#ursula pentiment
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cl0wnesque · 7 days ago
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I finished Pentiment lol. My heart
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j-em-g · 11 months ago
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This game wrecked me so bad man wtf,,,,,
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tacccja · 1 year ago
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one day little ursula gertneryn sees the wild hunt with her own eyes.
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viscerealista · 11 months ago
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My piece for @palimpsestzine 🍊🌿
This zine was one of the most beautiful things I have ever been a part of, and I'm very glad to have had the chance to participate in it alongside so many talented artists. If you haven't checked the complete zine yet, please do! It's pay-what-you-want and all proceeds go to Librarians and Archivists with Palestine; please consider donating if you can! (You can purchase it until the end of April.)
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hikingofthenoldor · 7 months ago
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I was trying to get a feel of what it's like to draw some Pentiment characters and how to best translate them into my style. I feel like for most characters I stayed pretty close to their icons or on screen appearances but some just got rowdy on the page all on their own.
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vinndas · 1 year ago
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PALIMPSEST: A PENTIMENT FANZINE is OUT right NOW! Pay what you want for an amazing piece of fanwork from a lot of dedicated artists and help a good cause! @palimpsestzine
and if you wanna see more than a preview of my piece ;)
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cistota · 7 months ago
The reason why not so many ppl are having kids today is simply evolution.
Let's look at the medieval sources (2022 game Pentiment).
During the middle ages kids were cute:
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and dogs weren't that cute:
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But nowadays their roles reversed. Dogs got cuter and kids less cute. In this video essay I will...
Seriously go play Pentiment it's amazing.
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tyrannustyrannicide · 1 year ago
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Can't believe Andreas would just terrify a child in the middle of the night
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cakemoney · 1 year ago
quick announcement I'm tagging pentiment spoilers (just "pentiment spoilers"). not all pentiment posts just posts that i feel like reveal quite a bit. anyway everyone should play it
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gooseberrily · 2 years ago
@ everyone who's been saying pentiment's message is something along the lines of 'you can love your hardest and give it ur best but everyone still dies and it's all 4 nothing' ...
did U not get endris to meet resi ? 🥺🥺🥺
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doomsayings · 2 years ago
The way I missed so many different things in pentiment bc I just didn’t notice them. During the entirety of act one my friend and I left the entire top portion of the village unexplored so I was literally seeing fanart of werner around like. Who the hell is that
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luceirosdegolados · 1 year ago
"Your decisions don't really matter in Pentiment."
If you show prior Ferenc grace and mercy in act 1 he will in turn show the same grace to Ursula and Vacslav when they need him most.
You can encourage a lonely man to find love.
You can encourage a sad kid to pursue his passion and become the father his own father never was.
I hear that you can also have enough of an impact on Werner for him to actually help someone?
I don't know if I mattered but Andreas and Magdalene sure did matter. They mattered so much to so many.
I am an emotional wreck.
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misskamelie · 4 months ago
I've only had Ursula (Pentiment) for a few hours, but if anything happens to her I'll kill everyone in the abbey and then myself. Just look at her 🥺😭🥺
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t-oki-ompi · 2 years ago
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I like this guy (:
Image description: partially colored digital art of Andreas Maler from Pentiment. The colored part depicts him in his Act One design, standing with his arms slightly spread and a surprised expression. His dialogue reads: "?!"
On the uncolored side, there's a bust drawing of him as he appears in Act Two, seen with a neutral expression. Below, he appears back in his Act One appearance, sitting on the floor and playing patty-cake with baby Ursula. He's grinning widely. End description.
(thanks for bringing it to my attention!)
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rrredgi · 8 months ago
I love how all the kids are drawn in Pentiment and their different animations :( how Ursula baby babbles and comes up to the person who's talking, how Berthold is excited for bloody stories, and Anna's playful capsnatch, and how Paul turns to whispering when talking about drawing :(((
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daisyachain · 10 months ago
Another thing I like about Pentiment is that it sets out an obvious option for each case while keeping it non-conclusive. Ferenc and Guy are two people Andreas personally hates because they step on his toes at work. Your smartass brownnose coworker and your boss who is unfair on your friend. The path that the player is incentivized to take as Andreas is the path that Andreas himself would want instinctively. If you accuse Ferenc and Guy, you probably want them both dead.
Specifically: you have to accuse Ferenc and/or Guy because you want them dead. The evidence for them having done the deed isn’t as strong as for other suspects. Ferenc is weak-willed, and he has some measure of Father Gernot’s protection against any accusations of witchcraft or heresy—his motive is far thinner than the others. Guy’s fumbled magic attempt shows that he’s trying to solve his problem in the most non-confrontational way possible. He won’t even speak to Andreas when he presses him. For a person of Guy’s paradoxical sensitivity, it doesn’t make sense that he’d risk setting off a mob.
This may all just be my inaccurate read on the characters, but I think that Ferenc and Guy are purposefully written as the least likely suspects and the ones the player most wants to choose. In accusing them of the murders, the player/Andreas sends them to their deaths because he wants them dead more than any of the others, not because he thinks they did it. You and Andreas kill somebody because you want them to be killed more than anyone else. Is that not murder?
The story then loops back around to remind you of your choices. Ursula is a key part of the player’s experience in all 3 acts, so it’s not coincidence that her death is linked with the death of the person you’re supposed to accuse. Guy’s consequences are less obvious, but you would feel real bad about killing him if you investigate fully on another game. Jobst’s misbehaviour in Act 3 is maybe the best indicator that you’ve made life worse off by failing to deal with him.
All that is to say—Pentiment deliberately skips the satisfaction of finding whodunit. Beyond that, it shows you how tempting it is to become a murderer and how tangled the consequences of any death can be. That’s not to say that choosing any of the other accused is the right choice, but Ferenc and Guy specifically are people that you’re supposed to want to kill and who you’re supposed to regret painfully once the deed is done. The replay is baked into the game. You’ve fucked up the first round when you see Ursula in flames.
Then, making things even more worse: the logical next step is to kill the person whose death will do the least harm. That’s Ottilia for Act 1, a bereaved woman, and Jobst, Brigita’s only help on the farm, for Act 2 (I think. Don’t know what happens if Hanna dies). Jobst can go either way, but killing Ottilia would feel awful. What then? Do you kill Lucky and widow Agnes? Do you kill Hanna and orphan Killian? By pulling a fast one on you with the obvious answer, the game shakes your belief on every subsequent playthrough. If Ursula died because Andreas didn’t want his friends to die, then what else could happen?
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