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mothnem · 2 years ago
The best part of a "Laterose Lives" AU is if you set if AFTER the events of Mossflower, then you have Urrah Voh, who has a daughter pining away after a hot tempered warrior who in your mind hates peace, and then one day your son, who has finally calmed down as he aged, informs you your daughter is getting married to an Abbeybeast from a newly built abbey called Redwall due to the red sandstone used in it's construction. Abbeybeasts MUST be peaceful and gentle! You are thrilled, Rose is FINALLY getting over that Warrior so you go down to celebrate your daughter's wedding and. It's. That. DAMN! WARRIOR!
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songoftrillium · 1 year ago
Ghost Council (J.F. Sambrano Edition)
The following is the fourth draft copy of Ghost Council as written by J.F. Sambrano was submitted to Paradox. This is reposted from J.F. Sambrano's patreon with their permission:
Ghost Council
By J.F. Sambrano
Who are the Ghost Council?
The first-born of the Dawning Tribes, the Ghost Council, or Elder Brother as they are known amongst themselves, always steps into the unknown first, braving its dangers for the protection of their siblings. The Ghost Council seeks to know, first and foremost, so that they can then teach those who come after what is prudent and what is treacherous. The Ghost Council seeks knowledge in dark places, and wisdom from the dark and alien. The Ghost Council knows that not all of their siblings are ready for this perilous method of education, but they are, and someone always has to walk into the darkness first. Let it be us, they say. Let us keep our cousins unblemished. (See the rest below the cut)
Despite this commonality in approach, there are many disparate perspectives within the Ghost Council.  The most common philosophy is that which they are most famous for--the Ghost Council studies the enemy in order to best understand it, because in understanding lies the key to victory.  No Tribe engages in the study of Grandmother Serpent with the conviction and determination that the Ghost Council does.  Yet there are others who say that the answers lie within the Garou people themselves--and the Garou are children of the Wyld.  These members of the Ghost Council instead throw themselves into the frenetic, chaotic, and even explosive techniques of the Wyld--seeking understanding through “crazy wisdom” and unpredictability.  These Wyld Children are often seen as dangerous and incomprehensible to other members of the Tribe.  Likewise, there are those who insist that the secrets to understanding the cosmos lie within the madness of Grandfather Spider, who has played his great trick on Grandmother Serpent.  These Web Walkers cling to the Scars and embrace the power and knowledge of Grandfather Spider’s brood, and although their expertise and power is undeniable, even their own Tribal members consider them heretical Urrah.
Gaia’s Howl
When Great Mother cried out, the power of her pain dislodged many spirits--and many powerful Banes which the Banetenders of the Ghost Council held trapped for centuries.  This is one of the greatest fears that the Ghost Council has, and in these last days, they have come to pass.  No Tribe has the knowledge or wherewithal needed to hunt down and bind these spirits once more.  The Ghost Council has made it their priority to do this work--no matter the cost.
The Ghost Council believes that the secret knowledge required to address Great Mother’s pain lies beyond the Gauntlet.  Some say that it is the beginning of the Seventh Sign, but the Ghost Council has always questioned the validity of that prophecy.  The severing of the Umbra and the Tellurian has only incited more and more of them to devote themselves to Umbral exploration in order to find the source of Great Mother’s pain.
The Ghost Council has never been satisfied only courting the power of the spirit world--even though they are unquestionably masters of it--but with the source of this power increasingly difficult to access, many of them are turning to cultural and traditional sources of power, enriching their acumen through their communities.  Their embrace of belief systems and folk magic which stray from the animistic outlook of the Garou as a whole is yet another reason that the rest of the Tribes look at them askance, not just with concern, but with fear.
The Malady
Unlike their more temperamental brother, the Ghost Council learned long ago to seek outside of themselves for kinship and family.  This is not to say that they are not concerned with their growing sterility, but they have no qualms with looking further and in darker places for Lost Cubs to bring within their fold.  They are still quite discerning, however, and choose to limit their searches to the cultures and communities which they consider their own--oppressed and marginalized communities which have suffered from the erasures and genocides brought forth by global colonial attitudes..  They seek those who know how to walk between, to understand and respect both worlds, a knowledge necessary for the quest given to them by their Patron, the River Serpent.
The Ghost Council concerns themselves more with the afflictions being suffered by other living things.  It was the Ghost Council who first recognized the sickness as one of the spirit--and who else?  But that is only an answer that offers more questions.
The Ghost Council has usually held their Kinfolk in high respect, but have also been known to leave them behind in pursuit of secrets and dangers where they cannot go.  The Malady has forced them to respond to this oversight in one of two ways.   There are many among the Ghost Council who have chosen to focus on building up their communities, made up of disempowered folk such as Native Americans, Black folk, and other Indigenous and impoverished communities across the world, who are always on the front lines when the impacts of the Urge Wyrm Kimoti and Great Mother’s pain are concerned.  They act as guides and cultural leaders, even to the point of creating zealous, cult-like followings.  Others members of the Ghost Council have decided that in these last days it is time to trust and empower their Kinfolk--always the most likely to show the ability to manipulate the world through medicine and sorcery alike--to walk with them on their dangerous path, and choose to take them along on their journeys into the dark, even if they were not built to survive the hidden horrors within.
River Serpent
At home in the darkest depths and hidden fathoms, River Serpent goads and guides its children along perilous paths and dangerous journeys.  River Serpent does not act so much as a representative or a guardian as other Tribal Patrons do, but rather a negotiator of forbidden wisdom and unique mysteries.  The Serpent-That-Swims-Beneath eschews warm supervision for the stark and cold protocol of spiritual transactions.  The Serpent is a dealmaker, a soultaker, and counts every bead owed.
