#use staples to hold your head up
ghostfacesvalentine · 2 months
Princess treatment only - MultiMuse x Fem!Reader
Pairing: Multimuse x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Not many, some mentions of killing, but nothing graphic. Kind of fluffy
Type: HC’s
Request: N/A
Word Count: N/A
Prompt: Some HC’s as to how the muses would give the reader the princess treatment.
Notes: I don’t know where I was going with this, but this is mainly fluff, maybe sometime I’ll spice it up. I just had to get my writing juice brewing. Not proofread at all just go.
Jason Voorhees: Honestly, would treat you like a princess regardless. Will pick flowers for you when he’s outside. Always lets you borrow his flannels. Always walks in front of you to make sure there’s no danger, but looks back constantly to make sure there’s no danger behind you?? lmao. You won’t ever have to lift a finger when you’re with him. Literally at your beck and call. Will try his best not to kill in front of you, but sometimes it just ?? happens lol. Tries to be soft when touching you because you’re literally the most perfect thing that has ever crossed his path.
Michael Myers: Is your literal bodyguard. Will follow you anywhere and everywhere, you might as well call him your shadow. Lets you hug him and climb onto his lap whenever. Won’t hug you back yet, working on it. Nobody comes near you, no exceptions. Sorry. Stares at you most of the time. Can’t say it, but you’re literally flawless to him. Will use his body as a shield for you. Would kill anything for you. Eventually learns to put his palm against your cheek and that’s his second greatest accomplishment, the first being bagging you, literally and figuratively.
Tiffany Valentine: You won’t ever have to worry about a thing when you’re with her. Always gets her hands dirty for you. Lots of cheek and neck kisses. Praises your looks all the time. She will always brag about you whether it’s what you do, how you look, anything and everything. She would always make sure you have the latest clothes. She’d make sure you always had your staple make up pieces available. When it comes to killing, she’d get creative, that way you guys will never have literal blood on your hands, especially you, never you.
Billy Loomis: Lots of nicknames. Kinda only has a soft spot for you. Can never ever tell you no and stick to it. Won’t hesitate to kill anyone who makes fun of him for this. Drives you everywhere. Ties your shoes. Always makes time for you. Will help you pick out your outfits and tell you which one he likes and which one he doesn’t. Will wear the bracelets you make him. Anything in his closet is yours, help yourself. Always touching you, holding your hand, holding your waist, you’ve infatuated him enough to have him carelessly cover you in soft kisses, laying his head on your shoulder. Kinda creative with dates tbh.
Stu Macher: You will forever be his princess. Will carry you across puddles. Lots of cheek and forehead kisses. Would learn how to paint your nails for you during class. Always makes sure you have a good grade on your exam, whether he has to swap out the papers after class or make sure you get the right answers, you can absolutely count on him. You don’t have to use your brain around him, no worries. Thinks you look adorable in his sweaters, especially oversized. Loves when you sit on his lap. Prioritizes you over anything and everything. Even if you don’t like horror movies, Stu would absolutely find something else for you to watch.
Patrick Bateman: Honestly, when he falls in love with you, it’s princess treatment only. Will give you a skin care routine and help you follow through with it. Kind of makes you feel dumb, but not like a stupid dumb, more like a ‘oh dear sweet baby you are a little dumb but pretty, but dumb, let me help you’ Same thing if you fall asleep with your makeup on, Patricks on the way with the micellar makeup remover. Will speak up for you if you don’t like a service, he won’t be mean about it unless he has to. Always makes sure you’re hydrated (also part of your skin care routine). You will be a housewife/girlfriend. Feel free to splurge, you are his trophy princess after all. Will take you anywhere you want. Will make things up for you if he has to be at work late.
Leatherface: I don’t ever see a scenario where Bubba does not treat his s/o like a princess. It’s like part of the deal. Either way, expect wild flowers all the time. It’s his favorite thing to do for you. He even makes you a vase and makes sure your flowers are always fresh. Will literally die and kill for you without any hesitation. At his knees for you. Bubba will crawl to you across pins and needles if you asked him to. He’s always making sure you’re comfortable and safe, never hungry or in your mind for too long. Melts at your touch. Would learn how to dance just to dance to your favorite songs. Always gets awestruck with you.
Harley Quinn: Will absolutely take you anywhere you want, no matter how random it is. Always dazed when looking at you. Keeps pictures of you all dressed up in her bag or car or wherever she goes. Selina gave her a heart shaped locket once and yeah, you guessed it, the cutest picture of you is in there. Doesn’t hesitate to shoot any man for you. Leaves your face covered in red kisses. She would do anything to make you laugh. Anything you want, it’s yours! Just point at it.
Poison Ivy: Pamela will always spoil you, regardless of how you act. You’ve heard of people growing gardens for their s/o, she would grow forests for you. She’s the most gentle with you, gentle caresses and soft kisses. Paints your nails, brushes your hair while adding flowers into the locks. Always admires dressing you up and putting make up on you. Almost never wants you to leave. Slow dances with you. She’d do anything to keep you out of danger. You think Michael is a good bodyguard? Pamela is the bodyguard.
Bruce Wayne: hhnnnngh. Ok. No but you are the Princess Wayne. Spoiling you rotten goes without saying. Anything your little heart desires is yours. Helps you get dressed. His favorite is helping you with your stockings. Gentle kisses everywhere. Brushes your hair. Lifting you up constantly when there’s a crack in the pavement. Always the driver. Your safety is always first, always. No because whatever you want means whatever you want, which is why there are hello kitty plushies scattered across the Wayne manor. You’ve somehow managed to get your own cozy theater in there too. Princess treatment also means Bruce having to lay back just a teeny bit on Batman just to guard you too while you sleep.
Jason Todd: nmmnnmf YES. I don’t see him treating his s/o any other way. Lots of pet names. Loooves to help you get dressed. Sits you on the counter as he cooks. Never lets you out of his sight. Anything you want it’s yours. Always buying you cute socks and letting you wear his clothes. Forehead kisses. Oh man it’s so disgusting how much Jason loves his princess. Always taking pictures of you, no matter the angle. Would 1000000% tie bows into your hair if you asked.
Billy Hargrove: Honestly if he’s in love with you, princess treatment is granted. Always giving you his jackets, especially when you wear skirts or dresses out. Lifting you over mud and puddles. Subtle kisses on the head while you’re out. Body guard mode activated. He kinda becomes your shadow, appearing out of nowhere and greeting you with a kiss on the forehead. Ties your shoes without asking. Wiping any tears or smeared makeup off your face. Winks at you all the timeee.
Steve Harrington: Kind of similar to Stu, he always makes sure you pass your class. Poor princess doesn’t use her brain in school, too busy trying to stay awake. Always gives you his jacket, even if you don’t want to wear it, he’ll wrap it around you. Finds any excuse to carry you or pick you up. So affectionate. Kisses on the cheek, lips, forehead. Sometimes he will miss and kiss your eye but ugh it’s so fucking cute. Only has eyes for you. Tying your shoes, putting your socks on, literally just dressing you in general is a must. Literally will take you wherever you want, whenever. Drops everything when you call. Such a sucker with the nicknames for you.
Steve Rogers: Ugh another one. Think of him as a body guard who you get to kiss and sit on his lap. Always drops everything to make sure you’re okay. Cannot take his eyes off of you. So smooth with the reassurance. Kisses on the forehead constantly. Always tucks you in. Would help you bathe if you asked. Pulls you onto his lap every time you both sit down. Whatever you want, you’ll get. If he can’t do it, he’ll find a way. Cups your face in his hands when you cry, kisses your tears away. Ugh he’s your literal teddy bear, if you don’t like to be smothered? Pick another muse.
Bucky Barnes: Similar to Steve, he’s your shadow, but he’s a little more … upfront with it. He’s constantly wrapping an arm around you, eyeing anyone who’s eyeing you. He’s so gentle if you’re sensitive. Kissing your cheek is his favorite. Always lingering his fingertips around your crevices. Makes sure you’re never hungry. Always up before you are. Lets you sleep in. If you fight, he will never raise his voice at you. Ready to carry you if you’re too tired to keep walking around. Slow dances with you just because. He’s always worried for you, making sure you’re okay, you’re not sick or hungry. Pet names with him are a must.
Loki Laufeyson: Okkkk and in what situation did you ever think loki was not going to give you the princess treatment??? You are literal Princess Laufeyson. Though he, and Sebastian maybe, are the only ones who can probably, maybe, say no to you, if you pout enough maybe he’ll come to a compromise with you. He never wants to upset you though. Would literally wipe out a small world for you. Or a few. Ok even betray anyone for you. Always cleaning your smeared makeup, fixing your hair, wiping you because you spilled your drink. He’s so devoted to you, im going to throw up. He devours you with his eyes from a distance, you’re never leaving his sight.
Cloud Strife: Ugh ok. Literal bodyguard, as he’s hired to be at times. At your beck and call, though he’d never admit it. Such a sucker and can never say no to you. Though it may take time, he can start calling you ‘baby’ ‘sweet girl’ ‘love’ he’s so infatuated with you and doesn’t know how to handle it. Your safety is his priority. Always listens to you ramble on and on. Brings you flowers for no reason other than he was thinking of you. He’s such a sucker for you. Follows you everywhere.
Sebastian Michaelis: He’s probably the most tame out of everyone but that doesn’t mean he’s not a sucker. There are rules he’s willing to bend for you, literally willing to kill anyone that has the slightest interest in hurting you. Always makes sure you’re fed and if you want a sweet treat, he’s on it. Listens to you talk, even if it’s silly. Dances with you almost every night. He’s so graceful with it. Dressing you and feeding you is his favorite but he might throw in a few teases “poor sweet baby, you haven’t woken up yet to tell your left foot from your right” as you rub your eyes with the wrong shoes on. Of course he’s willing to help, even if he has the idea that you do this on purpose, he's more than happy to oblige.
Spencer Reid: Though his job wouldn’t encourage it, he still drops almost everything to answer you. Always finds a way to share time with his job and his attention to you. Reads to you all the time, whether in person or over the phone. He’s always making comparisons of you being the princess in most fictional stories that you both come across. He’s so gentle with you. Caresses your face all the time. You lay your head on his lap or sit on his lap as he reads away. Always making sure to keep up with your well-being before his own. Would 10000% pick up a habit of writing you little notes or picking flowers for you or taking Polaroids or something to remind you of your everlasting presence in his mind.
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babydollmarauders · 10 months
quinn hughes x fem!reader
summary: in which Quinn fucks his girlfriend in the backseat of his new car
warnings: NSFW!!, p in v (unprotected), semi-public sex, daddy kink, oral (f receiving), light choking, praise, dirty talk, dom!quinn, lots of use of the pet name “baby”, slight religious reference (?), pls let me know if i’m missing any.
notes: inspired by OHMAMI by Chase Atlantic (feat. Maggie Lindemann). 4.6k words.
IMPORTANT: please look up Ferrari GTC4Lusso T interior if you need a better understanding of the car layout
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“you’re sure about this?” i mindlessly wander the office of the luxury dealership, my fingertips running over any surface they can touch.
“why wouldn’t i be?” Quinn peers up at me from his spot in a chair, his iphone in his hands, mid-texting his younger brother.
“i don’t know, Q. it’s just a lot of money is all.” shrugging, i shuffle my feet back over to my boyfriend, where i let my hands rest on his shoulders as i stand behind him.
Quinn lets out a chuckle, pulling one of my hands in his and raising it to his lips to press a gentle kiss against my knuckles.
“i appreciate the financial concern, baby, but i think i’ll be okay.”
i sigh, moving around to sit on his lap. “okay.”
his arm spindles around my waist as he draws me back, my back flat against his chest. my fingers unconsciously draw shapes on his forearm, near the crook of his elbow, as he continues texting Jack about the big purchase he’s about to make.
i eye his phone, watching the blue and gray bubbles pop up back and forth and hoping we’ll be done here soon.
two hours of looking at cars, Quinn asking a multitude of questions to the salesman; half an hour of paperwork, and another half hour of waiting for said salesman to run Quinn’s name through the system, checking his credit score and whatever various other things needed to buy such a high-end car. i’ve been stuck at this dealership for three hours now, unplanned, as Quinn had pulled into the establishment after our spur-of-the-moment 3pm lunch date, claiming he just wanted to take a quick look at a couple of cars.
“Quinny,” i breathe out, letting my head fall backwards on his shoulder while his hand starts mindlessly rubbing up and down my thigh. “how much longer will we have to be here?”
“i don’t know, baby. hopefully not too much longer.” he locks his phone, setting it on his thigh and using his now free hand to caress my cheek, simultaneously turning my head to look into my eyes.
“is my girl tired?” he coos at the sight of my fluttering eyelids, leaning in to brush his lips lightly over mine.
“mhm” i hum, burrowing my face in his neck. his hand moves as i do, now resting on the back of my head, holding it in its position.
it’s at this moment that the salesman decides to make his re-entrance. “alright! everything checks out, looks good!”
i immediately attempt to pry myself from my boyfriend, but he holds me in place, clearly not bothered by the new company.
“i knew it would!” Quinn smiles back at the man, putting on his usual charm.
“now all we need is that down payment and you’ll be driving out of here in your very own Ferrari!” the salesman, i haven’t bothered to learn his name, chimes. “do you have a credit card you can give me?”
“yep,” Quinn taps my butt, signaling for me to lift it so he can grab his wallet from his pocket. i do so and he unpockets his wallet before pulling me back down on his lap. “here you go.”
the man takes Quinn’s card, taking a seat at his desk and punching the information from the card before handing it back.
“alright,” he grabs a few papers from the printer behind him, stapling them together and scribbling in a few places before sliding them towards my boyfriend. “just sign here, and here.”
Quinn leans forward and his left arm tightens around my waist to keep me situated on his lap, taking the pen in his right hand and autographing his signature twice.
“congratulations!” the salesman grins, handing the new keys to Quinn and shaking his hand.
“thanks, man.” Quinn smiles crookedly, rising from the chair and bringing me up with him.
we follow behind the salesman, back out to the Ferrari that Quinn just bought; which is now parked next to Jack’s Range Rover, in which we drove here.
i take Jack’s keys from Quinn with a sigh. knowing i’m now responsible for getting such an expensive car back to the lake house is a frightening task that i didn’t expect to be doing today, but one i’m now stuck with nonetheless.
“i’ll see you back at the house, yeah?” Quinn smiles. his hand grips my waist, pulling my lower half into his as he lowers his lips onto mine in a breathless kiss.
“yeah, wish me luck. if i get even a scratch on this car, Jack will have my head on a stick.” i gnaw at my lower lip in anxiety, but his free hand comes up to my chin, his thumb pulling my lip free from my teeth.
“nah, he loves you too much. he’d have my head on a stick.” he laughs, before lightly nudging me back towards the car.
“that’s even worse!” i tease. “how am i supposed to explain to the Canucks that their star defenseman is dead because i scratched his brothers car?”
“eh, you’re smart,” he winks, rounding the Ferrari. “you’ll think of something.”
we climb into the respective cars, and Quinn is gracious enough to wait while i adjust the seat to my height before he begins leading the way to the lake house.
the drive is smooth, and when we arrive at the house, Quinn opens my door as i return the seat adjustments back to the way Jack had them.
“see?” he grins, leaning over my body to unbuckle my seatbelt for me. “the car is all good.”
“it better be. that car is my baby.” Jack pipes up from behind him, making Quinn roll his eyes. “if anything were to happen-”
“yeah, yeah.” he cuts him off. “if anything were to happen to it, you would’ve killed her.”
i feign a gasp, jokingly smacking his arm.
