❝cabin in the woods❞ serial killer! Cody/Jonathan (1/2)
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Title: Cabin In The Woods
Summary: You and six of your other friends go out for a camping trip. When you arrive though, you find out the dark history. In the sixties seven teens were murdered, one decade later seven more died in the exact same spot. Now it’s the eighties. Will the tradition be carried on? And is one of your friends the person behind it?
Pairing: serial killer! Cody/Jonathan x Reader
Warning(s): Smut, Oral (female receiving), Fingering, Handjob, Orgasm (female), Descriptive Details of Murder, Betrayal, and Lying. Typical tropes for slasher movies (dumb cheerleader and jock, the “I’ll be right back” character gets killed right after they say it, a cabin in the woods)
Word Count: 2,263
Parts: 1, 2
Notes: @ccodyfern got me hooked on the idea of Jonathan being a serial killer. I sent in some ask and after planning out about nine of them I decided, fuck it, I’ll just write a story.  Also inspired by the 1980s Slasher theme for AHS season nine. Which at first I wasn’t like psyched about but I am now. 
When the bell rang out loud Meagan instantly grabbed your hand. Yanking you out of your chair and only giving you a second to grab your bag. You looked at her with wide eyes “Meagan!” you yelled “I almost fell on my ass!” you said.  She laughed “But I wanna get out of this school and go camping,” she whined stopping full force at her locker.  You brace yourself so you don’t hit her and roll your eyes “You just want to make out with, Zach and Cameron,” you mutter annoyed. 
She laughed hearing your bratty behavior. Opening her locker she grabbed the few pictures she left up. Looking over at you she smiled, “I’m sorry, okay?” she asked “I’m just excited. It’s the last day of school and this is the first time we’re doing something in high school,” she explained. 
You sigh and nod “Yeah, I know... sorry I got annoyed. Who all is going?” “Uh,” she thinks “Me, you, Cameron, Zach, Sean, Angela, and I think some sophomore named Jonathan or something like that.” “Jonathan?” you ask perking up “He lives next door to me! He super sweet, he’s a little shy though.” 
She shrugs “As long as he’s cute, I don’t care!” she says in a sing-songy tone. You laugh and walk beside her hugging your books to your stomach. Meagan hums a song she heard over the intercom as you see Zach and Cameron emerge from the office. Meagan runs over to her and throws her arms around Zach before pressing a kiss on his lips. Cameron looked over with jealousy on his features. Call it sadistic, but, you couldn’t wait for this whole two-boyfriends thing to blow up in her face.  You walk over picking up her fallen books and handing them over to Cameron.  You look to the right to see Angela walking beside Jonathan as she talks to him about something. Jonathan spots you and gets a bashful smile on his face and your smile back to him. You jump when Cameron slugs his arm around your shoulder “Hey there, Y/N, ready to hear some scary stories by the firelight?” he asks.
Scary stories.... yuck. 
Your body unconsciously shivers as the words repeat through your head. Zach chortles loudly “Y/N a scardy-cat... she’ll probably get freaked out enough just by being in the woods.” You roll your eyes in response pushing Cameron arm of your shoulder. You glare at Zack “Screw off, I’m not a scardy-cat.”
Angela and Jonathan finally reach your small group. Angela smiles big “Hey! Everyone ready to go camping?” she asks messing with her dark locks. Everyone gives a yes in response, Jonathan mumbling as he shies away glancing at you. You reach out and grab his hand as the others walk off to Zach's car. You look at him with gleeful eyes “Relax... I know you can get shy in groups. It’ll be alright, they’ll get drunk off their mind by the time we actually make conversation,” you laugh. Jonathan laughs back “I’m just happy your here,” he says. 
You bite your lip and pull him along “Come on,” you urge “They’ll without us if we’re late.”
As you sit in the car, pushed inbetween Angela and Jonathan you couldn’t help but notice how isolated the woods were. You were at least fifteen miles away from anybody. As you thought about the more your mind drifted off to dark places.
