#ur probably asking: ellie did u look up baby care
pinayelf · 8 months
this is sorta moot bc they are in thedas but cullen and immy's kids would not be ipad kids
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breathinlove · 6 months
airport crush ellie williams drabble
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read this
cw: none?? js cuteness and v poor writting.
u are both coming back for school after spring break? she had missed her friends and dad. for u, u js wanted to take ur summer clothes to uni.
this cute girl stares at u in line for the boarding... are u actually gonna be sitting in the same plane as her? she might faint!!! mmm she's staring and u can feel her green eyes burning the back of your neck so u turn around and she TRIES to be subtle and look somewhere else. u fucking grin, she's lowkey scared of u... u are sooo pretty!!! someone help her!!!
u are both getting on the plane and she doesn't know if she wants u to sit next her or if that's the last thing she wants... but naturally, since u are soooo lucky u got sat in the front line next to an arrogant lil man and his teenage son. how lovely!!! ellie on the other hand, got sat next to A MOTHER W A BABY??? god it was boutta be a flight.
when u looked around, she looked at u as if ud known each other for ages and mouthed "save me" so u mouthed "save me" god u hadn't even said hi to each other, she was embarrassed but... u went along w it so.
u were thinking, and sure the mother was comfortable back there but u remembered when ur aunt had ur cousin she asked to sit at the front lines. when ellie saw u getting up her eyes shined, like actually, she looked like an anime character right there. u fought ur awkwardness and started talking to the mother sat next to ellie.
"excuse me, would u wanna sit in first line? there's much more space for u and ur baby's stuff. u'd probably be way more comfortable." oh, u were such a sweetheart, ellie is inlove w u already.
the lady actually took the offer. she thanked u and gave u a lil shoulder caress. u both exchanged seats and well everyone's happy i guess!
not everyone, ellie's scared.
she's sat next to this sweet caring selfless girl, who happens to be soooo sooo soooooo pretty. she's terrified and she thinks she might be feeling more than js butterflies in her stomach.
"hi..." she mutters. "saved us both right there."
"sure did." u smiled, putting ur seat belt on, she forgot those... she started putting it on immediately. u chuckled and told her ur name.
"that's pretty, i'm williams, i mean, i'm ellie williams. mmm erm, just ellie." she, is, adorable.
"that's real long and pretty." she dropped her head in embarrassment. "where are u going, ellie?"
she coughed and started talking about going back to college and u kinda yelled "same!", bro why was this convo the most embarrassing ever?(,#&@&@ turns outtttttt u went to the same college!!! wowza...
"no way." she deadpaned.
"yes way, ellie..." u giggled and so did she.
u 2 talked ab ur majors and shit, nothing crazy but ellie was js so cutesy likeeee omg she's so awkward she's kind of a nerd :((( she tried acting cool tho but u were js so pretty and nice she got shy.
she couldn't believe u actually fell asleep while u 2 watched the exact same movie on ur tiny screens... 30m in. she had js met u and she got the honor of seeing u peacefully sleeping. u were outrageously embarrassed when u woke up at the end of the flight tho.
ellie asked for ur number before u even left the plane, thinking you'd would say goodbye then. but... u still had to go all the way out of the airport and grab a taxi. it was awkwardly silent, saying bye and walking side by side for like 6 minutes before she got closer and said "i guess not goodbye." what kind of sentence is that???
u talked ab music and u found out ellie played guitar, u were so happy ab it?? she didn't get why but she felt cool and mentioned she had her own songs and u beggedddddd to listen to them. bro she js thought u were so attractive SOMEONE SHOOT HERRRRR RN. u thought the exact same... like... u play guitar AND write ur own songs??
talked and talked until u both found a taxi, because when she found one, she decided to leave it for u but u wanted her to have it, so u both idiots let someone else have it and waited till 2 taxis were available??^÷×&*!*@
after getting home u waited for a text from her, dying to hear from her. you got it!!!