“you said he would kill you.” i say in mock shock.
Quinn shrugs. “i was trying to calm your nerves.”
i playfully push him away, hopping out of the car to face Jack, who’s now too busy ogling the Ferrari to pay any attention to his own vehicle.
“i’m gonna go see if your mom needs any help with dinner.” i announce, already stepping towards the house. “have fun showing off your new toy, babe!”
i pass by a horde of guys on my way into the house, bumping hips with Cole, who ends up giggling.
“going to see the new thing?” i ask, and Trevor stops dead in his tracks.
“that thing is a 2022 Ferrari GTC4Lusso.” Trevor explains, as if i understand a single thing he’s just said.
“sure. whatever it is, it cost a lot.” i shrug, carrying on into the house. “enjoy.”
i join Ellen in the kitchen, making myself busy by tossing together the salad ingredients she has on the counter.
we make small talk as we cook, letting the men have their fun gawking at the new car, and enjoying the silence that comes with it.
“do you wanna go tell them dinner is ready?” she more so tells me to do, and i fake a pout.
“do i have to? it’s so peaceful. we could easily just slip out back and eat dinner by the lake without them ever even noticing.” i wiggle my eyebrows enticingly and she laughs, shooing me off towards the front door.
“i had to try.” i giggle out, opening the front door to the gaggle of men. “boys! dinner’s ready!”
they all make their way up the porch and i stand idly by, waiting for my own man to enter the house. finally, he appears at the very back of the group, smirking as he wraps an arm around my waist, walking me to the dining room.
“i was thinking after dinner, you and i could go for a drive. just us.” he pecks a kiss to my cheek as we sit at the table, and i nod.
“sure, sounds nice.” his hand rests on my thigh now, partly covered by my sundress, and i squirm a little at his touch on my bare skin.
it’s been at least three weeks since Quinn and i have been able to do anything past PG-13, him not wanting to risk it while his parents are here, and i’m starting to feel restless.
the smallest touches from him have been causing me to get slick with need, and i squeeze my thighs together to provide myself some friction, but it never helps. like now.
i know Quinn has caught on because his grip tightens just the slightest bit, his thumb beginning to stroke my skin.
“you okay, baby?” he’s teasing me, asking his question in such a sweet tone that anyone else at the dinner table would think he’s just checking in on his girlfriend, but he and i know that isn’t the case.
“mhm” i hum, attempting to ignore his touch as i fill my plate and his.
“now y/n, Quinn is a grown man with two hands; he can make his own plate, honey.” Ellen jests, poking a dig at her eldest son.
“acts of service is her love language, ma.” Quinn pokes back before pressing another chaste kiss to my cheek, muttering his thank you as we begin to eat.
the table is filled with a generous amount of chatting as we eat; Jack telling a story about something that happened in Jersey, Luke telling everyone about how Luca Fantilli got his head stuck in stair banisters… twice, Trevor going on a long-winded rant about a missed goal; but Quinn and i are mostly silent. Quinn because he’s just almost been more of the listen rather than talk type, and me because i don’t trust my voice while my boyfriend is currently inching his hand up the bottom of my dress.
someone seems to catch onto my lack of interest though, because Alex eyes me curiously from his spot in front of me, and then chooses to speak up.
“you’re quiet tonight, y/n.” his statement draws the attention of the rest of the group, their eyes gravitating towards me.
“just tired.” i fib, my voice tight as Quinn’s hand slowly slides towards my inner thigh, now just far enough away that if he spreads his fingers, his pinky will graze against my wet panties. “who knew three hours at a car dealership could be so draining.”
Cole laughs, obviously buying my lie, which causes the rest of the table to chuckle.
“oh yeah, honey. buying a car will do that.” Ellen sympathizes. “the long process sucks the life right out of you.”
the chatter carries on around me and i return to my silence. dinner has long since been finished, and Luke proposes making s’mores for dessert, so Quinn takes that as our chance to escape.
“you guys go ahead,” he starts. his warm touch disappears from my skin as he rises from his chair. “y/n and i are gonna go for a drive. i wanna show her why this purchase was worth it.”
he holds his hand out for mine and i falter, looking between Ellen and him.
“i usually help your mom with the dishes.” i remind him, gesturing towards the table full of plates.
“oh don’t worry about it,” Ellen chimes. “Jack can help me.”
“i- what?” Jack sputters, finally looking away from the phone screen he’s been engrossed in for the past few minutes. “what about me? i was checking the Yankees score.”
Quinn rolls his eyes at his younger brother, shaking his head as he grasps my hand, pulling me up from my seat and leading me through the house.
“we’ll be back in a little bit!” he calls out as we exit through the front door.
climbing into the car, i can feel the excitement radiating off of him.
“okay, i know i’m not a car person, but what is a drive in it supposed to show me?” i ask as he starts the engine. his hand gravitates to the back of my headrest as he reverses out of the driveway, his eyes flicking between the backup camera and the back window of the car.
it should be illegal to be this hot while reversing a car.
fuck, y/n. focus.
“you’ll understand once you ride it.”
i scan his body, my eyes lingering in one specific place.
i can think of something i’d like to ride.
shit, y/n. think with your brain, not your hormones.
“okay.” i drag out, leaning back in the seat and relaxing as he drives down the street.
the car is quiet besides the soft hum of the radio, tuned into a random pop hits station that i know Quinn turned on just for me.
his left hand sits on the steering wheel, while his right reaches over to lay upon my thigh, causing my thoughts to run wild. fantasies and memories of us tangled in the sheets, his hand on my throat as he hovers above me, or better yet; his hand in between my legs, his fingers working me toward my orgasm.
i can feel my skin get red and hot, as i imagine all the ways i would be with him if we weren’t stuck in a house full of people.
… but we’re not there now.
Quinn exits onto the highway, the car speeding up as he does so, and i glance toward the back seat.
it’s small, but we could make it work.
my hand snakes up to sit on top of his and his eyes flicker towards me, a soft smile resting on his lips at the sweet gesture. and i let him believe that for a few minutes before i’m pulling his hand up my thigh, closer towards my soaking core.
“baby-” he breathes out, his words failing him when he finally feels how wet i am.
“we’re all alone.” i state, my head lolling back against the seat as his fingers start stroking me through my panties like they have a mind of their own.
“baby, i’m driving.” his voice is strained, a vein popping out on his neck as he clenches his jaw.
my hand leaves his, instead reaching over to palm him through his jeans, in which his left hand leaves the wheel to lightly swat mine away.
“i can’t drive if you do that.”
i huff but it blends into a moan as his thumb begins to circle my clit.
“so, pull over.” i suggest, ready for something more.
he’s hesitant, i can tell, so i pull out the secret weapon.
“please, daddy.” i whimper, reaching over to palm his now hard cock once more.
“fuck.” he curses, switching lanes to get off on the next exit.
he quickly finds a mostly abandoned lookout, only one other car parked on the other side of the lot, and switches into park.
his eyes are cloudy with need as he turns to look at me, his fingers still working themselves on my bundle of nerves. my breaths come out in heavy pants that mingle with moans.
“faster.” i plead, but rather than obeying my lust-hazed command, he pulls his hand away completely. i mewl at the loss of touch, but his hand winds up to the base of my neck, his grasp just light enough to remind me who’s in charge, but not tight enough to do any harm to my air supply.
“you don’t call the shots here, darling.” he whispers before pulling me by his grip into a bruising kiss.
his tongue brushes against mine and his teeth bite down on my lower lip, making me whimper. when he pulls away, i can just barely make out his features within the darkness of the Ferrari.
“get in the back.” he orders and i scramble to unbuckle my seatbelt, climbing over the center console and into the divided backseat.
rather than joining me by climbing back, Quinn exits the car, rounding the front and opening the passenger side door. he pulls the passenger seat forward, climbing in on his knees and shutting the door, the seat still pulled as far forward as it’ll go.
his arms hook around my legs, pulling me forward so that i’m slumped in the seat, my ass sitting on the edge. he looks up at me with dark eyes, placing my legs over his shoulders as he leans forward.
his hands glide up my legs, bunching my sundress up to my waist. his tongue licks a stripe over my clothed cunt and i shudder, my left hand attempting to grip at the leather of the backseat center console, as my right finds itself tangled in his hair.
he pulls away, despite my attempts to hold him in place, and his fingertips play with the waistband of my lacy yellow panties.
“beg me.” he insists, teasing me by hooking his fingers in the sides of my underwear, but not making any further moves.
“please, Quinn.” i plead, and he pulls one side away from my skin then lets it snap back into place, causing me to jolt.
“uh-uh.” he shakes his head, backing away just slightly.
“please, daddy, please.” i cry out, attempting to pull him in again. “i’ll be good, i promise.”
“yeah?” Quinn taunts, slowly pulling my panties down my legs as i lift myself just barely from the seat. he knocks my legs from his shoulders, pulling the under garment off and throwing it in the front seat.
“mhm.” i nod my head wildly, my brows raising as i do so. “i’ll be so good. just please, please, do something.”
Quinn wastes no more time, pushing one of my legs up to hook over the backseat center console as the other hooks over his shoulder. he dives down, licking up my heat like a man starved.
his tongue circles my clit and my head drops back, but he provides a swift smack to my thigh to remind me to look at him. one of his rules.
i bite my lip to try and muffle my cries of pleasure, his hand rising to pull the top of my dress down just enough for my breasts to pop out. he grips one, harshly squeezing before he pinches at my nipple.
my jaw drops open, a breathy moan escaping my lips as my back attempts to arch in the small space.
“fuck!” i cry out, tugging at his hair. “yes, daddy!”
he shifts between sucking on clit to licking in my cunt, fucking me with his tongue. my hips stutter and he holds my leg open as it tries to unhook itself from the console in order to close on his head.
i tug again at his hair, pushing his head further into me, and he moans, the vibrations flowing straight into my core. i cry out again, the familiar knot in my stomach slowly building the longer he continues.
“please!” i whine. “please, make me come!”
Quinn’s dips down to show more love to my pussy, and his nose brushes against my clit, my hips immediately beginning to grind against him. my legs begin to shake and i can feel myself getting closer and closer to release.
“right there! don’t stop!”
i’m sure anyone outside the car can probably hear my screams, but it doesn’t deter me. too busy chasing my high to care what anyone else may think.
of course, Quinn doesn’t listen, knowing my body well enough to know exactly what will set me off. his lips close around my clit, sucking and flicking his tongue, and it only takes a few moments for me to reach the edge.
“i’m gonna come! fuck, i’m gonna come!” i warn him but he only pushes deeper, flicking his tongue faster against the button of nerves, and i let out a guttural moan as i finally let go, coming on his face. he laps at my release, riding me through my orgasm, only stopping once i begin to twitch at the feeling.
“now you see why i won’t do anything at the house?” he teases, smirking as he wipes at the juices on his chin with the back of his hoodie sleeve. “you’re so vocal. i love it, but i don’t want anyone else hearing your sounds. they’re just for me.”
my hand hook around the nape of his neck and i pull him up to my face, pressing my lips against his. he moans into the kiss and i can taste myself on his lips; slightly sweet, slightly salty, and it turns me on; pushing me towards another round.
i release him from my grasp, lightly shooing him backwards and fiddling with the button on his pants.
“i want you to fuck me.” i breathe out, pulling his zipper down.
“oh yeah?” his smirk grows, clearly not expecting any more than we just did.
“yes, please.” i nod, pulling his pants down, his erection popping free and slapping against his clothed torso. “please fuck me, daddy.”
i maneuver myself onto my knees, slowly bending myself over the center console, allowing my right leg to straighten some, my foot dropping down to the floor of the car as the other leg stays bent on the backseat; allowing him a full view of my glistening pussy.
“since you asked so nicely, baby.” Quinn joins me on the seat, knelt behind me at a slightly awkward angle as he pulls his pants down some more.
i bite back a giddy smile, waiting impatiently for him to fill me up, and i’m not disappointed when i look back to find him grasping his cock. he runs it through my folds a few times, lubing himself up with my release, and i arch my back to better accommodate him.
my eyes roll back, a moan bubbling up my throat as he pushes his tip into my entrance, thrusting in just slightly before pulling back and repeating.
“daddy, please.” i whine, still frustratingly horny and awaiting his full size.
it doesn’t take any more begging than that, Quinn suddenly bottoming out inside me.
“fuck, baby, you feel so good.” he groans, but i’m too busy choking out my own cries to reply.
he begins thrusting slowly, and i nearly let out a sob of relief at the feeling.
“whadd’ya think?” he asks, his voice strained as he thrusts into me, fucking my hips into the leather of the center console. “how does my cock feel, fucking your greedy little pussy?”
“so good!” i exclaim, pushing back against him. my eyes squeeze shut as his hand wraps around my throat, the other gripping my hip. “feels so good!”
“love watching your ass bounce off me as i fuck you like this.” he groans and his dirty talk succeeds in making me clench around him, causing him to moan.
i peek back to find his head thrown back, his jaw slack and his eyes firmly shut for a moment before he looks back down, making eye contact with me.
he leans forward, his front pressing against my back as he kisses my lips, nipping at my lips before he pulls back and continues fucking into me at a faster rhythm.
my head drops forward, my hair curtaining my face, and i let out a cry of pleasure as he begins rubbing my clit.
my back arches again, and i whimper when his hand leaves my throat in order to smooth down my spine, pushing my back down further.
“taking me so well.” he praises, thrusting harder than before, and i can feel the knot that had just come undone, tangling back together. “such a good girl for me.”
”only for you, daddy.” he continues his assault on my clit and the sensation mixed with the fullness of him pushing into me makes my legs begin to shake once more.
i can feel his dick pulsating, and his strokes become sloppier, assuring me that he’s close. i clench around him, my eyes rolling back and stars dancing in my vision.
“oh god, i’m coming!” i announce.
Quinn grips my hip tight, “god isn’t in this car, baby.”
my hips begin to falter in their movements, my body locking up and my breath catching in my throat as i come for the second time tonight.
my orgasm spurs on his; his hips stuttering and his breathing falling heavy, a grunt escaping his lips as he finishes inside of me.
his thrusts stop, the car falling silent except our heavy pants as we catch our breath. the windows are fogged, the scent of sex lingering around us.
Quinn pulls out of me and i slump against the center console, listening to him pull his pants back up. he pulls my sundress back down to cover my ass before he sits, gripping my hips and pulling me back and onto his lap, my back now pressed against the side of the car.
my head lolls sideways onto his shoulder, my eyes closed, and he chuckles, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. caressing my cheek, he pecks a soft kiss onto my nose and the corners of my lips twitch up in a smile.
“worth the wait?” he questions and my eyelids flutter open. i nod, craning my neck to kiss his cheek, and he smiles.
“my girl needs some sleep, huh?” he asks, and i nod again, but make no moves to get up. “let’s get you home.”
my limbs feel like jello as i climb out of the car, letting him out before i push the passenger seat back and sit back down, buckling up. Quinn rounds the car, climbing into the drivers side and starting the engine once more.
but before beginning to drive, he reaches down and pulls my panties out from under his thigh. laughing, he hands them back to me, and i giggle as i pull them back on.
the ride home is mostly quiet, my head resting against the cool glass window and our hands laced together, with his right one back in its place on the steering wheel.
“well,” i start as we pull into the driveway, my voice hoarse from my earlier cries. “we christened the car.”
Quinn lets out a hearty laugh, letting go of my hand to put the car in park and turn off the engine.
he jumps out of the car as i unbuckle, making his way around to my door and letting me out.
“what do you think the odds are that they’ll be asleep?” he grins as i pretend to ponder his question.
