#used the snipping tool L
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enderfalldl · 2 years ago
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I've been kinda busy recently, so have some Mafia Eclipse.
These are just sketches of ideas for a story, haven't refined the details much. Hope Y'all Enjoy [:
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year ago
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Lavandula officinalis
Known as: Elf leaf, nard, nardus & spike
Related plants: A member of the mint family Lamiaceae, there are genus of 47 known species of lavender. It includes well known plants such basil, mint, rosemary, sage, savory, marjoram, oregano, hyssop, thyme, lavender, and perilla, as well as catnip, salvia, bee balm, wild dagga & oriental motherwort.
Parts used: Flowers
Habitat and cultivation: This flowering plant is native to the the Mediterranean
Plant type: Perennial
Region: Most are hardy from Zones 5 to 9 | Spanish Lavender (L. stoechas) is only hardy in Zones 7 to 9.
Harvest: You can harvest all the budding spikes or flowers on your plant during the growing season but avoid cutting into woody growth. Don't want to take more than 1/3 of the plant at this time & limiting your harvest to flowers and buds should keep you within recommended limits. As first frost approaches, snip off woody, leafy stems & branching. You can safely take up to 2/3 of the plant at this time. Harvesting too early can stimulate more growth which you don't want since the lavender is moving into winter dormancy.
Growing tips: To grow lavender successfully it needs well-drained soil, full sun & may be a good idea to check the PH beforehand because soil too acidic may kill off your plants. It survives well in dry conditions, so you'll only have to water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. Plant lavender in spring, once all chances of frost have passed. This beautiful, fragrant herb is a great addition to raised beds, in-ground gardens, and growing in containers spacing plants 12 to 18 inches apart.
Medicinal information: Taking lavender products by mouth, including teas and a specific oil supplement or inhaling lavender oil as aromatherapy, seem to reduce symptoms of depression & anxiety. Lavender oil is believed to have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help to heal & burns & bug bites. Some studies suggest that consuming lavender as a tea can help digestive issues such as vomiting, nausea, intestinal gas, upset stomach, & abdominal swelling. A study published in the Journal of Medical Microbiology found that lavender oil could be effective in combating antifungal-resistant infections. Using it as aromatherapy can also reduce colic symptoms & menstrual cramp pain.
Cautions: Lavender essential oil is possibly safe when inhaled as aromatherapy, but applying products that contain lavender oil to the skin is possibly unsafe for young cis males who haven't reached puberty. The oil seems to have hormone-like effects that could disrupt normal hormones & in some cases, this has resulted in breast growth.
Lavender might cause sleepiness and slowed breathing. Taking lavender with sedative medications might cause breathing problems and/or too much sleepiness.
Lavender might slow down the central nervous system. If used with anesthesia and other medications given during and after surgery, it might slow down the central nervous system too much. Stop using lavender at least 2 weeks before a scheduled surgery.
Magickal properties
Gender: Masculine
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Deities: Aradia, Elves, Faeries, Hecate & Saturn
Magickal uses:
• Place in sleep pillows to encourage peaceful sleep
• Wear as a perfume to attract a new love
• Rub on paper when writing love spells or notes for added power
• Add with rosemary to a satchet for preserve chastity
• Scatter around your home to invite protection & purifying energies
• Use in a ritual bath to lighten feelings of depression or sadness
• Wear or use in an amulet to discourage cruelty from a spouse
• Drink lavender tea before bed to aid in astral travel or dream magick
• Burn as an incense for meditation or spirit work
• Use in spells to strengthen friendships
• Purify your ritual candles & tools with a drop of oil to release any negative energies contained within them
•  Hang above your door protect against evil spirits , for home blessings & to cleanse all who enter
• Rub the oil on to the base of the skull or temples to help cure the nervous exhaustion that sometimes happens after intensive magickal workings
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"Floral Affections" - Part 3
GN!Reader x Plant Monster
CW: nothing, it's just fluff <3.
Part 1 | Previous Part
Snip after snip, your shears never failed as you finished trimming one of the rose bushes. The dead flowers and leaves you’d gathered crinkled together in their bucket as you carried it around, doing one last check around the garden.
After picking up a few stray twigs and ensuring you hadn’t missed anything else, you called it a day. Feelings of both relief and dread filled you. It was time to place the gift for Lord Sorrel somewhere, but you had yet to pick a spot. You needed to be certain that he’d see it, after all!
You had spent a great amount of time fretting over what plant to pick yesterday, your overthinking stretching well into the evening. It wasn’t until you were cutting fresh herbs for dinner that you finally realized the answer had been right under your nose all along.
Fennel – a flowering herb with many umbels of lively, yellow flowers. Its fine, and numerous leaves tickled anytime your skin brushed against them.
Looking back on it, you thought it ridiculous how you hadn’t chosen it sooner when the damn plant easily reached above your hip. It certainly wasn’t hiding from you!
But with your embarrassment at the needless worry aside, it was perfect. It would clearly speak of your flattery at the lord’s open interest in your person. You only hoped the clay pot you’d placed it in would be good enough, as you didn’t have anything quite as fancy as he did.
The pot was simple and bare, save for a golden ribbon you had tied around it. Normally, you would’ve cut the flowers and presented them in a bouquet, but your intuition whispered otherwise. And with your initials written on the pot’s inner side, there would be no doubt in Lord Sorrel’s mind of what you were doing.
But now, back in the present, your nerves were rising. Trying to keep your cool, you began gathering your tools, trying to distract yourself with the satisfaction of the day’s completed work.
Unluckily for you, this reprieve didn’t last long as a familiar, soft voice approached you.
“Hello, dear,” the lord greeted, his sweet smile making your heart roar like sudden thunder. “Done for the day already? I feel like we never have a chance to enjoy conversing.”
“H-Hello, my lord,” you replied, a little flustered at his sudden appearance. “Work certainly keeps us busy, doesn’t it?”
He gave a soft sigh. “That it does. But who can handle working all the time? I believe that a break is in order.” He eyed you a bit, speaking softer. “So perhaps… you’d be interested in joining me for breakfast tomorrow?”
You were surprised by the offer but even more so when the plantman took a step closer and muttered, “You do such splendid work around here. I feel as though I do not show my appreciation nearly enough.”
“O-Oh! Well, uh–” you stumbled over your words, unable to look away as his tall stature loomed over you. Sunlight beamed behind him, casting his face in a delicate shade, but shined through the petals surrounding his head, creating a mesmerizing halo-like effect.
“I-I– I would love to!” you eventually got out. The smile he gave in return almost knocked you out right then and there.
“Excellent~.” Lord Sorrel finally moved back, giving you some breathing room. “In that case, I shall see you tomorrow, my dear. Have a splendid rest of your day.”
“L-Likewise! Until tomorrow, my lord!”
With the plan made and the conversation over, the lord retreated into the gardens, giving you the perfect opportunity to scurry away. You quickly made your way to the shed, putting all the tools away and taking a moment to calm down.
You had not been expecting that in the slightest, but perhaps it was a good sign? Whatever it may be, you grabbed the fennel plant you had hidden here earlier this morning. It was time.
Carefully navigating through the many plants and flowering bushes, you snuck to the mansion’s back door. It was the perfect spot to place your gift. Lord Sorrel would no doubt pass through here later once he was back from the garden.
You gently set the pot down and then hightailed it back home, giddy and nervous about what the next day would bring. And it was no surprise at all that, in your excitement, you missed something vital.
Your sneaking hadn’t been as good as you had thought, though it wasn’t really a fault of your own.
Lord Sorrel watched your retreating form until you left his sight, his own heart beating like a drum as he approached the door. He just couldn’t help himself. The smell of fennel had been so strong on you that his patience withered in seconds. He was thrilled.
With careful claws, he picked up the plant and thumbed the soft bow, enjoying the texture before his hand went higher, gliding through the leaves and stems. Once the flowers reached his face, he took a deep breath, the scent bringing a bashful, happy smile to his lips.
The lord’s excitement was beyond words; you had understood his message! Ideas were already spinning in his head at the implications; some… a bit too much for him to handle. Images of you flashed across his mind… stunningly on display... laid bare across a blanket of grass and moss…
He shook his head, banishing the enticing thoughts. However, the petals of his head refused to stop their gleeful fluttering, moving in sharp fanning motions.
Still, he had to focus. He wasn’t completely sure yet if you reciprocated his feelings. Flattery didn’t equal interest, after all.
As he slowly walked inside his home, he wondered what to give you next. “Tomorrow will be the perfect opportunity… Should I…?”
An idea struck him suddenly, drawing a gasp from his lips. “Yes…” he whispered, almost breathless. His petals curled with thrill and nerves. “That one should do nicely…”
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ducknotinarow · 2 years ago
2k7 Raph Casey - 🤪[reverse uwu] (TEXT: I l  ove yoy Raph, I'll añways fuckinf love you - I love you Raph, I'll always fucking love you)
| Send 🤪 to receive a drunk text from my muse
Raph was getting pretty good at this not to brag but well yeah he was bragging as he was pulling in the chain link he had used to lower his latest catch down to the cop to deal with next. Before dipping out of sight well the best he could. They always seemed to manage to grab a quick picture of Raph no matter what, or a glimpse of him showed up for the news report later. Even when Don read over the paper with his picture or Mikey happened to catch the Nightwatcher on. They never seemed to put two and two together. That it was Raph so yeah he maybe at times wasn't as careful as he should have been. Hey he has a full metal suit to cover himself with.
Hoping off the ledge of the building a little bounce to his step, this felt great. Fuck Leo they didn't need Leo to still be doing something that meant something. Didn't need to sit around like a used tool either as Splinter seemed to want of them well they waited for Leo to return. As if he would. Leo's letter stopped coming so long ago and he was meant to have been home. Pretty clear to tell Leo didn't want to come back. They don't need mister fearless Leo anyway. They were all clearly adjusting just fine with out him.
Yeah clearly. That's why Raph was out in the middle of the night fighting crime alone. Sure he would go topside by himself before but not all the time. The sound of metal wasn't enough to drown out that of a duffel bag full of sports equipment in it. Or Hockey stick swinging back and forth against their back. The muffled breath from a hockey mask. Raph just groaned to himself, as he went to free his head from the helmet now. "Stop think' 'bout him! we don' get ta miss Casey." He snips at himself as if he were truly fighting with his heart just now he swears he can feel it grow heavy over his words. Helmet held to rest to his hip a moment as he strolled across the roof top. Stopping at the ledge on the opposite side.
He wasn't too far away from Casey's neighborhood.
"NO!" He growls a bit to himself dropping down to sit down. "Get a fuckin' grip I broke up with Casey!" Those word stung. It hurt more than any of the street punks that got in a lucky hit could ever duel out towards him. That was the simple truth no matter how much he wanted to just forgot. How could he forgot though? Raphael could easily still perfectly imagine Casey face that day he did it broke it all off between them. The hurt and confusion mixed over Casey's face. Raph did the one thing he dreaded to ever do to anyone he promised to protect, he hurt Casey. Worse he did it on purpose. There was a buzz on his side he ignored it at first, might just be Don.
Letting hie head tip back to rest against the brick ledge as he looked up to the sky, felt like the smog was only thicker these days the stars seemed to have lost their shine and sheen. That was just how everything felt to Raph. The appeal to anything he liked was just gone, he didn't hate it, just didn't bring him the joy he once felt before. Maybe because after a rough night when he slumped down to rest Casey's shoulder, was there for him to rest his tried head on. Their warmth his to soak in as they would throw their arm around him and tug for him to come closer. And they would look uo together. The sky always seemed brighter back then.
Going out to bust skulls together was always more fun than being out all alone like this even. Setting up the hits together, how Casey fought similar to himself, no mercy. The drive and thrill of the chase. Having Casey right beside him, knowing they had his back. Never had to worry about someone trying to hit him over the head. If they did get the better of him or overwhelmed him. There was Casey.
Raphael's partner in so many ways.
Heavey sign left his beak. Funny enough between the fighting, the intimacy, even what he missed? Was talking to Casey. Sure it be easy to tease and say the guy likely didn't have much to offer to talk about, but that's not true. Raph would hang on every word he wondered if Casey noticed that.
Trying to drag himself out of his thoughts as he finally pulled his phone free from his belt. He had to cruse the way his heart rate speed the second he read the name. 'Bonehead' accompanied by a picture of Casey, that Raph sneakily snapped one morning. He really should change that was the following thought. Seemed wrong to still use that photo for Casey...he didn't get to see that side of them anymore after all.
"Why ya textin' me anyway?" Trying to change the subject for himself as he opened their messages. Trying to ignore when the last text between them was sent
[TEXT] I l  ove yoy Raph, I'll añways fuckinf love you
There was a warmth sweeling in him, his heart seemed to all but come to sudden stop. The city noises fell on to deaf ears. Raph was stunned, by what he was reading was that it was hard to decipher Casey's text even with the odd way it had been typed out. He let his eye scan over it a few more times in the off chance he was wrong. He's not sure what he's feeling there's a lot going through him at the words. Four words that meant everything to him even since Casey started to say them. Enough to make Raph freeze every time they were said.