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dizzyjelly · 1 year
My Perfect Girl
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Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: your friends leave you feeling more insecure than you already were, but Ellie comforts you and yells at your dickhead friends
Cw: body insecurity, mentions of feeling/being fat+ugly, troubles eating
You struggled to breathe as you lied in bed curled into a ball, crying your eyes out. Your crying fit had been a result of a rather hurtful conversation with your "friends." Your body faced the wall as tour hands came to cover your face, your palms wetting with tears. Time passed, you didn't know how much, but you'd heard a voice behind you and the bedroom door creaking open.
"Baby? What's going on, what happened?" Ellies voice was laced with concern and worry as she rushed to your side, rubbing your back.
You sniffled as you turned to face her, tears still streaming down your face as you picked up your phone and opened up your grouochat then handing it to her. Your breaths were ragged and quick as you watched her read, hee brows furrowed in worry quickly arched with anger as she did.
Y/n: guys I feel like I look bad today *image attached*
Ryan: wdym
Rosa: yeah u look the same lol
Y/n: idk like I feel ugly and like fat :(
Ryan: I don't see any difference 💀
Rosa: ong you look like u always do
Ryan: yeah ur just being dramatic lmao
Rosa: she probably just wants attention to be really honest
Ryan: omg you're right tho, fishing for compliments haha
Y/n: guys stop I'm not kidding.
Ryan: come on yk were right
Rosa: yeah just calm down bro
Y/n: whatever I'm done talking to you guys.
"What the fuck." Ellie muttered under her breath.
"Ellie, I look terrible and they're just making fun of me." Your bottom lip quivered.
"Baby, you don't. I promise they're just being assholes for no reason." She tried to reassure you, rubbing at your arm up and down.
You turned away from her, facing the wall again as you cried harder. You couldn't believe a word she said, you just felt insecure. It wasn't the first day you've felt like this, but it never got easier. It was days like these where you couldn't even bring yourself to look in the mirror, shower, or take care of yourself in general.
She let out a deep sigh, bringing a hand to rub your back gently, occasionally combing through your hair with her fingers. She looked at your phone again, then stood to leave the room.
"I'm gonna talk to them." She stated before exiting and calling the group.
Your friends picked up and were confused, seeing Ellies face instead of your own. It's not like they didn't recognize your girlfriend, but they wondered why she was the one calling them.
"Oh hey Ellie." Ryan greeted with a smile.
"Hi. So what the fuck is wrong with you guys?"
Rosa laughed a bit, her brows furrowing.
"What are you talking about?" She asked.
"Whyd you guys say that shit to Y/n? Seriously what kind of fucking friends are you?" She asked in return, as if it was obvious.
"Oh come on, she knows we were kidding!" Ryan argued.
"Yeah, she's probably being dramatic anyways." Rosa chimed in.
"I bet you're only asking because she told you to." Ryan spoke smugly.
"Um, no actually I'm asking because clearly she's upset and you guys are just being assholes. And if she knows you were joking why'd I come home to her crying, hm? Terrible fucking jokes by the way." Ellie argued, feeling angrier at your friends poor reactions.
"She was crying? Oh shit, sorry." Suddenly Ryan seemed to feel bad.
"Yeah you fuckin should be, she's probably gonna be worked uo for days now. Great fucking job you two." And with that Ellie hung up, as she couldn't bear to speak to them any longer.
She shut off your phone and set it at the bedside table, sitting down and glancing over at you as you let out a heavy sigh. You silently cursed as your stomach grumbled.
"Babe, you hungry?" Ellie asked, leaning down to rest her chin on your shoulder.
"No." You lied, shaking your head.
"Ok, well have you eaten today?" She asked, already sure she knew the answer.
"No." You were quiet now, feeling ashamed at your inability to care for yourself, how you know you should be.
"Alright well come on then, let's put something in that belly of yours." She tried to turn you around, take you to the kitchen.
But you wouldn't budge, tears falling from your eyes once again as you shook your head furiously.
"No! I-I'm already fat enough I don't need to eat anymore!" You protested, believing everything you said.
"What? Stop it, that's nonsense and you know it. Come on, just come have something. Please." She frowned as she held your hands in her own, it hurt her to see you so upset.
"I can't." You choked out and she pulled you into a hug.
You immediately leaned into her relaxing touch, wrapping your arms around her back as you nuzzled your head into her shoulder.
