avitara · 1 year
Here's a question: How the hell is Israel a Jewish state? I mean, think about it: Is it a state where most Jews live? No. 57% of Jews live abroad. Is it a state of only Jews? No. Most people in the areas under Israeli control are NOT Jewish. Is it a state which represents Jewish values? Not unless racism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, land theft and mass murder are Jewish values. Face it: Israel is only a Jewish state in the same way that apartheid South Africa was a white state.
You seem to feel very strongly about this question, or there was a glitch. You sent it three times.
This is a remarkable case of setting up wobbly goalposts, and then huffing when Israel fails to meet them.
“57% of Jews live abroad”. First, you said, ‘abroad’, which, frankly, means that Israel is NOT abroad, ie, at home. But never mind. The flip of this is that 43% of a population that was scattered to the ends of the earth found its way back home. You might think about why.
“Is it a state of only Jews?” No. Should it be? Would you like it if it were?
“Most people in the areas under Israel control are NOT Jewish.” Um, no. Since Israel is under Israeli control, most of the people in the areas under Israeli control ARE Jewish. You’re thinking about the West Bank, which is not. But the occupation does not actually negate the Jewish population of Israel. I don’t know how to explain this, but the presence of non-Jews doesn’t make Israel not a Jewish state, just like non-Arabs in the Arab Republic of Egypt doesn’t make Egypt not an Arab country.
“racism, apartheid, ethnic cleansing, land theft and mass murder” “Blah blah BLAH blah blah blah…I know jack about this conflict but I’ve memorized the vocabulary and the list of true, vaguely true and totally false charges.” Say ‘settler colonialism’. C’mon. You know you want to.
Israel is a Jewish state because Israel says so. It is a Jewish state because its cities have streets named for our prophets and because children live there whose families were pulled literally from fire. It’s a Jewish state because we made one, and we bled for it. Is it perfect? FUCK no. On a good day it’s only fucked up. And that’s like any other nation on earth. Can it be better? Yeah. The difference between us that I want it to. You don’t.
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avitara · 3 years
I’m Living In A Prison Country
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avitara · 3 years
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avitara · 3 years
The truth about Silwan
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avitara · 4 years
YouTube has purged multiple Conservative blogs
Welcome to Censorship and the "book burning" leftist culture of 2020.
Carl Marx and the Communists would be proud.
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avitara · 4 years
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God Bless and protect our President and ALL Americans
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avitara · 4 years
I don’t trust her because she’s convincing. If she likes Bernie, what does that tell us? It’s good she’s doing this, but I would never vote for her. 
If it wasn’t for her god awful stance on the 2A I really did like her.
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avitara · 4 years
Two CA Cops Were Shot-BLM Blocked Emergency Room
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avitara · 4 years
This is big, and the MSM isn’t really talking about it.
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avitara · 4 years
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Heard some important information on Twitter today, and thought I’d post it here for anyone who may not have heard it. This is actually a thing, devised by human rights organisation called Karma Nirvana.
Reblog to save a life?
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avitara · 4 years
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avitara · 4 years
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avitara · 4 years
It is time to stop playing games with these people, it past time to end this BullShit. LeBron James can share the blame for this ambush, they are the very people making heroes out of common criminals. You are talking about people that LeBron wouldn’t let within a 1000 yards of him or his family. LeBron is no champion of the people, he is holding up the very people that are Terrorizing the Black Community.
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avitara · 4 years
They were told that the National Anthem wouldn't be played before the game. They took things into their own hands. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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avitara · 4 years
Come on Nancy, you can’t have war and unrest every time you want it. Isn’t supporting Antifa and BLM Destruction of American cities and putting a small business owners (like a salon owner) out of Business enough!
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avitara · 4 years
People are tired of the protests and Destruction let alone the violence, any positive message there might have been was lost a long time ago. The players have a right to be heard but like it or not it needs to stay off the field, they have a massive platform but fans are sick of seeing it 24/7.
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avitara · 4 years
What ever the penalty is in Kalifornia for not wearing a mask in public she should accept that and the responsibility for for violating the law, but once again we are reminded that we the little people are the one that have to go by the DumbAss laws these people come up no matter how ridiculous.
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