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"Your mind is like a parachute, it only works when it's open." 🪂 --------------------------------------------- A closed mind is by definition, not willing to consider different ideas or opinions. Narrowing your focus will only limit your potential to learn, understand and grow. A closed mind keeps you from having life changing, inspirational, and educational experiences. See, a parachute is designed to work properly when it is open. It can do it's job best when it is completely open. Same thing with the mind! An open mind can sympathize, understand different perspectives, learn more, consider more, and flourish if it's willing to accept all information that is given to it. Everything in our life begins and ends with how we approach the things we encounter on a daily basis. If our mind is closed, we reject so many incredible opportunities to learn and grow as human beings! We live our lives in a circle, simply doing the same things over and over again, day after day, without experiencing something new, and it might be the one thing that set's us free.✈️ When we see, hear or experience something new or unfamiliar, our subconscious mind - in less than a second - renders judgment upon it. The key is being aware of it and slowing things down to let our mind open to take in this new information. From there we are able to make up our own mind on whether or not this new idea, person, thought, place or thing can actually be of value to us. Is your parachute open? . . . . #FlashbackFriday to #2daysout from @npcnationals with my love @austincarterfitness when I got that last good workout in @lafitnessmia before the show! Leanest I have been yet!! Working hard to bring an even better package to @npcnorthamerican ! ⛏️ @Fitted.Fhysiques 💪 @austincarterfitness 🌞 @protan_official 👨🏻⚕️ @nwachiro 💅 @lacquernailsspa #FITTEDFHYSIQUES #OnlineTraining #personaldevelopment #useyourmindpower #knowledgebomb #truth #openmind #healthymind #bossbabe #npcbikini #npcnationals #firstcallouts #bikinichampion #motivation #bikinibodybuilding @npcworldwideofficial @npcnewsonlineofficialpage @npcoklahoma @npcnewstv (at University of Arkansas) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCdnWmjhb9v/?igshid=1w70bx6860klq
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