"Baby, you can. I know you can, you're stronger than you think. And your body is perfect" She pulled away, holding your face in her hands as she peppered kisses over your face, "I love every part of it, and you. You're amazing and your brain is just lying to you." She reminded you.
"Love you too." You responded, sniffling and leaning your forehead against her own.
You finally followed her to the kitchen, still hesitant but you'd get past that. You sat at the table and watched as she made pasta for the two of you, mainly because she knew it was your comfort food. A smile made its way to your face as she brought over two bowls, giving on to you. Ellie smiled ten times as big as you did, rubbing her thumb over your cheek fondly. It made her happier than anything to see you smiling after you'd had such a tough time that day.
Once you finished eating, Ellie insisted on doing the dishes. You felt bad for not helping out, but she reassured you that she was more than happy to do it herself. She told you to go sit down and pick a movie, and of course you did.
You'd selected something happier, usually you two watched horror together but tonight you just didn't feel like it. You sat with your knees pulled to your chest, a fuzzy blanket engulfing you as you waited for your girlfriend. She was sitting beside you in no time, pulling you into her side. You hummed contently, leaning into her touch with a smile as you leaned your head on her shoulder.
About halfway through the movie, Ellie placed a kiss to your forehead then placed a hand on your chin to make you look at her.
"Is my girl finally feeling better?" She asked.
"Mostly, thank you for helping me." You smiled before leaning in to give her a kiss.
"Of course Baby. You tired yet?" She asked, looking at her watch and noting that it was getting late.
You just nodded before placing your head back on her shoulder and closing your eyes. She chuckled a bit at you, rubbing your side lovingly then letting her head fall against your own as she waited until you fell asleep before carrying you into your shared bedroom. She laid you down then climbed in next to you, pulling you in. You let out a small groan as you hiked your leg over her own, wrapping your arm around her stomach.
A/n: sorry ik it's kinda short! Hope u still liked tho :)))
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
MC...teaching Jumin meme culture
That's all imma say and you can add the rest
You want cuddles? Check
Lots of kisses? Check?
Jumin trying and failing to send a meme to MC and the RFA? Check?
More cuddles and kisses? Double check
A failed attempt where Jumin tries to quote a vien but inatead mixes two up and ends up being something else entirely? Check
Just make it so sweet that we all get diabetes ;D
Mc teaching Jumin the Meme Culture 
Okay, so I had some other requests before this but I knew that it would take me some time to get this one finished so I started with this one first because I also didn’t know what memes were ( and the requester had to explain what vien is so RIP ) This is inspired by my beta reader ( thanks baby ) and no, I didn’t get paid for using the card name ,,what do you meme?’’
Tell me if you enjoyed this One Shot! It was a nice challenge LOL
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You were sitting on your couch, going through an Instagram meme page when Jumin heard you chuckle to yourself. Your husband decided to check on you. He wanted to know what could possibly make his wife laugh and chuckle to herself. The black haired man looked over your shoulders, his eyes on your phone display as you were scrolling down. He could see a girl that was probably six years old. The girl was smiling and in the background a house was on fire. Jumin slowly began to read what the picture said, ,,When they say that anime is for children’’ Jumin didn’t quite understand what a house on fire had to do with Japanese animation, but he didn’t say anything until you somehow noticed that there was warmth on your back. You turned your head around just to see your husband behind you. ,,Jumin, you made me panic for a second. Is everything okay?’’ you asked him and looked him deep into his eyes. The look of concern made him go soft as he brushed your cheek.
,,Yes, my love. Everything is fine. I was just wondering why you were reading these odd picture captions,’’ he told you and kept staring at your phone. Once again, you chuckled and rubbed with your hand on his arm. ,,Jumin, these aren’t some captions. It’s a meme. You don’t know what memes are?’’ you asked him and couldn’t stop smiling. Your husband shook his head. Once again, he wasn’t up to date… but before he could even feel bad, you pulled him over. He walked around the couch to sit next to you, your hand on his leg as you moved closer to him. Your soft lips touched his cheek as you mumbled in his ear that it was okay ,,For once, I can teach you something,’’ you giggled. ,,My love,’’ Jumin began and stroked your hair with his big manly hand. You looked at him and waited for him to talk to you. ,,You already taught me so many things. You taught me love, happiness, how to relax... I hope you’re not serious,’’ he smiled and then looked back to your phone’s display.
