#urban density is climate action
atlantathecity · 1 year
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I took a walk in a forest today and was reminded of the precious Georgia Piedmont that needs to be protected from urban sprawl.
Compact forms of development, and infill growth, should be the rule throughout the Atlanta region -- along with affordable walkability. Our use of land should lift up humanity while also protecting natural ecosystems.
Enormous damage has already been done in terms of forest loss and fragmentation through our urban sprawl in the Atlanta region. And it's still happening. The need for policy that prevents further sprawl is crucial.
From 'The impacts of Atlanta’s urban sprawl on forest cover and fragmentation', Matthew D. Miller, Applied geography 2012 v.34:
"Urbanization of the counties surrounding the city of Atlanta, GA resulted in broad deforestation and forest fragmentation of the region...enabling individuals to live in areas converted from forested areas to suburban expressions of the American Dream. This sprawl development of the region has come at the expense of habitat integrity and poses complex environmental conservation issues for the metro Atlanta counties."
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threadatl · 1 year
Atlanta's tree canopy has to co-exist with more growth in residential density
by Darin Givens, 9/20/2023
There's an excellent op-ed in the AJC today arguing that Atlanta's need for greater density of people can co-exist with a tree canopy; even if we initially lose some trees for housing development, there's a great opportunity to expand the canopy in targeted ways.
Here's a quote from it:
"Higher density development makes further room for new street trees and stormwater infrastructure. Parking lots could become dense, energy efficient housing. Road lanes for cars could be transformed into tree-lined cycleways. If we’re willing to replace a fraction of Atlanta’s road space with trees we could have cool, shaded streets even in our city’s densest neighborhoods without sacrificing limited developable land."
Replacing some of our asphalt with trees is a great idea. In the Vine City neighborhood alone, the amount of land that's surrounded by heat-trapping parking lots is substantial, and likely contributes to heat island effects (see below).
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One problem is that the conversation about tree canopy in Atlanta can often be used to block the exact type of infill development that's needed for addressing climate change by creating a more walkable, more transit-supportive city.
The op-ed addresses this:
"As our city looks to update its zoning and tree ordinances, we must recognize that a “save every existing tree” approach ignores the realities of our environment, development finance and housing affordability. We need to plant more trees, but mandating green infrastructure without providing adequate flexibility or incentives can hinder the dense development that we desperately need to lower carbon emissions and house our growing population."
Well said!
The piece was written by Anton Gudiswitz (chapter lead at Abundant Housing Atlanta) and Jason Lathbury (transportation committee chair for the Georgia Sierra Club). Kudos to them.
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atlurbanist · 1 year
We've known that car-centric urban design was a climate killer for decades. Can we finally act?
Darin Givens | July, 2023
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Monday was Earth’s hottest day in at least 125,000 years. Tuesday was hotter.
Many factors contributed to this, one being car-oriented sprawl. Even though this is something we’ve known for decades, we’ve largely failed to treat urban design as the climate-action tool it is.
That needs to change, and following through on that change will require acknowledging our past mistakes.
I’ve received comments over the years from people who were city leaders and planners in previous decades, arguing that the decision to treat car-centric sprawl as a fine option for our urbanism was a perfectly understandable thing at the time.
They’ve argued that car-centric placemaking, and low population densities in the city, were OK things to accept because they were a ‘preference’ & many cities did the same.
I call BS.
Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring existed. Emissions from cars were a known problem long ago.
The triggers of highway-driven sprawl were obviously racism and classism to anyone who cared to spend a sober few minutes thinking about it.
Were cities in decline? Yes. But were they fixable 50 years ago? Yes. Jane Jacobs, William H. Whyte, & more had written the solutions.
I’m not saying this just to shame the leaders of the past. This is a call to recognize how serious our mistakes were in our urbanism, how heavily those mistakes are connected to the carbon emissions that have contributed to the climate crisis, and how crucial urbanism is now.
Leaders have all the info they need to craft an urban design that addresses the climate crisis. Data on the lower carbon footprints of compact places is easily available.
Every decision that affects our built environment matters a great deal. The big ones & small ones.
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typhlonectes · 1 year
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Thermal refugia and persistence of Texas horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum) in small towns
Mary R. Tucker, Daniella Biffi, Dean A. Williams
Vegetation loss is a primary cause of habitat degradation and results in a decline in reptile species abundance due to loss of refuge from predators and hot temperatures, and foraging opportunities. Texas horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum) have disappeared from many areas in Texas, especially from urbanized areas, probably in large part due to loss of suitable habitat. This species still occurs in some small towns in Texas that still contain suitable habitat. Long-term data from Kenedy and Karnes City, Texas indicate that when study sites experienced significant shrub and vegetation removal horned lizards declined by 79%. We hypothesize the decline was due to the degradation of the thermal landscape for these lizards. We determined the preferred temperature range (Tset25 – Tset75) of lizards at our study sites and took field measurements of body temperature (Tb). Temperature loggers were also placed in three microhabitats across our study sites. Shrubs and vegetation provided the highest quality thermal environment, especially for about 5 h midday when temperatures in the open and buried under the surface in the open exceeded the lizards' critical maximum temperature (CTmax) or were above their preferred temperature range. Horned lizard density was positively related to the thermal quality of the habitat across our sites. Texas horned lizards in these towns require a heterogeneous mix of closely spaced microhabitats and especially thermal refugia, such as shrubs and vegetation along fence lines and in open fields. Maintaining thermal refugia is one of the most important and practical conservation actions that can be taken to help small ectotherms persist in modified human landscapes and cope with increasing temperatures due to climate change.
