urban-kindness · 7 years
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Jusqu’au mois de juin 2018, plusieurs accès de la station de pré métro Bourse sont fermés et recouverts d’édicules de chantier liés aux travaux opérés en sous-sol. La Ville de Bruxelles, la Région, la STIB, et le Comité de quartier Saint-Jacques se sont ainsi associés pour réaliser un projet fédérateur pour que ces édicules en surface soient embellis et laissent place à la créativité de tous. Le piétonnier c’est le cœur de Bruxelles. Embellir l’espace public en surface et contribuer à l’animation du piétonnier sont essentielles en attendant la fin des travaux de rénovation complète de la station Bourse. En offrant des murs d’expression urbaine aux artistes bruxellois, nous leur permettons de s’exprimer dans l’espace public et de montrer leur talent à tous.
Tot juni 2018 zijn meerdere toegangen van het premetrostation Beurs afgesloten omwille van de werken die ondergronds bezig zijn. De Stad Brussel, het Brussels Gewest, de MIVB en het Sint-Jacobs buurtcomité hebben zich daarom verenigd in een project om de bovengrondse werfafsluiting te verfraaien. De voetgangerszone is het hart van onze stad. Momenteel zijn we bezig met een grondige renovatie van het Beursstation. We vonden het een goed idee om ruimte te geven aan creatieve Brusselaars om de werfafsluitingen in te kleuren en hun talent te tonen. Een kleine interventie kan de hele laan doen opfleuren.
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theurbanimagined · 9 years
So it’s been one of those weeks.
The one where everyone is an ugly mess of a stomach virus. Oh, THAT’S diarrhoea. All those other times? Those were more of modern parenting, I don’t want to touch that, you clean it mess. This week? Good lord, I’ll just stop.
There there were the complete melt downs. I don’t like this banana. I want THAT banana. Why did you push the (crosswalk) button? I want to push the button! Whyyyyyy (melting on the ground) I want to push the button!!
Yet out of all this madness (and this is the light version), there is a glimmer of kindness. An elderly man shuffling along on the bus held Ankle biter 1’s hand as we alighted. And then he joked, “You can’t follow me home.” Shimmers of friendliness that makes this week bearable.
And with this, I’m happy to introduce this jewel of a book: Mr Tweed’s Good Deeds by Jim Stoten. Mr Tweeds ventures into his neighbourhood and encounters several neighbours who require some assistance finding cherished yet misplaced objects. Little Colin Rocodile has lost 1 kite in the park. Herman Chimps misplaced 6 pineapples at the market. It is a counting masterpiece as each character is introduced and a full two-page spread unfolds where Mr Tweeds, the neighbour and the reader are invited to seek the lost items. (a Where’s Waldo meets the Yellow Submarine if you will.) Mr Tweed’s daily walk concludes with a celebratory block party to honour Mr Tweed’s kindness hosted by his neighbours where 10 gifts are presented.
helping in the search for arrows
a thank you street party
Ankle biter 1 honestly needed a few readings to get into the book. He had more questions at first: why are the bushes shaped like animals? Why are there mice in the library? Why is he shooting arrows in the trees? Why did he lose his pineapples?But he settled into it and liked to search for each item. He liked the end the best: “he gets presents!” and “they closed down the street for a party.” Yes, how he narrates the scene now when we get to that page. I cherish this book for the underlying message of kindness and “they closed down the street for a party.” This world needs more block parties and of course kindness. Kindness is about celebrating. So I’m going to be nice to myself and go celebrate the end of this week.
we are not alone So it's been one of those weeks. The one where everyone is an ugly mess of a stomach virus.
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theurbanimagined · 9 years
You deserve a hug
You deserve a hug
Happy new years to you! There is a pomp and circumstance that comes with the start of a new year. The promise of a new beginning, a new you, a new me. But honestly, every morning should begin that way if we are to truly improve, achieve, evolve. And for me, it does as I revel in the mornings. But ask me as the day descends and generally I can’t wait until the new sun to try again. But that’s…
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theurbanimagined · 9 years
#urbankindness take 4
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#[email protected] Hello there. We are a little more than half way through the 7 weeks of urban kindness. With gratefulness in your heart, I think it is time to pay it forward. It was only a matter of time. Given local and global events of late, I think we can all use a little kindness. How best to experience kindness than to apply it. It can be as easy as clicking…
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theurbanimagined · 9 years
#urbankindness take 3
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#[email protected] Welcome back to urban kindness: 7 weeks 7 projects. Has the turkey, ham, fish, tofurkey, yesterday’s daylong pickings settled comfortably in your tum? A mighty reward I say if you embarked upon a meander in your hood! The beauty of observing your hood is that you incrementally become what Jane Jacobs referred to as “the eyes on the street” or the…
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