"You..." He grits his teeth grip tighten on his phone as he drops it not able to fave it right now. "How can you still..."
I love you still too
"We don' make sense!"
I need ta see you right now
"We can' be together!"
I want nothin' more than to be with you
"I did' the one thing I said I never do!" He couldn't argue that. He left. He hurt Casey, he told them he was done he knew deep down Casey was soft he worked to see past thier walls. He wanted to be trusted with that part of Casey. No matter what he wanted it so badly. Then...then he did excatly what Casey was protecting himself for.
"GOD DAMN IT!" He roared slightly the pain in his heart just seemed to weight it down more. "You could be with someone else! Some else to drive off with, someone else ta kiss someone else arms to fall asleep in..." but Raph couldn't stand the image in his mind of any of that happening.
Turning to face towards thier neighborhood. "You can do all of that but...please don' do the things we did. Late night bike rides. Goin' all the places that were jus' ours.... I am selfish." Rubbing his face with his hand now as he sighed out heavily once more. "I don' have any right ta say that crap. Casey should be allowed to move on he should move on even! I can- I mean I don-" He knew he could say that because it wasn't ture in the slightest. That he didn't love them? Raph was a lot of things and one was still in love with Casey Jones. Phone lifted back up to read over the screen. It was clearly messed up. Maybe they didn't mean it, clearly drunk meant for someone else even.
That turly made his heart feel like it was sinking down into his shell now. "He should be with someone who can give 'em all they want. House, kids...not a busted up broken..me." not matter how much he wanted to be with Casey right now. Hear that dumb laugh, feel thier arms slung around him and knuckles digging into his skull. Never did understand why that was whar Casey did but he missed it a lot.
"Ya gotta find someone else...someone good for ya Case. Who'll give ya all ya want." Lookink back to the phone himself, a moment of weakness as he started to type only to stop. When the sound of sierns hit his ears. Making him stand up altered to where it seemed to be coming from. Looking down to where he saw thw flash of red and blue heading he could get there faster if he cross over the rooftops.
Raphael looked back to his phone, eyeing the text he nearly sent himself. He didn't delete it he just closed it out and shoved it back away, and he set his helmet over his head once again. "Casey....don' wast ya time on me."
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bunbotbuggiman · 1 year ago
"Lover, when you feel that fire / Think of it as my desire / Think of it as my desire for you!" feels exceedingly morax, I have no words.
It ain't right and it ain't natural" with barbatos... MMMMMM.
The "little songbird" bit is so conflicting considering my love for him calling VENTI that but at the same time what a smack in the face would it be for persephone!barbatos to hear his husband calling someone else that...
moving along:
adepti ladies as the fates. I. big brain moment if I may say so myself. which I will. 😇
Cloud Retainer for sure. maybe Streetward Rambler, and some other adepti lady? (Fujin maybe, now that we've got her? Lingyuan?
I think Cloud Retainer would for sure fit Lachesis the best (the allotter, she methodically measures out with her tool the length of a persons life), however you could do CR as Atropos (the cutter, the decider of death, she snipped the threat of fate to mark the end of a life), and perhaps Streetward Rambler as Lachesis? I think one of the younger gen adepti would be best for Clotho, (the spinner, spins the thread of life and chooses the birth date and stuff like that) so maybe Ganyu?
I fear that some things would need to be worked around because considering Neuvillette directly = orpheus idk
"People turn on you just like the wind / Everybody is a fair weather friend"
and then Neuvillette about Furina as Orpheus to Euridyce
"Suddenly I'm holding the world in my arms"
"Say that you’ll hold me forever / Say that the wind won't change on us / Say that we'll stay with each other / And it will always be like this" and "I'm gonna hold you forever / The wind will never change on us / Long as we stay with each other"
also Neuvillette x unfulfilled promised HELLO
I think there's def a concept there with Furina being more like orpheus in the whole "musician whos song touches the world" concept too but also I'm so obsessed with Furina "Kinda makes you wonder how it feels" and I don't feel like it's nearly as in character for Neuvillette to make that kind of deal.
if anyone else has any thoughts about this, or ideas about anyone else who could play orpheus and euridyce off of z and v's hades and persephone pls share!
Morax - Hades, god of riches, money, "King of the Mine", serious, kinda somber aesthetic.
Barbatos - Persephone, (in the play) uses substances to get through time away from the upper world (away from the wind???), a complex relationship with freedom and responsibility
Idk who could be Orpheus and Eurydice, I haven't thought that far through yet 😭😭. But consider:
Our Lady of The Underground with Barbatos?
"I've got the wind right here in a jar, I've got the rain on top of the bar, I've got sunshine on top of the shelf,"
"I got a sight for the sorest eye... when was the last time you saw the sky"
and the dialogue between Hades and Persephone from Way Down Hadestown?
"You're early." "I missed you."
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more-cardigan-than-woman · 2 years ago
Summary: Jason pushed you away or you pushed him away. Depending on whose side your on. But that doesn't mean that the love stops. That you can just push it down or push it away. He will always love you and want you to be safe. And sometimes on snowy days, when the stars align just right and the wind blows to the east he manages to work up the courage to see you.
Pairing: Ex!Reader x Jason Todd
Wds: 2.6k
Warnings: SMUT 18+ Only, ANGST, exes to exes, UNHAPPY ENDING, lost love, stalking, goodbyes, oral, spitting, hurt minimal comfort, Daddy kink, Degradation, praise kink, Cheating (with each other).
AN: I blame the fact that I've been listening to Bad Omens on repeat for the last month for this. So take up your issues with Noah.
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The first thing you notice that's off about your cabin is the driveway has been cleared. Hell, even the porch has been swept. Though you adore Eli, he isn't much for the manual labour and with him being out of town at the doctors conference, it can mean only one thing.
Not a new lock you think, but you can see the tiny marks on the key hole left by his tools. The same ones he leaves every time.
Stepping inside the darkened cabin, you flick on the lights. Deliberately ignoring the figure looming by the roaring fire as you put your groceries on the counter. "What is it this time?" You ask into the air, "Upset you can't kill Eli because he's out of town?"
"Kitten," Jason says in a forlorn, wistful tone, "can't I ever just miss you?"
"There's a first time for everything," you mutter, rolling your eyes. "Just tell me what you want so you can leave."
“It’s been to long,”
“Yeah, nearly 2 years.”
“Feels like a lifetime. I miss you so much, Kitten.”
“And who’s fault is that?” You turn to put the eggs away, instead smashing into his hard chest and crushing them between you. "Great." You snip, rearing back and grabbing a dish cloth to wipe yourself down. "Classic fucking-ugh!."
"I'll get you some more eggs," he says, his defeated tone only highlighting the pain in his eyes.
"It's not about the eggs, Jay!" You sneer, throwing the towel into the sink, "what are you doing here? You always do this," sighing into the counter and putting your face in your hands. "Is this your version of torture?"
"Kitten," he reaches for you only for you to step back, "I just needed to see you."
"See me? You've been following me for a week." You raise a brow at his expression, "What? You think I don't know?” you feel something inside your heart start to tear, “Think I can't feel your eyes on me?” you stare at the ground feeling his eyes taking you in, “Think I can't feel you when you're close?" you sniffle trying to keep your emotions under control.
"You weren't meant to-" you can’t help they way you lean into his touch when his hand lands on your bicep.
"To what? To know that you're still following me?" You stare up into those bright blue eyes, his heavy brow bunched over them, "Jason, if you think there's a world where I don't notice you, you're crazier than I thought." You reach up your fingers grazing over the stuble that's growing along on his jaw, "but you can't keep doing this."
"I know." His hand mirrors yours, "you think I don't know? That I don't want this happy little life for you?"
"I wanted it for us." You cut him off, smiling up sadly at him, "but you made your choice Jason and I have to live with the consequences."
"They need me, Kitten."
"So you've said." You start to pull back, but his hand circles around your waist, "Jason, I can't do this again." Your lip starts to falter, pressing your eyes closed you attempt to muster up the courage to force him out.
"This'll be the last time, I promise" he yanks you to him, his kiss needy, hungry and possessive as he lifts you and your legs wrap around him.
"Has to be," you murmur into his kiss as your heart takes over for your brain. “I don’t think I can survive anymore of this,” Your heart starts to drip acid into your lungs as your hands lace through his hair and your legs tighten around him.
“Not the bed,” you plead as he approaches the large four poster tucked into the back corner of your cabin.
“Why not?” he smiles, squeezing on your ass and kissing your cheek, “Worried your precious Doctor Eli will know what you've been up to while he’s saving lives?”
“Too bad, Kitten.” he lays you out like a delicate bouquet of flowers onto your soft sheets.
“You’re an asshole.”
“You love me.”
“I hate you.”
“Now we both know that isn’t true. Don’t we?” his hands tug at your boots, and pulls your sweater over your head.
“I hate you,” you spit at him, tugging at his hoodie and throwing it behind you.
“That wasn’t very nice, Kitten.” he growls, wiping his face and staring down at you, “Do you need to be reminded who you belong to?” he tugs behind your knees, sliding you down towards where he’s kneeling at the end of the bed, “Who makes you feel so good?” his hands slap at your thighs spreading you legs for him, “and just who owns your pretty little pussy?”
“I don't,” you plead, as if you could ever forget. The long nights held in each other's arms, the sneaking off at boring events. The worry and dread that maybe this time he wasn't going to come home to you. That was the time he would leave you with tears in your eyes and a gaping hole in your heart.
“You’re getting in your head.” his hands tear at your dress, “Stop worrying so much and relax, Kitten.” his fingers slide from your chest and down your torso, “Say yes. Say that you need me,” those long fingers toying with the rim of your panties, “Tell me you want me.”
“I always want you,” you meet his eyes, blinking and shaking the voice in your head that’s telling you this is stupid, reductive and honestly the last thing you need. But fuck if you don’t want it.
“I know,” Jason’s face so soft as his starts to kiss his way up your leg and when his mouth hits your pussy a sound that only he can force from you finds it way from the back of your throat, “My tongue always did have a way of making your brain misfire.”
“Fuck, Jay,” you moan as he licks you, he’s had so much practice that he knows the perfect way to make you scream for him. He was your one, he’s had your heart from the day you met and he knew your body better than anyone else. And the way his tongue is fucking you right now, you can almost forget how he took your heart with him when he left.
“Doing So well,” he moans into you, “My good little slut, letting me lick her in the bed she shares with her fiancé.”
You bolt up. How did he know about that? You haven't even gotten a ring yet? Eli had taken you last week to look for one, but well.. It just seemed so permanent.
“Lay back down, gorgeous. I got you,” his fingers toy with your pussy hole before pressing in “and he ain't ever gonna know,” his strong finger thrusts into you, immediately hitting that special spot at the roof of your pussy and you can already see the galaxies forming in your head.
“Jason, yes. Harder!” you push yourself down onto him, “Yes, please….” your fingers grip into his hair, ‘Daddy,” the word encourages him faster and deeper, his tongue darting up to lick and suck at your clit.
“Say it again”
“That's it, Kitten. Daddy's got you,” a shiver runs down your spine and your legs start to shake, “Now let go of yourself.” his lips suckle at your clit and your fingers pull at his hair, “Cm fr me” he mumbles, “Cm Kttn.” How does he do that? You think as stars explode behind your eyes and whole new galaxies spring to life inside your brain and Jason eagerly drinks down your cum.
You suck in heaving breaths, your hands resting just over your head as you relax back into the mattress. Pivoting your head to the side when you hear the clink of buckle, staring as Jason undoes his pants, the belt flicking from his hands and onto the ground. You blink your eyes, trying to find a thought, but decide instead to lick your lips, biting down on the bottom one as he unleashes his huge cock. Your hands come down, reaching for him as your legs fall open for him.
“You want Daddy to fuck you one last time?” you nod, your eyes darting from his eyes to his cock, “Then spread that pretty girl open for me.” Your fingers dart down, parting yourself, rubbing as you watch him fist his cock.
“Such a good slutty little Kitten,” he grabs hold of your hips forcing you up to him, his head nudging at you, before pulling you onto him, “finally home,” he moans, “My little pussy always takes me so well.” his nails dig into your hips he delves deeper into you, “You were made for me.”
“Yes,” You cling to him, wrapping your legs over his, “and you, me.” you tug him down, sticking your tongue in his mouth, whining when his teeth bite down hard.
“I know, Kitten. I know how much you love this cock.” you turn away, those nasty thoughts creeping slowly back in, “How you dream of it.” His hand grips your cheeks, “Look me in the eye, when I love you gorgeous,” he jerks your head back, “There you are,” his thumb strokes along your cheek, “Does he fuck you this good?” his eyes shift away so quickly you almost miss it, “Does he make you feel like this Kitten?”