Read the paper here:
Thermal refugia and persistence of Texas horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum) in small towns - Tucker - 2023 - Ecology and Evolution - Wiley Online Library
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The Time is Now Design and Build
In the ever-evolving world of architecture and construction, there’s a prevailing sentiment that the time is now to innovate, design, and build for a better future. As we face unprecedented challenges—from climate change to urbanization—architects, designers, and builders are called upon to reimagine spaces that not only meet the needs of today but anticipate the demands of tomorrow.
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Embracing Sustainability
Sustainability is no longer optional; it’s a necessity. The design and build industry must prioritize eco-friendly practices, utilizing materials and methods that reduce environmental impact. Green building techniques, such as passive solar design, green roofs, and sustainable materials, are becoming standard. These innovations not only conserve resources but also enhance the well-being of occupants, creating healthier living and working environments.
Integrating Technology
Technology plays a crucial role in modern construction, offering tools that streamline processes and improve outcomes. Building Information Modeling (BIM) allows for detailed visualization and planning, reducing errors and inefficiencies. Smart technologies in buildings, from automated systems to IoT devices, enhance energy efficiency and occupant comfort. The integration of technology in design and construction is a game-changer, making projects more efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable.
Designing for Resilience
With climate change bringing more extreme weather conditions, resilience is a key focus in design and construction. Buildings must withstand natural disasters, ensuring safety and continuity. Designing resilient structures involves careful planning, from selecting robust materials to considering site-specific challenges. This proactive approach not only protects investments but also saves lives.
Fostering Collaboration
The time is now for collaboration across disciplines. Architects, engineers, builders, and stakeholders must work together, sharing insights and expertise to create cohesive and innovative solutions. Collaborative design processes lead to more comprehensive and effective outcomes, breaking down silos and fostering a sense of shared purpose.
Addressing Urbanization
As urban areas expand, the design and build industry must address the challenges of density and infrastructure. Innovative solutions like vertical gardens, mixed-use developments, and efficient public transportation systems are crucial for creating livable urban environments. These designs not only maximize space but also enhance the quality of life for residents, promoting community and connectivity.
The Importance of Aesthetics
While functionality and sustainability are paramount, aesthetics remain a crucial element of design. Beautiful spaces inspire and uplift, influencing how people interact with their environment. The balance between form and function is essential, ensuring that structures are not only practical but also visually appealing.
Conclusion: Building a Better Future
The time is now to harness the potential of design and build for a sustainable, resilient, and aesthetically pleasing future. By embracing innovation, fostering collaboration, and prioritizing sustainability, the industry can meet the challenges of today while paving the way for a brighter tomorrow. As stewards of the built environment, designers and builders have a profound responsibility to create spaces that reflect our highest aspirations and address our most pressing needs. The call to action is clear: let’s design and build a future that we can all be proud of.
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enterprisewired · 4 months
Understanding the Diverse Types of Market Segmentation
Today, market segmentation involves dividing a heterogeneous market into smaller, more homogeneous segments based on shared characteristics, preferences, behaviors, or needs. By identifying distinct segments within their target audience, marketers can enhance the effectiveness of their marketing efforts, optimize resource allocation, and drive customer engagement and satisfaction. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore various types of market segmentation strategies, their applications, and examples to illustrate their significance in modern marketing practices.
Here are 5 Types of Market Segmentation
1. Demographic Segmentation
Demographic segmentation divides the market based on demographic variables such as age, gender, income, education, occupation, marital status, and household size. This approach recognizes that consumers within the same demographic group may exhibit similar purchasing behaviors and preferences. Examples of demographic segmentation include:
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Age: Segmentation into categories such as Generation Z, Millennials, Generation X, and Baby Boomers allows marketers to tailor products and messaging to the unique preferences and life stages of each age group.
Gender: Some products and services are targeted specifically at men or women based on gender preferences and purchasing habits.
Income: Luxury brands may target affluent consumers with high disposable incomes, while value-oriented brands may appeal to budget-conscious shoppers.
2. Psychographic Segmentation
Psychographic segmentation categorizes consumers based on psychological variables such as lifestyles, values, beliefs, attitudes, personality traits, and interests. This approach delves deeper into consumers’ motivations, aspirations, and psychosocial factors influencing their purchasing decisions. Examples of psychographic segmentation include:
Lifestyle: Segmentation based on lifestyle factors such as health-consciousness, outdoor activities, travel preferences, and social interests enables marketers to align products and messaging with consumers’ lifestyle choices.
Values and Beliefs: Brands may target environmentally conscious consumers or those who prioritize sustainability and social responsibility.
Personality Traits: Segmentation based on personality traits such as extroversion, introversion, openness, conscientiousness, and emotional stability can inform marketing strategies and product positioning.
3. Behavioral Segmentation
Behavioral segmentation divides the market based on consumers’ behaviors, usage patterns, purchase history, and brand interactions. This approach focuses on understanding consumers’ actions and decision-making processes to predict future behavior and tailor marketing efforts accordingly. Examples of behavioral segmentation include:
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Usage Rate: Segmentation into categories such as heavy users, moderate users, and light users allows marketers to customize promotions, loyalty programs, and messaging to incentivize repeat purchases and increase customer retention.
Purchase Occasion: Segmentation based on purchase occasions such as holidays, special events, or seasonal trends enables marketers to offer relevant promotions and capitalize on buying opportunities.
Loyalty Status: The segmentation of customers into loyalists, occasional buyers, and switchers helps marketers design targeted retention strategies, rewards programs, and personalized offers to nurture customer loyalty and increase lifetime value.
4. Geographic Segmentation
In this types of market segmentation Geographic segmentation divides the market based on geographical variables such as location, region, climate, population density, and cultural differences. This approach recognizes that consumers’ needs, preferences, and behaviors may vary based on their geographic location and environmental factors. Examples of geographic segmentation include:
Location: Segmentation into urban, suburban, and rural areas allows marketers to adapt product offerings, pricing strategies, and distribution channels to meet the unique needs and preferences of consumers in each location.