The idea of someone watching you, stalking, just waiting for the right moment to get you and do whatever they want. Your breathing sped up as you built up more and more anxiety until the car came to a forceful stop and you were almost launched out of your seat. Jonathan threw his arm in front of you making almost a seatbelt and stopping you from getting thrown out of your seat. You breathed heavily looking over at Jonathan before swallowing the lump in your front “Thanks,” you breathe out.  Meagan looked over at Zach with wide eyes “What the fuck?” she spit out.  He looked over at her and shrugged “I thought there was a deer!” he says, “Get off my back.”  Cameron stretches his arm behind Meagans’ head and flicks Zach “Maybe you should get glasses, dumbass,” he says. 
Zach rolls his eyes and starts driving against. Meagan turns around and looks at your concerned “Are you okay?” she asks gathering her auburn hair into a bun. You nod “Yeah, Jonathan caught me.” She looked over at him and smiles nodding her head in approval before looking at you and winking “Nice choice,” she grins. 
Jonathan looks over at you his curly brown hair in his face. He looks confused, you just shrug and turn to face forward making sure to glare at the back of Meagan's head. 
Almost thirty minutes later the car stopped at the campsite. A small area that was clear of trees. The tents were already set up (courtesy from Cameron and Zach) and a campfire was built up in the middle of it all. Angela quickly opened the door but slammed it shut, Jonathan scoffed opening his and offering you his hand “Let me help,” he says as you grab it. 
You looked up into the sky, the sun was already setting. 
“Y/N! Come get your stuff!” Meagan yells loudly catching your attention. You look over your shoulder nodding and heading towards the car. You grabbed your small bag throwing it into one of the empty tents before sitting down. Cameron ran over to your hosting you over his shoulder “We’re all going swimming, and you're going in first!”
You all gathered around the dancing fire as the darkness came over the woods. You hug your knees to your chest for warmth as Meagan grabs yours and hers. She runs back, handing your light blue jacket. Jonathan sits beside you along with Meagan. Zach, Cameron, and Angela sit on the other side of the fire facing you. 
The fire lit up everyone's faces in a morbid light. Zach leaned forward making him easier to see "Does anybody know the story about these woods?" he asked his voice low. No one came forward so Zach continued "Two decades ago seven teenagers came out here. They were camping for three days when someone invaded the camp when their parents sent out police. All they found was the gutted bodies of the campers." 
Cold air blew hard making the leaves rattled together and the fire stir. You jumped in surprise and clutched your jacket tightly as Zach went on. He pressed his hands together “All the girls were tied up in their underwear and the boys were left in the tents. The police searched for any evidence but all that was left was the victims. They never found whoever did. One decade later, in the seventies, it happened again. Seven campers all dead. Some people think it’s a generation thing, or maybe the same guy, but everyone’s making bets that’ll happen again.“ You suck a breath in (and ignored the sinister smile Zach gave you).  You clutch your jacket tighter as Zack let’s out a laugh and pronounces he’s going to bed. Leaving you and your other five friends alone surrounding the campfire.  A hand touches yours and you jump, Jonathan gives you a gentle smile “Don’t worry, I’d never let anyone hurt you.”
You smile back at him and blush slightly. Jonathan was always so nice to you “Thanks,” you tell him for the second time this night.  He nods his head “Do you wanna go for a walk? Clear your mind a bit?” he asks.
You let out a breathy laugh, God, you were so obvious “Yeah, I’d like that.” He held out his hand after he stood up, your fingers wrapping around his as he drugged you off into the woods. 
God, this was like a bad slasher movie flick. Seven dumb kids go into the woods, two sneak off and get killed. You could already see the character cast. Meagan is the dumb, big-breasted cheerleader, her boyfriend Zach is the dumb jock, the dumb jocks best-friend, Cameron, is really a nice guy, Angela is the nerd, and Jonathan is the shy guy (that in most movies ends up being the killer). But what does that make you? The last girl?