,,So, basically memes are pictures like these and… wait,’’ you sighed and opened google, asking ,,What’s a meme?’’ You quickly hit the button for research and then read out loud what the first page said. ,,An image, video, piece of text, etc., typically humorous in nature, that is copied and spread rapidly by internet users, often with slight variations,’’ you said and looked at him, who seemed to understand. Then you opened Instagram again and scrolled through your phone. This time, a blonde young toddler was seen in a car seat looking disgusted. Jumin read the caption and somehow had to chuckle, but it was odd that people really had time for this.
,,You know! We should invite Zen, Yoosung, Seven and Jaehee. I have a game that’s called ,,’What do you MEME?’ and I think that it could help you to understand memes better!’’ you called out. Well, without waiting for an answer you quickly wrote the RFA what you were planning and… Well, they all had different reactions…
New Chat opened - Help Jumin Han to understand Memes
Mc: Guys, come here and play ,,What would you meme?’’ with us. I just found out that my hubby doesn’t know what memes are
707: on my way
this is gong to be funny
Yoosung: I should study but…
I’ll come
707: I’ll come and pick you up yoosung boyyy
I will be able to play with elly
Mc: we will keep her save in our room and go downstairs so that Zen doesn’t get an allergic reaction ;)
Zen: You care about me… you should leave him. He doesn’t even know what memes are
Jaehee: Zen, you should care about your career…
besides it’s not nice to try to manipulate a married woman
I will come. I need to analyze this game too
Mc: come here quickly you all :)
MC left the chat
And so it was that you quickly prepared some snacks, took out your old game, and waited for your friends to arrive. When everyone arrived, you finally took your game and mixed the two different samples of cards. ,,I will begin!’’ you giggled happily, making Jumin look more at you than paying attention to the game ,,When u realize that the song u always keep skipping is actually fire,’’ you said and then pulled another card, pulling that one with the house on fire. The RFA and you began to laugh and managed to make Jumin have fun too, as well as possibly understand the game and memes a bit better.
,,When ur parents say that you spend too much time on the phone,’’ Zen said and pulled a card ,,This one fits perfectly,’’ he said, turning over the card, making Yoosung clap in agreement. It was indeed a nice evening and everyone enjoyed playing with you and Jumin. Jumin himself noticed that he would like to play that game once again… The evening passed and you were on Jumin’s lap, your arms around his neck as you nuzzled your head on his soft skin, inhaling his manly scent. ,,I want some kisses, some ,,you did well kisses,’’ he mumbled. And whatever he wanted, you gave it to him, kissing him with all your love, hugging him even tighter as if you would fall off any second…
The next morning you woke up, Jumin already left, but a chat was opened by him. The next chat already explained what happened.
Zen: I think our hard work was in vain. The trust fund kid still doesn’t know how to make a meme.
Yoosung: Mc, you’re beautiful while you sleep, lolol
707: That’s against privacy. Should I call the police for you?
Zen: They will put him in prison for failing at making meme, not taking a pic of his wife.
Mc: *inserts a picture of a puppy with an angry face saying ,,when dumb people make fun of your husband*  
And then you left the chat.
It didn’t take long until Jumin came home that night and hugged you for a long time, embarrassed by what he did, but you could make him feel better by hugging him, rubbing his back and giving him a lot of kisses on his nose, cheek, lips and eyes.
,,Maybe we should use vines,’’ you smiled and showed him the app with the funny videos.
The next failure was soon to come.
Jumin: ,,Welcome to Radio T T T T T T T T T T ARGET,’’
Yoosung: I think…
Vines are still too difficult for you, Mr Han XD
Zen: This… Mc, please, do something
707: I should give you a lesson
Mc: I think that my husband is perfect the way he is. I think it’s funny
With that you once again climbed on top of your husband and kissed him deeply on his lips because it was okay. ,,You’re special. This makes it funnier,’’ you laughed and hugged him, putting your head on his chest.
