#ursus deningeri
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teddiesbestestpal · 7 months ago
At the sauna Daikimaru ( Koromaru’s father) the muscular reddish brown furred earred and tailed Dire wolf beastman with long spiky yet curly dark reddish brown hair and red eyes sat in the sauna with a modesty towel over his crotch showing off his nipple piercings and yin-yang back tattoo as he sat there sighing.
“ Hopefully the others arrive….” Daikimaru said to himself as Fey ( Morgana’s father) the slim mostly white with black streaks and accents with white face tufts with black streaks and turquoise green blue eyes with aquamarine blue rings around them sabertooth tiger beastman said walking up to Daikimaru.
“ Hey!” Daikimaru blushes as Fey groped Daikimaru’s muscular chest and moobs feeling Fey’s trimmed nails.
“ Good to see you~” Fey flirtatiously says as Daikimaru groans.
From the depths of the sauna water sprouts Grizzlie ( Teddie’s father) the chubby light baby blue ursus deningeri bear with grey eyes and a distinctive ahoge on top is seen.
“ Hey!” Grizzlie says as Daikimaru sighed.
“ Great… looks like everyone is here…” Daikimaru exclaimed as the day ends.
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zoranphoto · 2 years ago
VELIKO OTKRIĆE U ‘SRCU EUROPE’: Ostaci izumrle vrste hominida stari su oko pola milijuna godina!
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Pretpovijesno kameno oruđe pronađeno u špilji u Poljskoj prije 50 godina, nedavno je identificirano kao jedno od najstarijih dosad otkrivenih u regiji.   Alati iz špilje Tunel Wielki u Nacionalnom parku Ojców na jugu Poljske stari su između 450.000 i 550.000 godina. Ovo datiranje moglo bi omogućiti znanstvenicima da saznaju više o ljudima koji su ih napravili, njihovoj migraciji i obitavanju u srednjoj Europi kroz pretpovijest. Na primjer, vremenski okvir vjerojatno znači da je alate izradila izumrla ljudska vrsta Homo heidelbergensis, koja se obično smatra posljednjim zajedničkim pretkom neandertalaca i modernih ljudi (nas). A to znači da su regiju naselili ljudi u vrijeme kada je oštra klima Srednje Europe zahtijevala značajnu fizičku i kulturnu prilagodbu. “Ovo je za nas iznimno zanimljiv aspekt analize. Možemo ispitati granice mogućnosti preživljavanja Homo heidelbergensisa i tako promatrati kako se on prilagodio tim nepovoljnim uvjetima”, objasnila je arheologinja Małgorzata Kot sa Sveučilišta u Varšavi (Poljska) još u listopadu 2022. kada je istraživanje objavljeno. Špilja Tunel Wielki iskopana je 1960-ih, a arheolozi su se ponovno vratili na to mjesto 2016. godine. Slojevi materijala datirani su u holokon, tj. prije oko 11.700 godina, i srednji paleolitik, koji se proteže čak do prije 40.000 godina. No arheolog Claudio Berto sa Sveučilišta u Varšavi smatra da je datiranje u suprotnosti s onim što je promatrao. Životinjske kosti pronađene na tom mjestu, zaključio je, gotovo su sigurno starije od 40.000 godina.  
Artefakti su deset puta stariji nego što se mislilo!
Tako su se 2018. Kot i njezin tim vratili u špilju. Ponovno su otvorili i proširili jedan od rovova, pažljivo ispitujući različite slojeve materijala nakupljenog tijekom godina i skupljajući više koštanog materijala za analizu. Otkrili su da gornji slojevi doista sadrže kosti životinja koje su živjele u kasnom pleistocenu i holocenu. Ali donji sloj bio je izrazito stariji. Sadržavao je kosti nekoliko vrsta koje su živjele prije pola milijuna godina: europski jaguar (Panthera gombaszoegensis), Mosbachov vuk (Canis mosbachensis) koji je bio predak modernih sivih vukova i Deningerov medvjed (Ursus deningeri).
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Sloj koji je dao kosti također je sadržavao dokaze o lomljenju kremena, uključujući kremene ljuskice, “praznine” od kojih se mogu oblikovati drugi alati i jezgre iz kojih se izbijaju. Bilo je i nešto gotovih alata, npr. noževa. “Budući da ovi predmeti potječu iz istog sloja kao i kosti, znači da im je starost vrlo slična. Ovu su pretpostavku potvrdila iskapanja provedena u špilji 2018. godine. Ona su potvrdila raspored slojeva koji su opisali istraživači prije pola stoljeća. Također smo otkrili više proizvodnog otpada i životinjskih kostiju”, objašnjava Kot. Ranije su, dodala je, u Poljskoj postojala samo dva poznata nalazišta s alatima iz otprilike istog razdoblja: Trzebnica i Rusko. Ali pećinski artefakti Tunel Wielki su drugačiji. Nekoliko arheoloških nalazišta u tom području pokazuju dokaze drevnog ljudskog obitavanja – ali sva su nalazišta na otvorenom.
Rijetka tehnika lomljenja kremena
Pronaći artefakte iz tog vremena u špilji, prema Kot, vrlo je neočekivano. “Bili smo iznenađeni da su prije pola milijuna godina ljudi na ovom području boravili u špiljama jer to nisu bila najbolja mjesta za kampiranje. Vlaga i niske temperature bi to obeshrabrile. S druge strane, špilja je prirodno sklonište. To je zatvoren prostor koji daje osjećaj sigurnosti. Pronašli smo tragove koji mogu upućivati ​​na to da su ljudi koji su tamo boravili koristili vatru, što im je vjerojatno pomoglo da ukrote ova mračna i vlažna mjesta”, ističe Kot.
