#using faq very loosely as i have received...no questions
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Hello, Horror Enthusiasts!
Thank you so much for your enthusiastic response to our Interest Check so far!
In addition to your excited comments, we've received a couple of questions about the zine and its contents. You'll find answers to those below.
Haven't had a chance to fill it out? Our interest check will remain open until until July 28th 11:59 EST.
Interested in being a part of the mod team? Apply today!
Are you set on the zine only being available digitally? I personally would love to see it being made into a physical copy.
Just to clarify, a paper copy of the zine is off the table, even though you're considering doing physical merch? Although I guess I can print stories myself if i'm determined. What about just the art as a few loose pages of decent quality glossy prints in an envelope?
Yes, the zine will be digital only. For more information on why, please see this post from Mod Kay. However, based on the responses to our interest check, it is very likely that we will have flat merch available alongside the digital bundle. Flat merch would include prints, stickers, and other items that can fit in an envelope.
curious if shipping will be allowed or if it will be gen only
As mentioned in our FAQ and Info Sheet, this zine will be gen only: For this project, we’ve chosen to keep the focus on horror rather than romance and relationships. We understand that horror and romance have had a long history together and are often found living together, however, for this project we’ve chosen to keep the focus on horror.
What would be the word limit for prose writing contributions? Can writers make both feature fiction and comic script contributions? Will we have a server where we can interact and gather through events like movie nights using the examples in the About document? This is a very exciting project and I am so pumped to see it developed.
The typical word count for writer contributions usually falls between 2k - 4k words. However, as we are a digital zine, there is more flexibility for longer works. The mod team will make a formal decision about word count available as part of a contributor information document closer to the application period.
Because we often have many more writers apply than we can accept, we will typically only accept a writer for either a feature fic OR a comic script writer. Should we have fewer than anticipated writer applications, we will consider allowing writers to have multiple roles.
All zine communication will take place on a private zine server. We do not have any movie nights planned but that does not mean we do not encourage them!
Have another question not answered here? Send us an ask or fill out our interest check (if you haven't already!)
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FAQ: In the Belly of the Beast
Is this a series? In the Belly of the Beast is less a series than a universe of fic. It’s a playground for me to write different scenarios while keeping the worldbuilding and relationship building from one story to the next.
Which characters are included? This universe of fics covers the men of Bonten+, meaning Wakasa, Benkei, Shion, and Hanma who I headcanon joining Bonten just not as top executives.
Are these stories reader/TR!boy? Yes! But with a twist.
What’s the twist? One man’s love interest will be the reader (y/n) in a fic where he is the focus, but in a fic where he is not the focus, that love interest will revert to a named character. In Devotion to the Girl in the Mirror, which is about Rindou, it is a Rindou x reader fic, but in A Labor of Love, which is about Kakucho, Rindou’s girlfriend is mentioned by name, and Kakucho’s girlfriend is the reader. Reader from Devotion to the Girl in the Mirror & Yasuko from A Labor of Love are the same character. This is true for every love interest.
What kinds of stories are part of this series? It will vary - multichaps, oneshots, smut, plot, etc.
What is your update schedule or order? I don’t have one for this series. I’ll post as I have inspiration, and it may be out of order both chronologically and in terms of which multichap I update first.
Are readers given descriptions? All the love interests have very defined backgrounds and personalities - I have something like 50 pages of character notes on these women - but I will not write appearance indicators that limit ethnicity or race for any story’s reader character.
Any warnings? This series features dark content. The members of Bonten are all VERY BAD men, even if they’re not bad boyfriends. They will engage in and be complicit in organized criminal activity typical of yakuza, including human traffickign, murder, extortion, drug trafficking, etc. The big call out is human trafficking as that will be explicitly discussed in some stories. Please heed the specific story and chapter tags and use discretion.
+ a couple disclaimers:
I crave specificity in writing, which means I do a lot of research on dumb shit as I write/plan. That said, I am not Japanese, and my research can only go so far, so names of places, people, businesses may not actually make much sense to a Japanese speaker, and I apologize for getting it wrong.
Likewise, I did a fair amount of research into criminal activity in Japan, but I will intentionally distort it in key ways - make things up, change names or structures, etc. - for two reasons: 1) I am not a criminal mastermind and don’t actually know how to get drugs into Tokyo; and 2) When discussing yakuza or government corruption, I don’t want to use real people or organizations because that would be fucking stupid. K thanks.
I will inconsistently use Japanese honorifics. If I’m using them, it’s likely to convey some information or establish tone, so if they’re in one scene and not the next, that’s why.
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Intro to Georgiansuggestion
The full version of this post is available on the browser version of the blog; what follows is a slightly abridged FAQ for app users.
Is there a way I can support the blog?
Not right now. I’m working on fixing things up! (Not post plus though.)
What is this? Who are you?
Georgiansuggestion is a parody suggestion blog, centered on the theme of the Georgian Era (1714-1830 England, Ireland, and Scotland, give or take).
It’s also become an ask blog based on the Editor, a persona associated with the blog (more information below).
I’m just a blogger with a passing interest in this era; I am not a historian or researcher, and I won’t be able to help you with real questions about this time period.
Where do you get your suggestions?
A lot of the early suggestions come from background knowledge, Wikipedia, Jane Austen’s World, and other online sources. They still will, but I am also drawing from books and articles (full list in the browser FAQ).
I also take suggestions from readers!
How do I make a suggestion?
You can submit suggestions directly via the submit link, or else send an anonymous ask if you’d prefer not to have your url attached to your suggestion. Suggestions are usually short, no more than 30 words, and start with a verb. If you want to take your suggestion from good to great, include a side note specifying who or what the suggestion refers to, so I can tag it if I’m not familiar.
I may edit suggestions for clarity and style.
Who is The Editor, and what’s the deal with all these Dear Sir asks?
Unfortunately I won’t answer any new message about depression or suicidal ideation as of September 7, 2018.
The Editor is a persona based loosely on an upper-middle-class man, and he grows along with the blog as it updates and people ask him things. I sometimes post updates about him, his family, his physician, and his cat, but this is not a role-playing blog. I won’t interact in long-form reply chains or send asks, and only rarely reply to comments on suggestions.
A lot of wonderful things have sprung up from answering questions in his persona, especially readers who emulate the 18th century pastiche writing style, so feel free to ask whatever you like! However, if you could keep your letters to 3 parts or less I’d appreciate it.
Due to the volume of questions I receive, I have to take them slowly for my own well-being and usually answer them in the order I received them. This means I can take a VERY long time to get to questions, depending on the volume of my inbox. I’m not ignoring your hard work!
If your question wasn’t answered, it was either lost, or I couldn’t think of a way to answer it that made sense/was entertaining. I’m sorry!
I try to use common sense when answering questions which might not be for The Editor, but if you want to make it extra clear just make a note that it’s for me, the mod.
This is the ONLY historical suggestion blog I run. Any other suggestion blogs using the “Editor” format are not me, nor are they affiliated with me.
That’s not how you write et cetera!
Yes, the Editor writes &c incorrectly.
Can you tag [X]?
Sure! Send me an ask and I’ll tag all future posts which include whatever topic you need tagged.
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Carpe Noctem [an original vampire zine]:
Interest Check Results 📊
At long last, the results of our interest check are here!
First, thank you all (again) for your interest in our zine. We were blown away by the amount of responses we got (238??) and in such a short time! We were already at 100 responses in the first 24 hours of posting the interest check; we’re so glad everyone is just as excited as we are!
Moreover, thank you for sticking with us through some early delays. Your continued support means a lot and we’re incredibly grateful.
Some housekeeping: You may have noticed that we’re currently in the process of updating our social media, so pardon our dust. We have however updated our FAQ with some new info. We’re also getting close to launching our applications before the end of the month! Leading up to applications, we’ll be doing some official Mod Introduction posts, so you can get to know us better :’)
We’re looking at an art-heavy zine, with a strong writer showing as well (considering space needed for writing vs. art, we’re aiming for a fairly balanced book)
Price Range:
Main Zine $20-$30 range. Zine + Merch tiers: $30-$40 and above.
Split Profit (more details TBA!)
Zine Format:
Both Physical and Digital versions A possible Digital expansion Inclusion of a NSFW / 18+ booklet
While final merch will be confirmed later, we can confidently say we will have:
art prints enamel pins sticker sheets keychains large stickers
And that’s the highlights! Keep an eye out for our more upcoming announcements (soon...) and as always, feel free to drop us an ask.
[ Detailed Breakdown and Image IDs below "Keep reading" ].
F A Q ☽ ��M O D S ☆ T W I T T E R ☾ A S K
⯈ Participation
Most people are interested in participating as artists, with a whopping total of 156 responses (47.7%). 100 responses are interested in buying the zine (30.6%), and 71 indicated interest in participating as writers (21.7%).
⯈ Price Range
Survey participants chose from four different ranges: $15-$20, $20-$30, $30-$40, and $50+. The results for just purchasing the zine were closely tied at 114 responses for the $15-$20 tier, and 115 for the $20-$30 tier, with only 9 responses for the $30-$40 tier. For zine + merch bundles, there were 49 responses for the $20-$30 tier, 128 responses for the $30-$40 tier, and 34 responses for the $50+ tier.
⯈ Zine Funds
Zine funds indicate where the profits would go. We were deciding between for profit, non-profit, and split profit. The results were largely in favor of split-profit (48.7%) with solely for-profit in second place (36.1%) and solely non-profit last (15.1%). We have decided to go with split profit. Specific charitable organization(s) will be decided after final contributors weigh in.
⯈ Zine Format
Most want a physical zine (76.9%) while a lot want both physical and digital formats available (14.7%), and some want just a digital copy (8.4%). We plan on having both a physical and digital option, and depending on the amount of applications we receive, we’re also open to the idea of having an expanded digital version so we can increase the number of accepting contributors while remaining economical.
18+ Booklet?
While the results aren’t displayed on our graphs here, the responses to our question about a possible 18+ booklet were highly in favor. Thus, we will be having a supplemental 18+ booklet along with our main zine and merch. More details on that to come.
⯈ Merch Options
We had a ton of merch options! Note that we may add more types of merch later. To go over our top merch choices:
Small Art prints: 157 (70.7%)
Enamel Pins: 150 (67.6%)
Sticker Sheets: 141 (63.5%)
Keychains: 127 (52.2%)
Large Stickers: 118 (53.2%)
Bookmarks: 102 (45.9%)
Bonus Art Booklet: 93 (41.9%)
Buttons: 90 (40.5%)
Larger Art Prints: 89 (40.1%)
Handmade Mod Bonuses: 48 (21.6)
While our exact offerings will be partially determined by our contributors and what they’d like to create, most of these will likely be available with the zine. We’re also workshopping some ideas for more writing-based merch offerings, so our writers can get in on the merch fun as well~
[Image ID: A series of four images. The first image is a black and white Victorian style picture with the words interest check results on it. In the image are three figures. The main figure is a woman-presumably a vampire-with a shawl over her head and back and dark hair. She is reaching over the second main figure, a blonde woman laying on her back in bed asleep, an arm over her head and the blanket pulled part way down. In the background is the third figure, a man in a Victorian style suit with short hair and a moustache. He is entering the room and still part way behind the door, unnoticed by the other two figures. In a hand obscured by the door he is holding a long knife, possibly a sword, and his gaze is focused on the dark haired woman with a serious expression on his face.
The second image is half a black and white picture and half a pie chart infographic, described above under Participation. The picture depicts a Victorian couple, a woman and a man, embraced in a kiss. The woman has long dark hair, a wide hate with a dark feather on top, and a dark dress with a bustle. Her arms and hands are around the man's head and neck as they kiss. The man is wearing a long coat, his back turned towards the viewer so the rest of his clothes are obscured. He has his hat in one hand and the other is obscured. His hair is dark and there are large, bat-like wings emerging from his back.
The third image is half a black and white picture and half a stacked bar graph and pie chart infographic, described above under Price Range and Zine Funds. The picture is a window like image depicting an outdoor scene. There are two main figures, with a large crowd of less distinct figures in the background, watching the two in the foreground. Both main figures are men, both wearing white shirts and wearing hats of two different styles. The one in the front is near the bottom of a hole, kneeling in front of an open coffin with a skeleton inside. He has a leather vest over his shirt and a dark beard with a moustache. He is driving a stake through the skeletons chest area and recoiling as it results in a cloud of smoke, his other hand up to protect his face. The man further back is also recoiling from the cloud and has a very shocked expression on his face. He has one arm up to protect his face and the other hand is still holding a shovel. In the background at the front of the watching crowd is a finely dressed man with poufy sleeves and a large feathered hat who seems to be supervising the event with an indistinct expression. Under the image is a caption that reads “Le Vampire, lithographie de R. de Moraine, tirée des Tribunaux secrets”.
