soimort · 2 months
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田中 美久 - X - Wed 31 Jul 2024
みくりんとデートなうに使いなさい👸🏻 無加工さんだよ✌︎ Feel free to use it like “on a date with Mikurin”👸🏻 They’re unprocessed photos✌︎
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linghxr · 11 months
15 grammar points (语法点) I wish I learned sooner
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At my current level of Chinese, my biggest struggle is 词不达意 (cíbùdáyì, literally words don't convey meaning). It means poorly expressed or inarticulate. Basically, I know enough to convey my message but am often unable to do so succinctly and articulately.
Today I'm sharing 15 words/expressions that I feel really boost my ability to express myself articulately. I use them all the time and wish I had known them sooner. I hope they will be of use to you too!
(1) 万一 | 萬一 wànyī - just in case / if by any chance / contingency Ex: 万一我来不了,你就替我出席。
(2) 甚至 shènzhì - even / so much so that Ex: 他忙得甚至连吃饭时间都没有。
(3) 到底 dàodǐ - finally / in the end / when all is said and done / after all / to the end / to the last Ex: 他到底想要什么? Ex: 我们一定要坚持到底,不能半途而废。
(4) 要不 yàobù - otherwise / or else / how about...? Ex: 快点起床了,要不就会迟到了。 Ex: 要不我们先坐下再想想办法吧。
(5) 而已 éryǐ - that's all / nothing more Ex: 我开玩笑而已,何必那么认真?
(6) 既然 jìrán - since / as / this being the case Ex: 你既然不想参加这次聚会,那就别去了。
(7) 除非 chúfēi - only if (..., or otherwise, ...) / only when / only in the case that / unless Ex: 除非大家都去,否则我不去。 Ex: 除非你去邀请,他才愿意出席。
(8) 处于 | 處於 chǔyú - to be in (some state, position, or condition) Ex: 病人的状况一直不稳定,还处于危险中。
(9) 通过 | 通過 tōngguò - by means of / through / via Ex: 很多人都想要通过看中剧提高中文水平。 Ex: 通过爸爸的帮助,我克服了害怕和紧张。
(10) 尤其 yóuqí - especially / particularly Ex: 为了完成这份工作,大家都很努力,尤其是她。
(11) 其中 qízhōng - among / in / included among these Ex: 我们班有十个学生,其中女生占百分之六十。
(12) 剩下 shèngxià - to remain / left over Ex: 放学后,同学都走光了,只剩下他一个人在教室里。
(13) 到…为止 | 到…為止 dào...wéizhǐ - until / up to Ex: 今天的讨论到此为止。 Ex: 到目前为止,这项活动只有十个人报名参加。
(14) 意味着 | 意味著 yìwèizhe - to mean / to imply Ex: 树叶开始凋落,意味着冬天的到来。
(15) 隔 gé - after or at an interval of Ex: 每隔十分钟开出一列火车。 Ex: 我们们每隔一天上一次中文课。
Happy Halloween tomorrow! 🎃👻🐈‍⬛
See similar posts: 20 measure words (量词) I wish I learned sooner 7 intermediate/advanced Chinese grammar fundamentals
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funako · 8 months
situation hair5
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Please note. This hairstyle is not recommended for everyday use. It has been processed so that it can be worn with a hat, but some hats may not fit.
Sorry, but due to the high polygon count, the hair may not look beautiful in some settings or environments.
Feel free to change the texture and color. Please do not distribute this work claiming it as your own. Please refrain from secondary distribution.
When I saw my followers making hair, I wanted to make my own. I'm still blowing wind as usual. I was very happy and had a lot of fun seeing so many people taking pictures of me in different situations, so I would be happy if you could show me how you are using my work!
Have a great Sims life!
ご注意ください。 このヘアスタイルは普段使いにはおすすめできません。 帽子をかぶっても大丈夫なように加工していますが、帽子によっては合わない場合があります。
テクスチャや色の変更はご自由にどうぞ。 この作品を自分の作品だと言って配布しないでください。 二次配布もご遠慮ください。
フォロワーさんが髪を作っているのを見て、自分も作りたくなりました。相変わらず風が吹いています。 たくさんの方にいろんなシチュエーションで写真を撮っていただけて、とても嬉しかったし楽しかったので、私の作品をどのように使っているか見せていただけると嬉しいです!