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Zanimljiva je bila i tehnika lomljenja kremena pronađenog u špilji. To je najjednostavnija tehnika koju su koristili drevni ljudi, a u vrijeme kada su alati stvoreni, rijetko se koristila kao primarni način. Obično se koristila samo na nekvalitetnim materijalima ili kada je bilo nestašica kremena. Samo još jedno mjesto, Isernia La Pineta u Italiji, koristilo je tu tehniku ​​kao primarnu. Kremen Tunel Wielki nije bio loše kvalitete, niti ga je bilo malo, budući da se dobivao lokalno. To je također bio slučaj za Isernia La Pineta. Pronalazak drugog mjesta s istim karakteristikama mogao bi pomoći arheolozima da otkriju razlog zašto su ti drevni ljudi koristili tu specifičnu tehniku. Tim se nada da će se vratiti u špilju u potrazi za kostima Homo heidelbergensisa.
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  Dnevno.hr Foto : Sveučilište u Varšavi Read the full article
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flaviastrani · 6 years ago
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Ursus deningeri 
Extinct speloid bear (and probable ancestor of cave bears) that lived in Eurasia during the Pleistocene.
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prehistoriceurope · 4 years ago
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Cave bear
The cave bear lived in Europe and Asia and evolved from the Ursus Deningeri (Deninger's bear) 1,8 million to 100,000 years ago into the cave bear (Ursus spelaeus). This bear was named the cave bear because most of the fossils have been found inside caves. Whether this bear spent more time inside caves than bear species still alive until this day is not fully clear. Fossils in caves have a much better chance to be preserved.
Just like the woolly mammoth, the first fossils of the cave bear were confused with other species. The fossils were first described in a book 'newly discovered zoolites of unknown four footed animals' by Johann Friedrich Esper back in 1774. The bones clearly confused scientists of the 18th century who thought it might belong to a species of canids, felids, apes or even a mythological creature such as a dragon. The writer of the book, Friedrich Esper, believed the fossils belonged to polar bears.
It wasn't until 20 years after the publication of the book that an anatomist, Johann Christian Rosenmüller, finally gave the species its name. Most of the cave bear fossils have been found in Austria and unfortunately during ww1, the Austrians started using earth from caves in order to win phosphate. This process destroyed a lot of the original prehistoric cave environments so that only the cave bear bones remained.
The cave bear itself was absolutely massive. The shoulder height of a cave bear could reach an average of 1,31 meters and when it stood on two legs, it could reach a height of 3,5 meters. It's the largest of all the bear species, slightly larger than the polar bear which is nowadays the largest bear species. A male cave bear could weigh about 600kg to even 1000kg while females are a lot smaller, only about 250kg.
Also the teeth of the cave bear were much larger than those of modern day bear species. This means they probably didn't have a full meat diet as you would expect from a predator of this size. The big molars of the cave bear were used to process a more plant-like diet such as tubers. Some scientists even go as far as saying that the cave bear was a solely herbivory animal. There is some evidence to back this theory up since the isotopes of cave bear bones show low levels of nitrogen-15 which is the usual case in herbivores, the levels of nitrogen inside cave bear remains are about the same as those of the woolly mammoth who also was a herbivory animal.
It is however also possible that perhaps the main diet might have been vegetarian but that they did scavenge cadavers for some meat. Some scientists suggest that the cave bears ate their own kind, the ones that died during hibernation. Judging by bear behaviour in modern times, it is very well possible that the cave bear was mostly vegetarian with occasionally some meat in its diet.
Early humans and cave bears had an interesting relationship with each other that is still not fully understood. An interesting example of this is the discovery inside the Drachenloch cave in Switzerland. Inside this cave, a low wall was found covered with several cave bear skulls. The positioning of the remains suggest a human touch which leads to a theory that early humans such as the Neanderthals worshiped the cave bear in a form of primitive religion. It is however impossible to proof this theory.
The Drachenloch cave isn't the only cave with such a discovery. The famous Chauvet cave has a skull chamber in which a cave bear skull has been placed on top of a rock resembling an altar. This skull has been placed there around 30,000 years ago so it might have been part of a religious ritual of our own species, homo sapiens.
Another strange discovery was made in Regourdou, France. A rectangular pit was found which contained the remains of 20 bears covered by a slap. The pit was located next to another pit which contained the body of a Neanderthal buried there with objects such as a cave bear bone, scrapers and flakes, these are Neanderthal grave offerings and their burial rites might have included the worship of the cave bear.
The Basura cave in Italy has a stalagmite inside that vaguely resembles a cave bear in appearance. This stalagmite is surrounded by cave bear bones which seems to have been dropped here on purpose by Neanderthals for a ritualistic purpose. Yet again we can not be fully certain about this but the fact that several caves have been found with purposefully placed cave bear bones, does suggest that both Neanderthals and us held the cave bear in high esteem.
Unfortunately the cave bear went extinct somewhere around 20,000-12,000 years ago. This is slightly earlier than the extinction of most of the other megafauna such as the woolly mammoth. Scientists believed that the cave bear went extinct because of its diet. Due to climate change, the plants eaten by the cave bears slowly disappeared which meant that the bears themselves also disappeared. It would explain why the cave bear disappeared before the woolly mammoth.
Another theory suggests that overhunting by humans might have been the cause but this seems unlikely. Cave bears were most likely avoided by early hunters, they were simply too dangerous to hunt thanks to their massive size.
An interesting fact to notice is that the species declined rapidly around 40,000 years ago. This is around the same time when modern humans appeared in Europe and Asia. Maybe humans and cave bears were competing with each other on habitats, the caves or it was a combination of both climate change and the arrival of modern humans. Even though the species has sadly disappeared, a completely preserved cave bear cub was discovered last year in Siberia. Maybe some day in the future we can bring the species back, a cave bear would surely be magnificent to behold.
Here are images of: Depiction of a cave bear from the game Far Cry Primal, Skeleton of a cave bear photographed by myself in the Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands, Cave bear skull in the Chauvet cave, Cave bear cub found in Siberia in 2020, A cave bear altar? found in Montespan cave,
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thecoffeeisblack · 4 years ago
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Work in progress underpainting for Ursus spelaeus, also known as a Cave Bear. Cave Bears were among the largest of Ice Age bear species, able to reach heights of 11.5 feet when rearing up on their hind legs, it's shoulder would have come up to an adult human's head, and large male specimens topping the scales at more than 1,300 pounds.