“your parents? one hundred percent. everyone else? maybe twenty percent.” i joke and he shrugs.
“i’ll take those odds.” we make our way up the porch and he unlocks the door, attempting to stay quiet in order to sneak past any stray boys still in the open space of the house.
but luck is officially not on our side as we open the front door to the living room full of his brothers and their friends on the couch playing video games.
Quinn quietly curses as heads turn to look at us, and Trevor is the first to put together our long drive and our disheveled appearances. he busts out in laughter, pointing between my boyfriend and i.
“oh you guys fucked.” he cackles, wheezing in amusement.
Jack and Luke’s noses scrunch for a moment before they too join in on the laughter, but luckily Alex and Cole just shake their heads at their friends.
“you guys are so immature.” Quinn scoffs, lacing his hand in mine as we head toward the stairs, up to our bedroom.
“in the new car, guys? seriously?” Jack calls out, and his older brother rolls his eyes, continuing up the stairs.
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stuffeddeer · 6 months
imagine mistaking beastzai as your usual dazai (you thought he wanted to be emo for a day) and like did usual silly cute things with him then dazai came home and he’s like HUH WHO IS THIS GUY R U CHEATING ON ME :(( but in the end you have… double boyfriends but one’s moody and one’s fucking annoying
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anons that think alike omg telepathy … use ur powers for good!!! two asks in one btw i feel so productive
alsooo beast!dazai would be giddy like a child to be in the main tl w his love… he’d be twirling you around and enjoying what could’ve been before he has to go back!!! all dazais are cringy and in love w u it's true they told me themselves !!!!
“What’s with the outfit?” You spoke bluntly, clearly a little put off by the reappearance of the black coat and red scarf. “Dude, you look like Mori.” Harsh, sure, but your boyfriend worked so hard to walk alongside you in the light, so the last thing you wanted was to see what would’ve been, if not for — 
Dazai smiled, seemingly amused. “Ah, love, it’s merely a costume. Thought you’d get a kick out of it,” he replies easily, pulling off the long red scarf: a staple of the Port Mafia’s boss.
His words help to relax you, letting out a small sigh as you push the coat off of his shoulders. “Let me grab you your coat, I know it’s around here somewhere…” You flittered about your shared apartment, pulling a backup brown coat from its spot buried underneath your closet. “This better suits you,” you speak under your breath as Dazai pulls it on. The fit seems a little… different. Is it somehow looser than normal? You frown.
“Thank you, love,” he repeated the same pet name. It felt as though he missed saying it, which doesn’t quite make sense.
You choose not to dwell on it — maybe seeing him in black again just rewired your brain for a moment. He’s alive and well in front of you and nothing else matters. A nod is all the reply Dazai gets before you slip on your shoes.
“I thought you might have headed to work early when I didn’t see you in bed this morning, but I guess that’s my fault for assuming the impossible,” you decide to tease.
Dazai easily slips behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin against your shoulder. “Mm… I love you, you know that? Let’s skip work today. We can spend time together, ‘kay?”
He’d always been unpredictable and spontaneous, so you merely laughed in response. “I don’t have work today, remember? But you still do.”
Shaking his head, he pouts — there’s the Dazai you love. “Nope!~ I refuse to go into work today. I’m spending my whole day with my love!” He practically jumps for joy, hands moving to gently hold your waist. “Let’s bake cookies.”
There isn’t much you can do, watching with an amused grin as Dazai unties your shoes before dragging you to the kitchen.
“It does not take two hours to make cookie dough…” you sigh, trying to jostle the white flour from your hair. “We baked cookies together, like, two weeks ago! How could we already have forgotten everything…”
Dazai grins, planting kiss after kiss on your cheeks, melted butter staining your skin from when he accidentally tried to drink from the cup you’d used to soften it. “Hard to remember much when I’m with you.”
“Is that supposed to be a compliment?” You chuckled, grabbing a towel from the counter to wipe both your face and his lips.
“Yep!~ It’s like.. my love is so pretty I can’t think when I’m around them! Oh, I could just die in… No! I don’t even want to die! I could live in your arms, grow old together and watch you get all frail and saggy,” Dazai speaks dreamily, swooning over the idea of growing old with you. How sweet.
You push him away gently and begin balling up the chocolate chip cookie dough, pressing it onto the silver pan you made Dazai buy when you first started staying over. “Saggy? No, I’ll be young and beautiful forever,” you joke, but Dazai only nods in response.
“It’s true! No one holds a candle to my love. Why, I wish I could spend every day just staring at you.” Dazai’s voice always sounded teasing when he was with you, but even as you put the last of the cookie dough onto the tray (only had enough to fill one, since Dazai kept spilling, throwing or eating the ingredients..) you could feel the genuineness in his words.
Oven preheated, you slid the sheet in to bake (making sure to start the timer) before turning to Dazai. Before you could get a word in, the front door to your shared apartment creaked open. Heart dropping to your stomach, you grabbed the closest thing to you: a whisk your boyfriend had licked clean. Said boyfriend only seemed to sigh, falling into a more somber mood, head hanging before he sent you a sad smile.
“I think the jig is up, love…”
Your name is called from the front door, the voice… suspiciously familiar. “Are you in there? You weren’t answering your phone and I got worried...” Dazai stepped into your apartment, hanging his keys by the door before turning around (an addition you made, since he tended to forget his and jumpscare you by picking the lock every few days).
The three of you stood still, no words spoken and the only sound being that of your metal whisk dropping to the floor. Spinning from one Dazai to the next, you wiped a splotch of flour from your shirt collar. You felt guilty for some reason, like you were at fault for not recognizing an imposter Dazai, and wanted to make yourself look more presentable.
“Awww, love!” The Dazai at the door pouts, throwing his coat on the floor as he quickly heads over to you. “Are you cheating on me?” He continues, slouching over you to impose as much of his weight as he can. You struggle for a moment, his bone crushing hug enveloping more than you expected.
Guilt still apparent as your tummy twisted, you shook your head. “I didn’t— “
The other Dazai, the one wearing a black tie and covered in various cookie ingredients pouted as well. “Maybe she’s cheating on me! I mean, I can’t believe my love moved in with another man…”
God, this was too confusing. You gently pushed Dazai A off of you, stepping back from the two. “I don’t— “
“I can’t believe this… I head to work early one time and now you’re making cookies for someone else!” Dazai A whined, face smooshed against the oven door’s glass in longing. “I’ll never be on time again! In fact, I think I’ll always have to be late.”
Dazai B pulled Dazai A back towards him by his collar, whispering obnoxiously, “I’ll share the cookies if you share the beautiful partner.”
Dazai A nods in approval, eyes closed and arms crossed like it was the easiest decision to make in the world. “I want half the sheet. And, I want a kiss…” He pouts towards you. Ugh, how annoying.
You deadpan towards the two, no longer feeling guilty. These two were just as much Dazai as they could get. Arms spread, you let Dazai A pull you into a hug so you can give him a proper welcome home kiss. “Both of you are obnoxious. Is that all I’m worth? Half a sheet of cookies?”
“Half a sheet of your cookies,” Dazai B grins. “That’s not something either of us would give up lightly.” The other Dazai nods in agreement.
Both of your stupid, annoying, clingy boyfriends tug on your sleeves, forcing you over to the couch so they can both receive your affections while the cookies bake.
the timer goes off after a while but they both whine about not wanting to let u get up. once you threaten letting the cookies burn they're quick to let go. i hate them both.
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Heart II
Mapi Leon x Ingrid Engen x Child!Reader
Summary: You try to recover
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You stay in the hospital for nearly two weeks as your new heart gets used to its new home in your body.
Ingrid and Mapi are with you the entire time.
Sometimes, one of them even skips training to come and see you. You're in a special hospital room and they have to wear silly facemasks when they come to visit that makes them look all weird.
They bring you lots of things to play with while you're stuck in bed and all of their friends send you flowers and food to keep you happy. Your caseworker comes in sometimes and she gets Mapi and Ingrid to sign lots of documents and helps them to sign you out of the hospital to take you home.
"Okay," Ingrid says as you all come up in the elevator together," You ready?"
You're wearing a special party hat because Mapi said that you were going to have a little party to celebrate your new heart. You don't really know why getting your new heart means a party but you also know that a party means lots of food and fun so you're happy to go back inside.
A few of Ingrid and Mapi's friends are already in there but you head straight for Patri and Pina because they're holding Bagheera, who's wearing a party hat too.
"Whoa, there," Ingrid says softly, still holding your hand tight like she's scared you're going to wink out of existence," Let's take it slow, alright?"
You frown and shrug. "Okay."
She keeps hold of your hand as you move to greet Bagheera. She mews at you softly, bumping her head against your chest.
"I know," You say," I've got my Santa heart." You look up at Pina and Patri. "Santa got me a new heart for Christmas. It goes boom-boom properly."
"Really?" Patri asks," That's cool. Do you feel better now?"
"Little tired sometimes," You reply, rocking back and forth on your feet," But still good!"
"She's been healing up very well." Ingrid's fingers run through your hair like yours run through Bagheera's. "The doctors are going to do another check next week and then we get to take her out again."
Even though you're out of the hospital now, you're not allowed out of the house for another week just so you can adjust to everything back home again.
"It'll be good to see you at training again," Pina says," We've been missing our little cheerleader."
"And you can join in now!" Patri exclaims and you whip your head over to Ingrid.
"Can I?"
She thinks for a moment. "We'll see," She says," Let's get through next week and then we'll see if you're strong enough to run around."
"Okay." You go back to stroking over Bagheera's fur and adjusting her party hat when she gets annoyed with it. You like Bagheera. You'd never seen a cat in real life before you came to live with Ingrid and Mapi so it's nice to have Bagheera with you now.
You yawn when you're about halfway through the movie Paredes put on and you climb up into Mapi's lap to lay on her. Her big hands rest on your back, gently stroking up and down until you're head feels too heavy for your body and it flops against her.
"She looks much better," Alexia says as she notices that you're out like a light.
"Yeah," Mapi says as she reaches for a blanket to drape around your body," They had her on a ventilator those first few hours after surgery and she looked so bad when they took her in. But...But she's better now, just a little sleepier."
"She just had major surgery," Alexia says," I think she's allowed to be a bit tired. I'm surprised she lasted as long as she did."
Mapi laughs, gently rocking you. "I should put her to bed. I can't imagine those hospital ones were comfy."
Your weeks dissolve into a steady routine after you get your Santa heart. You still have to go to the doctor every week and they do tests on your new heart and they take out the little staples they put in your chest.
Ingrid still sticks to your side and she's always giving you cuddles and kisses. She lets you run around more now that the doctor says it's okay but she still wraps you up nice and warm because you still sometimes have issues with being cold.
A few months after you're declared fully fit, your caseworker comes to visit.
Ingrid lets her in while you've opened your mouth so Mapi can give you your medication. The doctor says that even though your Santa heart is working very well, you'll have to take medicine every day to make sure that your body wants to keep it.
Well, he said lots of big words and complicated stuff but Mapi explained it to you like that when you went to get ice cream after your appointment.
You case worker says hello to you before briefly looking around the house ago and then making you sit down in front of the tv with her. That makes you a bit nervous and you hang on Mapi's hand.
"With Mapi and Ingrid?"
"In a minute," Your caseworker says," I just want to have a little talk with you without them."
Your brow wrinkles. "And Bagheera has to go too?"
"Bagheera can stay," Ingrid promises you, kissing the top of your head and steering Mapi into their bedroom.
You stroke Bagheera's fur rhythmically as you sit in front of your caseworker.
"How are you feeling now?" She asks," With your new heart?"
"Santa got me a good one," You reply," But I've still got to take special medicine."
She writes something down. "And you always take your medicine?"
"Ingrid reminds me," You answer, getting a bit distracted by the way a single ray of sunlight is peaking through the blinds," And Mapi hides it in icing sometimes for when I don't want to take it."
She writes down something more. "That's good. And you like it here, with Ingrid and Mapi?"
The topic of your favourite girls makes you perk up. "They're my most favourite! Mapi is so cool! She's got lots of tattoos. She says that one day, she'll let me draw her one to put on her body."
Your caseworker nods along, her pen moving along the paper. "And what about Ingrid?"
"Ingrid gives me cuddles all the time," You say," And she lets me help make dinner and cookies and she takes me to the park and we go down the slide together."
Your caseworker stops writing and flips her notepad shut. "Do you remember what it means to have a caseworker like me?"
You nod.
"What does it mean?"
"It means that you find adults to look after me because I don't have parents."
Your caseworker nods. "Adults like Ingrid and Mapi," She says," They're fostering you."
You give her a little look. "I know." You don't know why she's talking about that. It makes you feel all weird inside and briefly, you wonder if your Santa heart is going boom-boom wrong like your old one.
"Sometimes," She says," Fostering is more temporary."
You don't like her words. It makes you feel all icky and bad inside. You shake your head. "No," You say," No! Stay here!"
Your caseworker hands you a picture. It's got a little family on it, a mummy and a daddy and two boys who have the same hair colour as you.
"This family doesn't want to foster you," Your caseworker says when you throw the picture on the floor and hold Bagheera close. "They want to adopt you. They think you'd fit in well with them. Like a forever home instead of a foster home."
You shake your head, your bottom lip wobbling. "No...No! Forever home with Ingrid and Mapi!"
Your caseworker sighs deeply, shuffling the picture of the little family back into her folder. "You want to stay here?" She checks," With Ingrid and Mapi?"
"And Bagheera," You say stubbornly," Because this is forever home. Mapi and Ingrid are forever with me and my Santa heart."
"And you don't want to live with this family?" She reaches for the picture again and you turn away.
"Ingrid and Mapi," You say firmly.
"Okay. Let's get Ingrid and Mapi in here."
You're near to tears when they finally come back in and Ingrid pulls you into her arms immediately. You wipe your cheeks dry on her shirt and blindly reach for Mapi.
"Stay," You beg," Stay here. With you."
Mapi whips her head to your caseworker. "We've already begun to file the paperwork!" She hisses," Why would you bring them up to her?"
"I'm just doing my job. I couldn't let her stay here if she didn't want to!"
"Want to stay!" You say, hiding yourself away in Ingrid's neck," Want to stay!"
"You're stressing her out," Ingrid cuts in plainly when it looks like Mapi and your caseworker are going to start yelling," I understand you're doing your checks and you have to get her opinion but she's barely been out of the hospital for a few months and the doctors said that undue stress isn't good for her Santa heart." She strokes a hand over the back of your head. "We've filed the paperwork. She wants to live with us over the other family that expressed interest. We want her here with us."
Your caseworker sighs. She does that a lot. "I can't promise this will stay private. You're public figures. Your papers will be rushed through as soon as possible."
When she leaves, you finally peak out from your hiding place. With big, wet eyes, you look between Ingrid and Mapi. "Stay here?"
"Yes," Mapi says with an air of finality," You're staying here."
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reiding-writing · 6 months
could i please request spencer reid comforting reader whos been picking at her lips? Like idk maybe he brings around chapstick for her smth. Tysm!
dermatillomania [ s.r ]
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Spencer doesn’t want you to hurt yourself. Even unintentionally. So a lot little bit of research later he’s ready to confront you about it.
WARNINGS: dermatillomania (impulsive picking at the skin), mentions of very minor self induced harm, sharing germs??? spencer would be deterred by that i’m sure, well maybe not in this case
pairing: spencer reid x gn!reader
genre: pretty much straight fluff
wc: 1.5k
a/n: this marks the my final fic of 2023, currently uploading at 10 past 11 pm so like less than an hour until 2024 (yay??)
i love writing for reid because it allows me to satisfy that nerdy part of my brain that endlessly thirsts for knowledge
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Everyone had subconscious habits.