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cgarttrailsandtails · 5 months
There’s the thing to use for making yours!
Here’s mine without those words
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@r0tt1ngr4bb1t @asmodeus-682 @type1dragonwolf @lunarthemexican @we-are-the-multitude @notokbutthriving @ghostsandfools @artoutoftheblue
If y’all wanna join (no pressure)
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fabseg-creator · 9 months
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Some images from Hoshi___Mi, a japanese artist who makes Miraculous fanarts and doujinshi on X. There are male Cerise drafts.
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The texts are on kanji. Good luck, if you know how to translate.
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imagine-darksiders · 3 months
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Me now and the happy butch I used to be.
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junislqve · 2 months
歡迎 我是來自加薩的奧薩馬。對戰爭影響很大。還有手工藝、玩具、我的學校和我的夢想。 現在我正在努力生存。我希望能幫助你平靜地生活。來自加薩的感謝
for anyone who can donate, please help this family. sending all love and wishes to you and your family
@jlheon @sainns @bywons @hyeinism @dioll @boyfhee @flwrstqr @okwonyo
please share or reblog to help!
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fouryearsofshades · 9 months
Some online Chinese fics that I like 2023
I had made a similar post in 2022. For 2023, there didn't seem much that I am following until the end of the year.
《我的爷爷二十二》作者:一枚铜钱 Completed 《满朝文武都能听到我的心声》 作者:白色的木 WIP 《深海余烬》作者:远瞳 WIP 《带着网咖回1950》作者:一斤小鳄梨 WIP BL
《兼职爱豆指北》作者:观自在 Completed 《邪神竟是我自己》 作者:宁世久 WIP 《都市怪谈幕后之主》 作者:无衣yoyo WIP
《我的爷爷二十二》作者:一枚铜钱 Completed
2018年,他们已经是古稀之年 一夜之间 他们回到了22岁,腰不酸了,腿也不疼了 正当他们以为重回青春年华,可以改变各种轨迹走上人生巅峰的时候却发现 ——这里依然是2018年 于是他们变成了——没身份证、没银行卡、没户口的穷光蛋+黑户 嗯???这可怎么玩???
It was a fic from 2018 but I only read it now. I like the little moments of life that are very touching.
《满朝文武都能听到我的心声》 作者:白色的木 WIP
  *古代奇幻轻小说      坏消息:许烟杪穿越回古代了,而他本人四肢不勤五谷不分,专业还是对古人没用的网络空间安全。      好消息:他绑定了一个系统。      坏消息:系统名叫八卦系统,不是算命那种八卦,是包含别人私人信息和猛料的那种八卦。屁用没有。      坏消息二:这个系统还坏了,产生的BUG未知。      坏消息三:这具身体是个能混到参加朝会的小官,而他这个穿越者……不通四书五经,不会毛笔字,目测有被检举揭发科举舞弊的风险。      许烟杪:“……”      算了,躺平吧,等死吧,赶紧死了说不定还能穿越回去。      ……      朝堂之上,皇帝因政事雷霆大怒,臣子们瑟瑟发抖。      许烟杪假装��真听,实则专注翻八卦系统。      【哇哦,皇上昨天刚纳了十六岁的贵人诶!一树梨花压海棠!老当益壮!而且被翻红浪一整晚没睡,现在声音还能这么激昂有力!厉害了!】      【这贵人居然还曾经是皇太孙的外室,哇哇哇!太孙还懂掐腰红眼文学!】      【哇哇哇哇!皇太孙闯进爷爷后宫……嘶——趁着老皇帝上朝的时候搞上了!搞快点搞快点!怎么没视频……】      【诶?怎么没声音了?】      许烟杪小心翼翼抬头,偷瞄四周。      【发生了什么?怎么跪了一地?皇帝呢?】      ——皇帝去后宫捉奸了。      *      “科举舞弊”这个炸弹终于爆发了。      许烟杪没办法解释自己为什么笔迹和答卷上的笔迹不一样,也没办法回答自己为什么不通四书五经。      