They had a habitat that ranged across Europe and Asia, and despite their fearsome appearance and size mostly fed on a plant based diet. U. spelaeus lived between 250,000 to 24,000 years ago. Their common name of Cave Bear, comes from the fact that many of their remains were found in naturally formed caves, judging from the large number of bones found at some sites, it is thought that they would at least sometimes use these caves as dens.
Recently, in Russia, the remains of what could be the first ever preserved corpse of a fully grown Cave Bear may have been discovered, it was discovered on Bolshoy Lyakhovsky island by a group of reindeer herders. There was also what looks to be the corpse of a preserved cub found on mainland Yakutia. The scientists are hopeful that one or more of these might yield DNA, there has been partial DNA discovered and sequenced from skeletal remains in the past.
**It has been suggested to me that this discovery is very new and it may either be just the remains of a prehistoric Brown Bear or of another species of cave dwelling bear, Ursus deningeri kudarensis, the latter is likely based on the location of these new remains and the previously known ranges of U. spelaeus and U. deningeri kudarensis. In the end, more research is required for a definitive answer.
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diaspora9ja · 4 years ago
Early humans may have survived the harsh winters by hibernating | Science
Bears do it. Bats do it. Even European hedgehogs do it. And now it seems that early human beings may additionally have been at it. They hibernated, based on fossil specialists.
Proof from bones discovered at one of many world’s most vital fossil websites means that our hominid predecessors might have handled excessive chilly a whole lot of hundreds of years in the past by sleeping by means of the winter.
The scientists argue that lesions and different indicators of harm in fossilised bones of early people are the identical as these left within the bones of different animals that hibernate. These counsel that our predecessors coped with the ferocious winters at the moment by slowing down their metabolisms and sleeping for months.
The conclusions are based mostly on excavations in a cave known as Sima de los Huesos – the pit of bones – at Atapuerca, close to Burgos in northern Spain.
Over the previous three a long time, the fossilised stays of a number of dozen people have been scraped from sediments discovered on the backside of the vertiginous 50-foot shaft that varieties the central a part of the pit at Atapuerca. The cave is successfully a mass grave, say researchers who’ve discovered hundreds of tooth and items of bone that seem to have been intentionally dumped there. These fossils date again greater than 400,000 years and had been most likely from early Neanderthals or their predecessors.
Map of Burgos
The location is likely one of the planet’s most vital palaeontological treasure troves and has offered key insights into the way in which that human evolution progressed in Europe. However now researchers have produced an sudden twist to this story.
In a paper published in the journal L’Anthropologie, Juan-Luis Arsuaga –who led the workforce that first excavated on the web site – and Antonis Bartsiokas, of Democritus College of Thrace in Greece, argue that the fossils discovered there present seasonal differences that counsel that bone development was disrupted for a number of months of every yr.
They counsel these early people discovered themselves “in metabolic states that helped them to outlive for lengthy durations of time in frigid situations with restricted provides of meals and sufficient shops of physique fats”. They hibernated and that is recorded as disruptions in bone growth.
The researchers admit the notion “might sound like science fiction” however level out that many mammals together with primates reminiscent of bushbabies and lemurs do that. “This means that the genetic foundation and physiology for such a hypometabolism might be preserved in lots of mammalian species together with people,” state Arsuaga and Bartsiokas.
The sample of lesions discovered within the human bones on the Sima cave are per lesions present in bones of hibernating mammals, together with cave bears. “A method of hibernation would have been the one resolution for them to outlive having to spend months in a cave because of the frigid situations,” the authors state.
In addition they level to the truth that the stays of a hibernating cave bear (Ursus deningeri) have additionally been discovered within the Sima pit making it all of the extra credible to counsel people had been doing the identical “to outlive the frigid situations and meals shortage as did the cave bears”.
The authors study a number of counter-arguments. Fashionable Inuit and Sámi individuals – though residing in equally harsh, chilly situations – don’t hibernate. So why did the individuals within the Sima cave?
The reply, say Arsuaga and Bartsiokas, is that fatty fish and reindeer fats present Inuit and Sami individuals with meals throughout winter and so preclude the necessity for them to hibernate. In distinction, the world across the Sima web site half one million years in the past wouldn’t have offered something like sufficient meals. As they state: “The aridification of Iberia then couldn’t have offered sufficient fat-rich meals for the individuals of Sima in the course of the harsh winter – making them resort to cave hibernation.”
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A museum exhibit of a Neanderthal household, who confronted brutal winters. {Photograph}: Nikola Solic/Reuters
“It’s a very attention-grabbing argument and it���ll definitely stimulate debate,” mentioned forensic anthropologist Patrick Randolph-Quinney of Northumbria College in Newcastle. “Nonetheless, there are different explanations for the variations seen within the bones present in Sima and these must be addressed totally earlier than we are able to come to any life like conclusions. That has not been carried out but, I imagine.”
Chris Stringer of the Pure Historical past Museum in London identified that giant mammals reminiscent of bears don’t really hibernate, as a result of their massive our bodies can not decrease their core temperature sufficient. As an alternative they enter a much less deep sleep often known as torpor. In such a situation, the vitality calls for of the human-sized brains of the Sima individuals would have remained very massive, creating a further survival drawback for them throughout torpor.
“However, the concept is a captivating one which might be examined by analyzing the genomes of the Sima individuals, Neanderthals and Denisovans for indicators of genetic adjustments linked with the physiology of torpor,” he added.
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from Diaspora9ja https://diaspora9ja.com/early-humans-may-have-survived-the-harsh-winters-by-hibernating-science/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=early-humans-may-have-survived-the-harsh-winters-by-hibernating-science
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teddiesbestestpal · 7 months ago
Daikimaru ( Koromaru’s father) sighed the muscular dark reddish brown furred eared and tailed dire wolf beastman with long spiky yet curly dark reddish brown hair and red eyes exclaimed.