Climate: Brands may tailor product assortments and promotional campaigns based on climate considerations, such as offering cold-weather gear in regions with harsh winters or promoting seasonal products during peak weather conditions.
Cultural Differences: Segmentation based on cultural factors such as language, customs, traditions, and cultural values enables marketers to resonate with diverse cultural groups and avoid cultural insensitivity in their messaging and imagery.
5. Firmographic Segmentation
Firmographic segmentation is a B2B-focused approach that categorizes businesses or organizations based on firmographic variables such as industry, company size, revenue, location, and organizational structure. This approach enables B2B marketers to target specific industries, verticals, or organizational profiles with tailored marketing strategies and solutions. Examples of firmographic segmentation include:
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Industry: Segmentation into industries such as healthcare, finance, technology, manufacturing, and retail allows B2B marketers to develop industry-specific messaging, solutions, and value propositions that address sector-specific challenges and opportunities.
Company Size: B2B marketers may differentiate their approach based on company size, targeting small businesses, mid-sized enterprises, or large corporations with customized products, pricing plans, and service offerings tailored to their scale and resource requirements.
Geographic Location: Geographic considerations remain relevant in B2B marketing, with factors such as regional regulations, market dynamics, and supply chain logistics influencing business decisions and purchasing behavior.
Market segmentation is a foundational strategy that enables marketers to understand and engage with diverse consumer groups effectively. Types of market segmentation are based on demographic, psychographic, behavioral, geographic, and firmographic variables, marketers can identify meaningful patterns, preferences, and trends within their target audience, informing product development, pricing strategies, promotional campaigns, and distribution channels. By embracing a data-driven and customer-centric approach to segmentation, marketers can unlock valuable insights, drive personalized experiences, and build lasting relationships with their audience in today’s competitive marketplace.
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jakemedwell · 7 months
Powering Progress: The Transformative Journey of Fleet Electrification
In an era defined by the urgency of climate action and the pursuit of sustainable solutions, the concept of fleet electrification emerges as a beacon of hope for industries worldwide. This transformative journey involves transitioning fleets of vehicles from traditional fossil fuel-powered engines to clean and efficient electric powertrains. As businesses, governments, and consumers alike recognize the imperative of reducing carbon emissions, fleet electrification stands out as a strategic imperative with far-reaching benefits.
The Sustainability Imperative
At the heart of fleet electrification lies the imperative of sustainability. Transportation accounts for a significant portion of global carbon emissions, contributing to air pollution, climate change, and environmental degradation. By electrifying fleets, organizations can drastically reduce their carbon footprint, mitigating the adverse impacts of traditional combustion engines on the planet. This shift aligns with international climate goals and commitments, signaling a collective effort to transition towards a low-carbon future.
Beyond environmental concerns, fleet electrification offers a host of economic advantages. Electric vehicles (EVs) are inherently more energy-efficient and cost-effective to operate than their gasoline or diesel counterparts. With lower fuel and maintenance costs, businesses can achieve substantial savings over the lifetime of their fleet vehicles. Additionally, as the cost of battery technology continues to decline, the total cost of ownership for electric vehicles becomes increasingly competitive, driving further adoption across industries.
Driving Innovation and Technological Advancements
The transition to electric fleets is driving innovation and technological advancements in the automotive industry. Manufacturers are investing heavily in research and development to improve battery efficiency, increase vehicle range, and enhance charging infrastructure. Breakthroughs in battery chemistry, such as solid-state batteries and lithium-sulfur technology, hold the promise of even greater energy density and more extended range for electric vehicles.
Moreover, advancements in charging infrastructure are essential to support the widespread adoption of electric fleets. Governments, utilities, and private companies are collaborating to expand charging networks, deploying fast-charging stations along key transportation routes and in urban centers. Innovative grid technology and vehicle-to-grid (V2G) integration further optimize energy usage and grid stability, creating a more resilient and sustainable transportation ecosystem.
Overcoming Challenges and Barriers
Despite the undeniable benefits of fleet electrification, several challenges and barriers must be addressed to accelerate adoption effectively. Range anxiety, limited charging infrastructure, and high upfront costs remain primary concerns for fleet operators. Addressing these challenges requires a multifaceted approach, including financial incentives, regulatory support, and investment in charging infrastructure.
Moreover, the transition to electric fleets necessitates workforce training and education to ensure a smooth transition and optimal utilization of electric vehicles. Training programs for drivers, maintenance personnel, and fleet managers are essential to familiarize them with electric vehicle technology, charging protocols, and best practices for efficient operation and maintenance.
Looking Ahead: A Sustainable Future on the Horizon
As technology advances and economies of scale drive down costs, the electrification of fleets is poised to become mainstream across industries. The convergence of environmental, economic, and technological factors creates a compelling case for businesses to embrace electric vehicles as a cornerstone of their sustainability strategies.
In the years to come, we expect continued growth in electric vehicle adoption, supported by advancements in battery technology, charging infrastructure, and supportive policies. The electrification of fleets will not only reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality but also drive innovation, create jobs, and stimulate economic growth.
In, fleet electrification represents a transformative journey towards a more sustainable future. By embracing this shift, businesses can position themselves as leaders in the transition to clean energy, driving positive change for the environment and society as a whole. Together, we have the power to shape a better world—one electrified vehicle at a time.
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mikasurbaninsights · 10 months
Impossible to ignore...
