he hovers over you. For a moment, there’s nothing but the squelch of his fingers in your wet pussy and your panting as he stares into your eyes. Jimin's eyebrows are furrowed and he’s biting his lip - he’s focusing on something.
That "something" becomes apparent when, all of a sudden, you nearly sit upright and let out a loud moan of pleasure, "Fuck, Mr. Park! right there." His fingers continue rubbing that special spot inside you repeatedly and your legs start shaking ever so slightly. You look back at him to see a smug smile on his face. "I found it," he chuckles as you writhe underneath him. He leans down to kiss you, lips melding together.
He keeps fingering you, bringing his thumb up to ghost over your clit ever so slightly to provide enough pleasure to bring you close to your orgasm but just not enough to make you cum. You whine against his lips and he breaks the kiss, asking "you want to cum, doll?" to which you weakly nod. "Then fuck yourself on my fingers. Show me how much of a little slut you are for me. How you’re a cocksleeve for me, so wet and needy as soon as I touch you, so ready for me to fuck you." He stills his digits inside of you and you buck your hips on them, rolling your pelvis repeatedly in an attempt to get to your orgasm. You reach down to provide some stimulation to your clit, but he smacks it away.
"Jim- professor, it’s not enough. I- I need more, please." Tears start welling up in your eyes at the thought of not cumming for the third time. Jimin kisses your temple, the gentle action reminding you that he’s not going to do something you can’t handle. "Please, Mr. Park. I wanna cum," you whine out, hips jerking back and forth in a pathetic attempt to chase after your high.
"Show me then, Y/N. how much you want it. A good girl can show me that she wants it bad enough and will make herself come on my fingers alone. She’s not greedy. She doesn’t need to touch herself too. She just needs my fingers to cum. I know you can be a good girl,  Y/N," he goads. "Can you show me what the pretty little face of yours looks like when you cum? I bet you’ll look so beautiful, even more than you are right now, all fucked out for me."
"Hhngh, sir I- I’m trying," you pant out. "It’s just not enough. I promise I'm a good girl, I swear. Please let me cum. Oh god, I wanna cum." At this point, you’re nearly crying. You haven't ever been edged like this and are desperate for release.
Jimin sees this and purposefully retracts his hand from your cunt covered in your honeyed juices, glistening in the lights of his classroom. "Professor Park, please," you choke out weakly, chest constricting in disappointment. With a soft smile, he brings his fingers up to his mouth and cleans them off, savoring the flavor of you. 
"Be a good girl for the rest of the day and then I’ll let you cum, baby," he hums. "You promise?" you plead, holding onto his arm desperately. 
"I promise, Y/N," he kisses you gently and you taste the remnants of yourself on his tongue, the filthy action causing your clit to throb even more. Combined with the way your cunt is still clenched tight in preparation for an orgasm that won’t come soon, you can definitely say that you can't wait for the school day to come to an end.
"Go to lunch, doll. I have a meeting soon. Don’t think of me too much, hm? Gotta keep those straight A’s the way they are," Jimin teases, pulling down your skirt slowly, fingers just grazing your thighs. He grabs your panties. "Oh, and I think I'll keep these for now," he says cheekily, putting them in his pocket. "They didn’t seem to be doing their job when you were riding my thigh."
You watch him in shock, cheeks flushing red hot. "I- okay. uh, I’m going to lunch now, Jimin. Have a good lunch and meeting, I guess?" you say awkwardly, shuffling to the door with him, tugging your skirt down. 
"Jimin? We’re on a first-name basis already, Y/N? Don’t let anybody hear you call me that in class, baby," he winks, holding the door open and you nod, preoccupied with the little "situation" your skirt just barely hides. You can feel yourself still leaking down your inner thighs, and pray that nobody’s going to notice when you walk into the dining hall.
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"Ugh! Bitch, what took you so long?" Lisa exclaims when you sit down next to her with your lunch. You pout. "I wasn't even gone for that long."
"Ha! That long, my ass. You were gone for more than half of the break! I had to tell Jaebum and his cronies to fuck off on my own! I’m not as intimidating when you’re not around, though, so I don’t think it worked. They’ll probably come over again soon." Lisa rolls her eyes. You snort, "One of them probably likes you, that’s why they keep bothering you."
"They just like any female and will take what they can get," Lisa mutters, "but anyway! How was your meeting with Mr. Park? Did you solve his boner problem?" she wiggles her eyebrows.
You clear your throat. "No, Lisa I did not. I'm obviously above that," you say in a sarcastic tone. "I simply offered to," you tease. Lisa squeals and slaps your arm in response. "But for real though," she says. "Anyone that gets to hook up with mister Park Jimin automatically wins at life," and you hum in agreement.
You scan at the dining hall around you and catch the eye of Jaebum sitting with his friend group. He winks at you and you roll your eyes and stand up, "come on Lisa, let’s go. Those assholes are going to come over any second if we stay here any longer." You drag her to your guys’ next class.
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The bell rings and the two of you burst out of the classroom. Thank god that’s over. Only one more class left, you think to yourself, gripping your books tighter to your chest in excitement.
"Jesus fuck, since when were you this eager to get to the last class of the day, Y/N? I thought you loved staying in school for as long as possible," Lisa huffs out. You steer her into the direction of your locker, right across from Jimin’s classroom. 
"I'm picking up my books, you dummy. Be grateful I paid for this locker because otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to put your books here." You put in the code and exchange your books while Lisa checks herself in the magnetic mirror attached to the door. you have to be careful when bending over because otherwise you’ll flash the entire school, so you do a weird sit-squat thing. "Geeking out over lockers? You act as if you’re still in high school, Y/N," Lisa teases. "Only during the school day," you wink up at her.
Lisa spots someone through the reflection of the mirror and groans out. "Incoming," she warns, rolling her eyes and turning around. "Wha-" you begin when you get cut off by a smooth voice behind you.
"Damn, L/N. didn’t know you wore skirts this short on campus. Looks good on you," the guy winks. "But it would look even better on my bedroom floor." You hold back a gag and turn to Lisa, raising your eyebrows in exasperation. 
"Wow, I see the originality," Lisa says in the most sickeningly sweet voice. "What do you want, Jaebum?" He chuckles and places an arm over your head, leaning over you. "Well, I’m having a party tonight, and it would be amazing if you two little ladies could attend. Be mine and Jackson’s plus one?" he says. You’re about to say no when he leans in closer to you, inches away from your face, "plus you can get the high-quality drinks for free, not the cheap booze we leave out for the randos who show up."
"You’re probably gonna drug them or something. No thanks, dickwad." you huff out after a second’s hesitation, pushing him away, ready to go to your next class. "Nah, baby. I may be a fuckboy but at least I've got morals. Whaddya say? You get me off, I get you off? Maybe make you cum so many times it starts hurting? You look like you haven’t been able to get an orgasm in a while, you’re so uptight, L/N," Jaebum smirks. 
"You fuckin-" you start to hiss out but you’re shut off again. This time it’s by someone different. Jimin. "Mr. Lim, I don’t think it’s necessarily appropriate to discuss your sexual endeavors while in an academic setting. I’ll be letting you off with a warning for now." He turns to you, eyes flitting across your DIY skimpy outfit. You feel your cunt leak more of your honeyed juices under his piercing gaze and clamp your thighs together to keep them from dripping down your thighs. "And Ms. L/N, I expected better from you. You’re not typically one to do these things in a school environment. Get to class, the two of you," he says, turning back to his classroom.
"Oh," he adds, "and Y/N. fix your outfit. I would hate to see you get dress coded by a teacher who isn’t as lenient." You, Lisa, and Jaebum stare at his back in shock as he heads inside his classroom. 
"Well, uh, that just happened," Lisa states, turning to you. "Ready to go?" you nod numbly, mind swirling with embarrassment and excitement as you tug down your skirt. The two of you walk to the last class of the day while Jaebum calls out, "my place after 11, L/N! I’ll be waiting!", making you wince. Great, now a bunch of people are gonna think you’re hooking up with him.
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The last bell of the day finally rings, and you head to your locker after bidding Lisa goodbye. You put your books in your locker and head to the bathroom to fix your clothes. You decide to tease Jimin even more by adjusting your skirt so that it ends just at the bottom of your ass. It’s a terribly risky decision; if you walk too fast, you risk flashing everyone. You’ve tried to wipe the slick off the juncture of your thighs, but it keeps getting replaced with more of your arousal.
You speed walk down the halls and fling open the door to see that Jimin isn’t in his classroom - or so you think. Once you take a few steps into the room, you hear the door shut behind you and lock. Jimin looks at you up and down. "You didn’t fix your outfit, Ms. L/N. Looks like I’ll have to dress code you for indecent exposure then," he hums, heading to his desk to take out a slip of paper.
"Wait Jimin, what? I thought we were- um. You know, going to-" you splutter out, realizing he was actually serious. You can’t have this on your academic record! What would your parents think?
"Going to what? Fuck? Seems like you already have someone else for that, Y/N," he shakes his head, grabbing a pen. You reach forward quickly to stop him, hand, gripping his forearm in desperation. 
"No Mr. Park, I- I never told Jaebum yes. I just-" you try to explain, but Jimin cuts you off. "You what?" he asks bitingly, taking you by surprise. "Did you think that you could just come back and hop on my dick after nearly making out with another guy? God, you really are a slut, aren’t you?"
You rub your thighs together, trying to relieve some of the steadily mounting pressure in your core at Jimin’s words. "Look at you, I told you to fix your outfit and you fucking pulled up your skirt. You pulled it up. You don’t listen to me, talk to your friends about how much you want me to rail you, and yet let other guys make plans to hook up with you. And you expect me to let you cum after all of that?" he continues, noticing the effect he has on you. "You really think I should let you cum, Y/N? I'll tell you what I think. I think I should leave you like this, dripping and needy for me. So ready to get fucked by me but not being able to."
Your eyes widen, "no, please professor, no!" 
"Should I jack off in front of you and not let you touch me? Maybe then would you learn your lesson? Or maybe I should spank your ass till it’s blue you’re unable to sit. Would that work, hm? What if I just send you back to the dorms? You could ask Jaebum to touch you, even if he can’t make you half the mess I can," he continues, pushing you onto his desk. He grabs your jaw and tilts your head up, forcing you to look at him, humiliated, with tears in your eyes.
"Aw," he pouts sarcastically, "is the baby crying? Because I didn’t let her cum? Well, princess, you knew what you were getting yourself into. Little cocksluts like you don’t deserve to cum so easily."
"P- professor, please. You can punish me. Teach me a lesson. B- but just please let me cum." You whimper out, attempting to cross your legs together to assuage your aching clit, but Jimin stops you by holding your knee with his other hand.
He slowly trails his hands up your bare thigh, admiring the way your soft skin seems to get chills at his touch. He pushes you back onto the desk and you prop yourself up your elbows to look at him. "Are you a cockslut, Y/N?" he asks, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his trousers. 
"Y- yes Mr. Park. I- I’m nothing but a hole for you to fuck," you whimper meekly as he pushes up your skirt. He pushes apart your thighs and tugs you to the edge of the desk. "Damn right you are. Nothing but a little whore that I can use to get off. I’m going to fuck you here in school like you’ve never been fucked before. And this dick you’ve been thinking about all this time, it’s going to finally be in you, and I better not hear any complaints," Jimin growls, pumping his length in his hand. "No sir," you whimper out.
"You on the pill?" he asks, to which you reply with a yes. He teases your slit with the pink head of his cock and your entrance flutters at the touch. "But on another note, tell me if you want to stop. I don’t want to push you too much."
You smile, "Jimin, you’re being too kind. I promise I'll tell you. But I did say before perhaps you weren’t doing enough. Mr. Park, I want you to ruin me," you bite your lips, mimicking his words from earlier in the day. He cocks his head in amusement. 
"Don’t worry princess, that’s exactly what I’ll be doing." Without warning, he thrusts forward into your heart, barely giving you time to adjust to his size. The girth of his cock stretches open your cunt with painful pleasure. Once he’s sheathed inside you, you can feel him very near your cervix. 
You let out a shaky breath but it’s cut off as he continues thrusting in and out of you, wet slaps echoing through the room. "M- Mr. Park-" you moan incoherently. 
"Fucking take it, Y/N. You wanted me to ruin you? Well here I am doing it; be fucking grateful." he rolls his hips into yours, hands gripping your sides harshly.
"Th- thank you Mr. Park, s- so much," you nearly sob out, almost crying at the relief of being fucked. You’re so turned on that your walls are clenching around Jimin’s dick so hard that he grips your jaw harshly. Gritting his teeth, he spits, "loosen up, babe. You’re so fuckin’ tight." You whine and try to relax but the stimulation Jimin’s providing has your eyes rolling back instead.
He snakes a hand down to your stomach and under your skirt, circling your throbbing clit. Your pussy flutters at the stimulation and you bite your lip harshly. He changes his angle slightly, causing your thighs to start shaking. His precum and your honeyed juices drip out your sopping cunt, the sound of wet slaps echoing around the room.
"Mmmmh," you moan out softly, back arching slightly. You can feel Jimin hitting your g-spot with impeccable accuracy each time. Doubled with the way his thumb is rubbing circles on your sensitive clit, you feel yourself reaching your orgasm. You try to suppress the giveaway signs of your impending release, knowing that Jimin, in order to "teach you a lesson" of sorts, is likely to take it away from you, so you attempt to just breathe out, "Jimin, fuck, it feels so good."
"Yeah, you like that, baby?" he thrusts into you deeper and harder and you bite your upper lip to stop your moans from slipping out. "Come on Y/N, let me hear those pretty little moans. Let everyone else know how well I'm fucking you, how good I make you feel," Jimin urges.
As soon as he utters those words, you give in, letting high pitched whimpers spill from your lips. Your pussy lets out filthy squelching noises at each of his thrusts, your wetness dripping down your ass and onto the desk. You feel your walls tightening around his cock and try to fight it off, but Jimin can already tell of your impending orgasm. He pulls out of you, leaving your warm and soaked cunt open to the air.
"Fuck," you exclaim in frustration, bringing your hands up to cover your face so Jimin doesn’t see your face, tears starting to spill down your face. It’s frustrating you so much that he won’t let you cum. That he enjoys seeing you whimpering and teary-eyed for him. Your thighs haven’t stopped shaking and Jimin parts them after you close them. He pulls down your arms and smiles evilly. 
"Well, what do we have here," he exclaims, "looks like the baby finally did start crying. Come on, Y/N, I thought you had it in you. But look at how you’re spread out on this desk for me, such a fucking mess. I bet you like it, huh? Dirtying up my desk with that cunt of yours."
"I need to cum, Mr. Park," you choke out, trying to gather your thoughts. "I need to cum now." your teacher’s eyes narrow and he grips your thighs harshly. "What did you say to me?" he asks, a tone laced with dangerous amusement. 
"You heard me. I-," you hesitate for a moment, but decide you’ve already put yourself through enough teasing today. You muster up your courage before saying, "I want you to make me cum now." 
There’s a moment’s silence before you add on shamelessly, "o- or if it’s too much to ask of you, I- I’ll just find someone else to help me do it. Maybe Jaebum? He promised a good time a- and said he would let me cum as many times as I want."
Jimin grabs you by the chin and pulls you up. "You’re such a fucking brat, Y/N." Shifting his hand so it’s gripping your throat, he mutters, "you don’t fucking learn, do you? I thought you were smart, hm? But has the need for sex made you lose your sense? Made you turn into a dumb little bitch, ready to bend over for anyone because you’re so horny? And here I was thinking you were better than that. That you had standards. Perhaps I was wrong, hm? Would you like to tell me?"
You try to look down, away from his piercing glare, but he turns your chin to look back at him. Humiliation courses through your veins as Jimin’s gaze wanders down your body scathingly. "Look at you," he coos sarcastically. "Y/N, baby, you’re such a fucking mess. Pathetic." Suddenly, he lifts you off the desk and bends you over it, cheek pressing the top and ass exposed over the edge to him. You whimper at the feeling of your shirt being stickied from your arousal left on the table from just a few minutes ago. You try moving away from it, but Jimin holds you in place. 
"Are you afraid that everyone else is going to see the mess on your shirt, Y/N? Is that why you’re trying to move?" he hovers over you from behind. "Or perhaps," he continues, hot breath tickling over the shell of your ear, "you want to continue being a brat. Make me punish you until you’re begging for me to make it stop."
He spanks you, the sound echoing across the room before you register the sting of his action. You clench involuntarily and let out the slightest of whimpers. "Fucking hell, are you this turned on? Making noises even if I don’t touch your filthy little pussy?" he asks, smacking your behind again. You bite down on your lip to avoid giving him the answer he already knows.
"Count for me. Be good and maybe I’ll finally let you cum." he commands, spanking your right ass cheek again. "O- one!" you groan. He spanks your left side, the stinging sensation causing you to leak more arousal. "Louder, Y/N. Let me hear you," he hisses, hand in your hair, and pulls you up slightly. "T- two," you stammer. another slap echoes across the room. "Three! God Mr. Park, please." At this point, you’re not even sure what you’re begging for; your mind is numb with lust.
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"T- twenty! Agh, fuck, please," you squirm under Jimins grasp. The throbbing of your clit has increased tenfold, and you can practically feel the shaking of your thighs through the desk. 
Jimin slips his hand between your legs, feeling the soft flesh of your inner thighs slicked with your juices. "You’re fucking dripping, Y/N. Look at you. Did getting punished turn you on this much, doll?" He swipes up your slit, teasing your fluttering hole. You scrunch your eyes in displeasure and try to back up into him, only to be stopped by a harsh smack onto your already throbbing cunt. You yelp and flop back on the desk, cheek pressing the surface.
You feel him rubbing his dick against your folds and sigh in relief. Suddenly, Jimin slams into you from behind with no warning causing you to let out a harsh groan. "Ah, professor!" you exclaim, balling your fists in pleasure at finally being stimulated. His cock seems even bigger from this angle, and your entrance stings delectably at the way he splits you open.
"You feel how tight your pussy is, princess? How tight it is for me? Nobody else makes you feel this needy. Nobody," Jimin mutters in your ear after pulling you up. He pulls your head back by your hair, exposing your neck, which he plants wet kisses on. He reaches down in front of you, tracing an achingly slow path from your stomach to your slit with his fingers. You’re reaching your orgasm at an embarrassingly fast rate due to all of the edging you’re been through, so when Jimin finally brushes over your clit, it’s no surprise that your walls tighten even more instantaneously.