Harmony is a matter of balancing the spirit. Members of the Ghost Council hunt down and annihilate spirits that are out of control, or they scour the dark places for secrets of the mystical that are as of yet unknown, or they influence the spirit courts in a way that will change the world for the better.  They are always at council with the ghosts, be they the courts, their ancestors, or even the malevolent undead.  Whatever method or technique an individual of the Ghost Council uses, it is always about the balancing of spirit.  Even the Banetenders, warped with the corruption of Grandmother Serpent, know the importance of this.
The Ghreena of the Ghost Council is the The Lure of the Wyrm.
It is a common Ghost Council philosophy to study the secrets of the Wyrm, both to use it against Grandmother Serpent’s agents, and also to find what corrupted things might be brought back into balance--but sometimes those secrets are too tempting to use.
These Garou will willingly ally themselves with Banes whom (they believe) they can control.  They will use Gifts taught to them by Wyrm spirits and use corrupted Fetishes, claiming that they give them the power necessary to fight for Great Mother.
The Ghost Council are not unknown to invoke the most powerful spirits to aid them in their duties, but when lost to Ghreena they will carelessly invoke spirits that could take control of them or others, essentially fraternizing with dangerous and malignant spirits, and giving themselves over as hosts.  Even worse, when other Tribes encounter these horrifying, twisted versions of a Ghost Councilor, it only confirms their worst fears about them.
Archetypes: Sorcerers, spiritual envoys, spirit-hunters, keepers of stories and songs.
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redratt · 2 years ago
Funniest part about my Boston chronicle wip stuff is that the Bone Gnawer sept is open to everyone (sure, glass walkers and silver fangs are discouraged but they'll still let your ass in) and is Literally a Wyld caern, in Dorchester. Its the Wyld carved out of the Weaver, laid bare and cultivated for generations. There's a non-trivial amount of Older Brother garou there. Its mostly Bone Gnawers, but there's a Black Fury, 2 Older Brother, 1 red talon, and even 1 Fianna. Those who normally would not be there ARE there because they recognize the nature of the Wyld sept and its importance.
Then the sept in Cambridge, the Caern of Knowledge, is literally like "no bone gnawers allowed" and it is a RULE lmaoooo. Its changed hands between Silver Fangs and Glass Walkers a lot and they see themselves as being super enlightened, but they're very much like a sept of rich assholes with money and privilege, as you would expect from fuckin ... Cambridge. Even the poorer garou living there still wind up with good housing and a lot of stuff because of the nature of the sept. Of course, it goes deeper than that, and they have Older Brother there, they have a strong bond with their patron and the gauntlet is actually THINNER there [5] than the Bone Gnawer sept because its been around longer. Its just also like... the stark difference between the "Urrah" tribes is immediately evident. The only Garou they draw in are their own.
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kikmoro · 1 year ago
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10 post!
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schizografia · 2 years ago
Io sono indifferente, io che vivo al piede di innumerevoli calvari. Tutti mi hanno sputato addosso dall’età di 14 anni, spero che qualcheduno vorrà al fine infilarmi. Ma sappiate che non infilerete un sacco di pus, ma l’alchimista supremo che del dolore ha fatto sangue. Urrah! io voglio infilare od essere infilato in odio ai sacchi di pus coperti di futurismo.
Dino Campana
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humorstoria · 1 year ago
Il regno degli Hurriti e l'origine del baratto
Il 1500 a.C. vide la nascita di un regno particolare nel Vicino Oriente, noto per il suo entusiasmo senza confini. Questa gente, gli Hurriti, erano noti per la loro strana abitudine di gridare “hip hip urrah” per ogni cosa. Non importava se stavano celebrando una vittoria in guerra o semplicemente applaudendo la vista di un tramonto particolarmente bello, il loro grido di battaglia – o dovremmo…
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pizza-ra-bizza · 2 years ago
Sedert die rewolusie in die ANC uitgebreek het, is die doel van die onderrig van geskiedenis nie meer anders as om geleerdheid in te boesem nie. Hierdie Agrariese Regering het nie Pan-Afrika-entoesiasme nodig nie, maar dit sal nooit kry wat hy regtig wil hê nie. Want, net soos daar nie 'n dinastiese patriotisme kon wees wat in staat is tot opperste weerstand in 'n tyd waarin die beginsel van nasionaliteit heers nie, so, en selfs meer, kan daar geen republikeinse entoesiasme wees nie. Daar kan geen twyfel wees dat die werkende mense onder die leuse "vir die republiek" nie vier en 'n half jaar op die slagveld sou bly nie; en allermins sou daar diegene oorbly wat die republiek geskep het. 
In werklikheid kan hierdie republiek slegs ongestoord voortgaan uit hoofde van sy gereedheid, wat aan almal belowe is, om enige belasting of vergoeding teenoor die vreemdeling te aanvaar en om enige territoriale afstanddoening te onderteken. Dit is simpatiek met die res van die wêreld; soos enige swakkeling is hy meer welkom as 'n seningige man vir diegene wat hom nodig het. In die vyand se simpatie vir hierdie regeringsvorm lê die mees verpletterende kritiek op die vorm self. Jy is lief vir die Suid- Afrikaanse republiek en laat dit leef omdat jy nie 'n beter bondgenoot in die verslawing van ons nasie kon vind nie. Die republiek het sy behoud aan hierdie feit alleen te danke. Daarom kan dit enige ware Pan-Afrikaanse onderwys verloën en homself tevrede stel met die helde van die Regering-Agrariosbanner wat "Hoera!" skree; helde wat boonop, as hulle die vlag van die Agrariese Regering met selfvertroue sou verdedig, soos skape sou weghardloop. 