He knows no one would be showing up to his birthday except for maybe his son Koromaru.
“ Just another day….” Daikimaru lamented as he went inside the Naganaki Shrine where the usually dark area’s lights are turnt on as Daikimaru couldn’t believe it, it was a party just for him as Grizzlie ( Teddie’s father) Fey ( Morgana’s father) and Daikimaru’s own son Koromaru holding a party whistle blower.
“ Happy Birthday!” They all sing to him as Daikimaru starts to tear up.
“ Guys… I appreciate everything….” Daikimaru earnestly replies.
“ You’re welcome! You deserve the best after all!” Grizzlie the slightly shorter chubby light baby blue furred ursus deningeri bear beastman with a golden zipper on the front of his circular jester ruffle around his neck said handing Daikimaru a piece of the large Tiramisu cake and a fork they made for Daikimaru’s birthday.
“ Thanks….” Daikimaru replied taking a bite out of the cake.
“ Tastes good Eh?” Fey the mainly slim white furred with black accents/ stripes and white tuffs on the side of his face with black stripes through them with turquoise cyan green blue eyes and a black nose sabertooth tiger beastman said wanting to impress the dire wolf.
“ Tastes delicious…” Daikimaru replied feeling Fey’s trimmed nails touching his bicep.
“ Also… can you please take your nails off of my bicep?” Daikimaru asked as Fey huffed.
“ I see… it doesn’t hurt as much as when I fully sharpen my nails” Fey joked as the party went on.
At the end of the party Daikimaru stepped outside.
“ I just want to thank you guys.. for everything you have done for me…” Daikimaru said hugging both Grizzlie and Fey.
“ Heh you’re welcome! I’m always happy to help!” Grizzlie responded hugging back.
“ I always known you were affectionate~” Fey cooed as he leans into the hug making Daikimaru lightly blush hugging the most important men in his life so intimately.
After everyone said their goodbyes Daikimaru headed back to his shrine and picked up the small pup that is Koromaru in his arms.
“ Hey.. you can’t go to bed yet.. you haven’t had your bath” Daikimaru scolded Koromaru as Koromaru licked his face, the night seemingly concluded.
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teddiesbestestpal · 2 months ago
After Daikimaru ( Koromaru’s father) the dark reddish browned furred and long spiky yet curly haired  muscular dire wolf beastman got back into his room in the Naganaki shrine he discovered his piercing red eyes looking towards the items of desire, 
It was Grizzlie ( Teddie’s father) the light periwinkle blue furred Ursus deningeri bear beastman with grey eyes, a ahoge, a zipper around his neck, and a chubby body as he sat naked on Daikimaru’s body 
“ Well well~ I’m bearyyyyyy excited to see you~” Grizzlie says himself chuckling to himself as Daikimaru’s eyes glances over to who’s next to Grizzlie. 
Next to Grizzlie is Fey ( Morgana’s father) the white furred with black streaks/highlights sabertooth tiger beastman with slightly spiky white hair tufts on his head with black streaks on it  with beautiful turquoise cyan blue eyes with aquamarine blue rings in them, trimmed claws a generally skinny and slender body and wearing fancy white lingerie on his legs. 
“ We’re here to congratulate you on being such a good leader~” Fey meows with sexual intent himself as Daikimaru himself looks around the room. 
“ Well my son Koromaru isn’t at the shrine currently right now so..” 
Daikimaru exclaims taking off his clothes showing his muscular and rugged body as well as the x shaped scar on his chest as the action begins. 
“ Oohhhh., Fuck…. So good..!” Daikimaru exclaims as Both Grizzlie and Fey sucks him off gently, their tongues lapping against Daikimaru’s hard erect cock. 
“ Mmmmphh your beary big!” Grizzlie exclaims while sucking Daikimaru off as Fey nods and purrs seductively. 
“ Your such a big boy come.. let me do the honors~” Fey replies himself licking around the edges of Daikimaru’s erect cock as Daikimaru grunts as he climaxes. 
“ Shit…” Daikimaru grunts to himself as he cums all over Grizzlie’s and Fey’s faces releasing himself and his inhibitions as his cock ceases leaking precum, it doesn’t stop Grizzlie and Fey from licking up every last droplet of cum from Daikimaru’s cock though as Daikimaru profusely blushes. 
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teddiesbestestpal · 3 months ago
After defeating the last floor boss of the nexus the beastman men decided to head to a sauna to celebrate. 
After taking off their clothes in the locker room the first one to step into the sauna water is Daikimaru ( koromaru’s father) the  muscular dire wolf beastman with dark brownish red fur, a dark brownish red tail and ears, long spiky yet curly dark brownish red hair, and thick dark brownish red eyebrows, his red eyes are piercing As the x shaped scar on his chest is evident as well as his nipple piercings, he sighs as he enters the sauna water. 
“ Ahhhh yes… this does feel kinda nice..” Daikimaru admits closing his eyes before opening them again sensing somebody is near him. 
with a loud splash Grizzlie ( teddie’s father) jumps into the sauna water, the light baby blue  furred Ursus deningeri bear beastman who is slightly short and chubby with gray eyes and a zipper around his neck and a ahoge on the top of his head.
“ Ahh it was just you Grizzlie..” Daikimaru exclaims sighing in relief. 
“ Yep! It feels nice in here… just what we need after facing that troublesome boss!” Grizzlie responds splashing Daikimaru with water as Daikimaru splashed back. 
“ Though it is strange.. where is Fey?” Daikimaru questions as Grizzlie shrugs. 
20 seconds later the two men hears a voice saying something in French. 
"Bonjour à tous, vous pensiez vraiment que j'allais rater cet événement ? eh bien, je suis là maintenant..." 
( Good  afternoon everybody, you really thought i would sit this event out? well i'm here now..) 