"Ji- ‘m gonna cum," you moan wantonly. "Yeah? Is my little slut finally going to cum?" He hisses out at the way you tighten around him. You nod desperately, gripping his arm rubbing figure eights over your sensitive bud. 
"Oh god, Jimin, I feel it coming. Please please please let me cum. I'm being good for you, Mr. Park, please let me cum," you sob out incoherently as Jimin continues railing you from behind. You feel the ridges of his cock brushing your walls and shudder at his ministrations.
"Let go, princess, I got you. Cum for me. Tell me how good I’m making you feel," Jimin snarls, snapping his hips into yours, eager to get you to finally melt in his arms. You feel your orgasm crashing over you and you clamp down on his dick, legs shaking in relief. Jimin's grip on your hair tightens as he feels you pulsing around him, getting impossibly tight. Nevertheless, he continues thrusting into you. 
You mewl, trying to shift away from Jimin's hold as his fingers return to your clit, rubbing figure eights into them, "J- too m- much," you whimper out, straining against his arms.
"Yeah?" his smooth voice asks, "but I thought you wanted to cum, princess? Didn't you? I need to cum, Mr. Park. I need to cum now." He mocks you. “Well, that's what I'm doing doll. I'm. Making. You. Cum," he emphasizes each word with a harsh thrust, jolting you forward.
You're being reduced to a mess, tears streaming down your face and slick dripping down your thighs. You can feel your gummy walls tightening more and more on their own accord, without even trying. Without even realizing it, you've changed from trying to move away from Jimin's fingers to grinding down on his dick.
Jimin, however, notices this. "God, you're such a slut, Y/N. Weren't you just asking me to stop?" He raises your left leg onto the desk, allowing him to have more access to your folds. He slaps your clit when you don’t give a response and you yelp, clenching down on his dick. He slaps you a couple more times, and your cunt drips even more, making your thighs sticky with your honeyed juices. You can feel yourself nearing your orgasm once again from his motions.  
Suddenly, Jimin pushes you back on his desk and begins hammering into you from behind. "You're going to cum again, aren't you? Filthy little girl, didn't you just cum? Are you really that needy for some dick?" You try to hold back a whimper from his words but it slips from your lips. "You're really a whore, aren't you, baby?" 
In response, Jimin spanks you, and you yelp. "Keep doing that," he hisses when you clench down on his dick. "You like being punished, don't you?" You nod meekly in response. He smacks your already reddened ass again and you hiss at the stinging sensation. Paired with the pleasure his cock is giving you, thrusting so deep into you, you can feel yourself practically getting high off the feeling.
Jimin feels you cumming before you realize it yourself. His hips nearly stutter at the way your walls have clenched around his dick. He opts to rut his hips into yours, no longer being able to thrust in and out due to how tight you are. He reaches under your body to rub tight circles on your throbbing clit and you start cumming again, clenching erratically around his dick. "You cumming, Y/N? Be a good girl and let go for me. Get this fat cock all wet," he commands. You ball up your fists and dig your nails into your palms, pleasure coursing through your veins. Riding the course of your high, you wish for nothing more but to be in the moment. 
When you come down from your orgasm, Jimin finally pulls his hard dick out of you. You feel his precum and your cum drip down your thighs. Whining, you rub them together to get rid of the feeling but it only serves to make you stickier. Jimin parts your thighs and runs a hand up them to cup your pussy, pausing to feel your cunt still clenching from the aftershocks of your orgasm. He smacks your abused heat, jolting you forwards and causing you to grit your teeth in overstimulation. 
He flips you over, spreading your legs open. He leans over you, rubbing the tip of his dick over your swollen and throbbing clit, making you shiver. "Prof- professor, I can’t-" you begin but are interrupted my Jimin quickly shoving into you. Gasping, you clench down onto his dick, eyes rolling back into your head.
"You can, Y/N, and you fucking will," he grunts harshly, snapping his hips into yours. You grasp at his arm after feeling him in you deeper than before. The head of his cock nearly kisses your cervix and his impossibly hard dick stretches your tight cunt open even more, making you wince at the pleasurable pain.
"I- oh god, I really can’t. It feels-" you choke out through your tears. "It feels too- oh!" your head rolls back as Jimin hooks your legs over his shoulders, creating a new angle of penetration. He rubs your clit ever so slightly, the abused bundle of nerves pulsing under his touch. "It feels too what?" he hisses, rolling his hips upward so that his tip just barely grazes your g-spot. Too good, you want to say, but pleasure is clouding your mind and you can’t get the words out.
"That’s it, baby," he hums, "taking my fat cock so well even though you’re so- shit, you’re so fucking tight. Are you gonna cum again, hm? Cream all over my dick and make another mess?" you’re being reduced to a blathering mess, Jimin’s name rolling off the tip of your tongue. "Yeah? Can’t even hold it back a little? Even though I let you cum so many times, you still want more? Greedy little bitch," he spits at you.
When you clench down at his words, he starts pistoning his hips into yours, the sound of his balls slapping against your ass echoing around the room. His cock seems to be splitting you open even more, and you can feel every pulse of his dick on your walls. "Fuck, Y/N. I’m going to cum," he groans.
"I- I’m close too, Mr. Park. It- fuck, it feels really good," you breathe out as Jimin leans down over you. He slows his hips down, opting to roll his hips smoothly and brushing over your g-spot with painful accuracy. Hovering over you, his stare bores into yours, eyes flitting down to your lips, reddened and swollen from you biting them. You whimper and tilt your chin up towards him and he leans his head down to yours.
He lets his lips ghost over yours, warm breath brushing over your lips as his hips grind into yours. "P- please," you beg, and Jimin finally relents and melds his lips to yours, bringing the two of you into a searing kiss, groaning as you near each of your highs. You break the kiss to gasp out, "I’m c- cumming again Mr. Park."
"Yeah?" he breathes surprisedly, "your little pussy’s that sensitive that you’re gonna- fuck, you’re cumming already? So quickly?" he leans down as your orgasm washes over you, this one hitting you slowly and harshly. You arch your back into Jimin’s chest, hands gripping at the collar of his shirt. His thumb continues to gently rub over your clit, causing you to roll your eyes back into your head at the overstimulation. You start shaking underneath him, squirming to get away from the overload of senses, but he holds you in place as you ride your high for what seems to be like an eternity.
"That's a good girl," he soothes as you continue to writhe underneath him. "Look at you, stuffed so full of my cock it’s making you cry. Does that feel good, darling?" you nod, sobbing. When your orgasm starts to fade away, spots of white dotting your vision, he still doesn’t stop thrusting into you. 
You bite your lip, and seeing that he’s close, you whisper, "M- Mr. Park, I want you t- to cum too. I- in me." His hips stutter at your words. "Shit, yeah? You’d let me do that?" 
You nod, "want you to fill me up w- with your cum and s- stuff me so full of it that it’s gonna be in me for days. And I wanna fe- fuck, I wanna feel you in me even when I’m alone, professor." At your words, Jimin lets out a slightly animalistic growl and leans in. "You’d like that, huh?" he asks. "Me fucking you so well till you can’t think straight? Putting my cum in you so that when you walk out of here, it’s dripping down your pretty little thighs, making you look like the filthy little slut you really are? You think you deserve that?"
"Please, sir, I really want it," you beg, "please." With that, Jimin attaches his lips onto yours again, grinding his hips into yours even deeper as he finally orgasms. He doesn’t stutter his hips as he continues his ministrations, even though he can feel your walls desperately squeezing around him, milking his cock of its seed. You feel the thick ropes of his warm cum painting your inner walls every second. Each time he pulls out slightly, a bit of it leaks out of your cunt, dripping down your ass onto his desk. He continues fucking his cum into you until he’s satisfied with the way you’re shivering under him.
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For a moment, all is still, nothing but the sound of the two of your breathing filling the air as you stare into each other’s eyes. "Um-," you begin, and Jimin quickly looks away, brushing his thumb over his plump lips. So that just happened. I fucked my teacher. I fucked Park Jimin.
"Wait here," he mutters, making your heart drop in disappointment. You nod, offering him a weak smile. Seeing this, Jimin reassures you, "don’t worry, I’m not leaving you. I’ll be right back," and cautiously steps out of the room after clothing himself.
You take this moment to recollect what exactly happened. Okay, so you just fucked your teacher. It still hasn’t sunk in yet, and probably won’t till you leave to clean yourself and look at the marks he’s made on your thighs and ass. You can’t help the giddiness you feel, like a kid who got the best candy bar in the world. After all, you got to hook up with your crush - in fact, the entire campus’s crush. The door creaks open and Jimin returns with some paper towels and wipes.
"H- hey," he smiles nervously. For the first time, he’s the one that’s stuttering. "Let me clean you up. It’s the least I could do after putting you through so much today." He spreads your legs gently, cheeks flushed, and begins wiping off the slick and cum between your thighs. 
"Jimin, you didn’t do anything bad, calm down. Well, I mean you fucked your student? But other than that you’re fine. I really liked it," you try to explain, stumbling over your words. He looks at you incredulously, but shakes his head, smiling. "I don't want to tell anyone about this," you continue, "and I highly doubt you will, so this can stay as our little secret." 
"Well looks like someone got fucked a little too happy. How come you never smile this much when I’m teaching, hm?" Jimin jokes after he finishes cleaning you up, kissing your knee gently. He hands you your thong that he’s kept for half the day and tells you to put it on. 
"You’re still going to the party, right? Jaebum’s?" he asks and you shrug. "You should go. Have a fun time there, drinking and all that stuff." He leans into you, whispering into your ear, "and if that rascal wants to get into your pants, he’s going to see your soaked panties covering up that precious little cunt of yours stuffed with all that cum of mine. Maybe then he’ll finally back off," he smirks.
You blush, "maybe, Mr. Park. You know, you’re pettier than I thought you’d be." Standing up, to face him, he pulls you in by the waist till your chests are touching. You wrap your arms around his neck and he leans in, whispering, "well, Y/N, I don’t think you knew too much about me in the first place." Closing the gap between the two of you, you give him a peck on the lips, which quickly turns into a more heated kiss, lips melding together and tongues colliding. When you break apart, a faint blush on the two of your cheeks, Jimin smiles fondly at you and you look away.
"Well," you hum contentedly, "if I don’t know much about you now, I’d at least like to get to know you better in the future." 
"One day," he breathes out. "One day."
Your grin, disentangling yourself from his arms. "One day soon, I hope. I’ve got to go now, but I’ll see you next class. Goodbye prof- Jimin. Have a great weekend."
He smiles softly, walking you to the door. "You too, Y/N. If you do end up going to that party, have fun. Stay safe."
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ahsokasshoto · 3 years
the weight down in the deep of you: a lucky batch fic ☘️
(guys!! i finally wrote a thing!!! feat. why ballast's name is ballast and why jackal loves throwing his prosthetic arms so much. hope you enjoy!!!)
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A ballast is the secret, vital core of a ship: the weight down in the deep of you that keeps a vessel upright in dark water. - Catherynne M. Valente, The Girl Who Soared Over Fairyland and Cut the Moon in Two
    The sun hung low and hazy in the sky and most of the clones of the 37th battalion were still sleeping in their camp when a terrifyingly loud, terrifyingly explosive sound erupted from nearby the ship. 
    “What the kriff--” Jackal moaned, jolting awake. He held his head. He hated loud noises at the best of times; and it was even worse to be rudely awoken by one. 
    “Was that an attack?” another voice sounded. It was Ryder.
    “I don’t know, di’kut,” Cypher responded groggily. “Why don’t you go out and look?”
    Several of the Lucksters stumbled out of their tents into the cool morning air and looked around. It didn’t look like they were in immediate danger, but there was some smoking coming from Ballast’s workstation.
    On closer inspection, the entire workstation--as well as much of the dark, sandy ground--was covered in soot and ash. The greatest amount was collected on Ballast’s face. At least he’d had the sense to wear goggles. 
    “Oh, hey boys,” Ballast greeted his batchmates cheerily as they came over. “Just a faulty wire. Sorry if I woke you. I’m going to see if there’s any replacement parts on the ship.” 
    He walked off, whistling a sprightly tune as he went. His brothers shared glances between them, shaking their heads.
    “Does anything rattle that guy?” Rane wondered aloud. Jackal glanced toward Ballast’s retreating frame, a small smile gracing his features. 
    “You don’t know the half of it,” he replied, a faraway look gracing his features as a memory overtook him.
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    The air was so thick with blaster fire, it was nearly impossible to see. This was not ideal for the clones of the 37th Battalion, who wound their way through a massive and labyrinthine Separatist facility. They were on mission from the Jedi council to retrieve a particular set of data for the Republic. The security around the facility was so great that they needed all hands on deck to help keep them at bay while others infiltrated the facility, which was why Cypher and Ballast found themselves winding their way through the dark hallways along with Jackal and Ryder. Jackal and Ryder were used to the front lines, but Ballast and Cypher were not usually in the thick of things like this. They’d been raised and trained for battle, but their talents typically had them supporting the other soldiers in other ways.
Now, they found themselves hunkered down in a side hallway while droids bore down on them from either side and they wouldn’t have time to retreat back the way they came before the droids caught up to them. Jackal held his head, struggling with the noise of the blasters. Ryder pat himself down wildly, trying to find which of his weapons still had any fuel left. 
    The familiar clicking of empty blasters sounded from Cypher’s pistols. “This is bad. This is terrible, disastrous, catastrophic!” he shouted over the noise as he hunkered down in the hallway. 
    “Keep it together, Cypher,” Ballast said, his voice steady despite the hammering in his chest. He’d never been in a position like this before, but he knew they all needed to stay calm if they were going to make it out alive. Still, he was painfully aware that they were outnumbered and outgunned. Glancing around, he noticed a control panel on the opposite wall. They could use that to short the circuits and get the doors shut to cover their retreat. But they didn’t have enough ammo left to cover him while he worked on it. His heart pounded furiously, his stomach was in his throat, but he forced himself to take a breath and clear his mind. There was a solution. There had to be, and he would find it. 
    A blaster bolt came frighteningly close to their position of cover and Jackal threw his arms up over his head, his metal prosthetic hitting Ballast in the process. Wait….there it was! The solution!
    “Jackal!” Ballast hissed to his brother. “Your prosthetic. We can use it to short that panel and get the doors closed!”
    “You want to use my arm?” 
    “I’ll make you a new one!”
    Jackal’s eyes went wild for a moment before settling with a fierce determination. “All right,” he said, tugging on his prosthetic with his other arm. It came free in his hand and he passed it over to his brother. “But this had better work!”
    “Yeah, I hope you know what you’re doing, Ballast!” Ryder cried, firing off a couple more of his few remaining shots. It wouldn’t be enough to last them if it didn't.
    “So do I,” Ballast replied through gritted teeth as he whipped out a couple of tools from his pockets, opened the sockets of the prosthetic, and set furiously to work. 
    What felt like an eternity but was really only a few moments later, Ballast handed the prosthetic to Ryder. The fist was closed except for the pointer finger, which was extended. “You’ll have to be precise with this shot!”
    “Wait, wait, wait!” Jackal cried, reaching for the prosthetic. Ballast was worried he’d changed his mind about using it, but he merely folded down the pointer finger and extended the middle finger.
    “Really? Right now?” Cypher cried, but before anyone could say anything else, Ryder sucked in a breath and launched the prosthetic at the control panel.
    The metal of the prosthetic alighted with sizzling electricity as it interacted with the panel. The boys held their breath for those agonizing seconds; the last thing they saw was the control panel fizzling and Jackal’s prosthetic dropping to the floor before the doors before them shut. 
    “It was the middle finger that did it,” Jackal voiced before they retreated back the way they had come. 
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    Later that night, Ballast sat with a cluster of parts in his lap, working by the light of their campfire. He was determined to make Jackal’s new prosthetic even better than the last. Before long, he heard approaching footsteps and looked up to see Jackal coming over to join him by the fire. He sat down next to Ballast, who in turn shielded his project from Jackal’s eyes with his arm. 
    “Hey, let me see!” Jackal protested, craning his neck to try and sneak a look. 
    “It’s going to be a surprise!” Ballast replied, playfully knocking his brother in the shoulder. 
    “Alright, keep your secrets.” The two of them grew quiet as they gazed into the gently flickering flames. 
    “What a day, huh?” Jackal finally voiced. “You know, we managed to draw enough of the droids’ attention that the others were able to get the data we needed.”
    “So I heard. Glad your sacrifice turned out to be worth it,” Ballast grinned. Jackal just shook his head, growing serious. 
    “How did you do it?” 
    “Oh, well, I had to recalibrate some of the motor functions so that when it hit the panel--”
    “No,” Jackal interrupted Ballast before he was subjected to a long-winded explanation of mechanics. “How did you stay so calm? How weren’t you scared out of your mind like the rest of us?”
    Ballast looked back at the fire. “I was,” he said after a long moment. 
    “Wait, really?” Jackal looked at him incredulously. “Didn’t seem like it.”
    “When I’m working, there’s always a chance that something is going to break, misfire, explode….like a ship on rough water,” Ballast began to explain, his voice soft. “You can’t always predict the way the weather will turn, can’t control the wind or the waves, but you can control the way you carry yourself through it.” He allowed himself a small smile as he looked over at his brother. “Giving in to that fear wasn’t going to help any of us. I just wanted to be strong for us.”
    Jackal smiled broadly back at Ballast, placing his remaining hand on his brother’s shoulder. “Well, thank you. For always being the weight to carry us through. And hey,” he added, “maybe you should make a few more of those prosthetic arms. I kind of like that tactic.” 
    “I think I can do that,” Ballast grinned. Jackal chuckled. 
    “Just try not to let them explode, yeah? At least, not on purpose.” 
    “Now, where’s the fun in that?”
@monako-jinn-stories @just-another-dreamerr @lynnpaper @lavenderstaars @foxlock @maygalodon @letsunity @oo-hazel-oo @generaltano @cosmicghostie @lusiawonder @the-lucky-batch @burnthashbrown27 @stereotypicalpicnicmat @mango-peachjuice @namesmox and other lucksters i missed!