You both walked through the woods on the gravel trail until you reached a lake. It had only been five minutes or so and you could still see the slowly dimming campfire light. Jonathan looked over at you “Zach can be a real asshole,” he says. You laugh “Tell me about it,” you pick up a rock and skip it across the lake water “He usually isn’t this bad.” Jonathan shrugs “I don’t really hang out with anyone here except for Angela. I didn’t even want to come, I only came to be around you,” he explains. You can see a slight blush on his cheeks. You smile “They’re not that bad... your probably the best though.”
Jonathan blushes even more than he already was. He turns his head to meet your glance. Slowly he closes the gap in between you two, pressing his dry lips against yours. 
You kiss him back putting your hand on his cheek. He moves his hand to your thigh sliding slight closer to you. His tongue slides against your lip, asking permission to go further. You open your mouth shyly and your tongues dance together. He slowly lets his body weight push you down your jacket meeting the cold, slightly damp, grass. Your fingers tangle in his dark curls. He disconnects you lips and nuzzles your neck before kissing it. Sucking on it lightly as you lean your head back to give him more space. He nips at your skin causing you to gasp lightly, you can feel him smile against your skin. 
He switches places to the little bit of your exposed chest to suck on. His hand trailing up your white t-shirt and lightly rubbing your covered breast. You moan and pull at his curls causing him to moan slightly against your skin. He stops sucking on your skin to look up at you. His cold blue eyes meet yours “Can I... can I do more?” he asks quietly. You smile and blush but nod for him to continue. He slowly pushes up your t-shirt and jacket exposing the flesh of your stomach to the cold air. He kisses below your breast making his way down while looking up at you. You feel his fingers slide up the back of your thighs before gripping the beginning of your shorts and underwear. He tugs them down sitting up on his knees and throwing them off to the side. 
His hands grip your thighs hosting them over his shoulders as he leans down. You can feel him breathing against your warmth. Your breathing becomes heavy as he finally takes his tongue and slowly licks up your slit. Parting your lips until he reaches your clit and wraps his lips around it. He sucks lightly flourishing in the loud breathy moan that comes out of your beautiful mouth. 
He unwraps his lips and begins to kitten lick at your heat. Sucking on you a few more times, before giving your heat a soft kiss. You bite your lip “Jonathan... please,” you beg softly. Once again you feel him smile against your skin before he gives one full lick to your core. Finally, he sped up and it was like nothing you had experienced. Sure, you had been with a couple guys before but none them were caring like this. Jonathan didn’t lap at you like a dog in heat. It was like he was gently kissing and watching for your reactions.
You feel his fingers slowly slide up your inner thigh before he pulls his mouth away. You whine at the loss of contact but it turns into a moan when Jonathan pushes his fingers into your wet core. You feel him chuckle lightly before bending his head down again and sucking on your clit. Slowly he pumps his finger in and out of you. Teasing you in the hope you’ll beg for more again. Finally, he digs his finger in knuckle deep bring it out completely to shove it in again. You moan loudly and arch your back in response to him. He disconnected from your clit to look up at you with his cold blue eyes. He slid his finger out of you again and presses another one to your hole and slowly slides them both in. He smiles as he hears you cry out his name. He lets them sit there before making a come-here motion with his finger.
He keeps doing it repeatedly and buries his head in between your thighs and sucks on your clit again. He doesn’t stop until your fingers fall out of his hair to pull at the grass and your body spasms with him between your thighs.  “Jonathan!” you cry out loudly. As you come down, he slides his fingers out of your wet core. He moves over to sit beside you and grips your face with his still wet fingers. He leans down brushing his lips against yours “You taste so good,” he murmurs against them “sweet like honey.”
You almost moan as he presses his lips against yours sliding his tongue in. Your taste still lingering on it. He pulls away with a grin and stands up stretching his arms slight “Can you walk?” he jokes. You let out a laugh yourself “Yes... now go get more shorts!” you demand, kicking him slightly. 