Yours just happened to be more physically harming than some.
You found comfort in the monotonous repetition of peeling away the layers of skin covering your lips, whether it be with your fingernails or your teeth.
It would often leave your skin red and raw, sometimes to the point where they cracked or bled.
It wasn’t usually too bad, but during times where you were over-stressed and under pressure, the small habit of yours became more of a staple of your personality.
You sigh softly as you sit at your desk, head resting in your hands as your eyes pour over the file in front of you.
Paperwork wasn’t exactly stressful when you compare it to the rest of your job, but after the week you’d just returned from it was clear that you needed a break.
Spencer glances up at you from his own desk opposite you, a small frown present on his face.
“Stop that,” His tone is soft and unchastising.
"Hm?" Your eyes flicker upwards towards his, your eyebrows knitted into a small line of clear confusion.
“Your lips. You’re going to scar yourself if you keep pulling at them like that.” Spencer’s words come out even softer than before, a small look of worry in his eyes.
You pull you hands down from your face, the thumb and forefinger of your left hand that had been tugging at the cracked skin of your lower lip now tucked securely in your right as you clasp them together in your lap in fumbled embarrassment. "Sorry.."
Spencer sighs softly, and takes a brief moment to observe you. The corners of his mouth twitch downwards into a slight frown.“Don’t apologize. I just… I’d hate for you to have permanent scarring.”
You hum softly in response to his caring nature, not meeting his eyes anymore out of the small amount of shame that trickles into the back of your mind, and your tongue runs smoothly over the raw skin on your lip in an attempt at soothing the sting. "Yeah.. thanks,"
Spencer looks away for a few seconds, thinking about your actions. After a beat, he leans over his desk slightly to grab a tube of chapstick from his desk drawer and holds it out to you over the small metal hatched wall of separation between your two desks.
It’s dark blue with no writing or labelling of any kind on it and has very clearly been previously opened.
“Take care of your lips, okay? They’re very important for human expression, phonation, and sensation.”
And to be able to kiss people with.
You hesitate to take the tube from him at first, not because he’d used it, but because it was his, and you knew how much he hated sharing his personal belongings for fear of germ contamination.
“Are you- sure you want to give me this? I can go and get one after work-“ You take the tube from his hand carefully, as though it might explode if you grip it too tightly.
Spencer is slightly relieved to see you take the chapstick, and smiles brightly at you before shaking his head. “It’s fine. You clearly need some form of relief, and I doubt you want to be waiting another six hours.”
He pauses, before adding, “I’d like you to keep it. It’s pure white petroleum, it should solve any soreness or dryness in no time,”
"Thank you.." You give Spencer a grateful smile as you remove the cap and twist the bottom of the tube to extend the chapstick upwards.
You choose not to acknowledge the small dip in the balm from where Spencer had used it on his own lips in the past, fearing the inevitable flush of your cheeks if you thought about the way you were indirectly touching your lips to his for too long.
"I’m- not sure why i can’t just stop, but.. yeah- thanks.." Your half-assed explanation is more of a way for you to distract yourself from your impending emotional implosion rather than a genuine want to explain yourself.
Spencer watches you apply the chapstick, nodding once as he does. “I have some advice on how to stop, if you’d like to hear it.”
You re-cap the tube of chapstick and place it next to the pencil holder on your desk for easy later access, exhaling softly through your nose as your mouth bends into a soft smile. "Alright, have at me,"
“First things first, you should try and figure out what’s causing you to want to peel at your skin.” Spencer dives into full explanation mode once you give him the chair. “Everything has a trigger, and figuring out what yours is is the first step to stopping it,”
You give a understanding nod to Spencer’s suggestion, your mind beginning to scrub your brain for and reasons why you might have the insatiable urge to pull the skin off your lips like you would the meat from a turkey.
“You should also redirect the behaviour. When feeling the urge or the subconscious action towards picking at your skin you should instead reapply a layer of chapstick to your lips instead,” Spencer gestures towards the tube on your desk, just barely visible from his point of view past your pencil holder.
“People with dermatillomania often times don’t realise that they’re engaging in the behaviour, so having somebody who is aware of the situation to redirect your attention is also a good idea.”
He’s obviously referring to himself in this moment, indirectly telling you that he’s willing to be stuck to you like a piece of gum under a shoe until you fully manage to break your habit.
"dermatillomania?" You blink your eyes blankly at him at the unnecessarily complicated term you’d never heard of that Spencer had casually thrown into his sentence.
“It’s the term for excessive skin-picking that causes damage or scarring. That’s what you were doing to your lips just now.” Spencer nods nonchalantly at you like it was common knowledge.
You can’t say you’re surprised that there’s a term for what you’re experiencing.
You also can’t say that you’re surprised that Spencer knows what it’s called.
Spencer feels the need to explain himself upon your confusion and surprise at the revelation that what you were doing had a proper medical diagnosis.
“I’ve observed you for a while now, and noticed you often picking at your lips.. So I did some research and came across dermatillomania.” There is a tiny bit of embarrassment in his tone.
"You- looked it up for me?"
Spencer Reid had gone out of his way to research something that gave him no personal benefit solely for your wellbeing.
You swear you could melt.
You probably look like you do, physically feeling the pink rise to your cheeks as they heat up in flustered gratitude.
Spencer’s cheeks mirror your own in their soft pink hue, slightly embarrassed to have outed himself to going out of his way to research something on your behalf.
“I did, yes.” He pauses. “I just… well, I didn’t want you to unintentionally do any damage to yourself.”
You let out a soft exhale that could almost constitute as a laugh, pressing your lips together to prevent a smile from breaking out on your face. “Thank you Spencer.. That’s really sweet,”
Spencer nods, diverting his eyes from yours and leaning back in his desk chair to try and look as casual as possible. “Don’t worry about it. I’ve researched countless topics to help the team, this was just one of them.”
It wasn’t exactly a lie. But he wasn’t going to tell you that instead of the usual half an hour he would spend learning about something for one of his team mates he’d instead read every single publicly available medical journal on dermatillomania he could possibly find.
He turns his face back down to his work as you do the same, pushing his desk drawer closed now that nothing inside it was any longer needed.
His eyes fixed on the blue tube that rolled to his the front of the drawer as he pushed it closed.
It was identical to the one he had given you in every way.
Except for the fact that the one in his drawer was still brand new.
But you didn’t need to know that.
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lemon-lime-limbo · 12 days
𝖒𝖎𝖉𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊 | 𝖆 𝖇𝖓𝖍𝖆 𝖔𝖓𝖊𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖙
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pairing: dabi x fem! reader
warnings: NSFW, reader has fem genitalia but no pronouns used, pretty used a compliment, established relationship, smoking, cigarettes, smoke, shotgunning smoke, dacryphilia, overstimulation, voyeurism if you squint, dabi is a condescending asshole...
genre: NSFW
word count: 3k
note: i was trying to write this on vacation but i made little progress tbh... anyway dabi is my MAN and i need to get freaky with him. also him as a smoker just... RAH. also i never proofread but this one is like REALLY not edited so... sorry! anyway enjoy
“What are you doing up?”
You had tried to keep quiet, but the sliding glass doors far beyond their prime gave you away. You sighed at being caught and padded barefoot onto the balcony. “I could ask you the same question, Dabi.” Leaning up against the creaky wooden railing, you placed your face into your hands, looking out over the desolate parking lot of the apartment building. It was almost laughable how the only signs of life were a single street light flickering in the lot, and the two of you, on the balcony alone. 
“Couldn’t sleep.” Dabi’s forearms were pressed to the railing, hands dangling over the edge as he rested his body weight against it. His black pajama pants blended in with the shadows of the balcony, and his faded band t-shirt bore a few holes that exposed scarred skin.
You sidled up to him, relishing in the way his warmth enveloped your body. Wearing only one of his shirts, the cool night brought chills across your skin. He slung his arm around you, bringing you closer as he reached towards the box sitting on the railing. With dextrous fingers, he pulled a cigarette out of the pack, bringing it to rest between his lips before he dug in his pocket for his lighter.
A sharp click echoed on the balcony once, then twice as he lit up his cigarette, inhaling deeply with a sense of satisfaction. You coughed when he blew the smoke at you, waving a hand in front of your face to waft it away. Smoke clung onto his skin and his clothes, filling your lungs with the dense clouds and filling your eyes with tears at the sting in the back of your throat. 
“That was mean,” you said with a pout, turning to face him. Your hands found the hem of his shirt, sliding underneath the thin fabric to press your cold palms against his stomach. Scars and surgical staples ran under your fingertips as you used his body to prevent yourself from freezing. 
“Yeah, maybe.” He took another drag of his cigarette. “But you look so pretty with tears in your eyes,” he said, taking your chin into his fingers. 
Your face went hot as you looked away from him. “Shut up…” you mumbled.
He laughed, letting go of your face and tapping ashes over the balcony. Your hands continued to wander under his shirt absentmindedly while he stared at you, a much better view than the unimpressive landscape before you. His broad arms trapped you between the ledge and his body, overpowering you. “I'm serious. It makes me want to do anything to keep you looking just like that.”
You shook your head with a soft laugh. His lips wrapped around the end of his cigarette and he held in the smoke, thinking for a moment before he roughly pressed his lips to yours. Smoke poured out of both of your mouths as he pushed it down your throat and into your lungs. His hand found the back of your head, pulling on your hair as you groaned. He used his strength against you, holding you in place as his tongue forced its way into your mouth.
Coughing up thick gray smoke, you managed to pull away from him, tears escaping your eyes as you tried to catch your breath. “You know… There are other ways of making me cry,” you wheezed, wiping your eyes with the hem of your shirt, avoiding the burned holes where ashes had been dropped. When you lifted it up, it revealed nothing more than a pair of lace underwear, hugging your hips tightly. 
“Oh yeah? Like what?” He tapped more ashes onto the ground, ignoring the ashtray that sat on the ledge beside him. It was hard for him to pretend he didn't know what you were going to say, or that he was thinking anything different. It was also hard to pretend that he didn't love the way his shirt clung to your body in the perfect places, hanging loosely from your shoulders, or that you weren’t wearing his favorite pair of your underwear.
You hummed softly, reaching under his shirt again, hands searching for every inch of his skin. You found your way to his pierced nipples, playing with each barbell in your fingertips as he stared at you, cigarette balanced between his two fingers over the ledge of the balcony. It seemed like every time he went out for a midnight smoke break, you always joined him. It wasn't on purpose, or that you had any devious intentions, but it was just something about the way the smoke poured from his lips and his nostrils and the way he looked so at peace when he had a cigarette in his hand. It showed you another side of him, one that he tried to keep from everyone else, and especially you.
“You didn't answer my question,” he said, leaning down so he was mere inches from your face. With the distance between you minimal, you could smell the smoke on his breath and caught in his clothes, mixed with the scent of his body, intoxicating and hypnotizing you into feeling like you couldn't get enough of him. 
You both had gone to bed several hours prior, but it took a long time for you to fall asleep. Clearly, Dabi had the same issue and you woke up to an empty bed. You knew where he'd be: out on the balcony, smoking a cigarette. Tonight was one of the rare nights he wasn't shirtless, something that irritated you beyond reason. You always preferred him to be only in sweatpants or pajama pants, hanging low on his hips and exposing his abs and the small trail of hair that ran on the undamaged skin of his stomach from his belly button below his pants. 
“Don't make me say it,” you said, placing your hands behind you on the ledge for balance, the worn wood beams groaning as you leaned against it.
“Use your words.”
That made you look at him, his eyes cold and boring into you like daggers, standing out atop deep eyebags and dark purple scars. He moved his hand to your hip and gripped it roughly. You shook your head. “You know what I'm talking about.” 
He looked irritated, taking another drag of his cigarette before the last of the ashes crumbled away. He pressed the remainder to the ashtray on the ledge. “Maybe I do,” he said with a shrug. “And maybe I don't.” He was addicted to toying with you, insistent on pushing you to your limit before relenting. He fed off of your inability to say what you wanted, and the more sexual your thoughts got, the harder it was for you to communicate them. And you knew he could play this game for as long as it took.
You also knew you wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
“I want you to fuck me until I cry.”
He laughed at your tenacity, making your face flush with embarrassment. “See, now was that so hard?” he said, his tone patronizing. 
Kissing you, he ran his hands along your body through your shirt. Every time he touched you it was like fire on your skin, trails of heat rising where his fingers made contact. In moments like these, it was as if the world had stopped, like the sun could explode out of the sky and you wouldn’t notice. The only thing you could focus on was his lips on yours. It was heavenly.
But you were getting desperate. Your hands made their way to his pants fervently, untying the drawstring before sliding into his waistband. You began to push him towards the door, attempting to leave the balcony.
“Nah, I don't think so,” he said, pulling away.
Your eyes widened. “You don't mean… Here? Anyone could hear us!”
Grabbing you by the shoulders, he pushed you to the railing again before whispering in your ear.  “I'll stay quiet. Can you?” 
You nodded. In fact, you couldn’t be positive, but you were convinced Dabi wouldn't care either way. He was all you needed, to hell with your neighbors.
With your ass against the railing, your fingers urged Dabi to remove his shirt, sliding the fabric up his abdomen until he yanked it over his head and tossed it to the side. Large hands grasped at your thighs and hips, kneading the soft flesh between his fingers as his lips found yours. You whimpered softly into him, nails catching on the metal in his skin as you ran your hands on his chest. 
He pulled on the hem of your shirt, helping you slide it off and revealing your bare breasts to the night air. Goosebumps formed on your skin as Dabi marveled at you, your tiny black lace thong the only thing still covering you. You panted, desperately trying to regain your breath while you turned your face away, avoiding eye contact. Somehow, you never got used to being mostly naked in front of him, just as embarrassed as the first time he saw you this way. 
Instinctively you reached to cover yourself, but he was quick to restrain your wrists in one hand. “Don’t do that,” he said. “I want to see you.”
Having gotten his fill, his lips met your neck, sucking on the sensitive skin while you writhed in his grip. He left love-bites along your neck and chest as his hard cock pressed against you through his pajama pants. Even from a small amount of contact, when his hands met your breasts you moaned, biting your lip to keep quiet.
“Already going back on your word? That didn't take long…” he goaded into your ear.
You scowled at him. “Shut up.”
Your words didn't have much bite when his fingers wrapped around the thin fabric covering you and yanked it down, exposing you entirely. He couldn’t even take the time to stare before his fingers found their way down your stomach. Your head whipped backward when his thumb brushed your clit, and it took every ounce of control in you to grab his wrist and pull it away. He tilted his head at you before leaning in, his face an inch from yours.
“It’s not fair,” you breathed. “I’m naked… And you’re still decent.”
He chuckled. “Yeah, you’re right. But that can wait.”
While you wished you could argue with him, as soon as his thumb returned to your clit, every thought you had about protesting went out the window. His eyes never left yours, even when they squeezed shut when his other fingers teased at your opening. Lip caught between your teeth, you groped wildly at his back, fingernails dragging long scratches into the skin.
His fingers entered you, your head hitting his chest as you whimpered. His other hand grabbed your face, and in a low voice, he said, “Look at me.”
You nodded and did as you were told. Skilled fingers shot waves of pleasure through you. Your hips bucked into his hand, and as his pace quickened, your knees went weak. He stabilized you, arm wrapping around you and his chest meeting yours to hold you up. But he was relentless, and even at the awkward angle he was bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm. Thumb pressed harshly against your clit and rubbing circles at a rapid pace, it became almost overstimulating as he refused to let up.
