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upslapmeal · 1 month ago
I am v aware that I am hardly on here now but!!! I got a job I REALLY wanted!!! v excited thought I'd share
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upslapmeal · 2 years ago
Notes from the Taskmaster S15E04 recording
I got to see this episode filmed back in September (if you were there hello from the person Mark Olver kept quizzing lol, and important question: do you have an airing cupboard?) and thought I'd make a post with some Bonus Content from the recording. Last time I did this I realised I'd forgotten loads so this time I got home, sat down, diligently made notes for until the end of the prize task, and decided to do the rest the next day. I did not do the rest. So we'll just have to see how well my memory holds up 😅
The version of Greg's aeroplane-themed intro was an alternative version filmed at the end - the original had the reveal that THEY'RE ALL DEAD!! and the second one was filmed "in case anyone dies in a plane"
Alex had three """""jokes"""" about his Italy trip, each one increasingly terrible. The one I made a note of was "I saw Stevie Wonder" turning into "I saw a wonder of the word". Needless to say, Greg was unimpressed.
When Greg went to Mae to introduce their prize task, their opening comment was "I’m excited to continue to explore our….dynamic"
The strength of the dynamic was then questioned when Greg was dismissive of their prize
Whatever your opinion of how Mae was scored for a later task, when Greg saw their prize on the stage at the end of the episode he said it had been underscored and it actually looked like a lot of fun
“Kiell you’ve been doing badly…it’s not your turn yet though. Frankie?"
"Jenny has always given a sob story just after presenting her prize, last episode leant heavily on her dead father" - we were told this after Jenny said she couldn't knit the hat because she had nerve damage in her hands
"I forgot to be funny then, sorry that was just sad" - Jenny
The ad buffers we saw in studio were filmed in Gatwick, and since this was before S14 aired there was a discussion about what airport it was based on the presence of an upstairs Jamie Oliver restaurant in one of them
[here ends the comprehensive notes]
I cannot stress this enough, but ANY angle or thought that you may have about Mae's throw(s) (or lack thereof) came up in the studio
I can't remember what ended up swinging (heh) it in their favour but it truly felt as though it was going to go on forever
Man I wish I could remember any specifics because there was So Much, genuinely every single possible take on that attempt was thoroughly and gleefully dissected
Hearing during this episode that Ivo had won the last two was much like when I saw that Bridget was in first place during the record for S13E04 lol
Right. Banana.
I think the logic ended up being that the task said to get the 'BANANA'
And they did, in fact, get the 'BANANA'
They got the word not the object
And there was definitely a debate about what it is to be a noun, which Mae weighed in on and I think almost made Ivo explode that they had no right to after what they did with a verb
I feel like this may have been cut bc Ivo used 'she' and I imagine the editors are going for consistency, but it's a shame bc it was amazing
But it was still 'BANANA'. As stated in the task. The word it said to get was the word they got.
Do with this what you will.
During the live task, Ivo kept pouring his sand, very very slowly, after everyone else had finished and after he was told his stream had broken, until the bottle was empty.
Tragically Jenny did not wear the turkey on her head at the end, despite everyone agreeing earlier that the winner would have to.
There we go then. And the moral of the story is to actually make notes on what happened before you forget everything. And by 'you' I mean me. I swear I'll have better notes about the S16 finale.
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upslapmeal · 8 days ago
truly the most useful thing I learned at uni was not any of the actual subject content, was not time management skills (I wish it was time management skills), no it was being able to bash out a piece of writing in 30 min flat and be told it was "thorough" and "well thought through" lmao
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upslapmeal · 9 months ago
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ready to see Doctor Who - The Leg
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upslapmeal · 1 year ago
oh I've just worked out how to super boop ok time to reboop everyone
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upslapmeal · 5 months ago
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we're in the final stretch now gang
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upslapmeal · 11 months ago
my predicament is that I am busy all day tomorrow into the evening and so I want to make sure I get a good night's sleep.
so. when do I watch doctor who.
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upslapmeal · 1 year ago
just found out that one of my absolute favourite books as a kid has been made into an animated film and watching the trailer already made me cry. so that's a great start
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upslapmeal · 10 months ago
doctor who comes back and I immediately have a string of very busy weekends and no time to watch 😭
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upslapmeal · 5 months ago
in the past 36 hours I have a) not slept b) done 1000 boops c) scored a personal best portsmouth round in archery so. it's been a day
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upslapmeal · 6 months ago
Wordle 1,180 1/6
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upslapmeal · 6 months ago
least relatable thing on this website is people being happy that summer is over and autumn is starting, I have felt cold for three days straight now and my sadness is immeasurable
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upslapmeal · 1 year ago
man I just accidentally ended up rereading old JtV posts for nearly an hour (how do you do this by accident??) and I had forgotten how mad I was about how that show ended up but also I am now once again mad about how that show ended up
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upslapmeal · 7 months ago
my discovery of the day: my phone will swipe type the words kill, death, die and assassinate, but will not swipe type the word murder
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upslapmeal · 1 year ago
man Doctor Who's coming back, Orphan Black's coming back, there's a new Hunger Games film soon......feel like I've just jumped back a decade
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upslapmeal · 2 years ago
hey gang what’s new
not been around for a few days bc I’ve been on holiday (yay!) and tumblr mobile is horrendous
except uh. due to fun circumstances like flight delays and missed connections (boo!) I am unexpectedly still on holiday. in a different country. and have to get home by train.
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