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chayacat · 3 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (35)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
5 days. The Roseville festival takes place in 5 days. Time flies too quickly. Far too fast. And the pressure on your shoulders is only growing. What if it doesn't work? What if the cake was ever missed at the last moment? Or that it falls on the way? Or that people don't like it? That would be a deep shame, and a deep disillusionment. But we must not be discouraged. We must remain positive and if it fails, so be it. It takes a first time to everything. And then we always learn from our failures, right? Failing is not a fatality, we must not give up at the first failure we suffer. Otherwise, we never move forward. On the contrary, every failure we suffer, every mistake we make, must push us to be better if the opportunity arises again.
For now, you have something else to do. Since the nebula’s attack, you had to have the damage repaired. Fortunately, by chance, your insurance covered the costs. But it will not be able to do so ad vita eternam. We will therefore have to increase security. Inspector Wilhelm offered you to post a policeman to monitor the establishment from the opening to the closing of the café. He will not be inside but on the sidewalk opposite, under observation. That way if there is ever a problem, he can intervene quickly.  
As for the apartment, it has progressed well. Mr Lawson has dealt with the problems of leaks; he now has to deal with the floor. On your side with Jed, you have repainted all the pieces according to your tastes. Even if there have been debates about certain rooms such as the chamber. But in the end, you always found an agreement. And mixing your two colours gives... impressive and original results in itself. Once the floor will be done. You can finally live together. You look forward to it.  
Today you were closed. But you're still working on the festival cake. Corey having returned to work after his few days off, Amy too, you had decided to close exceptionally to work on the cake as the festival approached. Even so, your young employee was still feeling some pain.
“Are you sure it'll be okay, Corey? You know if you're in too much pain, you can go home it doesn't matter, Amy and I can manage together.” you said worried to see Corey's slightly grimacing face.
“Don't worry about me! It's okay! the doctor told me that the pain would persist for a few days. I just have to take my painkillers when I'm really in too much pain. But for now, it's okay.” responds Corey with a smile.  
“Don't make the hero either. If it ever gets worse you may have more than pain. So don't force too much.” replied Amy.
“Oh, come on Amy! I'm not a kid now! I'm not in sugar either! If it really doesn't go well, I'll go home, it's promised.”
“Yeah yeah...if you say so. I’ll keep an eye on you anyway.”  
You smile as you look at them. They are so adorable, even when they argue. it shows how much they care about each other. Kind of like you and Jed in a sense. Surprisingly... you haven't heard from Ghostface. since... since you made your deal. He must be busy preparing everything. But he still finds a way to talk to you. By piece of paper that he deposits either at your apartment or at your café when it is closed. Sometimes the "letters" are accompanied by small gifts. Either a flower, once with a necklace, earrings ... You were wondering how he was able to buy them. If he bought them of course.
You're not really looking forward to honoring your part of the market. Because who knows how it might turn out? But you were able to turn this out to your advantage as well. He will tell you everything. He will show you his true face, tell you his name. And finally, you can put a face on the man who since your arrival, knows you much more than you know him. Finally, you can claim to be on an equal footing. Even if it's not really the case.
But deep down... do you really want it? Do you really want to destroy all the mystery around him? After all... it brought him a certain charm... even if he is a murderer, the mystery that surrounds him about his identity makes him more attractive, more... Take that out of your mind, pickle brains! You have a boyfriend! And given the night you spent the other night... Ghostface is just the appetizer. Under his shy mood, Jed is much wilder than you dared to imagine.
“Ok! let's see what this cake gives! if it is good then we can do it bigger for the festival!” you said with a smile.  
“Yeah but... It's a cake for 12 people. and we are only 3. We will not be able to eat everything... and it would have been a shame to waste it.” responds Amy with a worried face.  
“What are we going to do with the remaining shares?” ask Corey.
“Hum... I think I have a little idea. I know who would be delighted to have them.” You replied before you take out your phone to call Jed.
“Hello? Honey? Is there a problem?” asks Jed on the other line.
“Oh Jed... If you knew how much! It is a tragedy! I have here a test cake for the festival but unfortunately it is 12 parts! and there are only 3 of us! Unfortunately, I'm going to have to throw it away...” you answer in a dramatic theatrical way.  
“... Are you trying to make me fat? I know I can eat at will without gaining weight but still... if you did it... I can't say no. I came with Mattew and Melina. And we'll take a share of it for the boss. Keep it for us tonight.”  
“Thank you, my love! See you soon! I love you!” you replied with a smile, while Amy and Corey were laughing.  
“See you soon Honey. I love you too.” he responds before hanging up.  
You put away your phone with a satisfied smile. Definitely, talking about cake is a good way to get Jed to come. Despite his body certainly skinny but finely trimmed, Jed seems to be a big gourmand. And to say that he can eat as much as he wants, he will not take a gram... while you, you have to be careful. You are not fat on the contrary! You are as well-proportioned as your size! Amy and Corey were laughing, looking at you at the same time.  
“What?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.  
“You're both too cute! it's adorable a couple like yours!” responds Amy.  
“I could say the same about both of you. You are both equally adorable, I did well to take you both.”
Your two employees looked at each other, before looking away by blushing, which made you laugh. Jed arrived around noon with Melina and Mattew to taste the cake. These two do not lose an opportunity to eat. You prepare a share for the boss of the newspaper. And serve a share for everyone, and then one for yourself. You each taste your turn a slice of the cake, and all the faces lit up with a beautiful smile.
“It's too good! I love this mix! Mango, Pineapple and Passion Fruit, it's too good!” said Mattew.  
“I'm not a particular fan of the passion fruit... but I admit that the mixture is well find! I like it very much!” continue Melina.  
“Me too! (Y/N) we must absolutely make this cake for the festival! I'm sure the whole city will enjoy it!” said Amy cheerfully.  
“Yes, why not... what do you think? Do you think it could work? You ask, looking at Jed.  
“It is very good... But at the level of presentation and decoration ... you should make it more colorful. to do it only in white, it's too much marriage cake. I'd be you I'll add a mango coulis, or a chocolate coulis, something that makes the cake more colorful. And given that it is in honor of the city... you could make mini monuments out of sugar dough? With the town hall at the very top. After that is only my opinion.” responds Jed, putting his glasses back on his nose.
“You’re right. Thanks Honey!  You’re the best!”
“By the way, what about the guy who broke the windows of the café? Any news?” asks Corey.
“Wilhelm cooked him for hours, the guy refused to say who he worked for. But hey anyway he's going to be judged and he's going to pay for the damage he's caused, as well as for assault and battery on you. He will take a few months in prison as a bonus.” said Melina.  
You all chat for a few more minutes before everyone leaves, Jed taking the slice of cake for his boss. In addition, he informed you to keep the remaining shares for both of you for later, but also that he will return very late tonight. The work... always work. During the day, Mr. Lawson phoned you to warn you that the new floor was installed and that the apartment was officially habitable. Tomorrow you can start living there and moving your belongings. Jed too. Fortunately, you had started to make boxes. On the other hand, you will have to ask your neighbours to help you for furniture a little too heavy.
As Jed advised you, you had made a chocolate coulis and a mango coulis for the cake, as well as the sugar dough decorations. And indeed, the result is magnificent, it makes it much more colorful and much better taste level. It's time to go home. for once, for a long time, you will be alone tonight... normally. Tonight, it will be a small rice salad, with tuna, corn and thin slices of tomatoes. Simple but effective, fresh and light too.
You watch tv a little while eating, just to have news from all over the world. And the news is not famous. It's sad. Once the meal is finished, and the dishes are done, you change to get ready to go to bed. Suddenly you feel a fresh wind stroking your arm, taking a shiver from you. When you head to the source of this slight cool wind, which came from your room, you find that the window was open.
“Miss me Sugar ?” said a man voice.  
“Long time no see... I thought you had finally found a new victim to harass. Whatever you still find the time to send me messages.” you respond, facing Ghostface which was leaning against the wall of the room, chuckling.  
“Don't forget my little gifts. You see I spent some... complicated nights. stalking, conspiring, killing... avenge. it's not easy the life of a murderer you know. My life during the day is no better either. So, I take a little break. And what better way to relax than to see my beautiful and sweet star.”
He approached you, gently taking you by the waist, suddenly bringing you closer against him. You hear him humming your neck, like an animal smelling its prey. You hear a noise near his face, a sign that he lifted his mask slightly. Suddenly you feel his tongue licking your neck which made you react. You try to get away from him, but his strength was far greater than yours.  
“You don't respect our market. It had been said one evening once that Hoggins would have died. Not before.” you said frowning.  
“And I intend to respect it! but... I need to relax... and I must give you a... a taste of what awaits you. It will be nothing compared to what I would do during our little... private evening.” He responds chuckling.  
“Don’t you dare...”
You don't have time to finish your sentence as he took your assault lips. If at first you did not let yourself be done, astonishingly you must be more docile after a few minutes, letting his tongue enter your mouth to play with yours. He pushed you gently on the bed, putting himself above you, without letting go of you. You feel his hand gently go down along your body, stroking your thigh. You can't help but take out a little moan between two kisses. He backed up his face, sneering, with a sneaky smile on his lips.
“Finally, you like it huh... you hide your game well. I like that. I love when a woman reveals herself to my eyes. You are like packed treats, which you have to unpack, again and again until you can finally enjoy it. And I intend to savor every piece of your fragile little body down to the smallest detail.” he said before resuming his assaults.
He unbuttoned his pants to throw them to the side before doing the same with your clothes. He left your lips to attack your chest. His hand went to caress your intimacy making you moan and lightly arch your back. You didn't want, you only want to, kick him in the head, push him back violently and call the police. Or Jed. But in your heart, you enjoyed all this. You don't want it to stop. You want it to last all night. You still feel guilty for Jed. If he learns that... who knows how he will react? If he gets angry... you are afraid of the consequences.
“Don't worry for your little boyfriend... He will never know about this . That will be our little secret, just you and me.”
He smiled at you before slowly bringing his face closer to your ear.
“Enjoy my sweet little star. I promise you that I will fill you until dawn.
Strangely you believe him. And strangely... you love it.
(Phew this week has been busy! between my driving hours and the few appointments, I didn't really have time to rest! As for the next fanfiction I would write, maybe I'll do it on Re8 Village with our dear Heisenberg ~ I might also do an intro instead of starting directly with Chapter 1! I'll see when I start writing! I hope you’ll like this chapter like the others ones! Well, it's time for my brain to rest! Have a great weekend to you all!  See ya!)
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brelione · 4 years
Dating Kiara Carrera Alphabet
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A- Apple pie. It was before you guys had confirmed your relationship. She wanted you to meet her parents and the only way she could get them to agree to have you over is if you helped them bake apple pies. It didnt go to well since you cut your thumb on a can of filling and spilled flour on yourself. You and Kie didnt end up baking that day, instead laughing in the living room as you were supposed to be finding recipes.
B-Butterflies. Fun fact about Kie: she fucking loves butterflies. Its convenient that every summer a mini zoo comes around to OBX with lizards, snakes, llamas, goats and a little butterfly garden. You surprised her, telling her to wear her butterfly shirt for the date and taking tons of photos of her with butterflies on her fingertips.
C-Cool. It was before you two started dating. She had been interested first, trying her best to hide the blush on her cheeks whenever you were around or when your name was mentioned. “So what do you think of (Y/N)?” JJ had asked since he was the one to introduce you to his group. “Shes pretty cool.”Kiara giggled, glancing over at you.
D-Day dreaming. She often day dreamed about your future together, thinking about what kind of house you’d live in and the pets you’d have. She had a ton of doodles of house plans, lists of names for pets and made a pinterest board of ideas of how to decorate.
E-ethereal. She’s very creative with compliments and your favorite thing she calls you is her ethereal angel.
F-Fun. The entire relationship was based off of fun, hopping fences into abandoned buildings and going to the beach in the morning to check on turtle eggs.
G-Gifts. She’ll shower you with random gifts. A new bathing suit, a bracelet she made, stickers, a reusable water bottle.
H-Horoscopes. She’ll send you your daily horoscope every single morning.
I- “I love you.” “Do you really?” “Yes.” “How much?” “Like….the amount the world owes in debt times four.” “I love you more.”
J-Jupiter. Jupiter is her favorite planet so you’re always prepared to hear her alien theories at two in the morning.
K- Kisses. She loves kissing your nose. She doesnt really know why but its her favorite part of your face.
L- “Loser.” “Love you too, Kie.”
M- Mommy kink. 
N- Neighborhood. She has to give you a whole tour of her neighborhood because every single kook mansion looks the same. “I’ll put a colorful rock at the end of the driveway so you know its mine.”She grinned.
O- “Of course im sure that I love you, the fuck?”
P-Pretty Girl by Clairo. No explanation needed.
R- Rain. Whenever its raining out the two of you either end up dancing on the beach as the rain drops drench you or you cuddle up in her bed and watch a movie on her laptop. Theres really no in between.
S-Sweater Weather. Most of the time you get into her car she has it playing and a grin on her face.
T-Thrift shopping. Ive said it before and i’ll say it again. Kie loves thrifting. She always finds the best clothes for any occasion.
U-Universe. You two often lay on a blanket on the beach, share a blunt and stare at the stars. “Hmm...do you think we’re soulmates?”She asked. You exhaled white smoke, a tired grin on your face. “Hell yeah, the universe put us together for a reason.”You replied.
W-Watch you sleep. It’s another song she plays a lot and you have fallen asleep next to her multiple times while the song plays on loop.
Y-Yogurt. It was three in the morning when she poked you in the side and asked you to come with her to make a yogurt bowl. You didnt know what she meant but you went with her anyways, watching as she grabbed two bowls and scooped vanilla yogurt into them before adding pineapple slides, cherries, mango chunks, strawberries and raspberries with a sprinkle of cinnamon. “This shit is good.”She told you, handing you the dish.
Z-Zodiac signs. When she first developed a crush on yous he demanded to know your whole birth chart to test compatibility.
@poguestyleskye   @jjtheangel @lovelyelinor @messuhp @outerbongs  @copper-boom  @httpstarkey @teenwaywardasgardian @deionswannabegirl​  @simonsbluee   @jiaraendgame  @khiaraaa-in-spacee  @on-socks-off  @abbiesthings @kindahavefeelingskindaheartless 
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hisunshiine · 4 years
Money Heist | knj | Part 3
moodboard 1 | moodboard 2 | playlist | Netflix ReImagined BTS Masterlist
↳ #NetflixReImaginedBTS: Kim Namjoon x Reader starring in a bank robbery au
↳ M-18+, implied sexual content, major character deaths, bank robbery actions (violence, use of weapons, deciet)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Money Heist Masterlist | Heathfritillary (author)
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I had never seen anything as mesmerizing as the sun rising beyond the horizon, the contrast of the blue ocean as the warm-toned colors of the sun and skies reflected on it and bounced along with the gentle waves. I took a sip of the mango juice I had poured into a glass as I stared out of the captivating scenery.
Hawaii was a beautiful state.
When Ilsan suggested it should be our next destination after we had arrived back at the beach house, I did not like it but as he adamantly explained, none of us had been identified by the authorities.
It was the perfect time to flee South Korea. We could go undetected and did not have to hide out at Jindo until the heat settled. Ilsan suggested that we could go immediately. Sadly, despite how much of your life you plan for, reality would never reflect your wishes. Sometimes shit happened that was out of your control.
I learned that the hard way. We lost Daegu and Gwacheon while fleeing the bank. Busan and GC were arrested and the authorities knew the identities of Seoul and Gwangju.
The devastation was not the right word to use to express the anger I felt when the police plastered the images of some of us on national television. Unfortunately, Busan and GC were very popular among the locals in Jindo and often went out. People recognized them and it was by the grace of God that Ilsan woke up and heard the commotion of the police busting in and led me out of the beach house.
Guilt was not the right word either. What I felt was far more crippling and disheartening. I left my boys. I did not know where they were or what they were doing to them. I kept wishing that they were alright somehow, that they were still breathing somewhere. However, Ilsan was far less optimistic. He stated on our way out of the country the Korean government would most likely execute them, reminding me that we held the President of the country hostage, tied him up, and stripped him of all of his rights and pride.
Moreover, the stinging pain of actually losing people who I had spent every waking moment hurt me in ways I ever thought possible. As soon as we landed in Hawaii, I sank into a state I could not recognize.
Thankfully, Ilsan took care of me.  
As sadistic and ruthless as he was before and during the heist, I saw him in a different light after we had arrived here. He made sure I had the space to process everything that happened when phase four was activated. I failed to protect Daegu and we lost him. I was supposed to have his back and I could not even do that.
GC could not look at me. Everything was ruined from then.
I understood his anger and sympathized when he demanded Ilsan throw me to the police. I understood. He could never forgive me. I felt his pain, the betrayal he felt despite it all being a moment where I did not react accordingly. He hated me and I understood, so I took every hurtful word, every shove and slur tossed my way.
Ilsan would not stand for it.
Regardless of how infuriated GC was, Ilsan forced him to push his feelings aside so the rest of us could make it out alive. I was not allowed to leave Ilsan’s side. He whispered in my ear, as we waited our turn to escape through the backup exit Gwacheon had created, that he was not feeling secure around GC and that I should not either. He said he had seen teams go against each other during a heist and he did not appreciate how GC glared at me.
I never left Ilsan’s side. Even after we came back to Jindo and met up with the Professor. I was not allowed to leave his side. He could not rest properly until we had cut ties and went our separate ways. Ilsan was adamant about getting out of South Korea as fast as we could.
All trust for GC had disappeared and understandably so, but Ilsan could not risk GC opening his mouth and giving the authorities any sort of information about him or me. So, I kept my distance and GC repaid the favor.
I wish I could see him one more time. I did not know where he or Busan was but I was certain they were in the police’s custody.
I clutched my glass as my forehead gently touched the cold surface of the door window looking out to the white beach. Forgiveness was all I wanted from GC and from Busan. I hoped someone was caring for his shoulder. Busan had become weak during the heist and I feared for his recovery. The Professor sent a doctor over to the beach house and he fixed him back up but I was sure that the police did not prioritize his health as much as we did.
My heart ached.
Unfortunately, due to the Professor’s involvement, Interpol was informed and a lot of people suddenly wanted to help South Korea capture everyone who was part of the heist. We had to be careful. It was only a matter of time until our identities would have been revealed too.  
Too many thoughts occupied my mind, I did not register that Ilsan was behind me. I felt his bare chest grace my back as his arms wrapped around my frame, his chin resting on my shoulder blade, “Good morning, beautiful.”
“What are you doing up?”