痛失外室的皇太孙准备的证据直中要害,其贴身侍卫虎视眈眈,扑上来就要把许烟杪拖走打入大牢,秋后问斩。      许烟杪捏着证明清白的八卦,却十分头疼:      要怎么解释我的信息来源啊……      【说我在科举前三天晚上私见主考官礼部侍郎?怎么可能,那天晚上礼部侍郎男扮女装,夜宿将军府,和大将军……】      大将军虎躯一震,当场打断:“陛下!!!!”      “虽说科举舞弊证据确凿,但臣认为此事仍有蹊跷,应当重审!尤其是许……许……许烟杪他衣冠整洁!如此重视衣冠的人,怎么会弄脏自己名声呢!”      没办法听到心声的皇太孙:?      【还有啊,说什么考官假装打哈欠和困倦是在特意给我留出抄袭的空档,他科举前夜还在母猪圈里呆一晚上不睡觉,第二天能不困吗?不过,堂堂翰林侍讲居然还会相信猪的奶……】      翰林侍讲脸色一白,扑将出来:“陛下!!!”      “臣……臣赞同大将军的话!许郎怎么会科举舞弊呢!他……他……他在考试前特意喝了一杯纯净的水,相信只有善良的人才能使用清净之物,如此善良的人,又怎么会去科举舞弊呢!”      以为稳操胜券的皇太孙:??      许烟杪感动坏了。      【都是好人啊,哪怕脑子不好使,也努力帮我找理由找借口。】      【但是我真的没办法翻盘了,唉,可惜我追的连续剧没追完,老皇帝昨晚惹皇后生气,灰溜溜地被赶出寝宫,我还没看到结局就要死了,他今天回去好像打算要往脸上涂墨水假扮猫咪哄皇后开心……】      “砰——”      老皇帝一拍桌子,强行打断那源源不断的心声:“朕相信许烟杪没有科举舞弊!无罪释放!”      满朝文武迫不及待附议,生怕慢一步许烟杪就能抖出其他八卦。      “对对对!无罪释放!”      “陛下圣明!”      “陛下快下朝吧!快让许郎回家歇歇!都把他站得累坏了!”      皇太孙:???      许烟杪给你们灌迷魂汤了吧?
A crack fic that started this new trope of "everyone can hear what I am thinking". It was very successful that the author was cyber-bullied and now it was updated irregularly. 《深海余烬》作者:远瞳 WIP
  在那一天,浓雾封锁了一切。   在那一天,他成为了一艘幽灵船的船长。   在那一天,他跨过浓雾,直面了一个被彻底颠覆而又支离破碎的世界——昔日的秩序已经荡然无存,奇诡的异象主宰着文明社会之外的无尽海域,孤岛城邦与挑战大海的船队已然成为文明世界仅存的灯火,而旧日的阴影却仍在幽邃深海中蠢蠢欲动,等待继续吞噬这个将亡未亡的世界。   但对于失乡号的新���长而言,只有一个问题是他首先要考虑的——   谁知道船咋开啊?!
This is a post-apocalyptic fic but I think it had been written for so long that the author seemed to forget some original setting like the "rule-based horror" trope. I am reading it on and off.
《带着网咖回1950》作者:一斤小鳄梨 WIP
【注意:本小说内容纯属虚构】 李锐带着他新装修且能链接2022年网络的网咖回到1950年。 一百二十台超越当时最先进电脑的现代电脑会给一穷二白的华夏带来什么呢? ps:纯爽文,不要考据,考据就以本书设定为主。谢谢。
This is a fic of the genre "援共文" (aiding the CPC). which generally involves someone went back in time to the founding of new China and helped developing the country on the side of the CPC party. It is a sensitive topic so they are usually found in smaller sites. Bigger sites like jjwxc actually banned fic sets from the period around maybe the First World War but definitely the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression (Sino-Japan War) to about the sixties, and also the War to resist US aggression and aid Korea (Korea War). 《兼职爱豆指北》作者:观自在 Completed
乐忱——爱豆里最会杀猪的,兽医里最会唱跳的。 作为一个养成系男团的小糊豆,小姜同学感觉自己不是在逐梦演艺圈,而是来军训拉练的。 周一到周五,他挣扎在大学早八的课堂上,为了出勤率和绩点拼死拼活;下课后,立刻奔去公司报道,学舞蹈、学声乐、学表演;周六日呆在宿舍,等待着虚无缥缈的舞台机会。 他自我定位是个兼职爱豆,别人可以为了舞台放弃生命,而他只想混两千元保底工资。 朋友劝他,反正解约费不高,实在不行就退团当素人吧! 姜乐忱:“不!我觉得我还可以再挣扎一下,庙里的大师说了,我是命里带红的!” 没想到一语成谶,姜乐忱……居然真的红了! 只是红了之后,怎么霸道总裁、顶流前辈、高冷舍友、同团弟弟、知名导演(演员表按照汉语拼音首字母排序)……都想要深夜约他看荧光剧本呢? —————————— “如果你喜欢在盛夏时节的傍晚,穿着人字拖、坐在巷子口,看下班的人流在暮色里匆匆而过; 如果你喜欢去公园里给下棋的大爷出谋划策,又认真地和每一只路过的小狗打招呼; 如果你喜欢在路边小店的冰箱里掏出来一瓶橙汁饮料,一口气喝完,再打一个橙子味的嗝儿…… ……那你一定会喜欢姜乐忱。” —————————— 本文最终cp桂桂子。
A funny light-hearted modern university + entertainment industry fic.
