#user: valentina.
femaledaily · 2 years
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ABBOTT ELEMENTARY 1.06 | Gifted Program
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milfsource · 2 years
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cinematv · 2 years
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ABBOTT ELEMENTARY  2.03 | Story Samurai
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optional · 2 years
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ABBOTT ELEMENTARY 1.07 ◇ Art Teacher
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“Peak character design” and it’s just a girl with a ponytail.
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puppyuserboxes · 7 months
Saw character userboxes (Part 10, Saw 2023)
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please do not get into discourse about whether or not you like the characters in the tags or replies!
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condenadoshqs · 1 year
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los directivos analizan datos de lauritz (laurie) schäfer para recibirle en su primer año de curso. se encuentra estudiando ingeniería informática en st. philip of agira y ha sido asignade a la mansión doce. todos los datos parecen ser correctos en lo que estampan sello para declararlo como procesado. sin embargo, días después expediente desaparece y en su lugar dentro del archivo, una hoja con la firma de una sociedad secreta queda como demostración de lo que fue robado. ¿ganar o perder? todavía nadie lo sabe.
VALENTINA, bienvenide al universo de condenados. ¡nos encanta tenerte entre nosotres! esperamos que tu estadía en el grupal sea larga y que disfrutes de cada cosa que esta maravillosa historia tiene para ofrecer. esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
nombre: valentina 
pronombres: ella/suya
edad: 26
país / zona horaria: gmt-3
triggers: suicidio
¿aceptas que tu personaje reciba cualquier tipo de intervenciones? sí
¿algo que agregar? ¡que bonito todo! gracias ♥
nombre completo: lauritz (laurie) schäfer
faceclaim: harry gilby
pronombres: el / suyo
edad: 21 años 
fecha de cumpleaños: 22 de enero
lugar de proveniencia: alemania.
descripción psicológica:
POSITIVOS. introvertido, inteligente, cordial, humilde.
NEGATIVOS. manipulable, tímido, despistado.
descripción física: 
de una altura de 1.82 metros, delgado. cabello oscuro, bucleado que no se extiende más allá de los hombros, natural y su empeño de lucirlo arreglado no es constante. ojos verdes. tiene una perforación en la oreja derecha y un piercing en la nariz ( discreto aro a su lado derecho ) de reciente aparición.
posibles tw: accidente automovilístico
UNO. nace dentro de una familia estable conformada por sus padres, un hermano mayor y abuelos maternos. desde antepasados las carencias no existen, si bien las formas de ganar el sustento son distintas. padres se dedican al negocio automovilístico desde hace veinte años, pero la realidad es que detrás de todo hay secretos asociados a ajustes ilegales debido a la influencia del padre, quien oculta gran parte de su historia y solo su madre fue capaz de entenderlo y encubrirlo. abuelos son quienes otorgan el apoyo emocional y dedican exclusividad a su infancia, todo lo que sabe durante los primeros años es gracias a ellos. la lectura bíblica y creencias asociadas a religión no faltan ningún día en la mesa, es llevado al bautismo y a la comunión por influencia de ellos. lo cierto es que, a pesar de todo el oscuro secreto de sus padres, la familia ante los ojos de terceros es una familia ideal y creyente, con excelentes futuros para sus hijos.
DOS. la situación empieza a cambiar durante la adolescencia. su hermano mayor despierta el hábito de rebeldía y los llamados de atención comienzan a gastar la paciencia de sus padres, ocasionando que más de una vez tengan que cambiar de institución por esos malos comportamientos. laurie, por el contrario, nunca despertó el enojo de sus padres. es quien más sufre los cambios de institución ya que no tiene una personalidad tan florida como la de su hermano. la timidez es el principal problema, su comodidad es mantenerse dentro de una línea firme de introversión y pensar demasiado, no buscar alguna clase de aceptación como su hermano. se destaca muy bien con las calificaciones en general, en principio teniendo un gusto particular por cada materia, pero conforme fue creciendo su interés por la informática despertó de golpe. a pesar del tiempo que dedica a los estudios (de hecho, nunca se atrasa con las tareas ni los exámenes) dedica horas nocturnas a videojuegos en línea, las mejores personas que conoce son a través de estas plataformas.
TRES. a sus dieciséis sufren la pérdida de sus progenitores en un accidente automovilístico. las grabaciones apuntan a que fue un error del conductor opuesto, aunque los hechos continúan siendo dudosos hasta el día de hoy. ese es el punto de partida para que hermano mayor decida alejarse de la familia completamente y pierda el rumbo de su vida. laurie tiene el apoyo de sus abuelos, pero los hechos dejan un vacío que hasta el día de hoy duele. 