“Don’t… oh, don’t stop…” you whimpered.
Never one to deny you, he continued, your orgasm ripping through you, turning waves into riptides. But still, he didn’t stop. You squirmed, somehow feeling too much and not enough as your vision went spotty. Shaky hands tried to grab at his wrists, but they fell uselessly to your sides, strength subsiding as his fingers found their way in and out of you.
A long whine escaped you as he finally removed his hands, letting your feet find their way underneath you again before he let go completely. “Dabi…” you groaned, placing your weight onto wobbly legs. The night was no longer cold, heat trapped under your skin and your body pulsing with need. No matter how much he gave you, you wanted more. You needed more.
His pants joined the pile of your clothes off to the side, and your foggy brain finally processed what he was doing. You could hardly bring yourself to notice his boxers were gone, focusing on holding yourself up on the rickety balustrade.
Chest heaving, you watched him run his hand on your hips, other hand retrieving the pack of cigarettes and the lighter next to you. Using his teeth, he pulled one out, pitching the box onto the wood paneled floor. The click of the lighter was like a cleaver through the silence, the light burning your eyes like the singed paper at the end of Dabi’s now lit cigarette. Gray flared orange as he inhaled, and with no warning, you found yourself sitting on the railing, mostly held up by Dabi as the wood creaked under your weight. You gripped onto his shoulders, trying to steady yourself.
The sound of the structure beneath you managed to clear the haze in your mind enough to say, “Dabi, I don’t think this thing can-”
“I won’t let you fall.”
His words reassured you enough to relinquish control again. He worked you closer to him until his cock pressed at your entrance. Your previous orgasm provided plenty for him to begin to push inside with no trouble. A moan escaped you, almost causing you to fall backwards. But he held you strong, his cigarette casually between his fingers.
Sharp eyes cut into yours, illuminated by the dim light of the street light below you. His nose piercings reflected in the light, along with bright silver staples. “Y’ready?” he said.
You nodded vehemently. With that he bottomed out, pressed flush against you as you groaned, and somehow you could still think enough to keep yourself from being too loud. He wasted no time before moving. Every nerve in your body could feel him and your brain couldn’t keep up with so many signals. His thrusts accelerated, your body rocking with his. Occasional grunts and groans were the only sounds he made, meanwhile you had to cover your mouth with your palm to keep yourself alerting your neighbors.
Another drag from his cigarette had him blowing smoke out before his fingers met your clit. The feather-light touch from his single index finger had you over the edge, your head slinging back in a silent moan. Your knuckles went white from how hard you gripped onto the railing, one hand trying to keep your balance as your toes curled.
Dabi snickered to himself watching you try to keep yourself from falling off the balcony and also from letting the entire apartment complex know you were outside doing nefarious deeds. That’s not to say, however, that it was easy for him to keep from making noise, but he had a goal to achieve and he would do anything to ensure his accomplishment.
“Dabi, holy fuck…” you slurred, your words barely enunciated enough to be discernible.
His pace quickened. “Oh, yeah?”
You whimpered, placing a hand on his chest to try to slow him down. “It’s… mmm, it’s too- much…”
“Nah,” he said, shaking his head. Sweat made his hair clump together and stick pieces to his forehead. He ran a shaky hand through his hair before placing them on your clit, the sudden contact making you gasp. The slow circles he rubbed shouldn’t have made much difference, but you were so sensitive right now you probably could cum just from talking to him. “You can handle it.”
It was like every time he fucked you, he got bigger. Obviously, it wasn’t possible. But, god, it felt like it. The way he stretched you out was like no other feeling, and you were sure the sheer size of him already had caused permanent damage. Not that you cared, of course, now or ever. It was so worth it. He filled every part of you like two halves of a whole. It would’ve been beautiful at this moment too if you didn’t cum for a third time when he took a mouthful of smoke and blew it straight at your pussy, watching the way the smoke clung to your skin before dissipating and disappearing forever. 
“No… no, I can’t…” you whined, tears stinging the corners of your eyes. His lips pulled into a smile revealed sharp pointed canines at the sight of you. If it were even possible, his pace quickened. Your muscles ached but he didn’t relent, determined to make the tears fall from your pretty eyes. Hard and fast was his specialty, and you swore you could feel your insides bruising. 
One particularly deep thrust forced him to hit your g-spot with such force your vision went white, your whole body tensing in Dabi’s hold as your fourth orgasm hit you. This was the final straw that caused your eyes to squeeze shut, forcing tears out onto your cheeks as you began to sob.
“Aw…” He reached to wipe a tear off your cheek. “So pretty,” he taunted. But you couldn’t bring yourself to care, your body limp and abused. He continued to buck into you, your hips no longer rising to meet his. The only energy you could expend was through your tears, and through the effort of choking down your sobs to stay quiet.
His lips met yours again and his hips stuttered, rutting up against you as he finally reached his peak. He rested inside you, neither of you having the energy to move. “You okay?” he said, brows raised.
You nodded, your neck barely able to hold up your head without collapsing. “Yes,” you murmured, wiping tears off your face. He hummed, placing his cigarette between his lips. “Dabi, you really should quit smoking…”
He laughed before helping you off the ledge. “Nah, not when I get to do things like this.”
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yuri-is-online · 9 months
Jade narrating the stuff Yuu is doing sounds funny/cute.
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Dear annon, objectively you are correct. Jade narrating things sounds funny and cute in general. Unfortunately I have a cold and just took some nyquil ヽ(・∀・)ノ Whoops.
notes:they/them used for Yuu, this is a joke tm inspired by this meme. Please do not take this seriously and look at my masterlist for something not written on drugs.
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"The humble shrimp, according to all known laws of hydrodynamics should not be able to swim. Their little legs are much too small to propel them through the ocean." Jade does not say this out loud, instead he continues to prop his head up on his hand and observe the Lounge's newest employee slaving away over the stove, signature reserved smile on his face. "The shrimp of course, swims anyway, because the shrimp does not care about what mages think is impossible."
Not that you are cooking for the lounge (yet) Jade had just invited you over for a little... he had said it was to study. What you had no idea, your patience maybe? He certainly hasn't moved since inviting you to help yourself to the Octavinelle kitchen saying something about how "humans have such interesting uses for leftovers."
"Bullshit." You think, punctuating the curse with a particularly harsh scrape to the pan. "He just didn't want to cook his dinner tonight."
"Imagine if you will, a pan of rice." Jade is idly toying with a spoon, swapping between waving it like a conductor or holding it still to speak into it like an announcer. "Truly a blessing to the hungry masses, a staple food if you will."
"Oh please no." You are tempted to spit in his plate but he would just put an unnecessary type of emphasis on thanking you for the food.
"It is presented to you fried," Jade continues, clearly deeply amused with himself "but this time, it has not been fried by a trustworthy fellow human-"
"You are an eel." You decide to settle your need to be petty by giving him the smaller fork, which does get you a regretful sigh but does not stop Jade's recapping the last episode of Twisted Wonderland.
"But by a shrimp." Jade loves it when you cook for him, not that he really wants to admit to that out loud lest you stop. Or huff and puff in embarrassment, he wants to save that for much later. Sometime when you are back in the Coral Sea and tucked neatly against his chest, safe and very much completely his and not able to run away. "The humble shrimp is proud of it's cooking."
"I am not an it, I am your partner." You are not exactly mad, you are proud of your cooking. And proud that, just like he does for his brother, he will eat all of it and then find something to complain about with a big smile on his face. Jade once again twirls his conductor's spoon, with a hum that sounds sort of like an agreement.
"The shrimp is very proud of their cooking," he amends "and the eel is very happy they want to share with him." You push your food around your plate in embarrassment much to his delight. He can't resist pushing you just a bit further, getting up as if to make for a cup but pausing to kiss your cheek before setting his kettle on the stove so it's ready to repay your favor once dinner is done. "Do be gentle with me," says the eel, heart beating horrifically hard against his chest "I am much more fragile than I look." He very much does not expect to see you darting up to kiss his lips when he turns back from the stove, the shrimp darts away with a smug giggle as the eel stands stunned, savoring the warmth of their affection before he returns to his seat.
Yes, the eel thinks he is keeping this one. Forever, ideally.
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touyasdoll · 1 year
Like You
pairing: dad!Dabi/Touya Todoroki x fem!reader
word count: 0.6k
warnings: you have a son together, reader referred to as mommy, Touya has feelings
notes: just a sappy little idea I had. I live for this man as a father <3 best dad, hands down. and as always, he deserves the world.
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You and Touya are enjoying a peaceful afternoon on the couch, cuddled up together while watching some tv in silence for once. Your little boy is being so good right now, just quietly coloring by himself in the other room.
But then it gets a little bit too quiet, so you get up to investigate, just to make sure that he isn’t getting into anything he shouldn’t be. Lo and behold, your suspicions were correct. You find him absolutely covered in purple marker.
It’s everywhere. His arms, his neck, his face. All on his cheeks and just beneath his oceanic eyes. He’d even taken his shirt off to color in part of his chest.
“What—,” you blink, laughing and shaking your head as you walk closer to him. “Honey, what are you doing?”
You reach out to take the marker from him, but he grips it tighter and takes a step back.
“No, I’m not done yet!” He pouts, looking down at his belly to put the purple ink to his skin again.
“Not done with what? I think you’ve done enough, sweetheart. C’mere, lemme see that, please,” you say as you hold out your hand.
Touya’s sitting on the couch waiting for you to return, though his parental senses are tingling. He’s about to get up and come to check on the both of you when he hears your laughter.
“Hey, what’s so funny in there?” He calls playfully as he gets up anyway to wander down the hall, curious as to what’s going on.
He leans against the entrance to the playroom and his eyes pop open wide when he sees the mess that’s made it’s way all over your son and his tiny little activity table.
“Tell Daddy what you’re doing, baby,” you instruct the small boy with a fond smile on your lips.
“I wanted to look cool like you!” He proclaims, the most pure smile propping up his chubby cheeks.
Touya’s heart clenches in his chest so tight that he actually clutches it, wearing the same expression you’d had on just moments ago, positively endeared by your son’s ingenious idea.
He’s always thought that he looks disgusting, even with the countless amount of times you’ve insisted otherwise. It isn’t until this moment that he starts to believe that maybe you’re not entirely wrong after all, but he’s mostly just relieved that his own child doesn’t find him repulsive and touched that he actually wants to emulate him. It’s the only time in his life he’s actually felt more like a hero than a villain.
“I’m missing the shiny parts though,” your son announces, wearing a pout that’s identical to his fathers, though Touya would deny that he’s ever pouted in his life.
“Well, I think we have some staples,” Touya says casually as he looks over his shoulder.
“Absolutely not.” You shake your head, laughing. “This is good enough. You did such a good job, baby.”
“Aw, c’mon, we can use that shit that you use to put your eyelashes on or whatever. That’s safe, right?” Touya jokes as he strolls further into the room.
You roll your eyes, though you can’t help the amused smile on your lips.
“Language. And no staples. Maybe we can find some tinsel or something though,” you concede. “And some body safe paint.”
“See, that’s why it’s a good thing we have Mommy,” Touya says as he moves to sit on the floor, ruffling the tot’s white hair. “You did do a great job, buddy. C’mere.”
He extends his long arms and pulls the tike into a hug, just in time to spare him from seeing the single crimson tear slipping from his seam, though you catch it. You reach out to gently swipe it away with your thumb before you join in on their embrace, pressing a kiss to your husband’s face and then your son’s.
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justauthoring · 9 days
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dabi doesn't understand love, but that's okay, because he's never understood you either.
a/n -> i honestly don't know what this is but i wanted to write and i am NOT ready for next weeks mha episode so... here you go ;)
pairing -> touya "dabi" todoroki x f!reader
tw. -> mild spoilers? not really, but just incase. implied abuse.
you were a enigma to him.
he couldn't completely understand you in the way that he couldn't really understand most humans nowadays, but it was a little different with you. in small, miniscule ways that often happened beyond his comprehenson.
because you were kind and you were bright and you twinkled in a way that took his breath away and made his heart beat in a way he thought it no longer could. you were gentle, fingers brushing against his burnt and ruined skin and yet it felt like he could feel your soothing touches. and you smiled at him with that big warm smile and doe eyes and dabi just didn't understand one damn thing about it.
about you.
why you were here. why you were a villain. why what had happened to you had.
but most of all, he didn't understand why you chose him.
the first day dabi sees you is the day you joined the league of villains.
shigaraki introduces you as a new member, gesturing to you as all eyes, including his own, fall on you. it strikes him as odd, instantly, the way you smile at everyone. it's just so... un-villain like, as silly as that sounds.
because your smile isn't twisted nor is it guarded. you're not smiling for the sake of smiling but because you genuinely mean them.
stood in the back of the room like he always is, dabi watches you. watches as you introduce yourself to those who bother to ask, the way you laugh as toga comes bouncing up to you. you smile and laugh and talk and it's all so... normal.
dabi hates it.
most of all, he hates the way he can't look away.
"you're bleeding."
the next time dabi sees you, it's just the two of you.
"tch," dabi spits, meeting your eyes across the room. "where?"
you raies your hand and press it to your cheek. "there."
sure enough, dabi presses the pad of his finger against his burnt skin, feels the metal of the staples holding it all together and pulls back to see blood. it doesn't hurt, it's why he doesn't notice it — he doesn't really feel pain like that anymore.
his heart though?
his heart aches.
you don't say anything as dabi wipes it away, but he can feel your eyes on him.
"you need something else?"
the words are sharp, cruel, bordering on yelling.
and you don't flinch. your eyes don't widen. you don't get angry, either. really, you do nothing. you blink, and then shake your head. "no," and then, you turn and walk out the room.
dabi watches you, frowning.
it occurs to dabi he doesn't even know what your quirk is.
at least, not until now.
and for the first time in a long time, dabi watches someone use their quirk and thinks... you look beautiful. it's a confusing thought. dabi isn't even sure he understands the meaning of the word — not anymore.
not after what he's become.
and yet, he thinks it.
because you look graceful. and happy. and at peace. and despite your smiles earlier, those genuine, warm smiles, dabi thinks this is the first time he's seen you so at peace.
dabi thinks it's amazing a quirk make someone feel that way.
he walks in and you're standing in front of him naked.
dabi pauses, halting, and for a minute the two of you are just standing there. you're pressed against the sink, body twisted as you'd been trying to look at your back, but your motions stopped the second dabi came barging in and instead, you're just staring at him, wide eyed.
for the first time, you look afraid.
eyes lowering, dabi's eyes dance across the scars on your back. they're muted to the colour of your skin but they're there — bumpy and ridged and permanent. long, deep gashes across the entirety of your back; everywhere.
then, dabi meets your fearful eyes.
your lips part like you want to say something, but you continue to just tremble in front of him.
dabi doesn't know what to say. if it was anyone else, he would've just left. dabi long since stopped caring for the people he crossed paths with because that part of him was gone and yet since he's met you, you've changed that without evening knowing. he's spoken no more than a few words to you and yet, his eyes always find you in a room and his heart races at the sight of you.
his dead, still beating heart.
if it wasn't you, he wouldn't care. so what you had scars that looked like whipping marks? so what you looked so afraid?
dabi wouldn't care. he shouldn't.
yet, oddly, inexplicately, he does.
"do they hurt?"
he's not sure why he asks it. the words just leave his lips.