Fey ( Morgana’s father) says himself the skinny and slender sabertooth tiger beastman with white fur with black stripes ( the stripes on his butt slightly being visible) turquoise cyan blue eyes with aquamarine blue rings in them, a white with black stripes tail and is black at the end along with white with black streaks hair tufts along his head with black tiger stripes on the front, he’s still wearing his gold green rings on his fingers his trimmed claws visible, and a water proof fancy grey with cerulean blue diamond pattern robe as he steps into the sauna water.  
“ I forget your French sometimes…” Grizzlie states casually as Daikimaru glares at him causing Grizzlie to sweat and adjust himself out of fear of an angry Daikimaru. 
“ Oh it’s fine I’m glad that your even noticing me~!” Fey replied boisterously as Daikimaru sighs. 
“ Well.. let’s just relax here..” Daikimaru says himself as he takes in the water as Fey joins him putting his hand on his shoulder. 
unbeknownst to them Grizzlie grins putting his hands on both Daikimaru’s and Fey’s bottoms grinning as both of them didn’t  seem  to mind, as the three embraced. 
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teddiesbestestpal · 4 months ago
Daikimaru ( Koromaru’s father) the dark reddish brown furred tailed and haired muscular dire wolf beastman with piercing red eyes, long dark reddish brown curly yet spiky hair and prominent eyebrows along with a x shaped scar on his chest as he wakes up in bed only wearing a dark orangish red fundoshi.
“ I must of overslept..” Daikimaru sighs as he realizes he must have slept through most of the morning and afternoon just by looking at his alarm clock, he cleans himself up and puts on his black morning gown and geta shoes as he heads to the lower part of the shrine seeing his son Koromaru playing with a shoe toy as Daikimaru lightly chuckles, Daikimaru then puts on his cooking apron and prepares lunch for both himself and Koromaru as the aroma of takoyaki and freshly made dog treats fills the room as Koromaru walks towards Daikimaru as he sets the tray on the table.
Grizzlie ( Teddie’s father) a light baby blue furred Ursus deningeri bear beastman that is slightly short and chubby with a ahoge on the top of his head, gray eyes, and a zipper on his neck is currently nude at the boathouse of Kanji’s dungeon in the tv world, since Grizzlie has his persona Take-Minakata he is easily able to take out any shadows as Grizzlie enjoys the bathhouse.
“ Ah.. how wonderful… the water feels beary good on my body!” Grizzlie replies rubbing his body with the soap to his armpits to his butt as he relaxes and cleans himself off.
Fey ( Morgana’s father) sighs, the tall & skinny white furred with black streaks and highlights sabertooth tiger with turquoise cyan blue eyes with aquamarine blue rings in the center with fancy and polished looking fangs white slightly spiky hair tufts with black streaks/ highlights with his tail being white with black stripes on it, as Fey is wearing a blue diamond themed onesie putting his foot on the new weight scale he bought.
“ Ughh… hopefully this scale can remove any fat from my body..” Fey said feeling insecure about his self image as he steps on the weight scale only to fall down crying.
“ Dammit! This is never going to work!” Fey sighs sadly.
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teddiesbestestpal · 5 months ago
As the others entered the Nexus Daikimaru ( Koromaru’s father) the muscular slightly desaturated dark brownish red haired furred eared and tailed with long slightly desaturated brown Spiky yet curly hair dire wolf beastman wearing a grey Yukata with an reddish orange x pattern on it and a dark orangish red Obi, he’s wearing geta shoes with a dark reddish orange string on top.
“ Well well if it isn’t the failure….” A voice said as Daikimaru step into the Coliseum.
“ So you must be… dammit…” Daikimaru replied pulling out his large Fuuma shuriken and throwing it at Shadow Daikimaru as Shadow Daikimaru catches it and sends it back to the real Daikimaru.
“ Remember no weapons are allowed…” Shadow Daikimaru says his yellow eyes glaring at his normal version.
“ Fine by me…” Daikimaru says summoning Anubis as blue shards appeared around him, Anubis the thin and ebony black skinned creature wearing a white and black comedy and tragedy mask with jackal ears and golden trims around the eyes wearing a golden Egyptian pharaoh headpiece a Egyptian robe with fancy ancient hieroglyphics on it and wielding dual golden khopeses ready to fight.
“ Interesting… then let me strike next…” Shadow Daikimaru says summoning his mirror version of Anubis as red shards surround him it was the opposite of Daikimaru’s Anubis having white skin a silver theme and wielding silver khopeses. As the two Anubises fought Daikimaru’s Anubis got the upper hand of Shadow Daikimaru’s Anubis, Slashing him in half with his khopesees with Grace.
As Shadow Daikimaru feels himself fading away he laughs maniacally.
“ This isn’t the last you’ll see of me! As if a flower is wilting…” Shadow Daikimaru says before fading away.
“ Finally it’s over… maybe I can find the other two…” Daikimaru says rushing to find the other two men.
As Grizzlie ( Teddie’s father) the slightly shorter and chubby ursus deningeri bear beastman with light blue baby blue colored fur & gray eyes wearing a white Pierrot ruffle around his neck with a yellow zipper around it with maroon reddish pink stripes around his mascot suit with maroon reddish pink heart shaped buttons on the front.
“… So are you going to say something or?” Grizzlie asks his Shadow Self as Shadow self stays silent.
“ okay Then!” Grizzlie states summoning his persona Take-Minakata as they take out nuclear energy powered bombs from their thighs and the shadow and their mirror persona is destroyed.
Shadow Grizzlie sighs unemotionally as he fades away.
“ That was weird! I mean I’ve already faced my shadow before… and now it can use a persona as well?!” Grizzlie expresses his doubts.