He grabs them and hands them to you. You notice your white cotton panties peeking out of his pant pocket. You bite back a smile as you see him catch you staring and force them down all the way. The moonlight showing his panicked eyes and red cheeks.  You grab your shorts and slide them on before standing up. Grabbing Jonathans’ hand you lead him back to the camp. You look over at him, he’s wearing a goofy smile “What is this? I mean, I don’t usually do this.” Jonathan connects his gaze with yours “Well... I’ve liked you for a while so if you wanted to be my girlfriend?” he asked shyly. You smiled and turned around pressing your lips to his “I’d love that, Jonathan,” you tell him. You wrap your arms around him and he nuzzles your neck in the same sport he left a hickey. “Your mine, now,” he mumbles.
When you arrived back and camp Jonathan excused himself as being ‘tired’. You didn’t mind you were sleepy too. As he went into the tent you sat down on one of the logs near the fire. Thinking about everything that had just happened, you didn’t notice Zach exiting Meagan tent. You heard him let out a laugh and your head jolted to were he was. He looked at you with a smile “Are you still scared from that story?” Your eyes bulged "Wh-What? No!" you exclaimed. He laughed again before placing a hand on your shoulder "You get scared so easily," he taunted "Look, nothing bad is going to happen. You got me and Cameron here and who's going to mess with two huge football players? Just relax and get some sleep, alright?" he told you. You nodded and stood up "I wasn’t scared," you say “Night, Zach.” He smiled "Night, Y/N, I'm gonna go take a whiz. I'll be right back." 
Zach walked away not noticing the looming figure that was Jonathan. He watched with rage in his eyes as you smiled at Zach and let him touch you like that. How could you? You were his. He followed Zach as he walked off into the woods and near to the lake. He watched as Zack let his pants fall down not paying attention to his surroundings. Slowly, he came up behind him taking the knife out of his pocket and digging it into his side. Zach let out a loud groan pushing Jonathan away from him. He fell down and looked up at him “What the fuck, bro?” he asks. Jonathan just crouched down pushing the knife into his chest repeatedly. By the time he was done his hands were covered in blood. 
“Zach! Where are you?” he heard Meagan yell out. Looking through the trees he caught a glimpse of her. Standing by the fire in nothing but a t-shirt and panties. Jonathan looked away and stood up, washing his hands off in the water. He grabbed his knife and slowly crept back to camp.
It was time for the rest.
Then you’d finally be just his. 
Hi! I originally was going to post a “Dating Tate Langdon Would Include” as my first post but I got spurged with inspiration and wrote this long piece in like three hours. I hope you enjoyed! Like I said this was inspired by @ccodyfern getting me hooked on serial killer Cody/Jonathan.
Below are my masterlist and taglist. Taglist request are always open, (one-shot, hcs) request are currently closed, ships are open. I write for multiple fandoms so check that out.
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❝cabin in the woods❞ ⅱ          serial killer! Jonathan Wolff
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Title: Cabin In The Woods (part two)
Summary: You wake up hearing Angela scream. When you go to see what's wrong, your worst nightmare strikes. Your friends are dead and all that's left is you, Angela, and Jonathan. You all run to find safety but it seems like the killer is following. That's because the killer is right upon you, leading you to his little cabin in the woods, to keep you for himself forever.
Pairing: serial killer! Jonathan Wolff x Reader
Warning(s): Smut, Dub-Con, Oral (male & female receiving), Fingering, Overstimulation, Squirting, Penetration, Kidnap, Murder, Details of Murder, Blood, and Gore
Word Count: 4k, 10.5 pages
Parts: 1, 2
Notes: This is a dark fic so beware.
Jonathan stalks forward keeping his eyes on Meagan. She stood by the fire pulling down her t-shirt as she called out for her boyfriend. If only she knew. He wipes his hands on his hoodie before stepping into the light "Meagan!" he calls "Zach's over by the lake," he tells her. Meagan turns around and sighs "Thanks, asshole promised he'd be right back." Jonathan nods as she walks off. His eyes drift over to Y/N tent.
Don't worry love, he thinks, soon enough it'll just be us. 