"no," you answer, finally gaining the courage. but you hesitate, face faltering; "at least, not... physically...—"
and you don't need to finish, because dabi understands. he doesn't feel the pain of his burnt, ruined skin nor does he feel it when he pulls the staples and makes himself bleed. but it still hurts.
strangely, you smile at that too.
in some weird twist of fate, something changes between the two of you after that.
it's unspoken. neither of you really still say all that much to each other, but your actions are different. softer. gentle.
you don't tell him when he's bleeding anymore, instead, you wipe the blood away for him. when you wake screaming from nightmares, dabi will come in your room and sit with you until you've calmed.
you tell him how you got your scars. tell him about your father and the things he did and the way you'd killed him the day before you joined the league of villains.
and dabi?
dabi tells you about endeavor. about who he is.
tells you about touya.
everything changes after that.
"i could die."
dabi's not sure why he says it. but the reality of it weighs on his mind and realistically, he knows it's a possibility. this was the cultimation of everything and dabi wasn't really sure if he'd come out alive on the other side of it.
dabi isn't really sure if he cares either.
"i know," you say after a moment, staring at him. "me too."
dabi blinks at you. "you scared?"
and you shrug, pressing your hand further against his chest. your fingers press into his skin, and then brush across his staples, and your eyes aren't on him anymore — not his eyes, at least. you eye him, in his completeness, and then, smile.
"no," you breathe. "this is what i've been waiting for."
dabi smiles at that, dark and twisted and not at all directed at you. "the battle to end it all, huh?" he muses, letting his eyes flicker up to the stained and ruined ceiling.
"i guess," you agree. "this is what you've been waiting for too, right?"
dabi turns back to you. "yeah."
your hand drifts, falling into the palm of his hand; you thread your fingers through his and squeeze. "i'll be sad about one thing, though."
dabi raises a brow; "yeah? what's that?"
"if we die, i won't get to see you anymore."
dabi blinks, shocked. he shifts, sitting up, and oddly finds himself touched by that; "you mean that?"
"yeah," you nod. "i mean, despite everything, i'm happy i found you."
it's sappy. it's sentimental. dabi should hate it. most of all, he should hate the way he relishes in the words. should hate the fact you say them and that he likes them.
and that he feels the same.
but he doesn't hate it.
dabi isn't sure if he loves you. he doesn't think he's capable of love, not anymore. but he knows he feels something for you, whatever that is, and in your own broken, twisted way, you've provided him with a sense of peace he hasn't felt in years.
so yeah, if dabi could feel happy, he'd say he's happy he found you too.
he squeezes your hand in return, soft and gentle and so unlike him and allows you to shift until you're leaning against his chest. slowly, you lean into him and dabi wraps his arm around your waist, and he allows himself this one moment of peace.
allows himself to hold you. allows himself to pretend that it was a different world and the two of you had found each other not broken and ruined as the result of your fathers but instead whole and happy and complete.
"yeah," he finds himself whispering, "me too."
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portgasmalia · 9 months
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐀 𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 ﹙including: flame emperor sabo, trafalgar law, portgas d. ace﹚ ﹙theme: super duper fluffy stuff & second paragraph turns into pure smut, mdni!!﹚
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flame emperor sabo
sabo’s soft thumb caressed the skin right underneath your bottom lip. the small crinkle traced by his badly cut fingernail while his dilated pupils glistened with curiosity. he witnessed most of the reactions, and yet, above all he loved to experience new, lingering touches. but this current moment repeated itself since the confession of feelings started. sabo has always been a more gentle man behind closed doors than shown in the eye of the public. your chin propped up on the side of his pointer finger, tilting your head slightly back to steady the intensity of the eye contact. just a simple kiss, a quick peck, seemed impossible for sabo. he wanted the entire experience. watch how the shade of strawberry pink spread across the span of your cheeks, how you resisted the urge to chew on the soft skin of your lip while waiting for sabo to make a move. oh, he loved seeing you fall apart with the slightest touch of his gloveless fingers before his soft rose-colored lips pecked yours. so quickly, awaiting the begging for more because the flame emperor, the revolutionary was a devilish man hidden behind the gentle face of a blonde angel.
— mdni!! nsfw content
sabo knew perfectly which buttons to push to edge you closer to the second orgasm tonight. one was simply an insult to his skilled fingers and seductive tactics. eyes wide open and focused on the way yours fluttered close with each deep thrust of his hips. holding up his weight with his right underarm, sabo placed his left hand underneath your chin. the same position he loved to have you in when not being inside of you. skin slapping against skin echoed through the room, and the tip of the revolutionary’s thumb brushed over your bottom lip. ever so lightly, sabo pushed his thumb into the warmth of your mouth, freeing your plush bottom lip from the assault of your teeth. “don’t do that,” the blonde fire user muttered, punctuating his demand with a particularly harsh thrust. slender fingers underneath your chin pushed slightly, tilting your head further into the neck. a chance to glance at your almost-closed eyes while approaching another orgasm. “the sight makes it so fucking hard to control myself but we do have all night,” he chuckled quietly but was consumed by devilish thoughts while increasing the rhythm of his waist. multiple orgasm were the challenge, and hell, you should have not teased him as much as you did.
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trafalgar d. water law
nose deeply in the books he carried out of the last library, reading about the myths of the world, and the stories other people told on the pages until the doctor would tell his own. always so busy with the books, the folders, his own notes. so when you burst into his office, attempting to gain his attention or lure him outside on the deck to celebrate a little bit with the crew, law could read your intentions without having to glance at you. so when you stood in front of him, almost too shy to even ask, law used the book in sheets in his hand to help you raise your head and glance at him. pages tightly together, stapled above one another., the upper margins of the book in sheets placed carefully underneath your chin. edges slightly pushed to the inside with his sprawled out hand, and pushing upwards to tilt your head. you knew it was the east way, the soft way of law’s demands to make eye contact. the dust of a sweet cherry red which covered your cheeks forced a thin but small smile on his lips before leaning forward with a quiet chuckle and pecking your chewed up lips as a gesture to greet you in his personal bubble. the only person, right next to bepo, he would allow to walk in without permission.
— nsfw content ahead!! mdni!!
it was a certain surprise when law’s behavior changed in the sheets. he still kept the dominance, he still set the pace. but being on top of you, feeling the sweaty palms of your soft hands explore his chest every single time, it triggered a rather soft side of the doctor to step out. you weren’t scratching, your fingertips carefully traced the tattoo of his jolly roger repeatedly. fingers of his unused hand intertwined with yours, reveling in the warmth and tightness of your gummy walls. the lingering gaze drifted from your eyes down to your lips. the quivering of your bottom one, the way your teeth dragged so harshly across the soft skin while the attempt to suppress a whiny moan failed. the tip of his sharp nose nudged yours multiple times. two to three to get your attention and convince you to open your lids again. once you did, he guided your head upward before his chapped lips found your puffy ones. there was no need to use his hands if he could once in a while show the soft side, he allowed to surface in your presence. not all the time, but enough to show the deep and meaningful emotions he had for you. even while his hips snapped so harshly against yours, and the sound of skin slapping against skin echoed through the bedroom, law visited not so often. "you're mine, love," he would mutter between deep, almost inaudible groans.
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portgas d. ace
there are two ways which only differ slightly and it easily depends on the mood he's in. coming back from a mission after being unable to see your beautiful face for weeks, ace is a tad softer with his touches. calloused palms of his hands placed on each side of your face. little finger along your jaw, the rough pad of his thumb stroking along your smiling lips, taking in each twist and turn in your beautiful features. oh, how he remembered the details so clearly, dreamt of them every night. the first touch is so sweet, so loving. almost leaving traces of admiration along the sharp line of your jaw. but then there's also the second way, ace would hold your face. extremely warm hands placed almost exactly the same, but the calloused palm pushed your cheeks further together. you would immediately know that the fire fist drowned any sorrows in multiple glasses of booze. since the whitebeard pirates loved a good, old feast to celebrate any given day, ace was mostly under the influence of the alcoholic liquid, and acted rather with soft humor than gentle honesty.
— nsfw content ahead!! mdni!!
ace might love to show you how much he loved and adored you, but in ways that weren't exactly described as gentle or soft. pounding into you harshly, the loud sound of skin slapping against skin boomed off the walls of the second division commander's room. as the second division commander of the whitebeard pirates, ace was always involved in trouble, always wanting to help each of his friends so badly, it turned into a day full of stress. and all he needed was being inside of you. gummy walls squeezing his thick dick ever so tightly. but it always ended with you underneath his towering body. legs thrown over his shoulders as he pounded into you. one hand used to keep his weight mostly off your body, the other hand is placed around your jaw. left side, his fingers squeezed the skin of your cheek and on the right side, the thumb mirrored the same gesture. mouth squeezed together, it looked like you prepared so perfectly to take his hard dick between your lips again, and it almost made him cum with the next thrust. instead, ace leaned down, placing his lips against yours and holding you in place while increasing the pace and harshness.
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Just an idea I wanted to get out of my head. A quick Dabi x F!Reader where he gets the (mostly) happy ending that he deserves, god damn it. I may expand on this at some point, we’ll see. Contains vague spoilers for chapter 390.
1.2k words
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You’re watching the coverage and you see the moment when Touya’s badly charred body hits the ground. You were supposed to stay away, to remain in the flanks supporting the fight, but you book it to his location; Endeavor and all the others be damned.
The Todoroki family looks on in stunned silence as you drop to your knees beside him, crying his name and begging him not to die. He can’t see you, but he can hear you, and he croaks a single, pained word, “…Doll…”
Your heart shatters.
He was your world and you were watching it slowly slipping away.
You plead for him to hang on while searching for a place to lay your hands. Even in his fractured state of mind, he knows what you’re doing and he’s afraid that you might take a lethal toll on your body by using your quirk to heal him. It probably wouldn’t even be enough to save him, you were bitterly aware of that, but it wasn’t going to stop you.
“I have to try, Touya! I love you! I love you so much! Please don’t leave me!”
He knew this. You’d told him countless times before, but even so, he’s grateful that these are the last words he ever hears. Knowing that he was truly loved tempered the pain of failing to accomplish his goal. He just wished that he could stay to love you longer, to give you the normal life that you deserved.
You pour every ounce of yourself into keeping him alive and the chaos around you eventually fades to black.
. . .
It feels like everything is over in an instant.
His eyes flutter open and he briefly experiences the same sights and sounds from the battlefield before realizing that he was somewhere else; in a brightly lit, sterile room. He didn’t recognize this place, but you were sitting beside his hospital bed, fast asleep while upright in a folding chair.
He’s so relieved to see you that bloody tears well in his eyes before spilling over onto his cheeks. You looked different, healthy, and no longer war-torn. How much time had passed?
He’s not entirely sure what he’s expecting to see when he looks down at his hands, but the fact that he has both is startling enough. It takes some effort for him to move his tired body. He touches his face and finds smooth skin where scars and staples had once been. Was he dreaming? Was he dead?
He quickly decides that he didn’t mind either option, so long as he got to stay with you. He watches you sleep for what feels like an eternity before finally reaching over to take your hand.
You were solid. Real. Warm. Familiar.
You wake to the sound of his hoarse voice and, for a second, you’re half convinced you must be hallucinating.
“Touya?” Your heart leaps inside your chest. You’d been praying for this moment for so long, having fantasized about it so many times that it almost didn’t seem real.
You throw yourself at him, pulling him into a fierce hug, which he reciprocates as best he can.
“Don’t cry, Doll,” he says softly while rubbing your back.
“You’re one to talk,” you sniffle, having noticed the crimson tears on his face. “Fuck, I love you so much, I’m so glad you’re awake.” You start sobbing in spite of yourself, “I missed you.”
He clears his throat, getting choked up as he squeezes you tighter, “I love you, too. More than anything.”
You enjoy each other’s company for a while, holding each other in comfortable silence, just as you always had. This man was your best friend, your lover, your fucking soul mate. You could have sat with him in silence until the end of time and it would have been more than enough just knowing that he was still breathing.
“How long was I out?” He asks quietly, expecting you to say a few weeks, or maybe a couple months.
You pull back to look at him wearing a sad smile, “Three years.”
“What!?” He blinks at you in shock.
You nod while squeezing his hand, “Just like Sekoto Peak.”
He probably shouldn’t have been surprised, it made sense considering his previous experience, though he was in much better shape this time around. His body looked damn near brand new, but he did still have some scarring on his torso, which would forever serve as a reminder of the pain and suffering he’d endured.
Over the course of the next few days, you explain how you’d found the best healers who’d survived the war to work on him. You also gently break the news about the villains losing and Endeavor still being alive, though he’d long since retired after issuing an apology to him and their family. You assure him that his efforts hadn’t been completely in vain, as society had made some changes for the better over the last three years, and the PLF was still working underground.
He takes his time processing all of this information, not quite sure how to feel. You help him through it, rarely leaving his side.
. . .
One week later, you walk into his room and sit on the bed to take his hand. He’d been doing well. You could see him slowly starting to envision a future for himself for the first time in years and you believed it was time to press forward.
“Touya, there’s someone very special who I want you to meet.”
He looks at you curiously, and with a bit of apprehension.
You smile fondly, “I think you’ll like him. He’s a lot like you.”
He narrows his eyes, but agrees to this meeting.
You step out and return a few minutes later carrying a small boy on your hip.
Touya knows as soon as he sees him.
His heart stops, his blood runs cold, and his stomach lurches. He tells himself that it couldn’t be possible, but there was no denying what was right in front of him, and the timeline added up.
“Mama!” The toddler says sweetly, beaming while tugging on the front of your shirt. He had a mop of white hair and big, beautiful blue eyes, just like his father.
He was the most precious and yet utterly terrifying little thing that Touya had ever encountered in his life. He stares at him in awe while fighting back tears.
You move to sit in the chair beside the bed and the boy suddenly takes notice of Touya. It’s rather endearing how the two gawk at each other.
“Touya, this is Seiko,” you say softly while ruffling his messy hair.
The look of pure love and devotion on your face as you gaze at your son—his son—makes his heart swell. His Adam’s apple bobs in his throat as he struggles to keep his emotions in check.
“The Sweepy Man,” Seiko says while pointing at Touya. “Mama, he ‘wake.”
“Yes, baby. He was asleep for a long time, but he’s finally awake. Do you wanna say hi?”
Suddenly shy, Seiko hides his face against your neck before mustering the courage to peek at the so-called Sleepy Man, whom he’d been visiting every day since birth. “Hi.”
“Hi,” Touya’s voice cracks as a single crimson tear escapes from the corner of his eye, yet he finds himself smiling. “Hi, Seiko. I’m…I’m your dad.”
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linopls · 8 months
kinktober day twenty-five
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edge play changbin x fem!reader warnings: SMUT MINORS DNI, handjob, teasing, edging (obvi), unprotected sex (linopls staple) 0.9k words
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“y/n, i can’t take it anymore. please let me cum!” changbin whines. his legs sprawled out before you, sat on the edge of your shared bed. 
you knelt before him, your hand generously lubed up, jerking his cock at an agonizingly slow pace. stopping just before he would finish and starting over. each time a choked sob would escape his lips and he would beg for more.
“this is what you get for cumming early all the time,” you snap.
just before this, you were teasing changbin that whenever you have sex for the first time in a couple days he alway finishes extremely quickly. 
“yah! i always make sure you finish with head or a second round!” he defends himself.
“you do, and i’m grateful,” you nod. “i’m just saying we should work on that so we can enjoy the moment longer.”
so when changbin came to stay at your apartment for the weekend an idea came to mind. when he walked through your bedroom door, he immediately pounced on your relaxed figure. as he started to place sloppy kisses all over your face and neck you stopped him.
“did i do something wrong? are you mad at me?” worry paints his face.