CUATRO. los años pasan y laurie tiene que hacerse cargo de su futuro. gracias al estatus familiar logra entrar en una prestigiada institución universitaria donde hace elección de ingeniería informática, su fuerte. vive constantemente con culpas, sintiéndose responsable de que su hermano no logre volver ‘al camino’ aunque éste afirma que la vida es mejor desde afuera. 
DATO ADICIONAL OPCIONAl: removido por la administración.
FACULTAD: st. philip of agira
CARRERA: ingenieria informática
EXTRACURRICULARES: miembro del coro universitario, miembro del club de japonés, miembro del club de robótica, miembro del club de diseño gráfico, miembro del club de astronomía.
¿cuál es la sociedad secreta de su interés? removido por la administración.
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griffin-girl-r · 11 months
Can you write a blackhill x daughter!reader where reader and Kate are dating. One day Kate sneaks into readers bedroom window really early in the morning injured from her late night mission the night before. Reader helps patch her up and then Natasha and Maria walk in on them kissing. Being the protective parents they are they give Kate “the talk” about not hurting their daughter and making sure reader stays safe and out of harms way of Kates little hero life.
I wasn’t sure if you write fics where reader is dating someone so I understand if you decide to not write this.
The birds and the birds
Created: 16.10.2023
Finished: 17.10.2023
Edited: 17.10.2023
Age: 24
Word count: 1,514
Warnings: Injury, Cussing, Embarrassment
Request: Yes (Tumblr user)
Pairings: Kate Bishop x Female!Reader, BlackHill
It was early in the morning when you turned around on your other side in sleep, allowing a soft sigh to escape your lips.
The compound was enveloped in silence as everyone was peacefully sleeping.
Everyone except one person.
"Ah, fuck!" A loud groan was heard as the window of your bedroom swung open
"What in Fury's name?" You mumbled confused, angry that your peaceful slumber had been disturbed
You slightly raised your head and looked in the direction of the sound and there, you found your girlfriend, clinging to her arm.
"Hi, honey!" Kate greeted you, supporting her side to the wall she bumped into earlier
"Katie, what are you doing here?" You asked, sitting up, now fully awake
"I just came to visit my girlfriend." Kate nodded as if to convince herself of what she was saying "Is that illegal?"
"Not when it's 5:34 a.m. in the morning." You looked at the clock on your nightstand then back at Kate.
"Is that early?" Kate chuckled nervously "Damn, I haven't even noticed. I must have really missed you."
"Come and sit!" You ordered your girlfriend and she obediently complied with your orders
When Kate sat down on the edge of your bed, your eyes went wide when you noticed what was wrong with our girlfriend.
"Katherine Elizabeth Bishop!" You gasped, worry visible on your face, as you quickly stood up
"Y/N Rosalinda Elisabeth Yelena Valentina Ivanova Alina Svetlana Mikhailovna Aleksandra Sofia Romanoff-Hill." Kate stated unimpressed without stuttering in the slightest
"Wow..." You stopped in your tracks for a moment "Was it necessary?"
"You say my full name, I say your full name." Kate determinately stated "Isn't this how it works?"
"I know, but still..." You shrugged defeated
"Did your parents hated you that much when you were born?" Kate asked
"No." You walked towards one side of the room and grabbed a first aid kit "Why?"
"Just asking." Kate shook her head "Curiosity, you know. But, given your name, I wouldn't agree with you."
"Oh, go fuck yourself, Bishop." You chuckled, sniffing a laugh away, as you began to tend to the wound on Kate's arm
"Why don't you do it yourself?" Kate smirked "Coward!"
"First the wound." You smirked back, staring to patch up your girlfriend "Now what has actually happened?"
"I may or may have not been shot in the arm with an arrow on my mission last night." Kate avoided eye contact
"Katie..." You sighed, allowing your shoulders to fall
"I'm sorry." The girl winced when the disinfectant made contact with her wound "I didn't know where to go so I came here."
You smiled and cupped Kate's cheek with your hand.
"I am so glad you felt safe enough to come here first." You quickly pecked her lips "I am just worried that, one day, you would badly get hurt and won't be able to make it back here in time."