“No.” you whimper, wondering what he’s thinking.
“No, of course not.” He says in a pitting tone, he leans down to whisper in your ear, “only Daddy can make you feel like this can't he?”
“Ah Uh, just you. Fuck that's so good,” you arch up into his chest as his teeth nip at your ear.
“Because you belong to me don't you?” Words are let loose from your lips, though you don't think you recognize them.
“That's right, you're my Kitten and no matter how far you run or who's cock is inside you. You'll always be mine.” Jason's breath is hot on your ear, his lips kissing down your jaw.
“I am. Always.” your hands grip into the firm muscles of his back.
“And I'm yours.”
His lips collide with yours and you both get lost in the feeling of each other as your cries of pleasure fills the empty cabin. Your sweaty bodies sticking together as you fuck like he’s been gone for two years and you’ve missed him like ghosts miss living. It feels like the whole world disappears from around you, leaving Jason and yourself at the centre of this electric universe. Neither of you want to stop moving, worried that the other might disappear and this will be another of your dreams.
The cabin falls almost silent, except for the sounds of your fucking, your panting. That is, until Jason pulls from your kiss. His eyes staring into yours, like you’ve got the answer to every question he’s ever had before. Three words ring in the air and seem to bounce from your ears to your heart, “I love you,” your eyes go wide and your pussy starts to flutter around him, “I love you,” he repeats thrusting his cock hard into you, “I love you,” his hands press your thighs up into your chest as he fucks into your guts, “I love you,” the look in his eyes telling you all you need to know.
“I love you,” you caresses his cheek bringing his lips down to yours, “always Jason,” his cum paints your insides and he doesn't stop fucking, the full feeling overwhelming you as you ascend from hell and into him.
“I do mean it,” he says, tucking his arms under you and laying you down on top of him, his thick arms holding you so tight, “I love you so much Kitten,” Jason leaves a tiny kiss on your temple.
“Then stay.” you say, your voice hopeful as you sit up on your elbows, “don't leave me again.”
“What about Eli?” He laughs, tucking your hair behind your ear, his hand lingering on your face, “wouldn't be fair to him.”
“Since when have you ever cared? You didn’t bat an eye when you killed Marcus.”
“The money launderer?”
“He was a baker.”
“That’s what he told you.”
“Ah huh, you didn’t care that I had to move.”
“I only care about you. I was keeping you safe, Kitten.”
“I know, Jay. I just- I would be safer with you.”
“I want to stay. But-”
“You won't. I'm not enough.”
“You are, Fuck, you’re more than enough. More than an asshole like me deserves. I love you so much, Kitten. The last thing I want is to drag you down with me. But the world needs the Red Hood.”
“You sound just like Bruce. Gotham is a shitstorm of idiots fighting to be leader of the circus.” you suck in the whimper caught in your throat, “Please stay.”
“Sweetheart,” he pulls your face into his chest, his hand brushing over your hair, “can't we just enjoy this?”
“Because it's the last time?” You feel the tears start to swell in your eyes as you nuzzle into him, trying to feel and remember every part of him as your heart turns to ash and your fingers latch onto him like it will somehow, make any kind of difference.
“Yes, my love,” you feel his grip on you tighten, his words laced with grief as he litters your hair in kisses, “I love you so much, but I’ve put you through enough. This is it.”
Part 2 (Non Req Reading)
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highlifeboat · 3 years ago
U kno what if the maid decided if shes going out she might as well torment cass while shes at it (no one ever said this maid was smart) so she taunts her with details about what happened, either telling her about how she tried to call for cass, or how she stopped trying to get away/fight her off "so clearly the little slut wanted it" which is as about as far as she gets before one of them rips her tongue out. If cass can stay after instead of going back to comfort melon who knows
Cassandra’s gaze was fixated on the maid strung up across from her while she mindlessly fiddling with the pointed end of a dulled knife, silently waiting for her sisters to return with some of their more adequate torture tools. The sorry excuse for a woman kept her head low, and hadn’t said much of anything since her screaming had died down from the initial agonizing drag to the cellar. Cassandra was still trying to wrap her head around the fact that this disgusting creature somehow felt entitled enough to lay her filthy hands on Melony. Her sweet little Melony.
“She tried to call for you, y’know.” Cassandra’s glare sharpened at the sudden comment. "At least, I think she was saying ‘Cass’. It was a little hard to tell with her mouth full of pu-” The maid cut herself off with a scream when Cassandra stuck the knife into the pre existing wound from her sickle, and gave it a sharp twist.
“Shut the fuck up.” She hissed.
The maid gave a few deep breaths, then looked Cassandra in the eyes again. She seemed just a little too proud of herself for the middle daughter’s liking. “Sh-she didn’t put up much of a fucking fight, you know.” The brunette clenched her jaw. “In fact, she gave up trying to get away from me. Clearly the whore wanted-” Again, she cut herself off with a scream as Cassandra twisted the knife again, spilling fresh blood onto the floor. “Son of a bitch….”
“You’re fucking disgusting.”
“And y-your girlfriend is a fucking tease.” The maid panted. "A cute l-little thing like her is practically asking for it." Cassandra was having a hard time telling if this woman was nuts or just stupid. “I b-bet that little slut likes it rough… She probably loved how I fuc-”
Whatever else the maid had to say was cut off one last time when Cassandra severed her tongue. It was a struggle with the dulled knife blade, so the brunette had done it with her bare hand, letting the small organ drop to the floor just in time for her sisters to see.
“Aw, you started the fun without us?” Daniela pouted slightly. “I brought bolt cutters!”
Cassandra faced her two sisters, watching the redhead eagerly snip the large red bolt cutters. “...You two have at her.”
Bela tilted her head, watching the brunette walk past them. “You don’t want to stay? Maybe watch?”
“No. It’s… more draining than I thought it would be….” She admitted lowly. If she was honest, listening to the maid drone on had just made her want to go back to Melony. “Do whatever you want. But try not to kill her. I still want the final blow.”
Bela gave her a smile, and a short nod. “Of course.”
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wannawritefast · 4 years ago
Whiplash: Chapter 1- Playing Defense
A/N: Hey, y’all. I know the prologue didn’t get a whole lot of attention but I’ve written a substantial amount for this and I am VERY proud of how much I’ve written and what I’ve written. Also, huge shoutout to @andtheswordwentsnickersnack​ for beta reading this beast of a fic that I’ve been working on for WAYYYY too long LMAO...
Pairing: BoRhap!Brian May x fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of alcohol, awful men, sexism
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You loved your family. Really, you did.
But there were times, and many times they were, that you would have been more comfortable ripping your own hair out strand-by-strand than having to sit through another session of verbal abuse.
You weren’t entirely certain what you had done, if anything, to deserve such discrimination from your grandfather, father, and brother amongst a few cousins and uncles. It was like 3 generations of men in your family had decided to use you as a verbal punching bag.
You still vividly remembered the time you had told them that you didn’t particularly appreciate how they talked to you. They laughed right in your face and told you to grow a thicker skin. That Y/l/n’s were a tougher breed than most and that if you couldn’t handle it then maybe you weren’t of their blood.
October break wasn’t any different. Your family had met up for your annual dinner together aside from Christmas.
“And what about you? When are you going to settle down, Y/n?” your grandfather quipped after shoveling a spoonful of mashed potatoes. “I want some great-grandbabies!”
Before you could even open your mouth in response your brother, James, chimed in. “I wouldn’t count on anyone banging her anytime soon.”
“Well,” you chuckled, “would you look at who’s talking?” James grumbled to himself and threw a pea at you which you successfully evaded. You turned your head to address your grandfather. “And I’m not your only grandchild. You have a grandson too, you know.”
You nodded toward your brother and your grandfather hardly even blinked at the last sentence. He either didn’t hear you or didn’t care. Proof that he used any and every opportunity to undermine you. Your grandfather scoffed and mumbled to himself gruffly.
You practically heard your father’s eye roll. “Your career is only so fulfilling.”
“Dad, I’m an astrophysicist and a damn good one, I’d like to think. If my career wasn’t fulfilling enough, I’d be seriously questioning all of the time and money I spent at university writing my thesis and graduating top 5 in my year.” You took a bite out of your roll. Why did you have to defend yourself every time you came home? It was exhausting!
“I’m just saying that you aren’t fully happy until you’ve settled down.”You rolled your eyes at your father. You didn’t have the time to focus on your love life. You barely had time to do your studies as it was. Furthermore, no man you had met seemed to like you after finding out you were an astrophysicist. Nobody seemed to click with you well.
“Why do I need more than my career to be fulfilled in life?” You asked seriously.The whole table laughed at your question. Even the kiddie table laughed but it was just hive mind reflex. You certainly did want to get married and have a family someday but you were making a point to your father. Who was he to dictate what made you happy?
“Please, Y/n,” James piped up again, “that’s what lonely people say to feel better about themselves.”
Ouch. That one stung more than you should have let it. You took a drink to keep yourself from letting a tear roll.
“Who ever said that she’s single?” Your sister spoke suddenly. You coughed and sputtered on your drink. Your neck turned to Donna so swiftly that you probably could have snapped it.
“Are you implying that my eldest daughter is dating a boy,” your mother raised her brows at you conspiratorially, “and didn’t tell me? Is it that smart, goofy boy you fancied at university for the longest time?” She couldn’t seem to keep a grin from spreading across her face.You flushed red at her question. Nobody needed to know that. Except now they did because you were, apparently, no longer single. Everybody at the table locked their eyes on you, muttering to each other. You looked at your sister in panic.
“Go on,” her voice cracked and she cleared her throat before bringing her cup to her lips. “Tell them about your boyfriend.”
Gee thanks… She had just started digging you into a hole.“Wait just a second! Let’s rewind a moment.” James questioned incredulously. “My sister, the stick in the mud astrophysicist, has a boyfriend? Why haven’t you mentioned him before?”
“It’s not relevant who I may or-” you looked at your sister pointedly; she fiddled with her fork “-may not be dating.” The fact that James wasn’t buying it was making you quite nervous. You were more offended though than anything. “Is it really so hard to believe that I’d be dating someone?”
“Believe it, James” Donna insisted, pointing her fork at him. Put down your damn shovel!
“Have you banged him?” Your brother asked in the silence.
You picked up your drink and splashed him in the face. Your mother softly scolded you for your actions but you were completely unapologetic for what James more than deserved. How you shared the same DNA with such a tool was beyond you… 
“That is hardly your business,” you snipped. You turned and stared down Donna. You were going to have to tell them the truth…
“Ok, that’s quite enough,” your mother stopped everything. Oh, thank the Lord. “We’re here to talk about your sister not her boyfriend.” Thank you, mother. “She’ll just have to bring him over for Christmas!”
You stood up from your chair and it scraped along the floor. What had you done…“That’s ridiculous! What if he wants us to spend time with his family for Christmas?” Why were you even going along with this? Why were you defending your hypothetical boyfriend?
“Then you can split the time between the two!”
“What if he doesn’t want to meet you guys yet?” You suggested. This hole is getting awfully big, Y/n. “Meeting parents is a big deal!” The statement came out as more of a question than a defense. You were honestly hoping for one, just one, objection to stick. “I don’t want to scare him off.”
“Who wouldn’t want to meet us?” Your mother asked. You resisted the urge to answer the question.
“Well, what if we’re not even together anymore by that time?”
“Wow, you really can’t hold onto a man for that long, Y/n? It seems to me like you would have been making this whole thing up if you are ‘broken up’ by then.” James finished wiping his face with a napkin after his encounter with your drink. You locked eyes with him. He was onto you.
“I’m not making this up,” you lied. Apparently you hadn’t put down your shovel yet either.“Then bring him home for Christmas,” James challenged. “Otherwise we’ll know it's a lie.”
Your family was on the edge of their seats and, for the time being, the logistics of the challenge didn’t matter. You were fed up with your brother constantly tearing you down. You were tired of your father not being pleased with anything you did. And you were exhausted by your grandfather’s insistence that you were nothing more than a source for great-grandkids. You got no respect at work and you certainly didn’t get any damn respect at home.
And so you did it. You extended your arm toward your stupid brother’s stupid hand and grasped it firmly with a shake.
“You’ve got yourself a deal, brother dearest.”
Eventually the extended family left and you went to your sister’s bedroom since you were sharing the room and the bed for break.
“Why in the bloody hell would you do something like that?!” You lowered your voice so that your family, more specifically James, wouldn’t hear you. Your sister sat on the bed cross-legged, fiddling with the ends of her hair.
“I’m sorry!” Donna yelled. You shushed her as you brushed your hair. “I couldn’t just watch. James crossed a line with that comment. I just wanted to wipe that stupid smile off of his dumb face.”