The fourth image is half a black and white picture and half a pie chart and bar chart infographic, described above under Zine Format and Merch Options. The picture is of two figures. The main figure is a woman with dark hair, dark eyeshadow, and a white dress. She is in profile, but glancing down at the second figure. a man who is lying on his back in bed. She is kneeling on the bed next to him, her hands on either side of his chest while she has a seductive smile on, revealing pointed fangs. The man is in a loose shirt, still asleep. One arm is hanging over the side of the be, while his other hand rests on top of his chest. He has short dark hair and a moustache. End Image ID.]
F A Q ☽ M O D S ☆ T W I T T E R ☾ A S K
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Voiceteam 2020 Info Post
Voiceteam is a Discord-based team scavenger hunt for the podfic community. Teams will earn points for making different voice-based or voice-adjacent creations. Each week in the month of May, teams will get a list of ten point-earning challenges and then will be set loose to strategize, create, and have fun!

Sign-ups: April 20-30 Discord server opens: April 30 Week 1—Introductions: May 1-7 Week 2—Music: May 8-14 Week 3—Adventure: May 15-21 Week 4—Endings→Beginnings: May 22-28 Amnesty: May 29-31 Results & Party: June 1
Voiceteam runs on GMT. Your mods, klb and cantarina, are in EDT and PDT.
1. Completed creations should be turned in to the mods. Creations can be turned in via email ([email protected]) or via the Submissions channel on the Voiceteam Discord. A mod will confirm a) that they saw the creation and b) the number of points it is worth. If you don’t receive mod confirmation or disagree with the point value, please follow up!
2. Individual players will have a cap for how many points they can earn per week. (We’ll also be trying to spread very prolific podficcers between the teams!) If you’ve capped out for the week, you can still participate by supporting and cheering for your other team members!
3. There is no minimum level of participation. This challenge is all about adding fun and connection to our lives, not adding stress! If you choose to sit a week out or to only take on one challenge per week, that is perfectly allowed. If you decide to just hang out in chat from time to time to say hi and cheer on their team, and you end up not making any creations, that’s allowed as well. Self-care is paramount!
4. Challenges will sometimes leave room for interpretation. If you are not sure whether something counts, please check with the mods. We support creativity, so we will be generous with what we allow!
5. Minors (and over-18 folk who prefer to avoid mature content) are welcome to participate in Voiceteam! Where needed, two Discord channels will be provided to a group: a general-access channel and a NSFW channel.
6. Each team member has the final decision about their own creations (including their part in collaborative creations, if they choose to participate in any). There are no requirements about the quality or size of your creations.
7. The mods are committed to supporting a positive experience for all players! Please feel free to come to the mods to request support with any issues, including but not limited to: feelings of exclusion, conflict with a group member, and concerns about the rules or structure of Voiceteam. We will keep your concerns confidential unless you give us the go-ahead to share them, but we can help you think up solutions or make mod-level changes as needed to address the problem. For more serious problems, our anti-harassment policy is linked here.
Where did this idea come from?
Voiceteam is inspired by a combination of Amplificathon, GISH, and the 2000s eras sorting and landcomms on LJ. (Name inspiration is from here.) We wanted a point-based podfic event like Amplificathon used to be, and we also wanted an event with excitement, fun, and occasional silliness, where anybody who loved podfic would feel welcome and would have plenty of opportunities to bond and make new friends!
Do I have to be a podficcer to join?
No! You just have to love podfic. Every week’s challenges will include some non-voice options, like feedback or graphics. No one has to do every single challenge.
How big of a commitment is this going to be?
No bigger than you want it to be! The point of this challenge is to have fun and make friends, and if you end up getting inspired to create a bunch of stuff, cool. If not, that’s also cool.
Okay, but what if my version of fun is to scheme with my team members and Crush The Competition?
Go for it! Just make sure that it’s all in good fun and that team members with different reasons for participating don’t feel pressured.
What is Discord?/Tell me more about how the Discord server is going to work.
Discord is a chat-based platform. Every server (like the Voiceteam server) can host multiple text and voice chat channels. Some of the channels will be open to the entire Voiceteam community and some will be visible only to members of your team.
Voiceteam players will be emailed an invitation to the Voiceteam Discord server on April 30th. You can spend the first day saying hi and getting to know your team—we’ll provide some optional icebreaker questions you can answer for each other—and then the first list of challenges will be posted at midnight (GMT) on May 1st (as the clock is ticking over from the 30th).
How will the teams work?
When you sign up, we’ll get some information about your fannish likes and your preferred group dynamics. We’ll use that to form teams! The exact numbers and sizes will depend on the number of sign-ups, but our ideal is 10–15 people per team. If you are assigned a team and feel that it is not the right match for you, please contact the mods and we can reassign you.
Once you are assigned a team, anything you create counts toward your team’s point total. Beyond that, being on a team can be as interactive as you want. You can hang out in your team’s Discord channel all the time to chat and scheme and create with team members, or you can just check in every now and again to say hi and see if there’s anything happening you want to participate in. Or anything in between!
How do I earn points?
At the midnight (GMT) that begins each new week, a list of ten challenges will be posted in the Discord’s public channel, along with an update on point totals for each group so far. As soon as the new challenges are posted, the former week’s challenges no longer earn points until the Amnesty days.
During the Amnesty days, you can turn in anything you didn’t submit on time, but their point values will be halved.
What’s an example of what a challenge might look like?
This is tricky to answer, because we don’t want to give any of the challenges away in advance! But, for example, if this were a comm about dance rather than podfic, an example challenge might be:
Create an interpretive dance about a fandom trope. Bonus points if more than one team member contributes dance moves! (10 points baseline, +2 per additional member)
The tasks involved in the challenges have a wide range: art, photos, feedback, group chats with your team, recorded audio, and of course full podfic (or oral not!fic). There will even be an opportunity to incorporate other areas of interest, like cooking or gardening!
Note that in the above example, there are bonus points for collaborations between multiple team members. This will be true for many, though not all, of the challenges, and will always be noted in the challenge description.
What if I was already working on something before Voiceteam started? Is there a way to get points for it?
Any creation can earn points for a Voiceteam challenge as long as it is completed during the time that challenge is active. This includes WIPs you were already working on that happen to align with one of the challenges.
How do I sign up?
Head to this post!
What does the winning team win?
BRAGGING RIGHTS but the real prize is the friends we made along the way.
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Welcome to Ace Water Spa If you’re looking An all-weather indoor facility that features hydrotherapy massage for the whole family. Enjoy our heated pools, lapping pool, steam, sauna and hydro-spa.
If you’re looking for a splashing good time, you don’t need to go all the way to those out-of-town water parks or schedule an entire weekend beach trip to play and let loose in the water. You can find your very own aqua escape conveniently located in Pasig or Quezon City at ACE Water Spa!
Ace Water Spa is the all in one entertainment hub you need to discover. They have herbal pools also they have a complimentary covered parking and 25 ultrasonic massage systems and 4 herbal pools. They have clean air conditioned locker and shower rooms ,they also observation deck for those who wants to see around the pools.
Price is definitely affordable for a soothing and undeniably stress relieving experience in the city. Definitely recommended.
Ace Water Spa are for all ages. They have especially designed pool for kids that includes the famous Lazy River where a small square surfboard are provided, just lean and let your body go as the river flows. Adults are also allowed in this area and I must say, we unexpectedly enjoyed this river .
Ace water spa is a hydrotherapy. It helps cleansing, relaxing and healing as well all in one place. Difference from manual hand massage, water spa is where you can focus which body parts needs more attention.
Location can easily find from Robinsons Pioneer St. straight ahead until reach United St. turn right and see Ace Hotel.
Locations :
Located in : Ace Hotel & Suites
Address: United St. Corner Brixton St. Near Pioneer
Frequently/ asked questions (FAQ’s)
What is Ace Water spa?
What is hydrotherapy massage?
What is the proper attire of Ace water Spa?
What do I need to bring when availing of a spa?
Private and public mode of transportations
New Normal Operations Hours Daily
Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Sun = 6Am -10pm
Fri,Sat 6am -10pm
Price is definitely affordable for a soothing and undeniably stress relieving experience in the city. Definitely recommended!
Ø Ace water spa are not into a reservation type, they are open for walk in type only.
When it comes to food, ACE Water Spa recommends you eat a full 30 minutes before dipping into their pools. Eating is strictly prohibited in the pool areas but you can eat after your stay at the Ace Coffee Lounge.
Please be reminded of the ff: 1 Bring your own personal hygiene products, towel, and swimming attire preferrably spandex materials because these are strictly observed. 2 Wear your key bracelet with you all the time. Lost key fee is 200 (pricey) 3 There are package counter in the spa area where you can put your towel while your on the pool. 4 Swimming cap is provided by Ace. 5 There are purified water dispenser near the spa area. 6 For short nap, you may use the resting area near the locker room.
Here’s the things why you must visit in ACE WATER SPA
ACE Water Spa offers multiple packages for any occasion, so if you want to celebrate a birthday, have an office outing, or simply go with a big group of friends, don’t hesitate to call them and ask about the best package for you!
Ø The standard ACE Water Spa rate for spa service is P600 for adults and P300 for children below four feet. What does this get you? It gets you four hours of unlimited access to all of the wet and dry areas of the spa, meaning you get to enjoy whichever pools and amenities you want at your own pace.
Ø In order for their specialized water jets to have their intended therapeutic effect, ACE Water Spa has a strict dress code when it comes to swimwear. You’re only allowed to wear fitted (preferably Spandex) swimwear; board shorts, beach shorts, undergarments, and shirts are a no-go. But don’t worry! If you don’t have the swimwear you need or are comfortable with, ACE Water Spa has the option of renting or buying the appropriate attire at their swim shop.
Ø When it comes to food, ACE Water Spa recommends you eat a full 30 minutes before dipping into their pools. Eating is strictly prohibited in the pool areas but you can eat after your stay at the Ace Coffee Lounge.
Ø ACE Water Spa offers multiple packages for any occasion, so if you want to celebrate a birthday, have an office outing, or simply go with a big group of friends, don’t hesitate to call them and ask about the best package for you!
What to do?
From Olympic lapping pools to soothing Jacuzzi hot tubs and fun and gigantic pool areas, there’s sure to be a watering spot at ACE Water Spa that you’ll enjoy.
If you’re looking to just relax and have a good time, then you can start off in the massage areas of the spa. These are specially designed spots that let you relax and recharge with varying degrees of intensity. Hot herbal spas are also available for a more aromatic and recharging dip.
The Kid’s Area is also a perfect spot for the whole family to hang around and have fun. Giant water guns, floor fountains, and even a lazy river are all great ways to spend your afternoon!
You can even get a good workout in, if that’s more of your speed! ACE Water Spa has 25m lapping pools that you can dive into if you’re looking to get your heart rate pumping between all of the rest and relaxation.
Ace Hotel & Suites
If going for a dip and getting wet isn’t your thing, then you can take still have a good time at Ace Hotel & Suites. At the same location as ACE Water Spa’s Pasig branch, Ace Hotel & Suites is an extension of the ACE Water Spa hospitality that goes outside of the pool.
Like the name says, Ace Hotel & Suites is a hotel- meaning that you can extend your water spa day into a whole weekend! They also have more restaurants and function rooms, making them better equipped to hold big celebrations. And, last but not least, it wouldn’t be possible to talk about Ace Hotel & Suites without mentioning their incredible and up-to-date KTV Rooms, truly making it an easy choice for a great night out.
Ø Kids area
Ø Soft massage
Ø Moderate massage
Ø Hard massage
Ø Hot herbal pools
Steam, sauna &pools
Ø The play and swim have “for kids with high rate of activities to choose from
Kids Pool:
Ø A specially designed pool idealsmall kids. Play hide and seek in mushroom falls as you get hit by a big Water gun.
Soft massage
Bubble Bed where you can lay down comfortably on the designed bubble bed to fully feel the air and bubbles emitted on the surface through small holes as it slightly beats down your back, buttocks and feet.
Bubble Pool which effectively massages the temporal pressure points specifically on the back portion of the legs and hip area.