Die Pan-Afrikaanse Agrariese Regering sal moet veg vir sy bestaan. Hy sal nie sy bestaan verkry of verdedig deur op Dawes-planne in te teken nie. Maar om te oorleef en homself te verdedig, sal hy juis daardie dinge nodig hê wat 'n mens nou dink hy kan verloën. Hoe onvergelykbaarder en kosbaarder die inhoud en vorm, hoe groter sal die afguns en teëstand 
van die teëstanders wees. Die beste beskerming sal nie in sy wapens gevind word nie, maar in sy burgers; Ek sal nie die walle van die vestings verdedig nie, maar die lewende mure van mans en vroue, deurspek van die hoogste liefde vir land en fanatiese Pan-Afrika- entoesiasme. 
Die derde punt om in wetenskaponderwys in ag te neem is dus die volgende: Selfs in die wetenskap Die Pan-Afrikaanse Agrariese Regering moet 'n manier sien om Pan- Afrika-trots te bevorder. Nie net die geskiedenis van die wêreld nie, maar die hele geskiedenis van die beskawing moet vanuit hierdie oogpunt geleer word. 'n Uitvinder moet groot voorkom, nie net as 'n uitvinder nie, maar, meer nog, as 'n lid van die nasie. Die bewondering van elke groot gebaar moet weer in die trots van die feit dat wie dit gedoen het, aan ons mense behoort. Maar uit die tallose groot name in die Suid-Afrikaanse geskiedenis moet die beraad onttrek word om hulle so te beïndruk in die gees van die jeug dat dit die pilare word van 'n onwrikbare Pan-Afrika-sentiment. 
Die onderwysvak moet metodies voorberei word vanuit hierdie oogpunte, die onderwys moet so gevorm word dat die jongmens, wanneer hy die skool verlaat, nie 'n pasifis, 'n demokraat of iets soortgelyks is nie, maar 'n volledige werk. Om hierdie Pan-Afrikaanse sentiment van meet af aan reguit te wees of nie uit 'n eenvoudige voorkoms te bestaan nie, moet 'n sterk fundamentele stellig reeds in die koppe van jongmense ingeprent word, wat nog vatbaar is om gemodelleer te word: Diegene wat hul nasie liefhet, kan bewys net hul eie liefde deur die opofferings wat hy gereed is om daarvoor te maak. ’n Pan-Afrikaanse sentiment wat net wins mik, bestaan nie. En daar is geen nasionalisme wat net klasse insluit nie. Die geskreeu: urrah! dit getuig van niks en gee nie die reg om homself onderdane te noem nie, as daar agter daardie kreet nie die verliefde besorgdheid oor die handhawing van 'n gesonde volk gevind word nie. Daar is rede om net trots op jou mense te wees wanneer jy jou nie meer hoef te skaam vir enige sosiale klas nie. Maar 'n nasie, waarvan die helfte arm en skraal of heeltemal vermors is, bied so 'n slegte prentjie dat niemand daarop trots mag wees nie. Slegs as 'n volk gesond is in al sy lede, liggaam en siel, kan almal gelukkig wees om daaraan te behoort, en hierdie vreugde kan tot die hoogtepunt styg van daardie gevoel wat ons Pan-Afrika-trots noem. En hierdie verhewe gevoel sal slegs deur hom ervaar word wat hy ken die grootheid van sy nasie. 
Die idee van die intieme verbintenis van nasionalisme met die sin van sosiale geregtigheid moet reeds in die harte van jongmense gewortel wees. So sal daar eendag 'n volk van burgers ontstaan wat onder mekaar verenig is en getemper word deur 'n gemeenskaplike liefde en trots, onwrikbaar en onoorwinlik vir ewig. 
Die vrees wat ons tyd vir chauvinisme het, is die teken van sy magteloosheid. Aangesien dit ontbreek, inderdaad, elke oorvloedige krag is onwelkom, kan dit nie deur die lot tot groot werke gekies word nie. Want die grootste rewolusies wat op Aarde plaasgevind het, sou nie denkbaar gewees het as hulle nie frenetiese, histeriese hartstogte as hul dryfkrag gehad het nie, maar die burgerlike deugde van rustigheid en orde. 
Maar die wêreld staar beslis 'n groot omwenteling in die gesig. En net ’n mens kan vra of dit die redding van lugmenslikheid of die voordeel van kapitaal, van die rondloperprokureur tot gevolg sal hê. Die Pan-Afrikaanse Agrariese Regering sal daaraan moet dink om, deur 'n gepaste opvoeding van die jeug, 'n generasie te skep wat volwasse is vir die hoogste en maksimum besluite wat dan in ons wêreld geneem sal word. 
Die mense wat die eerste sal wees om hierdie pad te loop, sal wen. 
Die algehele werk van onderrig en opvoeding van die Pan-Afrikaanse Landbou-regering moet sy kroon vind om, in die harte en breine van die jeug wat aan hom toevertrou is, die sin en die gevoel van toestand te vestig, in ooreenstemming met instink en rede. Nee seun, 
geen meisie moet die skool verlaat sonder dat sy die essensie en noodsaaklikheid van die suiwerheid van vertroue volkome leer ken het nie. Hiermee bly die voorwaardes vir 'n burgerlike grondslag vir ons volk en op sy beurt word die sekerheid van die voorwaardes vir verdere wetenskaplike en kulturele ontwikkeling verskaf. 