“Watch your language, why don’t you?” You teased. She rolled her eyes at you. “But I was fine, honestly. I’m used to it.”
“You shouldn’t be!” You hissed at Donna to be quiet again. “It was nice for them to shut up for a few moments and see you as a normal human being.”
Your heart was warm but you were in a state of complete panic. “That’s such a sweet sentiment in such a terrible circumstance!” You dug your fingers into your temples and threw yourself onto the bed. “What am I supposed to do? I can’t just go up to a guy and say ‘I need you to be my fake boyfriend because my sister dug me into a bloody hole’! You know I can barely get guys to talk to me on a casual basis!” Your voice dropped in volume, no louder than a whisper. “What makes you think that I can get one to play my boyfriend?” You let out a frustrated sigh.
“I honestly did not foresee the consequences of my actions and I am very sorry.”
“Do you think?” You growled to yourself. “Bloody hell… what am I going to do?”
Your sister scratched the back of her neck. “I mean, you have time… It is only October…”
“But I’m going to have to find someone eventually… if I find one.” You gnawed on a fingernail.
“You’ll be fine!” Donna breathed. She curled herself into the blankets next to you. You felt sick to your stomach.
“Yeah…,” you inhaled deeply, “and I’ve got time…”
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suitofvibraniumarmor · 5 years ago
The Nearness of You [Part One]
Summary: While stationed overseas, Bucky Barnes meets a woman his very soul recognizes.  Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader Word Count: 3664 Warnings: Canon divergence and other creative liberties.  Square Filled/Rating: @buckybarnesbingo​ B5; Soul Bond. [T] A/N: This is part one of two, but could potentially be part one of three or four, depending on how much interest there is! As always, thank you to my personal Marvel expert, @captain-s-rogers​ for answering my million questions and encouraging me to get this done! You’re a mind stone. Enjoy reading, lovelies! 
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The medical tent was calmer than Bucky would have expected it to be. Even the men who had sustained more serious injuries were sedated and relatively comfortable while they waited for a medical transport to move them safely out of the area. 
He found an open cot and hopped up, his legs dangling over the side while he waited for someone to attend to him. A scuffle with a fellow soldier in the 107th had landed him here with a bloody nose, a cut above his left eyebrow, and a fat lip. 
The doctor on duty approached a nurse, one Bucky easily recognized, and pointed in Bucky’s direction. She glanced over her shoulder and nodded, mumbling a few words to the doctor. She finished putting away the supplies that had been in front of her before approaching Bucky. 
“Sergeant Barnes,” she greeted, “I’m Lieutenant Y/L/N. The doctor has asked me to look after your wounds, if that’s all right with you.”
Every hair on the back of his neck stood up in her presence. Every fiber of his being tingled. While any other dame would have made his heart race and his lungs forget their function, simply seeing her across the camp had always given Bucky a wonderfully strange sense of calm. Even now, rather than feel nervous about potential stitches or concerned at the retribution he might receive from the scuffle, Bucky felt the same comfort he had felt back in Brooklyn when his mother would sing hymns quietly to herself while she put laundry out on the line to dry. While his father tinkered on radios and things in the garage. While his best friend, Steve Rogers, sat next to him at Coney Island, eating hot dogs they had spent their train money to buy. 
“Sergeant? Are you all right?”
She placed her cool hands on either side of his face, attempting to get him to focus. Her eyes searched his for a pupillary reaction, for mumbling — any sign of something more serious than his obvious scrapes. 
Bucky cleared his throat and pulled away from her hands. “Yes, ma’am, I’m sorry. Taking everything in, I suppose. If the doc trusts you, then so do I.”
Lt. Y/L/N smiled and surveyed his face first. “We’ll clean up that bloody nose, no problem. You’re out of luck on the lip, as ice is in short supply. I’m afraid your brow will likely need a few stitches. You took quite a few licks, seems like.”
“Yeah, well, you should see the other guy,” he smirked, cocky as ever. She smiled, and his ego calmed. “Are you going to do the stitches, or …?”
“Some Army Corps nurses do, some don’t,” she sighed, “but, lucky for you, we’ve got a doc who trusts his staff. Wait here, Sergeant Barnes, while I go get some supplies.”
She went across the tent, retrieved a tray, and began to load it with the necessary supplies to clean and treat his wounds. Bucky stared after her; he found it difficult to take his eyes off of her. 
When she returned, she set the tray on a makeshift table beside the cot. She dunked a washcloth into a basin filled with clean water and began to gently but thoroughly clean away the dried blood around his nose and his brow. Her eyes were on her work, and Bucky’s eyes were, still, on her. 
Numbing his brow was the least pleasant of the whole experience, though Lt. Y/L/N assured him the stitches themselves would have been far worse without it. So, he endured, waiting until the feeling was more or less gone in the area before letting her know it was okay to start the stitches. 
She began a discussion with him as she worked, perhaps as a means of distraction. “So, how did this fight start? If you don’t mind me asking.”
Bucky cleared his throat and didn’t answer her right away. She could ask any question other than that one, and he would happily and freely answer. After licking his lips, careful of the tender spot, he returned her question with another. 
“Do you have a first name?” he asked. 
“I do.”
Bucky couldn’t help but let the smirk return. “Are you going to tell me what it is?”
“Are you going to tell me what happened to land you here getting stitched up?”
“Fair play,” Bucky sighed. 
She raised one eyebrow. “You can concentrate on us talking or you can concentrate on this needle and thread going in and out of your forehead. Which is it gonna be? Because if it’s the latter and you’re as weak-stomached as some of these men, I’d like to get another basin.”
Vomiting in front of her wasn’t a thought Bucky even wanted to entertain. “Some of the guys were giving me a hard time about this girl — woman — who gets me distracted sometimes. Started out innocent enough, but some of them got foul-mouthed. Where I come from, you don’t speak like that about a woman, whether she’s present or not.”
“You got defensive for her,” the lieutenant summed up. 
“More or less,” Bucky sighed. He didn’t regret correcting the men, but he wasn’t proud of the fighting part — certainly not with men from his own unit. “I didn’t swing first but I pushed some buttons, I guess you could say.”
She was quiet then, as she finished off a couple more stitches. She announced she was on to what should be the last one, then asked, “Is it Agent Carter?”
“Excuse me, ma’am?” Bucky frowned. 
For the first time since he had entered the tent, she looked uncomfortable. “The woman who … distracts you. Is it Agent Carter?”
He heard the snip of the thread, and she set the tools on the tray. She excused herself to get a bandage, claiming to have forgotten, though Bucky could see a short stack of them on the tray. When she returned a minute later, her composure seemed to have returned. 
“I didn’t mean to pry,” she explained as she carefully placed the bandage over the stitched area, careful not to interfere with his eyesight. “A lot of the men who come through here talk about her. I believe she’s quite popular.”
“So I’ve heard,” Bucky agreed, then continued, “but no. She’s not the woman.”
Bucky took her wrist gently in his hand, guiding her hand away from his face. Her eyes floated to his. She licked her lips and blinked a couple of times before pulling her arm away. 
“Keep the area as clean as you can,” she instructed, “if you experience a fever, chills, excessive redness and swelling around the area, come back here immediately so we can treat you for an infection. Even the slightest sign of infection, Sergeant, you ought to come back. Many men are losing their lives fighting in the war, but some of them are losing it to infection in the trenches. Don’t be one of them.”
Bucky nodded his understanding and slid off the cot. She gathered a few of the stray supplies back onto the tray. He only made it a few steps before he turned back to her. 
“Can you meet me tonight?” he asked in a hushed voice. 
Lt. Y/L/N frowned. “Meet you? Listen, soldier, I don’t know what —”
“It’s you,” Bucky blurted out. “You’re the woman who distracts me. When I’m around you —” He paused while the doctor and a couple of other soldiers passed by. “I’d like a chance to explain myself, is all. We can meet out in the open, I don’t care. My intentions are honest, I swear. If you find out they’re not, I’ll let you poke me with that numbing stuff again.”
Her frown softened and a small smile emerged on her pink lips. “I’ll meet you dead in the center of camp. You’ll have exactly two minutes to explain yourself, and then I’m going back to my tent.”
Bucky smiled and walked backwards, holding her gaze until he was out of the medical tent. He tried to stamp down his grin, but he was looking forward too excitedly to meeting with her when only the night guard was anywhere nearby. 
“Sergeant Barnes! Wait!” 
He turned behind him to see the nurse jogging to catch up. She stopped in front of him, her smile nearly matching his. 
“Y/N. My first name is Y/N.” She ventured to kiss his cheek and added, “See you tonight.” 
Then she was rushing back to the medical tent and her duties. Bucky whispered her name as he strolled back to his unit, trying it out on his lips. No name had ever sounded so sweet to his ears or felt so natural rolling off of his tongue. 
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When everyone else in the outfit, save for the night guard, was likely asleep or too close to sleeping to care what she was doing out of her tent, Y/N slipped out of her bunk and pushed her feet into her sturdy field boots. With a deep breath, she exited the tent and made way, as casual as possible, to the middle of the camp. 
When Sergeant Barnes had come into the medical tent, she knew it before she turned to look at the new patient. Every time she set eyes on the soldier, the hair on the back of her neck stood at attention, her whole body tingled with innocent excitement, and she felt unusually calm. The sergeant’s presence was the kind of comfort she had only known back home, sitting on the front porch swing with her grandmother as the sun set over the Kansas prairie. Riding horses down a dirt road with her grandfather. Laughing at her father’s silly jokes. 
Sure enough, when she spotted him sitting on a blanket on the ground, her nerves at being out at this hour to meet a man she hardly knew dwindled away. She could only smile as she walked up next to the blanket, putting her hands in her pockets. 
“Mind if I sit here?” 
He looked away from the stars and towards her, a smile taking over his face. She couldn’t help but chuckle at the disproportional expression; the swelling in his lip had reduced some, but not entirely. 
“Please do.”
She sat down and pulled her knees to her chest. “It occurred to me, you know, that I told you my first name, but you didn’t tell me yours.”
With a half-hearted salute, he introduced himself. “Sergeant James Buchanan Barnes, at your service, Lieutenant. Everyone calls me Bucky.”
“Bucky,” she smiled. “I like it. Suits you.”
He smiled, too. “I’m glad you showed up. I’m not going to lie, I was a little worried you’d stand me up.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Oh, a pretty girl like you, coming out to meet a nothin’ soldier like myself? I’m the luckiest guy on the whole continent at the moment, I do believe.”
Y/N laughed. “You lay it on thick, Bucky Barnes.”
“I tend to do that sometimes,” he admitted. “I have something for you. Snuck it out of the colonel’s supplies.”
She raised her brow, anxious to see what he had for her. Bucky looked around to be sure they weren’t under anyone’s watch, then supplied two glass Coke bottles from beside him. Y/N’s mouth rounded to a perfect ‘o’ shape. 
“You sir, are a regular miracle worker,” she breathed, accepting the soda from him. She waited patiently while he worked the metal cap off of her bottle first, then his. Sipping down some of the bubbly liquid, she closed her eyes and let out a long, slow exhale. “That is good.”
Bucky nodded, wiping a bit away from his chin. “Wish they were colder, but, as you know, ice is in short supply.”
“That it is. Thank you for this, really. It’s not often we get anything to lift our spirits around here.”
She took another pull from the bottle, and looked up at the stars. In rainy, cloudy England, it wasn’t often they got to see the night sky. Her silly, romantic heart pretended that the skies had cleared and the stars were shining especially for herself and Bucky that night. She got so lost in the reverie, Bucky had to pull her attention back to him. He hooked a finger under her chin and guided her eyes his way. 
“My spirits are lifted every time I see you,” he told her, voice low and scratchy. “I told you I would explain myself, and I will, if you still want to hear it. But you’ve got to understand — it’s going to sound crazy.”
Y/N took another swig of the Coke, wishing with all her might that it was something stronger than soda. She had an idea of what was coming next, had been waiting for it, but even with Bucky’s comforting presence, she was anxious as hell to hear the words said out loud. Worried that her words would be incomprehensible, she nodded for him to continue. 
Bucky set his drink to the side and wiped his thumb over his lips. He looked out in front of him, took a deep breath, and took the plunge. 
“I don’t know you. I don’t know where you’re from or where you grew up or your birthday. I don’t know why you joined the Army or what made you decide to be a nurse. But — but when I’m anywhere near you, Y/N, if I can just see you, my whole world is all right. I mean, it’s like my nerves activate, from head to toe, but at the same time, I’m so calm, Satan himself could come at me and I would know everything was going to be all right. Does that make me sound crazy?”
Y/N shook her head. “N-no. You don’t sound crazy at all.”