Bubble Massage which has an effect of "feel good all over" after bathing as air combined with warm water comes out on holes at the floor surface that massages the body.
Hydro-Acupuncture Bed which produces the effects of acupuncture that allows a person to enjoy the pricking sensation through the use of highpressure warm water with air coming from the tiny holes within the bed surface.
Moderate massage:
Rainfall Acupuncture best enjoyed when lying face down wherein million raindrops with various intensities gently massage every part of the body.
Eight Nozzle Shower which is designed as an alternative way of cooling down after using the hot herbal pools, steam and sauna if you do not want to use the cold pool.
Hydro-Buoyancy Massage which uses a jet driven water from the bottom that creates suppleness to build a floating sensation especially when combined with breathing exercises.
Buttocks Massage – In which water pressure gushes out on the surface which hits and rubs down the buttocks while sitting comfortably.
Jet Chair which water pressure gushes out directly towards the meridian points of the body to eliminate stress and at the same time loosens up tight muscles in a sitting position.
Jet Chair with Foot Massage which water pressure gushes out directly towards the meridian points of the body while simultaneously receiving foot massage in a sitting position.
In hard massage section, there are:
Head & Shoulder Massage -The water coming from the equipment strongly hits the upper portion of the body.
Water Falls - The surging water from the falls strikes in all parts of the body largely on the upper portion.
Multi-point Massage - The surrounding wall towers with water nozzles injects variety of water pressure that massages different parts of the body.
Chest Jet Massage which is best relished in a squatting position to fully feel the water presure that strikes directly towards your chest.
Waist Jet Massage is system that uses high and low water jet nozzles that produces strong water pressure. Upper
Body Jet Massage - Rigid water pours down from the elevated jets rubbing down the upper parts of the body.
This Massage system is NOT RECOMMENDED for those with osteoporosis.
Ø High Pressure Massage - This system uses high and low water jet nozzles that produces strong water pressure.
Hot Herbal Jacuzzi:
Mint Jacuzzi - With a temperature of 36 ‘C
Jasmine Jacuzzi – With a temperature of 38 ‘C
Ø Will surely make you invigorated with relaxing your muscles their pool is marked at 38’C.
Lavender Jacuzzi – With a temperature of 40 ’C
Ø Is the hottest pool with 40CA as. Its temperature while The lavender scent keeps keeps the skin soft and smooth.
Sauna and Steam Room:
The Steam and Sauna will remove excess water and fats from the body. As you step outside in this area, the cool and misty natural fog that is sprayed in the area will surely complete this heavenly ambiance.
Other Sections are: Cold Pool This is the fastest way to cool down after using the hot herbal pools, steam or sauna. Contrast Therapy Plunge is a special hydrotherapy experience wherein an alternate plunging into the hot herbal pools and cool pool takes place. Lapping Pool Approximately 25m 4-lane swimming pool is ideal for swimmers and soon-to-be swimmers to practice their "winning" strokes.
Ø Parking – valet options
Ø Receptions area
Ø Organized shoe racks
Ø Shower area
Ø Resting area
Ø Hot herbal Pools
Ø Sauna
Ø Restaurant – Ace coffee Lounge
Ø Swim Shop
Ø Spacious Locker Rooms
Ø Changing Area (For women)
Ø 25;5lanes Lapping Pool
Ø Hydro theraphy Spa Area
Ø Steam
Ø Floor mountain
Ø Sky Garden
Ø Now that you already have an idea on what to expect inside, you may want to ask how much woul it cost us to get inside.
ENTRANCE FEE: (Inclusion of 4 hours use of amenities, a locker and a head cap)
P550.00 - Adult P250.00 - Kid P250.00 - Kid (4 ft. & below)
Proper Attire:
Ø Only tight bathing suit for ladies and trunks or cycling shorts for male are allowed. Branded swimming board shorts or beach shorts will not be allowed since these have the tendency to inflate because of the strong water and air pressure generated during hydrotherapy. Wearing of undergarments or shirts on top of our swimwear is also prohibited. However, you may opt to rent or purchase quality swimwear at very reasonable prices at Ace Swim Shop. (As per Ace Water Spa rules and regulations). Don’t forget to bring your own towel.
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*Please note all opinions stated are my own, I suggest forming your own opinion in the end*
Hello!! So I am going to give you a list of some questions that I reccomend asking any conjurer that you plan on requesting services from.
Do know that you have the right to know the answer to all of these questions, none of them are too intrusive or hard to answer. If they are unwilling to answer, they aren’t worth your time.
Make sure to check if the question is on their page or FAQ!!
Oh, make sure to tell them you are asking a prewritten set of questions so they know you aren’t asking because you are interested in doing shady things.
Remember that they are indeed people too, and you should respect their beliefs and wishes for their practice. If you disagree, you have the option not to adopt from them. Don’t rush or nag them for answers either. People get busy.
Now lets get into it!
1. How long have you been conjuring and vetting?
🌲In my opinion, it is best for conjurers to have a minimum of 3 years experience.
2. How long do you vet for?
🌲In my opinion, an experienced conjurer should vet for no less than 2-3 weeks. An inexperienced conjurer should have spirits in vetting for 3 months minimum.
3. How many spirits do you currently have in vetting?
🌲If they have a lot, keep in mind that it is harder to juggle time for every single spirit. Maybe look into their methods on time management.
4. How many companions do you personally have?
🌲Don’t ask for anything but a rough estimate, if it’s a high number you can possibly follow up with ”Oh! How do you make time for your companions and the matchmaking center?”
5. Do you think spirit collecting/hoarding is an issue?
🌲My personal opinion, I think hoarding is one of the biggest and most common issues in this community. Especially with certain types of shops!
6. What happens if a spirit from you gets put in a highly unsafe environment?
🌲I hope they say that they will take the spirit back temporarily or permanently into their safe care. Let’s say your wards fail and a crap ton of spirit eating parasites fly in, the spirit should hopefully be able to return to the conjurer for help. Or if the spirit is in a hoarding situation, they should be able to go back to the conjurer at once.
7. What is your companion matching process like?
🌲This is an important one man. Do the humans choose the being, does the being chose the human, both? It’s also good to know about safety methods and the time frame of the adoption.
8. Do you work with spirits from closed cultures?
🌲If they say yes, please rethink your current stance. Beings from closed cultures most often do not want human contact from outside of their culture. It would be dangerous and irresponsible for everyone involved.
9. Do you sell adolescent beings?
🌲Again, no one wants to support a child slave market so make sure you don’t.
10. If you do vessel tethers, what is your tethering method like?
🌲This is important!! Can the spirit undo the binding if in danger? Does the binding harm the spirit? How strong is the binding?
11. Should I know how to ward before obtaining a companion from you?
🌲The answer should always be yes, I don’t make the rules.
12. Do your spirits NEED a constant energy source?
🌲Spirits USUALLY don’t need a constant energy source. This is more of the thoughtform/servitor thing, as spirits are usually very able to survive perfectly on their own.
13. In what ways should I prepare for a spirit companion from you?
🌲Whether it be preparing a vessel, specific offerings or a small astral space for them, you probably want to know what they expect upon arrival!
14. Do you know how to ward?
🌲I HIGHLY believe that conjurers and spirit workers in general should know how to ward correctly and safely.
15. How do you meet spirits to be matched?
🌲Some conjurers conjure spirits to their astral space, some wander around familiar realms, and some even just invite spirits to a specific physical room. This is important to know so you can double-check with your new companion that the conjurer is being truthful about their methods.
16. Do you involve any aspects of religion into your spirit working practice? If so, may I know about that if your spirits are from a specific type of religion?
🌲I mostly ask this because sometimes people receive demon companions without knowing the lore behind their race if there is one known by humans, and this can happen to many species.
17. Would you allow a minor to match to a being that is sexual in nature?
🌲This is personally a HUGE red flag for me if they say yes, the age of consent around the world is usually 16+ but I find it really creepy for adult spirits to want to bang a teenage human.
18. Do your spirits have the ultimate decision about their companion?
🌲In my opinion, most good shops let the spirit chose their human companion.
19. Do you match beings who are dangerous in nature? Why or why not?
🌲In my opinion, I believe ’dangerous’ beings CAN be adopted out to responsible and skilled people. I use the term dangerous loosely here.
20. Is there anything else I should know about you, your practice or your center?
🌲This includes past reviews, current sales, current events, times the conjurer is available, etc.
Blessed be! Please stay safe this october!!!
#spirit work#spirit companions#spiritblr#divination#spirit compnaionship#spiritual#spirit adoption#spirit matchmaking#spirit communication#spiritualpath#witchblr#witch community#baby witch#witches#spirit adopt
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Last week I talked about Kickstarter, which is one of the ways we’re making and getting our game worlds out to you, and so this week, let’s look at some of our other venues – because they are evolving as well!
First, there’s DriveThruRPG.com, which is still our primary sales partner when it comes to PDFs and physical books printed on demand. We also use DTRPG‘s servers for distributing Backer PDFs to our Kickstarter backers as needed.
DTRPG is an excellent fit for our business as keeping books on an eternal virtual bookshelf frees us up from paying for warehouse space for every book, plus they’re great to work with, and take care of the two types of ways you can get our projects: PDFs and PoDs.
They continue to improve their set-up, and in fact, are migrating to cloud-based servers right now. They are working on bringing regular features back on line – including PoD ordering. So, if you have a slow-down or can’t get onto the site; that’s the reason. Try again, and rest assured they’ll be done their server migration bug-fixing very soon.
Dystopia Rising: Evolution illustration by Sam Denmark
Next, and I’m basically talking about these in the order we started working with them, are our friends at Indie Press Revolution aka IPR.
We started working with IPR as a way for us to offer the various Deluxe or Prestige Kickstarted projects for sale after we shipped the KS backers their rewards. We always print more books than we have backer rewards so that we can replace damaged or lost rewards, and any extras past those we send to IPR.
Over the years, they have also started offering some of the books we’ve Kickstarted in order to get them into stores on their site, where retailers as well as individuals like yourselves can order our projects.
Here’s the Onyx Path Publishing page on IPR‘s site: https://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/ And the list of stores that carry games via IPR: https://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Stores.html If someone’s local store is listed already, they just need to remind them and maybe place an order with them. If someone’s local store is not listed, they can have them check out the Retailer FAQ: https://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/IPR-Prospective-Retailer-FAQ.html So, if a local game store has not ordered from IPR before they can set up an account and order directly from them. The above FAQ link will help answer a few questions and they can get started here: https://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Retailer-Information.html
So, with IPR you can make an order, or you can ask your retailer to do so, and they have info and tools to help you make that happen. Right now, as pictured with this blog, and noted below in the Blurbs!, IPR has both the Deluxe Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition, and the Deluxe Beckett’s Jyhad Diary just coming available!
So if you missed out on their KSs, or have heard great things about either or both books, now’s your chance to own them!
Geist 2e illustration by the legendary John Cobb.
Studio2 gets mentioned a lot lately with our shift in running Kickstarters to get our game books traditionally printed and into retail stores. Their ability to fulfill sending out KS backer rewards and strong distribution network has made working with them an excellent choice for Onyx Path.
The fact that they handle all the fixes that come out of shipping thousands of backer rewards per Kickstarter in an efficient and friendly way means that they complement James’ customer service efforts with our KSs. Which I certainly appreciate, and I hope backers do as well.
We have been building up our “best practices” with Studio2 for over a year (or is it two?) with our creator-owned books, and then Changeling: The Lost 2e, and not long now that will all pay off with our Scion 2e double feature of Scion Origin and Scion Hero.
Which will be the largest ship-out and the first time an Onyx Path owned game line is made available for distribution and retail for us by Studio2, so we’re pretty excited to see how it all works out!
Trinity Continuum: Aeon illustration by Grzegorz Pedrycz.
So those are the three sales partners we’re using to get our projects out to you. All can be contacted by retailers interested in stocking our books, with more and more of our projects being traditionally printed and available through distribution.
Then we have our efforts on Amazon, with our fiction going up there ready for your Kindle, or over at B&N and for the Nook. Now that we’re putting books out via Studio2, you’ll also see those books available on Amazon. There are also the storefronts for the online gaming venues like Fantasy Grounds where you’ll find Scarred Lands material suitable for use while online gaming.
Expect that our methods will evolve and change in those venues too, as we get more familiar with what people are looking for. That’s one of the reasons that we are experimenting with Matthew Dawkins reading the opening to the Scarred Lands novel Vigilant. (Available for free on DTRPG or on our YouTube channel). We wonder if some audio books might not fit into folks’ busy lives.