I feel that almost anyone who lives in a city has noticed the stark impact of climate change that has become increasingly apparent in the past years. After looking over the slides for our class on the future of cities and climate change, I got curious as to why it seems that climate change tends to affect urban areas more than suburban or rural areas. I found that one of the main reasons is something called the urban heat island effect, where metropolitan areas experience higher temperatures compared to surrounding rural or suburban areas. The concentration of concrete, asphalt, and tall buildings in cities absorbs and retains heat, exacerbating local temperatures. Additionally, cities often face increased air pollution, exacerbated flooding from impermeable surfaces, and higher vulnerability to extreme weather events due to the denser infrastructure and larger population density, making the impacts of climate change more pronounced and directly felt in urban environments. Thinking back to the past couple years I have spent in Philadelphia, these changes are quite evident. Rising temperatures and extreme weather in the city have strained resources and impacted vulnerable communities. Intense heatwaves, exacerbated by the urban heat island effect in low-income neighborhoods lacking green spaces, and recurrent flooding highlight the vulnerability of Philadelphia's infrastructure. As we discussed in class, these issues are not dependent on individuals but rather on larger systems, corporations, institutions, etc. While personal efforts matter, like reducing our carbon footprint, the reality is that individual actions alone won't cut it. We need collaborative efforts, policy changes, and urban planning that prioritizes sustainability to tackle these issues head-on.
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so-true-overdue · 10 months
Packed Like Sardines: A Clear Indicator of Human-Caused Climate Change
In recent years, the phrase 'packed like sardines' has taken on a whole new meaning as it not only refers to a crowded situation, but also serves as a stark reminder of the undeniable reality of human-caused climate change. This once lighthearted expression now reveals a sobering truth about the impact our actions have on the planet. One of the primary drivers of climate change is the excessive emission of greenhouse gases into the Earth's atmosphere. As these gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, accumulate, they trap heat and contribute to global warming, resulting in a range of adverse effects. One of the most visible consequences of this phenomenon is the ever-increasing population density in urban areas. As cities expand and human activities intensify, living spaces become limited, and people find themselves crammed into small living quarters. The parallel between being 'packed like sardines' and climate change becomes evident. Furthermore, the rise in population density is directly linked to the exponential growth in energy consumption. Increased energy demands lead to the burning of fossil fuels, which releases vast amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. This vicious cycle exacerbates the problems associated with climate change, including extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and the loss of biodiversity. The analogy of sardines comes into play when we consider the alarming rate at which the world's population continues to grow. With more than 7.9 billion people and counting, our planet is straining under the weight of humanity's presence. This strain is not only manifest in overcrowded cities but also in the depletion of natural resources, deforestation, and the encroachment on wildlife habitats. The 'packed like sardines' expression serves as a call to action, urging us to address the root causes of climate change. It highlights the urgent need for sustainable practices, innovative technologies, and global cooperation in reducing our carbon footprint and preserving the planet for future generations. Recognizing the significance of this phrase as an indicator of human-caused climate change is crucial. By acknowledging the relationship between our crowded living conditions and the dire consequences of our actions, we can strive for a more sustainable and harmonious coexistence with the environment. It is our responsibility to spread awareness, advocate for policy changes, and adopt eco-friendly habits that will help reverse the effects of climate change. Only by taking collective action can we ensure that future generations do not experience the devastating consequences of a planet 'packed like sardines'.
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anikaarickshaw · 11 months
Anikaa's Eco-Friendly Transportation Solutions: A Closer Look
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Anikaa, a prominent name in the electric vehicle (EV) industry, is making waves with its innovative and eco-friendly transportation solutions. In this comprehensive article, we will take a closer look at Anikaa's commitment to sustainability and explore their range of electric vehicles, with a particular focus on Anikaa E-Rickshaws.
Anikaa's Vision for Eco-Friendly Transportation
In an era when environmental concerns and the need for sustainable solutions are paramount, Anikaa has taken a bold step in the direction of eco-friendly transportation. Their vision goes beyond conventional modes of urban mobility, and their electric vehicles are a testament to this vision.
The EV Revolution
Electric vehicles have emerged as a powerful solution to reduce emissions and combat climate change. Anikaa is at the forefront of this electric vehicle revolution, with a particular emphasis on E-Rickshaws.
Anikaa's E-Rickshaws: Redefining Short-Distance Commuting
Anikaa's E-Rickshaws represent a significant shift in the way we think about short-distance urban transportation. These electric vehicles are not only sustainable but also efficient and cost-effective.
Electric Powertrain: Zero Emissions and Silent Operation
At the heart of Anikaa's E-Rickshaws lies an electric powertrain that sets them apart from traditional rickshaws and internal combustion engine vehicles.
Zero Emissions
One of the standout features of Anikaa's E-Rickshaws is their zero-emission operation. Unlike traditional rickshaws powered by internal combustion engines, Anikaa's electric powertrain results in no tailpipe emissions, contributing to cleaner air and a healthier urban environment.
Silent Operation
In addition to zero emissions, Anikaa's E-Rickshaws operate almost silently. This reduction in noise pollution enhances the overall quality of urban life and creates a more pleasant commuting experience for passengers and residents.
Lithium-Ion Batteries: The Key to Efficiency
The efficiency and reliability of any electric vehicle depend on its battery technology. Anikaa's E-Rickshaws are equipped with high-performance lithium-ion batteries designed to deliver superior performance.
High Energy Density
Lithium-ion batteries used in Anikaa's E-Rickshaws have a high energy density, allowing for an extended range, improved performance, and a more versatile and sustainable transportation option compared to traditional lead-acid batteries.
Rapid Charging
Lithium-ion batteries support rapid charging, reducing downtime and increasing operational efficiency for rickshaw operators. This convenience ensures that Anikaa's E-Rickshaws remain on the road when needed, making them a reliable choice for urban transportation.
