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#Repost @afoolforchrist92 • • • • • • A lot of people try to soften Christianity. Instead of calling sin what it is…sin, we try to tone it down and make it sound less offensive. Just look at how most people nowadays change how they speak about sinners because they don’t want to offend anyone: Unrepentant sinners are called “pre-Christians”, Fornicators are just “living together”, Adulterers are just “having an affair”, Homosexuals are “gay”, People in a homosexual relationship are said to have an ���alternative lifestyle”, A woman who murders her child in the womb is “aborting a fetus”, Covetous people are just “ambitious”, Sinners are just “human beings”. Instead of preaching God’s truth, a lot of preachers water down the Gospel to the point that it isn’t even the Gospel any more. When you speak God’s truth as found in the Bible, people say that you are intolerant. You will be accused of being a hater. Nothing could be farther from the truth. The only way you should speak against sin today is to speak God’s unvarnished truth. We must warn people to flee from the wrath to come instead of being concerned about how comfortable their trip is on their way to Hell. I am accused of being intolerant and of being a hated-filled person. I’m alright with this because what matters most to me is to be obedient to God and being obedient means speaking His truth from His Word; to a lost and dying world. My prayer is that God will convict people of their sins; that they will cry out to Him to have mercy on them and that they will repent and believe the Gospel. #pickupyourcrossandfollowJesus #continuetogrowinChrist #turnyourlifetoJesusfully #usediscernment #dontbelukewarm #dontbefooled #hollyweirdisevil #comeoutfromamongthem #comeoutofmysterybabylon #havenothingtodowithunfruitfulworks #havenofellowshipwithdarkness #touchnottheuncleanthing #bechildrenofthelight #repentorperish #believeinthegospel #GodgivestheHolySpirittothosewhoobeyhim #LettheHolySpiritguideyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CEZUPfLFCrQ/?igshid=8aypskpcpnit
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I found this and thought it was hilarious. People always try to twist the words in the bible for their own purposes. It's been happening since the dawn of time. But here's the thing, false gods are the same as false witnesses. Both are blatantly wrong. I'm no supporter of Trump but I'd never misuse God's Word to make a political point! Proverbs 6: 6 - 19 #honesty #integrity #truth #falsewitness #falseprophets #politicalagendas #stop #misusing #GodsWord #GodIsInControl #GodIsTruth #bethechange #bethelight #usediscernment https://www.instagram.com/p/CEhMIROHufJ/?igshid=1d4mut8w0ztz3
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Tomorrow myself & @thehealing_healer will be going live tag teaming ya’ll around 6PM Est. Time will be confirmed. We have topics cuz yall stay in the dms, too many repetitive questions, if you have one drop it, we’ll try to cover it. #ittakesavillage #onehandwashestheotherandtheybothwashtheface #empoweringmypeople #youarethesource #spiritualgang #eggunapproved #studyyourcraft #spiritisthetopic #theresanordertothis #ancestorsarealwaysfirst #stophoppingaround #originstories #everyonespathisdifferent #guidesworkdiferently #letstalkaboutit #takeyournotes #usediscernment #whatresonateswithyou https://www.instagram.com/p/B9BLcP9nXzx/?igshid=1nfg6bfhpft8r
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You have to be careful who speaks into your life, especially during your difficult seasons. #EverythingThatGlittersAintGold. #UseDiscernment https://www.instagram.com/p/B5xsa8TgwO0zBBQ6WLiVRTyrRHHtU1s4sQuONQ0/?igshid=1xbmo428eunci
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“He who belittles another lacks good sense, whereas a person of discernment stays silent. A gossip goes around revealing secrets, but a trustworthy person keeps a confidence.” Proverbs 11:12-13 #wiseasserpents #gentleasdoves #lashonhara #bekind #getwisdom #usewisdom #getdiscernment #usediscernment #proverbsllamas #proverbs11 #friendshipquotes #godlyfriendships #encourageeachother #christianfriends
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Fly girl #tipsmyhat 🎩#myownlane #itockwithGod #usediscernment #blackgirlmagic #itrustgod #prettygirls
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#Truth #Beware #UseDiscernment