05.04.2021// 12:31 MEST
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Hey, small request. How would the marauders feel about a shy hufflepuff wanting to gain their friendship by baking them stuff? Like she'd just approach them and try to say hi and end up giving them the sweets and getting really nervous when she does but she wants to make them happy so they'll be her friends? Sorry if this is too specific, I love your writing!
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Bruh I’d be way too socially awkward to do this heck I’d just live forever knowing that I might have been able to be their friend if I had just talkeD to them instead of sitting aloNe but whatever I’ll do my best :’)
Also I’m gonna combine this with your other request ;)
I think Remus would react the most to the succulents (from your other request)
I think he’d be so touched and be like this,,,,
This is my bab
Is plant bab
And he’d eventually have like a whole arsenal of lil tiny plants and he takes sucH good care of them 
One day James accidentally knocks one over and Remus’ wrath is unleashed
He gets so mad
He almost hits James over the head with the pot
But he refrains
He’s like chill,, ur chill
every time you give him a new one or leave it on his desk he’s like aw heck
Want to friend
How friend
So you rope Remus in first
He catches you one morning in a tiny lil garden where you’re groWing these lil babies and he’s like omg there’s so manY
You sit and garden with him for hours oh my god
You end up naming all of the plants
And you inevitably name one of them james and one of them sirius
And you’re like wait!!
I’ll give james and sirius to james and sirius!!
Remus is like they will not survive if you do
you’re so sad but then
Remus decides to take care of plant james and sirius just like he does real james and sirius
So he puts them on his windowsill and waters them when they’re Firsty ™
And James and Sirius always peek at them like,,, where did you get those,,,
Remus is like >:( they not for u
One day Remus is in the great hall and james and sirius are there too because when are they ever not with remus
And Remus sees you coming with your arms full of something
He’s like :o more plAnts??
But then you get there and you just kinda walk up to his side and hand him a tray of cookies
And they’re so cute omg they’re red and gold frosted and he’s like omg :’)
James and Sirius immediately are !!!
Half because visitor and half because sUgAr!!!
James peeks over Remus’ shoulder and looks at you like “who are you???”
Sirius gets up and reaches for one of the cookies and Remus slaps his hand away skjgnadnf Remus is like be p0lite and asK you heathen >:(
Sirius looks at you like :’) plz giv cookie
You nod and he grabs one so excited sdgbkanfadf
James is allowed a cookie too :)
From then one you are
Cookie Puff
Remus is like n0 plant puff and James and Sirius are ??!!
“They gave you the plants??”
Remus nods and James and Sirius feel so betrayed they are like were they,,, scared of us
Remus is eating one of the cookies and is like lol probably y’all are wild
So for the next few weeks whenever they’re outside of the dorm they try to calm themselves as much as possible like James will get an aWeSoMe prank idea but then he’ll look over at you from across the classroom and be like no,,, must refrain,,, do not want to scare
And you notice that they’re not wreaking havoc over the entire school anymore and you see them sitting under a tree on the grounds one day
So you go up to them and you tug out a bag of brownies from your backpack and hold them in front of you like henlo frends hav sweet plz may i sit
James grins at you because he loves brownies more than anything how did you know and is like yEs plz do sit 
James starts up a conversation and Sirius prefers to sit back and observe but then you end up making a joke that Sirius did not expect and he was just :o
And James points at him like smh this fool and you kinda giggle and he’s like omg :’) frend :’)
Slowly you start integrating yourself into their circle more and more and then it’s less of you inviting yourself in and more of them being like yes!! There u are!! We were waiting for u!!
And you’re sitting there like :’) I did it
I friend
James is always looking out for you dude like that man has an arm around you 24/7 just in case something happens
Sirius is more subtle in the ways that he looks after you but he’s really talkative once he realizes that you don’t judge him for his family and he likes holding your hand :’)
One time a ravenclaw came up to you like haha loser puff and Sirius broke their jaw :))))
James saw you cry once and omg he still hasn’t recovered
Remus is kinda sad at first because hey!! My friend :(((\
But then when you start spending more and more time with them and he realizes that you didn’t just use him to get to James and Sirius then he’s super happy because omg there’s someone else on his side
James and Sirius go to pull some idiotic prank and you and Remus are like smh we’re not bailing you out again
Except you literally always do smh
Happy birthday love, I hope you enjoyed!