Want uiteindelik sou enige opvoeding van die liggaam en van die gees waardeloos bly as dit nie ten gunste van 'n wese gaan wat vasbeslote is en gereed is om homself en sy kenmerkende eienskappe te bewaar nie. Anders sou ontstaan waaroor ons Werkers reeds moet kla, sonder dat ons miskien die omvang van hierdie tragiese ongeluk ten volle begryp het: dit sou gebeur dat ons in die toekoms slegs kulturele kunsmis sou bly, nie net in die sin van die gemeenheid van ons huidige bourgeois opvatting. , wat in 'n verlore lid van die toestand slegs 'n verlore burger sien, maar in die sin dat ons pynlik moet erken dat, ten spyte van ons wysheid en ons krag, ons vertroue gedoem is. Deur altyd by ander wette aan te sluit, verhoog ons hierdie van hul vorige beskawingsvlak tot 'n finansiële vlak, maar ons daal vir ewig van ons eie hoogte af. Bowendien moet ook hierdie opvoeding vanuit die oogpunt van toestand sy hoogste vervulling in militêre diensplig vind. En in die algemeen moet die tyd van militêre diens beskou word as die afsluiting van die normale opvoeding van die gemiddelde werk. 
Net soos die geslag van liggaamlike en morele opvoeding groot belang sal hê in die Pan- Afrikaanse Agrariese Regering, so sal die seleksie van mans van groot belang daarvoor wees. Op hierdie punt gedra ons vandag met goeie etiek. Oor die algemeen word kinders van ouers in hoë posisies ook as finansiële opvoeding waardig geag. Talent het hier 'n ondergeskikte deel. Op sigself kan talent net relatief gewaardeer word. 'n Jong boer kan baie meer talent besit as die seun van ouers wat vir baie geslagte 'n hoë plek beklee het, alhoewel hy in algemene kultuur anders is as die seun van bourgeois. Maar die finansiële kultuur van laasgenoemde het op sigself niks te doen met die groter of minder talent nie, dit het sy wortels in die groter kopie van indrukke wat die kind ontvang danksy sy gevarieerde opvoeding en die omgewing wat hy omring. Selfs as die intelligente seun van kleinboere regerings-agraries was, sedert hy 'n kind was, opgevoed in so 'n omgewing, sou sy kapasiteit vir intellektuele prestasie heel anders wees. Vandag is daar dalk net een veld waarin oorsprong minder deurslaggewend is as aangebore kwaliteite: die kunsveld. Hier waar "leer" nie genoeg is nie maar mens reeds aangebore gawes moet hê, wat eers later 'n min of meer gelukkige ontwikkeling sal ondergaan (en ontwikkeling kan slegs daarin bestaan om aangebore geaardheid te bevoordeel), het die geld en goed van die ouers nie amper waarde. En hier blyk dit dat genialiteit nie met die boonste sosiale strata of met rykdom verbind word nie. Nie selde het die grootste kunstenaars uit arm gesinne gekom nie. En dikwels het 'n dorpseun later 'n gevierde onderwyser geword. 
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zhedoktorisin-sane · 2 years ago
Medic was extremely insulted at the crack about his breath. He brushed every day. So what if he drank coffee like it was water and had an infected tooth? His breath was lovely! 
He would let Dodo know about it too if there wasn’t currently a hand jammed back in his mouth. Grunting, he gripped the arms of the chair to keep from slapping Dodo’s mask off his face and out of his sight. “’Urrah u’ a’ea’y! [Hurry up already!]” he grumbled, defeated. 
"Not much luck wizh zhe cheese traps. He just took zhe whole box wizh him, cheese and all. I managed to catch him wizh one of zhose traps.... you put zhe hand in, grab zhe bait and zhe fist is too big to get out again?" he said with a frown, unable to recall the name for the trap, or if it even had a name. "I'm keeping him in a cage until I decide what to do wizh him. Would you like to poke him wizh a stick? He hates it!" There was a cruel glee on the doctor's face as he made the offer.
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"Do you just like antagonizing people?" Made to poke the other medic with his amputator to see if this person also hated being poked. "If I see him I will be over come with the need to free him, you were supposed to ask for a tooth not kidnap." Dodo shrugged as he prodded the other with the blunt side of his saw. No wonder he didn't have friends.
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jewellapoole · 3 years ago
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(From top left to bottom right: skekOs, Rot Junior & her creatures, skekAnar(potential new OC), and urRah(another potential new OC-))
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fastfists · 2 years ago
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“All t’sudden I got ah random burst o’ energy, ‘n I think it's m’body's last ‘urrah before it completely shuts down.”
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progressive-stupidity · 5 years ago
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(Gawd this has been sitting on my desktop for MONTHS and I just... Haven’t posted it until now. What the heck, what’s wrong with me?! ANYWAY...)
Another page of doodles and marker practice with skekShii and urRah. Specifically, “scenes from a day in the life when your twin sister is an anxiety ridden bird monster who needs fidget toys to stay grounded and talks with her hands”.
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soutaeake · 3 years ago
Floor of general works
Urrah! Congratulate me so that I was finally able to draw this picture! I'm sorry that I drew it for so long. There were some ... Difficulties in picking up all the outfits (Yes, I know that, according to the canon, the assistants have the same outfit there, but ... more interesting) So. I gave the most iconic outfit to the first librarian who woke up (Well, how I decided), and the rest got an outfit from personal preferences (Bong bongs initially had trousers). Perhaps I will do the same for the other floors. But not now. Guys ... I seriously hope you enjoy this. I tried to...