He buried his hands into his pockets calmly walking toward the way Meagan went. He met her quickly seeing her search around for Zach calling out his name every so often. Slowly he came up behind her a tree branch breaking under his foot. He launched back into the darkness. Meagan turned around with her flashlight and shined it toward his way "Who's there?" she asks. Jonathan rolls his eyes, did she expect him to answer? She shines the light in a couple more directions before back where he is. Jonathan comes out from behind his tree his silhouette shown in the darkness. Meagan lets out a scream and drops her flashlight running in the opposite direction. Jonathan runs after her leaves crunching underneath his feet as he does.
Meagan tripped falling down fast. She catches herself and looks to see what shes fell on.
It's Zach bloody body. 
She screams loudly as Jonathan grabs her ponytail and lunges the knife into her back. "No!" she cries out but he plea falls on the deafened ear of Jonathan.  As Jonathan plunged the knife into her back he relishes in the blood that coats his hand and soaks through her shirt. Jonathan doesn't notice that Cameron is creeping up behind him until it's too late.  Cameron tackles Jonathan and throws the knife out of his hand and into the lake. Camerons' body weight pushes Jonathan down as he squirms and kicks underneath him. Jonathan grabs Cameron's shoulders and kicks up hitting him in the groin. As Cameron groans in pain Jonathan gives a hard shove throwing him off of him. He quickly stands up and grabs him by his hair pulling him towards the lake as Cameron grips at his arm trying to force him off. Jonathan shoves Cameron head into the water holding it down. Cameron thrashes around as Jonathan forces his head to stay underneath the water. Finally, his body stills and Jonathan feels him become lighter. Jonathan lets him go and watches for a few seconds.
Cameron doesn't move and Jonathan smiles "One more," he whispers "Just on more."
You stir and hold the blanket closer to your body in an attempt to make yourself warm. There had been so much noise outside. Probably Meagan sneaking Zach into her tent than out, then sneaking Cameron into it. You finally close your eyes in peace when you hear leaves crunching outside of your tent and the sound of something dragging. You scrunch your nose up in annoyance and huff. 
Angela whose tent lay beside yours hears it too. She cautiously grabs her flashlight before unzipping her tent and shining it outside. She gasps and drops the flashlight before letting out a screech. You shoot up at the sudden noise grabbing the zipper of your tent and pushing it down.  "Angela?! What wrong?" Your voice gets quiet as you see the bodies of Cameron, Meagan, and Zach lining the fire. Your eyes widen as Angela grabs your trembling hand "We need to get out of here."
Together you both take off running not stalling until you both hear a twig snap. Your body holds and Angela almost falls from your stalling. Your stare into the darkness as Angela tugs on your wrist "Y/N!" she tries her best to yell but her voice comes out as a hoarse whisper.  Slowly the branch moves back and exposing Jonathan who cautiously looks at both of you "Did you see the others?" he asked his voice laced with fear. You let out a sob as you nod, remembering the bodies of your friends. Bloody and gutted, as the story said. You look up at them "Is it happening again? The murders.... like in the seventies?" you ask hugging yourself.  Angela ignores your question looking down before walking over and grabbing Jonathan hand "We need to get away from the campsite," she says "Somewhere near the road."
Jonathan looks over at your trembling form "I saw a cabin in the woods when I came out to help set up. It's not far from here," he says.  Angela nods and pulls Jonathan along with her as she grabs your face "I need you to calm down. We're gonna be fine." You shake your head and wipe away the tears as they set off in the direction Jonathan points toward. You walk shyly behind them as Angela shines the flashlight around nervously. Jonathan looks over at her "You shouldn't be shining that. He could see us," he says. "How do you know it's a he?" she asks accusingly.  Jonathan rolls his eyes "When isn't it?" he grits out before glancing back over to you. His motions his fingers for you to come closer "C'mere, Y/N, stay close."  You nod and walk to the spot in between them. Jonathan grabs one of your shaky hands and pulls you closer to him. His heat radiates off of him like a furnace in the cold air. As you all walk closer and closer you notice the cabin up ahead. Angela shines the flashlight showing that in front of it is a back road "How far is a town from here?" she asked looking at Jonathan. He thinks for a minute "I'm not sure. It took us a good half an hour or so to get here driving. It's probably too far to walk, especially at night. The flashlight would die."