《邪神竟是我自己》 作者:宁世久 WIP
这是你穿越异世界的第三年。 在一开始语言文字不通的情况下,经过万般努力的你通过了审判庭考试,成为了一名有保险有退休金的公职人员。 这个世界的人类龟缩在地下城中,威胁他们的不只有逼仄、缺氧与饥荒,还有黑暗中的邪神教徒与魔物。 而审判庭是与邪神教徒对抗的第一线。 加入审判庭十分危险,辛苦中只有守护人类的荣耀能够慰藉,但你不是为荣耀而来,你需要的是高薪。 还好,虽然你目的不纯,但你干得不错,大家都称你为审判庭的明日之星,就连你的顶头上司也很欣赏你。 你同样敬佩你上司的能力和为人,你觉得你和他在工作之外也是很好的朋友。 今天他又请贫穷的你一起吃饭,你却第一次食不下咽。 因为奔走在升职加薪大道上的你,刚发现了一个令人绝望的事实。 ——什么!邪神竟是我自己?!! —————— 请吃请喝好上司(对抗邪神最前线)×蹭吃蹭喝穷下属(新生邪神本神) 在我的诸多锚点中,你也是最闪耀的那一颗 公告:本文将于8月21日入V,届时三更,请多多支持~
This is also a post-apocalyptic fic and it is about a journey of a person becoming a god... or an elder god/evil god. The world-building is very solid and the discussion is very active. There are even PWP fanfic on AO3 inspired by an author's note.
《都市怪谈幕后之主》 作者:无衣yoyo WIP
凌不渡,惨从殡葬业连锁继承人穿成贫民窟帅哥。 系统:【为补偿宿主损失,特奖励金手指一个!只要收割惊吓值,就能商城购物,从此荣升富一代,迎娶白富美,走上人生巅峰!】 凌不渡大喜,按照教程去街上随便抓了个杀妻凌子的赌狗。 然后回家取出系统专用沙盘。 只见一平方米的沙盘小黑屋中,十厘米高的赌狗正在麻将馆大杀四方,同样十厘米高的赌友们一边给钱,一边骂骂咧咧重新开局。 凌不渡用塑料袋装水,放冰柜速冻,搞出迷你鬼手,狠狠抓在赌狗脚脖子上! 赌狗:嗷(!!! ○ Д ○)!!! 自此以后,无数法外狂徒们有难了,被天外黑手按住狂薅羊毛。 凶残家暴犯:打老婆的时候有人敲门,以为老婆又报警,结果居然是纸人?? 连环鲨人犯:抛尸的时候尸体居然爬起来了,嗷嗷追我,老子鞋都跑丢一只啊啊啊! 作恶无数的人贩子:晚上醒来,几个泥捏的小鬼把我吊起来当球踢,当场吓出了尿分叉。 杀妻骗保专业户:我几个死去的前妻……又回来了。 地窖囚禁案变态:谁tm给我把地窖门锁上了?来人啊我出不去了救命呜呜呜! 他们看不到沙盘上空的无边巨手,但生活已变得多姿多彩起来。 凌不渡:我容易吗?还得亲手做纸扎、捏泥人、化诡妆、做道具……开马甲装老天师骗钱埋人……多累啊! 而且最苦恼的是,隔壁可怜小孩被他养的,怎么越来越凶残了呢? — 【幕后黑手流爽文】【唯我独法】【不掉马】【对cp也不掉马】 【年下养成】 又帅又浪年上受VS又野又疯年下攻
A fic with an old-fashion "evil will be rewarded with evil" idea and the MC had killed so many people with the aid of the "system" (as in the computer/game system). The only thing with this author is that they tended to put the fic on long hiatus and then came back months later as a changed person and shifty completed the work. It is so good so far.