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Will you do dating harry potter hcs? 😄😄😄
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i have been waiting my entire life for this one request and honestly I don’t remember if I’ve written this before or not because I can’t remember anything that I write after I post it?? But if i did too bad I’m doing it again
He’s just
He makes me really soft so get prepared for me to rant oops
He hasn’t ever really felt love
Especially not romantic love
And I don’t mean that he’s never loved before I mean that he’s never received love
But in a way, he hasn’t ever loved before
He never knew his parents and the Dursley’s didn’t share stories of them with Harry to keep them alive
So he really honestly didn’t know anything about them
And he sure as hecc doesn’t love any of them
So he is genuinely so confused when he first catches sight of you
He gets all like
Warm and Fuzzy™
And he literally has no idea why 
He loves Ron and Hermione for sure but he does not get Warm and Fuzzy™ when looking at Ron
The boys in his dorm start teasing him about you and Ron always shoves him into you when you’re walking past each other so that you collide and usually Harry falls on top of you 
It takes a full year of this for him to finally ask Ron and co. why they keep doing that
They’re like
loser ur in lov
He denies it at first because love is what his mother and father had, he literally hasn’t spoken to you before besides the constant, ‘I’m so sorry!’s when he ‘bumps��� into you
But then the Yule Ball happens and despite his friends’ relentless nagging to ask you out
He doesn’t
He’s too scared
But then he sees you walk in with Seamus who smirks at him the entire time like I told u to make a move dummy
Harry is very angry and he doesn’t know why
He finally comes to terms with the fact that he maybe has a crush on u and just broods for the rest of the night with his date 
And Seamus is cackling in the corner 
You’re confused
It’s a weird night man
The next day you come down to the common room in your pajamas and it’s pretty early so no one’s up
You sit on the couch in front of the fire to warm yourself up
And then you feel the couch dip on the other end and you turn
And it’s Harry Potter
He’s avoiding eye contact but he’s blushing so he’s staring aggressively at the ground with red cheeks and you’re lowkey scared ngl
But then he finally looks up at you and heeeecccckkkk
His eyEs
They literally send shivers up your spine
You sit there and stare at each other for like almost a minute because he is mesmerizing let me tell you
And then you both start
Getting Closer ;)
And you smeck
This ends with you shyly holding hands by the fire and his thumb is barely ghosting over the back of your hand and you’re just like wow
10/10 awkwardly asks you three weeks in if you want to sleep in his bed
Ron calls it a sleepover
Harry hits Ron
not lightly at all
this casual sleeping in the same bed thing continues until your first summer apart where you both go home and are like oh um sorry i can’t sleep without my emotional support human i’m gonna need that back plz thx
He has lots of money that he has no idea what to do with (and again doesn’t quite know how to show love) so spoils you rotten and you feel so bad
You’re like hey I have ten of this exact same sweater I really don’t need two more and he’s like 
but babe
you look cold
and more is always better right
it’s okay
Sometimes you have to bribe him not to spend ridiculous amounts of money on you
Not sexual at all, you give him massages after practices
He just lays there with his face all squished up against the pillow and is like oh heck i love u
He likes to trace your face
He likes your face a lot
And sometimes he just runs his fingers over it 
Will boop your nose
And if he doesn’t say ‘boop’ when he does then it doesn’t count and he has to do it again
He likes quality alone time
It’s not that he doesn’t like hanging out around friends with you
But when he’s with you he likes to hold you
And sometimes he’s uncomfortable doing that in front of a bunch of people
He does it anyways tho 🤷
But definitely prefers alone time with you over time spent in public
He doesn’t quite know how to use his words
Not many people have used them in a nice way to him before
And not romantically at all
So he’s learning
But he makes sure to say I love you every day at least once