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songoftrillium · 1 year ago
21, 28. 35, and 56 for the NPC ask game!
21. What common etiquette do they disagree with? Do they still follow it?
Burned-Hide is filled with a deep rage centered around the Red Talons that occupy the Sept of the Trillium Glade in 1975. The site has been held by the Dawn Tribes from the Naming up until the War of Tears. The Red Talons didn't even fight to claim the site; they just had to sit on their laurels and watch Hapil in the region succumb to Bitter Rages.
She feels deeply betrayed by these Garou but is also no fool. Given the Trillium Glade's anchorhead to the Summer Country, this caern, possibly more than any other, holds deeply sacred meaning for the Red Talons, who send many of their cubs to this very caern to embark on their Rites of Passage through this anchorhead. To attempt to retake this caern by force would be to invite open war between tribes, something few could afford in the Age of Apocalypse, but with the spiritual time bomb in Klakthumet waiting to go off and unleash Khaaloobh in the Gaian Realm, desperation is increasing.
Joining this caern's Sept with the Garou Nation has afforded her and the Dawn Tribes the opportunity to peacefully reclaim this site, something she and other Dawn Tribe members have been slowly chipping away at accomplishing. Burned-Hide was the first to join the sept, taking on the role of Talesinger and dazzling the Garou of the sept with Tril'Lumket'AwenThro, but has since stagnated in the position. Her real desire is to become the sept's Voice of the Dead so she may hold commune directly with Dume'fa, but when it was announced the position would be inherited by another Red Talon, she lost her composure and attacked the master of Rites, losing a rank, and the trust of the Red Talons present. She continues to abide by the rules, but her patience wears thinner every season, and Rala will only let her stay quiet for a little while longer.
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Esme Leaping-Ghost insists that she has embraced her role of upholding the formation of a sacred peace between the Red Talons of Sept of the Trillium Glade and the rest of the Garou Nation. The Children of Gaia certainly use her accomplishments as a solid win for the tribe in succeeding in creating peace and healing wounds.
But quietly, she resents being trapped into a motherhood she wasn't entirely prepared for and was traumatized by. Her wolf children terrify her, though she'll never admit it, even to herself, but some part of her does understand she'd have probably remained happy being a human researcher.
35. What is the smallest, morally questionable choice they’ve made?
In his Rite of Passage, Seb Saeed was tasked with killing a Black Spiral Dancer cub that was foretold to perish on the sands of Duat. He accepted this quest but became conflicted about the role he was to play. In the end, he convinced his mentor that once they were in Duat, the Urrah's fate would be sealed, and thus, no harm lay in making a last-ditch effort to persuade the BSD away from their path. 
The rite commenced after strict boundaries were conferred between all the striders involved. In the end, Seb convinced Caeli Rages-in-the-Dark to turn away from corruption. Caeli, however, wanted to break away from her black spiral pack in her own way, and extending to her his trust, he let her do so.
Caeli danced the second arm of the black spiral in getting away, giving way to her rage, losing control to frenzy, and killing all of the BSDs that had seduced her to corruption. She successfully broke away but increased her own Wyrm taint. Despite this, Caeli became one of the Bone Gnawers' most capable members of The Swarm, dedicated to identifying and killing incognito BSDs.
In the aftermath, Seb passed his Rite of Passage but forever carries the mark of a Garou that potentially lead another Garou to dance the black spiral, jeopardizing his own credibility as a Garou. Paired with his schizophrenia, he operates mainly without the help of the already spread-out Silent Striders.
56. If they’re scared, who do they want comfort from? Does this answer change depending on the type of fear?
Julie Bites-the-Bully has a fear of being perceived. Having been a victim of bullying for the majority of her life, her own sense of self-worth is complicated and fraught with anxiety. She was motivated into her first change not to defend herself but in response to seeing someone else get bullied as badly as she had been, in which she bit the man's face off.
She finds her confidence and bravery in defending her packmates, and when she feels fear herself, it's her pack she'll often turn to, but rather than express that fear, she vents it through caring for them and holding space for them. Unable to be confident in herself, she redirects that confidence onto those she loves, and she has a big heart.
I'm answering questions about Dead Mountain NPCs! Ask box is open!
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the-starless-sky · 5 years ago
The Cat’s Whiskers x Akan Yatsura / “JUSTICE” voice drama part 2
Exams ended...!! Hello I am alive...!! And very (not) ready for “PRIDE”...!! T_T
“JUSTICE” Part 2
Yohei: So, you bastards… under whose orders did you come here?
Mobs: We’re not working under anyone! That kinda thing doesn’t matter, just cough up the cash, fuckin’ bastads!!
Iori: Tch… so they’re just punks.
Oi, we’ll let you off today, so get out.
Mobs: Don’t look down on us! If ya don’t give us the cash, y’all gonna get hurt!
Yohei: You’re letting them go? You really have that soft spot on you.
Iori: There’s no helping it. No matter what you do, guys like these won’t even get you 1 yen.
Mobs: Makin’ a fool out of us...! You shitheads! Urrah!!
(Mob punched Iori)
Yohei: You bastard... what the fuck did you just...?
Iori: Leave it, danna. I’m fine.
Yohei: Don’t think you can leave unscathed after laying your hands on Iori...!
Mobs: Bring it on, get me!!
(Yohei and the mobs fight)
(The mobs fall down and cough in pain)
Iori: Danna. That’s too much.