I shook my head a little as I allowed a small sigh to come out of me. I wanted to tell him what was roaming my mind, the concerns I had, and the overwhelming guilt I felt but knowing Ilsan, I figured he would brush my feelings aside and tell me I was overthinking. Yet as soon as I felt his plump lips on my neck I closed my eyes and allowed the tender kisses to comfort me.
“Talk to me,” he hummed into my skin.
“The others. I’m thinking about the others.”
“Busan and GC?”
“Park Jimin and Kim Taehyung,” I murmured as I remembered learning their names on the plane ride to Hawaii. Ilsan bought a newspaper and he translated what the headlines said about the two thieves. I turned to face him, “Hoseok and Jungkook are still out there. You saw the news yesterday. The kitchen is still hot, Namjoon. There’s too much attention on us.”
“Not on us.”
“It’s just a matter of time.”
“It’s been three months since we did it.” He placed a kiss on my forehead as he pulled me closer to him, “Three months, baby. We are comfortable here and people mind their business.”
“It’s a matter of time.”
“Maybe. But right now, we are safe. We are rich. No one knows us as Namjoon, Y/N, London, or Ilsan. We are Mr. and Mrs. Son.” He smiled, showcasing his dimples as he reached for my hand and kissed the wedding band he had bought a month ago. With new identities and a small ceremony, Hawaii had become the staple of our love. Despite the stress and anxiety that came with robbing a bank, we managed to find a place to settle in and begin our lives as a married couple. It was calm here. And Namjoon was right, we were safe … at least, for now, we were free.
I stared into his rich dark eyes as he swayed my hips. He was being playful.
Ilsan had been hard to read since I met him almost a year ago. However, despite his resistance and innate instincts to pull away and not trust anyone, he somehow began to let his guard down. I knew it bothered him that he was responsible for another person. Much like myself, he was a soloist; always had been and figured he would be forever.
Lovestruck when he least expected it as well. It came as a surprise to both of us. However, I did not regret falling for him.  
Ilsan was more than I had ever expected for myself. He was strong, smart with his decisions, and he had a lot of knowledge and experience under his belt. Regardless of his disappointment for the newfound responsibility - mostly due to a deep-rooted fear that he would not be able to protect those who trusted him the most - he never shied away from showcasing his affection for me, his passion for my body, and his enthusiasm about our love.
I leaned into his palm as it began to caress my cheek. Our eyes locked on each other as we studied one another. He pulled me closer to him, his hand now clutching my jaw as his lips met mine for a long and sensual kiss. Groaning into it slightly as the intensity grew, I felt his other hand traveling down to the hem of my t-shirt. His fingernails dug into my thigh as he exposed more of my skin while sliding the t-shirt upward, “I will protect you,” he promised into the kiss, “I will do everything to keep you safe.”
My hands traveled down his bare chest as the kiss grew more passionate. His tongue entered my mouth, slowly dancing sensually and poetically with mine as it became hungrier, almost as desperate as the first night we shared our first kiss.
I could never get tired of kissing him. His lips were soft, pillow-like as they met mine. He took his time; exploring every inch of my body and assuring I received mine before he did. A true gentleman. Often, in our afterglow, he would brag that he took great pride in fulfilling me the way I wanted to.
Those months at the beach house, we had each other on every surface imaginable. Never slowing down our pace, we kept exploring each other. I wanted him, always. I could not keep my hands to myself and neither could he. It was an intense and passionate beginning, one that drove me intoxicatingly mad. The need for each other’s embrace grew so powerful that it almost turned into a drug.
His touch was something I could not be without for too long. It felt as if I was incomplete without him. And he had - numerous times - expressed the exact same unyielding longing for me.
To the others, our relationship came across as something purely based on the physical aspect. Although it started as such, I could not deny that was the basis of it. Today, however, Ilsan was a man I saw a future with, one I cared for deeply. I had said yes when he proposed.
Rose petals all over our condo in Hawaii. Little cute notes scattered everywhere to find the ring he had bought.
When I first met him in Jindo, he did not strike me as a man filled with overwhelming patience, affection, and a whole lot of romance. Ilsan was the embodiment of a romantic lover.
As stern and direct as he was, just as attentive and soft-spoken he could be around me. He cared. More so than any man I had the displeasure to date and call a boyfriend. So, I said yes. I became him and he was mine.
Lost in the drug that was his scent, I moaned into his hungry mouth. Our tongues danced fiercer as desperate pants escaped us while our bodies overheated in arousal. He pushed into the door window, pulling one of my legs over his hip as our lips kept a steady and needy pace.
The print of his erect length brushed against my stomach and my body reacted by shooting electricity from my core as excitement overcame me.
Ilsan and I had not been able to keep our hands off each other ever since our first encounter together. The innate attraction was still very much prominent, even after a year, we could not get enough of each other. It was as if any rational train of thought disappeared and all that was left was this primal and raw need to destroy and claim one another.
Speedily, I reached for his clothed bulge. A growl into my mouth appeared from the depths of his throat. The sudden hold on it along with my desperate need to prepare him to penetrate my eager slit made him clutch my throat in response.
“Baby,” he said slightly out of breath. I stared into his dark eyes, undeniable lust pierced through them as he gawked down my entirety, “I want you slow,” he murmured. I eyed him momentarily, contemplating the words as a ray of memories rushed in my head.
Ilsan and I were not only perfect for each other in terms of lifestyles or love language but we were compatible in ways I had never experienced with a man. When I say he changed my stances and opinions about certain things, I meant it. He was unfamiliar, virtually everything about him was new and exciting. So, when we shared our first lovemaking, I was pleasantly surprised that he fucked me as I had always wanted.
I never instructed him.
It was as if his body was made for mine. Like two perfectly sculpted clays, morphing into one as we explored every inch of each other and discovered that we were nothing without one another but together, we could become something far greater than anything neither of us had experienced.
To say I was deeply in love with him would not begin to justify the emotions I felt for him. He was beyond words. Our love was beyond life.
“Slow,” I nodded and I felt his large hands cupping my rear before lifting me up. My lips found his as he carried me back to bed.
He reached for my legs, closing them together as he elevated them. I grinned when he began to place tender kisses on my ankles before he nipped at my toes. I stared into his eyes with a nervous pant, unaware of what he meant by taking it slow.
Usually, our love was passionate and raw but today he wished to take things slower. I did not mind it. It was a slight surprise and often when he did this, it meant he had something up his sleeve.
“What?” He chuckled.
“You’re being suspicious of me.”
“I’m not.”
He laughed and forced my legs open before allowing them to rest on each of his hips, “Hmm,” he hummed as he stared down at me.
“You should be suspicious.”
“Oh?” I raised an eyebrow at him and he eyed me momentarily before he caved and pulled out a small box from his pocket, “What is this?” I used my elbows to lift myself up.
“Open it, Princess.”
“Why? What is this?” Excitement overcame me as I sat up. He threw himself beside me and watched as I opened the velvety red box, “Namjoon,” I kept repeating into a delighted giggle.
“It’s nothing special.”
“It’s not our anniversary yet,” I eagerly opened and gasped suddenly as soon as I spotted the heart-shaped emerald necklace that was staring back at me, “Oh gosh, it’s beautiful.” I was spellbound, my gaze kept studying the rose gold chain and how captivatingly the rising sunlight reflected on the stone.
“You like it?”
“I’m glad.” His rich baritone voice explained how Valentine’s Day was coming up in a couple of days and he wanted to give me something thoughtful. “I know we can’t be like every other couple and celebrate. It’s fine that you are worried, baby, I respect it and appreciate that you keep an eye out for us but I did not want you to lose this day.”
“You’re so sweet.” He flashed a tender smile as I took his hand in mine, “I love you.”
The ambiance of the restaurant was something that captured the romance of this night. I had never been the type of woman who enjoyed a trivia holiday but I had to admit since Ilsan became my partner, I wanted to experience love with him. And he was good at it too. Everything was planned out. From my outfit to the place we would celebrate our love.
I sat opposite him, studied how gently the candlelight beamed at his olive skin. Spellbound and utterly captivated by his striking features as I took in his beauty. Ilsan looked amazing in a suit, he chose a beautiful one that complimented my long dark dress. He was reading the menu of the French restaurant he had picked for the occasion. He began to correct his tie and I could not help but watch as his knuckles turned white by the grip, how merely moments ago that same hand was clutching my throat.
“What?” He asked without glancing away from the menu, “What are you thinking?” I let out a small giggle, caught red-handed in my perverse thoughts. “Do you know what you want?” He ripped his eyes from the leather-covered book and caught my gaze, “You haven’t looked.”
He eyed me momentarily. Everything around us was practically nonexistent. The chatter from the other guests faded, the soft violins playing from the speakers died down until everything evaporated and it was just us there. Sitting across from one another with a champagne bottle, red rose petals were casually thrown on the white table, and candle lights between us.
I slid my hand over to him and he caught it. His thumb gently caressing the ring on my left finger, “I like this,” I began, remembering the fight I initiated earlier this morning, “I never apologized.”
“I should,” our eyes met again. “I wish I could be like you and forget about the heist.”
“You’re inexperienced. I get it, you’re nervous.” He leaned over and placed a tender kiss on the back of my hand, “You worry. I get it, Princess.”
Ilsan had been involved with a lot of robberies and knew how to act and think afterward. He was right. I was inexperienced. Smaller shops were my thing and I never truly worried about police knocking on my door for stealing a Dior bag. But the bank of Korea was something else. We had gotten away with 700 million KRW. Divided equally among us. Unfortunately, we had to cut our time short and flee for our lives but the amount was better than nothing.
“You’re right. I’m being too obsessive.”
“Relax a little.”
“I will,” I retrieved my hand and began to look at the menu, “From now I will relax.”
Ilsan excused himself during the dessert. I watched him as he left for the bathroom. Sinking to the chair, I felt fulfilled by the French meals the chef so deliciously had prepared. The crepes on my plate kept staring at me but as much as I wanted to finish the beautifully decorated crisp pancakes with fresh fruits and powdered sugar, I could not force myself to overeat. So, instead, I drank my champagne glass finish.
I observed the other guests. Some were on a date like we were and others were alone. I caught a glimpse of a woman in a suit who was sitting alone two tables from me. My gaze fell on her plate and I could not help my mind from wandering. She had been there since we arrived yet her plate of snails was untouched. She must have sensed that someone was watching her because she stared back at me and I hastily ripped my eyes away. Just as I did, I noticed two men in suits both continuously studied me. My heart immediately sank. I tried to brush their stares away earlier as Ilsan suggested, not wanting to draw attention to ourselves but now that he had gone to the bathroom and most likely would be gone for longer to pay for the meal, I felt uncomfortable being on their radar.
Then as I attempted to calm my nerves, two Hawaiian police officers entered the restaurant and I froze in my seat. My heart sank again, this time faster until it had reached my stomach. The sight of the officers knocked my breath away and I hastily reached for my purse and coat. They glanced around and had not spotted me yet, so I speedily without hesitation and without drawing too much attention on myself walked to the register.
Ilsan waved me over as the hostess handed him his credit card, “We need to leave,” I sternly whispered.
He studied my face briefly before he scanned the restaurant, “Where?”
“Two men by the entrance.”
“You sure?” He eyed me and the expression on my face must have been enough for him. He took my hand and we rushed toward the back of the restaurant.
“Stop them!” Someone shouted and we began to run.
The employees in the kitchen were startled by our sudden appearance and halted all activities. Ilsan yelled at them to point at the back door and when no one took our situation seriously, he drew his gun. Scared into submission, a chef pointed behind himself and we rushed over to the exit.
We made it back to the little condo we had rented with cash. Still, with the Professor’s plan in our minds, we acted accordingly. Leave as fast as we could. I began to pack all of the essentials. Clothes and such did not matter. The money bags and our safety was our only concern.
Ilsan paused and clutched my hands before we kissed each other. This was going to be our first separation. He reached for the bags of money and walked out of the condo.
We hid a beat-up Chevrolet Impala close to our condo, able to blend perfectly once we used it to escape. Ilsan went over to it. I had only a few minutes to throw off the authorities by destroying the condo. With the television on, I began to mess up the space we had called home and created some memories that would never leave my mind.
The mention of the heist made me halt. I stared at the television as the news anchor spoke about how the authorities had caught Seoul in Finland. My heart sank once more. I froze as my eyes were glued to the screen. Images of his arrest appeared and I whimpered at the sight of him. I did not notice that Ilsan had returned. His gentle touch eased me as I had unknowingly held my breath, We watched as the news anchor explained that one of the thieves known as Gwangju was found in a hotel room in Ankara. Jung Hoseok had a full-blown shootout with the police, unable to escape, trapped like a mouse in a maze, he shot into them well-knowing they would fire back.
“He took charge,” Ilsan whispered as he gently caressed my back. Tears began to blur my vision as the realization of losing another one of us set in, “Baby?” Ilsan said until he shook me slightly, “We don’t have time for you to break down,” he reminded, “Let’s go.”
“Yes, yes,” I murmured as I wiped away the tears.
However, the mention of the assigned cities Ilsan and I had roamed in the condo making both of us stop once more and draw our attention back on the screen. The news anchor began to explain our appearance based on the hostages’ descriptions. Soon, police sketches appeared on the screen. Ilsan and I froze as we studied the candidly accurate portraits of us. Right down to his dimples and my hairstyle the day of the heist. Still, they did not know our identities.
“Thank God,” Ilsan hissed as he took my hand and guided me out of the condo.  
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↣ all rights reserved © heathfritillary 2021. please do not repost. translations & modifications are not allowed. 
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bates--boy · 3 years
“Okay, closer! Remember that this is the best day of your life! Terra, soften the lights!”
         If Peter said right then and there that he knew that modeling was hard from his “experience”, he’d be a liar just trying to soothe his worries and ego. His experience before this was chump work, and none of the filtering, editing, and social media marketing would have prepared him for even an iota of this type of work. Firstly, he had grossly underestimated how long this would take, and it definitely did not take the two or three minutes it would take to snap a selfie, or even the the half hour to get his makeup and hair in order. 
        Secondly, there had to be photos of everything. A toast at the table, Burak carrying Peter down the bridge, Burak making Peter wonder if the universe hated him by brushing away hair and cupping his cheek, Peter taking solo shots in a grayscale room for every. single. dress that the stylists picked for him. Posing on the swings, dancing to nonexistent music, lounging on a leather chair. Pierre wanted photos in as many angles as he can imagine, and fuck how beautiful Burak was, fuck how dazzling and breathtaking Peter felt in the dress once he became used to the silicone breasts -- Peter was ready to bite someone’s nose off by the fifth hour.
          "Alright, everyone, break time!” the manager, whose name Peter also hadn’t gotten but was too frazzled to even want to bother with, called out as she waved people over to the food table.
         Peter knew that if he was going to barrel through the estimated next six hours of this, he should have something nutritious in his stomach, but the bubbly golden champagne called out to him. He downed one glass at the table and carried another to the gazebo steps. His feet hurt, his everything hurts -- how does modeling hurt the body? How the fuck does that happen in a bridal photoshoot? -- but especially his feet, and once he sat down on the step, Peter unfastened the heels and peeled them off. 
        “This is not worth the money,” Peter grumbled, reaching down to rub one of his feet with his free hand. He winced and hissed through his teeth. “Fucking Christ on a dildo...”
        “You totally sound like a bridezilla right now.”
         Peter recognized the voice (because of course, he did) before his eyes snapped up to find Burak ambling over, carrying a plate piled with pastries and pieces of fruits and a bottle of wine with an empty glass. Peter couldn’t even find it in himself to be excited that this Michelangelo sculpture was coming to sit with him, and the alone time in this picturesque setting they were likely to spend together. He was just so drained and sore. Like a cat, a part of Peter wanted some alone time alone, to hide away and lick his invisible wounds and ponder why he was doing this when he knew that, even if his crew had enough money to buy that coveted studio, they weren’t going to get anywhere. Still, he didn’t protest when Burak took a spot next to him and sat the wine and food between them. 
         “You should eat something,” Burak offered oh, so helpfully as he filled his glass.
          “Thanks,” Peter drawled. He plucked a hulled strawberry from the plate and popped it into his mouth. He made sure to lean a little forward so that whatever juice may slip out won’t get to his dress.
       “You’re welcome,” Burak replied. “So, I take it you’re new to this?”
       Peter started to shake his head, ready to draw on his social media and webcam modeling experience, but he thought better of it. Why bother conflate the two for his ego? “Pbbbbbbbbt, yeah,” he answered. He raised his flute to his mouth. “Why? Was it that obvious?”
       “Yeah,” Burak nodded. 
       Peter’s hand stopped, then lowered as a brow rose. “How?”
       “Well, besides the fact that you look like you’re ready to collapse or claw someone’s eyes out? You constantly have to be told to tone it down and you look ready to run every time we have to act out something intimate.”
       “So, I just look unnatural?” Peter looked away and downed much of his drink in one go.
       “Yeah, but it was likely to happen,” Burak bit into a pastry. “I mean: how did you, a guy, get hired as a bridal model?”
        Peter didn’t sense anything offensive in Burak’s tone, just simple curiosity, so he replied honestly with a lazy shrug, “I don’t know. I actually applied for the groom position.”
        “Pffft, oops. Sorry about that. Well, that dress looks lovely on you.”
       “Thanks. That was one of the reasons they hired me as the bride.”
        Then silence came. Burak watched the photoshoot crew as he ate his cream cheese bear claw, and Peter watched the shiny of the sun glint off his glass as he slowly waved the flute around. 
       Polishing off the last bite of his bear claw, Burak asked, “So, how is your first professional photoshoot going so far?”
       Peter perked up, smile stretched from cheek to sore cheek. If his hands weren’t occupied with the champagne, he would have given a little clap to sell the reply. “Oh, it is fantastic! Wonderful! My body hurts, this dress itches, the hair care products feel cheap as shit and I’m sure I’m going to break out tomorrow, and I am never doing this shit ever again!”
        Burak leaned back, blinking. He cleared his throat. “Ah... wow. Well, it’s good that you figured it out before you really committed to the modeling career.”
        “I didn’t do this to get a modeling career.”
         Peter shook his head and took a breath. “No, I took on this gig to earn money to buy a studio.”
         “A studio...?”
        “Recording studio. For me and my music crew.”
         Now it was Burak’s turn to perk up, and truthfully, seeing interest light his face did make Peter feel better. “You make music?”
       “Yeah. I’m part of this new group called The MizFists. We’re a hip-hop collective.”