Because, at the end of the day, we want to be able to offer folks a chance to explore our worlds, in whatever method they find best for enjoying them. We’re always following those paths as they all lead to one:
Many Worlds, One Path!
NEXT UP! We’ll be starting the Kickstarter for the Deluxe version of EX3‘s Lunars on February 12th at 2pm Eastern US time – so don your beast forms and let loose a howl (or snarl or squawk or hiss) to let everyone know it’s coming!
Illustration by Michael Gaydos
This Friday’s Onyx Pathcast features an interview with Trinity Continuum: Aeon developer (and long-time WW and Onyx Path writer and dev) John Snead! https://onyxpathcast.podbean.com/
And Here’s More Media About Our Worlds:
If YOU have a podcast, YouTube or Twitch channel, or talk about games on a blog or other website, and want to perform actual plays or make reviews of our games, please reach out to the Gentleman Gamer on the Onyx Path forum. From there we’ll share emails and get you started, so when you do start producing content we’ll be able to promote it on our blog and YouTube channel!
First, let’s get our content out of the way! Matthew Dawkins continues to run They Came from Beneath the Sea! for the good folks of Red Moon Roleplaying. This game sees They Came From taking a more horrifying, Lovecraftian angle to the camp and farce many expect of it. Episode 2 can be found both here https://youtu.be/gV3LJbdZHPM and in audio format on redmoonroleplaying.com
Additionally, Matthew continues to run his Scion story dubbed Tokyo Noir, in which four Scions explore the dark side of Tokyo in search of a killer who appears to be cutting their victims up into kanji-shaped chunks. Matthew is running this game with direct input from the people commenting on his videos, so hop on board if you want a say on how this story goes: https://youtu.be/DUN11k5d9Ms
Bearing a special mention is the incredibly well-received Onyx Pathcast from last week, in which our hosts performed a deep dive into the nihils of Wraith: The Oblivion: http://theonyxpath.com/episode-37-a-harrowing-deep-dive-into-wraith-the-oblivion/
We’ve also dug into a few shows you may have missed, such as Polyhedron‘s actual play of Trinity Continuum: Aeon, from late last year: https://player.fm/series/polyhedron-a-rpg-discussion-podcast/polyhedron-plays-trinity-continuum-aeon-the-legion-wants-you-ep-1
But here’s a more recent offering from the excellent team at High Level Games, who have started uploading their actual play of Pugmire: https://www.highlevelgames.ca/podcastingnetwork/pugmire-actual-play-episode-1
Please check any of these out and let us know if you find or produce any actual plays of our games!
As we find ways to enable our community to more easily play our games, the Onyx Dice Rolling App is now live! Our dev team has been doing updates since we launched based on the excellent use-case comments by our community, and this thing is both rolling and rocking!
You can now read our fiction from the comfort and convenience of your Kindle (from Amazon) and Nook (from Barnes & Noble).
If you enjoy these or any other of our books, please help us by writing reviews on the site of the sales venue you bought it from. Reviews really, really help us with getting folks interested in our amazing fiction!
Our selection includes these fiction books:
We’re working with Studio2 to get Pugmire out into stores, as well as to individuals through their online store. You can pick up the traditionally printed main book, the Screen, and the official Pugmire dice through our friends there! https://studio2publishing.com/search?q=pugmire
We’ve added Prince’s Gambit to our Studio2 catalog: https://studio2publishing.com/products/prince-s-gambit-card-game
Now, we’ve added Changeling: The Lost 2nd Edition products to Studio2‘s store! See them here: https://studio2publishing.com/collections/all-products/changeling-the-lost
Looking for our Deluxe or Prestige Edition books? Try this link! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/Onyx-Path-Publishing/
And you can now order Pugmire, Monarchies of Mau, Cavaliers of Mars, and Changeling: The Lost 2e! http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/xcart/manufacturers.php?manufacturerid=296
And available this week! Deluxe Changeling: The Dreaming and Deluxe Beckett’s Jyhad Diary! The additional books we have after the Kickstarter ship-outs are done are now at IPR!
This Wednesday, we’re featuring Deluxe Changeling: The Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition and Deluxe Beckett’s Jyhad Diary going on sale at Indie Press Revolution (IPR)!
New convention notices coming soon!
And now, the new project status updates!
DEVELOPMENT STATUS FROM FAST EDDY WEBB (projects in bold have changed status since last week):
First Draft (The first phase of a project that is about the work being done by writers, not dev prep)
M20 Victorian Mage (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
City of the Towered Tombs (Cavaliers of Mars)
Geist2e Fiction Anthology (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Distant Worlds (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Dragon-Blooded Novella #1 (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Across the Eight Directions (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Exalted Essay Collection (Exalted)
Legendlore core book (Legendlore)
Chicago Folio/Dossier (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Let The Streets Run Red (Vampire: The Masquerade 5th Edition)
Kith and Kin (Changeling: The Lost 2e)
Scion: Demigod (Scion 2nd Edition)
TC: Aeon Ready Made Characters (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Trinity Continuum Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum Core)
TC: Aeon Jumpstart (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition core rulebook (Mummy: The Curse 2nd Edition)
M20 The Technocracy Reloaded (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Creatures of the World Bestiary (Scion 2nd Edition)
Second Draft
Tales of Good Dogs – Pugmire Fiction Anthology (Pugmire)
Heirs to the Shogunate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
Scion Ready Made Characters (Scion 2nd Edition)
Witch-Queen of the Shadowed Citadel (Cavaliers of Mars)
Deviant: The Renegades (Deviant: The Renegades)
Scion Companion: Mysteries of the World (Scion 2nd Edition)
Memento Mori: the GtSE 2e Companion (Geist: The Sin-Eaters 2nd Edition)
Pirates of Pugmire (Realms of Pugmire)
Hunter: the Vigil 2e core (Hunter: the Vigil 2nd Edition)
Lunars: Fangs at the Gate (Exalted 3rd Edition)
WoD Ghost Hunters (World of Darkness)
Oak, Ash, and Thorn: Changeling: The Lost 2nd Companion (Changeling: The Lost 2nd)
CofD Dark Eras 2 (Chronicles of Darkness)
Night Horrors: Nameless and Accursed (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Manuscript Approval:
Trinity Continuum: Aberrant core (Trinity Continuum: Aberrant)
CofD Contagion Chronicle (Chronicles of Darkness)
Aeon Aexpansion (Trinity Continuum: Aeon)
Dystopia Rising: Evolution (Dystopia Rising: Evolution)
M20 Book of the Fallen (Mage: the Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition)
Tales of Excellent Cats (Monarchies of Mau)
V5 Chicago By Night (Vampire: The Masquerade)
V5 Chicago By Night Screen (Vampire: The Masquerade)
Spilled Blood (Vampire: The Requiem 2nd Edition)
Wr20 Book of Oblivion (Wraith: The Oblivion 20th Anniversary Edition)
C20 Novel: Cup of Dreams (Changeling: the Dreaming 20th Anniversary Edition)
Scion Jumpstart (Scion 2nd Edition)
Post-Editing Development:
Signs of Sorcery (Mage: the Awakening Second Edition)
Night Horrors: Shunned by the Moon (Werewolf: The Forsaken 2nd Edition)
In Media Res (Trinity Continuum: Core)
Ex3 Dragon Blooded (Exalted 3rd Edition)
In Art Direction
Dystopia Rising: Evolution – Waiting on last few.
The Realm – More sketches in.
Ex3 Monthly Stuff –
Chicago By Night – Contacting artists to see who is open.
Aeon Aexpansion
They Came From Beneath the Sea!
EX3 Lunars – Assets getting finalized for KS page.
Signs of Sorcery – Over to layout this week.
In Media Res – Finals coming in.
Hunter: The Vigil 2 – Finals for KS coming in.
Shunned By the Moon – Need one more artist to reply.
Book of Oblivion – First sketches coming in.
Contagion Chronicle – Fulls/splats contracted for KS.
Marketing Stuff
In Layout
C20 Player’s Guide
Scion Hero – Index in. Putting printer files together.
Scion Origin – Index in. Putting printer files together.
M20: Gods and Monsters – Waiting for WW approval.
Pugmire Roll of Good Dogs and Cats – Getting backer PDF ready to send to backers this week.
Adventures for Curious Cats – First proof corrections in.
Trinity Core – Inputting Errata.
Trinity Aeon – Inputting Errata.
Ex3 Dragon Blooded – Indexing.
Geist 2e
At Press
Wraith 20th – Prepping for backer ship-out.
Wraith 20 Screen – Prepping for backer ship-out.
Scion Dice – At Studio2.
Scion Screen – At Studio2.
Fetch Quest – Shipping to US.
CtL2e Condition Cards – Waiting for PoD proofs.
Slarecian Vault Art Pack 01 and 02 –Waiting for PoD proofs.
Today is Alice Coopers’s birthday! Welcome to My Nightmare!
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I find this combination doesn crease and provides great coverage with one or two light layers. While the concealer I just mentioned is very affordable ($7), the powder is not. A more affordable loose setting powder is RCMA No Color Powder, around $27 for a huge bottle from Adore Beauty.. Anyone who has traveled through Northern Ontario is awestruck by the rugged beauty of Lake Superior country with its glacially formed lakes and towering landforms.It is that beauty that is the focus of the Lake Superior Circle Tour.The three day, 2,300 kilometre self guided tour through the Northern Superior and Algoma regions of Northern Ontario, as well as the States of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan, is now benefiting from stakeholder efforts, including tourism operators, travel associations and government. The tour has created a unified marketing approach for tourism in the area."From our perspective, the Lake Superior Circle Tour is a very positive opportunity to promote a fantastic part of Ontario," says lain Mettam, director of the Great Lakes Heritage Coast project.The Circle Tour encompasses nearly two dozen attractions, parks and scenic sites, as well as numerous communities both directly on the lake, such as Wawa, Thunder Bay and Marathon, and in surrounding areas such as Manitouwadge, Beardmore and Kakabeka Falls.Tourists visiting the region will find traditional tourism attractions, which include hunting and fishing, as well as numerous cultural experiences and ecotourism opportunities. It is a self guided tour, and therefore allows visitors to stop and enjoy destinations of choice."Ecotourism offers more of an appreciation of the landscapes, hiking, nature appreciation, kayaking and canoeing," says Mettam. [score hidden] submitted 22 hours agoIt was great advice in a different social context the 태안출장마사지 past when it was much more common for people to be tryhard phonies to fake social class and impress others. When people try too hard and authenticity is rare, "just be yourself" is good advice. Authenticity would have gotten you laid as a hippy.The problem is today context is the opposite. We are committed to open, fair and balanced coverage.reader helpWe have compiled a FAQ page for the most common queries we receive. Please check this page to see if your questions are answered there.We are sorry you appear to be having issues with our site, please check our FAQ page for the most common queries we receive.General feedback and complaintsIf you would like to give us general feedback or make a complaint please use the form below. We look at editorial complaints against the terms of our editorial code, please select the editorial code you think we have breached and state the 태안출장마사지 nature of your complaint. 28 points submitted 4 days agoThey showed Reem final words and the votes last episode. But I guess they didn do it this episode to give us a cheap and unneeded cliffhanger.As far as voting confessionals while the tribe is voting, those have largely been done away with in recent seasons. Survivor editing has shifted to focus more on blindsiding the viewer with the vote, sometimes at the cost of telling the complete story of the boot. Order. You need to select the wildflowers for the bouquet at least a month in advance. However, if the flowers are very rare, you may need to reserve the flowers up to several months in advance. Empower it. Maximize it. Get meta magic rods and use them on it. It historical fiction in WWII Germany, and it deeply disquieting but also incredibly good. I listened to it last summer and it has stuck with me really hard. I had never even realized that the German resistance was a thing, but she goes into the research she did as an afterword and it just great.
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RusAme Secret Santa 2019
Yeehaw, another year let’s go. Yes I’m recycling this image. I’m sorry. I work fulltime.
Below are the steps to joining this year’s RusAme Secret Santa/Gift Exchange event:
Step 1: Fill out this form before November 30th and submit it to me. Or message it to me, doesn’t matter. I just need to see it. (the form is tagged “form” if the link doesn’t work). There is also a google form for mobile users.
If you are seeing this post after November 30th, message me your name and I will add you into a “late submitters” pool. If there are enough late submissions, you will be entered into the second pool. If not, I apologize but you will have to wait until next year. But if there are enough for a second group, you will be notified before December 14 but that only give you ONE WEEK to work
Step 2: Wait up to 24 hours for me to confirm that I got your form and that everything is good and complete.