“ Tch your still alive?” Fey ) Morgana’s father) the primarily skinny & thin white furred with black streaks turquoise cyan blue eyes with aquamarine blue colored rings in them sabertooth tiger beastman with a white angular tiger nose with hair tufts that are slightly spiky and mostly white with black streaks & highlights, wearing an light cerulean blue collared shirt with the collars around his neck and having a plaid pattern around them wearing a dark cerulean blue tie with a Diamond pattern on it and the cuffs have a turquoise green Diamond pin on the cuffs, as he wears a dark cerulean blue blazer with cerulean blue pants wearing black suspenders with a turquoise cyan green Diamond pin on the bottom with loafers as Fey wears green gold rings all over his fingers as his nails are black and trimmed.
“ of course I can’t lose to you!” Shadow fey says as Fey grins.
“ Then say hello to hell for me…” Fey grinned as His persona King Midas the mighty buff turquoise cyan green skinned man covered in green gold ornaments with a champion belt saying “KM” standing for King Midas as Midas lays his Stained glass themed claymore into the ground as it created large shards of ice that impales Shadow Fey’s Mirror version of King Midas as he fades away.
Shadow Fey crumbles to the ground unable to stand as he’s starting to glitch.
“ Well any last words other me?” Fey coyly asks.
“ Remember me… when I.. triumph!!!” Shadow Fey starts to tear up his piercing yellow eyes closing completely as he fades.
Suddenly Daikimaru and Grizzlie burst into the colliseum.
“ Fey your okay?!” Daikimaru says hugging Fey as Fey is overwhelm.
“ Yeah…… it just messes me up..” Fey replied.
“ Good! You seemed like the type to scream “ you’re not me!” Or something… Grizzlie responded.
“ I was just laughing my ass off at shadow me.. he’s so funny…… also Dai I didn’t know you were so concerned about me~” Fey says as Daikimaru blushes embarrassed.
“ For no reason….. I-I just wanted to make sure your safe…. That’s all!” Daikimaru blushed.
“ Oh really? You can kiss me tomorrow if you want~” Fey replied.
“ As if I would want to kiss your tuna filled mouth!” Daikimaru retaliated as Grizzlie giggled watching the two men argue, after a long day of fighting banter like this is what the three men needed, Grizzlie walked along as Fey and Daikimaru’s banter continued.
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teddiesbestestpal · 5 months ago
During the sleepover Daikimaru (Koromaru’s father) the muscular slightly dark reddish brown haired eared and tailed dire wolf beastman with long spiky yet curly dark reddish brown hair   and red eyes, wearing only a black muscleshirt his tattoos on his muscular biceps showing. and wearing dark orangish red fundoshi underwear. 
“ Ughhh.. let’s just hurry this up..” Daikimaru groaned to himself. 
“ Heh~ hello!” Grizzlie ( Teddie’s father) said, the chubby slightly shorter  light baby blue furred Ursus Deningeri bear  beastman with gray eyes  and a light baby blue ahoge on top said, his mascot suit having been taken off although the white Pierrot neck ruffle is still around his neck with the yellow zipper on his neck resting on it, his chubby stomach now being on display with him wearing white boxers with  a maroon reddish pink heart pattern on it. 
“ Hello Grizzlie…. I’m at Least glad your here.. Let me guess.. Fey is fashionably late again?” Daikimaru sighs as Grizzlie giggles in response nodding. 
“Yep!” Grizzlie states as the door opens. 
Fey ( Morgana’s father) steps into the room the predominantly  color white furred with black streaks skinny and slender sabertooth tiger beastman with a  color white hair tuft with black streaks that is slightly  edgy with turquoise cyan blue eyes with aquamarine blue colored rings around them  and a angular color white tiger nose wearing cerulean blue briefs with fancy silver  trims around them and  a fleur de lis pattern on it as he’s also wearing lacy black garterbelt leggings and green gold rings on each of his fingers, his black claws are filed down and trimmed and his fangs are nicely polished. 
“ Good evening gentleman.. mind that I join in?” Fey smirks. 
“ Well.. we wouldn’t really have a sleepover if we didn’t invite you” Daikimaru retorts. 
“ Wonderful.. gentleman!” Fey gets into the bed with Daikimaru as Fey’s butlers and henchmen arrive serving the three coffee, tea, and other miscellaneous snacks as Daikimaru groans at how loudly Grizzlie is eating the crackers, after their done eating… 
“ Anything else we should do?” Daikimaru says as Grizzlie abruptly hits him with a pillow. 
“ Ow what the?!” Daikimaru replies as Grizzlie smiles. 
“ Pillow fight! The only strongest survive and the weak die!” Grizzlie retorted beating Daikimaru with an pillow as Daikimaru retaliated grabbing a pillow and started beating Grizzlie with it. 
“ You know what fine! You’re next!” Daikimaru replied his pillow hitting harder because of how muscular he is. 
“ Heh… here i come!” Fey exclaims grabbing a pillow and joining in on the fun, the sleepover lasted the entire night, and each of the men had such a fun time and would do it again if they had the chance. 
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teddiesbestestpal · 6 months ago
At the hotel of lies Daikimaru ( Koromaru’s dire wolf beastman father) the muscular dark reddish brown furred hair eared and tailed with long spiky hair red eyes wearing a grey Yukata with a dark reddish orange x shaped scar pattern on it matching the x scar on Daikimaru’s chest and wearing geta shoes, alongside him are Grizzlie ( Teddie’s Ursus Deningeri bear beastman father) with light baby blue fur with a ahoge on top and gray eyes, with a jester/pierrot ruffle on his neck with a golden zipper on it wearing a maroon reddish pink mascot suit with white stripes on it and heart shaped maroon reddish pink buttons along the outfit as Grizzlie is slightly shorter and chubby and finally Fey ( Morgana’s Sabertooth Tiger beastman father) the skinny and slightly more youthful looking man with white fur with black streaks and fur tuft hair which is white with black streaks, his tail is mostly white with a black streak at the end and his nose is mostly white turquoise cyan blue eyes with aquamarine teal blue rings surrounding them wearing a light cerulean blue collared shirt with the collars around his neck wearing a dark cerulean blue vest with cuffed sleeves with turquoise cyan blue Diamond pins in the center of the sleeves as he’s wearing dark cerulean blue pants a brighter cerulean blue tie with a Diamond pattern on it black suspenders with turquoise cyan blue Diamond shaped pins at the bottom, dark brown loafers and gold green rings around his fingers showing off his trimmed black claws and his fangs are extremely nicely polished.