        “Hey! My cousin likes hip-hop! Do you have any music posted anywhere? I can tell her about it.”
        And Peter, all wide eyes as he watched Burak take his phone out of his pocket and swiped on the screen. “Oh! Oh, uh, yeah. Our website is M-I-Z-F-I-S-T-S dot com. All of our youtube channels and Bandcamp accounts are on there.”
       “Huh, never seen it spelled like that before...” Burak shrugged.
       “Well, we would have went with the proper spelling, but, you know, another group already has it, and we’re too broke for copyright lawsuits.”
        “It’s a cool name, still,” Burak said. He made sure the message had sent before placing his phone back into his pocket. He ate a piece of mango. “If my cousin decides to go to one of your concerts, I’ll have to tag along.”
       That... should not have been as easy as that. Sure, it’s likely that Burak’s cousin will dismiss their group as crappy wannabes, but still, the fact that Burak even shared their name like that... 
       And the food and bottle (which Burak had in his hand to refill Peter’s glass) -- Peter wanted to ask what was Burak’s goal here. Because who was this jovial with a cross-dressing stranger? Peter had to remind himself that not everyone had an ulterior motive for niceties, he still sought a way, an opportunity, to give this man the stink-eye and a “What’s your endgame, buddy?”
       Taking a drink, Burak passed his tongue over his disgustingly perfect lips and said, “So, since you’re pretty much a rap expert, you wouldn’t mind telling me if this verse--” and he did that weird cool guy rapper hand gesture, “--is fire, would you?”
       “Heh heh, go ahead!” Peter prompted, with that eyebrow raised once more in amusement this time.
       “Okay, okay!” Burak set his glass down and placed a hand on his chest and held the other in front of his face like a microphone.
       Burak stared at Peter, the hunched over bride shaking with his face twisted to hold in a laughter, his own face feigning a cold serious.
         Me and da babe looking heckin’ cool
         After school, hittin’ up the party pool
        Sitting on the grill of the big Bugatti
        All slutty, all thotty
        A couple rock stars making it rain at the pool
      They burst out laughing.
      And Peter didn’t even know why he was laughing; Burak was cute, and it was sweet that he came over here to chat, but it wasn’t funny, not that funny. Maybe it was the earnestness in the humor, or the needed release of stress. Whatever the reason, Peter dabbed at the tear in his eye. Thank goodness for the waterproof stuff.
       “You know? You might have something there,” he chuckled. “You’re definitely the new Will Smith!”
       “Pfffft, please! I am way better than Smith!” Burak tossed his hair. “But I’m going to let my cousin know that she was wrong, that an actual, bona fide rapper said I got some skills!”
        “Shit, if we’re ever looking for another member, we’ll hit you up,” Peter said, taking a grape.
       “Looking forward to it!”
After a friendly elbow nudge, Burak continued, "Seriously, that's cool that you're this serious about your music that you're doing this. I can tell that you're gonna go far. But I hope you don't drop this line of work, because you have a bit of potential in modeling, too. Who knows, you'll probably get famous enough that you'll have clothing brands begging you to model for them, and you don't want to pass up on those deals, would you?"
"Nah, I guess not..." The smile on Peter's painted lips dimmed, and he pursed them until he allowed himself to ask, "Uh... Why are you being so nice to me?"
Burak tilted his head. Oh, god, now he looked like a puppy. An irresistible puppy. "Am I not supposed to be?"
"No, it's just that, er... I thought that supermodels had to be brutal because, you know, this industry is dog-eat-dog."
Burak shook his head. "First of all, I'm not a supermodel; this is just a catalog shoot. Second..." He shrugged. "It felt like you were having a bad time and was uncomfortable around me. And we can't have that for our kissing photos."
For the slow way the words processed through Peter's psyche, his body was quick to react in its non-reacting form: body suddenly rigid, temperature swinging from ghostly chill low to loins on fire and I'm a sinner scorching, mind going as blank as his eyes gone wide.
"K... Kissing? We're going to--" Peter bowed his head with his hand over his mouth. "Oh, my god..."
He didn't see Burak's face, but he felt the indignation rolling off the other man who said, "I mean, I like to think I'm not a bad kisser..."
"N-no! No!" Peter lifted his face and waved a hand. "It's not that! I just--"
"Wow!" Burak snorted. "Wow! You are blushing hard!"
Peter gasped. "No, I'm not!" Of course, where they went for top-quality mascara, they'd cheap out on the foundation.
Burak laughed so deeply that he had to set his glass down. "Yes you are! Aw, look how red your ears are!"
"Oh, my god," Peter, once more, groaned. He bent his head so low that the veil fell from behind his back and draped over his shoulders.
So when he felt an arm slink around his waist, he was too unprepared to stop the yelp squeaking out of his mouth. Nor did he have any protection against the medical emergency fever burning through his body when Burak whispered in his ear.
"Don't you worry, Peter: as a gentleman, I promise you that I'll leave your honor intact and will be tender with you."
Whether Burak was serious or joking, it didn't matter when, to Peter, his voice was every bedroom song one to life. But Burak squeezed his shoulder, and when they've locked eyes, Peter could still see some of that sweet earnestness, that urge to lift Peter's mood, and he could help but smile.
"Gee, thanks," Peter tried with as much playfulness as he could muster.
A chuckle pass between them, and then
Flash. Flash.
Both men looked up to find Pierre lowering his camera. "Oh, that was perfect! I have to convince the magazine to use that in their layout."
"Uhhhh..." Peter said. "What the hell are you doing?"
"Reminding you two that break's over," Pierre said. "Now, let's go, we're burning daylight!"
"Well, that was a nice break." Burak stood and brushed the back of his pants. He held out a hand for Peter. "Ready to get back into the dog-eat-dog world of modeling?"
Peter's smirk was lopsided as he took Burak's hand to let him up. "Sure."
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kayliemusing · 3 years
42: top 3s
1: Top 3 ice cream flavors - classic vanilla, birthday cake/birthday batter, bubblegum
2: Top 3 Disney Movies - Mulan, Onward, Soul (but this changes frequently lol)
3: Top 3 vacation destinations - I've never been outside of my home country so I'll say my top 3 DREAM destinations: NYC, Hawaii, a random countryside in either France or the UK
4: Top 3 places to shop - Dynamite, Sephora, Winners/Homesense
5: Top 3 subjects of study/classes to take - English/anything creative writing related, Interior Decorating/Design, Communications?
6: Top 3 make up products - YSL Touche Eclat Foundation, literally any Mac Lipstick but it has to be matte, & Fenty Beauty contour stick
7: Top 3 music artists - Taylor Swift - Of Monsters and Men - The Lumineers
8: Top 3 spices/herbs - Cinnamon - Nutmeg (literally tastes like autumn) - Paprika
9: Top 3 drinks - Diet Coke - Hot Chocolate - Vanilla Bean Frappe
10: Top 3 apps to use - Instagram - Pinterest -iBooks
11: Top 3 months of the year - May, October, December
12: Top 3 clothing items - My black/white turtle neck, high waisted jeans, plaid blazer
13: Top 3 binge perfect tv shows - Bones, Supernatural, Brooklyn Nine Nine
14: Top 3 romantic dates - (I've never been on a date but if I had, it would be this) Evening walk, late night drive, late night coffee date (tbh anything at night feels romantic)
15: Top 3 kinds of flower - Water lilies, cherry blossoms, roses
16: Top 3 christmas movies - A Christmas Carol (2009), Home Alone, The Polar Express
17: Top 3 OTPs - Nesta and Cassian from ACOTAR series by SJM, Manon and Dorian from Throne of Glass series by SJM, Casteel and Poppy from From Blood and Ash series by JLM.
18: Top 3 quotes to describe your life - "I write not to find, but to leave" by Scherezade Siobhan - "I want to be myself again. I want to be six. I want to stop knowing everything I know" by Catherynne M. Valente - "The truth is, I pretend to be a cynic, but I am really a dreamer who is terrified of wanting something she may never get" by Joanna Hoffman.
19: Top 3 characteristics you love about yourself - my kindness bc it's not surface level kindness, but actually something deeply rooted within me - my resilience even tho sometimes it doesn't feel like resilience - my loyalty bc it is a hard as steel kind of loyalty
20: Top 3 kinds of candy - Maltesers, Kit kats, smarties
21: Top 3 ways to exercise/ be active - Walking, dancing, mowing the lawn/shoveling the sidewalk
22: Top 3 spirit animals - wolf, hummingbird, tiger (i googled it bc i didn't know and i was scared it was a joke but)
23: Top 3 petnames - I like 'lovebug', 'love', 'sweetheart'
24: Top 3 books read outside of school - The Hating Game by Sally Thorne, A Court of Silver Flames by Sarah J Maas but viewers discretion is advised, Crush by Richard Siken
25: Top 3 most used websites - Youtube, Tumblr, Pinterest
26: Top 3 people you last texted - my mom, my bestie megan, and my sister bc they're the only people i text...
27: Top 3 hashtags you use - the only time i use hashtags is if i'm trying to promote some of my writing so I'll usually use writingcommunity, writersonig, poetryonig lol
28: Top 3 instagram accounts you follow - Trista Mateer, Griefmother, obviously taylor swift
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures - buzzfeed quizzes, early 2000s music, romance novels
30: Top 3 summer activities - Going to the zoo, long evening walks, campfires and s'mores
31: Top 3 things to draw/doodle - hearts, flowers, random swirls bc it's the only thing i can doodle...
32: Top 3 aesthetics - cityscape aesthetic, autumn aesthetic, rustic aesthetic
33: Top 3 things you'd buy if you gained three million dollars - a new car, a condo, another cat
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself - facial, a large bag of maltesers, buying the makeup i really want but have been putting off
35: Top 3 celebrity crushes - Evan Peters, Matthew Daddario, henry cavill
36: Top 3 books from your childhood - Love You Forever by Robert Munsch, The Big Friendly Giant by Roald Dahl, and Madeline by Ludwig Bemelmens
37: Top 3 accents to hear - Australian, super poshy british accent, new zealand accent
38: Top 3 scents - Fresh rain, vanilla, sweet cinnamon pumpkin from bath and body works
39: Top 3 "Friends" quotes - "WE WERE ON A BREAK" -Ross, "Guess things were just going too well for me" -also ross, and "it's so exhausting waiting for death" - phoebe
40: Top 3 cupcake flavors - tbh I haven't tried that many cupcakes so your typical vanilla, chocolate, and Pink Lady Cupcake from Babycakes Cupcakery
41: Top 3 fruits - Pomegranates, Strawberries, Raspberries
42: Top 3 places you've had amazing pizza from - Pizzahut, Dominos, Pizza73
43: Top 3 sports teams to watch - i don't
44: Top 3 crayola colors - uh, i guess red, purple, and pink??
45: Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college - Certificates/Degrees in Copyediting and Creative Writing, and I think simply just deeper critical thinking skills when it comes to writing and books
46: Top 3 fanfictions you've read - I read more books than fanfics, I've read a couple on tumblr but don't remember the names sorry :/
47: Top 3 people you miss right now - my dad, my best friend bc she's in vancouver, taylor swift bc she's not on tumblr anymore rip
48: Top 3 fears - Failure, Loss, not achieving anything in life/not reaching my full potential
49: Top 3 favorite literary devices - Foreshadowing is always god tier, cliffhangers although evil i love those too, symbolism
50: Top 3 pet peeves - People dragging their shoes on the floor when they walk, when you tell someone your fav hobby/music artist/interest and they immediately go 'oh I hate X!', and people who go 'you're so quiet!!!' but in a way that draws in more attention and/or makes me feel more uncomfortable like i would literally rather die
51: Top 3 physical things you find attractive - Hands, nice hair, defined jawlines
52: Top 3 bad habits - Nailbiting, picking at my blemishes oops, lip biting
53: Top 3 pets you've had/wish to have - Cats bc they complete me, I've always wanted a Samoyed, and I've always wanted a turtle
54: Top 3 types of foreign food - Chicken Chow Mein, deep fried shrimp, japanese chicken wings
55: Top 3 things you want to say to someone in your lifetime - 'I quit', 'I love you', 'you changed my life'
56: Top 3 dog breeds - Samoyed, german shepherds, collies
57: Top 3 cheesy romance movies - You've Got Mail, How To Lose a Guy In 10 Days, 10 Things I Hate About You
58: Top 3 languages you speak/wish to speak - French, Sign, and maybe Japanese?
59: Top 3 series (book, movie, television) - The Cruel Prince series by Holly Black, A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas (but literally only for Cassian and Nesta), From Blood and Ash by Jennifer L Armentrout
60: Top 3 pizza toppings - Mushrooms, alfredo sauce, pineapple
61: Top 3 youtubers you're subscribed to - Game Grumps, Charlotte Dobre, Megan Batoon
62: Top 3 tattoo / piercing ideas - I want to get a tattoo on my wrist of the last thing my dad ever wrote me, a hummingbird tattoo right next to it, and then a cross on my index finger
63: Top 3 awards you want to win - National Book Awards, Nobel Prize, and maybe even Goodreads Choice Awards lol
64: Top 3 emojis - Laugh/Crying emoji, the please sir emoji that kinda gives off those puss n boots eyes, and the stars emoji
65: Top 3 cars you dream of owning - 1970s Chev Impala, tbh a cute little Hyundai Venue, and maaaaybe the 1964 ferarri 250 gt luso (idk if that name was totally right but i had to do tons of googling to find it. i don't know a lot about cars and i don't really have a top 3 lol)
66: Top 3 authors - Right now I'm really into Sarah J Maas, Sally Thorne, and Holly Black maybe?
67: Top 3 historical figures - Jesus, Anne Frank, Vincent Van Gogh
68: Top 3 baby names - Ryder, Leila, Gracie
69: Top 3 DIYs - Candles, refurnishing old furniture (i.e. my mom and i painted our wooden garbage can), and really just any type of autumn diy
70: Top 3 smoothie combos/flavors - Strawberry/Banana, Mango, Strawberry-Mango
71: Top 3 songs of this month - Happier Than Ever by Billie Eilish, Biblical by Calum Scott, and Visiting Hours by Ed Sheeran
72: Top 3 questions of this post you want to be asked - I did them all bc I made it a survey instead of an ask meme ;)
73: Top 3 villains - Regina/The Evil Queen from Once Upon a Time, Cruella De Vil, and Moriarty from Sherlock
74: Top 3 Cities you want to see - Montreal, NYC, Vancouver (honorable mention: LA)
75: Top 3 recipes you want to try - different kind of salad and/or burger bowls, Stuffed bell peppers, and homemade lemon loaf
76: Top 3 dream jobs - Bestselling author, the person who runs a companies social media accounts, youtuber/blogger
77: Top 3 lucky items - tbh don't have one
78: Top 3 traditions you have - Christmas Eve Service and if I don't go to that at least incorporating reading the christmas story on christmas day or eve, idk if this counts as tradition but going to the corn maze every fall, and whenever it's easter/christmas/thanksgiving we always have a big meal w/ family
79: Top 3 things you miss about being a kid - reckless abandon, dreaming about growing up with hopefulness and no dashed hopes, experiencing holidays like halloween and christmas as a kid
80: Top 3 harry potter characters - I've never read or watched Harry Potter rip (ok well i saw the first and second (and maybe third?) movie in the sixth grade I think) but I think I really liked Hermoine, Harry obviously and Dobby
81: Top 3 lies you were told - i don't have 3, but this one has a story but basically when my sister and i were in elementary school my sister got hit by a car and so the insurance thing was that she would recieve 10k when she was 18 and as a child i thought that was unfair so my dad told me that my sister had to split it with me when we were 18 lmao obviously that didn't happen (i think i realized that wasn't true in middle school)
82: Top 3 pictures in your camera roll right now - Pictures of my cat, one of my sister in a hilarious filter, and a picture of my rocking my TS merch
83: Top 3 turn ons - Kindness, defined jawline, easy going
84: Top 3 turn offs - arrogance, unkempt, super loud and obnoxious
85: Top 3 magazines/news papers/ journals to read - I don't read much of those so I'll tell you some sites I love for writing purpose's: there's Wellstoried, justwriterlythings, springhole.net (which is filled with generators if you're stuck and also tons of infomation and advice)
86: Top 3 things you wish you had known earlier - that toad in Mario Party was wearing a mushroom hat and that it is actually not his head, that immaculate means 'clean' before i misused that word like several times over the years, and that the one turn i always take on my way to work where i thought everyone didn't know how to drive was actually bc i didn't have the right of way rip me
87: Top 3 spongebob episodes - the one episode where spongebob and patrick find a ghost ship, that one episode where they form a bikini bottom band and perform it at a football game in a little fish tank, and the one episode where squidward has his first snowball fight
88: Top 3 places to be in the world - I'd love to be in NYC, Montreal, or Hawaii
89: Top 3 things you'd do differently - I would not have applied for RDC, similarly I should have just paid the 500 dollars to the one certificate program I wanted to do instead of overthinking it, and I wish I wouldn't have ended a friendship the way I did
90: Top 3 TV shows from your childhood - Spongebob Squarepants, That's So Raven, and Hannah Montana
91: Top 3 meals you love - Turkey Burgers, Chilli, and Instant Pot Chicken Tortilla Soup
92: Top 3 kinds of tea - i don't drink tea
93: Top 3 embarrassing moments - one time in sixth grade I tripped and fell right on my face in front of my crush, this other time like a couple years ago i opened the door to my car and only realized much too late while i was staring at this random family that it was not my car, and when i went to the gas station to get gas and couldn't get my gas lid on my car opened and this guy had to help me which was already embarrassing enough but then the gas pump wouldn't work so i had to go inside to pay just to realize i forgot my wallet and had to shamefully walk back to my car and then run back inside the convenience store and then pay and then walk back to my car and finally fill my tank.
