#urgh sofia is so dear to me
chippdhearts · 3 months
(hi I'm the sofia anon) thank you for the detailed answer! 💖 unfortunately I had to take a break in early s9 because everyone was leaving and/or depressed and that made me too sad :/
it's a shame sofia won't be back tho, she was one of my favs despite the little screen time she had, she had so much potential and certainly the actress had the acting chops to pull off a great storyline :/ somehow there's always some bts bullshit that affects my favourite (especially female!) characters on my favourite shows
I guess I will just rewatch the first 8 seasons instead of the later ones lol
omg heyyyy! you came back 🥰 you're welcome! I love to info dump about characters I love, hehe.
honestly season 9-11 are probably my least favourite. IF you'd feel up to skipping them season 12 might be my personal favourite season of the whole show (aside from one thing. again doing a below the cut with more detail bc idk how much spoilers you want) we get some GREAT new characters (two new women who I think are both really fun) and they have some FUN cases in that season! season 13 is also pretty solid. 14 and 15 have moments that I like and dislike.
Who are your other faves? I totally agree, I think if they wrote better storylines for her then Sofia would have been an incredible asset. I wish they let her shine more. Her actress, Louise, is super underrated (I've been watching a bunch of her stuff recently) I think she's a really great character actress and she's sadly never been given the break/role that I think she deserves.
Okay this is my under the cut about season 12 in more detail. We lose my ultimate fave character, (possibly of all time) Catherine, in this season so it's sad in that regard. BUT they give her an incredible exit (and she comes back to guest star twice, and is back for the reboot.)
ON THE POSITIVE SIDE. We get Russell, Morgan AND Finn this season. Morgan is babey and I love her very dearly (I'm upset that her and Sofia never got to meet bc Sofia would 1000% have been big sis to her and I think it would have been so cute. Russell (Ted Danson) is amaaaazing (one of the only men I will ever love, he is very dad to the team and I love that a lot for them). AND FINN... she's low key chaos maker but I respect her a lot. Also her and russell, one of my FAVE dynamics on the whole show. anyway they all deserved better, esp Finn. But that's a whole other issue.
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thenasoneshots · 4 months
Cedric Oneshot - Sofia and James; Ace Shippers!
Requested?: No
Prompt: None
Type of oneshot: Fluff/Songfic
Song Used: I Won’t Say I’m in Love - Hercules
Timing: Between seasons 1 and 2, but the reader hasn’t met Sofia or Miranda yet (you do know Cedric however)
Reader's Relations: Roland’s sister
Warnings: None?
Other notes: None
I smiled and thanked the footman who helped me out of the carriage, a hidden smirk on my face as I walked up to the doors to the castle, shocking a few of the maids who were dotting about doing their daily tasks.
“I missed you!” I squealed running up and hugging my brother from behind after finding him.
“(Y-(Y/n)? You didn’t give any notice you were coming.”
“Did you not get my letter? Oh yeah.. Cause I never sent one,” I giggled, “Surprise visit!”
“If you say so. How long are you planning to stay?”
“However long you feel you can put up with me for, Roly,” I replied, patting him on the head, “I just wanted to see you. Is that so wrong?”
“No. I supposed it’s not. Would you mind getting off me though?”
“Fine. My party pooper!” I muttered, letting him go and turning around, only to squeal and jump back into his arms, “That is a child I’ve never seen! Where did you come from?!”
“I’m Sofia.”
“Uh-huh… mind telling me who this child is, and why she’s dressed like a princess, dear brother?” I spoke, the last part directed towards my brother.
“If you stand on your own two feet I’ll explain.”
I rolled my eyes and stood back down on the floor again, “Now explain.”
“I believe I told you about the fact I’d found a new queen, right?”
“Yes, but still doesn’t explain the literal child I’ve never seen before!” I replied, pouting.
Roland just sighed, “If you let me finish. Sofia is my new stepdaughter as a result of it. Does that answer your question?”
“Ohhh… Yes. Well, it’s nice to meet you, Sofia.”
I let out a small giggle as Cedric accidentally messed up on of his spells, resulting in flowers all over the throne room floor.
“Merlin’s mushrooms…”
“It’s alright. You don’t need to be so nervous. I’ll help you clear them up.”
“No, it’s fine, Miss. I can do it,” Cedric replied, bending down and starting to pick up the flowers. I let out another giggle and bent down, picking up some of them in my hands, “I insist. There’s a lot. It will take you all day to do it alone.”
We eventually got them all picked up and placed in a bag so that they could be used for some form of art project for one of the kids, well all of them went in, except one, that Cedric placed behind my ear, “I-it brings out your eyes.”
I felt my face turn slightly pink and I quickly leaned up pressing a kiss to his cheek, but before anything could be said on the matter, I heard my name, “Aunt (Y/n)!”
“Yes, James?” I asked, turning around and bending down to his level, “What can your favourite Aunt do for you?”