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And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and slammed against that house; and yet it did #not fall, for it had been #founded on the rock. (Matthew 7:25, NASB) _ Every romance has tough days. The above verse does not state that Christians will never have difficult moments. However, those couples who built their relationship on #Jesus can survive. Single friends, #pray about the potential spouse you are attracted to because he/she might not be #sent from God. The only marriage that stands (the TEST of time) is one that is Christ-centered. #GenuineBelievers #AreYouSerious #NoGames #HolyMatrimony #UseDiscernment #Wisdom #TakeYourTime #HearFromGod #TagAFriend #Share #Amen (at Tag a Friend)
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#Repost @afoolforchrist92 • • • • • • The description here of God's word is the Greek theopneustos. This is very literally translated as "God-breathed." Human authors put the words to paper, through their own personal perspectives and styles. But the ultimate source of this information is not human, but divine. The Greek language makes this particular description even more layered. The Greek root word pneo is used for wind, breath, a spirit, or "the" Spirit. This is a wordplay Jesus uses when speaking to Nicodemus (John 3:8). In a symbolic sense, in Greek, the word Paul uses is a model of the Bible itself: an extension of God's will, formed out of His spirit, in written form. As such, this written Scripture is perfect (Psalm 19; 119). Because all Scripture is perfect, it is "profitable" for many areas of life. Paul lists four areas in this verse. First, Scripture is profitable for teaching. It is to be used to instruct people to know God better. Second, Scripture is profitable for reproof or rebuke, the idea of exposing or pointing out sin. Third, Scripture is useful for correction. Scripture both points out sin and offers a solution to it. Fourth, Scripture is profitable for training in righteousness. Though similar to teaching, training is more focused on practical application. From Scripture we learn what is true, what is wrong, how to correct wrong, and how to apply truth. #pickupyourcrossandfollowJesus #continuetogrowinChrist #turnyourlifetoJesusfully #usediscernment #dontbelukewarm #dontbefooled #hollyweirdisevil #comeoutfromamongthem #comeoutofmysterybabylon #havenothingtodowithunfruitfulworks #havenofellowshipwithdarkness #touchnottheuncleanthing #bechildrenofthelight #repentorperish #believeinthegospel #GodgivestheHolySpirittothosewhoobeyhim #LettheHolySpiritguideyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CEW3_chlq2G/?igshid=s9xcsthwyhmp
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😂😘😂😂 That first one is hilarious to me. "Yes, yes, as long as you know !" Hahaaaaa btw I want that carriage! 🤣 #itsnotwhatyoucallmeitswhatianswerto #eggunwoman #palera #brujalife #aje #witch #espiritita #guidedbyeggun #integrity #everythingfromaplaceoflove #thereslevelstothis #spiritualityisnotagame #usediscernment #getyourfoundationinorder #protectyourspirit #venerateyourancestors #callyourpowerbacktoyou #awakenspiritually #letyourguidesleadyou #spiritiseternal #ancestralwisdom #intuitiveguidance #itstimetowakeup #africanspirituality #Yoruba #Orisha #africangods #theancestorsways https://www.instagram.com/p/B3Fn2DkHHLA/?igshid=1f468pkhcwibu
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Yes!!! #RP @ziggyzip | #TruthOvaLies #LiberationComingSoon #AwakeningOfAPeople #Negritude #HuemanConsciousness #solPower #UseDiscernment #DiveWithin #ObserveThyCondition #ObservanceIsKey
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Repost @afoolforchrist92 • • • • • • First Thessalonians 5:16-18 says, “Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” Did you catch that? Give thanks in all circumstances. Thankfulness should be a way of life for us, naturally flowing from our hearts and mouths. Psalm 136:1 says, “Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good. His love endures forever.” Here we have two reasons to be thankful: God’s constant goodness and His steadfast love. When we recognize the nature of our depravity and understand that, apart from God, there is only death (John 10:10; Romans 7:5), our natural response is to be grateful for the life He gives. Paul was heavily persecuted, yet he wrote, “Thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of him” (2 Corinthians 2:14). The people of God are thankful people, for they realize how much they have been given. One of the characteristics of the last days is a lack of thanksgiving, according to 2 Timothy 3:2. Wicked people will be “ungrateful.” We should be thankful because God is worthy of our thanksgiving. It is only right to credit Him for “every good and perfect gift” He gives (James 1:17). When we are thankful, our