94: Top 3 holidays to celebrate - Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving
95: Top 3 things to do in the rain - have an existential crisis, pretend you're in a music video, walk through puddles like you're six again
96: Top 3 things to do in the snow - Sledding, Build a snowman, shovel it even tho you don't want to
97: Top 3 items you can't leave the house w/o - phone, keys, wallet
98: Top 3 movies you'd like to see - Jurassic World 3, Hotel Transylvania: Transformania bc i'm a child, and the animation of the addams family
99: Top 3 art mediums - Writing fiction/poetry, painting, music
100: Top 3 museums you've been to - Royal Tyrell Museum, Canadian History one in edmonton lol, and heritage park in calgary
101: Top 3 school memories - Middle school dances when the popular kids would grind to the song "Low" which was always an interesting experience, in the twelfth grade at winter formal when we all shouted "SHUT UP AND DANCE!" at the same time when they played Shut Up and Dance, and the day i left
102: Top 3 things you don't/Won't miss - School, my sisters ex, 2016 bc she was a rough year yikes
103: Top 3 pick up lines - "My name is Will. God's Will.", "I'd like to take you to the movies but they don't like you bring your own snacks", "are you from tennessee bc you're the only 10 i see"
104: Top 3 sports to watch - none of them
105: Top 3 taylor swift songs - all too well - exile - coney island
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spaceyantique · 4 years
five’s a crowd [beatles x reader] part eight
chapter summary: You’re just trying to get through this whole Tinder girl business because it’s NOT affecting you in the slightest. John nurses a particularly cranky hangover, and Paul is the kind of person that drinks milk straight from a glass, apparently. George’s pajamas don’t make this business any easier and Ringo’s heading out for mystery reasons early this Sunday morning.
word count: like 2.1k of i don’t even know what
warnings: sexual implications. drinking, a hangover, general bad language
asterisks correspond to footnotes!
parts one | two | three | four | five | six | seven (oh my!)
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“Care for a drink? You’re sulking.” Paul’s standing over you with a shot glass in his hand. As always, he has a talent for seeing straight through people.
“Course. And I’m not sulking,” you say, taking the glass from him. Paul scoffs. 
“Sure, Jan. If looks could kill, that poor girl would be dead.”
God, if only they could. Paul would definitely be right. 
You’re holed up in a booth at the back of the Cavern Club Bar, gripping an empty glass a little too tightly for comfort. George and Maureen are both standing around a table just across the room, his arm loosely draped over her shoulders. Ringo’s on her other side and they all look like they’re having too much fun. You think of how it felt when he put his arm over your shoulders and try to ignore how they practically feel frostbitten now in comparison. She’s not even mean, you think. Hating on some girl you don’t know because of a boy is not good feminism.
“Can I sit?” Paul asks, and you’re forced to tear your eyes away from the happy couple.
“What?” You ask, but he’s already shoving you aside. 
“Lovely place, isn’t it? Much nicer than most of the nightclubs ‘round here. Always thought it would be a treat to perform up there.” Paul nods to the bar. You follow his gaze with a confused look, and he sighs with a smile, then props his head up on his interlaced hands to look at you expectantly.
“What?” You repeat stupidly.
“Drink up,” Paul says, and you do, shuddering at the burn. Tequila.
“What do you think you’re doing?” You say. “You’re usually giggling over John by now.”
“I’m being the best friend in a rom-com. The gay best friend, nonetheless. And I think you should go talk to that guy at the bar.” Paul gestures to a man standing near the stage. He’s tall, but not unnaturally so. He’s wearing a jean jacket and sporting a mess of dark hair to rival John’s untidy mop. 
He’s no George, your brain sneers immediately, and you almost want to scold yourself out loud. 
“Look, dahling.” Paul affects a flamboyant upper-class drawl, and you crack a smile. “There’s no reason you can’t have fun too.”
“You sound like Freddie from upstairs.”
“‘S true,” Paul replies, back to his normal self. “I know how you feel about George--”
“I don’t know what you mean--” you start to say, but Paul holds up his hand to stop you.
“Please let me finish my cliche speech! I know how you feel about George, but you haven’t had anyone to spend the night away with in a while, if you catch my drift.” Paul raises his eyebrows at you and the Pout transforms into a smirk. “So get over there. Don’t make me get John to force you to.”
“God, no. I’ll talk to him,” you say, and Pauls grins, before heaving himself up and disappearing behind a clump of people, probably to suck John’s face off.
As you make your way across the room, George can’t help but notice. He tells himself it’s because the bar is relatively uncrowded, but it’s more than a passing glance. He feels his cheeks heat up as his stomach erupts into butterflies, but Maureen’s laugh from beside him draws him back to reality with a shockingly sobering effect. Still, that cold feeling in the pit of his stomach only gets stronger when he notices where you’re headed.
The man at the bar flashes you a smile as you get close, and you put on your best one in return. 
“Hey,” is all he says.
“Hey,” you say, immediately cringing at the general awkwardness. Okay, so you’re out of practice.
“What’s your name, dolly?” Dolly, really? Still you give him your name and ask for his.
“I’m Eric Clapton. Are you a student around here?” 
All in all, Eric’s sweet, and despite seeming a little like an overgrown fuckboy at first glance, he seems to drink his respecting women juice now. He laughs at your (terrible) jokes and teases you in that flirtatious way, but each time he speaks you find yourself slightly disappointed at the lack of Scouse accent in his words.
Sure, Eric’s sweet, but you don’t take him home that night.
The following morning begins much like plenty of others. You’re munching on a bowl of cereal in the kitchen with one of your new textbooks open on the table in front of you and a safe distance from the coffee machine. Ringo shuffles around making his breakfast, his mightily messy hair floating in a cloud around his head. John’s also at the table, severely hungover, his knees to his chest, wrapped in a blanket like a gremlin. He’s wearing dark sunglasses and bitching about the noise anytime anyone speaks.
“Fucking bullshit,” Ringo declares out of nowhere. John hisses at the noise while you turn to see him attempting to mount the countertop. “George keeps putting the fucking sugar in the top cabinet. How ‘m I supposed to get up there?”
“Grow longer bones,” John mumbles helpfully*. Ringo shoots him with a glare and continues trying to climb onto the counter.
“Spent all me growin’ power on my brain, thanks.” 
“And what a big brain it is.” John cracks a grin at his own joke and you roll your eyes.
“Where is George, anyway?” You say, trying your hardest to seem nonchalant. John wiggles his eyebrows at you anyway, grinning like a chimpanzee. You slam your textbook shut and he winces at the sound. For a few seconds, you’re engaged in an intense war of making rude faces back and forth.
“Oh, maybe writing in his diary?” Paul’s entered the kitchen now too, looking overall far too bright-eyed and rosy-cheeked for the volume of alcohol he consumed last night.
“Does he really have a diary?” You ask, and John and Paul share a meaningful glance that you don’t have time to decipher. Ringo’s breakfast sandwich (toast, tomato, and cheese) is done, and when he places it on the table, John lurches forward with a hand over his mouth.
“Oh fuck,” is all he says before he disappears towards the bathroom. Paul, cheerily pouring a glass of milk, makes a sympathetic face at John’s retreating form.
“I should make sure he’s alright,” he says, before going to the cabinet to pick out a cereal. 
“Are you going to?” 
“Well, y’know, I don’t really want to.”
You’re about to repeat Paul’s y’know back to him to tease him before you see which cereal he’s picked out.
“Do NOT touch my goddamn Rice Krispies, you fuck!” 
“Just one fuck,” Ringo says, mostly to himself. 
“But I want them! I’m hungry!” Paul pleads, using the Pout and his droopy eyes to their full potential.
“But I paid for them! And there’s plenty of other cereal!”
“Yeah, well, I don’t see your name on them!” 
“Look again, bitch!” You demand, and he does. Sure enough, you’ve Sharpied your name onto the top flap.
“Fucking ridiculous,” Paul mutters, placing the Krispies in their rightful place.
“John’s fine,” Ringo announces. “He’s just sent me a TikTok. And he also told me he’s changed my contact to “Mango Bongo,” so I suppose he’s alright.”*
You and Paul both scramble for your phones to change his name to something equally ridiculous. You settle on “Dingo Presto: Magician Extraordinaire.” Not your best, but it’ll do.
Paul settles at the table where John was sitting before, grouchily eating Cap’n Crunch.
“Paul,” you say. “Why the hell are you eating cereal with milk and drinking a glass of milk at the same time?”
“Strong bones?” Paul shrugs.
“You’re a heathen,” Ringo says, straightening up and brushing the crumbs from his lap. “I’m going out, so I’ve got to get ready.”
“Where the hell are you going on a Sunday?” You ask.
“I’ve-- I’m-- I’ve started dog walking on Sundays,” Ringo stutters out.
“Interesting,” Paul comments before loudly slurping on his milk.
“That’s a job from a damn sitcom! That’s like one of Spencer’s jobs on iCarly!” You call after Ringo, but he’s already disappeared into his and George’s shared room. You almost catch yourself trying to peek inside to see if George is asleep there. Ringo wouldn’t go in if Geo had company, would he?
“That’s odd,” Paul says, and you’re a bit surprised to see he’s as confused as you are. “Wonder if he’s going to see someone.”
“Maybe,” you agree. “The university doesn’t have any classes on Sundays, too.”
As you contemplate Ringo’s departure, John shambles back in with even messier hair. He’s still wearing the sunglasses, but looking less pale and overall gargoyle-ish.
“So, how was that guy last night?” Paul asks, and the look he gives you is indecipherable.
“We left separately, if that’s what you’re asking,” you reply, before adding,  “John, you’d better still those fucking eyebrows before I tear them off your face.”
“Aggression! You wound me, birdie.”
“Why didn’t you go off with him? You looked like you were having a good time,” Paul asks, taking another gratuitous sip of his fucking milk.
“Who are you, my mother? I just didn’t want to,” you say, perhaps a bit too harshly. You open your textbook again to a random page and start reading, more to make a point than anything else. 
“George left alone too, in case you were wondering.” John’s comment affects you more than you’d like to admit, zapping through the early morning fog in your brain and making you feel electric.
“Why would I wonder about that?” You ask, but John just smiles that rat-bastard smile. Paul’s sly grin matches John’s, and you slam your textbook closed a second time, again for emphasis.
“You two fuckers are up to something. And you’re not good at hiding it,” you huff.
“Up to no good, my pretty?” John cackles in a spot-on impression of the Wicked Witch of the West. 
“Yes, you’re up to no good! I don’t like it.” You place your cereal bowl in the sink and hoist your stack of textbooks into your arms. As you leave the kitchen, you catch snippets of their conversation.
“You’ve butchered it--” Paul’s hushed whisper.
“Well, now we’ve got them both--” John’s pointed drawl. “So don’t worry--”
Fucking assholes, the both of them. You pass the tiny living room to head to your bedroom and nearly run straight into George.
He looks like he’s just rolled out of bed. His eyes are still a bit swollen from sleep, and you can see the imprint of the creases on his pillow on his right cheek. His curls are smashed on that side too, while the hair on the other side of his head sticks out like half a halo, glowing in the morning sunlight that streams through the living room window. You also notice almost immediately that he’s shirtless, and the pajama bottoms he’s wearing are untied and loose around the waist. They sit low on his hips, exposing a trail of hair on his abs and the top of a v-line that leads--
You exercise every bit of willpower you have to reset your gaze to eye level.
“Good morning,” you force out, trying to sound casual.
“Morning,” he says, and you feel a fluttering somewhere underneath your collarbones at his deep, gravelly, morning voice. Neither of you speaks for a moment, and you’re suddenly thankful to be holding your books over your chest because they provide a shield between George’s gaze and the deafening thumping of your heart.
“Ringo’s just gone out,” you blurt, if only to break the awkwardness.
“On a Sunday?” You shrug and nod at the same time in reply. What the hell is wrong with you? Speak! He’s your friend!
“John and Paul are in the kitchen, so I’m going to do my work in my room.”
George nods, glancing towards the two bastards. You nod again (idiot) and start to make for your room.
“Did you--” You turn back at the sound of George’s voice, already feeling breathless. “Were you here all night?”
“Yeah,” you say. “You?”
“Yeah.” He gives you a little smile and nod before you continue to your room. Once inside, you close your door and lean back against it, feeling almost dizzy with relief. 
Little do you know, George is still standing exactly where you left him. The strange cold feeling that settled deep in his stomach as he watched you talking with Eric is starting to thaw now in the bright morning sunlight. Still, if you could see his face, you’d agree that the smile on his face is a thousand times brighter.
*from this post
*This joke is partially from Finding Nemo. Nemo is called several different names throughout the movie by Dory, including Fabio, Pedro, Harpo, and Elmo. I shall not be accused of joke stealing!
five’s a crowd tag list: @1-2beeble​ @beatlevmania​ @theclassicsl​ @withthebeables​ @thasbooooooi​ @geostarr​ @report-abuse​ 
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oohfluffy · 4 years
TIHM Ch.14 | BBH
Group: EXO
Member: Byun Baekhyun
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Rated M | University!AU | Football!AU
Word Count: 2,615
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chapter 14
"Aren't you going to introduce us to that young gentleman, Saejin-ah?"
You groaned as you heard Jisoo's voice behind you. You were on cashier duty tonight while Hyunjin worked as the errand boy. You glanced at the gentleman she's been asking about since you got here, and saw how he was attracting too much attention from girls.
"I told you he's just someone from the university. He insisted on taking me here and I was running late, I didn't have any better option." You frowned as you saw Baekhyun talking to a girl who suddenly stood beside his table. He ordered an americano earlier as soon as you arrived, and then ordered a chocolate muffin after a few minutes. "He's a chick-magnet as you can see."
"Hmm, really? Just someone?" Jisoo teased while raising her eyebrows up and down. You shook your head and looked away from that one distraction. You instantly smiled as a customer entered and went to the counter in front of you. "Why is he still here then?"
You quickly took the customer's order and worked as if nothing was bothering you at the moment. You gave the customer her receipt with an order number. When she left, you couldn't help but to glance up again. You saw Baekhyun looking back at you, a cute smile curving on his lips. You looked away as you noticed that the girl's still there.
"I don't know, unnie. Maybe to fill his stomach."
"Oh, you mean his stomach?"
You looked at Jisoo in confusion until you realized that she was referring to a different stomach. She laughed at your flushing face. You grunted as you rolled your eyes.
"I wouldn't be surprised if he's here to find someone to hook up with, honey. He looks like a—"
"—playboy?  Yes, he is." You scoffed as you glared at the monitor in front of you. "He probably did half of the student population already, I honestly wouldn't be shocked."
"Why do I feel like I detect jealousy and bitterness in your voice—"
"You're just getting older, unnie. You're hearing things." 
"Oh, oh! He's raising his hand! Go get his order, Saejin!" You felt Jisoo's push beside you, and in a second, she was taking your place in the cashier. You incredulously looked at her, ready to argue when a couple entered the cafe. "Go! Rocky is in the bathroom, Yeonjun is busy!"
You looked around and saw that what she said was true. You sighed before walking to Baekhyun's table, putting on a polite smile on your lips. Your teeth gritted as you saw that the girl was still talking to him and already took a seat in front of him. Baekhyun had his eyes on you the whole time as if there wasn't anyone talking in front of him.
"What can I get you, sir?" You nodded at him before looking at the girl. She stopped talking when you arrived, her eyes filled with disappointment and annoyance. 
"We don't need anything, waitress. You can go." The girl snapped as she looked up at you.
"Wasn't talking to you though." You raised your eyebrow at her, causing her to gasp at your audacity to talk back. You just drifted your gaze to Baekhyun, who was grinning proudly at you. "Order?"
"Two slices of mango graham cake, please." He said without taking his eyes off of you. The girl was still gaping at you, and you didn't care if you sounded rude. You had a name tag and she chose to call you waitress. "And a little bit of your time too."
"The former would be served in a few, but unfortunately," You squint your eyes at him, making his lips pout. "the latter is not on the menu, sir."
Baekhyun, being Baekhyun, just shamelessly grabbed your waist by the side, surprising not just you, but almost the whole cafe. You widened your eyes at him threateningly, but that doesn't seem to make him waver. 
"I'll wait 'till your shift ends then." He mumbled as he nuzzled on your waist, caressing the sides of your hips. Your cheeks were on fire, in contrast to your current state right now which is being frozen on the spot. "Just got a bit lonely without my baby—"
You forced yourself to pull away from him, fighting the urge to hit him on his stupid handsome face. Baekhyun clicked his tongue as soon as you stepped back. You glared at him silently, making him sit up straight with a nervous smile.
"Please wait for a minute, sir." You turned your back on him before walking straight back to the counter. You couldn't even try to look around as you felt their eyes on you. Your face was blank as you did, but when you saw Jisoo's smirk, you lost it.
"Just someone, huh? I could tell." She winked, making you groan as you walked past her. You told her the order before entering the kitchen. "Hey! You serve these!"
It was already almost 11, and everyone was cleaning up. When you got out of the lockers area, you didn't see Baekhyun. After serving those cakes, which he devoured alone because you refused to join him (the girl was gone when you came back btw), you hadn't spared a glance at him since he was the only source of distraction while you worked. You didn't expect him to stay until you closed the cafe anyway.
"We can clean up this time, Saejin-ah. You must have had a long day." Mingyu said as he wiped the tables, Rocky and Yeonjun were mopping the floor. Jisoo and Somi went ahead already since they need to catch the bus, being the ones who live the farthest among all of you. "We'll lock the place up."
"I could still help—"
"Just go, noona! Your boyfriend is waiting outside." Your eyebrows furrowed as Yeonjun said that. You tilted your head in confusion. 
"Ah yes, that guy you went with earlier is waiting for you." Mingyu glanced at you with curious eyes. "Your boyfriend? Saw you—"
"No. Just some acquaintance in school." You mumbled under your breath before smiling at him. "I guess I'll get going then." You waved your hands at the younger boys before going outside.
"Thought you'd be sleeping inside." Baekhyun let out a breath as he opened the front seat door for you. You chuckled at his comment, and willingly entered inside his warm car. 
"If I was, I should've brought a blanket and a pillow, you know." 
He quickly closed your door and went to the other side to enter. You feel grateful that you won't be waiting outside the bus stop at this hour. It was exhausting and scary. You glanced at Baekhyun with a serious face, feeling warm at his smile.
"Thank you for waiting for me, even though you really didn't have to." 
He turned on the engine before looking back at you. 
"I arrived with you here, I leave with you." He winked, reaching your hand that rests on your lap. You flinched at his touch, relaxing as he caressed it with his beautiful and slender fingers. His eyebrows furrowed at your reaction, noticing that you always seem to be too nervous whenever he touches you. Was it disgust? Discomfort? 
"T-Thanks." You stuttered as you pulled your hand away from him, looking away as you saw him stare at you deeply. Baekhyun was wrong. He started driving with a single thought. 
It was fear with recognition.
You closed your locker with a slam, startling the people murmuring around you. You glared at them, making them all look away.