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snail163 · 4 months
what picrew did you use to make your pfp?
I used this one! :333
It's really cute and fun :333
And because you asked this, i think i should make my own picrew post for it! ^-^
How about i tag: @with-love-jay @lost-my-soup @rose-bug-bear @donutsalami @118sexen @ieatwalls404 @genericminecraftpotato @tentatively-emily @fruitypepre @sleepingkittyonatram @mintyflavoredtea @femininefreyanyctophile @agentldiddy @traaansfem @sonofshu @noelleaxolotlreblogs @track-maniac @thegneurshk @the-nebula-sys @winterthebeau @snailmusic @verirothestar @afishydeath @be-gentle-with-littluns-2
(And anybody else i forgot to tag or didn't tag)
(If you want to, of course) :3333
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smolkawaiigothkiddo · 5 months
Hiiiiii, This is my brand new blog! I wanted to have a main blog so I can follow my AgeRe and AgeDre peeps without using my (former) main blog... which might trigger some people.
About Me:
My name is Alex Indigo. My names in smol space are: Indy, Little One and Baby Bat. But I prefer Indy.
I live in New York City, but am originally from Tennessee. (That's why I put a lot of y'all's in my speech.... plus y'all is a gender neutral term. :3)
My big age is 30 but when I am smol...I can be anywhere between 0 and 14. However I am also a permaregressor and usually between 8 and 14 most days.
I like: kids media (games/TV/movies/music/books), kids toys and stuffies, goth/alternative music (like gothic rock, darkwave, shoegaze, synth pop, and alternative pop.), singing, creepy cute stuff, Halloween 🎃, Froggies, Kitties, Bats and unicorns.
My aesthetic is a mix between kawaii and gothic.
I'm bigender and abroromantic asexual. (I simply just say that I am nonbinary and queer to cishetallo people)
I am neurodivergent (Autistic with BPD and PTSD) and am in recovery. I find that age dreaming and age regression is a (healthy) way to cope with my trauma and mental illness.
I baby talk a lot, so I will translate my baby talk to normal speech for those who use speech readers or just plain don't understand a word I am saying.
Please don't interact with me if you are kink/NSFW/or just plain mean. (That includes: kink/NSFW/BDSM/DDLG + variants/CGL/ ABDL+variants/ageplay(or petplay)/ableism/queerphobia & exclusionists/xenophobia/sexism/racism/MAPS,PEARS,AAM/TERFS,Radfems/blank blogs) Also if you are against age/pet regression or dreaming or try to sexualize it then you are going to be blocked.
My blog is a safe place for me to be smols and other people who want to be smols too.
Thanks for reading this! Here's a stuffie 🧸
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pokeroid-central · 3 months
_initializing connection to site...
_now running intro.exe
[a video plays as there were some screen tears on screen, before it shows a purple(pink?) android styled after an Espeon and woman with pink hair similar to a nurse joy, but they seem to be wearing attire more fitting of a mechanic, and has a prosthetic arm. Both of them are in a high tech lab, and the android fiddles with the camera a bit before backing up showing some of the background, there's an iron hands in the background lifting pair of crates and floating off with them.]
<<Is this thing on? Oh hey it is! anyways, hi there everyone in this site! names Zetai or 09-XP (she/they), but you can all call me Zeta! A researcher and developer of the quark drive Mk.2! As well a researcher for pokeroids and their behavior!>>
And I'm Sierra Joy(she/her please!) And yes I'm one of the family members of the Joys you usually see in the centers but I took a different path of careers as a mechanic for pokeroids here, as well as help Zeta here with the improved quark drive system. It's nice to meet you all!
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<<we're here to teach others about pokeroids, the various models of said Pokemon droids, the history of Quark drive system technology, and maybe even show you how life and them blend around us!>>
We hear that this site also has some stuff related to it and sometimes, and sometimes misconceptions about pokeroids. So it's my girlfriend's job to talk and share information about robot companions!