He pulled his knees up too, setting his elbows on the and clasping his hands in front of him. “I went to church with my parents growing up and everything, you know, but I never really knew how I felt about all of that. I didn’t know how if I believed in Heaven or Hell or angels and all of that. The preacher would talk about our souls and I — I didn’t even know if I believed that was a real thing. But then I saw you and I knew it was. It’s like, when I see you, I can feel my soul.” With two fingers, he tapped the soft spot below his sternum. “It’s there and it’s connecting to something — to someone — you. My soul is connected to yours, I think.” 
Y/N stared at him. She had grown up in church too, had believed all of the things Bucky was unsure about, but she had always needed some sort of validation to keep her going. Then, she was stationed here, and she saw more unnecessary death and unjust war than she cared to think about. Doubts about the things she had been taught all growing up began to sprout up like weeds, until the first time she had seen the tall soldier with dark brown hair and blue eyes. In that moment, the only way she had been able to describe it to herself was that she had felt her soul reaching out; her soul had recognized Bucky’s and had made her desperate to connect with him. 
“Do you believe in soulmates, Bucky?” Y/N asked, looking to her left where he sat. 
Bucky’s eyes met hers once again. “I didn’t, before you. Before this.”
The calm and comfort enveloped both of them like never before. The wondering and curiosity was gone, leaving behind only the knowledge that they had been made for each other. Not a lot of good things were going to come out of this war, but at least they had found each other. 
The pair sat on the blanket in silence for a while after that, finishing their sodas and watching the stars. They didn’t speak; there was enough to process for one evening. Y/N leaned her head on Bucky’s shoulder, and he turned to kiss her forehead. 
“I’d kiss you proper, but we’re pushing the boundaries of getting caught as it is,” Bucky chuckled, leaning his head on hers. 
“Not to mention, you’ve got that busted lip,” Y/N reminded him with a mischievous smile. 
Bucky nodded. “Yeah. It was worth it, to get to you.”
Y/N smiled, wishing the night could go on forever. A few minutes before guard change, they stood. Bucky gathered up the blanket and the bottles, and walked her back to her tent. 
“I’ll see you in the morning, I guess.”
“I hope so,” she smiled. With another kiss on his cheek and a smile up at him, Y/N took one step into the tent. “Good night, Bucky.”
“Good night, pretty girl,” Bucky smiled back at her.
Y/N settled down for some sleep as quietly as possible, she found herself unable to stop the smile from tugging at her mouth, or thoughts of Bucky’s sweet blue eyes from tugging at her heart. They had found each other now, and long after the war, they would still have each other. 
As she drifted off to sleep, she added that fact to the list of her greatest comforts, right along with all the memories of home.
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The news of the 107th going on a mission that involved this man at the head of Germany’s deep science unit, Hydra, spread quickly over the camp. Y/N rushed out of the medical tent and went to find Bucky; there were some others in his tent, packing up to head out. She cleared her throat and all of the men looked up at her, then glanced over to Bucky. He looked at all of them in turn, his eyes daring them to make a smart comment in front of Y/N. Not one of them did. 
“I heard about the mission,” she said, stepping back when Bucky came out of the tent. “I wanted to … I mean …”
Bucky showed her his signature smirk. “Worried I’m not gonna make it back, pretty girl?”
She blushed and looked away. “This isn’t a joke, Bucky. Doc talks about Schmidt and the things him and this - this Zola scientist guy are trying to do. They’re dangerous. Word is, even Hitler is weary of the man.”
Bucky took a careful glance around before putting his hands on her shoulders and pushing her behind the tent. Once they were more or less out of view, he pulled her to his chest and rested his cheek on her head. 
“You’ll know I’m okay,” he promised, the words muffling slightly against her hair, “because you’ll feel me. Right? Isn’t that how this soul thing works?”
Y/N sighed. “Not if I can’t see you.”
“Right. Listen, everything’s gonna be all right. This war is a mess, but we came over here to fight it. Even if I could stay behind, I wouldn’t. You know? Not just for me. My friend back home, Y/N, he wanted to fight. He wanted to be here. He’s — the point is, the Army wouldn’t take him. I’m not only fighting for me. I’m fighting for him, too.”
She could understand that. A sense of familial duty had led her to enlist; they all had their reasons. Leaning back, she gave him a sad smile. 
“Better kiss me while you can then, Sergeant.”
Bucky smiled, but the expression was short-lived. He dropped his arms from around her and stepped back. Y/N frowned, until she spotted the other soldiers walking by. 
“Can’t quite seem to catch the right moment,” she sighed. Other soldiers from the 107th were calling for Bucky. Y/N looked at him and shrugged. “Be safe out there. Don’t be a hero. Please.”
Bucky’s smirk returned as he stepped away from her. “Don’t worry, Lieutenant. We’ll get our moment.”
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The portion of men who returned from the mission were in need of so many medical treatments, it didn’t register with her for a good couple of hours that Bucky had not been among them. The last soldier to clear the tent, she stopped him. 
“Where’s Sergeant Barnes?”
The corporal sighed. “Not a lot of us came back, ma’am. If he hasn’t been through here, he probably was captured or killed.”
Y/N nodded. “I see. Okay. Come back if you have any excessive pain, okay?”
The young soldier nodded and went on his way. Y/N cleaned up her area and asked the doctor if he needed anything else. 
“No, thank you, Lieutenant, not at the moment.” He sighed. “I know that was a lot, but you handled it quite gracefully. I appreciate you.”
She gave him a tight smile and excused herself from the tent. She went to her tent and sat on her cot, gripping the mattress harder and harder until her knuckles were white and her fingers began to tingle from a lack of blood flow. She squeezed her eyes shut and tried to do what Bucky had said; feel him, even from afar. She pictured his clear, blue eyes, that little section of hair falling across his forehead the way it alway did. She pictured the way he had looked at her the night they sat under the stars, drinking the Cokes he had swiped from the colonel’s office. How he had promised her when he left that he would be back, that they would have their moment. 
The thought of never seeing him again, never having that moment, made Y/N’s stomach turn and flip. She thought of never feeling again the calm that she felt when Bucky was around. She rushed out of the tent with only a second to spare before the contents of her breakfast came up on her. 
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Part Two
Tags: @captain-s-rogers​ @the-murder-strut-murdered-me​ @jackryanplz​ @xtina2191​ @shynara51​ @captain-rogers-beard​ @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan​ @pinknerdpanda​
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battlestar-royco · 5 years ago
Let’s settle this once and for all: are the Illyrians MOC?
So, in writing the answer to this ask, I FINALLY put two and two together on something: another reason why SJ/M’s constant use of “golden-brown” to describe the I/llyrians doesn’t sit right is because that’s literally the only indication that they are MOC. Looking at fan art, it’s clear that some artists are going for a non-white skin tone. If so, then why don’t they look like MOC? Why is there so much contention and confusion around whether or not these men are white? I have been subconsciously baffled by this phenomenon for years, since AC0MAF came out in 2016. I don’t know why this took me so long to conclude, because people have been essentially saying the same thing about POC in SJ/M’s books since AC0MAF dropped, but here is the reason: in both the books and the art, their complexion is the only thing that indicates they are MOC. There’s a lot, as they say, to unpack here. This is gonna get long (seriously, RIP to your thumbs. I promise it’s half photos). Snip.
The Golden-Brown Suitcase
So. We have descriptions such as these (all emphasis mine; special thanks to @longsightmyth​ for pulling many quotes and citations!)...
1. about C/assian and A/zriel: “Like their High Lord, the males---warriors---were dark-haired, tan-skinned. But unlike Rhys, their eyes were hazel...”  (AC0MAF, pg. 140 B&N ebook).
2. “Cassian surveyed Rhys from head to foot, his shoulder-length black hair shifting with the movement” (140).
3. about A/zriel: “But the second male, the more classically beautiful of the two... Even the light shied from the elegant planes of his face” (140).
4. “I could have sworn Rhys’s golden-brown skin paled” (AC0WAR, pg. 223 Kindle edition).
5. “Color bloomed high on Azriel’s golden-brown cheeks” (254).
6. “I tried to catch Cassian’s gaze, but he was monitoring them closely, his golden-brown skin unnaturally pale” (280).
7. “But Nesta’s pale fingers gently probed his golden-brown skin” (514).
... spawning fan art en masse like this:
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art courtesy: x x x
What’s wrong with this (these) picture(s)? They are white men with the complexions of MOC. The fandom (and thus artists) have nothing but “golden-brown” (a term that is notably introduced in AC0WAR, one installment after the I/llyrians first appear) to go on, so they default to imagining the I/llyrians as tanned Henry Cavill, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Viggo Mortensen types. You could simply lighten the value of the above artworks (but please DO NOT do this) and have white men. THIS is why, despite the golden-brown descriptor and the Darker-Than-Fayre skin tones in the fandom art, there is so much debate and confusion around whether or not the I/llyrians are MOC. Golden-brown skin with straight black hair, straight noses, and round light eyes do not a man of color make. Why not? Because “golden-brown” is a very nebulous term that can apply to countless skin tones and ethnicities. Some examples (... your THUMBS I’m so sorry slafajklsk):
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^ Indian,
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^ Mexican,
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^ Guatemalan,
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^ Hawaiian,
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^ Afro-Caribbean,
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^ and Filipino. For starters.
Now, why is it that upon first glance, you can tell that all the men in these photos are not white? Because race is constructed such that we can immediately identify it, whether subconsciously or consciously. We’re socially conditioned to recognize this in other people and immediately ascribe our own perception of their race and ethnicity onto them. Not only can you tell they are not white, but you also have a ballpark idea of where in the world they are from. Note the wide variance in thickness and texture of hair (head, facial, and body); the cool and warm undertones that change by the person; the wide, ridged, and/or downturned noses; eye shape, body type etc. So why can’t we put a finger on what the I/llyrians are supposed to look like as MOC? Why do so many people perceive them as white? Because SJ/M has no target ethnicity for the I/llyrians, meaning that they have no clarifying features to imply one specific ethnic background in the text or fan art. All we know for sure about the I/llyrians is that they are dark-haired, darker complected than the A/rcheron sisters, and they pale and blush. Vagueness regarding race always causes fandom to default to white, thus the general “tan white dudes” interpretation of the I/llyrians.
The Illyrian Suitcase
We’ve now come across another suitcase within this entire I/llyrian Ethnicity Moving Truck of stuff we need to unpack: the smidge of evidence that the I/llyrians are inspired by somewhere in the MENA region. Given the harem pants and henna-reminiscent tattoos that appear in the Nite Court, plus the mosques and clothing that appear in fandom edits and art, general “MENA” may be the closest approximation to I/llyrian ethnicity. However, the problems snowball from here.
1. The MENA label is far too general to treat as one single race/ethnicity. General fandom perception/depiction of I/llyrians does not nearly encompass the multitude of appearances someone could have if they are from the MENA region. Harem pants and henna are used in multiple countries, so it is impossible to pin down a non-monolithic appearance with just the Nite Court attire and “golden-brown” description.
2. The Nite Court and the I/llyrians are two separate entities. Not all V/elaris residents are I/llyrian, not all Nite courtiers are I/llyrian, and not even all Inner Circle members are I/llyrian. Therefore, we cannot conflate the Nite clothing and tattoos with I/llyrian culture.
3. This leads me to my next point: we still have white and non-I/llyrian characters wearing harem pants and tattoos. Fayre, M0r, and A/mren’s attire is not culturally meaningful to the Nite Court. It also clashes with sweaters and leggings, dresses made of chiffon, bell sleeves, and Elie Saab-reminiscent designs (ie Starfall, Court of Nightmares). Thus, the attire loses all internal consistency and meaning beyond the mood SJ/M wishes to set for a given scene, making the implication that their outerwear is meant to be sexy or aesthetic rather than culturally significant.
4. The I/llyrians as a race of POC meaninglessly perpetuate stereotypes. Granted, sexism exists in high fae society (ie Fayre being paraded as “Rice’s whore” in the CoN, M/or being treated as a commodity and broodmare, the lack of High Ladies), so the misogyny and violence against women are not unique to I/llyrians. We also get more than one I/llyrian main character, so they are not a complete monolith. But there are still issues. One, the I/llyrians are oppressed by the high fae. It is well documented that the high fae are the dominant race and look down upon lesser fae. This dichotomy has yet to be unpacked by SJ/M. Two, I/llyrian women are oppressed by I/llyrian men (wing-cutting, commodification, gender roles, etc). There are absolutely zero fleshed out I/llyrian women, so the only information we have about their experience and existence is through Fayre’s eyes and Rice’s word. This framing is white feminist at best, white savior-y at worst. Three, we only know I/llyrians who have assimilated into high fae culture. Rice, the High Lord, is half high fae and half I/llyrian. Only he and his friends, I/llyrians who have been “elevated” from bastard/oppressed I/llyrian status, know better than the other more “savage” I/llyrians. Coincidence? I think not.