IMPORTANT: If your asks and messaging is turned off, you will not be able to get your confirmation OR your assigned person, so please turn it on. Asks will be sent via my main blog since side blogs can’t send asks. Also, if you have the private message setting that only allows blogs you follow, then follow this blog
Step 3: Once confirmed, wait patiently until December 1st-December 3rd for partner assignment
Step 4: Confirm to me that you got the form. This is very important. I need to know if you’re still participating and active. Those who do not respond may be replaced. You have until December 12th to respond.
Step 5: Pick one of the wishes and work on your gift. If you want, you can combine the wishes together. Get creative!
If for any reason you are not well enough or in any way cannot complete your gift, notify me before December 18th
Step 6: Post it from December 25th - December 30th and tag it as “rusame secret santa 2019″ or tag this blog if you want your work posted on this blog. Or if you are doing a private submission, screenshot that you sent your work to your recipient and send me the screenshots.
Step 7: Receive your gift and thank the person for their work!
So that’s it! Have fun guys!
Reblog to spread the word!!!
Below the cut: Schedule, Rules, Requirements, and FAQ for mobile users:
Nov 3rd - Signup open
Dec 1 - Signup closed
Dec 1st-3rd - Partner assignment
Dec 3rd-25th - Working period
Dec 19th - Mandatory progress checkup
Dec 25th-30th - Submission
You MUST follow this blog. I need to be able to message you. After following, turn notifications on for this blog to get updates. I will post only when an update is needed.
Do not tell your partner that you are their partner (if their anon is off and you want to ask them a question, I can be your middle man)
Make sure to tag your person when you are done so they can see it!
Put the word count, prompt, possible trigger warnings, and ratings at the beginning of writings
Posting WIPs in Discord servers is allowed. Just be mindful of whether or not your partner is present, unless you don’t mind being revealed
This is not a judge of talent. The requirements are just here so everyone puts in equal effort. PLEASE let me know if you run into complications.
Below are the requirements:
One-shots and fics must be at least 2,000 words, max of 10,000 words. If you go over, that’s okay
Artwork must be colored and complete. No sketches
Video edits/AMVs/CMVs must be at least 30 seconds. Content MUST be your own. Do not use works(artworks, photographs, etc.) that you do not own. Music is an exception, of course
Comics should be a minimum of 3 pages. They don’t have to be colored but they should be at least lined, have a solid color, or color lined
Animations must be at least 8 seconds. Do not have to be colored
Film scripts must be at least 10 pages
Mixed media options:
a 1,500(1.5k) drabble with a roughly lined sketch
a 4 second animation with rough concept art sketches
a cosplay gifset (your own) with a 1k drabble
a storybook type drabble that includes several drawings throughout
or any other combination (ask me FIRST)
Reminder: Half ass plus half ass does not make a whole ass. Put your best effort into your gift!
Not allowed:
“Fanart gallery” type videos. The types where you throw 300 pictures into windows movie maker.
Commissions from others (Unless you are giving them the credit.)
Tracing someone else’s artwork (that’s art theft. Rotoscoping an anime/film and tracing real life people [as a ref] is allowed)
Plagiarism, aka copying and pasting someone else’s writing and changing the names and pronouns
Aesthetic posts/mood boards
Spotify playlists
What is this?
This is the secret santa/gift exchange event for the hetalia ship RusAme
Why do you need my email?
Google forms needs to collect emails so that at the end, you are given the option to have your form submitted emailed to you so you remember what you submitted. It also gives you the option to edit your form if you change your mind.
Why do you need my age?
Minors will not be allowed to receive or submit NSFW content.
Why are the requirements so strict?
To ensure that no one is “cheated” by being given an unsatisfactory gift. Your work does not have to be the Mono Lisa or Harry Potter. This is not a judge of talent. Just do your best and have fun.
Can I do more than one wish?
Go crazy, dude. I’m sure your partner would be ecstatic if you did more than one!
How do I submit my post on Christmas?
Your options are:
post it on your own tumblr and @ spring-has-come or put rusame secret santa 2019 in the tags
post it on fanfiction/ao3/wattpad/whatever and send me a link
send a direct submission to this blog for me to post
send it directly to your partner then screenshot the messages to me so I can confirm you did it
What is a pitch-hitter/backup Santa?
Someone who fills in for someone if someone drops out.
How will pitch-hitters be chosen?
All pitch-hitters will be given a number that I will choose at random with a random number generator. If the pitch-hitter denies the request, I choose another one at random.
What is a wish?
A wish is a prompt for what you would like to receive. They can be specific and detailed (like a story description with a planned plot) or something more loose (like a short prompt). VAGUE wishes are different from the specific ones. Vague wishes are short prompts that encompass a large amount of ideas. Examples below:
Wish 1: Alfred goes Christmas shopping and runs into Ivan and they fight over the last cartoon of spiked eggnog. They end up splitting it and spending Christmas together. (Fluff, comedy, PG)
Wish 2: Amelia and Anya baking cookies together with flour all over their faces.
Wish 3: Something based off “One Last Dance” by Us the Duo (angst, any rating)
Vague wish 1: something with fluff!
Vague wish 2: cardverse au
Can I resubmit my form?
Re-submissions WILL be allowed before December 1st
#rusame#hetalia#rusame secret santa#rusame gift exchange#rusame secret santa 2019#main#hetalia event#important#information#main post
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FAQ – Top Tips for Caring for Your Bodhran

The bodhrán skin is the most important part of the bodhrán. It dictates the quality of sound your drum will produce. It also happens to be the most temperamental part of this iconic frame drum. After all, it’s made from goat skin, and goats are famously stubborn.
So, the best thing you can do care for your bodhrán is to learn to care for its skin.
I often receive queries from customers asking about best practice when it comes to caring for and maintaining their new bodhráns. So I’ve put together this handy guide which will hopefully answer all your questions and help keep your instrument in top condition!
Contents [hide]
How to Break in Your Bodhran
How to Use Drum Diddly Bodhran Cream to Condition Your Bodhran Skin
How Often Should You Treat Your Bodhran Skin?
How to Tighten Your Bodhran Skin
How to Tune a Non-Tuneable Bodhran
What’s the Correct Tension for My Bodhran?
How to Store Your Bodhran
How to Re-Skin a Bodhran
The Right Environment for Storing Your Bodhran
How to Break in Your Bodhran
Breaking in a new bodhrán skin is like breaking in a new pair of shoes. The more you play your bodhrán, the more you’ll break it in and the better it will sound!
A good conditioning treatment will greatly aid the breaking-in process, and we have just the thing! McNeela’s Drum Diddly Bodhrán Cream.
Drum Diddly is a specially developed bodhrán conditioning cream that’s been developed and made in Ireland especially for premium bodhrán goatskin, including Lambeg skins.
The cream contains lanolin and beeswax which will help to replenish your bodhrán skin, leaving it smooth and supple, with increased tension. Regular use can help preserve the longevity of your bodhrán skin and help reduce the occurrence of punctures and tears.
Lanolin cream or grapeseed oil are suitable alternatives which can also be used safely on bodhrán skin.
How to Use Drum Diddly Bodhran Cream to Condition Your Bodhran Skin
All you need to do is remove a small amount of Drum Diddly Bodhrán Cream from the container and, using your fingers, massage it into the skin on the front of the bodhrán. Use large circular motions to spread the cream over the skin. Then, leave it overnight to soak in.
The following day, take a soft, lint-free cloth and, again using large circular motions, wipe the skin with the cloth. This will remove any excess product from the skin. Continue to buff until the skin is dry and no longer sticky.
You’ll notice a difference immediately in not just the feel and texture of the skin, but also the sound it produces.
I recommend only treating the outside (front or top) of the bodhrán skin, especially for non-tuneable bodhráns.
Why? Conditioning creams affect moisture absorption. In order to adjust the tone of a non-tuneable bodhrán you’ll need it to be capable of absorbing water; the easiest way to adjust the tone of a non-tuneable bodhrán is by lightly misting it with water, wetting it down with a spray bottle.
How Often Should You Treat Your Bodhran Skin?
If you live in a dry climate, you will need to treat your bodhrán skin more frequently. At least once a month, but more frequently depending on how dry the skin becomes. Don’t be afraid to be as kind to your bodhrán as you would be to your own skin!
If you live in a humid climate, you will need to treat your bodhrán skin less frequently. No more than once a month (unless the skin is really dry and desperately in need of moisture).
If you live in a location however that is dry in winter but experiences humidity in summer, be careful not to overtreat your bodhrán during the dry winter months.
Why? Bodhráns react differently to changes in both humidity and temperature.
Dry weather conditions cause the skin to lose moisture, causing it to tighten which raises the tone. Damp weather conditions, or high humidity, cause the skin to absorb moisture, causing it to expand and loosen, lowering the tone.
Ideally, bodhráns require a temperate climate and moderate weather conditions. Unfortunately, this is beyond our control. We can however learn how best to care for our bodhráns and adapt to changes in the weather. So you can play in any conditions and achieve the best sound possible.
How to Tighten Your Bodhran Skin
All McNeela bodhráns are shipped with the tension of the skin loosened to avoid any strain on the skin fibres as it travels through different climates.
Once you receive your new bodhrán, you’ll need to adjust the tension of the skin accordingly.
To tighten the skin of a tuneable bodhran, gently turn each tuner clockwise one half turn to spread the tension. Some bodhrán players recommend alternating between tuners on opposite sides of the drum to best achieve an even tension.
When using the tuning pegs be careful not to over tighten. Too much tension will stretch and damage even the best bodhrán skin.
Some skins may require a lot of tuning initially but will settle down and stabilise in time.
How to Tune a Non-Tuneable Bodhran
If the skin of your non-tuneable bodhrán is very loose, gently rub it with a damp cloth or mist with a spray bottle of water.
Hold the bodhrán for a short time near a low source of heat such as a hairdryer or radiator. Please heat it carefully!
As the skin warms up it will first become loose and the tone will drop in pitch.
Once you remove it from the heat however, the skin will tighten as it cools and the tone will rise in pitch.
What’s the Correct Tension for My Bodhran?
Remember, the tighter the skin, the higher the tonal pitch. The looser the skin the lower the tonal pitch.
Keep adjusting until you strike a balance between a rich, deep bass tone and ease of playing.
Some bodhrán players favour more bass while others prefer more tension to allow for top-end playing. The choice is up to you. It may take some trial and error to find the tension that best suits your playing.
The most important thing to remember is that you want the skin to have even tension all over. In other words, make sure one side isn’t tighter or looser than the other.
How to Store Your Bodhran
Before packing your bodhrán away you should reduce the tension by turning the tuners at least a full turn.
When it’s time to take it out to play again, all you should have to do is tighten up by one full turn. At least, in theory. Changing weather conditions means you may have to adapt a little each time.
Though, top bodhrán player Rónán Ó Snodaigh suggests not packing your bodhrán away at all. This bodhrán maestro says keeping the bodhrán within easy reach encourages more frequent playing.
If you opt to follow Rónán’s lead, make sure you choose the location carefully. I’d suggest using an instrument stand so no clumsy individual ends up putting their foot through your bodhrán. I’ve seen it happen before and still haven’t quite recovered from the shock!
The Right Environment for Storing Your Bodhran
Store your bodhrán somewhere cool, with an even temperature. Make sure to store your bodhrán in a case or gig bag. This will protect it from any unexpected knocks and bumps, and also offer some protection from temperature and humidity changes.
All McNeela bodhráns come with a free gig bag. A high quality gig bag is a solid investment that will help preserve the life of your bodhrán.
If you live in an extremely dry climate, consider storing your bodhrán (and any other wooden musical instruments) with a humidifier. Similarly, if you live in an extremely humid climate, a dehumidifier might be a good investment. Alternatively, you could consider moving to Ireland!
If you’re traveling long distances, the same rules apply.
How to Re-Skin a Bodhran
Occasionally the skin on older bodhráns can warp and become too loose, losing its tone and definition. If this is the case, don’t despair! It’s possible to have your bodhrán re-skinned.
Here at McNeela Instruments we can provide and fit new skins for all makes and models of bodhrán. Get in touch and we’ll help breathe a new lease of life into your tired old drum with our re-skinning service.
If for any reason your beloved instrument is beyond repair (perhaps a few too many sessions and wild nights out) you can always take a look at our range of high quality affordable bodhráns in our Online Bodhrán Store. We have something to suit every level of player.