<<if you have any questions for us, you're more than welcome to ask, all that we request is to be appropriate and reasonable for us!>>
hope to see everyone here enjoy this archive!
//magic anons are disabled, mail stuff is only on for events! and sapient pokemon of any kind is welcome to talk to them as well!
//blog is run by @wiralonprimesskits aka the mod of @robot-diver-and-poison-punk and various blogs (head to @wirals-harbor for the rest), also do note that is meant to be expanding the lore of future paradoxes, and it takes place in the far future. additionally alot of the canon stuff of the future paradoxes are subjected to change within my interpretation of them. there will be some triggers in some entries but nothing too serious. however as always there's a blanket TW for unreality for this blog especially since its a blog that takes place in the far future!
picrew for Zetai's look is shown here:
for sierra:
and for the trainer cards templates:
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freisende · 6 months
Thousand Autumns Audio Drama Ending Song 1 - Wo Du San Qian Bian Ni Lyrics & Translation
Thousand Autumns Audio Drama Season 1 Ending Theme Song
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Production Team:
Produced by: Sheng Luo Wan Xiang Studio (声罗万象工作室)
Performed and sung by: Xiao Hun (小魂)
Lyrics: Henzui (恨醉)
Composer: Chen Yiming (陈亦洺)
Arranged by: Li Dabai (李大白)
Flute playing: Shui Xiang'er (水祥儿)
Dongxiao performance: Qiu Niu (囚牛)
Track mix: CuTTleFiSh
Poster: Yi Tiaohe (壹条河)
Poster design: Finnn
Inscription: Yi Yu Wei Jing (以语为镜)
English Translation: Freiya
I Read You Three Thousand Times
wǒ xiè hòu yī dào tí
ruò yào nǐ gè bǐ yù
若要拟个比喻 ,
shì tiān yá biān de xuě wèi rǎn ní
是天涯边的雪未染泥 ,
huò wèi jiàn hóng chén de yī piàn yún
或未溅红尘的一片云 ,
nǐ shì wǒ yī dào tí yī cháng yóu xì
你是我一道题 一场游戏 ,
wǒ shí nǐ dú nǐ
我识你,读你 ,
xiǎng zhān rǎn le nǐ
想沾染了你 。
rèn fēng jiàn xuè rú hé hái wú xiá gān jìng
lèi tǎng guò xīn zěn huì bù lào gè bā yìn
泪淌过心怎会不烙个疤印 ?
dú bù dǒng nǐ
dú bù dǒng nà xuè kǒu liáo yá de è yì
zěn wèi tūn shì nǐ huái zhōng wēn róu tiān dì
nǐ bù shì xuě yě bù xiàng yún
huò xǔ shì yuè sè yī yú
wàn shì chén gòu yě bù néng rǎn nǐ
nǐ shì bù jiě de mí
wǒ dú sān qiān biàn nǐ
měi yī biàn wǒ dōu gēng jiā zháo mí
每一遍我都更加着迷 。
ruò hèn tián mǎn wǒ gǔ xuè féng xì
若恨填满我 骨血缝隙,
zhī yào hái yú fēn cùn liáng bó ài yì
dōu yòng lái dú nǐ
都用来读你 ,
dú sān qiān biàn nǐ
读三千遍你 。
míng zhī dào jiě bù kāi zhè yī dào mí tí
wǒ què hái rěn bù zhù dú sān qiān biàn nǐ
我却还忍不住读三千遍你 ,
dú bù dǒng nǐ
dú bù dǒng nà xuè kǒu liáo yá de è yì
zěn wèi tūn shì nǐ huái zhōng wēn róu tiān dì
nǐ bù shì xuě yě bù xiàng yún
huò xǔ shì yuè sè yī yú
wàn shì chén gòu yě bù néng rǎn nǐ
jiě tuō wú qī
nǐ duì cǎo mù rén jiān shì nà me duō qíng
你对草木人间是那么多情 ,
suǒ yǐ xiàng fēng huā xuě yuè nán fēn cùn xǔ
kě wǒ jì rán chén mí yú nǐ
可我既然沉迷于你 ,
biàn shǒu nǐ wēn róu tiān dì
便守你温柔天地 ,
yě shǒu zhè fēn gěi wǒ de wú qíng
wǒ dì sān qiān biàn dú nǐ
我第三千遍读你 ,
hū rán dú dào nǐ yī jù zhōng qíng
English Translation
Why do you keep looking at me?