Angela glances over at him and for a moment you see confusion go over her face. Before she can reply Jonathan points ahead "There's probably a key somewhere. Worst case scenario we break a window," he says running ahead. Angela grabs your arm as you trail behind him.  "Don't you think it's weird he happened to know where the cabin was?" she asks "Or almost instantly knew how long it'd take for us to get back?"
You roll your eyes pulling away "Jonathan is a smart guy. Come on, we don't know if whoever did..." you trail off sniffling "That. Is still out there."
As you walk up you notice Jonathan checking rocks by the window. Angela hesitantly follows you eventually you both reach Jonathan. She shines the flashlight where he is "You're not gonna find a key. Someone would have to super stupid to put their key under a rock out here." Jonathan looks back at you both with a grin, key in hand, "Guess we're lucky people are stupid."
His smile sent chills down your spine. The bright light shining on his face reflecting off of his white teeth and showing his eyes that held no emotion despite the grin on his face.
Ignoring the feeling you grabbed Angelas' hand and went up to the door following Jonathan inside. As soon as you entered he shut the door locking it behind him. Angela shines the light around the room "Is there a light switch somewhere?" she ask.  Jonathan lets his hand wander around the wall before he feels a switch. He presses the switch down and up and the lights don't even flicker "Must be off," he says "I'm gonna make sure that all the windows are locked," he tells us before walking off. You see a glimmer of his flashlight as he does.  I looked over at Angela "Do you wanna try and find some bedrooms? I don't any phones work out here," you ask. Angela nods shining her flashlight forward. You both walk around for a while seeing Jonathan locking some windows. You come down a dark hallway and push open the doors slowly. At the end of the hallway, you find two bedrooms. The house looks practically brand new, the beds all tightly tucked and the floor shining. You look at Angela who walks around the room carelessly "Do you wanna go get Jonathan?" you ask her.  She nods with a sigh "Yeah," she says "I'll get him."
She walks down the hallway leaving you in the dark room. As she walks around the dark house she shines her flashlight seeing Jonathan nowhere to be found. Finally, as she comes into the living room she notices him. Quietly sitting in the dark, on the couch, looking up at her. She walks towards him "So, how did you found... them?" her voice struggles at the last part.  Jonathan looks up at her "I heard some noises outside my tent. I went out and saw someone walking towards the lake, I went after them and saw someone chasing Meagan." "You didn't try to help her?" "Cameron already was," he replied dryly "Did you need something?" Angela huffed "Yeah," she said "Y/N found some... what's on your jacket?"
Jonathan looked down and let his fingers grab at it. Red liquid coated his fingers and he looked up at her "What do you think it is?"
Angela gasped as she saw the color. Throwing the flashlight towards him and running towards the door "Y/N!" she yelled out "Get out of the house!" she called. Jonathan bounced off the couch dodging the flashlight and set after Angela. Angela look behind her, the door was so close, as she turned back she couldn't see through the darkness. Her foot caught on something and her body came tumbling down. Fighting her way to turn around she kicked her foot up to try and hit Jonathan who grabbed it and put it under his leg as she sat down. Reaching behind into his pocket he grabbed the silver knife that shined from the moonlight that pulled through the window. Then he lowered his hand and let the blade go into her stomach. 
You hear the thumping and yells, hesitantly you go down the dark hallway. You can't see anything. As you glance into the living you see the light of Angela flashlight shining in the corner. There's no sign of her. Someone reaches out grabbing your arm and covers your mouth before you can scream "Y/N, relax, it's just me," Jonathan whispers looking behind him. He looks into your scared eyes "He's in the house. Go into the basement, the doors at the end of the hall. I'll fight him off just hide somewhere he won't find you."
With that, he pushes you to go down the hall. Turning around he heads off as you follow his order looking for the door. At the end of the hall, you can make out a rusty door and reach out for the knob. Slowly twisting it you can see stairs, you let go and put your arm out for a rail, grabbing onto it before shutting the door and heading down. It's too dark to see where you're placing your foot so you slowly descend down the stairs.  You meet the ground and can feel the cold through your shoes. Your breathing is slow and you walk around. you can't hear anything,  you try to make your eyes adjust to the dark but can't seem to find anything to focus on. It's all just faded away.  You can smell the dampness of the basement. Some old books, possibly. For a second you find calmness in the silence and let your chest fall down as your breathing goes back to normal. The peace is ruined when you hear the rusted door open and light pours into the room. 