If you’re not sure which instrument is right for you, have a read of my blog: The Bodhrán Maker’s Guide to Buying a Bodhrán.
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Heya folks! Usually, I avoid doing posts like this, but for this particular matter I figured I might as well. You see, I play Sherlock Holmes (Dai Gyakuten Saiban version) in a Dreamwidth RP game, and I am in search of a certain castmate. Or, well, several castmates, but one in particular. Anyone who knows me well enough should know which one it is.
Have I caught your interest? Then keep reading!
So let's start off by giving you some more info! The game I'm referring to is called Empatheias and as I already inferred, it can be found on Dreamwidth, which is a sort of journal page. If you remember Livejournal, Dreamwidth is basically that, minus the spambots and advertising. In order to join the game, one has to fill out an application and post it at the appropriate time of the month. Doing a 'test drive' thread in that month's meme beforehand is also highly encouraged. While there are many different games on DW, this one in particular is panfandom and what some might refer to as a 'jamjar'. Characters are mysteriously drawn to this world through powers unknown and as they can't get home of their own volition, they can only make the best of their situation so long they're stranded there. Because characters can be 'apped' from different time points in canon, the theory that always goes around is that when they're in this other world, time stands still for them in their own world. Or rather, when they eventually return home, they will be at the exact point in time when they left and retain no memories of the weird other world they were in. For that reason, they can do their best to just... chill and not freak out about that world-destroying monster or important murder investigation they just left behind. What's special about Empatheias is that the world (as well as the story we're building together) is influenced by a character's emotions. While you can find more information here, the short version is that emotions affect surroundings. If a character is happy, light might shine brighter or bubbles might float around them. If they're sad, it might rain above their head. If they're scared, a tiny localized earthquake... You may come up with these sorts of effects on your own and be as creative as you want. Emotions on a larger scale also affect the 'emotion deities' known as Arehtei and even the world itself, which has been mostly ruined by toxic negativity and, aside from several small civilizations, is pretty much dead. There's locals (NPCs) living in the cities, though! Player Characters have eventually become known as Otherworlders, which is an easy enough term to throw around. Characters can move between the civilizations, which all have slightly different technology and cultural traits because they were separated from each other for many years. Verens, the main city for arrival, is mostly steampunky in aesthetic and advancements. You can find more details about all the locations here! There's also monsters to fight, weird plants, occasionally ghosts... It's great fun! Also, there's a special telepathy network which allows for Player Characters to get in touch with one another. In the practical sense, it means any telepathy post is submitted to the network community. This allows for serious discussions and also for shenanigans, because who doesn't like someone talking in their head in the middle of the night, right? They can also meet up in person anywhere in the city, for which we mostly use the log community But you want to know more hands-on stuff, don't you? You want to hear stories, right? Well. Let's talk about my Holmes... Since the 6th of April, he's been in the game for two years already. When I originally applied him, his canon point was the end of the first game (because that's where canon halted back then). During that time, I made sure to be as ambiguous as possible about loose plot threads from the DGS series and boy, was I glad that I did. At the end of November last year, I 'canon updated' him to a very particular moment at the beginning of case 2-4. Yes, he returned to Empatheias with blue hair. It was great. His one steadfast castmate is Naruhodou, who was apped by my buddy Taisa at the same time as Holmes and has been his housemate ever since. Naruhodou's canon point is still the end of the first game at the moment. We were joined by an Asougi (Kazuma) at the start of December last year. Now, Asougi's canon point is spoilery and problematic. I'll just cough something about the end of case 3, here, DGS2 buffs will know what I mean. I could tell many a story, but instead of doing that, I'll just post some of his finest threads! It'll give a nice impression of what the RP is like. - Holmes's first arrival, many moons ago - That time there was an earthquake and instead of coming to Naruhodou's rescue, Holmes started an argument about turtle ducks. - That time he discussed Father's Day with Trucy Wright. - That time Naruhodou became a crystal statue and Holmes decided to take advantage of the free reign to assemble an advanced chemistry kit. (also there are kittens.) - That time Holmes was introduced to Trucy's magic panties. - That time he received a steampunky violin for his birthday - And here we have Caster from the Fate verse speaking very casually about that time she killed Sherlock Holmes in her own universe. - Holmes sends out a telepathic query about dancing lessons without paying attention to his phrasing. - And that time Holmed discussed slang with Maya Fey. Then also spirit channeling and the internet. - Sherlock returns from his canon update and there were DGS2 spoilers and feelings everywhere. - Asougi insists on confronting Holmes after arriving a week later, serving to complicate everything further. - The actual truth about the four names is deduced another week or so later. - Naruhodou goes to ask about Holmes's partner because he is getting suspicious about that whole thing. The matters of Gregson and Van Zieks also come up briefly. If you're interested in joining us, feel free to ask me questions on anything and everything! I can help with setting up an account on Dreamwidth and finding source materials for icons! Give us Susato, give us Iris, give us Van Zieks, give us Holmes's precious partner-- Give us anyone!~ Don't want to commit to a huge game but still interested in playing? There's such a thing as a 'musebox' where one can just play out really casual scenarios without being part of a grander community. It's also perfect for testing your RP merit if you don't feel up to a game's Test Drive post. Let me know and I can set something up on my own musebox! Here's a few more interesting links: - The index page with all important Empatheias info pages. - The FAQ page for Empatheias. - A shortened guide to DW RP. - An elaborate guide written specifically for Tumblr Rpers.
#dgs#the RP life#Holmes is occasionally lonely#it is tragic#send an adult to keep him out of trouble
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Dental implants
Dental implants are titanium screws that are operated into the jawbone. The implant functions as an artificial tooth root to which one or more crowns can be attached. Titanium is a metal that has a unique ability to grow firmly in the jawbone and goes well with the body's tissues.
The treatment consists of two parts
An implant treatment consists of a surgical part and a prosthetic part. In the surgical part, implants are operated into the jawbone and in the prosthetic part, the teeth that are to be attached to the implant are manufactured.
Important with good oral hygiene
In order for the implant to last a long time, extra careful oral hygiene and regular check-ups by a dentist or dental hygienist are required. Oral hygiene at the implant must be at least as good as at your own teeth. Poor oral hygiene can contribute to diseases of the tissue surrounding the implant. In the worst case, the implant may come loose. To facilitate cleaning, the new tooth is designed so that it can be accessed with a toothbrush and various aids.
For further details and clarification, please visit our FAQs page.
Questions and answers
Can everyone get implants?
Yes, most people can get implants. Health, on the other hand, can be crucial. Implant treatment is not suitable for children and adolescents who are still growing. It is important that there are enough good quality jawbones to attach the implant in. This is assessed, among other things, with the help of an X-ray examination.
How does the surgical part work?
The screw is operated into the jawbone under local anesthesia. If necessary, you can receive sedatives before treatment. Sometimes you need to do two surgeries. In the first operation, the implant screw is inserted into the jaw. In the second and smaller operation, a platform is prepared for the new tooth. In some cases, both can be done at the same time.
A prerequisite for the operation to be performed is that the own oral hygiene is very good. Dental hygienist or dentist shows and informs about suitable aids.
How long does the operation take?
The operation itself takes between 30 and 90 minutes, depending on how many implants are to be inserted. However, expect that the entire visit can take up to two hours. After the operation, you can in most cases go home immediately.
Does it hurt?
No, it should not hurt. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, in the same way as when, for example, a tooth is repaired. After the operation, you need painkillers to counteract discomfort when the anesthesia is released. These drugs also reduce the swelling in the area of surgery.
Will I have problems after the operation?
During the first week after surgery, it is normal to feel some tenderness and swelling. You can sometimes also get bruises on the face, most often after surgery in the upper jaw.
As a rule, painkillers are needed after the operation. Ordinary over-the-counter preparations are generally sufficient, but if necessary, the dentist prescribes stronger painkillers. We recommend Alvedon / Panodil according to the dosing instructions on the package. If these medicines do not help with the pain, consult your dentist. Avoid tablets with acetylsalicylic acid for example Treo, Magnecyl and more as acetylsalicylic acid increases the risk of bleeding.
Can I use my dental replacement after the operation?
If you have a comprehensive denture, you can count on being without your dental replacement until the stitches are removed, so as not to strain the mucous membrane and interfere with healing in the area. If you have a minor dental replacement, your dentist can in some cases adjust it so that it can be used immediately after the operation.
Can I eat before and after the operation?
You can eat as usual before the operation but wait a few hours after so as not to disturb the healing. Avoid hard chewed food. If you are completely toothless in the operated jaw, you should eat liquid or finely divided food in the next few days after the operation.
Keep in mind that alcohol consumption can lead to a risk of increased bleeding.
Can I brush my teeth as usual?
To avoid infections and reduce the risk of complications, it is important to keep the implant clean. Avoid brushing in the operating area. In the beginning, rinsing with chlorhexidine solution may be helpful.
What happens if I use tobacco?
Smoking and snuff impair healing. The less tobacco you use, the better the prognosis for implant treatment.
Do I need to be on sick leave?
As a rule, this is not needed. Discuss with your dentist if there is a need.
What happens after the operation?
The implant needs time to heal into the jawbone. The time required for your implant is assessed during the operation. Before the new tooth can be put in place, we generally expect 1.5 - 4 months of healing.
What does the prosthetic part mean?
The treatment starts with an imprint of the implanted implant. A coloring is done either by the dentist or the dental technician.
The impression is then sent to a dental technician. He begins the work with the crown or teeth that will in color and shape correspond to your teeth in general.
At the next visit, the dental crown may be finished, or one or more tests are needed. The treatment often takes between 2-4 weeks.
How to attach the tooth to the implant?
The tooth is screwed or cemented to the implant.
What should I use for aids?
In most cases, it works well with common aids such as toothbrush, dental floss and gap brush. Sometimes special aids may need to be used. Your dentist and dental hygienist will help you with advice and instruction on how to best care for your implant.

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Beginner Tomato Gardening
Kitchen Garden Plants: Vegetables
The ultimate growing system: the earthbox® gardening system! a great value—you name it, you can grow it! poor soil conditions and small backyards are no match for this patented container gardening system. Developed by commercial farmers and proven in the lab and on the farm, you get “great results no matter what color your thumb is,” because this maintenance-free growing system controls soil conditions, eliminates guesswork, and more than doubles the yield of a conventional garden—with less fertilizer, less water, and virtually no effort.

Just add plants, water, and sunlight for an easy garden that requires no digging, no weeding, and no guesswork! grow tomatoes and other robust vegetables and aromatic herbs in any small space—a balcony, patio, or even rooftops! this revolutionary sip (sub-irrigated planter) is even ideal for urban garden settings since its compact size allows you to grow healthy, fresh—even organic! —food where it never grew before! unlike other raised bed gardens and planters, the earthbox® gardening system is self-watering, sustainable, easily moveable and portable, and can even be used to grow indoors. Now that’s one smart garden!.
Just like any other gardening methods for vegetables, watering plays an important role. If you water your tomato plants inconsistently, the blossom end may start to dry off and rot. However, when your tomato plants are nearing their harvest season, you should reduce the amount of watering so that the harvested tomatoes will be sweeter as they concentrate their sugar in the fruits. Watering too much at this stage may cause the fruits to drop way before they are ripe.
Growing tomatoes is a great way for floridians to start growing vegetables. No matter which part of the state you live in, you'll benefit from either long or multiple growing seasons for this hearty kitchen staple. Plus, learn how to grow tomatoes from seed or young plants and you'll be armed with knowledge that you can apply to the rest of your garden. Either way, you'll be amazed by how many different varieties there are to choose from, including heirloom, beefsteak, cherry, and paste-style tomatoes.
Tomato die fro the bottom up
Tomatoes are susceptible to some natural enemies. The best prevention is vigilance since some of these maladies can devastate your plants pretty rapidly. Cutworms are larvae that hide in the plant bed by day and feed on leaves and stems by night.

If you see moths, you'll likely see cutworms soon. Look in the soil around the plants for worms that are 1 to 2 inches long with stripes or spots (depending on the type). One possible prevention method is to use a barrier. Cut the bottom from an empty plastic container (such as a yogurt container), and place it around the tomato stems when planting. Make sure it's at least 2 inches above the ground to keep the pests out.
Use a large pot or container with drainage holes in the bottom. Use loose, well-draining soil. We recommend a good potting mix with added organic matter. Plant one tomato plant per pot. Choose from bush or dwarf varieties; many cherry tomatoes grow well in pots. Taller varieties may need to be staked. Place the pot in a sunny spot with 6 to 8 hours of full sun a day.