…Because you are beautiful.
I came across a question; If I were to draw it in a metaphor,
It’s how the snow remained unstained by dirts on the edge of the sky; or how a cloud remained untainted by red dust.[1]
You are my question and you are a game to me;
I have known you, I have read you,
and I want to taint you. How can the blade remain flawless and clean even after being bathed with blood?
How can tears flow through the heart without leaving a scar?
I can’t interpret you; I can’t understand how the malicious intent of those blood-mouthed fangs [2] have yet to swallow the gentle world there being held in your arms?
You are neither like the snow, nor like the clouds; Perhaps you’re like a glimpse of the moonlight, that can’t be dyed even by eternal impurities in the world.
You are an unsolvable mystery;
I have read you three thousand times, with each and every time I do, I get even more fascinated; Even if hate deeply seeps into my bones and flesh.
As long as I still have this bit of coolness and love,
all that I used to read you, to read you for three thousand times.
I’m aware I can’t solve this puzzle, yet still I can’t help but to read you for three thousand more times!
I can’t interpret you; I can’t understand how the malicious intent of those blood-mouthed fangs have yet to swallow the gentle world there being held in your arms?
You are neither like the snow, nor like the clouds; Perhaps you’re like a glimpse of the moonlight, that can’t be dyed even by eternal impurities in the world.
There is no end to liberation, [3] You give affectionate tenderness for the humanity, even to grass and trees;
The passion that I cannot differentiate from fruitless love like that of the wind, the flowers, the snow, and the moon. [4]
Yet now because I have become addicted to you, [5] I will guard your gentle world, 
And I will protect even every relentless part that you give me.
For the three thousandth times I have read you, I suddenly pause, and fall in love with your very first sentence.
*Translator's Notes:
[1] Red dust means the mundane world.
[2] refers to the endless people trying to gain advantage of Shen Qiao
[3] can also mean “being eternally free”
[4] all these four things being said respectively one after another in one sentence.
[5] can also mean absorbed in you
Notes: The english official fifth volume cover is sooo beautiful! <3 Take a look and see how they both look so happy together, I can imagine them so much from this song too, it depicts everything 🥰💖
Navigation Thousand Autumns Audio Drama Season 2 Ending Song: Cao Mu Bu Xiu by Chen Yiming Translation Masterlist
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mycrayolamarkers · 1 year
My personal Head cannon for Y/n from @i-cant-sing Resident Evil story.
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This I imagine Y/n to look like but instead of a knife it's a gun, she dyed her hair a similar shade to Ethan. this was made with Picrew.
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What I imagine her room to look like.
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This is what Y/n look like as a kid if she didn't dye her hair when she was older she would have looked very similar to Mia. Y/n’s mommy issues +10
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I know y'all are Probably tired of me cuz I keep editing this the last one. This pic is Y/n when older or mouths after the end of R8. She is more of a gremlin not caring for anyone's opinions besides very few people. Y/n would probably be more interested in guns and would learn more about them. She would go to the gun range. for two reasons, if anything like R8 happens to her again she can be Prepared. The second reason is if you give someone who never had any control over their who there life, a gun what they do with that gun the most control they ever had over something in their life.
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A wojack I made of Y/n cuz why not
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//Stealing this from @lucienaskblog
Here's some Étoiles references 💙
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The skin tones are super inconsistent but it's similar to the Sumeru Desert skin tones. And also the hair is supposed to be very dark but that first one is the darkest color they had😭
And obviously the metal arm, but that wasn't included with any of these picrew models
Links ↓↓↓
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mimiso-soup · 4 months
i wanna see ppl make assumptions of my first group of sekai ocs before i actually talk properly abt them just to see the energy that they give off just by first glance
no sharing, no nothing. not abt what their group is, no names, nothing abt their personalities
just wanna see what ppl think abt them right off the bat. i'll do this with my other ocs too, but this is most developed one and i'm pretty proud of them being my first!
so here are the sillies below!
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also sharing the picrews used just in case!
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fabseg-creator · 7 months
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A 2-page fan-doujinshi from Hoshi___Mi. (again!)
The reading is from right to left.
According to my previous translations, the story tells about Lila asks Marinette for chocolate. 🍫 That makes Marinette upset.
It's so... suggestive.
His/her link here:
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