He says it right before you go to sleep but would definitely say it other times throughout the day as well
If you fight
Which is inevitable
Just because he is stressed okay
He needs someone flexible
But that’s not always fair to you
But when you fight
He almost always says I’m sorry first
Because deep down he has crippling anxiety of losing you and is genuinely terrified that you might find someone better than him if he’s not with you
Leading me into my next point
He is very clingy
Sometimes it’s too much
You have to tell him
He’s not gonna realize on his own
But you have to be nice to him
Explain yourself and he’ll understand, but if you just attack him then he’ll get sad
Don’t make him sad
He introduces you to Sirius but after about a year or so
Sirius freaking loves you
He thinks you’re awesome
Loves the way you treat Harry
He was honestly a little scared that Harry would end up being tricked into a relationship with someone who only wanted him for the fame or the money
But Sirius can see how much you genuinely care for Harry and it makes him so so happy
He becomes that weird uncle to Harry and is always like
U got a good one son
u gotta marry that one son
Harry is given a ring by Sirius
He is saving it
He will use it when the time is right
He is chill with you not caring what you look like
He doesn’t care if you shave or wear makeup or wear revealing clothes
You are just as attractive to him in sweatpants and not having showered yet as you are freshly washed, shaved, made up, and dressed nicely
He literally couldn’t care less
Because he doesn’t want you to care
He secretly doesn’t think he looks good that often so he’s worried that if he holds you to a high standard that you will do the same for him and he doesn’t think that he could meet it :(
You gotta tell him that you love him every day
And you gotta compliment him too
If he’s doing great sweetie
Tell him he’s doing great sweetie
He needs lots of encouragement 
But he’s not gonna tell you that he needs it
He genuinely only thinks of you most times and it really shows
He forgets to take care of himself sometimes because he’s trying to take care of you
You need to pick up that slack and take care of him
Make sure he drinks water and eats enough
And make sure that he wears at least four different outfits throughout the week
Sometimes he’s really upset because he thinks that he can’t keep you safe
You have to reassure him that you literally don’t care and that you’re willing to risk it because he’s worth it to you
He also gets upset sometimes because his parents will never know you
But Sirius assures him that they know and that they love you
He knows they would have
He likes cuddling a lot
Cuddling with him headcanons here :’)
In bed
On the couch
In the forest
In the Great Hall (casually of course)
Sometimes casually in class too
He just likes touching you and holding you because he wants to keep you close and be sure that you don’t leave :’)
In conclusion
Dating Harry Potter would be a hell of a time
And I want to
Does it show?
Taglist: @wutheringweasley @slytherin-princess1 @Spideyyypeter @loki-sharpe-hiddleston-imagines @harrypotter-draco-imagines @crispyfrenchfriescrisis @thecurlyhairedwinchester @pity-on-the-author @snazzy-posts @meisiisem @huffle-homie24601 @gryffindor-dork @peter-null @fandomnerdsarecool @ellie-emb @nervous-shawn @multifandomshitblog @chloe-geoghegan1 @closertothesunwhenimwithyou @stradling_izzy_stradlin @marvelouspottering @xmoonylupinx @swansong321 @xinyourdreamsx @spideymood @lensedwriter @khaleesiclifford @positiveparker @gabiatthedisco @stardust.and.glitter @sly-vixen-up2nogood @biatheintrovert @mamarhee @spiderman-n @honeymalfoy @dumbass-sandwich @raavka @maraudersandco @sock-and-sandles @potterhead-of-ilvermorny @spencer-is-too-perfect @my-babies-are-ash @whysoseriouspadfoot @i-padfootblack-things @mysticalsandwichseeker @nefelimalfoy @jessicaklehrwinchesters @keey-lime-pi @elenawhatonearthisthis @chrisstabme @multifxndom-avxngers @just4muggles @hbknati @justinekomwriterkru @sedanleystanley @starryeyedsupernova @mcu-potter-pirate @mublood @svtwit @parkersingfinitywar @the17resa @good-old-fashioned-queens @majesticavenger @jellyfishwriter @righttide @behindthebook @lovinnholland @themarauders-headcanons @peterparkers-bb @rose-aesthete @hp-hogwartsexpress @blueberrytiger01
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