Customized Solutions: Meeting Diverse Needs
Anikaa understands that addressing urban congestion and environmental concerns requires tailored solutions to meet the diverse needs of both drivers and fleet owners. They offer customized features to ensure optimal performance and satisfaction.
Driver-Centric Solutions
Anikaa's E-Rickshaws are designed with the comfort and convenience of the driver in mind. Spacious interiors, ergonomic seating, and intuitive controls create a pleasant and fatigue-free driving experience.
Fleet Optimization
For fleet owners, Anikaa offers comprehensive solutions, including fleet management tools and features to streamline operations, reduce costs, and maximize efficiency. This ensures that their E-Rickshaws are not only eco-friendly but also cost-effective for fleet operations.
Sustainable Mobility in Action: Anikaa's E-Rickshaws on the Roads
Anikaa's E-Rickshaws are not just vehicles; they symbolize a comprehensive approach to reshaping urban mobility in a sustainable and environmentally friendly manner.
First and Last Mile Connectivity
Anikaa's E-Rickshaws play a pivotal role in addressing the "first and last mile" challenge of urban commuting. They bridge the gap between a commuter's origin and the nearest transportation hub, making it easier for people to access public transit options. This seamless connectivity enhances the overall urban commuting experience.
Reducing Traffic Congestion
Anikaa's E-Rickshaws are compact and agile, making them ideal for navigating congested urban streets. By promoting their use, Anikaa contributes to a smoother flow of traffic and a reduction in congestion, making urban areas more livable.
Anikaa's Electric Auto Rickshaws: A Versatile and Sustainable Choice
In addition to E-Rickshaws, Anikaa also offers Electric Auto Rickshaws, providing a versatile and eco-friendly solution for urban transportation.
Structurally Robust
Anikaa's Electric Auto Rickshaws feature a robust chassis that can withstand the rigors of urban commuting while providing a comfortable and spacious cabin for passengers.
Eco-Friendly Performance
Similar to their E-Rickshaws, Anikaa's Electric Auto Rickshaws run on clean electric powertrains and lithium-ion batteries, ensuring zero emissions and energy efficiency.
Sustainability and Innovation: The Anikaa Difference
Anikaa's commitment to sustainability and innovation is evident in their electric vehicle offerings. These vehicles not only address urban congestion and environmental concerns but also redefine the concept of short-distance commuting.
Advanced Technology
Anikaa's electric vehicles are equipped with cutting-edge technology, from their electric powertrains to their battery management systems. This technology ensures reliability and performance.
Conclusion: Join the Green Mobility Revolution with Anikaa
In a world where sustainable and eco-friendly solutions are imperative, Anikaa is leading the way with their electric vehicles. By embracing Anikaa's vision and technology, urban commuters can navigate congestion sustainably and create a cleaner, greener, and more pleasant urban environment. Join the movement towards sustainable mobility with Anikaa's E-Rickshaws and Electric Auto Rickshaws, and be a part of the solution to urban congestion and pollution.
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onetechspot08 · 11 months
Mastering the Art of Podocarpus Hedge with Yellow Wood
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Title: Mastering the Art of Podocarpus Hedge with Yellow Wood
A beautifully manicured hedge can transform any outdoor space into a picturesque sanctuary. The use of Podocarpus trees, commonly referred to as Yellow Wood, for creating hedges is a timeless and elegant landscaping choice. In this article, we will explore the art of mastering the Podocarpus hedge with Yellow Wood, offering insights into cultivation, maintenance, and the many benefits it can bring to your garden.
1. Choosing the Right Variety
Before embarking on your Podocarpus hedge project, it's crucial to select the right variety of Podocarpus. The Yellow Wood variety (Podocarpus elongatus) is an excellent choice due to its dense, bushy growth and tolerance for shaping. It is a hardy evergreen shrub, native to South Africa, and features glossy green foliage that adds an attractive touch to any garden.
2. Location and Soil Preparation
Podocarpus Yellow Wood thrives in well-drained soil and prefers a sunny to partially shaded location. Ensure that your chosen site receives at least four hours of direct sunlight each day. Before planting, prepare the soil by adding organic matter like compost, peat moss, or well-rotted manure to improve drainage and nutrient levels.
3. Planting Yellow Wood
The best time to plant Yellow Wood for hedge purposes is in the spring or fall. Space the plants about 2 to 3 feet apart, depending on your desired hedge thickness. Dig holes that are as deep as the root ball and twice as wide. Gently remove the plant from its container and place it in the hole, making sure it's at the same depth as it was in the pot. Backfill with soil and water thoroughly.
4. Pruning for Shape and Density
To master the art of a Podocarpus hedge, regular pruning is essential. Pruning should start when the plants are young to encourage dense growth and shape the hedge to your liking. Podocarpus responds well to pruning, allowing you to create straight lines, curves, or any custom design you desire.
Begin by trimming the hedge's top and sides to create a clean, tidy appearance. It's advisable to trim lightly and consistently, rather than letting the hedge become overgrown and then cutting it back drastically. This encourages the plant to maintain its shape and ensures it remains healthy and vibrant.
5. Fertilization and Watering
Yellow Wood Podocarpus hedges benefit from regular fertilization. Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer in the spring, and consider a second application in mid-summer. Watering is crucial, especially during the dry season. Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Applying a layer of mulch around the base of the hedge helps retain moisture and suppress weeds.
6. Pest and Disease Control
Yellow Wood Podocarpus is generally resistant to most pests and diseases, but it's still essential to keep an eye out for any potential problems. Aphids, scale insects, and mealybugs can occasionally become an issue. Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control these pests when necessary. Regular inspection and prompt action can prevent infestations from becoming severe.