"Hey..." Kate whispered, moving a strand of hair away from your face, her eyes full of adoration "I will always come back to you, sweetheart. I love you too much not to do so."
"You better!" You chuckled tearfully "And I love you too."
Kate leaned closer and kissed you as you melted into her touch.
It was a much-needed kiss and your hands froze in the middle of the process of wrapping a bandage around your girlfriend's injured arm.
The door of your room was silently pushed open and a loud gasp interrupted the make-out session between you and your lover.
"Y/N!" Natasha gasped, taking in the sight before her
"Mama!" You shouted, your eyes going wide
"Kid?" Maria said confused
"Mom?" You asked back
"What is happening here?" Natasha yelled, walking over to you and Kate with Maria hot on her heels
"Uhm... Nothing?" Kate spoke unsure as she realized you both had been caught red-handed
You and she have indeed been dating for over a year now, but given everything that happened with the snap and the wars, you both chose to keep your relationship a secret until the time was right.
Natasha and Maria, that have disappeared during the snap, were shocked to see their little girl, because in their eyes you were still a baby, kissing someone.
"Kate, what are you doing with our daughter?" Natasha was, again, the one to ask as Maria was too stunned to speak
"We were just talking, Mrs. Romanoff-Hill." Kate raised her hands in defence "I swear."
"About what?" Natasha raised her eyebrow "About how to hide from us that you two are dating?"
"What are you two even doing here at this hour?" You looked at your mothers, also raising your eyebrow, mimicking Natasha's gesture
"It's 6:30 a.m." Natasha explained "We always come to check on you first thing in the morning when we wake up and look what we discovered this morning."
"If it makes it better, we weren't hiding." Kate tried to reason
"You shut up, Kate Bishop." Natasha snapped at Kate and the girl could swear that it was as if she heard Yelena's voice "Does Clint know about this?"
"Why are you acting like he's my father?" Kate raised her shoulders in confusion
"Babe, he kind of is." You scrunched your face, silently agreeing with Natasha
"Oh, fuck me." Kate sighed in defeat, looking down at the floor
"I would, but not with my moms in here." You whispered, hoping that your parents didn't hear
Unfortunately for you, Natasha's ears can pick up even on the faintest of sounds and your words resonated loud and clear in her mind.
"No, you wouldn't!" Natasha protested "You barely turned 16 a week ago!"
"Mama, I turned 24 a week ago." You said cautiously "Not 16. And Kate is 23. We are not kids anymore. I had just turned 16 when you and Mom were dusted."
"Is that so?" Natasha crossed her arms over her chest "Then I guess it's finally the time for 'the birds and the bees' talk."
"More like, 'the birds and the birds' talk." Maria spoke for the first time, her eyes staring into the distance "Cause there's no bee in here to sting if you know what I mean."
Maria quickly came back to her senses when Natasha slapped the back of her wife's head full force.
"You're an idiot, Hill!" Natasha shouted
Maria rubbed the back of her head, with tears in her eyes, and winced "I'm trying. Okay?"
"Remind me why I married you?" Natasha shook her head
"At this point, even I ask myself the same thing." Maria kept rubbing her head
After an entire hour where Natasha sat down on a chair in front of you and your girlfriend, explaining about safe intimate ways of having "fun" with each other, the redhead let out a deep breath and looked up at Maria who sat behind her, the brunette commander's hands resting on Natasha's shoulders.
"We want to make one thing clear, Kate." Natasha said, turning her attention from Maria to Kate "You have to make sure that our little Y/N stays out of harm's way."
"And away from your little hero life." Maria added, quietly growling at Kate
You and Kate shared a confused look when you noticed Maria's behavior but, at the same time, tried to hide the amused looks on your faces.
"You are not allowed to hurt her." Maria finished her sentence
"Or else, we'll be coming for you and we will find you and boil you to your death." Natasha threatened
"Then we will cut you up in pieces and fry you on the grill as if you were Steve's Saturday barbeque." Maria squinted her eyes, her voice cold
A shiver ran down Kate's spine and she gulped, feeling the knot in her throat tightening.
"Yes, Mrs. Romanoff-Hill and Mrs. Romanoff-Hill." Kate managed to choke out, her face filled with terror
"Great!" Natasha shouted in a cheerful tone as if nothing had happened "Now we'll let you two love birds have some private time."
"But we will keep an eye on you from now on." Maria pointed her finger toward you and Kate
And with that, Natasha dragged Maria out of the room by her hand.