Fill a clean glass jar with room temperature water and set it in a warm place such as a sunny window sill. Remove the bottom sets of leaves from the base of each cutting, leaving the top 4 to 6 leaves, and set it in the water. In about 1-2 weeks, you will see new roots coming out, and these newly propagated tomato plants are ready for transplanting into the garden, or in a pot.
To save seeds from open-pollinated varieties, allow perfect fruits to ripen until they become soft. Cut them in half and squeeze the gel and seeds into a small jar. Cover with 3 inches of water, and shake well. Allow the mixture to sit at room temperature for 24 hours before pouring out the liquid. Rinse the big seeds at the bottom of the jar in a strainer, and then dry them on a paper plate for about two weeks (write the variety name on the plate). If handled this way and given cool, dry storage conditions, tomato seeds usually stay viable for four to six years.
The tomato (solanum lycopersicum) is a fruit from the nightshade family native to south america. Despite botanically being a fruit, it’s generally eaten and prepared like a vegetable. Tomatoes are the major dietary source of the antioxidant lycopene, which has been linked to many health benefits, including reduced risk of heart disease and cancer.
For gardens, you should water tomatoes until the soil feels dry one inch below the surface. For pots, water your tomatoes until water runs from the bottom. And water the plants at the base only: "foliage diseases will not be as severe if the foliage is kept as dry as possible," says lehoullier.
Fully grown plant and tomatoes
When to harvest vegetables (broken link) native to the americas, tomatoes were introduced into the gardens of europe in the 1500s, but people considered them poisonous and grew them only as ornamentals. Tomatoes were reintroduced into american gardens in the late 1700s but did not become popular as edible vegetables until about 1850. Gardeners immigrating from overseas often bring a few seeds of precious varieties grown by their families in the old country. Even gardeners visiting italy or greece are tempted to remove a few seeds from a salad tomato and secret them away to be planted when they arrive home. (this isn’t a good idea, however, because they may introduce a disease or insect that could destroy tomatoes here. ).
Tomatoes can be and are grown in all soil conditions -- but is there an optimum soil for tomatoes? yes, actually there is! researchers have discovered that for consistent, successful tomato growing, you do want to pay close attention to your tomato soil. It's important because good soil helps to grow healthier tomato plants -- and healthier plants lead to better.
Harvest tomatoes frequently so the plant can redirect energy to growing and ripening more fruit. Once your tomatoes begin ripening, check the plants each day and pick those that are almost ready, and let them ripen fully indoors. We dream of vine-ripened tomatoes, but the reality is, the longer the fruit remains on the vine, the more susceptible it is to pest damage and spoiling. Luckily, tomatoes continue to mature off the vine and will have the same flavor as one that ripens on the plant.
Choose a location in your garden where you have not grown tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, eggplants and tomatillos for the past three or four years. Crop rotation and sanitation are very important. Allow two to three feet in all directions between vining plants. You can set bush-type plants closer together.
Where space is limited or conditions are not suitable for tomato culture, tomatoes may be grown in containers. Although any large container will work as long as it provides adequate drainage; a general recommendation is to plant one tomato plant per four or five-gallon container. Grow containerized tomatoes in artificial potting mix; do not use regular garden topsoil or homemade compost. Pay special attention to water and fertilizer needs, as container-grown tomato plants have no access to the deep soil reservoir of water and nutrients. Most containerized tomato varieties require a stake, trellis or other support.
If you want a bumper crop of tomatoes, you’re going to need a good tomato fertilizer. But the best forms of fertilizer may not be readily apparent. Tomatoes are heavy feeders, and they’ll want all kinds of stuff to promote both plant and fruit growth. So to clear up all this confusion, i’m going to offer you solutions for your tomato fertilizer dilemma. We’ll go over how best to prepare the soil prior to planting. I’ll explain how to minimize your chances of blossom end rot and other related problems. And hopefully by the time you’re done reading, you’ll have every piece of information necessary to grow a an abundance of “love apples”.
Reply to your question regarding your tomato plant
By lynn byczynski this article originally appeared in the march 2011 issue of growing for market, the magazine for market farmers. Please join us; gfm is available by mail or online. Click here for subscription options. This promises to be the year that tomato grafting reaches the mainstream, with the options for rootstocks increasing and some companies selling grafted plants. Grafting vegetables is nothing new — it’s been practiced in asia since the 1920s — but it’s still relatively uncommon in the united states. Growing for market published an article about grafting in 2008, and we have been watching interest grow quickly. But there still are many growers who question its value, given the fact that seeds for the tomato rootstock cost as much as 44 cents each.
Do you grow tomatoes? we have research-based information about planting tomatoes and disease management. Check out the videos, tips, and fact sheets below. Download our tomato faq handout for answers to common questions.
It's a common question for our plant information service , and there are many reasons a tomato plant might underperform, but by taking some precautions when planting, you can help ensure a healthy plant and a robust harvest. 1. Tomatoes need sun—not partial sun or dappled shade, but 6 to 8 hours of full, bright sunlight per day. You have got to plant in full sun! leafy plants that produce large fruit need light. Remember, the amount of flowers (and, therefore, fruit) produced is directly correlated to the amount of sunlight received. If your plants last year looked "leggy" and sparse, or even grew full foliage—but no tomatoes—you will want to reconsider your location. Don't forget that tomatoes grow well in pots, so if you do not have an optimal in-ground or raised bed location, you can plant in pots and place them in a sunny location.
Q: i have received quite a few questions about tomatoes and tomato problems. Plant problems can be classified as either biotic (caused by living organisms) or abiotic (caused by growing conditions). This week i will cover abiotic plant problems and next week i will discuss some common diseases that affect tomatoes.
Question: i have a pot which allows me to water my tomatoes from the bottom. The soil tends always to be damp. How do i know it’s not too wet? answer: if you have a pot that allows you to water from the bottom, i assume you have a tray that holds your pot and that it has drainage holes at the bottom? if this is the case, you can not over water because the soil will only absorb water until it is wet and not completely saturated (diffusion). But, i would not want my soil to be completely damp, because i would rather have my tomato plants grow roots deep into the pot in search of water so that they have a strong foundation and don't fall over when they begin fruiting. More importantly, the more the roots spread, the more nutrients they can absorb.
To pinch or not to pinch, that is the question. Most gardeners remove some of the suckers that form between the main stalk and the side branches during the early growth of their plants. But just how much should you prune them, if at all? pruned plants bear earlier and have larger tomatoes, but they also have fewer of them. Overpruning can cause sunscald—a yellow sunburned patch that eventually blisters. Unpruned plants yield about twice as much fruit as pruned ones do, but it will take longer for the fruit to ripen.
My plants grow, but arent producing fruit.
All tomato plants are identified as either determinate or indeterminate varieties. Determinate tomato plants grow to a predetermined final height, whereas indeterminate types will continue to grow until killed by frost. As a result, the latter can sprawl and become unwieldy. Determinate varieties, on the other hand, are perfectly suited for container growing. Their shorter, more compact shape requires less support and care while still producing high yields of fruit. Determinate cultivars that are good choices for container gardens include “better bush hybrid,” “celebrity” and “sprite. ”.
What the heck is “tomato suckering”? as tomato plants grow, they’ll produce a branch and a “sucker” between the stem and the branch. The sucker grows like a new stem, producing new branches and suckers along the way. A closer look at tomato suckers via tyrantfarms. Many people tell you that you have to remove the suckers to reduce plant diseases and get the biggest fruit from your tomato plant. The idea being that more air can flow through your plants and the plant will put more energy into fewer fruits.
Burpee covers tomato seeds and plants new jersey agricultural experiment station covers tomato varieties.
Tomato plants are almost always set out in the garden as transplants. It takes 6-8 weeks to grow a 4 to 6 inch transplant. Sow the seeds in flats with burpee tomato formula soil mix, covering them with 1/4 inch of mix. Water the flat in carefully (some gardeners soak the flat in a tray of water).
Burpee tomato plants are the easy way to grow all your favorite and new tomatoes. We do all the growing for you and deliver healthy, vigorous plants at just the right time for planting in your region.
Tomato seeds are almost always germinated indoors, either in greenhouses, under grow lights, or simply on a sunny window ledge. Some people choose to speed up germination by placing heat mats at the bottom of the container bearing the seeds. This certainly helps, but it is not necessary. Most of your vegetable plants do not need to be started indoors, but tomato seeds are delicate and require a constant soil temperature between 70–80 degrees fahrenheit to germinate. They therefore need to be started indoors in many parts of the globe. Germinating indoors also prevents the young seedlings from being eaten by slugs or other creatures in your garden.
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How To Use Thinning Shears

Thinning shears are an essential part of a hairdresser’s arsenal. Really learning how to use thinning shears is essential. While they aren’t used on every client like the trusty cutting shears, they’re a great scissor for attaining the right look for some clients.
In the right hands, hair thinning scissors can do wonders.
How to use hair thinning scissors
Thinning shears are designed to enhance the shape created by cutting scissors. A hair stylist comes in at the end with thinning scissors to soften the haircut, not change the shape or structure. They may be used to remove unwanted bulk or for blending out a short or layered haircut.
If you go in too close to the scalp with thinning scissors, you run the risk of having short hairs that stand up rather than lie flat. It’s essential that thinning scissors only cut the mid-length and ends of the hair. Thinning scissors may not always be needed at the end of every haircut or trim. They’re only needed when the hair needs thinning or removing unwanted bulk.
Overuse can cause a change to the texture of the hair making it thin towards the ends. The hair can feel weak, thin and brittle if not used correctly.
Tips to thin out hair with thinning shears
The hair is separated into sections. For long hair, clips may be needed to control the sections of hair. Working on one section of hair at a time, the hairdresser or barber will hold the section or use a comb to keep it steady.
The thinning scissors can be held horizontal or with the tip of the scissors pointed towards the ceiling or towards the floor.

The hair is cut mid-way along the hair shaft, never close to the crown. The hair that frames the face is often avoided too.
The same section may be cut multiple times depending on the hair’s length. The hair is combed through to remove any loose hair and to see if the desired look has been achieved. If needed, the hair can be cut again to remove more hair.
If you don’t want to remove as much hair as the shears’ teeth are designed to do, you can use the blunt blade and tail comb to weave the shears in and out of the section of hair while you hold it. Less hair is cut when the scissors are closed.
Check out this helpful video showing how to thin hair to remove weight!
How to thin out thick hair
One of the main benefits of using thinners is to reduce the bulk from thick hair. Learning how to use thinning shears on thick hair requires some extra experience. When a client has too much hair, the cut lacks volume and movement that so many clients are looking for. Thinned hair often makes maintenance easier with less drying and styling time required. Some hair stylists prefer to use long layers while others prefer thinning shears.
It’s best to thin when the hair is dry so you can see the effect of your cuts as you go. Comb out the loose hair after you’ve made the cuts and decide if you’ve reduced enough of the bulk to achieve your intended look.
You may decide to use a mix of angles while holding the shears to achieve a more natural look. Work in sections around the back of the head until you’re happy with the amount of removed hair.
No matter how thick the hair is, don’t use thinning shears in the top section of the hair known as the crown or halo area or you risk not enough hair falling on top of the haircut to achieve the desired style.

How To Use Thinning Shears FAQ
Below are some of the most common questions we receive about thinning scissors. If you need an A to your Q, don’t hesitate to contact us.
What thinning shears to buy?
Some would argue it’s even more important to use a quality steel in thinning and texturizing than a cutting scissor. While you might not use a thinner or texturizing shear as often as your cutting shears, it only takes one broken tooth to render the scissors useless.
Good quality steel thinner scissors are less likely to catch and pull the hair as they move through the hair.
Should you use thinning shears on wet or dry hair?
Generally best used on dry hair but can also be used on wet. If used on wet hair, you need to be extra careful to not over use them. Once the hair is dried you may realise the style/cut has been lost or even ruined! So it’s best to use with dry hair.
Are thinning shears bad?
Thinning shears aren’t bad in the hands of an experienced hairdresser. Problems occur when the shears are used incorrectly or on hair that’s not designed for thinning shears. For example, some curly hair is best ‘thinned’ using standard cutting shears to make layers. Read more about the dangers of using thinning shears on thick or curly hair.
Is it good to use thinning shears?