7. Benefits of Podocarpus Yellow Wood Hedges
Besides their aesthetic appeal, Podocarpus Yellow Wood hedges offer numerous benefits to your garden and landscape. They provide privacy and can act as a sound barrier, making them an excellent choice for urban or suburban settings. Their evergreen foliage ensures that your hedge looks attractive year-round, and their ability to thrive in various soil types and climates makes them a versatile choice.
Moreover, Podocarpus hedges are relatively low-maintenance, requiring less upkeep than many other hedge plant varieties. Their tolerance for shaping allows you to create the hedge design that suits your style and complements your outdoor space.
In conclusion, mastering the art of the Podocarpus hedge with Yellow Wood involves careful selection, planting, shaping, and maintenance. With the right care, your Podocarpus hedge can flourish and become a beautiful focal point in your garden. Its benefits extend beyond aesthetics, offering privacy, sound insulation, and versatility. Whether you are a seasoned gardener or a novice, Podocarpus Yellow Wood hedges can be a rewarding addition to your landscape, enhancing the beauty of your outdoor living space.
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Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) has become a familiar term for many parents and health professionals, but do we truly understand its seasonal ebb and flow? As we delve into the patterns, risks, and precautions surrounding RSV, we'll discover the best times to be on guard and the most effective strategies to keep our families safe. Understanding RSV: A Brief Overview What is RSV? Before diving into its seasonal trends, it's crucial to have a basic understanding of what RSV is. RSV is a contagious virus that affects the respiratory tracts of most children before their second birthday. While it often results in mild symptoms akin to a cold, it can be severe in infants and the elderly. Why is RSV a Concern? RSV might sound like just another acronym in the medical world, but its impacts, especially on vulnerable populations, are profound. Serious RSV infections can lead to bronchiolitis and pneumonia, potentially requiring hospitalization. Seasonal Patterns of RSV: A Global Perspective RSV in the Northern Hemisphere In the vast stretches of the Northern Hemisphere, RSV tends to show distinct seasonal preferences. Typically, RSV season begins in the fall and lasts through the spring, peaking during the winter months. RSV in the Southern Hemisphere Much like its counterpart up north, the Southern Hemisphere also has its RSV rhythms, albeit with some differences. Here, due to the reversed seasons, RSV cases usually spike between April and September. Tropical and Equatorial Regions While the poles have their patterns, the regions near the equator present a slightly more complex RSV story. The seasonality is less predictable, but outbreaks often coincide with the rainy seasons. Factors Influencing RSV Seasonal Trends Climate and Weather Weather conditions play a pivotal role in the transmission and prevalence of RSV. Cold, damp conditions can facilitate the virus's spread and survival outside the human body. Population Density and Urbanization The hustle and bustle of city life can sometimes exacerbate the spread of viruses like RSV. Crowded conditions, especially in places with poor ventilation, can lead to more rapid transmission among individuals. Healthcare Infrastructure and Vaccination Rates The strength and reach of a region's healthcare system can either bolster defenses against RSV or leave populations vulnerable. Adequate vaccination and prompt treatments are crucial in managing outbreaks. Being Vigilant: Key Times and Precautions Recognizing the Peak Seasons Knowing when RSV is most prevalent can be the first line of defense for many families and individuals. By being informed, we can adjust our habits and routines accordingly. Safety Measures During High-Risk Periods Awareness without action is only half the battle won; it's vital to know how to protect oneself and loved ones during RSV's peak seasons. Simple measures like frequent hand washing, avoiding crowded places, and staying updated on vaccinations can make a world of difference. Signs and Symptoms to Watch Out For Staying vigilant means not just understanding the risks but also recognizing when RSV might already be affecting someone you know. Symptoms like coughing, wheezing, rapid breathing, and a bluish skin tone are clear red flags. Looking Ahead: The Ever-Evolving Landscape of RSV With advancements in medical technology and global data sharing, we're better equipped than ever to predict and respond to RSV trends. Continuous research and collaboration promise a brighter, safer future for all. FAQs What age groups are most at risk from RSV? Infants, especially premature ones, and elderly individuals are at a heightened risk of severe RSV complications. Is there a vaccine for RSV? As of my last training data in January 2022, there isn't a widely available RSV vaccine, but there's continuous research in this area. How can I prevent the spread of RSV in my home? Regular hand washing, disinfecting surfaces, avoiding close contact with sick individuals, and ensuring good ventilation can help mitigate the risk.
What should I do if I suspect my child has RSV? Seek medical advice promptly. While many RSV cases are mild, it's vital to catch and address severe cases early on. I hope this article helps shed light on RSV and its seasonal intricacies. Staying informed and vigilant is our best defense. Let's keep our communities safe and RSV at bay!
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atlurbanist · 11 months
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This is an important statement from an urban planner regarding the continued existence of single-family zoning districts, which only allow detached homes in a zone, forbidding even the smallest rise in density.
Maintaining these exclusionary zones is not an 'urban planning' decision; it's a political one, fueled by our worst biases.
We must allow housing diversity everywhere, and also use public resources to ensure affordability for the lowest income groups. Decisions about our built environment that are centered on equity and climate action are actual planning decisions.
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ananya5400 · 1 year
Growth Strategies Adopted by Major Players in the Pest Control Market
According to a research report "Pest Control Market by Control Method (Chemical, Mechanical, Biological, Software & Services), Pest Type (Insects, Rodents, Termites, Wildlife), Mode of Application (Sprays, Traps, Baits, Pellets, Powder), Application and Region - Global Forecast to 2028" published by MarketsandMarkets, the pest control market is projected to reach USD 32.8 billion by 2028 from an estimated USD 24.9 billion in 2023, at a CAGR of 5.7% during the forecast period in terms of value. The utilization of pest control products and services is being driven by a number of factors that reflect the evolving needs and priorities of individuals, businesses, and industries. Heightened awareness of the health risks associated with pests and the diseases has spurred a greater demand for proactive pest management. Moreover, the increasing urbanization and population density in various regions have created an environment conducive to pest infestations, necessitating effective control measures.