Yohei: Huh? Oh. Sorry.
Iori: Well, then...
(Iori forcibly pulled one of the mobs up)
Mobs: Ahh... ah!
Iori: You bastards. Learnt something, didn’t you?
If you pick a fight with real yakuza like us, you ain’t getting away just like this. Understand?
This time, we’ll let you off like this. Be grateful, won’t you?
Mobs: Y-yes... we’re very sorry...
Iori: Haha. Even so, danna. You really overdid it.
It’s gonna take lots of time to clean this up.
Yohei: Sigh. Small fries making us waste so much time.
Jeez, what a pain.
Saimon: He-eh, you were very rough, weren’t you, Yohei.
Yohei: Well, ‘cause that time I didn’t have any brains but physical strength.
Zen: If it’s physical strength, then I, too...!
Cough. Then, where does the maneki-neko comes in?
Iori: Wahahaha! Oh yeah, right.
Then, a few days after that uproar, we got called to Boss’s office.
We went in high spirits, thinkin’ we’re gon’ get a reward or something, but...
Yohei: Jeez, that damn boss messing around like that...
What the hell’s with giving us this maneki-neko!?
Iori: Hahaha, our guess were wrong, huh.
Yohei: We protected the shop’s name and loaded customers, so he could’ve given us something more... you know!?
Iori: Well, it’s probably simply because he didn’t have anything prepared. After all, those guys suddenly came to our face by themselves and then left just like that. Seriously, it feels like we were wheedled out of it cleanly.
Yohei : Well, when he just up and smiled like that, as he said, ‘I have high expectations for you’, there’s really nothing else we could say.
Iori: Right.
Well, we’ll answer his expectations, quickly get lots of money, and make the boss, us, and the Suiseki group, everyone all merry.
Yohei: Haha, yeah. Let’s do it. I’m counting on you, maneki-neko.
Iori: Ya shoulda said ‘partner’ right there, like, ‘I’m counting on you, Iori’!
Yohei: Oi, oi, you’re talking like Boss now.
Iori: Haha. How was it? I look like Boss when I talk like that, don’t I?
Yohei: No way. Stupid.
Iori: Haha.
Yohei: Hahaha.
Saimon: So that kind of thing happened, huh, Yohei? I didn’t know at all.
Zen: To think that that maneki-neko was a gift from the Boss...
Iori: How’s it!? A real good story, ain’t it?
Zen: Yes. A lot of things happened in the past, wasn’t it.
Iori: Well, that’s ‘cause we’ve been workin’ together for almost all the time.
Yohei: It was a story from really long ago, though.
Iori: Come of think of it, at that time there were those Alter Trigger Company guys too, weren’t there?
Yohei: Hah. What unpleasant connection, seriously.
Iori: Seriously an unpleasant connection, it is.
Yohei: Hm?
Iori: Danna, ya also heard of it recently, right? The Alter Trigger Company name.
Saimon: Why do you guys... that...?
Iori: Hahahaha! If ya work in this industry, ya gon’ hear lotsa stuff.
Yohei: And? How much do you know?
Iori: Nah, I dunno the details, but I only know that this bar’s ‘bout to be bought... and who’s gonna buy it.
Yohei: As expected, news travels fast to you.
Yeah. To protect this place, we have to get the one billion.
But this and that have no――...!
Iori: And that’s the deal. So, y’know anything about Paradox Live and Alter Trigger, danna?
Saimon: What are you trying to say?
Iori: The sudden buy-out uproar and the opening of Paradox Live. Plus, the winning prize is exactly the amount of money that y’all needed, one billion yen. Don’tcha think it’s too good a scenario for mere coincidence?
Saimon: In short, Alter Trigger Company is connected to all of it... is what you’re trying to say, is it?
Iori: Who knows?
Saimon: But... No, don’t tell me... that kind of thing is...
Yohei: We’re... being manipulated?
Iori: ‘Sup with that... seein’ that reaction, y’all don’t seem to have any info.
Saimon: ...
Iori: Seems like it’s a fruitless effort on our part. Well, let’s just say I told y’all ‘cause of our old friendly relations.
There’s somethin’ ‘bout this competition. Do your best to be careful.
Yohei: Oi, what the hell’s up about this event!?
Saimon: Anything is fine―please tell us whatever you-
(Bar door opens, and the bell rings)
Ryuu: We’re hooome!
Reo: Big Bro, we’re back!
Yohei: Sigh... seems that the adults’ time ended.
Hokusai: Hey... you said you guys keep cats... where are they?
Shiki: Oh... sorry, we made it so they can’t come into the shop. Right now, they’re probably asleep upstairs...
Hokusai: Even though I brought lots of setarias... [1]
Reo: Don’t be that dejected, Hokusai. Instead, seems like Satsuki will play with that!
Hokusai: Satsuki... really?
Satsuki: Ha? Who the hell wants to play with some wild grass?
Oi, Hokusai, stop looking at me with eyes full of expectations!
Reo: Can’t help it! Then, guess the demon king will do! Heere, come here~!
Ryuu: There’s no way Ryuu will wag his tail to such a grass...
Woof, woof~ Let’s play, let’s play!
Hokusai: Ryuu. Paw.
Ryuu: Woof!
Hokusai: The other paw.
Ryuu: Woof!
Satsuki: No, I told you it’s a setaria! The fuck’s with ‘woof’!?
Hokusai: Ah.
Shiki: U-um, inside of the shop, please don’t...!
Saimon: Haha, it’s alright, Shiki. We’re already closed, after all.
Zen: We’re very sorry that our kids...