If they think you can't hear them from here, you would like to make them know that both of your ears are totally working.
"These people just can't seem to stop gossiping about others." You mumbled loudly as you walked past the crowding students within the hallway. They made way for you, separating like the Red Sea when Moses walked by. 
"I heard she brought Lisa to the building near the field!"
"OH MY G! The haunted one?!"
"How dare she do that to the new captain?!"
"I think she needs a lesson about respecting others, don't you think—"
"I think you girls need it more." 
You were already by the staircase when you heard that loud voice reverberating in the hallway. Your eyebrows raised in curiosity as you glanced behind you. You could see his tall figure from afar, his messy black hair looking like a bird's nest. 
"I'm curious what you get out of these stupid threats and gossips." You saw a familiar brown hair beside the tall guy. With his presence, you've confirmed that they were the duo that you often see these days. "It wouldn't make you any prettier, richer, or smarter. I suggest you stop that nonsense."
You incredulously watched as they walked towards the staircase, the crowd parting like how it did earlier. Chanyeol grinned as soon as he saw you gaping at them. While Kyungsoo just smiled as if he wasn't just glaring at the people staring at them.
"Y-You guys didn't have to do that." You almost whispered as they tagged you along with them. They seem to be going upstairs too. "I'm used to their chatters, I don't mind—"
"You're just telling that to yourself, Saejin-ah. No one would want to hear bad things about themselves." Chanyeol grabbed your shoulder casually, squeezing it comfortingly, not even noticing how your eyes widened in surprise. "I too get very sad if I hear someone saying terrible things about me!"
Your mouth protruded as you watched him pout as he talked. Kyungsoo was just shaking his head in disbelief, but with a smile on his face. You calmed yourself down as you walked with them, ignoring the eyes watching you.
"Even though it is better to be composed, and unbothered by those people, you couldn't just always tolerate and accept their threats. It can lead to a very dangerous situation." Kyungsoo said in a serious voice, eyes drifting to your wrist. He remembered the blood trickling down your hand last week. "Bullying should never be tolerated, you know that."
You sighed as you saw that you were nearing your next classroom. You smiled as you pulled away from Chanyeol's hold. You gestured to your room with your hand before stepping away.
"I know that, sunbae. I really appreciate you guys stepping up for me like that, but..." You looked away as you sadly smiled. "...it's better that I handle things by myself. I don't want to be a burden, or be the cause of misunderstandings for you both."
You looked up at them, eyes uneasy and quite uncertain. They just looked at each other with worried faces. You chuckled under your breath, trying to lighten up the mood.
"I'll see you guys around, sunbae." You slightly bowed your head at the both of them before quietly entering the room. You didn't bother looking around as you can already feel their heavy gazes on you. You sat down on the nearest seat by the door at the back, settling down without looking at anyone.
"Did she really hit Lisa yesterday? I heard that her friends were there and witnessed it!"
"Does she have no fear and shame?"
"Aren't Lisa and Baekhyun oppa dating?"
"Oh my, really?!"
"I saw them once before, on the field! They were all over each other!"
"That explains why that bitch laid a hand on Lisa! She must have thought Baekhyun oppa really likes her!"
Your ears felt like bleeding with all the bees buzzing around the room. You felt suffocated with all their nonsense. You just wanted them to shut up and rest eternally. Your eyes flickered to those gossiping people, your blood boiling as they had the face to roll their eyes at you.
Oh, how the truth gets warped as it travels around.
"Just like before." You mumbled as you just focused on your notes, trying to mute your surroundings with your intellectual thoughts. When the professor entered, the noise died down and you sighed in relief. 
You could not deny that your lectures and notes are one of your escapes from the cruel world.
The bell rang, signalling the end of the session. You packed up as quick as you could, silently mumbling disappointed comments on how late your professor let you out. When you slid the door open, you almost shrieked in surprise as you were greeted by that all too familiar rectangular smile.
"B-Baekhyun." You breathlessly said his name, eyes wide while you took in his presence. He abruptly grabbed your bag from your hold, making you jump. "Hey!"
You thought he would run away with it, letting you chase him so you would follow. But he didn't.
Instead, he held your hand and intertwined your fingers tightly with his. 
"Let's go to work, then." He mumbled, eyes fondly staring into yours before dragging you away with him. "Wouldn't want to be late."
Your mouth hung open as he walked casually past the murmuring students. You kept your eyes down, not wanting to see how those people were looking at you—
"Chin up, love." He whispered with a low voice as he squeezed your hand in comfort. 
"Let them see how pretty my baby is."
In the past 21 years of your life, you haven't felt as if you're at the peak of your self-esteem. You always saw yourself as average, not too much nor too little. You were satisfied being in the middle.
Never have you thought you'd feel this way with just Baekhyun's eight worded sentence.
Your eyes met his as you looked up, his own crinkling in delight and pride when you did. Baekhyun looked back at the front, grinning widely as if he just won the jackpot. You didn't feel your skin crawling in perturbation and shame as you walked with him.
How could someone make me feel this secure and valued?
"Thank you, Baekhyun-ah." You whispered with a smile on your face, looking at the side when you saw him look back with wide eyes. His lips couldn't contain the huge smile he was forming.
He thought that maybe he was way past the acquaintance zone.
"Never knew Lee Saejin was that kind of person."
"I know right! She was this friendly and thoughtful person, but argh, her true colors showed."
"I heard that her best friend, I repeat, her best friend witnessed how Saejin drugged a senior to bed with him!"
"What a slut!"
"I kind of sympathize with Yong Sun, she's probably too good for Saejin."
"I also heard from their batch that that bitch also wanted Hyoseop sunbae! Just imagine if she did drug him instead!"
"She'd be dead in a heartbeat!"
"Here she comes!"
With your gaze downwards, you gripped on your bag straps tight. Your eyes welled up easily as you heard the talks softened, you heard their gossips earlier anyway. You sniffled quietly and went to your locker.
You quickly opened it, only to be showered with red crumpled papers from the inside. Most of it fell on your feet, the sound of their rough edges hitting against the floor. Your hands shook as you reached out for one that was left in your locker. The cruel giggles and laughs were your background music as you opened the red paper, seemingly like a paper dipped with blood.
Your tears fell as you read the message scribbled on the paper.
You just wanted to disappear.
Tagging my loves: ❤
@forbyun | @neogoturback | @jisungispilledmyuwus | @shesdreaminginoverdose | @mongryong-the-corgi | @baekhyunsdangerouswoman | @itsbaekhyunsbutt | @lalalala-lav | @thoughtsofapril | @byuniieo | @feline-xiu | @banddits | @jummyjammy | @bunniemyeon | @jddcfc-blog​ | @byunbeautifulb
♫ Ch.15
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purplesurveys · 3 years
What is your age? 22, but there’s less than a month to go before I turn 23.
What annoys you? Literally every single person who still supports the government at this point. For context, we are back to square one and we’re under the exact same quarantine imposed in March 2020 because of the surge in cases. Nothing has changed and nothing has been done in the last 365 days while people are getting hungrier and poorer. I’m done feeling hopeful for this country and I cannot wait to abandon it forever.
Do you have any allergies? Apparently, grass. Can’t be exposed to it for too long otherwise the skin on my thighs turn red and occasionally even get rashes.
Do you know anyone named Billy? Kind of, but they’re girls with their name spelled as Billie.
When is your birthday? April 21st and spending it in quarantine once again this year...
Who is your best friend(s)? Angela and Andi.
What's your favorite candy? I like gummy bears and worms. As for sweets, I really like Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Butterfinger, Twix, and the Hershey’s Cookies and Creme bar.
When was the last time you cried? Maybe a day or two ago while watching a snippet from Caught in Providence.
Have you been out of the country? Yes.
Do you daydream? Not so much these days. I’ve been better at keeping my focus at work.
What's your favorite kind of dog? I love alllllll dogs, but I’d usually be wary of smaller dogs because 87% of the times I’ve met some, they’re aggressive or a bit moody. I don’t like stereotyping dogs as much as possible but because I’ve had direct experiences to back it up anyway, *shrug*
What day of the week is it? It’s a Sunday.
How do you like your eggs? Scrambled, poached, or an omelette with lots of fillings. Balut is also great.
Have you ever been in the emergency room? Only when I was born, I’m guessing.
What's the easiest thing ever to do? Idk, what comes easy to me might not be the same for others. But my answer would be to smile, regardless if it were genuine or otherwise.
Have you ever flown in a plane? Yeah, many times. The child-like excitement I get whenever I get on one will probably never go away, either.
Do you use fly swatters? No, my mom usually uses old shoebox covers or rolled-up scratch papers we have lying around to swat them.
Have you ever used a foghorn?: Only in video games lol, never in real life.
Have you pet a goat? I don’t think I have. I’ve pet lots of animals before but I don’t think a goat has been one of them yet.
Are you a giver or a taker? Giver, but I’ve been allowing myself to take more these days.
Do you like gummy candies? Love them.
How are you? We’ve entered summer weather now, so I feel hot and miserable. It’s also Sunday and I am stuck at home, which doesn’t make me the happiest camper.
What's your height? 5′1″ or a tiny tiny tiny bit taller than that.
What color is your hair? It’s black but on extremely rare occasions I’ll catch a single light brown strand when I play with my hair.
What's your favorite ice cream? Cookies and cream and chocolate chip cookie dough. My friend Leigh actually started her own ice cream shop recently and I bought her coffee crumble ice cream, and it is sooooooooo fuckinggggggggg good??????? It’s so rare to find coffee ice cream where I live period, so I’m fucking stoked to have a close friend who makes literally the best one and in generous servings too.
Have you ever ice skated? Many times as a kid. I was never formally trained, but it was something I wanted to try from watching other kids play in mall ice skating rinks; and when I did give it a shot, I ended up enjoying it. Luckily my mom was encouraging and actually frequently dropped me off at a rink so I can practice gliding and all for a few hours while she ran errands.
Have you cheated the IRS? That’s like an American tax thingy, right? We don’t have that here and my employer handles my TIN.
What's your favorite jelly bean? Not a big fan but if I had to have Jelly Belly, I obviously would want to get the pleasant-tasting ones.
Do you tell jokes? Yes.
Do you wear nice jewelry? Only on special occasions.
Do you want to kill anybody? I don’t want to kill anybody but I certainly wish a good number of public officials would finally die.
Do you want to have kids? Yes. I really wish I could still have a future with them. Thanks for the trauma, my real asshole of an ex.
Where did you have kindergarten? Somewhere.
Are you laidback? I doubt my friends would use this to describe me. I for sure lean more towards the uptight side of the spectrum.
Do you lie? Eh, occasionally.
When is the last time you sent a hand-written letter? I have no idea. Christmas 2019 maybe?
Ever talked in a microphone? Sure. Many times.
Do you still watch Disney Movies? I very rarely get in the mood for them if I’m by myself, but yes, I’d gladly sit down and watch should an opportunity come.
Do you like mangoes? No.
Do you have a nickname? 99% of people call me Robyn while my family calls me Byn, but there are a select few friends who’ve stayed long enough with me to catch other names I’ve gotten over the years, which have since become inside jokes/nicknames. There’s Reben and Rolayn, and literally just yesterday ‘Roby’ happened when I ordered food for lunch so that will probably catch on as well.
What’s your favorite number? 4.
Do you prefer night over day? Absolutely.
Are you an only child? No, I’m two siblings away from that status.
Do you wish this was over? I haven’t felt that way, no.
What is the closet orange object near you? An orange tumbler my Kuya gave me as a Christmas gift in 2019. There is also orange tape wrapped around the charger adaptor of my company laptop.
What one fear are you most paranoid about? Waking up in the middle of surgery and being unable to speak nor move.
Do you play any instruments? Nope.
Do you think you are pretty? Some days.
Are you quick to judge people? No, unless they are already blatantly showing their character like being rude towards service staff, tossing their trash to the ground, or cutting in queues. Whenever those things happen I give myself the space and freedom to guiltlessly judge.
What do you keep quiet about? How dysfunctional my family really is, and the things I really want to say about Gabie.
Do you have any quirks? Food-wise, I like peeling off the breading from fried chicken and placing them on the side of my plate so I can eat them last, because they’re my favorite part.
What’s a good reason to cry? Frustration. Crying can be really helpful in lessening stress.
Do you think you're always right? No.
Do you watch reality TV? Not religiously, but I love watching snippets of reality shows on Facebook because they’re all so embarrassing and it’s hilarious to watch hahahahah. Literally last night I was watching clips of Big Ed on 90 Day Fiance.
Are you a social person? More so now than I was years ago.
What states have you lived in? I lived in Manila briefly but it didn’t take long till we transferred to another city for a more peaceful life in the suburbs.
What is your favorite season? I wanna say winter because of what I’ve seen from it in movies and shows, but I’ve never actually experienced it before.
When did you last sleep in a tent? Sometime in March or April last year.
Do you like tomatoes? Mostly in diced form. Tomato sauce is fine but I don’t really like it in my pasta. Bloody Mary also tastes rather awful.
What time did you wake up? 8:30 AM.
Do you have an umbrella in your car? I think so, yeah. I finally placed one in there lmao.
Do listen to Usher? Eh, not really. 2000s R&B isn’t my thing, save for Beyoncé.
Describe the underwear your wearing? It’s light blue.
What’s the worst veggie? I never learned to like pechay. I’d still eat it, but only because I like cleaning up my entire plate.
Do you like movies with violence? Some. Like I hate action movies but I enjoyed A Clockwork Orange and Scream lol.
Where do you want to go on vacation? I recently bookmarked an Airbnb in Zambales and the accommodation is basically this super cute line of tipi-styled huts by the beach. I'd love to have a solo trip push through once this Covid mess subsides.
Ever been on a wave runner? No.
Where do you work? I work in a PR company.
Do you wish on stars? Just sometimes.
Have you ever had an x-ray? Only for mandatory medical exams.
Do you own a xylophone? I think I had a toy one as a kid, but it’s not with me anymore.
Have you watched the x-games? No, not interested.
What did you do yesterday? I stayed at home; ordered food for Angela as a surprise; debated if I should buy a pair of Air Maxes – and ultimately decided I’ve already spent too much this month to deserve a new pair of shows lol; and just settled to buy a new night lamp for my bedroom. I also watched the newest episode of 2 Days 1 Night and ate more of Leigh’s ice cream while doing work.
Do you like the color yellow? Only in mustard yellow. I also like the song Yellow, heh.
What year were you born?: 1998.
Do you believe in the zodiac? No.
Has your bank account been at zero? No. I remember when I was first opening my own account at the bank and the clerk told me to make sure I don’t go below P2,000, and my intensely by-the-book ass has been following the rule ever since, even though my dad has told me it’s absolutely fine to go below it so long as I have P2,000 back in the account after a month hahaha.
Ever been to the zoo? A few.
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nebula-horizon · 4 years
🍺 Celeste and Jericho
Send a symbol for a drabble or thread [ Not Accepting! ]
🍺: Our muses drinking together
I listened to Lover is a day while writing this
((In Which Celeste gets dating advice while listening to Lo-fi))
   It was an unusually uncrowded night at the bar. Celeste had come alone without her friends just to see and talk to her favorite bartender. Having dressed up a little nicer than she usually did, but nothing too flashy especially with how she did her makeup. A tan colored sweater crop top and high waisted jean shorts were picked out as she hoped to get his attention, but she'd find out that her efforts were wasted. 
   Darius calling in sick? Who knew a workaholic like him would concede to a cold and call out for the day. Celeste sat on the bar stool she usually did as Darius's co-worker let her know the situation. Her shoulders slumped at the news -- it was hard to not feel like she wasted her time coming here since he was the only reason she liked going to this bar to begin with. The pastel haired woman sat there with her hands folded on the bar counter as she debated whether it was a good idea to go see him or if that would make her look desperate. She grumbled something in Tagalog before putting her head face down on the bar and her arms over her head.
   Thanks to the less rowdy energy in the bar tonight, Celeste's ears picked up on the chuckle coming from the person seated a couple seats away from her. She nervously peeked out  from under her arm at the source which was a young man with dark purple hair and one arm leaning against the bar. He had a rather chic look to him as he took a sip of his martini which is why Celeste was unsure if he was the one laughing at her. She sat straight up, looking from him and then around her.
   “Were you laughing at me?” she asked with a slight accusatory tone. The purple haired man gave another low chuckle which somewhat confirmed it. 
   “What’s not to laugh at? There’s something amusing about watching someone this grown up acting like a child.” he admitted. Celeste so badly wanted to pout and get defensive, but that would only prove this stranger’s point. 
   “I’m not childish,” she muttered looking away. “I just feel like I wasted my time coming here…”. Celeste sighed, it’s not like this guy would understand and besides, she just made herself sound desperate. Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed him getting up. Oh great, she just embarrassed and weirded out yet another patron -- this was not the reputation she wanted to have at Darius’s workspace. 
   “Well, do you not go out to bars to drink?”. Celeste looked back up, only to find the same man she thought she weirded out seated on the bar stool right next to her. The pastel haired woman jumped back in her seat a bit causing the man to laugh at her again. Which in turn made her face flush with embarrassment. It’s a good thing that the lights in the club started slowly shifting colors to conceal her reddened cheeks. 
   “L-look… I don’t… I don’t drink.” she quietly stuttered. “I hate alcohol, it’s a personal preference, but I just don’t like getting even a little tipsy.”. Celeste sighed, listening to the Lo-fi music that started playing over the speakers. “I usually come to this bar specifically because I-I… I kind of have a small crush on one of the bartenders.” she admitted, using crush very loosely.
   “A crush, huh? Hahaha… How cute.”. Celeste didn’t know how to respond without sounding like a nervous and flustered mess. She noticed the stranger flagged down the bartender, before leaning towards her just a bit. “What’s your favorite drink here?” he asked, fully intending on ordering her something non-alcoholic. 
   “M-mango lemonade, why-”. And it just dawned on Celeste. “Wait no, you don’t have to buy me a drink, mister-”. He waved off her protests with a gloved hand as he went to order the drink, leaving Celeste covering her face. Once again, he gave her a smirk, tilting his head to the side acting as though he were confused at her little reactions. It was clear this girl didn’t fit in with the whole bar or club scene; like watching a fish out of water. "What are you even trying to do?" She asked him as though he had some kind of ulterior motives. Still hiding her face behind her hands, she was starting to feel flustered with this guy sitting right next to her this closely. 