Thinning shears enhance many haircut styles. They can remove unwanted bulk to add volume and fade heavy cutting lines. Thinning shears are used on both men and women, it all depends on the hair type and desired style.
What does thinning scissors do to your hair?
The teeth on thinning scissors means some hair strands are cut while others stay the full length. Thinning shears allow hairdressers to remove some of the bulk or weight from the hair without losing any length.
What are the cutting terms you use with thinning shears?
Point, slithering or notching are some of the terms related to using thinning shears. Point cutting means pointing the shears into the hair and making your cut. It’s used to create softer layers and leave curly hair with a softer, textured look.
Slithering, unlike point cutting, is where instead of cutting we hold the scissors slightly open to the hair and simply slide away from the length of the hair. Best used on straight, soft waved hair so it’s more subtle.
Notching is very similar to the point cutting, only it’s used on much shorter hair. Typically short pixie cuts or men’s cuts are the right fit for this method to give a very textured, messy look.
How do I thin out hair using thinning shears?
Hair is cut in sections where weight of the hair is removed to improve volume. Make sure you never start thinning your hair from the crown/halo area, start further down your head where the hair lies vertically otherwise you are going to see the cut hair sticking up. Start slowly and check your progress by combing out the loose hair to check how much is being removed. You can always make more cuts but you can’t go the other way!
Does thinning your hair make it grow back thicker?
Some people believe thinning is one way to thicken hair (sounds a bit strange I know!). However, the thickening process is simply the hair growing between haircuts and the extra weight makes it look thicker. A thinning shear won’t make a strand of hair thicker or make more hair, the hair grows back the same.
How often should you use thinning shears?
This all depends on the hair. For some types of hair the answer is never! Very thin hair shouldn’t see a pair of thinning shears because they will make the problem worse and you may see the different lengths of hair in lines (not a good look!). Some curly and frizzy hair should stick to standard cutting shears as thinners can make it more frizzy and difficult to manage.
At the opposite end of the spectrum, very thick hair can have thinner shears used at every haircut to remove some of the unwanted weight and increase volume.
What’s the difference between thinning shears and texturizing shears?
To the newbie hairdresser it’s easy to get thinners and texturizing scissors mixed up with their menacing looking little teeth. Thinners and texturisers both remove hair but they do have different jobs. It’s important to learn the difference between the two so you know which scissors to grab and when to ensure the client gets the best outcome.

Thinning shears have around 28-40 teeth whose job is to remove excess weight from hair and blend the demarcation lines left by cutting scissors. They don’t create visible texture or volume to the hair. Cut and uncut hair blend together. They are often used to soften and remove bluntness from the haircut.
Texturizing shears have fewer but wider teeth with more space between each one so they remove a larger section of hair and create volume and texture through layers. There are subtle and aggressive forms of texturizing shears. An aggressive texturizing shear may have as few as five teeth so they take out a significant notch of hair. They leave wider sections of uncut and cut hair. Thinners and texturizing shears are used to create specialty looks that can be subtle or dramatic.
So to sum up, it really comes down to what you’re most comfortable with using and of course what type of haircut/style you’re trying to achieve. As the rule of hairdressing goes – Less is more! Start off with a little and if you need to do more you can, because as we all know once it’s gone – it’s gone.
Happy thinning!
Next: How To Clean & Oil Your Hair Shears
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Have collected questions and answers of ENET ESYS cable’s compatibility of vehicle coverage. Here you go.

BMW ENET cable is NOT fit E series
Question: Will it work on e90? Answer: No. You need K+DCAN USB to OBD cable for e90
Question: I have i com ICOM A2 ista hdd what cable do i need ? i have 3 e series cars Answer: If u have an I com you only need an Ethernet chord If u have an E series and no icon Then you need a k d can cable
Question: Does this work with E60? Answer: You require a K+ DCAN cable
Ethernet to OBD interface works with F, G, I series
Question: Will this cable work with BMW I3 2016? Answer: Yes, the cable will work on the I01 BMW i3 2014 to 2016
Question: Does this cable work with m240i Answer: yes
Question: Will this work on F01? Answer: I would suppose so? It worked on my F30, 2016.
Question: Would it work with 2007 1 series, E87? Answer: No
Question: Will this work for a F87 for Bootmod3 Answer: Yes, it does.
Question: Is this compatible with 2017 x4 m40i? Answer: Yes
Question: cable works with BMW i3? Answer: I think yes but not sure And i am going to use it on f30 and it fits my car. You can ask the seller for this But as i see from internet picture they all the same jack
Question: Will this work on a bmw 2014 x1 m sport? Answer: NO. You have an E84
Question: Will this work with a 2011 e91 328i convertible? some enet cables work with the e-series? Answer: No it won’t. NO ENET Cable works with E-series vehicles. There is no ZGW Gateway ECU in any E-series vehicle and therefore there is no way to connect to the car via IP. Anyone who tells you different is a liar.
Question: Does the code work on a 2013 740li? Answer: It most likely should. It is just an OBDII connector with an RJ-45 connector on the other side, so technically it will work with any OBDII car. Just remember to use the proper version of coding software and the guide for the F01 chassis to make sure you don’t mess anything up on your car
Question: will it fit my 2013 bmw x3 ? Answer: Yes
Question: Will this work on a 2016 mini cooper s clubman f54? Answer: Yes
Question: Will this work with 2005 mini cooper s r53? along with ista? Answer: No
Question: Will it work with 2016 BMW 428i convertible ? Answer: Yes it will. Buy from ENET cables fast and we provide instructions and everything you need to get started including links to the necessary software
Question: Does this work on 2003 bmw 330i??? Answer: Yes, it works with BMW 3 Series models.
Question: Will this work on my 2015 BMW 428I F36? Answer: yes
Question: Will this work with 2016 mini cooper / and countryman (f56 or r60)? Answer: Yes for the F56 … No for the R60
Question: Will this work with a 2014 M235i? Answer: Yes
Question: Will this work for a bmw x6 35i n55 2013/2014 Answer: This is only for F, G and I series BMW, your 2013 X6 is still E71/E72 series
Question: Will this work for a 2014 bmw x5 sdrive35i? Answer: Yes
Question: Will this cable work on a 2013 M6? Answer: Yes, I have used it on a 2013 and 2014 m6. Will work for any F series.
Question: Will this work on a 2006 525xi to remove passenger restraint system warning error? Answer: It depends on the software you are using, normally a good scanner software could do that. remember that cable is only the interface, e-sys is very complete and powerful, likely it can do it
Question: Does it work for a bmw f30 lci 2017 320i with a b48 engine? thanks. Answer: Yes
Question: Work with 2014 125i F20 ? Answer: Yes
Question: Will this work on 2007 V8 550i e60 with F10? Answer: Yes, it does.
Question: will this work for a 2015 BMW X5? Answer: yes … buy from ENET Cables Fast and receive your product quickly with software links and coding guides and codes included
Question: Does it fit a 2016 februari 520? Answer: Yes
Question: Will this work on 2011 Countryman? Answer: It should.. it’s a standard OBD II connector to RJ-45 Ethernet connector.. As long as your laptop/pc has the port you’re good..
Question: Will this work coding the rex range extender hold on a 2015 bmw i3? Answer: Hello.. It should be, pretty standard Ethernet to OBD connector.. But I cannot confirm..
Question: Does it work to code new injectors on 2011 bmw 550i GT F07 ? Answer: No
Question: Will this work on G series cars? Answer: yes. buy from seller ENET Cables Fast to receive coding cheat sheets for new X3/5/7 series along with all other necessary software to code your car.
Question: Will this cable work for a 2016 bmw 1 series? f20 Answer: Yes, it will work.
Question: Does this cable work with F48 2017 Answer: Yes it will .
Question: What all would i need to start coding different options for my 2013 x3 35i? i want my passenger to be able to watch dvd while traveling in my car Answer: You would need this cable and then a computer with the proper software and setup to do the programming. It is a lot of work in my opinion and requires extensive knowledge of the software. I would recommend instead search amazon for the “Carly Original Bluetooth GEN 2 OBD Adapter” which is a adapter that allows you to program with a few clicks from your phone.
Question: Does this work on 2013 3 series? Answer: I have a 2014 F30 (328xi) and it works perfect. I would imagine it would work on a 2013 as well.
Question: Does it work on 520i from februari 2016? Answer: Yes
Question: Have 2 bmws. does it work with 2016 f30 320i & 2014 f25 x3? will you provide link to download software? Answer: F series yes and g series but not e series
Question: Is it compatible with a bmwi3 2017? does it come with software and likes/guides? Answer: ot sure if it works with your i3 but it does not come with any instructions, guides or software. You will need to download the proper software.
Question: Will this work with 2013 328 convertible? Answer: Yes, it works for all F-series.
Question:Will this work with G20? Answer: It should for diagnosing but not programming and software
Question: Does this cable work on 2011 535i GT Answer: Yes
Question: will it fit my 2013 bmw x3 ? Answer: Yes
Question: does this cable work with 2016 435? Answer: Yes works on all F, G, I series
uestion:Does it work for 2012 328i? Answer: Works for all f series BMW
Question: Anyone tried this on a G05 yet and know if it works? Answer: Cable should work no problem but there’s not much you can do to G05
Question: Will this work on a 2017 F31 Sport Wagon? Answer: Yes
Question: Will the cable and coding work on a 2013 740li? Answer: You bought from the wrong seller …. when you buy from ENET Cables Fast you will get everything you need
Question: do you have a compatible cable for Mini R60? Answer: Compatible already . Same cable
Question: Will I be able with this cable and provided software to code and register a new battery on my F25? Answer: Yes you will need ISTA Rheingold software along with the cable to do this.
Question: Will this cable work on the G01 X3M40i chassis? Answer: Yes I believe so, all f series model
Question: Does this work for 2016 750i? Answer: Yes
Question: Will this work on a 2013 X5? E70 Answer: No
uestion:Does this cable work with F48 2017? Answer: Yes.
Question: does this cable worl with my 2019 x3 g01 bmw? Answer: Works with all F, G & I series BMW
Question: Does this work on a 2017 i3 rex with business navigation (not professional)? Answer: Yes
Question: Will this work for a 2013 bmw 320i Answer: If you have the F30 generation then yes it will work
Question: Will this work 2013 bmw 320i Answer: It definitely will. I have a 13 328, and it works fine. The port is next to the foot plate. If you order it from the same people I did they will send you link for the pzdata and e sys. I hope this helps
Question: Will this work with a 2016 x3 to retrofit for Sirius radio? Answer: yes.
Question: I replaced mechatronic on my f25 x3 2011 and the car doesn’t shift out “Park”. Can I use your cable to reset it somehow? Answer: If you have the software to read the faults I don’t see why not.
Software compatible:
Question: Does this cable works with ista/d? Answer: Yes
Question: Can e-sys work with this cable and a rj-45 to usb adapter? Answer: Yes. Thats exactly what I did and worked flawlessly for my ’17 X5
Question: Is the Rheingold software legally available, or is the entire market usage of this product based on illegal unlicensed versions? Answer: It’s not illegally unlicensed it’s just cleveraly exploited platforms from Russian servers with loose copyright laws
Quality, source, PC..:
Question: For the people who had quality control issues with their cable, which seller did you guys buy it from? Answer: You can buy the cable from anyone reliable but you’d better check if it has support or not esp you’re a newbbie for this.
Question: Is this cable had the genuine Ftdi rs232 chipset? Answer: No, there is no chipset involved for a BMW ENET Cable. You must be referring to a BMW KDCAN Cable for E-Chassis Cars. ENET Cables are used for F, G and I chassis BMWs
Question: Can I use this cable to read engine codes and reset service reminders? Answer: Yes
Question: Can I use this cable to work with the scan guage 2 device? Answer: If scan gauge uses the cable and has a f series g series pin out one set up
Question: How long is the cable? Answer: It’s 2 meters long.
Question: Will I need to use a windows computer for the software or will it also work with my Apple laptop? Thanks, Answer: The cable will work with a VM running Windows on a Mac.
Question: i purchased the cable i do not have the driver where can i find the driver ? Answer: If your computer has a network (Ethernet) socket you’re shouldn’t need a driver. There’s certainly no special driver to talk to the car. It’s just an Ethernet connection. Just make sure DHCP is enabled on your computer for that connection.
Question: Just purchased this cable. Where is the software that everyone on this topic is chatting about? Answer: Hello.. Go and join the BMW forum F30.Bimmerpost.com. Go to the F30 Coding discussion section and post for the software, instructions, etc…
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