The Lucien Suitcase
All this gets even more confusing when you consider the fact that SJ/M uses “golden-brown” as a blanket non-white coding tool. In the T0G series, at LEAST the following characters are described as golden-brown: S/artaq (T0D, pg. 345 Kindle edition), Nesrin (K0A, 180), and Irene (403). In AC0WAR, at LEAST the following are described as golden-brown: the I/llyrians, Vassa (685), and L/ucien (183, 302, 456). Our best approximation is that S/artaq and Nesrin are South Asian given their southern continent origin, Irene is part-black given her E/yllwe father, Vassa is... golden brown, and L/ucien is part black and part white. The term is used so frequently that it is meaningless as an indicator for race. We’ve again found the golden-brown suitcase, which in SJ/M’s novels encases allll the aforementioned ethnicities and more. Again, this causes very anglicized and/or inconsistent looks to pop up in fan art:
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it seems that the I/llyrians are MOC, based on the fact that they and other POC are frequently described as “golden-brown.” That said, the golden-brown descriptor is not enough. The I/llyrians do not serve their purpose as representative characters because they are not easily identifiable to their target demographic, nor are they a positive representation. In a social context where we are so trained to recognize these things, explicit media representation is much preferred, if not necessary. It is the reader’s prerogative---namely, non-white readers’ prerogative---to interpret these characters how they wish. We’d be unpacking a whole other house if we were to go into the meaning behind L/ucien as a black man, Irene as a black woman, Nesrin as South Asian, etc, and that is for another day. Thanks so much for reading all this way if you got this far. I know I’m extra, sorry. The creative writing/women’s and gender studies major jumped out lmao. My inbox is always open if you want to parse that out or if you have any further questions!
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khinmaungthet · 2 years ago
Windows11 shortcut basic keys....
•Ctrl + A: Select all items in a window.
•Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert: Copy selected or highlighted item (text, images and so on).
•Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert: Paste selected or highlighted item.
•Ctrl + X: Cut selected or highlighted item.
•Ctrl + Z: Undo previous action.
•Ctrl + Y: Redo action.
•Ctrl + N: When File Explorer is your current window, open a new File Explorer window with the same folder path as the current window.
•Windows key + F1: Open "how to get help in windows" Bing search in default browser.
•Alt + F4: Close the current app or window.
•Alt + Tab: Switch between open apps or windows.
•Shift + Delete: Delete selected item permanently (skip the Recycle Bin).
Start menu and taskbar
You can use these keyboard shortcuts to open, close and otherwise control the Start menu and the taskbar.
•Windows key or Ctrl + Esc: Open Start menu.
•Windows key + X: Open the secret Start menu.
•Windows key + T: Cycle through the apps (including pinned apps) on the taskbar.
•Windows key + [Number]: Open the app pinned in the [number] position on the taskbar. For example, if you have Edge pinned in the first position on the taskbar and you click Windows key + 1, Edge will open. If the app is already open, a new instance or window will open.
•Windows key + Alt + [Number]: Open the right-click menu for the app pinned in the [number] position on the taskbar.
•Windows key + D: Show or hide desktop (Windows key + , will display the desktop briefly).
Windows 11 also has several ways to take a screenshot, including three different keyboard shortcuts.
•PrtScn: Take a screenshot of your entire screen and save it to your clipboard.
•Windows key + PrtScn: Take a screenshot of your entire desktop and save it to a folder on your computer.
•Windows key + Shift + S: Open Snipping Tool menu to take a screenshot of only a section of your screen.
•Windows key + M: Minimize all open windows.
•Windows key + Shift + M: Restore minimized windows.
•Windows key + Home: Minimize all windows except the selected or currently active window.
•Windows key + Up arrow: Maximize selected window.
•Windows key + Shift + Up arrow: Maximizes the active window vertically while maintaining its width.
•Windows key + Down arrow: Minimize selected window.
•Windows key + Left arrow: Snap selected window to the left half of the screen.
•Windows key + Right arrow: Snap selected window to the right half of the screen.
•Windows key + Alt + Up: Snap selected window to top half of the screen.
•Windows key + Alt + Down: Snap selected window to bottom half of the screen.
•Windows key + Shift + Left arrow or Right arrow: Move selected window to the left or right monitor.
•Windows key + Tab: Open Task view (virtual desktops).
•Windows key + Ctrl + D: Add new virtual desktop.
•Windows key + Ctrl + Right arrow: Move to the next virtual desktop (to the right).
•Windows key + Ctrl + Left arrow: Move to the previous virtual desktop (to the left).
•Windows key + Ctrl + F4: Close current virtual desktop.
The Windows key
These keyboard shortcuts use the Windows logo key to perform various tasks, such as launching both Windows and third-party apps.
•Windows key + A: Open the Action Center.
•Windows key + S: Open Cortana in text mode, so you can type in the search bar. (Windows key + Q does the same thing.)
•Windows key + C: Open Cortana in listening mode (similar to saying "Hey, Cortana").
•Windows key + E: Open File Explorer.
•Windows key + F: Open the Windows 10 Feedback Hub.
•Windows key + Ctrl + F: Search for PCs on a network.
•Windows key + G: Open the Game bar.
•Windows key + H: Open the Share sidebar.
•Windows key + I: Open the Settings menu.
•Windows key + K: Open the Connect sidebar (for connecting to new Bluetooth devices or Miracast).
•Windows key + L: Lock your computer.
•Windows key + O: Lock screen orientation.
•Windows key + P: Open presentation or projection sidebar.
•Windows key + R: Open the Run window.
•Windows key + U: Open Ease of Access center.
•Windows key + W: Open the Windows Ink Workspace for scribbling on tablets or touchscreen laptops.
•Windows key + (+) or (-): Zoom in and out with magnifier.
•Windows key + Esc: Exit magnifier.
The F keys
The F keys at the top of your keyboard can perform a number of actions when used with other keys, but they're also useful on their own.
•F2: Rename a selected item.
•F3: Quickly search for files in File Explorer.
•F4: Highlight the address bar in File Explorer.
•F5: Refresh your active window.
•F6: Cycle through elements (tab, buttons, search bar, etc.) in a window or your desktop.
•Alt + F8: Show login password on the start screen.
•F10: Activate the menu bar in the active window.
Command Prompt
You can use these keyboard shortcuts inside the Windows Command Prompt.
•Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert: Copy selected text to the clipboard.
•Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert: Paste copied text inside the Command Prompt.
•Ctrl + A: Select all text on current line. (If the current line has no text, all text inside the Command Prompt will be selected.)
•Ctrl + Up or Down: Move screen one line up or down.
•Ctrl + F: Search Command Prompt via Find window.
•Ctrl + M: Enter Mark mode (allows you to select text with mouse). Once Mark mode is enabled, you can use the arrow keys to move the cursor around.
•Shift + Up or Down: Move cursor up or down one line and select text.
•Shift + Left or Right: Move cursor left or right one character and select text.
•Ctrl + Shift + Left or Right: Move cursor left or right one word and select text.
•Shift + Page Up or Page Down: Move cursor up or down one screen and select text.
•Shift + Home or End: Move cursor to beginning or end of current line and select text.
•Ctrl + Shift + Home/End: Move cursor to beginning or end of screen buffer and select text and beginning or end of Command Prompt's output.
Thank you.
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agent-shield-blog · 7 years ago
Saturday Scares
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You hated to watch scary movies, but with a certain tinman to comfort you, maybe this one wouldn't be so bad?
Pairing: Reader X Tony Featuring: Reader X Tony X Sam X Steve X basically everybody else Warnings: A little mention of blood
You never understood how you got dragged into scary Saturday movie night. You could count on one hand how many things you were afraid of. But the combination of jump scares plus the chilling music just got to you. Still, you were always a good sport as you wanted to hang out with the team, so you would sit couriering in the corner with a blanket close to your face, and closing your eyes as you listened to the horrors of the movies. Every scary Saturday ended the same. Someone would turn on the lights and then one or two people would come over and make sure you were okay followed by Tony walking you up to your room just to make sure you got up there safely while you're still on edge.
It was later then you would have liked to start the movie. You knew by the time it was over the sun would be long gone, and the tower would be eerily quiet.
"Alright everyone for the movie tonight I have chosen the scariest film of all time Texas Chainsaw Massacre." You rolled your eyes at Sam. You were sure Sam picked the film just to try and get you scared. You knew some running bets were going on during the movies. Once Clint and Sam bet how long it would take for you to get up and leave, Thor thought you would pee your pants from terror.
"(y/n) this one is pretty scary. So if you'd like to leave now, then you are more than welcome to skip out on this." Sam smirked at you before giving a quick wink to Clint.
"No thanks Sam I'm good but thanks for the offer. Just make sure not to choke and puke up your popcorn during this film. Tony paid good money for these chairs."
You took your place in the back corner where you could make an easy break for it with the door being right next to you. You wrapped your blanket around yourself as Tony loved to keep the theater as frozen as the artic.
Twenty minutes into the film and you were already shaking. This by far was one of the worst ones yet. The blanket was already covering your eyes as you turned your legs around to hang off the arms of the chair. As you moved around you noticed some motion coming from the other end of the theater. Tony ducked down not to get in the screens way as he moved over to where you were. He slowly brought himself down and sat his back to the front of your chair.
" I could see you shaking from the other side of the room. You okay?"
"I mean for someone who hates horror movies and gets stuck watching one of the scariest movies of all time, couldn't be better." Tony snickered at the comment. With his face still glued to the screen and yours just looking at the wall you listened to the movie. Slowly you would turn your head to watch snips. But to your best of luck just as a jump scare was approaching you'd turn your head ever so slightly to get a full glimpse of the scene. You couldn't help but let out a small scream in terror as blood and gore filed the theater. Tony turned around and now was completely facing you. You of course now being fully covered under your blanket did not see a smile pass along his face.
"(y/n) let's get you upstairs huh? This movie isn't that great I've seen it before. You won't be missing out on much." You uncovered the blanket ever so lightly, so just your eyes appeared.
"I can't leave. I know they have bets going on me, and I don't want to be a chicken. I'm going to stay for the entire movie, even if it leaves me with nightmares for weeks." Tony sighed as he stood up from his spot on the ground.
"Okay scootch over then."
"Scootch over, I don't mind protecting you from the chainsaw man, but not from the ground. I didn't pay for the extra cushiony floor." You adjusted in your seat as Tony took place next to you. You leaned back and caught a whiff of his cologne. You were never a fan of the heavily scented stuff, but Tony's always smelled amazing. It was like the smell of comfort. Amazing what cologne over $50 could do to your head.
As the movie began to pick up again, you sank deeper into the couch, wishing it would just swallow you whole right now. You hated the fact that your curiosity always got the best of you during these movies. Once again you turned your gaze back to the screen just in time to watch the saw cut through someone. You cowered not realizing you took cover using Tony as a defense shield. You nuzzled your face into his chest. No more watching the movie just no.
You staid in the same position with your head on Tony chest. At first, his breathing was a little more rapid, which you assumed was due to the movie. But now it was back at its regular rate. You listened to the soft beating of his heart in his chest. As you were once again beginning to find serenity, the noise from the movie overcame you. Screams and the sound of power tools took over the theater. Without even thinking about it ou wrapped an arm around Tony bringing him closer to you. Tony wrapped both arms around you, making sure not to squeeze you but to reassure you that he would protect you from the character.
You were officially checking out from your surroundings. You weren't going to leave because you would not be defeated by stupid Sam and his dumb movie. But the least you could attempt to do is catch up on some sleep. With Tony still holding you near him, you focused solely on the heartbeat again blocking out any noise around you, even the sounds of a chainsaw. Slowly but surely you could feel yourself drifting off, and soon you were out cold.
About forty-five minutes later the movie was over, and most of the Avengers were riding the adrenaline rush from the film. Sam got up to turn on the lights.
"Alright, kids lets see where our bets landed." Once the lights were entirely on, the group turned themselves to face you. They were surprised when they saw Tony glaring back at them while you still laid their comfortably sleeping away. The others were quick to turn their glance from Tony and back towards each other.
Tony looked down at you, and slowly brushed back your hair, trying to wake you back up gently.
"(y/n) the movies over time to get up." You mumbled something back but did not move, as you were still stuck exiting your sleep cycle. Tony grinned as he heard the vibrations of your voice against him. He leaned down ever so carefully as not to shift you, and placed a kiss on top of your head. "(y/n) I'll carry you up if you promise to wake up." Liking the sounds of that offer more, you moved your head off of Tony's chest to look up at him.
"Promise you won't drop me?"
"Wow, give me a little credit (y/l/n), I'm stronger then I look." You chuckled at the comment as Tony slid off the chair and soon had you in his arms. Once out of the room the group still in the theater looked at each other with a dumbfounded look. Not knowing exactly how to proceed Sam cleared his throat as he sat back down in one of the recliners.