When the door slammed closed behind the older couple, Kate and you looked into each other's eyes.
"They were joking, didn't they?" Kate chuckled, trying to hide the fear she was feeling
"I doubt they are." You dragged out "But they're my moms. They are capable of anything, I wouldn't worry too much about them. They're harmless."
Kate shivered out of fear, not fully agreeing with your statement about the commander and the spy being harmless but she had no other choice than to say you are right.
After all, Natasha and Maria had reacted so much better than any of you expected upon finding out about your secret relationship and the fact that Kate had sneaked into the compound injured after a mission.
Kate can only hope that Natasha and Maria were joking.
Permanent taglist: @mmmmokdok , @lizlil , @youralphawolf72 , @observeowl , @lovelyy-moonlight , @froufrousnowman , @justarandomreaderxoxo , @theunchosenonee , @darkstar225 , @circe143 , @daggersquadphantom , @halstead-severide-fan , @ravensinthedaylight , @dannipotatoo , @natsxwife
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srbachchan · 8 months
DAY 5826
Jalsa, Mumbai Jan 30/31, 2024 Wed 12:04 am
Birthday - EF - Valentina Ivanovna/Ef Sourav Banerjee/ Ef Madhumita Gupta,Birthday Wednesday, 31 January .. all good wishes for this special day .. from the Ef ..❤️🌹
.. and the ever present social media lingers about .. once started it remains page after page after page .. making the World an 8 billion inhabitant journalist question markers .. and around 4 billion camera operators ..
the scarcity of information was never more acute than now ..
Social media, once heralded as a tool for connectivity, has devolved into a breeding ground for societal evils. Its addictive algorithms manipulate users, fostering a culture of comparison and low self-esteem. Cyberbullying thrives in the anonymous shadows, leading to mental health crises. Privacy erosion becomes the collateral damage as personal data is exploited for profit. The incessant barrage of curated content perpetuates misinformation, polarizing societies and undermining critical thinking. The pursuit of online validation eclipses genuine human connections, contributing to loneliness and disconnection. Social media's insidious influence seeps into every facet of life, corroding empathy and amplifying the darker aspects of human behavior.
Social media, despite its drawbacks, offers a myriad of benefits. It facilitates instant global communication, connecting people across distances and fostering a sense of community. Platforms serve as catalysts for social movements, enabling collective activism and awareness. Businesses leverage social media for marketing, reaching diverse audiences efficiently. Educational opportunities flourish through online courses and collaborative platforms. Social media becomes a tool for self-expression, giving marginalized voices a platform. It serves as a vast information hub, promoting knowledge-sharing and global awareness. Ultimately, social media, when used judiciously, can be a force for positive change, empowerment, and enlightenment.
the opinions from the informed .. above 👆🏼
sensible and within the limits of ts express .. for every opinion in the Universe of the DAY , is ever pronounced by the question mark of the question ..
Is it ..?
Will it ..?
How ..?
what will be .. ?
can it be .. ?
the question is .. ?
good night .. without any question mark ..
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Amitabh Bachchan
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femaledaily · 2 years
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cinematv · 2 years
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ABBOTT ELEMENTARY 1.07 | Art Teacher
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optional · 2 years
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ABBOTT ELEMENTARY  1.07 | Art Teacher
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“Peak character designs” and it’s just a sapphic couple with ponytails.
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colie-nne · 1 year
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pairings: formula 1 grid x fem driver!oc
warnings: none
a/n: sorry for being inactive, the hunt for a new apt isn't going well. should've done this weeks ago, but i'm back at it with another part of my driver series hope you like this as much as my other ones!!😌
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“Lando!” Valentina screams his name for the second time since her stream had started.
Rushed steps are heard from the hallway leading to her room, “What is it?” He asks, hair disheveled making it clear to the viewers he just got up from where ever he was just a minute ago.
“There you are, well if you’ve been answering your phone in the past minute you should know what I was asking for,” she grumble before pulling Lando by the shirt.
“You’re streaming?” Asking as he takes in her current desk set up. “Yup, I mean a cancelled race wasn’t on my to-do list today so why not make an appearance, yeah?” Val answers before showing her phone to him.
Giving her a confused look, he takes the phone only for him to stand there silent. “What am I supposed to do with this?” Lando gesturing to the app shown on screen. “And why the hell are you sitting like that?”
“Like what?”
“Like you’re about to jump off of the chair.”
“Ok ok, first of all, I was cross sitting for quite a while before you came in,” she said as a matter of factly before sitting up properly. “And last of all, I need your help for the address.”