“Can you come and play pirates with me? Amber’s having a tea party and Sofia’s playing with her animal friends, so I don’t have anyone to play with.”
“Of course. You had me at ‘pirates’!” I responded standing up, “Just let me go and get changed real quick into something more appropriate for playing. I don’t want to ruin this dress.”
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This is your dress btw. I might end up making an oc and changing it a bit, but this is a rough design, just remove the white bits on the top.
James nodded and turned around running off, probably up to the treehouse boat. I chuckled and turned around, ready to start walking up to the room I was staying it, when Cedric appeared right in front of me. I just froze, and shot off, not wanting to explain me kissing his cheek. I managed to get up to my room without bumping into anyone else and found my ‘adverturing’ clothes.
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(Just imaging it’s more blue, pic was found on Pinterest, same for the dress)
As I got changed, I knocked the flower out of my hair, seeing it fall onto the floor. I sighed and picked it up, letting out a chuckle before placing it on the bed, “Urgh. What’s the matter with me?” I muttered, remembering the first guy I’d fallen in love with who had broken my heart after I’d sacrificed so much for him, “If there's a prize for rotten judgment I guess I've already won that. No man is worth the aggravation, that's ancient history, been there, done that,” I continued muttering to myself remembering I’d vowed never to fall in love again. That’s when I heard whispering from the other side of the door and I walked over, opening it, and being surprised to see Sofia and James standing there, ears to my door, “Why were you two eavesdropping?”
“Who d'you think you're kiddin'? He's the earth and heaven to you; Try to keep it hidden, Honey, we can see right through you,” Sofia spoke, walking up to me, a smirk on her face, nodding to James as well, who then joined in, “Girl, you can't conceal it, we know how you're feelin', who you're thinkin' of.”
“No chance, no way I won't say it, no, no,” I retorted turning around so my back was facing the two children.
You swoon, you sigh, why deny it? Uh-oh,” Sofia pointed out, appearing in front of me as I tried to hide my face from them, “It's too cliché I won't say I'm in love,” I spoke, continuing my attempt to ignore them, even though they were already starting to get into my head. I sighed and walked over to my bed, sitting down, Sofia and James following and sitting on either side of me, “I thought my heart had learned its lesson. It feels so good when you start out. My head is screaming, "Get a grip, girl", "Unless you're dyin' to cry your heart out".”
“You keep on denying who you are and how you're feeling.(Y/n), we're not buying, Hon, we saw you hit the ceiling,” Sofia continued as James chimed in again, “Face it like a grown-up, when ya gonna own up that you got, got, got it bad?”
The two of them continued to attempt to convince me I was in love with Cedric,  until eventually I half-agreed, “At least, out loud I won't say I'm in love,” I grumbled out, my face going red as the two of them cheered, smirks appearing on their faces as they stood up and ran out.
“Wait, James, did you still want to play pirates? Or did I get changed for nothing?” I asked, motioning to the fact I was still in my alternate outfit.
“Oh yeah! Yes I do, come on!” he paused and muttered something in Sofia’s ear before running back and grabbing my hand, dragging me off, as the brown-haired princess walked off in the other direction, something I paid no attention to at the time.
“JAMES, SOFIA! I AM YOUR AUNT LET ME OUT OF HERE!” I shouted as the two of them trapped inside a random room and I heard them knocking the door. I sighed and started grumbling to myself, “Stupid children. James knows I don’t like enclosed spaces…”
“Miss (Y/n)?”
“Cedric?! What are you doing in here?” I asked, looking up at the sound of his voice.
“Princess Sofia shut me inside and said something about confessing before closing the door.”
“Oh. She did the same thing to me actually, and I think I know why. When I went to get changed to go and play pirates with James, the flower you put in my hair fell out and it led me to singing, and Sofia and James heard and were trying to convince me of the contrary. I’ve fallen in love with you, Cedric.”
“W-what? Me? A-are you-” I cut him off by leaning up and kissing his cheek again, “Yeah.”
“Because you’re you. H-how do you feel abo-” I was cut off thi time by him grabbing me by my upper arms and kissing me. I melted into it, wrapping my  arms around his neck.
“I call flower girl!”
We broke off and turned around to see Sofia and James standing behind us, the former with a key in her hand, and our faces turned red, “This was your plan wasn’t it?”
The two of them nodded before rushing off. I just sighed and turned my attention back to Cedric, kissing him again.
So this was longer than expected… please don’t judge me. A friend dared me to watch it again and well, you guys know how my brain randomly thinks of ideas.
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wa-royal-tea · 2 years
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— Bittersweet; Mother’s Day Specials (1/3)
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(Transcript under the cut - Click Pics for HQ Version!)
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St. Ford, Holan (4:56pm)
???: Remember what I said, Raeliana. If you misbehave again while your papa and I are away, I’ll ground you once again. Do you hear me?
???: Raeliana Alexia Frederick, do you hear me?
Raeliana: *mockingly* Do you hear me?