Without thinking your body tries to quietly run into one of the corners. Your shoulders hunch and you pull your knees up to your chest trying to be as small as possible. You can hear heavy footsteps walk down the stairs. Creaking as whoever it comes down. 
One step, two, three... they stop for a moment. Your breath catches before you hear his foot collide with the solid ground. They walk around for a bit. Tears fall down your cheeks and you try to stay quiet. They're quiet too, and before you know it you feel your scalp burn as they grab your hair and hit your face against the concrete wall. You try to pull them away but your strength fades along with your vision. Letting you greet a familiar friend. 
You wake up in the same place. A different spot but still in the basement. As you pull your limbs in a plot to get up, you can feel the ropes tightening around you. Your legs are tied up too, they're forced up. Open and spread. Your arms are held above your head and as you glance around it's still dark. Until you hear a click and light fills the room. You shiver from the cold air that is against your body. Your naked and you cry silently knowing what to expect. Before you see someone you never expected. 
He's dressed differently know. In a dark hoodie and jeans. His messy brown hair is stuck to his head. He's looking at you differently now, cold and piercing. You let out a sob "Jonathan?" you ask crying.  He hushes you and walks forward. Reaching out he smooths some of your hair "Relax," he says calmly "It's all okay, angel. I'm here." You sob more as he tilts his head almost confused "What did you do?" you ask "What did you do to them?" His lips twitch up before he lets them fall again "They were going to take you away from me. Now they can't... no one can."
You cry more trying to move your head away from his hand. He crouches down grabbing your chin forcing you to look at him before he moves towards you pressing his cold lips against yours. You whimper and try to squirm away. He lets you go with an angry expression on his face. His hand collides with your face and your cheek stings from the force "Now, now angel, I let you live. You should be grateful," he grinds out "You're gonna be grateful." 
He moves back and starts messing with his belt. Shoving his pants down he takes out his cock from his boxers. 
"No! God, please no!" you cry out.
"Shut up!" he retorts coming towards you and grabbing your hair with his other hand. He forces your face right in front of his cock and pumps it back and forth. It gets hard and he shoves it in your mouth. His other hand goes into your hair as he lets out a groan. His hips slowly move his cock in and out of your mouth as you cry and sob around it. He laughs "Keep doing that... the vibration feels nice," he taunts.  He starts to thrust with my power as his fingers pull at your hair burning your scalp. As he thrust in and out his breathing gets faster and he presses his cock all the way down your throat. You choke around him and your nose brush against his pubic hair. He holds still for a moment and you look up at him with tearful eyes. His mouth is hanging open with his eyes closed and then he slowly exits your mouth. 
"Wanna fuck you before I cum." 
He gets down on his knees ignoring your cries and his fingers brush against your womanhood. He hums and looks up to you "Not wet, huh? It's okay we can fix that," he bends down and grabs your hips pushing your body ups and holds you in the air. You can feel his hot breath against your womanhood. "Please stop," you cry "Please."
His tongue feels hard as it goes up your slit wetting your dry pussy. It rubs circles around your clit before his lips connect to it and he sucks. You can't stop the quiet moan that comes out of your mouth. He lets go and licks at your pussy. It reminds you of the French kiss you two shared before hell broke loose. His tongue swirling around your clit, and passionately licking at your heat. You bite your lip as tears fall from your eyes. You couldn't like this, not with the guy who did such horrid things, you just couldn't. Even if it did feel so good. 
He lets one hand slide to the middle of your hip and lets the other go away. Quickly putting his finger against your clit and rubbing it in motion. Gently licking and doting on you. Your chest heaves as your breathing accelerates. You can feel a knot forming in your stomach as you try to fight against your arousal. Why did you like this? You squirm as you pussy clenches around nothing as the knot gets tighter and tighter before you cry out loudly. You can feel your arousal dripping down onto your ass as your body spasms against Jonathan, who is still licking and rubbing at you. You finally stop cumming and his pulls away grinning at you. You can see his chin shine from your cum and you cry harder ashamed. 