   "What am I trying to do?" He repeated. "Well, I'm typically a busy man, but I figured I'd take some time to entertain myself.". Celeste moved her hands from her face as she watched the man sip some more on his martini. 
   "Is making girls feel embarrassed how you entertain yourself?". She huffed. 
   "Not exactly -- it's just mildly amusing seeing drunk people humiliate themselves. I've already seen quite a few tonight.". The bartender came back sliding over the fruity concoction to Celeste. "What’s your name?" The stranger asked. There was no way in hell she was giving this guy her real name. 
   “...Celeste, and you?”. She took a sip of her mango lemonade as she stared at him; the slow changing colorful neon lights of the club illuminating both of them. 
   “Jericho.”. He held a gloved hand out to shake hers and Celeste hesitantly reciprocated. “So do you only come here for this bartender?”. Despite being thirsty and infatuated by Darius, Celeste wasn’t going to let Jericho say it out loud. 
   “A-at first it wasn’t like that. I usually only like going out with friends because I like dancing.” She noticed him raising a brow when she said that, making her look away -- she hated when people stared at her like this. “Then I met Darius here while he was working… He was so nice to me. Protecting me from creepy men and talking with me when I felt scared to head to the dance floor. It’s like he could read me so easily when I was upset and he always knows how to make me smile when I need it.”. Celeste paused for a moment as she felt herself smile softly at the memory of their first meeting. Her mind taking in the music on the speakers as she almost got lost in thought.
♫Suffocated from the radiated air around us
Full of happiness we don't have
Brightness gone so dark
Without you girl♫
   She could feel Jericho’s stare on her, almost snapping her out of her trance. Shyly looking back to him to meet his electric blue gaze, Celeste gave a weak smile. 
   “Sorry, I’m rambling. I just… I know he wouldn’t date me.”. Jericho stared at her then at his empty martini glass, setting it down before leaning his arm against the bar as he spoke to the shy starry eyed girl across from him. It was so oddly comforting to let out her woes to a stranger because in her mind she wasn’t expecting to ever see him again after tonight.
   “And why not? You seem like a nice young lady,” he said, catching Celeste off guard. “Have you actually tried asking him out?”. That was a good question and in all honesty, she really hadn’t. There was something almost endearing with the way she thought about the question before looking down at her hands that she had firmly on her lap. “Heh, I’m guessing that’s a ‘No’?”. Jericho stared curiously as the shorter of the two sighed before she moved a strand of her pastel purple hair from her face and looked back at him. Her deep tan colored skin had the neon lights of the club illuminating it as the two of them had shades of blue and purple wash over them from spotlights.  
   “Yeah… You’re right, I haven’t tried asking him. I guess I’m just not confident enough in myself.”. Celeste watched as Jericho chuckled at her again. “H-hey come on, what’s so funny?”. 
   “Heh, nothing. It just seems so strange to me that a girl -- who’d willingly put herself out there and dance with such confidence in herself -- believes that she’s lacking in the ability to charm someone.” he stated. It seemed like Jericho was trying to insinuate something to boost her a bit, but was it a genuine compliment or was he just curious to see how she’d react out of boredom? It didn’t matter as Celeste hadn’t picked up on the tone in his voice.
   “Well… Yeah. I do think that. You don’t really think I’m actually charming or cute enough to boldly ask him out,  do you?” Celeste sighed. That smirk appeared on his face again except Celeste didn’t look away nervously from him again. Her eyes didn’t break eye contact with his own.
   “And what if I do?” he asked. “What if I thought you were cute in a demure way?”. Jericho said all this knowing very well she couldn’t respond properly -- it seemed like he was enjoying seeing her quickly become sheepish. Even under all the slow changing colored lights, he can tell her face was blushing at his words. “Haha, you should try asking this Darius fellow out,” he expressed with that laughter Celeste has now come to find sickly captivating. “I’m sure he’d love to see you blush in embarrassment when you attempt to.”. 
   There was a moment of peaceful silence between them besides the music on the speakers while Celeste quietly sipped on her mango lemonade drink till she was finished. 
   “Perhaps it was a good thing she wasn’t an alcohol drinker…” he thought to himself. Jericho saw as Celeste slowly stood up, hands fidgeting with the end of her sweater crop top anxiously. 
   “You’re right, I-I can’t ever know the answer if I never try shooting my shot, you know?” Celeste stammered. “Er… O-Okay! I’ll go home and call to see if I can visit him later…” she shyly said with a nod, Jericho’s words reassuring her. It was a little hard to find a proper response to being enamored by an utter stranger, yet Celeste wanted to give him some kind of thank you. Awkwardly holding her hand out again, the bracelet around her wrist jingling. “Thanks for listening to me… I-it was nice meeting you, Jericho.”.
   “The pleasure’s all mine.” he responded without missing a beat, shaking her hand once more.
   “U-um… D-do you think I’ll see you again sometime?” Celeste asked. She hadn’t noticed her hand lingered in his hold for a bit before pulling it back quickly. 
   “Perhaps you’ll see me again,” Jericho lied, knowing how dangerous it’d be if she found out what he did for a living. “Besides, I’m sure I won’t forget your face.”. He really had to get that last jab in, huh? It looked like his last little compliment worked as Celeste gave him one more shy sweet expression, only this time she was smiling. “See you, around, Celeste.”.
   “Y-yeah… see ya, Jericho…”. The starry eyed woman left in a hurry, covering her face with the sleeve of her sweater on her way out. Jericho grinned as she left before ordering another drink from the bartender. As the song came to it’s last chorus, he began humming along softly, thinking how nice it would be if he allowed himself to see her again .
♫Time changed
We're different
But my mind still says redundant things
Can I not think?
Will you love this part of me
My lover is a day I can't forget
Furthering my distance from you
Realistically I can't leave now
But I'm okay as long as you
Keep me from going crazy
Keep me from going crazy♫
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bookclub4m · 4 years
Episode 114 - Hot Cocoa & Book Recommendations
This episode we’re Receiving Book Recommendations! Last episode we asked each other for books in specific areas and this week we’re back with our suggestions for table top role playing games, folklore, healthcare, poetry, urban fantasy and more.
You can download the podcast directly, find it on Libsyn, or get it through Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, Google Podcasts, Spotify, or your favourite podcast delivery system.
In this episode
Anna Ferri | Meghan Whyte | Matthew Murray | RJ Edwards
Things We Recommend
An Indie Tabletop Game
The Queen of Cups
TTRPG Safety Toolkit by Kienna Shaw & Lauren Bryant-Monk
The Skeletons
Slavic/Eastern European Folklore
Slavic Folklore: A Handbook by Natalie Kononenko
Natalie Kononenko (Wikipedia)
Nart Sagas from the Caucasus: Myths and Legends from the Circassians, Abazas, Abkhaz, and Ubykhs by John Colarusso
Baba Yaga: The Wild Witch of the East in Russian Fairy Tales
Baba Yaga cross stitch Matthew’s working on
Humanism in/of Healthcare
2020 Summer Reading for Compassionate Clinicians - The Gold foundation
The Finest Traditions of My Calling: One Physician's Search for the Renewal of Medicine by Abraham M. Nussbaum
Journal of Applied Hermeneutics - Canadian Hermeneutic Institute
Fiction that Surprises
Bunny by Mona Awad
Untold Night and Day by Bae Suah
Sci-fi/Fantasy set in the Contemporary World
The Scapegracers by Hannah Abigail Clarke
Trail of Lightning by Rebecca Roanhorse
Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker and Wendy Xu
Spellhacker by M.K England
The Lost Coast by A.R. Capetta
Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas
The Book of Phoenix by Nnedi Okorafor
The Nobody People by Bob Proehl
Urban Fantasy
Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Minimum Wage Magic by Rachel Aaron
Hull Zero Three by Greg Bear
Parasite Eve by Hideaki Sena
Parasite Eve (video game) (Wikipedia)
The Fog Knows Your Name
Curator of Ephemera at the New Museum for Archaic Media by Heid E. Erdrich
Ledger by Jane Hirshfield
Catrachos by Roy G. Guzmán
Dub: Finding Ceremony by Alexis Pauline Gumbs
Queer Poets Write About Nature by edited by Dylan Ce
Feminist Essay Collection
Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good by adrienne maree brown
Whipping Girl: A Transsexual Woman on Sexism and the Scapegoating of Femininity by Julia Serano
Fiction set at Christmastime/Non-Fiction about Christmas
Christmas Inn Maine by Chelsea M. Cameron
Glass Tidings by Amy Jo Cousins
The Battle for Christmas by Stephen Nissenbaum
Russian Language Learning Materials
Learn to Read and Write Russian - Russian Alphabet Made Easy
Sputnik: An Introductory Russian Language Course, Part I by by Julia Rochtchina
Space Opera
Binti by Nnedi Okorafor
To Be Taught, If Fortunate by Becky Chambers
Suggestions from our Listeners!
An Indie Tabletop Game
Bluebeard's Bride from Magpie Games
Slavic/Eastern European Folklore
Slavic Folklore: A Handbook by Natalie Kononenko
On the Banks of the Yaryn by Aleksandr Kondratiev
Humanism in/of Healthcare
The Language of Kindness: A Nurse’s Story by Christie Watson
Fiction that Surprises
Slade House by David Mitchell
Sci-fi/Fantasy set in the Contemporary World
Empire State by Adam Christopher
The Abyss Surrounds Us by Emily Skrutskie
Finna by Nino Cipri
Urban Fantasy
God Save the Queen by Kate Locke
Three Parts Dead by Max Gladstone
And the Trees Crept In by Dawn Kurtagich
Under the Pendulum Sun by Jeannette Ng
The Octopus Museum by Brenda Shaughnessy
Feminist Essay Collection
Hood Feminism by Mikki Kendall
This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color edited by Cherríe L. Moraga and Gloria E. Anzaldúa
Colonize This!: Young Women of Color on Today's Feminism edited by Bushra Rehman and Daisy Hernández
Turn This World Inside Out: The Emergence of Nurturance Culture by Nora Samaran
Fiction set at Christmastime/Non-Fiction about Christmas
Whiteout by Elyse Springer
Glad Tidings of Struggle and Strife by Llew Smith
Mangos & Mistletoe by Adriana Herrera
Better Not Pout by Annabeth Albert
Russian Language Learning Materials
We Read These Tales by Syllables by Vladimir Suteev
Space Opera
Alien People by John Coon
Dreamships by Melissa Scott
A Matter of Oaths by Helen S. Wright
Other Media We Mentioned
Ring by Kōji Suzuki
Tomie by Junji Ito
Spirit of the Season
The Coldest City by Antony Johnston and Sam Hart
Atomic Blonde (Wikipedia)
Saga, Vol. 1 by Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Staples
On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden
House of Reeds by Thomas Harlan
Links, Articles, and Things
Eisner Award for Best Lettering (Wikipedia)
Lambda Literary Award (Wikipedia)
Episode 078 - Supernatural Thrillers
Shadowrun (Wikipedia)
Give us feedback!
Fill out the form to ask for a recommendation or suggest a genre or title for us to read!
Check out our Tumblr, follow us on Twitter or Instagram, join our Facebook Group, or send us an email!
Join us again on Tuesday, December 1st we’ll be discussing the genre that you chose for us to read, New Weird Fiction!
Then on Tuesday, December 15th it’ll be our Best of 2020 episode!
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hazzabeeforlou · 4 years
Digging Deeper
Thanks @alienfuckeronmain for the tag, this I’ve loved reading everyone’s, and I tag @taintedlav @rahashirley @raisemybody @twopoppies @cuethetommo @metal-eye and @seasurfacefullofclouds1 if anyone wants to play!! 
1. Do you prefer writing with a black pen or blue pen? ink color matters less than ball-point-ness... 
2. Would you prefer to live in the country or city? I want a witch’s cottage with a giant messy garden on the edge of the moors and a forest a million miles away from everyone. So country. 
3. If you could learn a new skill what would it be? I’ve actually stretched myself this summer! Am learning French and guitar, and idk if it counts but learning my new job which I NEVER thought I could handle lol since I’ve never worked retail 
4. Do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? Honey ;)
5. What was your favourite book as a child? Well I have to say Narnia and Redwall, but when I was very tiny I loved this book about a girls who could whistle and speak to animals (named Mable) and the Velveteen Rabbit, and a book called “The Lost Princess” which is fucking amazing, by the precursor to CS Lewis, George MacDonald
6. Do you prefer baths or showers? I usually take showers because baths take too much time. Also baths are romantic and that makes me sad, and also I have to look at my body which, ug, not prepared to do that all the time rip
7. If you could be a mythical creature, which one would it be? Mer. Fucking. Maid. Though I’ve always wanted to fly too, I used to spend HOURS in the water just underwater swimming with my legs stuck together just pretending to be on ocean adventures
8. Paper or electronic books? I usually much prefer paper, but since I got these blue light blocking glasses I am finding i’m fine either way physically. Soul-wise though, yeah, paper
9. What is your favourite item of clothing? Probably my mango colored crop hoodie that I once smashed melting frozen blueberries on and then spent hours and days getting the stains out...
10. Do you like your name or would you like to change it? My real name is super boring and typical, though I do like it. I enjoy my tumblr name a lot, Toni, and it feels more genderless and constrictive than my actual name lol
11. Who is a mentor to you? I’ve had so many great teachers, but the biggest lesson I’ve learned in life is that so many you admire can be deeply flawed. I have lots of trust issues. I only take advice from a select few people, and they don’t include anyone ‘old and wise’ lol 
12. Would you like to be famous and if so, what for? Oh for sure, I used to want to be an actress or a rock star or whatever. Famous author. I would fucking LOVE to have a platform and help people and cheer people up and see people grocery shopping and have instant friends. I know that sounds terribly naive but I’ve said before I share a lot of Harry’s personality, and I just love flirting with people and smiling with them and giving hugs. Now, I would want to be famous as TONI me and not real me, because then I could never be myself because my fam would find out rip
13. Are you a restless sleeper? Depends on my mattress. Currently, yes, ugg. I wake up in an omega nesting scene from a fic every morning
14. Do you consider yourself a romantic person? Unfortunately yes. 
15. Which element best represents you? idk I usually say fire but I’m feeling more water lately 
16. Who do you want to be closer to? I’m working on getting to know my amazing sister better, and that’s been lovely.  
17. Do you miss someone at the moment? All my friends have been long distance for actual years, so i don’t miss anymore more than normal. I am missing just... the POTENTIAL for someone. This indefinite distancing is wearing on me. 
18. Tell us about an early childhood memory. I was like two or three, and we were out on a full moon walk and I was in my stroller in the red sheepskin bundled up, and I remember coming up our sidewalk and looking at the world and moon and thinking, “remember this moment, or you’re going to grow up and forget how wonderful it was.” Also when I was five I had a breakdown on my mom’s lap because “I’m going to grow up and be too big to be sung lullabies to!” and I didn’t want anything to change EVER  
19. What is the strangest thing you have eaten? I used to make a concoction of rye crackers, mustard, and pickles. Don’t ask
20. What are you most thankful for? all the opportunities I’ve had in life. I’m so massively privileged 
21. Do you like spicy food? depends on how hot
22. Have you ever met someone famous? I saw a few celebs in NYC, Shosh from Girls, the guy from Monk, Tim Gun, John Oliver (and his golden retriever) and I passed a drunk as a skin Alec Baldwin outside Lincoln Center one day. Probably other people I didn’t recognize. Oh and S**** M***** rented my instrument right before covid hit here, and drunk him (or high him) couldn’t believe he had a h*** to play around on, and then I saw him staring at mountains being the most stereotypical rich white boy ever, also he did not send out gay vibes but don’t let that stop your Shiall, please don’t let it  
23. Do you do you keep a diary or journal? I almost always start with the new year and do like. A day. And then forget. 
24. Do you prefer to use a pen or a pencil? PEN
25. What is your star sign? Aries sun, Aquarius moon, Pisces rising
26. Do you like your cereal soggy or crunchy? Depends on the cereal, those golden grams were BEST thoroughly soaked in milk fight me 
27. What would you want your legacy to be? make the world a little better 
28. Do you like reading, what was the last book you read? Yes but you know, i’m the worst at making time for it. Still getting through that Brief Interviews with Hideous Men or whatever it is
29. How do you show someone you love them? Just thinking of them and doing little things to surprise them, I think
30. Do you like ice in your drinks? Yep the smaller and more crush friendly the better 
31. What are you afraid of? I really do not. like. limb loss. no horror movies for me EVER
32. What is your favourite scent? wet Labrador because it means there’s a WET LABRADOR
33. Do you address older people by their name or surname? surname always unless I’ve always known them by firsts. Religion, man
34. If money was not a factor, how would you live your life? I have this dream of buying up all the land shitty developers snatch up in this country and ceding it back to its rightful owners. I’ve legit cried over little forests turned into parking lots, thanks Joni Mitchell 
35. Do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? pools are so clean and have no sharks or jellyfish. that said, they also have no waves... 
36. What would you do if you found £50 on the ground? turn it into the store it was closest to. I’m the lawful good box and yes I hate it
37. Have you ever seen a shooting star? YES in Breckenridge one year I saw a fucking meteor shower! I’ve wished on some, they’ve never come true I don’t think. 
38. What is the one thing you would want to teach your children? I’m too scared to have children even if I could (I can’t) because of the pressure of what would fuck them up and what wouldn’t 
39. If you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? I love my baby tat @alienfuckeronmain gave me, idk if I’d want another one someday, maybe a sister tat with my sis
40. What can you hear now? The fan, my typing, my parents watching old TV shows
41. Where do you feel the safest? With a pet outside in nature somewhere
42. What is the one thing you want to overcome/conquer? putting limits on things /myself/people
43. Of you could travel back to any era, what would it be? You know I used to really DREAM about this shit, but since I realized I would have genetically DIED in any other era, and that my dreaming was a literal result of white privilege since it would fucking SUCK to be anyone else (I mean even now it’s awful wtf) I just. Stick with the present. 
44. What is your most used emoji? the laughing face. oops. 
45. Describe yourself using one word. Supercalifragelisticexpialidocious
46. What do you regret the most? I have so many. social. anxiety. nightmares from my 28 years of life that haunt me
47. Last movie you saw? l think it was the Downton Abbey movie? 
48. Last tv show you watched? Monk 
49. Invent a word and it’s meaning. Surplumn. a really divinely wonderful thing, like ‘oh her lips are surplumn’ like a juicy chocolate mousse and perky breasts idk 
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