???: *sighs* Look at your daughter. Where’d she get this attitude from?
Alfie: Excuse me? My daughter?
???: Yes, who else?
Alfie: *scoffs* Unbelievable.
Alfie: Rae, sweetie, did you hear what she said to you just now?
Raeliana: Yes, papa. I’ll behave.
Alfie: Good girl.
???: So she can listen to you but not me?
Alfie: She’s just a kid. Let her be.
???: You spoil her too much. See what happens now?
Alfie: Alright, alright, my fault. I’m sorry.
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The Wind Palace, Ahtolia (5:25pm)
*door opens and closes*
Raeliana: Grammy! Baba!
Alfie: Raeliana! Don’t run, you’re gonna fall!
Sofia: Raeli, my darling~
Darien: You’re early. Isn’t your flight supposed to be in an hour?
???: We don’t want to be late. It’s not nice to leave people waiting for us.
Darien: That’s very thoughtful of you.
Darien: How long will you be in Cordelia?
Alfie: A few days. We’ll be back by Wednesday. This lady over here has a checkup to go to the next day.
Sofia: How are you feeling, dear? Is the baby doing alright?
???: I’m doing fine. Thank god. And the baby is doing fine too so far.
Sofia: I’m glad to hear that.
Sofia: Rae, are you not going to say goodbye to them?
Raeliana: No!
Darien: What’s wrong with her?
Alfie: *sighs* She’s sulking. She was grounded for fighting with a kid at school.
Sofia: Fighting?
???: Yeah. She pulled the kid’s hair and slapped her. I asked her why’d she did it but she didn’t say a word.
Sofia: There must be a reason why. Rae’s not the type to get angry over silly things.
Alfie: She won’t tell us, mum. She’s been avoiding us for a week.
Sofia: Hmm...it’s fine. Maybe I can try and get something out of her.
???: Good luck. She’s as stubborn as Alfie.
Alfie: Why are you attacking me?
???: I’m not. I was just stating facts. She is your beloved daughter after all.
Alfie: Urgh, whatever. We gotta go now, mum. We don’t want to be late. We’ll see you in a few days.
Sofia: Alright. Be safe. Call us when you get there.
Alfie: We will. Bye, Rae. We love you.
Sofia: Come on, let’s get inside. You wanna get ice-cream, Raeli?
Raeliana: I want!
Darien: Alright, let’s get ice-cream.
Raeliana: Yay!
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wa-royal-tea · 4 years
6 Years Later...
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Crystal Park, Brindleton (2:35pm)
Everyone: Happy birthday to you...happy birthday to you...happy birthday to Alfie...happy birthday to you!
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Sofia: Happy birthday sweetie, make a wish!
Indirah: Dira want cake!
Darien: Ah ah, you’ll have to wait until your brother blows his candles first, Princess.
Ginny: Come on Alfie! I’m starving!
Alfie: Shh! Let me focus on my wish!
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Alfie: 1...2...3...4...
Lucia: *giggles* Good luck trying to find me!
Alfie: You can’t use magic to hide, Lucy!
Lucia: *blows raspberries* You’re not the boss of me!
Alfie: Urgh! No fair!
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Andrei: Shhh...We’ll have to stay quiet so he can’t find us. Okay, Dira?
Indirah: Okay! Dira will shh, okay?
Andrei: *chuckles* He won’t find us here.
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Alfie: Ready or not, here I come!
Ginny: *giggles and hides*
Alfie: I saw you Ginny!
Ginny: Aww no fair! You peeked didn’t you?
Alfie: No, I didn’t! You just suck at finding places to hide!
Ginny: Mum! Alfie said I suck at hiding!
Sofia: Alfie, play nice!
Alfie: *grumbles* Tattler.
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Sophie: Kids! It’s time to go home!
Lucia: Okay! Come on guys! The last one to reach my papa is a rotten egg!
Ginny: I can run faster than you both!
Lucia: No! I can run even faster than you guys!
Indirah: Andy go home?
Andrei: Yes, Dira. I have to go home. I have school tomorrow.
Indirah: Andy come back when?
Andrei: I don’t know. I’ll ask my mum when we’ll come back here later, okay?
Indirah: Okay!
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The Gale House, Ahtolia (9:45pm)
Sofia: Have you brushed your teeth before bed?
Ginny: Yes, mum!
Sofia: Good girl. Your homework is all done, right?
Ginny: Uh-huh!
Sofia: *smiles* Goodnight sweetie, sweet dreams.
Ginny: Goodnight mum. I love you.
Sofia: I love you too my dear.
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Ginny: Goodnight papa, I love you too.
Darien: *chuckles* Goodnight sweetheart. I love you more.
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“Goodnight mommy...I love you most...”
-End of Part 1-
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Thank you for following this story! Look forward to part 2 when I return! 😊 
And thank you to @thevalencianroyals​ for joining Alfie on his birthday! ❤️
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