The Men regrouped now that they have found the hotel keys.
“ Okay.. we got all the keys… time for the final elevator ride…” Daikimaru said stoically
“ Well come on! We won’t go down easily!” Fey replies eagerly.
“ if we go down at least we have each other!” Grizzlie states eagerly as Daikimaru chuckles.
The keys the men have acquired come together to create a larger key as the men walk in to the elevator to the final boss shadow room Daikimaru insets the key into the Elevator keyhole taking them to the next floor, Daikimaru materializing his large fuuma shuriken Grizzlie his dual katars and Fey materializing his signature riding crop as the elevator arrives to the final floor they see the shadow waiting for them, a black silhouette themed shadow of two people lazily combined together with stitches and puppet strings controlling them as they wield violent knives a contrast against the light and cheerful theme of the hotel.
“Let’s do this!” Daikimaru exclaims as the battle starts.
Daikimaru starts off by damaging the shadow by throwing his fuuma shuriken at the shadow slashing it as the shuriken flies back to Daikimaru as he catches it, Grizzlie does some damage to the shadow via his dual katars as Fey contributes by whacking the shadow with his riding crop.
The shadow throws knife projectiles at the others as they dodged as Daikimaru gets infuriated.
“ Okay.. this is enough….. Anubis!” Daikimaru says as his persona appears around him, , a slim yet somewhat ebony color black alien looking creature with jackal ears, a face resembling a tragedy theater mask bright golden eyes with fake eyelashes and a gold pharaoh headpiece with a long grayish sandpaper yellow cloth/robe wrapped around it’s waist with an golden hieroglyphics pattern, it’s fingers long thin and twiddly with puppet strings coming out of each finger, the puppet strings holding golden khopeshes one for each hand, it has long ebony color black stubs for legs with an golden tip at the end.
Anubis starts attacking the shadow with his dual Khopeshes and casting curse and almighty spells on the shadow but Daikimaru quickly realizes it’s not working.
“ Damn it! Can somebody help me?!” Daikimaru exclaims as Grizzlie responds.
“ I’m on it! Take-Minakata!” Grizzlie says as his persona appears around him, a slightly tall but still extremely short slightly robotic maroon reddish pink robotic metallic creature with black dots for eyes and light yellow slightly long cone-like drill horns a heart pattern along his chest area stubby palms with steel fingers as the square shapes from his thighs open up to reveal dual bombs oozing and radiating with nuclear magic energy as the bombs explodes doing significant damage to the shadow but not fatally wounding them as the personas dodge the shadow’s knives, the shadow takes an extra turn as the right hand’s knife becomes enveloped in a red aura as it slashed at Fey.
“ Fey look out!” Grizzlie stated as Fey is slashed, luckily Fey had a healing item and cured himself.
“ Why you!.. come… King Midas!” Fey yells as his persona appears behind him, an tall and imposing muscular & rugged figure with turquoise cyan green blue skin, a light turquoise cyan green blue goatee, wearing an fancy white outfit with white threads showing off his chest area an white king-like cape with black splotches on the side and the inside being an mural of himself, King Midas wears an large saturated turquoise cyan green blue crown with an silverish green border that also acts as a mask obscuring his face, the same jewelry takes the form of a belt around his waist with the letters K.M around it and long white gloves, his boots are white with the same K.M Jewelry wrapped around it, as he wields an fancy stained glass themed claymore sword.
King Midas immediately starts slashing at the shadow with his stained glass themed claymore sword cutting some of the puppet strings making it harder for the shadow to move as Midas casts Bufudyne and Psiodyne on the shadow.
“ Fey you’re a genius!” Daikimaru compliments Fey as Fey smugly grins.
“ Of course I am.. I always know what I am doing!” Fey retorted.
Anubis sends curse magic energy out of his dual golden khopeshes Take-Minakata throws his nuclear magic energy filled bombs and King Midas dramatically plunged his stained glass claymore sword into the ground as layers and chunks of ice appeared around the shadow the personae attacks all merged into one destroying the shadow upon it’s sheer impact, the shadow dissolving into nothingness.
“ We did it we won!” Grizzlie says hugging Daikimaru as Fey joins in on the hug.
“ We couldn’t have done it without each other~” Fey purrs leaning into the embrace as Daikimaru sighs.
“ What would I do without you idiots?” Daikimaru replies.
as the two got out of the embrace they started walking back home.
“ I’m thinking Tuna for dinner!” Fey says.
“ That’s what you always eat for dinner Fey…” Daikimaru sighed.
“ Dai-San don’t get too cocky!” Grizzlie humorously replies.
“ Just be lucky I’m not in my limousine form right now otherwise you’ll be dead where you stand” Fey replied menacingly towards Daikimaru.
“ Never thought I would be intimidated by Fey of all people but I guess that just happen…” Daikimaru exclaims as the three laugh it off heading to their respective homes, Daikimaru to the Naganaki Shrine to see Koromaru, Grizzlie to the TV World to check up on Teddie, and Fey back to his mansion as Morgana was just visiting as their on much better terms now.
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teddiesbestestpal · 6 months ago
As the alarm clock went off Fey ( Morgana’s father) woke up, the snow color white furred with black stripes and streaks a white hair tuft with black streaks with turquoise cyan blue eyes with aquamarine blue rings around his eyes and a generally skinny and lanky body sabertooth Tiger beastman with well groomed fur and well taken care of fangs lays in bed shirtless only in his diamond themed boxers and black garterbelt socks as he yawns waking up.
“ What a night….” Fey sighed as he picked up his phone with a cerulean blue Diamond pattern phone case and a golden trinket phone charm attached to it as he opens up his messages and sees that Grizzlie ( Teddie’s ursus Deningeri bear beastman father) has texted him.