focus moves off selfish desires and off the pain of current circumstances. Expressing thankfulness helps us remember that God is in control. Thankfulness, then, is not only appropriate; it is actually healthy and beneficial to us. It reminds us of the bigger picture, that we belong to God, and that we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3). Truly, we have an abundant life (John 10:10), and gratefulness is fitting. #pickupyourcrossandfollowJesus #continuetogrowinChrist #turnyourlifetoJesusfully #usediscernment #dontbelukewarm #dontbefooled #hollyweirdisevil #comeoutfromamongthem #comeoutofmysterybabylon #havenothingtodowithunfruitfulworks #havenofellowshipwithdarkness #touchnottheuncleanthing #bechildrenofthelight #repentorperish #believeinthegospel #GodgivestheHolySpirittothosewhoobeyhim #LettheHolySpiritguideyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CD24nWoFU1F/?igshid=18rmsso4piw7y
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Repost @afoolforchrist92 • • • • • • So what I’m going to do is break this down very simply. If your walk, your life, your actions, your motives do not display the fruits that the spirit produce, I have to ask, “Are you walking in the Spirit or the flesh? Let’s look at the works of the flesh: adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God. So for all you coming at me with all that “sometimes murder is ok talk”, that kind of talk is from someone in the flesh. Our sinful flesh produces certain types of fruit that reflect our nature, and the Holy Spirit produces types of fruit that reflect His nature. It is one of the main purposes of the Christian life, though, to progressively allow the Holy Spirit to produce more and more of His fruit in our lives—and to allow the Holy Spirit to conquer the opposing sinful desires. The fruit of the Spirit is what God desires our lives to exhibit and, with the Holy Spirit’s help, it is possible! #pickupyourcrossandfollowJesus #continuetogrowinChrist #turnyourlifetoJesusfully #usediscernment #dontbelukewarm #dontbefooled #hollyweirdisevil #comeoutfromamongthem #comeoutofmysterybabylon #havenothingtodowithunfruitfulworks #havenofellowshipwithdarkness #touchnottheuncleanthing #bechildrenofthelight #repentorperish #believeinthegospel #GodgivestheHolySpirittothosewhoobeyhim #LettheHolySpiritguideyou https://www.instagram.com/p/CDjtxNqlnFM/?igshid=1ryus4fzujq1g
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Practice makes perfect! 😂🤣😁😄 😒 #aremywitchesok #justsayin #dontbeconfusedbytheIGname #researchwhatyourep #attentionseekers #thereslevelstothis #spiritualityisnotagame #usediscernment #getyourfoundationinorder #protectyourspirit #venerateyourancestors #callyourpowerbacktoyou #awakenspiritually #letyourguidesleadyou #spiritiseternal #ancestralwisdom #intuitiveguidance #itstimetowakeup #africanspirituality #Yoruba #Orisha #africangods #theancestorsways #eggunwoman #palera #brujalife #aje #witch #espiritita #guidedbyeggun https://www.instagram.com/p/B2xb1k1nX5A/?igshid=1r2elv4hvkxzt
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🎶"I CAN'T DO NOTHIN FOR YA MAN" 🎶 **In my flavor flav voice** 🤣😄😒😒🤬😠Some people only want to be nosey or use you, beware. #byelance #nobitchassenergy #usediscernment #thewaymyeggunsetup #getoutmyface #setboundaries #protectyourpeace #energyisprecious #everythingaintforeverybody #workisrequired #yougetbackwhatyouputout #thereslevelstothis #everythingisenergy #changeyourthoughtprocess #changeyourlife #usebothsidesofyourbrain #openyourthirdeye #youareresponsibleforyourlife #youarethesource #awakenspiritually #empath #alltheclairs #spirituallyconnected #intuitiveguidance #callyourpowerbacktoyou #icandoallthingsthroughmyancestorswhostregthenandguideme #spiritualist #aje #espiritita #eggunwoman https://www.instagram.com/p/B2QaCuiHHon/?igshid=61sbacqyzuq1
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😒 imma just sit this here. 😁😁😄😂🤣😁😒😒😒 Sage is not the answer to all of your problems. Hell it's not strong enough for half of y'alls issues. #justsayin #dontbeconfusedbytheIGname #lemmeseeyaphotos #toomanyscammers #attentionseekers #spiritualityisnotagame #bewareofthetricksters #usediscernment #getyourfoundationinorder #protectyourspirit #callonyourancestors #venerateyourancestors #callyourpowerbacktoyou #awakenspiritually #letyourguidesleadyou #spiritiseternal #ancestralwisdom #intuitiveguidance #itstimetowakeup #africanspirituality #Yoruba #Orisha #africangods #theancestorsways #eggunwoman #palera #brujalife #aje #witch #espiritita https://www.instagram.com/p/B2IXDtvnEEl/?igshid=j2k2cjvlrb7k
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