"Um... Okay. So who had Stark and (y/n) getting together?" One hand shot up from the group and everyone groaned now remembering the bet made a long time ago. Steve smiled as he got up from his seat and began collecting his money.
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The usage of Welding Stainless Steel
What are best approaches for welding metal? That's like asking whats the ultimate way to go fishing? This will depend over a many solutions, doesn't it? Lots of things like which kind of stainless, what thickness, whats the application form, as well as what industry? 1. Food Service. Most stainless-steel in the food service industry is 300 series stainless. Type 304 .063" thick stainless sheet metal to be exact. Should you go to any Fast food counter and look for all the counters, shelving, cookers and so forth, you will see it's all regulated made out of welded stainless sheet metal. Food service codes require 304 stainless steel used in food preparation areas given it won't rust easily. All welds should be performed such not to trap bacteria and other crud. Back sides of metal welds needs to be shielded with argon so they are not sugared and filled with pits that could trap bacteria like salmonella. All wire brushing should be done using a stainless-steel brush and welds that aren't perfectly smooth must be blended smooth with some sort of abrasive wheel then cleaned with alcohol.
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Tig welding is almost always the top process since spatter and slag are absent. Tig welding rods needs to be 308L for welding 304 stainless. L is made for low carbon because Carbon is detrimental in relation to corrosion resistance in stainless. Tricks for welding SS sheet metal : 1 amp per 1 a large number of thickness, maintain your hot tip of the filler rod shielded and snip it when it gets oxidized, use chill bars manufactured from aluminum, copper, or bronze anytime you can. Filler rod should generally not larger than thickness of metal welded. Keep bead width to around 4x the thickness from the sheet. Work with a gas lens style cup, a #7 or bigger. A 1/16 thoriated or lanthanated electrode will easily weld 16 ga .063" sheet. Keep electrodes clean and sharp. 2. Aerospace. Stainless-steel alloys used in the aerospace and aviation industries are a much more varied. There are numerous them. Austenitic stainless steels like 321, 347, 316, and 304 are routine, but so are martensitic stainless grades like 410 steel , Greek Ascoloy, and Jethete M190. Another family of stainless utilized on commercial aircraft is the Precipitation Hardening variety. A PH at the end like 15-5ph, 17-4ph, 15-7ph, 17-7ph indicates that the steel is precipitation hardening. Which means holding it at high temperature longer time allows the steel to harden. PH grades are now and again a lot more challenging to weld compared to straight 300 series because of alloy elements and complex metallurgical reactions to heat while welding. Tig Welding and automated plasma welding are the normally utilized processes. Strategies for Aerospace tig welding SS : Clean, Clean, Clean. Use as big a tig cup and possible 3/4 " --1". Use minimal heat and use any means to prevent distortion (skip welding, fixturing, small beads) shield the rear side of everything you weld with argon using tooling, or hand made purge boxes. More info about ong thep luon day dien EMT Smartube explore our web site.
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liquidnahas · 2 years ago
Keyboard shortcut for snipping tool windows
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#Keyboard shortcut for snipping tool windows full#
#Keyboard shortcut for snipping tool windows windows 10#
#Keyboard shortcut for snipping tool windows windows#
#Keyboard shortcut for snipping tool windows windows#
After that, you have to choose Windows Accessories and then you have to right click on the Snipping Tool and then click on More.
#Keyboard shortcut for snipping tool windows windows 10#
The first thing that you have to do to make a keyboard shortcut for the Snipping Tool on Windows 10 is to click on Start and then choose All Apps.To do this, you are able to follow the steps below. If you use a Snipping Tool often, you are able to create a hotkey for it so that it will make you easier to access. Making Snipping Tool Using Hotkey in Windows 10 Esc : If you are in the middle of getting a screen capture, this key will cancel it out by escaping.Alt + T and then E: This shortcut is for choosing an Eraser tool.Alt + T + and then H: This shortcut is for selecting a Highlighter tool.Alt + T and then P and then C: If you use this shortcut, you will use a customized Pen.Alt + T and then P and then P: If you use this shortcut, it means that you will use Custom Pen.Alt + T and then P and then L: If you use this shortcut, it means that you will use Black Pen.Alt + T and then P and then B: If you use this shortcut, it means that you will use Blue Pen.Alt + T and then P and then R : If you use this shortcut, it means you will use Red Pen.Alt + T and then P: If you use this shortcut, it will select the Pen tool.Alt + T and then O : It will set Snipping Tool options.Alt + F and then T: It can send as an email but it requires Outlook installed.Ctrl + P : It prints the screen capture.Ctrl + C : It will copy the screen capture.Ctrl + S : It saves the screen capture.And then, do not forget to hit Enter to commit the choice. You are able to use up arrow and down arrow keys to choose from: no delay, 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds, 5 seconds. Alt + D : It is for setting the delay for starting the capture.Then, you have to hit Enter to commit the choice. You are able to use up arrow and down arrow keys to be able to choose from: free-form snip, window snip, rectangular tool, full-screen snip. Alt + M : It will set the screen capture mode.Alt + N or Ctrl + N : It will start a new screen capture.Here are some of the keyboard shortcuts of Snipping Tools. However, you are able to make a keyboard shortcut to be able to open Snipping Tools. If you want to open the Snipping Tool, there is no keyboard shortcut to open. If you want the shortcuts to work, you have to open the Snipping Tool and also you have to make it the app which has the focus. Using Keyboard Shortcuts In Snipping Tool There, you can find the shortcut of Snipping Tool. Now, click on More and then Open File Location to open Windows Accessories. After that, select Windows Accessories and right click on the Snipping Tool. To know where it is, you can click on Start and then choose All Apps. If you are looking for the Snipping Tool shortcut location, you are able to find it in Accessories. It will ask you to save them manually in the tool before you exit. It is important for you to note that Snipping Tool does not save your screenshots automatically.
#Keyboard shortcut for snipping tool windows full#
The default snip type is a rectangular snip, but you are also able to take free-form, window snips or full screen. You are able to click on the New button to start the screenshot process. However, you are still able to access it via the search bar. From the list of apps from the Start menu, The Snipping Tool has been removed. The Snipping Tools Shortcuts in Windows 10Īccording to the CNET site, the Snipping Tool has been around since Windows Vista and Windows has stated that for a couple years the Snipping Tool is moving away.
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foxwap449 · 4 years ago
Concealed Bookends
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Concealed Bookshelf
Concealed Bookshelf Hardware
In this super simple DIY tutorial we will show you how to create sturdy invisible DIY bookends.
INVISIBLE - Transforms any book into a bookend PRACTICAL DESIGN - Lightweight and durable glossy, white-coated steel with L-shaped design for stability EASY SET-UP - Just slide the inside cover of your favorite novel into the tab and it becomes a bookend. Bookends Email to friends Share on Facebook - opens in a new window or tab Share on Twitter - opens in a new window or tab Share on Pinterest - opens in a new window or tab Add to Watchlist.
After we built our floor to ceiling industrial shelves in our library it was a common occurrence for our large and really heavy books to just fall off the ends of our shelves.
They would make a booming noise as they slammed against the tile below. No matter where we were in the house when books would fall it would scare us half to death.
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We would joke that it must have been Walter (our friendly house ghost). It is a joke Brent and I have to blame Walter when doors get left open or lights start to flicker, the cat gets shut in a random room or books randomly fall off the shelf.
The truth was we had no bookends for our shelves so I tried to use our heaviest books on the end to act as bookends and keep the rest of the books propped up because I liked the books being able to free stand without anything pushed up against them. This worked for awhile until the weight of the books was too substantial for the large book and it came crashing down to the floor.
Thank goodness the cat was never walking by when that happened! We needed a lot of bookends for our large shelves and didn’t want to spend a ton of money on them. To keep the shelves from looking extremely cluttered, we planned to incorporate only a few decorative bookends and have the rest be as concealed as possible.
Even better would be if they were invisible. This is not a new concept, invisible bookends, but we challenged ourself to try and make them with materials we already had in our garage and found a straightforward way to make them that worked like a charm. They are both durable and simple to “install”.
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Today we are sharing our technique for creating the visual effect of having books appear to be standing on their own but are actually being held nice and secure in place.
How to Make Invisible DIY Bookends
FYI: This post contains a few affiliate links to products we used to make this project. Gray House Studio does receive commissions for sales from these links but at no extra cost to you. We appreciate you supporting this site. Read our privacy and disclosure policy. You can also easily shop our recommended products here.
Concealed Bookshelf
1. First we used a yard stick to mark the correct size for the bookend on the piece of sheet metal. It is easiest to use a sharpie to draw on the metal. The width of the bookend should be at least two inches smaller than the book’s width.
The height of the piece of sheet metal needs to be almost twice the height of the book because you will be folding the piece of metal in half and you want it tall enough to support the book without sticking out the top.
Concealed Bookshelf Hardware
2. Once the size of the bookend was marked, we used a pair of offset snips to cut the metal.
If you are planing on buying snips, pick a pair out that is angled and the blades turn at the end.
The angled pairs are made to be specific for the right or left hand so be sure to pick the tool that matches your dominant hand.
The angle in the tool works well for long cuts because the handles does not interfere with cutting the material.
3. Finally, we bent the sheet metal in half. In order to bend the piece of metal it is helpful to use a clamp and clamp the sheet metal under a scrap block of wood.
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The wood provides a straight edge for the metal to bend over.
The bend should be made at the center of the piece of metal. Once the bend reaches 90 degree the bookend is finished.
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4. To make the bookend “invisible” place the vertical piece of metal inside the front cover.
When you place additional books next to this book they will cover up the bottom piece of sheet metal making it appear as if the books are free standing on their own with no support. That means your invisible bookend is working!
Our invisible bookends were a lifesaver on our shelves. The danger of falling books has now been prevented! Hidden sheet metal bookends are a great solution for keeping shelves clean and uncluttered. They also make for the perfect alternative if you don’t have a cat to hold up your books.
This project is calling my name. I love to put books on small shelves, on floating shelves, and other places where there simply is no room to add the bookends needed to hold them there. So when I saw these seemingly invisible bookends, I knew it was a simple answer to my dilemna.
What’s unique about these is that the top of the bookend isn’t just sticking up into the book, which isn’t stable enough if the book is fairly thin, but the pages are removed and replaced with a piece of wood that the bookend is then glued to. That way the book can’t accidentally fall off.
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Obviously you don’t want to use a book you want to keep for this, so go to a thrift store and pick up a couple of not too thick, pretty books. To make two bookends, one for each end, here is what you’ll need.
Supplies (for two bookends):
2 books with 1″ spines
2 thin metal bookends
1×6 board or a board of another dimension to fit your book
super glue (I used gorilla glue)
craft blade
Selecting Your Book and Lumber Size:My books measured about 5.75″ deep, 8.25″ high, and 1″ thick. It’s important to find a book depth that will correspond with lumber standard widths, so you don’t have to do any unnecessary cutting of the lumber later. This is why I used a book with a 1″ spine. I used a 1×6 board to fill the inside of my book, which really measures .75″ x 5.75″. This board fit my book dimensions perfectly! How did I know that would happen? Well, I brought my book spine to the lumber yard with me!
Step 1: Use a sharp craft blade or razor to cut away the contents of the book from its spine.
Step 2: Wrap the book spine around your lumber to mark where to cut the lumber. I left about a 1/8″ gap at the top to achieve a more realistic book effect.
Step 3: Cut the board to the length you marked. If you don’t have a saw at home, you can do this at the lumber yard. They will make cuts for you for free.
Step 4: Cover the wooden blocks and metal bookends with moderate amounts of Gorilla Glue, as shown above. Don’t get too close to the edges or it will seep out. Gorilla Glue foams and expands as it’s clamped, which makes for a strong hold, but a messy final product if you’re not careful when applying the glue.
Step 5: Once everything is all glued into place, use clamps to press it all together as the glue sets up. You should use scrap lumber as a buffer between the book and the clamps or the clamps will leave indents in your book. I made the mistake of not doing this, and got some pretty visible denting, especially on my orange book. Thankfully the dents aren’t noticeable on my shelves.
Mandi Johnson from A Beautiful Mess devised these clever bookends and we thank her for sharing them. She’s got photos detailing every step she took making them so if you think they will help, hop over to her blog.
Image and Project Source: A Beautiful Mess
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droneseco · 4 years ago
Anycubic Vyper Auto-Leveling 3D Printer Review: Solid Performance for Beginners and Experienced Users Alike
Anycubic Vyper
8.00 / 10
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The Anycubic Vyper is an exceptional 3D printer for both beginners and advanced makers. Though calibration and quality control issues may frustrate some users, the prints are impressive once everything is dialed in. 