“Hey” Grizzlie text states.
“ Good morning” Fey replies.
Fey gasps as his hands slip with his trimmed claws as he snaps a photo of his boxers and garterbelt socks and accidentally sends them to Grizzlie.
“ Oh shit!” Fey thought in his mind as Grizzlie replies to the photo.
“🍆🍆🍆” Grizzlie replied showing a picture he took of his hard-on in his underwear
“ I didn’t know you would like that~” Fey texts back flirtatiously
“ I’m coming over there stat, make sure you prepare your ass because I’m Beary excited to destroy your ass” Grizzlie texted back as Fey closed his phone blushing.
“ Oh my.. he’s really coming over… I have gotta freshen up!” Fey says rushing to the shower as the rest of his day has begun.
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teddiesbestestpal · 6 months ago
During the morning sun rising in the Naganaki shrine Daikimaru ( Koromaru’s father) the dark reddish brown furred tailed eared and long spiky haired muscular dire wolf beastman with red eyes and is only wearing his dark orangish red Fundoshi as he yawns.
“ W-Where am I?!” Daikimaru says noticing he’s in the living room of Naganaki Shrine sitting on the couch sweating his tired eyes looking around the room.
Daikimaru goes into the bathroom as he sees Grizzlie ( Teddie’s father) the light baby blue chubby furred Ursus Deningeri bear beastman with a ahoge on top with gray eyes and a yellow zipper around his neck wearing only a black speedo snoring.
“ Grizzlie wake up!” Daikimaru yells as the snot bubble coming out of Grizzlie’s mouth pops as he wakes up.
“ Wait?… what happen?!” Grizzlie says freaking out
“ I don’t know! But considering that you are here….. we need to find Fey!” Daikimaru replied as Grizzlie nodded.
The two men ran into the kitchen as they found Fey ( Morgana’s father) the primarily white furred with black stripes and streaks sabertooth Tiger beastman with a white tail a wavy white with black streaks hair tuft with a black end with turquoise cyan blue eyes with a skinny and lanky body wearing dark cerulean blue boxers with a Diamond pattern as well as black garterbelts on, Fey is gleefully eating cereal pouring milk into the bowl licking his lips as Daikimaru and Grizzlie enters the room to Chastise the feline man.
“ Are you really eating cereal at a time like this?!” Daikimaru scolds Fey as Fey groans.
“ I’m with Dai!” Grizzlie retorts.
“ I woke up and I was hungry okay?” Fey responds.
“ Never mind… we have more important matters to address… this must be the work of a shadow” Daikimaru says.
“ How do you even know?!” Fey says surprised at the dire wolf’s intuition.
“ Because I can smell it!” Grizzlie replies.
“ Then it’s settle we’re going to fight it!” Daikimaru said getting out his large Fuuma Shuriken Grizzlie getting out his daggers and Fey his riding crop.
After heading back to naganaki Shrine and taking a shower together the three men climb into bed together.
“ your bed feels extra nice Dai~” Fey says flirtatiously towards Daikimaru as Daikimaru sighs.
“ I agree with Fey! And your body feels nice as well~” Grizzlie coos putting a hand onto Daikimaru’s thigh rubbing it as Daikimaru lightly blushes, embracing the two men as his son Koromaru sat underneath the mattress bed resting.
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teddiesbestestpal · 8 months ago
Daikimaru ( Koromaru’s father) the mostly dark reddish brown furred eared and tailed muscular dire wolf beastman with long spiky yet curly dark reddish brown hair with bushy thick eyebrows with red eyes and an x shaped scar on his chest wearing swimming trunks with an red kanji theme on them and a miniature shimenawa with shine necklace,
He is heading to Fey’s ( Morgana’s father) mansion for a pool party.
He heads to the gates of the mansion as an audio voice is heard.
“ Who are you?” The voice asked.
“ My name is Daikimaru.. you know…”
The voice gets too excited.
“ Ahh! Daikimaru come right in!” The voice says as Daikimaru walks in.
“ Nice to see you~” a smooth and charismatic voice says.
“ Good to see you too, Fey…..” Daikimaru says as Fey ( Morgana’s father) the tall and skinny primarily white furred with black stripes and accents and spiky face tuffs with black stripes and streaks sabertooth Tiger beastman with turquoise cyan green blue eyes being visible underneath his black sunglasses an black nose and only wearing a speedo with an diamond pattern on it as Fey is wearing copious amounts of jewelry bracelets.
“ Good to see you Dai~” Fey says grabbing Daikimaru’s hand and guiding him towards the chairs as Fey sits down, Fey picks up a coconut with a straw.
“ I see that you’re doing fine….” Daikimaru replies.
“ of course I am! My bestest friends are here!” Fey replies, Daikinaru feeling sympathetic since it’s likely Fey doesn’t have many genuine friends.
“ Woo-Hoo! This pool is great Fey!” Grizzlie ( Teddie’s father) states the chubby ursus deningeri bear beastman with baby blue/ periwinkle fur, gray eyes, with an stylized ahoge on top , an light spiky maroon reddish pink star symbol on his right eye and snorkeling googles on his eyes wearing blue indigo periwinkle jammers with an bright maroon reddish pink spot pattern on them as Grizzlie goes back underwater to explore.
“ Thanks..!” Fey grins out of Grizzlie complimenting him.
“ By the Way Fey… I’ve been meaning to ask you… you can turn into a limousine?” Daikimaru says as Fey chuckles.
“ Yes I can….. though I mostly use it if I can’t already use my car… my son Morgana can transform into a vehicle as well.. we’re pretty impressive Eh?” Fey grins desperately trying to seek others validation as usual.
“ Ah I see… let us enjoy this scene…..” Daikimaru says taking a bottle of Sake and drinking it as Fey is drinking out of a coconut.
Grizzlie has lots of fun underneath the pool exploring it and the day went on.
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