He lets your body down for a second before thrusting two fingers inside of you. You cry out at the feeling and squirm but he quickly uses his other hand to hold you into place. His fingers pump in and out of you at a fast pace slamming against your g-spot every time. You mewl as he forces you to take whatever he gives you and he stares at you with a large smile on his face "Cum, again," he demands "I'm not stopping until you do." He works another finger inside of you not caring enough to let you adjust before he begins working them in and out of you again. He thrust them in before brushing them up against your g-spot. You moan loudly forgetting the situation you're in as your hips try to buck against his fingers pushing them further into you. "Mmm, my naughty little angel. I knew you'd come around. Beg for me, beg." 
His fingers slow down and you whine at him "Please! Jonathan, please! Don't stop, please, don't stop!" you beg "Jonathan please keeping fucking me!" 
He laughs before thrusting them hard into you again and speeding up. You close your eyes as all three of them hit your g-spot. It feels so good. It all feels so good. Before you know it, your cumming hard again. Harder than you ever have and you feel a burst of something come out of you.  Your head tips down and you’re shocked to see fluid splattering out of you, all over his fingers. Jonathan groans loudly and pulls his fingers out, slapping and sliding his hand across your gushing cunt to really let you get it all out. This all must’ve looked like a scene straight from a porn video. Jonathan plays with you some more, his fingers tapping at your swollen clit as your body tries to jerk away from his hand but there’s nowhere to go.
"That's it you fucking whore, give it all to me!"
You breathe in and out as if your having a panic attack as you look up to Jonathan who crouches down and lets his tongue slide against your drenched cunt. Tasting everything you gave him as your overstimulated body twitches and tries to run away from him. He sits back up forcing his fingers into your mouth "Taste."  Your tongue slides against his fingers tasting your arousal. He pulls them out your salvia or arousal creating a trail to your mouth. He moves up and you see him grab his cock before tapping against your swollen clit "No! No! No more, please!" you beg him. He shoves himself inside of you ignoring your pleas.  His thrusts are slow and he even pulls out to smack his dick against your clit a few times before sliding right back in where he belongs. He starts fucking you fast before grabbing your legs and spreading them wider than they were before so he can get even deeper into you. His hips smack against your thighs as he goes balls deep into you. Your high-pitched moan and whines fill the basement as your head throws itself back and you swear you see stars. You cry out 'yes!" and 'no!' all at the same time because it's too much but you still want more. You beg him for more ignoring the fact that he was the reason you were tied up and alone. 
He fucks into you rough and almost growls as your tight pussy clamps against him as you feel yourself cumming again. You think about how incredible it would be to cum around his thick cock "Oh! Jonathan! Yes!" you yell. Your entire body shakes as your as roll into your head and your toes curl. You stop breathing as your mouth gapes open and for a second you feel like your going to cry as you feel the blast of liquid between your legs again. He doesn't stop this time though. He keeps fucking you as you squirt and spasm underneath him. You arousal goes all over the floor and your pussy clamps tighter than he's ever felt before. 
He keeps fucking you the entire time until you stop. He finally heaves as he thrust and you feel his hot cum fill your unprotected insides. He gives you a hard thrust spurting into, he keeps going until he's completely drained. He lets your body drop against the hard wet floor and he falls onto you. Sliding out of you as he buries his head into your neck. He lifts it up and slams his lips against you thrusting his tongue into your mouth. Swirling it around and claiming every part of you before he breaks the kiss, stands up, and leaves. 
As the door slams, you let out a sob realizing the truth. 
You were stuck here, forever. 
Hi! This is part two for “Cabin In The Woods” part one is linked above. Credit to @ccodyfern for getting me on the Jonathan Wolff kick. We stan someone who can make an original character into a fan favorite ;) I hope you enjoyed!
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