Key Features
16-point auto-leveling
TMC2209 silent stepper driver
4.3-inch touch screen
Heated print bed
32-bit motherboard including Cortex M3 main control chip
Spring steel magnetic platform
Double-gear extrusion system
High-precision double screw design
Brand: Anycubic
Build Volume: 245 (L) mm x 245 (W) mm x 260 (H) mm
Printing Accuracy: 0.1 mm
Connectivity: USB, SD-card
Heated Build Plate: Yes
Feed Type: Bowden tube via dual gear extruder
Dimensions: 508mm × 457mm × 516mm
Weight: ~10 kg
Dual-Color Printing: No
Large print area for sizable prints
Easy assembly
Common-sense interface
Low noise
Auto-leveling is great for novice users
Textured surface resists fingerprints
Included Cura profiles
Wide variety of filament choices
Beautiful prints when dialed-in
Auto-leveling didn't work on first try
Settings require tweaking to get good prints
Difficult to achieve consistency in models
Magnets installed incorrectly in tool drawer
Hot end components seem inaccessible on our demo model
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  When you first see what you can do with 3D printing, it’s hard to keep your imagination from running wild. Your head fills with possibilities, and you start to convince yourself that it wouldn’t take that long to make a full-sized Iron Man costume. But to make those superhero dreams come true, you’ll need a 3D printer.
Anycubic is a company that has been making 3D printers since 2015. Some reviewers have even called the company’s i3 Mega the best 3D printer under $300. But in the world of 3D printing, you have to evolve, or you get left behind.
For Anycubic, this evolution comes in the form of its new Vyper 3D FDM Printer. But is this printer truly an evolution, or is it a step back? Let’s find out.
Build Quality and Design
Like its namesake, the Vyper is a sleek and relatively silent creature with some killer surprises. The most prominent of which are the new self-leveling and heated bed features. At its core, the Vyper is an FDM 3D extrusion printer built to compete with printers like the Creality CR-6 and the Elegoo Neptune 2. Normally, the Vyper retails for $359, but Anycubic is currently offering an early-bird discount to the first 3000 buyers.
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These types of budget-level hobbyist printers are ideal for folks getting started in 3D printing. That said, the Vyper will also work well for more experienced users.
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Based on testing, we found it a competent unit once we dialed in all of the settings. We’ll discuss settings in just a moment, but first, let’s talk about some other features.
The Vyper offers a 245 x 245 x 260 mm print area with a removable magnetic build surface. This large-sized surface means that you can print large parts and multiple parts without issues. In addition, the textured build plate is said to be scratch-resistant and is flexible for easy removal of completed prints.
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The bed on the unit is also heated. If you’re new to 3D printers, a heated bed helps keep the extruded plastic warm. This warmth allows for better print adhesion of the first layer and better overall print quality. The Vyper also includes a color screen and an easy-to-use software interface.
Related: Everything You Need to Know About 3D Printing
Hot End, Sensors, and Electronics
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The Vyper is equipped with an all-metal, volcano-style hot end with what looks like a full aluminum heatsink. Additionally, there are dual cooling fans built into the hot end’s cover that help mitigate heat. Anycubic’s unique double-gear extruder feeds filament into a Bowden tube and down to the .4mm brass nozzle. The Vyper also includes a filament runout sensor.
Underneath the hood of the Vyper is a 32-bit Cortex M3 architecture high-performance main control chip capable of handling resolutions down to .1 mm. As for noise level, to minimize this snake’s hiss, Anycubic has included an integrated TMC2209 silent-stepper driver. Overall, this means the stepper motors are almost silent.
What’s Included in the Box?
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Inside the box for the Vyper, you’ll get:
The Vyper base and frame
The display screen
A filament holder
4 x M4 x 45 screws with washers
3 x M5 x 14 screws
A data cable
The power cord
A section of test filament
A replacement nozzle
An SD card and USB SD card reader
An After-Sale service card
A tool kit which includes: a scraper, hex-head wrenches, box-end wrenches, a pair of snips, and a nozzle cleaning tool
The assembly instructions and tips sheet
Assembling the Anycubic Vyper
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The Vyper goes together quickly. Four hex-head screws attach the base to the Z-axis frame, which includes the gantry. Three additional bolts connect the screen to the base. Unfortunately, in our demo, one of these bolts was missing, so we only used two. Once you’ve installed these seven bolts, you’ve completed most of the assembly.
After assembling the frame and the screen, you’ll need to plug in the stepper motors and other sensors. But the data cable routes these connections close to each endpoint which makes connecting everything foolproof. Additionally, Anycubic used zip-ties to secure some of the components during shipping, so you’ll also need to remove these. After that, you’ll set the proper voltage coming from your wall outlet, plug the Vyper in, and switch on the unit. It’s that easy.
Leveling and Calibrating the Vyper
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As for leveling, one of the most significant selling points that Anycubic boasts is the auto-leveling of this unit. So naturally, leveling the print bed was the next step.
Essentially, you’ll tap the Prepare tile on the LCD screen and then on Leveling > Auto Leveling. Once you start the process, the hot end tracks 16 points on the print bed. This process takes about three minutes, and after leveling, you shouldn’t have to make any Z-axis adjustments.
Unfortunately, this is where hit some teething problems. Once the auto-leveling was complete, we started to print the test file, but the nozzle screeched and gouged the print bed. This was surprising because the auto-leveling showed it had correctly completed, so we adjusted the Z-axis slightly and tried to perform the leveling a second time.
This time, the hot end touched down at the lower-left corner of the print bed, then moved to the lower right corner, touched down, and then beeped three times. From there, the unit’s screen froze.
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We were concerned that the scraping of the bed had caused some issues with the nozzle, so we removed the cover for the hot end to check the assembly. Sure enough, when the unit scraped, the metal strain gauge holding the hot end had shifted. We adjusted the strain gauge until the hot end was perfectly level, put everything back together, and restarted the auto-leveling process. This time, everything worked.
For someone without any mechanical experience, this issue may have resulted in a sizable amount of frustration. However, for us, it was only a minor inconvenience that offered some additional insight into how Anycubic constructed the Vyper. That said, it’s important to approach the leveling process cautiously. Don’t walk away from the printer during its first print, and don’t trust the leveling to be perfect without a possible Z-axis adjustment.
You load filament on this unit via the extruder and Bowden tube. Like setup, this was an easy process. You get the hot end up to temperature and feed the filament into the dual-gear extruder. Press a few buttons on the touchscreen, and wait until you see filament oozing out of the nozzle.
Slicer and Onboard User Interface
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For the slicer, we used Cura as Anycubic included it with the Vyper’s setup materials. There were also three material-specific Cura profiles on the SD card that came with the printer: one for PLA, ABS, and TPU. The owner’s manual also claims that the Vyper also can print PETG and wood.
You control the printer via a 4.3-inch touch screen that is just a bit smaller than an iPhone. This interface isn’t exactly full color—it’s more of a monochromatic blue. The menus are easy to understand, and everything is nested in a logical order. But, the one area of the interface that was confusing was the lack of nested folder access.
Anycubic included two folders on the SD card, but neither was accessible from the touchscreen interface. If you tapped on the folders in the interface, then nothing happened on the screen.
This limitation means that if you’re using an SD card to print g-code files, you’ll need to have them in the card’s root directory. While this isn’t a massive issue if you’re only printing one or two files, if you want to keep lots of files accessible, you’ll have to ensure you have another system of organization. Folders don’t seem to work.
One of the best features of the included interface is the ability to change settings on the fly. So, for example, if you realize your nozzle is just a bit too high or your temps are too low, you can adjust these items while the print is still going. During testing, this feature saved a couple of prints.
Related: How to 3D Print for First Timers and Beginners
Printing Quality on the Anycubic Vyper
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As far as the slicer settings, the included Cura default PLA profile did a decent job of getting passable prints, though there was a bit of banding, and corners weren’t the sharpest. Like many other testers, we used the popular Benchy and calibration cat models available on Thingiverse to dial in the settings. We did find that, like most 3D printers, slower prints resulted in much higher quality. The default printing speed for the Vyper is 80mm/s, which may be a bit too fast, in our opinion.
With the Benchy, hull banding was minimal, though we did get a bit of over extrusion and stringing in a couple of places. We solved this by upping the extruder retraction rate and increasing the retraction speed. And also set the printer profile to print walls before infill, which helped.
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There were a few gaps with the default profile settings when bridging, but nothing too extreme. Toying around a bit with infill percentages and print resolutions didn't seem to yield consistent quality results even when using the same model and settings. Some prints came out fantastic, and some had to be stopped because they weren’t going to complete correctly.
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If you think that optimization is fun, and it’s interesting to dial in the settings to try and eke out as much quality as possible, then you'll appreciate this quality. But if you don’t like tinkering, you’ll need to consider calibration when looking at the Vyper.
What Do We Love About the Anycubic Vyper 3D Printer?
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The novice-friendly setup and interface are two notable features here. While leveling didn’t go right immediately, everything functioned great once we worked the kinks out. We've managed to get through almost an entire roll of filament during testing, with around an 80% success rate.
Additionally, from opening the box to printing your first test print takes less than a half-hour, and if you’ve put together and set up these types of printers before, it may go even faster.
The heated bed and flexible spring-steel build plate are also exceptional on the Vyper. These features make removing projects easy, and the textured surface didn’t seem to pick up any fingerprints.
Noise on the unit measured at around 59 dB while fans were at 100%. Of course, turning the fans down would cut that noise out a bit. But, while the fans may be the noisiest part of the unit, once you leave the room, you can barely hear the Vyper. It's also nice to see a wide variety of filament choices that you can use for this printer.
Finally, once you get the settings dialed in, you can achieve fantastic prints with minimal effort. It's shocking some of the prints you can create without the need for babysitting.
What Could Anycubic Improve?
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Because the auto-leveling is the main selling point of the Vyper, it was a bit disappointing for this process to go so wonky at the beginning of our testing. Given that this is a demo unit, we always assume that quality will represent the pinnacle of the specific design. So to have this unit gouge the scratch-resistant plate out of the box makes us a little cautious.
Another thing that was concerning with the Vyper was the lack of accessibility to the hot end components. Customization and 3D printing are almost synonymous, and many makers want easy access to parts like the heater block and thermistor.
For the Vyper, the hot end components were tethered in place by the data cable connection. Even after removing the bolts for the cover, some flexible adhesive had to be picked out of the electrical connector. Without doing so, the data cable would not release, which prevented the removal of the cover.
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While this might not be an issue for some, for us, accessing the hot end to diagnose the leveling issue was the difference between a working unit and a non-working unit.
In our opinion, preventing access to the physical elements of a commonly customized component doesn't make much sense. And what if a thermistor dies or a nozzle breaks inside the heating block?
We also had a slight issue with the tool drawer. Two rear magnets hold this drawer in place, and it’s a good storage place for having tools close at hand. But for some reason, on our demo unit, the drawer would not close completely. Instead, it stuck out about a half-inch. After some testing, we found the magnets on the drawer installed opposite of their intended polarity.
So, we used a small screwdriver to remove these magnets from the drawer, then reversed them. Then, the drawer snapped shut. The orientation of these magnets is a minor detail, but again, it reinforces the assumption that quality control might not have been great during factory assembly.
Finally, dialing in this machine was done over several days through trial and error. With Anycubic’s included printer profiles and recommended software, one expects the unit to be almost plug-and-play. Unfortunately, that wasn’t the case here.
Can You Repair the Vyper?
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Except for the mainboard and the connector mentioned above on the hot end, all of the components of this printer are easily swappable. None of the motors or switches are concealed. Likewise, the nozzle, extruder, Bowden tube, belts, and plate bearings are all on display if something goes wrong. So yes, knowledgeable 3D printer mechanics can fix things if something happens outside of the 1-year warranty period.
Brave souls could attempt removing the hot end, but you may void the warranty if you open the Vyper up. So, do so at your own risk.
Our Verdict: Should You Buy The Anycubic Vyper 3D Printer?
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Yes, but with a few caveats. For a first printer, this unit, like its namesake, might provoke fear unless you’re careful. Be prepared to do some calibration, and don’t expect that you’ll be able to take the unit out of the box as a first-timer and have everything run perfectly. To us, Anycubic designed this printer for those who are comfortable with tuning. That’s not to say that this printer is terrible. It’s terrific, but newbies might not appreciate the steep learning curve here.
On the other hand, once you have adjusted everything the way you like it, the Vyper can generate some genuinely magical prints with a high level of detail. To us, the Vyper would be an excellent fit for a second printer or for someone who would like to add it to an existing farm.
For us, the Vyper is a fine 3D printer with a few kinks that users need to account for. Additionally, Anycubic could improve quality control. Granted, these issues aren’t bad enough missteps to warrant a poor rating. On the whole, the Vyper is a superb printer that might have been perfect if a little more attention was paid to the details.
Anycubic Vyper Auto-Leveling 3D Printer Review: Solid Performance for Beginners and Experienced Users Alike published first on http://droneseco.tumblr.com/
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