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By application, the residential segment accounted for the largest share of the pest control market.
Pest control products for residential use are essential in maintaining a safe and comfortable living environment for homeowners. These products are designed to address common household pests, including insects like ants, cockroaches, spiders, and termites, as well as rodents like mice and rats. Thus, due to the increasing infestation by pests in residential areas, the utilization of pest control products in residential in expanding at a significant rate.
The insects segment accounted for the largest share of the pest control market by value.
The increasing urbanization and changing climate has increased the global insect population, which is driving the need for pest management, particularly for insects such as bedbugs, cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, and others. Since insects’ cause irritation to livestock or humans and can be vectors of plant or livestock diseases, thus management of insect pests are essential, due to which the pest control market is anticipated to benefit.
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By mode of application, the sprays segment accounted to have the largest share in the pest control market.
Sprays are a preferred mode of application in the pest control market, owing to the high demand for liquid chemical formulations. Sprays give consumers a quick and easy way to apply pest control solutions, enhancing pest control and preventing property losses. The spray mode of application also allows for a uniform distribution of the pest control chemicals over the target area, which ensures that pests are exposed to the active ingredients consistently, increasing the effectiveness of the treatment. Moreover, with various nozzle designs and spray patterns, the spray formulations can be applied to specific areas that reduces the risk of non-target species exposure.
By control method, the chemical segment accounted for the largest share in the pest control market.
Chemicals are preferred due to their quick action and effectiveness in controlling pests. The use of chemical pesticides is widespread due to their relatively low cost, the simplicity of application, and their effectiveness, availability, and stability. Chemical pest control products also provide rapid control of pest populations, especially when dealing with immediate threats, outbreaks, or infestations. Moreover, Chemicals can provide a consistent and reliable means of pest control, since chemicals works regardless of weather conditions and can be applied at various growth stages of pests. Thus, these factors are driving the utilization of chemicals in pest control management.
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The North America region accounted for the largest market, in terms of value, of the global pest control market in 2022.
Due to several factors, the market for pest control is expanding in North America. As consumers look for pest control management, there is first a growing awareness of and adoption of sustainable pest control approaches practices in the area. The stringent regulations in various industries, such as food production, hospitality, and healthcare, have also played a significant role in the market's growth. Additionally, advancements in pest control technologies and methods have made treatments more efficient, targeted, and environmentally friendly, further boosting the market in North America.
The key players in this market includes Bayer AG (Germany), Corteva Agriscience (US), BASF SE (Germany), Sumitomo Chemical Co. Ltd. (Japan), Syngenta AG (Switzerland), Rentokil Initial plc (UK), Anticimex (Sweden), Rollins, Inc. (US), ATGC Biotech Pvt Ltd. (India), Ecolab Inc. (US), FMC Corporation (US), De Sangosse (France), Bell Laboratories (US), PelGar International (UK), and Fort Products Limited (UK).
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sudeepkedar · 2 years
LiDAR in Mapping Market Share, Trend & Growth Forecast to 2032
As per a recent research report, LiDAR in Mapping Market to surpass USD 15 Bn by 2032.
The global LiDAR in mapping market is expected to expand exceptionally through 2032 owing to the rising popularity of service providers across end-user organizations because of the lack of skilled experts and budgetary restrictions.
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Expanding population, growing trend of urbanization, and climate change are potentially driving the market dynamics. The LiDAR in mapping market is highly competitive attributed to low product differentiation as well as competitive pricing.
Leading market competitors are making significant R&D investments to create cutting-edge hardware and software that will provide accurate and thorough data points. For instance, in February 2022, FARO Technologies, Inc. introduced an upgrade to the FARO Focus Swift Mobile Scanner. Users can now take 10-20 second colorized anchor scans, which improves accuracy and detail in crucial regions.
The LiDAR in mapping market has been divided in terms of platform, drone, terrestrial, hand held & back pack, component, application, and region.
Based on platform, the terrestrial segment held over 60% market share in 2022. The demand for comprehensive three-dimensional data for various applications, such as urban planning, is expected to increase during the projected period, leading to significant growth for the terrestrial segment. The high population density in some developed cities is a result of extensive urbanization and industrialization. This has led to an upsurge in demand for advanced township planning techniques that can create precise 3D city models.
With respect to drone, the multi-rotor drones segment is slated to expand exponentially through the forecast years credited to the increased need for precise mapping in less time and money. More than two rotors are used in the design of multi-rotor drones, which provide increased power and stability at a lighter weight. These drones are mostly utilized in radio-controlled and other UAV applications.
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In terms of hand held & back pack, the hand held segment is poised to witness strong growth by the end of the research period. The demand for hand held mapping LiDAR is driven by the expanding requirement for the best-performing mapping solutions in a compact solution. Handheld scanners are more portable due to their lightweight and low cost.
From the regional front, the Middle East & Africa LiDAR in the mapping industry is estimated to grow at over 15% CAGR from 2023 to 2032. The rise in government support for autonomous mapping and the rising number of smart city applications is likely to foster the regional growth. The MEA market is also expanding because of the growing demand for cutting-edge surveying technology for mines and oil fields. LiDAR technology is being used by oil businesses in the area to increase productivity and cut expenses.