Holding back a laugh, “You need help with what?.”
“No, don’t laugh. I forgot ok, it’s too much for me to be able to remember that shit,” reasoning out, she looks up at him, who by the way is clearly entertained.
“Valentina, you’ve been living here for about two years now and you still don’t know the address?” His tone changes into a somewhat disapproving yet shocked one.
“Yeah but it’s not like I write my address all the time.”
User why is forgetting their address a very Val thing to do User my favorite pair is back!!! User  now we know why lando has to pick val up from literally everywhere.
After the subtle confession, the room turned silent. The two drivers staring at each others expression, one who’s clearly entertained while one is quite the opposite.
Val slowly points her finger to Lando, as if threatening him would stop the high pitched laugh that’s now escaping his mouth. Covering the lower half of his face he slowly tumbles out of frame. 
“Lando, come on. I need it now, like asap, right now, like immediately,” she said pulling him back before making him sit on the bean bag next to her.
“Fine, fine. But you’re still not pardon you shrimp.”
“Shrimp my ass, your comebacks are the reason you haven’t gone through puberty yet” she says pushing his face to the side as he began typing on the phone. Looking back to her screen, she read a few comments from her viewers.
“Hello chat! Sorry for the wait, I was having some difficulty a while ago. That is if you just came in and you don’t know.” Waving to the camera before leaning in closer to the camera.
Lando’s ass subscribed
Her laugh rung out suddenly, making Lando flinch beside her, “What the hell, mate.”
She leans back on her chair before pointing at the latest subscription, “Landoooo” exaggerating, “I didn’t know your flat ass liked me that much.”
“Mate, none of me likes your bottom.” He teases her before passing back the phone.
“Oh, thank you!” She says softly, before reaching out for something behind her.
“You’re good,” he whispers back. Focusing on the stream who’s now screaming out his name in the chat.
User LANDOOOOOOOO User What does Valentina think of the beard User ARGENTINA SAYS HI User I LOVE YOUR MIAMI HELMET
“Hey, someone asking what you think of my lovely beard,” he touches the hair on his chin as soon as she turns to look.
“ I mean it isn’t that bad, it-“
“Bad? You just told me it looks good a couple hours ago,” Lando places his hand on top of her head, forcing her attention to him.
Huffing out a breathe she turns her head to read some messages before turning back to him. Reaching up to poke his chin, Val pulls some of the hair before smirking.
“What I mean, is that it isn’t that bad for someone who’s just starting puberty. It honestly looks like you have a scruffy little thing on your chin. Don’t you agree chat?” She grins to the camera, happy that some in the chat agrees with her.
User Yeah User it looks fine, honestly User lando growing facial hair was not on my ’23 bucket list but I’ll take it User I like vali’s way of thinking, it feels like I’ll have hundreds of ideas to share everyday
“Oi! do you know what else it looks like?” Mischievously she gesture him to come closer. The brit slowly tilts his head in order for her to whisper it to him. Widening his eyes he shakes his head in disbelief as Val once again falls back on her chair, laughing her ass off.
“Mate! No, you little!” he grabs her by the shoulder before jokingly putting her in a headlock. Val, who’s still having a laughing fit was now resting her head on his shoulder as she tries to escape his grip. Even though it was light, she can’t seem to move.
The chat goes crazy in curiosity about what their one and only favorite female driver had said that made Lando man-handle her. Knowing that their banter would take sometime before it tames down, all they can do is watch as the scene unfolds in front of them, like usual.
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condenadoshqs · 1 year
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los directivos analizan datos de lieven (even) de vries para recibirle en su tercer año de curso. se encuentra estudiando kinesiología y fisiatría en st. wolfeius y ha sido asignade a la mansión dos. todos los datos parecen ser correctos en lo que estampan sello para declararlo como procesado. sin embargo, días después expediente desaparece y en su lugar dentro del archivo, una hoja con la firma de una sociedad secreta queda como demostración de lo que fue robado. ¿ganar o perder? todavía nadie lo sabe.
VALENTINA, bienvenide al universo de condenados. ¡nos encanta tenerte entre nosotres! esperamos que tu estadía en el grupal sea larga y que disfrutes de cada cosa que esta maravillosa historia tiene para ofrecer. esperamos la cuenta de tu personaje en las próximas 24 horas.
nombre: valentina
pronombres: ella / suya
edad: 26
país / zona horaria: gmt-3
triggers: suicidios
¿aceptas que tu personaje reciba cualquier tipo de intervenciones? sí.