“no, no, no!” you grab his cheeks and plant a big kiss to his pouty lips. “i have an idea.”
and here you were. you still fully clothed, kneeling on the floor and resting your head on your boyfriend’s thick thighs. changbin, on the other hand, was completely naked and sat on the edge of your bed. both of your hands working on his painfully hard cock.
“i’m sorry, you just always feel so good and are so tight,” he babbles. “your hole is like heaven, so tight and warm. it’s impossible not to cum quickly.”
“that’s what we’re working on here, baby.” you move one of your hands to fondle his balls and he moans deeply in response. “we’re, like, training you, basically.”
he groans again, this time in annoyance. he lays flat on the bed and puts his hands behind his head and gently thrusts his hips up to meet your hand.
“hey, knock it off!” you gently swat his thigh. “no moving, you sit here and take this.”
changbin groans again. you can always tell when he’s getting close. his thighs tense up a certain way and the vein that runs along the underside of his cock pulses harder than usually. his deep groans usually become whimpers and that's when you stop moving your hand. its wrapped firmly around the base of his cock and that's when he sits back up to look you in the eyes.
“y/n,” he whines. “i got it. i got the lesson. i can’t do it anymore. i tap out.”
“bin, i’ve only done this three times,” you roll your eyes and laugh.
“three times i could’ve finished and then drilled you into the mattress.” he grabs hold of your wrist and moves your hand up and down his dripping cock.
“changbin,” you snap. “stop.”
he complies quickly and swallows nervously. “you’re hot when you’re mad.”
“i’m hotter when my boyfriend can make me cum at the same time he does.”
he rolls his watery eyes again and lays back flat against the mattress. you begin to move your hand again, quick enough to feel good but slow enough to drive him insane. he keeps his hand holding your wrist as you stroke him gently. he reaches the edge much faster this time and before long you’re stopping your hand again. this time in the middle of his thick cock, you squeeze at his member as he squirms under your touch. 
“y/n, y/n, y/n,” he recites your name over and over again. 
“what, bin?” attitude painting your voice.
“please let me cum.” you can hear sexual frustration in his voice. “i promise i’ll learn to not cum so quick.”
“give me one more, then you can fuck me into the mattress, okay?”
he nods, you can only tell because you can hear his head move against the blankets.
“use your words. or have i got you too fucked out to remember how to speak?”
“please, use me however you’d like.”
as you drag your tight fist up and down his throbbing cock for the fifth time, changbin’s nail dig into the skin of your forearm. illegible cries pouring from his mouth as you work him close to the edge again. his thighs tighten and you hear the familiar noises that you love to hear. you swiftly pull your hand away and watch as precum drips down his pretty cock. 
you stand up off the floor and slide your pants down your legs. you climb on top of changbin and straddle his hips, lining his cock up with your entrance. 
“you’re so hot when you’re crying for me, binnie,” you say as you slowly sink down on his thick, aching member. “can you feel how ready i am for you?”
he nods, eyes screwed shut as he grabs a hold of your hips and thrusts up once before you can feel him spill inside you. he opens his eyes and his mouth falls open as he finishes with a silent moan.
“are you kidding me?” you laugh.
“that’s not fair!” he exclaims. “you’ve been edging me for hours!”
“thirty minutes,” you sigh. “but i guess you’re right.”
changbin sits up and flips you over so you’re laying flat on the bed. his broad shoulders hover over you as he begins to thrust his cock slowly inside you. you’re grasping for the sheets as he stretches your hole.
“don’t worry, i’m still good enough to go at least four more times.”
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headcannon that changbin loves you so much that he cums too fast bc he loves you so much
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undercovercameron · 1 year
same person, same mistakes
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summary: coming home from college, you see the boy you never wanted to; and he's the same as he always was.
notes: i just wrote this literally so quick it was magical... there is rough sex, cheating, a semi-choking kink (as always), and mentions of drug use and literal alcohol use in this one! i'm also yet again noticing a pattern.... what is with me and bathroom sex? anyways i hope you people enjoy! consider this a favor, i'm preparing you all for rafe to have a love interest
tags: rafe cameron x reader
word count: 2929
When you walked into the country club that night, you made a beeline for the bar. Your first year of college had not been treating you well, and you needed a drink. A strong one at that. 
Your favorite bartender, a red-headed woman named Joey, was working that night. She made you a vodka soda just like how you liked ‘em: more vodka than soda and a shit ton of lime. An underage-drinking staple. But hey, you were only two years away from legality. It wasn’t that bad. 
You drank it with your younger brother Landon by your side at the bar, watching him refresh Twitter for the status reports of the hockey game happening tonight. 
“You want the NHL, Landon?” Joey asked, wiping up a ring of perspiration with a black rag at the now-empty tabletop to his right. “I can change it.”
“Yes, Joey, thank you,” Landon sighed, pocketing his phone, and swiveled around in his chair towards the TV mounted beside the bar. “Hey,” he said abruptly, and you hummed curiously in response. “Rafe is here.”
You crunched down onto the ice cube in your mouth, the easy smile on your lips hardening.
“Who is he with?” You ask, not turning to look, and focus in on the stack of paper coasters next to the mixing pads. 
“Dunno. Some girl. She has black hair.”
The grip on your drink tightens. 
“Nice,” you say through gritted teeth, gaze never wavering from the coasters. 
Yes, Rafe Cameron had a girlfriend. She was some hotshot golfer from Northern Carolina. You saw her in your communications lecture sometimes, sitting in the front row next to her posse of badly self-tanned girls with shining smiles and alcohol problems. She had sat next to you on the first day, passing you the syllabus with a snarky look on her face, and you had decided to hate her right then and there. It was a simple hatred, nothing personal, but when she came back to the Outer Banks with Rafe’s hand in hers, it got personal. 
Rafe was your highschool fling. He used to pick you up from school in his truck and you’d go out to the lighthouse or the beach by his house or his grandparents' summer home fifteen minutes away to hang out, have sex, or smoke. Usually all three. You two dated for nearly 10 months starting at the first semester of your senior year, and then he decided to break it off and focus on being a good son and good employee of his father’s. Whatever. Like he actually did anything of the sort— all he’d done while you were at college was hold his hand out to his father and snort coke with your hometown’s dealer. 
And then he has a girlfriend. A beautiful girlfriend, but you’d never admit it. You wonder if she has a cocaine problem too. 
You weren’t averse to drugs, no—in fact, you had a J with your breakfast nearly every day. But at least you weren’t dropping hundreds of dollars for fifteen minutes of a high every week. And at least you weren’t distracting yourself between the legs of a tall black-haired student athlete. 
Maybe you were bitter. 
“Two more,” says a breathless voice at the end of the bar, and you just let your eyes fall closed. Landon slaps at your arm without pulling his eyes from the TV, and you curse at him with a smack back. Asshole. 
You breathe in through your nose. Okay. Don’t act like you recognize him. 
You turn towards Rafe, a pleasantly blank look on your face, and purse your lips. 
“Hey.” His perfectly tan face splits in a grin, and he comes around the corner of the bar towards you two. “Hey, Landon.” He daps up your brother, that stupid look still on his face, and just stands and looks at you for a second. He puts his hands on his hips, and your gaze follows them for a second before moving back up to his face, whip-fast. You see him catch it, the corners of his lips tugging up further. He sighs. “I see the Xanax finally caught up to you.”
“Ha!” You blurt loudly, a mocking smile on your face, and you look down to your feet. “That’s actually pretty ironic, sweetheart. You’ve got a little something.” You look him in his eyes and wipe at your nostril. The grin drops from his face. 
“Nice to see you again.” His tongue pushes at the spot between his teeth and his lip. “Just like old times. Still a bitch.”
“Still wasting your dad’s money.” You sip at your drink, lips around the straw. You catch him glance at them. Ha. Gotcha. “How’s, uh, Betsy King, over there?”
The black haired girl is sitting on the deck with her back to the bar, watching the hockey game on an outdoor TV. You watch her hair move in the wind for a moment, hating it. 
“Easier than you, believe or not.” Rafe stares at you. You snort. This is fun, you suppose. Just like old times, like he said. Biting conversation and secret glances at each others’ mouths. 
“Two whiskey sours?” Calls Joey from the end of the bar, eyebrows drawn when she doesn’t see her patron. Rafe glances back at you, chewing at his lip, but decides against whatever he was going to say. He just walks over and grabs his drinks and disappears back outside. You suck at the straw of your drink, coming up empty, and drop it onto the counter. Your head is buzzing. From the liquor, yes, but also from him. He makes you so angry—so stupidly and embarrassingly angry. That stupid face and stupid smile and stupid hair and stupid boat shoes. 
“That was nice,” says Landon, still focused on the TV, but you see his head turn slightly when you sigh. 
“Sorry.” You are, really. You’re supposed to be on your best behavior; it’s not every day your parents let you take your 16 year old brother to the country club to sit and watch you get drunker and drunker.
“Yeah.” He sounds annoyed, and you feel embarrassed.
You drain two more vodka sodas and call it a night. You spend your time staring at the array of liquors and mixers beneath you at the bar, making small talk with Joey about the island, and numbly watch the hockey players beat each other to death. Rafe comes back in for another drink an hour after your conversation, but you just ignore his eyes on your profile. 
“I’m gonna go pee, and then we’ll leave.” You heave yourself off of the stool, wincing at your sore ass, and nearly stumble. Shit. 
Landon says “okay”, eyes on his phone and texting, and you hobble towards the bathroom on steady feet. You avoid looking outside, knowing it will only aggravate you. 
The bathroom door slams behind you, too heavy for its own good, and the motion sensor lights kick on. You pee, staring up at the ceiling, and try to will away the pounding in your head and rippling vision. 
You scrub your hands after, desperate to rid them of the dirt and grime of your day, and try not to think about how you wish you could wash Rafe out of your life. You stare at yourself in the mirror with a paper towel between your hands. 
The girl in the mirror looks tired. You poke a finger at a pimple on your forehead, frowning. You just sigh. 
You turn towards the door and wrench it open, the smell of restaurant and something musky filling your nose before you step out, and you barely get a foot out the door. Two hands push at your abdomen, eerily familiar, and you stumble back into the bathroom with your eyebrows drawn in confusion. 
Rafe clouds your vision and your smell, hard chest at eye-level, and he reaches behind him to lock the door. 
You stare up at him, chest heaving and he looks down at you with those stormy eyes. 
“You’re aggravating, you know that?” He says, sounding exasperated, and seizes your waist in one large hand, pulling you to him. His mouth finds yours, familiar, and you feel his fingers on your warm cheek. You hate to admit it but your heart thumps loudly in your chest when you taste him. 
His other arm snakes around your hips and grabs at your ass. You fall into the hard counter of the sink vanity, and you hum pleasantly. 
“What about—about her?” You barely pull away to say, breathless, and he just pulls you back to him with his with strong fingers entwined in your hair. 
“Up,” he murmurs into your mouth, and you brace a hand on the sink and obey. He pushes between your legs and your arms wind around his neck. You just breathe each other in, blood pounding, pressed up against each other. 
Your fingers find the hem of his shirt, and you push it up to feel his skin. He’s hot. Your fingers crawl up his abdomen and press to the center of his stomach, feeling it heave and push against your fingertips. He nearly flinches away at your cold fingers but is drawn closer when you make a noise into his mouth that reminds him of that time in the lighthouse where you had left with bruises around your neck and he with an ache in his hips. His hair is smooth when you drag a hand up to feel it, newly blunt and choppy. You like it all the same. 
His body has grown and matured while you’ve been gone. His shoulders are stronger, bulkier, and when you feel the flesh of his stomach it feels more alive. Like he’s been moving and working hard while you were gone. Maybe he has been. With her. 
You pull away at the thought. He chases you, fingers at your jaw, but you back up into the wall. He licks at his lips, a dangerous look in his eyes. He doesn’t like when he doesn’t get what he wants. 
“What’s her name?” You ask. He removes himself from your grasp, backing away. He drags a hand through his hair. When his eyes meet yours, his eyebrows are drawn and his lips screwed up as he chews at his lip. 
“Do you love her?”
He barks out a laugh when you ask, hands pressed to the counter on either side of you, head bowed. 
“Love? Are you insane?” He looks back up at you, shaking his head. He heart skips a beat when he thinks of you two in high school, and then he thinks he might be insane. 
“Well, I’m currently in a family bathroom at the Island Club with you, so maybe.” You try a smile, but it falls when your eyes meet again. He thinks for a second. 
“You’d be in here with me even if I was fucking married to that girl.” He watches your expression change from somber to disbelieving. 
“You think?” Your eyebrows raise, incredulous, and watch as he nears you again and bows down to your eye level. You like to think you’re not the affair-woman. Well, you guess you might be. 
“I know so. Why do you think I told your brother to get you to come tonight?” His lips curl into a smirk. 
You just stare at him. Manipulative, psychotic, deranged, possessive. He’s all of the above and more. He slipped the idea into your goody-two-shoes 16 year old brother’s head to bring you to a bar and fuck him, and it makes your heart drop to your stomach. 
You grab at the collar of his shirt and tug him down to you. Your mouths connect with a hot breath into his mouth, and you arch up into him. His hands find your lower back and he drags you further from the wall, letting you carefully slide on the granite and fall onto your back. 
His large hands fumble with your pants, popping the buttons, and you crane your neck to watch as he tugs them down your legs, panties following with a slip of his thumb. He ducks to kiss you again and you hear his belt jingle. His fingers tug your shirt up and over your bra, and he grabs at a breast tightly as he jerks you down once more and pushes his dick into you. 
You cry out, fingers on his cheekbone, and arch up into him. He just hums into your mouth, liking the feeling of your muscles straining around him, and it feels just as good as it used to. Just as beautiful as you’ve always been. 
“Rafe,” you start, a breath caught in your throat. His nose brushes yours and he looks into your wide eyes. “Fuck me like you mean it.”
Rafe’s head falls, and he groans into your neck. Fuck, you’re so hot. 
He grips your hips tight and pulls you away and then back, hips colliding with yours and prompting a pained noise from your mouth. He relishes in it. 
He slaps a hand at the wall above your head, using it as tension, and his hips move along with yours like they’re supposed to. It’s an uncoordinated dance, soft flesh rippling against hard muscle, and he pants into your mouth with the strain. 
“You feel so good,” he groans into your ear, and you squeeze around him in response. “Fuck.”
“Please,” you mumble, lips pressed haphazardly against his stubbly cheek. He smells so good. You curl an arm around his head, fingers brushing past his hair, and hold his head down by yours. 
The bathroom is loud with breaths and the sounds your bodies make, lewd and hurried. He huffs into your neck when he feels a pinch in his back and adjusts you further from the wall quickly. Nearly your entire ass is hanging off of the edge, precarious, but you know he won’t let you drop. His fingers around your back fall and he pushes his hand between your legs, seeking what you know he’s always been good at paying attention to. His large thumb finds your clit immediately, strumming you open, and your head falls back.
“You’re on the pill still?” He asks, fingers tight, and you close your eyes.
“Implant,” you say, squeezing your eyes shut. “Fuck, Rafe,” you nearly cry, but slap a hand over your mouth. His thumb strokes you in quick circles, and you’re cumming onto him embarrassingly quickly. Your abdomen tenses and you curl up into him. You feel your legs warm and you tighten them around his back, wanting him deeper as you fade into pleasure.
He grins at that, but it fades when his eyes squeeze shut and he’s bowing to touch his forehead to your chest. He bites at the bunched-up material of your shirt and pushes himself as deep as possible—so far that you can feel the flesh of your stomach move. He cums into you then, the release washing over his whole body and coating him in a sheen, and he nearly collapses on top of you. 