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Global Market Insights, Inc., headquartered in Delaware, U.S., is a global market research and consulting service provider; offering syndicated and custom research reports along with growth consulting services. Our business intelligence and industry research reports offer clients with penetrative insights and actionable market data specially designed and presented to aid strategic decision making. These exhaustive reports are designed via a proprietary research methodology and are available for key industries such as chemicals, advanced materials, technology, renewable energy and biotechnology.
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awesomeforever · 2 years
Sign in In 1886, after meeting the inventor Thomas Edison in New York, Hawaii’s King Kalakaua enthusiastically began electrifying the grounds of his new residence — and within a year, 325 incandescent lights had the Iolani Palace fully aglow. The king wouldn’t be able to pull off the same feat these days on Maui. Much of the island’s outdoor illumination soon could violate a new ordinance intended to help the island’s winged population. Fines could reach $1,000 a day. The measure restricts outdoor lighting in an effort to keep endangered birds — and Maui has some of the world’s rarest — from crashing into spotlighted buildings. But Bill 21, signed into law last week, is ruffling feathers because its provisions also could keep flagpoles, church steeples, swimming pools and even luaus in the dark. “People have told me they’ve seen birds falling on the ground in town, up country, all over the place,” said the bill’s author, Kelly Takaya King, who chairs the Maui County Council’s Climate Action, Resilience and Environment Committee. Maui is a veritable Eden for species such as the wedge-tailed shearwater, white-tailed tropicbird, brown booby, myna, kiwikiu and nene — the state bird and the world’s rarest goose. The island also is home to some 170,000 people, however, and the new law is pitting the avian paradise against the human one. The ordinance imposes a near-total ban on upward-shining outdoor lighting and limits short-wavelength blue-light content. Similar laws are in effect in many jurisdictions nationwide to protect various local interests, including the night skies in Arizona and the wilderness in New Hampshire. Maui has a more complicated set of priorities. The outdoor light restrictions effectively prohibit nighttime hula dances and luau performances — local cultural signatures. Indoor alternatives are impractical. “Customers do not want to be in a ballroom or enclosed facility — they can go to Detroit and do that,” wrote Debbie Weil-Manuma, the president of a local tourism company, in a letter of opposition. At the same time, Maui is grappling with an invasive species arriving in flocks of up to 35,000 a day: tourists. Local officials are considering caps on hotel and vacation rentals. Birds can be disoriented by artificial light, sometimes confusing it for moonlight, and end up slamming into a building’s windows or circling until exhausted. In a single night in May 2017, 398 migrating birds — including warblers, grosbeaks and ovenbirds — flew into the floodlights of an office tower in Galveston, Tex. Only three survived. This danger is why the Empire State Building in New York City, the former John Hancock Center in Chicago and other landmark skyscrapers now go dark overnight during peak bird migration periods. One tall building. One dark and stormy night. 395 dead birds. Yet, most mass bird fatalities occur in urban centers with tall buildings in high density. Maui is rural, and its kalana, or county office building, is only nine stories tall. Jack Curran, a New Jersey lighting consultant who evaluated the science behind the bill, said the council “clearly didn’t do their homework.” The bill also requires that lighted surfaces be nonreflective, with a matte surface if painted. As the island is coated in compliant black paint, Curran joked, “Maui will wind up looking like Halloween.” Even support for the regulation is fractured. “This bill does provide good benefits,” said Jordan Molina, Maui’s public works director, “but it doesn’t have to do so recklessly.” The new law, he added, will make his office the “blue-light police.” Although the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service did not oppose the bill, it recommended creating a habitat conservation plan unless the county could devise a foolproof lighting policy. According to public records, the council relied on a single, non-peer-reviewed study funded by an Arizona company, C&W Energy Solutions, that lobbied for the bill. (The county’s attorneys issued a memorandum in July warning of the “potentially serious conflict of interest,” which the council ignored.
) And King’s efforts were propelled in part by conservation groups’ lawsuit alleging that a luxury resort’s lights disoriented at least 15 endangered petrels between 2008 and 2021, resulting in at least one petrel’s death. (By contrast, the Maui Forest Bird Recovery Project has focused on the continuing “depredation by feral cats,” which number in the thousands on the island.) Still at issue are the measure’s conflicting exemptions. For example, lights at public golf courses, tennis courts and schools’ athletics events are allowed, but not lights at hotel-owned golf courses or tennis courts. Conventional string lights are permitted for holidays and cultural festivals but must be “fully shielded” for all other uses, including weddings. The county fair is also exempt. So are emergency services and emergency road repairs. The law will inhibit TV and film crews’ night lights, such as those used by “Hawaii Five-O,” “NCIS: Hawai‘i” and “The White Lotus.” The latter was honored in October by the Maui County Film Office for giving the island national and international recognition. To guard migratory birds, Philadelphia plans to cut its artificial lighting that can fatally distract flocks King told local media that compliant lights are widely available online. But when asked recently for online links to such bulbs, her office sent just one — for a bedside night light that can double as an outdoor bug light, although it was unclear whether the bulb meets all of the ordinance’s specifications. “Appropriate lighting is not available,” King then conceded. “We’re hoping it will be in the next few years. When you pass a lot of these environmental laws, you kind of have to go in steps to get them passed.” As passed, the bill explicitly removed exemptions for field harvesting, security lighting at beaches run by hotels or condominiums, safety lighting for water features, motion-sensor lighting, and lighting on state or federal property — including Maui’s harbors and even the runway lights at its airports. Council member Shane Sinenci supported the ultimate provisions. “Our unique biodiversity is what makes us appealing to both visitors and to residents alike,” the Maui News quoted him as saying before the final vote. “We are often underestimating the value of a healthy ecosystem and all the benefits that comes with it.” The law takes effect in July for new lighting and requires existing lighting to be in compliance by 2026. Sign up for the latest news about climate change, energy and the environment, delivered every Thursday source
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