¿algo que agregar? buen comienzo a todes ♥
dentro del personaje.
nombre completo: lieven (even) de vries
faceclaim: josha stradowski
pronombres: el / suyo
edad: 25 años
fecha de cumpleaños: 15 de junio.
lugar de proveniencia: holanda.
descripción psicológica
POSITIVOS: práctico, extrovertido, simpático, confiable. NEGATIVOS: terco, autoexigente, intolerable, coqueto.
de un 1.89 de altura. posee algunos tatuajes en la espalda y el pecho. el cabello es castaño rojizo, grueso y con tendencia a formar ondas. ojos azules. si no viste el uniforme viste de la forma más cómoda posible con ropa deportiva.
posible tw: consumo de drogas / alcohol.
UNO. nacimiento pone fin a un matrimonio tomado con pinzas. dos jóvenes progenitores ( padre ascendiendo en política, madre abogada) creen en la influencia de un amor joven, se casan con tan solo dos años de noviazgo y veintidós cumplidos de vida. es así que inesperadamente llega el primer y único hijo, dándoles a entender que no estaban listos para formar una familia a tan temprana edad. no obstante, los primeros even cuenta con la presencia de ambos, fingiendo ser una familia estable, aunque cada uno siguiendo sus caminos y elecciones. el desgaste va creciendo hasta que su propio padre llevaba a mujeres a su casa, acto que even presencia más de una vez y su madre decide ponerle fin oficialmente. el divorcio llega, dejando la tenencia compartida. 
DOS. se muda con su madre — con quien tiene mejor vínculo afectivo — y su esencia es la del campo, rodeado de animales y hectáreas de plantaciones, una herencia familiar proveniente de sus abuelos maternos. el desapego con su padre se da progresivamente si bien lo visita cada tantos fines de semana. el hombre se centra más en su ascenso político, es visto en entrevistas y campañas en televisión o revistas. hay una época en la que el único registro de su padre es a través de regalos, buscando comprarlo de esa forma, una que también su madre aprovecha para escribir falsas cartas provenientes de él. situación llega a un tope y da por perdida la posibilidad de entablar un vínculo con su progenitor, entiende desde temprano que no puede contar con él. 
TRES.  la salud mental de su madre decae cuando algunas deudas comienzan a aparecer y el desempleo los golpea. even sale a trabajar con pocos años, descuidando la secundaria y posponiendo los años finales para sustentar los gastos necesarios. los problemas de su madre decaen sobre él, pero bajo ninguna regla pide ayuda a su padre, cree que puede salir adelante solo. 
CUATRO. conoce a una persona cuanto tiene veintidós años, una que logra devolverle esos años perdidos de felicidad. aunque es pasajero y años más tarde se entera del producto de aquello, es quien lo influencia a balancear en terminar los estudios y trabajar. lieven se gradúa con tres años de atraso y entrar a la universidad es una opción una vez que cae en la cuenta de que debe pensar en su futuro. su madre ( con una mejoría parcial ) logra que abran las puertas en st. mary magdalene con una beca, ya que no puede pagar la matrícula, pero lo consideran porque fue alumna en el pasado. 
CINCO. la exigencia de la institución quizás no está a su altura, desacostumbrado a un nivel tan alto, pero hace un esfuerzo ya que la beca depende de ello. se apoya en el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas para rendir académicamente.
DATO ADICIONAL OPCIONAL: removido por la administración.
FACULTAD:  st. wolfeius.
CARRERA:  kinesiología y fisiatría.
AÑO DE CURSO: tercer año.
EXTRACURRICULARES: miembro del club de griego moderno, miembro del club de jardinería, miembro del club de natación masculino, miembro del club de taekwondo, miembro del club de arco y flecha. 
¿cuál es la sociedad secreta de su interés? removido por la administración.
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zhuojae · 4 months
hi cutie! hope you are well, could you make some users with my name valentina? or use val or valu please and thank you so much. have a nice day/night 🫶🏻
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🌷 Usernames for valentina 🌷
@ valuvivi
@ stvaluu
@ roses4val
@ pynkvalu
@ valussante
@ bambival
@ valdior
@ diorvalu
@ tinadoll
@ fleurvalu
@ fleurvale
@ florval
@ faivaluus
@ valulemon
@ cinvalbon
(hope u like it!)
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