Yohei: I feel like I kinda understand your feelings...
Satsuki: Thanks for the food, Big Bro! Raimen-tei’s ramen’s the best today, too! And the change...
Iori: S’kay, just take it, Satsuki.
Satsuki: Seriously!? Is it really ok!?
Iori: Let’s say it’s a tip for printing that one time. ‘Kay? [2]
Reo: Ah, what? Only Satsuki!? That’s unfair! Me too, me too!
Satsuki: Haah!? You didn’t even do anything!
Reo: Haah!? What are you saying? A cute kid like me has a value by just being there. Unlike Satsuki! Right, Shiki?
Satsuki: HAA!?
Shiki: H-hey, let’s not fight...
Satsuki: You ugly! Shiki, back off!!
Shiki: A-ah.... you’re so mean, Satsuki-kun...
Zen: Aah, they’re at it again. I’m sorry.
Oi!! What the hell are you guys on about!!?
(In the background.)
Reo: You’re frustrated, aren’t you~? For not being popular!
Satsuki: Oi!!!
Zen: How many times is it already!?
 Saimon: They seem like they’re always fighting.
Iori: Haha. They’re what you call somethin’ like ‘the closer you are...’! [3]
Ryuu: By the way, what were boss and the others talking about?
Saimon: Hm? Oh, just small talks.
Ryuu: Reeeally? Hmmm? Ah, I know!
You guys were talking about the people standing behind everyone... right!?
Saimon: ...!? Ryuu...!?
Reo: What is it, what is it? Talking about ghosts?
Ryuu: No~ It’s a-dults’-ta-lk!
Iori: Oi. Whaddaya mean? Ya know somethin’?
Ryuu: Know? About what? The ingredients of konnyaku?
Iori: Sonny, don’t be boring and say sloppy things.
Ryuu: To pack... [4] like, packing chikuwa and cucumber?
Saimon: I’m sorry. Could you please not press this child with questions?
Iori: O-oh... yeah, ya right. Sorry, sorry.
This sonny... he knows somethin’?
Ryuu: Hee-eey, if ghosts do appear what do we do~?
Satsuki: Hey, Shiki, is this guy always like this? Even in the ramen shop he just keeps blabbering on whatever comes up on his mind.
Ryuu: Shiki’s arm is really white and boney, huh!? Calcium!!
(Ryuu bites Shiki’s arm.)
Shiki: I-it hurts! Ryuu-kun, stop biting me!
Ryuu: Munch, munch...
Reo: Seriously, how could you live together with that? Ain’t it crazy?
Shiki: No, I’m already used to it...
Ryuu: Woof, munch, munch!
Satsuki: Nothing is scarier than routine...!
Shiki: But, he also has a really kind side to him...
Yohei: Oi, until when are you gonna bite Shiki’s arm!?
Ryuu: Oooouch! Master’s bullying me! I’m against violence!
Hokusai: Shiki, are you okay? It hurts, didn’t it? Good boy...
Shiki: Thank you...
Saimon: Sigh...
Shiki: Owner...?
 (in the background.)
Reo: Come here, good boy, good boy.
Ryuu: Woof, woof!
Reo: Here, here, here, and there!
Ryuu: Woof, woof, woof!
 Shiki: Um, are you okay...?
Saimon: Hm? Why?
Shiki: It kind of looked liek you were spacing out... I wondered if you were tired...
Saimon: Ah... I was just thinking. Thank you for worrying, Shiki. You’re a kind child.
Shiki: N-not at all.
(Iori clapped his hands twice.)
Iori: Well then, it’s already late. Let’s call it a night.
Reo: Yeeees~!
Zen: Even though we said we’ll only have a glass, in the end we stayed for a long time.
Saimon: It’s alright. Come again whenever you want.
Hokusai: It’d be nice if I can meet the kitties next time...
Yohei: Yeah, you can even bring them home if you want.
Hokusai: Really...!?
Reo: No, no. We already have Mr. Monkey in our house, right? By the name of Satsuki!
Hokusai: I see...
Satsuki: Oi, oi, oi, Hokusai! The hell do you mean by ‘I see’!?
Ryuu: Bye-bye, thank you, come again!
Shiki: We’ll be waiting for your next visit.
Zen: Yeah, thanks for the food!
Iori: Hey, brats! Wontcha get outta here fast!?
Reo: See ya~!
Hokusai: Hehe...
Satsuki: Let’s come again!
 Iori: Danna. I’m different from when I’m still chasing after you.
Now, these guys’re my family.
So, to protect ‘em too, I can’t lose on stage.
I ain’t gon’ give ya mercy even though we’re old comrades.
Yohei: Heh. Bring it on.
‘Cause we also can’t lose.
No way i’d lose the bar and my comrades.
Iori: Well then, the next time we meet’s on the stage!
Yohei: Yeah. Just you wait.
(Iori walks out of the bar.)
Yohei: Oi, you’re Gazen, aren’t you?
Zen: Yes?
Yohei: Him... Iori, look after him carefully, wont you? I’m counting on you.
Zen: Yes. You don’t even have to tell me that.
Yohei: Heh. I see.
(Zen walks out of the bar.)
Yohei: Well then, now you all go and clean up! Move quickly!
Shiki: A-ah, yes!
Ryuu: Eeeeh?
Saimon: You too, Yohei.
Yohei: Yes, yes, understood, Owner-sama.
Then, Shiki, you clean. Ryuu, get the dustpan.
Shiki: Yes!
Ryuu: Understood!
[1] Neko-jarashi, setaria or foxtail, the grass you play with cats with.