You two catch your breath, still connected, and he pants hot into your neck. 
“Fuck.” You struggle to swallow, nearly choking on an inhale. 
He rugs himself from you, wincing, and zips his pants back up. He offers you a hand and you take it, struggling to slide off of the counter and onto your shaky legs. He watches you slide your underwear back on, wiping his mouth, and enjoys the show. You get your pants back up but fumble with the button and zipper. 
“I hate this,” you mumble, eyebrows furrowed, and just give up with a roll of your eyes. 
“Here,” he half-chuckles, and easily zips you up and buttons you with nimble fingers. Fingers you know and love. 
Before you can think about that, he grabs your face in two hands and tilts you up to him, staring at your relaxed features. He admires you. And then he dips to kiss your mouth one final time, savoring how your lips move against him like they’re supposed to. Like they always have. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he whispers, breath cool on your lips, and you stare up at him with confused eyes. 
“What’s tomorrow?” 
“I’ll come over.” He shrugs, and reaches to unlock the door. It swings open, and he sweeps a hand to gesture for you to leave first. You pass the threshold, patting down your hair, and lock eyes with Allison when you emerge from the cove that has the entrance to the kitchen and the bathrooms. She looks confused. 
Guilt washes over your body, making your blood prickle at your skin, and you swallow. You walk straight past her piercing gaze, feeling Rafe pass you and go straight for the deck. You grab your jacket from next to Landon and feel for the keys. 
“Let’s go,” you say to your brother, voice quiet, and he nods. He follows you as you exit through the side door, heading for your parent’s SUV. You toss him the keys when you get to the passenger door and he secretly and silently fist pumps. 
“Did you talk to Rafe?”
Landon asks when he gets buckled and starts the engine. You sling the seatbelt over your torso and click it into place. 
“Yeah. He hasn’t changed.” You watch Rafe usher Allison out the side door, hand on her lower back, and you swallow. “Let’s go home.”
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hyewka · 1 year
warning: pathetic perv!hyuka as real as its gonna get!!! hes so filthy but its okay bcs hes cute ^_^ not proofread
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meeting hueningkai in the fourth grade has to be one of the most memorable experience of your childhood—the impression he left was so large you remember the exact color of the bright neon hoodie (purple)—the polite, new and shy kid sporting his similarly colourful lunch box full of stickers of cute animals, glitter making it stand out more in the cubby of numerous neutral colored boxes. befriending him though only came when you graduated elementary.
the awkward phase of middle school and all the complications of being a tween—you went through that with kai—your best friend. the slightest teasing remark setting off alarm bells whenever it came to kai— having to learn just how protective you get over the people you see good in. that was the nature of your relationship at first, the little boy and his similarly little, guardian angel.
growing up together, you were always the one to fight off bullies but that slightly changed once high school came along. freshman year wasn’t any different, sophomore stayed the same for a bit, but then junior year was that year. you lost your v-card to your boyfriend of six months, you got accepted to your dream college along with your best friend, and speaking of him—kai had the most impressive, slightly delayed, growth spurt you’ve ever witnessed.
he was always slightly taller but summer of junior year and he suddenly grew a few inches—you don’t expect him to grow any more than that (oh…but he does). that never stopped you from wanting to craddle him like he was still that reserved little boy from elementary, even if he was big enough to come off threatening, or even if he was now far from reserved, being the extroverted ball of energy of your friendship. because kai would always be an angel—your angel.
but kai has since outgrown his preteen years, the babying from you blinding you from his reality. junior year was a staple year for kai—why? because it was his first time thinking of you in a more …perverted light. hes always had a crush on you, daydreamed of asking you out and how’d it go, wondered if you felt the butterflies he’d get when you’d exchange gifts for valentines annually—or that day you asked him out to the spring dance and you intertwined your fingers with his.
but hes never thought of you like that.
perv!kai who doesn’t realize that he’d fixate on your plush thighs whenever you’d wear your grey shorts, or that he’s holding in his breath whenever your cleavage showed, or your nipples poked through your flimsy shirt until he’s all alone in his bedroom, dimmed lights as his mind is only filled with thoughts of your boobs, thighs…arm tightening its grip on the plushie hes chosen to fall asleep with, and before he knows it he has his precious plush positioned right at his crotch—grinding his hard on, the soft texture sending the poor boy’s head to ecstasy, breathing quickly picking up as he imagines fondling your breasts for the first time ever.
perv!kai being the type to not feel guilt when his perversion manifests into extreme need, but feels that guilt when modifying his plushie into his personal pocket pussy, slipping his poor dripping tip in the small hole and making sure to close his eyes and imagine he’s not devastatingly ruining one of his most beloved plushies but your body— the one responsible to all his shameful nights of fapping sessions.
kai who used to despise it whenever you’d give him silly childish nicknames like he wasn’t a grown boy because it felt like a constant reminder you’d never see him as anything more, now relishes on the innocent angel-like view you had of him. starting out as quiet whimpers became louder moans of his most favorite nickname as he plays with his tits, completely naked with his dick standing straight, tip red as pre cum dribble from the slit, “h-ha- hueningie likes that—nng, he loves it”
perv!kai who’s shameful enough to jerk off to your voice when you call him late at night because ‘you just want to talk to him’, trying to keep his voice quiet but he can’t help the breathy moans slipping out his lips as he reaches his high when you call him by a nickname again, “hyuka, i miss you”
he’s snapped back to reality when the three hour long call ends, groaning at the realisation of the mess he made on his sheets. he was such a perverted boy. yet he can’t help but wonder if you heard him that day, and if you felt anything by it.
kai who almost jumps at the idea of cuddling with you when you offer it up at your couch one day, hands so sweaty as you get your bed ready, strangely timid. you clear your throat, “should i be big spoon? like in middle school, remember? you always—”
“no.” your brows raise at the curtness of his reply, the air a little awkward before he adds, with that adorable half smile of his, “it’d be impossible to spoon me anyway.”
you shrug, seeing that he had a point.
perv!kai who cherishes the way your body fit so perfectly against him, hugging you by the waist as you drift to sleep. perv!kai who doesn’t mean to do anything perverted, he swears this was going to purely be innocent but when your ass just so slightly shifts as to press it right against his crotch, he absolutely loses all sense of morality. how can he not be perverted?
perv!kai who freezes only for a few seconds before he too presses against your ass just a tiny bit more, growing bulge as he slowly moves his hip against you, not being mindful of the whines he was letting out near your ear until he notices your eyes lazily fluttering open. he doesn‘t think to quickly stop or even pretend like he wasn’t doing something, no— his mind is so rotten, too far gone after the numerous nights he had to opt to only jerking off to your pictures.
“hueningie’s in pain y/n, can you help me out?”
perv!kai who doesn’t a waste second to pull down your flimsy oversized pants and your underwear in one go, groaning in overjoyed gratitude when you even give just the slightest bit of a nod, “really? you’ll help me out? shit you’re so wet. fuck, is this for me? your body reacted to my boner?”
you think this is a dream, it has to be—its what you would’ve thoughts a few weeks ago, before recognizing moans through a call with your angel, the perplexing situation leading to this.
kai who’s now hovering over you, hands on both sides of your body, holding himself up as his chest heaves—oh the days hes dreamed of this. you nod again, half lidded, before he unzips his pants, dick flinging out, red tip leaking, too intimidating for you but perv!kai doesn’t stop to think, basically splitting you in half when he wastes no time to force his cock in, too excited he forgot to prep, and your shriek helping to drive him to light headed haze, the warmth of your pussy around his dick something hes never experienced—total virgin who kept it just for you.
the sensation too overwhelming, lips quivering, breath hitched before his head falls in the crook of your neck, inhaling, reminding himself that this is real, he was in your pussy, he was in you. “g-gonna cum.”
perv!kai who hadn’t even moved and yet he was so so close, a few pre-mature ejaculations before he starts moving his hips, thrusting his seed further inside you, sloppy sounds, tears threatening to spill from just how your pussy clenches around his dick.
perv!kai who is just so pathetic for your pussy, hot sparkling tears spilling down his cheeks because of overwhelming emotions, to which you instinctively reach out to wipe even as you’re stuffed with his dick.
thats when poor baby loses it, hips getting eccentric as your tits bounce around restlessly, oh you were just perfect for him but he cant help but try to quench his curiosity, babbling mindlessly. “you broke my heart when you gave it away, y’know?” his body was encasing yours, hips still feverish rutting into your now abused cunt.
“gave—gave what away?”
“your virginity.” he breathes out, attaching his mouth hungrily on your nipples through your top, “i thought we’d lose it together, with each other. i-i saved mines for you. but then—“
you gasp at the sharp suck of your nipples, his kisses getting rough on your body, finally finding your sweet spot when he tries a different angle, your back arching at the unexpected, clawing at his broad back.
perv!kai who cums buckets, spilling his load deep in your cunt multiple multiple times, kissing and sucking all over your chest, full of his love bites and spit, your shirt long hiked up, him too impatient to fully get it off. hes waited too long for this. his cum lewdly leaking but its okay, hyuka will take care of it. perv!kai who goes down on you, so desperate as he sloppily eats you out, nose brushing up against your clit, suffocating himself with your pussy, lapping his tongue against your slit and cleaning up his cum—groaning when you pull on his hair, shoving him further in, poor baby getting teary eyed, so worked up already, his hips canting against the mattress.
hehe perv!kai who was a virgin just for you, but so far from innocent, rambling on all the things hes been dreaming of doing to you for years.
a/n: my username being related to hyuka and yet i had nothing written for him of the entire four months ive had this blog is so so criminal
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dabisbratz · 1 year
dabi | touya todoroki x male reader (drabble)
w.c: 0.4k
WARNING: impact play, face-slapping, boot-humping, degradation, dirty talk, slight choking, daddy kink (title used 1 time), slight objectification
a/n: not my most confident work.. but it’s kinda hard to put all my scrambled thoughts abt this into words):<
Dabi loves boys like you, mindbroken and dumb enough to grind against his boot with shameless, pathetic excuses you call hip rolls. He loves the area of skin where thigh meets hip, the swell of your thighs pooling there with every to and fro movement, smearing your juices across the leather of his stolen platforms. He likes the obvious dynamic between the two of you, your pretty body naked and vulnerable as he remains clothed, holding onto your neck with warm palms and fingers.
Dabi loves watching your lips part, shiny and swollen from sucking his dick, like they’re meant to, small huffs of air floating around until it’s indistinguishable, mixed with the wet squelch from between your thighs. Always so smart, quick to correct him when you can, even if you both know you’re wrong. His lips split into a sick grin, staples pulling at his milky skin until it hurts, all sharp teeth and predatory gazes. You’ve always looked better like this, teary eyed and bruised.
“Do something for me, sugar. Show Daddy his favorite hole. Hold it open for me.”
Dabi loves making you hook your fingers into your mouth, fingertips pressed into the silky, smooth surface of the insides of your cheeks. He makes you pull your mouth open, tongue ejected and glistening with your drool as he stares down your throat, cooing when you blink up at him for approval.
“Maybe I should just finger your mouth. Just as wet and messy as your hole, isn’t it? Think it’ll squeeze around me too?”
Dabi loves ignoring you, opting for a harsh tap against your warm cheek. He holds you still, save for your hips, keeps your head steady so you don’t get whiplash. He starts off gentle, a large thumb caressing your cheekbone until it’s pulled away, just to return with a loud smack! and a resounding burn. You look pretty like this, his pretty boy, bracing for impact just a few seconds too late. He chuckles at your gasps, voice raspy and hushed as he rubs the attacked area.
“Aw, does it hurt? Yeah? Then why're you grinding harder?”
Dabi loves pushing you around, grabbing you by the hair to reposition your face against his bulge, pressing your face impossibly close to the protrusion, suffocating you until all you can breathe in is him. His staples catch strays of your hair, but you don’t mind, his hand reaching up to pat your head in approval. The feeling of your face, damp with tears, pressed against his clothed dick as you whine has him reeling, puffs of smoke slipping through his teeth as he sharply exhales.
“Can take—”
“Hush, boy. I know what you can take.”
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i-cant-sing · 10 months
I feel like big brother dabi frequently checks little sister reader out from her preschool so that they can do stupid shit together and he can one up his siblings on who spends the most time with her
He does! And it's not him "checking her out" as much as it is "luring her out" or borderline kidnapping her, but he's done it so many times now that Enji officially gave your school the green light to let the "brooding, scary villain" take you.
The bigger the age gap between you two, the more softer he is towards you. Like in this scenario, Dabi is like 20 something, while reader is barely 5.
As soon as Dabi picks you from school, he's taking your pink bag and hanging it on his shoulder while letting your small hand hold his two fingers as you both walk, all while humming when you tell him about your day and how you learned what a "verb" is.
He'll take you to a convenience store first, to get you something to eat. And sure, mama Rei always makes the yummiest meals with the best organic ingredients and papa Enji always take you to Michelin starred restaurants and gourmet ice cream parlours, they still can't beat the addicting taste of cheap convenience store junk food, which is all Dabi can afford at the moment. And the best thing is, he doesn't say no. You want two ice creams? Fuck yeah, he'll get 4! That's just a fantastic idea and he won't say no to it.
Then later he'll tae you to a park, where you'll be playing more by yourself than have him play with you. However, you can't play with other kids either without his permission. If you see kids your age at the play ground, you'll have to come to Dabi and ask if you can play with them. Sometimes he'll say yes, mostly he says no. That's when you have to huff and guilt trip him with your small voice and complain how no one ever plays with you (because everyone is busy) and now Dabi is sitting in the sandbox at your pretend restaurant while you serve him a sand cake. (On the inside, he's crying because his inner child wants to give you all the love and affection and everything he never got)
After playing, you're tired and looking like a complete mess, so while you sit im Dabi's lap taking huge gulps from your water bottle, he's combing your hair with his hands and tying it into pretty braids with cute bows (that he absolutely does mot carry around with him and no, those are not your pink hair ties on his wrist. That's fashion), all while he's narrowing his eyes at you as you're inhaling your water.
"Hey, slow down, brat. You'll choke and I won't save you."
If he has time, he'll take you to McDonald's and get you a happy meal, not getting himself one cause again- he's poor. But he will steal your fries though, and your drink. Not that you mind. No, no. You love sharing your food with Dabi, in fact, you'll probably be feeding him with your own hands.
"Here comes the plane, Dabi! Say ahh!" As you poke his closed lips with a fry.
Sometimes you'll ask about his scars. You're still too young to understand it all, and you being a curious kid, you often ask about his appearance. With gentle hands, you'll be tracing his staples and burn marks, asking if they hurt.
He'll shrug. "They used to, but not anymore." But maybe his tone wasn't convincing enough, or maybe you just needed an excuse to your Hello Kitty bandaids, but you're pulling them out pf your bag and placing them haphazardly on Dabi before kissing each boo boo to "make the pain go away".
You don't notice the misty eyes of your brother while you're kissing his burns.
Before the sun sets, Dabi is taking you back home (or else Rei will have his head), and you're so tired that you fall asleep while he's carrying you, drooling slightly on his shoulder as you mumble about Dabi and him being the best (which he obviously recorded to piss off his siblings. Shotou and Fuyumi are 1000% convinced that this was a deep fame and not you).
He'll tuck you in bed, maybe kiss your forehead before leaving. On his way home, he's looking through all the photos he secretly took that day of you,and there are even some very shaky, badly taken photos of him by you (because you wanted to take photos of your big brother too🥺) before Dabi settles on the one picture where he's looking ominous (but his eyes are soft) and you're in his arms, all giddy and happy.
New wallpaper 🥺💖
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