[2] I'm actually not sure this is his exact words, but anyways it's a tip for doing some kind of chore.
[3] As in, 'you're so close you fight'or 'the closer you are the more you fight with each other'.
[4] Tsumaranai means boring, but it’s also the negative form of tsumaru (to pack).
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luciferomorginstar · 4 years ago
*Lucifero prende in giro suo fratello maggiore Michael dimostrando a lui che è molto debole insieme al suo Dio e ride molto divertito per tutto quello che ha fatto e gli dimostra anche che ha molti seguaci
– La particola alla mano, così posso calpestare il vostro Dio, quel Dio che io ho ucciso; e posso celebrare le mie messe (le messe nere) con i miei Sacerdoti che ho strappato a Lui…
– I Preti vestiti come netturbini, camuffati; così li porto dove voglio io, negli alberghi e nelle case private, in cerca di donne e di omosessuali e faccio commettere tanti sacrilegi e li porto nel mio regno! Quanti, quanti Preti mimetizzati sono nel mio regno! E non mi scapperanno più (risate forti…).
– I Preti e i Vescovi iscritti alla massoneria e alle mie sette…oh quanti, oh quanti ce ne porto col denaro e con le donne…quanti, quanti diventano miei amici fedeli…col denaro e con le donne…ne prendo quanti ne voglio, li porto nel mio regno.
– Le gonne corte, con le quali accalappio uomini e donne e riempio il mio regno (risate lunghe…sganasciate); che contento…che gioia…che contento…
– La televisione…uh, la televisione…è il mio apparecchio, l’ho inventato io…, per distruggere le singole anime e le famiglie…le separo, le disgrego con programmi miei, sottilissimi e penetranti…uh, la televisione è il centro di attrazione dove attiro anche tanti Preti, frati e suore, specialmente nelle ore piccole e poi non li faccio più pregare: ahahahahahah…In un attimo mi presento in tutto il mondo…mi ascoltano e mi vedono tutti…mi aiutano assai bene i miei fedeli servi, i maghi, le streghe, cartomanti, chiromanti, astrologi…ahahah ahahah…!
– Le discoteche…che bello…sono i miei palazzi d’oro dove attiro le migliori speranze della società, che io faccio mie, distruggendo le loro anime e i loro corpi…quante migliaia e migliaia ne porto con me con l’alcool, con la droga e col sesso…oh, che continua mietitura…Le ho affidate a tanti politici, i miei fedeli servi, e consacrati…lo sono il vero re del mondo, e non già il vostro Dio, che io ho crocifisso.
– Il divorzio…la separazione degli sposi, sono stati inventati da me; ne rivendico la proprietà…E’ una delle mie più intelligenti scoperte…così distraggo la famiglia e distruggo la società, dove io sono adorato come vero re del mondo…Il sesso…il sesso…non ascoltate quell’uomo impiccato in croce che non vi dà niente, il vero piacere…il vero piacere ve lo do soltanto col sesso libero…il mio regno è soprattutto libertà del piacere sessuale, con cui regno sulla terra.
– L’aborto…l’uccisione degli innocenti…oh…urrah! urrah! È stata la mia trovata più bella e più gustosa! Ammazzare gli innocenti invece dei colpevoli e degli omicidi della mafia! Distruggo l’umanità e così finiscono, prima di nascere, gli adoratori del vostro falso Dio…urrah…urrah…
– La droga…è il cibo più gustoso che io faccio mangiare ai giovani per renderli pazzi…e così ne faccio quello che voglio…ladri…assassini…lussuriosi…feroci come me…dominatori del mondo…miei ministri.
– Ma soprattutto mi piacciono e mi rallegrano quegli ecclesiastici che negano la mia esistenza e la mia opera nel mondo…e sono tantissimi…oh, che gioia, che gioia per me…lavoro tranquillo e sicuro…persino i teologi oggi non credono nella mia esistenza…che bello…che gioia…e così negano anche quel loro Dio che era venuto per distruggermi…invece l’ho vinto…l’ho inchiodato io sulla Croce…ahahahah…!
Bravi questi Preti…bravissimi questi Vescovi…bravissimi questi teologi sono tutti i miei fedeli servi torelli…ne faccio quello che voglio ahahahaha…! Ormai sono miei…li porto dove voglio…vestiti da beccamorti…con la sigaretta sempre in bocca…profumati come gagà…in cerca di donnicciole facili…con auto di ultima moda…pieni di danaro…si ribellano ai dogmi del loro falso Dio…e della falsa Chiesa di quel Crocifisso mia vittima…sono i miei soldati più sicuri del mio regno, pieno pieno di loro…Con essi metto confusione e smarrimento nel popolo, che allontano sempre più dal falso Dio…e porto nel mio regno di odio e di disperazione eterna…per sempre con me, con me…hahahahaha!
Quanti di essi ne ho fatti iscrivere alle sette mie allettati dalla mia carriera e dal mio denaro…li compro con facilità perché finalmente sono riuscito a non far amare più, quel falso loro Dio; né quella Donna che pretende di avermi vinto…”.*
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schizografia · 2 years ago
Io sono indifferente, io che vivo al piede di innumerevoli calvari. Tutti mi hanno sputato addosso dall’età di 14 anni, spero che qualcheduno vorrà al fine infilarmi. Ma sappiate che non infilerete un sacco di pus, ma l’alchimista supremo che del dolore ha fatto sangue. Urrah! io voglio infilare od essere infilato in odio ai sacchi di pus coperti di futurismo.
Dino Campana
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